Tonight is open thread night. So grab the mic and tell me what you think about whatever you want.
But, before you do that, I have a question: Do you think that as black folks we were better off when we were segregated as a country?
There has been a lot written in the affirmative by black thinkers and I just wanted the opinion of you field hands.
Here is what Dr. Boyce Watkins thinks:
"My take? Integration is a mixed bag. Most of us will always give thanks to Dr. King and others who had the courage to fight for us to have equal rights. But there is something wrong with a world in which black people feel that they must be sitting next to white people in order to feel entirely human.
Notice that whites weren’t fighting to get to our lunch counters, to move into our neighborhoods or to attend our schools, they still aren’t. But we’ve always felt that white is right and that getting their validation and acceptance was the key to elevating our own self-worth, when the truth is that we were worthy all along. It is self-sufficiency that builds strength, not unconditional assimilation. That is my two cents." [More]
Integration at the K-12 level was the worst thing to happen to Blacks since slavery.
@Yisheng: Cosign.
Also, schools should be segregated by gender.
"Do you think that as black folks we were better off when we were segregated as a country?"
That's up to y'all, but it sure was better for us.
@8:57, I gotta agree with that too, it's DAMN HARD taking to young girls about STEM/Medical careers when they're focused on the cutest boys in school!
What an interesting quote from Dr. Watkins.
One could imagine a different approach in which black and white approached more as nations seeking a treaty. Not sure where that goes or what that would look like. Doesn't that just go right back to separate but equal?
And as a white person: no it was not better under segregation. I spent time in Jim Crow south (Florida panhandle and Virginia) and it was frankly creepy for lack of a better word. It was false, hateful, and radiated suppressed violence. It was oppressive and it had the feel of something always teetering on the edge. Oppressive and unstable. Not great memories.
"Oppressive and unstable"
Oppressive perhaps, but certainly more stable than today. where living with the threat of violence and dispossession is a more widespread oppression.
Jim Crow was not maintained out of spite or irrational malice; it existed for a reason.
One would have thought we could have changed things so that blacks were treated with dignity and respect without having to trash American society for everyone.
You people make me want to puke.
Of course it was better with segregation, for both white & black.
I lived thru it, and still see the horrible effects. Public schooling went down the drain, who fills the prisons now, & who doesn't know who dey daddy is?
Anyone with an IQ over 75 can see it.
I don't feel that blacks have trashed this society at all. I've lived all over the country, and been at times poor and at times rich, and after 61 years of that I can tell you that this country, this United States, is orders of magnitude better than it was. I don't know what your specific hang-up is - aside from being a racist ass-hat - but you've got to be kidding. You think those were the good old days?
See, that suggests to me that you're really just some maladjusted teenager who can't get laid and thinks if he hates hard enough his daddy will love him. If that's the case, I'm sorry your life sucks, dude. Really. But if you're going to try and pass as a grown-up you might want to tone down the nostalgia. Because if you are an actual adult, and you really are actually nostalgic for Jim Crow, you're the infinitely sadder adult version of the maladjusted teenager, and it's probably too late for you to save yourself and turn your life around.
In which case I'm sorry your entire life has apparently sucked. That must be hard. More love, less hate, that'd be my advice, though, um, that's not original to me.
The fact is that no one knows. For me, the best thing that happened for some of us in the South was when they integrated the schools. It was better for those of us who wanted a better education, and wanted to compete with Whites.
The black schools were definitely behind the white schools, any idiot could see that. Of course, there were still some all-black schools that remained all-black and the Blacks who went to those schools fell way behind the Blacks who went to the so-called integrated schools which were basically White.
In addition, Blacks got to see that Whites were no better than Blacks. However, if you were trapped in an all-Black school, you knew you were less than Whites simply because the idea had been passed down generation after generation.
Here's the thing, brother Field: Had it not been for integration and MLK's push for Civil Rights Obama would not be President. You see, under a Democratic and Capitalistic system it is "impossible" to maintain segregation and racism without destroying the country.
The ghettos separated Blacks from Whites. They also separate Blacks from Blacks. You of all people should know this because you live in an all-White community 'away' from ALL Blacks, including the ones with money.
