"The stimulus package". It sounds like the name of a bad porn movie, but it's all you hear about in A-merry-ca these days. The O man wants it so bad he can taste it. Just a few weeks into his presidency and he is throwing the weight of his presidential bully pulpit into getting it passed. If you believe his O ness and his peeps, it's 800 billion dollars that we cannot afford to go without in these dire times. We need it for jobs, jobs, jobs. If you believe the rethugs, it's just more of the same government spending of our money. "You can't spend your way out of a recession", they scream. I told you that this Obama was a Socialist. It's a modern day version of the New Deal, which will only prolong the recession and turn A-merry-ca into a big government spending Socialist state. Government can't correct this problem, it must correct itself. So jobs are going to be lost, it's what happens in a democracy. This is what we are hearing from the right, and they have their so called experts who are not shy about espousing that position. But no matter who you believe, or where you come down in this debate, there is no denying the importance of what this stimulus package means to our future.
Well field who do you believe? Well, I will give you a hint: it ain't the folks who have been in charge for the past eight years and put us into this mess. And since I consider myself a democratic Socialist of sorts, you better believe I that am not down with the economic philosophy that says give the rich guy the tax breaks and he will give us jobs. We tried that, and it didn't work, remember? Yeah, I think I am going with the school of thought that says government has to inject money into the economy in order to fund start up programs and projects which have the capital to hire people. When people have jobs they spend money, it's that simple. When rich people get tax breaks they don't necessarily give people jobs. And right now, more than anything else, we need jobs in A-merry-ca.
I hear that his O ness did a little tour of Indiana today, and tonight he had a press conference to once again let the A-merry-can public know how important this bill is. I say it's about time. "Stimulus package" has become more and more of a dirty word in A-merry-ca, and support for the package has been diminishing. The folks on the right have been winning the PR war and even some dumbocratic poli-tricksters have been running scared.
It's hard to believe that with unemployment at seven percent in most places and up to ten percent in places like Michigan that rethugs could be winning shit. But such is the power of partisanship. And I know that his O ness swept into office promising change, but his ass better consider the politics of old for a minute and start embracing his base, and the so called progressives in this country who put him in power. I have some news for the O man; these folks are never going to be with him. There are fundamental differences in the way that they believe government should be run. We tried it there way and we got screwed. We elected you to try it our way. Stop pandering to the clowns in Washington and start talking to the A-merry-can people. Stop trying to cut things out of the stimulus package and start putting more things into that bitch.
So man up O man, because if when the next election rolls around people still don't have jobs, you can kiss the White House and all those helicopter rides good bye.
Amen and Amen! I thought Obama gave a very compelling arguement for the package and equally compelling rebuttal to those who have been so vocally opposed. Now, I think he made it clear that getting it passed, with or without the republicans is what is most important. Good. With the announcement of over 500 THOUSAND jobs lost in just a matter of days, action is required now!
Obama brought it and made his case to the American people.
If the Repugs oppose him now, they will look even more un-American than they already look.
Not pretty. I'm 100% with Obama on his stimulus package. He inherited a fucking mess from the Motherfucker from Midland and now he gets to clean it up.
Lucky him.
Roosevelt was one of the worst things to happen to the Republicans; the success of his presidency kept them out of office for two decades. Their biggest fear now is Obama might repeat that feat.
It was funny to see the Pillsbury Dough Boy, Mitch Mcconnell, distort history with his version of what the New Deal did. The New Deal faltered not because of spending and deficits, but because Roosevelt tried to cut spending in 1937. I'm with Paul Krugman on this current package: It needs to be bigger, not smaller. Nor should the spirit of bipartisanship extend to allowing education to be cut in the package; education is the only future this country has.
"We elected you to try it our way. Stop pandering to the clowns in Washington and start talking to the A-merry-can people. Stop trying to cut things out of the stimulus package and start putting more things into that bitch.
So man up O man, because if when the next election rolls around people still don't have jobs, you can kiss the White House and all those helicopter rides good bye. "
Dude, you said it all! PREACH ON!! I can't get enough of your blog :)
Field you're right O will be like jimmy carter one and done. Back on the train to chicago.
Fun fact: The GOP considers Joe the Plumber one of their economic experts. Senate Republicans invited him to consult with them on the stimulus package a few days ago.
Did you see Obama get gully at that press conference?
It was a thing of beauty.
Would I sound too ungrateful if I said the previous elfin check-tease didn't do shit for me? I guess having all those crumb snatchers do come in handy for some in times like these.
The only thing that is getting stimulated is the need for more border control, and birth control packages.
Sorry if I don't seem enthused.
There will be another 120 million people in this country by 2050; however, the earth's total population will be around 9 billion. All this in a time when resources from farm land to water will become scarce. The Earth's environment has a finite carrying capacity, and we are fast approaching it.
Great post and I hope Obama and his people read it. See also Paul Krugman in Sunday's NYT:
And I know that his O ness swept into office promising change, but his ass better consider the politics of old for a minute and start embracing his base, and the so called progressives in this country who put him in power. I have some news for the O man; these folks are never going to be with him.
I *huge* part of the problem is the right-wing-dick-sucking corporate feudal "journalism" industry. Journalists are not longer outsiders whose goal is to expose the corruption, lies, and hidden agendas of government and corporate power. Now journalists see themselves as "elites" and the friends, colleagues, spouses, and fuckbuddies of government and corporate power.
