This is the term that trump and his cronies are throwing around now to explain all of the dysfunction and leaks coming out of this administration.
We are supposed to believe that former president Obama has operatives hidden in various government agencies throughout Washington, and that they are waiting on orders from him to topple the orange haired one. Give me a break!
What's scary is that president trump actually believes this crap, and, as a result, he is purging all those hard working government employees who he believes are hostile, not to American ideals, but to him. These are people who have worked in government all of their lives as civil servants, and who have worked for both republican and democratic presidents. But now, because of trump 's paranoia, ----not to mention his white supremacist right- hand man with a master plan, they are all viewed as a threat to his well being.
Sean Spicer admitted today when asked by a reporter that the administration does in fact believe that there is a shadow government and operatives working behind the scenes trying their best to undermine the duly elected trump.
The irony in all of this of course is that the people doing most of the leaking actually work for trump. And it seems that they are doing it because of their own internal fighting amongst each other.
But trump is so obsessed with Obama, and he is so paranoid (he loves Alex Jones) that he refuses to believe that a lot of the leaks and problems with controlling a story is because of his own actions. (Mr. President, please delete your twitter account.)
Anyway, today the president fired over 45 US attorneys all at once. (Including one he lied to after telling him that he would stay on.) they all got their pink slips, and it was so sudden that many of them heard it on the news This is not that unusual; Clinton did it, and so did other presidents. But it's the way that trump did the firing that has folks scratching their heads.
Some of these attorney's are in the middle of large investigations, and they were told to pack their backs and leave immediately. At least other presidents has the decency to give these people proper notice and get their affairs in order. And what's even scarier is that he did this (like so many other decisions that he makes) because a FOX VIEWS host told him to do it.
The move caught one senator by surprise.
"The abrupt mass firing appeared to be a change in plans for the administration, according to a statement by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
'In January, I met with Vice President Pence and White House Counsel Donald McGahn and asked specifically whether all U.S. attorneys would be fired at once,” she said. “Mr. McGahn told me that the transition would be done in an orderly fashion to preserve continuity. Clearly this is not the case. I’m very concerned about the effect of this sudden and unexpected decision on federal law enforcement.”'
So they lied. What else is new?
"What's scary is that president trump actually believes this crap, "
Field Negro two weeks ago: Ha ha ha! CIA is going to take Trump down!
Field Negro today: Ha ha ha! Trump is crazy for thinking the CIA is trying to take him down!
"Mr. McGahn told me that the transition would be done in an orderly fashion to preserve continuity. Clearly this is not the case. I’m very concerned about the effect of this sudden and unexpected decision on federal law enforcement.”
Trump only fired half of the US attorneys in one day. Clinton fired all of them in one day.
Seems like Trump's transition is twice as orderly as Clinton's was.
Listen to (((Diane Feinstein)))
This is administration Deep Shit, LOL!!!
tr**p and his cronies have been lying since he first announced his bid for President. They will continue to lie until they are voted out, and even then they will lie some more.
Every word out of Trump's mouth is a lie, including it, and, and the.
The firing of the US Attorneys, another spiteful move born of authoritarian paranoia, will measurably damage the country when all of the resources ongoing prosecutions have used are wasted as they fall into disarray.
Sort of worse than the firing of US Attorneys that got Rove kicked out of the White House for failing to respond to a subpoena and losing two million emails, because those US Attorneys were at least fired one at a time for corrupt political reasons, so the damage was more limited.
I'm actually more concerned about the gutting of the State Department, where the firing of four top diplomats with over a century and a half experience between them has buggered the institutional memory there just when it is needed the most to counter the blithering, dangerous, idiocy of the bastard president.
Oh, are all of you non-interventionist MAGAts just dancing for joy now that the marines have been sent into Syria, because what could possibly go wrong with that?
Fifty days into the easiest transition since W and there's still not one competent act of governance to be seen.
