Consider what happened today with Iran. They shot down an American drone, and they declared to the world that they wanted to do it. Our loud mouth president first declared that he might have something cooking for Iran and that they would be sorry, but then, later on, he backed down and said that they might have made a mistake. Maybe they didn't mean to do it he declared. He tried to play down the importance and seriousness of what the Iranians did, but no one is buying it.
The problem with Mr. trump's helter- skelter foreign policy is that it has given us moments like this. His hatred and jealousy of Barack Obama caused him to tear up the nuclear agreement with Iran, and now we are seeing the folly of that misguided decision. Iran is ramping up their ability to build up their nuclear program, and they are behind the attacks of ships carrying oil in Middle East. The sanctions put in place by the United States is hurting their economy, and like the North Koreans, the only way they know how to lash out and get our attention is to do what they are doing now.
Iran says that the American drone was flying over their airspace, but the United States denies it. Of course given this administration's penchant for misrepresenting the facts, it is hard to tell the American people to trust what their government is saying over what the Iranians are telling us.
Unfortunately this might not end well. Because while trump might be a coward who doesn't want any of the Iranians, the people around him like John Bolton, Lindsey Graham and Tom Cotton are all itching to go to war with Iran. Graham has such a hard on for Iran ,that he probably closes his eyes and sees Ayatollahs in his most intimate moments.
Trump foolishly surrounded himself with these hawks, and now he is bound by the consequences of their actions.
Consequences of having diplomacy done by idiots and demagogues.
We get our lunch eaten regularly.
Iran is not something to play with, and containing them took the Obama administration five years and the alliances that only come from the kind of trust that Fergus will never get from anyone outside of Sisterfuck, Arkansas.
He's trying to play this to his advantage by seeming to overrule the chickenhawks that he hired to run national security because he thinks it makes him look strong, and smarter than everyone who criticized him for hiring those chickenhawks, meanwhile, in reality, the forces our national security apparatus is supposed to be keeping in check are having a field day and fucking shit up all over the place.
President is not a job for narcissistic idiots like Fergus.
The president literally goes up against the most powerful fuckers on the planet every day, and Fergus is so easy to play that we might as well have just put up the white flag the day he was inaugurated and set the state department budget on fire and roasted wieners with it.
At least then we would have gotten a hot dog out of it; as it is all we got was buggered.
-Doug in Oakland
For the past half-century, the US has been led by arrogant, incompetent, foolish, and narcissistic politicians.
They've been heirs who squandered a fortune.
The god-emperor Trump is the worst by a least one order of magnitude.
Jesus weeps.
Oh. So Trump is a coward.
Obama sends them billions of dollars, Hillary sends them nuke material, (yeah, thru Russia),and Obama signs off on it.
They know where the missile was fired from. If I was those folks, I'd move my ass.
And, if I was on any type of Iranian floating vessel, I would request for immediate shore leave.
"Oh. So Trump is a coward."
Yup. That's why they call him "cadet bone spurs", commander.
-Doug in Oakland
Fergus won't attack Iran because Putin just told him not to.
-Doug in Oakland
(From previous post)
"Trillions have been dumped into the black community over the years..."
Dump, to deposit or dispose of garbage, waste, or unwanted material, typically in a careless or hurried way.
Typical Neuropeon bs. It didn't say invested. It said dumped.
I'm just sayin'
Commandeered Queenie Drumpfuck, there you go lying about Obama again. Obama didn't hand Iran billion s of dollars. That was Iranian money paid to the US for weapons thaT were never delivered.
Get your head out of Fake Noize's ass and join the world of reality. Stop the incessant fucking lying!
obamas nuclear deal with Iran was a disaster and sellout. Trump was correct in his actions.
What if they threw a war and nobody came ...
Well, wait ... given all the young coward terrorists patrolling my streets in their big ass trucks all armed with assault weaponry all the time, and their hatred of most of mankind .... there will be plenty who will send in our Air Force and Navy to do the work they want done. (These trump cult children waving the Confederate flag in the Midwest could never pass the entrance requirements for service in our military).
Selah, and I think the Iranians are right, and that is from a SAC veteran, you guys. Wayne keep up the news, thank you Mr. head FN. I am with you every morning.
Iran is enriching uranium now, thanks to stoopid fucking wingnuts. Under old agreement, they couldn't and were not and that was verified. Drumpf tossed this deal because it was Obama's and any number of our allies using diplomacy to do what all of the piddling right wing warmonger threats couldn't do.
This goes with the link in my previous post.
In a truly impressive demonstration of cognitive dissonance, Justice Alito characterized removal of the cross as “hostility to religion” and denied that the cross had religious significance.
