Let me start this post by saying rest in peace Clara Luper. If it wasn't for folks like you an uppity black man from Jamaica probably wouldn't be speaking his mind and talking s&*^ to quite a few of his friends every day on the Internet. You were organizing sit- ins and forcing folks to integrate at a time when A-merry-ca was nothing like it is now.
A lot of folks like to take credit for making A-merry-ca look at herself in the mirror, but it's folks like you who deserve all of the credit.
And while we are recognizing the wonderful people of good will who put their lives on the line for what is right; let's go ahead and say a big thank you to those wonderful individuals (black and white) who took part in the "Freedom Rides" some fifty years ago.
I just read the book "Freedom Summer.." by Bruce Watson, and what those people went through will leave you shaking your head.
This is why it is so important that you Negroes exercise your right to vote. Too many people made great sacrifices for you to take such a right for granted. It's why certain people are trying to make it harder for you to vote. Those folks in the GOP aren't stupid, they realize what type of potential and power you could exercise at the ballot box. The numbers don't add up for them with the Negro vote, so they have to keep you away. (Sounds familiar?)
They can joke about it, but this is serious business. The s&*^ isn't funny to us. There are too many Clara Lupers out there who wouldn't want me to crack a f*&^%$g smile.
Wonderful tribute to an amazing lady and all the courageous Freedom Riders and activists. All one would have to see is the charred bus at the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN. to truly understand how valiant their efforts were during a very turbulent time in history. Diane Nash (a student from Nashville)led another group after the earlier freedom riders were attacked to the same area. She and the others had all signed their last will and testament before they left. http://pediaview.com/openpedia/Diane_Nash
Over the years, whenever I was tired or finding an excuse not to vote (poor choices) I went anyway and if that meant choosing between bad or worst...so be it.
Thank you for this...
Yeah dem Ole racist Republican done make it hard for us nergos to vote.
Sh*ttttttttt dey be thinkin' i gots munoy to be spendin' on a id?Sh*tttt dat money gonin' fo some pok rinds and malt liquor.
Dem damn racist Republicans also be knowin' some of us negro Democrat voters gots some paper out on us and we be gettin arrested by the po-po if we goes and try to get id.
Not to mention some of us negro voters may want to vote twice.
I been known to use my uncle leroy's id to vote twice.Dats because here in the ATL we gots to keep negro butts in these seats.
So dat don't be doin' mes no good if it free.You know how much gas be costing a nigga now days?Free my black ass.
Dem racist wite goobers can't be standing the black power wes be having at the box.
We be done put a man in his house,nother might be up in his house in 2016.
Field negro i better not bes clicking on dem links.Sh*ttttt be gettin my blood pressure up, make me done want to slap the taste out the mans mouth.
Know what i'm sayin'?
how inspiring field negro thanks for posting this information cuz eye didnt know about her
Clara Luper
We all owe her.
good,thanks for your sharing,welcome to my website.
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ibm123str said...
"good,thanks for your sharing,welcome to my website."
No problem, you sho got a pertty smile UTS should be over to check it out.
Anonymous said...
ibm123str said...
"good,thanks for your sharing,welcome to my website."
No problem, you sho got a pertty smile UTS should be over to check it out.
Asian women are so polite.......
UTS would be all over that if she was white.........
field--"This is why it is so important that you Negroes exercise your right to vote. Too many people made great sacrifices for you to take such a right for granted."
field, i am afraid that you are wasting your breath. as yu know, a large percentage of blacks don't and won't vote. that's why AAs are rarely a factor. but it won't hurt to 'try' to convince those no voters the importance of their votes.
imo, it's going to take some powerful words to stir hearts to motivate them to vote. and there is no MLK today who can do that. furthermore, Obama was the great HOPE that has turned out to be 'hopeless'.
Rest in Peace, Mrs. Luper. Hopefully, we won't forget all the hard work you done in the name of Civil Rights.
anon, "No problem, you sho got a pertty smile UTS should be over to check it out.
10:12 PM
field, with the scale of ignorance this filthy negro exhibits, what difference does it make if he votes anyway? he thinks porn and filth 24 hours a day!
I saw the Freedom Riders book on CSPAN. That took some real courage, I remember reading about how Dr. King jumped on one of the busses after looking into the eyes of a young woman on one of the busses. Even though others didn't want him to go he reasoned how could he send young girls into this dangerous situation and he not go. I like reading stories about the foot soldiers of the movement because for every Dr. King and Rosa Parks there were ten average Janes and Joes who did alot of work to make the movement successful. Thanks Ms. Luper.
dear mr. field, the link below pretty much summarizes the black situation:
Clara Luper was one of the last of black courageous warriors left. Today we don't have any.
"Not to mention some of us negro voters may want to vote twice."
Why, because they all look alike to the folks at the voting stations?
Slapnuts, do you really talk like that, or is that another one of those secret republican jokes that the rest of us don't get?
" Clara Luper was one of the last of black courageous warriors left. Today we don't have any."
Yes we do Anon. folks just don't know it. There could be a warrior in you waiting to come out.
