
I am not one to let events such as the recent theater shootings prevent me from leading a normal life, but as I get older I find myself having a real appreciation for life and what it has to offer. I just think that I have come too far to have some middle aged white guy with some issues split my wig while I am eating popcorn and watching Tom Cruise hang on to a plane on take off.
And yeah, I know I know, this latest maniac had mental issues . (FYI, all white people who commit malevolent acts are mentally disturbed. Black folks, on the other hand, are just evil.) But of course we could argue that something has to be off mentally for someone to do something like this guy did today.
Anyway, they are calling movie theaters "soft targets" for these types of deranged individuals. Personally, I am not sure I want to go hanging out with my beautiful wife in a "soft target" for two hours. Not cool.
Anyway, my wife still wants to watch the new Mission Impossible flick, but I told her that we might have to just wait until that bad boy shows up on our on demand.
Or, I tell her, we could always go and watch it in the hood. It might be a little harder to hear what the actors are saying, but at least we will be safe.
The hood. Nobody's going to mess with you there.
Those white bois be crazier by the day!
"I am not one to let events such as the recent theater shootings prevent me from leading a normal life, but as I get older I find myself having a real appreciation for life and what it has to offer. I just think that I have come too far to have some middle aged white guy with some issues split my wig while I am eating popcorn and watching Tom Cruise hang on to a plane on take off."
Brother Field, go see the flick. I saw it last week and it was great! Don't let some white guy stop you from enjoying your life. Hell, they've done that enough over the centuries.
Not only that, there are Whites on FN trying to ruin our lives. I mean, Kinky isn't exactly singing "Kumbaya" with us. And neither is Bill and some of those stormfront anons.
Brother Field, you have no reason to fear losing your life because God is with you. It is God, and God alone, that determines when it's time to go. HE didn't bring this far to let you get plugged by some white guy in a theatre.
You must learn to trust God. And, instead of reading and replying to shit from Kinky and Bill, go pray a little bit. It'll give you courage and you life will have more meaning.
I mean, what meaning in life could you possibly have with Kinky in your life? Bill? Stormfront Anons? That is not true life, that is living among the dead.
Now take your wife to see the movie. It's really really good. You will enjoy every minute of it. Beside, the woman in that movie is a beauty...she's a Swedish beauty. You won't be able to get her out of your mind. The director really knows how to pick 'em.
How come that gay guy in Revenge of the Nerds had that weird javelin that flopped around?
Seems Al Qaeda is hitting soft targets like movie theaters, restaurants and malls. Or is it ISIS? I wonder which group will claim responsibility for this latest act of terrorism because Fox News told us the DOJ was off base with its assessment of homegrown terrorists as being a major threat. Then again they also told me the knock out game was a thing.
"FYI, all white people who commit malevolent acts are mentally disturbed. Black folks, on the other hand, are just evil.)"
I think you are being a bit hard on your peeps, Field. Black folks aren't evil, they are just more prone to violence, have lower impulse control, and have a higher time preference.
This isn't "better" or "worse" than white people, just different.
But the net effects, since blacks are a minority in a majority white society, are highly negative. Blacks wind up committing more crimes and winding up broke.
The solution, anathema to racial nationalists like yourself, is to adopt the norms of the majority culture. It's not easy, but it's not impossible. Lots of other minority groups have done it. There are plenty of blacks who live like white people and are welcome in white communities. You call them "House Negroes" for assimilating and living productive lives.
To recap:
Moving beyond dysfunction and adopting the ways of the majority culture = House Negro Behavior
Keeping it real, staying angry, and endorsing the racial spoils system = Field Negro Behavior
If you really wanted to help blacks improve their lot in America, you'd stop blocking them from going in the house.
I think the reference of 'being evil' is the label applied by the press and pundits to convey a reason for the negative actions of both groups. it is hard for one white man to denigrate another white man, on the other hand it is easy to apply the harsh label on Blacks because we ----- (you supply the missing narrative).
