There is a very interesting political soap opera taking place here in Pennsylvania. Seems that Congressman Joe Sestak, who represents the 7th Congressional district here in Pistolvania, and who is running against Arlen Specter in the dumbocratic primary for the senate, has accused his O ness and company of offering him a high level gig if he will drop out of the race. Not so fast says the White House, we did no such thing.
So who is lying? Somebody clearly is. And Sestak raised the stakes by going on Radio Rwanda and declaring that he was absolutely offered a cushy gig not to run against Specter, and he is not backing down from his declarations.
"In the face of a White House denial, U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak stuck to his story yesterday that the Obama administration offered him a "high-ranking" government post if he would not run against U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania's Democratic primary.
A White House official "vociferously" denied his account yesterday as Sestak insisted on national television that he had told the truth, but declined for a second day to divulge details.
"I was asked a direct question . . . and I answered it honestly," Sestak said in a Fox News interview. "There's nothing more to go into."
Sestak made his startling claim Thursday during the taping of Comcast Network's Larry Kane: Voice of Reason, a public affairs show televised on Sunday evenings.
"Were you ever offered a federal job to get out of this race?" Kane asked near the end of the 30-minute interview.
"Yes," Sestak answered." [Story]
If the White House did offer Sestak a gig it wouldn't be the first time that the executive branch (certainly not this one) played politics in this manner. They are the executive branch, but they still belong to a political party, and they still want to help their candidates get elected. But here is the thing; both men are dumbocrats, and Sestak is closer to the left than Specter- a man who would rather switch than fight his own party in order to survive politically- So if Sestak is telling the truth it's troubling. The flip side is that if he is lying he has committed political suicide.
This should be fun. Again, somebody is lying. I love it when politricksters are exposed for the liars they really are.
Finally tonight, I have to comment on my man Rush. (I know I know, it's like shooting fish in a barrel) When he tried to buy the Rams and people were accusing him of being a racist he and his conservative friends vehemently denied it. And he even had his house Negro friend, Rev. Ken ,on his radio program to defend him. (I wonder if Rush thinks that Rev. Ken talks like a Negro?) Rush and the man sang Kumbaya (not literally) while Rush declared that he doesn't see race. For the record; Rush has constantly maintained on his program that the matter of race never crosses his mind. Well...
Anyway, I am out....Wait, did that sound too Negro? Let me change that: Have a wonderful night everybody.
Toodle oo and cheeerio! :)
Rush has constantly maintained on his program that the matter of race never crosses his mind.
He must mean 10K's or Nascar.
Field, I clicked on the word "Well..." and listened to Rush's talk show about the Dalai Lama having to leave out the back of the White House among garbage bags without a coat in the snow.
He then claimed that the O man did that so China would know that the US Prez wasn't doing anything special for the Dalai Lama at the White. Hahahaha. I am sorry, I can't stop laughing...
"Meanwhile," Rush says, Rev Sharpton goes out the front doe."ROFLMAO...this is killing me.
Then Rush has the nerve to say he knows how to talk like black folks when he said "front doe." LOL The man is one very sick puppy.
Field, that was hilarious. Thanks for the funny good time, bro.
Btw, I believe Sestak, but that was a dumb move on his part. I am sure Rahm will set him straight by politically roasting his ass.
Sestak must be planning to switch parties.
Obama is gay:
Arlen has been destroying Sestak in the polls. Why would the White House bother?
If Sestak went whining to Fox News about the offer, I think I smell a rat. I take that back. I think I smell a Fox.
I would be the dumbest voter to not believe Sestak statement,the man has been one of a few politicans to almost tell the truth.
As a fellow Pencil-Yuckian living in "The Big Queasey" (AKA Altoona), I always enjoy watching the liars and outright crooks pretending that "we" count.
I play for some of their back room affairs locally and hear what they say to each other. What they'd REALLY like to see happeneing. What they REALLY think.
Rush and Beck and that bunch...Field, I've said id before, I'll say it again, Right-Thinking Negroes (or is it Negros?) should be happy they are out in front, saying the things they say, uttering their inmost, uh, thoughts (?).
Any one of them does more to blast the Myth of White Supremecy out of the water just by opening thier silly mouths than the NAACP and ACLU have ever managed.
Yeah, I know, I know, what about the doofus's who LISTEN to them and hang on their every word without laughing out loud? That's the Real problem and shame.
And I'm a caucasian who says it, too.
LOL@ Sarge. Hey Sarge, what kind of music do you play? If I am ever in Altoona I will check you out.(And yes folks I know where Altoona is)
Bigmac..don't be so quick to defend Sestak. I know he was an Admiral and the whole bit, but he has had some truth telling issues in the past. (Look at the Philly.com link I provided)
Swiff, I don't know, unless they didn't want Specter to have to spend a lot of money in the primary. The senate race is going to be tough for him. The rethugs are gunning for him big time.
cactusrose and Trapped.., stop it. It's too early for me to be laughing this hard. :)
Filled Negro:
Please allow me to offer you a CLUE.
