"He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said of President Barack Obama.
"I can't think of a time when I felt it was more important for us to defeat an incumbent president today with respect to Barack Obama. I think he has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday.
"I think to be in a position where he gets four more years in the White House to continue the policies he has, both with respect to the economy, and tax policy, and defense and some other areas would be a huge, huge disappointment," the former Vice President said. " [Source]
I suppose when you have to live with needlessly sending thousands of people off to die, and destroying the economy in the process, you have to put the focus on the other guy so that we can all forget what an absolute mess you made of your eight years.
Don't worry Mr. Cheney, I suspect that you won't be around to see what a huge disappointment this president has been. Sadly, what might have been a perfectly good heart has been wasted on you.
Anyway, I wonder if when the race war that conservatives have been predicting finally comes to A-merry-ca they will use the self defense strategy to justify the killing of those brown folks?
That clown in Norway tried to use it. Unfortunately for him I don't think he will be that successful. I suspect that my right wing friends will want to make the same arguments here; that multiculturalism is such a threat to the future of the republic that drastic measures must be taken to stop it.
One thing conservatives will have to learn to do, though, is tell us Negroes apart. Mike Tyson looks nothing like Dr. Eric Dyson, (or Touré for that matter) yet my conservative friends can't seem to tell them apart. This is not good. Are you going to shoot and kill the sympathetic black spy (think Larry Elder, or Jesse Lee Peterson) because you thought he was an agitator? I am telling you that you wingnuts better get your s**t together before the war starts.
"That principle was put into practice the following morning when reporter Susan Candiotti quoted the Facebook page of a suspect in the Tulsa shooting spree, which said “Today is two years that my dad has been gone, shot by a fucking nigger.”
We also noted that CNN had relaxed language standards a few weeks ago, playing an uncensored clip of a 911 tape that contained the “f-word” repeatedly. Newsbusters‘ Noel Sheppard had no problem with the “f-word,” but had this thoughtful critique of Lemon’s premise:
Now, weeks after the shooting of Trayvon Martin – as the media try to fabricate a race war to assist the reelection of Barack Obama – not only are CNN employees saying n–ger on the air, a CNN host is advocating the previously offensive term be used in all reports rather than the politically correct one.Let that sink in. Two stories, six black shooting victims, but Noel Sheppard thinks that quoting the word “nigger” is the problem, and it’s somehow going to lead to a “race war.” The shootings of black people aren’t the problem, the calling black people “nigger” isn’t the problem, it’s the accurate quoting of that word that’s going to cause a deadly race war.
With six black shooting victims at the heart of this story, a reasonable person might think that Sheppard was referring to a war on black people, but he dispelled that in his segment with Lemon last night. After repeating the claim that a race war is imminent because people are talking about racism (not because of the racism), Lemon said “I don’t think we’re on the verge of any race war here. I think we’re beyond that in the United States.”
Do you hear that Negros? "The shootings of black people aren't problem."
“I saw Michael Eric Tyson,” Sheppard began, as Lemon cut in to correct him. ”Dyson,” Lemon said, referring to Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson.
“Dyson,” Sheppard continued, “on Face The Nation today with Bob Schieffer, and he was saying that if Zimmerman is found innocent, there’s going to be a lot — a lot of problems. There’s going to be a lot of uprisings. So it’s not just me saying that this is possible, Don.”
It’s amusing that Sheppard would confuse Michael Eric Dyson with the textbook example of modern ScaryBlackMan-itude, but is it a telling Freudian slip? Maybe not, but Sheppard also seems to have a problem telling one black pundit from another. While Dyson did appear on Face The Nation, it was Touré who talked about the possible consequences of a George Zimmerman acquittal. [Source]
No Mr. Christopher, it's not "amusing" at all. It's all rather sad.
Finally, I hope Paul Ryan realizes what he is doing to senior citizens in this country. He is scaring grandma and grandpa about their future and causing them to do desperate things.
"ABC News’ Alex Perez reports:
Silver haired and sweet faced, Darlene Mayes looks like many grannies but according to police, she is one of Oklahoma’s biggest drug kingpins.
Her operation went up in smoke this week, when police entered her home and found 4 pounds of pot and $276,000 cash.
Police found $15,000 bundles of cash stashed away in the home.
Mayes initially told police the money was part of her retirement fund.
Police also say she was packing a semiautomatic pistol and a revolver.
Investigators say her alleged pot-dealing network spanned four states, from Tulsa, Okla., to Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri.
Police believe she supplied up to 40 percent of the marijuana in that area.
As the mastermind, police believe she had a network of dealers, including her son Jerry who was also arrested.
Law enforcement expert Brad Garrett says harmless looking seniors can sometimes be the most efficient drug dealers.
“It doesn’t surprise me that someone this age would be actively involved in marijuana distribution because there’s just too much money to be made. If they keep a low profile, they don’t talk to many people, and they don’t get greedy, they can go on for years.” [Source]
Mr. Ryan, you and your friends should be ashamed of yourselves.
I suppose when you have to live with needlessly sending thousands of people off to die, and destroying the economy in the process, you have to put the focus on the other guy so that we can all forget what an absolute mess you made of your eight years.
President Cheney? Funny must have missed that one and for two terms. Always thought that VP were pretty much impotent and that the real power was in the president. But hey, repeatedly tell a lie and the sheep gradually accept it as truth (sort of like what blacks have done by listening to their new owners).
29 Somali Muslim Gang Members Indicted for Kidnapping, Raping and Selling Underage Girls
Cleveland.com reported:
A federal trial involving more than a dozen defendants accused in a sex trafficking ring run by Somali gangs is being complicated by cultural issues within the Somali refugee communities in Tennessee and Minnesota.
U.S. District Judge William J. Haynes again this week ordered jurors to return on Monday as defense attorneys argued that the defendants, many of whom are refugees from Somalia, were juveniles at the time the alleged crimes occurred.
The indictment said three gangs called the Somali Outlaws, the Somali Mafia and the Lady Outlaws were forcing teenage girls into prostitution and operated in St. Paul, Minn.; Minneapolis; Columbus, Ohio; and Nashville.
After selecting a jury last month, the trial was delayed last week when prosecutors turned over thousands of documents and audio recordings from the investigation to defense attorneys on the eve of trial. Both defense attorneys and federal prosecutors have repeatedly declined to comment about the case.
“It can be frustrating to have delays, but it is understandable because the case is so complex,” said Derri Smith, executive director of End Slavery Tennessee, who will be an expert witness in the case. “I have the utmost confidence that the judge and jury will bring justice about in the case, but it’s challenging for all of them.”
The indictment, which was originally unsealed in 2010 and amended by a superseding indictment in 2011, says the defendants, many of them from the Somali immigrant communities in Minneapolis and Nashville, were members or associates of the three gangs. Four unidentified victims, some of who were under the age of 14, are listed in the indictment.
The indictment accuses the gangs of finding and recruiting young girls for the purpose of prostitution in exchange for money and drugs between 2000 and 2010.
Out of the 30 individuals listed in the indictment, only 14 are going to trial this month in Nashville on charges of conspiracy to commit sexual trafficking of children by force, fraud or coercion and charges related to the sexual trafficking. Many of the individuals have remained in federal custody since their arrests in 2010.
Multiculturalism is no threat at all.
President Cheney? Funny must have missed that one and for two terms.
As you mature you will learn not take you eyes off the prize. You will learn not to miss what is germaine to this discussion. Cheney was wired into the war machine. One couldn't miss his affiliation with Haliburton. So as far as being impotent was concerned...well, you finish the sentence as best you can.