If this country were still segregated your black-ass would be living in a black neighborhood. Obviously, that would be traumatic for you. I am surprised you even posted this post. Were you drinking at the time?
Mr. Reynolds. I assure you I am 55 years old. I saw everything that happened once integration began. Matter of fact, it began with a black girl pulling out a straight razor and slicing her "boy friend" with a blood spurting spray.
All the white folks freaked out, and ran from the classroom.
Soon after, 3 black dudes beat up my little brother, and stole a total of ONE stinking dollar off him.
I knew where they were going, to the local shopping strip,and waited for them to walk past by. I had my shotgun. (it was just birdshot in it)
Anyway, my brother identified them, so I took-off running after them, and sure enough, here comes a po-po car.
I got in lots of trouble, but my mother didn't blame me.
We sold the house, and moved to another county after that.
Don't try to tell me I don't know the crap that went on after integration.
michael reynolds said...
I don't know what your specific hang-up is - aside from being a racist ass-hat - but you've got to be kidding.
Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing an idiot with dignity.
Firstly, I did not say I thought we should return to Jim Crow, merely that it existed for a reason, and that reason should be clear to anyone old enough to see how much things have declined in the last 50 years.
In some parts of America, blacks were treated poorly. That was a wrong that was righted long ago.
Without restoring the unjust aspects of segregation, the restoration of property rights through restrictive covenants and the right of free association would go a long way towards restoring the rights of the majority without any 'oppression' of the minority.
Letting white people have white schools would bring them back to cities, to the benefit of all who live there and depend on city services funded by a viable tax base.
Forcing people together is tyranny, just as forcing them apart was. Everyone would be better off deciding for themselves who they want to associate with.
It's called freedom.
Being white, I can't answer that. Most of the black folks I know don't seem to mind living and working around white folks (and the generally mixed racial bag that is Oakland) but I have learned not to assume that I can speak for anyone else's preferences.
All I can say is that I certainly do like living in more integrated communities, as opposed to the almost completely white one where I was born and grew up.
And again, being white I can't say "our" when speaking of the black neighborhoods here, but white people certainly ARE moving into them in droves. I think they are calling it gentrification, and while it certainly is good for the property values, West Oakland, where I lived for many years, basically doesn't exist any more. I see it as more of an economic thing here than a racial one: if you have a lot of money, things are getting a lot better, if not, not so much.
-Doug in Oakland
No one's forcing me to do anything. No one's forcing you. Live where you want to live.
Say what? You want to use the coercive power of government to force certain other people to live away from you? Yeah, well, that's not called freedom, it's called a police state. Don't use the word freedom when you're a fascist.
But hey, simple enough, go live in some rustic dump in the ass end of Idaho. No black people there.
This is you at 55? You sad little man. What a snake pit your mind is. Your life mostly behind you and all you have to make you feel important is your hate.
I'm gonna go have a Scotch and see if I can wash the taint of you off me.
michael reynolds said...
Say what? You want to use the coercive power of government to force certain other people to live away from you? Yeah, well, that's not called freedom, it's called a police state. Don't use the word freedom when you're a fascist.
You are both dense and preening; not an attractive combo.
In truth it is your side that is using the coercive power of government to force 'diversity' into areas they deem too white, businesses to hire who the government tells them to, and schools to suffer ineducable students who cannot be disciplined or expelled because of their privileged status.
I want the federal government out of the equation.
I don't hate anyone because of their race.
But I do hate insufferable moral signalers confident in their ignorance and comfortable with projecting their own small viciousness on those they have been given the green light to hate. People like you.
michael reynolds said...
No one's forcing me to do anything. No one's forcing you. Live where you want to live.
You’re trolling but for anyone too dumb to notice…
The anti-white fedgov wants to force white parents to put their children into schools dominated by black gang violence.
(via HUD forced integration)
Anti-white advocates can’t openly promote forcing white parents to put their children into dangerous environments that are openly acknowledged as dangerous. It would be like openly calling for white children to put in arenas with hungry lions.
