Well the speech has been given. And so far there has been no 911 calls from middle A-merry-ca that little Johnny is trying to work on his basketball moves. And that little Heather, all of a sudden, has a crush on Bow Wow. Kids weren't walking around the school yards like Zombies chanting "yes we can." In fact, the parents who held their children back from school today for fear of the black man in the White House brain washing their kids, look downright foolish. (Not that it took much to accomplish that feat.)
There were no hidden messages. (Unless it was hidden to black folks, because I didn't see it) No "Jedi mind tricks". No Socialist propaganda. Just a president talking to the nation's children and telling them how to do the right things. There was nothing controversial about it. In fact, you really have to ask yourself why it was so controversial in the first place. Hell even Laura Bush was on board with his O ness on this one. And she was actually a school teacher.
"Every single one of you has something that you're good at. Every single one of you has something to offer," ... "And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is."
That seemed to be the theme throughout the entire speech. No politics, no secret indoctrination, just an honest to goodness talk that every parents should be having with their own kids. So protesters like the one who greeted his O ness with a sign that said "Mr. President, stay away from our kids" really needs to get a clue. In fact, I have some news for the wingnut who was holding that sign: I want you to stay the hell away from our kids. And if you have kids of your own, DHS (or whatever they call youth services in your state) should step in right now and take the little "rug rats" right from under you.
So the republic survives. At the end of the day even the wingnuts didn't have much to chirp about. Well, most of them.
This blogger sums up what this might be all about best: (Besides the other obvious reasons, of course.)
" ...the speech comes just as Americans are debating Obama's health-care proposals. Malkin and other conservatives find the timing suspicious.
Presidential speeches to students are nothing new, of course. Ronald Reagan addressed the nation's schoolchildren in 1988. That was an election year. Reagan talked of maintaining traditional moral values, a cornerstone of George Bush Sr.'s presidential campaign.
Try to find a moment in history -- especially recent history -- when Americans aren't involved in some manner of divisive political debate.
Granted, maybe some teachers, being human beings, get carried away with their political views. That happens throughout the political spectrum. It's an indictment of blind partisanship, not liberalism.
Whatever danger it presents pales before the danger of people losing faith in public education because teachers have been reduced to simple-minded stereotypes."
Sadly, that's just the way they want it.
you show intellectual dishonesty by refusing to acknowledge that the original plan was to have students write about how they can "help President Obama". Once the protests occurred, then Slick Obama had language like that removed. Now hacks pretend that the language was never there.
About intellectual dishonesty: is that a personality trait of yours? It must be such a simple world for you, everything is about how the "racists" are against you.
But at least you're not censoring here, unlike others do on their sites.
Anon...Prove IT...
"...Kids weren't walking around the school yards like Zombies chanting "yes we can."..."
Lol! Good stuff FN.
Hey Field,
Sorry to be off topic but I believe this http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/beijing/blog/fourth_place_medal/post/Embattled-track-star-Caster-Semenya-gets-new-coa?urn=oly,187999
deserves your attention. Makes me wanna wear baggy clothes for a week in protest.
Obama removed the lesson plan, wrongfully in my opinion. I guess this is the last vestige of stupidity the right Wing has to cling to: It's a bad thing for the president to ask kids how they can help him.
This made the right wing look like the half witted nimrods that they are. They don't even have the intelligence to know how completely idiodic they look.
One thing about the Obama presidency is the way it is the gift that keeps on giving. The right wing have seized upon any manufactured opportunity to make complete asses of themselves.
Monie said...
"...Kids weren't walking around the school yards like Zombies chanting "yes we can."..."
Lol! Good stuff FN.
Millions of Americans on election night were like zombies chanting "yes we can".So forgive us if we still believe Obama's a voodoo negro.
Voodoo or more properly called Vodun, is not Kenyan.
BrookLyn, I saw that over at the blog I am feeling, Africa Is A Country. Sad huh?
"Millions of Americans on election night were like zombies chanting "yes we can".So forgive us if we still believe Obama's a voodoo negro."
The right still hasn't gotten over that night. Although I can't say that I blame them. I guess I would feel that way too if I felt that I was losing my country to THOSE people.:)
MrR said.....
Millions of Americans on election night were like zombies chanting "yes we can".So forgive us if we still believe Obama's a voodoo negro.
Oh Mr.R.... it was really more like that scene from the Wizard of Oz when we were all feeling a bit like the munchins who sang Ding Dong the Witch is Dead..... after 8 very long nightmare years of illegal wars, corporate greed on steroids, state sanctioned torture, international ill repute...
