Anyway, in an attempt to cover for their leader, Kellyanne and others have been making absolute fools of themselves with pronouncements like the ones about the microwave in our homes.
I actually watched a little of another trump surrogate today, Sean Spicer, and it was painful, even for me who is no fan of the guy.
But I have to give him credit. To sit there and spin constantly when he knows that he lying, and that what he is saying to the press is complete rubbish, takes a special kind of skill.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) came out with their report today, and, as was to be expected, it was not good for Paul Ryan and the gang. According to the report 24 million more Americans will go uninsured under their plan. And sadly for some in the GOP, there is just no positive way to spin that one.
They have tried. Ryan has said that the fact that 24 million Americans will lose their insurance means nothing, because (and I am paraphrasing here) they are not sick, and they choose not to have insurance.
Memo to Speaker Ryan: It's called INSURANCE. That's kind of how this insurance thing works.
I hope my that home never has a serious fire, but guess what, it's insured, just in case it does. I suspect that most people who carry medical insurance aren't sick, but it's there for them in case they do get sick.
I didn't even get to the part of the GOP plan where they cut Medicaid to the states yet.
"UPMC Health Plan has become the biggest provider of government health exchange insurance in the region at a time when Republican leaders in Washington prepare to make it more expensive.
State officials are predicting that federal cuts to Pennsylvania’s Medicaid plan, which was expanded under the Affordable Care Act, would cost the state at least $2 billion by 2020. Medicaid covers many elderly Pennsylvanians, children, people with disabilities and those with low income; with the expansion, it now insures more than 2.8 million Pennsylvanians.
Federal legislation that could be introduced as early as this week could end the government subsidies for Medicaid, leaving about 700,000 Pennsylvanians in danger of losing coverage." [Source]
Oh, and irony alert, most of those affected by the Medicaid cuts would be folks who voted for trump.
He promised his voters while on the campaign trail that they all would be covered and these social programs would not be touched. Well....sometimes life comes at you fast.
"Candidate Trump told “60 Minutes”: “Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say. … I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”
Candidate Trump also promised: “You’re going to end up with great healthcare for a fraction of the price, and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in, OK? Immediately. Fast. Quick.”'
What's that quote by David Hannum? "There's a sucker born every minute?"
Well sometimes it takes more than a minute, but there are still a lot of suckers out there. At least fifty nine million of them.
Kellyanne obviously heard the recent report about the CIA hacking smart TVs and decided that if TVs weren't safe, you should probably watch out for microwaves, too. LOL. She's always gotta up the ante somehow.
The amazing thing is, for a group of people so committed to non-stop lying, the liars of the Trump administration aren't even particularly good at lying. They're shabby and incompetent and embarrassing in every possible arena.
Does anyone connected to Trump know how to tell the truth?
If President Obama was in microwaves, I'd buy one for every room, so that I'd feel safe.
The only thing Trump is good for is the court jester on Twitter in the a.m. hours. Those that respond to his Tweets and call him out in the comment section are hilarious. I love watching Trump put his foot in his big mouth. Yep.
The CBO said 24 million people would be enrolled in Obamacare by 2017.
Actual number: 9 million.
She was probably being facetious, saying that microwaves can spy on you. A lot of OTHER appliances, however, can.
G00gle "smart appliances," you dumb niggers.
Nope actual number is 16.4 million.
Wow, I guess Anonymous thinks that makes him/her a scholar because they know how to spell "nigger." Can you spell ignorant too? You should know to spell that since it's your name.
Field, you really do need a trash eliminator button called block on here.
She was probably being facetious, saying that microwaves can spy on you. A lot of OTHER appliances, however, can.
If it were someone besides half-assed Kellyanne "Alternative Facts" Conway who made this statement, I might be inclined to give her credit for having told some kind of joke. But Kellyanne doesn't do "facetious"; she does "stupid." And right now, she's probably got a towel covering her microwave so that nasty Obama won't watch her while she's reheating some soup.
And it's pretty hard to take your "dumb niggers" comments seriously when millions of white working-class voters decided to vote for Trump, only for him to snatch away their health insurance. If that's not fucking dumb, I don't know what is.
Ironclad proof comes out the Obama government had been spying on average citizens, invading our civil liberties, while he continuously wire-tapped everyone from James Rosen and Angela Merkle to Dennis Kucinich, and all you can do is continue to carry water for white media as you parrot their Kellyanne talking points.
Grow a fucking spine.
If Kellyanne were on the left and guys like me were giving her grief, you would literally be saying how much I hate women.
Twitler is so fucking stupid, so incompetent, and so god damn dishonest that he probably didn't know that he couldn't just pronounce healthcare law to be the way he wants it and have it be so because of his overwhelming awesomeness or some such horse shit.