So to get as many white children beaten, raped and killed as possible the anti-white media have to lie about black youth violence.
BLM is part of the anti-white media’s ongoing attempt to cover up black youth violence – as focusing on the cops is a way of deflecting attention to what the cops are reacting to i.e. 50% of the homicides committed by young black males, who make up 3% of the population.
The anti-white media’s BLM campaign has mostly got lots of black kids killed but that doesn’t change their intent – which was to harm white children.
My personal opinion is that the so called negro should have never integrated with yhe cave beast known as the white man. Our communities have been severely affected by the disgrace known as integration. The black man sold us out. It seemed as if the only thing they were worried about integrating with what's the white woman. Can you show me any of the improvements caused by integration?
@ Crazy Beast -
Preach on, sista! We NEVER wanted to integrate with you, either. It was always the elite scum that wanted us to mingle with you folks. There was no upside to integration in the long run. Back when we were segregated you guys had jobs you were qualified for (trash pickup, janitor, elevator operator, Pullman porter) and you at least made some good music back then.
Now? Well, look around you. Your "hoods" are in ruins, and the rest of the human race is leaving you behind. Integration failed. It's time for a fresh start.
The white race is pure shit.
Boyce Watkins--"My take? Integration is a mixed bag. Most of us will always give thanks to Dr. King and others who had the courage to fight for us to have equal rights. But there is something wrong with a world in which black people feel that they must be sitting next to white people in order to feel entirely human."
All of life is a mixed bag, good for some bad for others. Slavery is a mixed bag, good for some, bad for others. Jim Crow is a mixed bag, good for some, bad for others. Discrimination is a mixed bag, good for some, bad for others. Racism is a mixed bag, good for some, bad for others....it really depends on where you are standing in this 'mixed bag' of life. Some like where they are standing while others hate it and want to try to make things better.
No one knows how the future will turn out when changes are made out of human problem solving. One thing for sure, it looks like this two-party political system is severely broken. Hell, being elected to Congress is a free ticket to do 'nothing' but bloviate and collect a pay check and live off the taxes of the people. To make matters worse, this capitalistic democratic system isn't working either. The middle class is gone and the rich are running this 'mother' at the expense of the rest of us.
Yet, our biggest issue is race. And racism. And discrimination. And injustices on the weak, poor and powerless. That's what the post is about, if you can look what's behind it instead of the illusion in front.
Nevertheless, as humans we are ignorant, fearful and crooked. It's hard to get anything good, altruistic and loving out of that.
It's always been that way in the human race. Human history has been very messy. Haven't you noticed? We live in a collective ignorance, yet everybody thinks they are enlightened and if the other ignorant asses would just listen to "me" this whole thing would be straightened out. That's the kind of mess we are all in but nobody seems to notice. And that is what it is to be living among other humans.
It really doesn't matter who or what color they are. But that's the distraction and the illusion that we love to wade in....stinking crap.
Frm the previous thread:
Anon said, "BTW, I didn't know you were married, had a wife and house. I am thinking that Steve IS a bad ass to be threatening people like you said."
Blogger Josh said..."It wasn't me he threatened with that. It was some other dude."
Anon said, "I didn't know all that stuff about Steve until you told it."
Blogger Josh said..."Oh, that's not the half. Listen to this!
Steve used to post on Bernard Goldberg's forum, claiming that white folks are racists there, everybody's anti-Obama because they're anti-black, and all the white people were making racist statements. So, a few people, myself included, challenged Steve to produce evidence.
Here's where the story gets fun! Seriously.
So, then Steve starts speaking with this guy who appears to be a random troll, but with a member's name, so maybe not. The guy is making racist-ass comments, belittling black people, coming down on all blacks, etc. So, Steve appears to have been right, right? After all, he said people were racists, and lo and behold he's dealing with a racist and smacking this racist around. The racist white guy doesn't have shit on Steve. Steve is intellectually dominating this racist!
But something's suspicious about it. 1) It's too convenient. 2) In Steve's months-long crusade at Bernie's, he had never made a logical, coherent or factual argument until now. What's so different? Turns out, after the moderators ran the IP addresses of both parties, they were the same person! LMFAO! You CAN'T make this stuff up! Steve, because he wanted to show how racist whites were at Bernie's, created a sock-puppet account to debate!