I explain to you what Rush Limbaugh is doing by pointing to a recent example of the same SARCASM that you did not have a problem with - Steven Colbert.
Recall that your best bud in the White House - Rhalm Emanuel called leftist Democrats like yourself "Retards". The #1 Black Progressive Media subject in 2010 - Sarah Palin - rebuked him. When it was brought to her attention that Rush Limbaugh also used the word "Retard" - Ms Palin said that he was only being SARCASTIC.
Upon hearing the CLAIM that it is OK to use the word "RETARD" as long as you are being SARCASTIC......Steven Colbert called Mrs Palin a "Retard".....SARCASTICALLY.
Do you GET IT Filled Negro?
Now take that same model and lets apply it to the "Light Skinned Negro" with "A Switchable Negro Dialect". When Harry Reid said these things several members of the Congressional Black Democrat Caucus said that THEY WERE NOT BOTHERED BY HIS WORDS - Harry has shown his commitment to the Negro based upon his works.
Thus what do YOU THINK Rush Limbaugh is doing?
Since the "Democrats who are Black" have punted on holding people accountable for using RACIALIST talk - Limbaugh is working with THEIR NEW RULES.
Listen Filled Negro - Rush Limbaugh knows that there is NOTHING that he can do to make a RACISM CHASER see him as not a RACIST - except become a Liberal and a Democrat.
For me as a Black man - Filled Negro - I am inclined to make note of the REAL RACIST TALK AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE and who is saying it WITHOUT the rebuke that you and other Racism Chasers are known to do. The "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirates" attack Black people on ONE ALBUM RELEASE than does "racist" Rush Limbaugh has done during his entire career.
We must ask people like YOU, Filled Negro - what makes Rush Limbaugh's microphone SUPERIOR to the same studio mic used by the Hip Hop artists?
Specter was never a hardline conservative anyway and I remember at one point his appointment being to a senatorial committee being held up until he could allay the concerns of his fellow republicans that he'd toe the party line; and this was before the latest lurch to the extreme right the party has taken in the wake of the 2008 election.
He switched because the republicans were probably going to go after him for being insufficiently conservative and the fact that some many republicans changed parties to vote for Obama.
As to the job offer, there'll be continued denials from the white house as I'm sure any such offer was nebulous enough to allow them to back away and say it wasn't put out there on the table.
"Since the "Democrats who are Black" have punted on holding people accountable for using RACIALIST talk - Limbaugh is working with THEIR NEW RULES."
So let me follow your logic: Limbaugh does not see race or believe in "Racialist" talk, but he does it because the dumbocratas do it? Is that your excuse for Limbaugh? If it is, it might say as much about you as it does him. *scratching head*
"Listen Filled Negro - Rush Limbaugh knows that there is NOTHING that he can do to make a RACISM CHASER see him as not a RACIST - except become a Liberal and a Democrat."
Wrong! He can try being a decent human being instead of the filthy piece of scum that he is. His political ideology doesn't matter to me. I thought, for instance, that Jack Kemp was a decent man. And I think that John Edwards is a scum-bag. So spare me.
"For me as a Black man - Filled Negro - I am inclined to make note of the REAL RACIST TALK AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE and who is saying it WITHOUT the rebuke that you and other Racism Chasers are known to do. The "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirates" attack Black people on ONE ALBUM RELEASE than does "racist" Rush Limbaugh has done during his entire career."
Oh yes,back to hip hop and the street pirates again. *yawn* Damn CF, did a rapper take your girl back in the day or something? Your obsession with rappers is frightening. THEY ARE ENTERTAINERS!
Rush is a political pundit who tries to keep his audience of simpletons and loofs entertained while he does it.Do you not see the difference?
When you go to an opera, do you believe everything that the fat lady sings? You shouldn't. It's an opera, for your entertainment only. :)
Damn CF, did a rapper take your girl back in the day or something? Your obsession with rappers is frightening. THEY ARE ENTERTAINERS!
"Just entertainers" For real? look at how many thugs wanna be like them. You casually make that statement like they have no power. C'mon FN, you know better than that. And I think you should blog a little more about their negative influence on the community. Oh, sorry, not your community, you don't know folks like that. :)
Some would say Rush is entertainment.
Some would say black face party is entertainment.
But as you know, entertainment is too simple, there is power behind much of it and as CF (who I don't admire) points out, it's an issue man. Who are these street pirates emulating. Entertainers? Yes. And it's serious mon.
[quote]Damn CF, did a rapper take your girl back in the day or something? Your obsession with rappers is frightening. THEY ARE ENTERTAINERS![/quote]
Filled Negro:
I have in this very laptop that I am typing (some sense) this message to you a DVD entitled: "Hoodz - Heat From The Street". I am ripping it in order to make portions of it "web ready" for analysis on my blog.
It goes around to various cities (Boston, Houston, Chicago, New Orleans) and interviews RAPPERS.
For YOU or anyone else to deny the linkage between: "Hip Hop", "Street Pirates" and "Politics" shows a gross state of BLINDNESS and bigotry.