I will give him this, if he makes good on his promise to reinstate Glass-Steagall, I will publicly praise him just as I publicly denounce him for the awful, awful shit he usually does. Most likely, though, it's just another lie like everything else the bastard president says.
-Doug in Oakland
White libtards are huge cucks.
This whole Deep State nonsense is a conspiracy theory that Bannon came up with, and now he drip-drip-dripping it into Trump's orange ear.
As for firing all the attorneys, what I want to know is how's the status of replacing all the ambassadors that he dumped as of the date of his inauguration--and I don't think he's replaced a single one of them.
And add in the gutting of the EPA, the attempt to get rid of the eyhics committee, the elimination of the agency that oversees electronic voting machines, the elimination of Dodd/ Frank ect....... gonna be a long 4 years til President Oprah saves us.
@ PX: Yes, it's all so wonderful, isn't it?
"I will give him this, if he makes good on his promise to reinstate Glass-Steagall, I will publicly praise him just as I publicly denounce him for the awful, awful shit he usually does."
1. No you won't
2. Nobody cares what you think.
So I'm pretty sure that the firing of the US Attorney for the southern district of New York doesn't have anything to do with the letter he got two days ago asking him to investigate the Trump organization for inflows of foreign money that could be going into Trump's wallet.
-Doug in Oakland
"@ PX: Yes, it's all so wonderful, isn't it?"
Sure, if you like corrupt government, polluted lands, election malfeasance and banks taking advantage of the average joe. Other than that it sounds great.
"Sure, if you like corrupt government, polluted lands, election malfeasance and banks taking advantage of the average joe."
With the exception of "polluted lands", you just described the Obama years.
And though I don't think Trump is going to do any real polluting, I'll gladly take a little to get an honest government, fair elections, and putting Main Street ahead of Wall Street.
Horror, and moral terror, are you friends.
At least now we are done with all this climate change bullshit.
"At least now we are done with all this climate change bullshit."
-Doug in Oakland
The Global Warming hoax will be remembered as the greatest swindle of all time.
"And though I don't think Trump is going to do any real polluting, I'll gladly take a little to get an honest government, fair elections, and putting Main Street ahead of Wall Street."
Which IS NOT what you're getting. You do realize that Trump is ROLLING BACK banking regulations, eliminating the agency that oversees electronic voting machines and the repubs tried to eliminate the ethics committee. That is the opposite of what you just said you wanted. I get it, you're just trolling you don't actually believe what you wrote.
Another blueprint for the resistance:
-Doug in Oakland
Conservatives and Republicans are dumbasses.
tr**p and his minions are definitely trying to destroy Obama's legacy. Ultimately, however, Obama will be looked back as infinitely superior to the moron occupying the White House at the moment.
At least now we are done with all this climate change bullshit.
You may be but climatologists aren't. You don't work in atmospheric science so your absence will not be missed. Now go sit at the kid's table and drool.
Over-under on anti-Trump people here who have read one single fucking word of the Vault 7 leaks rather than getting the intel from white corporate media: 0.5
Muslim ban 2.0 loses first round in court. The bastard president will never learn, which is hardly surprising for a seventy year old fat white guy who has never had to do anything real in his whole disgusting life.
-Doug in Oakland
"Over-under on anti-Trump people here who have read one single fucking word of the Vault 7 leaks rather than getting the intel from white corporate media: 0.5
Oh dear, Josh is drunk again.
We all know you wouldn't bother reading them. You WANT the state spying on everyone. That's the dirty little not-so-secret secret of Marxists. They claim to want everything to belong to the people, but they simply hand everything to the government in hopes of government delivering equal portions of the pie to all underclasses. They typically believe they'll be in the ivory tower class, but usually end up being shot in a concrete lot, which isn't "murder" 'cause there's no murder in paradise, and their families starve to death. So we know you don't give a fuck about the state weaponizing everyday tech and transforming it into spying devices to intrude on the civil rights of citizens. You don't believe in civil rights of citizens.
