So this story being reported by CNN about a computer link between servers owned by a Russian bank and the trump organization could be somewhat of a big deal. If you are riding with the under and not the over as to when trump will be impeached, you might be in a better position these days.
There sure seems to be a lot of smoke here, and the GOP is doing their best to cover for their leader. But at some point the heat might get too hot for even them to stick around. Let's face it folks, this Russia stuff is not going away anytime soon.
Most people (your friendly Field Negro included) believe that trump's tax returns could hold the key to what's going on here. Most people are still trying to figure out why he refuses to release them. None of us actually believe that he is not being allowed to release them because of an audit.
If this is in fact true, why won't he release the letter the IRS sent him advising him of the audit? It's a rhetorical question. I know why. He is the charlatan in chief.
But he is not the only charlatan in his circle. Time and time again his people have told us that they had no meetings or connections with the Russians. And yet, we are learning now, that this is far from the truth, and that they lied about their connections and conversations with the Russians.
"The server in question came under scrutiny last summer after internet data from a computer server owned by the Moscow-based Alfa Bank searched for the contact information of a computer server owned by the Trump Organization.
Their internet searches exceeded other companies, with this Russian bank alone accounting for 80 percent of the Trump server look-ups, according to CNN, which reported that FBI investigators found the server connection "odd."
It's unclear how consequential it would be if such a connection were found. CNN reported that there are no specific allegations of wrongdoing.
The server issue was recently mentioned in a Breitbart article that inspired President Trump to claim on Twitter that his phone was tapped during the election by the Obama administration, according to a White House official cited by CNN. "[Source]
I need a stiff vodka to process all of this.
*Pic from
"So this story being reported by CNN about a computer link between servers owned by a Russian bank and the trump organization could be somewhat of a big deal."
You are stuck in the "Bargaining" stage of grief, where you are seeking in vain for a way out.
It's time to move on to "Depression", Field. You are going to have to get to "Acceptance" at some point.
Tomb up... This is very interesting.
Russia will be as big a deal for tr**p as it was for Ronnie Raygun, though for completely different reasons. What is it with douchebag Presidents and Russia?
The theoretical "big deal" here is, what if there was a quid pro quo here? Such as, what if Trump offered to drop sanctions against Russia or to stand aside while Russia gobbles up sections of Eastern Europe, in return for them hacking his election opponent? I'm not saying such an actual quid pro quo exists, but should one be uncovered, that would be truly explosive. I can predict the congressional GOP would go through some truly amazing contortions to try to avoid having to remove their scummy president.
Regardless of whether there was or was not such a formal deal, there's very strong evidence at this point that Russian operatives were responsible for hacking the DNC and the Clinton campaign, and zero doubt at all of Trump's grotesque ideological allegiance to a kleptocratic strongman who is hostile to US interests in Europe and a destructive, destabilizing force in the Middle East.
Why are blacks so concerned about Russia when black males are infinitely more dangerous?
Trump was mentored by a gay pedophile Roy Cohn and friends with a pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and yet every albino loves this. He is a failed business man bailed out by the mafia and mossad and a failed reality star that has a Goldman Sachs cabinet and a white racist advisory team
Maybe they got the FISA warrant after Konstantin Kilimnik flew in to the RNC to trade the DNC break in for the removal of the arming of Ukraine in the Republican party platform.
-Doug in Oakland
And maybe the payment also includes the hollowing out of the State Department (37% budget cut, firing of all career diplomats who know anything about Russia) and the neutering of the CIA (Wikileaks dump of cyber spying tools, general denigration of intelligence services) and any other ways to please Putin that they can think of.
-Doug in Oakland
Why are whites so concerned about Russia when heroine is so much more dangerous?
Five micro-dicked white boys...
Is Dr. Drew afraid of women?
-Doug in Oakland
What could Russia possibly do that would negatively impact our lives? What the fuck is all this about?
10th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Yep, it's all over. ALL OVER! Trump's a tax cheat, which enabled him to become HITLER, and becoming HITLER enabled him to become president, and now the world's gonna end!
True story!
I mean, it's not like America is literally the least racist place on earth, or that ONLY white-majority nations allow multiculturalism and for third-world races to eat away at the host nation, while black, Latino and Asian nations remain ethnocentric for their survival intentionally. Nope. It's the end times because Trump is LITERALLY Hitler. Literally.
I can't tell who is more stupid: Josh or James.
Vault 7.