* BEEFS (really they are merely acting like women but with a rough exterior and hand guns)
are the common themes in all of these.
Filled Negro - I am convinced that for people like YOU and Jody and Mellaneous - YOU don't want to confront this CONSCIOUSNESS which is so destructive and violent and thus you OBFUSCATE outward. Any Republican/Conservative will do.
Your "self-chumming" exercises have reached an all-time high. I hope that your followers are seeing through it.
[quote]So let me follow your logic: Limbaugh does not see race or believe in "Racialist" talk, but he does it because the dumbocratas do it? Is that your excuse for Limbaugh? If it is, it might say as much about you as it does him. *scratching head[/quote]
This is why I keep noting how despite both Limbaugh and the "Hip Hop Voice of the Street Pirates" are seen as ENTERTAINERS - for some reason RUSH LIMBAUGH has a bigger "mic" than any of these others.
Filled Negro: Here is what I respect about Rush Limbaugh (though I don't agree with all of his points):
HE KNOWS that the NAACP, Color Of Change, Van Jones, AfroSpear and various "White Liberal Snarling Foxes" (Garafalo) use the claims OF RACIST as nothing more than a POLITICAL tool.
When he goes straight after the Black Leftist Establishment - "chumming them" - it is actually funny to me. This is because - JUST AS WHEN YOU "self-chumm" you know that it WORKS EVERY TIME!!!!
I listened to him use the "Negro dialect" bit on his show during the "Dingy Harry" episode AND I LAUGHED!!!
You and other Racism Chasers can't stand that a WHITE MAN is not afraid to be labeled as such. In that way Rush Limbaugh is like the "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" because (as I tell Jody all of the time) for YOUR ANTICS TO WORK you need someone who "GIVES A DAMN WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT HIM" before your admonitions to work.
Filled Negro - you personally would do better by first establishing a set of IMMUTABLE RULES that you will enforce on EVERYONE. They you would grow a pair of "credibility" nuts upon which you can stand upon when you do go after the violators.
The New Poor- http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/21/business/economy/21unemployed.html?hp
longtime reader, first time commenter:
I'm not sure what this Sestak story tells us other than that the white house doesn't want to waste time & money on contentious Democratic primaries where they can be avoided. If they did offer Sestak something to drop his bid, it's only because like everyone else, they know that Specter would sooner switch right back to the Republican party than give up the senate seat that he thinks he owns; so if someone was going to be pushed out, it had to be Sestak.
I know that those of us on the left are supposed to be scrutinizing every move for some fresh betrayal from the Democrats running things in Washington, but I'm not willing to infer that this story says anything about a preference for either man's degree of liberalness, when there seems to be a much more straight forward explanation.
What I do know for sure is that any "liberal" Democrat that takes their pissing match with a Democratic administration directly to Fixed News, knowing full well that the only reason they're giving him/her the time of day is because it helps their agenda of screwing Democrats and Obama in particular at any opportunity, is a giant rat.
[quote]What I do know for sure is that any "liberal" Democrat that takes their pissing match with a Democratic administration directly to Fixed News, knowing full well that the only reason they're giving him/her the time of day is because it helps their agenda of screwing Democrats and Obama in particular at any opportunity, is a giant rat.[/quote]
Gee Moja31:
I figure the same thing with regards to Blacks and Leftist interests. We saw with Prop 8 in California that when "The Blacks" voted in a manner that was not acceptable to the White leftists - their frequent ideological mates became "Nigras" once again.
"So let me follow your logic: Limbaugh does not see race or believe in "Racialist" talk, but he does it because the dumbocratas do it? Is that your excuse for Limbaugh? If it is, it might say as much about you as it does him. *scratching head*"
I'm not going to try to defend Rush's character - he has said enough stupid things in the past that he deserves the skepticism he receives - but this was a rather mild bit of sarcasm. It was Harry Reid that gave us the term "negro dialect", and he was the foil of this comment, not black America.
I love that Sestak gave us a glimpse inot machinations of the Obama administration, the sneakiest dirt-dealers since Nixon. Obama is a mix of Nixon without the competence and Carter without the entertaining drunk brother. And the more we get to know him, the weirder it's going to get.
I play harp at these kinds of events.
I also direct, play percussion and brass, and violin in other local groups.
[quote]I'm not going to try to defend Rush's character - he has said enough stupid things in the past that he deserves the skepticism he receives - but this was a rather mild bit of sarcasm. It was Harry Reid that gave us the term "negro dialect", and he was the foil of this comment, not black America.[/quote]
I am not sure which Anon you are - the Dumb one or the one that has some sense but - let me explain how the art of "cajoling" works with Black folks.
It just so happens that the Black Establishment is dominated by leftist Progressives. It also just so happens that everyone on the "Right" that dares criticize this machine is labeled a RACIST. I occasionally listen to Medved and Pragger. They at times have some excellent authors on their show. Sadly the fact that they are labeled as "Racist Conservatives" means that the average "Democrat who is Black" will only listen to the "Joyner/Smiley/Baedsen/Sharpton/Jackson" view of the world.
