"If you go there with the race card we will destroy you"
That was Andrew Brietbart, Matt Drudge's right hand man, drawing a line in the sand in A-merry-ca's ideology war.
Andrew, I have a news flash for you: The only thing that you should be trying to destroy is that gut of yours. You are a little piece of shit with zero credibility. So enjoy your 15 minutes with these Acorn stories. (BTW,I hope the authorities in Maryland prosecute your minions to the fullest extent of the law. Taping an individual in that state without their permission is a crime)
But let me stop, I am starting to succumb to all the incivility and racial tension in the age of Obama. Let's see now; black mother -and a soldier no less- beaten in front of her daughter by racist white man. ( Black people, stay away from Cracker Barrel Restaurants. It's called C-R-A-C-K-E-R Barrel!) White student beaten on a bus by black kids while some of them cheered. (Rosa is turning in her grave. She didn't refuse to give up her seat on the bus for this. ) Of course Drudge led with that story today. Matt and his boy Andrew, who say that no one should be playing the "race card", sure don't seem to be practicing what they preach.
So where is the love here in A-merry-ca? I guess there is nothing like a little recession to bring out people's true colors. (Pun intended) Sometimes, of course, the shit is more subtle ,no recession or black president is usually needed when that's the case. It's just that having Obama kind of gets some people fired up. No racism? The leader of the Tea Bagger movement called the president an "Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug" on national television. Sorry Andrew, I think I might have to drop a race card for that one. I mean if this is the leader of the tea bag movement, just what the hell do the people that are following him think?
Anyway, throw in Kanye, Joe, and Serena, and I am sure that we can all see where this is heading.
Andrew, you should be heading to the gym.
[quote]I am starting to succumb to all the incivility and racial tension in the age of Obama. Let's see now; black mother -and a soldier no less- beaten in front of her daughter by racist white man. ( Black people, stay away from Cracker Barrel Restaurants. It's called C-R-A-C-K-E-R Barrel!)[/quote]
No he didn't reach into my racist Red State to publicize the White Racist who beat up the Black woman while not saying a damned thing about the 2 Black mothers who were shot in the head execution style about 15 minutes away.
Clearly the race of the attacker drives everything with you Filled Negro.
Please go Rob Miller website(SC)..http://www.actblue.com/entity/fundraisers/19079
to donate to get rid of Wilson..He needs our help.. Please forward and let your family and friends know.
Clearly the race of the attacker drives everything with you Filled Negro.
Project much?
The Us Senate voted to strip Acorn of nearly 2 million in Federal housing money yesterday, The US census Bureau has also ended its relationship with Acorn.
Hell I am shaking in my boots too from laughing...
Those folks are all talk...
Better go and take care of birthers, teabagger, before they have to give up their government medicaid or medicare.
Ha ha...
How about Obama calling Kanye a jackass? Too funny..
From Wall Street journal: "A growing number of people once affiliated with Acorn want nothing more to do with the group. Marcel Reid, for example, was one of eight national Acorn board members who were removed last year after demanding an audit of the group's books. She notes that Acorn received $7.4 million in contributions from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) between 2005 and 2008 but actively fights unionization efforts by its own employees. Ms. Reid also notes that Acorn was sanctioned by the National Labor Relations Board in 2003 for illegally firing workers trying to organize a union.
In 1995, Acorn unsuccessfully sued California to be exempt from the minimum wage, claiming that "the more that Acorn must pay each individual outreach worker . . . the fewer outreach workers it will be able to hire." The decision to file that lawsuit was made by Wade Rathke, who founded Acorn in 1970 and was its long-time leader. He was forced by the group's board to resign last year after it found that he'd engaged in a cover-up of a nearly $1 million embezzlement of Acorn funds by his brother Dale, then the group's chief financial officer.
Does anyone here care about ACORN?
"You are a little piece of shit with zero credibility"
Jealous are we field??
Or you just made because whitey exposed all dat pimpin' and ho protectin' going on at Acorn?
I believe it is illegal to tape someone without their permission in Maryland. Andrew could be prosecuted, the Acorn staffers can talk all day long (it was a bogus scam anyway).
The Acorn ladies should have seen him coming... (they have to give back their street smart card)--when YT says they are a law student/pimp that's when she should have said, "then ask your teacher that's what you going to school for!"
Field, you've got me fired up on this one. This shit would NOT be happening without right wing hate radio, teabaggers, and Faux News raising the hate. I read that story about the mother and soldier who was beaten by the racist and it just WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED LAST YEAR! That p.o.s. would've said something stupid and walked on. They're being FED and EMBOLDENED -- called to action! The same with the reactions to it.
This isn't a reaction to the economy but the direct result of the right bringing the hate.
As Carville said to the teabagger chief, "I think you've got them fired up enough hoss."
Since when did you start having so much compassion for black people. I find that sort of odd since you love cheerleading for the GOP neo-nazi white supremacist folks under the guise of you so concerned about the black community. Look like if you was so concerned about the black community you would be complaining about how MSM likes to focused in the negatives so much and overlook the same negatives in those lily white communities called trailer parks. BTW, I'm not moved at all by the deception because I know that all races have negatives, MSM, just likes to keep them hidden. That's alright though, because what is in the dark is coming to the light soon!!!!
"Does anyone here care about ACORN?"
And I co-sign with trickster206.
[un]constructive one I think uptownsteve might be right about you. Why did you ignore my post about the black kids that beat down the white kid on the bus. Did I not condemn them for their actions?
Two murders in Ga. and you want me to comment on that? Look at my sidebar. We have had 211 so far this year. I am doing my part to try and reduce that number. I hope you are doing the same.
No one cares about Acorn because its a leftwing group.Let Acorn be a Republican group and you negros would be actin' like someone took food off your plate.
A few months ago, Rush Limbaugh said on air that racism was imagined and a conspiracy of liberals. The irony of that is that he was all over that Drudge story today pulling the race card himself scaring people into believing that this is how it's going to be in the age of Obama for white kids on buses. He even went on to suggest that we need segregated buses.
"it's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America -- white kids getting beat up on school buses now." - Rush Limbaugh
Read more:http://mediamatters.org/items/200909150023
Oh yeah, that Black woman getting the beatdown in front of her 7yr old kid? That wasn't racism. She just wanted to test out just how good HER gov't ran health care coverage was given that she's a military officer and all.
I saw a report that a few people who work for American Airlines were arrested for drug trafficking in Puerto Rico.
I also remember stories about American Airlines employees in South Florida being arrested for the same thing in the past.
So does that mean that American Airlines is guilty of drug trafficking?
