Of course, when your president is Donald trump, you already know that he has bragged about assaulting women on tape and was still elected. You already know that over 20 women have already accused him of sexual misconduct towards them, and of being the pig that we know that he is capable of being.
The most recent accuser is a woman who alleges that Mr. trump raped her in the dressing room of a fancy New York store and that it lasted for about three minutes (Frankly, that's about two minutes longer than most of us would expect.), and that she wasn't sure how much of his private parts had penetrated her. (No surprise there.)
Anyway, Mr. trump, in typical trump fashion, has lashed out against the woman by saying that she isn't his type. Not that he would never do such a thing, but that she is not his type. Do you see what we are working with here? If you guessed sociopath move to the head of the class. Then he declared, in typical trumpian fashion, that he has never met the woman and does not know who she is. And yet there are photos that prove otherwise. This follows a pattern, He has declared in the past that he does not know his accusers, only to have photos show up to prove otherwise/
trump's biggest asset right now is "media fatigue", because frankly it is so hard to be shocked by his actions these days.
Speaking of the media, just because there is fatigue that doesn't that they should lose their willingness to get to the bottom of every story, and report it to America. This story has not been getting the attention it deserves, and I suspect that this is because editors and news producers, like the rest of the county, have fallen victim to Mr. trump's gaslighting tactics.
“I tried to f— her,” I moved her on like a bitch– and she was married.... When you’re a star you can grab them by the pussy."
Or apparently even rape them.
The white race is a disease.
Try watching her interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN. The woman is batshit crazy.
Also, she just happens to be selling a book.
Field jumps the gun again.
Republicans are all about the sexual assault and behavioral control of women, like the 100+ women that the Missouri GOP just put through state mandated sexual assault at Planned Parenthood for 21 days until the doctors finally refused and the GOP said, OK, you're right, our bad, carry on.
Fergus is harder to deal with though, as 1) he wants to fuck his own daughter, and 2) any time he looks at or thinks about a woman it seems like a form of sexual assault.
Perhaps when he is no longer protected by the presidency he will see some justice, and perhaps he will live long enough to serve a sizable fraction of the sentence.
-Doug in Oakland
The orange pig said that he didn't rape her because she's not his type. Which says that he does rape women who are his type. So women: don't be his type.
Don't worry Doug, progressive and poor women can still abort children. Some lives matter.
Her story is not provable in court because he's an experienced criminal; but I entirely believe it because we know him all too well.
-Doug in Oakland
"Don't worry Doug, progressive and poor women can still abort children. Some lives matter."
Oh best believe conservatives have abortions too. Remember the holier than thou Republican pro-life congressman who sent his mistress to the clinic? Trust, it ain't just a liberal thing.
It's poor women being affected by these bullshit laws. Rich women will always be able to get on a plane and fly somewhere civilized.
-Doug in Oakland
She’s clearly mentally ill and being used as a proxy. This is a form of elder abuse.
It looks as if the Evangelicals new "Savior-in-Chief" Comrade David Dennison is once again facing accusations of rape, this time from a credible known public figure.
It won't be a jump to say sadist Republicans will have their favorite prayer posse led by one of their many sadist religious leaders laying hands on the criminal women molesting megalomaniac Dennison by Friday in the oval office.
The now Russian oligarch financed GOP is headed to the long awaited political trash heap in a ball of flames, shame and religious hypocrisy second only to their imaginary white Jesbus.
Drumpfuck could rip a fetus out of a woman and eat it raw on national teevee and his base wouldn't care. Why? Because they don't care what he does or who gets hurt. They are the worst of the worst human beings ever. And stoopid fucking wingnuts, to boot.
America, we the people deserve better. Hurry 2020; we're the laughing stock of the globe. (Another woman disrespected, think of your mothers and sisters). SMH.
Another lie.
When will you learn?
You mean Trump’s denials? We’ve learned. The whole world has learned.
Think of the fantasy said...
"Try watching her interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN. The woman is batshit crazy."
What specifically led you to conclude that she is batshit crazy? Mu hunch is that you are a little off balance for not providing some evidence to back your claim.
