Lately Donald has been acting like Duke's soul-mate, and he has been doing his best to reach the same base that almost carried Duke to the Governor's mansion in Louisiana.
The latest sign that Donald is either a flat out racist or someone who is embracing the Lee Atwater school of political strategy is his ignorant and bigoted tweet about crime created by some American Nazis. Or, better stated, the tweet endorsed by his campaign.
Here is what Mother Jones had to say about it:
"The fascinating thing is that instead of a blaming the tweet on a subordinate—something they haven't been shy about doing in the past—the campaign has chosen to stay silent about it. They have apparently made the political calculation that it would be worse for Trump to acknowledge not sending the racist tweet than to endure a few days of stories about how racist he is.
It's 2015, and if you're running for the Republican nomination for president, saying racist things doesn't hurt your poll numbers. "
Yep, that's kind of scary.
Now might be a good time for a little cut and pasting of Paul Waldman's article in the Washington Post:
"As you’ve probably heard by now, Donald Trump had quite a weekend. First he claimed on Saturday that “I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as [the World Trade Center] was coming down.” Confronted with the fact that this is completely false, Trump insisted on Sunday, “There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey where you have large Arab populations…that tells you something.
Then on Sunday he (or someone from his campaign) tweeted out a graphic with phony statistics purporting to show how murderous black people are (and illustrated with a picture of a young black man with a bandana over his face, pointing a gun sideways, gangster-style).
Both of these happenings are receiving plenty of attention in the media today. The problem is that the media doesn’t know how to handle this kind of blatant race-baiting from a leading politician.
And just to be clear, it is race-baiting, and nothing else. In neither case is there even the remotest connection to some kind of legitimate policy question. When Trump says falsely that thousands of people in Jersey City (which has a large Muslim population) were celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center, he isn’t making an argument about Syrian refugees. He’s simply saying that you should hate and fear Muslim Americans. When he tries to convince people that most white murder victims are killed by black thugs (again, false), he isn’t arguing for some policy approach. He’s just trying to foment racism and convince racists that he’s their guy.
So how do the media deal with this? One thing they don’t do is call it by its name. The first approach is to report on it as just another campaign controversy (“Trump takes heat for tweet about black murder rates“). That kind of story sticks to the who-what-where-when approach: Trump tweeted this, he was criticized for it, here’s how it was inaccurate, here’s Trump’s response. Any value judgments that appear will be spoken by Trump’s critics (though not his primary opponents, who for the most part are dancing around any criticism of what Trump said).
The second approach the media takes is to address Trump’s comments through fact-checking, something we have gotten pretty good at. Interestingly enough, fact-checking as a formal genre of journalism can be traced to another campaign that prominently featured Republican race-baiting, the 1988 election. In the wake of that election, many news outlets felt they had been manipulated by George H.W. Bush’s campaign into not only focusing on distracting issues that had little or nothing to do with the presidency, but also into becoming a conduit for ugly attacks with little basis in fact. Over the following few years, many decided to institutionalize fact-checks, at first for television ads in particular, and later for all kinds of claims made in politics. Eventually sites like Politifact and were created, and major news organizations like this one devoted staff solely to fact-checking.
In the process, journalists acquired both an understanding of how to separate the accurate from the inaccurate from the subjective, and a language to talk about different kinds of claims. While there’s plenty of slippage — you still see claims that have been proven false referred to as “controversial” or “questionable” — the existence of the fact-checking enterprise has allowed reporters to be clearer with their audiences about what is and isn’t true.
So if you want a fact-check of Trump’s claims, you’ll have no trouble finding it (here’s the Post’s). What you’ll have to look harder for is reporting that puts what Trump said in a context that goes much deeper than the campaign controversy of the week.
To be clear, I’m not arguing that there’s a simple template reporters should follow, one that will allow them to easily separate the merely “controversial” from the clearly racist (though wherever the line is, passing on phony statistics about murderous black people from neo-Nazis is definitely on the other side of it). But they wouldn’t violate any reasonable conception of objectivity by making the nature of Trump’s arguments clear.
When David Duke nearly won the governorship of Louisiana in 1991, it was reported in the national media as a story about racism, with a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan garnering a majority of the white vote as he lost a runoff election. Few in the media hesitated to call Duke a racist, in large part because even at the time he was perceived as representing yesterday’s racism,antiquated for its explicitness (even if Duke did try to clean up his views for the campaign).
