I see that Governor Krispy Kreme has decided to reimburse the folks of New Jersey for his little helicopter ride. Good move, Gov. I think this was starting to become a problem.
Did anyone notice Mitt Romney's announcement that he is running for president, today? Anybody? Anybody at all? Don't worry, you are not alone if you didn't. The guy made Tim Pawlenty's coming out party look like a rock concert. The word robot comes to mind. Somebody please get that dude some Red Bull. Fast! *yawn*
Finally, I am going to comment on this Oklahoma case because so many of you have asked me to.
First, let me say for the record, that urban terrorist who rob and steal from law abiding citizens deserve to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. However, as someone who has sworn to uphold the law and honor the legal system, I cannot stress enough that everyone in A-merry-ca is entitled to be judged within that system. Not at the hands of some guy who thinks he is Charles f*&^%$g Bronson. Yeah yeah, I know that some of you are outraged, because, god forbid, a jury actually did their job and found this "good man" guilty.
Sorry, by pumping five bullets into that incapacitated punk who was already bleeding from the first shot that he used to split his wig, Jerome Ersland became no better than the punk who had just robbed him. He became a criminal. Jerome Ersland deserved to go to jail. He deserved to be punished. A jury of his peers obviously felt that way and they found him guilty. Also keep in mind, that two older men who recruited the boys to do the crime are already doing life thanks to the felony murder doctrine. So what's the problem? Justice was served.
And before you wingnuts start saying what a hero Mr. Ersland was, (some of you already have) it's important to remember that he lied about being shot; he lied about facing combat in Iraq; he lied about the kids firing guns; and he tried to get a doctor to lie about his fake wounds to bolster his self defense claim. Yep, as the saying goes: "his milk ain't clean". Oh, and please don't play the race card; he was convicted by an all white jury.
"Although I still believe in the American jury system, there are way too many morons who rule juries and come out with the most outrageous of verdicts. That’s the case with the jury that found pharmacist Jerome Ersland guilty of first-degree murder for shooting an armed man who entered his pharmacy waving a gun. Ersland, who is a disabled military veteran, shot him to defend himself and his customers. Now, he could spend the rest of his life in prison. It’s absurd in the United States of America that a jury acquits O.J. Simpson of murder and finds Jerome Ersland guilty of it. This guy, Ersland, is a hero and saved countless lives. He should be getting medals and keys to the city, not put in the slammer. Soooooo frickin’ insane:"
Did anyone notice Mitt Romney's announcement that he is running for president, today? Anybody? Anybody at all? Don't worry, you are not alone if you didn't. The guy made Tim Pawlenty's coming out party look like a rock concert. The word robot comes to mind. Somebody please get that dude some Red Bull. Fast! *yawn*
Finally, I am going to comment on this Oklahoma case because so many of you have asked me to.
First, let me say for the record, that urban terrorist who rob and steal from law abiding citizens deserve to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. However, as someone who has sworn to uphold the law and honor the legal system, I cannot stress enough that everyone in A-merry-ca is entitled to be judged within that system. Not at the hands of some guy who thinks he is Charles f*&^%$g Bronson. Yeah yeah, I know that some of you are outraged, because, god forbid, a jury actually did their job and found this "good man" guilty.
Sorry, by pumping five bullets into that incapacitated punk who was already bleeding from the first shot that he used to split his wig, Jerome Ersland became no better than the punk who had just robbed him. He became a criminal. Jerome Ersland deserved to go to jail. He deserved to be punished. A jury of his peers obviously felt that way and they found him guilty. Also keep in mind, that two older men who recruited the boys to do the crime are already doing life thanks to the felony murder doctrine. So what's the problem? Justice was served.
And before you wingnuts start saying what a hero Mr. Ersland was, (some of you already have) it's important to remember that he lied about being shot; he lied about facing combat in Iraq; he lied about the kids firing guns; and he tried to get a doctor to lie about his fake wounds to bolster his self defense claim. Yep, as the saying goes: "his milk ain't clean". Oh, and please don't play the race card; he was convicted by an all white jury.
"Although I still believe in the American jury system, there are way too many morons who rule juries and come out with the most outrageous of verdicts. That’s the case with the jury that found pharmacist Jerome Ersland guilty of first-degree murder for shooting an armed man who entered his pharmacy waving a gun. Ersland, who is a disabled military veteran, shot him to defend himself and his customers. Now, he could spend the rest of his life in prison. It’s absurd in the United States of America that a jury acquits O.J. Simpson of murder and finds Jerome Ersland guilty of it. This guy, Ersland, is a hero and saved countless lives. He should be getting medals and keys to the city, not put in the slammer. Soooooo frickin’ insane:"
Oh boy, O.J. again. Sorry Debbie, this is not "frickin insane"; it's called justice.
I know people are going to claim justice was served, but this dude deserves serious jail time. One shot was self defense - 5 other shots into a wounded man is murder, pure and simple.
But of course, its a white man defending himself against a "big scary Negro" - even though scary big Negro was a wounded, terrified 16 year old would be robber.
Mitt Romney entered the race? Wow - in other news, the Sun rises in the East.
For House Negro of the Day, I nominate President Obama for officially boycotting the UN Racism conference. (I can't wait for AB and the wing nuts to go over that!)
I understand the whole "We're a Friend of Israel" AIPAC pressure to stay out of the conference. (the UN loves to call out Tel Aviv on their crappy treatment of the Palestinians. The shame!!!)
But the 'man mode' principle is to not let a tiny lobby of right wing stooges from another damn country dictate our foreign policy. Obama should have manned up and remind those ungrateful punks in the Likkud Party who props them up and signs those big fat military aid checks that they better keep their mouths shut or find someone else to defend their asses.
Sorry to vent, but the most powerful man on Earth, who happens to be on an oppressed minority group, opting out of an international racism conference just pisses me off.
LAC, "Sorry to vent, but the most powerful man on Earth, who happens to be on an oppressed minority group, opting out of an international racism conference just pisses me off."
He did the same thing when he was first elected. It was then that I realized that he wasn't interested in ending racism in the world.
LAC, are you just now noting this? Don't expect Field to join you in criticizing Obama because he is an Israeli lover.
Yet, you folks like Granny and mack lyons and uts continue to make excuses for Obama's lack of concern about racism. You folks are fools.
Field i would like more booking info.Would love to invite you to speak to some good Christian white folk.
Muhammad Ali was able to build bridges between blacks and good Christian white folk.
I believe you could do the same.
I agree with you fields.Jerome Ersland crossed the line.He commited murder and he is where he should be.
Field, in your sidebar "Book Field Negro", when clicked on shows a law firm in Baton Rogue La. What gives?
There is nothing to argue with you on this. The man should go to prison, although I think the sentencing was waaay too harsh.
Hell, OJ didn't get that harsh of a sentence and he killed two Whites. And don't start your "OJ again?" stuff. That man hurt Whites very deeply that will last for generations.
Of course, the big mistake of the justice system was to think an all Black jury would be fair...what a joke!
"Field, in your sidebar "Book Field Negro", when clicked on shows a law firm in Baton Rogue La. What gives?"
Yes, that's my man, Ced. A fine attorney in "da boot". I figure if he can do the PR for the "Bayou Classic" he can sure book engagements for a lil ole black blogger.
Hey, I am trying to get to those HBCU colleges down south and poison those young minds. :)
"Field i would like more booking info.Would love to invite you to speak to some good Christian white folk."
Slapnuts, I would enjoy that. But do I have to speak in the church?
"Hell, OJ didn't get that harsh of a sentence and he killed two Whites. And don't start your "OJ again?" stuff. That man hurt Whites very deeply that will last for generations."
Dear Mr. President of Anon Inc., please make them stop.
Anonymous said...
Of course, the big mistake of the justice system was to think an all Black jury would be fair...what a joke!
Black racist juries have been doing this for years.Just check out the news in Atl,D-town,or New Orleans.
I hope Karen and a string of Whites show up and let some of you folks have it for that botched OJ trial. You have no idea how the INJUSTICE of that trial hurt the justice system and nation. Something more needs to be done about OJ before Americans are satisfied.
"Something more needs to be done about OJ before Americans are satisfied."
I agree. and I think something will be done as soon as the GOP gets in the WH.
Mitt Romney isn't the REAL frontrunner. It's Sarah Palin...how many times must I tell you Negroes? you are such blind slow learners.
Sarah is full of life not dead like Romney. She's the ONE! Count on it.
"Mitt Romney isn't the REAL frontrunner. It's Sarah Palin...how many times must I tell you Negroes? you are such blind slow learners.
Sarah is full of life not dead like Romney. She's the ONE! Count on it."
Oh Lord. It's going to be a long night. :(
Hmmm, a white jury convicted Ersland, who was, in fact, defending himself from a criminal but then went overboard.
On the other hand, the jury that acquitted OJ Simpson of the vicious murder of two people was black.
Thus, we see the white jury had some difficult and tricky stuff to work through, and yet it was able to determine, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Ersland was guilty.
But, the black jury deliberating OJ's case kicked things around for a couple hours and said, "Hell, it acquittin' time, you free to go, brotha."
By the way, there's no white outrage about this decision. People may want to know WHY he was convicted, but after getting the facts, they understand the verdict.
Meanwhile, the three black killers who murdered someone about a block from my house in early April have not been caught. They were seen on a security video leaving the scene of the crime.
There are crimes committed and people acquitted daily in this sick twisted "justice" system; why is OJ always brought up? The man will probably die in jail now over some bullshit, are folks still unsatisfied/
WTF is all this shit about OJ "huring whites and America not being satisfied with his sentence. He sure didn't hurt me, and to paraphrase Sojourner Truth, ain't I a white man? Oh I am also an American and I am perfectly satisfied- who worries about OJ Simpson except nutjobs? Field you got some whacked commenters amigo.
"Oh I am also an American and I am perfectly satisfied- who worries about OJ Simpson except nutjobs? Field you got some whacked commenters amigo."
That cross is heavy my friend. It is very heavy. :)
Field, "Oh Lord. It's going to be a long night. :("
ROFL. Mr. Field, it's Thursday night out for the anons!
That cross is heavy my friend. It is very heavy. :)
Good to see you return to your christian roots. Some of us need a serious healing and blessing father Field and don't you dare say you're not my daddy again.
equa yona, "He sure didn't hurt me, and to paraphrase Sojourner Truth, ain't I a white man? Oh I am also an American and I am perfectly satisfied- who worries about OJ Simpson except nutjobs? Field you got some whacked commenters amigo."
Now see? this is the classic black response regarding OJ and the injustices done to two Whites by a black man. Yeah, I bet you are satisfied Big Black Bear Face. But you remember this: Justice will eventually be served to America for what OJ did.
Remember how determined and persistent we were about getting Bin Laden? well, mr chocolate, our justice system is twice as determined regarding OJ. Our country won't give up and you should want justice done too, mr into-the-dark-we-go.
we anons were having a ball here until your midnight bear ass showed up.
And one more thing: we are not whacked. we are geniuses that a Bear like you could never fathom because we are too deep for you.
"And one more thing: we are not whacked. we are geniuses that a Bear like you could never fathom because we are too deep for you."
ditto! preach it anon! hell, even Mr. Field is left speechless at some of the deep things we say. All he can do is pray, "Oh Lawd help me to understand."
We raise the IQ of FN, and let me say that we are happy to do it and make Mr. Field smile with joy.
"Live by the sword...."
Ok anons, it's after midnight. time to go home. once again, thursday night was a blast!
say goodnight to mr field.
Farley, "Live by the sword...."
they still use swords where you live?
"Hell, OJ didn't get that harsh of a sentence and he killed two Whites. And don't start your "OJ again?" stuff. That man hurt Whites very deeply that will last for generations. "
Yeah, OJ "hurt whites very deeply" by not allowing himself to be hanged like "strange fruit" to satisfy whites' craving for a good ol' fashioned Negroid lynching.