This is why the right-wing has such an easy time moving forward their laughable propaganda. These dumbfuck fake-ass "journalist" fuck-ups are too motherfucking lazy and morally degenerate to do anything other than serve that steaming pile of bullshit right up to the American people, instead of fulfilling what is supposed to be their professional and ethical responsibility to apply their critical faculties and cry, "Bullshit! You dumbduck right-wing Republican fuckups got us into this mess with exactly these deranged policies, and it would be suicide to keep holding onto them!"
"*huge* part of the problem is the right-wing-dick-sucking corporate feudal "journalism" industry. Journalists are not longer outsiders whose goal is to expose the corruption, lies, and hidden agendas of government and corporate power. Now journalists see themselves as "elites" and the friends, colleagues, spouses, and fuckbuddies of government and corporate power."
Amen, Comrade...
classical one, why do you like to scare me so much?
La incognita, that is called "pork", and I don't know how you get around it. People are trying to get re-elected and in order to do that they have to bring home the bacon.
There's a philosophical debate in Washington about what works best to create jobs:
1. tax cuts
2. spending
Since the last administration subscribed to the tax cuts creates jobs philosophy, then why were 3.5 million jobs lost under the Chimp's tenure?
The U.S. economy is shedding jobs at a rate of 20,000 per day. Yep, hear that number, folks. 20,000 U.S. jobs are disappearing each day.
I think and I believe, it is safe to conclude that tax cuts don't create jobs. In fact, tax cuts during war times (yeah, remember that little ole' mess called Bush's Iraq war) only works to grow the debt, force the U.S. to borrow more money and lower our nation's credit rating.
What Obama's stimulus package does is increase aid to U.S. states (46 out of 50 are near bankruptcy), increase infrastructure spending (neglected the past 8 years and will create hundreds of thousands of jobs), health-care spending (Medicaid is shedding enrollment and cutting doctor reimbursement who provide care to the neediest and most vulnerable Americans) and alternative-energy investment.
This represents sound, necessary and intelligent spending at a moment in history with the worst unemployment in 35 years. Will Obama's plan work? Time will tell but one thing we should all be able to agree on: we can't continue down the path the previous administration took us or we're very likely going to slip into a depression with unemployment numbers above 25%.
"Fun fact: The GOP considers Joe the Plumber one of their economic experts. Senate Republicans invited him to consult with them on the stimulus package a few days ago."
Thank you for that info Woozie. Says a lot doesn't it.
Preach on Field. I don't know what the Rethugs are smoking. We tried the cutting taxes for the rich economic plan and yet we are in the worst recession since the Great Depression. Time to try something new.
"Stop trying to cut things out of the stimulus package and start putting more things into that bitch."
Amen. So when were you running for office, again?
[quote]Well field who do you believe? Well, I will give you a hint: it ain't the folks who have been in charge for the past eight years and put us into this mess[/quote]
Filled Negro - Why is it that when I attempt to focus on the policies which crafted the "Rust Belt" region of the United States and point to the present economic collapse in California - the claim "Take a look at the folks who's IDEOLOGY has dominated the region/state" doesn't have as much traction as YOU would like to throw at the national level?
It appears that you are better at telling us "Who DID THIS to US" than you are articulating exactly WHAT was done and, more importantly why certain regions of the nation have suffered erosion far beyond the market driven up-tick of the Clinton Administration.
Do you see, Filled Negro that your ability to DECONSTRUCT does not translate into a measurable plan FORWARD on the reconstruction of Southwest Philadelphia.
(Plus I notice that you and other operatives don't mention the 2 years of Democratic Dominance of Both Houses of Congress.
Civics 101 Test for Filled Negro:
Which branch of government apportions MONEY in the Federal government?
Which sets TAX POLICY?)
White House aides note that during President Obama's trip to Elkhart, Indiana (with unemployment of more than 15%), Obama faced an audience that had not been pre-screened and who had instead received their tickets on a first come, first served basis.
The same was true for his trip to Fort Myers, Florida.
During the Motherfucker from Midland's rare sightings (after all, Bush was at the Pig Farm in Crawford, TX more than 500 days), local Republican party officials screened audiences and handled ticket distribution so that the worst president ever would be greeted by a crowd of dipshits and Bush lemmings.
You all are more "Anti-Republicans" than you are able to articulate your own justifications for this spending bill. (For the record - I support paring down the pork out of this bill and allowing Congress to vote on it.
The Republicans should not filibusterer the bill at those of you are are free marketers for Obama will simply blame the GOP for the lingering economic malaise after 4 years, ignoring the fact that for many of you the Democrats run EVERY LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT from local up through to the Federal.
It is rather ironic, however, that Obama dinged Bush the other day for DEFICIT SPENDING when he is ready to tap the Credit Card cash advance to pay the rent as well.)
Give the new President what he wants in the passage of a slimmed down bill and start the tally on the JOBS CREATION as a result. Some of you have already taken in the notion "CHANGE HAS COME" now we just need to work out some SUBSTANTIVE proof to back up your claim.
I hope Obama has learned to not allow Nancy Pelosi to craft a spending bill that HIS NAME will be attached to in the future.
Classical One says:
The New Deal faltered not because of spending and deficits, but because Roosevelt tried to cut spending in 1937.
