For my American friends it means bunnies, egg hunts, and chocolate. (Some of you Negroes will be dressing your kids in ridiculous outfits, but that's a different story for a different day.) I suppose it also means going to church and celebrating the resurrection of JC. Many of you will be in church tomorrow, and you will be thanking JC's dad for allowing JC to give his life for your sins. At least he gave you an out no matter how much of a scoundrel you have been while you are here on earth.
Speaking of scoundrels, if you are a black person in Tulsa, Oklahoma, you might want to go right home after church tomorrow. Apparently there is someone on the loose who has taken his hatred for you Negroes in A-merry-ca to a different level.
"Apr 06, 2012 5:20 PM CST
Police call it unprecedented in Tulsa. They say it appears someone drove around North Tulsa Thursday night, randomly shooting people who were walking or in their yards.
Three were killed, and two survived.
When you hear homicide detectives shaking their heads and saying, "This is bad," you know something out of the ordinary has happened.
All these shootings took place within seven hours, and the victims range in age from 31 to 54. There's nothing that makes police believe this is gang related.
Police say they are looking for a white man seen driving an older white truck in the area of the shootings.
The first one happened at 1 a.m. in the 1000 block of East 51st Place North where a woman was found shot to death in the street. A man heard a shot, ran outside and saw her lying in the street. He said she'd been shot and was unable to talk.
The victim, identified as 49-year-old Dannaer Fields, later died at the hospital.
Just three minutes later, there was another call. This time, two men were shot, just across the street from the Fields. They are the only survivors.
About 45 minutes later, in the 300 block of 63rd Street North, another man was shot. Bobby Clark, 54, also died.
Then, around 7 a.m., a body was noticed in front of Jack's Memorial Chapel 801 East 36th Street North. Police confirm that he too, had been shot and killed.
That man has been identified as 31-year-old William Allen.
Police have very little to go on.
"In Tulsa, we don't have three dead bodies in one day, spread apart like we have here," said Sergeant Dave Walker with the Tulsa Police Department.
"One geographical area, yet far enough apart where someone's clearly mobile."
"This is terrifying," said Heather, a Tulsa woman who lives on the street where one of the men was killed.
She knew nothing about it until her mother called and told her. Heather says the street is normally quiet.
"No problems, minister on one end - good, hard working people in this area," she said.
She has one child in college and two still at home, and the idea someone is picking off innocent people with no warning has her on edge.
"That is scary if they're randomly running around because they could do it at anytime," she said.
Police are hoping the public can help them solve these crimes. Call in tips to Crime Stoppers at 918-596-COPS. To get to detectives faster, the tip line has also been activated. That number is 918-798-8477." [Source]
Oh my! I guess the race war already started in the minds of some folks. Of course, if you are from Tulsa, hearing about this stuff is nothing new. I mean you do have a history with this type of thing. Apparently it's not ancient history anymore.
But hey, this is the A-merry-ca we live in on the eve of Easter Sunday. New Black Panthers calling for a bounty on a killer's head, and white supremacist guarding white citizens in the same town where the killer is believed to be staying.
This is all so sad. Wasn't A-merry-ca founded on religious principles? JC cannot be pleased.
From the Stanford PD
“At this time the City of Sanford has not confirmed the presence of Neo-Nazis groups.”
“We have no indication of any such patrols at this point in Sanford. The only large gathering was the children and their parents at the Easter egg hunt.”
I don't think this Trayvon Martin thing is going to end well... for blacks. He is turning out to be an imperfect "symbol", of what I don't know. Of course, his imperfections do not mean that he deserved to die the way he did.
The involvement of the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton along with Obama's "if I had a son he would look like Trayvon" has pushed MOST whites into the George Zimmerman camp. Oh well.
Jesus, field. I thought you were a lawer, man!
I 5hought lawyers were supposed to stay neutral.
I guess Cochrran destroyd that.
Gut feeling here Field: this has EVERYTHING to do with the Travon Martin awareness.
The drive-by attack terror tactic is older than cars and popular beyond the US of KKK. It was popular on our Western frontier a century and a half ago, in revolutionary Russia and the jimcrow South a century ago, and of course in South Africa, SouthCentral LA and the Balkans a generation ago. It's already been sitting there in the sociopath's toolbox for years.