"Let that sink in. Two stories, six black shooting victims"
On any given day in any majority-black city, six black shooting victims is a slow day.
"somehow going to lead to a “race war.”"
Blacks have been waging war against whites for decades.
"The shootings of black people aren't problem."
Black people shoot each other habitually, they don't seem to have a problem with it.
"Finally, I hope Paul Ryan realizes what he is doing to senior citizens in this country."
Is he bankrupting the country and collapsing the currency??
Oh...that would be Obama.
"Mr. Ryan, you and your friends should be ashamed of yourselves."
As long as we're on the topic of "shame", here's a few items to consider...
1. Blacks commit more than half of all murders in this country.
2. More than 70% of black children are born out of wedlock.
3. More than half of black males do not finish high school.
4. Blacks are at the bottom of the IQ ladder.
5. Almost half of all prison inmates are black.
6. Blacks have the highest abortion rate.
7. More than half of all new AIDS cases are blacks, who spread AIDS like wildfire.
8. Black students are also two and a half times as likely to be held back a grade, 85 percent of black fourth graders can’t read.
9. There is not a place on earth where the black crime rate is low.
10. There is not a place on earth where quality of life has improved with an increased black population.
The indictment accuses the gangs of finding and recruiting young girls for the purpose of prostitution in exchange for money and drugs between 2000 and 2010.
Sounds like the US Secret Service...
"One couldn't miss his affiliation with Haliburton."
Haliburton has been one the US's largest defense sub-contractors for decades, particularly under the Clinton administration.
Cheney sold his shares in Haliburton before the 2000 election, you attack Cheney because you hate him, and for no other reason, you're just not honest enough to admit it.
As you mature you will learn not take you eyes off the prize. You will learn not to miss what is germaine to this discussion. Cheney was wired into the war machine. One couldn't miss his affiliation with Haliburton. So as far as being impotent was concerned...well, you finish the sentence as best you can.
Nice try. Come back when you've got facts, not fantasy.
Anonymous 8:01:
We understand, truly we do. When I look at the crime page nowadays all I see are people like you who need Jesus in their heart. That need to stop letting the enemy rule their mind.
Dick Cheney should be thanking President Obama for not putting him on trial for conspiracy to commit voter fraud in Ohio.
I doubt if he would have been eligible for the transplant as a ward of the state.
Cheney got a new heart in his chest...Trayvon got a bullet in his.
That's sad that granny has to sale weed to make ends meet.
Reminds of that song, "Ain't No Love In the Heart of the City." Right now ain't no love in the heart of Ryan and the Republican Congress. Smh!
"When I look at the crime page nowadays all I see are people like you who need Jesus in their heart."
LOL Is that your best??
When I look at the crime page I see a vastly disproportionate number of negroes.
I think an investigation needs to be conducted as to how Cheney received that heart. I'm sure there were thousands of people who were a better suited match, and was on the list even longer.
"Her operation went up in smoke this week, when police entered her home and found 4 pounds of pot and $276,000 cash."
She's lucky they didn't riddle her with bullets as they came in, then again she doesn't look like a Trayvon's grandmother, lucky her. Gee, I wonder if they even used a swat team, or made her kiss the floor when they 'entered' her home.
I guess since welfare is suppose to be a black thing, poor granny had no choice. But then again I thought selling drugs... never mind.
"Dick Cheney should be thanking President Obama for not putting him on trial for conspiracy to commit voter fraud in Ohio."
Obama should be thanking Joe Biden for saying so many stupid things that no one notices Obama's gaffes.
"I think an investigation needs to be conducted as to how Cheney received that heart."
Yes, with a stagnant economy, high unemployment and 4$ per gallon gas, Dick Cheney is a high priority.
Granny, I don't know. That other granny looks like she was spitfire and ready to plug anyone up if they messed with her. She knew what she was doing and what she wanted to do. :)
"Yes, with a stagnant economy, high unemployment and 4$ per gallon gas, Dick Cheney is a high priority."
Well gee, guess who's to blame for all of that too?
Heck, if you can't get him for one thing, then get him for another.
Babygurl, now that you mention it, I wonder did they make granny get down on the floor and put a gun to her head with the police dog snarling over her head?
"President Cheney? Funny must have missed that one and for two terms."
I think you did miss it. He WAS president for two terms.
"LOL Is that your best??
When I look at the crime page I see a vastly disproportionate number of negroes."
Yes, "what a fool believes he sees." Someone sang that in a song once; I think it was a white guy.
"I think an investigation needs to be conducted as to how Cheney received that heart."
Are you suggesting that he killed someone to take it? Hmmmm.
Babygurl, whoa, the article says that she was a major supplier and had some artillery too. Dang! Granny must have rushed out and stocked up on guns to sale dope. Lord help! Smh!
*They didn't shoot her in her bed like they did that black invalid granny*
"Well gee, guess who's to blame for all of that too?"
Keep repeating this...please.
It worked so well in the 2010 midterms.
Guess where Cheney got that heart? Yep, it was Trayvons!.
Cheney is going to live for another 50 years.
He might even be President again.
Someday, he'll take a big, steaming piss on Obama's grave and laugh.
Granny, if that isn't u let me know so that I can delete that fraud.
"Someday, he'll take a big, steaming piss on Obama's grave and laugh"
Obama's dog will live longer than your boy.
La♥audiobooks said...
"Yes, with a stagnant economy, high unemployment and 4$ per gallon gas, Dick Cheney is a high priority."
Well gee, guess who's to blame for all of that too?
Barak Hussein "If i don't fix this in three years I'm a one-term President" Obama.
Later chump!
field negro said...
"Are you suggesting that he killed someone to take it? Hmmmm."
George Zimmerman was contracted to get Cheney that heart. He was paid one million dollars in gold and given the original Declaration of Independence.
Feel free to run with this story Field.
It won't be a race war until the whites start shooting back.
"George Zimmerman was contracted to get Cheney that heart. He was paid one million dollars in gold and given the original Declaration of Independence.
Feel free to run with this story Field."
Sorry Jay, that's not believable. Cheney is too cheap to pay a million dollars for anything. He would have shot Martin himself like he tried to do his hunting buddy.
"It won't be a race war until the whites start shooting back."
I think they already have, no?
Or were those 80 people in Norway a liberal media lie?
'George Zimmerman was contracted to get Cheney that heart. He was paid one million dollars in gold and given the original Declaration of Independence.
Feel free to run with this story Field."
Now why would Field believe that? I'm sure he knows that Cheney would never put a contract out for a black person's heart, much less pay that much for it.
Trolls are so funny tonight.
Yup Granny, that's what I call privilege. wink wink... Shoo, I bet her hair was still in a bun when taking her mugshot. :)
field negro said...
"Or were those 80 people in Norway a liberal media lie?"
What does white on white crime in white Norway have to do with negroes in Amerry-ca killing white people day in and day out for the past 50 years?
"What does white on white crime in white Norway have to do with negroes in Amerry-ca killing white people day in and day out for the past 50 years?"
"50 years" and they are still way behind you. Go figure.
"What does white on white crime in white Norway have to do with negroes in Amerry-ca killing white people day in and day out for the past 50 years?"
You had to have been there
It is a disappointment to see the proprietor of this blog go from someone who presented a different, but balanced viewpoint pre-2008 to someone who defends genocide under the color of "payback".
And yes, whites defending themselves from blacks is well within their RIGHT. No one deserves to be a victim. The refusal of the Lamestream media to report on the persistent high level white on black VIOLENT crime doesn't make it go away.
Fortunately, there are lots in the Alternative media who are making the facts known, and more and more white people are waking up and are realizing how dangerous the black community is - for whites AND blacks. Black on black crime is even higher than the unacceptably high rate of black on white crime.