Election night was a time to dance in the streets. Stop being such a sore whiny loser. Man up son.
Isaac: "Prove it?"
that's funny, because that's exactly what the white college boys who hang out at Daily Kos or Huffington Post would say. Exactly.
You really should have more self respect than to imitate those white college boys and their doofus comebacks. You know, they think of themselves as your savior. That should rankle you, but instead you must accept it because you imitate them.
Hathor said...
Voodoo or more properly called Vodun, is not Kenyan.
I knew Obama was born in Kenyan!!!!!
Obama did sound pretty conservative today. If Obama would just preach personal responsibility to the rest of America we would be ok.
But we saw what happen the last time Obama tried to peach personal responsibility to black folk......
And now for a little levity about it all:
Hitler Finds Out Obama to Address School Children:
Jody said...
Oh Mr.R.... it was really more like that scene from the Wizard of Oz when we were all feeling a bit like the munchins who sang Ding Dong the Witch is Dead.....
And just 8 months later Democrats are on suicide watch.
What happen Jody??
Man, to hell with these fake "christian", conservative, free enterprise fools. I just hope some of our kids were listening to what the President (of the whole United States, assholes!) was saying. Anyway, if just one kid doesn't give up, then it is a victory for all of us.
It wasn't until I went to college that I really understood how easy some peoples lives are. I call them the "nothing bad ever happens to me" people. I always understood there were rich people, but I didn't understand the people who came from families that were "comfortable". A lot of them (not all) really didn't give a damn about anyone else because they never had any real problems.
I'm not hating the players. I am just glad to see a President finally talking to the kids who can make a decision to tough out getting clowned because they have good grades and can speak intelligible English.
Somewhere out there, in the back of a classroom with out of date text books and one ancient computer, there is an overweight little girl with nappy hair and last years backpack that will find her way "through the looking glass".
Somehow she will get to go to MIT or Xavier and finally invent the flying car or be the first black female Supreme Court Justice. Maybe a little positive message from the President when she was a little girl might just have helped he hang on.
Stranger things have happened! A black man might even get to be President of the United States some day, who knows?
The difference between Dems and Rethugs is the rethugs REFUSED to admit when Bush made deals with the devil, lie, and send their children off to die. They refused to admit he did anything wrong. That BLIND obedience destroyed any good will we may have had internationally and damn near destroyed this country domestically. Dems are not suicidal, they are just not lock step stupid. That we can disagree with each other and get frustrated with each other suggests CRITICAL thinking.. something the rethugs sorely lack. Like I said, Man up and stop whining.
"Somewhere out there, in the back of a classroom with out of date text books and one ancient computer, there is an overweight little girl with nappy hair and last years backpack that will find her way "through the looking glass".
Somehow she will get to go to MIT or Xavier and finally invent the flying car or be the first black female Supreme Court Justice. Maybe a little positive message from the President when she was a little girl might just have helped he hang on.
Stranger things have happened! A black man might even get to be President of the United States some day, who knows"
Malik, I liked that. That was on point.
Just finished hearing the speech. Wish I would have heard that many years ago.
What does it matter if the President asked a bunch of kids to write him? How do you make the intellectual leap that their minds are being subverted by your own personal boogie man by writing an assignment. I would have welcomed any politician who took an interest in me and my concerns as an adolescent. Most spend their time trying to discover their independence while being ignored by their elders.
Your problem is and always will be that you hate the President's skin color. But you're not a racist right? My face twists every time I hear those words come out of someone's mouth because they're usually telling you exactly what they are.
That you have a problem with this President using the Bush litmus test says a lot for your judgment of character and your intellectual honesty.
I don't worship the President as America does in your own personal nightmare. He is a man like any other. And if I don't like the job he does in the next few years I won't have a problem not voting for another four. That is how our republic works. If you don't like the fact that a black man was elected for the highest office might I suggest their are some colder countries in the northern hemisphere with better standards of living than the U.S. and as an added benefit (to you) higher concentration of whites. In other words, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.
I waited 8 long years to use that phrase.
Well said Mr. Field
Thank you, field, for that shout out to teachers (via parentdish). Just once in awhile it's nice to know that not everyone thinks teachers are stupid and dishonest.
I went into teaching because I love to watch that light bulb come on behind a student's eyes when she first grasps that new idea. Like the time I explained that Black people in other parts of the world aren't referred to as "African American" -- lol. She was stunned, then amazed at her own ignorance.
I love teaching; I'm proud to be a teacher--it's a noble calling. But it is seldom that I get that acknowledgment from an outside source. So, again, thanks.