And it just gets BETTER!
After being called out on it, in comes this guy named Carlos, and he's got Steve's back! He's taking everyone to task, calling everyone racist conspiracy theorists, smearing the whites as racists. Steve found him some back-up; he and Steve began talking about the black struggle and how as black men they--remember that word: THEY--have to deal with racist whites on the daily.
Obviously the moderators again ran the IP addresses, and wouldn't you believe it -- it was Steve AGAIN!
Not only did he try it once and get caught, but he tried it twice in the midst of being caught!
Utterly disgraced and hopefully ashamed, "Steve" disappeared and no one had seem him for about a year. Until recently. Now he's back again with two more names, at the least: DarkStar and uptownsteve. Those are the two known names he's using now, in there talking to his damn self. lol
This guy is a legitimate fucking loony tune! People here can obviously do what they want, but I urge the good men and women at Field's, even if you hate my guts, to avoid this charlatan like the plague. I mean, by PX's standards, it's highly doubtful the dude's even black. He's a sock-puppet troll who gets his jollies creating different user names and causing forum drama, then blames it on everyone else.
He used to be Steve, a well-educated college man in upper-class Maryland. Now he's ghetto 4eva wife rapist Steve from the PJs. lol
You can't make this shit up. I'm serious. Dude is disturbed on a level I cannot comprehend. I don't have a word for it. I truly don't."
WHOA! This is some heavy stuff. Are you telling me that Steve 'doesn't' live in an upscale 'gated' community?
How does one find out another's IP address? See, this is why I stay 'anonymous'. Can Field trace IP addresses of members from Anon, Inc?
Are you implying that Field has been tracing IP addresses? I mean, he is 'supposed' to be an 'honest' lawyer. Hmmmm. Come to think of it, I've never met an honest lawyer.
But this thing about brother Steve is disturbing because he was my last hope for 'the cause'. There's only one hope left and that's Tim Wise.
"Notice that whites weren’t fighting to get to our lunch counters, to move into our neighborhoods or to attend our schools, they still aren’t. But we’ve always felt that white is right"
Well, here is mine: I never felt that way. I was eight years old in '64. I was 12 driving home with Mom when we heard about Memphis. I was deeply saddened. I have hated racism all my life. And I have been at the lunch counters, the schools as a social worker, the neighborhoods as a musician, been the only white person in the place, and no one ever treated me badly - that is what I learned since I was 8. Bullies don't care about color, and no sense in counting who is who of what color in my little world - Jesus said love your neighbor, so I do what He said to do, and MLK backed me up on it.
uptownsteve is actually a good guy. He tends to be a bit irrational at times, tho.
I suppose it's just the genetics. And the biscuits.
Commander,what's your excuse?
Don't believe Josh's statements about Uptown, those wingnut websites have a knack for lying.
I believe that he is an upper middle class brother from the DMV.
Separate but equal. Hmmm, not sure black folks had a problem with the separate part back in the day, it's the equality lie that flew in the face of the Constitution.
HBCU's have been great for black higher education. I know that there are more than a few SEC football supporters who are glad for integration for all the wrong reasons.
field, I have never had anything against Steve. We've sort of had a "love/hate" relationship for maybe 10 years....starting back on a blog that was before your time. I give him the shit...he gives it back. I think we're both OK with that.
I have no problems with HBCU's. Even if they are primarily funded with white monies.
And yes, black mens can run fast.
Lt. Commander Johnson said...
yes, black mens can run fast.
HBCUs produce more Black Attorneys, Physicians, Veterinarians, Engineers, and PhDs than ANY other educational institutions.
So yeah, those Negroes run REAL fast collecting those advanced degrees.
"Don't believe Josh's statements about Uptown, those wingnut websites have a knack for lying."