Rush Limbaugh and Marc Levin are more provocative. They troll for attention from the left by attacking - and the left dutifully responds.
My key problem is that those who CLAIM to be representing "progressive" or "Black" interests spend more time WRITING ABOUT Rush Limbaugh and crew than they do focusing upon those who ACTUALLY HAVE ELECTIVE OFFICES that impact their COMMUNITY.
In the year 2009:
* Limbuagh
* Steele
* Palin
have received far, far more coverage than have the entire Congressional Black Caucus and EVER local Black Elected official over their community by the Black Biased Press
"But as you know, entertainment is too simple, there is power behind much of it and as CF (who I don't admire) points out, it's an issue man. Who are these street pirates emulating. Entertainers? Yes. And it's serious mon."
I agree. Many of those 'entertainers' spread the seeds of degradation and murder of bw, our mothers, and children. They have caused TREMENDOUS suffering, pain and damage to the black community. IMO, they are DESTROYERS, not entertainers.
THEY are the ones who have given birth to the evils carried by Street Pirates in our community. Field considers a "ghetto party" by college Whites to be of concern, but he 'yawns', at CF and the Street Pirates who terrorize our community DAILY.
But it is not only Field, there are others who habitually minimize a MONSTROUS problem that is continually growing. In this respect, they are ‘unintentional’ allies with the racists they deplore. Conversely, they are unintentional enemies of their own race.
I have learned a lot about on FN blog. It is clear that House Negroes, who claim to be Field Negroes, are very common among us, yet everybody denies it. The RAW TRUTH is that 'Authentic' Field Negroes are indeed rare, VERY RARE. Street Pirates, and so-called ENTERTAINERS considered by Field continue to kill and degrade Blacks simply because of the ‘rarity’ of true Field Negroes.
I don't agree with everything CF says, but a lot of what he says is obvious and painfully true. There is no way to "hide" the daily "murderous truth" of thugs/Street Pirates by minimizing, denying or ignoring their existence.
NO ONE can sweep this ugly stinking crap under the rug like some would rather do. IMO, we need more folks like CF who are willing to stand up and call out that "huge ugly funky elephant" in the living room.
My favorite saying is someone has to do the dirty work in our community,CF is willing to do such I give credit where credit is due.
Operas are called classics because they have withstood the test of time, and are still relevant. Why are they "classics" and still relevant? Because they deal with and explore the basic human emotions such as love, jealousy, envy, anger, adultery, murder,suicide, sorrow, sibling rivalry,parental relations,corruption,in short, the entire gamut of basic human emotions. This why they are called "classics".
In this respect the current hip hop genre can be likened to these classics in that the lyrics speak of basic human conditions and emotions relevant to their lives.
When operas came into being many people were also against them for being too prurient and raw. Which indeed, they were.
Field, "Oh yes,back to hip hop and the street pirates again. *yawn* Damn CF, did a rapper take your girl back in the day or something? Your obsession with rappers is frightening. THEY ARE ENTERTAINERS!"
Dear Field, apparently you are unaware of the damage Hip Hop/Rap has done to the collective consciousness of the black community. I am amazed that you can reduce it down to being mere entertainment. It is NOT HARMLESS.
Either you are so bourgeois’d that you don’t know what’s happening to the black community, or it must be a ‘Jamaican thing’ to ‘yawn’ at the horrible truth that CF talks about.
Try a little self-examination and reflection. You might discover that it is not CF and his Street Pirates who are boring and making you yawn….. it is your own apathy.
Anon 11:53 PM__"I love that Sestak gave us a glimpse inot machinations of the Obama administration, the sneakiest dirt-dealers since Nixon. Obama is a mix of Nixon without the competence and Carter without the entertaining drunk brother. And the more we get to know him, the weirder it's going to get."
And I think that's true of you, too!!!
I hope that even though you don't respond you consider the possibility of what others say (those who don't agree with you). Cause you have been on a downhill spiral with some of the things you say/post lately.
I personally have very little respect of you because I truly feel you have become what you most abhor. However, you do give rise to some critical and reflective thinkers like AB, CF, and sometimes UTS ;)
For that I thank you. Without an intellectual underpinning to one's thinking, it's pretty much just a space for folks to vent. No good really gets accomplished and little "learning" as you call it takes place.
I have always hoped you would bring in a more critical, thoughtful stance that truly challenges the status quo way of thinking, but I don't know if you are capable of doing that. You have created a nice place her for yourself in that you post things that you know folks will get emotional about and you post things that serve your purpose, you give kudos to the ladies and queers from time to time and everyone loves FN.
Reminds me of the most popular HS teacher I had. Great guy, nice, and was always voted student favorite. But he brought nothing academically to the table. Just some borrowed knowledge.
I hope that his site serves a greater purpose, but I have not found it. It does serve one's need to vent and yell and scream and bash white folks. But I kept hoping you would go beyond that with substance my friend. Substance.
So I thank you for the soap opera I read on here a couple times a week. Cause it's not much more than that. I thank you for the knowledge that I have found in AB's site as well as CF's.