Don't get me wrong -- I believe the guy did it, and hadn't it been for the inept prosecution and LAPD's tampering with evidence to frame an already-guilty man, he'd probably be on Death Row.
"But, the black jury deliberating OJ's case kicked things around for a couple hours and said, "Hell, it acquittin' time, you free to go, brotha."
Unless you were somehow privy to the jury's deliberations, chances you wouldn't know jack shit about what was said during that time.
You really need to get off this soapbox about how black criminals are somehow being given breaks and coddled and whatnot. It makes you look even more like the paranoid bigoted asshole you are.
"There are crimes committed and people acquitted daily in this sick twisted "justice" system; why is OJ always brought up? The man will probably die in jail now over some bullshit, are folks still unsatisfied/"
Because proud, upstanding white men and women didn't get to lynch that lecherous, no-good Nigger.
Seeing him rot in jail won't satisfy them. If they could bust him out of prison and hang him on a tall, sturdy oak like back in the good ol' days, they would.
Sorry FN, but blacks always complain about discrepencies in the justice system. NY Gov Patterson recently pardoned John White, a black man who shot a white guy who 1) was not on his property, 2) unarmed 3) of no immediate danger to him 4) White made no attempt to contact the police before taking the law into his own hands and he did so 5) with an unlicenced gun (illegal in NY). If White got a pardon so should Ersland. White was safe inside his home and in no life threatening danger from the white man (Daniel Ciccero) who was unarmed and not even on his property.
""Oh I am also an American and I am perfectly satisfied- who worries about OJ Simpson except nutjobs?"
Funny cause blacks were still whinning about Emit Till 50 years after the fact.
Blacks complain about discrepencies in sentencing. Lets see:
7 black males stomp to death the Tuba man, an elderly musician, in Seattle sentenced to 3-34 months.
15 black males surround Yankel Rosenbaum,a Jewish man, and Lemrick Nelson stabs him to death while othes scream "kill the kike". Only Lemrick is charged, and is acquitted because a black jury refused to convict, although he admitted doing it. NY Mayor Dinkins praises the verdict, as does Al Sharpton. NAACP has no opition. Later Nelson is charged with violating Rosenbaums civil rights which causes howls of anger and indignation amoung black civil rights leader. They thought this law should only apply when blacks are the victim. Lemrick serves less than 8 years, the others serve zero. Later Anna Deurve Smith, a black woman, writes a book which describes this lynching as a "dispute between communities" in which both sides share equal blame and all viewpoints are equal. Blacks will point to a car accident in which a black child died as an excuse (the first and last time in history blacks compared a lynching and a car accident and tried to justify lynching an innocent man) despite the fact Lemrick and Co claimmed to be indifferent to the car accident and were (in Lemmrick's words) "drunk and excited".
Ersland, on the other hand, killed someone who was threatening his life and is facing 38 years till he is elligible for parole.
This is justice blacks love.
Stomp an innocent elderly person and 3-34 months.
Kill a Jewish man in a hate crime and zero.
But kill a black male who waved a gun at you and you should rot in prison.
Blacks value the life of a Lil' thug Antwun Parker more than Jewish scholar Yankel Rosenbaum in the same way racist whites onced valued the life of white trash more than MLK's. Anyone was to dispute it?
Anon 12:59, shut yo ignorant ass up. You cannot "finish off" someone you've already disabled with gunshots. This has been established in the courts again and again. But of course, this whole thing is really about you conservative fucknuts beating your tiny dicks at the thought of shooting a black man in baggy, so whatever.
1:24 am You didn't address one thing I said. Prove I'm wrong. Facts please
N_S says
"Meanwhile, the three black killers who murdered someone about a block from my house in early April have not been caught. They were seen on a security video leaving the scene of the crime."
so many things seem to happen around your neighbourhood n_s. black killers, murderers, black on jewish hate crimes, 50,000 pakistanis with their women in burqas, etc etc. name a topic, n_s has a neighbourhood experience for it.
somehow you're neighbourhood is even more flexible than your career...from what i recall you're only a scientist, an engineer, and a wall street executive. please tell me your secret.
no matter the post, N_S will subvert the conversion by inserting dubious (read: false) personal "experiences."
also hate to do an n_s and derail the topic, but:
in reference the the 3466542534656 logical fallacies you make, lets refer to the last blog post since i've just read through the comments.
not only is it a logical fallacy to compare a developing nation (with the history of colonialism) to a developed nation (with no such history) it is IDIOCY to compare a nation of 4 million people (norway) to a nation of over 149 million people (nigeria) and wonder why the living standards aren't the same!
"Funny cause blacks were still whinning about Emit Till 50 years after the fact."
Ever read about what was done to him and why it happened? Ever look at the photos? And how can occasional mention of this in historical terms be construed as "whining"?
Yeah, I know. Every time blacks open their mouths, it's "whining". Why won't those blacks simply shut the fuck up and deal with their own problems in silence?
not only is it a logical fallacy to compare a developing nation (with the history of colonialism) to a developed nation (with no such history) it is IDIOCY to compare a nation of 4 million people (norway) to a nation of over 149 million people (nigeria) and wonder why the living standards aren't the same!"
Norway's been an independent nation for far longer than Nigeria, and it hadn't had the displeasure of being colonized by people of a markedly different ethnicity, so it doesn't have any unfortunate baggage.
Yes it's great that a white man who was minding his own business when he was assaulted by black terrorists in his place of business if facing a minimum of 38 years in jail for overreacting to a situation he did not chose to put himself in while a young black male who murders a 94 year old woman in a robbery is sentenced to less then half that much time. It's progress
Yes it's great that a white man who was minding his own business when he was assaulted by black terrorists in his place of business if facing a minimum of 38 years in jail for overreacting"
"Overeacting"? Is that what they call murder these days? There are som thugs out on the street who will love to hear that one.
"Good to see you return to your christian roots. Some of us need a serious healing and blessing father Field and don't you dare say you're not my daddy again."
I might be, what's your mama's name? :)
"so many things seem to happen around your neighbourhood n_s. black killers, murderers, black on jewish hate crimes, 50,000 pakistanis with their women in burqas, etc etc. name a topic, n_s has a neighbourhood experience for it.
somehow you're neighbourhood is even more flexible than your career..."
C&C, I was thinking the same thing.:)
And why doesn't the poor guy just move? I know his million dollar brownstone (or whatever it is today) is paid for. A move should be very easy. Unless he just loves being around those black folks that he always complains about.
"Good to see you return to your christian roots. Some of us need a serious healing and blessing father Field and don't you dare say you're not my daddy again."
I might be, what's your mama's name? :)
Whatever you want it to be, send me the name and I will send you the address for the back child support payments later :)
Field, "I might be, what's your mama's name? :)"
LOL. that was a great reply. some anons like anon 12:04am can be assholes, and need to be put in their place.
Anonymous said...
Field, "I might be, what's your mama's name? :)"
LOL. that was a great reply. some anons like anon 12:04am can be assholes, and need to be put in their place.
7:45 AM
You would know better then anybody.
LAC Said..
I know people are going to claim justice was served, but this dude deserves serious jail time. One shot was self defense - 5 other shots into a wounded man is murder, pure and simple.
But of course, its a white man defending himself against a "big scary Negro" - even though scary big Negro was a wounded, terrified 16 year old would be robber.
Wounded terrified 16 year old, poor poor boy - stop the reverse victim bullshit. All that happened is he didn't get off the first shot and lost the attack that HE planned and executed. He isn't the victim, he chose to forcefully take what was not his at gunpoint and threaten the life of someone else. How many store owners/mugging victims get hurt/killed each year? These are the victims, not the criminals who carry out the attacks. If people like this did get exterminated then I guarantee you the cowardly thug ranks would thin dramatically.
By the law the owner is guilty and that is all that matters. By morals and if we really want to be serious about restoring law and order in this society, he should be able to reload and shoot until he feels satisfied that the thug who attacked but lost got what he deserved with the statistical likelihood of his plan to hurt him, stealing his property and or taking his life.
If you don't want to get killed then do not threaten to kill someone else by pointing a gun at them and carrying out an armed robbery.
Slappy grunts
"On the other hand, the jury that acquitted OJ Simpson of the vicious murder of two people was black."
You're a liar Slappy.
There were two whites a hispanic and a mixed race man on the OJ jury as well..
All voted for acquittal.
BTW LAC I agree with you.
Obama bitched up by boycotting the UN Racism Conference.
He's allowing Israel and the AIPAC lobby to push him around.
coffee and cigarettes
"so many things seem to happen around your neighbourhood n_s. black killers, murderers, black on jewish hate crimes, 50,000 pakistanis with their women in burqas, etc etc. name a topic, n_s has a neighbourhood experience for it.
somehow you're neighbourhood is even more flexible than your career...from what i recall you're only a scientist, an engineer, and a wall street executive. please tell me your secret."
The secret?
Like his new buddy AB he's a freakin liar and nutcase who lives out his fantasy as some kind of cyberspace Clint Eastwood on these boards.
He's more to be laughed at than anything else.
mack lyons writes:
Unless you were somehow privy to the jury's deliberations, chances you wouldn't know jack shit about what was said during that time.
The OJ jury deliberation process took only about two hours. If you know anything about the process, you know there are some formalities that take a little time, and it appears the jury ran through the formalities as quickly as possible after reaching its verdict of acquittal in mere minutes.
Jury nullification at its worst.
outerspacesteve writes:
There were two whites a hispanic and a mixed race man on the OJ jury as well..
Nope. One white -- a woman. But, as usual, the situation flies over your head. It's surprising that a guy from the Bronx is totally ignorant of the meaning of a Bronx Jury.
outerspacesteve writes:
There were two whites a hispanic and a mixed race man on the OJ jury as well..
Nope. One white -- a woman. But, as usual, the situation flies over your head. It's surprising that a guy from the Bronx is totally ignorant of the meaning of a Bronx Jury.
But he is always so full of...of.... "Bronx Cheer"
i noticed romney
i have no idea why mitt is so hated
his mormon religion is completely irrelevant to me as all...
he is smart and rich and good looking and INFINITELY more likely to be FAR less inept than that empty suited bankster drone hologram hobama
could be no worse than hobama has been and will be!!!
many penned the same dismissive disrespect for bubba that you have for mitt...
and bubba won!...
never say never....
Anonymous said...
outerspacesteve writes:
There were two whites a hispanic and a mixed race man on the OJ jury as well..
Nope. One white -- a woman. But, as usual, the situation flies over your head. It's surprising that a guy from the Bronx is totally ignorant of the meaning of a Bronx Jury.
But he is always so full of...of.... "Bronx Cheer"
And the white woman was either married to a black man or black boyfriend.
And don't forget the OJ jury went to a party with OJ afterwards.
coffee and cigarettes writes:
not only is it a logical fallacy to compare a developing nation (with the history of colonialism) to a developed nation (with no such history) it is IDIOCY to compare a nation of 4 million people (norway) to a nation of over 149 million people (nigeria) and wonder why the living standards aren't the same!
Ah, the standard black backpedal.
No, it's not a "logical fallacy" to examine the similarities and differences between Norway and Nigeria -- unless you want to avoid some painful facts about Nigeria.
As you might have learned in high school, it is important to Compare and Contrast things.
In what ways are the two subjects the same? In what ways are they different?
Population? Norway is small. Nigeria, today, is large.
Climate? Different.
Race of populations? Different.
Religions? Norway? One. Nigeria? Many, animist and Islam.
Natural Resources? Nigeria by a mile.
Possibly the most essential building block in the quest for national prosperity is cheap energy.
Until North Sea oil was found in Norwegian waters -- about 1970 -- Norway was like many other nations in need of low-cost energy.
Oil was found in Nigeria at about the same time.
If a country cannot lift itself from its primitive Third-World status after it has won the geological lottery, then what factors can possibly lift it from its benightedness?
