Most people of conscience were disgusted to see those high school boys put their bigotry and ignorance on display by surrounding and mocking that Native American musician (a Vietnam veteran), while wearing their MAGA hats. (The new symbol of hate in America) The incident and the imagery that went along with it, is indicative of where we are as a country when it comes to racism. Most people thought that racism and bigotry would die with the old racists and bigots who inhabit parts of our country. Of course this would be wishful thinking on their part. (Some things have not changed.)Thanks to a president who embraces said bigotry and hatred, and their parents who support him, a lot of young people in this country are no different than the old heads who wore sheets and hung black men from trees back in the day. They are keeping alive a long legacy of bigotry and intolerance that unfortunately will not die until they do.
Finally, tomorrow is the day we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. in this country. Ironically another man named King has exposed the republican party for the hypocrites that they are when it comes to matters of race. Some of them have finally denounced Steve King, but you have to wonder why they denounced King and not the leader of their party ,who has not denounced the aforementioned Mr. King, and who has embraced the very same racist principles that he stands for.
Steve King has been a racist for a very long time. He has been a racist in plain sight, and no one in the republican party ever called him out on his racism until now.
I am glad they are finally speaking up (better late than never), but what took them so long? And it would go a long way if the leader of the "party of Lincoln" would openly denounce him as well.
Of course we are not holding our breath. Because as we can see from the way those young men acted in Washington, that the president still has a large following who wants him to remain just the way he is.
I am glad they are finally speaking up (better late than never), but what took them so long? And it would go a long way if the leader of the "party of Lincoln" would openly denounce him as well.
Of course we are not holding our breath. Because as we can see from the way those young men acted in Washington, that the president still has a large following who wants him to remain just the way he is.
January 2019 To Date
Shot & Killed: 16
Shot & Wounded: 80
Total Shot: 96
Total Homicides: 18
Chicago Crime 2019
Luckily for everyone, the vast majority of young people think these kids are the assholes they actually are.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said...
"Blah, Blah, blah."
8:50 PM
You have too much time on your hands. Your posts are tiresome and say nothing constructive.
Socialism =Communism
Damn, it's raining and overcast and I won't be able to see the eclipse.
-Doug in Oakland
Steve King’s mistake is that he messed up and used the verboten “magic words.”
History has proven that Republicans are capable of turning a blind eye to racist rhetoric of even the most horrendously blatant sort, as long as it is not accompanied with official no-no words. One can make awful, unfair, degrading generalizations about non-white people — impugning their intelligence, work ethic, and morality — all the live-long day and RepublIvan’s will find a way to rationalize it — as long as one refrains from spewing actual racial slurs.
Or, obviously, refrains from saying “Derp, when did white supremacy become a bad thing?” LOL
That also is not plausibly deniable. Bad Steve King! Bad!
Steve King going full Nazi reminds me of the ridiculous scene three months ago in Australia, when the Liberal-National coalition (their version of Republicans) were tricked into passing a legislative motion asserting that “It’s okay to be white” ... before realizing that this was a white supremacist meme. At which point, they were all very embarrassed and pointed fingers at each other over who was to be blamed for starting this.
I swear I am not making this up.
Australian government votes for motion saying 'it's okay to be white'
(There was also a senator who called for a “final solution” for immigration. Yikes.)
"a bunch of religious extremist and anti-choice wackos, to bully and make fun of a Native American war hero,"
My God, but you people are pathetic. Desperately clinging to your false narratives long after they have been proven to be lies.
No one is this stupid. You must know everything you believe is false, but some deep-seated need compels you to pretend your fantasies are reality.
Being a complete hack doesn't even begin to explain it. Field is a sick, sick man.
So Marcy Wheeler seems to think that Mueller's spokesman Peter Carr was mostly trying to protect Cohen as a useful witness with his statement pushing back on the Buzzfeed story.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug is wishplaining again.
“Damn, it's raining and overcast and I won't be able to see the eclipse.”
I did. It looks like Donald Trump’s swollen (but empty) orange noggin.
It is a super blood Trump fathead moon.
I'm old enough to remember when Field told us we weren't allowed to criticize the Parkland High School students, David Hogg and that bald chick, because they were 'just children.'
