The events in Portland, Oregon over the past few days should terrify every red blooded American. Imagine unidentified federal agents snatching up peaceful protesters from the streets of an American city and throwing them into unmarked cars. It doesn't get any more dystopian that that. And yet that is exactly what has been happening in the Northwestern city.
Mr. trump, who is way down in the most recent polls, has become more desperate with each passing day. His back is against the wall and there is no telling what he will do at this point to hold on to power. He has already said that he isn't sure if he will go peacefully into the orange night. Things could get ugly here in America.
Just today Mr. trump threatened to send his federal officers into other American cities. (At least I think they are officers. Frankly, I don't know what they are.)He named Oakland, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Baltimore as examples. Even though, for the most part, protests in these cities have been either non-existent or peaceful of late. But let's not kid ourselves, we know that this is all about. Just look at the racial makeup of these cities. I am proud to day that our leaders here in Philadelphia are not buying into Mr. trump's shenanigans.
"Both Mayor Jim Kenney and District Attorney Larry Krasner criticized Donald Trump after the President said he may send federal law enforcement to Philadelphia and other cities run by Democratic leaders in order to deal with continued unrest and protests over police brutality.
District Attorney Larry Krasner ..... released a statement in response to Trump’s comments.
“My dad volunteered and served in World War II to fight fascism, like most of my uncles, so we would not have an American president brutalizing and kidnapping Americans for exercising their constitutional rights and trying to make America a better place, which is what patriots do,” Krasner wrote.
“Anyone, including federal law enforcement, who unlawfully assaults and kidnaps people will face criminal charges from my office. At trial, they will face a Philadelphia jury. It’s the least we can do to honor those who fought fascism, including those who are fighting it even now.”''
The irony of all this is that some of these Second Amendment right-wingnuts who are so strongly into states rights, and who despise the federal government infringing on their rights, have been silent about Mr. trump's latest use of federal troops. Can you say Ruby Ridge boys and girls? Which just goes to show you that their movement is not about protecting the Constitution, it's about, at least in this case, protecting Donald trump.
1 – 200 of 226 Newer› Newest»So ... this can’t really be good:
Homeland Security sending 150 agents to Chicago this week: report
Someone needs to get answers out of Homeland Security, ASAP.
What the fuck are these agents doing, exactly? Are they just harassing protesters, or do they have some sort of legitimate criminal investigation going on? What happened to the people they grabbed and chucked into their vans? Why haven’t they coordinated with the local authorities in the cities where they are operating? Is this all just some dumb, pointless Trumpian chest-beating chimp display for the amusement of the MAGA trash?
Also from the Hill, there’s another interesting story:
St. Louis couple that pointed guns at protesters charged with felonies
I guess the cops didn’t buy their story about them fending off BLM rioters imminently about to invade their home.
Who else thinks that when the media dig into this couple’s private lives, they will turn out to be hardcore MAGA trash?
Ah, I guess someone’s already done it. And — what a huge surprise! — the McCloskeys are Trumpkins.
Democrat city governments have conspired with the BLM/Antifa shock troops of the Left to wage a campaign of terror ahead of the 2020 elections.
After showing restraint for nearly two months, Trump exercises his rightful authority to send federal forces to protect federal property.
Democrats then scream "fascist!" and blame Trump for the violence their goons have unleashed on America.
What sucks for you is that over 70% of Americans agree with Trump's action and this spells doom for the Democrat election strategy.
“What sucks for you is that over 70% of Americans agree with Trump's action and this spells doom for the Democrat election strategy.”
In your dreams. Most Americans have bigger things to worry about than protests.
Such as the virus Trump is allowing to kill them in vast numbers, and the concurrent economic devastation it is causing.
Trump’s re-election chances crashed and burned months ago. None of his cheap stunts are going to save him now.
The same people cheering on the feds are the same people yelling about the constitution and freaked out about Jade Helm. This country is so screwed.
"Trump exercises his rightful authority to send federal forces to protect federal property."
What federal property? They are grabbing people without identifying themselves and with no probable cause. I have a right to peacefully protest, all Americans do even BLM and Antifa.
"Democrat city governments have conspired with the BLM/Antifa shock troops of the Left to wage a campaign of terror ahead of the 2020 elections."
I would love to see the evidence of this.
PilotX said...
"They are grabbing people without identifying themselves and with no probable cause."
Nonsense. Rioting, looting, arson, and assault are all probable causes.
You regurgitate the most ridiculous propaganda.
PilotX said...
"Democrat city governments have conspired with the BLM/Antifa shock troops of the Left to wage a campaign of terror ahead of the 2020 elections."
I would love to see the evidence of this.
Gee, maybe every big city police department standing by and letting leftist mobs destroy property and assault citizens might count as evidence. Ya think?
What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
"Nonsense. Rioting, looting, arson, and assault are all probable causes."
That's what the people arrested were charged with? You have evidence of this?
"Gee, maybe every big city police department standing by and letting leftist mobs destroy property and assault citizens might count as evidence. Ya think?"
What is the evidence city governments are responsible for any stand-down orders? Have you actually personally witnessed this? In what cities? Also, use a screen name so I know with whom I'm communicating. Sounds a bit hyperbolic.
O.T. I haven't heard much about Obamagate. Wasn't that the biggest crime in U.S. political history? trump doesn't mention it much for it to be such a big deal. Also, haven't heard much about Hunter Biden either. Guess those were nothing burgers as I suspected.
"What the fuck is wrong with your brain?"
Nothing. I took the Montreal test and I'm a stable genius. I correctly identified the elephant. LOL
“Nonsense. Rioting, looting, arson, and assault are all probable causes.”
Unlikely. Looting is a state, not a federal crime. So are arson and assault, unless a government building got burned or a government official got assaulted. Rioting in general is not within the jurisdiction of the federal police. And don’t tell me it’s “domestic terrorism” — the federal government doesn’t have a domestic terrorism law, because if there were, Republicans in Congress know it would most likely be some of their “alt-right” chums getting busted for it.
If any of the people the Feds have snatched are actually being charged with any kind of federal crime, it would sure be nice to know that. As of now, they don’t seem to be giving an explanation for anything they’ve done, including to the local police whose jurisdictions they are operating in.
PilotX said...
"What is the evidence city governments are responsible for any stand-down orders?"
Are you kidding?
For three days, police in Minneapolis and St. Paul were ordered to stand down as rioters destroyed their cities. In New York City and Washington, D.C., police stood by as looters destroyed parts of those cities. Still today, nearly two months into this, DiBlasio is preventing police from interfering in any BLM 'protests'. In Portland, the city government has sided with rioters over the Federal government.
What do you call the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political and ideological aims?
What do you call it when Democrat city and state governments abet such terrorism?
We are on the verge of Civil War 2. Portland is today's Fort Sumter.
Interesting exchanges.
"Still today, nearly two months into this, DiBlasio is preventing police from interfering in any BLM 'protests'."
Yes, because we still have the constitutional right to peacefully assemble.