My point was to highlight the fact that Norway, with loads of oil for export, has built an impressive society. Therefore, if Norway can lift itself, why not Nigeria.
It's not as though Nigeria ought to match Norway by the common measures. But at the very least, Nigeria ought to show signs of rising out of its own muck. but it's not.
There's an endless cry demanding that rich nations give money to poor nations. But Nigeria, based on its resources, IS rich. However the people are abjectly poor.
Obviously, when it comes to blacks building nations, well, it just doesn't happen, even when money is literally gushing out of the ground.
Meanwhile, I'm sure you have an excuse for Nigeria's failure, and I'm sure the excuse blames whites.
Bronx Cheer Steve,
Even with Obamabots massaging the data, unemployment just rose to 9.1% with a rate of black unemployment at approximately 40%.
Can you tell me again how things are going so great because Obama told you so?
kosher kkk needs slaps:
who incessantly robs/rapes/steals/kills for that "gushing ground"????
research the oil industry in africa...you are an ahistorical dunce.
your arrogant ignorance and horrid glaring lack of education are surpassed only by your rabid racism.
"Shaxson argues convincingly that the failed oil states of Africa will be the next Great Game in a world still addicted to oil and increasingly willing to fight for it. This book is a must read for anyone concerned about Africa and Big Oil. Shaxson’s obvious love for the continent and its people comes clearly through in his writing but does not temper his revulsion at the complex and bloody mess he found there. He digs deeply to uncover the real story beneath the headlines and to eloquently explain an Alice in Wonderland world of money, corruption, war and intrigue. It is a story well told that has the power to stun even the most hardened observer of Africa’s tragedy. Yet at the same time Shaxson powerfully describes people who have battled against the corrupt, the venal and the just plain evil, making a book that is often as inspiring as it is horrifying. Mixing the personal and political, he has written a compelling story that explains one of the most baffling riddles of the modern world: why has oil become a curse for Africa, not a blessing?"
--Paul Harris, US Correspondent, The Observer
"Nicholas Shaxson has traveled to some of the most dangerous and dysfunctional nations on the planet, delved into the murky depths of the African oil business and emerged with a grisly but compelling tale of greed, corruption, and violence. There are still some who believe that oil can rescue Africa from poverty at the same time as saving America from its fatal dependence on suppliers in the Middle East. In this remarkable book, the fruit of years of painstaking research, Shaxson exposes oil as a destroyer, not a savior, of all that is best in Africa."
--Victor Mallet, Asia editor, Financial Times, and author of The Trouble with Tigers: The Rise and Fall of South-East Asia
"This is a splendid book about a crucial subject. We need oil. We want the countries that sell it to us to be stable. But oil itself destabilizes them, unless they were mature democracies before they discovered it. Nicholas Shaxson has put in more legwork in wrecked African petro-states than any other reporter I can think of. The result is a cracking tale of blood, champagne and the 'Devil's excrement.'"
--Robert Guest, former Africa editor, The Economist, and author of The Shackled Continent
"This book will be unsettling for those with preconceived ideas about the oil industry, international business or African politics. Shaxson shows that there are no easy answers to questions on the role of multinational oil giants in Africa, or how to tackle the corruption that is often the result of their oil deals. He shows there are many, many complicated shades of grey--but he does so, thankfully, using such a colorful style and language that the book comes to life and is a pleasure to read."
--Hugh Williamson, Berlin correspondent, Financial Times
"[A] highly readable and provocative book... Devoid of social science jargon, the narrative in this engaging, informative book reads like a novel, making it accessible to a wide audience... Highly recommended." —CHOICE
kosher kkk needs slaps:
u racist revisionist historians lie like hobama....shame!!!
Nearly two weeks ago, about 600 women took an estimated 1,000 oil workers hostage by occupying the control room, docks and landing areas of the island facility and blocking all arrivals and departures. When company executives initially balked at demands, the mostly elderly women threatened to strip naked, which in their culture is a method of shaming others.
Apparently that, and the thought of having to forcibly remove or open fire on old women and children, created some kind of breakthrough. Under an agreement struck this week, the women ended their 10-day occupation in exchange for jobs for their sons and help building clinics, schools and farms. Chalk up one more victory for the power of peaceful protest -- and one for using chauvinism to everyone's advantage.
In Nigeria, occupations and protests of this sort are common. Tribal communities that see the black gold flowing away from their area to enrich others regularly storm facilities to demand investments, jobs and compensation for pollution. In the past, native men have kidnapped, but rarely harmed, oil workers. Government police and oil-company security didn't hesitate to use force to quell such attempts by male protesters.
Conflict between oil firms and Nigerian locals attracted international attention in the mid-1990s, when violent protests by the small Ogoni tribe forced the Shell company to abandon wells on their land. The late dictator Gen. Sani Abacha responded in 1995 by hanging nine Ogoni leaders, including writer and environmental activist Ken Saro Wiwa, and drew global outrage.
the corp thieves at shell oil have schemed oceans of african blood money in nigeria
hobama will bleed much more via africom
The documents, seen by the IoS, support allegations that Shell helped to provide Nigerian police and military with logistical support, and aided security sweeps of the oil-rich Niger Delta. Earlier this month Shell agreed to pay $15.5m (£9.6m) in a "humanitarian settlement" on the eve of a highly embarrassing US lawsuit.
One of the allegations was that Shell was complicit in the regime's execution of civilians. The Anglo-Dutch firm denies any wrongdoing and said it settled to help "reconciliation". But the documents contain detailed allegations of the extent to which Shell is said to have co-opted the Nigerian military to protect its interests.
I'm starting to think that Slappy is a lot like Richard Speck.
Remember the white mass murderer who killed 9 nurses in a Chicago dormitory in 1966?
Then seemed to enjoy being turned into a jailhouse bitch by the black inmates at the Cook County Prison.
Here's the composition of the OJ jury Slappy.
Slapped stupid ONCE AGAIN.
28-year-old married black woman, works for the post office, high school graduate;
24-year-old single black woman, works at a Los Angeles hospital, one year of college;
50-year-old divorced black woman who works as a county collections vendor, two years of college;
32-year-old single Hispanic man, delivers Pepsi, high school graduate;
37-year-old married black woman, works in a post office, high school graduate;
38-year-old single black woman, environmental health specialist whose father was a police officer, college graduate;
52-year-old divorced black woman, postal worker, high school graduate;
22-year-old single white woman who handles insurance claims, college graduate;
43-year-old married black man who works as a phone company salesman, high school graduate;
60-year-old divorced white woman who is a retired gas company clerk, one year of college;
44-year-old single black woman who fixes computers and printers for county Superior Court, high school graduate;
71-year-old married black woman, retired cleaning worker,
"Can you tell me again how things are going so great because Obama told you so?"
Never said things were going great but the trend toward the negative established by the Bushies has for the most part been reversed.
The sad part is that racist goobers like you are actually hoping for the economy to tank just so you can get a white Republican elected.
So much for patriotism.
kosher kkk needs slaps:
like hobama u lie!!!
africa has been raped and ignored by american owned oil corps as racist clones of u in media have ignored nigeria and all of africa for decades....
your blatant lies are even more evil than their racist silences....shame!!!
Big oil spills are no longer news in this vast, tropical land. The Niger Delta, where the wealth underground is out of all proportion with the poverty on the surface, has endured the equivalent of the Exxon Valdez spill every year for 50 years by some estimates. The oil pours out nearly every week, and some swamps are long since lifeless.
Perhaps no place on earth has been as battered by oil, experts say, leaving residents here astonished at the nonstop attention paid to the gusher half a world away in the Gulf of Mexico. It was only a few weeks ago, they say, that a burst pipe belonging to Royal Dutch Shell in the mangroves was finally shut after flowing for two months: now nothing living moves in a black-and-brown world once teeming with shrimp and crab.
Lagos, Nigeria (UPI) Jul 21, 2010
The BP oil spill is a major tragedy for the Gulf of Mexico region, yet the people in Nigeria have had to live with similar environmental catastrophes for decades.
While the BP well in the gulf may or may not be capped, oil keeps flowing into fields, rivers and lakes in the Niger Delta, where Western companies have been drilling for oil for several decades
What’s even more troubling is that in Nigeria, the country that has arguably suffered most from oil drilling, oil “accidents”—large and small—occur almost weekly, and we hear little about it. A lethal combination of sloppiness, corruption, weak regulation, and lack of accountability has meant that each year since the 1960s, there has been a spill the size of the Exxon Valdez’s into the Niger Delta. Large purple slicks cover once fertile fields, and rivers are clogged with oil leaked decades ago. It has been called the “black tide”: a stain of thick, gooey oil that has oozed over vast tracts of land and poisoned the air for millions of Africans. In some areas fish and birds have disappeared: the swamps are silent.
Americans consume a quarter of the world’s oil—and 10 percent of the oil we consume comes from Nigeria. Why are we not worried and angry about this? Or at least demanding global accountability from companies we support? Especially now that we can see how destructive it is for those who depend on the sea for their livelihood, how foul the impact is, and how devastating the results of poor decisions and ill-equipped response teams are.
uts/da mayor of utopia:
hobama is hated more than bush!
because more of us had jobs homes food and hope and change etc under bush
because hobama has been more elitist racist inept and warmongering....
because hobama's own osama hoax failed compared to gwb's 911 hoax
because of a HIGHER misery index fashioned by hobama and his banksters that soars daily!!!!....
more on those who noticed mitt:
uts/da mayor of utopia?
no police or cages there where u live in bliss???
wtfu... "bruh"!!!
Big Brother got even bigger under the first “Brotha” president, Barack Obama. Government also became even more secretive. “The Obama Justice Department says that only the executive branch has the power to determine what information courts ought to have” – a novel doctrine that wreaks havoc with the rights of people accused of crimes, especially whistleblowers. The death of Osama bin Laden, says Obama’s Attorney General, makes the Patriot Act even more vital to national security. “Perhaps we were better off when bin Laden was still alive.”
Not content to defend Bush era abuses, and send whistle blowers to jail, Obama and Congress have extended the Patriot Act [7], without changes, yet again. Two Democratic members of the intelligence committee, Ron Wyden and Mark Udall, were not only among those who voted no, but they also exposed how the act is being interpreted in a new and dangerous way by the administration. The Obama justice department has decided to interpret the act in a way which it will not reveal to the public. In other words, the government has a secret way of determining what is and isn’t legal but will not share that secret with congress or with the people. Orwell and Kafka would find new sources of inspiration with this president.
When George W. Bush was president, I and many others often used the word fascism to describe the growth of government powers and the diminution of our rights. Now that those very same assertions of executive power are being made by Barack Obama, should we not continue to raise the same concerns?
Conservative Bill Kristol hit the nail on the head when he called Barack Obama a “born again neo-con.” Kristol had reason for this high praise after the president sought out his advice before telling the world that he intended to make war against Libya. The right wing who Democrats use to keep unqualified support in their ranks are now getting off-line access to the man we are told must be protected from them. Of course that doesn’t make any sense, and neither do efforts to come to Obama’s defense on civil liberties or on any other issues either.
I told myself that I would ignore this wacko cow from here on out but I cant allow her to continue with these lies.
The US economy experienced 6 straight months of strong job growth, 232,000 in April, only to slow down sharply in May with only 54,000 created.
That is still a complete reversal of the Bush Administration were the economy was bleeding jobs and unemployment continually rose.
uts/da mayor of utopia/dumber than any cow:
stop milking hobama's PR
stop sucking him like a teet
if u were a cow, at least a sane black man who does not conk his hair and hate his mammy could eat a burger from your corpse...
as a hue-man, u are worthless and dumber than a pkg of frozen cheap beef
u r a truly tragic colorist coon.
uts/da bull headed mouse hung hobama nazi mayor of utopia:
cc that bs to the nearest job fair/state unemployment ofc
What would happen if 34.5 percent of White men did not have jobs? According to new U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, joblessness for 16-to-24-year-old Black men has reached Great Depression proportions – more than three times the rate for the general U.S. population.