You believe in the state.
If Donald manages to replace every single bureaucrat in the federal government with one of his own people, this will only increase the Trump administration dysfunction, since we already know the garbage quality of the people whom he and his advisors tend to hire.
It might reduce the leaking, but this would just mean the public finds out later about how badly the Trumpies have screwed up. They will learn when disaster strikes as a result of terrible policy decisions and implementations, rather than beforehand.
And all things considered, honestly, I don't even think this would stop the leaking, because, in fact, nobody is really loyal to Trump. Nobody actually likes the dude. Even those voters who voted for him know, deep down, that he is a rotten, worthless scumbag; their support for him is transactional: It's predicated on him giving them stuff (the preposterous, back to the 1950s economic miracle he has promised) or him punishing the "bad people" they don't like (brown people, mostly).
Trump is appointing Sam Brownback to a position at the UN. Brownback walks away from the failed ideological free-market experiment he inflicted on Kansas as governor, leaving the state's economy a smoking ruin.
Onward and upward!
"You believe in the state."
Anonymous Draining the Swamp said...I can't talk with my mouth full of bullshit.
Not a single person in Obama's administration was charged with any crime, indicted, tried or convicted and don't give me that bullshit Pbama protected everyone. Wingnut bastards pulled all their usual dirty tricks and still couldn't fins a prosecutable crime in 8 freaking
Less than 2 months into Drumpf's totalitarian reign of terror and the whole administration is about 2 honest wingnuts from being sent to prison.
Muhammad Ali Jr has been stopped again at an airport, this time by TSA. It's now "all bigotry, all the time" at Homeland Security, now that Trump is president.
There was also the inbred lowlife in Oregon, who was shocked and dismayed to discover Middle Easterners working at a Middle Eastern restaurant! So shocked, he was forced to bash one of those employees over the head with a pipe. Because Trump.
Then there are the hideous, fascistic Trump supporters, who demanded "liberal genocide" at their idiotic knucklehead rally in Arizona. These are America's most contemptible -- not two fucking brain cells to rub together between the lot of these retarded stormtroopers. I have no further comment beyond recommending everyone check out the black dude at the 1:38 mark demanding minorities stand up for the oppressed white race, and the Mexican-hating Mexican at 2:13. Both of them really are something truly special.
All we have to fear is lying Fake Noize itself.
Sessions agrees to a special prosecutor, finally, for investigating Obama's DOJ. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
@mike from iowa: Trouble my borgnine, you rectum dwelling dildo.
Jeff Sessions said-I think you can get that looked at, Sessions, if you can afford Drumpf doesn't care non-insurance. Just die, okay?
Of the top 20 states that screw people over the most on higher premiums, 19 of them voted fer Drumpf. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Rumour has it Sessions couldn't find his butt with either hand until he painted it black.
Suck my hanging hog-leg, you otter-diddling fucksack.
PilotX said...
"And though I don't think Trump is going to do any real polluting, I'll gladly take a little to get an honest government, fair elections, and putting Main Street ahead of Wall Street."
Which IS NOT what you're getting. You do realize that Trump is ROLLING BACK banking regulations, eliminating the agency that oversees electronic voting machines and the repubs tried to eliminate the ethics committee. That is the opposite of what you just said you wanted. I get it, you're just trolling you don't actually believe what you wrote.
Trump rolled back the ridiculous Dodd-Frank regulations, and will reinstate the only worthwhile parts by restoring the Glass-Steagall provisions repealed by Clinton.
He is eliminating the Obama DHS's Orwellian (and unconstitutional) attempt to assert federal control over state elections, which will increase electoral integrity, as will his other efforts to end federal government interference in anti-fraud intitiatives.
What did Trump do when the Repubs in Congress tried to kill the ethics commmittee? He slapped them down hard. He has also imposed on them a lifetime lobbying ban on behalf of foreign governments and a five year ban on any kind of lobbying after they leave office.