The only reason that the Covington students became a story is *because of the preferred media narrative* about Trump, kids with white privilege, oppressed minorities, etc
What, otherwise, were they reporting on? There was no assault. There was no crime. Nothing. Just optics.
Be real Buck. These are not the behaviors of kids coming to the nation ‘s capital to see how the nation works or don’t work. This image reminds me of the day when the mobs were white men and women. I have firsthand knowledge of mobs due to the experience of intergration during the sixties. Being a Vietnam vet, I wish I was there to offer support. That one kid will be on somebodies list. Please don’t compare these young white chicken-ass boys to the victims of Parkland. Just like Donald was chicken-hearted in his draft dodging years, they are only emulating their role model. MAWA.
I watched the new Showtime show 'SMILF'. Jesus Christ, mixed race children are ugly! Why is this meme being promoted? Who wants an orange baby with brillo pad cat turd hair?
I can't wait until Big Dick Trump starts arresting people in the (((media))).
Let's see- wasicus have blamed indigenous people and Black Muslims for their Magat brats shitty behavior. Could apple pie and motherhood be far behind as the root cause of all evil to wasicu wasteys?
Leave it to Fake News......
A simple internet check would have proven the gra0phic wrong, but this is stoopid fucking wingnut propaganda central we are dealing with.
Off topic, Kamala Harris announces run for presidency. Mother was Tamil Indian (persecuted group!), father was...wait for it... Jamaican! He's an economics professor at Stanford University acc. Wikipedia.
Field, you must start explaining why this little island has produced so many high-achievers. Way out of proportion to its actual population.
(I don't think Harris should be the nominee, too risky given the current poltical calculus, but she DOES have a great backstory, even if parents divorced early.)
Look close at the Magat hatted wasicu wastey wombat disrespecting Native elder. You can literally see the oozing white privilege dripping off his foaming jowls and fangs.
Niggers give good decent black folks a bad reputation......
Mountain men referred to themselves and Native Americans as the "N" word. I can see where wasicu Ns give Blacks a bad name.
StillaPanther2 said...
"Be real Buck. These are not the behaviors of kids coming to the nation ‘s capital to see how the nation works or don’t work."
These kids came to Washington for the March for Life, and have every right to express their beliefs.
And btw, Nathan Phillips was born in 1955, and while he may have served, it is highly unlikey he ever made it over to Vietnam where you were and pretty certain he wasn't a "war hero" as Field states.
Poor widdle snowflake got his feelers hurt. Must have been the Magat hat.
anotherbozo said...
Off topic, Kamala Harris announces run for presidency. Mother was Tamil Indian (persecuted group!), father was...wait for it... Jamaican! He's an economics professor at Stanford University acc. Wikipedia.
Field, you must start explaining why this little island has produced so many high-achievers. Way out of proportion to its actual population.
(I don't think Harris should be the nominee, too risky given the current poltical calculus, but she DOES have a great backstory, even if parents divorced early.)
Another half black candidate for the Dems, and a woman. She's a lock to win the nomination.
Her backstory makes her perfect for 2020, right down to the black father abandoning the family.
The current political calculus doesn't care that she has achieved so little in her time in government, or that she made a fool of herself during the Kavanaugh hearings, or even that she jump started her career by sleeping with a married politician (Willie Brown). The only things that matter are her race and gender, along with her willingness to abandon all scruples to further the progressive agenda. The Willie Brown mess can be spun to make her a victim (MeToo!). Her husband is Jewish and she has some step children she trot out as family. She even has twice as many third world immigrant parents as Obama. I'd bet a grand on her winning the nomination, and then putting a white male down ticket (my money is on Beto). It's a proven winning formula.
And regarding your excitement over the fact Tamils are a "persecuted group!" in India, I guess you believe America now needs to start atoning for the racial and ethnic inequities of other cultures too. Progressivism never sleeps.
Liberal tankies are still brandishing their hate for the MAGA boys. They admit they just stood there, but are still raysis.
It’s sound logic for the left. Once whites can be destroyed for literally nothing, then all the tedious pretexts for destroying whites become unnecessary.
“I watched the new Showtime show 'SMILF'. Jesus Christ, mixed race children are ugly! Why is this meme being promoted? Who wants an orange baby with brillo pad cat turd hair?”