Paul Ryan has always been a total fraud, propped up by a media that desperately needs there to be a smart, capable, conservative leader to validate their bullshit "both sides" business model, and since there really aren't any of those any more, he's their guy.
Even so, the AHCA is fraudulent on a whole different level. It isn't even the real buggering they want to administer, and doesn't contain their signature policy (allowing health insurance to be sold across state lines, which wouldn't do jack shit for anyone except start a regulatory race to the bottom that would make a few already obscenely rich parasites even richer and more parasitical) because the only way they can pass the bill, hideous tax cut for the wealthy that it is, is by using the reconciliation rule in the senate, and they can't pass the interstate rule under reconciliation.
So the AHCA isn't policy at all, it's just the grift they can get away with right now, when their idiot hordes need to see them bugger some poor people to keep their twisted interest up. Can't have them wandering off before the midterms, so they gotta do something, and their stupid, stupid Muslim ban keeps losing in court, so they throw together anything they think will pass reconciliation muster, print it up with a nice, blue cover, and PRESTO! Another toxic Republican turd that by most economists' reckoning will crash the insurance markets, stomp the hospital industry into the dirt, kill tens of thousands of jobs in hard hit rural areas, all in the process of kicking millions of people off of their health insurance, an unknown number of whom will die because of it.
So yeah, sounds like SOP for Republicans: fraudulent, evil, stupid and deadly. Just the way they like it.
Still, it might not make it through the house, as the Freedumb Cock-us hates it for not being mean enough, and the other Republicans are starting to get skittish because of the constituents who keep yelling at them about it, so who even knows?
If it does pass, we just have to try to live through it while it crashes and burns and sets up the incoming Democratic administration to pass single payer to repair the damage.
Same as it ever was.
-Doug in Oakland
Josh said...
Ironclad proof comes out the Obama government had been spying on average citizens, invading our civil liberties, while he continuously wire-tapped everyone from James Rosen and Angela Merkle to Dennis Kucinich,
He would have gotten away with all of those crimes, but he fucked with the wrong guy.
Take this to the bank: Obama is going to jail over wiretapping Trump.
I hope he gets raped by OJ.
14th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Bwana, O just signed a 60 million dollar book deal, and is chilling on private islands and with Warren Buffet as I write this.
Besides, he is looking rested and like a million bucks. It's good to be O these days.
I am quite sure that jail is not in his future.
The orange -haired one? No so much. :)
PC, why do I get the feeling that a year from now there will still be a zero in your comments about the wall?
Gotta check your lies Judge. The CBO, said 16, not 24 million, and this number represents young people who will forgo insurance now that they won't be compelled to purchase insurance that offers no coverage. Seems the only what man you have any use for is Saul Alinsky.
Everything about the tr**p administration is painful to endure. 2020 can't come soon enough.
Black people are weird. They are the most dick-obsessed, yet are also the most homophobic. I don't get it.
Obamacare(ACA) was designed to fail from the start. The progressives want a single payer system. all part of globalization and domination.
Prior to 2008 everything was a lot better...not perfect but better.Obama wanted to pay for illegal aliens(40+ million) and negroes(13% of pop) health care from the working class.
ACA is a tax!!!!
Ryan is what passes for intellectual amongst brain-dead right wingers. Someone please explain to this jerkoff that the basis of the insurance paradigm is a majority of participants paying premiums but not filing claims. And that if being freed from the bondage of Obamacare means freedom to wait until you get sick to purchase health insurance, Trumpmare will experience the same lack of "competition".
If Kellyanne were on the left and guys like me were giving her grief, you would literally be saying how much I hate women
U R a wingnut. Hating women is a given. You eat children, too.
Spicer is auditioning for a job as prosecutor when Jim Crow is re-instated.
Just when you think wingnuts can't say or do anything stoopider, they take that as a challenge. No wonder they want to get rid of public schools where hids can learn to think for themselves.
States that expanded Medicaid had huge influx of money and there was a bunch of job growth in health fields that went along with it. The smart states jumped on the gravy train in the first three years when the feds paid 100% of the bill.
Wingnuts are playoing a shell game with Medicaid-claiming they are reducing spending on welfare when in reality they are shifting welfare payments to the wealthy as tax breaks. Always always I tell you Tutor- wingnuts provide for the rich only.
He would have gotten away with all of those crimes, but he fucked with the wrong guy.
Take this to the bank: Obama is going to jail over wiretapping Trump.