That is so funny because we don't get the sympathy card, even though the history of maltreatment has produced what we are today. Made in America Blacks. The Orientals have a similar road but I contend they simulated not integrated... as the Blacks have tried. Simulated aide others to progress and feel comfortable about how they looked. Unfortunately my people are artificially metamorphosing into acceptable- so they think- (you fill in the terminology). This is one Black man that loves you as you are. StillaPanther2
You guys love these "crazy white guy" stories; it distracts people from the MASSIVE, DAILY, NEVERENDING violence in your own community. Sad.
Sounds like your wife has a little bit of a "thing" for Tom Cruise, eh? Has she ever tasted the white meat before, Brother Feeled? I'll bet she dreams about a blue-eyed lover man to tuck her in at night ...
"Or, I tell her, we could always go and watch it in the hood. It might be a little harder to hear what the actors are saying, but at least we will be safe."
I wouldn't get too smug about this. Particularly if you are going to see a movie about crime or the ghetto. Do you have any idea how many shootings by gangbangers and various and assorted hoodlums there have been at movie theaters?
Just a selection:
1979 showing of "The Warriors": One dead.
Cause: Thugs.
1988 showing of "Colors": No dead, but lots injured in a giant brawl.
Cause: Thugs.
1990 showing of "Angel Town": One dead.
Cause: Thugs.
1990 showing of "Godfather Part III": One dead, three seriously injured.
Cause: Thugs.
1991 showing of "New Jack City": One dead. Brawls broke out at multiple other theaters around the nation.
Cause: Thugs.
1991 showing of "Boyz in the Hood": One dead, 30 wounded across multiple theaters.
Cause: Thugs.
1992 showing of "Juice": One dead, one left crippled.
Cause: Thugs.
2005 showing of "Get Rich or Die Tryin": One dead.
Cause: Thugs.
Anon@2:21, we have sure had a lot of distractions of late. But I am sure u knew that. Carry on. Your sheets need cleaning.
"American First", as long as they own the house and everything in it I am cool with that.
Dear Mr Field, I have noticed that you give attention to racists in your comments but you ignore the black commenters who try to encourage you and other Blacks.
For instance, Anon 9:50 PM was totally in your corner but you tend to ignore Blacks that are for Blacks and focus your attention on white racists.
Why? don't you 'want' black unity? Well, you can't get it by attending to white racists. That only gives them more power over you.
You aren't the only one. PX, PC, and Yisheng all give attention to the racists and ignore Blacks trying to lift their people up. It is as though you don't want to advance, you'd rather wallow in the sewer with the idiots. PC and Yisheng certainly do.
It's really sad because it's a sign of defeat and no hope.
Crazy's crazy. White's are, Black's are and all the Misters in Between are. The thing these days is to find somebody sane somewhere. Someone needs to invent a game like Finding Waldo; instead calling it "Finding the one person in the whole wide world that's sane". No one's working with a full deck anywhere.
Has Lilac left PR yet? PR is going under financially...SINKING RAPIDLY.
America needs people like Lilac.
"No one's working with a full deck anywhere."
7:52 AM
True. But humans don't have a full deck to work with, at least not on their own egoistic intellectual knowledge. It's too limited.
A 'sane' human being recognizes this and seeks a much higher level of consciousness. Very few do this. In fact, in these post modern times there are less than ever before. People have turned away from spiritual or religious matters and have depended 'solely' on themselves.
This is a grave error, a big big mistake. Things are getting worse and humans keep moving farther away from reality but claim they are intelligent. It's the strange self-centered destructiveness of the human race.
"And yeah, I know I know, this latest maniac had mental issues . (FYI, all white people who commit malevolent acts are mentally disturbed. Black folks, on the other hand, are just evil.) "-Field Negro
lilacpr2000 said...
Those white bois be crazier by the day!
The racism and stupidity is strong in the fields today.
Vincente Montano is HISPANIC. And an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT.
I know, i know, all hispanics who commit crimes are really white. All hispanics who come to this country are hard workers and law abiding citizens who would never to nothing to nobody.
So, field and your merry band of racists, carry on with your circle jerk of ignorance and hate.
A Black Panther Forever said...
That is so funny because we don't get the sympathy card, even though the history of maltreatment has produced what we are today.
Except for The Carr Brothers, Omar Thornton, Aaron Alexis,Trayvon, The Gentle giant and many, many other blahs who do get the sympathy card.
