He might be right. I am sure that with the help of his friends in Russia, along with GOP voter suppression, anything is possible. Although this virus is not going away, and it's starting to have an impact in the area that Mr. trump is proudest of when it comes to his time in office.
Here is an oped from Robert Reich regarding that very issue:
“The recovery has been very strong,” Donald Trump said on Monday. Then the commerce department reported the US economy contracted between April and June at the fastest pace in nearly three-quarters of a century, which is as long as economists have been keeping track. The drop wiped out five years of economic growth.
But pesky facts have never stopped Trump. Having lied for five months about the coronavirus, he’s now filling social media and the airwaves with untruths about the economy so he can dupe his way to election day.
The comeback “won’t take very long”, he reassured Americans on Thursday. But every indicator shows that after a small uptick in June, the US economy is tanking again. Restaurant reservations are down, traffic at retail stores is dwindling, more small businesses are closing, the small rebound in air travel is reversing.
He wants the public to believe the shutdown orders that began in March caused the economy to tank in the first place, so reversing them will bring the economy back.
People can’t go back to work because there is very little work for them to do
The sequence of cause-and-effect is clear. The virus has surged most in states that were among the first to reopen, such as Florida, South Carolina, Texas and much of the rest of the sun belt.
Because of this resurgence, many states are pausing plans to reopen and some are reimposing restrictions. But these restrictions are not the reason the economy is slowing. They are the necessary consequence of allowing the pandemic to get out of control.
Even the White House’s own coronavirus taskforce concludes that 21 states have outbreaks serious enough to justify more restrictions.
Notably, the economy is sliding again even though the government has pumped trillions of dollars into it. What happens when the money stops?
We’re about to find out. Senate Republicans can’t agree among themselves, let alone with House Democrats, about more funding, while Trump says “we really don’t care” about reaching a spending agreement.
That means starting this week more than 30 million Americans will no longer receive $600 in extra weekly employment benefits. As a result, tens of millions will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments. More will go hungry, including children. The economy is likely to slide even further.
The White House argues that the extra unemployment payments have discouraged workers from seeking jobs because some are receiving more money in benefits than they would earn by working.
“We don’t want to create disincentives to work,” says Trump adviser Larry Kudlow.
More rubbish. A study by Yale economists finds “no evidence” that people who have lost their jobs are choosing to stay unemployed because of the extra federal aid. In fact, “workers facing larger [unemployment] expansions generally appear to be quicker to return to work than others, not slower.”
People can’t go back to work because there is very little work for them to do. Fourteen million more people are unemployed than there are jobs.
Related: Paul Begala on Trump: 'Nothing unites the people of Earth like a threat from Mars'
In fact, the extra benefits have been keeping some 3 million employed because the money has gone into the pockets of people who spend it, thereby sustaining economic activity. Shrinking those benefits will put less money into consumer pockets, with the result that millions more jobs will be lost.
Lies about the economy are harder to spot than lies about the coronavirus because the virus’s grim death count is painfully apparent while the economy is complicated. But Trump’s economic lies are no less egregious, and they’re about to cause a great deal of unnecessary suffering.
Trump and Senate Republicans may not like it, but that’s the painful truth." [Article]
Mr. trump is learning the hard way that you can't lie your way out of a pandemic. Science and facts can be really stubborn when it comes to these types of things.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 339 of 339"Masks are for pussies."
So we know you're definitely wearing one pussy.
That's what happens when you allow a killer virus kill hunderds of thousands of Americans, kill the economy and prevent Americans from being able to travel abroad. Man, no one could do a worse job if they tried.
Semitism is dizzying.
Jews are Capitalists with regard to their property, and Socialists with regard to yours.
Jews advocate for open borders for your country, but closed borders for theirs.
Jews are Jewish when they are taking credit, but White when being blamed.
Go figure.
anymoose @ 12:22 AM, dear shit fer brains, pay attention...
I know you can't read and comprehend so have your kid read this and explain it to your sorry racist ass.
Prediction: Officers will be exonerated.
Full Body Cam Video from Two of the Minneapolis Police Officers Undercuts Charges Filed By Minnesota AG Keith Ellison
TRUMP 2020!!
35-Year-Old Mother of Three Killed in Shooting at Mulholland Drive Mansion Party
Hours after responding to reports of loud music and cars parked on the road, police returned to the Beverly Crest mansion to investigate a shooting.
By Staff Report • Published August 3, 2020 • Updated on August 5, 2020 at 8:44 am
Anonymous said...
35-Year-Old Mother of Three Killed in Shooting at Mulholland Drive Mansion Party
Hours after responding to reports of loud music and cars parked on the road, police returned to the Beverly Crest mansion to investigate a shooting.
By Staff Report • Published August 3, 2020 • Updated on August 5, 2020 at 8:44 am
10:00 AM
What was the point of posting this? This is not a crime reporting blog.