I heard the President's speech and and I am getting sick and tired of him throwing up Rapper's and the young Black Men that play sport's!!!
I remember it was those young black rapper's and other young people that did what they could to get his behind Elected!!! or did he forget that, he seem's to be throwing Black folk's under the bus quite a bit lately!! I think this need's to brought to his attention!!!
I am a older person but, these young people could be on the street corner selling Drug's, now, they may get in trouble now and then but, the President need's to stop using these young black men in a Negative light, this is as good as white folk's want!
I don't like how he builded up the Lady that wrote Harry Potter, that lady was turned down twelve time's because, those book's are not of God!!! and people want to talk about Indoctrination!
The President has to stop trying to take African American's for Granted! he let Van Jone's step away without a fight! this young man helped to get him elected! and now look!!! I am getting sick and tired of this! and I know Van is hurt behind this, and he should be!
You should critique something after you read, see, or listen to it. However, this is an example that politics are emtional. It was a nonpartisan speech with a simple message of children taking responsibility in learning and creating their destiny, but no the speech turned into some nefarious plot of the President indoctrinating the children to be socialists. Now this story was in the news cycle for the entire weekend, and not focusing on the healthcare debate or his speech before Congress and the country tonight. This story was inane and another way for certain people to use it as a distraction very much in the way of Van Jones. I am not saying that Jones was not important, but not really a central part of the administration. This is really seaason withh race playing a role.
I don't like how he builded up the Lady that wrote Harry Potter, that lady was turned down twelve time's because, those book's are not of God!!!
The President used JK Rowling as an example to keep on trying no matter how many times a person fail.
Do you not know that God doesn't just bless Christians? God's goodness and mercy rains on the just and unjust. God is not a man!
If these dimwits had a problem with the content of the worksheet. They could have told their children to write about ways they could impact policy in the ways THEY saw fit to help the President improve the country. Instead, they taught their children to run from a perceived problem rather than figuring out how to fix or manage it. Sad, sad, sad.
I believe he was saying success does not come as easily as you may think, even if you want to be a rapper or athlete. And like the President said the majority these kids are not going to become rappers or athletes.
"In other words, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.
I waited 8 long years to use that phrase."
Me too Javier, me too.
It is official, 'Mur-ka as defined by the GOP is the Land O' Idiots.
Stay in school and work hard is a "Socialist message". This beggars even my cynical sense of humour.
nice post...keep bloging..
Hey, Field, here's a candidate for House Negro of the Day.
Joe Watkins.
Here's a link to his bullshyt he spouted on MSNBC, and Dr. Nancy had to keep calling him out for making shyt up about the O man's speech to schook kids. Says Obama's "too charismatic" for parents to compete with and therefore, he shouldn't be giving speeches to school kids.
As one poster said on Crooks and Liars, "There must be good money in 'Tomming'".
"Hey, Field, here's a candidate for House Negro of the Day.
Joe Watkins."
Hi Christian Prog...yeah, Joe is a preacher/intellectual/conservative black man from our area. I am quite familiar with him. Let's just say tat ole Joe can be quite housish at times. :)
"In other words, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.
I waited 8 long years to use that phrase."
LOL@ Javier.
Thanks rachel.
Race Traitoress, thank you for your service. I have a lot of love for teachers.
I'm so sick and tired of stupid people of all backgrounds,my concern is crime in the Black community that don't seem to bring out the response we must stop the robbing and killing.But let a white person diss one of us and we are ready to start WW3!
teachers had nothing to do with this fiasco
blame obama's inept staff of sabotuers who bypassed school boards and input nazi lesson plans into schools in defiance of all precious protocol
as always, teachers are teh scapegoats of choice in all issues remotely related to education
i am glad that all those african warriors who built america never "left it"...they only left it better
"love it or leave it" is always counter-revolutionary and cowardly...no matter who spews it
obama has been coddled by all for about 3 yrs now...
look at the bailouts/"health reform" scam etc
how can you dare say only republicans were blind as obama is gwb 2.0???
most kids hate reading
nothing is as evil as illiteracy
harry potter books make kids read!
that ia always good!
"I'm so sick and tired of stupid people of all backgrounds,my concern is crime in the Black community that don't seem to bring out the response we must stop the robbing and killing.But let a white person diss one of us and we are ready to start WW3!"
It seems like you're lonely for more than information.
see an excellent column on obama at eur today:
Lonely for Information in Pittsburgh said...
I'm so sick and tired of stupid people of all backgrounds,my concern is crime in the Black community that don't seem to bring out the response we must stop the robbing and killing.But let a white person diss one of us and we are ready to start WW3!