What is your objection to orange babies with weird hair? You voted to make one president!
C’mon, you walked right into that one.
Anonymous Brownstein said...I love my alternate reality where the truth matters not because we make our own truth.
Yer fuzzy recollection of who made fools of themselves at Kavernomouth's wingnut love/lie fest is standard wingnut alternate reality. You and others like you should be rounded up and deported to Namibia and listen to Toto's Africa endless loop and receive some culture.
On this Martin Luther King Day, leftists condemn a boy for standing peacefully when approached by an aggressive adult agitator, largely based on the color of the two men's skin.
We've come a long way.
Former SOH Boner could have been a sperm donor to Drumpf's olde lady to obtain that apricot tinged carcass wrap Drumpf has.
And btw, Nathan Phillips was born in 1955, and while he may have served, it is highly unlikey he ever made it over to Vietnam where you were and pretty certain he wasn't a "war hero" as Field states.
Blatant fucking lies, liar. Prove it!
Voila! 100,000 new Trump voters. We need more of these "stories".
Thanks losers!
"And btw, Nathan Phillips was born in 1955, and while he may have served, it is highly unlikey he ever made it over to Vietnam where you were and pretty certain he wasn't a "war hero" as Field states."
>Blatant fucking lies, liar. Prove it!<
I don't have copy of his birth certificate, but his age is public record, and he would have likely been too young to make it over to Nam. No one is disputing he served, but he claimed he was a Vietnam veteran until people began inquiring about his military service. Then he started referring to himself as a "Vietnam-times veteran."
The Patriots beat the Chiefs!
"The current political calculus doesn't care that she has achieved so little in her time in government, or that she made a fool of herself during the Kavanaugh hearings, or even that she jump started her career by sleeping with a married politician (Willie Brown). The only things that matter are her race and gender, along with her willingness to abandon all scruples to further the progressive agenda"
Kamala Harris doesn’t matter. Nor does any Democrat politician. They are empty vessels, interchangeable and easily forgotten. They have no real opinions.
The Left is the Media. Full stop.
And, the last soldier to die in the Vietnam War: Darwin Lee Judge, of Marshalltown, one of two Marines killed in a rocket attack on April 29, 1975, the day before the Fall of Saigon.
He could have been 20 years old, not 17 as most reports are claiming.
Nixon started drawing down US forces in 1968. This accelerated in 1971, and the last combat troops were pulled in 1973, the year Nathan Phillips turned 18. It is unlikely he made it to Vietnam to be part of the small contingent of forces that remained until 1975. You should wait a little while for the facts before you go to the mat defending his "war hero" status.
Field would not print the truth on anything even if his life depended on it.
Michael Commie King?
Anymoose wouldn't recognize real truth when it kicked his nuts in.
Drum0pfuck got appointed Potus, Buck, so anything can happen. I will take Phillip's word over any right wing nut job, magat hat wearing traitors everytime.
Happy King Day!
Magat hat kids said they were there for the March for Life march yet few if any had March for life shirts or hats. Most appeared to have come from a dRUMPFUCK THE mAGAT RALLY ACCORDING TO THEIR DRESS.
Doug, it was cloudy and spitting flurries yesterday and last night. No eclipse here and Thursday it is supposed to be 17 below zero for low temp. Be sun dogs all over if you want to risk bitter cold looking around the sun for them.
Drumpf took 2 minutes out of his executive time to lat a wreath at MLK's memorial.
Pool reporters heard the wreath ask Drumpf if it had a choice other than quickie after all these years of getting laid.
Reports surfaced saying took wreath to kremlin annex to be water boarded.
We got a clear view of the super moon and the beginning of the eclipse, just as it was going full and turning red the clouds and lake effect snow started😖
I hope Kamala gets Sherrod Brown as her running mate. He knows how to win in the midwest and can take those three states that Fergus absolutely has to have to win.
Plus he's a good and decent man.
-Doug in Oakland
One year from now, Democratic voters will believe they made up their own minds to choose Harris as their nominee. Nothing like that is happening. The media giants have chosen Harris (obviously), and now they are assigning that opinion to their persuadable audience.
Thanks for the reports PilotX and Doug. I may not be alive for the next one in 18 years.
