~Woman hold her head and cry,
'Cause her son had been shot down in the street and died
From a stray bullet.
Woman hold her head and cry;
Explaining to her was a passerby
Who saw the woman cry (cry)
Wondering how can she work it out,
Now she knows that the wages of sin is death~
"Johnny Was" by Bob Marley.
Bob could have written this song yesterday--- and not almost forty years ago. Sadly, it's still relevant today.
Bob knows; he lived it. Lasha Bradshaw knows. She is living it now.
"TINY SHARDS of glass, gleaming in the sun like diamonds, were scattered yesterday across the top step of the Point Breeze rowhouse where someone shot down Damien James.
James was 16 years old, a kid without a police record. In a few weeks, he would have started his junior year at Audenried High School.
But he's gone now, because someone decided to put two bullets in him as he walked out of a family friend's house on 21st Street near Dickinson shortly after 10 p.m. Wednesday.
His mother, Lasha Bradshaw, was with him when a gunman squeezed the trigger in the darkness.
Bradshaw rushed her son to Methodist Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 10:35 p.m., said Keishia James, the teen's aunt."That was her only son," James said. "She watched her only son die."
The who and why of the slaying remained mysteries yesterday to James' family - and to homicide investigators, who had no suspects or motives to speak of.
It was unclear if James' slaying was related to two other shootings in the area on Wednesday night.
About 9:40 p.m., a 19-year-old man was found shot in the thigh at Dorrance and McKean streets, police said. He was admitted to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in stable condition.
Then, at 11:18 p.m., 9-1-1 dispatchers received a call about a person with a gun on Manton Street near 25th. Cops found a man, shot in the head, slumped in the driver's seat of a Jeep Cherokee. His identity was not available.
As of last night, no suspects had been identified in either incident.
Relatives trickled into Damien James' rowhouse on 31st Street near Reed yesterday afternoon.
Some sobbed. Others sat silently on the cramped front porch, lost in their grief.
Keishia James said her nephew had stayed out of trouble and spent most of his free time at a neighborhood mechanic shop, working on motorbikes and learning how to fix cars.
"He loved to ride bikes, and he loved cars," she said. "I think he would have ended up becoming a mechanic."
When he wasn't working with his hands, the teen liked to go to Sixers and Eagles games with his father, she said.
"He was loved by everybody," she said. "He was like an old soul. He was always smiling, and always laughing."
Keishia James said the teen's parents were too upset to talk to reporters yesterday.
Word of his slaying - and the other two shootings - spread quickly through the neighborhood.
Community activist Anton Moore said he was left "speechless" when he heard that a teenager had been shot to death.
"One murder is one too many, but a 16-year-old . . . that's really tough," said Moore..." [Story]
The thing is this; there are scenes like this playing itself out in urban America almost daily.
Those of us who live in these cities and who have firsthand knowledge of these types of horrific incidents have become almost numb to it.
Maybe it's because we understand what causes it: Poverty brought on by poor schools, and a government that doesn't care about the least among us. Broken homes caused by a men who don't know how to be fathers. And being raised in an environment that is nothing like what America should look like.
So when some people (cue in the racists and the FOX NEWS crowd) wonder how we can be so outraged about the killing of Michael Brown at the hands of the police, and not the murder of young black men by other young black men, it's because we understand the root causes of black on black crime among young black men. But we do not understand why a country that professes to have the moral high ground can put men in a position of authority to murder those black men because of racism and ignorance.
We also understand that the cycle of poverty and all the pathologies that come with it will not stop until those who are put in positions of power by our government act in a way that dignifies the lives of all of our citizens. The carcass of an animal would have been treated with more respect and dignity than what Michael Brown got from the authorities in Ferguson, Missouri. And we still wonder why these young men do not value the lives of each other.
It's why the alleged killing of an unarmed white man by a black police officer in Utah (just as wrong if true) might be cause for protest and outrage in that community, but with all due respect to my friends in the white power movement, it's not a reason to view it in a historical context as a pattern that keeps repeating itself. That would just not be true.
But truth means nothing to some people in the white power movement.
"There’s a mindset out there, and the way it works in situations like this [is] only people of color can be victims. A white person can never be a victim. It just can’t happen. That’s not permitted, that’s not allowed because it isn’t the case. The whites are the oppressors. They’re the majority. In the liberal worldview, every majority is an oppressor, whether they’re white or whatever. They’re all oppressors. The minority is always the victims, and the victims are with whom we should always sympathize, no matter what. And the victims are permitted to do anything precisely because they’re a minority, and I’m talking about in numbers, not skin color. They’re outnumbered. The evil majority does horrible things to the minority. And so the minorities, be it skin color or numbers … [are] always victims.."
They are not always the victims, Rush, just way more often than not. But don't
worry, if we keep going down this path, one day you will be a victim, too.
Field wrote,
Maybe it's because we understand what causes it: Poverty brought on by poor schools, and a government that doesn't care about the least among us. Broken homes caused by a men who don't know how to be fathers. And being raised in an environment that is nothing like what America should look like.
Another load of BS. It's your culture or really the lack thereof. You could start by learning how to act. A great beginning would be to stop talking during moves and learn how to wear you underwear and pants. Anything less is just an excuse, something your people excel at.
Those shootings sound like a sniper out on a killing spree.
and I wonder how that Ferguson cop that was suspended today because of the hate filled rants on video, I can only wonder just exactly how he handled the calls where he had to be impartial.