"For three days, police in Minneapolis and St. Paul were ordered to stand down as rioters destroyed their cities. In New York City and Washington, D.C., police stood by as looters destroyed parts of those cities"
Who exactly gave those orders? You know the names of the individuals? You know for a fact these orders were issued? Once again, what is your evidence? Simple question.
"We are on the verge of Civil War 2. Portland is today's Fort Sumter."
Well, that's what happens when we elected an incompetent reality tv game show host. Maybe we've learned our lesson.
Also, can you pick a screen name? Makes it easier to conversate. Thanks.
"If any of the people the Feds have snatched are actually being charged with any kind of federal crime, it would sure be nice to know that. As of now, they don’t seem to be giving an explanation for anything they’ve done, including to the local police whose jurisdictions they are operating in."
Astute observations. These are violations of civil rights. trump says he's sending federal agents to Chicago. It'll be interesting to see what goes down.
"peacefully assemble"
You're a joke.
"We are on the verge of Civil War 2. Portland is today's Fort Sumter."
'PilotX' has missed the obvious point - this isn't a "protest" it's an insurrection and the federal government should step in if Oregon joins the Confederacy - I mean refuses to enforce the law and allows federal facilities to be attacked like Fort Sumter.
"You're a joke."
Nice rebuttal.
'PilotX' has missed the obvious point - this isn't a "protest" it's an insurrection and the federal government should step in if Oregon joins the Confederacy - I mean refuses to enforce the law and allows federal facilities to be attacked like Fort Sumter."
A bit hyperbolic aren't we? Which federal facilities were attacked in Oregon?
So I guess BLM was justified arresting the Bundys for grazing on federal lands. I guess we can also dismiss the state's rights arguments used by the right.
I have a friend that eight of his family members went to Tampa, FL. They understood they were exposed to someone in Tampa with the virus.
All right went to a facility in Tampa to b tested. They registered when they went in. Their wait was so long, they finally left without being tested.
Upon arriving home, a week later, they ALL received letters telling them they tested positive.
None of them even had a test performed on them!!
What is going on???
"I have a friend that eight of his family members went to Tampa, FL."
Sure you do Francine. Thanks for sharing your story here.
Fergus' storm troopers didn't know what to do with the naked woman who approached their riot line, other than to shoot pepper balls at the ground in front of her feet.
Finally, they just kinda left, her point having been made: the citizens they are harassing are not a threat to anyone, and the only violence and or destruction that goes down is when they show up and incite it on purpose to support his campaign narrative.
The narrative Fergus, in his desperation, has glommed onto to try and save his collapsing numbers in the suburbs, is that there is out of control violence in the cities that threatens the property values and way of life in those suburbs that have had enough of his bullshit. Kind of like the "American carnage" fantasy he yawped about at his inauguration.
He thinks he can scare them into voting for him, which is one of the oldest Republican tricks in the book.
Meanwhile, Biden has released a statement saying that should he be elected, he will take all appropriate actions against foreign interference in our elections, and when asked about the possibility of Fergus refusing to concede when he loses, he said "The election will be decided by the American people, and the US government will have no problem evicting trespassers from the white house."
Fergus done fucked up, and he's starting to realize it. But instead of, say, course correcting and finally doing the damn job, he's all about the PR points, so his reaction to pressure over the out of control pandemic is to restart the corona virus briefings.
That is, he's responding to a major disaster with a TV appearance, and apparently has forgotten why he stopped doing them.
Which would be his rambling wreck of expressed curiosity about injecting disinfectant and shoving UV lights up your ass.
You first, Ferg, you first.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"He thinks he can scare them into voting for him, which is one of the oldest Republican tricks in the book."
Exactly, first it was MS-13, then caravans and when those didn't work it became Antifa and BLM. They try to scare everyone but it helps if you're educated on the issues. The guy I was just flying with told me if Biden is elected the economy will crash. He gave up after I helped him understand that markets historically have done better under Democratic administrations and that markets like stability and trump is not the guy to look to for stability. After a while he gave up on the scare tactics because facts seem to have that effect. Oh well, only a few more months to go.
The only problem is the protesters aren't peaceful. Burning, Looting and Murder are the order of the day...or week or month.
Good luck with that campaign platform. Don't blame the messenger. You will lose.
And I offer my most heartfelt condolences that you are you.
"Fergus' storm troopers didn't know what to do with the naked woman"
No worries, Doug doesn't either.
"And I offer my most heartfelt condolences that you are you."
Thanks. It hurts so much to be insulted by an anonymous internet troll.
And here I thought conservatives were against a police state. Maybe they meant a non-trumpian police state.
Anon@10:36 💯
Actually, Pilot, they had to release most of the people because there was no evidence to hold them on anything. I think snatching them off the street to create fear was the point.
Unless DHS come up with some explanation for what specific federal crimes they are investigating, people may reasonably infer that Trump has sent the feds to suppress riots that ended a month-and-a-half ago.
Thanks for the help, big guy. But your efforts on riots are about as effective and useful as your efforts against COVID-19.
Police unions and drumpf's administration have been coordinating against protesters without bothering to tell city officials.
In other good news, Tucky fucker Carlson and 2 other Fake Noize slime bags are accused of rape and sexual misconduct.
Ed Hernia has already lost his job. Can Hannity and Carlson be far behind?
ilotX said...
"He thinks he can scare them into voting for him, which is one of the oldest Republican tricks in the book."
You people do nothing but project.
The Repubs are not the ones sending mobs into the streets to terrorize voters.
"You people do nothing but project."
Projection huh? Have you seen the trump campaign commercials?
"The Repubs are not the ones sending mobs into the streets to terrorize voters."
I guess you are implying that's what Dems are doing? Why scare "voters"? Don't Dems need people to vote? Also show any evidence this is happening. I know facts aren't big in Republican circles but at least try.
I love the newest minister of propaganda's attempt on Fox "news" to convince us the president has always recommended wearing a mask. We have always been at war against East Asia.🙄
Law enforcement out there sexually assaulting women. Defund the police.
Sorry the donald but your Johnny come lately attempts at trying to act like a real leader aren't fooling anyone. Well, not anyone smart enough to know you were a trash ass president in the first place. Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out.
Chicago July 1st-20th
Shot & Killed: 71
Shot & Wounded: 333
Total Shot: 404
Total Homicides: 81
Chicago will have at least 100 homicides by the end of the month almost all African-American.
BLM is a Marxist/Communist based organization that is NOT about African American issues. Its a trojan horse to launder money and push Marxism.
Anonymous said...
BLM is a Marxist/Communist based organization that is NOT about African American issues. Its a trojan horse to launder money and push Marxism.
10:48 AM
got any proof of this, Anon? Accusations are easy to make - backing them up, not so much.
I love the sights, sounds and smells of burning cities. If you agree please join me and vote for Joe Biden. Text 3, oh, 3....3....oh to Joe. Or 3, oh...3,3,3 oh.
Granny, go to BLM's website. Then read it. Then comprehend it.
