"That's what America is about, a land of dreams and opportunity," Carson said. "There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters, might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land."
~Ben Carson~
Slaves "had a dream"? Ahhhm, no, their dream was to be free, and to be reunited with their families that was torn from them. I am pretty sure that they did not have dreams of "prosperity"; their dream was just to stay alive.
That was the only African American cabinet member in the trump administration, and he was sounding very much like he needs a lesson in basic American history.
Still, his words reflect the thoughts of so many of those (black and white) on the right: That slaves were immigrants, and that they have no real stake in America. Their contribution to the history of this country is marginalized , and in their minds, the slave has been relegated to "immigrant" status.
I am an immigrant to this country, and I wanted to pursue prosperity and happiness (I would do that wherever I am), but to say that about the first Africans to be brought to this country against their will, shows a stunning lack of understanding of the history of slavery and forced labor in this country.
Dr. Ben needs to look at the picture accompanying this post, and then he needs to tell me if that man looks like he was dreaming of anything other than being pain free.
Such a damn shame, I once looked forward to considering him a colleague.
"That was the only African American cabinet member in the trump administration, and he was sounding very much like he needs a lesson in basic American history. "
Not just American history. Remember, the Egyptian pyramids were for grain storage, according to Carson.
What is shocking about Carson is that for such a smart person, he seems to be profoundly ignorant about a great number of things. This guy is a nationally, if not globally, renowned authority in neurosurgery, and yet outside his area of specialty, his general knowledge of really basic everyday stuff is terrible.
Ben Carson is delusional and has spent way too much time in the house.
Dr. Carson is insightful, well-spoken, and doesn't toe the Democratic line. That's why so many black people hate him.
This I have to disagree with, though:
"Still, his words reflects the thoughts of so many of those (black and white) on the right: That slaves were immigrants, and that they have no real stake in America."
Describing slaves as "immigrants" is factually inaccurate, since "immigrant" implies a person came here by choice, and it glosses over the unique hardships slaves suffered, but I don't think it implies black people don't have a stake in this country.
The ones doing that are those who believe the only legitimate immigrants to the US are the white ones. To them, black people can't even qualify as immigrants; they don't belong here, regardless of whether they came voluntarily or involuntarily. Blacks are "obsolete farm equipment" and a problem to be dealt with, rather than fellow citizens contributing to the prosperity of the nation.
"They are not slaves. They are involuntary immigrants" - Benny The Brain
"Black colleges are pioneers of school choice" - Ditsy De Vos
These motherfuckers are tripping ...
The only thing that I can think of is that Carson had access to several potent, yet fairly safe opiates over his illustrious career. Somewhere along the line, he must have taken so many truly fine pills that he just became permanently mellow to the point of dementia.
The only thing Dr. Carson has going for him is his big dick.
Carson was WRONG. They are "undocumented aliens".
Hey, look at the truckloads of Mexicans, and who knows god else what, are shipped into the US every day.
Where did you get your "document" from?
Ben Carson may be medically intelligent, but he's not too smart.
Carson is still a much more competent doctor than Yisheng will ever be.
Ben Carson has an ignorance problem.
There, I fixed it for you.
Mental Ben has been Peter Principled out of the area where he was brilliant and into the area where the MAGAts think he will do the maximum damage he is capable of.
Now that the wheels are starting to come off of the Trump administration, we can't let all of his voters scurry away and pretend they weren't responsible for inflicting him on the republic, like they did after W's crew started going down in flames.
They will fucking own it this time.
-Doug in Oakland
7th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Carson is THEE "House Negro" personified.
Qualifications to lead HUD? Managed not to live in government housing.
Qualifications as brain surgeon? Managed not to have a brain.
You can't fix stoopid. How did this guy ever get to college let alone graduate?
Congressman Schumer has a plan to block funding for Hatrian's Wall. Payback is a bitch, innit wingnuts?
Fix this, Carson.
Just a thought: Perhaps if so many blacks didn't try to separate themselves from Americans by referring to themselves, and demanding others refer to them as, Special-Americans, more people on this evil "right' of which you speak would be more open to the idea of blacks being real Americans.
Can't have it both fucking ways, even as the biggest sissy victims in world history. You cannot intentionally separate yourselves and then complain if people hold you separate.