Your post is 100% on point. Too bad so many of our people don't know the sacrifices that were made for them.
If you ride through the hood check out the June 14th addition of the Final Call. It talks about the reason why this mess in Libya is taking place. I know the NOI are friends with Gadhafi, but it's a article worth reading.
It's great to see Mrs. Luper written about by you, Mr. Field. I know all about Clara Luper, having gone to (and graduated from) Langston University myself. Clara Luper was a hero in Oklahoma; all the Black folks knew about her.
If there's a Heaven, she's there. RIP...
Here's another article about Mrs. Luper, that I sent around to my Oklahoma friends yesterday:
Thanks for the post about Clara Luper. I really didn't know anything about her. I am surprised that in Oklahoma there was an AA who had the guts to stand up for their rights, considering Okla. has such a plantation mentality among Blacks and Whites.
Oklahoma is really the most racist state in America...well, Texas might give it a run for its money. Texas claims Oklahoma is part of Texas anyway.
uptownsteve said...
Ass-non dribbles
"You wish you could be half the man Allan West is. Why do strong black men totally emasculate guys like you?"
It never ceases to amaze me how the only blacks goobers like you admire are Toms who would sell their mamas to the Hell Angels for the weekend just for a pat on the head from a white racist.
Thats what you claim, but fact is you are the racist, not me, not him. YOU.
Name one racist thing he has ever said of done, one. Go ahead.
"He is too well spoken?"
Better spoken than Barack?
What does Barack have to do with anything, he is better than you. But actually yes, he tells the truth and doesn't lie and is very strong...all without some little kid telling him what to say on a teleprompter.
"Too independant?"
puh-leeze. If West opposes the rightwing agenda in the slightest way he'll be right there with Michael Steele groveling for facetime on a cable network.
Steele was incompetent, he deserved to get kicked to the crub, you hated him anyway, simply because he was a conservative in name. So don't give me this phony bullshit about his skin color. West has already disagreed with the R he is a man. No issues there. You on the otherhand can never disagree with what the black agenda is, you are not a man.
"Believes in personal responsibility and accountability,"
If that were the case, West would have accepted a sentence in Leavenworth for committing a war crime.
If you were in his shoes, you would have no doubt pussied out and gotten your squad and men killed. He manned up and fired a gun in the terrorists ear knowing full well he would be held accountable but his responsibility to his men was more important so he sacrificed, and got the information and saved the lives of his squad. You are a true liberal delusional pussy. You would have let them die instead of making the hard choice and leading.
Instead, he made a deal to retire from the Army with full benefits and begin a life as a Rent-A-Negro for the Republican party.
Yeah, the only rent a negro around here is you, every time your democrat slave masters tell you they know what is best for you and you follow along, even though the country is going off the cliff. Repbulicans have no issues with skin color and accept people for who they are and hwo they perform. You democrats judge performance by skin color.
From now on I am going to call you slime suckin mud guppy, you want to be racist then fuck you right back you ignorant mud guppy name calling racist piece of crap. Your not worth the sweat on a real man like Allen west balls. You are pathetic and you know it and you hate those that are not.
Dumb ass coon.
"From now on I am going to call you slime suckin mud guppy, you want to be racist then fuck you right back you ignorant mud guppy name calling racist piece of crap. Your not worth the sweat on a real man like Allen west balls. You are pathetic and you know it and you hate those that are not.
Dumb ass coon.
Aside from name-calling, I bet you do not have the slightest clue about what being "racist" really means. I blame 4chan. Those guys made people think that just throwing around the "N-word" and other racially sensitive names in a flagrant manner was being "racist".
I also noticed how a lot of these anons and some of our resident assholes like to call black commentators who cross them the wrong way or tell too much of the truth about ethnic relations in this country "racists" or "reverse racists" or whatever. Those shoes can go on the other foot, right? Right?
And to think all I was gonna do was pay my respects to Mrs. Luper and move on. If this was an actual funeral, you'd be the guy starting a fight in the back row with some other guy over a $20 debt from last night at the pool hall. Slapnuts would be the guy trying to pull his dick out so he could piss in the coffin -- we'd have to drag his ass out, piss streams and all.
A couple years ago I heard an interview with one of the people who had participated in one of the first sit-ins, he was eating in a now-integrated place, he said, "What was all that fuss about"? in an almost incredulous tone.
I agree with him. Even then I just couldn't understand it, and I was just a very limited teenager.
If the presence of diners with more melanin was a contamination in these places...and yes, we ate in them, too... then why was the staff, cooks, wait staff, etc black people?
And later, when one worked as a waiter on occasion, one really thought these hostile attitudes was odd. Bet them pale, good ol' boys and gals got all KINDS of bonuses in what got served to them, at times! ;-)
Still, the risks of objecting were horrendous, and the people who acted to their cost have my gratitude to my dying day.
When the US -- Obama -- lets Islamic revolutions run their own course, here's what happens:
As Islamists Flex Muscle, Egypt's Christians Despair
QENA, Egypt—Five weeks after the fall of the Egyptian regime, Ayman Anwar Mitri's apartment was torched. When he showed up to investigate, he was bundled inside by bearded Islamists.