And yes, there is not one place on earth majority black that is safe and economically viable without "aid".
There is no amount of money that will solve black pathology. It's been tried, and it has failed.
field negro said...
"You had to have been there"
I wasn't.
It's not my reality.
"I wasn't.
It's not my reality."
Don't be so sure.
Next, you'll be telling us that black folks are killing pink elephants day in and day out. I swear, you need help with your paranoia before you hurt yourself or get someone hurt.
"It is a disappointment to see the proprietor of this blog go from someone who presented a different, but balanced viewpoint pre-2008 to someone who defends genocide under the color of "payback"
It's called the world wide web for a reason. No one is stopping you from exploring another part of it.
It's called the world wide web for a reason. No one is stopping you from exploring another part of it.
Funny that. Alot of whites feel the same about blacks who insist on moving into their neighborhoods.
There's a whole other world out there that they are free to relocate to, but choose not to. They prefer to be a nuisance and an annoyance even though they are not wanted nor welcomed.
You stated you welcome all opinions here. I'm taking you at your word.
'Funny that. Alot of whites feel the same about blacks who insist on moving into their neighborhoods.
There's a whole other world out there that they are free to relocate to, but choose not to. They prefer to be a nuisance and an annoyance even though they are not wanted nor welcomed."
Funny, I'm from the USVI and that's just how I feel about most of you whites who over stay your welcome.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Next, you'll be telling us that black folks are killing pink elephants day in and day out. I swear, you need help with your paranoia before you hurt yourself or get someone hurt.
Nope, I don't think they're killing pink elephants, just other humans, black on white.
Unless the Killadelphia meter, currently pegged at 99 for the year is wrong.
Or that the murders were committed by pink elephants?
Is that the point you're trying to make with your turnabout and false premise of "paranoia"?
The facts would seem to state that there are a very high number of murder victims, killed by blacks, in any large majority black city in the USA.
Or are the "facts" and FN's "Killadelphia" meter wrong?
Which is it, Granny?
"Funny that. Alot of whites feel the same about blacks who insist on moving into their neighborhoods.
There's a whole other world out there that they are free to relocate to, but choose not to."
"Their neighborhoods"? Interesting.
"You stated you welcome all opinions here. I'm taking you at your word."
Yes, unlike right wing blogs, I do welcome all opinions. But you chose to come here, and the last time I checked, I am not giving away tiny crosses and hoods.
Trixie said...
"It is a disappointment to see the proprietor of this blog go from someone who presented a different, but balanced viewpoint pre-2008 to someone who defends genocide under the color of "payback"
This is what White people need to realize. Civil Rights is not about equality or about different races living inharmony. It is payback for slavery.
Blacks don't want to live in a world where everyone is judged on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. Blacks want to live in a world without White people.
Blacks will kill White people wherever and whenever they get the chance. Look at Zimbabwe, South Africa, Haiti, Detroit. The story is always the same.
Anti-Racism is Anti-White.
"'Blacks will kill White people wherever and whenever they get the chance. Look at Zimbabwe, South Africa, Haiti, Detroit. The story is always the same.'
And magine, not too long ago in those very places it was the other way around for such a long time.
Amen, Babygurl! Usually when they overstay their welcome, they leave death and destruction behind them.
I'm sure the Marshall Islanders would love for whites to go home, so that their people can stop dying from diseases and poverty forced on them because of whites overstaying their visit. I bet Haiti would love it too. And many other places that they've overstayed their visit.
Wow. I can't believe it. This black blog has been taken over by white racist and black men hating laaudio and ab.
Gone are steve,mold,lac,pilotx,mark,purple,
and many others.
Just wow.
Get rid of these racist.
"Usually when they overstay their welcome, they leave death and destruction behind them."
This has always been the pattern to this day, even if it's more indirect.
And for every corrupted 'black' society, look good and you will always find corrupt whites in the background midst calling the shots.
The only way for a black nation to truly be successful, is to be without the control and influence of whites and their black slave catchers.
"Blacks want to live in a world without White people." ~~Rione, alias, Jesse Lee Peterson~~~
Project much????
La♥audiobooks said...
"'Blacks will kill White people wherever and whenever they get the chance. Look at Zimbabwe, South Africa, Haiti, Detroit. The story is always the same.'
And magine, not too long ago in those very places it was the other way around for such a long time.
I don't believe it.
I know there was segregation in the south, and 3,000 were lynched over 100 years. But white people were not randomly killing blacks by the thousands every year.
He who controls the past controls the present. The liberal establishment teaches us that the 1950's were a time when women were enslaved and blacks terrorized. This is not true.
But to you, it justifies the murder of innocent white people today.
You must believe in collective guilt. A black man killed my father, therefore I am entitled to killl a black man. Right?
And will the murder of whites today justify the killing of blacks when the worm turns again?
You don't even know what you are saying. At least I hope so, for your sake.
"Usually when they overstay their welcome, they leave death and destruction behind them."
Thats black Amerikkka. You don't have to watch the walking dead on tv when you can see the walking dead in black inner cities everyday.
Rione, has the nerve to suggest that we want to annihilate whites. LOL!
We not the ones stocking up on guns, killing whites and claiming self defense, infilitrating police forces with the new nazi.
Black folks just want true equality and the right to pursue happiness and every other alienable right that all citizens are entitled too.
Blacks not the ones trying to agitate a race war either.
Race riots are back.
Along with widespread racial crime and violence.
In hundreds of episodes in more than 50 cities since 2010, groups of black people are roaming the streets of America -- assaulting, intimidating, stalking, threatening, vandalizing, stealing, shooting, stabbing, even raping and killing.
They go by different names: Flash mobs, flash robs, or as one social worker put it: Kids just "blowing off steam."
But local media and public officials are silent. Crime is color blind, says a Milwaukee police chief. Race is not important, a Chicago newspaper editor says.
That denies the obvious: America is the most race conscious society in the world.
The list of cities under attack is long and getting longer -- with some cities suffering dozens of attacks in the last year alone.
Almost as astonishing is the willingness of people in authority and in the media to deny it. Ignore it. Explain it away. Even condone and lie about it.
In Chicago, after weeks of racial violence where the newspapers refused to mention the crime was almost exclusively black gangs on individual whites, the Superintendent of the Police said he knew what was causing the violence: Sarah Palin.
A member of Congress from Chicago, Bobby Rush, said black violence in Chicago was routine and the only reason anyone was paying attention to the race riots in downtown Chicago was because it was it was black on white violence. This is a theme heard in Rochester, Washington, D.C., and dozens of other places: ‘What’s the big deal? This has been happening a long time in black neighborhoods.’
Congressman Rush is probably right. Which means this problem is hundreds of times worse than we think.
Another thing, they're hoping to drum up support to end President Obama's term with their so-called blacks killing whites daily and blacks "dangerous others" lies. Notice that they throw in "Liberal". They are all a part of the KOCH BROTHERS HATE MACHINE.
I would spit on a dixie cup before I ever buy another one again.
I am white. I know and work w/ a lot of non-media-oriented black people. they are good people who tell me that they can't stand "ghetto."
There ARE a lot more black thugs than white thugs, and these member s of the black middle class would admit it in a heartbeat, but they figure w/ all the Al Sharptons etc out there, it's best to just keep their feelings out of the media.
The sad part of this is that it truly encourages racism. when white people think all blacks are behind the gangs and criminals, they dismiss all black people as criminals. The black middle class has been totally cowed.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
We not the ones stocking up on guns, killing whites and claiming self defense, infilitrating police forces with the new nazi.