Southern whiteboys taking up in the Spring of 2012 was, predictable and, in fact predicted in a justice dept. report in 2010 that angered said whiteboys so much that it had to be partially retracted.
All it was waiting on was a spark. Apparently a spark named Travon.
Habeus Corpus said...
Jesus, field. I thought you were a lawer, man!
I 5hought lawyers were supposed to stay neutral.
I guess Cochrran destroyd that.
Where'd you get that from? Lawyers are supposed to be fierce advocates, anything but neutral. Judges now, they're supposed to be neutral.
You speak Mandarin field?
China’s Cash Buys Inroads in Caribbean as U.S. Watches
Get your epicanthic, Chinese eyes looking ass on back to the Caribbean and make some of that money.
FCUK these North American Negroes.
Are those Tulsa OK Negroes concerned about Black people drive-by shooting and killing other Black people?
HELL to the NO.
When will feild negro post about the hate crime commited against Dallas West?
He was attacked by a bunch of negros shouting Trayvon.
Negros started this race war 40 years ago.
All the racist black mob attacks on whites.
Black on white rape and murder rates are at all time highs.
Hope you get right on this case, Field:
Do you think the "22 year old black male" has as good a case as Zimmerman?
Probably another black on black shooting in Tulsa. When you've been sucking down 40s all day, tooting some Cabrini Green, or smoking crack your ability to see anything is greatly reduced.
You on target with your comments Whitey's Conspiracy at 6:23. They've been itching to start a race war. Yep, they're using the old southern book.
It's not gone turn out in their favor like they think though. Up ahead, it's gone backfire on them.
Yes, the Tulsa massacre and destruction in 1921 but we shouldn't forget Rosewood in Florida in 1923 and the several lynchings that occurred in the 3 years prior there.
Sorry, it is disrespectful not to say there were other earlier lynchings before and after the ones leading up to those in the early 1920s.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
You on target with your comments Whitey's Conspiracy at 6:23. They've been itching to start a race war. Yep, they're using the old southern book.
It's not gone turn out in their favor like they think though. Up ahead, it's gone backfire on them.
Oh Granny. "THEY" don't want any type of war. THEY want equal justice without someone who has personally failed constantly blaming THEM for their failures and every other thing in their life.
But how do you think a race war would turn out?
Anonymous said...
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
You on target with your comments Whitey's Conspiracy at 6:23. They've been itching to start a race war. Yep, they're using the old southern book.
So you have nothing to say about all the Black on Black and white crime, rapes and mobs lately? Nothing?
If black " militants" are promoting the execution
of a hispanic man. Just WHO will get in their grills and protect him? The cops? Hah!
I don't think so.
So far, Zimmerman has not been charged, indicted of ANYTHING!
NSangoma said...
"You speak Mandarin field?
China’s Cash Buys Inroads in Caribbean as U.S. Watches"
More Black exploitation, the Chinese are just falling in line like all the other historic and modern melanin-challenged pirates. The Chinese are also reaping from Africa and now they've been grinning their way in the Carib (Well I hope they are at least making an effort to grin).
This isn't just about military strategy. The Carib is prime land and property. The Chinese have always wanted to own a piece of the Carib, they too will politically intercept, purchase prime property, then subsequently gain control, power and profit over black/indigenous natives who won't even be able to afford/keep a piece of a rock on their own island land. And thanks to a few Mingo Tamarins who are getting meager kick backs just for selling out their own black people.
Owning LAND is power.
Eventually, black people will never be able to keep or gain wealth, much less own or control anything on this fucking planet.
Countdown to 12-21-12
Wesley R said...
Countdown to 12-21-12
Let somebody know if'n u need help countin we can takes off our shoes if'n u wants
Black militants are not promoting execution of a Hispanic man. They were promoting a citizen's arrest of a Hispanic man and that justice be served the way it is supposed to be here in America. His life was not threatened by them.
Neo-Nazis are the ones promoting violence and trying to provoke a race war with a bunch lies,false rumors, and false claims of whites being threatened.
It's gone come out eventually that the shooting like the one in Oklahoma is not the only one that has taken place in other states as well and been blamed on blacks.
Strange thing about black on black crime, the majority of the time blacks know who killed so and so when it involves blacks feuding. Because it always gets out and word spreads throughout the black community.
It's those ones that no one knows who did it, that blacks wonder about. It just so happens in this case some of those blacks live to tell who shot them.