That's exactly what I said I wanted. You are the one who fails to realize that what is actually happening is quite different from what the hysterical lying press is trying to make you think is happening.
Draining the Swamp said...I iz totally on drugs-to the maxx. Brainwashed, too.
Drumpf is fixing everything for the 1%. Not you pissants. Not people of color. Just the wealthy. Take yer little blinders off and actually look around.
Lord how can so called educated Americans be this gullible and stoopid? Wouldn't be a problem but they are allowed to vote-against their best interests every goddamned time. You people are bat shit crazy!
Sessions-if you actually had a hanging hawg leg spit it out it don't belong to you.
Josh rails about the "white corporate media" but has yet to tell us where she gets her news. C'mon Josh, spill the beans. We want good unbiased news too.
Sure, we'll see.
Lord how can so called educated Americans be this gullible and stoopid?
could it be they're not educated?
As for the ethics office reversal- Note: Paul Ryan has also condemned the action, which is a little suspecious given my understanding that this was unlikely to move forward if he genuinely opposed it. If this is in fact just theater, this would make sense that Ryan allowed it to happen so that he and Trump could take credit for thwarting it. Because it was approved in a closed-door meeting, no individual Republican needs to take any heat for voting for it.
Oure theater for the gullible.
Josh, where do you get your news. Too much of a pussy to answer?
The California high-speed rail to nowhere project is running 50% over budget so far. Bad news when you consider the budget is $68 billion. The money spent so far on the project is "virtually all federal money". Thrown in with that is another project to electrify San Francisco's commuter rail system. Obama's Federal Transit Administration chief Carolyn Flowers approved a federal grant for the electrification project two days before President Obama left office. She is now employed by a contractor for the Caltrain projecy:
Ms. Flowers decided to help her progressive friends in San Francisco on her way out the door by fast-tracking the federal grant for Caltrain. Now she's returned through the other door to collect a piece of the cash. Sacramento is America's western swamp.
But swamps need lots of other people's money, and this swamp might be looking at a drought:
Just hours before the report was issued, results of the state's latest cap-and-trade auction of greenhouse gas emission allowances - the only source of ongoing bullet train funds - were released and once again it produced almost no money.
Moreover, the report was aired just days after the Trump administration had put an indefinite hold on a $647 million grant for electrifying the Caltrain commuter rail service on the San Francisco Peninsula, a major component of the "blended" bullet train system.
President Trump to the rescue!
Gosh, All this seems just Saint Roosevelts complaining about the obstacles put in the way of his socialist agenda. But that of course is worthy solely of praise.
President Trump to the rescue!
By appointing Exxon/Mobile to head the State Department, Goldman Sachs to head finance, a foreign agent to be his National Security Advisor, by cutting taxes on the wealthy as part of the "health care" deal. Great, we are pretty fucked. Oh wait, appointed a guy who sued the EPA to head the EPA, appointed a guy with a degree in Animal Husbandry to run Energy. Trump is the first internet troll president so it's no wonder you trolls like him. He is one of you.
Back to wingnut ethics, the potus, even a bogus one cannot impose any restrictions on congress. It is called separation of powers gfor a reason. Drump did not ask, beg or order any of his people to take the ethics course for White House staff because he has nothing but contempt for ethics.
The Trump Administration is the most ethical adminstration of our lifetimes, a welcome change after the least transparent, most scandal plagued adminstration in history overseen by the criminal Obama.
Progressivism is a totalitarian cult:
The Trump Administration is the most ethical adminstration of our lifetimes, a welcome change after the least transparent, most scandal plagued adminstration in history overseen by the criminal Obama.
Seriously? No one went to jail nor was there any REAL scandal. Memebers of the Bush Administration went to jail for outing a CIA agent. You trolls are just stooooopid.