It has taken the Justice Dept long enough to conjure up proof of a crime. I'm guessing in 7 or 8 years they still won't have a plan. Drumpf is officially in contempt of his own congress. He has no evidence-even Spicer said Drumpf doesn't believe Obama tapped his phones. That well oiled machine ain't.
High point of the day-so far- former North Carolia bigot Guv can't find a job because of his controversial bathroom bill. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
field negro said...
PC, why do I get the feeling that a year from now there will still be a zero in your comments about the wall?
Because the guy never has anything worthwhile to say, all his comments are a big "zero".
Anonymous The Internet Judge said. Wow! Some drumpfkins don't like being reminded daily that the orange impersonator is a pathological lying orange POS. Should be used to it by now.
PC provides a useful and valuable daily update I find refreshing for its honesty and simplicity.
NY drops teacher literacy test because too many Black and Hispanic applicants can't pass it:
New York education officials are poised to scrap a test designed to measure the reading and writing skills of people trying to become teachers, in part because an outsized percentage of black and Hispanic candidates were failing it.
"We want high standards, without a doubt. Not every given test is going to get us there," said Leslie Soodak, a professor of education at Pace University who served on the task force that examined the state's teacher certification tests. The literacy test was among four assessments introduced in the 2013-2014 school year as part of an effort to raise the level of elementary and secondary school teaching in the state. The tests, however, came under intense scrutiny for their alleged racial bias, after just 46 percent of Hispanic test-takers and 41 percent of black test-takers passed it on the first try, compared with 64 percent of white candidates. A December 2016 study by the National Council on Teacher Quality found that 44 percent of the teacher-preparation programs it surveyed across the country accepted students from the bottom half of their high school classes. Education reformers believe that tests like New York's Academic Literacy Skills Test can weed out potentially lousy teachers.
Blacks don't do as well at something as whites? It has to be racism.
Diversity trumps Excellence every time. And minority students are going pay the price for this one.
Oh the humanity......Drumpf administration uses IRS to target right wing group. Where's the wingnut whiners at now?
hotair.com is a Michelle Malkin blog. It figures.
"They are the most dick-obsessed, yet are also the most homophobic. I don't get it."
Acting unnecessarily "manly" to compensate for the fact that, while they have higher levels of testosterone, their brains are actually molded almost entirely by women. So they love pink, love to gossip, love acting out irrationally, and love putting on makeup and being "trans"*, but they surely don't want anyone else knowing it. LOL
*Have you fucking seen (a) the sheer of number of black trannies vs. the population? And (b) the number of black trannies murdered in a year? Holy shit.
Of course, these things are never topics in white media. Instead, we're hearing a few years after the fact AGAIN how Michael Brown was a gud boi n dindu nuffin.
Josh just pines to have been born BLACK!
Remember the butthurt wingnuts who chortled at Obama's "if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance"? 4 million approx lost their insurance and wingnuts lost their shit over it. Now 20 plus million will lose their insurance and wingnuts don't give a flying fuck. Any day that ends in day apparently is not a day wingnuts care about anyone but the wealthy.
New footage of Brown trading a bag (pot?) for another bag of cigars looks suspicious. But he is black and therefore he is guilty and executed as charged.
iowa stoopid wingnuts just don't quit the stoopid-they double and triple down the stoopid.
Minorities are dividing people because wingnuts say so.
There may be hope for iowa afterall- http://www.rawstory.com/2017/03/major-iowa-paper-drops-the-hammer-on-the-gop-if-you-disagree-with-steve-kings-racism-end-his-career/
Josh, where do you get your news?
I think white women are the most black dick obsessed people. You can tell because the first person to chime in on a dick comment was Josh and we know how knowledgable she is on the subject.
Steve King basically accuses Twitter for his racist remarks.
After doubling down on his comments Monday — “I meant exactly what I said,” he told CNN — King conceded on Tuesday that he would have provided more context had Twitter allotted more than 140 characters in a single post.
He must not know he can Tweet more than once,but he is, afterall, a wingnut.
"I hope he gets raped by OJ."
That wouldn't be rape. It would be True Love®. Zero is a bottom.
"14th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0."
There are only about 600 companies looking to bid on the construction work. Oh, lots more news of voting fraud is coming out too, and Zero is personally involved.
Looks like Obama's wanna-be legacy, MAABR (Making America A Banana Republic), isn't going to come off this decade.
"Spicer is auditioning for a job as prosecutor when Jim Crow is re-instated."
Indianapolis is having riots of "teens" (feral Africans). Jim Crow kept such things from happening. Do you want to STOP people from bringing it back? Control your damn children!
"Steve King basically accuses Twitter for his racist remarks."
Yawn. That is an old, worn-out magic word.