Lord ain't that the truth!!!If someone had thrown this black kid down on the ground and spray painted kkk on him Jesse Jackson,NAACP,the NYTimes,MSNBC and CNN would be all over this case.But since its black on black we get ' we can't cover everything".
The race industry doesn't do black on black.
'you show intellectual dishonesty by refusing to acknowledge that the original plan was to have students write about how they can "help President Obama".'
You think maybe it wasn't mentioned because it's so common? More often than not,suggested lesson plans and other kinds of supplimental material are provided when schoolkids participate in events. It's nothing if not common. Why should this event be any different, and why would anyone in their right mind ascribe sinister motives to it?
"blame obama's inept staff of sabotuers who bypassed school boards and input nazi lesson plans into schools in defiance of all precious protocol"
You're actually serious, aren't you? Damn, you're as banged in the head as the looniest of the townhall screamers, LOL.
Mr. R.
"Lord ain't that the truth!!!If someone had thrown this black kid down on the ground and spray painted kkk on him Jesse Jackson,NAACP,the NYTimes,MSNBC and CNN would be all over this case.But since its black on black we get ' we can't cover everything".
Oh really?
Tell me who were G.P. Johnson and Noah Jones?
Since the media is "all over" white on black crimes.
I'll patiently await your response Goober.
it is much easier to hurl names than do research
this has never been about his speech...he speaks on tv incessantly
your loony denial will never protect you or change the documented fact that obama's original nazi-ish ineptitude created his own mess within this entire tame speech's flap!
If there's a "House Negro of The Year" I would like to nominate Alicia Banks.
uptownsteve said...
Tell me who were G.P. Johnson and Noah Jones?
Noah Jones and his hommies brought guns to a party and tried to crash it.A fight broke out when they wouldn't leave and Noah died has a result of a fall.
This case was written about in the Washington Post,Baltimore Sun,Orlando Sentinel,and in newspappers in every state.
G.P. Johnson was murdered in 1997? so its harder to look up but i did find were Democrats and Republicans spoke about this case.Found something in the USA Today about the case.
Both cases got more attention from the liberal msm than any single black on black murder.
Why is that?
and i nominate you and obama you masochistic gd fool
that is exactly what your house nigger kin said...just before my field slaves torched you along with your beloved mulatto overseers like obama!
here is more on obama's racist obsessions with rappers:
Alicia Banks I am having a hard time accepting you as a black person when you use the term mulatto. Rappers and athletes have never been the best role-models or icons for black people as a whole regardless of the whole monolithic thing people want to get away from. Most of us are from different backgrounds and when you assume that we all jig to a beat for it or get picked for professional teams then it becomes a problem. Some of us actually play the system and do very well doing so. When kids see that the rat race is beatable and the way out has more options than playing with a ball or a microphone then Obama will stop picking on the semi-negative icons.
You of course don't care, keep using the terms mulatto, quadrune, octarune, and whatever else makes you feel good. Just do me a favor and change your picture. I think a white firby would be good, if you need one I can photoshop one for you real quick.
do not ever hurl what you are too weak and arrogantly ignorant to catch!
what is your "point"?
did you actually call me a house negro and then feign indignation at my retort in kind???
you are a hypocrite, a coward, and a moron!
you will NEVER measure my blackness by my refusal to worship your beloved genocidal mulatto in chief obama/gwb 2.0!!!
i have dedicated my life to educating DROVES of poor black children who are doomed by obama's elitist policies that will make their parents jobless and homeless for decades!!!
what have YOU done for a single poor black child???
the day that gd fools like you learn to id and attack yor REAL enemies as quickly as u dare to buckdance up to me is the day that
you will be free from massa and his mulatto oversser!
instead of whining about antebellum slurs you can dish but cannot take
whine about the mulatto's bailouts that have failed!:
voab words will never pay any bills!
why is obama not planning any high end liquor or other luxury item tax?
because poor black people drink more soda than anyone you gd suicidal fool/masochist!!!
Yep AB you are so right.Obama is taxin' kool-aid and soda in order to hurt poor black Americans while not taxin' his rich white masters.
alice walker has a classic saying:
"the thinner the life, the wider the hips"
most poor people eat toxic sugary fattenng diets because it is quick and cheap and often their only pleasures...
soda is far less expensive than the fresh squeezed juices and designer waters the obamas and their peers ingest
obama is not even really gray
he is money green!
we are at war by class not race in america!
Mr. R.
You're a pathetic lying racist pantload.
'nuff said.