Your diversity hire hero was the biggest civil rights intruder in human history. And all you morons can do is cluck around wailing incessantly with autistic screeching about Russia and Trump's taxes.
There aren't enough red pills in the world to save you lot. You need people like James and me around to save this place from going full echo chamber. Seriously. WTF do any of you do 'cept 'n congratulate each other for hating white people?
James IS Josh.
Josh sez- Mary had a little lamb and tied it to a heater, the NRA stepped in immediately to force name change of heaters to lamb cooking devices so no one would suspect Mary was holding the lamb hostage with a gun.
Then the chorus weighed in. The bald guy and Josh licked their chops in anticipation of ghastly repast. See Mary had cooked the lamb much to the consternation of the lads Josh and the bald guy. Seeing tears in their eyes Mary politely asked,"wassa matter guys, did I screw up the cooking?", Mary you cooked up their screwing.
And that is why these two brave, stalwart gentlemen inhabit this blog for trolling purposes. Hide yer lambs.
The bald guy and Josh had a Russian sheep
They went to bed and fell asleep
The sheep turned out to be a ram
And Josh and the bald guy kicked kristians out of their closeta so these two had some privacy.
Field is not very bright. He got the obvious spam at 1:37 AM, but missed the only-slightly-less-blatant "Blackbook Nigeria" one at 9:34 PM. Hey, Feeled? The way you keep spammers off your blog is by purging them before they can get picked up by search engines and improve their SEO rankings.
"It's the end times because Trump is LITERALLY Hitler. Literally."
So if it comes down to ovens, these clowns will claim to have known all along.
Except it won't. It'll come to tree chippers and rendering plants. Commercial fish food and turkey protein supplements will be cheap for a while. Gonna be some export opportunities to China, yessirree.
"I can't tell who is more stupid: Josh or James."
I find it endlessly amusing that this and "Muh Dik" exhaust your creativity with put-downs.
"And all you morons can do is cluck around wailing incessantly with autistic screeching"
Autists actually care about rules and fairness. These are just chimps.
"You need people like James and me around to save this place from going full echo chamber."
I don't need this place at all. If I want to see libtardism, I can get it at HuffPo or Reddit. They have an endless supply 24/7/365. But this place makes me laugh.
"James IS Josh."
See? Like that.
I'll explain it again for you apes: Josh is the evolutionary biologist. I'm the semi-retired writer with patents to his name. Now see how long you can go without making me laugh some more.
Whoops, Mangina did it again, thinking he's remotely clever. Time since last laugh: 0 days 0:00:00
Trump was mentored by a gay pedophile Roy Cohn and friends with a pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and yet every albino loves this. He is a failed business man bailed out by the mafia and mossad and a failed reality star that has a Goldman Sachs cabinet and a white racist advisory team
Trump was mentored by a gay pedophile Roy Cohn and friends with a pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and yet every albino loves this. He is a failed business man bailed out by the mafia and mossad and a failed reality star that has a Goldman Sachs cabinet and a white racist advisory team
"where there's smoke there's fire" meh. But when a string of coincidences becomes an insurmountable mountain, even the most obtuse should want answers. Among the 'explain away' ridiculous is the "explanation" that the huge number of pings to the Trump server was the result of perceived spam e-mail. OK - for a brief second I'll accept that absurd explanation. But, herein lies the problem. There were two outliers in the traffic at the Trump server, Alpha Bank and Dick DeVos. Yeah, that Dick, husband of Betsy DeVos, most unqualified secretary of whatever for however long. Donnie and the kids have some 'splaining to do.
Eat shit progs.
All your base are belong to us.
Democrats hate white people.
Bald guy, how do you really feel about lambs and do you prefer them before or after Josh?
99% of the pings on Drumpf's server belonged to the 2 outfits Anonymous mentioned.
It would be easier to figure out which members of Drumpf's pussypoose did not have contacts with Russia. Then there is the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, too. Dots everywhere.
On top of an amazing jobs report, the FBI says Trump is squeaky clean with regards to Fake Russia claim:
So. Much. Winning.
Let's "Move On" from this silly Russia nonsense and start doing what's best for America.
Man up and support President Trump, the people's choice to lead our nation.
Yeah, who needs a "State Department"? Diplomacy is for pussies, and everybody knows what Big Man Trump does with those...
-Doug in Oakland
Josh, what news outlets do you get your information?
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Trump's computer getting spam from a Russian bank is not a big deal.