Don't believe me. At all. I urge everyone here to believe instead that I'm a lying-ass motherfucking white racist who's just talking shit about poor ole Steve because he's just really an honest black man. It''s just a "wingnut" site, after all. I mean, nothing like the impeccable Field, who says obvious racism is obvious if the person is black, and who omits 50% of a story in order to cite racism, or just assumes racism rather than questioning mathematics or popular angles like GamerGate. The wingnut websites are the ones lying.
And you know what you can do to prove I'm just a lying-ass motherfucking white racist? You can go research it yourself!
I know that's like a bad word or an unfair burden or something, but go ahead. Anyone, everyone, is free right now to go to Bernardgoldberg.com, to read the "A Liberal Dilemma" post, and to check out Steve aka Carlos posing as two separate people, uptownsteve and DarkStar, in there talking to himself in the same discussion. lol
Finally, Field decides to act skeptically!
Do it. Be skeptical. Just also be fair.
Though I predict what someone's assessment of the situation will be from this site: "They're different people!"
We all know that old saying, "If the black don't win..."
"Are you implying that Field has been tracing IP addresses?"
Anon, don't sweat it. Field's blogger CP only deals with his blog(s). Blogger, however, does know your IP address. Field cannot find this information out, unless there's some new widget of which I'm unaware.
Bernie's blog is a legitimate website, a php-hosted forum on a full-featured site. When someone signs up there to become a member, an IP address is recorded as the anchor. I used to be lead game mod at Hopeless Two: Mercenary Camp, and I'd have to run IP addresses to see which players came from Turkey, from Greece, from the USA, etc, in order to give information on which servers people should use in order to have the lowest ping value ("ping" being the speed at which your data packets route through the ISP and server, like electricity completing a circuit). As long as a player signed up with the forum, their IP was logged.
We started finding many identical IPs, and realizing that people were creating dummy, sock-puppet players to take in camps. They would play with player A and player B, leaving player B to just stand still in camp. This way, player A could rack up more free kills and get more points to buy weapons, to become an Elite-status player, to get more forum rep, etc. Sometimes people create player B just to argue with themselves or to give A some back-up, apparently. lol
Prove it, or shut the fuck up, and collect your check, paid for by white people, you bitch-ass queen.
I apologize...my language was uncalled for.
That's ALL I will apologize about.
What da?
Amyway, FYI Josh, statcounter (and others)does have IP tracking capabilities.
Thought u might want to know that. ;)
Wow, Lt Commander Johnson gets all riled up when the truth is presented. Typical though, "never talk about the elephant in the Negro's Living Room". Black folks aren't into the truth. It's too shaming.
So they will curse you out for telling the truth. I learned that as a child in my family. If I EVER told the truth that made anybody uncomfortable I would get whipped to within an inch of my life.
UTS has been pretty quiet. I wonder why? One would think he would be slamming JOSH all over FN by now.
I don't in any way pooh-pooh a doctorate. It's a real struggle just to get accepted into a BS biology program! You have to--well, some have to lol--pass very strict admissions criteria just to get on a waiting list. Then after four yours, your MS degree program acceptance is only as good as how well you did on the BS. Then it's another few years of incredibly hard work, a year-long thesis process, typically en route to a doctorate. I couldn't do step #3. I didn't have a life. Cup O'Soup and Kraft mac n cheese and zero money but every single night spent studying...it's not fun. I can only imagine that most doctorate programs are way harder than MS and BS programs.
However, if BET.com is accurate in their assessment of which types of degrees black degree holders are mostly getting, then one can assume that a lot of black PhDs have earned their doctorates in "social" fields. Not trying to be overly cynical here, but does anyone actually think an HBCU is going to hold a black student in an African American studies or social work doctoral program to the same standards a school would hold a doctoral candidate in, say, business administration, astrophysics, criminal justice, etc?
Congrats on getting it! It's a long-ass process just for the bachelor's, much less steps 2 and 3. And Pete knows that most people just aren't cut out for that long-ass process. But I have a sneaking suspicion that--again, IF BET.com is accurate; I'm not saying they are--many of these programs are the equivalent of participation trophies. Though one still has to participate, and in no way am I taking that away from anyone! Someone went through the doctoral program as a candidate and stuck it out? I offer my sincere congratulations! But maybe a race-based or social course wasn't as tough as science. Just saying...