"Broken homes caused by a men who don't know how to be fathers"
Why is it always on the fathers? Our government pays women to have babies without being married. Many of these women choose a life of promiscuity where they don't have to put up with a man any longer than they want to. The government is a husband who just pays and never asks for anything in return.
These men have no role in these broken families. They lead aimless lives that can veer into drugs or crime. And they are pissed off.
Stop funding broken homes and start funding intact families. You get what you pay for.
"Anything less is just an excuse, something your people excel at."
At what do you excel QLB? It obviously isn't education. Did you finish a sentence with a preposition? You obviously aren't educated so we must assume you do not have a college degree. You don't have a college degree do you?
"At what do you excel QLB?"
QLB excels at shucking and jiving. It's the only thing she's good at.
Maybe it's because we understand what causes it: Poverty brought on by poor schools, and a government that doesn't care about the least among us. Broken homes caused by a men who don't know how to be fathers. And being raised in an environment that is nothing like what America should look like.
The only part of that statement is the final sentence "being raised in an environment that is nothing like America should look like".
Poverty is not brought on by "poor schools".
Every black in America has more choices and more opportunities than people in 90% of the rest of the world.
There are black children in Africa who bike for 2 hrs + day one way for the opportunity to go to school.
Then there are black children in America who have everything handed to them, and destroy it. Even Oprah said investing in black American youth is a waste of resources.
Trillions of dollars stolen from productive citizens to try and uplift savages who can never rise above their third world genetics.
Enough is enough.
"At what do you excel QLB?"
QLB has a low level of intellect and poor impulse control thus her nightly chimpout outbursts and inability to answer simple questions. Very low IQ this one.
"But we do not understand why a country that professes to have the moral high ground can put men in a position of authority to murder those black men because of racism and ignorance."
I think it's not that difficult to understand. Some of the factors you just mentioned look really bad from outside the black community.
When people don't understand the circumstances that drive black men to do these things to each other, they assume that this mayhem is some kind of integral part of black culture, that black men are all inherently violent. That wrongful understanding only reinforces racism.
This is clearly wrong, but the question is: How do you overcome that particular dynamic?
It's even worse with respect to police officers, many of whom are not black and come from outside the areas in which they serve. Their introduction to the black community consists of dealing with the very worst members of that community, day in and day out. Someone once told me that this sounds like a systemic plan for creating racists.
Again, how do you fix that?
"It's why the alleged killing of an unarmed white man by a black police officer in Utah (just as wrong if true) might be cause for protest and outrage in that community, but with all due respect to my friends in the white power movement, it's not a reason to view it in a historical context as a pattern that keeps repeating itself."
No, it's not cause for white people to protest. But it is an illustration of another part of this problem. Racism is undoubtedly only one part of the reason cops commit these shootings.
Even if officers' racism weren't in play, these would still be people in authority walking around with guns, who are regularly put in dangerous situations -- and they'd still sometimes just make really bad judgments.
No doubt the explanation of the shooting by that black cop in Utah will be the same as that of so many white cops':
I felt threatened.
I thought there was a gun.
Part of the reason black men are on the receiving end of these unjustified shootings is simple probability. More poverty means more crime. More crime means a heavier police presence in your neighborhood and more interaction with cops. More interaction with cops means more opportunity for them to screw up and shoot you.
Viewed this way, death by cop screw-up is just another cost of poverty.
So what is the solution for that?
Unfortunately, I don't see any magic potion to solve any aspect of the problem.
For fixing racism in society.
For fixing cops' racism.
For fixing cops' bad judgment.
None of these problems are easy. Maybe that's why the people who are least affected by them give up on them.
"Trillions of dollars stolen from productive citizens to try and uplift savages who can never rise above their third world genetics."
You mean the millions of poor white trash on welfare my tax dollars got to support? Like QLB? Yep, that is kind of frustrating.
Stop funding broken homes and start funding intact families. You get what you pay for.
Yes. Progressive social policy is about rewarding poor choices and impulsive behavior, while punishing good choices through punitive tax code structure and other welfare policies.
Their plan is working fantastically. And those stuck in the vortex of poverty, violence and no future time orientation can't get enough.
Field Negro said:(cue in the racists and the FOX NEWS crowd
Hey! You're up Signor Kinky.
You mean the millions of poor white trash on welfare my tax dollars got to support? Like QLB? Yep, that is kind of frustrating.
Yep I agree with you, but FN wasn't blogging about white trailer trash meth heads.
He was making excuses for the feral savages that populate the urban centers.
More poverty means more crime.
No, more black people in any given area means more crime.
Even in middle class neighborhoods, when "good" blacks move in, crime of all types goes up.
And yet there are lots of poor white communities where there is no crime.
Everyone is getting tired of paying the black tax. Blacks are an expensive line item that the civilized West can no longer afford.
Poor and middle class whites are ignored utterly by policy makers. Destitute, economically parasitic blacks…are not.
And why this is so could not be more obvious. When whites are ignored, they grumble sotto voce and are then subsequently fired for racism when a liberal howler monkey overhears. When blacks are ignored, skulls fracture, goods flee their aisles, black panthers supplant city officials at the podium, buildings spontaneously combust, and whites are investigated for “civil rights” infractions. The “if then” equations are so rudimentary that even most politicians can understand: keep blacks placated at all costs. This, unfortunately, being a solution with finite capacity, though infinite demand.