Hey fellow Negroes,
How amusing to see the trumpFucks on our blog. Spreading lies as always. Trashing Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as always, for whatever reason God only knows, and although Jesus does weep, He also sees the hatred and remembers. Selah
S in Indiana
What if they threw a war and nobody came ...
Monkees covered that possibility in a song from the sixties called Zor and Zam.
2 little kings playing a game they gave a war and nobody came.
How many negroes will commit slaughter in the ghetto this weekend??
Planes were in the air and ships were in position when Drumpf called them back. He is a dangerously, detached, deplorable mental midget with shit fer brains.
Typical Neuropeon bs. It didn't say invested. It said dumped.
An investment is something you expect to be paid back, with interest.
This is an example of how much respect black kids have for their teachers: "Shut the fuck up!" "No, bitch!"
That is a KINDERGARTNER. They are already raised to disrespect and abuse "educators".
Money put into schools for such savages is not an "investment". It is definitely dumped. It would probably do less social damage if the cash were thrown in a bonfire, because it would not support a fake black middle class and force the mamas of these brats to deal with them all day instead of foisting off the behavior problems they created onto someone else.
Fuck old Shep, Uncle Tom Thomas of the SPOTUS issued an opinion today saying it is legal to kick blacks off jury pools.
Thomas blames the victim in this case.
After OJ Simpson, it should be forbidden for blacks to be ON juries.
After centuries of all white juries railroading innocent blacks to lynchings, whitey should never see a jury box again, except as a defendant.
Field Negro during Bush's neocon wars: Literally Hitler!
Field Negro during Obama's neocon wars: Silence.
Field Negro when Trump pushes back against neocon wars: Coward!
It was never about any principle, just about resentment.
A real man would’ve started WW3 over a drone.
The Pentagon should've painted the drone in Pride colors for maximum warmongering powers.
"With deep sadness, I inform the public Iran shot down our Intersexual Drone. We will not tolerate this bigotry in any part of the globe"
“Field Negro during Bush's neocon wars: Literally Hitler!”
Not “literally Hitler”; just an ignorant, warmongering fool.
“Field Negro during Obama's neocon wars: Silence.”
I seem to recall Obama mostly finishing up Bush’s neocon wars, and cleaning up his messes. I don’t see how that makes them HIS wars.
“Field Negro when Trump pushes back against neocon wars: Coward!”
By “pushes back against,” you apparently mean “starts.” Because we are well on our way into a war with Iran caused by Trump’s stupid actions.
It’s weird how your perception of history bears absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to what actually happened. It’s almost like you’re living in a warped alternate reality of your own creation,
Oh. So Trump is a coward.
Yup, a loud tough talking coward too much of a pussy to actually serve. Sounds a lot like someone you ahould know.
He seemed nice.
Trump has had a new sexual misconduct claim made against him, by a New York writer for Elle magazine. She says he raped her in a department store dressing room.
Drumpf backed down from his red line in Iran. Fucking coward.
Drumpf also threatened to jail a Times reporter.
Whyte privilege.
Moar whyte madness... https://www.rawstory.com/2019/06/children-can-still-be-charged-with-prostitution-in-texas-after-greg-abbott-veto/
I seem to recall Obama mostly finishing up Bush’s neocon wars, and cleaning up his messes. I don’t see how that makes them HIS wars.
You seem to have a selective memory.
Obama inherited Bush's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. More than three times as many Americans died in Afghanistan under Obama than under Bush.
Obama went on to bomb five more countries: Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Syria and Libya.
The US dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016 alone. Bill Kristol bragged that Obama “is a born-again Neocon.”
From 2009 until 2014, US drone strikes killed at least 2,400 civilians.
His actions in Syria and Libya led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and sparked a massive refugee crisis.
It pays to be a racist in the trump administration.
Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Syria and Libya were all bombed with hellfire missiles from Predator drones during the Bush administration. Obama kept the Bush administration's defense secretary, who continued many of the same programs.
The AUMF that Bush used as his legal cover for the extrajudicial murder he liked so much has been repealed by the house of representatives after an 18 year crusade to get rid of it by the only member of congress to vote against it, my congresswoman Barbara Lee.
Now we find out whether McConnell is OK with Fergus having a blank check to wage war in defiance of the war powers act or not.
-Doug in Oakland
"Obama went on to bomb five more countries: Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Syria and Libya."
The U.S. didn't bomb Syria. Britain and France did. The U.S. only extended logistical support to their efforts. And that was intervention into an already existing civil war. Western involvement only changed the outcome of which side won. We didn't start the war.
Obama also didn't "go on" to bomb Pakistan, Yemen, or Somalia, either. We were already bombing all of them when he took office.