I know I know, the liberal media is trying to silence him and take away his free speech. LOL
Everyone in America is agitated and depressed by the Culture War. We all feel like we’re losing all of the time, because we all are. Conservatives are always losing to liberals, and liberals are always losing to reality. It is depressing. It’s depressing as hell.
Corona Virus is a mechanism of the extreme left to implement New World Order. Its real enough medically with is HUGE propaganda campaign to fool most but not all of the USA, people are slowly catching on as it drags on, kind of like crying Wolf too many times, it doesn't add up.
Takes 10-12 years to properly do a vaccine, they want to inoculate you in months...WHY???
CONTROL....you don't want that shit in your body. If you do its irreversible and your DNA will be damaged forever.
Pro-Virus Anonymoid said...
Masks are for pussies.
I reply:
And pussies stalk, kill, and eat vermin. Mrau!
Gambler2: Here is my take on the politics of gender:
I submit the following modest proposal for your consideration. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
The Freedom to Love Amendment:
Congress shall make no law restricting the right of consenting adults in private to practice sexual love as they will, if it harms none.
Sex is not gender. Sex is biological; a matter of genotype and phenotype. Gender is social; a matter of the performance of sex. Gender is therefore subject to politics, sometimes useful, often tiresome.
This Amendment bypasses the tiresome politics of gender identity tribalism by explicitly legalizing all non-harmful performances of sexual love. That's the Wiccan Rede: "An' it harm none, do what ye will."
Its emphasis on the practice of love cancels out the philosophically invalid essentialism of gender identity politics. Gender is performative, so it follows the existentialist rule of 'existence precedes essence'. To do it is to be it.
This Amendment has limits. Love in private is one thing; but when families and children and property are involved, then love is very public indeed. So sexual politics will continue. Adulthood and consent have grey areas; so sexual politics will continue there too, usually in circular progress, with a cycle time of two generations.
If this Amendment were ever passed, then of course the compulsive restrictionists will call all genders harmful, except for what they righteously preach in public or hypocritically practice in private. But with this Amendment, they'll have to prove harm for kinks not in line with their own personal sexual hypocrisies.
Meanwhile, back in reality, drumpf's body count keeps climbing higher and higher....
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Should easily surpass the magic 5 million cases of drumpf virus and it still won't magically disappear.
Conserva-dumbfucks lost reality decades ago and that is why they have to cheat in every election to win anything against Libs.
Her 18 month investigation shows an NRA as rife with fraud as the drumpf criminal enterprise in the kremlin annex.
Anonymous said...
Corona Virus is a mechanism of the extreme left to implement New World Order. Its real enough medically with is HUGE propaganda campaign to fool most but not all of the USA, people are slowly catching on as it drags on, kind of like crying Wolf too many times, it doesn't add up.
Takes 10-12 years to properly do a vaccine, they want to inoculate you in months...WHY???
CONTROL....you don't want that shit in your body. If you do its irreversible and your DNA will be damaged forever.
12:45 PM
Why didn't you sign this, Ivan? It's bull shit straight from Putin the great Russian dictator.
Granny is working with the Russians to establish the New World Order.
"Congress shall make no law restricting the right of consenting adults in private to practice sexual love as they will, if it harms none."
Congress has made no laws restricting the right of consenting adults in private to practice sexual love as they will, if it harms none.
There are two genders.
The rest are mental illnesses.
I understand why blacks don't like the founders of this country, I can see why they want to tear their statues down, it doesn't mean they're right, it means whites can never live with them, right and wrong has nothing to do with it.
An addendum on the philosophy of gender:
Gender is performative; it is what one does. For instance, if a preacher man, married to a woman, is found to have repeatedly boinked young men, then the preacher man is in practice a bisexual and an adulterer; both of which are genders.
If he denies being of bisexual-adulterer gender, then he is also a hypocrite. That too is a gender; the gender of all genders which denies being of that gender.
Here is a curious point of the law: namely, that the one gender that the Freedom to Love Amendment cannot fully protect is hypocrisy. The Amendment protects only those who claim it; and by definition a hypocrite can only claim to be a hypocrite to the same extent that he or she denies being a hypocrite. A paradox!
Well, I give her credit for ambition, if nothing else.
New York's Attorney General has filed suit to dissolve the NRA because its leaders are crooks who have looted the organization.
I can already imagine the reaction if she succeeds. A black woman kills the NRA? The wingnut head explosions will be deafening.
"it means whites can never live with them"
And yet the past 400 years they have.🤔
Anonymous 2:25:
You are mistaken. Congress has certainly made laws restricting the right of consenting adults in private to practice sexual love that harms none. That abuse of power is what this Freedom to Love Amendment proposes to remedy.