"Thought u might want to know that. ;)"
Cool. Thanks.
I haven't used the Blogger CP or any other blog-related tools in probably six years, so I wasn't aware of that.
Anyone that doesn't know that IP addys can be tracked on damn near ANYTHING on the web is an idiot. And that explains why Josh didn't know that.
@Commander Jack ass, you're a "cat" and you're dismissed!!!
White Folks said...
"Do you think that as black folks we were better off when we were segregated as a country?"
That's up to y'all, but it sure was better for us.
Public school integration happened when I was in 7th grade. The school system bused black kids from across the tracks who didn't even have running water into a middle class junior high. Many of these kids were violent and disruptive in class and caused a terrible uproar in the school. 40+ years later, this school, in fact the entire city, is now primarily made up of low class and working class black and Hispanic citizens and has been abandoned by whites.
Was that good for anyone? I don't know.
Slavery was the worst thing to happen to Blacks since Slavery. We could all have not been involved with this racial bullshit.
"Anyone that doesn't know that IP addys can be tracked on damn near ANYTHING on the web is an idiot. And that explains why Josh didn't know that."
That's it, Yisheng! From the supposed medical genius cancer researcher who was caught giving objectively incorrect biology information, information that even a 10th-grader knows, the only possibly explanation is that I'm an idiot. It couldn't be that, when I used to operate a blog, Blogger didn't have any feature which let you see someone's IP, nor did I use StatCounter back in 2006/7. Nope. I's a idiot.
And never mind the direct fucking context which was being used when explaining to Anon that Blogger and php-based forum on a full-featured website operate differently. Nope. I can haz idiesy?
Herp de dur!
But, never mind. That's my bad, right? After all, rather than giving the correct usage of biology terminology, as it's listed in textbooks and taught in a classroom/laboratory setting, I was exercising my white privilege by holding you to those standards, when you were using AAVE to express broken-ass terms that made no sense. I humbly apologize for holding you to the standards of someone who's supposed to know the terms and their correct usages in language and application. I committed a horrible microaggression by now showing deference to a broken, barely legible form of "English" that didn't register as sensible.
Damn white people. We're born racists and have to learn to accept that separate but equal by popular demand means more equal and special deference.
The old racist structures fought integration tooth and nail (and with firebomb and deadly violence) so that seems to me to be evidence that it was a step forward for Black people. It was a time of Black political mobilization and it came along with more Black people being elected to office, more support for the Black community, etc.
I don't see it as 'we are only valuable if we can sit next to White people' more like 'I want to be able to sit wherever White people can sit.'
"I don't see it as 'we are only valuable if we can sit next to White people' more like 'I want to be able to sit wherever White people can sit.'"
I think that's very well said. However, there is a contingent in this modern age that says: "I want to be able to sit wherever white people can sit; but white people sitting where we sit is cultural appropriation and shouldn't be tolerated."
So can we find balance in society? Hell if I know. I grew up around black folks and we got on well enough. We fought sometimes as all young boys typically do. We threw slurs at one another. But the world didn't implode. IMO, people need to check their egos and think more about what's good for everyone and not just comfortable for their ideology.
Yisheng might be able to say it better than myself, but she'd get the words wrong.
Field, I'd like to nominate this McDonald's worker not for the House Negro of the Day but for the Outhouse Negro of the Year.
"Was that good for anyone? I don't know."
It's been good for the Jews.
Something to break this monotony.
Interesting Observation:
1. The sport of choice for the urban poor is BASKETBALL.
2. The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is BOWLING.
3. The sport of choice for front line workers is FOOTBALL
4. The sport of choice for supervisors is BASEBALL.
5. The sport of choice for middle management is TENNIS. And...
6. The sport of choice for corporate executives and officers is GOLF.
The amazing facts are,
The higher you go in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become.
There must be a boat load of people in Washington playing marbles.
Lilac, that was funny.
*nodding head @'what Anon@12:18 said*
What do you think Hillary has promised Obama for his eventual whitewashing of her criminal negligence and evidence destruciton associated with her improper handling of classified information?