And in these cases, we were/are bombing actual terrorists whose mission is the death of American citizens -- as in Syria, too. What is the alternative to killing terrorists who can't be negotiated with (because their goals are insane things, like creating a modern Caliphate) and who can't be arrested (because they're operating out of lawless areas of the world)? None of the critics of this policy have any alternatives to promote U.S. security that don't consist of: "... and then a miracle happens."
I'd like there to be an alternative, but sadly, there isn't one.
"The U.S. didn't bomb Syria. Britain and France did. The U.S. only extended logistical support to their efforts. And that was intervention into an already existing civil war. Western involvement only changed the outcome of which side won. We didn't start the war."
This should read: "the U.S. didn't bomb Libya."
"the U.S. didn't bomb Libya."
March 20, 2011: "Three B-2 stealth bombers flying non-stop from the United States have dropped 40 bombs on a major Libyan airfield tonight in an attempt to destroy much of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi's air force, CBS News David Martin reports."
At the same time, US Air Force fighter jets conducted missions searching for Libyan ground forces to attack. No US aircraft were lost during the missions.
"military operations began, with American and British naval forces firing over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles,"
I'd like there to be an alternative, but sadly, there isn't one.
The only alternative is the warped alternate reality of your own creation.
Stop wishing you all could $uck former President Obama's privates; his wife has that 'covered'.
BTW: The Obama's are 'turning up', big time, on Summer vacation, and on their own dollars/Euros.
Meanwhile, our country is in 'deep shit', because....guess who the neighbor of Iran is....LOL!
The Obamas have never earned their own dollars.
"The Obamas have never earned their own dollars."
And trump lost a billion of his daddy's. I'd say they're ahead.
trump still taking advice from Fox News hosts. Great.🙄
Raygun illegally attempted to assassinAte Gadaffyduck and killed his young stepdaughter instead. Not cricket, old man.
Sigh. Do you people even realize how stupid you really are? How the "Public Schools" trashed your feeble brains? It's sad.
Read about your "honest Abe, for once:
Sigh. Do you people even realize how stupid you really are?
Says the fat piece of shit redneck from the dumbest state. Go sign up to serve bitch.
Um, did anyone mention Lincoln or did dumbass have another of his tourettes of stupid episodes? Kinda hard to tell sometimes.
Obama ordered airstrikes in Libya to stop the Libyan military from leveling Benghazi. Remember Benghazi? It wouldn't have existed for y'all to lie about if Obama hadn't saved it.
So again, thanks Obama! Right?
By your own claims, without Benghazi to lie about, Clinton would be president right now. Remember when McCarthy admitted as much on live TV?
-Doug in Oakland
Who agrees with reparations $ for the ADOS?
dinthebeast said...
"Obama ordered airstrikes in Libya to stop the Libyan military from leveling Benghazi. Remember Benghazi?"
I remember Benghazi.
They dragged my body through the streets there on September 11, 2012.
Obama launched his attack on Libya on March 19, 2011.
You are a farcical prototype of the liberal who projects his ignorance on the people he hates. "Pig People".
People as dumb as you should not be allowed to vote.
@ 11:41 a poster referenced a phrase all too common in our, how would you say, paler pastel communities.
"Shut the fuck up!" and "No, bitch!"
I've heard pre adolescent Neuropeons say this to their mothers while they're being pushed down the aisles in a Walmart shopping cart.
Why can't Neuropeons accept the truth that they project their inadequacies on us.
They said the Indians were savages, and they treated them savagely. They said the Japanese were ruthless and they treated them ruthlessly. They say Blacks are violent and they treat us violently.
And then there is this...
"An investment is something you expect to be paid back, with interest."
Neuropeonosis impacts approximately 35 million individuals in the United State of America. It affects many descendants of Ellis Island entrants who came to this country after enslaved Africans paved the way for them to leave their 1000 years of poverty in Europe and get a fresh start here after the murder of the native inhabitants who were here before them.
Symptoms include trying to make reparations solely about slavery while ignoring the impact of the detrimental programs "dumped" on the descendants of said enslaved Africans.The profit has been made. The only thing left is to invest.
Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that "Pale Males" cause cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, whitewashed history and broken families.
"Pale Males" created the computer you post on, cell phones, airplanes, cars, the electric power system that you use, the roof over your head, the agricultural productivity that sustains you. You speak their language, wear their clothes, and owe your conception of the universe to them. Everything in the modern world you live in came from Pale Males.
It is your own smallness that makes you hate them.
Just remember the excuse that Saddam had a "weapons of mass destruction" program which somehow never materialized was used as justification of starting a war with Iraq. Given TrumPutin's propensity to prevaricate as often as there are grains of sand on the beaches around Florida, I would want more prove than what they are showing at this time to prove Iran was responsible for the tanker attacks Think of the phrase "wag the dog" they used against Clinton.