Nobody knows WTF you want. We just know that, without fail, you'll be bitching about something, crying 'WAYCIS!'
You are really delusional.
We, as black people, have not "separated ourselves." We are not the ones who declared, "Segregation now, segregation forever."
We have tried to work around and with white people from the beginning. A lot of white people do not want that. So we build our own and white people don't want that either.
So yes, if we try to get an education and white people do everything to keep us out of their schools, get angry when we build our own and do their best to keep our schools as underfunded and substandard as possible, yes that's not only racist, it's petty as hell.
You are not going to find a more pious and giving group than black church people. But when white police officers troll our parking lots, federal agents target our services to ensure that we don't "discuss anything political" and threaten our church's tax exempt status and then when all else fails just burn black churches down or shoot us in a damned bible study, yes that's not only damned racist, it's just plain evil.
White people cannot have it both ways. You can accept us into your institutions or you can stay the hell out of the way while black people build, maintain and nurture our own.
But you cannot continue to treat every single black person as a suspected criminal or worse and then wonder why we call you out on your racism when white people simply won't leave us the hell alone, all because of your guilt that we are a constant reminder of the evil that brought us here in the first place. White people are quick to say that "black people sold their own" but there were certainly white buyers ready and waiting weren't there? White people give themselves credit for "freeing black people" but don't want to accept the fact that if they hadn't been evil enough to enslave us, they wouldn't have had to free us.
What black people want is the right to be successful or even to try and fail without white interference. We can take it from here. You all have done enough.
Passing the offering plate cause Deborah Girl is having church up in here.😊
Church! Amen!
"I am an immigrant to this country, and I wanted to pursue prosperity and happiness"
Gee, why come here for that? Why isn't Jamaica an attractive place to pursue prosperity and happiness?
Maybe because... Jamaicans and Jamaican culture actively destroy both?
IOW, Jamaicans suck. Including you, because you're stealing from the social capital of White people to gain benefits you'll never, ever return to them.
"Blacks are "obsolete farm equipment" and a problem to be dealt with, rather than fellow citizens contributing to the prosperity of the nation."
"Contributing to the prosperity of the nation"? After what you've done to Detroit, Gary, Newark, Selma, Memphis, and EVERY OTHER PLACE YOU'VE BEEN ALLOWED TO INFEST (including a large part of Chicago)? You know your words are bullshit. You know this because the first thing you do when you get some money is MOVE AWAY FROM OTHER BLACK PEOPLE... in search of the peace and prosperity that they will not let ANYONE keep.
"But when white police officers troll our parking lots"
Because you have worshippers with warrants? Why don't you just STOP DOING CRIMES?
"federal agents target our services to ensure that we don't "discuss anything political" and threaten our church's tax exempt status"
IOW, expect YOU to follow the same rules that White people have to? "One law for all" be rayciss?
You people are beyond parody.
"We are not the ones who declared, "Segregation now, segregation forever.""
Yes, you did. You just called it "safe spaces for People of Color."
He may be a brilliant surgeon but he is not insightful. No, he doesn't toe the Democratic line. He toes the Conservative line and is quite delusional.
Deborah Girl scalded the pastey white hides of pastey white bigots and they are screaming like banshees. Damn straight, Deborah Girl. Nail them white suckers to the cross and make them OWN their shame.
I see the bald guy fell off the wagon, again.
Drumpf sez Americans aren't whiners anymore. He is going to whine so much we will be sick of whiners. For once he told the truth.
Interesting tidbit- it seems that a potus falsely accusing another Potus of impeachable offenses is, in itself, an impeachable offense. Too bad wingnuts are so busy phucking over the little guys that voted them in to actually do their constitutionally required business.
James Bold,
Even you can't be so delusional as to believe that only black people commit crime. I think the question you should be asking yourself is this: With all their superiority and a country tailor-made for their success, why do any white people commit crime at all?
Why is that there are entire channels and shows on every major network dedicated to the myriad ways white people kill each other? It's the public documentation of white on white crime and you all are depraved enough to accept it as entertainment and tv ratings.
As for your claim that I expect safe spaces for black people, well... Duh.
I want safe spaces for all people. There is absolutely nothing wrong with hoping and praying for humanity's peace.
But I do not want it in the petty, trolling way you meant and I certainly don't want society to be segregated. It never ceases to amaze me how much white people forget about their own bigotry until they are reminded.