Remember FN, popular is not always best. People coming and sharing the things that are shared on here are not always best. You seem like one of the good ole boys, and that club...I will spare you the lecture on that.
anon2:47 and CF,
I think you should speak to young people about such influences. There are a lot out there that can speak in coherent sentences that are not bourgeois. They are closer to knowing what is going on than either of you or Field Negro.
It is no need to tell any anecdote here, because we have no way to verify. This would be FYI only and the people who this is most important.
[quote]I think you should speak to young people about such influences.[/quote]
You know I like you right?
Here is what gives me an ulcer about YOU.
You ask ME to "talk to the young people WITHIN the Black Community" with the hopes that I might CHANGE THEM.
I struggle why you demand this of ME but not the forces that have control over their KEY INSTITUTIONS. I would love to see you and others MANDATE your list of they should do PRIOR to receiving the votes or support from the Black community.
Filled Negro: HERE is the video footage from "The Hoodz" series that I was speaking of:
Is there any surprise that this lifestyle breeds VIOLENT and DEADLY OUTCOMES?
Please detail which element of what you see has its roots in SLAVERY or Jim Crow?
From what I see they are "Making this shyt up as they go along".
Mellaneous - please feel free to speak for Filled Negro if you feel the urge to do so.
If there was ever a need for "Non-Violent Social Change" to be applyed upon a people - YOU ARE LOOKING AT IT.
Thoughtful said... "you give kudos to the ladies and queers from time to time and everyone loves FN."
You make a statement like the one above, and you want Field to go all intellectual on us.
Soap opera is all you can digest. Anything more than that is out of your bigoted, intellectual league.
I a do not know what you are talking about. How is that bigoted? Please explain. You seem very hateful today, I hope all is well. Thank you in advance.
"Dear Field, apparently you are unaware of the damage Hip Hop/Rap has done to the collective consciousness of the black community. I am amazed that you can reduce it down to being mere entertainment. It is NOT HARMLESS."
Interesting. Maybe it's my Jamaican roots. I grew up where hip hop REALLY came from. (Please, save the "Memphis Jug Band" history lesson) And I listened to folks like Stitchy,U-Roy,Trinity, Dillinger,and Brigadier Jerry, to name a few. -these were rappers (or toasters) before rap became main stream- and I think I turned out pretty good.
Is there bad rap music? Of course there is. No one can honestly listen to some of the filth in the lyrics being produced today and say that a lot of it is not bad. But there is good hip hop as well. You might not like the genre, but please don't get on your high horse and tell me that all rap music or hip hop is bad. That is just flat out ignorant.
What's bad is that we have parents who can't teach their children to respect others and be able to listen to music without being caught up in it. Why aren't we focused on what causes the problem instead of the end result?
I don't like heavy metal or acid rock, but I am not going to say that all of that type of music is garbage and it causes kids to do drugs and party all night.
"My favorite saying is someone has to do the dirty work in our community,CF is willing to do such I give credit where credit is due."
Please spare me.
Folks like CF writing about what is wrong with black folks is like Jeffrey Dahmer writing a cook book. It's laughable and sad at the same time.
"Filled Negro - you personally would do better by first establishing a set of IMMUTABLE RULES that you will enforce on EVERYONE."
Well, actually, I do have a hard and fast rule: Call out bullshit whenever I see or hear it. And right now....
Sarge, sounds good, I would love to hear you guys one day. :)
"Thoughtful", are you sure that you aren't one of my exes?
Honestly, from the bottom of my heart; thanks for caring.
"There are a lot out there that can speak in coherent sentences that are not bourgeois. They are closer to knowing what is going on than either of you or Field Negro."
Hathor, the problem with the black bourgeois class, is that he/she does not think that young people (especially young black ones) can string two sentences together.
You do not have any idea what I would think help the Black community. You see the institutions you speak of could not have the influence businesses would if they saw fit to look at the community as a viable resource. You can't speak of the crime, because their are places that American businesses go where the US high crime areas would look like parks in comparison. I hardly think it would be education, since I never saw so many businesses run to Mexico. I don't think you got the educated class in Mexico when you are paying 25 cents an hour.
I also think that individuals can have more impact than institutions, because that individual can be an example, role model and is in proximity of the problem.
In this instance I was not suggesting that you do any thing, but listen. I have found that I been surprised, even by my own son, as what really happens and what means most to young people, even the thugs. You see I lived in a blue light district at the time.
Another difference between what you think is the problem and I, is that I think alcohol is much more of a problem than any institutions. Black people have not been able to keep those Stop-n-Go's from saturating the neighborhoods or billboard advertising only in our neighborhoods. Its the unfettered free market when it comes to putting a commodity like alcohol in a Black neighborhood.
I wonder why black have such a problem with alcohol.
"Another difference between what you think is the problem and I, is that I think alcohol is much more of a problem than any institutions. Black people have not been able to keep those Stop-n-Go's from saturating the neighborhoods or billboard advertising only in our neighborhoods. Its the unfettered free market when it comes to putting a commodity like alcohol in a Black neighborhood."