Anonymous said...
They said the Indians were savages, and they treated them savagely. They said the Japanese were ruthless and they treated them ruthlessly. They say Blacks are violent and they treat us violently.
But they paid reparations to the Japanese, to the Jewish for the Holocaust, they're still cutting checks for the Indians. But for the Black? What did they get after they were declared 'free'?...oh yeah, Jim Crow!
I forgot to add that it is entirely possible that the drone was inside Iranian air space when they fired missile at it and was not hit until it maneuvered to coordinates outside their territory prior to destruction, or at least continued on a flight path that took it out side Iranian airspace. As far as I am concerned, I am embarrassed to be an American and TrumPutin had totally destroyed our standing in the world order to allow Vlad better opportunities to extend Russian influence at our expense.
I've heard pre adolescent Neuropeons say this to their mothers while they're being pushed down the aisles in a Walmart shopping cart.
Video or it didn't happen. Oh, right... it didn't.
Why can't Neuropeons accept the truth that they project their inadequacies on us.
Because you are congenital liars and objectively stupid.
They said the Indians were savages, and they treated them savagely
Rediscovery of the Aztec tower of skulls in Mexico City (formerly Technochtitlan) proves that the Aztecs were indeed savages. Even north of what is now the Mexico border, the Anasazi practiced cannibalism just a couple of centuries before Christoforo Columbo sailed to the Americas.
Neuropeonosis impacts approximately 35 million individuals in the United State of America.
Using your definition, it's going to be a lot more than that in a political eyeblink.
Symptoms include trying to make reparations solely about slavery while ignoring the impact of the detrimental programs "dumped" on the descendants of said enslaved Africans.
Anyone who takes "reparations" talk seriously is way below stupid. Africans didn't have to accept said detrimental programs. The ones who are successful today have eschewed everything that did not promote them in education and employment. The ones who took the "free" money... deserve to be where and what they are.
The profit has been made. The only thing left is to invest.
A losing proposition is not an investment. It is a fraud.
"It is your own smallness that makes you hate them."
Too true.
"Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It's Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself.
Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.
The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don't grasp what it really means: humiliation.
The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't conscious of it.
And, superiority excites envy.
Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities."
Joseph Sobran, April 1997
Since you desire to destroy white civilization, white civilization has every right to kill every last "minority" who won't leave voluntarily.
You can guarantee you won't be killed by getting out NOW. Don't delay; you obviously have no idea how angry white people are or how quickly they snap, and by the time you figure it out there won't be any flights or even ships to Africa.
Obama approves airstrikes against Libya, March 19, 2011
By ANDREW GLASS 03/19/2019 12:04 AM EDT
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President Barack Obama launched an air campaign against Libya on this day in 2011. The decision to order the strikes came after the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution, spearheaded by his administration, that authorized military intervention in Libya.
Obama said the military action sought to save the lives of peaceful, pro-democracy protesters who found themselves the target of a crackdown by Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
Two days after the U.N. acted, the United States and other NATO countries, including Britain and France, enforced a no-fly zone over Libya by Gadhafi’s air force while starting to bomb his assets. Seven months later, in October 2011, after a military offensive backed by a group of Western powers, rebel forces conquered the North African country, located Gadhafi and killed him.
According to Alan J. Kuperman, writing in the March-April 2015 issue of Foreign Affairs: “Not only did Gadhafi endanger the momentum of the nascent Arab Spring, which had recently swept away authoritarian regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, but he also was poised to commit a bloodbath in the Libyan city where the uprising had started.”
Obama declared: “We knew that if we waited one more day, Benghazi—a city nearly the size of Charlotte—could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world.” In the Rose Garden speech after Gadhafi’s death, Obama noted, “Without putting a single U.S. service member on the ground, we achieved our objective.
Doug for the win,
@12:41 makes it too easy...Here we go. Now try to keep up!
"It is your own smallness that makes you hate them."
Is this called a projection? I didn't say I hated anyone.
"Western man terrorized the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.
There fixed it for you.
"Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared."
Open your eyes, colonialism, imperialism and slavery are still here.
"The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but...humiliation. "
All Neuropeons are white but not all whites are Neuropeons.It is this shape shifting that has posed the biggest problem. You are cowards hiding in the shadows. You can't be humiliated. That would make you human.
The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't.
There, fixed another one.
"Don't delay; you obviously have no idea how angry white people are..."
There you go hiding behind white people again.
Hold on. I'll be back. I have to answer the phone.
For delusional dumbfucks that still believe te CP5 are guilty, check this out..... Accused of the 1996 murders of four small-town furniture store employees, Flowers has been found guilty six times since 1997 — and each of the verdicts has been overturned.