I play tennis a LOT and golf occasionally too, so where do women fit in this scheme, LOL???
Lilac, that is funny and interesting. But if true, it seems more telling and actually more frightening than just a LOL.
The more successful someone is, given your observations are accurate, the less competitive their sport seems to be. Johnny Mac in '80s tennis aside, that's basically considered one of those gentleperson's games, like golf, and while the dugouts might clear in baseball, it's not an ultra-competitive sport like the NFL or NBA. It's more or less a chess match of small ball and, like poker, big moments that happen abruptly. Even bowling gets heated. Those fat bald guys (not that I should talk in my older age) get heated!
My initial thought would be that a rich and powerful CEO who fought for that position would rather be in the nose-bleeds watching a defense-heavy football game than out on the golf course. Maybe people who compete in their day-to-day are more inclined to embrace leisurely activities as sport. Though I suspect there's a lot of not wanting to lose going on too.
x*D Yisheng!
I just read your comment to my friend, and she asked me to save it as a text document for her. Is that OK with you?
-Doug in Oakland
Doug, that's a rather old joke and should be considered public domain.
Doug doesn't get out much.
Doug, It's not mine, it's a meme I found on Facebook. So I really don't know what to tell you.I don't know what the answer is :)
It was on Facebook as a joke, a Facebook friend found and posted,so I would guess it's public right?
Yeah, you guys are right, I don't get out much. Haven't since my stroke back in '08. I don't, though, find that to be a reason not to be polite, so when I don't know, I ask. Thank you for your response, Lilac, my friend thinks it's hilarious.
-Doug in Oakland
@Doug: Don't pay any kind of serious attention to some of these jokers Doug!
I can empathize with you as I'm mostly home bound also due to my many conditions, but I've traveled, and seen, and partied so I don't miss it :)
I love being home now, actually there's no place I'd rather be! I just want to be comfortable ya know :)
I have to be dragged out with a winch almost hehehe.
But you ARE going to Brasil with us Desert!
Agree with anon 12:18. This discussion lends itself to ignorant stereotyping. Racist whites act as if all whites are living high on the hog while all of us negroes are in the projects. There are plenty of poor whites who live in areas I wouldn't set foot under any circumstances. Some of the most racist whites don't have a pot to piss in and have the nerve to look down on someone else. The fact that I have a bit more melanin in my skin in no way makes me lesser.
Doug, stay strong my friend. Glad the blog can give u some comfort.
PilotX said...
But you ARE going to Brasil with us Desert!
1:49 AM
Hahaha! You know my daughter spent last New Years Eve at a really nice place, so she said to me "next year you're going with me" so of course I said oh sure, yippee,of course I'll go! But that was then...
Well it's November now and the other day she reminded me...oh boy, I wish now I hadn't said yes...but I did...even though a lot can happen from here to December 31 x*D *sigh*
"Don't believe Josh's statements about Uptown, those wingnut websites have a knack for lying."
I reckon the honest, reputable, down-for-the-black-cause Mr. Uptown has just been too busy in his upper-class life--or is it raping wives today?--to defend himself. This horrible lie I'm telling about him, and it musta just come at a bad time when old Carlo-- sorry, Steve, is just too busy making dem millenz to set straight the crooked record and to put me, a racist Jew, in my place.
I mean, it can't possibly be that he's hiding under a rock because he was found out, right? Why would he think that anyone who posts on a right-wing website might not actually be right-wing and would also post on a "black website," as he continually calls it?
People are free to exist in their own little reality bubbles if they so choose. Consciousness is independent, and one can delude oneself into believing whatsoever one wants to believe. The real world exists independent one's acknowledgment or participation. Steve is a hoax, a huckster of transparent lies and schemes; a blog troller who, for years now, has been getting caught red-handed objectively attempting to deceive people with sock-puppet accounts and lies about who he is, what he does, etc.
Just because he's black doesn't mean folks need to stand up for the dude. Just imagine he's P-Diddy or Ben Carson if it helps. Let's just say he's Don Lemon or something.
Yisheng is the dumbest cunt on the planet.