You are the ones that are lynching whites via mob attacks for the last four years.
You are murdering and raping whites at historic rates.
You are commitin' most murders in this country.
GrannyStandingforTruth does hate facts and the truth.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
They are all a part of the KOCH BROTHERS HATE MACHINE.
Obama tells liberals the Koch brothers are evil boogeymen who hide under their beds at night, and Granny believes it!
Anonymous 11:32:
You are one lying ass, sick, hate-filled person. I almost feel sorry for you.
The demand for black rage on the part of white liberals is to support their pious belief in human universalism/equality. For them, it is vitally important to think that black social pathology has a cause - a cause that can at least potentially be fixed, and is not due to something inherent, for example, low average IQ. For liberals, the evils of this world are always caused by something external to the individual such as bad institutions. It is the old Rousseauan belief in the essential goodness and rationality of man, or at least his amenability to educationist formation.
'But to you, it justifies the murder of innocent white people today"
I do not condone killing of 'innocent' people anywhere. But I will tell you, there are not much innocent white victims in certain parts of Africa. You can not steal, ravish and plunder lands and resources from a country while you rape, murder, and encourage the oppression of black Africans for generations and call yourself "innocent".
Many of those "innocent" whites in Africa were happy to continue the oppression. They were living happily on lands they blatantly STOLE or inherited from their thieving illegal white ancestors. NO WHERE on this earth can you do that to a country and not expect an uprising. To this day, "civilized" countries all over the world, including America and Europe will go to war to stop that blatant fuckery from happening to them.
White liberals find black rage appealing in a chic way cuz it's always diverted from themselves at white conservatives.
Notice that the favorite target of black rage is not really themselves but whites in South Africa or whites in the South.
La♥audiobooks said...
Many of those "innocent" whites in Africa were happy to continue the oppression. They were living happily on lands they blatantly STOLE or inherited from their thieving illegal white ancestors
And how has that turned out for the 'liberated' Africans? Once thriving cities, industries, farms, and nations are now miserably poor, violent hell holes. South Africa will soon join them. Someday, they will look back at the good old days of Apartheid.
'And will the murder of whites today justify the killing of blacks when the worm turns again?"
When did whites killing blacks ever stopped? You don't even know what you are saying, at least I hope you don't. You sound either paranoid, or hopeful to start murdering black people.
LOL! Black rage??? LOL! You're very creative, but maybe, you should try directing those creative juices towards something constructive instead of destructive.
La♥audiobooks said...
'But to you, it justifies the murder of innocent white people today"
I do not condone killing of 'innocent' people anywhere.
You implicitly did condone it when you balanced it by imagining the same thing happened in the past.
In any event, we live in this world, today. Are we not responsible for the present? Should not our actions stand on their own?
The person who runs this blog believes first and formost in revenge. He beleives blacks are justified in killing whites. The funny thing about revenge is, it never ends.
LOL! Black rage??? LOL! You're very creative, but maybe, you should try directing those creative juices towards something constructive instead of destructive.
BTW, you conservatives are an evil, lying, deceptive, crooked, and racist bunch. Guess how I know? You demonstrate it daily every time you come on here with your dung. No one has to prep us on what you represent, or coach us, or give us a script because you demonstrate it daily in your actions and words.
Field wants educated, middle class African-Americans to be driven to the edge of violence just by the thought of things that happened to blacks before they were born.
You know what happend to people who play with fire, don't you?
"And how has that turned out for the 'liberated' Africans? Once thriving cities, industries, farms, and nations are now miserably poor, violent hell holes. South Africa will soon join them.'
There have always been thriving nations, families, healers, and farmers in African LONG before whites showed up. Whites murdered, enslaved and uprooted the African people.
If African people were given the opportunity for fair global trade of their natural resources etc, Africans would be the richest people on this planet today. Again, instead whites pillage, plunder, murder, rape, uproot, enslave, drain and stole everything that did not belong TO THEM on Africa.
Africans should have been killing whites on Africa from 500 years ago. Now look.
Well, now Africans can start killing the Chinese, because they (Africans) haven't stepped up to the plate.
'In any event, we live in this world, today. Are we not responsible for the present?'
Depends on who's viewing the present. When it comes to race relations, the past has a great impact and influence on the present. Let is not pretend.
La♥audiobooks said...
Africans should have been killing whites on Africa from 500 years ago. Now look.
The ugly face of genocide is La♥audiobooks.
La♥audiobooks said...
'In any event, we live in this world, today. Are we not responsible for the present?'
Depends on who's viewing the present. When it comes to race relations, the past has a great impact and influence on the present. Let is not pretend.
So you DO believe in collective racial guilt.
I'm glad we got that settled.
I know you are evil; do you?
The ugly face of genocide is La♥audiobooks.
Yes. No joke.
La♥audiobooks said...
"If African people were given the opportunity for fair global trade of their natural resources etc, Africans would be the richest people on this planet today"
Who is keeping the Africans from expoiting their natural resources?
They have had self-determination now for at least two generations. The resources are still there, waiting to be developed. Yet they cannot even maintain the infrastructure they inherited, despite trillions of dollars in foreign aid and assistance.
It's nobody's fault but theirs.
Oh Lawd, I can't believe that Sergei ask field a question that he should be asking himself.
Oh well, I've come to conclusion that white supremacist are delusional and psychopathic. They are obsessed with genocide of people of color, kleptomaniacs on a large scale, habitual liars, and definitely color arousal people.
Naw, Babygurl is not evil! She tells the truth point blank. But you are unable to accept it because then you would have to face your own guilt, lies, and evil, conniving black heart.
"Their neighborhoods"? Interesting.
Better stated would have been : "Our communities".
And, yes, they are our communities.
The are our communities that sometimes have been built from the ground up by our fathers, grand-fathers, or great-grandfathers.
Communities and relationships that have been nurtured and built over generations, ruined when whites are forced to relocate because blacks infiltrate and immediately raise the crime and lower the family atmosphere and safety, lower the trust in the community, and import heir particular brand of culture which isn't wanted or accepted.
They are in every way "our communities", and white people have every right to be pissed off because the blacks that move there are too lazy to fix their own neighborhoods and communities, and instead move on from the previously destroyed white community because it isn't nice to live there anymore either. This process is going on in my neighborhood right now, after the blacks moved through and destroyed about a mile of previously white neighborhood to my north. Now, that neighborhood isn't good enough for them (because of their own people) and they are here.
We finance our own relocation when it arrives on our doorstep, after dealing with the constant stress of living next to insanely higher crime rates our entire lives (not present in the poor white neighborhoods). Yeah, there is something to be pissed about. A black shot someone in the head, outside, on the block that I grew up on last year. It used to be that all of the kids in the neighborhood could run around, even after dark. Not anymore. Thanks, blacks. Way to integrate and show us that you're just like everyone else. Your primary problem is that you'll never stop the statistical behavior of your greater group, and whites can see.
Granny, stop the goddamn ad hominems and name-calling, and start telling the truth (as you claim you do). You should be "GrannyStandingforNameCalling. And stop the "guilt trip" ... it doesn't work any more except on progressive whites. More and more we are not afraid of the "R" word you so casually fling out.
Anonymous 12:19:
You can dish it out, but you can't take it, huh?
Grow up granny
'So you DO believe in collective racial guilt."
Collective racial guilt by whom?
"The resources are still there, waiting to be developed. Yet they [Africans] cannot even maintain the infrastructure they inherited, despite trillions of dollars in foreign aid and assistance."
Are you sure? And even so, black African people have 'inherited' a lot of things, including social damage, and thanks to...