Obama: Likes it up the ass. Hates police. Hates law and order. Presided over a massive increase in murders in our biggest cities.
Trump: likes women.
I'll take Trump.
"What specifically led you to conclude that she is batshit crazy?"
Just listen to her. If you find her remotely credible, you are batshit crazy.
I can see why anyfuckingmoose likes Drumpf. He lies just like Drumpf about murder rates.
Drumpf 20 to.....phuck it. Just give his orange ass the deAth penalty with absolutely no chances to grope Ivanka.
Anonymous 10:45 made four false statements about Obama, and one false statement about Trump.
Drumpf does not like women. He doesn't respect women. They are here for his pleasure and to lie for him. That is all.
Bumped into Capt. Bill Norwood (ret.) UAL's first Black pilot at San Fran airport. Still. great guy😄
Drumpf's IRS is showing favoritism to Drumpf's billionaire buds.
Truth said...
The white race is a disease.
10:05 PM
How so???
Re Anonymous 1:10:
troll... troll... troll..,
The slow-motion trainwreck that has come to define Trump-accuser E. Jean Carroll's publicity blitz has been painful to watch, one more example of our corrupt media -- as a means to smear Trump -- psychologically abusing someone who is obviously unwell and unreliable.
Things finally came to a head on Monday night when Carroll slurred something so outrageous even CNN's basement-rated Anderson Cooper was speechless.
"I think most people think of rape as being sexy -- think of the fantasies," she said.
To begin with, her nearly 25-year-old accusation against Trump, her claim he raped her (although she now says it wasn't rape, but a "fight") at Bergdorf Goodman Department Store in Manhattan, is ludicrous.
In a department store?
In Manhattan?
Are you kidding me?
One scream and Trump’s entire life would have been over.
If that isn't ludicrous enough, when she was asked last week if she would press assault charges against Trump, she told MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell that doing so would be "disrespectful to the women who are down on the border who are being raped around the clock down there without any protection."
"The women have very little protection there," she added. "It would just be disrespectful." And then she rambled on about all the rapes all around the world and how her bringing charges against Trump "just doesn’t make sense to me."
Well, that's not an answer. It is, though, the most awkward pivot to a left-wing political talking point in the history of cable news.
The Barack Obama years were horrible, with race baiting, race riots, cities burning, Middle East wars, embassies burning, trading good jobs for McJobs, weaponizing government agencies against opponents, endless lies, incompetence, and undermining the foundations of our country. Democrats are hoping to bring that back.
I believe this bullshit like I believe in global warming:
Colorado’s snowpack is 40 times normal after rare summer solstice dump
Anonymous said...
"The Barack Obama years were horrible......"
Only in your imagination. Obama rescued us from a second great depression, got the ACA through congress, dealt with Bush's two wars, and more than doubled the stock market.
Those were terrible years. NOT!
To Anonymous at 2:18 PM
Here are just a few of Obama's many accomplishments.
1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.
2. Passed the Stimulus: Signed $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid greatest recession since the Great Depression. Weeks after stimulus went into effect, unemployment claims began to subside. Twelve months later, the private sector began producing more jobs than it was losing, and it has continued to do so for twenty-three straight months, creating a total of nearly 3.7 million new private-sector jobs.
3. Passed Wall Street Reform: Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010) to re-regulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession. The new law tightens capital requirements on large banks and other financial institutions, requires derivatives to be sold on clearinghouses and exchanges, mandates that large banks provide “living wills” to avoid chaotic bankruptcies, limits their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit, and creates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (now headed by Richard Cordray) to crack down on abusive lending products and companies.
4. Ended the War in Iraq: Ordered all U.S. military forces out of the country. Last troops left on December 18, 2011.
5. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan: From a peak of 101,000 troops in June 2011, U.S. forces are now down to 91,000, with 23,000 slated to leave by the end of summer 2012. According to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the combat mission there will be over by next year.
6. Eliminated Osama bin laden: In 2011, ordered special forces raid of secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in which the terrorist leader was killed and a trove of al-Qaeda documents was discovered.
7. Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry: In 2009, injected $62 billion in federal money (on top of $13.4 billion in loans from the Bush administration) into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity stakes and agreements for massive restructuring. Since bottoming out in 2009, the auto industry has added more than 100,000 jobs. In 2011, the Big Three automakers all gained market share for the first time in two decades. The government expects to lose $16 billion of its investment, less if the price of the GM stock it still owns increases.
8. Recapitalized Banks: In the midst of financial crisis, approved controversial Treasury Department plan to lure private capital into the country’s largest banks via “stress tests” of their balance sheets and a public-private fund to buy their “toxic” assets. Got banks back on their feet at essentially zero cost to the government.
9. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: Ended 1990s-era restriction and formalized new policy allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military for the first time.
Why am I not a doctor yet? Maybe I should put down the fried chicken and watermelon and get my fat ass out of the basement for once.
More left wing pabulum and delusional talk......
"Here are just a few of Obama's many accomplishments.
1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems."
Then after this, since 2010 health care cost skyrocketed so the average person could not afford private health insurance. Obama care was designed to fail from the get go so Single Payer could be implemented.
"2. Passed the Stimulus: Signed $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid greatest recession since the Great Depression. Weeks after stimulus went into effect, unemployment claims began to subside. Twelve months later, the private sector began producing more jobs than it was losing, and it has continued to do so for twenty-three straight months, creating a total of nearly 3.7 million new private-sector jobs."
Big fucking deal. Got $600 bucks back of my own tax money. This was just another Democratic feel good hand out. Had no lasting impact for the economy.
Anonymous said..
"Big fucking deal. Got $600 bucks back of my own tax money. This was just another Democratic feel good hand out. Had no lasting impact for the economy."
4:10 PM
I think you are talking about the $600 per person stimulus that Bush handed out in 2008.
Paradoctor said...
"Her story is not provable in court because he's an experienced criminal; but I entirely believe it because we know him all too well."
Levels of pretend-credulity once reserved for radicals have reached the mainstream.
Here’s a summary:
Length of term
Closing Dow Jones Industrial Average
Percentage increase in the Dow Jones Industrial Average
Barack Obama
8 years
+ 149 percent
George W. Bush
8 years
- 25 percent
Bill Clinton
8 years
+ 227 percent
George H.W. Bush
4 years
+ 45 percent
Ronald Reagan
8 years
+ 135 percent
San Francisco just banned the sale of e-cigarettes. No vaping or plastic straws allowed.
But it’s still legal there to knowingly ejaculate your ooey gooey HIV+ load into another man’s filthy asshole... you just can’t vape while you infect hairless boy after hairless boy with your putrid, diseased ejaculate.
So there's that.
Hey Gambler2, so you like black men? What attracts them to you? Your flat ass or flat rack?
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Pridel, the thing for you to do is offer your mouth as a diseased cum repository and save all them hairless boys.
Yisheng said...
Hey Gambler2, so you like black men? What attracts them to you? Your flat ass or flat rack?
7:25 PM
First, let's be clear; my ass isn't flat and neither is my rack. Now that that's out of the way: I like all kinds men and all kinds of men like me. I've been married several times and only one of my husbands was black.
As to what attracts black man or other men to me, I think it's my intellect and my tendency to listen when they talk. And I make intelligent comments on what they say. In addition, I'm not bad looking and I was considered pretty when I was young.
By the way, what's with this? "Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!"
Why are you laughing?
Anonymous said...
"What specifically led you to conclude that she is batshit crazy?"
"Just listen to her. If you find her remotely credible, you are batshit crazy."
10:48 AM
This is not an answer to my question. I rather expected that you could make at least one point. I guess not.
This lady’s memoir about all the famous men like Donald Trump and Hunter S. Thompson who just can’t stop raping her due to her overwhelming sexiness reads like a cross between a bodice ripper romance novel entitled The Maiden Who Was Ravished by the Pirate Captain and a Letter to Penthouse.
Why do Republicans hate and fear women so much?
-Doug in Oakland
Why has Doug never gotten laid?
Why do whooteemoos like Gambler2 think they belong on a black blog just because they like black d*ck?