From a national policy perspective, how would people respond and what would happen? Would there be a revolution? A refocusing of national priorities? A massive jobs creation program?
As the tide of revolt sweeps Egypt and Tunisia sparking anti-government protests in other countries in North Africa and the Middle East, some African Americans are asking the proverbial question:
“Will it take a revolution to spark economic change in Black America?”
hobama lies...especially about jobs!!!
Another great video from Trans Research Institute Gerald Celente. The people who were counting on Obama to produce jobs with his stimulus packages are now pretty disappointed. The government says that there is 10% unemployment. But those numbers under report what is really happening. The real unemployment rate is more than 22%.
There will be more stimulus packages in the future. Even if they were creating new jobs, take a look at where they are. Most were in fields like senior care. Who wants a job like that? The solution is to bring production back to the United States. They might also consider spending less money on wars overseas.
Now evidence is emerging that the damage wrought by the sour economy is more widespread than just a few careers led astray or postponed. Even for college graduates — the people who were most protected from the slings and arrows of recession — the outlook is rather bleak.
As far as Ersland goes, he was just a dumbass.
He should have done what the cops would do. Turn the damn video off for a few seconds, pump a another round between Antwun's eyes, then turn the video back on, call it a technical glitch, and go celebrate over a few beers.
uts/da mayor of fully gainfully employed/blissfully retired utopia:
ojlovinsteve writes:
Here's the composition of the OJ jury Slappy.
Wow. Two whites on the jury. I said there was one.
Of course the real issue is lost on you. Your exuberance that the obviously guilty black perpetrator of a vicious double homicide of white victims was acquitted ends all possibility you will ever understand the damage done by the jury.
You either rationalize the murder itself, or you rationalize the acquittal. Maybe both.
The Jury By Race: 9 Blacks, 1 Hispanic, 2 Whites
Some other facts about the final jury: (1) None regularly read a newspaper, but eight regularly watch tabloid TV shows, (2) five thought it was sometimes appropriate to use force on a family member, (3) all were Democrats, (4) five reported that they or another family member had had a negative experience with the police, (5) nine thought that Simpson was less likely to be a murderer because he was a professional athlete.
The racial composition of the initial jury pool differed considerably from the racial compostion of the final jury. The pool was 40% white, 28% black, 17% Hispanic, and 15% Asian.
Could someone please explain to this wackjob that there ain't going to be any "massive job creation" program by the gubmint with a Republican Congress?
And where did she get this 34% black unemployment figure from?
Her ass, maybe?
I'm not rationalizing anything.
I was certain OJ was guilty BEFORE the trial.
I just don't like when racists try to attribute his acquittal to supposedly a bunch of dumb negroes who were mesmerized by Johnnie Cochran.
There were two whites and a hispanic on the jury as well and they came to the same conclusion in 4 hours that the blacks did.
Now of course goobers like you are going to infer that the non-blacks were under "tremendous pressure" by these awful blacks to acquit Simpson.
Yeah, I really believe that these middle aged soft spoken black women were really initimidating the white and hispanic jurors to acquit in 4 hours of deliberation.
You are an idiot.
About those two white jurors:
Anise Aschenbach - #1290 (seat 3) - Placed on jury March 17 (replacing Tracy Kennedy), White female, 61, divorced, one year of college, retired gasoline company clerk, lives in Norwalk.
One of two jurors who voted guilty in first vote.
Annie Backman - #63 (seat 11) - Original Juror, White female, 23, single, college graduate, insurance claims adjuster, lives in Burbank.
Believed to be the other juror who initially voted 'guilty' (source: Aschenbach's interview on 'Larry King Live').
Any "fun facts" about the Simi Valley jury?
I guess they were all rocket scientists, eh?
blind nig uts:
repubs = dems
and 23 trillion dollars that did not go to jobs went directly to banksters via that repub hobama
my stats come from blacks and whites in the real world outside of your gated enclave...
your "stats" u cheer come from deep inside hobama's blackish lying cia dl ass...
where you and your tiny brain and tiniER penis dwell
Barack Obama ran for president as a man of the people, standing up to Wall Street as the global economy melted down in that fateful fall of 2008. He pushed a tax plan to soak the rich, ripped NAFTA for hurting the middle class and tore into John McCain for supporting a bankruptcy bill that sided with wealthy bankers "at the expense of hardworking Americans." Obama may not have run to the left of Samuel Gompers or Cesar Chavez, but it's not like you saw him on the campaign trail flanked by bankers from Citigroup and Goldman Sachs. What inspired supporters who pushed him to his historic win was the sense that a genuine outsider was finally breaking into an exclusive club, that walls were being torn down, that things were, for lack of a better or more specific term, changing.
Then he got elected.
"Sorry to vent, but the most powerful man on Earth...."
This made me laugh out loud.
Obama has no power.
He does what he is told.
If that isn't obvious to you by now, you are a bigger fool than I previously though.
uts/da imaginary jobs bliss czar:
black unemployment is more than double the actual 19.2 white joblessness!!!!
real economists know black unemployment is actually worse than what most dare to state...ie
closer to 41% for young black men under 25...
However, Gallup's underemployment -- real unemployment -- including those unemployed and those employed part-time but looking for full-time work, remains at 19.2% for the 30-days ending Jan. 8, 2011. This is down 0.4% from the same day in January 2010 and suggests nearly one in five Americans need a full-time job as 2011 begins -- just as they did a year ago.
uts/hobama's teet sucker in chief:
more interesting story beneath the surface is the fact that black unemployment continues to rise to levels that would be outrageous for any other loyal constituency. Black unemployment grew to a startling 16.1 percent, from 15.5 percent last month. This is an even bigger increase than the rise from 15.3 percent the previous month.
Black women are dealing with 13.4 percent unemployment, while black males have the highest unemployment rate of all ethnic groups, at 17 percent. The most recent jobless rate for African American males is higher than the rates of 16.8 percent and 16.2 percent for March and February, respectively. Most ironic is that while this much joblessness would represent a state of emergency for the rest of America, African American males are not given a license to speak publicly about their concerns. The mandated political silence within the black community is similar to the "stop snitching" campaigns that keep police from finding assailants in urban neighborhoods. No one wants to snitch on the fact that the Obama administration has shown little public concern for distorted realities between black and white labor markets, and this is obviously disappointing.
We know that the unemployment problems for the black male are only extensions of equally deep concerns about mass incarceration and poor educational systems. Actually, the systems feed off one another, for the black male attending the underfunded inner city school is far more likely to end up in the unemployment line. He also has a very good chance of ending up in prison.
The grave concern with the "stop snitching on Obama" argument is that it tells black Americans that they are politically irrelevant and must rely solely on self-sufficiency to solve their problems, instead of asking the federal government to reinvest their tax dollars to help alleviate the crises that are affecting them. So, when you've adequately convinced a constituency that they are not important enough for the White House Agenda, these individuals may begin to feel invisible and unable to affect the outcome of an election. It's hard to explain to someone that they are unimportant when it comes to presidential priorities, yet critically important when it comes to showing up at the polls. So, when the day comes for the single black mother on the brink of homelessness to choose between going to vote or going to her job, she is going to remember that it's up to her and her alone to take care of her family. Therefore, she is going to go to work on election day and then pray that Obama gets reelected; after all "Obama ain't payin' no bills up in this house."
" alicia banks said...
uts/da imaginary jobs bliss czar:
black unemployment is more than double the actual 19.2 white joblessness!!!!
real economists know black unemployment is actually worse than what most dare to state...ie
closer to 41% for young black men under 25..."
Yeah, well, you know, with the economy being the way it is, we decided we'd stay home and cook our own damn fries. Sorry.
when has hobama ever resisted boycotting ANY racial issues/events...anytime/anywhere???
slow/old news day???
like mike dyson said
hobama always runs from racial issues
Shirley Sherrod, the woman at the center of the racism storm that has consumed Washington the past few days, told me she doesn’t know if President Obama supports her, but she welcomes the opportunity to talk to him about it, and to offer a few lessons of her own.
“I can’t say that the president is fully behind me, I would hope that he is…I would love to talk to him,” Sherrod said on "GMA."
“He is not someone who has experienced what I have experienced through life, being a person of color. He might need to hear some of what I could say to him,” she told me. “I don’t know if that would guide him in a way that he deals with others like me, but I at least would like to have the opportunity to talk to him about it.”
No word yet from the White House on whether the President will call Sherrod.
ditto 2009
uts/beta male cow pie faced coon:
see what a real bm who actually knows hobama has to say about your blackish false god....
By Adolph Reed Jr.
He's a vacuous opportunist.I’ve never been an Obama supporter. I’ve known him since the very beginning of his political career, which was his campaign for the seat in my state senate district in Chicago. He struck me then as a vacuous opportunist, a good performer with an ear for how to make white liberals like him. I argued at the time that his fundamental political center of gravity, beneath an empty rhetoric of hope and change and new directions, is neoliberal.
moooooooooove away from deep inside hobama's ass asap
colorist coon clown uts/da unmooooooooved unchanged hopeless cow pie IQ'd mayor hobamaland:
bubba was no saint
but he is STILL blacker than that blackish cia baby bankster drone hobama
i will not coddle the blackish corp green hobama who pimps black voters and slays them for wm banksters
he is gwb 2.0
you boi are steppin fetchit 2.0
eff both of u lost nigs
His political repertoire has always included the repugnant stratagem of using connection with black audiences in exactly the same way Bill Clinton did—i.e., getting props both for emoting with the black crowd and talking through them to affirm a victim-blaming “tough love” message that focuses on alleged behavioral pathologies in poor black communities. Because he’s able to claim racial insider standing, he actually goes beyond Clinton and rehearses the scurrilous and ridiculous sort of narrative Bill Cosby has made infamous.
It may be instructive to look at the outfit where he did his “community organizing,” the invocation of which makes so many lefties go weak in the knees. My understanding of the group, Developing Communities Project, at the time was that it was simply a church-based social service agency. What he pushed as his main political credential then, to an audience generally familiar with that organization, was his role in a youth-oriented voter registration drive.
The Obama campaign has even put out a misleading bio of Michelle Obama, representing her as having grown up in poverty on the South Side, when, in fact, her parents were city workers, and her father was a Daley machine precinct captain. This fabrication, along with those embroideries of the candidate’s own biography, may be standard fare, the typical log cabin narrative. However, in Obama’s case, the license taken not only underscores Obama’s more complex relationship to insider politics in Daley’s Chicago; it also underscores how much this campaign depends on selling an image rather than substance.
Princeton Professor Sean Wilentz, a Clinton supporter, noted that the Obama campaign advisers have tried to have it both ways on the race question. On the one hand, they present their candidate as a figure who transcends racial divisions and “brings us together”; on the other hand, they exhort us that we should support his candidacy because of the opportunity to “make history” (presumably by nominating and maybe electing a black candidate). Increasingly, Obama supporters have been disposed to cry foul and charge racism at nearly any criticism of him, in steadily more extravagant rhetoric.
classic new book...asap
"Obama has no power.
He does what he is told."
And George Bush was "The Decider".
Oh lawd help these fools.
AB, can't you just STFU, you annoying dyke?
You don't like Obama. WE GET IT. FINE. GIVE IT A REST.
I hate faggots, and think they should all be shipped off to re-educations camps, and kept segregated from the general population. Maybe sell them off to the Arabs. They don't seem to care what they screw. So, there.
coffee and cigarettes said...
N_S says
no matter the post, N_S will subvert the conversion by inserting dubious (read: false) personal "experiences."