Go back up to an earlier comment I made. Wherever there is a dysfunctional or corrupt 'black' society, you will always find whites in the midst along with their appointed black puppets.
"It's nobody's fault but theirs"
You are absolutely right. Well at least Zimbabwe tried to exterminate the problem.
Thank you Granny :)
My time zone have me calling for my bed. I have to get up early to go to work, so that I can pay taxes like so many other black people in America - despite the stormfront belief.
Good night.
La♥audiobooks said...
"You are absolutely right. Well at least Zimbabwe tried to exterminate the problem."
La♥audiobooks doing her part to prove the point of black savagery.
You are no better than the worst of Stormfront.
La♥audiobooks said...
'So you DO believe in collective racial guilt."
Collective racial guilt by whom?
collective racial guilt of white people.
Because someone 160 years ago who was white had a slave who was black justifies in your mind the murder of any white today by any black.
I understand you. You've said enough. Field believes the same thing, at least he admits it.
Night, Babygurl, I think I'll sign off myself because I do have something that I should be doing instead of sitting here going back and forth with the anonymous crew and their DUNG.
BTW, anonymous, you are the one that needs to grow up. You come on here with your condescending, hateful B.S., agitating on a daily basis and we're tired of it.
Stop starting mess and it won't be none.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
You come on here with your condescending, hateful B.S., agitating on a daily basis and we're tired of it.
You are the ones advocating the genocide of white people.
We are the ones getting tired of it. It won't be pretty when push comes to shove.
Anonymous 12:53:
Oh my, are you threatening us? You got that bad don't you? LOL! You really think you're tough. LOL!
You can dish it out, but you can't take it, huh?
I have never used ad hominems or name-calling, ever. It is what I notice most liberals do when confronted with truths.
It's not a threat. The inevitable result of the black assault on white America will be an extreme backlash. It doesn't have to be that way.
Anonymous, I swear you need to leave the caffeine alone or stay off the booze or drugs or whatever it is that has you imagining that there is this black assault on white America. Stop listening to Rush and Fox We Make It Up News because they are playing you like a piano. You are becoming their regular licken lollipop. BTW, Blacks are Americans too.
Field, I think I'd better sign off because your trolls are crazier than a road lizard.
Yep, before they start going out shooting unarmed, black grannies and use their regular old, tired claim of self-defense.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Anonymous, I swear you need to leave the caffeine alone or stay off the booze or drugs or whatever it is that has you imagining that there is this black assault on white America
Imagining? Are you daft? The scale of the epidemic of black on white violence that is taking place as the “mainstream” media distracts us with its grotesquely distorted version of the Passion of Saint Skittles is hard to determine in a country where journalism has died, but you can get some idea from the fact that at least seven incidents recently occurred just in one small city over a single weekend:
You didn’t hear about this is the media, but on the weekend of March 24th and March 25th at least seven white people were brutally beaten by mobs of blacks in Grand Rapids, MI. Five of the victims filed police reports. At least two other victims exist, and there are probably others. The local media has refused to report the cruel attacks and the authorities are resisting any serious charges.
One of the victims was 37-year-old Jacob Palasek. He was attacked on the street by a pack of black thugs who beat him with a chain and told him, “this is what you deserve you white piece of sh*t,” making it crystal clear that unlike George Zimmerman, they really were motivated by race.
Police told Palasek they believed the media’s Trayvon Martin hype inspired the attack. They also told him the perpetrators will not be punished in any meaningful way because they are only 17, the same age as the harmless darling Trayvon.
We no longer expect the national media to report stories that don’t fit the politically correct narrative, but local outlets used to cover them, even if with racial information carefully censored. However, at this point hiding the perpetrators’ race is the same as declaring it, so they have taken to pretending the events never happened.
To add insult to injury, not a single media outlet in all of Grand Rapids reported the brutal hate crimes. Jacob has contacted the local paper and his local news affiliates repeatedly. None will report the story.
If he had been armed and defended himself, you can bet they would have reported it. America would have a new villain, to string up beside George Zimmerman.
Race-baiting, demagoguery and the perpetuation of the eternal victim myth have allowed the left to keep black America in bondage for over 50 years while the merchants of multiculturalism eat away at our society and pervert Dr. King's credo of content of character over color of skin.
The real "root causes" of why black America is the way it is; affirmative action, the absent black father, multiculturalism and today's black culture that applauds reprehensible behavior as "authentic" while persecuting "Uncle Toms" and "sellouts" who have rejected this and embraced and thrived in mainstream America.
Black conservatives who are the hope for the future. Did you know that Eldridge Cleaver, in his later years, not only castigated black America for embracing Islam but became a conservative and Republican?
La♥audiobooks said...
"And how has that turned out for the 'liberated' Africans? Once thriving cities, industries, farms, and nations are now miserably poor, violent hell holes. South Africa will soon join them.'
There have always been thriving nations, families, healers, and farmers in African LONG before whites showed up. Whites murdered, enslaved and uprooted the African people.
If African people were given the opportunity for fair global trade of their natural resources etc, Africans would be the richest people on this planet today. Again, instead whites pillage, plunder, murder, rape, uproot, enslave, drain and stole everything that did not belong TO THEM on Africa.
Africans should have been killing whites on Africa from 500 years ago. Now look.
"Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa rich beyond the poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a White man showed him its light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never built a harness, cart or sled.
A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber, he never carved a block, sawed a foot of lumber or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.
With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for 4,000 years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizons calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed of a sail. He lived as his fathers lived - stole his food, worked his wife, sold his children, ate his brother, content to drink, sing, to dance, and sport as the ape.
And this creature, half child, half animal, the creature of impulse, whim and conceit, pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw; a being who left to his will, roams at night and sleeps in the day, whose speech knows no word of love, whose passions once aroused, are as the fury of the tiger - they have set this thing to rule over the Southern people ... Merciful God ... it surpasses human belief." - Thomas Dixon, Jr.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Field, I think I'd better sign off because your trolls are crazier than a road lizard.
Yep, before they start going out shooting unarmed, black grannies and use their regular old, tired claim of self-defense.
A grown woman blaming everything that ever happened to her in life on some mythical white guy and she calls someone else crazy.
"They are in every way "our communities", and white people have every right to be pissed off because the blacks that move there are too lazy to fix their own neighborhoods and communities, and instead move on from the previously destroyed white community because it isn't nice to live there anymore either..."
"We are the ones getting tired of it. It won't be pretty when push comes to shove."
Anyone else getting a "HANG THE NIGGERS" or "KILL THE NIGGERS" vibe in here? That's what most of our presumably white anon friends are saying, only they're saying it in convoluted code. They're talking their way up to doing what the likes of Jake England, Alvin Watts, Daryl Dedmon and others have done -- they just can't bring themselves to say what they want without being written off as fuckwits and ignored. They don't have the minerals to load up a gun and do "justice," either, at least not without their drinking buddies with them.
So our anon friends cop a squat on some black guy's blog and crank out endless bullshit that's supposed to call ordinary whites to rise up as one and destroy the "nigger" menance. Cute, yet dangerous.
As much as our dear anons can throw up crime stats as incontrovertable proof that blacks are a bad, dangerous species, it's white Americans that have given their black counterparts the most hell throughout our nation's history. Whether it was sanctioned use as chattel and livestock, forced socioeconomic separation, incessant portrayals as criminal and general scum or continued acts of codeworded dog whistle bigotry, blacks could always depend on the majority of white American society to make their lives that much more miserable.
"But Mack, aren't you excusing blacks for their own problems herf derp??" Yeah, there goes the tired meme that blacks are somehow responsible for 99.9999% of their problems and that white Americans have always been blameless in that regard. Works every time for our "scared" white American brethren.