And if a few ACORN employees do wrong does that mean that ACORN is guilty?
I must be as crazy as you cuz I laughed while reading your last paragraph on that Army officer wanting to test that gov't health care....
Aloha from Makaii
p.s. No,ACORN is not the issue. RACISM is the issue. Didn't you hear the interview with former President Carter on NBC Brian Williams show today.
"Didn't you hear the interview with former President Carter on NBC Brian Williams show today."
I was gone all day today and had to run some errands. Sure do hate I missed it. Do you know if they have a video of it online?
Try this link at MSNBC website for the interview with former President Carter:
Aloha from Makaii
Field,Maureen Dowd is going to have to share FN status with former president Jimmy Carter. He seriously aired out the dirty laundry of white American bigotry today!
I was thinking about how this man assaulted a woman and back a few months ago three of them attacked an elderly man. So, I guess, the elderly and women should be prepared because that's who they seem to have the nerve to physically attack.
Granny,here's the You Tube video of the interview from NBC:
Thank Makaii!
Thank you too classysbf! (smile)
You're like that alien from mars attacks.
I don't give a shit what ACORN did.
I do care that a lot lot of otherwise well-meaning, well-intentioned white people are going to let Glenn Beck get them an ass-whooping.
It took Jimmy Carter to say what needed to be said.
Whites are the biggest bullshitters in the world.
The greediest people on earth are whites.
Most serial killers are white.
Most scammers are white.
Whites have killed more humans on earth than any other people.
Whites are the biggest beneficiaries of welfare – corporate and individual – from the mega-farms in the midwest to the white trash in the trailer parks and all over the country.
Whites have cheated more people, including their own kind, than any other race.
More whites cheat in taxes than any other race.
More whites commit adultery than any other race, which makes
Whites the biggest hypocrites on earth.
Many years ago my dad told me that they kept a check under the counter for the first black person that would voluntarily walk into a Crackerbarrel or a Sambo's (yes, there is still one Sambo's in Santa Barbara, CA) restaurant and order something.
One wonders why we are spending so much time, money and lives trying to bring Afghanistan into the 21st century when so much of the U.S. is stuck in the first half of the 19th century?
This is moving beyond racism., Racism is the belief that genotype is determinant of certain inherent differences that may be cultural or related to individual achievement.
We are now moving deep into the cult and myth of white superiority. Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are really pushing the mish-mash of pseudo-science and propaganda that became European Imperialism and Aryan superiority during the last century. They can wrap it up any way they want, but the fish they are selling still stinks!
I forgot to tell y'all about two incidents that happened out this way that my daughter was telling me about. No violence took place in either one, which was a good thing.
Anyway, my daughter call me and told me that she went to Target in Fremont and a white man came in the store talking loud. He said, "I'm tired of seeing all these "N" word. Every where I go I see "N". She said that a white woman employee told him, "You get out of here right now. That was very inappropriate. Leave Now!" And the woman called security on him. They made him leave and told him not to come back.
In the other incident, a woman was sitting down in a chair, minding her on business, waiting her turn and white man came over and told her to get up and give him her seat. Mind you now there were no other seats available. He wasn't a senior citizen either. My daughter said that woman told him no and the man called security over to tell the woman to give him her seat.
She sounded like she was trying to be civil with the barbarian, poor thing. Now see, I get stupid when it comes to my daughter. And as long as he had no weapon, we would have been on that floor rolling together.
(Sometimes i get flash backs, one time a judge sentenced me to anger management, it only made me angrier).
Granny, what's also bothering is the fact that if it was a big bobo dred Nyabinhgi Rasta putting him in check, he wasn't going to perform the fool like that.
Let's review the record:
- Dick Cheney and fellow Republicans voted against a resolution calling on the Apartheid government of S. Africa to free Nelson Mandela from prison.
- Pat Robertson on S. Africa: "I think "one man, one vote," just unrestricted democracy, would not be wise. There needs to be some kind of protection for the minority which the white people represent now, a minority, and they need and have a right to demand a protection of their rights."
- Republican Pat Buchanan has publicly praised Adolf Hitler numerous times in writing and on TV, most recently blaming Poland and Britain for provoking war.
- Republicans do not have a single black Senator or Representative in Congress.
- Dick Nixon's Southern Strategy
- While on his deathbed, Lee Atwater, the Republican political strategist responsible for the Willie Horton ad used against Mike Dukakis, renounced the ad and his racist political tactics.
- Segregationist Strom Thurmond fathered an out-of-wedlock daughter with his family's 16 year-old black housekeeper. He kept her existence secret and ran for president as a Dixiecrat, vowing to deny *his own daughter* basic constitutional rights, and opposing *anti-lynching laws.*
Thurmond said: "I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the n!gger race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches!"
- When Thurmond's daughter came forward publicly after her father died, Joe Wilson called her a liar and accused her of tarnishing the Thurmond's legacy.
- James Watt
- Republican Sen. Trent Lott publicly praised Thurmond for his racist presidential campaign on a segregationist platform. He opined that had Thurmond won, America could have avoided all the problems it has had since.
- Thurmond filibustered the first Civil Rights Act.
- "Terrorist Fist Jab"
Pat Robertson: "If anybody understood what Hindus really believe, there would be no doubt that they have no business administering government policies in a country that favors freedom and equality.... Can you imagine having the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as defense minister, or Mahatma Gandhi as minister of health, education, and welfare?"
Right-Wing Republicans = Obama-Haters = Racists
Suspect: Woman killed
because she was white
'As long as she had blond hair
and blue eyes, she had to die'
According to a report in the White Plains, N.Y., Journal News, the 45-minute video statement also includes Grant claiming to have killed others and saying he is at war with the white race.
Grant, who is black, is charged with second-degree murder and third-degree criminal possession of a weapon in the fatal June 29 stabbing death of Concetta Russo-Carriero, 56.
"I want the death penalty," he said. "I want to die. But I wanted to kill somebody white first."
In the statement, recorded some five hours after the 1:15 p.m slaying, Grant said that, beginning at 11 a.m. that day, he walked around a parking garage, looking for a victim.
"I was thinking that the first person I see this morning that looks white, I'm killing them," he said. According to the local news report, the convicted rapist said he did not approach an older white woman walking through the garage "because she had already lived her life."
"I wanted to kill somebody who lived a lily-white lifestyle and was a closet bigot," he said on the tape.
Whites must always be prepared to be attacked by blacks.
Troy Dale was just defending himself.
Peace Field. Point of info re: Maryland: under the MD Electronic Surveillance Act, video taping is fine, but audio is a felony unless permitted. Accordingly, some indictments should go out.