Trump represents one face of today’s racism (though not by any means the only face). It simultaneously insists that Muslims can be good Americans, and accuses them of hating America and says their places of worship ought to be kept under government surveillance. It says that some Mexican-Americans are good people, and says most of them are rapists and drug dealers. It says “I think I’ll win the African-American vote” and then tries to convince voters that black people are murdering white people everywhere."[More]
That sums up Mr. Trump to a tee. If he becomes President Trump America Americans will get just what they deserve.
Pic from Burt Steel of the Associated Press.
Trump won't win a national election. Fuggedaboutit. There aren't enough rednecks, goobers and tea partiers nationwide to justify electing a straight up racist demagogue to the office of President of these United States.
However, he is stinking it up real bad for the Republican Party which must reach beyond their base to win the Presidency.
They've lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 national elections. And the demographics of America have turned against their favor.
Trump represents the final unraveling of the GOP Southern Strategy and I say "Great".
It's culmination was the election of a dimwitted, senile B movie actor.
The demise will be in the form of a bad-haired, twice divorced, thrice bankrupt reality show host.
As Jesse said, "Keep Hope Alive".
Field is now labelling anyone who demands that Blacks take responsibility for behaving themselves as a Nazi White supremacist.
I don't know if this is just lashing out, or if it reflects a realization that Blacks cannot behave themselves (which is why segregation, Sundown towns, Black codes, and every other aspect of Jim Crow existed). But it does show he's worried.
May you have much to worry about in the coming days, Field.
Field be doubling down on the bullshit. Lawdy, lawdy.
The liberal media lies about Republicans while working overtime to cover the lies of Democrats.
No one but the true believers gives you any credibility. You are preaching to the choir.
Viva Trump!
Solid post Field just SOLID!!
The leader of one of Trump's SuperPACs gave a statement to the effect that it was perfectly reasonable that a black dude from Black Lives Matter got his ass beat by the rednecks at an Alabama Trump rally.
Not kicked out, mind you. Trump, of course, does have a right to toss people out of his rallies if he wants to. The rallies are private functions and he can make hecklers leave if he wants to.
But this guy said beating the man up was perfectly acceptable. And the Trump campaign are calling black people thugs?
Probe Into Manipulation of Intelligence Expands:
The former Pentagon official said there were "multiple assessments" from military intelligence and the CIA regarding the "rapid rise" of ISIS in Iraq and North Africa in the year leading up to the group’s territory grab in 2014...
The IG probe started earlier this year amid complaints that information was changed to make ISIS look more degraded than it really was.
Fox News is told by a source close to the CENTCOM analysts that the pressure on them included at least two emails saying they needed to "cut it out" and "toe the line."
Separately, a former Pentagon official told Fox News there apparently was an attempt to destroy the communications. The Pentagon official said the email warnings were "not well received" by the analysts.
This is an impeachable offense.
"The leader of one of Trump's SuperPACs gave a statement to the effect that it was perfectly reasonable that a black dude from Black Lives Matter got his ass beat by the rednecks at an Alabama Trump rally"
Because it was.
Expect more beatings in your future. Many more beatings.
uptownsteve55 said...
''Trump won't win a national election. Fuggedaboutit. There aren't enough rednecks, goobers and tea partiers nationwide to justify electing a straight up racist demagogue to the office of President of these United States.''
I don't kow about that. Being a ''racist demagogue'' worked for Obama.
In case you haven't notice, Hillary isn't exactly lighting it up. Average polling has her losing to 3 of the top 5 Republican candidates.
Anonymous said...
The leader of one of Trump's SuperPACs gave a statement to the effect that it was perfectly reasonable that a black dude from Black Lives Matter got his ass beat by the rednecks at an Alabama Trump rally.
Blahs hate it when they tactics are used against them.
Looks like the left is going to need a new poster boy.....
MSNBC's 'No-Fly List Is Islamophobia' Poster Boy Arrested in Turkey as Part of ISIS Cell
A man, who just two years ago was the poster boy for the far-Left media's attacks against the U.S. government's no-fly list for "unfairly" targeting Muslims, finds himself and several family members sitting in a Turkish prison -- arrested earlier this month near the Turkey-Syria border as members of an ISIS cell.