Mr. Mitri is a member of the Christian Coptic minority that accounts for one-tenth of the country's 83 million people. The Islamists accused him of having rented the apartment—by then unoccupied—to loose Muslim women.
Inside the burnt apartment, they beat him with the charred remains of his furniture. Then, one of them produced a box cutter and performed what he considered an appropriate punishment under Islam: He amputated Mr. Mitri's right ear.
"When they were beating me, they kept saying: 'We won't leave any Christians in this country,'" Mr. Mitri recalled in a recent interview, two months after the March attack. Blood dripped through a plastic tube from his unhealed wound to a plastic container. "Here, there is a war against the Copts," he said.
His attackers, who were never arrested or prosecuted, follow the ultrafundamentalist Salafi strain of Islam that promotes an austere, Saudi-inspired worldview.
Before President Hosni Mubarak was toppled on Feb. 11, the Salafis mostly confined themselves to preaching.
Since then, they've entered the political arena, drawing crowds and swaying government decisions. Salafi militants also have blocked roads, burned churches and killed Copts.
The Salafi vigilantes who brutalized Mr. Mitri later ignited a bigger controversy that is still playing out here in Qena, an upper Nile governorate of three million people—almost one-third of them Copts.
Until recently, fears of an Islamist takeover in Egypt centered on the Muslim Brotherhood, a much better known organization that's trying to project a new image of moderation. While many liberal Egyptians remain deeply suspicious of the Brothers' true intentions, the Brotherhood now says it accepts Copts—the Middle East's largest religious minority—in all government positions, with the possible exception of president.
By contrast, many Salafis believe it is forbidden by Islam for Christians to exercise political power over Muslims in any capacity, such as governors, mayors or ministers. "If the Christian is efficient, he could be a deputy or an adviser," says prominent Salafi cleric Abdelmoneim Shehat.
Unlike the Brothers, the Salafis long refused to participate in elections and dismissed democracy as un-Islamic—a view held by their spiritual guides in Saudi Arabia.
Numbering in the millions around the Arab world, Salafis seek to emulate the ways of the "salaf," the Prophet Muhammad's seventh-century companions, and usually reject later theological, social and political innovations as heresy.
Osama bin Laden belonged to the jihadi current of Salafism that's trying to overthrow Arab regimes.
Many other Salafis, including Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi religious establishment, and until recently, key Egyptian clerics, hold that obeying political rulers is mandatory in Islam.
After the revolution, however, many Egyptian Salafis decided that the shortest way to the Islamic state they desire is through the ballot box. They joined the Brotherhood in backing conservative constitutional amendments that passed in a March referendum.
Salafi leaders say they are likely to coordinate with the Brotherhood to field a slate of Islamist candidates for parliamentary elections planned for September.
field wrote:
Let me start this post by saying rest in peace Clara Luper. If it wasn't for folks like you an uppity black man from Jamaica probably wouldn't be speaking his mind and talking s&*^ to quite a few of his friends every day on the Internet.
The Internet? What's Luper's connection to the Internet? Is she one of those unsung black inventors whose idea for the Internet was stolen by white devils?
Black News Today:
Gal slashed by mugger
A knife-wielding mugger slashed a woman on the neck last night after robbing her of her cell phone and iPod in Hell's Kitchen, authorities said.... 3:59 AM
Stray shot hits Bx. kid
A stray bullet hit a 5-year-old child in The Bronx last night as a gunman shot a deli owner in the leg and grazed a woman bystander, cops said. In... 3:56 AM
Bx. woman beaten dead
A Bronx woman was found beaten to death on her kitchen floor yesterday, police said. Alexandra Smith, 51, was found dead in her Edenwald apartment... 3:41 AM
What courage it took for her...just like the brave heroism of Chickenhawks who cheer others on to endless war while Luke Russert inherits a journalist lairdship. Or the heroic bravery of Trolls who shew their ultimate starch by being jerkholes. Or the studly manliness of those who thinkerate denying citizens rights based on skin colour.
Funny thing, because of her sacrifices and efforts...all your bleatings from TrailerVille fall on my elderly deaf ears in my LEED McMansion. She allowed me to earn my way and to enjoy the trappings of Socialist shared wealth.
How's the Fwee market treating your wages?
Seriously, without Pioneers like her...our lives would be vastly poorer and less blessed. We all owe her so much.
Mack Lyons Said..
"I also noticed how a lot of these anons and some of our resident assholes like to call black commentators who cross them the wrong way or tell too much of the truth about ethnic relations in this country "racists" or "reverse racists" or whatever. Those shoes can go on the other foot, right? Right?"
Racial intolerance is racist, quite simple really. From anyone, not just races other then blacks.
Something that may have escaped your notice is that you don't get to be referee/judge and jury on what is or is not racist or offensive to other races because you are a black man. You think you have this right and are immune to use unnaceptable speech and behavior, but you absolutely do not. If as a black man you use names designed to denigrate another race, I will tell you what I find offensive and racist, NOT YOU. You cannot say and do whatever you like with malice against another race and not be racist because you are black, you dont' have a card that says you can be disrespectul and disparaging to other races and not get called racist because you are black. There is not "reverse racism" there is only one kind, Racism.