The further blacks are removed from slavery the angrier they get about it. Many blacks seem to have even more historical hatred for the "emancipators" than the owners. The idea that the generosity of Whites is why they enjoy such high standards of living today enrages them.
Nigmund Freud said...
The further blacks are removed from slavery the angrier they get about it. Many blacks seem to have even more historical hatred for the "emancipators" than the owners. The idea that the generosity of Whites is why they enjoy such high standards of living today enrages them.
11:36 AM
LOL! You are beyond hope, so I won't even try to educate you. As Jesus once said, "Do not cast your pearls before swine." Have a nice day.
Misery guv already has said dauntless douches will spend no time in jail. Think pardons.
Trump is going absolutely wild today, throwing loads of red meat to the adoring MAGA trash.
He announced an executive order to exclude illegal immigrants from the census count for apportionment purposes (plainly unconstitutional), and his deranged press secretary expressed support on Trump’s behalf for the gun-nutter McCloskey couple, who’ve been criminally charged in Missouri.
Hey, what good are guns to a wingnut if you can’t use ‘em to threaten people you don’t like? That’s no fun.
"exclude illegal immigrants from the census count for apportionment purposes (plainly unconstitutional)"
Of course it isn't unconstitutional to apportion by the number of citizens.
What do want, another 3/5 compromise for your Slavery-Lite?
"BLM is a Marxist/Communist based organization that is NOT about African American issues. Its a trojan horse to launder money and push Marxism."
Not necessarily the worst thing in the world. Communists have always been a force for equal rights. Look back during the civil rights movement, Communist organizations have always strived for equality.
“What do want, another 3/5 compromise for your Slavery-Lite?”
No compromise necessary, in this case. The Founders counted all “persons” — which illegal immigrants are — at 100%. “Citizens” were not mentioned.
If you don’t like it, take it up with the dead guys in the white wigs. That’s what we liberals get to hear when we object to the idiocy of the undemocratic Electoral College.
"The idea that the generosity of Whites is why they enjoy such high standards of living today enrages them."
Yeah, I have to co-sign Gambler. How dis you come to this conclusion because as far as I'm concerned nothing you state is true. Enraged huh?😂 If anything the fact that I'm equal or even superior to you on an individual level enrages racist whites. I mean if you've been taught you're superior to me and then you find out that's not the truth that's gotta hurt.
We Gotta stop these bastards!
Guess Who Invited The Federal Agents Into Portland? The Police Union
Trump's shock troops are not having the positive propaganda effect he hoped they would.
A Michigan school district fired a popular high school teacher and coach after he pointed out that "Trump is our president" on social media.
Doncha just love our new country?
PilotMSNBC said...
"Trump exercises his rightful authority to send federal forces to protect federal property."
What federal property?
The Portland Federal Courthouse:
"The Portland Federal Courthouse"
Ok, hundreds of federal officers to protect a courthouse. Makes sense. 🙄
“Guess Who Invited The Federal Agents Into Portland? The Police Union”
Same in Chicago.
It’s totally ridiculous. Police unions are not units of local government and have no authority to “invite” another police force into their cities.
It appears the leaders of these unions are downright bad at their jobs. Their next contract negotiations were already going to be challenging, due to the climate of opposition to police brutality, so why make things even harder by turning the mayor into an enemy? Siding with Trump on this is like taking a dump on the negotiating table before negotiations have even begun.
Typical Trumpkin behavior:
Lawyer Suspected in Judge Salas Shooting Was Trump Campaign Volunteer
This psycho attorney went full MAGA and decided to kill a judge in New Jersey. In his online rants, he had described the judge as a “lazy and incompetent Latina judge appointed by Obama.” As things turned out, he didn’t succeed in shooting the judge, but had to settle for shooting her husband and son.
The son is dead, but last I heard, the husband was hanging on.
Blacks can't compete, so they whine.
Insecure mediocre white men can't compete, so they whine.
Armed kids as young as 10 carjack more than a dozen people, police say, including CPS teacher left ‘traumatized’ in Calumet Heights
Chicago police say a group of children, ages 10 to 17, have been wreaking havoc on the generally peaceful South Side neighborhood.
By David Struett@dstru312 Jul 20, 2020, 6:08pm CDT
"As things turned out, he didn’t succeed in shooting the judge"
Odd story. Even odder, the Judge had recently been assigned the case involving Jeffrey Epstein's relationship with Deutsche Bank. Good thing they completely solved this case in under 24 hours, nailing a suspect who was already dead.
"Police unions are not units of local government and have no authority to “invite” another police force into their cities."
Exactly. It's all a show anyway.
Teen Daughter of Murdered Cop Forced to Remove Tribute to Dad Over Black Lives Matter Harassment
The teenaged daughter of one of the murdered Texas police officers killed last weekend was forced to remove her tearful tribute.
The teenaged daughter of one of the murdered Texas police officers killed last weekend was forced to remove her tearful tribute to har fallen dad because of threats and harassment from Black Lives Matter terrorists.
Savannah Chavez, the daughter of slain officer Ismael Chavez who was killed in McAllen, Texas on Saturday, uploaded her tribute to her father only hours after he was killed in the line of duty, according to the Daily Mail.
“Words cannot describe the pain I’m in, but I’m glad my dad is at peace. You were an amazing man and anyone who ever came across you knew that,” Savannah wrote. “I’m going to miss you so much. You died doing what you loved most, you died a hero. I love you daddy, see you soon. #bluelivesmatter.”
But only seconds passed before Black Lives Matter terrorists began threatening her life for posting the tribute message.
BLM monsters began calling the girl a racist and attacked her in every way possible.
Savannah’s cousin, Mia, later jumped in to defend the fallen officer.
Mia told the attackers to go to hell, and added, “his man was the most loving and caring person anyone could meet. It’s pathetic how people can be so unsympathetic to a girl that is trying to commemorate her father.”
Eventually, Savannah just deleted the tweet in the face of the threats and vile attacks.
This is the hate that fills the cold, dark hole where liberals are supposed to have hearts.
"The teenaged daughter of one of the murdered Texas police officers killed last weekend was forced to remove her tearful tribute to har fallen dad because of threats and harassment from Black Lives Matter terrorists."
Fake news. You guys will believe anything.
We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History
I think these federal invasions are in preparation for November. I recall the "free speech zones" when W was President that were established so he wouldn't have to see protests against him. There will be millions protesting trump all over the country especially the closer we get to the election and that is not a good visual. Millions of people hate trump and will take to the streets to show him our disdain and he has to prevent this. The world would see how very unpopular he is and he is terrified of this so he needs an excuse to crack down on protests. This is a trial run to see if this is possible. The only way we can keep our freedom and ability to protest is to take to the streets in massive numbers. They can't arrest us all and we can even suppress the infiltrators who want to start chaos so the suppression tactics are justified. Alright folks, we need massive demonstrations to keep our democracy. We won't let this idiot pull a Nixon on us. Get ready.
What will the pigs come up with next? Tasing infants for crying too loud?
"No worries, Doug doesn't either."