"Why can't those black people live here?"
"We don't like niggers, Grandpa."
"Oh, I forgot."
But you all let Trump, Pence, Ryan, McConnell and the GOP remind you every election season. And then you all fall back on fear instead of common sense.
White folks voted away their own healthcare out of hatred for one black man and worry that some black person may actually get to go to the doctor too.
It's insane, pathetic and evil. Mostly it's borne of ignorance like every single thing you've ever posted here.
In all these years you still don't have a clue. Black people are not the enemy of white people.
Rich white people and capitalism are the sworn enemies of middle class and poor whites. They play on your shared skin color to keep you in line and your mental frailty and weakness is such that it only takes a threat to keep you on line.
At least they know the have to send the police for us.
Next time someone says to be, "It isn't brain surgery!," I will respond, "Take it easy, even a moron can do brain surgery."
Dr. Carson is successful, respected. Tear him down, Field?
Crabs in a barrel.
Carson is his own worst enemy. He throws his mouth in gear before the brain has fired up for the day-in other words a typical wingnut. I have no idea how this moron ever managed brain surgery unless he faked it.
Self inflicted wounds are the fatal flaws that will bring this rotten carcass of a political party down.
ps in every study or opinion poll on Drumpf the only segment of the country that stands up for Drumpf 100% of the time are people 65 and older. Whitey comes next. Blacks are the most consistently against Drumpf. Bwahahahahahahahaha!
Black people disparaging Ben Carsom isn't an example of crabs in a barrel.
It's an example of someone who finds a ladder built on the bones of a million slaves. He climbs it, sets the ladder on fire and then decides he was the only one who worked hard to get up the ladder.
Deborah Girl- Marry me.
I'll think about it. At least you'd be getting a girl from Iowa. I was born in Ottumwa.
Yep Deborah Girl has the floor and had proceeded to beat the hell out of the racist trolls at the same time!
That said, continuing to try to talk sense into James or whatever the hell his username is today, is illogical.HIGHLY.
"Carson is his own worst enemy. He throws his mouth in gear before the brain has fired up for the day-in other words a typical wingnut."
I don't think so. This suggests that Carson only misspeaks, that his baffling statements are merely a matter of poor word choice. But I'd say it's more a matter of bad beliefs.
My best guess is that he genuinely does not know much about the subjects he happily volunteers opinions about. A humbler person would say, "Hmmm, I don't know much about that subject at all. Perhaps I should shut up about it until I've learned a bit more." Carson, with arrogance fueled by his great knowledge and success in one field of human endeavor, seems to have lost any ability to see that his expertise doesn't extend to other areas, so he's constantly making a fool of himself by confidently speaking on stuff he really doesn't know jack about.
I'm just waiting to see what administration position Jesse Lee Peterson will get.
And then add the fact that we were never considered "Americans". We fought and died in every war but yet veterans were hanged in their uniforms, vets were shot in the back for trying to register other Americans so let's not act like it was us who tried to distance themselves. Remember the civil rights protest in which a white police officer was snatching the American flag from little blah kids' hands? Well we do.
Ok, hilarious irony. HHS secretary Price says the president is concerned about law suir abuse. Ha! You mean the guy who sues anyone who ever said one mean thing about him? Irony is lost on conservatives.
Hell, actually Deb we have a hard time trying to get recognized as humans forget about being American.
"I'm just waiting to see what administration position Jesse Lee Peterson will get."
What about Sheriff David Clarke?
I'm surprised Jeff Sessions hasn't already hired that dude over at the Department of Justice. He could head up the new Racism Is Over, Stop Resisting Division that will be replacing the former Civil Rights Division.
I keep seeing Clarke's annoying ad for the NRA on YouTube. It's basically a middle finger to BLM, as you'd expect.
Deborah Girl. I was born and raised in Cherokee,iowa and have lived within 20 miles of there my entire 64 years of life.
Drumpf appears to have violated more federal laws. At what point does the cumulative evidence of crimes against a wingnut tip the balance towards an actual investigation and charges? Or is there such a point?
ld guy ejaculates- Gee, why come here for that? Why isn't Jamaica an attractive place to pursue prosperity and happiness?
Baldy-where did your parents and their parents come from? And why?
Were you sent here Special D to whine about minorities?
