"Republican presidential candidate John Kasich took up the cry of a movement drawing attention to the deaths of young black men at the hands of the police, saying in a CNN interview that “black lives matter.”
CNN’s Dana Bash began by listing some of the Democratic candidates’ forays into the Black Lives Matter movement. “Hillary Clinton met here in New Hampshire yesterday with some Black Lives Matter protesters. I don’t know if you saw, Bernie Sanders had a disruption at one of his events because of protesters.”
“Martin O’Malley apologized for saying ‘all lives matter.’ Do you think that it’s appropriate to apologize for that?” she said the Ohio Governor. “What’s your view on all this?”
“I’ve been very involved in Ohio,” Kasich said. “We have a collaborative effort with community leaders, African-Americans, law enforcement, and they came up with 23 recommendations.”
“Should a public official apologize for saying all lives matter?” she repeated.
“I don’t know about that issue…” he responded. “And all lives do matter. Black lives matter, especially now, because there’s a fear in these communities that, you know, justice isn’t working for them.”
“But it’s about balance,” he added. “I’m not going to get myself caught in some sort of a wedge. The community has to understand the challenges of police, and the police have to understand the challenges of the community.”
If I didn't know better I would say that the poor guy doesn't want to win the republican primary. I mean how can he expect to win with statements like the one that he made above?
Mr. Kasich, you can move to the head of the republican class for now. (Is it me, or does he always look like he had a little too much to drink?) It's a shame that you are so far down in the polls, because you seem like you are actually willing to step back for a minute, view the landscape, and not demagogue every issue just to grab headlines.
Anyway, I bet your supporters aren't taunting the Black Lives Matter protesters.
"Wednesday night, Black Lives Matter protesters made good on their promise to keep the heat on presidential candidates, turning their sights on Jeb Bush (R). At a rally in North Las Vegas, Nevada, protesters called on Bush to speak out about racial injustice. At the end of the event, the protesters chanted “black lives matter,” which was quickly met with “white lives matter” and “all lives matter” chants.
Black Lives Matter advocates asked the presidential hopeful how he personally connects to matters of race in justice, after he said, “we have serious problems and these problems have gotten worse in the last few years. Communities, people no longer trust the basic institutions in our society that they need to trust to create, to make things work.” [Source]
Jeb's people are just mad because folks can't stay awake long enough when they try listening to him to actually hear what he has to say. Dude is getting his clock cleaned by the likes of Donald Trump and Ben Carson for crying out loud! If I supported this guy I would be pretty angry as well.
Did you happen to see his foreign policy proposal? Yes it's bad. But what else did you expect? The guy's name is, after all, Bush.
I don't even believe anything any politician says any more! It's all just a bunch of calculated lies to get votes.
Once you put 'em up there, they forget you ever existed.
and especially the white man, cos we all know as Chief Whatever his name was so wisely said " The white man speaks with forked tongue" and it's true...
"The White man speak with forked tongue"---Sitting Bull
Yes, the wm is a liar...been that way since Adam and Eve. That is his nature and character.
Yet, we have Obama, Field, PC and PX. All are great outrageous liars that make the wm look truthful.
@ Anon 11:21pm: Yes, thanx, Sitting Bull it was, but wow what a name huh? 'Sitting Bull' ahahaha!
Oh and Adam and Eve weren't white! Adam and Eve were brown because Adam was made from dirt. 'Member? God blew breath into a handful of dirt and made Adam. Eve was made from Adam so she had to be brown too.
Not that I believe this story, I don't, I'm just saying for your sake :)
Lord have mercy, are you telling me that Adam AND Eve were brown? What if the dirt was red? or Black? or White?
There is 'white dirt, too.'
But if God used colored dirt, then where did these white mfs come from?
Wherever they came from I wish they would go the hell back because they are effing up the world. I hope Kinky doesn't read this. He tends to turn into a white tornado.
Black Idiocy Matters
It's called 'pandering', Feeled. *Nobody* cares about black lives; the internet has shown everyone everywhere your true nature. The chimpouts, the knockout games, the flash mobs, etc., etc., etc. Your lives just make everybody else's lives harder.
Kasich is the only adult in the room. He is the only Repub who I might feel comfortable with in the WH (Dr. Carson withstanding). He won a sort of blue state and has a decent approval rating. He is a bit weak on voting rights but as you say he does seem to be able to be reasoned with. He might end up as someone's VP because Ohio is a swing state. It is nice to listen to someone make sense in the gop for a change.
Carson/Cain 16!
the internet has shown everyone everywhere your true nature. The school shootings, the movie theater shootings, the random shooting of innocent people, etc., etc., etc. Your lives just make everybody else's lives harder.