Other than that? Blahs never get the sympathy card....
PilotX said...
Then again they also told me the knock out game was a thing.
Why don't you call the families of Ralph Santiago, James Gifford, Michael Daniels, Hoang Nguyen, Colton Gleason and ask them if the "knockout game is a thing."
But you won't because you're too much of a racist coward.....
Kinky_Con said...
"I know, i know, all hispanics who commit crimes are really white"
According to the way the FBI compiles its crime statistics, a Hispanic committing a crime is classified as "white" while a Hispanic victim of a hate crime is classified as "Hispanic".
This inflates the white crime rate and hides the Hispanic crime rate.
Why would they do that?
Good post brotha Panther.
Hey Field, you watching the debate tonite? Also what's your take on the Texas Voter ID law being struck down?
Pilot, I wouldn't miss it for all the ganga in Jamaica.
Yes, great day in Texas. Chalk one up for the good guys.
Messages from some of Mike Brown's classmates:
Another one of those dumbocrat fake hate crimes
Jury finds Vonore lesbian couple intentionally set fire to home, claimed it was hate crime
There must be a good reason dumbocrats need fake hate crimes.
PilotX said...
Then again they also told me the knock out game was a thing.
It's not just foxnews.
The other side of the media is also convinced it is real. I wonder why you never mention their reports on the knockout game and ONLY mention foxnews.
Deadly "knockout game": what it is and why teens are playing it
'Knockout Game' Suspect Charged With Hate Crime
Knockout game' targeting unsuspecting victims gains popularity
"Knockout Game" has deadly consequences
A brutal new game where teens attempt to knock out random strangers with one punch is growing in popularity.
'Knockout game': Teens attack innocent people just for fun
Minn. teen gets 10 years for fatal "knock-out game" punch
Police: Examples Of Troubling ‘Knockout’ Game Popping Up All Over
Recent Attacks Have Targeted Brooklyn Jews; 78-Year-Old Woman Latest Victim
Police keep close eye on reports of disturbing 'knockout' game
Knockout game' leads to arrests, more police patrols
It was September 2011, and police were struggling to get a handle on a series of vicious knockout assaults in south St. Louis. Groups of teens were cold-cocking older pedestrians at random. One was dead, several injured. Residents were alarmed, police baffled. It didn't make sense, such a cruel and cowardly crime.
There must be a good reason all these rich white dumbocrat media people disagree with you about the knock out game.
Another elected dumbocrat being charged with coverups.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, the state's top prosecutor, was criminally charged Thursday in a scheme to leak grand jury material and later cover it up - a stunning blow to a political career that was once on a steep ascent.
Also charged was Patrick Reese, a member of Kane's security detail and her driver, who stands accused of aiding the attorney general in the alleged cover-up by sneaking into grand jury files.
She had her driver sneaking grand jury files.
Reminds me of when the clintons had sandy berger steal all those documents to cover their ass.
Yes, the media portrays white killers as insane and black killers as evil, now. The old version of this used to be that the race of a criminal was only mentioned when they were a minority. That was just a few decades ago. Some of this is probably more institutionalized racism than intentional racism. I think there are white people who oppose racism and aren't consciously aware of the things they do that perpetuate it. There has been progress though. Racism used to be a lot worse in the creation of fictional characters for example. Now it is much more subtle than it was in the days when characters like Huck Finn and Tarzan were created. But that racism could have been subconscious and not intentional too.
Yes, great day in Texas. Chalk one up for voter fraud.
Anonymous Limpbaugh said...
Yes, the media portrays white killers as insane and black killers as evil, now.
Examples please? Don't have any? Didn't think so.
I see field hasn't corrected his post to show "this latest maniac" is hispanic.
Good thing truth and honest never gets in the way of race baiting and playing victim in the fields.
Field, have you read Marlon James's novel yet? I just got it this afternoon - looking forward to reading it.
Why do black people only read books by or about black people?
Why are they so intellectually insular?
"Why do black people only read books by or about black people?"
Because only blahs can write and speak at a level low enough for their fellow blahs to understand.
ARIAN FOSTER isn't afraid of getting hurt either. Since he be hurt every year! At least he's different. HA!