Are you a typical wingnut that got his and wants to prevent others from getting theirs?
Mental Ben said that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain in.
Mental Ben may have been a great surgeon, but that does not mean he is good at anything else. I know brilliant musicians who I wouldn't send to the store with $20. Great facility in one area of life often comes at the expense of other areas of life.
I'm an atheist, but I would go to church to hear Deborah preach.
-Doug in Oakland
"Drumpf appears to have violated more federal laws. At what point does the cumulative evidence of crimes against a wingnut tip the balance towards an actual investigation and charges? Or is there such a point?"
I don't think it's too cynical to say that the congressional members of his party will tolerate damn near any bad behavior from Trump, so I'm not hugely hopeful about the possibility that they would impeach him, or even attempt to rein in his destructive behavior. As long as those weasels can deliver tax cuts to their rich donors, they just don't care about much. They are a party without any real values or principles beyond protecting the economic elite.
Vile racism? Tenuous grip on reality? Gross incompetence? Treasonous backroom deals with the Russians? Meh. Even if all of these apply to Trump, it's no biggie.
About the only thing that will bring him down is if he is "caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy," in the famous words of Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards.
What a mess we are in.
Sessions flat out lied to Al Franken again in a written clarification? (HUH) of his Senate testimony.
Franken noted. “I asked him what he would do as attorney general if it was true that members of the [Trump] campaign had met with the Russians. So he says, ‘I did not mention communications I had with the Russian ambassador over the years because the question did not ask about them.'”
This is the cheap law enforcement officer of the US lying his ass off on the record again!!!!
Carson looks at the photo provided what is he going to say? Those aren't whip scars? I know they are bed sores. Nothing to see here folks, run along. I'm a brain sturgeon.
Carson is living in denial that slavery ever occurred. After all, he didn't experience it.
Yo Field, you need to take Van Jones down as house negro of the day, The Good Dr. Carson is house negro of the Year!!!
Anon@3:06, he is next.
Deborah Girl slapping around Jimmy boy today.
Somebody get that man some ice packs.
Yes Brigade, it's tribe over everything else.
Obama said the same thing as Carson in 2012 and 2015. Where was the outrage then?
Prove it, Anymoose!!
Not everyone suffers Ben Carson so lightly
Samuel L. Jackson ✔ @SamuelLJackson
OK!! Ben Carson....I can't! Immigrants ? In the bottom of SLAVE SHIPS??!! MUTHAFUKKA PLEASE!!!#dickheadedtom
Yeah, right, Deborah. I don't live on the planet, apparently. And there aren't universities overflowing who are literally creating black-only safe spaces, AT THE REQUEST OF BLACK STUDENTS, because they get cool free gifts for intentionally separating themselves.
It's NOT blacks who demand to be called Special-Americans.
It's white people who did these things...
Fuck you, whitey!
Josh-when you were little and missing out on the milk of human kindness, did some little POC steal your soul? Bitter can't hold a candle to what you are.
I'd consider it a tragedy except you keep shooting yourself in the foot. Must be a glutton for pain.
I take your point, Mike; I really do. But you can ask TPC how I feel about feelings and sophistry. Sorry, but your feelings mean fuck-all to me.
I'm supposed to be KIND rather than pointing out that black people themselves have been attempting to re-segregate themselves since segregation ended? Fuck that. Facts don't care about your feelings.
And why did you go MIA on the Obama convo 2 days ago? You asked for examples of Obama wiretapping, and now it would appear as if you realize that motherfucker wiretapped damn near EVERYONE! LMFAO
Hey, maybe stop using so many feelings about politicians like Obama and you can wake up from this zombie-like trance white corporate media has you in.
Mike, everyone knows Josh is just here to get attention however she can and so far flashing her tits seems her method of choice. Just watch, if you ignore her she really gets needy. Quite pathetic if you ask me. I figured it would stop when she and James started dating but I guess not.
Last 2 sentences are real important-why Obama didn't wiretap anyone.
And at least she stopped the whole hammer and sickle act about how great Russia is. Now that shit was extra annoying.
You want my attention catch me before I sack out which can be anytime from late afternoon towards midnite.
Far right Republicans don't seem to like the Obamacare replacement. This might get interesting. I really don't like the defunding of Planned Parenthood, that's gonna hurt a lot of people.