I admit that there's a weak point in the Free Love Amendment; for what is harm? Imagine, if you please, an emo teen sueing the parents; for by their act of intercourse, pregnancy, and birth - all sexual acts - they have inflicted on the emo teen all the troubles of life. When the emo teen wails at the judge, "I didn't ask to be born!", how will the judge reply? His Honor will throw out the case, of course, but on what grounds?
I pose this puzzle because I suspect that many of the anonymoids pestering this forum are emo teens who would sue their parents in just this way if they could.
Anonymous 2:26:
There are, with a few mutant exceptions, two _sexes_; but gender is not sex. Gender is what a given person does and thinks about sex; it's social and psychological, not biological.
As for mental illness, all religions and philosophies proclaim that love is a kind of madness. A joyous, life-affirming insanity, if managed properly with the help of friends and family; but wackadoodle no matter what. If you've been in love then you know what I mean.
George Floyd and Derek Chauvin worked security at the same night club and must have known each other.
But in the videos released, they never acknowledge this or refer to each other by name.
"You are mistaken. Congress has certainly made laws restricting the right of consenting adults in private to practice sexual love that harms none."
Please cite an example of a law on the books today that restricts sexual activities of consenting adults.
I got 33 problems but coronavirus ain't one:
"Masks are for pussies."
Panties are for pussies, masks are for faces. Hope that clears this up for you.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
drumpf did it all by hisself....
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Shall we try or 10 million cases?
dinthebeast 3:44:
You mean that when I walk into a store, I have to wear, not just a mask, but pants and underpants too?
"Please cite an example of a law on the books today that restricts sexual activities of consenting adults."
Technically, sodomy laws were struck down in 2003 by Lawrence v Texas, but they remain on the books in some states, particularly Texas, where the unenforceable sodomy law was still on the books as of 2019, and possession of more than six dildos is a crime.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"You mean that when I walk into a store, I have to wear, not just a mask, but pants and underpants too?"
That depends on where you wear them, I would imagine.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
EPIC. Colorado City Runs ANTIFA out of Town. All of America needs to see this!
Fergus says he thinks there might be a vaccine before the election because he's "pushing them hard" or some such horse shit.
There will not be an effective, widely available vaccine by November, however much he wants to use one to save his tanking reelection campaign.
There's no unscrewing this pooch, Fergus, you done fucked up and everyone knows it.
And back in reality land, even a successful vaccine will not make covid magically "go away" like he seems to want you to believe.
A successful vaccine would protect around six in ten of those who get it from covid infection for about a year, and protect some of those who get infected anyway from some of the more severe symptoms, thus keeping them from dying from it.
Among those patients, though, it won't do a damn thing about the lingering disabling effects some patients experience.
So you just keep on pushing, Ferg, maybe someone might notice, but probably not.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
So as the NRA's political firepower diminishes, their corrupt and illegal internal practices aren't flying under the radar like they used to.
I was a member of the NRA a long time ago, when they were the ones who administered the hunter safety program you had to pass to get your hunting license, but I let my membership lapse in the late seventies when I lost interest in hunting, and before they turned into a right wing lobbying operation for gun manufacturers.
Could they really be dissolved?
Doesn't seem that likely, although the charges against them are many and well documented.
The NYAG did dissolve Fergus' "charitable" foundation, though, so who knows?
I would hope that before they were dissolved they would be prosecuted for funneling millions of dollars from Russia into Fergus' 2016 campaign, but as that would be a federal charge, it couldn't happen until after Barr was gone.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Conserva-dumbfucks lost reality decades ago and that is why they have to cheat in every election to win anything against Libs.
1:42 PM
Yes mike, it started with Nixon's dirty tricks and Southern Strategy and continued to grow within the Republican party since then. Over the years many moderate Republicans with integrity quietly left the Republican Party. Seems Nixon's group sort of married the Dixiecrats and the modern Republican Party began its decent. The tea party nuts put the nail in the coffin of the original Republican Party.
The new Republican Party glorifies violence, cruelty, selfishness and lies. Their motto is"Every person for them self and the devil take the hindmost."
The majority of American people do not subscribe to this creed, so in order to win elections, Republicans must lie, cheat, and steal.
All of what I have posted here can be verified by a little research on Google. Many historians and politicians have written about this.
Thanks Granny for illustrating your selective ignorance extends far back into history.
Anonymous said...
There are two genders.
The rest are mental illnesses.
2:26 PM
And your PHD in genetic identity is from what university?
Blogger dinthebeast said...
So as the NRA's political firepower diminishes, their corrupt and illegal internal practices aren't flying under the radar like they used to.
I was a member of the NRA a long time ago, when they were the ones who administered the hunter safety program you had to pass to get your hunting license, but I let my membership lapse in the late seventies when I lost interest in hunting, and before they turned into a right wing lobbying operation for gun manufacturers.
Could they really be dissolved?
Doesn't seem that likely, although the charges against them are many and well documented.
The NYAG did dissolve Fergus' "charitable" foundation, though, so who knows?