I miss the real Yisheng, constantly denigrating working-class white people whose taxes funded her 40-year quixotic quest to become a doctor. Decade after decade of affirmative action schooling and handouts courtesy of the largesse of white America for which she had not a scintilla of gratitude, only scorn for the people who facilitated her pursuit of a career credential which she lacked half the brainpower to attain.
Then she flunked out and never posted here again.
Yisheng said...
"Why do whooteemoos like Gambler2 think they belong on a black blog just because they like black d*ck?
10:25 PM
Well, Yisheng, since you asked: I can't speak for anyone else, but I will tell you why I belong here. First, Field welcomes all who who wish to join the group. Nowhere does he say this blog is only for black people. Second, since my husband died I don't have as much contact with the black community as I had before, and I miss it.
As for your inane comment about "black d*ck", I married my husband because he was intelligent, witty, kind, generous, and honest. In addition we shared the same political views, same sense of humor, and most important, the same values. And I loved him dearly and I still do.
So make of that what you will. And have a nice night.
Believe women.
Gambler2 Aska White Woman: Thank you for your poise, intelligence and honesty, in the face of poser posters here lacking all of those qualities. They think their insults 'win', but honor and truth are yours.
The very vileness of their lies prove that we have completed Step One: we have won the argument. Step Two is to win the fight.
Yisheng was a racist, a retard, and a cunt.
Paradoctor said...
Gambler2 Aska White Woman: Thank you for your poise, intelligence and honesty, in the face of poser posters here lacking all of those qualities. They think their insults 'win', but honor and truth are yours.
The very vileness of their lies prove that we have completed Step One: we have won the argument. Step Two is to win the fight.
2:02 AM
Thank you, Para Doctor. You are very kind. After 35 year of enjoying a wonderful "mixed marriage", I have already experienced many incidents of bigots' disapproval. I knew from the beginning it would be that way. It rolls off my back like water from a duck. I know that we are right and they are wrong.
Have a wonderful day!
New police video shows Jussie Smollett with rope around neck after alleged hate crime hoax:
"The Barack Obama years were horrible,"
Not in my industry. Record profits, record contract, expansion and hiring through the roof. No complaints here.
PilotX and the Koch brothers were happy with Obama.
So there's that.
Deplorable Dan said...
" PilotX and the Koch brothers were happy with Obama.
So there's that."
3:59 PM
I and the majority of Americans were happy with Obama. Don't you read or watch anything other than right-wing propaganda?
"Your flat ass or flat rack?"
Nah, brothas like round asses.
"PilotX and the Koch brothers were happy with Obama."
Then the Koch's are overjoyed about the trump EPA.
People loved Obama and hated his policies. Obama got elected, despite having no qualifications for running anything, because white America thought it would show they weren't racist and everything could finally start to be cool.
Instead he squandered a historic opportunity by inflaming divisions even deeper for political gain. His economic policies delayed what should have been a quick recovery and paid Wall Street donors with money taken directly from the middle and working classes. He rammed through a deeply flawed health insurance bill that he knew wouldn't work, depending on the "stupidity of the American voter". He was a petty, small man who whiffed at an easy softball.
"Then the Koch's are overjoyed about the trump EPA."
Koch Bros are Never Trumpers who have indicated they will be supporting the Dem candidate in 2020. Keeping borders open and wages down comes first.
Wall Street is all yours now.
Anonymous said...
"People loved Obama and hated his policies."
And you are full of it. It runs out your ears, your mouth, and your fingers when you type. Give it up and get some new talking points. And stop watching or listening to all that right-wing bull sh*t.
As for Obama not being qualified to be president, he was a damn site more qualified than the orange monster. At least Obama read the constitution and understood how our government works - something that Trump couldn't learn in a hundred years.
Koch bros were not happy with Obama, but they are horrified of Drumkpfuck the dumbfuck because Drumpfuck is a dumbfuck. Like the Ayatollah said, he is mentally retarded.
Mike said...
"Koch bros were not happy with Obama, but they are horrified of Drumkpfuck the dumbfuck because Drumpfuck is a dumbfuck. Like the Ayatollah said, he is mentally retarded."
7:39 PM
You got that right, Mike!