-Doug in Oakland
S&P suggested Drumpf care will cost 6-10 million poors their insurance. Lying Ryan sez that is not so , but cutting costs is the main thing. His proposal turns out to be a huge windfall for the top .1%. Nice guys. It also seems clear that whatever plan the House of Ill Repute comes up with will go straight to the Sinate floor for immediate vote. Sinate won't get a chance to change a thing and this appears to be the best chance to get this cluster voted into law.
It is estimated that policies will cost $1500 to $2000 more than Obamacare policies.
Doug yer link doesn't appear to go much of anywhere. What was the point you were trying to make?
Oh, Mike from Iowa is 64. Man has too much time on his hands. Trying to get it all out before you croak?
"James Bold" is rotten to the core and beyond all hope. Like the screaming subway drunk just leave the poor bastard alone to wallow in his misery. Josh, I used to think there was some decency about him but he appears hopeless as well.
Mike: It just worked for me. It's a Driftglass blog post.
You guys with your wiretapping are adorable. Everyone's electronic communication is private and secure, right? Nobody would save all of that stuff just to make money with it, would they?
There was this guy, and he was president once, and his name was George W. Bush, and there were these court cases in front of Vaughn Walker and Anna Diggs Taylor, and in those cases there was this evidence that showed that AT&T had equipment installed that ran the entire network through these devices made by a company called Narus, and these devices turned out to be able to read the content of the packets in their trillions as the traversed the network and record that data by the petabyte, let's see, thirteen fucking years ago.
Do you perhaps believe that that technology has maybe gotten less effective or powerful, or perhaps fallen into disuse?
-Doug in Oakland
"We say it so often, we sometimes forget what it means -- we are a nation of immigrants.
Unless you are one of the first Americans, a Native American, we are all descended from folks who came from someplace else -- whether they arrived on the Mayflower or on a slave ship, whether they came through Ellis Island or crossed the Rio Grande."
-Barack Obama
Wrong reference for Obama quote in previous post. Sorry. This is correct reference.
we are all descended from folks who came from someplace else
You do know that people didn't evolve into people in the now-Americas, right? These people we call "Native" Americans came from somewhere else too. lol
And there was no America until settlers created it!
To the rest of you bitches: Vault 7
To the rest of you bitches: Vault 7
Sorry hon, you're the only bitch here. Now stop showing your tits and get a life. Go suck off James again.
The trolls and conservatards in the comments are proving to be just as delusional as Carson.
Obama says it... well, y'all didn't know Obama said it. Y'all are zombies of white corporate media. They would never report him saying slaves are immigrants, and thus y'all would never know about it. Can blame ya, I reckon...
Anymoose you are absolutely right. Obama did say slaves in chains in the bottom of ships dreamed of the freedom they would have after they served in the military and became citizens. On the 4th of July, too. That was a nice touch.
The earliest were wandering nomads, not immigrants. They heard there was going to be a Black Friday sale in the not to near future and wanted to beat the albinos to get to it. But J@S met them at the future border and told them they weren't white enough to suit J2S and they had to leave. So they killed and ate J2S and lived happily ever after.
Okay, Doug. I got it this time. The last time it was a 2006 article from Hullabaloo. Thanks for the link.
And there was no America until settlers created it! And there was no America after wingnuts fucked everyone over except the 1%. There were people of Mexican descent in America before America was America. There were Native Americans in cliff dwellings before Columbus was a glint in his father's eye.
and Josh is a slave of white supremacist James. STFU and keep licking his balls you no life having tard.
Maybe he didn't respond because people have lives and don't always have time to respond to your ever-present bullshit.
Just dealing with your ignorant comments here should give you an example of how tedious the day-long company of white people can be.
You would be more than welcome if you knew how to come into a space and behave like civilized beings. But no, even in this blog space, you come and take over the comments with your insults, stupidity and yes racism.
Even in your ignorance, you are entirely unoriginal. Your insults are garden variety Stormfront material. You contribute nothing useful. You only to serve to remind us why the students are justified in requesting space without your presence. Not as an act of self-segregation but as a way to deal with your bigotry.
Again what I said earlier applies. You want it both ways- for black people to stick around as long as we accept your notions of our subservience and second class citizenship.
Well fuck you. I have no idea why Field puts up with your shit but that's all it is. Ignorance and bullshit.