And, as in all other aspects of life, conservatives stumble along 18 moves behind their opponents. How many times I have read now complaints that “blacks say nothing about blacks killing other blacks!” Of course they say nothing about it, you flighty flag wavers. Whatever they do among themselves, you may not harm a black regardless of circumstance. They, of course, do not hold themselves to a reciprocal standard. Unlike you, they care not a whit about some disintegrating parchment in the National Archives. They understand the Law of Rule implicitly. They are neither constitutionalists nor colorblind. They are openly, unapologetically racist. They have no qualms chanting for your death. And despite suffering a significant IQ deficit, they are unceremoniously kicking your ass around and off the planet. As I have asserted before, natural selection favors not the smartest or strongest–but the least delusional. And delusion seems to be our civilization’s chief export in this terminal stage.
And so where will this proceed? Obviously law enforcement officers are going to grow wary to the point of refusal in confronting recalcitrant black criminals. Who would do otherwise? The Ferguson police officer faces not career, but life ruination. This will be a lesson well remembered. I would imagine many future scenes of blacks looting businesses at their leisure as police wheel about, sirens blazing, to arrest the white jaywalker across the street. We will have two-tier law enforcement as rigid as our university matriculation standards.
These men have no role in these broken families. They lead aimless lives that can veer into drugs or crime. And they are pissed off.
Here's a clue for Post-Negro America: the rest of America no longer gives a shit that "they are pissed off".
60 + years of being told more money, more integration, more set-asides, more preferences, more, more, more .....
And yet things are worse now than they were then. There are tens of thousands of feral Trayvon Martins and Michael Browns in every city, and an entire industry behind them to defend their thug wannabe choices and make excuses for them and their f*ked up families.
The recipe for success isn't a secret, yet every indolent black teen thinks they're going to be a rap star or basketball legend and live the easy life.
Enough is enough. This crap has to end.
Repatriation, not reparations.
Anon said,
Maybe it's because we understand what causes it: Poverty brought on by poor schools, and a government that doesn't care about the least among us. Broken homes caused by a men who don't know how to be fathers. And being raised in an environment that is nothing like what America should look like.
The only part of that statement is the final sentence "being raised in an environment that is nothing like America should look like".
Poverty is not brought on by "poor schools".
Then there are black children in America who have everything handed to them, and destroy it. Even Oprah said investing in black American youth is a waste of resources.
Trillions of dollars stolen from productive citizens to try and uplift savages who can never rise above their third world genetics.
Enough is enough.
And still another person understands the definition of Negro fatigue.
I remember Preachers both Black and White fussing about the days when someone could quit a job, go across the street and get another one. Then the Right Wing's God, Ronald Reagan came along. The jobs left the inner cities, and at the same time the drugs came in thanks to Fox News own Oliver North, directed by George HW Bush, and Conservative God Reagan. Brother Malcolm used to talk about when you break the seal of a liguor bottle you are breaking a government seal. Same holds true when you take dope.
"At what do you excel QLB? It obviously isn't education. Did you finish a sentence with a preposition? You obviously aren't educated so we must assume you do not have a college degree. You don't have a college degree do you?"
Wow, I thought ending a sentence with a preposition was ok in these modern times. Damn near every book I've read and every article and every newspaper often end a sentence with a preposition.
For the last time QLB has told you FN Negroes he graduated from Notre Dame in Indiana. Fyi, Indiana Whites don't like Negroes there. It's because the Negroes in Indiana talk to the screen in movies too damn much. I don't blame QLB for being pissed off at Negroes in movies. Hell, even I am pissed when my stupid ass people start talking to the screen.
Man, Blacks living in poverty are pissed off, QLB is pissed off....wait a minute! QLB, are you Black? Damn. I should have known you were brother just messing with us. Bro, you really had the Negroes going here. Especially BIB and Yisheng. They actually think you are White. hahaha
My heart bleeds for Officer Dan Page because I know he didn't mean it.
"And still another person understands the definition of Negro fatigue."
How about poor white trash fatigue? Do you have a college degree QLB? Don't you know we are tired of uneducated poor whites like yourself? Get a degree or at least a GED.
"Wow, I thought ending a sentence with a preposition was ok in these modern times. Damn near every book I've read and every article and every newspaper often end a sentence with a preposition."
That's what happens when ignorant poor white trash like QLB and yourself read childrens' books.
More shucking and jiving by QLB. Can you answer a simple question? I guess low IQ po white trash don't go to college.
What did Damien James ot to elicit his (own) murder>
What sort of criminal activity or, perhaps, he (just) disrespected someone.
Disrespect is sufficient cause for murder in inner-city black neighborhoods.
My white power friend above says America is sick of the Negro.
So what, exactly, are u going to do about the Negro? Since he/she has as much stake in building this country (perhaps more if u are a child of immigrants) and being a part of America as u do.
"Maybe it's because we understand what causes it: Poverty brought on by poor schools, and a government that doesn't care about the least among us. Broken homes caused by a men who don't know how to be fathers. And being raised in an environment that is nothing like what America should look like."
Just more reasons to keep voting Democrat, huh field?
"We also understand that the cycle of poverty and all the pathologies that come with it will not stop until those who are put in positions of power by our government act in a way that dignifies the lives of all of our citizens."
Yet blah folks continue to vote for the same people, same political party, that is responsible for their plight in life.
It's like banging your head against the wall and complaining about your head hurting.
Instead of becoming numb and accepting your plight, how's about leaving the democrat plantation and force both parties to fight for your vote?
Democrats wouldn't win elections without blah folks. Yet blah folks remain politically powerless because they refuse to open their hearts and minds to Republicans.
So much for understanding.