*Anon @ 1:32 AM quotes Thomas Dixon, Jr.*
Interesting how the glorification of the antebellum American South always came with some denigration or castigation of blacks as an inferior species. Black inferiority was also useful for justifying slave ownership. After all, where would those poor Negros be without white guidance via ownership?
One reason for constantly and consistently deeming one group of people inferior to another is to deliberately keep them at the bottom of the socioeconomic totem pole, especially if you're aiming to maintain them as an easily accessible pool of manual labor. Just as one would breed horses and cattle, the wealthier plantation owners and other scions of the Old South bred Negros. Keeping them demonized and disliked was a ploy to keep poor whites from sympathizing and uniting with them and everyone else from realizing they were just as human as their fellow whites. Manufacturing the myth of the Negro as a slow-witted and slue-footed creature did wonders to cement negative opinion of them in the minds of passive individuals, nevermind if Negros were often the hardest working men and women in the entire country, by default.
Just as conservative-minded Americans are persuaded by Wall Street into cutting their own throats in the name of austerity and tax cuts, descendents of the Old South have graciously eaten bowl after bowl of shit representing the supposed inferiority of the Negro. It helps keep lesser minds preoccupied with their hatred of the other tribe and it keeps the wealthy and well-connected maintain their prestige, wealth and power.
LAA, "Funny, I'm from the USVI and that's just how I feel about most of you whites who over stay your welcome."
Are you still in the VIs? I could have sworn I read a comment that you were moving to Seattle. So I moved to Seattle. And you are still in VI? Damn...are you coming? Please don't tell me I moved to Washington State for nothing.
Mack Lyons said...
"As much as our dear anons can throw up crime stats as incontrovertable proof that blacks are a bad, dangerous species, it's white Americans that have given their black counterparts the most hell throughout our nation's history."
Not during your lifetime, young Mr. Lyons.
The reality today, and for your entire existence, is that interracial violence is overwhelmingly black on white.
I don't want to hang any niggers. I just want to to be allowed to not to live with them. Niggers hate white people and have a predilection for robbing and assaulting them. They feel they are entitled to it. Plus they like it, because they really, really hate white people.
It's not a matter of thinking I'm better. I don't. It's a matter of wanting to live in peace and have a reasonable sense of security.
Dear Mr. Field, I am concerned about 73-year old Darlene Mayes. As a lawyer do you think the police would be mean enough to put her in prison? Please say it ain't so, brother Field.
The woman lives in God forsaken Tulsa Okla for pete's sake. Is there no mercy in the world anymore?
Anon @ 1:32 AM quotes Thomas Dixon, Jr.*
Interesting how the glorification of the antebellum American South always came with some denigration or castigation of blacks as an inferior species. Black inferiority was also useful for justifying slave ownership. After all, where would those poor Negros be without white guidance via ownership?
Where you ask? Detroit, Baltimore, Somalia, Haiti and any Black led city in the U.S or nation in the world. Now, explain that, why is every Black majority city, every fully Black led nation everywhere and at any time a savage uncivilized nation? Why? Why do they all fail?
"Where you ask? Detroit, Baltimore, Somalia, Haiti and any Black led city in the U.S or nation in the world. Now, explain that, why is every Black majority city, every fully Black led nation everywhere and at any time a savage uncivilized nation? Why? Why do they all fail?"
You're waiting for me to explain to you the socioeconomic and historical reasons for what you see as "black failure" in formerly European-led African/Caribbean nations. No matter what answer I give, you'll pivot back to the concept of black failure as a consequence for their desire for self-determination and their refusal to remain in a master/servant relationship with their former colonial leaders.
As for Detroit, the immediate flight of its tax base has a lot to do with its current woes. There's also a desire by some to see the city crumble to the ground and lay fallow for a generation, as a testament to black failure when it comes to governance. There's more to Detroit's problems than the usual (for you) "NIGGERS ARE RUNNING IT INTO THE GROUND" meme that's popular with the unreconstructed folk.
Field, you're still in touch with Anon, Inc.? Seems the quality of the trolls has fallen off a cliff recently.
"I don't want to hang any niggers. I just want to to be allowed to not to live with them. Niggers hate white people and have a predilection for robbing and assaulting them. They feel they are entitled to it. Plus they like it, because they really, really hate white people."
Now that's what I'm talkin about!! Just let it all out, junior.
Yes Mack, they have gone from bad to worse.
Van, please provide a link to that Grand Rapids story.
In fact, all of my stormfront friends posting above feel free to provide a link where blacks are out randomly KILLING white people because they are white.
I will wait.....
Cracker Jack, may I suggest you move to Wyoming or Idaho? Those are beautiful states. Why not just buy up some land , pack up the family and head out? Your black problem will be solved for sure. Then u will only have to watch them on television, or visit their blogs on the Internet.
The race war is already here. Saying nigger on air is not the problem. Killing blck folks is only part of the problem. Racism is the entire problem. Anders Breivik is proof of what may soon return to America. Its not like mass murder is foreign to America we've just been preoccupied with other things like outsourcing jobs and ruining the economy so Granny goes gangsta and people with no soul get new hearts to have a new lease on life and influence policy they never should have been allowed to make in the first place.
Tht new ticker won't sustain all the voodoo tht he do much longer. The heart iz God'z house & if u ain't rite wit God ain't no Hollywood satanic ritual or voodoo spell gonna save face 4 thiz devil worshiper.
America has leukemia aka "luke"emia!
we are all trayvon...that is why we all look alike to racist kkkiller fools like gz
mike d and mike t are BOTH telling the truth
that dick hobama and dick c are cousins
that dick gene runs deep in that effed up bush family
field negro said...
Van, please provide a link to that Grand Rapids story.
Hey Field,
If you are looking to cheer yourself up (and who isn't these days) you should buy yourself this book.
I got mine today, it's fantastic
"Now, explain that, why is every Black majority city, every fully Black led nation everywhere and at any time a savage uncivilized nation? Why? Why do they all fail?"
This one again?
The anons have finally run out of new things to talk about.
But anyway, I'll take your racist claptrap and raise you Antigua, Barbuda, Barbados and Botswana.
That's just the 'A's and 'B's
A story from Purple Cow's community:
The UK Telegraph reports that a 17-year-old black thug has been sentenced to eight years “detention” for knocking a man to the ground and killing him during the London riots last summer:
Darrell Desuze, 17, punched the elderly man to the ground as disturbances swept the country on August 8 last year. [Richard Mannington Bowes], who had been trying to put out a fire in a dustbin near his home in Ealing, West London, suffered brain damage and died three days later in hospital. Desuze’s mother Lavinia was jailed for 18 months at the same court today for perverting the course of justice by cutting up his clothes….
Wearing sunglasses and a distinctive top saying “Robbers and Villains,” [Desuze] threw his full weight behind a punch to Mr Bowes’s jaw, buckling his legs and knocking him unconscious.
The pensioner fell backwards on to the pavement and his head took the full force of impact on the road.
An unarmed 17 year old boy can kill a grown man? Who knew!
And look at that picture. He's almost as cuddly as Trayvon was when he was 11!
I love seeing Trolls spin themselves to no end regarding a race of people they Hate...
Keep publishing this Blog Field Negro...The Trolls that visit will Implode eventually.....
The Purple Cow said...
"Now, explain that, why is every Black majority city, every fully Black led nation everywhere and at any time a savage uncivilized nation? Why? Why do they all fail?"
This one again?
The anons have finally run out of new things to talk about.
But anyway, I'll take your racist claptrap and raise you Antigua, Barbuda, Barbados and Botswana.