It's a long way from 2013 when Saadiq Long's cause was being championed by MSNBC's Chris Hayes, Glenn Greenwald, and Mother Jones, and was being represented by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) terror front.
His story got considerable media attention when his CAIR media representatives here pushed the story that Long wanted to return to his native Oklahoma from his current home in Qatar to visit his ailing mother but couldn't because he was on the TSA's no-fly list. They said his case represented institutional "Islamophobia''
@Steve 9:09PM -
I think you are correct Steve, as long as we show up and vote. If 36% of voters don't show up as in 2014, then there just may be enough right wing jerkoffs to win. And then we will deserve what we get, as Field says.
"A man, who just two years ago was the poster boy for the far-Left media's attacks against the U.S. government's no-fly list for 'unfairly' targeting Muslims, finds himself and several family members sitting in a Turkish prison -- arrested earlier this month near the Turkey-Syria border as members of an ISIS cell."
And your point is that because Turkey says he's a terrorist, that guarantees he is one? I'm not saying he wasn't trying to join ISIS. Maybe it will turn out that he was. But the mere fact Turkey has arrested him doesn't automatically prove this.
The Turkish government is not all that reliable. Part of the reason ISIS has been able to operate so well is that the Turkish government has turned a blind eye to ISIS in the past, allowing ISIS to freely pass personnel and equipment through Turkey's southern border into Syria (and allow ISIS fighters to leave by this route back to Europe). Only after ISIS started detonating bombs in Turkey itself did the government decide this might be a lousy idea.
And even then, the government has used anti-ISIS terror policy to justify persecuting Turkey's own Kurdish minority population, which it also hates. Terrorism fear is a tool that President Erdogan has used to get reelected recently, and will continue to shamelessly use to advance agendas completely unrelated to Islamic terrorism.
So if I were you, I'd hold off on your sneering about Saadiq Long until you find out what the facts actually are.
We need Hillary to win so we can get some Hillary cash and Hillary will pay our rent.
Hillary will continue Obama's recovery-the weakest in history-which will result in the further decline of the middle class, higher poverty rates , more people out of work and continued misery for blahs.
It's getting hard to keep up with all of Trump's horrible rhetoric. Today, Trump endorsed the idea of bringing back torture for terrorism suspects. Because of course he did.
"Trump told supporters: 'Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would. In a heartbeat. I would approve more than that. It works.'
The Republican frontrunner then added '… and if it doesn’t work, they deserve it anyway for what they do to us'."
He should have just gone with "they deserve it for being Muslim." That's what his hateful followers want to hear, after all.
Trump/Duke '16 .... FUCK YEAH!!!!
uptownsteve55 said...
Trump won't win a national election.
Obama would win in a landslide against him.
Unfortunately the dumbocrat party only has 2 very old and very white career politicians running.
It is too bad about the racism because Trump does have some good ideas, like hands off in Syria, tariffs to get jobs back, and taxing hedge fund managers. He probably would be a tough negotiator too. Every other Republican candidate except Rand Paul is a warmonger. Hillary certainly is. Bernie Sanders doesn't seem to be, but he does always vote to fund wars. Trump is one of the thinner kids at fat camp.
Bernie Sanders is a fake candidate who volunteered to be one of the losers so that it wasn't too glaringly obvious the Democrat primary process was a sham.
America is in the grip of a crisis, namely a shortage of normal people. Evidence indicates that the population of kooks and freaks is rapidly increasing, and there are simply not enough sane people to keep the weirdos under control. Especially among the under-30 demographic, the United States is struggling to cope with the proliferation of dangerous perverts, drug addicts, psychotics and Ivy League liberal arts majors.
After the disaster of the last 50 years, it's time to give racism a chance.
This country is in the grips of racism. That's why Trump is at the top. And that's why he's going to win.
Let's be clear. It's not about Trump, it's about racism that is spreading like wildfire throughout America. There is a hatred of Blacks, always has been only this time it is runs very deep. Trump and the GOP are part of the hatred.
I am amazed that Blacks like uptownsteve and Field think the voters going to the polls won't vote for Trump because of his racist policies. Well, you be wrong.
Trump is at the top NOT because he is a racist but because the voters are racists. Get it?
Negroes on FN are real slow.