Hey Babygurl, I agree with you.
Oh lookie, it's Trayvon in reverse!!
Black male shoots and kills unarmed white hispanic male but is not arrested...
Hopefully one of you white-hating racist hypocrites will contact Al and Jesse and demand an arrest!!
(But I'm not holding my breath.)
"Black militants are not promoting execution of a Hispanic man."
They distributed "Wanted Dead Or Alive" leaflets, you fucking idiot.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Black militants are not promoting execution of a Hispanic man.
That's right Granny, gotta make sure to dampen any growing hostility betwen blacks and hispanics, and make sure everybody's Hate stays focussed on the white man.
The Left understands that their power only comes from a coalition of "oppressed" groups and that any animosity within the bloc could befall their entire agenda. The Left champions collectivism both within individual minority groups and as a whole minority coalition directing their ire at the evil WASP male. The narrative in which WASP men engage in rampant institutional nepotism against all out-groups motivates the animus of each leftist identity group, a sort of overall doctrine that unites all Democrat voters.
The mainstream right often speaks of race-baiting or feminist grousing, but one rarely encounters an incisive analysis of this overarching message of liberalism - the notion that white men should be justifiably hated for keeping everyone else down. A little too hot for Fox News, I suppose, as mainstream conservatives prefer criticizing easy targets like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson instead of characterizing liberalism as the hate-filled ideology it really is.
Don't hold your breath, we don't want you to die being silly.
Besides which, I'm sure LaRaza can handle that case in behalf of Hispanics and demand an arrest.
And well...the neo-nazi handles white complaints.
The Trayvon affair has extirpated any tiny little bit of optimism I have regarding liberalism, at least the kind practiced by media and Ivory Tower believers. I'll still give some leeway to the Democrat on the street, the politically benign and personally affable middle class masses who don't really know what leftism has become. They persist under the delusion that Democrats care about the little man and that the Republican party is the exclusive province of the "unwashed" masses "bitterly clinging to their guns and religion." I'll cut them a break; they just don't know.
The issue is the priest class - those writing and commenting on Salon.com, DailyKos, and ThinkProgress, the staff of the major newspapers like NYT and LA Times, the writers and personalities on MSNBC, CNN, and NBC "News", and liberal academics pontificating from the safe enclaves of nice college towns. For these individuals, we can no longer view leftism as a means of gaining social capital or a harmless way of expressing one's relative enlightenment. For these individuals, we can no longer view leftism as an ignorant or perverted idealism whereby the intellectual class casts themselves as society's saviors. For these individuals, we can no longer afford them the benefit of doubt, that perhaps their motivations are pure.
Quite simply, the intellectual left has declared outright war on all of white America, not merely the slovenly lumpenproles and the unrefined working class, but the "white privileged" middle class and the "avaricious" upper class. They have shown their hand with this latest Trayvon affair, making a martyr out of a NO_LIMIT_NIGGA and, in doing so, impugning white America as the sole source of evil and violence.
This past year, we have seen absolutely no mainstream coverage on the spate of black-on-white crime, including murders, gang beatings, and racial flash mob riots. When pressed, the authorities have even adamantly denied any racial component to so many black-on-white racial crimes. Yet one incident in Florida, where all verifiable details point to a black thug initiating the altercation, spurs black and liberal America to engage in a month long hate campaign against whites. Contrast this to media silence and subtle downplaying of every single undoubtedly racist attack perpetrated by blacks in the past year, such as the Carter Strange attack in which Matt Lauer described the black mob as "basically good kids who did a very bad thing."
The professional left should now be considered enemies of civilization.
"It's gone come out eventually that the shooting like the one in Oklahoma is not the only one that has taken place in other states as well and been blamed on blacks."
Hey Granny, very interesting, it's not far fetched. It's a good cover up while they get their violent racist jollies on.
I have not seen you in a while (I'm the one who's been away), but I'm glad to know you are still around.
Tacitus, although you would like to make this a political issue. It is not! It has nothing to do with politics and is about a young unarmed man being murdered, coverups, and no arrest. I don't care how you try to spin it as left versus right B.S. or pin it on the President. You know and I know that it has nothing to do with politics. It does have something to do with STEREOTYPES though.
So, run along with your B.S. politicking game because I am not buying it.