Despite a lack of evidence connecting him to the murders, and a case that legal advocates have argued was “built on faulty eyewitnesses, improper forensics, and false confessions from untruthful informants,” Curtis was found guilty three times in succession after each subsequent guilty conviction was overturned on appeal by higher courts. Then two more trials ended in hung juries, with the jury divided along racial lines.
Flowers’s most recent retrial, in 2010, resulted in a verdict reached after only half an hour of juror deliberation. The jury, which contained only one black juror, voted in favor of the death penalty.
Total lack of forensic evidence, false testimony from untruthful eye witnesses is good enough to get a black man imprisoned and/or sentenced to death for a crime he/she did not commit. Wasicu wasteys are okay with this.
White Scumacysts threaten Dem lawmakers with guns.Should be hunted down and tried as treasonous scumbags.
Ctrl+Halt+Del said...
"Is this called a projection? I didn't say I hated anyone."
"Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that "Pale Males" cause cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, whitewashed history and broken families."
That's pretty bad. Cancer? Broken families? Who would intentionally cause such things? Sounds worthy of hate.
And dehumanizing a class of people certainly is "hate".
mike from iowa said...
"For delusional dumbfucks that still believe the CP5 are guilty"
They are guilty. They even confessed.
Santana was one of the first boys picked up in the park the night of the attacks, April 19, 1989. While being driven to the precinct house, he blurted out: “I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman’s tits.”
At this point, the jogger hadn’t been found. The police knew nothing about any rape.
Richardson rode to the precinct with another boy, who announced to the police that he knew who did “the murder,” naming Antron McCray. Richardson concurred, saying, “Yeah. That’s who did it.”
Again, the police didn't know about the jogger yet. (It’s not surprising that the boys thought she was dead: Her doctors didn’t expect her to live through the night.)
Over the next few days, five teenaged boys gave detailed confessions about the attack on the woman, as well as the other attacks. All five made their confessions in the presence of their parents or guardians.
It is absolute madness to imagine that officers did anything to coerce these confessions. When the boys confessed, no one -- not them, not the prosecutors, not the police interviewing them -- had any idea whether the jogger would emerge from her coma, remembering everything. (Mercifully, she remembered nothing.)
Why on earth would cops bully five random teenagers into false confessions, knowing that the victim might wake up at any moment and announce, My boyfriend did it! That would be rather awkward for any cop who’d gotten someone else to confess.
Wingnuts claim mortal enemies Shia and Sunni Muslims are in bed together an d since Congress authorized war on Al-quada before, Drumpf is free to bomb Iran.
mike from iowa said...
Obama said the military action sought to save the lives of peaceful, pro-democracy protesters who found themselves the target of a crackdown by Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
Yeah. For democracy! Saving peaceful protesters! The reason Hitler gave for invading Poland was that the Poles were persecuting those Germans who lived in Poland.
The fact is that Obama attacked a country that was cooperating with the US in its "War on Terror" and was abiding by the terms negotiated with the US regarding the scrapping of its nuclear program.
The end result was Islamist rebels taking over the country, resulting in the murder of thousands of black migrants and the anarchic conditions that led 18 months later to the Benghazi fiasco, the causes of which Obama repeatedly lied about. "A spontaneous protest over a YouTube video".
This does get tedious.... 4 of the 5 alleged CP5 confessed while their civil and legal rights were being systematically violated by cops that knew better. N one of the 4 versions of events matched any of the other three. None agreed on who did what, where, how, what weapons were used, who had sex with the victim, etc.
There was not a single DNA match between the five and the victim. The only evidence presented was the five were in CP that night.
The police told the kids they could go home as soon as they told the cops what they wanted to hear. At 14, 15 and 16 years old. none were allowed to have an attorney or their parents/guardians present before the interrogations began.
The real rapist was already locked up. He later confessed with details of the crime and DNA matches for him alone.
Ann the afghan hound Coulter is a right wing bomb thrower who delights in destroying peoples lives by telling salacious lies and should be sent to the ME and branded as...........
GaDaffy duck gave up nuke weapons program in 2003. He was overthrown in Libyan civil war 8 years later. No connection.
Saddam Hussein gave up his chemical weapons and abided by UN sanctions and inspections. dumbass dubya claimed he had wmds and ordered UN inspectors out of Iraq and attacked the following day. No recent, usable wmds were ever found and no, they weren't trucked to Syria.
Gosh it took Obama 8 years and only took dumbass dubya one day to start un necessary wars, in Obama's case he didn't start the civil war.
"The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't."
White people are not superior. They seem powerless to stop more clannish peoples from coming in and taking over their countries. They are easily manipulated by brown people who come in and demand to be taken care of. They don't stick together to defend their interests.