"So when some people (cue in the racists and the FOX NEWS crowd) wonder how we can be so outraged about the killing of Michael Brown at the hands of the police, and not the murder of young black men by other young black men,"
Any white on black crime-especially rape and murder-garners more outrage from blahs.
Explain how a hoax (Duke Lacrosse) can outrage blah folks more than rape and torture that went on at the Dunbar Village?
Explain how a accident can cause blahs to riot and kill over days in New York-yet blahs yawned at the blah on blah murder rate for the year.
Which was over a 1000.
Deep down most blahs still harbor racial resentment towards whites. They blame YT for all their problems and faults.
Since the left proclaimed Obama the American racial healer-i thought race relations would get better.
I think Obama's treatments have made the American patient worse.
field negro said...
My white power friend above says America is sick of the Negro
The black man is not our enemy.
Our enemies are the leftists who use black victimhood and dysfunction as weapons against conservatives and traditionalists.
They lie to blacks and tell them non-liberal white America hates them and works against them. This is the central tactic in the strategy to ensure the patronage of blacks as well as to co-opt their moral authority. In pursuit of their own power and interests, they have subjected black America to a horrific level of state-sponsored dysfunction.
They lie to whites and tell them that they just want equality and fairness when everything they do is designed to eliminate white America. They teach white children that they are born uniquely sinful and they do not deserve to be part of the future. They fill the minds of the blacks with fear so as to feed off their anger, and they fill the mind of whites will despair to attack their very souls.
The Cultural Marxist front is creating a corporatist oligarchy that seeks to enslave everyone, black and white, in service to a tiny minority.
This world is built on lies. Look beyond the headlines to see what they are telling you and you will begin to see why.
For those posters who were wondering aloud what would happen if blahs took advantage of open carry laws-
We now have our answer.
Huey P. Newton Gun Club Pushes #BlackOpenCarry to Protest Police Violence
Absolutely nothing......
What is "YT"?
Sounds more like a serial killer than a run of the mill gang violence slaying. What do you think, Field? Another "summer of sam" guy?
QLB said...well, you know what, it doesn't really matter what he said.
Anonymous said...well, you know what, it doesn't really matter, now does it?
What matters is (make sure Mrs. Field isn't reading this) we got Rihanna wearing short shorts! http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1976284/thumbs/o-RIHANNA-570.jpg?1
Unfortunately, I don't see any magic potion to solve any aspect of the problem.
For fixing racism in society.
For fixing cops' racism.
For fixing cops' bad judgment.
None of these problems are easy. Maybe that's why the people who are least affected by them give up on them.
11:14 PM
These problems won't be fixed by humans. The truth is quite bothersome: No one knows and no one truly understands the problem.
Humans don't understand what humans are about. In America, they see skin color and money, divide by skin color and money. Anything beyond that is beyond human will.
Humans won't last if they don't discover the problem. Thus far, it's been a merry-go-round with the same problem. It's a humanized problem that Americans don't want to face. They don't even want to talk about it.
The first step is to face the truth about racism and to understand it in a historical sense of this nation. It's an ugly stain on the American psyche which is why many don't want to deal with it.
The greatest opportunity for the country to deal with the problem has been under the Obama administration. But, that opportunity was squelched early on in his first term as President. That was another problem with the police but in an the academic lofty atmosphere of Harvard.
The solution? Have a beer with the President and Vice President on the WH lawn. That solved nothing except to continue what has been the historical context of racism in America: "Don't talk about it; suppress it; pretend everything is all right."
That is what the majority in America wants. So be it. How's that working out for you? Remember: there are enemies getting stronger and stronger everyday, planning on coming for you.
Do you really want to be divided by race?
As long as there are Blacks, Browns and Whites in this country, there will be racism. The country was set up that way. As long as minds like QLB live in America, racism will thrive. In fact, EVIL gets its wicked demonic power from hearts like QLB's.
QLB calls Blacks savages, that he is contracted "Negro fatigue". But he doesn't see his own evil savage heart, which is the basis of his fatigue...ugly...not pretty or desirable at all...EVIL.
I am glad, however, that QLB, Kinky, Bill and some anons come here to stir up folks with insults and degradation. They let me see how Whites of their ilk think, how they see all Blacks.
Such is racism: messy, wicked, evil ugly. Thank God for God.
Anon wrote,
Unfortunately, I don't see any magic potion to solve any aspect of the problem.
For fixing racism in society.
For fixing cops' racism.
For fixing cops' bad judgment.
What BS. "Raycism" is now nothing more than a buzzword for blame YT. Meaningless only to leftists and Blacks. It's also the first monosyllabic word learned from the ebonic's dictionary.
But lets talk about bad judgement. Getting loaded in the middle of the day and robbing a store is bad judgement. Walking down the middle of the street and associating with someone who has a criminal record is bad judgement. Fighting with a police officer and trying to take his gun is bad judgement. Coming back to fight him again is really bad judgment. In fact bad judgement is nothing if not characteristic of Black culture. But lets blame YT some more. We see how well that works.
Anon wrote,
QLB calls Blacks savages
False. Document one time I have stated that Blacks were savages.
QLB is innocent. Let it be known that QLB is disturbed to no end by his perception of Blacks and the Ferguson incident. He keeps repeating the same thing over and over again. His system is set on "repeat". I must say I have "QLB fatigue" to no end.
Mr. Field, please throw QLB off FN. Clearly, he is a lost miserable soul who has nothing worthwhile to offer.
Anonymous said...
Anon wrote,
QLB calls Blacks savages
False. Document one time I have stated that Blacks were savages.