Anon @ 1:31am your comment hits the nail on the head. While folks like Field and uts are speculating that white folks won't vote a racist in the WH is absurd. White folks don't give a damn about Blacks and they don't care if the next President is white and racist. As a matter of fact, they have had it with Obama and Blacks.
This video proves that Donald Trump is NOT a racist. Field should be ashamed of himself.
"Anon @ 1:31am your comment hits the nail on the head. While folks like Field and uts are speculating that white folks won't vote a racist in the WH is absurd. White folks don't give a damn about Blacks and they don't care if the next President is white and racist. As a matter of fact, they have had it with Obama and Blacks."
40% of whites voted for Obama in his first election, and only slightly less in the second one.
Don't kid yourself, Trump's voters aren't some kind of "silent majority." They are a very angry and loud minority. In fact, I'd say they're even more loud because they are trying to convince themselves they are more numerous and more important than they are. What scares them shitless is that in a few years, their opinions won't matter at all anymore.
Trump is officially courting the James Bold vote. And it looks like he has it. Glad to see Jimmy took time out from burning crosses and sniffing his mom's crotch to post here.
Field is now labelling anyone who demands that Blacks take responsibility for behaving themselves as a Nazi White supremacist.
I don't know if this is just lashing out, or if it reflects a realization that Blacks cannot behave themselves (which is why segregation, Sundown towns, Black codes, and every other aspect of Jim Crow existed). But it does show he's worried.
Neither dumb ass, it shows racists are fucking idiots just like you Smelly. How is telling bold faced lies demanding anything? What is there to worry about, you're the only coward who has to carry a gun 24/7 because your own shadow. Field correctly pointed out the truth including the guy Trump got his "statistics" from did actually make a statement supporting Hitler. Only a fool like Jimmy can't see a person like this is actually a nazi. Racists are really really stupid. Jimmy doesn't understand facts.
Love how the talented 10th kneegrows that use this site always respond with "MUH DIK" comments. What a waste of flesh the African is ...
Look @ G00gle's doodle for today: Hominid #3 looks an awful lot like a certain world leader ....
Trump has almost no chance of becoming the Republican candidate, the Republican establishment always gets the candidate it wants in the end. Right now Trump has somewhere between 25 to 30 percent of the Republican vote in polls among the approximately 25% of Americans who self-identify as Republican. That’s something like 7 percent of the electorate, or put it another way, about the same number of people who think the Apollo moon landings were faked.
As I have pointed out before, opinion polls taken before Thanksgiving are of no practical use, because the electorate does not pay attention to the campaigns much before the Iowa caucus.
See this graph of campaign-related Google searches in 2008 and 20012 for evidence of that...
No! RepubliKLANS and KKKonservative are the liars! Plus there racist scrums!
A Stong Proud Black Man Said ...
Replikkkkkants are rasists and coward's ! There all raciststs hate Black People. Bennie Sandlers in 20016!
DIGITAL BLACKFACE ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Look @ G00gle's doodle for today: Hominid #3 looks an awful lot like a certain world leader ..."
Hominid #2 looks like uptownsteve.
The March of Progress, from New York City:
A firefighter who was allowed to graduate the Fire Academy despite failing physical tests has already gone out on medical leave — just 10 days into the job, The Post has learned.
Probationary firefighter Choeurlyne Doirin-Holder injured herself [last] Monday while conducting a routine check of equipment at Queens’ Engine 308 in South Richmond Hill. Getting off the truck, Doirin-Holder missed a step and landed on her left foot, suffering a fracture, sources said.
Not to worry; her disability compensation will be generous in the extreme:
Doirin-Holder started another class in early 2014 but dropped out because of an injury. The FDNY then gave her a desk job and kept her on the payroll at top firefighter salary, $76,488. She made $81,376 with overtime in 2014 and entered her third class this summer.
Since she was injured on duty, she is eligible for a disability pension that would pay three-quarters of her annual salary, tax-free, if deemed unfit to return.
There is no question that she is unfit to return. Never mind about the fractured foot.
It was her second shift after a transfer from Engine 301. In training for a hazmat assignment, officers found her struggling to perform the required tasks.
Firefighters called the tripping incident embarrassing — and alarming.
“If you’re going to get hurt in the firehouse checking a rig, what would happen at a fire?” an insider asked.