I know what I WOULDN'T do: I wouldn't stand there in my rent-a-soldier camo and shoot pepper balls at the ground in front of her feet.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
America for Americans said...
"exclude illegal immigrants from the census count for apportionment purposes (plainly unconstitutional)"
Of course it isn't unconstitutional to apportion by the number of citizens.
What do want, another 3/5 compromise for your Slavery-Lite?
2:43 PM
Read the Constitution; Article 1., Section 2., third paragraph: it says persons, not citizens. There is not one word about citizens.
Read it before you make you next post; then you won't look so ignorant.
"Read it before you make you next post; then you won't look so ignorant."
Nah, that's gonna happen irregardless.
It gets worse. The angry Trumpkin who shot the judge’s family may have killed others.
New Jersey Ambush Suspect Roy Den Hollander Also Suspect In California Murder
Pilot likes to pretend he's educated, then post a non-word. Hint-you don't need the "ir". "Regardless" works just fine. Don't worry, I've seen morons use it before. They think it makes them sound super, duper smart. I'm also very sorry that you get your news from the root. Probably explains you using non-words. You go girl.
The tiny pilot that could said...
"Communists have always been a force for equal rights."
Absolutely. When I read about the gulags I always think about how equal all those prisoners were treated. And yes, there was overwhelming force used against them. So you are right, but not in the way you believe. Make no mistake, I want you yo get your communism. I want you to get your communism good and hard.
PilotX said...
"I think these federal invasions are in preparation for November."
LMAO! PilotAA is wetting his pants over a scary story the Jew media told him.
Din says...
"I know what I WOULDN'T do:"
There's such a long list of things you would not do. Maybe start with the few things you can do, or might do.
dinthebeast said...
"I know what I WOULDN'T do"
You'll just keep hiding in the woods and post tough guy comments about exterminating the deplorables.
Fuck you, loser.
"Communists have always been a force for equal rights."
How ignorant do you have to be to write something like that?
Negro ignorant.
GOP attacks Liz Cheney because she dares step out of groupthink.
John Kasich can fuck right off. Do you suppose any of those Republicans he might peel off for the presidential race will vote for Democrats down ticket?
Inviting him will backfire, and he's a goddamn forced-birth creep to begin with.
Moderate my ass. There are no moderate Republicans any more. "Republican" has been synonymous with "bat shit insane" for decades.
Burn the life boats.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Pilot likes to pretend he's educated, then post a non-word."
"It has come to our attention lately that there is a small and polite group of people who are not overly fond of the word irregardless. This group, who we might refer to as the disirregardlessers, makes their displeasure with this word known by calmly and rationally explaining their position ... oh, who are we kidding ... the disirregardlessers make themselves known by writing angry letters to us for defining it, and by taking to social media to let us know that "IRREGARDLESS IS NOT A REAL WORD" and "you sound stupid when you say that.
The reason we, and these dictionaries above, define irregardless is very simple: it meets our criteria for inclusion. This word has been used by a large number of people (millions) for a long time (over two hundred years) with a specific and identifiable meaning ("regardless"). The fact that it is unnecessary, as there is already a word in English with the same meaning (regardless) is not terribly important; it is not a dictionary's job to assess whether a word is necessary before defining it. The fact that the word is generally viewed as nonstandard, or as illustrative of poor education, is likewise not important; dictionaries define the breadth of the language, and not simply the elegant parts at the top."
Sorry sis but I'll take Merriam Webster's opinion over yours. It's been a word for decades, at least since the 1986 Collegiate Edition. LOL.
How ignorant do you have to be to write something like that?
Negro ignorant.
There's ordinary nignorance, and then there's pig-nignorance.
"LMAO! PilotAA is wetting his pants over a scary story the Jew media told him."
Please identify the media story to which you are referring.
Macklin Fleming, Justice of the California Court of Appeal, wrote a personal letter in 1969 to Louis Pollak, the dean of Yale Law School. Fleming was concerned about the plan Dean Pollak had recently announced under which Yale would essentially implement a racial quota – 10% of each entering class would be composed of black students. To achieve this goal, Yale had just admitted 43 black students, only five of whom had qualified under their normal standards.
Judge Fleming explained why he believed this new policy was a dangerous experiment that was likely to cause harmful stereotypes, rather than reduce them.
"The immediate damage to the standards of Yale Law School needs no elaboration. But beyond this, it seems to me the admission policy adopted by the Law School faculty will serve to perpetuate the very ideas and prejudices it is designed to combat. If in a given class the great majority of the black students are at the bottom of the class, this factor is bound to instill, unconsciously at least, some sense of intellectual superiority among the white students and some sense of intellectual inferiority among the black students. Such a pairing in the same school of the brightest white students in the country with black students of mediocre academic qualifications is social experiment with loaded dice and a stacked deck. The faculty can talk around the clock about disadvantaged background, and it can excuse inferior performance because of poverty, environment, inadequate cultural tradition, lack of educational opportunity, etc. The fact remains that black and white students will be exposed to each other under circumstances in which demonstrated intellectual superiority rests with the whites.
No one can be expected to accept an inferior status willingly. The black students, unable to compete on even terms in the study of law, inevitably will seek other means to achieve recognition and self-expression. This is likely to take two forms. First, agitation to change the environment from one in which they are unable to compete to one in which they can. Demands will be made for elimination of competition, reduction in standards of performance, adoption of courses of study which do not require intensive legal analysis, and recognition for academic credit of sociological activities which have only an indirect relationship to legal training. Second, it seems probable that this group will seek personal satisfaction and public recognition by aggressive conduct, which, although ostensibly directed at external injustices and problems, will in fact be primarily motivated by the psychological needs of the members of the group to overcome feelings of inferiority caused by lack of success in their studies. Since the common denominator of the group of students with lower qualifications is one of race this aggressive expression will undoubtedly take the form of racial demands–the employment of faculty on the basis of race, a marking system based on race, the establishment of a black curriculum and a black law journal, an increase in black financial aid, and a rule against expulsion of black students who fail to satisfy minimum academic standards."
"How ignorant do you have to be to write something like that?"
I actually study history, something I recommend for you. Here's a quick lesson.
"Tell Me More continues its Black History Month series of conversations with a discussion about the role of the Communist Party. It was prominent in the fight for racial equality in the south, specifically Alabama, where segregation was most oppressive. Many courageous activists were communists. Host Michel Martin speaks with historian Robin Kelley about his book "Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great Depression" about how the communist party tried to secure racial, economic, and political reforms."
"It seems probable that this group will seek personal satisfaction and public recognition by aggressive conduct, which, although ostensibly directed at external injustices and problems, will in fact be primarily motivated by the psychological needs of the members of the group to overcome feelings of inferiority caused by lack of success in their studies."
Trying to hold these people to White standards is fucking cruel. This is defying the natural order of the universe
"LMAO! PilotAA is wetting his pants over a scary story the Jew media told him."
The same pants pissing over BLM and Antifa?
PilotAA thinks (((communists))) riled up negroes because they cared about racial equality.