Kinky, "I know, i know, all hispanics who commit crimes are really white. All hispanics who come to this country are hard workers and law abiding citizens who would never to nothing to nobody."
Kinky, take a look at the history of America and you will see that Whites did all the damage 'from the beginning'.
Whites arrived to North American continent looking for freedom from oppression from England while simultaneously ENSLAVING Africans(which still goes on today)...Whites talk out of both sides of their mouths...LIARS. just ask Native Indians, Asians, Latinos, and Blacks.
Historically, Whites are the Lucifers of all time. Yes, Kinky, you and your racist white brethren ARE evil. Your history leaves no doubt that you are genocidal maniacs. Hitler, Strom Thurmon, KKK, David Duke and Roof are your heroes.
So much white dumbfuckery here.
what does "dumbfuckery" mean? I can't find a definition anywhere.
(FYI, all white people who commit malevolent acts are mentally disturbed. Black folks, on the other hand, are just evil.)-Field Negro.
Limpbaugh said...
Yes, the media portrays white killers as insane and black killers as evil, now
Most Evil
Facing Evil with Candice DeLong
See No Evil
Evil Kin
Evil twin
Evil In Law
Surviving Evil
The Devil You Know
These are all tv docs. in which white killers are called evil. In fact, in the tv doc. Most Evil, they have a scale that measures evilness in white folks. I have yet to find anything in the media where white killers are called insane and black killers are called evil.
Maybe field and Limpbaugh can offer us examples. I won't hold my breath.
dear Kinky, thanks for keeping it real. Obviously Field has made a mistake. However, he is not known as a liar. Whites are liars, but Blacks don't know how to lie. It's a cultural Black thing.
Once in awhile, Field makes a mistake due to his humanness. In checking his past posts though, Field rarely makes mistakes. That is why FN is considered one of the most accurate blogs in the blogosphere.
So, the obvious question is: Why are you trying to discredit Field?
"Whites arrived to North American continent looking for freedom from oppression from England..."
Not true.
They left England because they we're not allowed to be as intolerant as they wanted to be. The Pilgrim Fathers had actually executed a woman in England whose religious views they did not approve of. When the English authorities told the they could not simply hang women for their religious views they took off for America.
"They left England because they we're not allowed to be as intolerant as they wanted to be. The Pilgrim Fathers had actually executed a woman in England whose religious views they did not approve of. When the English authorities told the they could not simply hang women for their religious views they took off for America."
Not true.
They left England because they wanted to be free to think,act and feel. They did not want to be oppressed by high taxes and socialism. They also left because they didn't want to kick a ball around for an hour in a pussy sport you Euros call futball. They came to a country where they could play real football.
Yes, great day in Texas. Chalk one up for the good guys.
Stop imitating me asshole. It was correct the first time.
Because only whites can write and speak at a level low enough for their fellow whites to understand.
"Why do black people only read books by or about black people?"
Because only blahs can write and speak at a level low enough for their fellow blahs to understand.
Wow, how much you wanna bet this racist asshole is a conservative. One of Bill's crowd.
Thanks, Fixer.
PC, I will have to check out that book.
"They left England because they wanted to be free to think,act and feel."
I'm sure the woman they lynched would argue that point.
Field, it's called 'A Brief History of Seven Killings'. It takes the seven men involved in the real-life shooting of Bob Marley and imagines what happens to them in their later lives. It mixes fact and fiction - a bit like James Ellroy's books but set in Kingston instead of L.A.
I've only read 50 pages, but it's beautifully written.
Try reading "Between the World and Me" by Ta-Nehisi if you like beautifully written books. As Toni Morrison has said, the author is the James Baldwin of our time.
He nails what it is to be Black in America.
Field, I think your suggestion to only take in movies in 'the hood' is a sound one, and the safest course of action. Avoid crowds of 'mainstreamers' like the plague, and do not, under any circumstances become trapped in enclosed spaces like movie theaters, malls, hospitals, schools, stores, churches, or any other 'soft targets' where there are loose, single mainstream males hanging around. You know who I'm talking about. Staying safe is best.
Going down into the hood is the dumbest idea I have ever heard of for Blacks who look like they have money....Get Real.
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