Rubio also gave a personal anecdote: "I have one friend in particular who's been stopped in the last 18 months eight to nine different times. Never got a ticket for being stopped — just stopped. If that happened to me, after eight or nine times, I'd be wondering what's going on here. I'd be upset about it. So would anybody else." [Source]
Five stars for Marco Rubio for taking the time to understand the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and speaking in a thoughtful and instructive way about it.
If only some of his colleagues running for president could be as thoughtful and not just throw
Contrast what Rubio is saying to the words of John McWhorter.
McWhorter's knee jerk essay about the BLM movement is a classic example of what is wrong with this debate. He focuses on the obvious problem of black on black crime within the community and by doing that he tries to downplay a very real problem that is one of the factors that contribute to black pain and suffering: The misconduct of those in authority
Of course he will get a lot of shine because he happens to be black. People like McWhorter who like to say that we are the problem is the kind of Negro that America loves.
Memo to McWhorter: Most of the people in the BLM movement (or those who support it) are quite aware of the problems within the black community, and they have been trying to do something about it for years. It is not impossible to bring attention to police misconduct and black on black violence at the same time.
"Black Lives Matter has become Exhibit A in this ideological conflict. Make no mistake, I admire Black Lives Matter. I’m just worried about it. I have never seen America getting closer to not just “talking about,” but actually doing something about, the relationship between black men and the cops. If there is one thing I have learned in 15 years of writing about and thinking about race, it is that this problem is the main one keeping America from getting past race. I was not offended by BLM’s conduct toward Bernie Sanders, quite frankly. And I consider the riposte “All Lives Matter” almost willfully uncomprehending of the issues that face us.
However, the way our smart people are covering Black Lives Matter, and some of the assumptions of the group itself, are bubble gum on our shoes. A movement cannot make a real difference in 2015 by pretending that it’s still 1965.
Here’s the problem. The going notion for anyone left of, roughly, the old New Republic is that disapproval of Black Lives Matter must come from “racism.” Charles Blow put this best, recently:
“Discomfort with Black Lives Matter is, on some level and to some degree, a discomfort with blackness itself.”
But this, even with the careful hedges, is a hasty, and even lazy, reading of the issue. I imagine there are some people out there who don’t like BLM because it’s black people making noise. But what disturbs a great many—and I highly suspect many more—people about the philosophical underpinnings of BLM is that black people in poor neighborhoods are in vastly more danger of being killed by young black men than by the occasional bad cop.
“Our demand is simple: Stop killing us,” the movement says—while people `````nationwide look on and see, especially during the summers, tragic epidemics of black-on-black homicides and maimings in one city after another. But America wonders: What about “Let’s stop killing each other”?
This year alone, in Chicago almost 80 percent of the people killed have been black. In Baltimore the figure is 216 black people versus 11 white, in Philadelphia 200 black people versus 44 white. Most by other black people....." And blah blah blah....
McWhorter falls into the old house Negro trap of seeking approval and acceptance from the majority population in our fight for social justice. When he says "while people nationwide look on and see" the people killed in places like Baltimore, Chicago and Philly, he is basically saying that we are to blame for all those killings and we have no authority to speak out until we get our house in order. Forgetting, of course, that those "people looking on" are the reason our house is out of order in the first place.
"The problem is not an America blind to racism, or even an America that thinks racism is solely the n-word, cross-burnings, and housing covenants. The problem is, I hate to say, a progressive ideology on race that confuses performance with action."
Sorry John, but if we followed your lead there would be no action at all.
*Pic from twitter.
Field, do you know McWhorter is highly respected and is considered one of the most brilliant men in America?
And you have the nerve to put him down? Just WHO do you think you are?
"Sorry John, but if we followed your lead there would be no action at all."
Kind of makes you wonder whether some people like the way things are and really don't want any change in the status quo at all, except maybe increasing the punishment of poor people and people they've been told to be afraid of.
-Doug in Oakland
Fuck the white man.
John is just the same old same old. His rhetoric is the same as in 1965. "Why ya'll worried about the few nigras strung up here in Mississippi, ya'll killing each other up there in Chicago. Leave us alone, we know how to control our nigras, we don't need any of ya'lls northern yankee liberal ideas getting into our good nigra's heads." And the beat goes on.
McWhorter has a point. The problem is folks like Field, and PX don't want to own up to major problems in our communities that are far greater than white cops shooting bm. I am aware of the brutality cops do to a few Blacks but we sometimes go overboard with our reactions to it. For instance, BLM is loud and sometimes screaming about "Black Lives Matter"...And they do matter.
However, during my 80+ years in our community, I still have yet to hear a lot of yelling and screaming and 'marching' about the wholesale killing of Blacks by Blacks in our own community.
Look at Chicago. It keeps getting worse and worse...and the black community keeps getting quieter and quieter as if nothing is going on.
From this reality, McWhorter is right and Field and PX are like blind men with their priorities in the wrong place.
But hasn't that been the problem of being Black in America? That is, being unable to set priorities enough to stop being a 'scattered' race? We will never have any power because we can't concentrate on what is most important which is wiping out Negroes who don't value the lives of Blacks. This shit is happening in our own neighborhoods and should be a BIG PRIORITY.