I went into a restaurant alone yesterday. Just having a nice day to myself, decided to get a bite and see a movie. Sitting in the restaurant you would have thought I was a damned alien. White people staring until their eyes about bugged out. This wasn't some upscale restaurant. This was Steak and Shake folks.
Now if white people can be disconcerted by me quietly sitting and having a meal to myself while perusing my tablet, that's their damned problem, not mine. But to say that I'd be better if I couldn't enjoy that pursuit is just plain damned ignorant.
"Just having a nice day to myself, decided to get a bite and see a movie. Sitting in the restaurant you would have thought I was a damned alien. White people staring until their eyes about bugged out."
Black people (like yourself) are notorious for being oblivious to what you're doing. Remember the loud Black women on the wine train who were repeatedly asked to quiet down? Are you sure you weren't doing anything out of the ordinary? Not by your standards; by White standards.
Or maybe that restaurant had recently been robbed by Blacks. Can't blame people for being on edge. Blame the bruthas responsible, not Whitey.
Or maybe your hygiene was sufficiently lax that they could smell you. That's another sore point.
"Now if white people can be disconcerted by me quietly sitting and having a meal to myself while perusing my tablet, that's their damned problem, not mine."
One point of segregation was that the foibles and preferences of the races were largely irrelevant to each other. Are you sure you wouldn't have been happier in 1950's America?
Black people (like yourself) are notorious for being oblivious to what you're doing. Remember the loud Black women on the wine train who were repeatedly asked to quiet down? Are you sure you weren't doing anything out of the ordinary? Not by your standards; by White standards.
Nope, even by white people standards, I was pretty tame. I didn't turn over a car or set anything on fire or shoot anything or anybody in celebration of a sports event at all.
Or maybe that restaurant had recently been robbed by Blacks. Can't blame people for being on edge. Blame the bruthas responsible, not Whitey.
No. The manager was black and I asked him point blank, "Have you been robbed by any black people lately?" And he kindly stated that his restaurant had never been the victim of a robbery. The biggest problem they have is white kids either having sex or shooting up heroin in the bathrooms.
"Now if white people can be disconcerted by me quietly sitting and having a meal to myself while perusing my tablet, that's their damned problem, not mine."
No, I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have been happier in 1950's America, fashion notwithstanding (I love a nice petticoat and a proper lace slip - modern ladies undergarments are quite lacking.) However I do not have the patience to deal with ignorant white people, so I probably would have been hung the first time I slapped the piss out of some white woman for calling me a n******, thereby missing the decade entirely.
I previously wrote...
"Black people (like yourself) are notorious for being oblivious to what you're doing."
Along comes ThatDeborahGirl to prove my point: she intersperses her commentary with quoted text, with NO indication which is which. Oblivious to the difficulty this creates for readers. Just Doesn't Get It, even when solid examples are right in front of her face the whole time.
You were definitely doing something to attract all the eyeballs, but you were just as oblivious there as you are here.
"Nope, even by white people standards, I was pretty tame. I didn't turn over a car or set anything on fire or shoot anything"
There's a considerable zone of conduct between "socially acceptable in a restaurant" and "stuff that will get you arrested" (White people do call the police when that kind of thing is going on, even if the perps are Black and it means being called "rayciss"). Just because you weren't into the area of "arrested" doesn't mean you weren't well outside of "acceptable". But... oblivious.
"No. The manager was black"
In other words, proof positive that people weren't staring at you for what you ARE, but because of something you were DOING. But your Black Racial Privilege allows and encourages you to label all such things as "racism".
"I do not have the patience to deal with ignorant white people"
Believe me, the only White people who aren't sick unto death of dealing with ignorant, entitled, demanding, pushy, loud, stupid Black people are those who've never had to. Separating Black and White solves everyone's problems.
"I probably would have been hung the first time I slapped the piss out of some white woman for calling me a n******, thereby missing the decade entirely."
Which is why you would have been living in an all-Black neighborhood and seldom have had any reason to cross paths with White women. Why would this not have been the paradise you seek? What do you need White people for?
Dear James,
I was joking. Stop being a racist.
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