Help me out on this one with regard to the CONSTRUCTS of your argument. When you say "The New Deal faltered....." by what measure are you referencing in your analysis?
* Inflation?
* Job Creation?
* Deficits?
* A Return To Recession?
* What?
What prompted Roosevelt to try to cut spending and thus cut the throat of his own program? Might it be that GOVERNMENT CAPITAL injection is a mortgage upon our nation where as PRIVATE VENTURE CAPITAL - is a corporate or personal loss? (Let's not forget the GOLD STANDARD that we were on back then which confined our currency value to the gold that we had to back it. Might THIS have been a factor in the spending cuts?)
I am not understanding your argument.
Laincognita, are you turning republican on us or what? LOL, is this jelousy what you resort to when you can’t get enough government hadouts? Nobody is stopping you from having children.
As I blogged earlier this morning, the news for President Obama just keeps getting better.
The usual Republican obstructionists are losing the battle and the war when it comes to their pathetic partisan efforts to try and stop President Obama from rescuing the nation’s worst economy since the Great Depression.
According to GALLUP:
The American public gives President Barack Obama a strong 67% approval rating for the way in which he is handling the government’s efforts to pass an economic stimulus bill, while the Democrats and, in particular, the Republicans in Congress receive much lower approval ratings of 48% and 31%, respectively.
Once again, the whining, titty-baby Repugs find themselves on the wrong side of the debate and out of touch with the majority of the American people.
I understand Classical One's argument. The New Deal slowed down the depression, and what many people do not know some of the ideas Roosevelt used came from Hoover, but Hoover did not implement them. Roosevelt came into office when unemployment was 25% in 1993 and by 1940 it was 15%. Now the unemployment did begin to rise to the 15% because as Classical One wrote, Roosevelt gave into political pressure from the Republicans at that time and cut spending in 1937. Then Roosevelt was forced to spend money because the country entered WWII.
Here is reality and some simple math. Let's compare a tax cut to spending fund on repairing and rebuilding roads. For every dollar of a tax cut, there is a 3 cent return, while investing in roads gives you a 59 cent return. Which one do you think we so do? Constructive, the market is not corrected itself and appears that we are heading into a deeper recession if not a depression. People and small businesses with excellent credit are having their credit lines reduced because the banks are retracting and not loaning money. I am going out on the limb here and say tax cuts will not be a solution to this problem.
Methinks President Obama is about to open a 50 Gallon drum of Whoop-Ass on the Rethugs...
There is a serious misreading by the Rethugs on the sentiment of the country, and they had better get a clue...
To paraphrase President Obama - "The Rethugly morons who got us in to this mess don't have a freaking idea how to get us out of it."
Indeed, lookig at the level of job loss, home loss, and the destruction of American Dreams by the Rethugs in the last 8 years, it wouldn't be all that surprising to find the next “crop of strange fruit” hanging from oak trees in this country...
Is ideologically constipated Right wingnuts.
As Al Jarreau said -
When I was walking,
patting my feet on the pavement
Really, truly trying to find a gig
Did you stand up and speak
out in my favor?
Cold desperation,
she's a devil in bed
Scratching till my bones are bare
Pill and needles are all I've left to savor
The "Tax Cuts" in the package are nothing more than the typical political flim-flam game of moving the costs to the taxpayer from one pocket to another. I'd be more encouraged if Congress would drop the stupid assed shell game by eliminating every fake "tax cut" in the package, and stick with only the spending portion of the bill which will, at least temporarily...
Create jobs.
The next thing on the agenda needs to be a rollback of the failed tax cuts for the rich by the Bushit - both the 2001 fubar as well as the 2003.
Now, at this point - even those draconian measures aren't going to balance the Federal Budget. As President Obama succinctly points out, the unpaid tab on entitlement programs, such as Medicare, Social Security, and Veterans benefits - sans any seriously robust economic revival dramatically increasing revenue to the treasury, is a brick wall into which the bumbling Federal ship of state will smack like a bug on a windshield in the next 20 years.
The ONLY way to prevent this is to 1) seriously trim the programs, and 2) recover from 28 years of Rethugly economic damage to the country since Raygun by moving the American economy from a Ponzi scheme or services based "managing money for others", to a balanced economic tripod supported by production, manufacturing, and services industries...
None of which has jack shit to do with tax cuts.
The first thing he should have done, was dump the stupid naming of that bill.
The term "economic stimulus" has already been hijacked by the GOP for the past 8 years, and has become synonymous with "tax cuts for the upper 5 percent and fuck everyone else."
They needed to call it what it really is, and that is a JOBS BILL, or, the "Put America Back To Work Bill."
Second...make the GOP and DINO's that are opposed to it, state in front of congress, public record, and all of their constituents, WHY THEY ARE OPPOSED TO THE FOLLOWING:
...expansion of broad band internet access to rural areas
...improvement infrastructure and development of rural communities
...improvements in our criminal justice system
...funding for science and technology research
...community-oriented funding for policing services
...repairing, maintaining and renovating DOD facilities
...energy efficiency projects and modernization of heating and cooling systems
...energy-related R and D
...funding the Army Corps of Engineers (the ACE are the ones who maintain the NOLA levees)
...modernizing the nation's electrical grid
...construction and repair of federal facilities
...clean water programs and water infrastructure projects
...funding the Department of Health and Human Services
...for labor and employment training programs
...renovating our elementary and secondary schools
...Pell grants and other programs to help kids go to college
...Defense construction projects including hospitals, barracks and day care centers
..funding the Department of Veterans Affairs
...IT projects for the State Department to bring them into the 21st century
...funding highway construction and repair
..why they are opposed to housing assistance
...grants to states and cities for community development
...giving more money to the CAP program (Community Action Programs)
...tax credits for renewable energy production
All of the above, is actually what all of the "pork" they are complaining about is. So...make them stand up there in the Senate and explain why they are against all of this.