I'm an old black man, and I agree that things were better for everyone back in the Jim Crow days. It is sad to say, but that's how I feel.
"Old black man", separate but equal would have been fine, but things were not equal.
Gallop has trump at 39% approval rating as of today.
Hey James, you and your ilk just keep od'ing on heroin. Oh and fuck you and your smelly inbred clan. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
Hey Josh, got a link dumbass? Or is this just something you pulled out of your ass like James' johnson?
We had a black President, black Attorney General, many black congressmen and judges in a predominately white nation, yet Libs still screamed racism.
No one believes we live under a white supremacist system. It's weaponized guilt used to scare whites into rolling over for others' demands.
NSA Director Mike Rogers didn’t want to participate in, or give aid in relationship to, the surveillance scheme. Consequently, the Obama White House worked around Rogers with another source (GCHQ) for the same information.
“Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command. He didn’t use the NSA. He didn’t use the CIA. He didn’t use the FBI, and he didn’t use Department of Justice. He used GCHQ. What the heck is GCHQ? That’s the initials for the British spying agency. They have 24/7 access to the NSA database. So by simply having two people go to them saying, ‘President Obama needs transcripts of conversations involving candidate Trump, conversations involving president-elect Trump,’ he’s able to get it, and there’s no American fingerprints on this.”
~ Judge Andrew Napolitano,
Yeah right Ricky, you names three negroes that held temporary jobs. You are one dumb mother fucker! Jesus Field your trolls are stupid!
Judge Neopolitan? Fox News? Conservative treehouse? Your dumbass should have just not used any links like Josh's stupid ass. You are one dumbfuck!
What's next? A quote from Rush Limbaugh that says Obama himself stood outside Trump's door with a glass held to it? Anything to divert attention from the failing Trump administration huh? Sad.
"What's next? A quote from Rush Limbaugh that says Obama himself stood outside Trump's door with a glass held to it? Anything to divert attention from the failing Trump administration huh? Sad."
Nah, he's way more sophisticated. It was a microwave.
So funny to see the same troll wanna-be take 4 minutes to post a two-sentence follow-up to his previous attempt at an insult. He has thoughts that move at the speed of heavy... corn syrup. Outdoors in the dead of winter. At Little America.
"Yeah right Ricky, you names three negroes that held temporary jobs."
Apparently, they'll yell "racism!" until they get one of their own installed as Dictator-for-life.
There is no satisfying you. This means there is no sharing a society with you. Jim Snow is going to yield to the return of Jim Crow... if you're lucky. Remember, this country has a LOT of White sharpshooters and tree chippers if that's the only way to stop your misbehavior.
In case anyone is getting too sidetracked by the Russian spy drama or the Obama wiretapping nonsense, the following bills have been introduced:
1. HR 861 Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency
2. HR 610 Vouchers for Public Education
3. HR 899 Terminate the Department of Education
4. HJR 69 Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife
5. HR 370 Repeal Affordable Care Act
6. HR 354 Defund Planned Parenthood
7. HR 785 National Right to Work (this one ends unions)
8. HR 83 Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill
9. HR 147 Criminalizing Abortion (“Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act”)
10. HR 808 Sanctions against Iran
The bald guy is auditioning as a stand-up comedian for dead Breitbrat. Feral Africans running around. Where's Shaka Zulu when you need him? Get yer genet skins and stabbing spears and go hunt whitey.
Hi inchi ya nani? Whose land is this?
Yangu,yangu,yangu. Mine,mine,mine.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
In case anyone is getting too sidetracked by the Russian spy drama or the Obama wiretapping nonsense, the following bills have been introduced:
1. HR 861 Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency
2. HR 610 Vouchers for Public Education
3. HR 899 Terminate the Department of Education
4. HJR 69 Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife
5. HR 370 Repeal Affordable Care Act
6. HR 354 Defund Planned Parenthood
7. HR 785 National Right to Work (this one ends unions)
8. HR 83 Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill
9. HR 147 Criminalizing Abortion (“Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act”)
10. HR 808 Sanctions against Iran
Please stop Granny, my dick can only get so hard.
Yawn. That is an old, worn-out magic word. The mating call of wingnuts with nothing to add to a conversation. They believe only whites are non-racists and everyone else is a freeloader.
Magat-spit it out. It don't belong to you.
So sad.
This is happening too often in our country. We have to do something about the "inner cities". Wait....
Your Democrat party in action:
Texas state representative has introduced legislation that would fine men for masturbating and require them to undergo counseling before obtaining a prescription for Viagra, in an effort to highlight anti-abortion laws that place restrictions on women.