The old teflon scheme that blacks cannot be racist is bullshit. If you as a black man hate someone because of thier skin color only, denigrate or slander someone because of this hate, then you are racist.
Worst of all is the infantile extremely hateful racist view of a strong black man who turns out to become conserv if you as a Black man hate another black man who doesnt' tap dance the same old tired theme that you demand of black people and call him racist names, then you ARE racist and I might add a racist of the worst kind, someone who hates someone because they could not force them into behaving the way they insist they want them to.
Anonymous said...
What courage it took for her...just like the brave heroism of Chickenhawks who cheer others on to endless war while Luke Russert inherits a journalist lairdship. Or the heroic bravery of Trolls who shew their ultimate starch by being jerkholes. Or the studly manliness of those who thinkerate denying citizens rights based on skin colour.
Funny thing, because of her sacrifices and efforts...all your bleatings from TrailerVille fall on my elderly deaf ears in my LEED McMansion. She allowed me to earn my way and to enjoy the trappings of Socialist shared wealth.
How's the Fwee market treating your wages?
Seriously, without Pioneers like her...our lives would be vastly poorer and less blessed. We all owe her so much.
Nice Post, I never did read much about her but plan to correct that today. So tell me, how did she help a young white ex student like you? What was it?
Clara Luper gave me the strength and courage to apply to Harvard Law.Despite wite goober racism i was able to finish at the top of my class.
Yes it made wite goobers mad.A black woman kicking their goober ass.
All of our old pioneers are gone.But new pioneers are leading the way for a better black america.Pioneers like me and Wayne.
Racial Equality? No, its a U.S fire sale with gong out of business prices for some. So now if you are Black you don't necessarily need to know how to read and write to get a nice fireman's job, qualifications, test, nah, discriminate against the most qualified - check.
That is it, we have dumbed down to the point of idiocracy.
Anonymous said...
Clara Luper gave me the strength and courage to apply to Harvard Law.Despite wite goober racism i was able to finish at the top of my class.
Yes it made wite goobers mad.A black woman kicking their goober ass.
All of our old pioneers are gone.But new pioneers are leading the way for a better black america.Pioneers like me and Wayne.
Ahh, MOld you are my hero. You are now a Harvard Law grad and a pioneer for Black America, how many professions does that make? 12-13?
Do you find it challenging being a black pioneering leader as a white boy? Are you leading people such as AB and Dr Queen as well?
"So now if you are Black you don't necessarily need to know how to read and write to get a nice fireman's job, qualifications, test, nah, discriminate against the most qualified - check.
That is it, we have dumbed down to the point of idiocracy."
Funny, all those years of being excluded and the shoe being on the other foot but nothing from the peanut gallery. Sorry, no pity for you here my friend; it's called justice.
"The Internet? What's Luper's connection to the Internet? Is she one of those unsung black inventors whose idea for the Internet was stolen by white devils?"
What an idiot!(Herrings much?) That thing you see flying over your head is called a post. Look up and try reading it again.
"And to think all I was gonna do was pay my respects to Mrs. Luper and move on. If this was an actual funeral, you'd be the guy starting a fight in the back row with some other guy over a $20 debt from last night at the pool hall..."
Yes, but it's a little old black lady's funeral; she doesn't get the same amount of respect from some folks.
Maybe they didn't come to pay their respects; maybe they just wanted to make sure that she is dead. You know how that is. ;)
field negro said...
"So now if you are Black you don't necessarily need to know how to read and write to get a nice fireman's job, qualifications, test, nah, discriminate against the most qualified - check.
That is it, we have dumbed down to the point of idiocracy."
Funny, all those years of being excluded and the shoe being on the other foot but nothing from the peanut gallery. Sorry, no pity for you here my friend; it's called justice.
Oh, I don't need pity and am not asking for any. No matter how dumbed down we get, there will always be a demand for quality and competence and a way for those who have these traits to utilize them, go figure.
Most areas with high instances of fires, accidents and other medical emergency situations requiring a skilled fireman or paramedic, will have illiterate incompetent fireman/paramedics serving them, now that my friend, is justice.
Oh, I don't need pity and am not asking for any. No matter how dumbed down we get, there will always be a demand for quality and competence and a way for those who have these traits to utilize them, go figure.
Most areas with high instances of fires, accidents and other medical emergency situations requiring a skilled fireman or paramedic, will have illiterate incompetent fireman/paramedics serving them, now that my friend, is justice."
I think the fire departments across the country are doing just fine. We have a black fire chief here in Philly and he does a wonderful job. Next.
anon 10:57 writes:
Oh, I don't need pity and am not asking for any. No matter how dumbed down we get, there will always be a demand for quality and competence and a way for those who have these traits to utilize them, go figure.
Actually, the need for quality and competence will rise as the number of idiots in responsible jobs increases.