You know what is a big deal? Hillary Clinton gave 20% of U.S. uranium supply to a Russian company, and afterwards the principal parties involved "donated" $145 million to the Clinton Foundation and gave $500,000 to her husand.
"You know what is a big deal? Hillary Clinton gave 20% of U.S. uranium supply to a Russian company, and afterwards the principal parties involved "donated" $145 million to the Clinton Foundation and gave $500,000 to her husand."
Your dumb uranium sale "scandal" is nonsense. It has never made any kind of sense.
*The board that okays uranium sales has multiple members, of which Hillary Clinton was only one. It only makes recommendations to the president in any case; it has no power to approve or disapprove sales of uranium on its own.
*Almost all the money donated to the Clinton Foundation came from a guy who had left the mining company long before this uranium deal took place or Hillary Clinton became secretary of state. He didn't stand to benefit in any way from this deal going through.
*Hillary Clinton could not herself benefit from donations to the Clinton Foundation either, because IT IS A FUCKING CHARITABLE FOUNDATION.
These events, taken together, don't meet any definition of corruption.
Whining said-watch my fierce catwalk as I spout non-sense from a right wing fake news factory. When Drumpf and Putin and the DBI conspired to put Drumpf in the White House, these jobs reports were all bullshit- according to Drumpf. The unemployment rate was 15% or more. Sure changed yer tune reverend.
He will be in jail soon enough if wingnuts decide to put America over party first. IF.
Why is Jeff Sessions still AG?
This whole Russia debacle with 45 et. al seems like pay to play. I wonder how much debt, if any, 45 is in debt to Russia? There is a big reason why 45 is beholden to Putin...time will time.
Time will tell.
Obama and Hillary will both die in jail.
Trump's very first job report was better than any jobs report Obama ever had over his entire 8 years!
This guy is amazing!
Thank God for President Trump!
"Trump's very first job report was better than any jobs report Obama ever had over his entire 8 years!
This guy is amazing!
Thank God for President Trump!"
You people aren't very smart, are you?
"Obama and Hillary will both die in jail."
Don't hold your breath.
Your leader (trump) doesn't look too healthy.
It looks to me like he will die from natural causes before his first term is over or before he is indicted.
Only six weeks into the job, President Trump has 300,000 new jobs, record stock market levels, record new construction starts, and he has the debt down $60 billion. He is already getting the border under control, with illegal immigration way down.
Why does Trump make it look so easy? Is it because he wants America to succeed and Obama wanted it to fail?
Obama really had a lot of people fooled, but Trump's stunning success is showing them the truth.
He only makes it "look easy " if you live in an alternative universe.
You must have a hard time going back and forth between worlds.
"You must have a hard time going back and forth between worlds."
Says the guy who still refuses to accept the reality that Trump is his President.
You must accept the truth, Field.
You can be a part of the team as we all together Make America Great Again.
Come in from the dark, paranoid, fear-filled world you have chained yourself to. President Trump is waiting to pat you on your bald head with his big, loving hands.
Garth Ampersand said..I'm an idiot. Yes, yes you are. Just what exactly has Drumpf done to make all these magic numbers appear? I will tell you. He colluded with Russia and the FBI to get appointed bogus potus and that is all he has done.
Enjoy the ride on the Obama economy because wingnuts can't govern and they can fuck up a free meal. Before long Drumpf will push the economy off the road and blame Obama. Drumpf is not presidential. He is too stoopid, too childish, too petty, too crass and way too belligerent to be anybody's potus. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Not really, they're just happy to not have a n*gger in the White House. He could wipe his ass with the 9-11 flag and they would call it patriotic.
Now Trump has got Samsung to invest money in US-based jobs to get them OUT of Mexico.
OMG! The horror! This f'n madness!
Meanwhile, those diversity hire black Congresslets that are supposedly so smart 'n fair 'n attune to the needs of all folk are honoring fucking Notorious BIG on the floor and asking if an island will tip over with too many people! LOL
Choose your heroes, people. And live with the result. Have a feeling 1/2 of this Trump hatred is due to spotting your own blatant--and bizarre!--inadequacies.
"He could wipe his ass with the 9-11 flag and they would call it patriotic."
Because it would be.
11th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
11th March 2017. US Attorneys fired = 46.
"Samsung began reviewing manufacturing operations early last fall to ensure that the company is able to best serve our customers," a spokesperson said in a statement provided to CNNTech.
Suck it, Josh.
