There is so much for us to talk about.
This Russia thing with Herr trump is not going away. His daughter has now moved down the hall in the White House, and she has become an official government employee.
The investigation itself of the trump Russian ties is just a "mess", and that's a republican talking, not the Field Negro.
Meanwhile, Sean Spicer continues to show us all that he is way over his head, and our president needs to brush up on his history.
Did you all see the video from the I-X Center in Cleveland? Hundreds of "teens" and "young people" mobbed the scene and began acting like wild animals, fighting each other and beating up innocent people as terrified families scrambled to safety.
Field, on your other blog, A Gay Black Man With AIDS Speaks, you mentioned that you were worrying that your health care funding would be cut off by the Trump Administration and that you wouldn't be able to afford your antibiotics and your AZT anymore. Do you think the bill will finally pass that will get affordable health insurance to all American People? If not, your days of having random unprotected anal sex in highway restrooms might come to an end sooner than you think!
Good luck, Field, and say hi to Tay-Tay for me. XO
"our president needs to brush up on his history."
From your link: "Not everyone on Twitter gets jokes, however."
Apparently, that includes the Field Negro.
Well, since Ivanka is participating in this fascist experiment and it is an open thread...
Has anyone seen the naked pics of Ivanka on-line? She is a perfect ten for anyone who chooses the Moravian/Czechoslovakian model of beauty. She is slender, athletic and has huge boobs. She has no unnecessary fat. She has an adorable snatch. Nice smile too.
Am I a male chauvinist pig for saying this? Well, maybe.
She's the one who posed for pornography shoots. She put herself out there on the web, presumably to make money.
It used to be fairly safe to go and look for her pics. Now I wouldn't recommend it. You might pick up a nasty virus if you are lucky enough to find them. And I do mean lucky. I don't consider it tasteful pornography, but it's some fairly graphic shit!
As a gentleman I can say no more.
Wow, America sure is getting great ...if by great you mean poorer and dumber:
-Doug in Oakland
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
Is there anyone more pathetic than "Yisheng"?
I mean really. Someone who is always denigrating others for their supposed lack of education and preening over her own dubious 'accomplishments' but can barely spell "STEM" thinking one day she will be a doctor because they have unwisely let her stay in college for 40 years.
To her, being able to hang around actual doctors and scientists in a Quixotic quest to join their ranks as a peer rather than as a servant makes her better than people who graduated and got jobs decades ago, like she should have done.
Successful black people hate Affirmative Action chiselers like Yisheng because of how her ungracious demeanor and professional failures cast aspersions on the real accomplishments of talented and decent blacks. I feel sorry for all the people who have to deal with her in real life.
"Is there anyone more pathetic than "Yisheng"??
Yes. Yes there is. Lots of them, actually. One of them you may have heard of, his name is Donald Trump. You don't get any more pathetic than him, although Paul Ryan comes close.
-Doug in Oakland
Josh is the best.
30th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
"Has anyone seen the naked pics of Ivanka on-line? She is a perfect ten for anyone who chooses the Moravian/Czechoslovakian model of beauty. She is slender, athletic and has huge boobs. She has no unnecessary fat. She has an adorable snatch. Nice smile too."
Donald would probably agree with you there. He also seems to find his daughter quite sexy, which is creepy as hell.
But putting sex appeal aside, I fail to see what justifies Ivanka's appointment to serve in the White House. Unqualified people are piling up left and right in our national executive branch -- starting with the giant putz at the top, of course.
That's life in the new, rampantly corrupt banana republic of America.
Non-Trump supporters are just as shitty as Trump supporters.
Josh is a girl.
https://tinyurl.com/l73qmn9 Presidential pets-extremely accurate and Hillary-ous.
FJ-are you talking about Melanoma's nude pics?
Someone has a Go-Fund account started to raise money and pourchase Paul Ryan's internet surfing information and post it publicly. They may be looking for more pols to invade their privacy they no longer have.
Right wing college dropouts are ganging up on poor little Rhodesa Scholar, Oxford Grad with a PHD in political science Rachel Maddow.
dinthebeast said...
"Is there anyone more pathetic than "Yisheng"??
Yes. Yes there is. Lots of them, actually. One of them you may have heard of, his name is Donald Trump. You don't get any more pathetic than him, although Paul Ryan comes close. -Doug in Oakland
You know, most people would consider conducting infectious diseases research and providing medical care to the poor, underserved and HIV infected, a reasonably noble thing to do. So compared to PEEOTUS, I'm on my way to Sainthood!! :)
It's quite normal for the resident assholes to remain insanely jealous about my wonderful and accomplished life. But I expected a little more from you since you should know damn well that there's a 10 universe difference between my goals in life and PEEOTUS'. Put another way, there's NO comparison to be even considered.