And this idiot uses the fucking national review to back his claim. Oh teh stoooopid is think today.
And they fired them on Friday, when you do things that you want to be downplayed by the media. Things you're ashamed of.
At least they know shame? Naw, it's just a cynical move to minimize the bad press.
Field, you obviously have some Russian agents here. Why else are they jocking Trump?
@ Draining the Swamp
You're bitching about California receiving too much federal tax spending? Seriously?
You do realize that California kicks way more money to the federal government in tax than they take out in spending, right? If you're going to start whining about wealth redistribution, then the slack-jawed goobers of Red State America are going to have to write a fat check to repay California for all the aid they've provided to keep their broke-ass hillbilly economies afloat.
Brigade Fifteen said...
"If you're going to start whining about wealth redistribution, then the slack-jawed goobers of Red State America are going to have to write a fat check to repay California for all the aid they've provided to keep their broke-ass hillbilly economies afloat."
Some people are just incapable of understanding math, and others are so blinded by ideology that can't see the obvious.
The next logical step after noticing such as fact is to ask why?, something liberal nitwits never do before using it as a moral baseball bat to beat up on their foes.
The Red States that receive the most aid also happen to be the states with the highest proportion of blacks and Hispanics. The net transfer of wealth to Red States is mostly money paid to “minority” democrats in those Red states.
California's numbers benefit from not having many blacks and having a large number of very high earners in the tech and entertainment businesses.
Using 2014 numbers, the top 1 percent paid 45.7% of taxes. The bottom 80 percent — EIGHTY PERCENT — paid 15% of taxes. So the top 20% pays 85% of taxes, and that number is skewed highly to the top of the top.
Well where do the 1 and 2% tend to live? Yeah, in blue state urban centers or their immediate suburbs. So this greatly skews the results towards those states. You don't need a a whole lot of billionaires to push things into the “pay” column rather than the “take” column.
The point of all these numbers is that the Blue pay/Red take trope says nothing whatsoever about the populations of the states beyond the top percent. What would be enlightening is to calculate payers and takers after removing the top 20% of tax payers. This would give you the proper insights. Although the full picture is that the tax/take paradigm is a three-factor issue contingent on each state’s payers, paupers, and politicians. Power attracts pork, as is evident in the Caltrains electrification grant. Federal works spending constitutes a significant portion of the recipient state bundle.
The Blue state model is trending toward Brazil - a small overclass of millionaires ruling over a huge mestizo underclass. The Red state model results in a much broader middle class with significantly less income inequality.
I don't want to live in Brazil, I want to live in America. If California thinks they are getting a raw deal, then maybe they should go their own way. Adios, motherfuckers.
Preet Bharara—the political hack who refused to go after the Clinton Foundation— refused to resign. So Sessions fired him.
This is a big win for justice, and the American people.
Broke ass hillbilly economies, ROTFL!!
BTW, has the DUMB ASS that thinks Mike and I are 1 in the same, convinced otherwise yet?
Stupid hick!
KGB, they are just staying true to their wingnut trube.
The Genius said...
Intelligence is not education, as the many brilliant laymen who built this country and the many imbecilic victim-students like "Yisheng" who despise it both demonstrate.
The day of reckoning for the parasites on the working man's back is fast approaching. I will take a special delight in seeing Yisheng get what she so richly deserves.
At least Yisheng will never be a doctor.
So there's that.
The 10 states receiving the most in federal aid as a percentage of their general revenue, in order, were:
Mississippi, 42.9% federal aid as percentage of general revenue
Louisiana, 41.9%
Tennessee, 39.5%
South Dakota, 39.0%
Missouri, 38.2%
Montana, 37.4%
Georgia, 37.3%
New Mexico, 36.6%
Alabama, 36.1%
Maine, 35.3%
You'd have to cover a lot of ground in Maine, S Dakota, Hawaii, Misery,and New Mexico to find any Blacks and/or Hispanics.