"Trillions of dollars stolen from productive citizens to try and uplift 'savages' who can never rise above their third world genetics."
11:38 PM
What a day! Won my tennis tournament and now get to watch Chicago kids play for the LLWS. Might have to do some extra celebrating tonight.
I know you'll dig this Field, the Wailers are in town doing a free outdoor show. (rain rain stay away)!
And next time the Philly kids get into the WS and play Chicago kids make sure you don't rest your best player because you get one chance. Ha! Still big ups to MoNae.
Off to get a well deserved nap, some celebrating and then back to the grind because the competition isn't getting any less and I'm not getting any younger.
The first step is to face the truth about racism and to understand it in a historical sense of this nation. It's an ugly stain on the American psyche which is why many don't want to deal with it.
Nice bit of projection there.
By reading this blog, I am led to believe that blacks feel that racism is "alive and well" and is "stain on the American psyche".
Well, maybe it is for black people, who are pretty insistent about living in their world of perpetual victimhood, because it gives them an automatic out to explain away their failure to assimilate into civilization.
For the rest of us, we don't feel "stained". Life is just fine, as long as it's as negro-free as possible. The only thing that needs "fixing" is to reinforce the right to freedom of association - or freedom to NOT associate with groups you have nothing in common with and/or don't wish to.
Geez Pilot thanks for the reminder about the grind, LOL!!
Anon wrote,
"Trillions of dollars stolen from productive citizens to try and uplift 'savages' who can never rise above their third world genetics."
Not from me. You copied a quote from someone else you blithering moron.
But lets talk stupidity within the Black community. The "gentle giant" was essentially jaywalking when he was confronted by the policemen. Now I know how it probably represents "raycism" when someone, especially a YT popo tell you to walk on the sidewalk instead of the middle of the street. However, jaywalking issues account for 2/3rds of all auto ped fatalities, so there is public health concern here. But no, the paranoid culture you comes from thinks that the PD is out to harass you. Even ten year old YT kids know better. The discussion on IQ can come later.
The last few days of posts are a reminder of just how blessed many of us are to be strong willed/minded, educated, financially stable, and/or living in some of the best neughborhoods in America.
Anonymous said...
Anon said,
Maybe it's because we understand what causes it: Poverty brought on by poor schools, and a government that doesn't care about the least among us. Broken homes caused by a men who don't know how to be fathers. And being raised in an environment that is nothing like what America should look like.
The only part of that statement is the final sentence "being raised in an environment that is nothing like America should look like".
Poverty is not brought on by "poor schools".
Then there are black children in America who have everything handed to them, and destroy it. Even Oprah said investing in black American youth is a waste of resources.
Trillions of dollars stolen from productive citizens to try and uplift savages who can never rise above their third world genetics.
Enough is enough.
And still another person understands the definition of Negro fatigue.
11:38 PM
QLB: Clarify who wrote it, because it looks like you wrote it. Fyi, that's the better dignified way to show superior intelligence. Right now, it's YOU who chimping out.
Name calling doesn't prove anything except your own lack of intelligence.
No need to get bent out of shape and display childish emotions and reactions that are clearly stressing you out.
Anon wrote,
QLB: Clarify who wrote it, because it looks like you wrote it. Fyi, that's the better dignified way to show superior intelligence. Right now, it's YOU who chimping out.
Please, you're smarter than that. Only the last line is mine. I do not call you or your people pejoratives, This includes sheeboon, coon, spook, buck, or words that begin with N. Not what I do.
"Please, you're smarter than that. Only the last line is mine. I do not call you or your people pejoratives, This includes sheeboon, coon, spook, buck, or words that begin with N. Not what I do."
3:33 PM
Well, it pleases me to know you think Blacks are smart enough to know your comments from someone else's.
Btw, I assume the Anon@3:33pm is QLB and not someone else? You see, QLB usually signs his comments with "QLB".
FYI, the anon @1:46pm, and at 3:24pm is White. No Black person with any self-worth would spend a second of their precious life talking to you.
It would not be useful to talk to a miserable mean-spirited prick like you.
Well its interesting Proverbs 18-21 says ...
"Life , and Death are in the power of the Tounge..."
Its becoming very increasingly telling and obvious that the Racists just CANNOT keep their mouths shut...
perfect example of that would be Mr. Dan Page...
As you can see by the constant postings by White Male Victims here,and the various sites,blogs that cater to their supposed plight.
They long to SHOW their outrageous views to anyone that will listen , and ultimately that will be the undoing of the majority of them...
We are seeing multiple incidences of deep seeded racism through that particular Police Dept , and its starting to become obvious to anyone with even a tiny bit of sense.
They rage here , and other sites , and blogs,because its all they can do ...
Save for saying something outrageous and being dealt with on site for it..
You just keep on Crying QLB...
Ill go get The box of tissues...
Talk to Huey P in my Avatar ..
Im sure he will listen...
Anon wrote,
It would not be useful to talk to a miserable mean-spirited prick like you.
But you are and they do. They can't help themselves. Since I'm now a prick, I just wonder what you call a race baiter like Al Sharpton? Crown Heights, Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case, now the Brown shooting which is rapidly going south for him. Let me give you a hint what you are. Look up hypocrite and get back to me.
Hypocrite? What I am is a white person who is ashamed to be White because of you.
QLB, "Since I'm now a prick, I just wonder what you call a race baiter like Al Sharpton?"
I call him a race baiter who stirs the filthy pot of racism that was born out of the disease of white racism.
You do know the history of America, don't you? Blacks were brought to America, against their will, BY WHITES, claiming all men are equal....except the Blacks, of course.