NBC News has a story on Ag Sec Perdue. Basically he and Wilted Weenie knew they were throwing farmers under the bus with WW’s ego trade war.
Farmers are ‘casualties’ of Trump’s trade war, agriculture secretary admits
“You can’t pay the bills with patriotism,” Sonny Perdue said.
June 25, 2019, 9:40 AM CDT / Source: Reuters
By Reuters
Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue acknowledged that American farmers are “casualties” of President Donald Trump’s trade war with China, according to an interview broadcast on Tuesday.
Perdue told CNN he did not expect a trade deal to be reached when Trump meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping this month at the G-20 summit in Japan but hopes one can be struck by the end of the year.
The Trump administration has designated aid for farmers, a key constituency that helped him win the election in 2016, but they still have been among the hardest hit from the trade dispute with China.
“I think they are one of the casualties with trade disruption, yes,” Perdue told CNN. “We knew going in that when you flew the penalty flag on China, the retaliation, if it came, would be against the farmer.
Stakes are high for G-20 talks with China, but ‘you can only fight so many wars,’ say economists
“I’ve told the president — and the president understands — you can’t pay the bills with patriotism,” Perdue told CNN. “We know that and certainly he knows that. That’s why he’s trying to supplement the damage they’re having from trade disruptions with market facilitation.”
The Trump administration last month unveiled a $16 billion aid package for farmers to offset losses from the 10-month trade war with China. Payment rates to farmers would be determined by where they farm rather than what crops they grow.
The trade dispute, which escalated this month after Washington and Beijing raised tariffs on imports of each other’s goods, has left U.S. farmers sitting on record volumes of soybeans with China halting purchases. China once was a destination for more than 60 percent of U.S. soybean exports.6
"Instead he squandered a historic opportunity by inflaming divisions even deeper for political gain."
Huh? He tried to reach across the aisle at every opportunity. It was McConnell who publically stated he was going to do everything possible to make him a one term president. C'mon man!
Huh? He tried to reach across the aisle at every opportunity.
"The officer acted... stupidly."
"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon."
Yeah, right. "Reach across the aisle." Asshole.
The officer DID act stupidly and if he had a son he WOULD look like Trayvon. Sorry you're such a snowflake.
Reminds me of when I was coming back to the states from London. I was in the security line and this really blonde Nordic looking woman with the bluest eyes ever was standing near me with two Hitler wet dream kids with almost white blonde hair and blue eyes. The security guard asks me if this is my family. I just gave him a blank stare and asked "really"? "Look at this girl and boy". He had to laugh cause we all know Motherland genes are strong, no way I have platnum blonde kids with blue eyes😂
NRATV is gone. Bon voyage.
PilotX said...
"I was in the security line and this really blonde Nordic looking woman with the bluest eyes ever was standing near me with two Hitler wet dream kids with almost white blonde hair and blue eyes."
Someone has issues.
"Someone has issues."
Yeah, the snowflake above.😂
The officer DID act stupidly
Doing his job, trying to report the end of the interaction to central was "acting stupidly"? Gates wouldn't stop shouting at him for doing his job, making certain that Gates' own home was not being burglarized. The total ingratitude of Gates is iconic, just like yours.
if he had a son he WOULD look like Trayvon.
And would act like Trayvon too. Identifying with burglar and attempted murderer Martin over victim Zimmerman is anti-American to the point of treason.
Sorry you're such a snowflake.
I already knew you're not remotely American, regardless of what your papers say. "US citizen" has no social or civilizational meaning anymore. It has been progressively debased and diluted since 1965.
You have to go. You don't have to go back, but you won't stay here.
Anonymous said.....
"You have to go. You don't have to go back, but you won't stay here."
12:13 AM
Who in the hell do you think you are that you can tell someone "you won't stay here?" You don't even have the intestinal fortitude to post with a screen name.
"You have to go. You don't have to go back, but you won't stay here."
Sure kid, whatever you say.
A cop is an idiot if he thinks a 70 year old is a burgler. Sure he broke in and quickly put up pictures of himself in a house.Yeah, the cop was a genius.