Yet, on the South Side of Chicago where PX himself lives, he hardly mentions it. And when he does it is to criticize someone like McWhorton or some other brother who 'mentions' anything about the outrageous black on black killings in the black community. This daily murder by Blacks have been going on for decades, yet Field only post something about it in passing.
However, when it comes to a cop killing a bm, he is relentless....GO FIGURE.
We knew it all along.
"The problem is folks like Field, and PX don't want to own up to major problems in our communities that are far greater than white cops shooting bm."
There are problems in my community but are you saying a cop shooting someone unnecessarily isn't a problem?
"Yet, on the South Side of Chicago where PX himself lives, he hardly mentions it."
Why, we have people like you who can obsess over it 24/7.
"Yet, on the South Side of Chicago where PX himself lives, he hardly mentions it. And when he does it is to criticize someone like McWhorton or some other brother who 'mentions' anything about the outrageous black on black killings in the black community"
You have no clue as to what I say and do except for the 15 minutes a day I spend here. I give career presentations all over the Chicago area especially on the south side motivating kids to stay on school and stay out of trouble. I support Father Pfleger who just had a basketball tournament with teams made up of young men from opposing gangs, one team was coached by Spike Lee. Did you post about that? Do you even live in Chicago? You're right, I don't obsess over the incidents of violence I focus on the positive and there is a lot of positive here on the southside of Chicago but you wouldn't know it because you want to portray blah people as inhuman animals who only shoot each other and that is far from the case. WTF are you doing to help the situation? If you're not doing anything but criticizing positive brothas like Field who walks the walk then you can STFU. And yes, I really want to know what you are doing to help "our" people.
I want everybody to say a prayer for the family of officer Greg Alia, who was recently murdered by another "Blat Libe Maddah!" groid criminal. Their lives have been torn apart by this senseless act of black savagery; please include them in your prayers tonight. This is happening way too often lately.
"I want everybody to say a prayer for the family of officer Greg Alia, who was recently murdered by another "Blat Libe Maddah!" groid criminal. Their lives have been torn apart by this senseless act of black savagery; please include them in your prayers tonight. This is happening way too often lately."
Actually cop shootings are down and secondly I seriously doubt the shooter was involved in the BLM movement but I'm guessing you're a racist white troll who sees all blah people as one in the same so my words are lost on you.
And I suppose all of those black on black killings happen in a vacuum and there are no bigger issues driving them.
-Doug in Oakland
PX, "You have no clue as to what I say and do except for the 15 minutes a day I spend here."
Is 15mins all the time you spend on FN? I think not. Regardless, whether 15mins(which is a damn LIE) or 60 mins, you fail to mention anything about the black violence in the black community every week. That's the point McWhorter and so many other of our folks have been talking about for decades. Yet, you act like there is nothing going on.
"I give career presentations all over the Chicago area especially on the south side motivating kids to stay on school and stay out of trouble. I support Father Pfleger who just had a basketball tournament with teams made up of young men from opposing gangs, one team was coached by Spike Lee. Did you post about that? Do you even live in Chicago? You're right, I don't obsess over the incidents of violence I focus on the positive and there is a lot of positive here on the southside of Chicago but you wouldn't know it because you want to portray blah people as inhuman animals who only shoot each other and that is far from the case. "
You SHOULD be worried about the WEEKLY incidents of violence in your neighborhoods because it's killing, I repeat...it's KILLING our children. Your little presentations to kids and Father Pfleger and Spike Lee as coach of a basketball tournament isn't going to stop the killings. By now you ought to know that. What the black community needs MOST OF ALL is a safe community from gangland warfare and black on black crime. Right now it's a war zone and YES, I AM from Chicago. So you save the bullshit about how positive you are.
The most important "positive" that could happen in ALL our major cities is the ending of black on black killings because it's 'killing' our race at a tremendous race so great that white cops and the KKK combined can't even come close to such huge massacres of Blacks, most of which are children.
"Look at Chicago. It keeps getting worse and worse...and the black community keeps getting quieter and quieter as if nothing is going on.
From this reality, McWhorter is right and Field and PX are like blind men with their priorities in the wrong place."
This narrative just needs to die. Violent crime is NOT getting "worse and worse." There is indeed a serious violence problem in our country, and especially in black neighborhoods, but it is NOT the worst it has ever been. Violence peaked in the 1990s nationally, and fell thereafter. This trend was no different in Chicago.
And Chicago has gotten a lot of bad press for crime lately, but largely because, while the crime rate in Chicago fell, it did not fall quite as fast as in New York City and L.A. in recent years. I don't have all the answers for that disparity -- there are probably multiple factors -- but that is what caused Chicago to pull ahead in the news media rankings for most total homicides. Crime in Chicago did not get worse. (Keep in mind also that those rankings are stupidly expressed in meaningless absolute numbers. If you go by per capita numbers, which is the only way to evaluate the actual risk of being a crime victim, Chicago is nowhere near the most dangerous major city in the country. That dishonor goes to Detroit, followed by New Orleans.)