I would hope that before they were dissolved they would be prosecuted for funneling millions of dollars from Russia into Fergus' 2016 campaign, but as that would be a federal charge, it couldn't happen until after Barr was gone.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
4:52 PM
Here we go with the radical lefts gun grab strategy to disarm you, then take away freedom of religion and free speech then of to re-education centers. Large resistance areas will have their Covid-19 vaccine activated and they will get sick and die.
University of Reality.
Only Communist (democrats) want to take your Second Amendment rights away. Do you really want to be defenseless???
Remember, if the looney left gains power and seizes the SCOTUS, they will "rule" that the age of consent will be like 12 or 13, maybe lower. They want to fuck children, your children because they are sexual deviants and control monsters.
Just look at leftwing hollyweird......
Diego Del Norte said....
..."it means whites can never live with them, right and wrong has nothing to do with it."
This conclusion does not result form your statement preceding it. Your statement lacks relevant evidence to support it. LOL! I'm white and I'm very happy that demonstrators tore down confederate statues that honored traitors to our country. These traitors were responsible for the deaths of half a million Americans.
Confederates were not traitors. They were loyalists to their sovereign states.
An addendum on the philosophy of gender:
Gender is performative; it is what one does.
I'm not sure I agree with statement, but I have not done extensive research on this topic. During one of my psych classes a transgender woman spoke to us and she said that she had always felt like she was a woman although she was born a man. So I'm inclined to think that gender is a state of mind that possibly could be influenced by environment. But I really don't have an informed opinion about i†.
I agree with you thoughts on the law and sexual behavior. In my opinion whatever consenting adults do together is none of my business. I would support a law to that effect.
Anonymous said....
Here we go with the radical lefts gun grab strategy to disarm you, then take away freedom of religion and free speech then of to re-education centers. Large resistance areas will have their Covid-19 vaccine activated and they will get sick and die.
5:24 PM
Bull. The NRA is a private business that has broken the law. Prosecuting them has no bearing on gun rights. There is nothing to stop some other people from creating another gun club, organization, or what ever. You are hysterical over nothing.
"You are hysterical over nothing."
Well, conservatives are controlled by fear. Knockout games, Antifa, BLM, communists, caravans, ect. Watch Fox "news" to learn about the latest bogeyman.
"Confederates were not traitors. They were loyalists to their sovereign states."
That's true, they were loyal to the side that got its ass kicked. Should have chosen better.
Anonymous said...
Remember, if the looney left gains power and seizes the SCOTUS, they will "rule" that the age of consent will be like 12 or 13, maybe lower. They want to fuck children, your children because they are sexual deviants and control monsters.
Just look at leftwing hollyweird......
5:28 PM
Now Ivan, you know that's not true. Age of consent is regulated by the individual state governments and is not a federal matter. There is not and never will be a federal law regarding age of consent for sexual activity. Best you do some research into laws in the United States before you go posting bull shit. LOL!
Also, review the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, since it seems you don't know what's in it. (You can Google it in case you don't have a copy.)
Anonymous said...
Confederates were not traitors. They were loyalists to their sovereign states.
5:38 PM
They were United States citizens and they took up arms against their country. That's treason plain an simple. Nothing you can say will change that.
They were citizens of sovereign states that had voluntarily joined a union that they wished to secede from.
Joe Biden is wrong to say that all blacks think alike, it's actually only 99%.
Anonymous said....
".....disarm you, then take away freedom of religion and free speech then of to re-education centers...."
5:25 PM
Hey Anonymous, where are those re-education camps? When are they coming? You have been promising them since 2008. And when are they coming for our guns? You have been promising that for at least 40 years.
“Large resistance areas will have their Covid-19 vaccine activated and they will get sick and die.”
Careful now. You are in danger of making the QAnon cult look smart by comparison.
Anonymous said...
Thanks Granny for illustrating your selective ignorance extends far back into history.
5:17 PM
I think you are the one who s ignorant of history. Below are some references for you regarding recent political events. If you want to take me on about the Civil War and reconstruction, I can educate you on those too.
Wingnuts are too fucking retarded to possess guns or have religion or even have money. They should be institutionalized because all they do is repeat lies from fake noize and drumpfuck talking points.
The reason trolls on here won't wear masks is because they can't find their pussies, the guys especially. Explains why so many inbred wingnuts stick their micro dicks in wall sockets.
Evolution has not been kind to retarded wingnuts.
"They were citizens of sovereign states that had voluntarily joined a union that they wished to secede from."
And how did that turn out?
trump thinks Biden will hurt the bible and god.😆
Historically the economy has done better under Democratic administrations. If you want more jobs and better wages you're better off voting Democratic.
Congress sets the spending priorities, and historically the economy has done better under Republican congresses.
"And how did that turn out?"
600,000 dead white men, and the end of the Constitutional republic.
There needs to be a movie about an inner city youth who dreams of running away from school so he can learn how to read.