"Thanks for the reports PilotX and Doug. I may not be alive for the next one in 18 years."
With our luck, you'll be watching it with Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The Notorious RBG and I would make a great pair on the Scotus tossing wingnut scum to the sharks- black ones, brown ones gay, straight you name it. Be vewy careful what you wish for, psycho.
In great news, well known Mormon gay conversion therapist has seen the light and wants to date other men. Can't make this shit up.
Trump and Pence did a drive by at the Rev. Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial today. That is all! No really...that is all.
-slaps whores around
Donald Trump:
-billionaire celebrity
-bangs supermodels
One relevant skill Kamala has where the presidency is concerned: Ask Terence Hallinan what he thinks about her ability to dislodge entrenched white guys from office.
-Doug in Oakland
Ask Wille Brown what he thinks about her ability to dislodge a nut from entrenched black guys in office.
mike from iowa must be one of those faggots that relishes two cocks: one in his mouth and the other up his ass at the same time!
Really enjoying the super woke “I don’t care I still want those kids to die” takes by liberals who realized the Covington Catholic story was a hoax.
MLK's life and legacy will be celebrated forever. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck will rot in prison.
MLK never endorsed gay marriage, and never advocated for transgender rights.
His statue must come down.
Anymoose must be one of those faggots that relishes two cocks: one in his mouth and the other up his ass at the same time and then rotates them.
MLK was Stanley Levinson's puppet:
Definition of an organ grinder- Anymoose with a chipped tooth.
Read it and weep stoopid fucking hound dog humper wingnuts. Drumpfuck ain't all that and a whole lot less.
News flash from iowa: Many people change their opinion when you lie to them.
Now I get it. The kid with the beak was blocking Nathan Phillips' path so that he could not peacefully escape the mob that had pressed around him.
Where the hell are the school counselors and parents in all of this?
But nice deflection righties, trying to pin this behavior as somehow instigated by the shouting Black Hebrews. Whoa! Scary black people.
Y'all are pathetic. All in all it's a typical day of protests. I had a friend who used to go down to Balboa Park to film the protestors and counter protestors. Usually it's just shouting and posturing. It's always loud.
It looked to me like one of the big white kids wanted to fight for a minute with his shirt off. The other kids were cheering, yelling, "Fight! Fight! Fight..." Right? Isn't that what they were saying? Of course nobody was stupid enough to take the bait.
Nathan Phillips was trying to bring his peace.
I kinda liked that one Hebrew zealot. That's fairly typical for religious fanatics to shout out their message.
And no, you may think it's perfectly alright to wear your goddam MAGA hats. But it's always going to be a huge, "Fuck you!" Those kids should not have been there. What the hell kind of Catholic high school is going to bus their kids to Washington to protest abortion?
Crazy people. That's who.
Delete yourself Farting Janitor.
There was a super moon. And there was a Blood Moon.
I was dead tired. Not sure what to do. I knew we woujldn't catch the moon rise at the beach. So we headed dead East on a Freeway that drives towards to mountains. I got off in Santee on Mast Boulevard. mast is a long drive that starts at a nature preserve and equestrian area and goes up a long gradual rise to the Santee Summit. As I drove down the lonely road, the Super Moon popped up just like the Great Pumpkin. It wasn't red yet. But it looked as big as Charlie Brown's head. Very mystical with wisps of clouds.
Driving on it looked like we were going to lose altitude again, so I turned up a side street and found the top of a hill with a nice meadow. We had our old Golden Retriever. The Moon was still pretty fucking big as it started to turn red. An hour later, it was only the size of a quarter. When we got back home to watch the Eclipse, it had shrunk to the size of a nickel. But it still was bright and clear like the Roosevelt dime it usually looks like. By 9:00 the night had closed in with her curtain of clouds.
Fuck you Anonymous. The truth hurts doesn't it? Go back to your Fox News reality. Check out Breitbart or the Daily Caller for some more truth. American Thinker?
Farting Janitor wouldn't know the truth if it ass-raped him.
Flying Junior said...
"But it looked as big as Charlie Brown's head. Very mystical with wisps of clouds."
Apt description:
Well, now that more video disproves the media hyped narrative of "Whitey Attacks Indian Elder", will the rest of you White-hating racists and Black Jews please hush up.