Anyway, regardless of whether you're talking about Chicago or the United States, please stop with the "worse and worse" talk. It may feel that way when you're reading about individual incidents in the crime blotter, but it simply isn't statistically true.
Yes, we must focus on fixing our country's serious violence problem, but we can't succumb to moral panic when we do it. That is not helpful.
Blogger dinthebeast said...
And I suppose all of those black on black killings happen in a vacuum and there are no bigger issues driving them.
-Doug in Oakland
1:04 AM
What 'bigger issues' are there driving them to murder each other without a conscience? Let me answer it for you: "Self-loathing". It's about a deep seated hatred and Fearful of being Black and powerless in America. We KNOW how to become powerful enough to be heard, but we just don't have the will nor the energy anymore. It appears that white racism has won.
Surely you can see that in Oakland?
Anon, "Anyway, regardless of whether you're talking about Chicago or the United States, please stop with the "worse and worse" talk. It may feel that way when you're reading about individual incidents in the crime blotter, but it simply isn't statistically true."
Mark Twain once said, "There are 3 kinds of lies: LIES, DAMN LIES AND STATISTICS."
I live in Chicago and I have lost friends and family due to blacks killing blacks for no damn reason except they can. Why? Because we are Black and nothing much is going to done about it. I WON'T stop with the "worse and worse" because it's true. I experience that shit every week and damn near every week more and more Blacks are killed...from men and women to teens to babies.
And you have the temerity to tell me what I am experiencing and what I am going through is as statistically bad as some time in the past? Well, Mr Smarty Pants with no damn feelings for the war weary, you can take your stats and stick it.
Anon, "Yes, we must focus on fixing our country's serious violence problem, but we can't succumb to moral panic when we do it. That is not helpful.""
Just what do you mean by "moral panic?" And WHEN AND HOW are you going to focus and fix the problem that has been going on for decades? Just WHEN is that going to happen?
I don't know what you mean by "moral panic" but I sure do know that we need "moral urgency" to set a priority to save our children.
"You SHOULD be worried about the WEEKLY incidents of violence in your neighborhoods because it's killing, I repeat...it's KILLING our children. Your little presentations to kids and Father Pfleger and Spike Lee as coach of a basketball tournament isn't going to stop the killings. By now you ought to know that. What the black community needs MOST OF ALL is a safe community from gangland warfare and black on black crime. Right now it's a war zone and YES, I AM from Chicago. So you save the bullshit about how positive you are."
Still haven't told me what YOU are doing to help. If going to schools and keeping kids on the right path isn't helping then maybe I'm on the wrong path. Don't lecture me because posting about violence on FN isn't doing or going to do a damn thing. Do you still live in Chicago? If not STFU. And still I ask what are you doing to help?
What about poverty, hopelessness and lack of opportunity? What about racism? You talk about the people who do these killings like they aren't human beings also. They're not going to just go away, and trying to put them all in jail makes the problems in their communities worse, not better. That's what I've seen in 31 years of living in Oakland. Maybe it's different in other cities, I don't know because I don't live in them. No one (except white power morons) likes the situation, so if there were easy answers, they would have happened already. One thing I do know for certain: demonizing BLM will not help either situation.
-Doug in Oakland
"I WON'T stop with the "worse and worse" because it's true."
No it isn't worse. In the early 90's there were over 1,000 killings in Chicago annually but now those numbers have fallen by almost half. You don't live in Chicago and you are a just a troll here to subvert the post. BTW, you still haven't told us what you are doing to help YOUR (ha) community.
"One thing I do know for certain: demonizing BLM will not help either situation."
"You talk about the people who do these killings like they aren't human beings also."
If you're a troll that's what you do. This dude isn't from Chicago nor has he lost family and friends to violence. He just happens to show up when Field has a post about John McWhorter? Really? If he really wants to have a discussion about blah community issues he'd get a screen name and discuss rationally but instead he just attacks me and Field as if we're the problem affecting the community. Gee, if only Pilot X would post about violence in Chicago it would stop. Ha! Troll logic at its finest.
Chicago not in the top 10.
There is one hell of a lot of difference between having crimes committed against you by criminals and by the police. Anyone who can't imagine themselves in these positions & understanding the difference is either an idiot, or a sociopath.
WC@2:14AM, what is the difference?
"No it isn't worse. In the early 90's there were over 1,000 killings in Chicago annually but now those numbers have fallen by almost half. You don't live in Chicago and you are a just a troll here to subvert the post. BTW, you still haven't told us what you are doing to help YOUR (ha) community."
1:55 AM
Yes, it's a lot worse. And those numbers have NOT fallen by half. And yes, I DO live in Chicago. Just because you don't believe I live in Chicago doesn't make it so.
However, if you think I am a lying troll, why would you want to know what I am doing to help our black community? Let me explain it this way: I am doing a lot more than you are willing to do.
They have killed more Blacks in Chicago than US troops in the war zone of Afghanistan! This is unbelievable but PX 'denies' the outrageous slaughter of Blacks in Chicago in 'his' community. What kind of Negro does that? One who is very ashamed to be a Chicagoan and esp a black Chicagoan on the South Side.