Show of hands: Who's going to see 'Straight Outta Compton' this weekend? Come on, be honest! Just as I expected ... every hand in the house went up! (Congratulations for taking them off your crotches for three seconds, BTW.)
That shit's gonna be like 'Avatar' for niggers. You guys are gonna talk about it for years to come. Have fun and try not to shoot anybody!
Ben Carson a sell out ass bitch. He subservilant to The Man. Brother Malcom warn us about the devil that is the white man. The white speek out of both of side of his mouth. He don't care about Black Live's Matter. Justace 4 Mike Brown! Justace 4 Travyon! Justace 4 Tameeer Rice!
Obama in 20016!
New Blakk Panter Party
I'm sorry for wasting everybody's time. Goodbye.
Show of hands: Who's going to see 'Straight Outta Compton' this weekend? Come on, be honest! Just as I expected ... every hand in the house went up! (Congratulations for taking them off your crotches for three seconds, BTW.)
That shit's gonna be like 'Avatar' for niggers. You guys are gonna talk about it for years to come. Have fun and try not to shoot anybody!
Show of hands, who thinks this fucking coward wouldn't say this shit in real life and hides behind the anonymity of the internet. SMDH, cowardly assed little dicked white assholes.
Have fun and try not to shoot anybody!
Why, is there gonna be a crazy ass white guy with a gun there?
Dear Mr Field, the hateful racist remarks by some of the comments here are so mean-spirited, disappointing and depressing.
Is this the best people on FN has to offer? This is terrible, not human.
Mr Field, how do you stand it? When I read such hateful degrading racist remarks, I am ashamed to be White.
There can be no peace with these people.
In the comment exchange following the GOP debate, one poster took me to task for saying John Kasick "won" the debate.
But my actual comment said my "favorite" of the night was John Kasick. More than just the grown up amongst the GOP candidates, John Kasick demonstrates he gets the big picture.
Interestingly, here's another exceptional analysis featured in Vox online clarifying the impact of the #Black Lives Matter activism on the Bernie Sanders campaign.
Somewhat a long read but very helpful: http://www.vox.com/2015/8/11/9127653/bernie-sanders-black-lives-matter
Anonymous Cowardly white male said...
Show of hands: Who's going to see 'Straight Outta Compton' this weekend? Come on, be honest! Just as I expected ... every hand in the house went up! (Congratulations for taking them off your crotches for three seconds, BTW.)
That shit's gonna be like 'Avatar' for niggers. You guys are gonna talk about it for years to come. Have fun and try not to shoot anybody!
Show of hands, who thinks this fucking coward wouldn't say this shit in real life and hides behind the anonymity of the internet. SMDH, cowardly assed little dicked white assholes.
Why? Are you saying Negroes are violent savage beasts who can't handle matters with words, like civilized Whites do?
Please don't start thinking that John Kasich is some sort of reasonable human being. He isn't. He has just finally learned to keep his big bazoo shut but he has done nothing for Ohio and even managed to piss off the police during his first term.
John Kasich's election as governor of Ohio is a direct result of Obama hatred. To have him succeed Obama into the White House would be a nasty validation to the "Party of No."
Kasich has no vision, no plan, and could care less about the problems of every day people, let alone black people. Do not believe the hype.
ThatDeborahGirl, have you looked at Kasich's record?
Have you heard him speak about BLM? That's the reason the cops in Ohio 'were' pissed.
As a bm, I feel safe in Ohio. I am for the wm who will be fair to Blacks knowing in his heart that BLM.
Get a grip, Sister. Brother Field would not be posting about Kasich if he didn't believe in him.
The question is, "who you gonna vote for, Trump or Kasich or that lying ass Clinton?"
Oh, I forgot: PX thinks Carson has a chance of being in the WH. ROFLMAO. Now that's a voter who is out of his mind. LOL
Vote Kasich, you'll be glad you did.
The stormfront person who posted above needs a hug.
"As a bm, I feel safe in Ohio. I am for the wm who will be fair to Blacks knowing in his heart that BLM."
CODE 1 Violation. Beginning text with the phrase "As a bm..."
***This is an automatically generated digital blackface alert triggered when a white man attempts to pass himself off as a brother (or indeed, sister). Like Field-Negro, you too can install this award-winning software on your blog for a knock down price of just $99 per month.***
[Please read the Terms and Conditions, payment in cash (small denominations, no sequential numbers), NO REFUNDS.]
Jeb(!) Bush: in a country in which substance isn't important but style is everything, I'm heartened that Jeb's delivery of his foreign policy positions was about as stiff as a 7th grader reading a book report. Such a lousy reader! Hundreds of millions won't be able to change that.
No Democratic competitor has Obama's poise or eloquence, but Bernie has the facts and Hillary has a nice smile.