Mike from shithole Iowa, I hope your dick falls off. It's old and wrinkly now anyway, so it's not like you'll miss it.
The day of reckoning for the parasites on the working man's back is fast approaching.
The parasites you seek
were you curious enough to peek
Those you voted for
Kick yer ass through the door
unto the rubble of history
where the stoopid always go
he who holds workers down
resides in White House with crown
and the party in control
after they purloined yer soul
You piss and moan at those who help
now you lose your wages without a yelp
because you all refuse to see
yer ass is fucked with the RNC-stoopids.
Have a nice day-stoopids!
Mike from Iowa still needs his dick to insert into young boys' asses.
mike from iowa said...
The 10 states receiving the most in federal aid as a percentage of their general revenue, in order, were:
Mississippi, 42.9% federal aid as percentage of general revenue
Louisiana, 41.9%
Tennessee, 39.5%
South Dakota, 39.0%
Missouri, 38.2%
Montana, 37.4%
Georgia, 37.3%
New Mexico, 36.6%
Alabama, 36.1%
Maine, 35.3%
Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and Louisiana are five of the most-black states.
Hawaii is the most non-white state.
New Mexico is most Hispanic state.
Montana and South Dakota numbers are skewed by large wealth transfers to Indian Reservations.
Maine is a poor state that has had to settle thousands of Somalis forced on them by Obama.
Missouri's numbers from the year you chose are skewed by large recent Federally funded infrastructure project (the New Mississippi River bridge project).
So, nice try mike, but your own data proves my point.
"...a five year ban on any kind of lobbying after they leave office."
Except for the whole "appoint a NSA who took half a million dollars from a foreign government to lobby for them" thingie... But I guess it's OK if he can't lobby after he LEAVES office.
-Doug in Oakland
Flynn is not NSA. He is not in the government.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is College Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Campus Like Nigga Read A Book Haha
Drumpf really had no choice but to fire this guy who was investigating Drumpf's ties to Russia.
To be clear Trump just had his Attorney General fire a federal prsoecutor who was in the middle of investigating his potentially illegal ties to Russia.
The stoopid draining the swamp said-
The Red States that receive the most aid also happen to be the states with the highest proportion of blacks and Hispanics.
I just proved it was not true. Brain dead Drain decides to toss in more minorities to make himself and his post relevant. Loser!
Anonymous said...
Flynn is not NSA. He is not in the government.
4:17 PM
He was when he took the money.
Mike from Iowa, when was the last time you slept with someone who wasn't an underage white boy?
Porker-yer back? Did you run out of pigs to fuck? You need to be kept on a three month breeding cycle for all them lonely sows and gilts just begging fer your canadian bacon, buddy.
The stoopid never stops with wingnuts.
Anymoose-yer mother told me she and yer dad really wanted you..... before you were born. I get that a lot from moms of all you right wing nut jobs. They all beg me to make abortion retroactive and mandatory. I would if I could for all wingnuts. Do the world a yoooooge favor, imho.
Wait for it......wait.....Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mike from Iowa, when was the last time you slept with someone who wasn't an underage white boy?
4:38 PM
Let's see the pics. Go big or go home.
He was a foreign agent when they appointed him to be NSA, and now that he's lawyered up he's retroactively registering as a foreign agent.
So still nobody cares that Trump sent the marines into Syria?
-Doug in Oakland
moron from iowa said...
I just proved it was not true
I think the resident iowa idiot might actually believe this.
This is why retards should not be allowed to vote. Or get on the internet.
Doug they have Marines ready to insert into Kuwait, as well.
Anymoose I win you and the rest of the losers lose some more. You won't abide by the rules and you still lose.
Draining the swamp made a statement of fact and when I proved it wrong, he decides to move the goal posts. Then he can continue to think he is clever, but, like you it ain't gonna happen.