There has been 'wholesale' slaughtering of Blacks in 'black' communities for some time. And PX along with Field remain hush hush. TNB.
"The war zone-like statistics are not new. As WBEZ reports, while some 2,000 U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan since 2001, more than 5,000 people have been killed by gun fire in Chicago during that time, based on Department of Defense and FBI data."
Tell you what anon, tell me exactly what you're doing to help "our" community. And do me a favor tell me how many homicides there were in Chicago in 1991 and how many there were in 2014. I'll wait with baited breath but since you refuse to get and keep a screen name I have to assume you are a troll. You certainly have all the tell tell signs of digital blackface.
And for the record Chicago has always been a little rough around the edges and someone like you would be too afraid to live here.
I see my first-in-line comment was censored, and so was the first repost. Tsk, tsk. Let's see if I can get it to stick around the third time using SMALL pieces.
"McWhorter falls into the old house Negro trap of seeking approval and acceptance from the majority population in our fight for social justice."
Would you like some cheese to go with that whine? If you don't like having to get the approval of THE MAJORITY in the USA, there are plenty of countries in the world where YOU are the majority and enjoy self-rule. The list includes Liberia, Haiti, and... Jamaica. I find it amusing that Africans are scrambling out of the first two to live under White majority rule anywhere they can find it, and Field himself has left the last to ply his trade.
"What about poverty, hopelessness and lack of opportunity?"
Consider the recent string of armed robberies of restaurants, including their patrons, in New Orleans (the perps not described but certainly Black). People will stop visiting areas where this sort of thing occurs. When that happens the restaurants will close, and the cooks and wait staff will be unemployed. There you have poverty and lack of opportunity CREATED by Black criminality. Want to see who's at fault? Look in the mirror.
"What about racism?"
What you mean is "race realism", and if Blacks did not behave atrociously the negative attitudes would never have existed. Fix your behavior and everything else gets fixed with it. Now get to it, you've got something like a thousand years of historical record (starting with Arab explorers in East Africa) to make up for.
more of the gop values.
"trying to put them all in jail makes the problems in their communities worse, not better"
Funny, White society puts ITS criminals in jail and it works to keep White communities relatively free of crime. What's wrong with you, that the measures that work for Whites don't work for you? Don't demand "mo money", we did that and... it made the problems in Black communities worse, not better. Freeing Blacks from responsibility just made them less responsible.
"demonizing BLM will not help either situation."
You demand that Whitey solve your problems, while insisting that none of the proven or even likely solutions are the least bit acceptable to you. That's demonic behavior right there.
What you mean is "race realism", and if whites did not behave atrociously the negative attitudes would never have existed. Fix your behavior and everything else gets fixed with it. Now get to it, you've got something like a thousand years of historical record (starting with Arab explorers in East Africa) to make up for.
Consider the recent string of armed robberies of restaurants, including their patrons, in New Orleans (the perps not described but certainly Black). People will stop visiting areas where this sort of thing occurs.
Hmmmmmm, did people stop visiting Las Vegas when white people started killing cops there? Or Texas when white biker gangs started shooting up Chuck E Cheese's? Or Colorado when crazy white boys like James Bold started shooting up movie theaters? I wonder..........
What's wrong with you, that the measures that work for Whites don't work for you?
Bullshit, let's take away your right to vote and kill you when you try to exercise this right and see how well you turn out asshole. You are one dumbassed ignorant piece of white trash. Now go fuck your mother/aunt again and leave us the hell alone. You make humanity look bad. And take a shower, you probably smell like your mother/aunt's 3 day old cootch. Toothless trailer park trash.
"What you mean is "race realism", and if whites did not behave atrociously"
If you believed that, why wouldn't you have moved to a Black country already? If White people create crime and destruction everywhere, why aren't White areas pits of decay?
The only way you could believe what you write is to go through life not understanding anything that you see; in other words, being very, very stupid. The alternative is that you know it's wrong, you're just lying. I'm willing to accept that you're evil enough to do that. Stupid or evil, take your pick. Either one makes you unfit for decent society.
You demand that Whitey solve your problems, while insisting that none of the proven or even likely solutions are the least bit acceptable to you. That's demonic behavior right there.
you know what's demonic? You! Lynching people for trying to vote is demonic. try reading a little history about your people and learn what is truly demonic. You need an exorcism you demonic pale piece of trash. How much you wanna bet this white asshole is on the welfare. get a job! And take a shower!
why aren't White areas pits of decay?
They are, just look around your trailer park asshole. It probably looks like a garbage dump. And probably smells like your mother's cootch.
The only way you could believe what you write is to go through life not understanding anything that you see; in other words, being very, very stupid. The alternative is that you know it's wrong, you're just lying. I'm willing to accept that you're evil enough to do that. Stupid or evil, take your pick. Either one makes you unfit for decent society.
This asshole obviously doesn't have any mirrors in his trailer.
"Mark Twain once said, "There are 3 kinds of lies: LIES, DAMN LIES AND STATISTICS."