Whites like you and the cop who has just been suspended from the St Louis PD want to keep that evil White legacy going. I don't.
And, it might be hard for you to understand this, but neither does Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. However, with racists like you and racist cops that permeate the Ferguson PD--and probably the entire St Louis PD--, Blacks like Al Sharpton has a job for life..simply because he is needed.
Officer Wilson had no business emptying his gun on Michael Brown, who obviously was not a good kid. However, two shots would have sufficed if Wilson felt it necessary. He went way beyond that. The sad part about this scenario is it will end with a majority White jury setting him free when in fact, he murdered a man who was Black.
I don't expect you to understand. I've been reading your comments for some time and it is clear you are from a lineage of racists. It's not your fault. You have been taught to hate Blacks. To make it even more tragic, you don't have the brains or the emotional intelligence to rise above what you learned because it is wrong.
Trying to establish credible causal links that posit that poor schools cause poverty; insensitive government; the sum total of which (I hear you saying, FN)causes these young Black males to kill one another --- at best, a very weak circular argument. Weak because you leave out the role of propaganda: Propaganda that denigrates, vilifies, criminalizes; propaganda that strips Black males of their inalienable dignity. Propaganda that originates outside and inside the Black community. We (should) already know to expect such propaganda from -- well, who else?; we do live in "white america". Much more devastating is the same(lucrative)propaganda that emanates from the Black community. This virulent propaganda echoes the "Negroes ain't shytte" meme; undeniably evident in popular(Black) culture. I heard Gladys Knight sing in a song, "Minds are weak, and words are strong". The agents of propaganda know and exploit this, much to their $$$ delight. We, Black people should recognize this; should know better, but we don't - choosing to castigate someone like Bill Cosby, the "canary-in-the-mine".
The Black Church fuels this propaganda with messages of submission for Black women; rejecting free thinking. The impact of misogynist, self-hating hip-hop/rap music is profound. The culturally popular and casual use of the (shhhh) "N" word offers a clue; expresses how we denigrate and dehumanize each other. The whole world is watching - including the state/police.
Finally, FN, blaming others for our stuff only hinders our progress. The carnage; the internecine fratricide; the terrorism must and will continue until we Black people "man up"; stand up and take full responsibility for our - Black peoples' shytte...IMHO
"Minds are weak, and words are strong"... Thank you, Gladys
Yeah baby! How bout them Chicago kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! US champions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now one more game to be the best in the world!
"Geez Pilot thanks for the reminder about the grind, LOL!!"
Yeah, I know.
Amon@4:57, I agree with about 60% of what u said (art is not propaganda ) but those were good comments.
Congrats Pilot! They beat my Philly team to get there.
Anon wrote,
And, it might be hard for you to understand this, but neither does Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. However, with racists like you and racist cops that permeate the Ferguson PD--and probably the entire St Louis PD--, Blacks like Al Sharpton has a job for life..simply because he is needed.
Officer Wilson had no business emptying his gun on Michael Brown, who obviously was not a good kid. However, two shots would have sufficed if Wilson felt it necessary. He went way beyond that. The sad part about this scenario is it will end with a majority White jury setting him free when in fact, he murdered a man who was Black.
Al Sharpton is needed? Really. With the Crown Heights riot, the Tawana Brawley fiasco and the Duke rape case under his belt, what exactly is he needed for?
But once again you display utter stupidity in what you write. You know nothing about lethal force, self defense or pistols in general. You don't know if the officer "emptied" his pistol or if two shots would have sufficed. As a Russian once told me, "pistol only good for suicide." This is a good shooting and the officer is going to be cleared. The officers job was to stop the threat and that's what he did. That a murder was committed is just your leftist fantasy. When he is cleared I know it will break your little bleeding heart. Put on your beret, your favorite Che T shirt and you'll feel better soon enough.
"Name calling doesn't prove anything except your own lack of intelligence."
That is one thing QLB lacks, which is why she never finished college.
"But lets talk stupidity within the Black community."
Ok, now let's talk about the stupidity within the white community. You exemplify this everyday with your ignorance. Why not get a GED and try to educate yourself.
"The officers job was to stop the threat and that's what he did."
He was no threat when he shot him in the head dumbass. You are certainly one dumb asshat. Stop posting here and get an education you stupid racist.
You most certainly don't have a college degree.
@ BIB-
Get Some.
nice solid observation complete with Universal Law. folk speak what's in their hearts. since there are no surprises this way, i'm Good..
all the rest is Really all the rest. IF folk were to go document all the white woman false allegations of rape, no one would ever see nor hear from 'em again. that would be one seriously life long comment. for Real.
it is rich when esau shows up shrieking 'bout hypocrites.
i been ignoring 'cause i really could not care less 'bout what arrogant, clueless Edomites talking 'bout right now. too much at stake on too many different levels to be distracted by race/color/hue. i am not dumb enough to believe that white is something to be equal to either. i mean, what a special case of wtf is that? the ancients endeavor to be "equal" to the babes? who based on their very premise can in no wise come out "superior human beings." history dismantles that lie. especially here in america.
IF folk had a clue they would understand that chasing isms on either side = not what time it is.
Anon @ 12:27 PM already called it:
"Remember: there are enemies getting stronger and stronger everyday, planning on coming for you.