Latinos have diversity of thought unlike black people who all think alike, says Joe Biden:
From Pam Merritt's Twitter feed:
Soraya Nadia McDonald
"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." —LBJ
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"600,000 dead white men, and the end of the Constitutional republic."
No, you despicable prick, the constitutional republic is still here.
Just because you hate it doesn't make it go away.
Y'all seem to have a problem with that concept. It's kinda like object permanence, only with hatred.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
The Constitution is whatever five Supreme Court Justices say it is.
America is far, far, away from a Constitutional republic. And leftist scum like you are ripping up what's left of it.
"I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years." - LBJ
LBJ knew Civil Rights was bullshit:
Trump knows the Presidents job is to put Americans first:
Anonymous said...
Congress sets the spending priorities, and historically the economy has done better under Republican congresses.
9:08 PM
Source for this fabrication?
You ain't black, Jack said...
Latinos have diversity of thought unlike black people who all think alike, says Joe Biden:
9:29 PM
How can we sure this is not one of James O'Keefe's fake videos?
Anonymous said...
The Constitution is whatever five Supreme Court Justices say it is.
America is far, far, away from a Constitutional republic. And leftist scum like you are ripping up what's left of it.
10:09 PM
The Constitution has been what the Supreme Court says it is since 1803, so calm down and read below:
On February 24, 1803, the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John Marshall, decides the landmark case of William Marbury versus James Madison, Secretary of State of the United States and confirms the legal principle of judicial review—the ability of the Supreme Court to limit Congressional power by declaring legislation unconstitutional—in the new nation.
Damn! Don't you anonymous trolls know anything about U.S. History? This is high school stuff.
AMAGA said...
Trump knows the Presidents job is to put Americans first:
A president's first and most important job is to protect the people of the country. In this Trump has failed repeatedly. No matter how you try to spin it, more than 150,000 Americans are dead because of Donald Trump's non existent leadership in confronting the pandemic.
If Hillary had won, we'd all be dead by now.
Thank God for President Trump!
Granny NPC said...
"How can we sure this is not one of James O'Keefe's fake videos?"
Gee, I don't know. Maybe Google it. Or watch the news.
Every video Granny sees that counters her simplistic Orange Man Bad view must have been "doctored" by James O'Keefe.
LBJ never said that.
"Every video Granny sees that counters her simplistic Orange Man Bad view must have been "doctored" by James O'Keefe."
Nah, but partisans crop videos and take them out of context often. You have to admit that.
Cruz hearing exposed Democrat support for Antifa.
If this were a real country, Pelosi and Schumer would be hanged on national TV.
"LBJ never said that."
Never believe Snopes.
Transgender people want to be accepted for who they are, yet they weren't able to accept themselves for who they were.
"Never believe Snopes."
Ok, prove he said it.
I was there. Dude said a lot of things.
August 7. Joe Biden is not even campaigning, won't go to the convention, has no VP.
Mel Gibson / George Zimmerman 2024!
“August 7. Joe Biden is not even campaigning, won't go to the convention, has no VP.”
Campaigning would be ridiculously stupid right now (COVID).
There’s not going to be a physical convention (COVID).
Biden’s VP announcement is imminent.
Is that it, or do you have other points of confusion you need grownups to explain to you?
Yeah, LBJ was a prick who, as Molly Ivins put it "could not pass any character test devised by the human imagination" but he knew how to get the government to do things that helped people.
Like 55 years ago today when he signed the voting rights act.
Fergus is also a flawed human being, but with none of the political skill or the inclination to do anything good for the country or its citizens.
Fergus wouldn't make a wart on a real president's ass, much less a master politician like LBJ.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
LBJ killed JFK.
Only trump can get Americans banned from every other country on the planet.😑
I was trying to remember the political meaning of the term "cuck" in today's parlance. I seemed to remember that it was applied to conservatives who were a little bit weak or lily-livered for the hardcore right. Like Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney. A republican in name only. A conservative with no balls. So it surprised me when I started to notice retards calling liberals, "cucks." I thought that they were just using it incorrectly. But this essay from GQ shed some light on the subject. It does, however, make the assumption that these failed humans using the term were generally successfully married and had held several jobs during their lifetimes. Not sure that applies to all of our trolls here on The Field Negro.
I'll reprint it below and tell me if some of this does not apply to YOU!
What Does 'Cuck' Mean and Why are You Being Called One?
By Justin Myers
January 6, 2017
'Cuck' is an insult that reveals the sexual insecurity, misogyny and fear of those who use the term. Here's the real meaning and definition of 'cuck'
You don’t have to wait very long to be called a name on the internet. Trolls, stans, fangirls, snowflakes and truthers – we started popping people who annoy us into pigeonholes way back when dial-up was king and every internet session was preceded by a “Will you get off the sodding phone and clear the line? I want to go on Celebdaq!”