But then I'm still stuck on why (daily?) insults of me, WHICH I NEVER EVER READ, remain so fucking interesting and retort worthy, to the rest of you.
Oh yeah, Happy(future)Doctors Day! :)
"Someone has a Go-Fund account started to raise money and pourchase Paul Ryan's internet surfing information and post it publicly. They may be looking for more pols to invade their privacy they no longer have."
Yeah, I'd like to see that. It would serve these knuckleheads right, after they decided that ISPs should be able to sell off people's Internet histories for profit, that they get to personally experience the damage they have wrought.
Then we can all have a big laugh about the vile, political extremist websites they are surfing and the porn these sanctimonious Jesus hustlers are wanking to. I'm willing to bet a few of their careers would instantly go up in smoke.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
You know, most people would consider conducting infectious diseases research and providing medical care to the poor, underserved and HIV infected, a reasonably noble thing to do.
Most people do.
Unfortunately, you don't do that.
You pretend that you do, and that saying you do makes you better than others, but the truth is you are a glorified lab assisitant.
Which is fine. And can also be a reasonably noble thing to do. But you can't admit that because of your desperately insecure ego and your deep seated need to denigrate those onto whom you project your own resentments.
You're ten universes better than Donald Trump, Saint Yisheng. You really, really, are.
Nuther former Texas wingnut pol got busted, this one for stealing money meant for charities and using it for his own campaign and personal spending. Steve Stockman-the craziest wingnut in Texas until Gohmert showed up joins a what's what list of scumbag, fauxknee kristians in Texas who have been charged, indicted and mostly set free by dumbass dub ya appointees on the 5 th circuit court of appeals w/o much explanation.
Texas AG was indicted for securities fraud before he was elected AG and is still under indictment. Rick Perry skated and sodid convict Tom Delay who stayed out of prison for numerous years on appeal until the 5th circuit gave him a get out of jail free card with no chance for the state to retry him.
White Social Justice Warrior Dies at Hands of Black Killer:
Nobody had to tell Corrina Mehiel about the white privilege that killed her. It was a major focus of her life as a white Social Justice Warrior disguised as an artist. Just a few days after she was photographed with Nancy Pelosi grinning in approval, friends found Mehiel tied up, stabbed, tortured, and ultimately dead at the hands of El Hadji Alpha Madiou Toure, a black man arrested driving her car and using her debit card.
Her Facebook page is bursting with the gospel of black victimization, from the death of Biggie Smalls to the white racism of Donald Trump to the white racism destroying schools in Detroit and everything in between.
Her belief in black victimization came, she said, at an early age when her mother read to her the book that would change her life: It Takes a Village, by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Hillary’s book may have neglected to mention that black on white murder is wildly out of proportion: And how a black person is 27 times (at least) more likely to murder a white person than vice versa.
In the few days before and after Mehiel’s murder, that trend continued around the country.
Down in Jacksonville, Florida, a white music teacher told a black man that she did not want to hire him to clean her yard. He killed her. For the music teacher and mother of four, it was her second time around the block: 23 years ago, another black intruder broke into the same house and almost killed her.
For the killer, it was his 33rd arrest.
In Tulsa, a 19-year-old white girl came home early for lunch and found a black person burglarizing her apartment. He killed her. Cops said the man they arrested for her murder was the chief suspect in two other murders, but they could not prove it.
That is cop talk for ‘this is his third murder, at least.’
In Milwaukee, a group of black people carjacked a white city inspector and killed him. The same mayor who has appointed himself one of the nation’s top preachers of the gospel of black victimization and white racism appeared before the TV cameras to wonder how this could have happened.
In Spring Lake, North Carolina, a white mother of two was found murdered outside her home. Her black boyfriend is under arrest.
In Cincinnati, a white man named Jamie Urton was driving through a black neighborhood when a black child darted in front of his car, striking it. The child was shaken, but okay. Urton died after three black people pulled him from the car, beat him, then shot him.
This is all in the last week.
Brigade Fifteen-
Since Republican legislators are giving us so much here, you may be concerned that they’re not getting anything back — other than some sweet, sweet money from lobbyists. But they are! Adam McElhaney, a privacy and net neutrality activist from Tennessee, has decided to return the favor by starting a GoFundMe in order to raise money to buy the internet search history of everyone who worked so hard to pass this bill.
McElhaney writes:
Thanks to the Senate for passing S.J.Res 34 , now your Internet history can be bought.