"(Sometimes i get flash backs, one time a judge sentenced me to anger management, it only made me angrier)."
What a waste of time and taxpayers money. That's like trying to train JAWS to be kind, it ain't gonna happen.
I feel ya, LaIncognita. I know what you mean when it comes to your children.
Trapped in SC said...
Most serial killers are white.
Why is there more black male serial killers and serial rapist than hispanic male sk's and sr?
Hispanic males outnumber black males.Looking at black male pop stats in this country,its hard to understand why black males make up anywhere between 17% to 22% of all serial killers.
Granny "Since when did you start having so much compassion for black people."
Granny it's time for you to start doing the Lord's work and have compassion and love for brother CF. He's been trying to get a little love from you, but you just don't seem to appreciate CF.
BTW, God might have put him into your life for a reason-to make you a better Christian. So how about it? Will you embrace brother CF like he has always embraced you?
Wow. All of these events have pretty much put an end to the "post-racial" canard. Racism is alive, well and still rearin' it's shaved head.
Kanye is a self-centered jackass. He has fame & wealth, he's 32 years & maybe he'll grow up someday. What's Joe Wilson's excuse? Plenty of Presidents have stood before congress & seriously lied about serious matters, & anyone with a brain knew they were lying, but the decorum of occasion & respect for the office of president was always honored. What make this president different? His color & nothing else. Jimmy Carter is correct. Other than African-Americans themselves, nobody has a better racism antenna than a rural Southern white man.
"Why is there more black male serial killers and serial rapist than hispanic male sk's and sr?"
The answer is obvious: black men kill more than hispanic men. Blacks kill each other everyday in the streets.
Anonymous 12:23:
LOL! If God had put CF into my life, God would have gave me the vision first. The Lord doesn't leave his people in the dark when it comes to others. Don't you know that? Oh, I embrace CF, but guess what embracing does not mean that I have to accept his political ideology or political agenda.
I don't know what Acorn has to do with the two attacks, each of which were disgusting. I would point out that the white racist who attacked the soldier was a lone crazy, while the kid on the bus was attacked by multiple people.
This doesn't make the attack on the black soldier any less disgusting than it was. If I were the judge in that case, in figurative terms I would hollow out the book, insert a lead weight, and throw it at the attacker as hard as I could. After I was done with him, he would sorely regret the day he had committed that crime, to put it mildly.
But it was still one lone crazy. On the bus, you had a bunch of attackers, and that speaks to something larger than the attack itself. If this had been a black kid on a bus full of whites, I suspect Field would have written quite the stemwinding lecture about the hollow promise of a post-racial America.
I think we'll know that we've reached a milestone when black people on sites like this react just as vehemently to attacks like the one on the bus no matter who's on the receiving end. At present, there is at least as much defensiveness among (many) blacks about black-on-white mayhem as there is among (many) whites about manifestations of white racism.
I really don't think it ought to be a problem to condemn shit like this no matter who does it.
I don't know about you but I think I might just join ACORN tomorrow.They need our help. I think that we need to start joining as many progressive organizations as soon as possible.Then black lawyers and investigators need to Go and get FOX.The race war has started. We have to work progressives of other races to stop this coup d'etat from FOX.Rupert Murdoch need to be deported and/or thrown in Leavenworth
@Anon: "BTW, God might have put him into your life for a reason-to make you a better Christian."
Nice try, but no cigar!
The reverse could also be true--especially since God hasn't weighed in yet.
"I think we'll know that we've reached a milestone when black people on sites like this react just as vehemently to attacks like the one on the bus no matter who's on the receiving end."
Grinder, that's some self-righteous, self-serving piece of crap and you know it.
When the discussion on this blog doesn't go the way you think it should, you accuse blacks of being pro-black regardless of the circumstances that surround the incident.
We don't need you to give the state of our hearts a pass or fail grade.
Collectively, and historically, blacks have always shown whites sympathy, and empathy. I can't say the same for whites collectively.
Crimes against black women and children don't usually get equal treatment or coverage by the mass media.
I wonder why?
So save your sanctimonious tone, and go to those blogs where whites are celebrating how, in the Age of Obama, blacks are still getting their asses kicked by whites.
Perhaps if whites showed the same level of empathy and sympathy toward us as we show toward them, life here in these divided states wouldn't be so damn divided.
Get over it. You're not going to win every argument you advance here.
Your bias is always going to interfere with the facts, and the naked truth.
And for the record. I think we'll know that we've reached a milestone when white people on white sites react just as vehemently to attacks like the one against the black female reservist, no matter who's on the receiving end.
Blacks have no greater burden than whites when it comes to showing compassion and remorse.
Stop trying to make it appear that way!
What I like about you Bob is that your fair, and I like your sense of humor too.
Grinder, that's some self-righteous, self-serving piece of crap and you know it.
If a black kid had been beaten up on a bus full of white students, you and Field and half the people here would be howling at the moon and you know it.
Since it was black kids who did it, you want to minimize it. In your world, black people are always victims and never perpetrators. We all know that this is a steamin' crock of shit. I know it and you know it, so why not say so?
"Since it was black kids who did it, you want to minimize it. In your world, black people are always victims and never perpetrators."
Grinder, you've got an axe to grind. Beware the axe you wield, it may fall upon your own neck.
Who, posting here, has "minimized it." Read the posts here again. Most are hardly discussing either event. The conversation is mainly about ACORN.
You're locked in on some of your own craziness, and you need to stay away from black blogs--you're clearly too delusional to maintain a steady mind and a steady hand, as you project upon us your own emotional issues.
"We all know that this is a steamin' crock of shit. I know it and you know it, so why not say so?"
You're a "steamin' crock of shit," and you'd know it, if you had more civility than Joe Wilson.
Man, you're getting precariously close to the edge. You need to do an about face before it's too late.
Monie,I love the American Airlines analogy.
Grinder, I am going to quote my man John McEnroe here:"You can't be serious." I will tell you what I told the house-boy [un]constructive one I blogged about it in the post. Please read it again. I don't want to go all Tersi on you but....
Bruce thanks for the 411 on Md. law.
Reading the comments here and looking at all the examples cited.... it occurred to me that this is an example of "Cant see the forest through the trees." ALL of these examples point to one true thing.... AMERICA, ALL OF AMERICA is drenched in a culture of violence. The violence is not the exclusive purview of one group of people. And, no one is excluded!
Instead of bickering about which group of Americans are violent. We should be thinking about how to address the CULTURE OF VIOLENCE that is OUR CULTURE. OUR CULTURE! We are ALL AMERICANS. This is ALL of our problem. We all own it. The more interesting/challenging question is how to change it.