The thing with most nicknames we dole out, or labels we assign, is that they tend to say more about us than the people we’re describing. How we see people and the terms we use to dismiss or devalue them is much more revelatory than their behaviour – it’s the biggest tell of all about what kind of person you must be. The insult has to be something you would hate to be called yourself, the worst thing you could think of – it exposes your own doubts and fears.
And there’s no internet jibe more telling about who’s saying it than one of the most popular in recent years: "cuck".
The real meaning of 'cuck'
No, I haven’t misspelled “fuck” or “chuck” – although you get plenty of people calling you that on the internet depending on your shtick. Cuck has its roots in cuckold, an old-fashioned term for a man whose wife is having sex with another man. Because everything is porn eventually, this soon became an X-rated genre of its own with a (usually white) guy watching impassively while his wife has sex with another guy, who's often, but not always, black.
Porn with racial tension that plays to a white man's insecurities about his "possessions" being taken from him? You can see why cuck is the favoured insult of the racist, internet-literate far-right, can’t you?
'Cuck' as Alt-Right Insult
Ah, the alt-right – the gleaming, bloodless rebrand of old-school hatred like misogyny, racism, fascism, sexism, homophobia and beyond. They’re the self-appointed opponents of the so-called “metropolitan liberal elite” we hear about almost as much. We know the drill, we’ve seen this played out across the political scene in one way or another since time immemorial; the only difference is the volume of what each is saying and who’s listening. But it’s really come to the fore in recent years, thanks to an increasingly opinion-reliant media, the never-ending two-way thirst of social media and the apparent death of truth.
Brexit and the rise of Donald Trump have been the jewels in a crown of wilful misunderstanding, dog-whistle politics, toxic views masquerading as "genuine concerns", of scare tactics, of a feeling that those who who were once in control – usually through nefarious or unjust means, or a luck of the draw they’ve exploited – are no longer.
The wave of equality or fairness over the last few decades hasn't quite been the tsunami the right complain of, but this little trickle has been enough for them, and they want to stem the flow. After what, in the grand scheme of things, has been a mere few seconds of not being the loudest voice in the room, they suddenly want to make their voice heard, and to do that, they need to get you to stop talking.
To hotheaded white guys, a 'cuck' is the worst thing in the world
Don’t agree things have “gone too far”? Don’t want to fall to line? They wheel out the only thing that would make them feel pain to hear. They don’t care about being called sexist – how can they be? They have a wife! They care not for claims they’re racist – hey they have a lot of black friends, OK? (They don’t.) And homophobia? Nonsense – they don’t care that you do as long as it’s not rammed down your throats. But question the influence of their masculinity, and suggest perhaps the world does not belong to them, that it’s time for the spoiled brat to share his sweeties with the rest of the class, and he’ll react. Like the bully in the playground, he’ll turn his own insecurities back on you. “That’s not me! That’s you! You’re a cuck!” To them, to be a cuck is the worst thing in the world for a hotheaded white guy. It means being a witness to the doing-over of the one they love the most by the one they fear most, a black man in control – or at least that's how it works in their head.
When someone calls you a cuck they expose their own fears. They’re telling you that you’re allowing something to happen that will compromise your own power, that your possessions will be taken from you. That accuse you of bending over for other liberals – an obsession with passive anal sex is another thread running through most far-right insults, so you don’t even need to be cuckolded directly to be accused of being dangerously submissive; your own ass can betray you.
But, like all bullies, what they really mean is that you’re chipping away at their own power and challenging their supremacy. They’re claiming you’re weak and easily led, that you’re a joke or a coward – but really they’re worried your liberal thinking shines a light on their own weaknesses.
The Far-Right are Obsessed with Anal Sex
So what kind of guy is actually calling you a cuck? Well, this person could also be a woman, of course, as plenty do buy into this idea, even though the movement itself seems to have scant regard for them, but your average cuck-caller will tick a few of the following boxes.
1) Believes that immigrants are coming over here and taking our jobs. When pressed to say which jobs in particular are being swallowed up non-nationals, he will stutter and say he “read in the Mail about a Polish teacher in Kettering once, shut up you cuck".
2) Talks a lot about “taking back control” for people just like him. He isn’t sure who has control right now that isn’t actually like him – given that most politicians are male and white – or what he would do with this control once he gets it, but if you don’t want control you are a cuck.
3) Is embittered about a horrible female boss he had years ago. That he’s had 10 make bosses who were equally mean to him is of no consequence – they were man and that’s just how it goes when men are being men. Big manly men behaving like power-hungry psychos in the workplace is absolutely fine, but a woman asking wearily if you can please reply to her email because the deadline is almost up is a controlling bitch who doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
4) Goes on dates and thinks the woman talks too much, despite the fact he has given nothing but monosyllabic answers to her questions and has asked none of his own. After the thirteenth awkward silence, the woman gives up trying to fill dead air and says she’s ordering a taxi. The man will then ask if he can come home with her.