This is too much.
"PilotAA thinks (((communists))) riled up negroes because they cared about racial equality."
That's what I think? How do you know that? Did you ask me?
"PilotAA thinks (((communists))) riled up negroes because they cared about racial equality."
I actually don't care why or to what end. The point is Communists fought for equal rights.
At least 14 black people injured in Gresham shooting
The shooting happened in the 1000 block of West 79th Street, outside of a funeral home, police say; 1 person of interest is being questioned.
By Emmanuel Camarillo, Carly Behm, and Frank Main Updated Jul 21, 2020, 9:16pm CDT
trump is STILL scared of Chicago. LOL
Caring about kids getting murdered in Chicago is fascist.
"Caring about kids getting murdered in Chicago is fascist."
If only. trump doesn't give a shit about his own kids so why would he give a shit about Chicago's kids?
Too bad trump doesn't give a shit about 130,000 Americans dying needlessly. Orange man is an idiot.
"Demands will be made for elimination of competition, reduction in standards of performance, adoption of courses of study which do not require intensive legal analysis, and recognition for academic credit of sociological activities which have only an indirect relationship to legal training... Since the common denominator of the group of students with lower qualifications is one of race this aggressive expression will undoubtedly take the form of racial demands–the employment of faculty on the basis of race, a marking system based on race, the establishment of a black curriculum and a black law journal, an increase in black financial aid, and a rule against expulsion of black students who fail to satisfy minimum academic standards."
The English Department at Rutgers University recently announced a list of “anti-racist” directives and initiatives for the upcoming fall and spring semesters, including an effort to deemphasize traditional grammar rules.
The initiatives were spelled out by (((Rebecca Walkowitz))), the English Department chair at Rutgers University, and sent to faculty, staff and students in an email, a copy of which was obtained by The College Fix.
Under a so-called critical grammar pedagogy, “This approach challenges the familiar dogma that writing instruction should limit emphasis on grammar/sentence-level issues so as to not put students from multilingual, non-standard ‘academic’ English backgrounds at a disadvantage,” the email states.
We are developing modular [creative writing] assignments on a) identity issues and b) social change issues that all of our [creative writing] instructors will be invited to use; they will be expected to use one, or to craft their own. This curricular innovation will be part of the entire [creative writing] curriculum for next year – in every [creative writing] class.
So the damn fool tried to get the ambassador to the UK to pressure the UK government to hold the fucking British Open at his golf course in Scotland, the one that has been operating at a million dollar loss for years.
The two-bit grifting punk needs to be brought up on public corruption charges as soon as Biden takes the oath of office.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Doug is so full of shit.
This curricular innovation will be part of the entire [creative writing] curriculum for next year – in every [creative writing] class.
11:22 PM
It applies to Creative Writing Class, Dummy. Did you ever take a college creative writing class. I did. We wrote poetry, short stories and for some students the outlines of novels. We were encouraged to write about what we knew, and writing in the venracular was encouraged. You are getting your bowels in an uproar over nothing.
More grift.
"It applies to Creative Writing Class, Dummy. Did you ever take a college creative writing class."
You actually have to go to college to take that course.
Not fascism:
* ATF shooting Vicky Weaver in the head while she’s holding her baby.
* FBI killing 82 Americans at Waco, including 25 kids.
* DHS officers stopping a mob from burning down a federal courthouse.
"The English Department at Rutgers University recently announced a list of “anti-racist” directives and initiatives for the upcoming fall and spring semesters, including an effort to deemphasize traditional grammar rules."
Do you attend Rutgers? Could you even get into Rutgers? So in essence, as Gambler says, your panties are in a bunch about something that has no effect on your life. Please explain why anyone should care one iota about this.
"Do you attend Rutgers? Could you even get into Rutgers? So in essence, as Gambler says, your panties are in a bunch about something that has no effect on your life. Please explain why anyone should care one iota about this."
The continual erosion of standards is why most of our institutions can no longer fulfill their functions.
And no, I didn't go to shit school like Rutgers. I graduated from a university where you wouldn't have lasted a year.
"And no, I didn't go to shit school like Rutgers. I graduated from a university where you wouldn't have lasted a year."
Yeah, I would have left Devry after one day because I would actually want a real degree.
"The continual erosion of standards is why most of our institutions can no longer fulfill their functions."
Really? So the Rutgers English Dept will cease to function because of a creative writing program? Hyperbolic much?
"The continual erosion of standards is why most of our institutions can no longer fulfill their functions."
I will agree with this and apply it to our currecnt president.
"The continual erosion of standards is why most of our institutions can no longer fulfill their functions."
Like the fucking state department which Fergus is using as a way to drum up business for his money suck of a golf club.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
'We are on the verge of Civil War 2. Portland is today's Fort Sumter."
Ah, now it makes sense. Anon didn't come up with this analogy on her own, Tom Cotton made it on Fox and Friends. And here I thought there was at least one original thought by our racist troll but even that ends in disappointment.
The little pilot that could replied at 10:14pm...
Gosh missy, that's a bunch of verbal gymnastics just to defend your use of a word that does not exist (deexist?). Needless to say it is irrelevant (heh). You can use whatever butchered English you choose.
Could you explain how double negatives are now optimal in sentence structure? Give an example and show your work.
Granny typed...
"venracular" How creative!
Is you'd be takkin sum ofd dat creitif ritin thang,
Anonymous said...
Too bad trump doesn't give a shit about 130,000 Americans dying needlessly. Orange man is an idiot.
10:57 PM
of what?? Covid-19? total bullshit. More like 1300 actually died from the virus. More people diee from Pneumonia and the flu than Covid.
CHICAGO July 1st-21st:
Shot & Killed: 75
Shot & Wounded: 357
Total Shot: 432
Total Homicides: 85
Only 15 more to reach 100 homicides of mostly African-Americans. Not a peep from Jesse or AL or other Black leaders, why????
Tribal Warfare Series:
15 black people wounded in shooting at Chicago funeral home
JULY 22, 2020 / 9:02 AM / CBS NEWS
Police: Vegas black man recorded ‘thrill killing’ and 2nd shooting
* DHS officers stopping a mob from burning down a federal courthouse.
12:05 AM
They aren't stopping a mob from burning a federal court house. They are unidentified kidnappers shooting rubber bullets and tear gas, then cuffing and throwing peaceful protester into unmarked SUVs with no due process. These Gestapo tactics will not fly in the United States. The entire country is up in arms about this.
At least two law suits have been filed to stop this abuse of power. Trump thinks he is a king, but he's only a little turd.
More dishonesty from the orange man
President Trump’s campaign released a new digital ad showing an image of a group of protesters attacking a police officer, alongside the words: “Public safety vs chaos & violence,” Business Insider reports.
But that photo is actually from a pro-democracy protest in Kyiv, Ukraine, and was taken in 2014.
"They are unidentified kidnappers shooting rubber bullets and tear gas, then cuffing and throwing peaceful protester into unmarked SUVs with no due process."