And hey dumb ass Josh, Black media is also informative on issues such as the Carson speech. As always fuck you!
"Even you can't be so delusional as to believe that only black people commit crime."
"Ook, ook, Whitey does it too! Ook!"
Whitey does things you don't, though. Things like turning their own flesh and blood in to the police when they do such things to make sure they don't do them again, instead of claiming "he wuz a good boi" and "po-leece be rayciss".
"Why is that there are entire channels and shows on every major network dedicated to the myriad ways white people kill each other?"
Because Black people, at just 12.4% of the population, commit over half the murders in the entire USA and that is a TERRIBLY boring thing to see day in and day out. It's especially boring and even heartbreaking to see how you do it: drive-by shooting kills uninvolved teen, purse-snatcher shoots and murders victim because she held on to her property, or mother scalds a son to death and stuffs the body in a chest freezer in the living room before adding a daughter to her grisly collection.
There's even a specific term for Blacks scalded/burned by other Blacks: "ghetto lobsters".
Do you think such savagery is the least bit interesting? Do you think any show that covered it for even half its material would not be cancelled as "racist"?
"I want safe spaces for all people."
There ARE no safe spaces for you, except those under White control... which you deem "racist". Otherwise there is always violence, because wherever YOU go, there YOU are.
"I certainly don't want society to be segregated. It never ceases to amaze me how much white people forget about their own bigotry until they are reminded."
If you would actually let White people have safe spaces, you'd DEMAND segregation for those who desire it. "Let them go to hell in their own way," said no Black activist, ever. Nope, it's "GIBSMEDAT" forever.
"Black people are not the enemy of white people."
Funny, when my family was robbed of almost everything we had in what became a Black-controlled city, there was no love at all for Whitey. At least the house wasn't firebombed and everything destroyed. I have some hand-me-down tools that are now 5 generations old. They weren't stolen because they weren't worth anything to the junkies.
30 miles away we had no junkies, because almost everyone was White.
"Rich white people and capitalism are the sworn enemies of middle class and poor whites."
Yes. (((They))) use YOU as biological weapons against US. But the mere fact that you ARE such biological weapons makes you the enemy.
"They play on your shared skin color to keep you in line"
You have no idea what we're going to do to (((them))) before we're through, do you?
"continuing to try to talk sense into James or whatever the hell his username is today, is illogical.HIGHLY."
Feel free to convince me otherwise. Move to Selma. Pick up all the trash. Cut all the grass. Put enough of the criminals in jail to keep the rest in line. Fix all the buildings. Demand decorum and respect for teachers and learning in all the schools. Oh, do this while working full-time jobs and paying taxes, like White people do.
You say you're our equals. You've had 50+ years, what's stopping you?
"Last 2 sentences are real important-why Obama didn't wiretap anyone."
Yeah, right. We have tweets from Hitlery which prove that she received information from wiretaps. Further, if this information was collected under FISA instead of illicit hacking it should (a) never have been collected, as it was not national-security related, and (b) if collected, should have been immediately deleted also by the terms of FISA.
Retaining, let alone distributing, such wiretap information is a FELONY. Your mulatto messiah's retainers, along with his legacy and probably himself, are all toast.
""James Bold" is rotten to the core and beyond all hope."
Yup. No chance of converting me to libtardism. Sorry... not!
Deborah, this is MIKE we're talking about. Nice try, though. ;)
And WTF is "black" media? Is that the thing that reports wall-to-wall every single time black folks "protest" that a black criminal was shot but doesn't utter a mumblin' word about all the thousands of times black gang-bangers kill little kids via seeing-eye strays?
Yep. I assume they're very credible.
Oh great, the great white hope James chimes in with his overwhelming wit and intelligence. Thank god we have someone like him to teach us darkies how inferior we are. His 150 IQ is an inspiration to us all.
Ever wonder if James will ever make good on his threats to kill some negroes?
I say no because he is a pussy. What say you?
Well we can see Josh doesn't have an IQ of 150. If you don't know what Black media is don't worry about it, you act like you know everything so I'll just delight in the fact you didn't act like a knowitall for the first time.
And for the record it's the racist white media that reports non stop about negro violence. You know the stuff you and your boyfriend partake.