But it will be harder for the capable people to get into the responsible positions if the law requires extra room for those at the bottom.
Devotion to ignorance wouldn't matter as much if it were easier for the competent people to go their own way. But a fundamental tenet of Idiocracies is creating barriers to entry.
Obama is our Idiot-in-Chief. How do we know? He thinks that when GM sells 450 Chevy Volts each month his vision is being realized.
The good are not permitted to compete with the half-assed. Or they have to wear lead shoes or go around blindfolded, something like that.
field writes:
We have a black fire chief here in Philly and he does a wonderful job.
What's in his personnel file? How did he do on his promotion exams?
Or is he one of those top fire department guys who was a career bureaucrat who was appointed to the job after serving in some other capacity?
Poor WATB crying in their horrible nasty terrible days of having to meet quals. Boo hoo.
Seems to me I recall similar plaints when AfAms could try out for sports teams. Where oh where did all those mediocre wite lads go?
Keep trying to sell fellow citizens as less competent based solely on skin colour...it makes you look beyond stoopid. Not to worry. Your job as temporary assistant part-time Wal-Mart stocker is safe from Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Still, her contribution to our society is enormous...as was true for all those who encouraged Constitutional Law by being Freedom Riders. Equality under Law is a precious thing.
Thank you Mr.Field for always giving credit to the women that fought for justice! To be honest I had not heard of her before but I know now.
She is a hero like so many women before and after her in the many walks of life, that to a greater or lesser degree have been, and are out there showing what they are made of and selflessly sharing their knowledge, intelligence and wisdom for the good of all mankind!
I am reminded of my grandma, who, although she was a timid soul on the outside, was made of steel and resolution on the inside. Taught many a thing or two in her meek mild mannered way! ;)
Thanks again, for remembering and honoring the women!
field negro said...
Oh, I don't need pity and am not asking for any. No matter how dumbed down we get, there will always be a demand for quality and competence and a way for those who have these traits to utilize them, go figure.
Most areas with high instances of fires, accidents and other medical emergency situations requiring a skilled fireman or paramedic, will have illiterate incompetent fireman/paramedics serving them, now that my friend, is justice."
I think the fire departments across the country are doing just fine. We have a black fire chief here in Philly and he does a wonderful job. Next.
Oh, I wasn’t the one who said that skin color qualifies or disqualifies people, that is the DOJ and you. I am only seeking qualified people no matter their skin color or ethnicity.
So the fire chief in Philly is black and the department is doing fine? Cool, but the discussion is about literacy and competency as opposed to qualifying someone that is not fit for the job based upon skin color. Are you trying to say the Philly chief is proof of your argument in that he is black and illiterate yet he is doing well, again seeing as how this is the specific point of the discussion?
Assuming you meant what you inferred, I can't imagine how the Philly fire chief being illiterate performs even the most minor administrative duties as chief , such as planning, running the department, emergency response plans, updated training materials, learning medical and firefighting techniques, managing and developing the skills of the department. But if you say so, does he hire literate people to read to him and take care of the more complex tasks? Or is he completely competent and qualified as I suspect he is?
Lastly, If fire departments across the country are doing so well then why are the DOJ unconstitutional mandates required, they don't like things that work? So they are demanding that unqualified applicants be hired simply because the whites/asians and Hispanics who take the tests have worked to develop aptitudes and basic societal skill functions that the blacks taking the test scored lower on, actually totally failed did not?
How in the world can you agree with anyone getting any job in this day and age that requires the ability to read and be competent in life saving techniques that is not capable of reading and writing? Quite a low level to stoop to. Aren't there already innumerable tax funded courses to teach people who did not see remedial education as a priority until now, the opportunity to work and achieve a remedial education? Sure there are. All it takes it some work. Next.
Anonymous said...
Poor WATB crying in their horrible nasty terrible days of having to meet quals. Boo hoo.
Seems to me I recall similar plaints when AfAms could try out for sports teams. Where oh where did all those mediocre wite lads go?
Keep trying to sell fellow citizens as less competent based solely on skin colour...it makes you look beyond stoopid. Not to worry. Your job as temporary assistant part-time Wal-Mart stocker is safe from Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Still, her contribution to our society is enormous...as was true for all those who encouraged Constitutional Law by being Freedom Riders. Equality under Law is a precious thing.
Mold, Sorry, I couldn't help much last night in finding your mommy. I was busy creating some capital.
Hope everything worked out ok, did Mommy get home in time to change your diaper? Did the redness fade before daddy got home and wanted some Mold Precious lovin? I hope so..I'm sure it all worked out in your end.
take care sweetie
P.S try leaving some of the lotion your daddy (or is it "uncle") uses on you in your fresh diaper, it will cut down on the rash next time mommy goes on a bender or goes out on the town.
Many thanks, FN, for your tribute to sistuh Clara Luper; and acknowledging the countless sacrifices made by the thousands of courageous American civil rights warriors, black and white.
Sadly, we AAs dishonor those sacrifices each time we fail to vote.
What a wonderful person...giving of herself to ensure that all citizens are Equal Under Law...and to be treated as such. An actual Hero who wished that all persons have inalienable rights.