How alarmist. If this helps, I'd like to inform you that Nancy Pelosi is lying to you.
"These Gestapo tactics will not fly in the United States. The entire country is up in arms about this."
Nobody but those who support these terrorists gives a shit, and most people applaud arresting these thugs.
Anonymous said....
"of what?? Covid-19? total bullshit. More like 1300 actually died from the virus. More people diee from Pneumonia and the flu than Covid."
8:57 AM
Interesting opinion. The virus doesn't care what you believe.
"President Trump’s campaign released a new digital ad showing an image of a group of protesters attacking a police officer"
They are attacking officers:
Here's your peaceful protestors:
Anonymous Reality Check Service said...
"How alarmist. If this helps, I'd like to inform you that Nancy Pelosi is lying to you."
11:13 AM
I didn't get this info. from Pelosi; I got it from the Governor of Oregon, the Attorney General of Oregon, and the Mayor of Portland. I think they know a lot more than you do about what's happening in Oregon's largest city.
"I didn't get this info. from Pelosi; I got it from the Governor of Oregon, the Attorney General of Oregon, and the Mayor of Portland."
They are all Leftist democrats.
Antifa and BLM are the shock troops of Leftist democrats.
Of course they are going to lie to you.
You'd think someone your age would have figured this out by now.
Ex-FBI undercover operative says Obama, others 'turned their back on our country' with Russia
As an undercover FBI operative, Williams Douglas Campbell says he was privy to Russia's ambitions to make the U.S. dependent on Moscow's uranium and became disturbed when he witnessed the Obama administration make deals with a Russian nuclear firm engaged in nefarious activities.
"They were extorting, they were money laundering and they were violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act while the United States government was allowing them to go ahead and sign large United States energy contracts for delivery of Russian uranium into the United States to large utility entities," Campbell said during an interview Tuesday on the John Solomon Reports podcast.
Campbell, a key figure in the new book "Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties," said that Washington figures including President Obama, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein all "turned their back on our country because they believed ... that Secretary Clinton would be elected."
As an undercover FBI operative, Williams Douglas Campbell says he was privy to Russia's ambitions to make the U.S. dependent on Moscow's uranium and became disturbed when he witnessed the Obama administration make deals with a Russian nuclear firm engaged in nefarious activities.
"They were extorting, they were money laundering and they were violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act while the United States government was allowing them to go ahead and sign large United States energy contracts for delivery of Russian uranium into the United States to large utility entities," Campbell said during an interview Tuesday on the John Solomon Reports podcast.
Campbell, a key figure in the new book "Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties," said that Washington figures including President Obama, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein all "turned their back on our country because they believed ... that Secretary Clinton would be elected."
During the interview Campbell also noted that the Russians boasted of their influence and of American weakness.
"The Russians bragged about the influence, they bragged about the Clinton influence, they bragged about the weakness of this country, they bragged about the weakness of our president and referred to him twice with racial epithets, which were very troubling to me," he said, recalling a fall 2010 meeting with key Russian figures in the Washington DC area.
Campbell worked undercover for nearly seven years helping the FBI build a case that executives tied to Russia's Rosatom nuclear firm were engaged in wrongdoing. His work helped secure at least four convictions of players in the scheme.
I think they know a lot more than you do about what's happening in Oregon's largest city.
11:18 AM
They do not. They are delusional and Marxist. They are a National Security Threat to the USA.
Interesting opinion. The virus doesn't care what you believe.
11:13 AM
How does a virus or bacteria know which way to go?? Do those tape arrows on the floor at various stores do something medically or safety wise......or is it a Marxist control mechanism to get you to become docile and obedient???
Climate Change is bullshit....Covid-19 is bullshit. All part of New World Order protocols to enslave people and push Globalist/Marxist agenda.
Socialism leads to Communism. Do you really want to take a walk down the Himmel Strasse??
"Interesting opinion. The virus doesn't care what you believe."
Apparently, democrats believe if you are protesting for BLM, the virus will leave you alone.
"Hydroxychloroquine could save up to 100,000 lives if used for COVID-19: Yale epidemiology professor"
Ya think there'll be apologies from Dems and leftists who killed countless people by trashing this drug and the president who recommended it?
"Socialism leads to Communism."
So Norway, Denmark and Sweden are at risk of being taken over by evil commies? Do we invade them to prevent the domino effect?
"Ya think there'll be apologies from Dems and leftists who killed countless people by trashing this drug and the president who recommended it?"
I guess as long as you don't have preexisting conditions that would make it dangerous. One trial by one researcher does not a safe drug make. Follow the FDA guidelines and don't jump on one person's findings.
"July 1, 2020 Update: A summary of the FDA review of safety issues with the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 is now available. This includes reports of serious heart rhythm problems and other safety issues, including blood and lymph system disorders, kidney injuries, and liver problems and failure."
PilotAA said...
"So Norway, Denmark and Sweden are at risk of being taken over by evil commies?"
No, they are being turned into shit holes by mass Muslim and African immigration.
"No, they are being turned into shit holes by mass Muslim and African immigration."
Really? You've been there? Are they worse than white Appalachia?
"No, they are being turned into shit holes by mass Muslim and African immigration."
Looks like the key to happiness is mass Muslim and African immigration.
So why is it that Fergus wished Ghislaine Maxwell well?
Does she supply him with little girls to fuck like she did her boyfriend Jeff?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
How many more countries will ban Americans from entering? First time in my life I've seen my passport prevent me from traveling.
So the current effort by Russia to influence the 2020 election is in full swing, abetted by Wisconsin wingnut Ron Johnson and his senate Homeland Security Committee.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
It would be some delicious irony if Kris the fuck Kobach caused the Democrats to pick up a senate seat in Kansas.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
In another fine example of the treading upon the presidential penis, Fergus is threatening to veto funding of the actual military in order to keep several military facilities named after officers of a vanquished invading army.
This is how bad he is at being president: if he does veto the NDAA, with its funding of the Pentagon and its pay raises for the troops over confederate names on bases, he looks like the anti-American fool that he is. Plus the veto will likely be overridden.
If he backs down after making such a stink about it, he looks feckless and weak, like he is.
I would suggest he go back to cheating at golf, but golf shoes leave holes that he might find even less comfortable than the leather soles he says he prefers...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
With both the supplemental UI and the evictions moratorium ending this weekend, right around twenty million people are about to be up the creek without a paddle.
The goddamn Republicans aren't even trying to do anything about it.
Perhaps they actually want to lose the election?
This seems like a perfect way to ensure that outcome.
Meanwhile, the suffering they cause among their constituents will be immense.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Looks like the key to happiness is mass Muslim and African immigration."
"Mass" Muslim and African immigration. LOL. This is just an absurd racist lie.
88% of the Swedish population are native born and of Scandinavian ethnicity, for example. Of the 12% of Swedish residents who are immigrants, the vast majority are white people from the EU. You could walk around Stockholm all day, and probably only spot one or two people who aren't white.