"We are ALL AMERICANS. This is ALL of our problem. We all own it. The more interesting/challenging question is how to change it."
Jody, as usual, you're right on target.
It IS and American problem, and it's going to take all of us to fix it. That is, once we figure out how to do it.
The first step, obviously, is for us to stop pretending that the problem began in a vacuum. The problem has an origin.
The second step is, as you've stated it. Own it, and own up to it. We all contribute to the problem, and the perpetuation of it. Nobody's got clean hands.
The third step is to stop fooling ourselves that the problem will diminish, or disappear, if we do nothing about it. Not going to happen, anytime soon. Perhaps in 50 years or so, if then.
The fourth step is reconciliation, a sitting down and listening to the grievances of both sides. Really listen, without fault-finding or laying blame. (This is the hardest part, and for this day and age perhaps impossible.)
The fifth step is to build trust and respect. Blacks aren't respected enough for our contributions. And we still got a lot of folks out there who believe in our inferiority. Joe Wilson is symptomatic of a larger problem.
The sixth, and final step, is to affirm everyone's value, importance, significance to society, and their right to exist as equal partners in our society.
Again, we're back at the beginning and the major stumbling block and obstacle. How do we implement these steps?
Without a will, and I don't see one looming on the horizon, these or any other steps haven't a chance--and certainly aren't viable in a hostile environment.
For there to be peace in our nation, we'll first have to find peace within.
And we're not going to find that peace looking to the church, if the religions community is loath to rebuke, censure and silent one of their own--a pastor in Arizona, who prays for President Obama's death each and every night before turning in.
Right now, I'm mostly unhappy about the state of our union. It's not as united as our name implies.
And that's a shame, and pathetic. We've turned the corner into a new millennium, and a new century, and we're still hauling the racial, and emotional baggage that has weighed down our human potential and national growth for centuries.
How long will we be competitive in our world, if we can't even release the human spirit and energies upon which we must build?
We're spending too much of our precious time and energy suppressing, rather than releasing.
What the hell happened to this country!?!?!
after reading the stories above of people being beat is sad enough...but where in God's name were the other people (men/citizens)? these incidents didn't occurr inside a freak'n closet where in the hell were the other people ? black/white/hispanic/asian/ did they just stand there and watch or walk away so they wouldn't have to witiness these acts of violance?
oh, dear Lord plaese tell me no!
we can argue on our little blogs all day and night thats all well and good but......i am actully speechless, sadened and sick to stomach.
i am a wht male conservative that watches fox news and votes repb....but to have something like what was told above (all the stories)happen in front of me and not respond (or stop it) i couldn't look at myself in morning. say what you want about me and/or my party but know this, i nor any of my family (can't speak for anyone else) would never let something like this occurr without helping/stopping it....again i don't care what color the victim is ...man this is sick!
so, carry on with your litte games i'm going to do something!
well at least jimmy carter still believes, at least publicly, that many of the protest is fueled by racism. i agree with jcarter.
Andrew Breitbart is an enigma, a true conundrum.
He is the epitome of the dickless dick.
And I'll say it once again-- Michael Eric Dyson is a much better man than I am, I would have cold-cocked the son-of-a-bitch right there on camera.
As long as they stay in that section over there, they can duke it out until the cows come home. Sounds cold, but you can only beat a dead horse until it pulverizes to dust!
Trapped in SC:
Been to Somalia, Nigeria or Angola lately? I'll buy you a one way ticket to freedom from the white menace you blithering buffoon.
what gun did this man hold to acorn's employees heads to make them disgrace all on film?
when did racist americans ever "hide their true feelings"?
i missed that...
racism is an original and permanent feature of americanism
and it may always be so at its deepest core...
many of the people hating on obama hate most that they voted for him as an alternative to gwb only to be duped as he has swiftly become a clone gwb...
we were all played by the hoax of obama and his election appeared to be a fleeting "show of love"
obama was documented as a muslim child of a muslim stepfather in indonesia...customary for a kid
bailouts are welfare for the megarich
even a racist teabagger may speak hard truths
and i always respect the truth from any source....
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”~~Howard Zinn~~
Dissent is now racist.So you need to remove that quote and save it for when a white person is president.
Its not a shock that the second most Anti-American president would defend the most Anti-American president ever.
re: violent students
most children are heathen clones of toxic parents
irrespective of race/class
most do not go to school to learn
bus beatdowns occur daily
just as teacher beatdowns do
this is what cosby lamented long ago...
and this is why public ed is dead
Y'all leave Constructive Feedback alone..
He does have his talents.
teen kids are dogging/ignoring cops/security inside schools so flagrantly that school cops will now be donning tasers....
worse than the fact that racist cops will abuse these weapons is the fact that so many horridly incorrigible kids made this martial law escalation necessary
"Its not a shock that the second most Anti-American president would defend the most Anti-American president ever."
Ronald Reagan facilitated the funding of a rebel group who sought to overthrow a duly elected government with drug money and proceeds from the sale of weapons to Iran, our mortal enemies.
George W.. Bush avoided the draft and went AWOL from his national guard unit.
Then as President facilitated assaults on civil liberties and torture of detainees.
Jimmy Carter was an Annapolis graduate and distinguished Naval officer.
Take your head out of your ass.
obama betrayed van jones
would this not be the sweetest revenge?
(it will never happen but..)
that would be my dream ticket to oust obama
the operative word is dream...
Field, please make Jimmy Carter honorary FN of the day. Also, don't know if anyone else mentioned this b/c I just skiimed the comments, b/c I get a head ache reading so many ignant comments and try to stick to reading the folks who I know talk sense, but the Police dept in that case of the white kid on the bus has stepped back from his statements and said the attack may not have been racially motivated and they were premature in saying that.
Also, is Breitbart the fool who claimed his kid's school didn't allow them to call St. Patrick's day by its proper name for "PC" reasons and they had to call it Potato day? I tried to look that up and found no evidence that any school did that and that is an offensive as hell anyway. What a moron. I hope someone decides to do a sting on some right-wing groups.
uptownsteve said...
Carter tried to hurt Americans by trying to sabotage Reagen's and Bush's foreign policy.Carter should have been charged with treason and put to death.
Take your head out of your liberal ass.
MILLIONS of teachers have quit as i did or are taking early retirement just to escape this horrid children
now due to obamacare, MILLIONS of doctors may retire early/quit too
further proof that QUALITY CARE FOR PATIENTS/UNINSURED has NOTHING to do with obama's "health reform" hoax!!!
may god bless us all!!!