I plan on purchasing the Internet histories of all legislators, congressmen, executives, and their families and make them easily searchable at searchinternethistory.com.
Everything from their medical, pornographic, to their financial and infidelity.
Anything they have looked at, searched for, or visited on the Internet will now be available for everyone to comb through.
Read more at https://wonkette.com/614806/gop-how-can-companies-offer-you-good-deals-if-they-dont-know-what-porn-you-like#ItD0xUSqG2VJL1He.99
Cuts both ways.
No it doesn't, not proportionately.
First 4 targets have been identified for internet browsing histories.
Before the bill passed Tuesday, McElhaney created SearchInternetHistory.com, a website that aims to use the bill’s new power to crowdfund for the browsing histories of its biggest supporters. Currently, the website shows a poll for the first four possible targets: Blackburn, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.
Blabburn has received over $700,000.00 in campaign contributions.
Fuck yer proportionality. You forgetting all them unarmed blacks murdered in the back by cops?
My favorite refrain for this administration, COUNTDOWN TO IMPEACHMENT!!
I'd rather annul this clusterfuck election and install HRC. The Fed should calculate the cost of staying at Camp David and then charge Drumpf 100 times that much each time he goes to the Drumpf Dump South to conduct his money making at the expense of US taxpayers.
mike from iowa said...
I'd rather annul this clusterfuck election and install HRC
Of course you would, you are a commumist.
mike from iowa said...
First 4 targets have been identified for internet browsing histories.
Save your money; Trump is goig to can it.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Trump cracking down on sanctuary cities is fascist! You can't make states obey your federal rulings!
Unless it's "civil rights"
Or environmental regulations
Or border unenforcement
Or abortion
Any white people killed by fellow whites? Nah, that NEVER happens.
No, I'm not a commumist. I don't appreciate wingnuts and commumists clluding to dismantle our electoral process and install a Putin puppet in tne WH. Then continue deny anything untoward happened. And then try to obstruct investigations into the collusion and other treasonable crimes wingnuts have committed lately. But that's just me.
Breaking news.
Spicey is such a defensive little weasel, lol!!
mike from iowa said...
No, I'm not a commumist. I don't appreciate wingnuts and commumists clluding to dismantle our electoral process and install a Putin puppet in tne WH
Putin is not a communist, he is a nationalist.
America is the communist country now.
Steve Bannon won’t be charged for voter fraud even though evidence ‘tends to indicate’ guilt: prosecutors
For all the bitching wingnuts do about voter fraud they sure never prosecute their own, do they? Bwahahahahahahahahahaahhaha!
Republicans moving ahead with their plans to try to defund Planned Parenthood.
Shout-out to all the women, especially the white ones, who thought voting for gropey Trump and the (frankly, even more sexist) GOP was a sensible idea.
Off you go to the penalty box with the idiot Latinos for Trump. You can have a long chat with each other about how great it is to not have any understanding of your own interests, and you can work together to brainstorm some new and exciting ways to screw yourselves.
@4:08, and they can resume having back alley abortions.
Oh, and y'all dumb rural white folks, this may be why you don't got no Internet no more:
FCC Takes a Hatchet to Program Providing Broadband Internet for the Poor
Hey, you voted for that. Can't complain too much then, can you?
Wait, but Trump didn't tell you he was going to do that? He wouldn't do that, because he's the champion of the little guy? You mean TRUMP LIES?!!!
Perish the thought.
mike from iowa said...
Steve Bannon won’t be charged for voter fraud even though evidence ‘tends to indicate’ guilt: prosecutors
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahHahHhagahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Brigade Fifteen said...
Republicans moving ahead with their plans to try to defund Planned Parenthood.
How many black babies won't die because of these evil Republicans?
"How many black babies won't die because of these evil Republicans?
Right. Fetuses are "babies"; black women are being "forced" to abort them (lol); all abortion doctors are incompetent/unethical like Dr. Gosnell; and you, Mr. Racist Internet Troll, are deeply concerned about the welfare of black people and want there to be more of them.
So much untruth packed into just one comment. You win a trophy. Head over to Stormfront to pick it up.
It's a woman's choice and none of your goddamn business. Which is how Roe v Wade was decided, it was a decision based on an expectation of privacy. Why should you care/know why someone is going to the doctor. Oh that's right, white men should have control over everyone.
Brigade Fifteen said...
"So much untruth packed into just one comment."
Cognitive dissonance.