1:47 AM
Like I said he's a walking "Wikipedia" - He's been there done that on any and everything. EVERYTHING. He gets my nomination for the "Most Interesting Man in the World"
closeted fag assnon:
i have the right to hate hobama as much as u love him and crave sex with him...
where is your blog u bugger????
ab, "he is smart and rich and good looking and INFINITELY more likely to be FAR less inept than that empty suited bankster drone hologram hobama"
bullshit. he cannot compete with Obama as a person or in character. Your mind and eyes are warped...fix that.
unscrewed unglued hobama nazi fag blog kkkop assnon:
cc that bs to any legally married het hubby
like john edwards/ahnold etc
ditto for any single clone of you at any strip club watching the boys more than the girls on the sly...
stupid assnon:
what has romney done that is worse than hobama?
why do all u faceless fools NEVER explain why u love hobama so?????
i expertly explain why i hate him
why are all u drones so inferior to me??????
I don't have a blog, you cow.
But, if I DID have one, I would be blogging on it, instead of spending all day on someone else's blog, bitching about Obama.
But, I guess you HAVE to, since NO ONE ever visits and comments on YOUR blog. Probably, because they're sick of your shit.
envious hobama blowing assnon:
u lie like hobama
even when he is in your mouth
got envy mf?
i am smarter
and wiser than u
and my traffic is visible all over my blog
u have no blog
and u r worthless on this one
and u dare to brag about both too!
what a dual loser u r you double dronedo nothing here
eff u x 2
uts stop calling ab a wacko because she in NOT! She is just the opposite--very smart.
you really need to work on your social graces.
envious hobama blowing assnon:
u lie like hobama
even when he is in your mouth
got envy mf?
i am smarter
and wiser than u
and my traffic is visible all over my blog
u have no blog
and u r worthless on this one
and u dare to brag about both too!
what a dual loser u r you double droned dreg
eff u x 2
AB, the fact that you think a former Venture Capitalist and Investment Banker (you know, the rich pricks who actually bankrupted the world economy) is a more progressive candidate than Obama shows that you have no real ideology or even common sense, you just don't like the skinny mulatto dude in the White House.
Like another poster said:
"You don't like Obama. WE GET IT. FINE. GIVE IT A REST."
Your thinking is irrational and inconsistent.
As far as criticizing Obama - yes, he let the Israeli lobby punk him, no different than the last 6 Presidents. But, that doesn't make him the Great Satan that you and many other cyber-activists make him out to be. The difference between me and you - I clearly criticize the man on substantive things, while you rail on about nonsense with a touch of reality here and there.
Anon@7:56 AM - Yes shooting a wounded 16 year old would robber five times is murder. He can't claim self defense once the kid is unable to shoot back - that's why his ass is going to jail. But of course, a minority teenager is no different a charging bear, one shot won't do right?
Also, let me say that Mitt Romney is an old school moderate Rockerfeller Republican from the Northeast. Not bad, and if he won, he probably would be an OK president. But how he's gonna square his center left views with the nut jobs running the GOP is beyond me. No one is going to support 'Obama light'.
uts/udder retard:
try to ease up on the silly "cow" bs when u pose as assnons clown...k?
it is exposing the cow pie u have for brains
ab, "why do all u faceless fools NEVER explain why u love hobama so?????"
how can you not love Obama? he has done so much for our country. his health care covers a lot of people in the hood. and he has given us all tax breaks. most importantly, he loves ungrateful people like you....shame!!
only a mental poser like you would chide one solo noble bankster for a blackish drone who is king of the worst cabal of global banskters in history
only a truly ignorant mf like you would lump a local bank with goldman sachs too...
the rockerfellers run the world and hobama too
carrry on coon.
mitt hating lack:
slandering mitt does NOTHING to explain why u adore and coddle hobama so
no real bankster would hand 23 trillion dollars to more evil banksters
that alone makes mitt better than that comparitive pauper puppet hobama
Persons interested in the economics of fraud, the S&L debacle, the problems of financial regulation, and microeconomics more broadly will find this book to be very important. It is a marvelous combination of insider experiences, well-grounded generalizations, and the foundations of a broader research agenda. It merits a wide readership and, one hopes, sustained reflection on its arguments and conclusions. (Robert E. Prasch Journal of Economic Issues 200609)
Bill Black has detailed an alarming story about financial and political corruption….the lessons are as fresh as the morning newspaper. One of those lessons really sticks out: one brave man with a conscience could stand up for us all. (Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve )
hobama is the blackish dl hrpic...
the head "rich prick" in charge
who made the banskter pricks he adores 23 trillion dolllars richer
why is that all ok with broke black dl dicks like u?????
why do u love being pricked and tricked by hobama so????????
ab, "carrry on coon."
excuse me ab, my eyes are a little week so i have a hard time seeing some words. but did you just use the word COON on lac? if so, that is pretty low. everyone knows lac is an honest, upright Obama-holic who does no wrong.
you really have guts attacking lac like that. he could come back at you and raze you to the ground. i am sure you don't want that. hence, i recommend that you "apologize" to him ASAP!
lacking one iota of sanity/da mayor's asst in coontastic hobamaland:
mitt's banking legacy is NOT ok...but hobama's is????
only in hobamaland where u dwell lack..bet!!!
The military, finance capital and healthcare corporations (insurers are a branch of finance capital) are winning every important battle because, on fundamental issues, President Obama is on their side. It is he who crushed the anti-war bloc in the US. House; who silenced and marginalized single payer advocates, while fawning over health profiteers; who engineered the greatest transfer of wealth in human history to bankers, leaving them free to once again ruin themselves and the rest of us.
So let us give President Obama his due. He not only smashed the Left opposition, he humiliated them.
There is no longer an anti-war bloc in the U.S. Congress. It began to evaporate when Obama took office. The Out of Iraq Caucus has dissolved. The Progressive Congressional Caucus cannot find a mission. And the Congressional Black Caucus can claim only eight members worthy of the label, “progressive.”
lacking balanced bromance:
"obama light" trumps hobama as "gwb HEAVY" always!!!
and u degrade mitt's ambitions as grossly as u fabricate hobama's
hobama and his banksters make mitt look like a saint with a check cashing card
Tax cheat Geithner
Bank/Corporate Bailouts: Although the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), otherwise known as the bankster bailout, occurred on Bush's watch, Obama fully supported it as necessary. Obama then followed up this massive wealth grab with a gargantuan stimulus bill which has basically been absorbed by the financial crisis as well. All said, Bloomberg and others reported the taxpayer guarantees for Wall Street are upwards of $23 trillion. Additionally, the best part of Obama's cabinet and appointed czars are directly connected to big banks like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Furthermore, Obama and Democratic leaders gave the Federal Reserve even more regulatory power over the economy. The Administration hails the Financial Reform bill as a big political accomplishment, but the bill never addressed the three major problems: doesn't break up or reduce the size of too-big-to-fail banks, doesn't remove the massive government guarantees to the giant banks, and it won’t even increase liquidity requirements to prevent future meltdowns. The inmates are too clearly running Obama's asylum.
ab, "So let us give President Obama his due. He not only smashed the Left opposition, he humiliated them."
Wow, you are on fire. Preach it!!you are a true warrior, just the opposite of those weaklings lac and uts. If ONLY we could have a thousand more like you, the black race would finally be free. Unfortunately, we are left with the likes of uts. It makes me want to cry.
there ARE millions of real smart literate awake...bm and bw who hate hobama as i do
they just do not cast their pearls among swine/hobama nazi boar bitches like uts and lack
see much more here:
and here
la coincidental writes:
...the fact that you think a former Venture Capitalist and Investment Banker (you know, the rich pricks who actually bankrupted the world economy) is a more progressive candidate than Obama shows...
As the two-year SEC investigation of Lehman has proven, no laws were broken.
Ya get it? The problems in the economy are a result of horrifyingly bad legislation. Not investment bankers or venture capitalists.
It was the legislation that allowed people with lousy credit scores, lousy or no jobs, and NO downpayment money to buy homes.
Who and what is responsible for the creation of laws? Industry or Congress?
If you want to argue that Congress was bought off, okay. But that means you admit that Congress -- Barney Frank, for one -- is corrupt.
The first mistake was the Community Reinvestment Act from the Carter Administration. Second was the end of banking Regulation Q, again, another Carter blunder that brought on the Savings & Loan Crisis.
Then there were further loosenings of credit standards under Clinton.
Moreover, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- the two government-backed mortgage buyers -- were a huge part of the problem. If they did not exist, no bank would have underwritten low-quality loans without sufficient collateral, like a big downpayment.
Adding to the problem was the fact that the government gave special status to Moodys and S&P, and eight other rating agencies.
If the rating agencies had nothing but their own reputations to back them, they would have been less kind to the mortgage-backed securities that were at the center of our economic problems.
News You Can Use:
Rabid Beavers Bite Folks in NE Philly:
Wildlife officials warn of rabid beavers in Pennypack Creek
Friday, Jun 3, 2011
Beavers are causing concern in Pennypack Creek.
Wildlife officials are warning Northeast Philadelphia park visitors about possibly rabid beavers after three people were bitten near a city creek in the past two days.
Pennsylvania Game Commission spokesman Jerry Feaser said Thursday that one beaver has been captured and killed. Its carcass will be tested for rabies.
Officials say a beaver bit a husband and wife who were fishing on Wednesday in Pennypack Creek in northeast Philadelphia.
A beaver bit a child in the same area on Thursday. Wildlife officials later captured and killed a beaver about 500 yards from where the child was attacked.
In late April, a rabid beaver was found in the White Clay Creek area of Chester County.
More Slappy lying,
"It was the legislation that allowed people with lousy credit scores, lousy or no jobs, and NO downpayment money to buy homes."
He just pulls it out of his ass and throws.
For instance, I dare you to show one example of a person with no job and no downpayment who was granted a mortgage loan.
hey lack:
u lie like hobama
where are all those "shovel ready jobs" your blackish god promised???
Analysis of January’s national employment data by the Associated General Contractors of America shows …
Construction unemployment jumped to 22.5 percent. December’s construction unemployment was 20.7 percent.
Sector lost 32,000 jobs from December; 130,000 jobs over the past 12 months. Employment in construction fell 16,000 jobs in November.
Nonresidential construction sector lost 35,300 jobs between December and January; residential sector added 3,500 jobs.
Harsh winter weather likely contributed to some of the industry layoffs in January.
Ken Simonson, AGCA chief economist: “With stimulus work starting to dry up, Congress proposing major funding cuts and private demand still weak, it is hard to see how the industry will add jobs this year.”
Adds economist Dan Seiver at San Diego State: “Construction won’t really turn around until we work off the excess supply of homes and buildings left over from the last boom. It could be another year before we cut into that high construction unemployment rate in a meaningful way. The good news is I think that the overall economy is recovering, and the recovery will pick up speed soon. This will eventually impact construction favorably.”
Locally, latest stats (December) showed Orange County construction bosses cut 5,000 jobs in the year — sixth largest regional cut in the nation.
liar loon uts:
u r worse than the kosher kkk needs slaps
because he loves his mother and his own hair
and he lies LESS than u do coon....shame!!!!
Did you think the housing collapse killed off "liar loans"--those infamous bubble-era mortgages for which people were allowed to get creative in portraying their ability to make the payments? Well, they're back, and that may be a good thing.
All the rage during the peak of the housing boom, these mortgages went by names like "no-doc" (meaning no documentation of income required), "low-doc" or "stated-income" mortgages. In all cases, banks set aside their underwriting standards based on what borrowers could prove they were earning with pay stubs, tax returns and the like. Instead, lenders started trusting borrowers to "forecast" future income and underwrote loans based on those projections (using as a fallback the house itself as collateral).
hey lack:
do u give timmy g the same pass u give hobama?
do u hate timmy the way u hate mitt?
what passes for logic with u hobama nazis is even more astounding than the hoax that is hobama!!!
it is akin to racist fools like kosher kkk needs slaps lamenting liar loans but saying nothing about lying banksters/baiters/loaners....shame!!!!!!!!!!