Watch it Hathor! You are touching his holy grail. Don't you dare go nnear those "free markets". (Unless it's a record company that produces rap)If a capitalist can afford to have a "stop and go" on every corner with free alcohol with every $10 purchase, that's his god given A-merry-can right. Ain't that right CF?
You have seem to done quite well in this free market. And you came to a free market country.
Can someone define or articulate the "collective conscious of the black community"?
I hear this talking point, frequently, without any elaboration.
[quote]Folks like CF writing about what is wrong with black folks is like Jeffrey Dahmer writing a cook book. It's laughable and sad at the same time.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
When I read your antics I factor in the knowledge that you are a DEFENSE ATTORNEY and thus will say whatever you must sat at a given point in time to defend the individual or institution that you are defending from a certain INDICTMENT.
I REFUSE to allow you to molest my agenda though.
I am NOT telling you "What is wrong with the BLACK COMMUNITY".
I am calling out:
1) A faction WITHIN the Black Community
and more importantly
2) Certain operatives (YOU) who GIVE THEM COVER. If not explicitly then implicitly as you OBFUSCATE and talk about everything BUT them.
Let's get one thing straight Filled Negro: YOU ARE NOT THE "BLACK COMMUNITY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a set of VIEWS that translate into POLICY, CULTURE and PROPAGANDA as you PURPORT to represent the best interests of our community.
I DO AS WELL - Filled Negro.
I am no more "pointing out the bad in the total Black community" than I am calling MY OWN KIDS "Street Pirates" who need to be locked up.
A STREET PIRATE title is EARNED!!!! If you show wanton disregard for the rules and the people WITHIN our community then you earn your "White Belt" in the "Street Pirate" rites of passage system.
Do you notice how you are quick to label a Black man who has IDEOLOGICAL differences with you but there are FEW Blacks who assassinate others who receive an unsolicited attack upon their character.
Instead you join with Mellanous and document the gross instances of "Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome" victims there are.
Drive over to Lankenau Hospital and TAKE OWNERSHIP of every Black Baby born in the month of March 2010 - making sure that the ARE NOT INFECTED with the "Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome" from day ONE until they turn the age of 30.
Maybe Francis Holland can give you some advice on a serum to cure this ailment that he "self-prescribed" per his own writings.
Thoughtful said...
I a do not know what you are talking about. How is that bigoted? Please explain. You seem very hateful today, I hope all is well. Thank you in advance."
No, not hateful, just observant. I don't refer to Gays as "queers." I respect their right to be called what they wish to be called, and I don't violate that right.
Anyone who violates that right is saying to me, self-definition doesn't matter.
That's your choice, but be prepared for me to call it out. Your comments smack of bigotry, and intellectual arrogance.
Now, if this blog is not intellectually stimulating enough for you, but offers you "soap opera" entertainment, take it for what it is.
But I would never presume to tell the host:
"I have always hoped you would bring in a more critical, thoughtful stance that truly challenges the status quo way of thinking, but I don't know if you are capable of doing that."
That's intellectual bigotry. I don't know if Field is capable or not (but I believe he is), but I would never speculate on his blog as to whether he's capable or not.
I find enough intellectual fare from him to keep me thinking. From your perspective, I'm probably a bit of a dimwit. But that's ok, Field's blog is not going to appeal to all.
And if you wish more "intellectual underpinning to one's thinking," establish your own blog.
Take it upon yourself to provide what you see missing in the blogosphere.
Again, you're welcome to sound off as much as you wish, and say whatever is in your heart to say, but I reserve the right to do the same.
[quote]You see the institutions you speak of could not have the influence businesses would if they saw fit to look at the community as a viable resource[/quote]
Hathor - please understand that I am NOT UN-sympathetic to all that you say.
What I am tired of is people who practice the "Talented 10th" and thus inevitably make reference to the "Inferior 40% of Black People" at the bottom who need to be LEAD.
I am asking YOU to identify a means by which "THESE PEOPLE" play the most significant role in their own SALVATION. They must be aligned with their own DESIRES as a community and insure that each and everyday they do things that STRENGTHEN their cultural muscles.
Hathor - I ALREADY act in such a role as a mentor in a reading program.
It is hard for me to notice that in the 3 years of active service I have NEVER, NEVER, NEVER seen one of these boy's FATHERS pick them up or drop them off. Again the problem is not MY WILLINGNESS. The problem is that some people (Mellaneous/Jody/Ernesto/LAC) are so interested in making people "IN RECEIPT OF A STANDARD OF LIVING" that they often forget to ask THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES to do something in support of their own standards.
I have learned over time that the people who can articulate THAT our culture was stolen from us are not necessarily the most qualified to construct a CULTURE OF COMPETENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS. Instead they are inclined to build a DEPENDENT culture driven off of the notions of REPARATION.