The legislation introduced by state Rep. Jessica Farrar (D) would impose a $100 civil penalty for "masturbatory emissions" that take place outside of a woman's vagina or a hospital. Each incident would be "considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life," the bill reads.
I hope this doesn't make it to California. Doug would go broke in a week.
If legislative bills introduced are all it takes to get your little wee-wee hard, maybe, you should register as a sex offender.
Bald guy- check out the thugs on the video of Field's link. Should put a real smile on yer mug, buddy.Who knew non-POC kids could kill?
Bill Clinton is a Rapist.
I've worked low-wage jobs with average blacks and hispanics. I've even sat in a crowded van with illegals. As anybody who isn't a trust-fund 1%er knows, blacks hate hispanics and vice-versa. They also don't care about actual racism.
Twitler. Get it right.
And Ivan Dickinmymouth: the Austin city council already dealt with that issue long ago during an anti-pornography meeting that was supposed to decide whether or not to zone the adult theaters out of existence. The issue was dropped after John Henry Faulk reminded the meeting that there was a great deal of masturbation in Austin even before the adult theaters showed up.
-Doug in Oakland
"And Ivan Dickinmymouth: the Austin city council already dealt with that issue long ago during an anti-pornography meeting that was supposed to decide whether or not to zone the adult theaters out of existence. The issue was dropped after John Henry Faulk reminded the meeting that there was a great deal of masturbation in Austin even before the adult theaters showed up."
Doug, this bill doesn't ban public masturbation; it bans all masturbation.
And it isn't a real law, either. It's a protest/publicity stunt this female Texas legislator introduced to taunt the male legislators because she is furious at them for repeatedly passing real laws that screw with women's rights (anti-abortion laws).
Basically, this is "Texas is a shithole, part 34,432,378."
Ricky said...
Bill Clinton is a Rapist. Put up or shut up.
Doug needs Viagra just to masturbate?
I'll bet he thinks about elegant, fruit-carrying black women when he touches himself.
When he's done, there's gentle knock on the door from the little Mexican on the hill, bringing him some chalupas.
Life is good.
Check this out Field et all.
"Life is good."
-Doug in Oakland
"Underneath those words, were lines that included:
• “He’s much more likely to abuse you”
• “He’s much more likely to have STDs”
• And: “Your kids probably won’t be smart”"
Not included was the actual point of the flyers, namely "We won't ever get laid again."
-Doug in Oakland
Trae Crowder:
-Doug in Oakland
Not included was the actual point of the flyers, namely "We won't ever get laid again."
They probably not getting laid in the first place. Ha!
Check this out Field et all."
There has been a big spike in hate groups spreading flyers (and otherwise recruiting) on college campuses.
White Supremacists on Campus: Unprecedented Recruitment Efforts Underway
Thanks, Trump
"Anonymous TRUMP IS HITLER!!!!!! said...
Moron, did you read the part where the anti-masturbation law isn't a real law? Because it isn't a real law.
Oh wait, that's right: You can't read too well. Sorry, I forgot racist trolls are only semi-literate and basically barely capable of typing pointless gibberish in all caps.
I think it is highly problable that Obama spied on Trump not through microwaves but through his toilet in Trump Towers.
God knows what kind of embarassing crap one could dig up through The Donald's porecelin throne--literally.
"Feral Africans running around. Where's Shaka Zulu when you need him?"
Obviously not at this mall. Just a bunch of feral googles doing what they do.
"The mating call of wingnuts with nothing to add to a conversation."
We've offered you way too much, hoping you could act human. What we're adding to the conversation is the idea that it should all be taken back. Maybe THAT will work.
"They believe only whites are non-racists and everyone else is a freeloader."
Not everyone; northeast Asians are amazing economic assets. But even Hispanics cost about $7300/capita. For all the whining brown people do about not getting their fair share, they're getting a lot more than their fair share.
"check out the thugs on the video of Field's link."
OOK OOK WHITEY DOES IT TOO OOK! You're lucky that the enemedia put anything about a White perp of a serious crime on national distribution, so you can find them; if it was Black people in Detoilet or Chimpcongo it would only be in the local papers.
"Who knew non-POC kids could kill?"
Looks like a delayed realization of where he shouldn't have stuck his dick. Wifey and her girls look like those brown people who cost Americans $7300/yr each. Maybe we're better off without them.
If only Jeb Bush had done the same....
• “He’s much more likely to abuse you”
• “He’s much more likely to have STDs”
• And: “Your kids probably won’t be smart”"
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Jesus James hurry the fuck up and od on heroin like the rest of your hillbilly ill. This world would be such a better place without your stupidity. Fuck you you no teeth having smelly piece of white fucking trash. Go read a book.
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