He may have done, but Henry Du Pré Labouchère said it first. In itself that phrase was simply a re-working of the still older English phrase;
There are three types of liars; liars, damn liars, and experts.
"Yes, it's a lot worse. And those numbers have NOT fallen by half. And yes, I DO live in Chicago. Just because you don't believe I live in Chicago doesn't make it so."
This is easily resolved, Field will be able to see where this poster is posting from.
"Bullshit, let's take away your right to vote and kill you when you try to exercise this right and see how well you turn out asshole."
Apparently you've learned nothing about Reconstruction, in which the Radical (Republican) party imposed Black-majority government on the South. The result was utter disaster. The Black codes and Jim Crow were reactions to this, to get the incompetent and corrupt Blacks out and restore good government. You have learned nothing, because everywhere that Blacks rule (Jefferson county, Detroit, etc.) we see the exact same corruption (Kwame Kilpatrick, Monica Conyers), incompetence and ruin that resulted the first time. The Constitution isn't a suicide pact; if (a) letting Blacks vote means getting incompetent and even destructive government, then (b) Blacks should not vote. I don't know of any solid exceptions to (a), so (b) follows.
"Funny, White society puts ITS criminals in jail and it works to keep White communities relatively free of crime."
Yeah, I hear that Chicago drug the Prohibition period was a haven of white peace and tranquility.
Oh, and there is no such thing as black-on-black crime - there is just crime.
"you know what's demonic? You! Lynching people for trying to vote is demonic. try reading a little history about your people and learn what is truly demonic."
When the only thing you do with political power is use it to steal and destroy, lynching to keep you out of it is self-defense. But feel free to cite a few examples of Black-ruled countries where Black votes and Black efforts have produced places that Black people are clamoring to get into, not out of.
"why aren't White areas pits of decay?
They are, just look around your trailer park asshole."
The total impotence of Black Pride is proven by this sentence. Can anyone point me to a Black country that's worth anything? Are any of you trying to get into Haiti (once the wealthiest spot in the Western hemisphere) or Liberia? Of course not. The only thing you can do is throw slurs like "trailer park" and "pale piece of trash". Even if true, it wouldn't respond to the question.
"And probably smells like your mother's cootch."
Keep entertaining me with your psychological projection; "motherfucker" is a slur created by Blacks, for good reason.
"This asshole obviously doesn't have any mirrors in his trailer"
(counting) I think three mirrors across 5 trailers; three of the boats have mirrors for e.g. watching skiers or tubers. Oh, one trailer is full of firewood at the moment.
Are any of you Proud Black People willing to bet me that my property isn't worth upwards of half a million dollars? If you'll put up a minimum of $100 G I'll even give you 2:1 odds. But as a realist, I'm betting that you are all pussies who scarcely have 2 nickels to rub together.
Apparently you've learned nothing about Reconstruction, in which the Radical (Republican) party imposed Black-majority government on the South. The result was utter disaster. The Black codes and Jim Crow were reactions to this, to get the incompetent and corrupt Blacks out and restore good government.
Really? So instead of just voting as a majority bloc southern whites decided to take away the rights from people, kill and intimidate them? What were you saying earlier about evil? You may want to revisit that theme. But since you mentioned not knowing anything about reconstruction there was never a Black-majority government in the south, yes there were some Black elected officials but it never grew to a majority. The violent backlash wasn't to "restore good government" because if it was James crow and the backlash would have ended the second the Black elected officials were out of office. Wow, white racists are fucking stupid! Thanks for proving the superior race thing is a myth James. You are useful for something at least other than screwing your mother/aunt.
Are any of you Proud Black People willing to bet me that my property isn't worth upwards of half a million dollars?
Hands go up en mass. get the fuck out of here peckerwood. The only thing you have in the millions are the crabs you got from your mother's cootch. You are good for a laugh.
Damn Filed, you have a such a high profile blog that all of your racist trolls are rich. That one goofy bitch swears she races Ferrari's and now this assclown owns million dollar properties. Ha! Maybe he is really in a mental institution and not in a trailer park. This dumbfuck probably can't even count to 100.
Apparently you've learned nothing about Reconstruction, in which the Radical (Republican) party imposed Black-majority government on the South.
Hey James aka dumbass. In what state did Black elected officials constitute a majority? You say the entire south but be specific. Are you talking U.S. Representatives? State representatives? State senators? Please feel free to expand upon your obvious brilliant understanding of history that only you seem to know. Enlighten us dumb negroes or are you spouting racist bullshit your klan daddy/uncle taught you. Use as much time as you need or are you too busy tending to your million dollar property? Ha!
"Really? So instead of just voting as a majority bloc southern whites decided to take away the rights from people, kill and intimidate them?"
When the only thing you do with political power is use it to steal and destroy, lynching to keep you out of it is self-defense. In case you don't get it, the purpose of the vote in a Republic is to keep government on the right track: to maintain good government. When all Blacks do is vote for corruption and goodies for themselves (theft), it is bad government by definition. People who vote for bad government are not compatible with an elected government. And it doesn't matter anyway; everywhere you've achieved power, your government quickly devolves to a dictatorship and votes mean nothing.