Let the American people see and hear from these greed-driven bastards, what they are REALLY all about. That really care not one iota for the common, middle and lower class people that they supposedly represent.
Ah fuckit...no one cares anyway.
Give tax cuts to the rich who turns around and hire illegals like nannies, housekeepers and gardeners. Then they fail to pay taxes on them. No wonder the rethugs wants to continue the same brick road.
[quote]Now the unemployment did begin to rise to the 15% because as Classical One wrote, Roosevelt gave into political pressure from the Republicans at that time and cut spending in 1937. Then Roosevelt was forced to spend money because the country entered WWII.[/quote]
After having a near 2 hour long debate over the Internet last week I notice one thing consistent about some of you - You all reference REPUBLICANS as the constant evil-counter force. President Roosevelt didn't simply think it was PRUDENT to cut spending.....he was FORCED to do it by the Republicans. Like so many Black men shooting each other on the streets of Philadelphia - the White man who sold him the gun actually forced his hand into killing his brother.
Hennasplace - can we agree that the BUCK STOPS HERE? If we are to hold evil Bush accountable for all that has happened under his watch then can we at least be consistent with our analysis?
The fact of the matter is that GOVERNMENT SPENDING is not some endless Black hole in which there is NO CONSEQUENCES for printing out new bank notes out of thin air and applying it to various construction projects.
Again I say that were as today we have a fiat currency, back in the day we needed GOLD to back our currency. What about the fact that Roosevelt confiscated the gold out of private hands?
SEE HERE: http://www.the-privateer.com/1933-gold-confiscation.html
Simply put - greater than the evil Republicans stopping the spending THE BOUND TO THE GOLD STANDARD played a greater hand!!!
Here is reality and some simple math. Let's compare a tax cut to spending fund on repairing and rebuilding roads. For every dollar of a tax cut, there is a 3 cent return, while investing in roads gives you a 59 cent return.
The reason why I can't accept your analysis is because you mention nothing about PRIVATE PROPERTY. Every tax dollar TAKEN out of the hand of a private citizen is one portion of their private property taken. Without some limit or RESPECT for the use of these funds you can go off and make all types of justifications because YOU believe that the government can do WONDERS with the money in a man's pocket than he can do in retention of HIS MONEY.
You act as if it is a crime to have a person RETAIN his own money. What ever the prior tax rate is SACROSANCT. Any attempts to CUT TAXES is seemingly THEFT FROM THE GOVERNMENT and society, in your view.
If I told you that I could take all of the prison labor in America and construct new canals throughout the United States and rid ourselves of any drought and flooding problems for ever - would you agree that there are certain BOUNDS that would have to be violated in order to accomplish an otherwise GOOD THING?
Henna's Place - what is the maximum tax rate that you believe that NO INDIVIDUAL should be forced to pay to the government? If at 50% marginal tax rate - every hour I work goes into the GOVERNMENT'S pocket, more than my own and I am conducting LEGAL business - do you have a problem with this person having to work for the government's benefit more than his own?
[quote]Give tax cuts to the rich who turns around and hire illegals like nannies, housekeepers and gardeners. Then they fail to pay taxes on them. No wonder the rethugs wants to continue the same brick road.[/quote]
Anon - Whatever system was orchestrated to create the Rust Belt and the bankrupt conditions in California at present has the scheme to give "Tax Cuts To The Rich" beat in regards to its destructive powers upon the interests of the workers in America.
How is the Party of The Rust Belt any more credible, especially on the subject of JOBS CREATION?
If Filled Negro's theories were correct - Southwest Philly would be experiencing an employment boom and a housing boom as there are few other places that have the concentration of his favored ideology in place "working" for the people, but never seemingly able to actually EXPRESS the benefit that they INTEND to deliver. Maybe when they get rid of the Republican Senator Arlen Spector and replace him with a Democrat will Southwest Philly's fortunes turn around. Right now its the pits.
[quote]while investing in roads gives you a 59 cent return.[/quote]
For the past 12 years in my state I have watched as the Environmental Lobby BLOCK ROAD BUILDING projects because of
* Environmental Destruction of Trees and Wetlands
* More polluting cars on the road
* More Urban Sprawl
* Too Expensive per mile to build
* Light Rail Instead of Roads
Are you telling me that you are now prepared to stand up against your leftist buddies and expand roadways in America?
Roads, the environment and the need for environmental assessment(foreign source)
Maybe this time, NASCAR Nation will awaken to the reality that borrow and spend Republicans have business being in the White House.
Especially, those borrow and spend Republicans with ties to the oil industry and particularly, those borrow and spend Republicans who come from Texas.