That's just the 'A's and 'B's
Purple, some of us have been to many of the Islands and other countries. You are either ill informed or purposely lying. None of these Islands - NONE are economic and social paradises - NONE. They are Islands filled with third worlders. NONE would stand for a second without white tourism and foreign aid and investment in the tourism industry from white countries. How can you tell?
Go outside the White created/funded and invested tourist areas and the occasional odd neighborhood with Upscale Islanders who either work for the tourism industry/British/US Banking or have a higher IQ than the rest of the majority of the locals and make sure their children avail of the U.S/British education systems set up in these locations. Go outside these areas and you find the same conditions, attitudes and lifestyles as Africa, Detroit, and Large Swaths of London etc.
Additionally even a "paradise" like Barbados has to frequently form vigilante mobs to keep the black tendencies from impacting the tourist industry. One robbery, one violent crime too many and tourism is impacted - so the Barbadians’ Police their own. They would starve without white tourists and they know it. Who runs the Island? The British. Antigua - Small dot on the ocean - supported by very rich white tourists and bankers and so on. Who runs the Island? You guessed it.
When it is said Black led/Black Majority nation it doesn’t' mean one that although independent still relies on a colonial power for structure/support/financial aid etc. Similar to the situation for Blacks in the U.S and the UK. The UK less so, it is rapidly deteriorating as a nation, due to the increase in third worlders and Blacks and inability for the white nation to absorb the drain.
Now as far as moving into Botswana, Well maybe you do have different standards. Botswana is another Black Hellhole. Being less of a hellhole than Somalia doesn't make it a wonderful country. Just less of a hellhole than Somalia. We won't get into foreign assistance and influence there but surely you know Botswana hasn't been abandoned of foreign aid (non-black) and business guidance as Liberia, Somalia etc have and what that means.
For someone who has written the Black Race off..LOL
You sure have spent a ton of energy and mental resourcess to convince Black People what you deem as truth..
Hey..you should visit all the black blogs, and comment so that everyone can have a chuckle..
I don't fmell nuffin
alicia banks said...
we are all trayvon...that is why we all look alike to racist kkkiller fools like gz
Not you. No one looks like you.
kudos to mitt!!!
cadillacs trump ndaa/sopa/cispa etc!
nobama 2012!!!
moby dickkless:
thank u for the retarded kudos on my unique african beauty
i am truly blessed black and beautiful etc
got envy u fat fugly albino dreg?
all those bush boys sure do look alike?
not to mention being cloned dicks huh???
Amos said...
I don't fmell nuffin
He dint' do nuffin either. I told him that's why life sucks you did nuffin
alicia banks said...
moby dickkless:
thank u for the retarded kudos on my unique african beauty
i am truly blessed black and beautiful etc
got envy u fat fugly albino dreg?
all those bush boys sure do look alike?
not to mention being cloned dicks huh???
"bush boys" went out in the 80's? E'ry body likes that bush nice and neat and trimmed nowadays I likes mine to be like a landin strip. If we wanted a wild jungle we'd go wit a beast like you
"The real "root causes" of why black America is the way it is; affirmative action, the absent black father, multiculturalism and today's black culture that applauds reprehensible behavior as "authentic" while persecuting "Uncle Toms" and "sellouts" who have rejected this and embraced and thrived in mainstream America."
That is a lie a downright and absolute lie! There is no truth in that statement at all and its shameful that anyone calling themselves a black anything could even write down such non sense.
Nothing hurts like the truth, huh Mellaneous?
Field I see the sophisticated bigots have joined us today. You know the ones who will say hello to you and will grant black folks a little space but deep down really believe in black inferiority.
Trixie said:
And yes, there is not one place on earth majority black that is safe and economically viable without "aid".
There is no amount of money that will solve black pathology. It's been tried, and it has failed."
Trixie why don't you tell the whole truth or did you get this from a list of racist talking points.
The truth is that majority black countries just like other 3rd world countries have had their socieites tampered with by European imperialists including the US, which has used its trade policies, its corporations and even its armed forces and secret spy agencies to undermine the ability of these countries to function as they should.
Now that's the whole truth. A half truth by the way is still a lie.
And so-called black pathology is just the response that all folks have to oppression. Check out the Irish behavior under British oppression. So called black pathology is borne of capitalist and racist oppression.
Only dishonest and small minded folks believe that there where there is a cause there is no effect.
Forest see above only a liar likes lies and holds onto it even when they know they are lies.
Woe unto you liars....
anon 12:11 don't you know when its not proper to brag.
Don't you know that Europeans committed genocide on those islands murdering every Indian in sight and then imported Africans and Indians (South Asians)to slave on them and then made it difficult for them to flourish.
And these same folks now have the nerve to think their civilization is so much more advanced, when their primary claim to fame is the murder of one race and the enslavement of another.
Like someone once said, (and I paraphrase) the European is always talking about the greatness of man yet everywhere they encounter it, they kill it.
And you are bragging about the fact that through the force of economic power and the threat of military might (or being undermined by the CIA) and unscrupolous natives, the Europeans still have a significant say in what goes on.
Have you no sense of dignity? Wait don't answer that, anyone who would spend as much time as you do trying to denigrate fellow children of God, well, like I said you don't have to answer.
@mellaneous: So who is keeping all those black countries down now?
And you are bragging about the fact that through the force of economic power and the threat of military might (or being undermined by the CIA) and unscrupolous natives, the Europeans still have a significant say in what goes on.
Were it not for Euro Influence Blacks in these countries would be doing as they always have done and still do. Waiting for animals to shit out the human they just ate so they can pack the walls of their home or starving. You convienantly forget that if Europeans were brutal in conquest, Africans were much worse only they never accomplished civilization to climb out of that brutality.
Have you no sense of dignity? Wait don't answer that, anyone who would spend as much time as you do trying to denigrate fellow children of God, well, like I said you don't have to answer.
I don't know, I see you spending a lot of time denigrating your entire race, making them idiots, simpletons, useless human beings who are nothing but befuddled children who can't do anything or accomplish anything because someone from another race is around and to blame for everything they don't do.
You are a fool.
moby dickkkless:
your IQ is visibly lower daily...
why are u so proud of that
bush boys as is gwb and his cuz hobama
u r stupid u faceless slob!!!
moby dickkkless:
your IQ is visibly lower daily...
why are u so very proud of that u moron???????
bush boys as in gwb and his cuz hobama
u r stupid u faceless slob!!!
u should put a kkklown suit on your kkkewpi doll...
as the kkk trolls run "your" blog always!!!
more on those lewd amoral warlocks rolling deep with that rabid dl lead dog hobama
scumbags flock in packs
alicia banks said...
u should put a kkklown suit on your kkkewpi doll...
You should join the Klan, you'd look better with a hood on.
trifling tired fugly moby dickkkless:
u doth protest too much you jungle fevered fat assed stalker...grin
more on that lead dog hobama's amoral posses' demented debauched demise,,,
more on that nasty hobama and his peer suited legally wed male whores
When this is all over, Angela Corey is going to be working the counter selling burritos at Taco Bell next to Mike Nifong.
"parental" pookies rule the world
and these evil demonic turbo breeding mfs take child abuse off the chain
they even make that warlock hobama look saintly!
Manny McMann said...
alicia banks said...
u should put a kkklown suit on your kkkewpi doll...
You should join the Klan, you'd look better with a hood on.
That was funny. She can use a dred as a drawstring to keep it snug
AB got any info on the Klan seeing as you know so much about them?
kudos to ted nugent!!!
did he lie???
ndaa says "hell no!!!"
Pedro said...