Deplorable Sessions- Clinton fired all 93 US attorneys in one day. Don't try bragging until ya got sumpin to brag about.
"how do you really feel about lambs"
I think they taste wonderful roasted on a spit over a fire of Black people's delusions. Watching the delusions burn is the best part of it.
Josh, what news outlets do you frequent?
That was a brilliant reply James. It shows you have an IQ of 150.
Yeah Josh, half of the hatred of Trump stems from our own inadequacies. Just like you and James with your anti-negro hate.
Trump traded damaging the country (gutting the State Department and neutering the CIA) for Russia's help in cheating the election.
I hope something really awful happens to him for it.
-Doug in Oakland
You blithering idiot, you want to know what's crazy? Christian florists and bakers being forced under threat of legal sanctions to participate in homosexual marriage ceremonies, that's what's crazy. But you're apparently OK with that, you disgusting little toad of a man! You know what else is crazy? Ben Shapiro being threatened with violence because he refused to agree with a confused man's delusion that putting on a dress makes him a woman, and not just a man wearing a dress. Now *that's* some weapons-grade crazy right there! And all of this cray-cray is coming from *your* side of the aisle, so why don't you just own up to it, you hypocritical coward?
Also, please come up from the basement now, the little Mexican is here with your tamales.
Obama traded the coal industry, the Keystone pipeline, Iraq, our military readiness, 150 billion Iranian dollars, our national security, the safety of our communities, the space program, our allies in Eastern Europe, the Internet, our credit rating, the rule of law, what was left of the Constitution, and 20% of our uranium reserves for 25 million hostile third world immigrants who will be a financial burden and terrorist threat to the American people forever.
I hope something really awful happens to him for it.
-Doug in Oakland
Insomuch as quoting actual FACTS about the abhorrent and frightening levels of crimes blacks commit becomes "anti-negro," then the entire world, including negroes themselves, should be anti-negro by default.
I point out black people--little more than 1% of the population, mind you--is raping 36,000+ white women every single year, I just hate black people.
I point out black people--little more than 2% of the population, mind you--is responsible for 50% of all violent crime, I just hate black people.
Let us follow the logic. 2% of white people owned slaves, yet all whites can be blamed for it. A few state governments institute Jim Crow, yet all whites can be blamed for it. Donald Trump is elected with not even the majority vote (factoring CA), yet all whites can be blamed for it.
Blacks are the biggest criminal group in American history, yet just pointing that out, not even blaming ALL blacks, is not okay. DAT'S WAYCIS!
I'm not anti-black. I'm anti-indecency. I'm anti-immorality. I'm anti-criminal. I'm anti-victim. I take no issue with hard-working, decent, moral people. I take issue with criminal thugs. It's just that the overwhelming majority of blacks, like the overwhelming majority of Muslims, wish to protect the very thugs that are ruining their cities and lives, while instead blaming white people somehow.
It's in the DNA. It cannot be solved.
You'd literally rather label as racist a white person who uses a stereotype, rather than trying to get blacks to stop perpetuating the stereotypes. That says everything anyone needs to know about you people.
Multiculturalism is a failed experiment.
Thanks for all the facts Josh. We appreciate it, now that you have pointed out such things to us (even though we didn't ask for them) can you now go away?
WTF do you know about teh blacks Josh? WTF are you even talking about? Not ONE of us here has raped one white woman and we defy stereotypes everyday. You aren't needed. Spouting "facts" on blogs isn't doing a damned thing. My aren't we a bit arrogant. And for the record we call you a racist because of the racist things you say. "You people" Ha! Pretty clueless kid.
Hey Josh, where do you get your news?
Who cares about the race of a woman who is raped? A racist that's who.
Maybe all the white women raped by negro men is karma for so many of us being lynched based on white women lying?
If Josh really cared about her fellow white women being raped she would talk about the thousands raped by white men but that would defy her racist narrative. She doesn't give a fuck unless a negro commits a crime. What a racist bitch
Woke Doug said..blah blah blah blah blah. But you can't prove any of those accusations. Put yer proof where yer mouth is Windy. Let's see what you got-or most likely haven't got. Hake noize talking points coming up. Easily refutable because there is not truth to them that is indisputable. Wingnut beans sure work up a blow.
"Maybe all the white women raped by negro men is karma for so many of us being lynched based on white women lying?"
Something that might have happened 100 years ago to someone who looked like me justifies me brutalizing someone that looks like the possible perpetrator today.
Because Racism.
100 years? Try again asshole.