I'm trying enjoy my White Southerner Privilege on this Glorious day celebrating the birth of General Robert E. Lee.
Have a Nice Day.
Does anyone else think that all these attacks on Catholics are because they know RBG needs to step down soon and Amy Coney Barrett might be on deck?
Is RBG even known to be still alive? Or functional?
The last Marine combat unit left Vietnam on June 25, 1971.
Residual Marine forces in Vietnam consisted of approximately 500 Marines, most of whom were performing essentially liaison, advisory, staff, and guard functions . Approximately 60 officers and men were advisors with the Vietnamese Marine Division which played a large role in the defensive actions incidental to the North Vietnamese 1972 Easter offensive and in the later South Vietnamese counteroffensive."
There's a whole host of wild coincidences that would have to be true for this guy to be a Marine combat vet. He claims to have served 1972 to 1976 and to have been in Vietnam. Since the Marine combat units were out of the area completely in those time periods, I don't see this claim being true.
The main thing that makes me distrustful is that Nathan Phillips, at best, completely misconstrued what happened. At worst, he deliberately and willfully lied. Such a person's claims should be scrutinized very carefully.
Many people change their opinion when you lie to them.
Newsflash stoopid fucking anymoose, it isn't their opinion nor yers either. It is what Fake Noize tells you to think.
Isn't it wonderful stoopid fucking wingnuts gang up on a lone Native American peacenik and demand he be held to a far higher standard of truth than the fucking mangled apricot, pathological liar in the kremlin annex?
In the face of all those magat hatted wasicu racists with a couple token black catholics tossed in for good measure, Phillips continued his drumming and singing about peace for all.
In all honesty I did not see either black kid wearing magat hats or shirts. And I find it passing strange a school whose athletic teams are called Colonels would claim to have tomahawk chops and spirit chants. That stinks worse than yer run of the mill wasicu racist bastard.
Elizabeth Warren's drum pounding Daddy is a paid Lefty shill. And his Vietnam story is as fake as those Racist, 80 IQ Black Joos. Love the gold teeth. MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA
NBC News: Students at the center of a D.C. march video that went viral will see police and protesters at school when they return Tuesday.
This comes along with dozens of death threats and calls to burn down their school.
For the crime of...smirking while white.
Awwwwwwwwww, maybe that's karma. Remember the death threats and mobs that awaited the kids in Little Rock when they just wanted to go to school? Their crime, being born with melanin.
"Remember the death threats and mobs that awaited the kids in Little Rock"
That was 60 years ago.
This is happening now.
If they'll lie about some kid smiling, I bet they would also lie about what happened in WWII.
From the amount of hysterical race-baiting coming from the left, it’s fairly safe to assume that they believe that the Mueller investigation is about to collapse.
Biden boasted about his role in passing the 1994 crime bill in his memoir, which was published 14 months ago.
Today at a MLK event, he apologized for it.
It's hard to keep up with progressive dogma, isn't it?
Brownstein said...
"The current political calculus doesn't care that she has achieved so little in her time in government, or that she made a fool of herself during the Kavanaugh hearings, or even that she jump started her career by sleeping with a married politician (Willie Brown). The only things that matter are her race and gender, along with her willingness to abandon all scruples to further the progressive agenda.
11:35 AM
I suggest that if you want to be believed, you must include reliable sources when you post dirt on someone. Otherwise, you just look foolish.
Granny can't work the Google.
Go figure.
Anonymous said...
"From the amount of hysterical race-baiting coming from the left, it’s fairly safe to assume that they believe that the Mueller investigation is about to collapse."
9:43 PM
What??? This is the dumbest post I have read so far in 2019. ROTF LMAO
Careful Granny, you might break your hip!
Anonymous said...
"Granny can't work the Google."
Go figure.
9:58 PM
Not so, Honey. But that's irrelevant. If a commentator has reliable sources, he/she should post them. That's the protocol. Otherwise he/she is just blowing smoke with no fire.
Anonymous said...
"Careful Granny, you might break your hip!"
Thanks for your concern, but it's not necessary. I'm in better shape physically than most sixty-year-olds, and I'm not over weight. I bet I can out dance you!
Anyone who is in to Charlie Brown and Peanuts can't be all bad.
That was 60 years ago.