Whitey didn't create your failures and dysfunctions, isn't responsible for them and doesn't deserve to suffer under them. Whitey has every right NOT to live under a government elected by Blacks. Haiti and Liberia have governments elected by Blacks... when they're able to maintain government at all. That is what you deserve.
"The only thing you have in the millions are the crabs you got from your mother's cootch."
A pussy response from someone who's just been offered 2:1 odds on a minimum of $200,000. Obviously you believe me, because otherwise you'd say "show me the money".
It would be easy to do this. We engage two Las Vegas lawyers. You sue pseudonymous James Bold for whatever; say, virtually spitting on your comments on this blog. I sue whatever collective of bettors puts up money for calling me a liar. The lawyers get together, see if my evidence is sufficient to establish that you've unjustly maligned me or not, and settle based on the documentation. Nothing goes to trial, the lawyers take their nominal fees, and the winner walks away with what's left.
So. You going to take me up on it, or are you a bunch of pussies?
"Are any of you Proud Black People willing to bet me that my property isn't worth upwards of half a million dollars? "
You can pay upwards of $500K for a trailer now???
Who knew?
We've had more of our fair share of batshit insane fascist posters on this blog over the years, but this new guy is taking the whole "I'm a frothing-at-the-mouth, barking-at-the-moon, racist" shtick to a whole new level.
"It would be easy to do this. We engage two Las Vegas lawyers...."
Ha. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
My sides.....my sides.....
Don;t stop now man, you're a comedy genius.
@ 'Rotten Crotch' -
Can't you stupid apes come up with anything more creative than "trailer park white trash meth addict sister fucker" clichés?
Oh, wait, nevermind ... After all, you are the (ahem) people who gave us Lil' Wayne and Tyler Perry. Carry on being retarded.
Can't you stupid apes come up with anything more creative than "trailer park white trash meth addict sister fucker" clichés?
Because calling us apes is so fucking original? Well, your type does tend to do meth and fuck their sisters.
Oh, wait, nevermind ... After all, you are the (ahem) people who gave us Lil' Wayne and Tyler Perry. Carry on being retarded.
I'd much rather watch Larry the Garbage man or whatever redneck show you watch and listen to Ted Nugent. Carry on being a meth addicted sisterfucker.
We've had more of our fair share of batshit insane fascist posters on this blog over the years, but this new guy is taking the whole "I'm a frothing-at-the-mouth, barking-at-the-moon, racist" shtick to a whole new level.
I'm going with mental patient. And this fool wants to bet somebody he owns millions in property. Wait a minute, it might be Donald Trump!
Don;t stop now man, you're a comedy genius.
No, he should stop now.
So when James "I smell like mom's rotten crotch" Bold is asked to present the evidence to back up his obviously false claim about history he goes on an insane tirade about getting Las Vegas lawyers to make a bet. Holy fuck Field, you have some serious mental patients. Wanna bet he's the next crazy white boy to shoot up a theater? 2:1 odds. See, we can both fly to the French Rivera and I sue you for not believing old rotton momma crotch will shoot up a theater and you sue me for believing smelly will actually do it. Quite simple right?
Bwwwwwaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa! That James guy may not fuck his sister, probably his brother, but he certainly has done some fucking meth!
"When he says "while people nationwide look on and see" the people killed in places like Baltimore, Chicago and Philly, he is basically saying that we are to blame for all those killings and we have no authority to speak out until we get our house in order."
Joe is 100% right. The most violent places in this country have major blah populations and are controlled by Democrats. White people see this and understand this. What white people can't understand is why blahs continue to vote overwhelming for the people who are the ones most responsible for the plight of blahs-Democrats.
Much as massa promises things will get better on the Democrat plantation, they never do.
That's not the fault of "people looking on".....That's a you the blah person problem.
The truth about crime rates in Chiraq
PilotX said...
Chicago not in the top 10.
Chiraq is number #1 with a bullet in numbers of murders with 407 in 2014.....
Wow. Blahs sure love talking about f***king sisters and brothers. So much so they call each other bruthas and sistas...
Just remember blahs, the rates of incest within the blah community is equal to that in the white community. Consider two things. One, blahs are less likely to report incest. Two, with 70% of blahs having no idea who they daddy is, who they kin folk is, it's actually higher.
Odd that....
On WBUR Onpoint McWhorter agreed that excessive force usage by police must stop, but he disagreed with (BLM and others) attempting to obtain widespread acknowledgement and acceptance of concepts like privilege and systemic racism as necessary to stopping police brutality.
Brief collection of responses thus far:
"You can pay upwards of $500K for a trailer now???"
"I'm going with mental patient."
So far nobody has come close to saying "put up or shut up". Especially nobody has said "I'm in for (fifty, twenty, five, even one) grand." You are ALL pussies.
"And this fool wants to bet somebody he owns millions in property."
No, I said north of half a million (which I need to pay the property tax bill on, ouch!). You don't read too well, do you?
"So when James "I smell like mom's rotten crotch" Bold..."
Writes someone from the race that invented the one-word term "motherfucker", because it was the first one to need to.