But the culture whites created is superior. It is the only one that accepts outsiders. It has fostered technological growth and economic success that have made the whole world a better place to live. The fact that all other peoples assert the right to move to white countries and will risk life and limb to do so affirms this.
If immigrants showed the slightest bit of gratitude, if they indicated that they appreciated what had made America great and wanted to help keep it that way, that would be one thing. But the Left teaches them to resent the people who built the country, to demand it change to suit them. They wave their own flags like conquerors instead of our flag like partners. This will not end well.
mike from iowa said...
GaDaffy duck gave up nuke weapons program in 2003. He was overthrown in Libyan civil war 8 years later. No connection.
Bush was President in 2003 when Libya gave up their nukes. Obama was President in 2011 when we attacked. Killing Gaddafi sent the message loud and clear to any other dictator: The only thing keeping you alive is keeping your nukes.
Saddam Hussein gave up his chemical weapons and abided by UN sanctions and inspections. dumbass dubya claimed he had wmds and ordered UN inspectors out of Iraq and attacked the following day. No recent, usable wmds were ever found and no, they weren't trucked to Syria.
Hussein stopped complying with UN inspections, meaning no one could know with certainty that Iraq had no WMDs.
Gosh it took Obama 8 years and only took dumbass dubya one day to start un necessary wars, in Obama's case he didn't start the civil war.
Bush attacked Afghanistan after 9/11, 9 months into his term. He started his unnecessary war against Iraq in 2003, 26 months into his term. Obama started his unnecessary war against Libya for no reason whatsoever in 2011, 26 months into his term.
How are you so completely wrong about everything?
"Who would intentionally cause such things?" Surely you jest!
Cancer...Big Tobacco denied their products caused cancer for years. Doesn't Monsanto sell Roundup?
Breaking up families...slavery, welfare programs and mass incarceration of
non violent low level criminal offenders.
"Sounds worthy of hate." Again, I didn't say I hated anyone.
January 29, 2002 - US President George W. Bush labels Iraq part of an "axis of evil" in his State of the Union speech.
September 16, 2002 - Iraq agrees unconditionally to the return of
Pay close attention to March 18th and 19th entries. Inspectors were in Iraq until dumbass dubya ordered them out a day before starting his illegal war.
September 19, 2002 - Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri delivers a letter to the United Nations from Hussein stating that Iraq has no chemical, nuclear or biological weapons.
October 1, 2002 - The UN and Iraq agree on terms they say are consistent with existing UN resolutions. The United States threatens to veto unless a US resolution is approved that would allow military action for non-compliance by Iraq.
November 8, 2002 - The UN Security Council passes Resolution 1441.
November 13, 2002 - Iraq delivers a letter to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, accepting the terms set forth in resolution 1441.
November 27, 2002 - Inspections resume in Iraq.
December 7, 2002 - Iraq submits a 12,000-page report on its WMD programs.
January 16, 2003 - Inspectors discover 12 chemical warheads, 11 of them empty, at the Ukhaider ammunition storage area.
January 20, 2003 - After two days of negotiation, Hans Blix, Mohamed ElBaradei and Iraqi officials reach an agreement about Iraqi cooperation and concessions regarding the inspections.
February 5, 2003 - US Secretary of State Colin Powell briefs the UN Security Council on inspections. He presents evidence that the United States says proves Iraq has misled inspectors and hid proscribed weapons and equipment.
February 14, 2003 - Blix and ElBaradei brief the UN Security Council. Blix reports that the inspectors have not yet found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Blix also reports that Iraq is in violation of UN resolutions concerning its Al Samoud 2 missile program.
February 19, 2003 - Inspectors visit a factory northwest of Baghdad and tag 32 Al Samoud 2 missiles.
February 27, 2003 - Iraq agrees to destroy the country's Al Samoud 2 missile stock. However, the letter doesn't specify a date that the missile destruction will begin.
March 18, 2003 - Inspectors withdraw from Iraq.
March 19, 2003 - Bush announces US and coalition forces have begun military action against Iraq.
October 2, 2003 - David Kay, who heads the US search for weapons of mass destruction, reports to congressional intelligence committees that the Iraq Survey Group has found no such weapons in Iraq. Kay says he will need six to nine months to conclude his work.
January 28, 2004 - After retiring earlier in the month, Kay tells the Senate Armed Services Committee that there should be an independent investigation into the flawed intelligence about Hussein's weapons capability.
"Obama started his unnecessary war against Libya for no reason whatsoever in 2011, 26 months into his term."
One more time. The airstrikes he ordered prevented the Libyan military from leveling Benghazi, which they were massed and preparing to do at the time.
Without Benghazi, according to Kevin fucking McCarthy on live TV, Hillary Clinton would be president right now.
Y'all ain't too bright sometimes.