Joe Scarborough ---"I guess patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Could we add to that that playing the race card is the last refuge of the truly desperate?"
Right on.....
Its desperate times for Democrats and their liberal media pals.
The majority of Americans are rejecting Obama's policies.
Both Democrat/Republican pollsters are predicting major Democrat defeats in the 2010 elections.
Democrats are running scared.Obama/kennedycare hasn't passed yet.
The only thing left is to play the race card.
The polls show playing the race card has failed.
How could things have gone so wrong in less than a year??
Course,among blacks,Obama is still more popular than God.
i think jody said it best.
Trapped in SC..
people are people and will always do fucked up things to each other. its not a black/white issue, its a humanity issue. oppression and killing have always happened and continue to happen today around the world. i'm Kurdish, and my people have experienced genocide by the hands of saddam hussein and great oppression by the neighbouring countries. people will do the worst things to each other when they have unchecked power. white americans had this power back in the day. to stop such atrocities, the most important thing to do is to STOP anyone (or any group) having that unchecked power in the first place. that is why we need people to speak out against groups who wish to vilify, divide and spread hatred. As long as someone like rush or beck doesnt win the next election, the US will be fine.
Ha Ha, that nerdy kid in Missouri and Kanye West did more to set back Race Relations than when OJ went to a "Victims of Domestic Violence" meeting.... and I know we white people are a bunch of pusssies, thats why I only bitch slap the demented homeless and only if I'm sure I can get away with it...
Can't wait to here y'all when that kid goes all Dylan Klebold this spring and does a Columbine 2...
And FYI, Cracker Barrells are mostly frequented by migrant workers, altho you'll see some of your kind hangin out front to rob said migrants, every one I kno eats at Denny's or Waffle House..
and you don't have a kinky hair on your black ass if Barak O-bomber (Ted Kennedy said it first) isn't your House Nigger of the day for callin Kanje a "Jackass"....
oughta call you "Kinky" Field Negro...
what is truly petrifying is that many blacks AND whites think obama actually IS god!
it is WHITES who run all major media and the white media are coddling and covering for obama as never before..
droves of WHITE journalists are his most rabid and biased fans...
at least wf/former obama nazi arianna huffington has finally stopped gulping obama's gray kool-aid...
i think ah would vote for van jones in 2012 too!
Yeah, Field, congrats for the passing tsk-tsk to a bus full of black racist children. My comments stand. You and many others here stand ready to minimize stuff like this when blacks do it, and go crazy when whites do it.
Mr. R.
You're whistling in the dark.
The GOP is increasingly becoming a marginalized, irrelevant party consisting of southern white males.
Obama will get his healthcare package and then move on to tax reform. Then the withdrawal from Iraq.
And he'll win a second term.
Whose gonna beat him?
Palin? She's a running punchline.
Gingrich? A nutjob
Pawlenty? Not ready for primetime.
The video of the white kid getting a beatdown on the bus must have given you a flashback to your jailhouse days.
Stop it with the white victimology okay?
Some drunk white boys beat the crap out of an old black man fishing in the Baltimore Harbor a couple of weeks and it barely touched the media radar.
To say nothing of 6 white boys stomping a black boy to death in Pasadena, MD a couple of years ago and none of them spent a day in jail.
Tell me if the colors of victim and perps would have been reversed the results would have been the same.
Yeah right.
uptownsteve said...
Mr. R.
You're whistling in the dark.
The GOP is increasingly becoming a marginalized, irrelevant party consisting of southern white males.
Tell us why Obamacare hasn't passed yet? What are Democrats so scared of?
grinder said...
You and many others here stand ready to minimize stuff like this when blacks do it, and go crazy when whites do it.
Thats what black Democrats do.This is just another example.
Does anyone here care about ACORN?
Not I! says the Karl 'Marx' Rove hating, affirmative action appreciating voter...as far as I'm concerned and by what I'm seeing if they haven't been put behind bars by now, not gonna happen.
However, I do wonder which Bush loyalist it was who controlled the Congressional secrets as his email sites serve Karl??
"Tell us why Obamacare hasn't passed yet?"
Hasn't gone to vote in the Congress yet?
Ya think?
Thats what black Democrats do.This is just another example.
Wow thanks for pointing out those other examples (lack thereof) in that post to prove the point that the controversy about Obama is mainly about race despite the contrary arguments some may cling to..
Is our childrens learnin yet? LOL!!!
uptownsteve said...
Stop it with the white victimology okay?
How bout you stop with the black victimology okay?
Mr.R.... obviously you do not know how laws are created. So, to help you out.... please enjoy and I hope you learn something. I think you can understand it. It was made for sixth graders:
School House Rocks: How A Bill Becomes A Law:
And AB..... Here is Van Jones statement about his resignation. I hope you too will learn something. I agree with Mr. Jones.... Eyes on the Prize people!
What You Can Do – Message from Van Jones
September 15, 2009
Dear Friends:
My family and I want to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support that we have received over the past week or so. I resigned from the White House on September 6, and I have remained silent since then – in keeping with my promise not to be a distraction during a key moment in the Obama Presidency.
Over the past several days, however, many people have been asking how they can help and what they can do.
The main thing is this: please do everything you can to support both President Obama and the green jobs movement. Winning real change is ultimately the best response to these kinds of smear campaigns.
I ask everyone to:
1. Support President Obama’s efforts to fix our nation’s health care, energy and education systems.
His victory last fall did not represent the “finish line” in the fight to renew America; his election
was just the “starting line.” This autumn, it is time to make history again – with victories on health care and clean energy.
2. Sign up to support groups that are working for green jobs.
As others seek to vilify or marginalize the movement for a clean energy economy, the leading groups deserve increased support. This is the year to ensure that the clean energy transformation creates good job 0pportunities for everyone in America.
3. Spread the green jobs gospel. The ideas and ideals of the green jobs movement are grounded in fundamental American values – innovation, entrepreneurship and equal opportunity. My true thoughts can be found in my book: The Green Collar Economy. Check it out from the library – or order a copy and share it with a friend. See for yourself why clean energy and green jobs are good for our country.
4. Stay connected and speak up for me via your favorite blogs (e.g., Huffington Post, Grist, Jack & Jill, etc.), on message boards and all of your favorite social networking platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Supporters have set up a couple of them, to help you stay engaged, including: I Stand With Van Jones and I Love Van Jones.
In due course, I will be offering my perspective on what has happened – including correcting the record about false charges. In the meantime, I must get my family affairs in order and sort through numerous offers and options.
I want to be clear that I have nothing but love and admiration for President Obama and the entire Administration. White House staffers are there to serve and support the President, not the other way around. At this critical moment in history, I could not in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. The White House needs all its hands on deck, fighting for the future.