No shit,you are too dumb, a bigot and a downright asshole so we know you could never be a liberal. You'd have to give up your alternative facts too and we know you can't so that. Just stay dumb and keep your head in your ass.
Black people will never accept house niggas like albinos will never accept John Brown
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Hey Josh, since all of us negroes get out news from evil white corporate media where do you get your information?
"And for the record it's the racist white media that reports non stop about negro violence"
If media reported even 1/1000th of black-caused violence in America, it would be literally nonstop, 24-7/365 coverage. To be such a small percentage of the population, your people are responsible for 50% of all violent crimes. You're responsible for the vast majority of hate crimes. Black people rape a hundred white women every single fucking day in America. Every single day. THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND A YEAR ON AVERAGE! There would literally be no time for anything else if media were reporting black violence in America. It's never fucking ending.
That's why they LOVE when a fucking white person goes on a spree; it gives them cover for not covering the twenty-some dead over a Chicago weekend, or the fifty-seven rapes in the same town in a week, all committed by black perpetrators, and on and on it goes.
For people who whine and moan about being victims, you sure have turned into the biggest victimizers in history. There have been more white people murdered by blacks in the past decade than were ever murdered by whites in segregation. You lot cry about Medger Evers and the like, but you're doing that a hundredfold to white people every single year.
And what does media talk about? Russia. LOL
"Josh doesn't have an IQ of 150"
I don't have an IQ of 150. Never claimed to. Zip up, boy; your retard is showing.
It's higher than yours, and if you're not too big a pussy we can easily prove this. I'll even spot you 30 points. Seeing as you're only a tick above retard, all I'd have to be is average to win.
James Bold is definitely this old character who used to call himself No Slapz. He'll deny it, but the style is the same. He has nothing to do but troll black blogs.
Josh is just a dumbass.
Field thinks he's doing a good thing by letting the so called "opposition" have a voice, but what he's doing is letting two or three posters ruin what is otherwise a stellar blog space.
I've watched this for years now. I've seen a lot of good commentors driven away. It's not possible to argue policy with people who insistently insult and question our innate humanity.
James Bold (aka No Slapz) and Josh are both racist snakes who do not deserve to shit on this or any other forum.
And so now, I will go back to lurking for a few more years, shaking my head and holding my tongue.
Uh Josh, you never answered my question. Where do you get your news?
It's higher than yours, and if you're not too big a pussy we can easily prove this. I'll even spot you 30 points. Seeing as you're only a tick above retard, all I'd have to be is average to win.
Puleeeze dumbass, my neighbor has a dog smarter than you on your best day.
You lot cry about Medger Evers and the like, but you're doing that a hundredfold to white people every single year.
Really? I shoot white people in the back for trying to register people to vote everyday? But anyway you kind of missed the whole point about bringing him up but that doesn't surprise me being as stupid as you are. Now you can go back to bragging about how smart you are and flashing your tits for attention. Your daily display is kind of pathetic but hey you do you sweety.
Anonymous ThatDeborahGirl said...
It's not possible to argue policy with people who insistently insult and question our innate humanity.
You left out stalk and minimize the achievements of academically superior/stellar commentors.;)
While I agree that the blog would be significantly better without them, I don't find it difficult AT ALL to not only NOT read their trash, but scroll past it to more meaningful comments.
This is no different than at anytime in history Deb, racists have always questioned our basic humanity. Fuck them. Hang around and chat with the cool people. This is like high school, James is the dumb guy in class who disrupts everyone because he can't keep up and Josh is the girl with low self esteem who thinks she can be popular by sucking dick. Just hang with the cool kids and you'll be ok.
"Ever wonder if James will ever make good on his threats to kill some negroes?"
I'm ready to kill if the situation calls for it; the point is to deter idiots like you from creating such situations. I'm not planning to kill anyone.
If I was, I sure as fuck wouldn't admit it. That would just be stupid, like almost all Black people.
"No shit,you are too dumb, a bigot and a downright asshole"
Coming from you, that's a compliment.
"so we know you could never be a liberal."
Lie-berals are the only people you can get gibsmedats from, including jobs you don't merit. You fear the growing Negro Fatigue in America. Well, tough noogies; you've had half a century of Cibil Rites and Affirmative Black-shun and, despite every advantage, failed to achieve. Time's up. Game over.