-Doug in Oakland
How are you so completely wrong about everything?
2:22 PM
You need to be fact checked everyday because you and Fake Noize are factually challenged...everyday. Read and learn the depth and breadth of your dumbfuckery. I'll wait.
But it was a Sept. 29 interview on Fox News that may have been the final nail in the coffin of McCarthy’s ambitions to become speaker. In it, he suggested that an ongoing House investigation into the deadly September 2012 attack on a diplomatic compound in Libya was motivated by GOP efforts to wound Clinton’s Democratic campaign for president.
“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?” McCarthy said in the Fox interview. “But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known that any of that had happened had we not fought.”
Except HRC did nothing wrong and wingnuts are fucking crooks and criminals, even their spawn are tainted from conception.
Hillary lied about Benghazi. Obama lied about Benghazi. They sent Susan Rice out to lie about Benghazi.
Whether or not Benghazi had anything to do with Hillary losing, it should have.
"The airstrikes he ordered prevented the Libyan military from leveling Benghazi, which they were massed and preparing to do at the time."
Bullshit. Gaddafi was fighting Islamist Rebels. Obama intervened on behalf of the Islamist Rebels, overthrowing a government that was not acting against the US.
.As Drumpf is proving, lying is not a crime, at least not if you are a pathological, racist, xenophobe, hommophobe,germaphobe, disgusting POS wingnut.
Mike from Iowa has no life...or a brain...or much of a dick.
It’s official, the average IQ here is in the double digits.
And shit fer brains Sam added all he knows and the conversation wasn't any longer and a lot less intelligent.
Wisconsin's bought and paid for activist wingnut soopreme court voted to allow the wingnut lege 's restrictions on incoming Dem guv and AG and allowing all 82 Walker appointees to stand. The special session of the lege was unconstitutional, but wingnuts wipe thweir asses with the constitution.
Many of the appointees were approved without a single hearing. Talk about rigging elections and government.
"Western man terrorized the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.
There fixed it for you.
Electric lights. Flush toilets. Cellular telephones. Jet aircraft. Safe, potable running water... delivered hot AND cold! Paved roadways capable of safe travel at 70 MPH and more.
These are just a few of the things that Western Man has given you. They terrorize you because you cannot comprehend how it was all done, and it makes you feel insignificant.
Well, you're right.
Open your eyes, colonialism, imperialism and slavery are still here.
Open your eyes. After demanding the West de-colonize you, you opened the doors to colonial and imperial Chinese. And slavery? The United States was the ONLY country that fought a war to end slavery.
Where is slavery most widely practiced today? The worst are mostly in Africa:
7. South Sudan - 20.5 per 1,000
6. Mauritania - 21.4 per 1,000
4. Central African Republic - 22.3 per 1,000
3. Burundi - 40 per 1,000
2. Eritrea - 93 per 1,000
Eritrea's motto: "Thank god for North Korea!" But of course, none of the 10 worst are white countries, no matter how much you wish they were.
All Neuropeons are white but not all whites are Neuropeons.
Blacks and your weird made-up words to try to handwave your pathologies away. Shades of "tricknology".
It is this shape shifting that has posed the biggest problem. You are cowards hiding in the shadows. You can't be humiliated. That would make you human.
If you are going to try to humiliate someone, you have to make it over something that they should actually be ashamed of. This fails on non-brainwashed whites because they have done nothing and bear no true shame. Blacks don't understand shame at all. Blacks can protest one of their own being killed in a burglary with shameful words like "how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school?" in total seriousness.
Hold on. I'll be back. I have to answer the phone.
Yeah, right, you never came back to this. And you forgot to thank Whitey for inventing the telephone for you, you ingrate... or should that be "nigrate"?
I just watched Drumpfuck the dumbfuck's supporters making complete asses of themselves on camera. You can't believe how fucking stoopid these people are.
I don't care if Obama showed his birth certificate. I wanna here from someone who witnessed the birth. How about his mother? No, she'd have a reason to lie.
I want to know why Obama wasn't in the WH on 9-11. Where was he
Both Clintons have Aids and got them from Magic Johnson.
You cAnnot fix stoopid. You can only hope to eradicate it in your lifetime.
It’s official, the average IQ here is in the double digits.
It was much higher til Sam showed up.
Blacks are indeed an ungrateful lot. Smelly too.
In actuality Mike from Iowa rubs one out every night with thoughts of nude Trump in his fucked up head.
A N (onymo) U S @ 8:09
"Blacks and your weird made-up words to try to handwave your pathologies away."
Nigrate? Tricknology? These are weird made up words. Are you black?
AN.....US @ 8:09
"These are just a few of the things that Western Man has given you."
Given? As in free? There is nothing free here. We are still paying as descendants of enslaved Africans.