What steadfastness...what honesty of purpose....what a person to emulate!!
I can only hope to be has strong,and honest like Clara.
Its hard, i do have bad days.
Being a Harvard Law graduate and working for a major law firm,i am in a perfect position to keep the fight that Clara started going.
I have fought and won many cases against racist goobers who believerate they lack of skin color gets them the best jobs,most money, and all the perks.
The only job your lack of skin color gets you is cleaning my car and billy bobs car wash.
Such a strong and powerful women even in old age.
Quote:NoSlapzz "When the US -- Obama -- lets Islamic revolutions run their own course, here's what happens:"
You are a perfectly vile human being, No Slapzz.
The Arabic people are heroically taking to the streets to demand freedom in the face of the bullets and bombs of their repressive totalitarian regimes. Your only response to this bravery is to condemn them, and to long for the good old days when Arabs lived under the heel of the fascist boot.
One of these days you should step away from FoxNews and take a look at a real news channel - like Al Jazeera and the BBC. Look at the video they are showing, look at the demonstrators - are they wearing Osama T-Shirts? Burning American flags? Demanding the implementation of a global caliphate? No, of course not, they are demanding freedom - not an alternative take on slavery.
Now you know what? There might be some unintended consequences of the Arab spring that may be unsettling for Western Capitalism. But you are going to have to suck them up - the age of American imperialism is dead, you cannot enslave half the World because that would be convenient for Wall Street.
It is good to see Black Folk actively engaged in protecting the environment while applying their profession.
field raised the issue of Philly's black fire commissioner. He's been a member of the fire department for almost 40 years.
Meanwhile, for those who want some information about the reverse-discrimination practices of the Philly Fire Department, check this link:
Ah Gee, I see slappy-hitler is at it again trying to disrespect the memory of dear Ms. Clara Luper.
May Clara rest in peace and honor indeed.
Mack Lyons said,
"And to think all I was gonna do was pay my respects to Mrs. Luper and move on. If this was an actual funeral, you'd be the guy starting a fight in the back row with some other guy over a $20 debt from last night at the pool hall. Slapnuts would be the guy trying to pull his dick out so he could piss in the coffin -- we'd have to drag his ass out, piss streams and all."
3:27 AM
Mack, you could have paid your respects to Clara Luper and let it go at that. Instead, YOU got distracted by a bunch of racist fools and ended up desecrating the heroin Clara Luper along with the racists.
You are one weak mindless Negro.
Your imagining obssessive compulsive negative thinking mind
controls you. Go see a psychiatrist for some medication that will help keep you focused on good wholesome plans and not get distracted by crap.
"Being a Harvard Law graduate and working for a major law firm"
A mind on liberal crack.
Thanks for the laugh. Do you do dinner shows? We could use a court jester. So far you have been a Lawyer, radio station owner, DJ, investment broker, teacher, speculator, Union Head, Head of a department for a large company, Airline pilot, finance director and on and on..
so now you and Field have a lot in common as you have said a couple times today. Wonder how he feels knowing that.
Oh and hun, you need to have a car first before you can dream of having someone else wash it for you, just sayin.
Is this the best liberals have to offer the world...... Sigh.....
The Philadelphia Fire Department has been saddled with a racial quota for hiring blacks for most of the past 30 years.
Morale is down among the non-quota hires at the department -- among both blacks and whites.
Today, 30 some years after the original Court Order, the stigma of forced racial quotas continues to permeate the rank and file of the Philadelphia Fire Department. The department has been forced to dumb down the tests given to recruit-applicants. And the once sacred rule of "hiring according to class rank" (according to test scores) has been repeatedly violated.
The original issues leading to the court ordered quota were: (1) Too many black applicants flunked the fire department entrance exam, and (2) The fire department didn't look like Philadelphia, i.e., it had fewer uniformed black firefighters than the proportion of blacks in the city.
Welcome to modern day Civil Rights by Quota. The late Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., who fought for equal opportunity, and who believed that a man should be judged by his character rather than his skin color, must surely be spinning in his grave.
Tho cow utters:
The Arabic people are heroically taking to the streets to demand freedom in the face of the bullets and bombs of their repressive totalitarian regimes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and among those heroic muslims are Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda and a long list of others who are giving their best shot at grabbing the power for themselves.
You're apparently dumb enough to believe that a majority of muslims want democracy. If they knew what it would do for them, they might want it.
But in their own constricted minds they want their own brand of despotism.
If the Islamic nations come out of all this looking like Turkey, well, that'll be great.
But it won't happen. The bonehead jihadists and their supporters, like you, will see to it that Egypt, for example, falls into the hands of a truly repressive regime.
As of now, the Egyptian army is running the show. As we know, the Egyptian army is capable of fighting only poorly armed civilians. Thus, when the latest unrest starts to boil over, the military leaders, after having had a taste of command, will start shooting civilians.
They're getting ideas from Libya and Syria. No that the door to Gaza is open, they concern themselves more with Jews and probably start blaming the economic problems of Egypt on Israel.