Of course, some supporters actually think I will be more effective on the “outside.” Maybe so. But those ideas always remind me of that old canard about Winston Churchill. After he lost a hard-fought election, a friend told him: “Winston, this really is just a blessing in disguise.” Churchill quipped: “Damned good disguise.” I can certainly relate to that sentiment right now. :)
Nonetheless, we must keep moving forward. Let’s continue our work to make an America as good as its promise. These are historic times. And we have a lot more history to make.
Van Jones
"what gun did this man hold to acorn's employees heads to make them disgrace all on film?"
Those Acorn employees where corrupt in mind and spirit and no one forced them to do wrong. Camera or no camera, they were crooked slimy jackasses. Very disgusting.
They have made Acorn a fraud and Blacks need to speak out about that. But they don't. They minimize it on this blog by saying they don't care about Acorn when deep down inside they are hurt by those depraved sleazy dumbasses.
Jody said...
Mr.R.... obviously you do not know how laws are created.
Jody was that you on that ACORN video that was filmed in San Bernardino,California?
Yes i know how laws get passed.I'm talking about why its taking so long and why Democrats are so scared.
Mr.R. obviously you DONT know. Maybe you should watch the video. Taking so long? Are you kidding me??? A bill has not been introduced to vote on yet. There are committee versions and they have been working on it for a whopping 5 months? And you think that is "taking so long??!!!"
Did you ride in the back of your parents' car as a child and ask, every 5 minutes, "Are we there yet? How about now, Are we there yet?" Democrats are not scared. As I write this, they are working on this and I am quite confident that by the end of this legislative session (December) that we will have a law. And, in the annuls of making laws, this is break neck speed!
thanks for sharing
i read that long ago...
that sweet resignation letter was forced
i still despise obama/gwb 2.0
i am still waiting to hear the fake and wimpy obama defend van jones from beck as harshly as he defended taylor from kanye
Field said BTW,I hope the authorities in Maryland prosecute your minions to the fullest extent of the law. Taping an individual in that state without their permission is a crime)
I agree
President Obama extends Patriot Act
provisions, so you can be spied on without your knowledge !
How many years should they get?
if obama was a bf banking ceo, he would be cheronda guyton:
may i nominate her for hn?
AB.... what universe do you live in? That letter was written yesterday! And, Van Jones didn't have to write anything. You just don't want to accept his words at face value and accept that he STILL supports Obama.
shame how you obama nazis suffer from major ADD amidse your delusions of grandeur!
"long ago" means way before you so kindly shared it herein
do u really think everyone in dc is there because they love obama???
whenever anyone is forced to resign, they pen typically gracious "voluntary" resignation letters
study van
he is no obama nazi!
and he ONLY supports GREEN not gray!
i meant van supports only ECO GREEN
not only CORP GREEN like obama and his banker pals!
"AB.... what universe do you live in?"
A question for the ages.
you are a toxic tagging fool for the cages
here is more on van jones:
“If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas…”
The cult of personality trumps the army of revolution. So many formerly afrocentric and wise black leaders have been ruthlessly duped by the blackish myth of Barack Obama. Shockingly, millions of black political sages actually believe that the election of one half black man could repair an entire complex and corrupt political system.
I never expected President Barack Obama /GWB 2.0 to defend Van Jones in any way. But, I also never expected the afrocentric radical Jones to ever become a czar for an elitist hoax like Obama. I am amazed that Jones would ever seek any formal affiliation with Obama!
I deeply regret that an insane racist like Glenn Beck became the master of Jones’ public slaying. But, I regret most that a warrior like Jones was ever fooled by a joker like Obama. This entire confusing and shameful saga has been painful and tragic to watch!
Read more about Van Jones’ warrior legacy and presidential betrayal here:
Van Jones Said:
"I want to be clear that I have nothing but love and admiration for President Obama and the entire Administration."
HE speaks for himself.
the brazen gullibility that actually makes you believe that ANY letter BELATEDLY penned LONG after an official resignation declared under duress in the
11th hour is sincere...
is the VERY SAME arrogant ignorance that allowed the hoax that is obama/gwb 2.0 to dupe the masses
people believe obama pens his own letters/speeches too...
good luck with that.
This blog should be renamed "Race Baiting Ignorant Field Worker"...any reference to Field Negros of yesteryear is insulting and degrading to a great people who overcame much hardship and hatred in vain. That is, if the commenters contained herein are representative of their legacy; or more appropriately lack thereof.
ANON:12:47 I will speak, and I will not hold back!
You say, we are hurting on the inside, well, you better believe I am more than hurt, once again the Demonic Racist White Man has assaulted my people, and for this God will deal with each and every one of them! I have saw God do thing's that will ASTOUND the Natural man! for these people will get back a Hundredfold what they put forth, and as a Prophet, I declare this, and it cannot be otherwise!
You see I will look at this in a Spiritual light, God will Repay!!!! for you see, FOX NEW'S set out to Punishment the President! so they went after Van Jone's! this was another way of Punishing the President, they caused Acorn to loose money that, was intended to help the need's of minority's, this was also a way to Punish the President, but, all is well!
You see the White man's Forefather's, has did them a great Injustice! they left behind a legacy of Demonic minded Race of people, but, some are Breaking Free of that Generational Rooted Spirit! for God did not give the White forefather's permission to rule and reign in Injustice, and as a result of their behavior we have the Rush Limbaugh's!
For if we really look at the full picture, the White man cannot Survive unless they are in Control, they do not know how to survive unless they rule in exclusion, they were Bred this way! the Racist White person did not learn this behavior on their own, they were Bred to have this mindset!
If you were to go back and take note, you will see that, the Tea Party protester's were Wandering around! they were like Lost Children!!! they were confused, the speaker's were talking Nonsense! the people had DEMONIC SIGN'S! some parent's brought their children along to witness Racism! now is this Indoctrination?
Surprise, Surprise
Uber-House Negro Michael Steele attacks President Carter for his remarks about racism directed at Obama from the right.
Field Negro,
Are you going to call out iseisee as yet another cracka pretending to be a brother? My God no real brother could really be that stupid, right? Must be a white pretender or one of uptownsteve's kinfolk.... geeze, what a fucking hate filled idiot.
anonymous pussy
Project much?