I don't mind doing a "Jump Start" until the righful owner of the vehicle takes back over. (I apologize in advance:) But since I DIDN'T GET THE BOOTY FROM THE MOMMA to have these young Black males - you had better be damned sure that there is a need to extend the RESPONSIBILITY of the "sperm injector" far beyond that fateful night when 'conjugation' took place.
(Hopefully the) Smart Anon:
[quote]Can someone define or articulate the "collective conscious of the black community"?[/quote]
There is no "collective consciousness" per se.
There are PERMANENT INTERESTS which are universal across ever group of persons around the world.
* Safe Streets
* Quality Education
* Thriving Local Economy
* Healthy Lifestyle Outcomes
There is a set of assumptions that a people can adopt which purport to BRING FORTH the items on this list. This "collective consciousness" - if there is such a thing - is the knowledge that it is in the best interests of the masses to ADVOCATE FOR the key policies, financial investments, law enforcement and inculcation necessary to allow these points that they have generally agreed upon to come into fruition so they can benefit accordingly.
MY GOAL is to implement a more TRANSPARENT PROCESS by which these assumptions might be MAINTAINED or JETTISONED per their EFFICACY in addressing our key issues. Some of them remain for no other reason than LOYALTY to those who have "Marched With King".
You must be new to the board, for Field himself used the term queer not too long ago. Were you the one calling him out on that? Although now that I think about it, when FN was called out, he never responded. The issue might still make him nervous. I hear my kind is truly hated on a local, community, and political level there.
However, as a QUEER myself, I can reclaim that language. I can also reclaim NIGGER as well. I am a QUEER NIGGER. To be quite frank, I have a degree on my wall from Denison University in "Queer Studies". Actually, a simple search will help understand how the term queer is quite readily used, due to the fact that "gays" is too limiting (ie gender, boundaries, inter sex, transgender and transexuals). Actually, by simply using the term gays, you show a lack of astuteness to the LGBTQQI2SA Community (and I find that more offensive than anything someone who "thinks" they are advocates but in turn, make the community and our allies look ridiculous. Academic institutions all over the country have Queer Studies Programs.
Even if the above were not true, it simply would not matter. As a member of this community I can call myself and my group what I wish (ie. if you are black (I would never just assume you are) you know how the term nigger and its derivatives are used frequently).
Furthermore, as you stated " I respect their right to be called what they wish to be called, and I don't violate that right" how on earth do you know what is correct to call this group of people you don't even belong to? Oh, you have "friends" perhaps. Like so many white folks I have heard say, "I have black friends". That is tiring too.
You must feel quite silly as you read this. Furthermore, why on earth would you assume I am straight? That would YOUR heterosexism showing in your thinking that everyone is "straight" and that straight is "normal". As for the simple term Queer, I am amazed at how stupid you are in its usage. FN knows he can use it, it's actually the most acceptable for the collective group (by far) than "gay" as you said.
To be honest, your statement is like showing up to a basketball game and talking about field goals or something. It's so way off, anyone who knows ANYTHING (ie AB, Jodi, even Grinder) about issues of Social Justice and Equity knows that Queer IS the term of usage in 2010.
Now, I would never say you are dimwitted. However, I might if you owned a blog that was truly trying to aim for equal rights and access to the black community. There have been glimmers of hope, but they go back to the soap opera style that keeps people coming back. Which I wonder if is the real reason for the blog.
Good night Tersi, I have to be at the gym at 5 AM to meet some other QUEER NIGGERS for basketball. Yeah, some of us even play and enjoy sports.
And No FN, not one of your exes.
Unless there is something you need to come clean about ;)
Tersi, methinks you protest too much. How do you know that Tersi isn't Gay? Aren't you doing the same thing you accuse him/her of?
"And No FN, not one of your exes.
Unless there is something you need to come clean about ;)"
My life is an open book. Well....most of it. ;)
"There is no "collective consciousness" per se.
There are PERMANENT INTERESTS which are universal across ever group of persons around the world.
* Safe Streets
* Quality Education
* Thriving Local Economy
* Healthy Lifestyle Outcomes
There is a set of assumptions that a people can adopt which purport to BRING FORTH the items on this list. This "collective consciousness" - if there is such a thing - is the knowledge that it is in the best interests of the masses to ADVOCATE FOR the key policies, financial investments, law enforcement and inculcation necessary to allow these points that they have generally agreed upon to come into fruition so they can benefit accordingly.
MY GOAL is to implement a more TRANSPARENT PROCESS by which these assumptions might be MAINTAINED.."
It all sounds good. But in the spirit of true transparency, why don't you just go ahead and admit that you are a republican?
Well I'm not so much into politricks these days, but I'll be popping the kernel.
It's always the same people who deny that institutionalized racism exists now, or that they (heaven forbid) are benefitting by it who can't seem to help constantly proving it.
No, I'm not new to the board, but "Thoughful" is. Is this a new handle for you, just a lurker, or have you just hidden behind "Anonymous" to shield your presence here?
You can reclaim whatever you choose, "nigger" or "queer." That wasn't the issue.
I said it was a sign of "bigotry" to use it so cavalierly, and without cause. I stand by that.