When this is all over, Angela Corey is going to be working the counter selling burritos at Taco Bell next to Mike Nifong.
Vote for Pedro!
@ 12:16. Your comment is very telling.
You apparently CAN'T afford to move where there are no Blacks. Places like that do exist, you know....LOL. So it looks like you're stuck, undereducated, living off the system and spewing hate from a borrowed computer. It must really suck to be you.
Pedro said...
When this is all over, Angela Corey is going to be working the counter selling burritos at Taco Bell next to Mike Nifong.
One can only hope....
How is it that Angela Corey still remains the prosecutor in the case, how is it that no responsible figure has called for her removal from the case, given the gross, palpable bias in favor of Trayvon Martin’s family that she not only demonstrated in her press conference last week, but boasted of?
There doesn’t have to be any factual basis for the charge, because this case has nothing to do with facts. It is a raw act of power by a Communist-style ideological regime isolating and punishing an ideological enemy—or rather an innocent unfortunate whom the regime for its own purposes has cast as an ideological enemy. That is what America has now become. We have become a leftist, ideological state, and there is no serious force in the society to oppose the ruling leftism….
Of course we may hope that the charges against Zimmerman will be dropped before trial, or that he will be acquitted at trial. But, in my opinion, given what America now is, there is no reason to expect those good outcomes. Liberal and black America has its jaws clenched on a major sacrificial victim, the blood is dripping from its lips, and it is not going to let him go.
NONE are economic and social paradises - NONE. They are Islands filled with third worlders. NONE would stand for a second without white tourism and foreign aid and investment in the tourism industry from white countries.."
And yet, I guarantee you that every one of those poor "Third World" people are happier than you are in your so called A-merry-can paradise.
Maybe you should find religion or a hobby.
"Field I see the sophisticated bigots have joined us today."
No Mell, they are the same knuckle draggers you see in Wal-Mart parking lots and Tea Party meetings all across the country.
BTW, I am still waiting on that link wingnut. The one where black people are out randomly killing white people because they are white....
So, that's all you've got?
The standard "white oppression/colonialism?"
Still refusing to look in a mirror, huh? All your problems are externally created, huh?
Please explain when EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERY FANTASY you've been stamping your feet and screaming about was granted to you,at the expense of kids who could have really benefited from such largesse, it still didn't matter?
Wait. Don't tell me.
It's still "Oppression".
Wake up. People are sick of the excuses from your community.
As for Detroit, the immediate flight of its tax base has a lot to do with its current woes. There's also a desire by some to see the city crumble to the ground and lay fallow for a generation, as a testament to black failure when it comes to governance. There's more to Detroit's problems than the usual (for you) "NIGGERS ARE RUNNING IT INTO THE GROUND" meme that's popular with the unreconstructed folk.
And yet, Pittsburg, which lost the steel industry and its tax base, has been able to successfully re-invent itself and is now a thriving, vibrant city.
Why is that?
Why is black-run Detroit, not a shining example of entrepeneurship and excellence?
After all, you "own" it all - ALL of it.
And black racists love telling us how much smarter, better, cooler, etc blacks are. If only they would be left alone free of white "interference".
So, you have Detroit. Paris of the West. And what did you do with such a gift, pray tell, after you successfully chased all the Whites out?
Let me guess. It's still "Oppression" and "post colonialism", right?
Do you realize how foolish you sound?
You keep telling us how smart you are. So prove it. Make Detroit work, without white interference or white tax dollars.
Draw upon that legacy of Black History month heros you keep shoving down our kids throats every Feb. You know, all those under appreciated inventor, entrepeneurs, super smart folks underappreciated by Whites.
Prove us wrong.
BTW, I am still waiting on that link wingnut. The one where black people are out randomly killing white people because they are white....
Just look at the FBI crime stats.
Do you really want to play this game?
Those lovely, "misunderstood" boys, Anthony and Nathanial Cook. They had quite the white hit list.
Channon Christian
Christopher Newsom
Brittany Watts
Ann Presley
Becky Doisy
Diane Tilly
Jennifer Hall
Nancy Strait
On second thought, your're right.
Unprovoked vicious violent crime committed by black savages against innocent Whites *never* happens.
I can keep going.
@Alicia Banks:
You're a lunatic.
Wayne will pretty much allow anyone a forum to say what they want. I give him kudos for having the courage to offer an open arena.
However, there seems to be a consistent pattern on his blog.
He only enables moderation after YOU begin with your screeds.
Which creates more work for him.
Your behavior is not only incredibly childish and repulsive,
it's unreasonably selfish.
News flash: The world doesn't revolve around you, and the majority of people don't care what you have to say. If they did, you own blog would be a runaway success.
Is staying on topic and avoiding ad hominem attacks too much to ask from you?
Waiting for an irrational screed in 3, 2, 1 .....
Anon@8:47PM, let's try this again, I will go really slow for you:
Please.Show. Me. A. Link. Where. Blacks. Have. Randomly. Attacked. And. Killed. Whites. Because. They. Are. White.
Trixie, you glass-eyed pale-faced stupid bitch and all the rest of you White racist trolls STFU!! Anytime you want to start an open, full bore race war WE ARE READY!! I relish the opportunity to gut you like a tuna and kill pussy punkass Zimmerman with my bare hands, shoot Ted Nugent and strangle Cheyney the Dick!!
It takes a nation of millions of White racist scum to hold us back!
For every black child born out of wedlock, there are five White devil illegitimate babies shitted into existence--simple population mathamatics you Aryan assholes!
So Bring it,HONKIES!! I can't wait to shove your assualt rifle up your ass and pull the trigger!!
Anytime you want to start an open, full bore race war WE ARE READY!
Ha...I respect the enthusiasm. However, for so, so many reasons you are not ready. Your people will never be 'ready'.
Hey field negro, Philadelphia wasn't a shit hole until blacks became 45% of the population (and growing). Now, it's unlivable for most, except for blacks and wealthy white folks in insulated areas. However, negro thugs still manage to kill people in many of those those areas.
Philadelphia's crime rate is a national embarrassment, and it's mostly because of blacks. The cops in Philly even speak Ebonics. How utterly embarrassing for your people and the city. If it wasn't for government jobs, which your people hold most of (and are paid for mostly by white taxes), blacks would flood the streets with homeless. After all, you can't speak Ebonics in the private sector. Black people don't care about generous advantages such as AA government hiring, they just bitch, moan, and want more. Never taking the time to figure out how to make their group more assimilable to first world standards. You just want to do what you want to do, and if you fail it's whitey's fault.
The fact is that your people can't survive without whites, or at least Hispanics, ruling over you. You're societies are proven to degenerate into, over and over again, what is only worthy of Africa. Every Afro-American neighborhood in Philly is proof of this fact. Go ahead and make ONE single first world functional 100% black society, that isn't dependent on whites, before you make one more statement blaming others for your wholesale failure to thrive as an independent group. I don't care where you make this society. Detroit is a good start, due to infrastructure being in place, but try Africa if you think that you can't hack that task in White man's land with whitey all around oppressing you. Go do it ANYWHERE in the world. Fact is, your people can't, and won't, because you are utterly blind to the reasons WHY you fail, and therefore you will be forever dependent on us or will revert to your natural third world state. The reasons why you fail are completely obvious to anyone with an IQ above 130, which is why blacks largely cannot figure it out, as their deviated IQ curve doesn't really make it that far. It has to do with hygienic thought processes (which have to do with language hygiene), discipline, group loyalty, emotional control, conservative family values, and pretty much everything else that confers a group advantage. That blacks can't make it out of the basement of the group hierarchy reflects the fact that they are furthest away from these attributes and values.
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