Do you really want to be divided by race?"
is where we are.
so Esau...
just won't be able to do it.
when i come on the flippy tip, it is from Love. though we are saying essentially the same thing. i am suggesting to His People/my people not to get caught up in the Real crazy. call things what they are unless you fresh off a boat or plane. then please speak only as you ask somebody for a clue. or be quiet if that is too much. brand new to america--'cause that would be the ONLY excuse for Black folk to be shocked, outraged or enraged at this point in history.
it is hypocrisy that informs the assertion that brothas = numb to the nonstop killing of one another. yet historical enemies maintaining their same centuries long game = outrage worthy.
that's some backwards, Real crazy, brand new hypocrisy since most crimes are INTRA racial. so if we self terminate due to interalized oppression and mentacidal white supremacist beliefs and ways, folk won't feel nor notice, 'cause it is other Black folk pulling the trigger? do we just never acknowledge that BO, Clarence Thomas and those "successful" Black on Black crime perpetrators take out more than whole blocks as they do their criminal, traitorous get down?
this brand new hyprocisy is made possible only by the forbidden golden bm calf idol.
which is why i do my very best to kick dents in it and all other false idols, before rippin' 'em down, on the regular.
if more folk did it, this whole post would be a non convo.
I gotta say, Field: reading your blog is instructive to a white woman of a certain age and checkered past (although here in California, probably less on average than might be the case elsewhere). I keep trying to blog through the lens, but upon reading this, I am thinking I blurt out too much too soon. You waited a long time to express fully and seems often the case, you've done so with such finesse that the wing-nuts seem to be reduced to commenting on your clothing (? - am I missing something?) because they seem to be pretty sure you said something, but they aren't quite sure what it was...
What can I say, I'm a fan! ;)
Anonymous said...
"Broken homes caused by a men who don't know how to be fathers"
Why is it always on the fathers? Our government pays women to have babies without being married. Many of these women choose a life of promiscuity where they don't have to put up with a man any longer than they want to. The government is a husband who just pays and never asks for anything in return.
These men have no role in these broken families. They lead aimless lives that can veer into drugs or crime. And they are pissed off.
Stop funding broken homes and start funding intact families. You get what you pay for.
10:58 PM
the united states gov't has ALREADY told folk in NO uncertain terms that Blacks = less than 3/5 human being. so expecting the gov't to pay for intact Black families = negro please.
evil esau? is that you?
coming over here talking 'bout the fatherless women in large numbers. while pretending like it is ONLY the lower Black classes making babies out of wedlock with women struggling to get menfolk to provide...
pretending like only the womenfolk are promiscuous? or that this is just a Black thing even?
just another shot at the Black nation by slamming the mothers of it.
women control sex.
men control marriage.
men should pull their pants up in general on many different levels.
it is shameful that menfolk don't get why folk look to the men in a patriarchal society. yet these same ones seek to moan and groan 'bout not being seen as men.
negroes don't get to turn the Black society into a matriarchal society because they seek to behave as women - in need of great protection and provision. do it and expect me to call it, in the hopes that folk will snap.out.of.it. + Stand Strong as men.
Children = order for Black Nation.
well broken slaves that have been successfully inverted- both genders- gots nothing coming from me other than my best effort at respectful, disgusted, i tend to disagree + a negro please.
that lame excuse for what Yahless menfolk stay up to= poetic justice that folk are blasting + capping on the regular. won't get any better 'til folk do Right by the women and babies. how much is the gov't paying Black men to desert? we get they paying pennies to the women. are Black men deserting their own children for free?
which is why i asked about the 6'4, yoking folk up in the store, teen's daddy. now WHY did he not teach him 'bout the Real?
i would ask in the Trayvon Martin case but that was a freemasonry sacrifice + psych op all day by the looks of all the hidden in plain sight signs. that was my take on job well done. double talk. though i pray to be wrong and either way, may the young man and Michael Brown rest in peace.
The last few days of posts are a reminder of just how blessed many of us are to be strong willed/minded, educated, financially stable, and/or living in some of the best neughborhoods in America.
3:02 PM
Hello Brother Field,
Thanks for being one of the voices in the wilderness of America in general and Philadelphia in particular.
Brother I respectfully disagree with your premise about Black-on-Black crime when you said, “Maybe it's because we understand what causes it: Poverty brought on by poor schools, and a government that doesn't care about the least among us. Broken homes caused by a men who don't know how to be fathers. And being raised in an environment that is nothing like what America should look like.”
I grew up in Philly-graduating from Gillespie Junior High School (18 & Pike) and Edison High School (8th & Lehigh). While attending Gillespie, we lived in the 1500 block of Indiana Ave; and attending Edison we lived in the 1800 block of N. College Wall. I looked at the Girard College wall every time I came out of my front door for about 18 months. We then moved into the brand new projects around the corner on Morris St., near Ridge Ave.
While attending Edison, everyday was a reminder that I was attending an inferior school with inferior teachers in a dilapidated building in the heart of the slums. At Edison, the cafeteria was in the basement, as well as the locker room where we changed for gym without showers. You can imagine what the cafeteria smelled like by the last lunch period.
In my 11th year, had I not figured out my own curriculum and noticed that I did not have enough credits to graduate with an academic diploma, no one else was going to tell me, especially my guidance counselor. I took it upon myself to change my curriculum from academic to general in order to graduate on time. By the way, as you know, Thomas A. Edison High School holds the record for the highest mortality rate of any American high school during the Vietnam War.
Brother Field my mother raised four children on her own as my father was an alcoholic and spent very little time with us. Once we moved into those brand new projects, before the summer was over, they had become the worst place we had ever lived. Living on the 11th floor became a nightmare, because many days we either, could not ride the elevators because they were broken, or had several piles of human feces in them.