5) Has a firmly anti-immigration stance which temporarily evaporates when he needs batteries for his children’s toys on Christmas Day and the only place open is the corner shop – owned by a Pakistani couple who know his name though he’s never bothered to ask theirs.
6) Has never told anyone in his family he loves them because it’s “sissy and sentimental” but cries openly when his favourite team loses.
Take heart when someone tries to shut you down and call you a cuck. While it’s frustrating that they won’t hear you and are, usually, encouraging other people just like them to pile on to you to make you feel inadequate or emasculated, you aren’t ever going to change their minds and it would be a waste of time to try.
Feel empowered, perhaps, that you’ve instilled enough fear into them to get them to even bother dismissing you. They’re frightened of equality, they’re frightened of progress, they’re frightened of other cultures, they’re frightened of change, they’re frightened of not being heard. They’re frightened of you. Who’s the coward now?
Interesting read, Flying junior. Sounds like the subject was pretty well pinned to the jackasses ass.
Looks like drumpf and criminal enterprise are about to get neutered. drumpf 20 to life. No parole.
Wow, Flying Junior has some issues.
He sounds like a huge cuck.
Anonymous said...
Transgender people want to be accepted for who they are, yet they weren't able to accept themselves for who they were.
1:01 AM
How would you know that?
Anonymous said...
LBJ killed JFK.
1:58 AM
No, extreme white nationalists in the CIA killed JFK. Do the research and dig deep. What was E. Howard Hunt doing in a railroad car in Dallas on the day JFK was shot?
Anonymous said...
Wow, Flying Junior has some issues.
He sounds like a huge cuck.
10:30 AM
You get the prize for the dumbest post of the day. I know it's early, but no post after this on can be as nearly as dumb.
"no post after this on can be as nearly as dumb."
I hate to disagree with your assessment but....
Swimming with the Sharks requires deep pockets (on your own merits not a hand-me-down). Otherwise, the Sharks WILL chew you up and spit out the dry bones.
Uncle JOE who insist black people are
myopic. If you don't vote for him you are not black. That said, Latinos will prove they are not black,
To anonymous who said LBJ killed JFK
Chapter 19
Allegations Concerning the Assassination of President Kennedy
Allegations have been made that the CIA participated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.
PilotX said....
I hate to disagree with your assessment but....
11:36 AM
PilotX, it's OK if you disagree with me. I don't mind. I'm sure that during this day there will posts that are even dumber. LOL!
PilotX is right. Every time Granny posts moves the bar lower.
For example:
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Anonymous said...
Transgender people want to be accepted for who they are, yet they weren't able to accept themselves for who they were.
1:01 AM
How would you know that?
Uh, they changed the gender they were born with.
C'mom, Granny.
No, extreme white nationalists in the CIA killed JFK. Do the research and dig deep."
I did.
Israel did, along with help from American Jews and the CIA.
JFK was demanding Israel halt their nuclear weapons program, and threatened to pull US support. He was also trying to rein in the CIA after the Bay of Pigs fiasco and was not on board with escalating the situation in Vietnam.
Johnson was about to get kicked off the ticket by Kennedy for criminal allegations surfacing from his long and sordid career in Texas. After watching Kennedy get killed and knowing what they had on him, he jumped at the chance to be their puppet.
"What was E. Howard Hunt doing in a railroad car in Dallas on the day JFK was shot?"
The cause of the left's move toward equality of outcomes is "a sudden understanding that all the societal interventions have failed" and have "highlighted a remaining genetic disparity" — intelligence.
The left *privately* knows that the gaps in IQ are unclosable because they're driven by genes.
They will never admit to this publicly, of course, or even among themselves, but at least at an unconscious level they know that race gaps in IQ are not going to go away.
The guilt over this secret or unconscious awareness, and the failure to process it in a rational and psychologically-healthy way, helps drive the collective moral panic and hysteria over largely non-existent racism.
Having been so socially and culturally conditioned to believe in the absolute equality of all traits among groups, the buried or private awareness of a black average cognitive disadvantage convinces white leftists that they themselves (and all other whites) are racist.
Their neurotic guilt pushes them toward socially disastrous ideas such as equalizing group outcomes by hobbling the most cognitively advantaged groups (we see this already in affirmative action and the gutting of gifted programs).
Biden is correct that blacks have no diversity of thought. They are for the most part sheep.
Anonymous said...
PilotX is right. Every time Granny posts moves the bar lower.
1:17 PM
Only so you retarded inbreds can attempt to keep up with the world around you. Gambler should be given sainthood for educating the utterly uneducatable.
With any luck, drumpf followers will end up in stats such as drumpf's body count...
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Next big test of drumpf's magic covid disappearing act takes place in Sturgis, Northern Mississippi. We shall see how many wear masks and social distance before dying.