More campaign promises broken. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/oh-look
The lies just keep coming. It isn't that Drumpf is a lying, scheming dirt bag. Everyone knows that. It is his followers don't care that he is a lying, scheming, dirt bag.
mike's desperation is as obvious as his urine-stained pants.
Billionaires are rewrting the constitution to gavoe kor[orate amerika at the expense of the working people so you know wingnuts will vote in favor of it.
I see I got a rabid wingnut troll in my spell check.
From Driftglass:
"We on the Left would like to sincerely thank President* Donald Trump for confirming for all the world to see every single thing we have ever said about the fundamental laziness, stupidity, brutality, paranoia, racism and deep contempt for this country that lurks at the heart of all those flag-waving fake patriots and Bible-thumping fake Christians in the GOP.
We couldn't have done it without you, Twitler!"
-Doug in Oakland
Quote Josh the lying racist sleaze ball
"Black men typically rape over 35,000 white women every year.
White men typically rape fewer than 10 black women every year."
This is a lie that has been debunked more often than Saddam's weapons pf mass destruction.
What's worse is, Josh absolutely knows the stats he quotes are a lie. That's the current state of his illness, he gets a sexual kick out of lying to black folks about rape..
Umm. Show us folks some of the "links" these facts, PC.
BTW way, keep up with the "wall meter".
Josh's statistics on rape are unfortunately true.
No hearings for the Yemen raid that caused the deaths of Navy Seal William Ryan Owens and those children. Why?
Trump draining the swamp? No! He's draining honesty and integrity.
Trump is also planting obstruction to squash an investigation into his Russian ties. I bet bribery runs deep in Congress.
Session committed perjury? Why hasn't Trump fired him? That's a felony isn't it? Oh I forgot, Session is a undercover Klansman from way back, probably knew Fred Trump another Klansman in one of those Klan meetings.
Trump lies 24/7 every half a second. He actually believes his own lies, which makes him more dangerous. Trump is also crazier than a road lizard.
Did any of you see the bill, HR 1313 genetic testing that passed recently in the House? Employees will be subject to thousand $ fine if they refuse to share theirs with their employer. Smh!
Welp, if they don't hurry up and get Trump out the White House, the USA will be waving the Tsardom of Russia instead the Star Spangled Banner.
This Deep State thing is a fucking kick, right? Laugh and a half.
Any thinking American is, of course, horrified at the prospect of the Trump presidency.
We're not Russian spies. We're called Americans.
Speaking of, "Deep State," and other conspiracy theories, the thing that really blows my mind is the way that the hard-core right-wing operatives in the TSA, in ICE, in the federal police, those that attacked the encampment of the Water Protectors, et cetera, were all ready to take Trump's orders, without any training period required. That's some scary shit. They were ready to go at a moment's notice. Weapons. Persecution. Riot control. You fucking name it.
Talk about a vast right-wing conspiracy. Those fucking bastards are holding the reins of power.
I did want to say that for the most part, and to the best of my knowledge, state and local police departments have continued to conduct their affairs in a humane and just way without kowtowing to the monster/dictator. I can't really speak for the departments in the deep south or the more conservative states in the mid-west. We can only hope for the best.
"Pence lied. Spicer lied. Trump knew Flynn was a foreign agent before he gave him full access to all our secrets"
I hope President Obama gave Trump a false nuclear code or Trump forgets what it is. Please Lord make it so.
I can't do that Granny. President Trump is doing my bidding, and good works will flow from his hands. Pray for him and be assured that he will indeed Make America Great Again.
Noopid Stiggers:
— Insist that the CIA invented crack and HIV to kill them.
— Won't believe there's any such thing as the "deep state".
"they were told to pack their backs and leave immediately."
Half-literacy will out.
"Fifty days into the easiest transition since W"
Marked by Soros-fomented riots and the ex-resident's establishment of a shadow White House in Washington DC.
"we already know the garbage quality of the people whom he and his advisors tend to hire."