Let the good times roll.
anotherbozo said...
but Bernie has the facts
Even if the facts make Obama a liar?
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders aren't political pals. But they agree on one key issue: they think the U.S. government's jobs numbers are a crock.
America's official unemployment rate is a pretty healthy 5.3%. Ignore that, Trump and Sanders say.
Sanders told a huge crowd at his recent rally in Portland, Oregon that "real unemployment" in America is over 10%.
Is bernie correct with his facts?
Gotta love NPR fact checking...
Are most of Planned Parenthood's clinics in black neighborhoods?
In 2014, the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research center, surveyed all known abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood clinics, in the U.S. (nearly 2,000) and found that 60 percent are in majority-white neighborhoods.
The question was are most of planned parenthood clinics in Black neighborhoods and the answer included "all known abortion providers."
There must be a good reason NPR couldn't answer the question without including "all known abortion providers."
Woq! The Blog really laid out NAACP, NAN, PUSH, CBC, and other so-called black orgn pretending to be pro-Black. The truth is, they belong to the 'man'.
Hillary Clinton said, "I did not email any classified information....."
Her statement reminds me of Bill Clinton's statement, "I did not have sex with that woman...."
Yep, Hillary is toast. And here comes Bernie!
Yep, the Republicans own this one.
As a bm I must say you Negroes are awfully low key about your Dems for 2016. What's the matter, no viable candidates?
I agree. The Repubs will win the WH in 2016.
John Inane and Sarah Pale-end 2008
Herman and Eddie Munster 2012
The 22 lumps that fell out of the elephant's "whatever" 2016
Surely no sane person would believe the constipublicans actually want the White House when it's so much easier to be obstructions to democracy.
Ctrl+halt.....don't mind the troll, I think it is just trying to convince itself that things aren't as gloomy as they look for the wingnuts. :)
I don't have to look at "Kasich's record." I LIVE in Ohio. I have followed his lack of progress from the time he was running until the present day.
No, the cops hate Kasich because he called one of them "stupid" for giving him a traffic ticket. Sorry, being a candidate for office didn't make him immune from traffic citations.
Kasich was only elected because a lot of white people really hate President Obama and black people didn't turn out to vote for Strickland in a spring election.
Kasich rode the wave of Obama hatred into the governor's office where he proceeded to piss off even people who had voted for him by killing the "3C Rail Project" that would have connected Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Toledo by high speed rail, a long overdue project that would have made a great deal of difference in the lives of people in Ohio.
Of course, Kasich didn't see a need for it and thought it was a "waste of money" calling it a "slow choo choo." He was determined that he could demand the Obama Administration give Ohio the money earmarked for the rail project and he would spend it any way he chose.
Kasich decided he would rather refuse the money that build the train and so the money went to other states and Ohio remains in the dark ages, traveling to it's major cities by car or Greyhound.
Kasich also wants to replace the main bridge between Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky with a toll bridge. This would be an immense burden on already struggling working people who travel back and forth between Ohio and Kentucky on a daily basis.
Kasich is simply waiting for the old bridge to fail, much like the one in Minnesota so that we will be forced to build the toll bridge. He is willing to let people die to get his way. The one stipulation that the people of Ohio and Kentucky agree on is that if the new bridge is a toll bridge, that the tolls end when the bridge is paid for. Kasich and the powers that be want a toll in perpetuity.
Kasich couldn't care less about black people or the murders of people of color by law enforcement that have taken place on his watch. Tamir Rice, John Crawford, Samuel DuBose - Kasich has been completely silent.
Kasich is not the "grown up in the room." He is simply appears to be the least ignorant of a group full of fools. But his "record" speaks for itself. He has done a lousy job running Ohio and his entry onto the national political stage as a serious candidate is a hideous reminder that no one in the GOP has the best interest of the nation at heart. Least of all Kasich.
Just because Kasich is a Trustee inmate in the Rightwing Asylum doesn't mean he isn't as batshit crazy as the rest of them. Ask him an impertinent (in his opinion) question sometime face to face and see what happens.
Anonymous said...
Lord have mercy, are you telling me that Adam AND Eve were brown? What if the dirt was red? or Black? or White?
There is 'white dirt, too.'
But if God used colored dirt, then where did these white mfs come from?
Wherever they came from I wish they would go the hell back because they are effing up the world. I hope Kinky doesn't read this. He tends to turn into a white tornado.
11:55 PM
No Anon, there is no "white dirt" At least not to my knowledge.
There are the other colors you mentioned though.
and I don't know, maybe the whites aren't from here? From earth? Maybe they are, as some say mutations from the other colors?
What my personal theory is,is that humans evolved according to their habitat/surroundings in whatever part of the earth they were located.
With specific physical characteristics to sustain life in that particular habitat.
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