What kind of racist thought criminal would put concerns like that ahead of political correctness? After failing her way through graduation, she put her 10 days of inadequate performance in, she deserves $60,000 a year for the rest of her life.
Love how the racist whites on this site say stupid shit. What a waste the white racist male is..........
There, fixed it for ya.
"This country is in the grips of racism. That's why Trump is at the top. And that's why he's going to win."
If by "racism" you mean "expecting Black people to behave themselves", you're right. America wrote Black people a blank check with the 1965 CRA, Griggs vs. Duke Power, etc. Black people have taken all the opportunities handed to them on a silver platter and shit on them. America is now ready to go bo back to what works.
"you're the only coward who has to carry a gun 24/7 because your own shadow."
Tell it to Amanda Blackburn. Had the USA stayed segregated, she'd still be alive.
No James, the vast majority of blah people act just fine. Always have, it's just racists like yourself who need a reason to explain their hatred towards people of color. Do you have a problem with whites who can't behave themselves or is it just blahs?
What exactly works in America James? Please explain in detail.
And I have to say, I live with constant prejudice, but racism is actually rare
Another House Negro?
The vast vast majority of white women murdered are killed by white men but Bold and his ilk look the other way, as they always have. How many Amanda Blackburns would be alive had they not married crazed white gun toting goofballs like Jimmy Bold?
The Fixer said...
"There, fixed it for ya."
Good comeback, retard.
Good comeback.
The kind of crime that took Amanda Blackburn's life is almost exclusively a black on white phenomenon.
That is the true reality of race in America.
White "racism" is merely whites wanting to survive. We should all try to live together, but predatory murder is a deal killer.
The kind of crime that took Amanda Blackburn's life is almost exclusively a black on white phenomenon.
Bullshit, the vast majority or white people are murdered by white men. Facts are facts.
The kind of crime that took Amanda Blackburn's life is almost exclusively the kind that white racists pay attention.
There, fixed it for ya.
White men ain't shit.
The kind of crime that took Amanda Blackburn's life is almost exclusively a black on white phenomenon.
Bullshit, the vast majority or white people are murdered by white men. Facts are facts.
And the cast majority of interracial violence is black on white.
The kind of crime that took Amanda Blackburn's life is almost exclusively the kind that white liberals and blahs never pay attention to.
There, fixed it for ya.
State Department issues worldwide travel alert
At least the Obama administration isn't trying to scare us with those silly colored terror alerts like bush did.
Love how the racist blahs on this site say stupid shit. What a waste the blah racist male is..........
There, fixed it for ya.
Anonymous James Bold is a racist piece of shit said...
The vast vast majority of white women murdered are killed by white men
And more white women are murdered by blahs than blah women are murdered by whites.
KINKYCON said...
Looks like the left is going to need a new poster boy.....
MSNBC's 'No-Fly List Is Islamophobia' Poster Boy Arrested in Turkey as Part of ISIS Cell
I wonder if CNN, MSNBC, Huffingtonpost and the rest of the left-wing media knew his connection to terrorists or did the liberal media get played by CAIR?
And more white women are murdered by blahs than blah women are murdered by whites.
And you know this how? What exactly are the numbers smart ass?
Love how the racist whites on this site say stupid shit. What a waste the white racist male is..........
Fixed it right the first time.
The kind of crime that took Amanda Blackburn's life is almost exclusively the kind that white racists pay attention.
Somebody broke it again but I fixed it.
And the cast majority of interracial violence is black on white.
WTF is a cast? White racists certainly are fucking stooopid. Dumbasses like this need their asses whooped, that's why this is.
Facts matter said...
The kind of crime that took Amanda Blackburn's life is almost exclusively a black on white phenomenon.
Bullshit, the vast majority or white people are murdered by white men. Facts are facts.
Yes, but the kind of murder where strangers are targeted for robbery, rape and execution are almost exclusively black on white.
Home invasions done to neighbors, as in this case where they knew her husband would be out, they knew she had a little baby at home, they knew who she was yet murdered her for some credit cards and a few minutes of entertainment while they brutally raped her, are almost always done by blacks to whites.
And they happen regularly.
Yes, but the kind of murder where strangers are targeted for robbery, rape and execution are almost exclusively black on white.
Bullshit. And they are extremely rare so let's not focus on the 99% of white dudes offing white chicks let's talk about the one time this kind of shit happens. Brilliant idea Jethro.