Bravo, bravo!
Might have happened? Try again asshole.
Uh Josh, once again where do you get your information because 36,000 white women raped by negro men can't be found in any real data. Where did you get that false info?
And BTW 75% of white women are raped by white males but crickets there huh? Why don't you concern yourself about violence all of your fellow women and not just ones who fall victim to negroes? Oh that's right, you're a racist.
"There's a stupid, absolutely false myth circulating on the racist internet: the idea that black men disproportionately rape white women, and white men never rape black women. Again, this claim is demonstrably untrue.
And yet it's popular enough, as the sociologist Philip Cohen noted in a recent blog post, to have turned into a repugnant meme:
Now of course, it's not worth responding to every idiotic meme that circulates in the backwater swamps of the racist internet. But, as Cohen notes, this one seems to have become unusually viral. And we're in an election year that racists have claimed as a victory for their violent imaginations. David Duke, America's most famous ex-KKK leader, recently repeated a version of the meme's central lie in a video streamed live to 8,000 people on Facebook.
The meme has likely gone viral because it deals in an old, blood-soaked lie of white supremacists — that black men pose a particular, sexual threat to white women — and because it cites an official government document as its source."
That Josh fell for. No wonder she won't tell us where she gets her news. Straight from stormfront apparently.
"For completely inadequate context: For a very long time, Black men raping White women has been White supremacists’ single favorite thing. This was the most common justification for lynching, and for many of the legal executions of Black men throughout the 20th century. From 1930 to 1994 there were 455 people executed for rape in the U.S., and 89% of them were Black (from the 1996 Statistical Abstract)"
Seems as if it's Josh's favorite thing too. Hmmmmmmm is our girl Josh a white supremacist?
"There's a stupid, absolutely false myth circulating on the racist internet: the idea that black men disproportionately rape white women, and white men never rape black women."
Citation needed. Sorta like this:
The information on this blog can be verified via the Department of Justice (or will you now claim some conspiracy that the DOJ is lying about rape statistics?)
Straw-man, besides. Who ever says that white men never rape black women? 1) They just do it orders of magnitude less. 2) We understand you fucking low-IQ morons will also include slave master rape in the equation.
Black men typically rape over 35,000 white women every year.
White men typically rape fewer than 10 black women every year.
Yeah, you win!!!! WHITEY DO IT TOO YO!
Which, let's be honest, white people doing it once means black people can do it ten million times and still not be even. That's why you victim cult lot still cry about oppression despite being held up in the first-world entirely artificially in the first place.
"There's a stupid, absolutely false myth circulating on the racist internet: the idea that black men disproportionately rape white women, and white men never rape black women."
Earth to Josh 2 Smart. Come in.
Thanks for the interesting blog post Josh. Isn't that like me using a post from Field Negro to make a point? Great work Josh, we now know you are truly an idiot who like James the Bitch spends her time searching the internet for racist memes. Kinda pathetic. But the overall point is this, why are you posting this type shit here? You think Field or PC are out raping white women? Do something that might actually help your fellow white women like volunteer at a womens' shelter but that would mean you actually doing something substantive.
Josh's rape statistics come straight from the DOJ/FBI database. So yeah, shocking as it is, it's all true. Inter-racial rape is almost entirely black on white.
Josh's rape statistics come straight from the DOJ/FBI database. So yeah, shocking as it is, it's all true. Inter-racial rape is almost entirely black on white.
But the methodology isn't explained correctly. Lots of nuance but why would we ever expect dumb racists to understand complex nuance. And let's not forget the fact that white on white rape is much much much much more common but never mentioned by racist trolls. Why is that? Do they not really care about sexual assault?
For some people, this is all they need to know about how bad the problem of Blacks raping Whites is. For better informed people, it’s the basis for a great lesson in how the actions of the justice system are not good measures of the crimes it’s supposed to address.
Yep, just like you anon 12:43
The most important bottom line is that the BJS should not report extrapolations to the whole population from samples this small. These population numbers should not be on this table. At best these numbers are estimated with very large standard errors. (Using a standard confident interval calculator, that 16% of White women, based on a sample of 69, yields a confidence interval of +/- 9%.) It’s irresponsible, and it’s inadvertently (I assume) feeding White supremacist propaganda.
Josh isn't smart enough to understand standard errors.