"Besides which, I'm sure LaRaza can handle that case in behalf of Hispanics and demand an arrest."
So blacks are not in favor of an arrest when the shooter is black??
"a young unarmed man being murdered, coverups, and no arrest."
So then, you agree the shooter should be arrested for murdering an unarmed man?
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
It does have something to do with STEREOTYPES though.
Granny, what do think about the fact that NBC purposefully doctored the 911 phone call from Zimmerman to make it seem like his main motivation was racial?
This isn't purposeful ignorance or liberal mind-reading ("you just hate him because he's black"), as common during the Obama campaign. This isn't withholding certain facts or refusing to disseminate other facts (e.g. prevalence of black-on-white crime, including videos). This is outright propaganda, the kind we only find in dystopic works like 1984 and V for Vendetta. Honestly, there is nothing really to analyze except that this should convince anyone on the fence about how much the elites hate hate hate white people.
Babygurl, I've been busy trying to get a few of my priorities done and dealing with a few other things. I drop by in my spare time, but not as much as I used to do.
Anyhow, it's good seeing you too. I missed you.
Mob of black animals beats and strips unarmed white, nothing but silence from the black community.
Tacitus, NBC was wrong and I agree that was wrong. But hold up and back up one minute. Zimmerman, himself, out of his own mouth said a few other things too that let us know he stereotyped Trayvon. What NBC did had nothing to do with it. At least it has nothing to do with my thoughts on it.
Well, after all the watermelon, foodstamps, chicken jokes, magic Negro, and picture with a bone through his nose dressed like a savage,etc do you actually think that we should believe that it has nothing to do with him being BLACK? Puleeeeeeze! Oh, that's just a smidgen of it.
Now, I'm through responding for the night because I'm tired.
BTW, that last part I wrote was regarding President Obama.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"What NBC did had nothing to do with it. At least it has nothing to do with my thoughts on it."
The important question to ask is WHY they did it.
That should be something to think about.
"Zimmerman, himself, out of his own mouth said a few other things too that let us know he stereotyped Trayvon."
This is 100% false.
Well, after all the watermelon, foodstamps, chicken jokes, magic Negro, and picture with a bone through his nose dressed like a savage,etc do you actually think that we should believe that it has nothing to do with him being BLACK?
shouild "we" believe the same jokes that were made about Bush because he was white?
"magic Negro" was first intoduced by Liberals.
The "magic Negro" spoof was more about sharpton than obama.
"do you actually think that we should believe that it has nothing to do with him being BLACK?"
He attacked Zimmerman because he's black. Blacks commit assault at a much higher rate than other races, so it's not at all surprising. If Trayvon wasn't black, he probably would not have attacked Zimmerman.
Sometimes it's not a stereotype...
One more thing...
Liberal oppressing folks? ROFL! From what I've observed it is the RIGHT that is trying to oppress folks. They want to oppress grandma and grandpa, women, blacks, the LGBT community, kids, foreigners, and anyone who is not filthy rich.
Did I leave out anyone that they are not trying to oppress?
Stealing from the poor and middleclass to give to the rich is oppression.
"Stealing from the poor and middleclass to give to the rich is oppression."
The poor do not pay taxes. The top 10% of earners pay 70% of all taxes, you fucking idiot.
A white security guard at an apartment complex peppersprayed and shot and killed one of two twin brothers that he had stopped. The security guard has not been arrested. Take a guess why there is no national coverage...the victim was white. This should be enough proof of what the Trayvon case is really about.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"Liberal oppressing folks? ROFL! From what I've observed it is the RIGHT that is trying to oppress folks."
Just another indicator of how wrong you are Granny.
I hate to be the one to tell you this but everyone in America pays some form of taxes. They pay sales taxes, sewer taxes, vehicle registration taxes, income taxes, etc. So, now who is the idiot...idiot! Smh!
Ironically, the heavy reliance on income taxes makes the American system more progressive than those in Europe. The federal government gets about 43% of its total tax revenue from taxes on individual incomes and profits, compared with only 29% in Germany and 22% in France. The balance for France and Germany comes from the VAT, which is highly regressive. One recent OECD study showed that the top ten percent in America pay a larger share of total taxes, 45.1%, than do the top ten percent in any of the 24 countries examined. In Germany they pay 31% of the taxes, in France 28%.