The Motherfucker from Midland inherited a $127 billion surplus from President Bill Clinton, and the Motherfucker from Midland inherited an economy that on-target to retire the Federal debt by 2010.
Nope, this didn't resonate to Poppy and Barr's widdle precious -- the darling of GOP Dallas country club crowd. He promptly embarked on a series of massive tax cuts and a brand, new war predicated on a lie, and guess what? We had to start borrowing again and worst of all, the main source of the debt came from Communist China.
The Motherfucker from Midland produced nothing but deficits since he was in office. Last year's, at $163 billion, was the lowest in five years. But it probably would not have been if his trillion-dollar war in Iraq hadn't been paid for "off budget." A little budgetary trick used by the administration that didn't tally costs in the deficit and debt figures reported to Congress.
Then, there's the Motherfucker from Midland's multi-trillion dollar tax cuts. Psst, memo to douchebag Republicans and their apologists:
You can't fight an expensive war AND cut taxes simultaneously without sending the U.S. economy into the tank.
You can't fight an expensive war AND cut taxes simultaneously without sending the U.S. economy into the tank.
Whereas President Clinton's time in office created 23 million new jobs, Poppy and Barr's widdle precious saw a net loss of more than 3.5 million jobs. We're now losing jobs at a rate of 20,000 a day.
Tax cuts don't create jobs. Especially, when the tax cuts go to Americans earning more than $200,000 a year or to corporations who off-shore American jobs to shitholes like Mexico, Vietnam and China.
Which leads me to oil. Earl. Black gold. Texas tea. When President Clinton was in office, a barrel of light crude sold for roughly $25 per barrel. Last July 4, 2008, light crude traded for roughly $148 per barrel. The $1 trillion transferred out of consumers wallets and into the oil industry represents the largest transfer of wealth to a single industry in the history of the United States and guess what? Bush's and Cheney's friends and family members are intimately tied to oil. Oil backed Bush's political career from the start -- just as it did his Poppy's political career.
Quite honestly, I'm surprised we didn't slide into a recession sooner.
The only difference between FDR and Hoover is that FDR was SLIGHTLY less stubborn.
FDR campaigned on balanced budgets, it was HIS IDEA to balance the budget in '37.
Folks needed to practically bash FDR over the head to get him to implement the New Deal.
Unfortunately, must black folks are talking chris brown and rihanna, and the ignorant majority among us are, get this, blaming her? I asked a neighbor about infrastructure rehab vs. new green jobs, savings, credit--but no, he tells me Rihanna is a typical "lightskinned jealous West Indian bitch" and Chris Brown's being framed by the white media. Mind you, that came utterly out of left field, Field. I reminded this clown that she was bitten, welts the size of horns on her head etc etc. And of course that this (1) was what Barack's election should eradicate and (2) can we get back to the stimulus. No, he accused me of being elitist and went right back to Chris Breezy.
Our people, Field. Too often we make it SO easy for whitefolks...
The Senate just passed the stimulus package.
After a 61-to-37 vote that was largely along party lines, negotiations with the House over the $838 billion bill will begin.
I 100% agree with this post, Field. I understand wanting to 'work across the aisle' but, the way I see it is, they had their chance. That's over. I'm 100% behind Obama on this one until he's had his chance too. He needs to stop all this and get it done.
Expect some chickens to come home here in the next few for Rethugs and quasi-Rethugs...
Case in point - Backstabbin' Joe:
Poll: Lieberman Would Lose 2012 Re-Election In Landslide
By Eric Kleefeld - February 10, 2009, 9:16AM
If Joe Lieberman decides to run for a fifth term in 2012, a new Quinnipiac poll suggests that it may be a lost cause.
The new poll tests Lieberman as an independent against Democratic Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. The numbers: Blumenthal 58%, Lieberman 30%. Yikes.
Lieberman's active campaigning against the Democratic Party last year hasn't won him too many friends back home. Democrats go for Blumenthal by 83%-9%, and independents are for Blumenthal 55%-29%. Lieberman is the de facto Republican nominee in this match, and with GOP voters he scores 67%-23% over Blumenthal.
Lieberman's job approval is also at only 45%, with 48% disapproving. Among Democrats that's a 21%-70% rating, Republicans 75%-20%, while independents give him a narrow approval of 48%-46%.
You know, now that the Retugs have opened the door on recall elections...
Now might be a good time for some enterprising Dems around the country to free their states from Rethugly hegemony...
"Unfortunately, must black folks are talking chris brown and rihanna, and the ignorant majority among us are, get this, blaming her."
What praytell are the white folks around you discussing?
Cuz around here they sure aren't talking about the stimulus package.
Most are discussing A-Rod and steroids.
BTW, I haven't heard anyone outside of the The Today Show talking about Chris Brown.
Government spending can become a black hole if you are not spending the money wisely. Eisenhower, a republican spent money to expand the country's highway and it turned out to be a great investment. There are times when the government needs to create projects in order to expand.
Rising Tide:
Yes, FDR was not liberal and with all likelihood did not want to spend the money. Hoover and FDR were on the same page with that. However, FDR did not have much of a choice and needed to do something to stop the depression from deeping further and as you said folks pressured him to do something. The New Deal slowed down the depression. In some aspects, Keynesian economics did prove itself out, but only with the arrival of WWII.
We did not know if the stimulus bill will work or not. Economics does not have any test to prove if the theories are right or not. This is trial and error.