I'm not an "advocate" of anything. I don't care what people do. They can do as they choose. As long as I'm not hurt, and others aren't hurt.
If my using the term "Gay," makes you and your "allies look ridiculous," then you give me a power to wield that you shouldn't relinquish.
And if you're offended because I strive not to offend, that's your choice. I think that's a myopic view of things, but you're welcome to it: I'm not offended.
Again, I've never professed an "astuteness" of the Gay community. I can't arrogate to myself that which I don't have, nor care to have.
I don't wish to be "astute," just not offensive. And if I'm required to obtain advanced degrees to avoid being offensive, then I think that the greater fault lies with the Gay community for setting the bar too high.
I don't expect whites to become intimate with the ins and outs of the black community in order not to offend. I merely expect them to use a little commonsense regarding our joint history, no more civility than is generally given to all, and note how we wish to be called.
Although it seems to be your aim, I never feel "silly," guilty, or any other emotion I don't choose to experience. No one has the power to persuade me to feel anything I don't choose to feel.
If I had a blog, it would follow my dictates, and not yours, and focus on what I choose to focus on, and for the purpose I state.
It's interesting that you chose not to discuss your "intellectual bigotry," but chose, instead, to take me to task over the word, "queer," which I still insist is not in general usage by society, as an acceptable term for all in the Gay community.
Now if you have the power to pronounce its general acceptance, I'll call you whatever you like.
Pearl Snap Shirt:
"institutionalized racism" = excuse for failure.
If you can't compete, well then it must be super-secret invisible racism that's at fault. How pathetic.
[quote]why don't you just go ahead and admit that you are a republican?[/quote]
Why is this label upon ME so important to YOU?
Do you find it ironic that some of your posters who CLAIM "if it sounds like a duck....." it must be a "Republican" yet when I affix the FUNCTIONAL label of "Street Pirate" upon someone who plays the part it is offensive?
The more appropriate label for my agenda, Filled Negro is the "centrifugal force which seeks to move the DEMOCRATS out of the PROTECTED SPACE of the Black Community's Racial Nucleus" so the Negro can THINK RIGHT.
Here is what you don't seem to understand: I don't profess any particular BENEFIT to seeing the Republican Party gain power. In fact I prefer to have a fairly deadlocked situation where NEITHER PARTY has the advantage. (Can you say that?).
I indeed live in a CONSERVATIVE, Republican Controlled county. This is because I see that the LOCAL GOVERNMENT plays a far greater role in the delivery of key services that define the standard of my family than I care to expect from the feds.
Since my focus is less upon the "American Political Domain" where the GOP and Dems reside but instead upon the "Community Cultural Consciousness and Competence Domain" which has been abandoned as people play in the other domain AND it is where the bulk of our problems reside - WHY give you a point to inject division into the "CCC&C Domain"?
Since you have so much regard for Malcolm X - when will you note that the "football game" that he talked about way back in the early 60's has now allowed the Negro into the game to take advantage of his speed and upper body strength. Sadly he has not figured out WHO he is playing for and what it looks like for HIM when he says "WE WON". He believes "WE" is the team but hasn't calculated his individual benefit received.
I am on to you Filled Negro.
CF-"I figure the same thing with regards to Blacks and Leftist interests. We saw with Prop 8 in California that when "The Blacks" voted in a manner that was not acceptable to the White leftists - their frequent ideological mates became "Nigras" once again."
CF, you are sooo right. I remember in CA some Blacks were even jumped by some of those racist clowns at a gay rally that those Blacks had gone to support! Btw, they didn't call them "nigras", they were called "niggers".
I learned from that was even among white leftist gays, Blacks are nothing but the N-word to them.
"Since my focus is less upon the "American Political Domain" where the GOP and Dems reside but instead upon the "Community Cultural Consciousness and Competence Domain" which has been abandoned as people play in the other domain AND it is where the bulk of our problems reside - WHY give you a point to inject division into the "CCC&C Domain"?"
That's funny coming from you, since you have already "injected division" into your "CCC&C Domain".
CF "Let's get one thing straight Filled Negro: YOU ARE NOT THE "BLACK COMMUNITY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a set of VIEWS that translate into POLICY, CULTURE and PROPAGANDA as you PURPORT to represent the best interests of our community.
I DO AS WELL - Filled Negro."
CF, this is what I like about you. You are CONSISTENT in what you stand for. You naturally exhibit qualities that the black community is in dire need of:
Thank you.
Can someone define or articulate the term "black community"?
I sense it is a convenient term used to identify a negative attribute and to morph all of us into the same monolith defined by that negative attribute.
Further, who decided that whites have a monopoly on courage, critical thinking and self-esteem.
anon, "Further, who decided that whites have a monopoly on courage, critical thinking and self-esteem."
WHO has claimed that Whites have a monopoly on courage, critical thinking and self-esteem?
rush limbaugh is the most rabid racist on the air in america
he makes don imus look liberal
and that is precisely why rush is a radio superstar
racism is no relic
racists rule all amerikkkan media!
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