Awwwwwwwww, boo hoo hoo. White boys are finally being held accountable for their actions. Sooooo sad.
Field gets death threats all the time so maybe now white people can finally feel our pain and something will be done.
"wwwwwwww, boo hoo hoo. White boys are finally being held accountable for their actions. Sooooo sad."
Mississippi Smirking.
"Field gets death threats all the time"
Field's marital problems don't justify fantasies about killing kids.
Most admired people on earth!😄
Michelle deserves a Nobel Prize for all her accomplishments!
MLK colluded with Russia:
DJT colluded with the Russians
Melania should get the Nobel Prize.
80 IQ Just won't do.
So Smirky McRacistfuckface claims he didn't know what Nathan Phillips singing was all about. Truer words never spoken and proves Smirky has not assimilated himself to Indian Country and must therefore be immediately jailed and deported to any racist shithole with a racist wasicu population.
On the other hand, Smirky was wearing his Magat hat which has been determined to be symbol of racism and division like the Cuntfederate battle flag and he knew what it was saying to Nathan Phillips as he smirked in a kindly Native American's face. The white0privileged little shit is pure evil and already unredeemable.
Toprevent racist bastards like Smirky McRacistfuckface from ever smirking or breeding in the future I suggest surgical and/or chemical castigation and castration as the appopriate remedies.
From Charles Blow column by way of Sheilah kennedy's blog-
As President Lyndon B. Johnson saidin the 1960s to a young Bill Moyers: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
Trump’s supporters are saying to us, screaming to us, that although he may be the “lowest white man,” he is still better than Barack Obama, the “best colored man.”
There is, of course, a copious history that prompted Johnson’s observation. Poor whites in the post Civil War South were kept compliant by reassurances that–no matter how wretched they were–they were better than those black people, and entitled to their superior status.
There are too many white guys, north and south, who still cling to the comforting belief that their skin color and male genitals make them better than those “others”–women, Jews, gays, immigrants, and even (as we have recently seen) Native Americans. But consistently and especially, black people.
They found Obama’s Presidency intolerable, and they are Trump’s committed base.
Blow me Charles.
What a crock of shit.
MLK was a homophobe said...
Biden boasted about his role in passing the 1994 crime bill in his memoir, which was published 14 months ago.
Today at a MLK event, he apologized for it.
It's hard to keep up with progressive dogma, isn't it?
AP: Former VP Joe Biden at MLK breakfast: "We have a lot to root out, but most of all the systematic racism that most of us whites don't like to acknowledge even exists."
"There's something we have to admit—not you, we, white America—has to admit there's still a systematic racism."
Joe Biden is so old and uncool he doesn't know he's supposed to be denouncing "systemic racism," so he keeps denouncing "systematic racism," which is the opposite. Jim Crow was "systematic racism," while blacks doing worse on the SAT is supposed to be due to "systemic racism."
He's not keeping up.
Mike from Iowa said:
"From Charles Blow column by way of Sheilah kennedy's blog-
As President Lyndon B. Johnson saidin the 1960s to a young Bill Moyers: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
Trump’s supporters are saying to us, screaming to us, that although he may be the “lowest white man,” he is still better than Barack Obama, the “best colored man.”
There is, of course, a copious history that prompted Johnson’s observation. Poor whites in the post Civil War South were kept compliant by reassurances that–no matter how wretched they were–they were better than those black people, and entitled to their superior status.
There are too many white guys, north and south, who still cling to the comforting belief that their skin color and male genitals make them better than those “others”–women, Jews, gays, immigrants, and even (as we have recently seen) Native Americans. But consistently and especially, black people.
They found Obama’s Presidency intolerable, and they are Trump’s committed base."
Yes, Mike, you have said it all. And the fact that the white population is declining while the population of POC is growing terrifies some white people. They respond with oppression and overt violence that is promoted by the current president whose only motive is to gain money and power.
8:49 AM
Joe Biden is so old and uncool he doesn't know he's supposed to be denouncing "systemic racism," so he keeps denouncing "systematic racism," which is the opposite. Jim Crow was "systematic racism," while blacks doing worse on the SAT is supposed to be due to "systemic racism."