Yet another day and another blog puttin it down for the introspective set. Thanks Field.
um. Chris, darlin can we talk?
Bruh, "most black folks" over on this blog don't give a rats ass about popstar on popstar crimes.
I do read your blog yet I'm confused as to why you would introduce this celebrity beatdown gossip onto this particular discussion in the name of dissing our cousins?
Maybe it would serve our collective efforts to point some of our people to this real discussion instead of subjecting us to their dullard view.
The A.
Well Said.
Senators (Republicans) that vote no on the Stimulus bill, get ZERO dollars for their respective states. If one Senator from that respective state voted yes, then that state gets 50% of the money. Otherwise, the Senator's home state is Shyte Out of Luck. That will teach them.
One exception, if the stimulus money would serve the general good of the country, i.e. WIFI in rural areas, then a federal contractor will receive the funds or some kind of block grant with restrictions.
Fair is Fair
Barry can't save America, not this time, even with a trillion or two of chinese money it won't be enough. Americans have been living in a subsidized fanastyland which is about to come crashing down. Too many factors are against the US this time around. Peak, or near peak oil, soaring population, and the fact America makes nothing but WAR.
Another thing... Obama is no progressive, not even close. My best guess would be stealth republican. I haven't heard him mention once about cutting the worlds largest military. A useless military that sucks up about 3/4 of a trillion a year.
Obama got tossed a rotten lemon and no matter how much he polishes it, it's still a rotten lemon.
[quote]Government spending can become a black hole if you are not spending the money wisely. Eisenhower, a republican spent money to expand the country's highway and it turned out to be a great investment. There are times when the government needs to create projects in order to expand.[/quote]
HennasPlace - EISENHOWER did not have a $11,000,000,000,000 DEBT confining his will to tap the credit cards either. I predict that the national debt will be about $16 trillion after 4 years. The more DEBT, the more Treasury notes that will need to be released and the more INTERESTS payments that will be made. This is why the Stimulus Bill MUST ONLY be used for PRODUCTIVITY GENERATING INVESTMENTS. Get rid of all of the Pork!!
For some of you the notion of "We SPENT OUR WAY out of the last Depression" is about as deep as it goes.
Some Of You All Need To WATCH THIS Instead Of AMERICAN IDOL
The Concorde Coalition - The Fiscal Wakeup Call
(And for others - they could not tell people HOW THE 'CLINTON SURPLUS' that they are so happy about WAS CREATED by the very same market forces that they hate:
How The Internet Bubble Broke Rules Records and Bank Accounts
Notice how the same INVESTMENT BANKS that were in the news this past summer were also the financiers of the Internet Bubble)
Please if nothing else go through THESE PRESENTATIONS:
The Crash Course On The American Economy - The Next 20 Years
[quote]Now might be a good time for some enterprising Dems around the country to free their states from Rethugly hegemony...
BT - good to see you still polishing the knob of any Democrat that will allow you to do so.
When we look at this map on UNEMPLOYMENT for Black people - does the PRESENCE of DEMOCRATIC DOMINATION translate into "The Promised Land" for Black employment?
You would think that upon the SUCCESS of "BET Uncut" in purging all Conservatives out of town that his efforts would be rewarded by some measurable benefit to the Black community. Instead in so many cases the OPPOSITE is true. Thus one has to conclude that BET Uncut is ONLY motivated by Ideological Bigotry rather than any particular BENEFIT for Black folks.
FIRST of all BARACK is still a AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN! just in case anyone forgot! he is in WARFARE with racist WHITE SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN'S! this is not about the STIMULUS PACKAGE, this about POWER at the HIGHEST level.
FIELD NEGRO, you want the STIMULUS PACKAGE to be BIGGER! and you want the PRESIDENT to MAN UP! please! this man is fighting against the POWER'S to be! and trust me, he has gone through HELL and BACK! but, thank's be unto GOD that he is being sustained! because if he had to DEPEND on some people to push him toward's the finish line, he would be in pretty bad shape! you see, it's not enough for him to be sitting in the WHITE HOUSE, but, some of you people want him to be the MAGIC NEGRO, the situation that the PRESIDENT is in, is COMPLEX, and I'm surprised he is still standing, let alone going out in AMERICA to speak to the MASS'S, I don't know what this BLACK MAN has, but, whatever it is, it is a gift from GOOD! and no REPUBLICAN can take that away! and in the end, GOD will get the GLORY out of the PRESIDENT, he will not allow man to bring BARACK to an open shame, GOD has brought BARACK too far to allow man to DEVOUR him!
Now might be a good time for some enterprising Dems around the country to free their states from Rethugly hegemony...
BT - good to see you still polishing the knob of any Democrat that will allow you to do so.
When we look at this map on UNEMPLOYMENT for Black people - does the PRESENCE of DEMOCRATIC DOMINATION translate into "The Promised Land" for Black employment?
You would think that upon the SUCCESS of "BET Uncut" in purging all Conservatives out of town that his efforts would be rewarded by some measurable benefit to the Black community. Instead in so many cases the OPPOSITE is true. Thus one has to conclude that BET Uncut is ONLY motivated by Ideological Bigotry rather than any particular BENEFIT for Black folks.
For some of you the notion of "We SPENT OUR WAY out of the last Depression" is about as deep as it goes.