The idea of an "invasion" of immigrants in Europe is a pure paranoid fiction, one that comes from the same bozos who brought us the imaginary "Muslim no-go zones" of Europe.
"The idea of an "invasion" of immigrants in Europe is a pure paranoid fiction, one that comes from the same bozos who brought us the imaginary "Muslim no-go zones" of Europe."
Well, you have to keep the rubes scared. Not too bright people are easily misled and frightened.
"So why is it that Fergus wished Ghislaine Maxwell well?
Does she supply him with little girls to fuck like she did her boyfriend Jeff?"
She knows where all the bodies are buried. It is possible that she can corroborate the stories of Trump accusers, including that underage girl who sued Trump for raping her at an Epstein party.
If so, she will undoubtedly be demanding a commutation/pardon for all of her sex trafficking offenses, like Roger Stone got. Does anyone doubt Trump would give it to her?
Riddle me this:
How can you tell the difference between masked secret police abducting citizens without warrants or charges, and a criminal gang fraudulently operating under color of law?
You can’t.
This morning it occurred to me that America itself has been abducted by a criminal gang fraudulently operating under color of law.
Trump's regime will eventually go away; so will Covid-19. Just now it has occurred to me that they will go away around the same time. If he is defeated, then Covid-19 will leave us next year; if he stays in office, by his usual combination of folly and crime, then Covid-19 will also be with us for 4 more years.
If he stays in office, then Trumpism and the pandemic will both mutate and adapt; if he is defeated then we will be immunized against what he represents, including deadly disease.
Thus I intuit.
Trump promised a wall; now we have one, made of virus; but it's there not to keep others out, but to keep us in.
How has America's pariah status affected you professionally, as a pilot?
"How has America's pariah status affected you professionally, as a pilot?"
We've been hit hard. There will be furloughs of many air transport employees. It seems there's always a problem when a R is in office, 9-11, the economic crash and now covid. Let's hope cheeto gets beaten in the fall, not sure if the country can survive 4 more years of that imbecile.
It would be some delicious irony if Kris the fuck Kobach caused the Democrats to pick up a senate seat in Kansas.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
3:24 PM
That becomes a real possibility if Kobach wins the primary. He's not that popular in Kansas any more.
"The idea of an "invasion" of immigrants in Europe is a pure paranoid fiction, one that comes from the same bozos who brought us the imaginary "Muslim no-go zones" of Europe."
You've never been to Europe, obviously.
"You've never been to Europe, obviously."
Go alot and have never seen this. Where have you seen this?
My sympathies. Good luck.
Once I was on a flight which hit an air-pocket. For several eternal seconds we were in free-fall. My daughter was laughing just then: she laughed harder: that's her. My wife screamed: that was her. I took the claim check out of my pocket at watched it float: that's me. Then the wings grabbed air, cabin gravity returned, and the claim check fell into my lap, as inevitable and incredible as the punchline of a joke. Is life a joke?
Right now I feel similar vertigo. I hope that the wings grab air this November.
ugh... that should be "_and_ watched it float". If only we could edit these posts.
"That becomes a real possibility if Kobach wins the primary. He's not that popular in Kansas any more."
The establishment Republicans are freaking the fuck out and trying to boost his primary opponents.
So it will be up to the Republican primary voters, who may or may not be able to help themselves when confronted with a pure shot of racism on the primary ballot.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Paradoctor: When I need to edit something I copy the post to my clipboard, delete it in the comment box, and paste the old comment into a new box where I can fix whatever I did wrong.
Clunky, but it works.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"For several eternal seconds we were in free-fall."
It always feels worse than it is. Hopefully that's an apt analogy.
I guess we're cool with corruption now.
I too hope that the analogy is apt. It's good to talk with someone with experience in this.
... as practiced in most of the top American universities, affirmative action also involves using different admissions standards for applicants of different races, which automatically creates differences in academic readiness and achievement. Although these gaps vary from college to college, studies have found that Asian students enter with combined math/verbal SAT scores on the order of 80 points higher than white students and 200 points higher than black students. A similar pattern occurs for high-school grades. These differences are large, and they matter: High-school grades and SAT scores predict later success as measured by college grades and graduation rates.
As a result of these disparate admissions standards, many students spend four years in a social environment where race conveys useful information about the academic capacity of their peers. People notice useful social cues, and one of the strongest causes of stereotypes is exposure to real group differences. If a school commits to doubling the number of black students, it will have to reach deeper into its pool of black applicants, admitting those with weaker qualifications, particularly if most other schools are doing the same thing. This is likely to make racial gaps larger, which would strengthen the negative stereotypes that students of color find when they arrive on campus.
The America you grew up in is not the America we live in now.
One nation under God? Ha.
Land of the free? Ha.
Domestic tranquility? Ha.
Equal protection under the law? Ha.
The right to bear arms? Ha.
Freedom of speech? Association? Peaceable assembly? Ha. Ha. Ha.
It's not "socialism" or "communism" under which we suffer. Our dangerously chaotic, selectively oppressive predicament is more accurately described as "anarcho-tyranny." The late conservative columnist Sam Francis first coined the term in 1992 to diagnose a condition of "both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes."
The "criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent," Francis expounded, is achieved in such a state through: "exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation; the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through 'sensitivity training' and multiculturalist curricula; 'hate crime' laws; gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally; and a vast labyrinth of other measures."
If we had brandished or used our weapons in self-defense, we'd be facing felony assault charges—as armed citizen Steven Baca is in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the hands of another Soros-subsidized district attorney.
I have a buddy who taught in Mainland China.
He explained to them some of the things that are taught in American universities, things like "White fragility", "dismantling Whiteness" and "gender fluidity".
The students all laughed.
They thought he was kidding.
When he told them he was serious, they got kinda sad, like they expected better from us because they looked up to us.
The Communist Chinese are more socially conservative than so-called "free" Americans.
Calling all trolls. Please tell me why your leader, Mr. Trump, is sending his special troops to Chicago when the PER CAPITA (rated per 100,000 population) homicide rate in Saint Louis Missouri (60.9) is nearly three times the PER CAPITA (rated per 100,000 population) homicide rate in Chicago (20.7).
Moreover, Saint Louis is ranked highest PER CAPITA (per 100,000 population) in number of homicides of all larger American cities while Chicago is ranked sixteenth. Can it be because Missouri is a Republican state and Illinois is a Democratic state? Is that the real reason the orange child is sending his Gestapo to Chicago instead of where the problem is much greater - Saint Louis?
From Crooks & Liars tonight
Portland Invasion Has All The Aspects Of Fascism -- Except Effectiveness
I always imagined fascism, if it came to America, being effective. I assumed that the tanks would roll in and any popular dissent would be brutally suppressed.
Don't give them ideas.
I'm kidding. Saint Louis is on his list anyhow, as are all cities and towns, eventually. It'll just be D cities first. First they came for Portland. That's how tyranny works.
No doubt our pet trolls think their town is immune. They also think themselves immune from Covid-19. They have other delusions as well.