Stilling from the middle class? Not so much.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
I hate to be the one to tell you this but everyone in America pays some form of taxes. They pay sales taxes, sewer taxes, vehicle registration taxes, income taxes, etc. So, now who is the idiot...idiot! Smh!
Cool. Then I want my taxrate lowered to the tax rate of those who pay NO INCOME tax, yet get money back for having babies (earned income credit) You speak liberalese living on the back of taxpayers well, but you don't understand it. Those taxes are state taxes. Look it up, you would be amazed how bad things get when now it's 51% of our population pays no income tax. Where do you think Obama gets all that free stuff from? Actually never mind, its China and the fed printing money.
"I hate to be the one to tell you this but everyone in America pays some form of taxes."
There are people in this country who do not earn a single cent, and live 100% off of government subsidies.
If you do not work, and you do not earn a single penny, then you cannot be taxed.
Even a fucking idiot like you can figure this out.
Anonymous 11:40:
Do you have Tourettes Syndrome? Or an anger problem?
"Do you have Tourettes Syndrome? Or an anger problem?"
I find your blatant stupidity to be remarkably annoying.
GrannyStandingtopoopCauseSheConstipated said...
Anonymous 11:40:
Do you have Tourettes Syndrome? Or an anger problem?
You just saying that cause I'm Black. Gottdamn stereotypes. Next thing you will tell me I have to start sayin "gone" instead of going to.
Evidently, I hit a home run. LOL!
It has the anonymous team coming out in full force with their attacks showing their true vile colors. LOL!
Which one got under your skin the most? Was it when I mentioned how a lot of those drivebys by unknowns are being blamed on blacks, but in reality are not black on black crimes? Or was it that Trayvon was killed because of stereotypes?
Because both are really what has taken place. What's in the dark will come to the light. It is just a matter of time.
I can't wait to see Rush and Hannity reap what they've sown. Pride cometh before the fall and when those two fall, it's going to be hard because of all the evil they've spouted out their evil black hearts.
"The involvement of the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton along with Obama's "if I had a son he would look like Trayvon" has pushed MOST whites into the George Zimmerman camp. Oh well."
5:49 PM
That is no surprise. MOST Whites were into the George Zimmerman camp anyway. This is America and racism is alive. Whites want to see Zimmerman remain free much like they want to see the white killer in Okla. remain free.
Field, "I suppose it also means going to church and celebrating the resurrection of JC. Many of you will be in church tomorrow, and you will be thanking JC's dad for allowing JC to give his life for your sins. At least he gave you an out no matter how much of a scoundrel you have been while you are here on earth."
At least we will have an hour of peace while black and white scoundrels are in church. Of course, the churches will be segregated at 11am. If you are Black and you belong to a predominately white church, I would recommend that you change churches immediately. Racism is much bigger than Christianity.
Yep, Racism is a big devil! The root of it is greed, selfishness, and covetousness.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Yep, Racism is a big devil! The root of it is greed, selfishness, and covetousness.
1:44 AM
hmmmmm. I always thought racism was hatred and separation from God and humanity.
hmmmmm. I always thought racism was hatred and separation from God and humanity.
Sounds Black to me.
Racism is hate and does separate you from God, but the root causes of it are greed, selfishness, and covetousness. A couple of others ones are envy and jealousy.
Granny, Field's sidebar indicates that Whites overwhelmingly believe Zimmerman is innocent. Hence, you might need to re-evaluate your position about Trayvon. It sure looks like the brother DID attack Zimmerman and he shot Trayvon out of fear for his life.
ONCE AGAIN, this is not going to turn out well for Blacks. In fact, it's going to be terrible because this will leave a big stain on Black credibility...many innocent good Blacks are going to suffer because of this rush to judgment.
You know what my greatest wish for 2012? That Romney wins in November! Since Obama has been President racism and tension between the races has never been higher. Obama "separates", he does not "unite".
Let's face it. America wasn't ready for a black President. Obama won because of the "perfect" political storm...everything lined up perfectly for Obama to land in the WH. It won't be that way this election.
Racism is hate and does separate you from God, but the root causes of it are greed, selfishness, and covetousness. A couple of others ones are envy and jealousy.
2:28 AM
Well, most know not to argue with you on this blog. I have never known you to be wrong about anything.
Happy Easter to you too!
Threatening Blacks just like in the old days of Jim Crow. Smh!