"...is asked to present the evidence to back up his obviously false claim about history he goes on an insane tirade about getting Las Vegas lawyers to make a bet."
But of course. I'm not giving you crazies my name and address, after all. The attorneys will keep that under privilege. I will do what is required to establish my bona fides, to them only. Your attorney, who you will hire to represent you and see to the correct resolution of this matter, will see my ownership documentation.
Until you guys put up your money you are a bunch of pussies.
Well Kinky most people I know who vote Democrat is because their ideology more closely aligns with that party as opposed to the gop. And we're talking mostly middle to upper middle class blah people. I know it must be impossible to even comprehend but there are entire neighborhoods of greystones, condos and single family homes that are pretty nice and comfortable and suburban areas which are similar. It's easy to fall into the idea that an urban area is just one big project like in New Jack City but it isn't. I guess I should also keep in mind that southern white voters who live in red states with high poverty and obesity rates live on Republican plantations. No thanks, I'll keep my own digs with 24 hour grocery stores, fitness centers and jazz clubs. Maybe you should check out Chicago before you dismiss it, lots of cool stuff to do. BTW 400 is half of the 1,000 killings we had in the early 90's like I said. And if you're into math Chicago isn't in the top 10 in murder rate not total numbers because it is a big city afterall. Haven't we gone through this before?
with 70% of blahs having no idea who they daddy is, who they kin folk is, it's actually higher.
We know you know who you white folk daddy is because he's your uncle.
No, I said north of half a million (which I need to pay the property tax bill on, ouch!). You don't read too well, do you?
Speaking of not reading too well did you ever provide us with the facts to back up your ignorant claim James "momma smelly crotch" Bold? Still waiting. Maybe your girlfriend Kinky can help out, funny the resident Republican is allying himself with the resident racist. Funny that, and he wonders why more of us apes don't get into the same party he belongs. You racists are certainly stupid.
But of course. I'm not giving you crazies my name and address, after all.
Nobody wants your trailer park location asshole.
Until you guys put up your money you are a bunch of pussies.
Until you answer the questions posed to you you are the biggest pussy here. White guys usually are, that's why they have to carry guns everywhere.
Apparently you've learned nothing about Reconstruction, in which the Radical (Republican) party imposed Black-majority government on the South.
See dumbass James "Kinky's ass licker" Bold you implied that you knew more about Reconstruction than me but what you said was false. So let's try again, in what state was there a Black-majority government? Was it in a state legislature? U.S. congress? U.S. Senate? Please enlighten us since you are a member of the superior race.
PilotX said, "And for the record Chicago has always been a little rough around the edges and someone like you would be too afraid to live here."
3:35 AM
You are right in one respect, but you are wrong in another. You see, I live in Chicago by the Lake, off Lakeshore Ave. But I would be scared to death to live on the South Side. There are several brothers who have lost their lives by 'visiting' brothers like you out there.
So yes, I am 'too afraid' to live where you live. You are either a brave soul or just plain stupid with a death wish.
"You are right in one respect, but you are wrong in another. You see, I live in Chicago by the Lake, off Lakeshore Ave."
Ha! Now I know you don't live in Chicago. Lake Shore Avenue? Really? Nice try troll.
"So yes, I am 'too afraid' to live where you live. You are either a brave soul or just plain stupid with a death wish."
Yep, no punks allowed on the South Side son. You wouldn't last a minute. Ha!
Kinky_Con said...
The truth about crime rates in Chiraq
From your link...
"“How can you be tied to a chair and gagged, with no clothes on, and that’s a [noncriminal] death investigation?”"
It's like the Obama unemployment rate and the real unemployment rate.
The government has the power to change the facts to fit their agenda.
It's like the Obama unemployment rate and the real unemployment rate.
Please Bill enlighten us. How are unemployment figures calculated and by whom?
Reports are still early but looks like another mass shooting at a community college in Oregon. Wanna bet the shooter is from the "superior race"? White on white crime has got to stop!
What liberal media?
Clinton Emails Reveal State Department Planted Questions on 60 Minutes
Another mass shooting in a gun free zone. Remember anti-gun nuts telling us gun free zones keep everyone safe?
Before I got sidetracked, ha! Looks like Marco Rubio is taking the longview with his Presidential ambitions. He's taking somewhat moderate views and even shows a willingness to indentify with "others". He loves hip hop and seems to want to take the establishment mantle and not get on the crazy train. If he plays his cards right, and stops diving for water bottles, he may have a chance at the white House in the future.
"So far nobody has come close to saying "put up or shut up". Especially nobody has said "I'm in for (fifty, twenty, five, even one) grand." You are ALL pussies."
It's not that we are pussies son, it's more that we don't give a kipper's dick about you or the value of your stupid little house.
My house cost £425,000, it was built in 1745.
Now you see how much you don't give a shit about that? That's exactly how much we don't give a shit about your place.
Get it yet, genius?
"Writes someone from the race that invented the one-word term "motherfucker", because it was the first one to need to."
Well given that the term first came into use to describe slave owners who raped their female slaves, that's probably correct, yes.