Trayvon was walking back home when a creepy wannabe cop kept stalking him after the dispatcher told him to not follow.
"You don't even have the intestinal fortitude to post with a screen name."
He is kind of a snowflake. 😂
PilotX @ 10:35.... be careful what you say to authorities, you might be mistaken for a kidnapper.
"PilotX @ 10:35.... be careful what you say to authorities, you might be mistaken for a kidnapper."
Ha! London is a bit more progressive than Georgia.😂
Watch what happens when Black kid's backpack accidentally brushes a privileged white ass while she was sleeping standing up. Meet cornerstore Caroline scream assault at 9 year old Black.
I've seen a bunch of them things Blacks do to get hassled by coops, PilotX. Jogging, walking, running, running fast, picking up trash with a deadly weapon at school or at home. Sitting in yer front yard. Exercising your dog. It never ends.
Watch what happens when Black kid's backpack accidentally brushes a privileged white ass while she was sleeping standing up.
Watch what happens when a white girl decides to "taste brown sugar."
Watch what happens when a white girl accepts a black "sugar daddy". She winds up dead.
Watch what happens when a black decides that white women haven't been sufficiently accepting of his advances and decides to kill someone in response.
Whites have EVERY RIGHT AND OBLIGATION to object strenuously to any contact from blacks. Even violently. Blacks are not humans; they are vicious, dangerous, deadly animals. They should be kept away from humans, and punished or killed if they disrespect boundaries. Since they are all about "disrespect", neither they nor their apologists have any business objecting. None whatsoever.
Black people are privileged
to live in white societies and or communities
an committing crime non stop against the host
that provides these savage scum bags free of everything
like clothing,food,shelter,education,entertainment hell
they even have their own damn channel called BET and their
own month (black history month) that is preserved for them
an they have the audacity,atrocity to complain,whine,nit pick,
cherry pick,groan,moan and call quite a lot of things or most
or everything racist,oppressed,slavery,discriminating,prejudice,
white privilege,racial profiling when things don't go their way
an or just so they can get things their way not to mention they
want to be immune against the officers and laws thinking that white
people should make a exception for them by letting their kind break
the laws,rules,policies while they expect everyone to just follow
the laws. they even celebrate,praise the deaths of the Zebra murders
on youtube in the comment's section a couple things I want to state
is even when they get caught red handed they always use (I didn't
do nothing") excuse the other one would be is they will always defend
their own race even though they know he,she,it have done the crime
other being is that when ever they fail & the actions they take
they blame it on Caucasians
another thing I love that I find
ironic is when these cretins indict
white people for cultural appropriation
when they themselves are the ones that are doing
it everyday for example wearing western clothing,
speaking the white man's linguistics,living in a
house an apartment and condominium an mansion that
was guess what built from the white man of course I
should also add that black women straighten an or bleach,dye
their hair and both genders are uncle tom's acting white an or
white washed the ones that are and bleaching theirs skin in fact
their so called black culture is nothing more than a derivative
from another race of culture that is white culture since
considering they do not have one of their own barely.
if you call what they have back
in the Sub Saharan African continent
a culture which is gibberish an their
culture,heritage,civilization stealer's
(Afro centric revisionist's) claiming everybody's
culture is their's when it isn't and claiming they
did great feats like Hidden figures the Tuskegee an
black invention's. well for one thing Hidden Figures
is mostly true except it wasn't the three black women
that got white Astronaut's to the moon it was a white
man named Jack Crenshaw an the Tuskegee air men
were not ace pilots as some like to believe,think,
know and the black invention's weren't the first ones
to be created by black inventor's
I have a few more things to say
like when it comes to crime in America
an massacres in Sub Saharan Africa and Haiti
including an or excluding black on black crime,
black on white crime,black on yellow crime,black
on brown crime depending on the person's perspectives
since it will vary from person to person if they factor
in these crimes with the massacres counting future ones
as well
they would be in the millions
or hundreds of millions if you add
over the decades how many times black
on black crime,black on white crime,black
on yellow crime black on brown crime,massacres
happened in fifteenth century Haiti all the way
through twenty first century America,Europe,Sub
Saharan Africa.
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