And they happen regularly.
You know what happens even more regularly? White men raping and killing white women. Wanna talk about that? Of course not, in your world all white men are perfect law abiding citizens not depraved rapists and killers. You are more likely to be killed by one of your own but hey, keep listening to James Bold and miss the knife being stuck in your back by his kind.
"WTF is a cast?"
If you had the brains to look at a keyboard you'd see that the "c" is next to the "v" so that's almost certainly a typo for "vast". But, as you keep proving day in and day out here as everywhere, Black people are woefully (and often hilariously) short on brains. Really, how do you survive with so little intelligence?
Hmm. I think there is some serious, serious, "level: Steve" trolling going on here. Field, check these IPs in this post alone. I have a suspicion that three of these folks are the same troll trying to stir the drama with a back and forth.
"You know what happens even more regularly? White men raping and killing white women."
So that makes it okay? It gives Blacks (12.4% of the population) license to commit over 1/3 of the rapes of White women? I notice that you seldom mention brutal and senseless Black-on-Black murders, so why would you care about Black-on-other murders?
Viewing the sickness of your minds is very interesting and illuminating... from a distance. Seeing all the vile, hateful things you excuse away is all the reason I need to want you a long, long ways away from me and mine.
Para Sailin has been dropping hints like a butter fingered fry cook that she'll veep his ticket.
Bill said...
KINKYCON said...
Looks like the left is going to need a new poster boy.....
MSNBC's 'No-Fly List Is Islamophobia' Poster Boy Arrested in Turkey as Part of ISIS Cell
I wonder if CNN, MSNBC, Huffingtonpost and the rest of the left-wing media knew his connection to terrorists or did the liberal media get played by CAIR?
I bet they got played by CAIR. They were easy targets because they are always looking for poster children that reinforce their narratives and beliefs.
You know what very rarely happens? White men raping and killing black women. Wanna talk about that? Of course not, in your world all black men are perfect law abiding citizens not depraved rapists and killers. You are more likely to be killed by a black than you are to kill a black. But hey, keep listening to James Bold so you won't miss the knife being stuck in your back by a black.
James Bold said...
"Really, how do you survive with so little intelligence?"
Only by the kindness of white people.
Without white support, the vast majority of blacks would not survive.
Feel the Bern...
trump = the dirty underbelly of humanity/
OR he's trying to help the Democrats!
Without blah support, the vast majority of whites would not survive.
So that makes it okay? It gives whites license to commit over 2/3 of the rapes of White women? I notice that you seldom mention brutal and senseless white-on-white murders, so why would you care about white-on-other murders?
Viewing the sickness of your minds is very interesting and illuminating... from a distance. Seeing all the vile, hateful things you excuse away is all the reason I need to want you a long, long ways away from me and mine.
There, fixed it for you James.
You know what happens even more regularly? White men raping and killing white women. Wanna talk about that? Of course not, in your world all white men are perfect law abiding citizens not depraved rapists and killers. You are more likely to be killed by one of your own but hey, keep listening to James Bold and miss the knife being stuck in your back by his kind.
It was correct the first time.
Alphas holding it down. Of course.
Say it ain't so Field, a Republican stoking racism? I'm shocked.
Seeing all the vile, hateful things you excuse away is all the reason I need to want you a long, long ways away from me and mine.
Dafuq wants to be around your goofy, smelly trailer dwelling ass? How about you stay dafuq away from us you cross burning, paranoid, meth using racist. Hillbillies always think somebody wants to be around their toothless asses. Sad and delusional but predictable.
"Without blah support, the vast majority of whites would not survive."
I have come to the conclusion that the majority of you are actually stupid enough to believe things like this... but the "revealed preferences" of all of you, wanting to live with Whitey instead of off in nations of your own, proves that you are lying and you know it.
I have come to the conclusion that the majority of you are actually stupid enough to believe things like this... but the "revealed preferences" of all of you, wanting to live with Whitey instead of off in nations of your own, proves that you are lying and you know it.
James, the only thing you have concluded is you like smelling your mom's rotten crotch.
But you would still rather live among me and mine than with your own. You can prey on White people without them hitting back... so far.
Say, what's the word that begins with N, ends with R, and is something you NEVER want to call a Black person?
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