But the ultimate point is why is Josh posting crime statistics here anyway? He says to help negroes overcome stereotypes but following that logic how does that possibly help anyone? Every negro that posts here is well educated and productive and probabaly doesn't know too many criminals. To Josh it seems all negroes are the same and need to be "enlightened" by his presence. Not tovplay tit for tat but this would be like me going to a random blog frequented by whites and continuously changing any topic to white crime and/or pathology. As if anyone on that blog would have any dealings with criminals and/or pathology simply because they share the same skin color as those demonstrating those actions. Really bad logic on her part. I would recommend Josh stay on topic and stop continuously bringing up so called racial issues.
"But the methodology isn't explained correctly. Lots of nuance but why would we ever expect dumb racists to understand complex nuance. And let's not forget the fact that white on white rape is much much much much more common but never mentioned by racist trolls. Why is that? Do they not really care about sexual assault?"
1) "methodology isn't explain correctly" There's no need for theoretical analysis here; the data are the data. Rape occurs multi-party: Party A being intruded upon sexually by party B. Categorizing the race of A + B, what we see is what we see. Don't bog it down with bullshit social science to try to say that white women have it coming!
2) "Lots of nuance but why would we ever expect dumb racists to understand complex nuance." This is a fantastic word, "nuance." It's both a buzz word AND a weasel word. What you're implying with it is that there's more to it that a "racist" just won't spill. However, your stupid ass won't spill it either. And why? Because there is nothing nuanced whatever about this topic! It's pretty fucking blatantly clear. Less than 2% of the population, black males 15-40, rape over 35,000 white women EVERY SINGLE YEAR! Which will tie directly in to point 3, which isn't nuanced but obviously something a collectivist victim cultist can't realize.
3) This stat is brought up black-on-white because (a) this is a blog where black people swear that blacks are DINDU NUFFINS and that they're victims of white people. This is a blog where people rail on incessantly about the likes of Evers being murdered but refuse to admit that blacks have victimized whites a thousand times worse in the past few decades.
(b) it's brought up this way, and not the other way, to show how OUT OF PROPORTION black rapes are*. We're talking about fewer than 2% of the entire population committing 35,000 rapes a year, on white women alone!! What the FUCK would you sophist asses do if, say, white people were raping 35,000 black women a year? Every single one of you bastards would be on this blog citing a state of emergency and telling us all how racist and evil whites are. Yet young black males are, in the aggregate, the largest group of criminals this planet has ever known, and all you dishonest fuckwits can do is call white people racists for pointing it out! Maybe if you assholes did more to police your own communities instead of instituting "no snitching" policies, or STOPPED the stereotypes from being perpetrated rather than calling racist whites who use them, we'd see a decline in these numbers.
*Disproportionate numbers are supposed to be the A-1 statistic of blacks, no? Disproportionately poor = whites are racist. Disproportionately uneducated = whites are racist. Disproportionately targeted by police = whites are racist. But disproportionately the victimizers of over 35,000 white girls every single year = nuanced.
You fucking buffoons are single-handedly responsible for the rise of the alt-right and increased white nationalism. If you bitches would even pretend to accept responsibility for your own fucking shit, rather than blaming white people for holding you to equal account, many of us would try harder to get along well in society. But just as Europe is going to ultimately expel Muslims after Le Pen and Geert and Farage form the triumvirate, American blacks may well be next. No. You won't be expelled. You're every bit the Americans the rest of us are. But we WILL pull your funding and leave you to fend for yourselves, and we'll deal with the fact that majority-black cities WILL become the Congo, because CULTURE IS GENETIC. We'll just call them no-go zones and let you morons render yourselves extinct.
"But the ultimate point is why is Josh posting crime statistics here anyway? He says to help negroes overcome stereotypes but following that logic how does that possibly help anyone?"
Google logic: "Criticizing talk about the statistically-verified behavior of a group, will help address related stereotypes about the group. Help must NEVER require the stereotyped group to change anything, because dat be rayciss" (and assumes you have moral agency).
TL;DR version: stiggers be noopid.
And if we can get rid of 25% of the rapes of White women, along with almost all of the inter-racial aggravated assaults, armed robberies, and so much other violent crime, with the simple remedy of SEGREGATION... I think it's an idea whose time is back.
The richest Black town in the USA has vastly higher crime than the poorest White town in the USA.
If you wonder why we don't take you seriously when you say you need "money for programs", look at things like that. But you can't. You are genetically unable to perform introspection. This is why you fail at civilization, and must go.
Hey, now. They wuz kangz lol
False news and flag operation by the progressives....all lies.....
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