The Black-on-Black murder rate was bad, yet the numbers were no where near to what it is now, yet, it was happening. In fact, I had three friends killed by rival gangs before I graduated from high school. (con't)
Itsstilltime, thanks for your comments, but I need more.
Goggle Barbara Brooks a 64 year old married black woman convicted of raping (the term used was "gross sexual imposition") children in her care. She was a licensed day care provider in the Cincinnati area. She was sentenced to 7 years in prison because she pleaded guilty. If the case had gone to trial she could have gotten life in prison. Apparently these were children she was related to.
If you look at her picture she looks like a typical older black woman. The kind you could safely leave your kids with. I guess you can't trust anyone these days.
"Good thing for the democrats FN doesn't like pointing out democrat crimes and misdemeanors."
it would be a good thing for common sense if Bill would stop posting.
I love the way these asswipe tea-billies cheery pick police blogs all over the internet for evidence of Black dysfunstion, while ignoring the global crimes and destrustion of White Devils and their dark skinned (Lemon, Elder, Thomas, DeSousa, Steele, McWhirter, Peterson, S.A. Smith et. al.) ass kissing toadies!
The Black-on-Black murder rate was bad, yet the numbers were no where near to what it is now, yet, it was happening. In fact, I had three friends killed by rival gangs before I graduated from high school.
After moving into the projects, I promised myself that once I graduated from high school, I was moving out. My mother, older brother and myself pooled our money (I always had an after school and summer job) and after graduating in June 1969, we bought our first home in Germantown (Ross & High St) in July 1969.
In spite of the Vietnam War- no, because of the Vietnam War and the draft, I voluntarily joined the Navy in 1970 and served honorably for six years because I wanted more than the dead end job I had at Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company.
Because of my going into the Navy, I now have the following degrees: Associates Degree in Psychology, Bachelors Degree in Behavior Science and a Masters Degree in Counseling. In addition, I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Georgia and a Licensed Master Social Worker in South Carolina and the author of two books.
I share this not to brag or impress you or your readers. My wish is to impress upon you and your readers that even though we do not have boots or straps to pull ourselves up, we can still make a way.
Brother, we all have choices and unfortunately, too many of us make the choice to blame the White man for everything negative that happens to us. That is a cop out.
Black African Americans have the bloodline of the greatest people to every walk on this planet. We are descendants of the same people who built the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids and our ancestors taught civilization to the world.
As long as we continue looking into the mirrors and seeing ourselves as “minorities” or “blacks,” we will always think of ourselves as being at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder and waiting for the White man to pull us up.
It is a terrible thing to look into the mirror and see someone that you hate and self-hatred is the reason that we have Black-on-Black violence.
As a man or woman thinks, so will he or she become.
Oh, what a blessing it is that Black African Americans do not think or read, says the Pimps, Politicians and Preachers. Thank you
I love the way these asswipe tea-billies cheery pick police blogs all over the internet for evidence of Black dysfunstion, while ignoring the global crimes and destrustion of White Devils and their dark skinned (Lemon, Elder, Thomas, DeSousa, Steele, McWhirter, Peterson, S.A. Smith et. al.) ass kissing toadies!
Well you could always go back to the mother country, strip down to your skivvies, put on bone in your nose and your neighbor in the pot. You're just made for it.
Well you could always go back to the mother country, strip down to your skivvies, put on bone in your nose and your neighbor in the pot. You're just made for it.
And you could go back to europe you cave-dwelling dog smelling savage. And don't even begin to talk about putting neighbors in the pot you devil savage. you animals own that you delusional cracka.
Contrary to popular belief this country DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU COLONIAL SAVAGES. That "go back to Africa" meme is old and tired, just like your old, pasty, white ass. Fuck you and your mother you white whining bitch.
Urban America in some parts of this nation is in denial.Living under siege due to Gun Violence and burying our children has become the norm.Urban America's lack of courage & commitment to prevent more death is proof.Urban America has a big issue when it comes to Unity.Urban America still has not caught on to the fact,that Unity is the master key that will unlock all the chains of learned helplessness & internalized oppression.Urban America is still waiting for the Calvary to save them.Not accepting that they are the Calvary and it's way pass time to save themselves.Urban America has chosen to forget about their predecessors who by Unity, sacrifice & commitment for human & civil rights.Led to the beginning of equal rights,that Urban America benefits from today.Urban America believes we have arrived in society,truth is we haven't.The progress that was made has stalled by Urban America.Urban America's children's education is lacking due to the parents and placing the blame on teachers & schools.Urban America believes they're powerless against those who've convinced them there is no hope.Truth be told it's being done by design.Urban America is giving their money to Mega churches,which do nothing for the urban communities which surround the church.This is why Urban communities have no businesses of their own.Urban America is electing local officials and not holding them accountable to address the ills of Urban communities.Urban America wont let go of suffering from the Willie Lynch syndrome.There is no trust of one another in Urban America.Urban America suffers from high unemployment & poverty,still Urban America is the biggest consumer in the nation.Urban America's mindset is every man & woman for themselves,survival of the fittest. Never mind who gets let behind.Urban America is in it's own way,blocking themselves from changing their conditions in Urban America.Urban America is headed in the wrong direction,is in dire need of GPS. The road is leading to a dead end.Urban America it's time to learn to believe in yourselves again.The prisons are filling up with troubled youth & young adults and so are the grave yards.Does Urban America have a fear of change and truth."Truth Be Told,Urban America Doesn't Like The Truth"………No Violence-Know Peace!
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