*Republicans want to exterminate black people
*Republicans want to stop subisdizing the aborting of black babies
"It's a woman's choice and none of your goddamn business. Which is how Roe v Wade was decided, it was a decision based on an expectation of privacy. "
No, ending funding of Planned Parenthood is a decision based on an expectation of handouts.
Women can still choose to abort their pregnancies, just not having taxpayer money pay for it.
"Cognitive dissonance.
*Republicans want to exterminate black people
*Republicans want to stop subisdizing the aborting of black babies"
No cognitive dissonance.
All Republicans (politicians and voters) aren't racists. Some are just rich and greedy, or sexist, or stupid, or overly nationalistic -- motivated by any number of other terrible belief systems or character flaws. A "rainbow coalition" of scum
However, some of them are quite Naziesque, and that group definitely includes Trump and many of his minions in the White House. A proud moment for America, that.
Take, for example, the clash between fiscal conservatives and religious conservatives.
Fiscal conservatives want to stop aid being paid to poor people, so they ought to support abortion services, on the grounds that women being forced to birth babies they don't want and can't afford will lead to more benefits payouts. Or, alternatively, more crime and costs associated with crime.
Religious conservatives want to stop abortion, because "every sperm is sacred" and "slutty women" must be punished.
These people's goals are in direct, irreconcilable conflict with each other. But I wouldn't call this "cognitive dissonance." I would call it "the Republican Party is a great big joke with only one common value: spite towards varies groups of other people they hate."
"All Republicans (politicians and voters) aren't racists. Some are just rich and greedy, or sexist, or stupid, or overly nationalistic -- motivated by any number of other terrible belief systems or character flaws."
This is a sane, balanced world-view.
I'm sure you are happy, well-adjusted person.
Brigade Fifteen said...
"the Republican Party is a great big joke with only one common value: spite towards various groups of other people they hate."
That doesn't describe you at all.
Not a one bit.
Not a smidgen.
If douchebag wingnuts wanted less abortions they would be in favor of Planned Parenthood, sex education, birth control, but they really don't give a shit except as a means to control women-whom they hate with all their heart.
They-wingnuts-have proven time and again they are willing to throw babies out with the bath water to score points with their base. They are all sick fucks. They lie about everything. They have no moral compass. No compassion except for the koch bros. They mock their so called lord and saviour and they are big wienies. Plus, they stink.
"Porter said...
Trump cracking down on sanctuary cities is fascist! You can't make states obey your federal rulings!
Unless it's "civil rights"
Or environmental regulations
Or border unenforcement
Or abortion
12:42 PM"
OR..speed limits, seat belt laws, legal drinking age, those are just a few that come to mind...I'm sure there's more...
If memory serves, rules were made up after Watergate to prevent Watergate stuff from happening and since at least dumbass dubya's reign of terror wingnuts have been dismantling those protections. Now we get Putin/Drumpf Spygate involving them godforsaken fucking wingnuts some more. Wingniuts are wholly owned subsidies of Wall Street/korporate amerila-every last one of them.
Galluping gourmet of potus polls has Drumpf at a whopping 35% approval-down a point this week. %9% disapprove of the job he is paid to do but isn't doing in any recognizable form. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
What "rules" are you referring to, Mikie corn/hog Boy?
Tell us which ones.
You know, we see what you say, we just can't understand WHY you're saying it..
Seems to be a popular argument with your race.
You have no proof...to NOTHING.
Tar Sands the ape raper- The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 is a United States federal law that was passed in the wake of the Nixon Watergate scandal and the Saturday Night Massacre. It created mandatory, public disclosure of financial and employment history of public officials and their immediate family. It also created restrictions on lobbying efforts by public officials for a set period after leaving public office. Last, it created the U.S. Office of Independent Counsel, tasked with investigating government officials.
Wingnuts shit all over the Independent Counsel law and abused it so bad trying to railroad Bill Clinton even Dems got disgusted and helped kill it. There are financial disclosure laws Drumpf's nominees for cabinet spots did not bother to fill out along with assorted questionaires not given to committees tasked with approving or denying them cabinet spots.
I am sure, even with a weasel brain like yours, you could find more. I am not doing all yer research for you shiftless, lazy bums.
You know, we see what you say, we just can't understand WHY you're saying it..
You truly are that dumb, ain't you?
So I wonder why Flynn thinks he needs immunity before he can testify.
Wasn't he the moron who said that if you were asking for immunity you must be guilty?
-Doug in Oakland
Aren't they all? Tarzan, no Johnson the pussy, Josh the girl and dumb assed James. What do they all have in common besides being as dumb as a box of sand?
Flynn about to snitch.
Doug relays all the best hoax stories.
Nope, James is the best with fake dumb ass news.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
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