Why not? Those muslim clowns always fall for it.
Obama will lend a helping hand, which, in the end, will help only the fundamentalists who want to purify Egypt and throw out the Christian Copts and anyone else who offends their hideous muslim sensibilities.
That's the direction in which things are headed in Egypt. Probably with your cackling support.
slappz-"field writes:
We have a black fire chief here in Philly and he does a wonderful job."
slappz, "What's in his personnel file? How did he do on his promotion exams?"
LOL. you are one funny dude...give 'em hell slappz. don't let these FN Negroes push you around...stomp on them, and put them in their place; keep racism alive! rofl.
what's amazing is you always get the most responses...and they are from the same Blacks who REACT to anything you say....I must say that you are very good at eliciting out of black folks what you want. Hell, Frank D. couldn't do that...98% of the time no one responded to him. He left frustrated.
However, you are flourishing here with a great future. Thanks for sharing on FN.
field's self-appointed Jewish Assistance
FN blog is a hoot. There is no other blog like it. And I know Slappz agrees.
"Meanwhile, for those who want some information about the reverse-discrimination practices of the Philly Fire Department, check this link:
Again, the Philly fire dept. is one of the best in the country, so "reverse discrimination" or not; they must be doing something right. Next.
Slappy just used his Google skills to learn about Mr.Ayers. Nothing special from Mr. Google. :)
Frank was better. At least he was original. BTW, has anyone seen Frank? I sure hope he is not back in prison.
"Frank was better. At least he was original. BTW, has anyone seen Frank? I sure hope he is not back in prison."
I had no idea that Frank had been to prison. Compared to slappz, Frank was clean cut, articulate and had good Jewish manners.
One would think slappz's anger against Blacks happened in prison. Could this be possible? i.e., slappz is being passed around by the Brothas? damn...no wonder he hates Blacks.
hobama looks nothing like what the freedom fighters died and wanted us to vote for
voting is now a meaningless ritual for selected drones like hobama
the corps/banksters rule all
sad but true
the vdlr's killer baby cousins have struck yet again
this is what happens when trifling toxic broke turbo breeders make babies babysit babies...
please pray for all of the turbo bred babies who have become the norm in america
Slappy, one should not assume that Muslims are any less than wites. Especially when many Muslims attended University and the wite...well, graduated with a 'breathing certificate'.
And depending of FOX for news is a fool's errand. As the other poster mentioned...try Al Jazeera or the BBC. They use them pesky Fact thingies....not miniskirted eye candy.
We recognize the Freedom Riders...let us extend the same awe to the brave and much maligned by Goobers Freedom Seekers of the Muslim world. If you had not already noticed...the same wording was used against both sets of citizens by the Glorious Con Revolutionary Councils of Rite-Thinkerating Heeyucks.
Why should I ever listen beyond mere politeness to ill-educated morons?
Let us encourage the flowering of rule by the People...one of the greatest anti-Goober inventions ever.
asinine bovine/grape ape/legless purple bruised cow/ground beef:
martin niemoller penned that in 1945
like all cowardly uneducated distracted trifling niggers,
u major in the minor
how GLARING was that typo?
u enjoyed that way too much moron!!!
get a life u cow pie brained mf!
First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.
by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945
hey mad cowed coon/bimbo bovine:
mooooove on to the major asap!!!
hey elsie in brit dl butch drag:
1945 = 2010
1945 - Per Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller:
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
2010 - Per Hobama:
First we came for the gays
and I did not speak out
because I was no longer seeking their votes.
Then we came for Fox News
and I did not speak out
because I had MSNBC & CNN.
Then we came for the Tea Party
and I did not speak out
because I had the democrats.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me because all finally awoke...
bumbling bovine:
may one of hobama's martial law nazis make u a steak asap
u royal purple fool
Quote: No Slapzzzz: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, and among those heroic muslims are Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda and a long list of others who are giving their best shot at grabbing the power for themselves."
So what?
How does it work in your global paradigm that Christianists get to run their lives as they want to, but Muslims don't?
What's the difference?
Muslims don't scare me, Christians do.
Christians launched a nuclear attack on Japan in 1945, Christians murdered 6 million Jews between 1933 and 1945. Since 1945 the American Christian government alone, has invaded more than 30 sovereign nations.
Those Christians they are scary war-mongering motherfuckers.
Field, this is not in any way connected to your posts these last few weeks, but I find it to be one of the most startling stories I have read about America in a long time.
"Prescription drugs now surpass motor vehicle accidents as the No 1 cause of accidental death in almost half the states in this country. Last year, nearly 30,000 Americans died from an overdose, with at least half of these deaths related to legally controlled substances that were misused, abused, prescribed incorrectly, or simply just in the wrong person's hands."