Valerie Jarett (a Muslim born in Iran!), Loretta Lynch, Jeh Johnson (who admitted tens of thousands of un-vetted "refugees", several who turned terrorist already)... yeah, we know the garbage quality of the people hired by the Obamanation.
"Muhammad Ali Jr has been stopped again at an airport, this time by TSA."
TSA is mostly populated by Black affirmative-action hires.
"You do realize that Trump is ... eliminating the agency that oversees electronic voting machines"
Eliminate electronic voting machines. Problem solved.
"You'd have to cover a lot of ground in Maine, S Dakota, Hawaii, Misery,and New Mexico to find any Blacks and/or Hispanics."
Leftard capacity for self-delusion is endless:
Maine has Lewiston, which is a major colony site for Zoomalis.
Missouri is home to both St. Louis and Kansas City, both full of Noop... er, Blacks. St. Louis in particular has a rampant and metastasizing problem of Black infrastructural destruction, with the neighborhood around the house at 4600 Labadie literally disappearing. And you, of all groups of clowns, can somehow forget Ferguson?!
New Mexico is 48% Hispanic or Latino as of July 1 2015.
Hawaii is full of Polynesians. 'Nuff said. S. Dakota is probably full of illegal Mexican'ts and Squatemalans working in the meatpacking jobs that used to be done by White union members.
"I see I got a rabid wingnut troll in my spell check."
No matter what you do, you always blame YT for it.
Those who disclaim moral agency should not have the vote. Period.
Ya know, I was just watching a commercial from ancestry.com
Made me think. You (and you know who you are) Negros have been screaming for years, "there is no thing such as race!"
I'd like to see a map which shows who's who, and where they live.
I mean, wouldn't you?
"Muhammad Ali Jr has been stopped again at an airport, this time by TSA."
Because his Slick Rick-level bling-blong sets off metal detectors, and he's too fucking stupid to take it off before trying to walk through.
That's what he gets for wearing fake jewelry anyway. LOL
More shit that's objectively not racist yet you buffoons refuse to see it any other way.
Fuck. You lot need to take a fresh dip in the gene pool to help out your future generations.
Josh, you obviously don't fly much.
Sup Granny? Nice to see you somewhere else besides on twitter. :)
Bald guy you and Josh 2 Smart are full of shit and clewless to boot. Where is yer proof? Saying a state is probably full of something or other doesn't prove anything.
Been meaning to ask since you claimed to be a published author, what do you write? Really lousy porn is my guess-as if there were any other written porn. Could you be L Scooter Libby in drag?
All you right wing whiners whining about being spied upon, suck this-
Bend over, boys.
HHS head giver Price promises no one will be worse off under Drumpfcare. Liar liar pant's ablaze.
Hi Field, I've been doing great. What about yourself?
I like Twitter. Twitter gives me free time to do other activities I enjoy doing. It also keeps my blood pressure down. If I don't want to read hate filled comments, I can hit the block button.
Several of the bloggers on the Afrospear, Ellen at the Newshounds, and Letterman and I still keep in touch with each other.
Btw, I accomplished the goal I set out to do. When I get a chance I'll send you a picture.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Yeah. Because airport security technology is racist. It reads white DNA and things don't beep if whitey haz metal yo
Progressives fighting Trumps admin tooth and nail so he cannot make the chocolate jesus look bad.By Trump actually doing good for the country the progressives are terrified of this.....
Well, exactly. The left isn't afraid Trump will fail and the nation will somehow get worse. They're mortified he's going to succeed and America will realize they never need to be elected again.
Field isn't posting anti-Trump hit pieces six times a week because he hates Trump. He's posting them six times a week because he's scared fucking shitless of Trump succeeding. Trump success, in his mind, equates to black cause celebres not taking top billing anymore. There's nothing Special-Americans seem to fear more in this world than becoming just "Americans" and removing their qualifier.
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