Obama is the "black boy". So said ineffectual boob Jimmy Carter, at the Dem convention:
uptown steve said: "anonymous pussy"
what a laughable twitboy you are :)
btw, are you still pretending to be intelligent, steve? what affirmative action job do you hold? heaven knows, you can't compete on any level playing field as regards ability... and you *know* that's true, that's why you're so angry all the time
plus I bet it really bothers you that Alicia beats your butt all the time and she's a woman
such a twitboy you are :)
I see you are picking up some of your critics' verbiage. Imitation is the ultimate form of flattery even when it comes from a Neanderthal such as yourself.
As for your anonymous pussy comment...now if that doesn't demonstrate projection at its height, OJ was innocent.
Uptownsteve is living proof that you just can't fix stupid.
Anoymous pussy
Carter was referring to Obama when he was a... boy. As in a young boy. That's called context, you stupid pantload.
Don't be fooled. Uptownsteve is just an angry little white boy that pretends to be black so as to make the brothers look really really really stupid. So don't be falling for his weak ass shit.
We are now living in time where we can't criticize a president or his policies.
When Bush was president we were called unpatriotic.
Now that Obama is president we are called racist.
Will there ever be a safe time to criticize a president we elected?
Some scary times we live in.
uptownsteve, you are all over the map.Some days you pretend to be black and some days you pretend to be white.Stop pretending and be who you are.
Uptownsteve, uptownsambo, uptowntom, uptownupsidedown--which is it nobody knows.
anon 4:45pm.... I firmly support your criticizing Obama's policies...
I certainly do not agree with everything he has done in his short tenure Z(extending the patriot act, afghanistan, bailing out the banks)... but be prepared to have people who disagree with you say so... that does not mean you cannot criticize. It does mean there will be those that disagree....
Obama is not representative of our Black American roots. His ancestors did not come to America on slave ships like us. Rather, Obama's daddy was a black Kenyan opportunist that planted his African seed in a white girl he soon abandoned. Obama's daddy looked down on African Americans as do many 1st generation Africans residing in America today. That is the most insidious form of racism there is. "Brother" Obama was raised Barry Obama by white folks as a privileged "house negro" (a detestable term the field negro and his minions often call blacks that do not openly hate whites, so the irony is appropriate in this setting) who only came to claim his black roots in adult life when it was politically expedient for him to do so.
His black physical features mask his white upbringing and dupe the black masses who are too mesmerized to see past the cover to judge the actual content of the book.
As an earlier poster noted, MLK would not be pleased with black America's judgeship of our "black" Emperor. When will a young black child point and proclaim for all of us to hear: "Look the Emperor has no clothes!"
Jody said...
anon 4:45pm.... I firmly support your criticizing Obama's policies...
Thanks Jody.
I think people are missing the point.Its not the race of the preps/victims that matter its the fact that people either just stood and watch or cheered.No one tried to help either the kid or the woman.
That says alot about us Americans.
"You and many others here stand ready to minimize stuff like this when blacks do it, and go crazy when whites do it."
Grinder, more selective outrage. And as usual a distortion of the facts.
Come back and ream us when white bloggers condemn white violence against blacks to a greater extent than you say we condemn black violence against whites here.
Go enforce a conscience on them. We didn't start this racism bull, and I be damned if we'll take the lead in eradicating it.
Get off our backs! We're not the problem. You are!
Yep JC (Jimmy Cater not the other one with all the followers) is a HFN today.
"Surprise, Surprise
Uber-House Negro Michael Steele attacks President Carter for his remarks about racism directed at Obama from the right."
Yep, Hip hop Mike has his own room in that bad boy. :)
jimmy is a man of honor who speaks the truth, even when it is unpopular, as was his position on the palestinians. the man rocks.
Even if our brothers and sisters hear a young black child proclaim that their beloved emperor has no clothes they are not willing to listen with appreciation of the ramifications.
The deafening silence to your statement speaks for itself. And that, my brother, is very telling of our people and our future.
ANON:3:49, I am a African American, what is hateful about what I wrote? and why do I need to be called out?
I answered 12:47 comment, I broke down the main reason as to why some White folk's were (SCREAMING we want our Country back) this go's all the way back to THEIR forefather's!
You see these people are bringing up the Constitution, they want to make it clear that the President is not really legitimate by THEIR forefather's standard's! for these people have decided to give THEIR forefather's the last say so!
ANON: take note that I said THEIR, for they have Excluded all people of Color! for this is THEIR America! they claim that, THEIR country has come under Siege! THEIR America is being Dethroned of it's Purity, and that being the all White Race, for if you are not White you are not a Pure American, if you are not White you are considered Less Than, you do not count! if you are not White you have no RIGHT being the President, if you are not White, your Ancestor's Labor in this country is Null and Void! now this is in the mindset of the so called Pure White man! now, do you think God is in agreement with this Mindset?
In the White man's mindset, they are the one and only Superior Being! these people have decided to challenge God! they have decided to set up Idol's, and that being LIMBAUGH, HANNITY, BECK, COULTER, and the list go's on!
We have ONE President, the American PEOPLE chose him, not the forefather's! the people that chose the President to lead this country out number the one's that OPPOSE him! for it was the POWER of the people that put the President in the White House, and THOSE people came in all Color's!!!
There are a couple of people on here pretending to be black, but IseeIsee is, definitely, not one of them. There are, also, some on here pretending to be more than one person that come to stir up confusion.
((No 1))
BLACK INK said...
"Obama is not representative of our Black American roots. His ancestors did not come to America on slave ships like us."
I don't know what your beef is, but you're not articulating it well.
Obama's ancestors are possibly the ones that came to this country that became the "Black American roots," that you're so proud to own and exclude him from.
Let's see, what do we call ourselves? Oh, yeah. African Americans. I don't hear Africans objecting to our arrogating to ourselves the word Africa, although we don't have African roots, in the same way that we have "Black American roots."
The distinction is silly, counterproductive, and divisive.
"Rather, Obama's daddy was a black Kenyan opportunist that planted his African seed in a white girl he soon abandoned."
Whether he was an "opportunist" or not (Where's the proof?), I don't know. What I do know is that he married the "white girl," and I have read nowhere that this somehow benefited him more, than had he not married her.
It's my understanding that "Obama's daddy" went back to Kenya and fathered other children, Obama's siblings.
"Obama's daddy looked down on African Americans as do many 1st generation Africans residing in America today. That is the most insidious form of racism there is."
Give us proof that your above claim is as widespread as you say, and is specific to Obama's daddy.
The Africans that I have met have always been rather pleased with the blacks of this country, and have applauded our achievements in the midst of racism, and the continual push back we receive.
And if true, you can't call it racism. Another word may fit to describe the behavior you stated, but "racism" is not one of them.
And, if you call Africans' supposed hatred of black Americans as the ultimate racism, then you don't know a damn thing about racism.