"Among the startling statistics, the United States now consumes 80% of the world's opioid pain medications and 99% of the world's hydrocodone (semi-synthetic opioid). The milligram per person use of prescription opioids in the United States increased from 74mg to 369mg, an increase of 402%, between 1997 and 2007. Prescription medication abuse is now only second to marijuana in terms of frequency. Prescription pharmaceuticals have become the newest – and seemingly, deadliest – gateway drug we have seen yet; nearly a third of people aged 12 and over who used drugs "recreationally" for the first time in 2009 began by using a prescription drug non-medically."
tiny transparent yellow cow/ASSinine bovine:
your pissy trifling tactics herein make you look tiniER...
we see u and your drug induced bs...
Anonymous said...
And depending of FOX for news is a fool's errand. As the other poster mentioned...try Al Jazeera or the BBC. They use them pesky Fact thingies....
Dey do be using facts?Dan why dey be faking phone calls,faking photos,using false ststistics,and fake stories.
Don't bees believerating? Google search BBC FAKE or BBC bias.
it be good fo a negro to stat wit facts or a cold 40oz!!!!!
Least dey be telling da truth when dey be saying dey have a liberal bias.
The Purple Cow said...
How does it work in your global paradigm that Christianists get to run their lives as they want to, but Muslims don't?
Some mofos jus be retarded like like a fish out of water.
muslims can be running dey on lives long has dey don't be tryin' to commit acts of terrorism against me or my Jew bruthas.
muslims attack in the name of dat sand nigga allah,Christians don't attack in the name of God.
dat Jew Weiner is be heading to treatment.Were it be dat Democrats go fo dey sex addiction?
"Christians launched a nuclear attack on Japan in 1945, Christians murdered 6 million Jews between 1933 and 1945. Since 1945 the American Christian government alone, has invaded more than 30 sovereign nations."
But but but they're Christian nations and they're the good guys. A co-worker of mine who is a serious conservative Christian explained to me that the people "over there" aren't really human so it's ok to kill them. Also the U.S. has done more good than any other country in history, except for electing that Muslim socialist President and all. Conservatives are an interesting bunch. I usually try to get my opinons on Muslim nations and all matters science from a math teacher from New York, life is so much simpler that way.
Gods bless those that went ahead of us to make it better for all of us.
Field we have to get prepared to stop the massive voter fraud that the right is planning. A few weeks ago on Rachel Maddow's show the Kevin Lyles, head of Kansas NAACP mention that they will only register voters that bring their birth certificates. college voters are being given the boot. In some cities they have to register thirty days before a election. You got people that want to do voter caging. The Republican Party makes La Cosa Nostra look like The Boy Scouts.
cc your massive voter fraud bs to all sharpton and hobama
they have that fraud on lock!!!
Field, I've been reading the comments and although I entered the first comment about Ms. Clara Luper; I'd like to add a poem by one of my favorite poets Lucille Clifton dedicated to this freedom fighter. Many of the comments reflected your original intent which was to honor this amazing woman and the human/civil rights activists during that turbulent time in our history. Of course, there were many who chose to go in other directions and attempt to sabotage your efforts. Blessings to you Ms. Luper.
won't you celebrate with me
what i have shaped into
a kind of life? i had no model.
born in babylon
both nonwhite and woman
what did i see to be except myself?
i made it up
here on this bridge between
starshine and clay,
my one hand holding tight
my one hand; come celebrate
with me that everyday
something has tried to kill me
and has failed.
field negro said...
"Frank was better. At least he was original. BTW, has anyone seen Frank? I sure hope he is not back in prison."
I used to read that blog. I believe it was called Franks Hideout or something like that...
"Christians launched a nuclear attack on Japan in 1945, Christians murdered 6 million Jews between 1933 and 1945. Since 1945 the American Christian government alone, has invaded more than 30 sovereign nations."
But but but they're Christian nations and they're the good guys. A co-worker of mine who is a serious conservative Christian explained to me that the people "over there" aren't really human so it's ok to kill them. Also the U.S. has done more good than any other country in history, except for electing that Muslim socialist President and all. Conservatives are an interesting bunch. I usually try to get my opinons on Muslim nations and all matters science from a math teacher from New York, life is so much simpler that way.
What a bunch of jabbering nonsense, do you have any clue about what you speak? If the Japanese or Germans had won WWII just where do you think YOU would have wound up? How dare you belittle the sacrifice of millions to securing the freedom that even someone like you enjoys today,
"Christians launched a nuclear attack on Japan in 1945, Christians murdered 6 million Jews between 1933 and 1945. Since 1945 the American Christian government alone, has invaded more than 30 sovereign nations."
FYI to Christian haters. The Nazis killed 6 million Jews. They were not Christians. Get it?
"Field we have to get prepared to stop the massive voter fraud that the right is planning. A few weeks ago on Rachel Maddow's show the Kevin Lyles, head of Kansas NAACP mention that they will only register voters that bring their birth certificates. college voters are being given the boot. In some cities they have to register thirty days before a election. "
Carolyn Moon (Amina) said...
on this bridge between
starshine and clay,
my one hand holding tight
my one hand; come celebrate
with me that everyday
something has tried to kill me
and has failed.
Beautiful and fitting poem!
who is this anti-american clown called purple cow? he sounds like a nazi who has a deep seated hatred of america.
@desertflower: Oh yes.... ;-)
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