"Just do me a favor and change your picture. I think a white firby would be good, if you need one I can photoshop one for you real quick."
your juvenile antics repulse me
you are tired, grossly ignorant, and contributing absolutely nothing of relevance to the grave discussions herein...
i take pride in the fact that the new world order is in progress so that flagrantly illiterate and cowardly morons like you will perish...preferably before you breed
uptownsteve said...
Mr. R.
You're a pathetic lying racist pantload.
Yo mama.......
I don't read this blog every day, but I read it enough to know that it's rich for someone whose whole presence here is about making racist taunts...calls someone else a "racist".
That white privilege must be some heady shit, huh?
THIS right here is a "ditto!"...4 real:
It gets really crazy around here during the day.....
Now where were we, oh yeah, the speech, I read the speech before it came out, and I also tried to find the actual lesson plan, all I have heard is that the original lesson plan asked children what they could do to help the President, and? What's wrong with that? I thought Kennedy asked people what they could do for their country, nobody was calling him names or anything.
no lies live forever...
ref sidebar Scoop
My thoughts too, he getting closer to Chaney.
Haven't you heard them parse the difference. To help the President is to be his dupes and by helping they become indoctrinated as Hitler Youth. This is not the same as helping your country. In some scenarios the word help had been changed to serve.
Hey Hath or,
"Hitler Youth",what an insult all around.
When the local school had the students watch the inauguration, some parents complained, so it's not surprising that these nuts would protest a speech by the President to children.
No, I hadn't heard them parse the difference, thank goodness.
sorry about how your name got split, i think blogspot did that when I posted?
Greg Dragon, it's a damn sickening shame. I feel your pain.
mulatto furby here!
does anybody know how to shrink eyeballs?
ab, you are sooo funny today. Where's the black furby?
you show intellectual dishonesty by refusing to acknowledge that the original plan was to have students write about how they can "help President Obama". Once the protests occurred, then Slick Obama had language like that removed. Now hacks pretend that the language was never there.
About intellectual dishonesty: is that a personality trait of yours? It must be such a simple world for you, everything is about how the "racists" are against you.
But at least you're not censoring here, unlike others do on their sites.
9:18 PM<<
President George H.W. Bush did the same, asking kids to write the White House and there was nothing like the brouhaha that occurred recently over President Obama's address to the nation's schoolchildren.
Oh Mr.R.... it was really more like that scene from the Wizard of Oz when we were all feeling a bit like the munchins who sang Ding Dong the Witch is Dead..... after 8 very long nightmare years of illegal wars, corporate greed on steroids, state sanctioned torture, international ill repute...
Election night was a time to dance in the streets. Stop being such a sore whiny loser. Man up son.<<
Thank you, Jody. Thank you. :-)
You know, they think of themselves as your savior. That should rankle you, but instead you must accept it because you imitate them.<<
Sweetie, don't dodge the question. Prove it. Provide a link. :-)
Rethugs is the rethugs REFUSED to admit when Bush made deals with the devil, lie, and send their children off to die. <<<
Jody, the thing is is that the Republicans have made a cottage industry of sending other people's kids off to die, not their own.
I went into teaching because I love to watch that light bulb come on behind a student's eyes when she first grasps that new idea. Like the time I explained that Black people in other parts of the world aren't referred to as "African American" -- lol. She was stunned, then amazed at her own ignorance.<<<
I am not a teacher, but I did teach a class on journalism and writing to a bunch of fourth graders while working at a local newspaper.
I imparted to them the importance of knowing their history and the beauty of the English language, vis a vis how the English language borrows so many words from other languages. In any case I told the kids how at one time children had to labor away in factories and this changed because of child labor laws. There was one little black girl who wondered how that could have been, why these kids long ago were not in school instead of working. Well, I told her that back then, education was not considered important for children of working-class people.
That poor baby had such a hurt and astonished look on her face as she asked, "Why?"
That was something that those kids, including that little girl, was unaware of and how education is now available for all children today.
Javier said.... "...might I suggest their are some colder countries in the northern hemisphere with better standards of living than the U.S. and as an added benefit (to you) higher concentration of whites. In other words, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT."
Javier they won't go! They have real socialized medicine already in most of those places. And you know that they can't have that!
I am stunned by the backward reaction of school officials who surrendered to the cries of ignorance of many parents by not broadcasting our president's educational speech. It is shameful that educated people allowed themselves to be bullied by the intellectual cowardice of some parents who now view our president as an enemy of the state.
Soon there will be charges of treason and sedition targeted at the white house one wonders if our educated elites will lend themselves to those noises and unworthy chants of the ignorant. Time will tell...
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