Some Of You All Need To WATCH THIS Instead Of AMERICAN IDOL
The Concorde Coalition - The Fiscal Wakeup Call
(And for others - they could not tell people HOW THE 'CLINTON SURPLUS' that they are so happy about WAS CREATED by the very same market forces that they hate:
How The Internet Bubble Broke Rules Records and Bank Accounts
Notice how the same INVESTMENT BANKS that were in the news this past summer were also the financiers of the Internet Bubble)
You would think that upon the SUCCESS of "BET Uncut" in purging all Conservatives out of town that his efforts would be rewarded by some measurable benefit to the Black community. Instead in so many cases the OPPOSITE is true. Thus one has to conclude that BET Uncut is ONLY motivated by Ideological Bigotry rather than any particular BENEFIT for Black folks.
For some of you the notion of "We SPENT OUR WAY out of the last Depression" is about as deep as it goes.
Some Of You All Need To WATCH THIS Instead Of AMERICAN IDOL
The Concorde Coalition - The Fiscal Wakeup Call
(And for others - they could not tell people HOW THE 'CLINTON SURPLUS' that they are so happy about WAS CREATED by the very same market forces that they hate:
How The Internet Bubble Broke Rules Records and Bank Accounts
Else where in the world, French President Sarkozy is on a visit to Iraq to boost business ties LOL!
I wouldn't have faulted bush too much if that little Iraq adventure had paid off monitarily. But no, he just openned doors for the Europeans.
For the sake of balance, I am going to make several points.
1) When the Federal Government raises taxes (personal income, corporate, gift, or estate), it does create jobs- Government Jobs usually.
2) When the Federal Government lowers taxes in the above areas, it also leads to job creation in the private sector.
Which tax policy approach is better? That is NOT as important as keeping both of them in tension...always.
I have to side with Constructive Feedback's sentiments that this "tax cuts for the wealthy" jargon is misguided and wrong in many ways. There are far too many on the left you cannot articulate what that means.
I make less than 100K a year. A person earning 2 million or 10 million a year has the same capital gains tax as I do....15%! Though their personal income tax rate is much higher than mine.
And our coporate income tax?...the second highest in the world of any western industrialized republic/democracy.
Anyone ever wonder why Ireland was growing like a beast in the last 15years...the corporate income rate is only 12%... as opposed to 33% in the U.S.
The truth is we are in a real mess. As alluded to by Christopher, RisingTide, and others:
The money creation out of thin air with no accompanying raises in taxation will eventually create a hyperinflation environment (hyperinflation is freakin' wicked, man). We'll create that IF the Chinese, Russians, Japanese, and and South Korean continue to buy our T-Bills and Bonds.
If foreign investors tell us where to put our fiat t-bills and bonds, then expect double-digit interest rates.
The other alternative is raising taxes across the board which will stifle just about eveything as well.
For numerous reason, I reject the idea the "Bush put us here". Our "the policies of the last eight years" put us here. Clinton the Republican congress then had major role in this as did Reagan-Bush with Democtratic congress before them. The truth is we have been on this road a long, long time.
For the sake of balance, I am going to make several points.
1) When the Federal Government raises taxes (personal income, corporate, gift, or estate), it does create jobs- Government Jobs usually.
2) When the Federal Government lowers taxes in the above areas, it also leads to job creation in the private sector.
Which tax policy approach is better? That is NOT as important as keeping both of them in tension...always.
I have to side with Constructive Feedback's sentiments that this "tax cuts for the wealthy" jargon is misguided and wrong in many ways. There are far too many on the left you cannot articulate what that means.
I make less than 100K a year. A person earning 2 million or 10 million a year has the same capital gains tax as I do....15%! Though their personal income tax rate is much higher than mine.
And our coporate income tax?...the second highest in the world of any western industrialized republic/democracy.
Anyone ever wonder why Ireland was growing like a beast in the last 15years...the corporate income rate is only 12%... as opposed to 33% in the U.S.
The truth is we are in a real mess. As alluded to by Christopher, RisingTide, and others:
The money creation out of thin air with no accompanying raises in taxation will eventually create a hyperinflation environment (hyperinflation is freakin' wicked, man). We'll create that IF the Chinese, Russians, Japanese, and and South Korean continue to buy our T-Bills and Bonds.
If foreign investors tell us where to put our fiat t-bills and bonds, then expect double-digit interest rates.
The other alternative is raising taxes across the board which will stifle just about eveything as well.
For numerous reason, I reject the idea the "Bush put us here". Our "the policies of the last eight years" put us here. Clinton the Republican congress then had major role in this as did Reagan-Bush with Democtratic congress before them. The truth is we have been on this road a long, long time.
Constructive bottom feeder if you want to write a novel get your own blog. It's not all about you. This blog is called field negro.
Wow, this conversation is really exploding. Okay, a few things on the stimulus package: Number one, the money going to state governments, the better. The state are quickly going down the tubes and getting money to finance public services is key. Money for food stamps (probably soup kitchens soon) as well as for health care is another top priority. The Republican's mantra of tax cuts is not going to work, because people are not going to spend that money, they save it. This economy runs on consumer spending and the private sector is dead in the water; the government is the only party left capable of injecting money into this economy!
"Classical One says:
The New Deal faltered not because of spending and deficits, but because Roosevelt tried to cut spending in 1937.