"James Bold is definitely this old character who used to call himself No Slapz."
Nope, but thanks for showing me ANOTHER troll who lives in your head rent-free. Gonna have to do a search to see what kind of stuff he posted now. It might be LOL-worthy.
GTFOH, we know you James you're the biggest bitch on the planet you ain't doing shit. You never do. You sit all alone and type dumb shit.
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
This is true, absolutely no one believes James has an astronomically high IQ, no one believes he is an inventor, no one believes he skims math books looking for errors, no one believes he's a tough guy who can shoot or beat up anyone and no one believes he is successful. Well except for his cheerleader Josh but she is kinda dimwitted so she would believe such.
Providing even more proof that Black people are stupid... as if we needed it:
"no one believes he skims math books looking for errors"
Which I never said. I said I had a discrepancy and wanted to be sure it wasn't a typo in the book. I found my discrepancy by myself; it wasn't the book, but I went after all avenues just in case.
"absolutely no one believes James has an astronomically high IQ"
150 isn't astronomical. It's about 1 in 1000, meaning there are something like a quarter-million White people in the USA as smart or smarter.
"no one believes he is an inventor"
The USPTO believes it. You claim not to believe it, but every time I offer to put up my money against yours to make it worth my while to prove it, you run away like you've just been handed a live skunk. If you weren't afraid it was true, you'd bite.
You won't even put your money where your mouth is. That makes you the pussy.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Year heard Deborah, Field. She NEEDS A SAFE SPACE!
Let's follow this logic that only collectivists can dream up:
> I claim black folks want to segregate themselves
> Deborah tells me how stupid I am
> I point out how blacks all over the nation are falling over themselves to create black-only spaces
> Again told I don't know WTF I'm talking about
> Deborah comes right out and begs for a black-only safe space
Yeah, Field, when the standard of "racist" is any white person not sucking black cock like Doug, it's time to create a safe space.
I have always given Field credit for not creating a safe space echo chamber. I know the temptation must be intense. It's what 90% of his ideological brethren do. Apparently, though, having "open borders," if you will, is a boon for trafficking and monetary value. Field is a man who thinks about his brand, not only his ideological hang-ups. People who can't respect that should be the ones to pat pavement.
Besides, WTF do you stooges offer by simply nodding in agreement every single time Field copy-pastes something? I guess you lot were never taught in school to hone your intellect through disagreement. You're right, we're wrong? Prove it through debate; use facts, logic and reason. No. You refuse to. You either troll and insult or call for a safe space. I guess while some students were learning to defend their ideas, other students were learning how to play with alphabet blocks.
Das cultural bias yo
This is also where I give TPC credit. He might be a cunt who uses the most bias media one could ever find to back his points, but at least he tries. He might ragequit every so often and spam with a sock, but that's to be expected. Wogs are the worst sort of intellectual deficients. They're English blacks pretending to be American ghetto blacks. LOL It's hilarious.
Awwwww c'mon Deb ... Don't go ... we need you. More thoughtful commentators like yourself will crowd out these no-life right wing pricks.
Shut the fuck up you idiot! No one is falling for your stupid shit.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah flash tits blah blah blah blah blah.
These assholes are so concerned about us thinking they're smart. Maybe if they would post something smart every now and then we might entertain that thought but gave any of you seen anything dumber that a Josh or James post? I guess if we searched maybe but those two are as dumb as a box of socks.
Josh, I know you're kinda dumb but even you can sometimes read. What news outlets do you get your news?
Blogger field negro said...
Yes Brigade, it's tribe over everything else.
Yeah, field...Tribe...like us Caucasians don't have one.
"These assholes are so concerned about us thinking they're smart."
Not at all. But you're so insistent that we're stupid, I figured it would be good to make some money off it if you actually believe what you say. So far that hasn't paid any money, but it's been plenty fun watching your evasions.
"Maybe if they would post something smart every now and then we might entertain that thought"
Until you stop equating "smart" with "agrees with you", you're going to wait a looong time.
No James, you're just fucking dumb.
Observing and thinking about the misconception of his ruling and predicaments.
" Worked even longer, even harder for less?" Slaves were considered property and bred like livestock for profit. Good Lord Dr. Carson needs to perform a Brain Transplant on himself.
james, you so crazaaay!...lol
Illegal aliens not immigrants.......
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