Anony 11:18 pm, I know what you mean, yet another white on white crime. Could you imagine being a young half crazed angry entitled thinking white boy trying to stop and question two young drunk entitled thinking white boys? Shucks, all three should have had guns ready. I could imagine what really went down.
Heck, at least he only shot one, if the brothers were black, both would have been riddled with lead and none to tell the tale, like Trayvon.
Anony 10:15 pm, regarding the taco bell shooting, wouldn't it be interesting to find out that the family of the "victim" or the "victim" himself was cheering for Zimmerman just weeks ago? Ain't life a beach?
Anony 10:44pm, there is no such thing as "unarmed whites", you people know how to make a noose out of dental floss.
Anony 11:06 pm, why don't you try going back to school to further your education, or maybe try to be more efficient at work so that you may get that promotion one day. Black people are not the cause of your personal problems. Let it go.
Granny, I don't know how you, DesertFlower and some of the others are able to stomach these racist trolls. They don't even care to make little sense anymore. Field, where is the quality control dept. for Anony inc?
Babygurl, I sorta let what they say go in one eye and out the other one. You know what I mean.
BTW, Babygurl, that's a good one about the dental floss. LOL!
Sheriff pressured to make arrest in Palm Harbor "Stand Your Ground" case
They need a Hype-Man.
Is there a white Al Sharpton?
Al Sharpton is tearing down racist strongholds and it is driving them crazy.
Sharpton is a praying man! No weapon formed against him will prosper!
NBC Fires Producer Of Misleading Zimmerman Tape
No but wait, where is the part about the hoodie; that has all these Negroes wearing hoodies and crying profiling?
The segment in question was shown on the “Today” show on March 27. It included audio of Mr. Zimmerman saying, “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.”
But Mr. Zimmerman’s comments had been taken grossly out of context by NBC. On the phone with a 911 dispatcher, he actually said of Mr. Martin, “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.” Then the dispatcher asked, “O.K., and this guy — is he white, black or Hispanic?” Only then did Mr. Zimmerman say, “He looks black.”
La~Audio I don't want to be sued for Anon. bias.. Even the dumb and ignorant have a voice.
field, where is the implicit or explicit Negroe profiling herein?:
Dispatcher: Sanford Police Department. ...
Zimmerman: Hey we've had some break-ins in my neighborhood, and there's a real suspicious guy, uh, [near] Retreat View Circle, um, the best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle. This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he white, black, or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
Dispatcher: Did you see what he was wearing?
Zimmerman: Yeah. A dark hoodie, like a grey hoodie, and either jeans or sweatpants and white tennis shoes. He's [unintelligible], he was just staring...
Dispatcher: OK, he's just walking around the area...
Zimmerman: ...looking at all the houses.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Al Sharpton is tearing down racist strongholds and it is driving them crazy.
Sharpton is a praying man! No weapon formed against him will prosper!
Yes he is a preying man. Non Blacks all around the country see exactly who he is, what he stands for and what type of people rally to him.
He is ike a used car salesman who doesn't have the faculties to talk you into something, so he hangs with the quasi literate and stirs up hate based upon mutual ignorance.
Don't confuse utter contempt with "crazy" Just your typical lying shakedown artist who if he didn't have fake racism would be reduced to saying things like "resist we much" and can I sweep the floor now sir?
Tell me, when he speaks do you understand him? How do you support him after seeing the Tawana Brawley and similar hoaxes? Each cause he was involved with turned out to be complete lies, as has the Trayvon issue.
"La~Audio I don't want to be sued for Anon. bias.. Even the dumb and ignorant have a voice."
Now I know why the dumb, ignorant and self-dehumanized come here. To be heard.
God bless you, Field. You have a heart of gold. But don't you think ignorant voices are rather loud? Oh wait, that's part of being dumb and ignorant isn[t it?
Well, you know they will keep mouthing hatred. That's what ignorance and stupidity do. It's a never ending cycle.
Quite honestly, I am tired of the hateful bantering back and forth. I really miss the intelligent ones of the past, both Black and White. I am now reaching the point of "why bother to read and comment here?"
Regardless, I have appreciated FN over the years but I guess all good things must come to an end. Afterall, we live in impermanence. Many thanks to you, Field. I have enjoyed it but I am moving on...God Bless.
NSangoma said...