"...no matter how much you wish they were."
Do you know how few wishes come true? If I was going to wish for something, believe me if wouldn't be for a white country to make the top 10 list of countries practicing slavery. I prefer world peace.
"If you are going to try to humiliate someone..."
No sooner I say you can't be humiliated you try to accuse me of trying to humiliate you. What a maroon!
"The United States was the ONLY country that fought a war to end slavery."
What about the 13th amendment don't you understand?
BTW, we will commemorate the Annapolis riot of 1919 on this 100th anniversary of "The Red Summer."
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Remember when dumbass dubya wanted to paint a UN plane like an American plane so Iraqis would shoot it down, giving Shrub the reason he needed to attack Saddam Hussein?
I doubt you stoopid fucking wingnuts are smart enough to remember. 6 trillion bucks wasted on a war that could be won in no time and only cost 5o billion bucks, according to stoopid fucking wingnut neocoms.
Hawks do surround chickens. We used to have laying hens and every year we would bring in pullet chicks to replace the 2 year old layers. The older layers were free range birds, after we get up in the morning we would let them out to scratch and catch bugs and mice and then shut them up at night.
Had a young red tail hawk took up residence in the fall and for five straight days he would kill an old hen and then he would sweep his wings like a fan and hide the body from sight. He only ate a part of each hen and they died for a good cause. They were scheduled to lose their heads and get dumped in a gully to feed coyotes several miles away.
Them old hens are the best for making home made chicken and noodles, but nobody would take them unless we dressed them. Churches wouldn't even take them for soup feeds.
Erdogan got in a snit because he lost an election, so he threw it out and held another election... and got his ass kicked again.
-Doug in Oakland
Many, many people think Drumpfuck is the dumbest fucker in the world. Who are you stoopid fucking wingnuts to disagree with them? Many people say Drumpf sucks green wienies. Again, I ask, who are you to disagree with them? Very many people regret throwing away their votes for the green wienie sucking, dumbest fucker in the world. We should all agree with them.
An important piece of American military and racial history is dying off fast.
Fuck you racists!
Phony fucking KGB kristian rears its ugly head and shows how phony these alleged gawd fearing people really are.
Pence admits they have the money to provide basic necessities for these illegally detained kids, but he wants to play politics with their lives so he can blame Democrats for Drumpf policies.
Gawd i hate these inhuman bastards.
Drumpfuck gave Arthur Laffer the disgraced presidential medal of freedumb for his idiotic laffer curve.
"Drumpfuck gave Arthur Laffer the disgraced presidential medal of freedumb for his idiotic laffer curve."
And lied his corpulent ass off about it. Said he studied it in school, but he left school in '68 and Laffer didn't sketch his ridiculous curve on a cocktail napkin until '74.
Fergus keeps forgetting how old and feeble he is.
-Doug in Oakland
Drumpf lies, Doug? I don't believe it.
Watch or read drumpf lying his ass off about how bad the economy was when Putin appointed him potus.
Poor lady when to to her estranged hubby's home and took 2 guns and turned them over to police, in fear for life. Where was ex-hubby you ask? In jail for trying to run her over with his car.
This could only happen in Drumpfuck's lawless and disorderly Nazi America.
AOC politely, but, thoroughly kicks 2 racist wingnut congresspigs in the nuts.
Truer words have never been spoken.
Phuck Drumpf!
DIMONDALE, Mich. — In August 2016, Donald J. Trump was full of promises when he spoke to a packed crowd at the Summit Sports and Ice Complex here. Predicting that he would carry Michigan, a state that had not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1988, Mr. Trump said his would be “a victory for the wage-earner, the factory worker, a victory for the everyday citizen.”
That pledge and his promise to bring back the industrial jobs were major reasons Mr. Trump carried Dimondale and the rest of Eaton County, an area heavily dependent on the automotive industry that voted for Barack Obama in 2012, and went on to carry Michigan in an upset crucial to his election.
But nothing has reversed the decline of the county’s manufacturing base. From January 2017 to December 2018, it lost nearly 9 percent of its manufacturing jobs, and 17 other counties in Michigan that Mr. Trump carried have experienced similar losses, according to a newly updated analysis of employment data by the Brookings Institution.
This is what nigga privilege looks like.
Sam said...
"It’s official, the average IQ here is in the double digits."
You must be talking about those white supremacists the come here from the Daily Stormer.
No, we're talking about you apologists for stupid, violent Africans.
"Having exact knowledge of a subject does not guarantee a convincing argument, since an argument based on knowledge must rely on instruction, and some people cannot be instructed." — Aristotle
You stoopid fucking wingnut apologists for stoopid fucking violent wasicu wasteys are serious shit. Whites should, at least, no better and they don't.
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