Help me out on this one with regard to the CONSTRUCTS of your argument. When you say "The New Deal faltered....." by what measure are you referencing in your analysis?
* Inflation?
* Job Creation?
* Deficits?
* A Return To Recession?
* What?
The New Deal faltered with a hasty attempt to balance the budget an cut spending; consequently, a severe recession occured along with a downturn in manufacturing jobs, which had previously rebounded to pre-depression numbers.
Sorry I'm scaring you- I'm scared myself!
Do you have any ideas other than tax cut? We do need to restructure the electrical grid and other public works projects. Our infrastructure is crumbling or we could have another problem like Katrina with the levees where it could us more money due to damages. The government will have to eventually spend the money anyway, so it would be wise to make the investment now. Somehow, I think you are the kind of person who would try drive home with the needle on empty, but have 30 miles to go. You can't always do life on the cheap as you will a high price in the end.
Um, sorry I can't help myself here.
Uptownsteve, what was well said? How come you so readily agreed with "The A"? Did Chris C say something you feared may have slighted another black man?
As for "The A"... when you said "darlin", I could only assume you may be a female, (a black female). I deleted so much of what I really wanted to say, so I think it's best I just leave it alone and walk away.
THANK YOU FAIR IS FAIR, it may sound mean, but this is BATTLE, and the place the PRESIDENT was in today, those were the people, that voted for JOHN MCCAIN! YOU COULD HAVE FOOLED ME! I guess, they came to their sense's, and just imagine, how it would be, by now, if MCCAIN had WON! JESUS! and yes, I HOPE the PRESIDENT, has a long LIST, of each person, that did not, vote for the STIMULUS PACKAGE, whether they be DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN, put them on front STREET! I want to know their name and see their FACE'S!
Big packages provide the most stimulus!!
Got a joke for you guy's.....
Obama pulls out this huge stimulus and shows it to the American public, they say "who you go'na statisfy with that?" and he says "me".
So, if i understand this correctly homeboy's going to create a bunch of new jobs building roads and that's going to save the country?
Question: who's going to work on these roads the few white people i saw from Indi? What about all the blacks that are still waiting for thier free gas and house payment? how's that suppose to help the economy?
The Porch Simian has a conniption with - When we look at this map on UNEMPLOYMENT for Black people - does the PRESENCE of DEMOCRATIC DOMINATION translate into "The Promised Land" for Black employment?
See Massa Drugbo done let you draw pretty pictures with crayons again Porch Simian...
But the Pictures are just as juvenile and stupidly conceived as it was the last time...
One of my kids friends who spends far too much time in front of the TV showed me a TV show where really stupid people like yourself do things like peddle tricycles off the roofs of 2 story houses for attention...
I asked if he'd ever seen you. He said "No, this show is called Jackass - to see a negro make a real monkey out of himself...
That'd be on Faux."
"Uptownsteve, what was well said? How come you so readily agreed with "The A"? Did Chris C say something you feared may have slighted another black man?"
Uh yeah..
I really get tired of black people gratiuitously demonizing their own people.
Chris suggested that with all the "important issues" suurounding us at the moment, all "black folks" want to talk about is Chris Brown and Rhianna, two people I could give two $hits about.
Does he really believe that the average white or hispanic for that matter is more politically aware than the average black?
What evidence would he or anyone have to support that argument?
I've got a question for you?
Why are you so taken aback by me agreeing with the "A".
Do you agree with Chris?
If so, why?
The $838 billion economic stimulus bill that passed the Senate yesterday contains $300 million for the government to purchase a fleet of "green" cars.
But the money won't just go to buy fuel-efficient hybrids such as the Ford Escape or Chevy Volt.
The cash also can be used to purchase "neighborhood electric vehicles."
I feel much better about the economy! I think I'm going to go out and spend the last bit of savings I have......lol
Bang up job bambi...keep it up you're an animal....lol
Ok Uptownsteve, maybe I was a little fired up, I read deeper into things, it was late. Btw, it's LaIncognita.. thank you.
Analosity spouts -
But the money won't just go to buy fuel-efficient hybrids such as the Ford Escape or Chevy Volt.
The cash also can be used to purchase "neighborhood electric vehicles."
And uhhhhhhh.... What exactly do you call the Chevy Volt - a 2 seat car which gets 40 miles on battery?
And the Segway sailed entirely...
Over your head.
This is probably more your style:
"... I am not down with the economic philosophy that says give the rich guy the tax breaks and he will give us jobs."
When rich people get tax breaks, they don't "create jobs." They put that extra money into the stock market, or into foreign investments, or into their Swiss bank accounts. I, too, think of myself as a "democratic socialist," and I am livid right now that education and mass transit expenditures have been cut from the package as being so much "pork." Isn't it amazing how fast the Rethuglicans can do a 180 on spending when they're not the ones in charge? Where were they when GWB was borrowing and spending for his little Middle Eastern adventures?
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I ask for your understanding of my guilty pleasure of visiting "Progressive" sites to hear the grousing,and b'thng. about Obama's ineffectiveness.
But there's worse coming,"Progressives":The Independents have recovered from O-Mania,and together with the Right,we will take back the Congress, and make O. a One Term Wonder (as in,' I wonder what you were thinking ??? El Che's been re-born as a Black Community Organizer in Chicago ?)
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