@James Bold: I am a white man, Irish even. Get it right.
-Doug in Oakland
Well Kinky it seems to be working in the UK. If you don't believe me just ask The PC.
"Another mass shooting in a gun free zone. Remember anti-gun nuts telling us gun free zones keep everyone safe?"
To be fair, in Kinky's head, it made sense to him when he wrote it.
When was the last mass shooting in your country TPC?
"To be fair, in Kinky's head, it made sense to him when he wrote it."
Strange things happen in Kinky's head.
PX, "Yep, no punks allowed on the South Side son. You wouldn't last a minute. Ha!"
1:33 PM
Only murderers, gangbangers and self-hating Negroes live where you live. Personally, I like living off Lakeshore Drive. It's safe and no one is afraid to walk around the neighborhoods, Michigan Ave or go to a movie or restaurant. Where you live you are always hyper-vigilant, watching out for some drive-by.
It's a shame you don't care about the safety of black children and black adults. Your presentations in your community is, "Don't be a punk."
"Field, do you know McWhorter is highly respected and is considered one of the most brilliant men in America?"
What does that say about America?
PilotX said...
Reports are still early but looks like another mass shooting at a community college in Oregon. Wanna bet the shooter is from the "superior race"? White on white crime has got to stop!
I wonder why there aren't any pictures of the shooter or his name released yet.
I wonder why....
I wonder if the name isn't released yet because it's connected to a sheriff or politician.
Or if my first guest of media bias is correct.
I think Reasonable Minds will agree that the BLM movement is shorthand for:
Do Black Lives Matter less to the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice System?
If we examine the evidence through this lens, a reasonable mind can begin to associate:
Actions outside the scope of the 4th Amendment;
Lack of Effective Law Enforcement Strategies that Mitigate Crime in the Black Community;
Excessive Sentencing for Non-Violent Minority Offenders
Let's treat each other as part of the human race
Drive byes? This ain't a 90's movie. I go to restaurants, movies and clubs on the S. Side all the time. My neighbors and their kids are good folks. In fact it's karaoke night on 87th street. Glad to see a digital blackface troll is concerned about blah people but please stop acting like you suddenly live in chicago off Lake Shore Avenue. Ha!
Blogger PilotX said...
Drive byes? This ain't a 90's movie. I go to restaurants, movies and clubs on the S. Side all the time. My neighbors and their kids are good folks. In fact it's karaoke night on 87th street.
You fool. Maybe it's YOU who doesn't live in Chicago. With all the news about innocent people being shot minding their own business and you want to discuss whether it was a drive-by or not? You really ARE stupid.
So go enjoy karaoke night on 87th street where numerous people can get shot. I hope you make it 'there' and 'home' tonight. Good luck.
I know punk. Ha!
I'll swing by and pick you up. There are a few white people. You can sing some Bon Jovi.
Black people need to work on THEMSELVES. They don't need to tell folks "Black Lives Matter", they need to SHOW BLACK LIVES MATTER and mean it. Stop killing your people and then you can talk about "what matters". If you think white people give a shit about your Black Lives, good for you!!!!! They've proven 110 ways to you that they don't. Black folks blinded by the "white light."
TPC, have you gotten your Las Vegas lawyer yet?
"Speaking of not reading too well did you ever provide us with the facts to back up your ignorant claim James "momma smelly crotch" Bold?"
We could have talked about that, but you peacocking clowns decided to change the subject to what kind of housing I live in. If you didn't want to talk about that instead, you shouldn't have changed the subject. Now if you actually think I live in a trailer park, call your banker or broker or re-mortgage your house because at 2:1 odds you could TRIPLE your bet if you won. That is, if you actually believe what you say. I say you're just a bunch of lying pussies. In your case, "Anonymous", a lying pussy who's afraid to even pick a screen name.
"it's more that we don't give a kipper's dick about you or the value of your stupid little house."
If that was the least bit true, replies to me would not have led with "Toothless trailer park trash", "just look around your trailer park" and "This asshole obviously doesn't have any mirrors in his trailer". You forget that your words are recorded here for everyone's reference, and copies at archive sites as well.
"My house cost £425,000, it was built in 1745."
A friend of mine just sold a 55m² London flat for around £650,000. I'm afraid your overpriced real estate doesn't impress me.
"Well given that the term first came into use to describe slave owners who raped their female slaves"
You're probably dumb enough to believe that. In real life, you clowns screw your mothers and sometimes even your grandmothers.
Now show me your money, you punk-ass pussies.
We could have talked about that, but you peacocking clowns decided to change the subject to what kind of housing I live in.
So in other words you know you are a fucking liar and can't prove anything. Too dumb to understand history. Just as I thought, just another dumbass uneducated redneck with nothing better to do than shout nigger nigger nigger on a blog all night. Figured. TCB.
Never fails, point out facts to a retarded white racist and they go all drama queen on you. No wonder cowardly white boys shoot up unarmed classrooms. Old smelly here is just itching to shoot some kids ain't ya you brotherfucker.
I'm just wondering if Field heard about that 103 yr old church member and what she did to that poor minister.
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