What was Timothy Geithner thinking back in 2008 when, as president of the New York Fed, he decided to give Goldman Sachs a $30 billion interest-free loan as part of an $80 billion secret float to favored banks? The sordid details of that program were finally made public this week in response to a court order for a Freedom of Information Act release, thanks to a Bloomberg News lawsuit. Sorry, my bad: It wasn’t an interest-free loan; make that .01 percent that Goldman paid to borrow taxpayer money when ordinary folks who missed a few credit card payments in order to finance their mortgages were being slapped with interest rates of more than 25 percent.
It was merely one small part of that reckless policy of throwing mad money at the banks while ignoring the plight of homeowners whom the banks had swindled, a plan pursued by both the Bush and the Obama administrations that set the stage for the current slide into a double-dip recession. On Tuesday it was reported that home values have continued an eight-month decline back to their lowest point since the recession began. With housing in deep trouble there can be no rebound of consumer confidence or job creation, and the first-quarter growth rate was an anemic 1.8 percent even as Wall Street profits and bonuses flourished. Wages are stagnant, unemployment claims have recently risen and, as The Wall Street Journal headlined on Tuesday, “Economists Downgrade Prospects for Growth.” That same edition of the Journal reported that 44.6 million Americans now survive on food stamps, an 11 percent increase in that misery index over the past year, while Geithner’s friends at Goldman are doing quite well.
Dumbass Steve won't believe the truth, even if you beat him over his nappy head with it.
He only believes what he WANTS to be the truth.
No_slappz, the banking laws were weak because guys like Romney advocated and lobbied for the end things like Glass-Steagal. (And Romney's firm, was notorious for restructuring - i.e. firing everyone, liquidating companies and pocketing the profits. So much for 'job creation')
So yes, I-bankers and their quasi-legal Ponzi scheme caused the crash. So the banking and finance industry are just as culpable as the politicians who turned the other way. Don't spout crap out your butt, read a book something other than a Fox News blog.
There are cases of person with questionable means getting mortgages. (i.e. Predatory lending.) But, the problem is more like vulture capitalist so their means to game the housing bubble and sucker working and middle class folks into bad deals. Bu to your point, Tyrone the Homeless Crackhead wasn't going to get a loan from Freddie Mac. And this idea that poor people caused the crash is just stupid.
AB -
Please stop spouting ignorance. You know why those "shovel ready jobs" 'aren't there' (which isn't really true, between Homeland Security contracts and EMR money, there are other stimulus projects under work but don't let things like details bother you, my dear). Everyone and their mother is playing politics trying to blame Obama while simultaneously getting credit for his ideas on the low. Look at how Republican governors were poo-pooing the stimulus but then scrambling to get those stimulus dollars and thinking no one will notice.
at least some one here knows that the democrats and the community reinvestment act caused the depression we are in.the real problem is that field is to stupid and full of hate toward white people to ever understand it.that off spring of criminals and welfare queens got what he was looking for and mr. ersland was victimized once by a knee grow criminal and then by liberal judge and prosecution.this verdict will not stand.
Obama's complete destruction of the US economy will go down in history as the greatest crisis our country as ever faced, and Obama will be considered the worst President ever.
that corp green hobama has promised jobs that do not exist
why do u excuse his blatant lies??????
why do u love him so??????
wtf has he done to earn your love as slays u???????
brown shirted brown nosing how now brown cow lack:
only a dimwitted drone like you would call EXCLUSIVE govt hiring a good thing
even as fed workers are being setup and sabotaged like teachers
pay attn to the sins of your blackish god fool
The battle over public employee unions isn’t just happening in Wisconsin. In states like Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, public employee unions are also under attack. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels even called union members “the privileged elite” during a speech in neighboring Ohio last week. GOP poster boy and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s made no qualms about his desire to attack unions, an approach Matt Bai studiously outlined in a recent New York Times Magazine profile. In response, workers in those states have protested in solidarity with those in Wisconsin. Evan McMorris-Santoro wrote at Talking Points Memo that as the battle over unions heats up in Ohio, protests in that state have reached their largest and loudest levels yet.
Last week, Kai Wright pointed to evidence that in states and localities where GOP officials are trying to use budget crunches to crack down on public employee unions, those workers are “uniquely black.” That’s especially true in states outside of Wisconsin, where black workers make up a considerable number of union members.
LACoincidental said...
"So yes, I-bankers and their quasi-legal Ponzi scheme caused the crash"
As usual, WRONG!
The crash was caused by the federal government forcing the banking industry to lend close to a trillion dollars in mortagage loans to people who didn't qualify to be lent too.
Blaming the banks for doing what they were told to do is liberal slight of hand.
poster boy hobama nazi lack:
white collar govt jobs for happy elitist educated drones like you will not save joblessness
welfare will not save the jobless and homeless either
hobama will ONLY save the banksters...and they are not loaning or hiring!!!
It seems like the entire U.S. economy is a giant Ponzi scheme where very little tangible production happens. We live in a giant welfare economy which makes real solutions to problems nearly impossible. In fact the problems seem to be the solutions. It's almost as if the corporate-government must keep breaking things to create false jobs and phony GDP numbers (see 9-11, WMD, BP oil spill, and Pakistan). Furthermore, the solutions offered to us tend restrict our freedom. It may be time to re-evaluate how we think of jobs and production in general as the welfare nation will soon run out of monopoly money.
"If ONLY we could have a thousand more like you, the black race would finally be free."
I'm free.
If you coon-servatives can unshackle your enslaved minds and get the fuck off the porch, you can be too.
radioactive retard lack:
ditto for hobama's imaginary nuke jobs...shame!!!
Corporations – and President Obama – are betting that hunger for jobs will trump all else to make Blacks allies of nuclear power. Nuclear energy promoters worked on the same assumption 30 years ago – but that was before the blossoming of the environmental justice movement.
With President Obama's blessing and more than $8 billion dollars in guaranteed public money, the nuclear power folks plan to build two new plants in majority Black and desperately poor Burke County, Georgia, where cancer rates are far higher than surrounding regions and jobs are still scarce for Blacks even though nuclear plants have been located there since the 1950s. In an article in the Huffington Post, Dr. Robert Bullard told Black Agenda Report's Bruce Dixon that Black communities on the fencelines of nuclear plants “don't get the jobs. They get pollution and more poverty. And they get sick.”
"There are cases of person with questionable means getting mortgages."
Of course. And it had shit to do with the Community Reinvestment Act.
How do people think that gangsters like John Gotti were able to get mortgages on houses in upscale neighborhoods like Howard Beach?
"(i.e. Predatory lending.) But, the problem is more like vulture capitalist so their means to game the housing bubble and sucker working and middle class folks into bad deals."
LAC, I'm a salesman. I know exactly what these lenders and bankers were doing to these mainly single professional mothers or young first time couples who wanted to own some property.
In a lot of cases the lenders were not totally forthcoming about the adjustable mortgage rates and when they ballooned after 5 years, a lot of these women (of all races) were forced into foreclosure
"Bu to your point, Tyrone the Homeless Crackhead wasn't going to get a loan from Freddie Mac. And this idea that poor people caused the crash is just stupid."
Slappy is stupid.
lacking clarity and vision:
hobama has no jobs program
he is busting unions and bilking the poor because that is HIS job as a blackish hatchet man for the world order and his trilateral commission owners/regime that u pretend do not exist
Why does Obama refuse to intervene? Why will he not create a real stimulus plan, i.e., a massive, federally-run jobs program? There are two answers.
First, Obama has promised the rich investors who fund America’s debt that they are the priority. These investors demand that America’s debt be managed — by trimming the budget. Instead of cutting back on war spending or bank bailouts, or taxing the rich and corporations, Obama is freezing social spending, while refusing to spend money to create jobs.
The second reason that Obama will not create millions of new, living wage jobs is more ominous. To the President, low wages do not present a problem, but an opportunity. Although low wages destroy domestic demand for consumer goods, they create the potential for a new kind of demand internationally.
Since corporations can no longer sell their products to American workers, they are trying to switch gears, and sell more of their products abroad. This is the grand solution that Obama speaks of whenever he talks about “increasing exports,” which he mentions often now.
Exports can only be increased if U.S. workers make even lower wages, since U.S. products must compete on the world market with the slave wages of China and India. Implied in this plan is a major restructuring of the American working class. Living standards must drop further and faster. This plan is unknown to most Americans, but it’s already begun.
Unemployment caused by the recession is being used as a blunt object to pressure workers to accept lower wages. Workers everywhere are not complaining about these conditions since they fear being fired, knowing that a thousand unemployed workers would do the job for half the wage (thus the importance of unions). Public workers are being fired or having their wages slashed due to the state budget crises.
"The crash was caused by the federal government forcing the banking industry to lend close to a trillion dollars in mortagage loans to people who didn't qualify to be lent too."
That's a damn lie.
The goverment never forces any banks to make any loans.
And certainly not a Republican government.
hey lack:
did mitt bank drug money like hobama and his global bankster posses do???
do they vex u as mitt does????
If the major US banks are the financial engines which allow the billion dollar drug empires to operate, the White House, the US Congress and the law enforcement agencies are the basic protectors of these banks. Despite the deep and pervasive involvement of the major banks in laundering hundreds of billions of dollars in illicit funds, the “court settlements” pursued by US prosecutors have led to no jail time for the bankers. One court’s settlement amounted to a fine of $50 million dollars, less than 0.5% of one of the banks (the Wachovia/Wells Fargo bank) $12.3 billion profits for 2009 (The Guardian, May 11, 2011). Despite the death of tens of thousands of Mexican civilians, US executive branch directed the DEA, the federal prosecutors and judges to impose such a laughable ‘punishment’ on Wachovia for its illegal services to the drug cartels. The most prominent economic officials of the Bush and Obama regimes, including Summers, Paulson, Geithner, Greenspan, Bernacke et al, are all long term associates, advisers and members of the leading financial houses and banks implicated in laundering the billions of drug profits.
Laundering drug money is one of the most lucrative sources of profit for Wall Street; the banks charge hefty commissions on the transfer of drug profits, which they then lend to borrowing institutions at interest rates far above what – if any – they pay to drug trafficker depositors. Awash in sanitized drug profits, these US titans of the finance world can easily buy their own elected officials to perpetuate the system.
Even more important and less obvious is the role of drug money in the recent financial meltdown, especially during its most critical first few weeks.
According to the head of United Nation’s Office on Drugs and Crime, Antonio Maria Costa, “In many instances, drug money (was)… currently the only liquid investment capital…. In the second half of 2008, liquidity was the banking system’s main problem and hence liquid capital became an important factor…interbank loans were funded by money that originated from drug trade and other illegal activities… (there were) signs that some banks were rescued in that way.” (Reuters, January 25,2009. US edition). Capital flows from the drug billionaires were key to floating Wachovia and other leading banks. In a word: the drug billionaires saved the capitalist financial system from collapse!
hey lack:
do hobama's choices that doom millions vex u the way mitt's personal career choices do???
u hopeless changeless clueless hobama nazis repulse me
banksters think all of us are disposable drones because of morons like u...shame!!!!
The Bush-Obama bailout bore "small print" already has given Wall Street a decade’s tax-free status by letting it count its financial losses against its tax liability. So not only has there been a great fiscal giveaway, there has been a tax shift off finance onto labor and industry. States and localities already have begun to announce plans to sell off roads and airports, land and other public assets to the financial sector in order to finance their looming budget deficits (which localities are not allowed to run under present legislation). No federal funding has been granted to finance the cities as their tax receipts plunge. There has been a token amount to relieve some low-income families saddled with junk mortgages. But this does not involve actually giving them a spendable money "bonus." Their role is simply to be trotted out like widows and orphans used to be, as justification to bail out banks for their bad gambles on currency, interest rates and bond derivative gambles. Insolvent debtors are merely passive vehicles to get a book-credit of mortgage relief that the government will turn over in their name to their bankers to make these institutions whole.