"Brother" Obama was raised Barry Obama by white folks as a privileged "house negro" (a detestable term the field negro and his minions often call blacks that do not openly hate whites, so the irony is appropriate in this setting)"
Not surprisingly, you have misstated Field's use of the term "House Negro." But you have to do that to make your case: " [Barack Obama] only came to claim his black roots in adult life when it was politically expedient for him to do so."
((No 2))
You failed in your attempt to diminish President Obama in my estimation. For my part, even if you're right (and you're not), I couldn't give a good damn whether he did it because he couldn't pass as white, thought he could use it to advance his political career, or what have you.
You've already stated that President Obama has no "black roots," but when it's expedient for you to cast aspersions on him, you conjure up the term.
I don't care if Obama is a "brother from another planet," he's still the president of these united states, the people choice, and deserving of the respect that comes with the office--a respect that you'd deny him.
"His black physical features mask his white upbringing and dupe the black masses who are too mesmerized to see past the cover to judge the actual content of the book."
Stop with the triteness! We're all the product of our culture (and here in this country that culture is predominantly white European), regardless of who was responsible for upbringing.
And the only person who is "duped," is you, thinking that by saying we're too "mesmerized" by Obama's exterior to see the real man, that's going to make us rise up en masse and shake your hand for delivering us from our blindness.
I'd could say that you're too mesmerized by Obama's origin, the son of an African man and a white woman, to look pass your own biases to behold the man's that's there.
"As an earlier poster noted, MLK would not be pleased with black America's judgeship of our 'black' Emperor. When will a young black child point and proclaim for all of us to hear: 'Look the Emperor has no clothes!'"
I guess we'll never know if MLK would be pleased, or not, without conducting a séance. And you're the only one I've heard call Obama a "black Emperor," and the only child who has proclaimed, "Look the Emperor has no clothes."
Give it a rest. Express your unfounded opinions on those blogs that would appreciate your smack down of President Obama.
From our perspective you offer little to detract from him, and your rant did nothing (absolutely nothing), but tell us just how much in need of a head adjustment you require.
@Xi, you're as wrong as Black Ink. I'll be your huckleberry!
BTW, maria, I totally agree with you that President Carter is a man of honor. He has a lot of work helping poor people and working with habitat. They tried to smear him but he is basically a good man.
Granny President Carter is standing firm, GOOD, I was waiting for a Brave White man to come forth! Keith Olberman cannot do all the work alone!
I don't know who in the world wrote(I was pretending to be Black) that person should read my comment over!
Michael Steele was on FOX NEW'S, he called the President (Ignorant)! this man is calling the President out, Michael Steele add's to White Racism, he has given the Racist approval to disrespect the President!
Granny did you get my E-mail?
There is so much room on the road of ignorance, hate and stupidity. I'm not surprised by anything. Alot has happened. Plenty of racial incidents. The easy thing is to spew this mess like drug induced Limpdog behind radio transmissions; or hide like the southern congressman behind the political veils; or like the punk ass man that assaulted a mom in front of her child...these fools won't do this shit with the average 'Malik'. They know that in the right setting they better @ least act like they love Black people and everything about them, or take a gamble on all their fears (real and imagined), occurring. It takes no strength to talk shit. No medal of honor for hiding behind your followers...what Carter said.did took real balls. These lunatics continue to carry out their craziness until they meet the wrong person...
Xi is White, a Republican, a fundamentalist, and does not support Obama.
Only an asshole thinks that Pres. Obama is both the cure all and/or the cause of all that befails this country. We have a history past and present of hating anyone that is different or smarter. The reasons why don't matter. It just is. No one person can repair the insanity that spreads like cancer among those that just don't give a damn. People will believe what they want no matter how many of these beliefs are disproven. You can't force anyone to deny what they believe is true in between their ears...
Hey..what about that White Air Force Chick getting her ass kicked by a Black Dude???? Oh, it was the other way around?? Yay Racism!!!
Anon 10:06,
By your convoluted standards, any black man who calls bullshit on socialism and/or outright lies pushed by a liberal elected official/agenda must either be white or the pejorative "Tom".
Your lack of judgment reminds of the last 2008 primary in Dallas. I went to vote in the Republican primary, since I support "R"esponsibility rather than "D"ependency. The polling official, a black female, at the democratic bench thought I must be lost since I was a black man and was headed towards the Republican polling booths. She offered to direct me to the "color correct" democratic polling booths.
How stereotypically insulting and demeaning to me that was. Are black Americans so indoctrinated that if we dare to think for ourselves we are ostracized?
Thank God I am not that mindless and have the courage to think for myself and not as I am told. My vote is not a mere proxy for others.
hey jody:
i guess u missed some of van jones' resignation letter at YOUR link, huh???
"4. Stay connected and speak up for me via your favorite blogs (e.g., Huffington Post, Grist, Jack & Jill, etc.), on message boards and all of your favorite social networking platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Supporters have set up a couple of them, to help you stay engaged, including: I Stand With Van Jones and I Love Van Jones.
In due course, I will be offering my perspective on what has happened--including correcting the record about false charges. In the meantime, I must get my family affairs in order and sort through numerous offers and options."
Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/16/van-jones-breaks-silence_n_289256.html
please do stay tuned...
If you had bothered to read my post of his letter, you would see that I posted the whole thing, which included what you repeated.
then j:
how did YOU miss that there is so much pending and unpenned???
van is clearly being glaringly reticent and cautious therein!
I will let his letter speak for itself and take HIM at his words... all of them. I too look forward to seeing what Mr. Jones says in the future. But, I will not put words in his mouth or speculate about what is NOT his words. That is what one does when one respects the author.
may i remind you that you originally attacked me because i did not read this author's letter with your eyes?
your selective reading rules are showing right along with your hypocrisies...
we will both await the end of this saga...
Projection much?
"i guess u missed some of van jones' resignation letter at YOUR link, huh???"
are u schizo too?
YOU initiated this entire thread
wed. beforw i poated that reply!
got YOUR memory?
who are you trying to kid? You are not Black and have no idea how to relate to being a black man. That's the trouble with you Republican wingnuts, you lie. Obviously, you are not committed to the truth and therefore uncommitted to God.
These threads always take the same twists and turns. Too many on here really believe that just because they spout of endless sentences they make their opinions true. They don't.
These episodes of cyber fighting make me jump to the comment form all too often. Too much bullshit overshadowing the others here that want intelligent dialog...
"And I'll say it once again-- Michael Eric Dyson is a much better man than I am, I would have cold-cocked the son-of-a-bitch right there on camera."
Way to disprove the stereotype, Ivan.
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