Since another Steve neuither reads nor comprehends English Biden said we whites have tom admit we were/are the systemic racists before we can resolve our racist tendencies. This is something Drumpf, Steve and the magat hatted racists refuse to acknowledge and refuse to change.
Those poor post civil war wasicus have devolved into today's magat infested Drumpf humpers.
You go Alyssa Milano for saying Magat hats are the new Klan hoods.
Land of liberal nut jobs:
In Drumpfuck land bigots are bigly ots, the best ots ever.
More Browns and Blacks in America the more you all kill each other, I like it.
How can Joe Biden even speak with a 24/7 pair of monkey balls hanging from his chin?
Cantaloupe Calves King's atonement for his racism- honor MLK with a fake quote.
Newly announced Presidential candidate Senator Kamasutra Harris (D-CA), got her start back in the 1990s, where she performed well in quite a variety of positions under San Francisco mayor Willie Brown.
Does it seem weird to anyone else that the Martin Luther King icon's memorial statue was carved by a Chinese man? Shouldn't a proud African American been granted this achievement? What even is going on here? Almost seems kinda racist.
If a black had been allowed to sculpt it, it would’ve just a giant statue of his dick.
According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, Nathan Phillips has turned down an offer to sit down and meet with the students. Instead he now thinks they should be expelled.
What a hero this guy is.
There is a logical explanation for everything except stoopid fucking wingnut racists.
Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin is the sculptor of the 30-foot likeness of King. He was selected for the work after monument organizers saw him working in St. Paul five years ago and decided he was the guy for the job.
America is diverse. It is our greatest strength until homogeneous wasicu fucking racists decide America is for whitey wingnuts only.
Anonymous Indian Giver said..I am on glue. I am a pathetic liar, as well.
I might add you can't read, either. The first half of your article gives meeting details and what Phillips hopes he can do with thye kids.
The second part mentions that Phillips previously had turned down a request from a restaraunteur to host a meeting at his joint.
The meeting is 9on. Not off.
You are right, mike. A black couldn't have made a statue like that and wasicus whiteys are jst too stupid to figure it out.
From Cinn Enq- Update 11:17 a.m.: Nathan Phillips has changed his mind on meeting with CovCath students.
He’s offering to travel as a delegate representing the international coalition behind the Indigenous Peoples March to Covington Catholic High School in and have a dialogue about cultural appropriation, racism and the importance of listening to and respecting diverse cultures, he said in a news release.
“Race relations in this country and around the world have reached a boiling point,” said Phillips. “It is sad that on the weekend of a holiday when we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., racial hostility occurred on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where King gave his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech.”
I wouldn't let my kid meet with that crazy drum beating fake Vietnam war hero.
I wouldn't let my kid meet with that crazy drum beating fake Vietnam war hero.
Pity. It might learn some real stuff from a real human. And he never claimed to be a war hero. Making up shit in the usual Fake Noize way.
mike from iowa likes slurping his dookie off the bbc after the mandingo deeply inserted his tool into his cornhole.
Top aide to rabid raCist Mitchypoo McCTurtlefuckface uses PRopaganda firm to make Smirky McFuckfaceracist appear human.
No lies were used to make this post.
You know the other side surrenders when the best they can do is try to insult their opponents. Just like Drumpfuck the dumbfuckfaceracist.
Yes, keep to the High road, like mike and Michelle!
mike from iowa said...
"And he never claimed to be a war hero"
FN: What I wasn't doing, or wouldn't be doing if I was a kid growing up in America, would be going to my nation's capital with a bunch of religious extremist and anti-choice wackos, to bully and make fun of a Native American war hero, who was simply exercising his First Amendment right, and trying to defuse what might have been a very ugly situation between two groups of protesters.
You calling Field a liar, cracker?
what might have been a very ugly situation between two groups of protesters.
The ugliness consisted entirely of the black Israelite protesters insulting and threatening the white Catholic boys.
If you put a group of white Catholic boys, a handful of black Israelites, and a smattering of drum-banging natives together on the same street corner it would descend into an unseemly scene 100/100 times. Does anyone doubt this?
Absolute proof that diversity is not our strength.
White catlickers have no0 business being there, they are being used to violate church and state rules and you forgot to put them on the corner with their new Klan hoods. Klan hoods guaranteed to bring out protesters.
You calling Field a liar, cracker?