This is called "saving the economy." That is as much an oxymoron as "socializing the losses." Socializing the losses would mean wiping the mortgages and other bank loans of debtors off the books. These giveaways are to keep the debts on the books, but for the government to buy them and make the creditors whole – while a quarter of real estate has fallen into Negative Equity as its debts are not being bailed out but kept on the books. The economy’s "toxic waste" remains. But a matching volume of new waste is being created and given to a few hundred families. No wonder the stock market soared by 200 points on Wednesday, led by bank stocks!
The government’s solution, placed in its hands by the financial lobbyists, is to bail out the bankers and Wall Street while leaving the "real" economy even more highly indebted. All this talk about "more credit" being needed, all this begging of banks to lend more money and then extract yet more interest and amortization from the economy, is leading it even deeper into the debt hole. It is not helping families repay their debts. And indeed, homeowners whose mortgages already exceed the market price of their property are not going to be able to borrow more.
uptownsteve said...
"The crash was caused by the federal government forcing the banking industry to lend close to a trillion dollars in mortagage loans to people who didn't qualify to be lent too."
That's a damn lie.
The goverment never forces any banks to make any loans.
As usual, WRONG!
The Community Reinvestment Act forced banks to make loans to low-income families and people with poor credit, fining banks that refused to comply. There were even racial/ethnic quotas imposed on loan portfolios.
Under the Clinton administration, federal regulators began using the act to combat “red-lining,” a practice by which banks loaned money to some communities but not to others, based on economic status. “No loan is exempt, no bank is immune,” warned then-Attorney General Janet Reno. “For those who thumb their nose at us, I promise vigorous enforcement.”
Democrats and groups associated with them leaned on banks and even sued to get them to make bad loans by abusing the Community Reinvestment Act. The harassment suits filed under this act were used to get banks to lower credit standards and hand out high risk loans. The series of ACORN harassment lawsuits and intimidation against banks to lower credit standards was not the sole reason for the mortgage crisis, it was one important layer of many that brought us to the mortgage crisis and the largest financial scandal in the history of the world. Obama himself started out his legal career by working on such a redlining lawsuit against Citibank in 1994.
Obama, who once represented ACORN in a lawsuit against the state of Illinois, was hired by the group to train its community organizers and staff in the methods and tactics of the late Saul Alinsky. ACORN would stage in-your-face protests in bank lobbies, drive-through lanes and even at bank managers’ homes to get them to issue risky loans in the inner city or face charges of racism.
In the early 1990s, Obama was personally recruited by Chicago’s ACORN to run training sessions in “direct action.” That’s the euphemism for the techniques used under the cover of the federal Community Reinvestment Act to intimidate financial institutions into giving what have been called “Ninja” loans — no income, no job, no assets — to people who couldn’t afford them.
When the housing bubble the CRA had helped to create finally burst, all of these marginal loans went bad, crashing the entire financial system.
The Community Investment Act was passed in 1977 and was enacted to stop "redlining" which is illegal.
I guess in your twisted mind it was only enforced during the Clinton administration.
Nobody forced banks to make loans to people without jobs or credit.
Bush deregulated the banks and as LAC pointed out, the lenders began a Ponzi scheme focusing on mortgages with first time or "nontraditional" buyers gambling that the housing boom would continue and home values would continue to increase.
The idea that the recession and housing crash was because of minority buyers with no jobs and no credit is rightwing racist bullshit.
This guy is just a walking pile of $hit.
"The Community Reinvestment Act forced banks to make loans to low-income families and people with poor credit, fining banks that refused to comply. There were even racial/ethnic quotas imposed on loan portfolios."
a GODDAMN lie.
"The law, however, emphasizes that an institution's CRA activities should be undertaken in a safe and sound manner, and does not require institutions to make high-risk loans that may bring losses to the institution.[3][4] An institution's CRA compliance record is taken into account by the banking regulatory agencies when the institution seeks to expand through merger, acquisition or branching. The law does not mandate any other penalties for non-compliance with the CRA."
dumb darkie hater dem drone uts:
what have the repubs ever done to america that is worse than hobama???
including his repub cuz gwb???
that dem poser hobama/gwb 2.0/gwb 3.0 is the most repub prez EVER!!!!
The 2012 budget proposal looks like it arrived straight from GOP headquarters, but it’s signed “Barack Obama.” The First Black President “seems totally willing ‘to drop the blade’” on many of the Democrats’ core constituent programs “instead of giving Republicans the pleasure.” Virtually every federal program designed to serve the poor and working class has been savaged, preemptively, by Obama’s own hand.
With his cruel 2012 budget, Obama has once again proven to be a lap dog of the Republicans – rolling over before even being asked to do so. And while he signed off on Wall Street bailouts and groveled to the Chamber of Commerce, those in real need have gotten little, if anything, from his Administration beyond the symbolism of his presence in the White House.
And when the dust settles, and the warm glow of symbolism dies down, should Obama get another term, his years in office may just end up being the worse economic period for blacks in decades. Welcome to post-racial America.
Anonymous said...
Blacks complain about discrepencies in sentencing. Lets see: 7 black males stomp to death the Tuba man, an elderly musician, in Seattle sentenced to 3-34 months.
15 black males surround Yankel Rosenbaum,a Jewish man, and Lemrick Nelson stabs him to death while othes scream "kill the kike". Only Lemrick is charged, and is acquitted because a black jury refused to convict, although he admitted doing it.
Why you dirty rotten liar!
This is a cherry picked, copy and paste job, infused with your own misspelled words and racist commentary.
The first incident you mentioned occurred in 2008. Ed McMichael, also know as Tuba Man, did ultimately die from a beating sustained from 3 teenage youths. It does not appear that law enforcement viewed this as a hate crime. These were bad kids, no doubt. However the racist angle is coming from the usual suspects; the Free Republic, Vanguard, Council of Conservative Citizens, etc.etc.
The other incident you included is from the 1991 Crown Heights Riot. You purposely omitted the fact that this involved a car accident in which a 7 year old was killed -and his 7 year old cousin was seriously injured. The perpetrator, who was Jewish, unlicensed and allegedly, smelled of alcohol was whisked away by private ambulance. The ambulance was for Jews only. Therefore, it refused to help the children.
For those who need a refresher course on this subject- just google the Crown Heights Riot.
uptownsteve said...
Bush deregulated the banks and as LAC pointed out, the lenders began a Ponzi scheme focusing on mortgages with first time or "nontraditional" buyers gambling that the housing boom would continue and home values would continue to increase.
Banks are business to make money. They do this primarily by lending money to people who will pay it back, with interest. Over the past few centuries they developed underwriting criteria to help evaluate the ability and likelihood of lenders to pay back their obligations.
"Redlining" is not based on bigotry, but on common sense business practices of an industry that wants to remain profitable.
When the government forced banks to put aside their long established underwriting criteria and make loans, lots of them, that they otherwise would not have made, they set the stage for financial disaster.
Banks don't "gamble". There was no risk. Government forced them to transfer huge sums of money to favored classes, then bailed them out with money from everyone else, just as the the banks always knew would happen.
The CRA was created during the Carter adminstration for the laudable purpose of increasing home ownership. It was greatly expanded under the Clinton adminstration. Bush embraced the goal, but made only feeble attempts to reign in the democrat slush fund Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac organizations. Institutions like ACORN abused the CRA by using it to bully banks into pouring untold billions into bad loans. Barack Obama even worked with ACORN to facilitate this process, then benefited by the well-timed financial collapse right before the election.
Fools like you apparently believe the democrat propaganda line that it was the "evil banks and Wall Street" that set themselves on fire. Thinking people know that it was the CRA that was at the root of the collapse, and the ACORN lawyer that now runs the country is continuing the process of economic destruction.
uptownsteve said...
The usual nonsense. I won't waste my time anymore on this low IQ pc of shit. He is a blatant liar and thinks people forget what he argues about then when he gets nailed which is each and every topic he thinks he knows something about, he denies ever saying it.
Useless Steve, You need to retread the rubber on your racist wheelchair, your spinning and going in circles and while you used to be laughed at, now your just pathetic.
Useless Steve with an IQ well suited for a janitor's job or a affirmative action salesperson position.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
The ambulance was for Jews only. Therefore, it refused to help the children.
That's right it was. Get your own damn ambulances.
Emit Till was more culpable in his death than Yankel Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum was a scholar visiting from Australia walking down the street when he was stabbed to death by a black lynch mob. Supporters of the lynch mob falsely pretended it had anything to do with a car accident. The statements made by Ms. Ann G. Myma and BArry are lies to excuse lynching an innocent man. Want to excuse a lynching? Then do so with Jaspex TX, do so with the Little Rock Baptist Church Bombings, do so with Emit Till. Blacks comitt violent crimes against Jews every single day. Blacks use a damn car accident as an excuse to committ even more violent crime. Black folks who think they can be an apologist for Rosenbaum's lynching, like the 2 fools above, while demanding sympathy for all those black folks turned into tree orniments by the KKK are sadly mistaken. The KKK murdered blacks cause they commmitted rape and/or murder. The black KKK murdered an innocent Jewish man and used a car accident as an excuse. The KKK had better excuses. Also the KKK didn't loot. It's hard to believe someone is so broken up over the death of a child their first thought is to steal. Even the thugs that did it said their motivation was not grief over a child but "being drunk and excited." All you black folks who try and justify this lynching should have to stare at a photo of Emit Till's bloated mutilated body and listen to someone try to justify that. F'ing black Nazis
There are two posts being apologists for killing an innocent Jewish man in a hate crime because some other Jewish guy, with no association with him, comitted a car accident.
There are zero posts being apologists for killing a black armed robber who went into someone's place of business and threatened thier life.
Proof that if blacks ran this country they would run it as bad, if not worse, then the KKK did.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
The ambulance was for Jews only. Therefore, it refused to help the children.
That's right it was. Get your own damn ambulances.
4:42 PM
Where de amber lamps, where de amber lamps he leakin....
gated uts/da mayor of utopia:
take a field trip asap!!!
The Obama administration's inability to stem the foreclosure crisis ricocheted dramatically on Friday, as the Labor Department released unexpectedly low job-growth numbers that pushed the unemployment rate back over 9 percent. The jobs report comes on the heels of both a devastating report that found housing prices hit new lows in March and warnings from economists that the tumbling real estate market threatens to drag the economy back into recession.
"The jobs numbers, they ain't pretty, man," economist Jared Bernstein told HuffPost. Bernstein left the Obama administration last month to join the Center on Budget Policy and Priorities, a highly respected left-of-center Washington think tank. "You don't wanna make too much out of one month, but when that month reflects other trends in the economy, you want to take note."
"The bottom line is that the job market simply isn't meeting the basic employment and income needs of working families," he said.
Anonymous said...
Emit Till was more culpable in his death than Yankel Rosenbaum
Emmett Till was 14 years old, you racist cracker. By the way, if you Wingnuts are trying to whip up some animosity between African Americans and Jews, go for it Bitch!
This country is sooooo screwed.
You can stick a fork in the U.S.......it's done:
The Chinese must be laughing their ying yangs off.
Maybe we should move to Africa....the blacks there sure aren't doing $hit with it.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
Anonymous said...
Emit Till was more culpable in his death than Yankel Rosenbaum
Emmett Till was 14 years old, you racist cracker. By the way, if you Wingnuts are trying to whip up some animosity between African Americans and Jews, go for it Bitch!
Want animosity? Look at what happened memorial day, 10 cities parks and beaches closed down due to black thugs, black culture, black violence. Blacks being blacks, enough is enough. If you can't raise your young you betcha ass we'll lower em a double tap is neeede to ensure those black thugs don't get up and start shootin agin.
Anonymous said...
There are two posts being apologists for killing an innocent Jewish man in a hate crime because some other Jewish guy, with no association with him, comitted a car accident.
Spare me the sanctimonious bullshyte,I ain't buying it! Besides, you made both comments.
Anonymous said...