When our own deplorables chime in, we will be able to tell the snotty 8channers from the Russian agents by their attitude towards Trump's thugs. Enthusiasm or nervousness; snotty 8channer. Cold disinformation: paid by Putin.
Ineffective fascism? May that transmit from Crooks-and-Liar's keyboard straight to God's monitor! If so then Trump will be like a vaccine; a weakened pathogen that provokes a lasting immune response. Be it so!
Drove up to the highway and down the mountain a little tonight to see the comet. It was hella bright, but I couldn't really see a tail, even with a spotting scope.
Still worth seeing, though.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Paradoctor said...
"It'll just be D cities first. First they came for Portland. That's how tyranny works."
All cities are democrat cities.
All cities are seeing a spike in murders and mayhem as the democrat city and state governments abet electoral terrorism in the run up to the 2020 election. Make no mistake, these BLM/Antifa riots are directed from the top of the democrat party. This was planned long ago, and would have been executed even if George Floyd was still happily stumbling around Minneapolis committing crimes today.
Trump is offering to help quell the violence, which is what a responsible President would do. Democrats of course don't want to quell the violence, and will sacrifice the lives of their citizens rather than work with Trump to restore order.
Are thousands of extra murder victims worth the political advantage they think they will gain from this?
The most likely way the current Black Moment will get canceled is the same way black radicalism got shut down in both the early 1970s and the early 1990s: As black antiwhite rhetoric grows more heated, black spokespersons start complaining about Jews.
Portland mayor Ted Wheeler tries to 'talk' to mostly peaceful rioters, has to flee to chants of "Fuck you Ted!"
Trump just finished a press conference with families whose loved ones have been murdered by the violent crime exploding nationwide.
Earlier today, House Dems held a press conference about removing a bust of Justice Roger Taney, who has been dead since 1864.
A BLM supporter kneels on a white child's neck.
Zero national media coverage.
PilotX cheers.
Anonymoid 1:39 evaded your point about St. Louis. Cold disinformation, plus ignorance about American politics: I vote Russian agent. It confirms my point; if all cities are Democratic cities, then all cities are on Trump's little list. Republican mayors will not protect them.
Stereotype (In)Accuracy in Perceptions of Groups and Individuals
Lee Jussim, Jarret T. Crawford, Rachel S. Rubinstein
First Published December 10, 2015
Are stereotypes accurate or inaccurate? We summarize evidence that stereotype accuracy is one of the largest and most replicable findings in social psychology. We address controversies in this literature, including the long-standing and continuing but unjustified emphasis on stereotype inaccuracy, how to define and assess stereotype accuracy, and whether stereotypic (vs. individuating) information can be used rationally in person perception. We conclude with suggestions for building theory and for future directions of stereotype (in)accuracy research.
Stereotypes of blacks are accurate.
Stereotypes are statistical truths.
Suck that, Feeled N1663rs.
Blacks are the most racist group in America.
Hydroxychloroquine was approved for medical use in the United States in 1955.[2] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.[8] In 2017, it was the 128th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than five million prescriptions.[9][10]
Paradoctor said...
"I vote Russian agent"
The Field Negro Blog is a top priority of Vladimir Putin. Russian intelligence struggles to counter the brilliance of regular posters such as yourself, Granny MSNBC, mikhail from iowa, Doug of Sugar Pine, and the mysterious PilotX.
Keep up the good fight, comrades.
Paradoctor said
"Anonymoid 1:39 evaded your point about St. Louis. Cold disinformation, plus ignorance about American politics: I vote Russian agent. It confirms my point; if all cities are Democratic cities, then all cities are on Trump's little list. Republican mayors will not protect them."
3:07 AM
Evade by deflection is what they all do, Paradoctor. It's a device they use thinking that is the way to win an argument. Little kids do that when they get in trouble. Very few people on the right who post here can argue their position effectively. I doubt that anyone will answer my question regarding why Chicago instead Saint Louis.
Stereotypes are statisticl truths said...
Stereotype (In)Accuracy in Perceptions of Groups and Individuals
Lee Jussim, Jarret T. Crawford, Rachel S. Rubinstein
First Published December 10, 2015
4:55 AM
Take it to Breitbart, Sweetheart. BTW, how's the weather in Russia?
Know your Masters said...
The most likely way the current Black Moment will get canceled is the same way black radicalism got shut down in both the early 1970s and the early 1990s: As black antiwhite rhetoric grows more heated, black spokespersons start complaining about Jews.
1:40 AM
And just what which "black spokespersons" would that be? And just what "Black radicalism" was evident in the 1990's? I have known many black people, but I never heard one say anything derogatory about Jews.
"I have known many black people, but I never heard one say anything derogatory about Jews."
Nick Cannon said...
"I have known many black people, but I never heard one say anything derogatory about Jews."
11:41 AM
So tell me, Nick. What's so funny about my post? I was married to a black man for 35 years, so a large portion of my extended family is black. What is your experience with black people?
" I was married to a black man for 35 years, so a large portion of my extended family is black."
But you are not black. As a white person, you lack melanin, and therefore are less than human. When you have a person that has the lack of pigment, the lack of melanin, that they know that they will be annihilated. So, therefore, however they got the power, they have the lack of compassion. Melanin comes with compassion, melanin comes with soul. We call it soul. Soul brothers and sisters. That’s the melanin that connects us. So the people that don’t have it, and I’m going to say this carefully, are a little less.
Nick Cannon said...
" I was married to a black man for 35 years, so a large portion of my extended family is black."
But you are not black. As a white person, you lack melanin, and therefore are less than human. When you have a person that has the lack of pigment, the lack of melanin, that they know that they will be annihilated. So, therefore, however they got the power, they have the lack of compassion. Melanin comes with compassion, melanin comes with soul. We call it soul. Soul brothers and sisters. That’s the melanin that connects us. So the people that don’t have it, and I’m going to say this carefully, are a little less.
1:04 PM
I have but one thing †o say to you, Nick: You're full of bull shit. Have a nice day.
Take yer pick of articles that claim stereotypes are often inaccurate.
MichaEL Cohen was released from prison because drumpfuck's DOJ retaliated against him for his latest book. All gubmint agencies under drumpf and Barr have been weaponized against drumpf's billions of enemies.
When journalist Michael Tracey asked Ted Wheeler a question about whether mass protest gatherings are advisable during a pandemic, protesters became very upset and accused him of white supremacy. He was surrounded/confronted for ~20 minutes and ordered to leave.
Anonymous said...
When journalist Michael Tracey asked Ted Wheeler a question about whether mass protest gatherings are advisable during a pandemic, protesters became very upset and accused him of white supremacy. He was surrounded/confronted for ~20 minutes and ordered to leave.
1:22 PM
So what is your point? Intolerence of the demonstrators?
Crush the Traitors said...
After showing restraint for nearly two months, Trump exercises his rightful authority to send federal forces to protect federal property.
10:23 PM
Where in the Constitution dose it permit a president to send unidentified federal agents to any state in order to violate the First Amendment? if you can find it, please post it.
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