Sheriff pressured to make arrest in Palm Harbor "Stand Your Ground" case
They need a Hype-Man.
Is there a white Al Sharpton?
Obama, only his grandmother made him hate white people because she too noticed black crime and violence.
Here is an interesting article regarding what Whites teach each other about Blacks. IMO, some Blacks teach Blacks the same thing:
Mike Wallace, a great man and reporter, (60minutes) has died. R.I.P.
Anon@11:42AM,bless u too. We will miss u.
Yes, Mike Wallace was alright. Too bad the apple fell far from the tree. Chris is a FOX News flunky.
Police: 2 suspects arrested in Oklahoma shootings
One looks to be a sho' 'nuff krcaker; whilst the other seems to sport the epicanthic eyefold, maybe part East Asian?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Gut feeling here Field: this has EVERYTHING to do with the Travon Martin awareness.
Looking more like I was right in my gut feeling. The main suspect's unarmed father was killed in a fight 2 years ago by a "quote" "f---ing n----r" who wasn't prosecuted because of Oklahoma's own "hold your ground" law. Hard to see the timing as mere coincidence.
Hmmm, WC, your gut might have been right.
new info. the shooter went down for "pointing a gun" teach me to jump on comment section info. I still see a tie in though
Oh ohhh, Sanford wants Natl Guards in anticipation of the Trayvon Marton decision. Does this mean no charges?
Two Men Arrested in Tulsa Shooting Spree
Suspect's Father Murder Anniversary?
On England's Facebook page, his father, Carl England, was shot and killed April 5, 2010, almost exactly two years before Friday's shootings, according to the Tulsa World's archives.
A black man was charged and is serving a prison sentence for the crime.
On Thursday at 4:04 p.m., England wrote, "Today is two years that my dad has been gone shot by a f------ n----- it's hard not to go off between that and sheran I'm gone in the head." According to England's Facebook page, his girlfriend, Sheran Hart Wilde, recently died.
3:19 PM
field negro said...
Oh ohhh, Sanford wants Natl Guards in anticipation of the Trayvon Marton decision. Does this mean no charges?
No, just more typical disrespect for black folk, calculating them as uncivilized childish barbarians who can't control themselves. Don't tell me that the locals and the state patrol couldn't shut a town that size down in 10 min.
It was more than that Nsagoma. His woman offed herself in front of him a few months back, and he didn't do anything on the 1st anniversary. I'm still feeling the timing in my gut. It's the same vibe going these days among white folk as during the LA riots and the OJ verdict. A kind of resentment at being called out.
The majority of white people in this country DO NOT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE. They never have and never will. This is something that most black people do not want to accept.
My question to FN is this: what are you going to do if Zimmerman is not charged with anything or if he is charged with something he's acquited?
"The majority of white people in this country DO NOT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE. They never have and never will. This is something that most black people do not want to accept."
This is the hard hearted truth that Blacks MUST come to grips with. As a race, we are not liked in America by Whites, Asians, White Hispanics and Mexicans.
This is very important, and something FN needs to have an honest conversation about. Because Blacks have for centuries wanted to be accepted in America. It isn't going to happen. YOu can't change White's heart who cannot and does not like you.
Hell, at the rate we are killing each other, we don't even like ourselves. This is depressing and a bitch to be Black, esp a bm.
"My question to FN is this: what are you going to do if Zimmerman is not charged with anything or if he is charged with something he's acquited?"
It is obvious that Zimmerman won't be charged. What are Blacks going to do? The answer is "nothing". We just go on and accept the injustices against us in America. What can we do against a racist justice system in America?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
No, just more typical disrespect for black folk, calculating them as uncivilized childish barbarians who can't control themselves.
yeah, no reason to think that about negros.
Crowd Beats, Strips & Robs Tourist On St. Patrick’s Day; Incident Caught On Camera
a tourist being beaten in downtown Baltimore and instead of helping him, a crowd laughs and steals his belongings.
"Hell, at the rate we are killing each other, we don't even like ourselves. This is depressing and a bitch to be Black, esp a bm."
You are not a BM, so how would you know?
Anyway, there are a lot of blaCK folks happliy living their lives who don't care if white folks like them or not. They just want to be treated equally under the law. That's all.
"Negros started this race war 40 years ago."
field, you need to seriously offer mental assistance to some of these fools.
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