I called you a liar,cracker.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I wouldn't let my kid meet with that crazy drum beating fake Vietnam war hero.
Still not hearing Phillips call himself a war hero. Like I said, you are making shit up.
Martin Luther Ming the Merciless said...
"Does it seem weird to anyone else that the Martin Luther King icon's memorial statue was carved by a Chinese man? Shouldn't a proud African American been granted this achievement? What even is going on here? Almost seems kinda racist."
If a black man had been given the job, you all would be screaming, "He only got the job because of affirmative action." There is no pleasing bigots 'cause they don't ever want to be pleased.
Excellent riposte, Gambler2. Now kick him in the nuts.
This guy has the answer to Smirky McRacistfuckface's behavior. Stone him.
FN is a liar.
Anymoose and other losers lookee here at what I found at Snopes. It appears your catholic heroes aren't the guiless angels you make them out to be.
Whiteys in black paint look to be mocking a Black player. Heaven forbid them angels would do such a thing. Blasphemy, I tell you.
You wingnut rubes have been had. In the ass. Deep and twisting.
It's called a Blackout. Schools do it for their colors. Covington also does Whiteouts and Blueouts.
You people are absolutely insane.
If a black man had been given the job, you all would be screaming, "He only got the job because of affirmative action."
No, everyone would have expected it. It's a statue of the Black Jesus scowling at White America. Why wouldn't a black artist be given the honor of making it?
PilotX and Doug- did you see the video of the moon being hit with a meteorite during the eclipse?
You people are absolutely insane.
You people are absolutely in denial. Racists.
Smirky McRacistfuckface and his racist goons have been officially invited to racist headquarters at kremlin annex to meet god racis5t.
Why wouldn't a black artist be given the honor of making it?
None of yer fucking business, racist. They chose the sculptor they wanted five years before the project got started as was explained to you dense blocks of granite before.
4 New York wasicus were arrested because they haD plans to attack and kill Muslims.
"LIFT OFF"...get ready for goose-bumps... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjgYMLpYGcw
"PilotX and Doug- did you see the video of the moon being hit with a meteorite during the eclipse?"
No!😄😄😄 I'll watch as soon as I get home.
"There is no pleasing bigots 'cause they don't ever want to be pleased."
You noticed that too huh? It's the Barack Obama test, it's either he didn't do enough for blah people but if he had he'd be a racist. Can't win with these people so best to ignore.
Joel Diamond said...Impressive speech as advertised.
Nathan Philips claimed claimed to be a “recon ranger” Vietnam vet.
Turns out he was a refrigerator mechanic who never went to Nam.
Yeah, I saw it. The rain lasted just long enough so I didn't see the eclipse, but I did see some video of it.
-Doug in Oakland
> Claims to have been spit on and called a “baby killer” when he returned from Vietnam.
• Never went to Vietnam
• AWOL 3 times
• Discharged as a Private
• He was a Refrigerator Mechanic
Nathan Phillips uses the pain and sacrifice of others to game the system and sell a narrative he didn’t earn. God it makes me so mad I don’t know where to put it.
-Doug in Oakland
Fake News Update said...
"Nathan Philips claimed claimed to be a “recon ranger” Vietnam vet.
Turns out he was a refrigerator mechanic who never went to Nam."
Do you have a reliable source for you opinions or are you just blowing smoke? If do have a source, please post it. Thank you.
"The sun rises in the east"
Granny: Do you have a reliable source for you opinions or are you just blowing smoke? If do have a source, please post it. Thank you.
War Hero? Which war?
Injun Joe was a Freon Ranger some time after the Vietnam War.
Nathan Philips served in Vietnman with Da Nang Dick Blumenthal.
I was going to say something, but "Your lyin' eyes" said it already.
Feeled Negro literally doesn't care if his narrative is grossly false and morally opposite to the truth. If it's anti-white, he runs with it.
Whites need to remove Feeled and all his sycophants from this country.
Fuck heroin and fuck the way people behave when they're high on it.
-Doug in Oakland
New Nation News
'Anonymous said...
'Nathan Phillips uses the pain and sacrifice of others to game the system and sell a narrative he didn’t earn. God it makes me so mad I don’t know where to put it.'
How about up your ass?
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
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