Emit Till was more culpable in his death than Yankel Rosenbaum
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
Emmett Till was 14 years old, you racist cracker. By the way, if you Wingnuts are trying to whip up some animosity between African Americans and Jews, go for it Bitch
And Yankel Rosenbaum was 24 years old, you racist negroid. If you want top excuse lynching an innocent man when it's blacks who are wearing the white sheet be prepared for people to have the same attitude about those blacks turned into tree orniments. All lynch mobs have their excuses and the white lynch mobs who who turned you into tree orniments had better excuses then the bs excuse you dredge up to excuse lyncing Rosenbaum. A car accident? If Jews lynched blacks every time you committed a car accident, mugging, rape, or murder and justice wasn't done you'd be an extinct species.
Btw- 16 Asians were killed in a bus accident in NY several months ago. The driver still hasn't been charged although he was at fault. Do you see Asians going bolistic? Do you see them looting, killing, and assulating blacks? Do you see them ranting like maniacs for revenge?
Yet a Jewish guy (who had saved a black woman from a fire weeks before) committs a car accident, blacks try to drag him out of the car and kill him, then kill an innocent Jewish man 2 hours after the car accident, and spend 3 days assaulting and looting.... and you wonder why blacks are the most likely to be in prison, and asians the least? Yes, I know blacks were heartbroken over the death of this child. I could tell because hundreds of young blacks stole for 3 days. Now I wonder why blacks don't exhibit the same heartbroken over the 11 year old hispanic girl gangraped by 20 black men? Or the Hispanic pizza delivery guy killed by 3 black terrorists for a free pizza? Or the 94 year old Holocaust survior murdered by 3 blacks in a robbery? Or the 6 year old black child murderd by her own parents? Why no looting? Why no outrage?
Blacks kill people, including other blacks, every single day.
Blacks can still remember the name of the child in the the car accident 20 years ago they use to try and justify a lynching, but they can't remember the name of any victims of black crime from yesterday or the names of the 16 asians killed by the black bus driver only a few months ago.
Tarzan said...
Chinese must be laughing their ying yangs off.
Sorry Tarzan, Barry or Anonymous, I don't buy anything from the right-wing blogesphere. Why don't you move back to Europe?
Bipartisan Congress rebuffs Obama on Libya mission
Crossing party lines to deliver a stunning rebuke to the commander in chief, the vast majority of the House voted Friday for resolutions telling President Obama he has broken the constitutional chain of authority by committing U.S. troops to the international military mission in Libya.
In two votes — on competing resolutions that amounted to legislative lectures of Mr. Obama — Congress escalated the brewing constitutional clash over whether he ignored the founding document’s grant of war powers by sending U.S. troops to aid in enforcing a no-fly zone and naval blockade of Libya.
The resolutions were non-binding, and only one of them passed, but taken together, roughly three-quarters of the House voted to put Mr. Obama on notice that he must explain himself or else face future consequences, possibly including having funds for the war cut off.
“He has a chance to get this right. If he doesn’t, Congress will exercise its constitutional authority and make it right,” said House Speaker John A. Boehner, the Ohio Republican who wrote the resolution that passed, 268-145, and sets a two-week deadline for the president to deliver the information the House is seeking.
Minutes after approving Mr. Boehner’s measure, the House defeated an even more strongly-worded resolution offered by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Ohio Democrat, that would have insisted the president begin a withdrawal of troops
Anonymous said...
Yet a Jewish guy (who had saved a black woman from a fire weeks before) committs a car accident, blacks try to drag him out of the car and kill him, then kill an innocent Jewish man 2 hours after the car accident, and spend 3 days assaulting and looting....
I said, I'm not buying your sanctimonious bullshyte. What part of this do you not understand? You can post your crazy, racist drivel until Jeebus comes back, it will still be junk. Obviously, you are unaware that you're unaware-that you're stupid!
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
I like huffin african Jenkem I love bringing the third world to the U.S. I will be happy when the U.S is a toilet just like all other black nations.
Slapnuts said...
Crossing party lines to deliver a stunning rebuke to the commander in chief
Slapnuts, who cares? Dennis Kucinich is doing this to raise money. He is pandering to the progressive base. He'd rather do this than help his constituents in Ohio. As a matter of fact, due to redistricting, he is in danger of losing his seat. That's why he is not fighting Governor Kasich over the destruction of unions. Dennis is never around when he is needed. Dennis cares about Dennis. Slowly but surely, Progressives are beginning to see him for what he really is.
In the meantime, your link is to Reverend Moon's paper. Sorry, I don't trust the Moonies.
MAG you have a point, this whole "Obama is wrong on Libya" is a classic political Kubaki. Whatever one's actual thoughts about the whole ordeal, this vote has little to do with Libya or the Arab Spring - its about attacking the President on political grounds.
The wingnuts need to weaken Obama every chance they get, since - unlike 1980, the strongman in the race is the incumbent. And Kuicinich can't afford to lose those Lefty campaign dollars, so he'll trumpet one Quixotic liberal cause after another.
It won't pass because its not meant to pass. Its simply meant to stir up the Hornet's nest.
Another good point, where was Kuicinich in the Ohio union fight? For all their warts, both branches of Rev. Inc. showed up for the labor fights. But not a peep out of the 'only liberal in DC'.
Not true, LAC.
Anon, actually, you're wrong. The question wasn't "Does Kuicinich fight for labor right at all?" the statement MAG made was "Why hasn't Kuicinich cleaned up his own backyard and lead the charge against his own governor?"
The answer, as Ann pointed out, is that he's a weak seat and doesn't want the governor to go after him will all guns blazing.
I don't blame the guy, personally I'd hold on to my seat too. But, that makes him a politician, not a people's advocate.
Anonymous said...
I like huffin african Jenkem I love bringing the third world to the U.S. I will be happy when the U.S is a toilet just like all other black nations.
Stupid please! Those that have reduced this country to Thrid World status are your heroes. It was the bad actor and fake cowboy Reagan- that caused the Black Monday Crash of 1987. But it was the drunk, drug addled, Dubya that really put the nail in the country's coffin. The Debt Ceiling was raised 5 times during his presidency. Therefore, instead of blaming black people on this blog, why don't you exercise some real manhood, and look at your own damn self.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
Slowly but surely, Progressives are beginning to see him for what he really is.
No, progressives never see anything as it really is, only as they wish it to be.
I can read the question.
The links show he has going after the Ohio governor. Keep googling yourself if those don't do it for you.
It's disingenuous to repeat your claim when the news links show different. Not a peep? Really?
Anonymous said...
I like huffin african Jenkem I love bringing the third world to the U.S. I will be happy when the U.S is a toilet just like all other black nations.
Stupid please! Those that have reduced this country to Thrid World status are your heroes. It was the bad actor and fake cowboy Reagan- that caused the Black Monday Crash of 1987. But it was the drunk, drug addled, Dubya that really put the nail in the country's coffin. The Debt Ceiling was raised 5 times during his presidency. Therefore, instead of blaming black people on this blog, why don't you exercise some real manhood, and look at your own damn self.
7:20 PM
OKey DOkey, sure that is what did it. Manhood, you mean like taking care of yourself and making things happen and not waiting for someone else to to take care of things that you cannot do yourself and using history and something you had absofuckingly lutely nothing to do with as the excuse for your very being? Well, that leaves you out. Oh so witty, he was a bad actor and a fake cowboy - liberalism is a mental disorder ... Just ask Ms Any Vagina, she will tell you the hole truth.
LACoincidental said...
MAG you have a point, this whole "Obama is wrong on Libya" is a classic political Kubaki. Whatever one's actual thoughts about the whole ordeal, this vote has little to do with Libya or the Arab Spring - its about attacking the President on political grounds.
The wingnuts need to weaken Obama every chance they get, since - unlike 1980, the strongman in the race is the incumbent. And Kuicinich can't afford to lose those Lefty campaign dollars, so he'll trumpet one Quixotic liberal cause after another.
It won't pass because its not meant to pass. Its simply meant to stir up the Hornet's nest.
Oh stop being such a simpleminded baby. He went to war without congress approval, there are troops on the ground and he is required to speak with congress after 30 days requesting approval he did not. If bush did this you bitches would be screaming forever, but being that you are racist it is a black man who did it, so its ok. Monkeyshines, nothing but monkeyshines.
COPS. Langley says he's irked by some media critics who accuse the show of perpetuating stereotypes about "people of color" by depicting a disproportionate percentage of minority suspects. Au Contraire, Langley protests, he intentionally shows an inordinate number of white suspects in order to side-step the facts. "I show more white people than, statistically, what the truth is."
LaCoincidental said...
And Kuicinich can't afford to lose those Lefty campaign dollars,
Your right of course LAC. In 2000 & 2004 when Ohio was in the throes of election fraud, Dennis was no where to be found. Those congresspersons that came to Ohio during the scandal- were Maxine Waters, Jerry Nabler, John Conyers and Stephanie Tubbs Jones. Though press was present from all over the world- and numerous books and documentaries- were made- Dennis to this day, has never spoke about the Ohio's election fraud. Apparently, he was only concerned about his own seat. That's when I knew Dennis was full of it.
If he loses his seat, there is a rumor that he is contemplating a move to Washington State. As I've said, Dennis cares about Dennis.
Since he introduced this recent bill, I'm sure there is an email for money in my box.
If bush did this you bitches would be screaming forever, but being that you are racist it is a black man who did it, so its ok.
Dubya was a dry drunk and a rapist-who couldn't make a complete sentence. So shut the hell up!
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
If bush did this you bitches would be screaming forever, but being that you are racist it is a black man who did it, so its ok.
Dubya was a dry drunk and a rapist-who couldn't make a complete sentence. So shut the hell up!
dere goes de black brain oh yeah, yuh mumma uhhh..
What about the issue?
Wait damn did you say he were a dry rapist? Dat shit gots to hurt damn...like doin you- a dry old beyaatch...ewww......
pappor said...
UTS where ist the pic of you and Sharon. I be jizzing all over her face. Hot piece of chocolate donut you got there (a little round in the waist, but more to grab).
This might be a reach, but imma bet that if you and UTS were face to face, you'd piss in your highwater overalls before you'd dare say something this stupid in his face.
Meanwhile, the three black killers who murdered someone about a block from my house in early April have not been caught. They were seen on a security video leaving the scene of the crime.
Hey No Slappz,you white racist piece of shit, start a neighborhood crime watch like everybody else in Amerika if there are murderers, drug dealers and other criminals in your neighborhood Asswipe. My all black neighborhood is clean and safe and we haven't had a killing in 15 years.
Imagine that No Slappz and we didn't need Jesse, Al or Louis nor the GOP who dominates my hometown politics who are just as stupid as the Dems.
Debbie Schlussel, field you are reallly scraping the bottom of the barrell with that race- baiting anti- Black Jewish skank. She is about as intelligent as Lil Kim and even dumber than the Kardashians.
Eric's SoulFunkPunk Experience said...
Debbie Schlussel, field you are reallly scraping the bottom of the barrell with that race- baiting anti- Black Jewish skank. She is about as intelligent as Lil Kim and even dumber than the Kardashians
I agree. If she were any stupider she would be a black civil rights leader.
Eric's SoulFunkPunk Experience said...
Debbie Schlussel, field you are reallly scraping the bottom of the barrell with that race- baiting anti- Black Jewish skank. She is about as intelligent as Lil Kim and even dumber than the Kardashians
Yeah, she's the intelletual equivelent of that race-bating anti-Jewish black skanks Jerimiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton,
"Useless Steve with an IQ well suited for a janitor's job or a affirmative action salesperson position."
You dummy.
"Affirmative Action Salesperson" is an oxymoron since a salesperson is evaluated monthly by numerical production.
OBJECTIVE CRITERIA that is subjected to scrutiny.
What do you do for a living goober?
Jerome Jay Ersland is Norwegian. One hundred percent of it!
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