Dear God, the Republican Party is a toilet.
After Trump recently proved he is functionally illiterate by being unable to successfully read the words “Yosemite” and “Thailand” (but, remember, Biden is supposedly the one suffering from dementia), now the usual lying shitweasels are trying to make excuses for him by claiming that “actually, people outside the US do call it ‘Thighland’.”
It is very obvious that Republican politicians and media functionaries know that their key voting demographic is dumb as hell and will gullibly accept any old made-up garbage you fling at them.
If this political party had any shame, it would die of embarrassment.
@ Anonymous who said...
"Biden is correct that blacks have no diversity of thought. They are for the most part sheep."
Correction black Christians church members sheep. There church leaders tell the how to vote , think and where to spend their money (pay your dues while sitting quietly in the pews)...whoever does fall in line ...
So 90%+ of blacks are churchgoers who vote how their pastor tells them?
Like I said, blacks are for the most part sheep.
Anonymous said...
PilotX is right. Every time Granny posts moves the bar lower.
1:17 PM
Pilot X did not say that. Stop trying to put words in other people's mouths.
BTW, your obsession with me and my posts is both amusing and flattering! LOL!
Anonymous said...
The cause of the left's move toward equality of outcomes is "a sudden understanding that all the societal interventions have failed" and have "highlighted a remaining genetic disparity" — intelligence.
Just more bull shit from a troll with no referenced sources and no clue that he/she is swimming against the tide.
Granny NPC said...
"no clue that he/she is swimming against the tide"
Oh, I know.
"In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - Orwell
Blogger mike from iowa said...
Anonymous said...
PilotX is right. Every time Granny posts moves the bar lower.
1:17 PM
Only so you retarded inbreds can attempt to keep up with the world around you. Gambler should be given sainthood for educating the utterly uneducatable.
2:22 PM
Thanks, Mike. Your post makes me laugh. I spent the latter half of my life in education, so trying to enlighten dumb heads became a compulsion that I can't seem to control. I retired ten years ago, but the educator in me is still up and running. LOL!
70 days of "peaceful protests" have finally broken Portland's progressive mayor:
Wheeler Thursday evening condemned the actions of rioters who attempted to set fire to a police precinct and blocked the exits while officers were inside.
“When you commit arson with an accelerant in an attempt to burn down a building that is occupied by people who you have intentionally trapped inside, you are not demonstrating, you are attempting to commit murder.”
A riot was declared Wednesday evening when agitators descended upon the Portland Police Bureau’s East Precinct building, spray-painted over security cameras, broke a glass door with a 2×4, lit a fire using an accelerant and threw fireworks and other objects at officers, according to FOX 12 in Portland.
Police said that a truck also attempted to run over officers. …
Rioters also vandalized and broke into Portland’s Police Association Tuesday night.
If even a hapless moonbat like Wheeler can figure it out, maybe the liberal establishment media will also manage to grasp that Antifa and other violent Black Lives Matter supporters are the bad guys. Nah, they'll just keep lying.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Granny NPC said...
"no clue that he/she is swimming against the tide"
Oh, I know.
"In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - Orwell
3:46 PM
Currently, the deceit is coming from Trump and his gang, Vladdie putin, white nationalists, and Nazi troll who post bull shit.
"What was E. Howard Hunt doing in a railroad car in Dallas on the day JFK was shot?"
Want me to ask his son Saint John for you? He lives in Florida now, but I got my '67 SG from him, and he's certainly not tight-lipped on the subject.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
If even a hapless moonbat like Wheeler can figure it out, maybe the liberal establishment media will also manage to grasp that Antifa and other violent Black Lives Matter supporters are the bad guys. Nah, they'll just keep lying.
3:52 PM
You got any proof that Antifa or Black Lives Matter were involved in these actions? If so, post it so the authorities can identify, arrest and try the rioters.
Dinthebeast said....
"What was E. Howard Hunt doing in a railroad car in Dallas on the day JFK was shot?"
Want me to ask his son Saint John for you? He lives in Florida now, but I got my '67 SG from him, and he's certainly not tight-lipped on the subject.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
3:55 PM
That would be great, Doug. I have studied JFK's assignation for the last 56 years, and am still very interested in any detail related to the case.
Give it up, Granny. You're embarrassing yourself.
Biden has apparently picked Susan Rice as VP, as she just dumped all the stock options Netflix payed her off with:
Netflix director (and possible VP pick?) Susan Rice exercised her stock options in the streamer this week, and subsequently sold all the shares, netting her a gain of about $300,000 https://t.co/I0wyWWDIwM
— Alex Weprin (@alexweprin) August 6, 2020
Perhaps it was a spontaneous reaction to a video?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Biden is correct that blacks have no diversity of thought. They are for the most part sheep.
1:59 PM
Total fabrication! My personal knowledge is proof to me that this is not true. Of the six black people I know very well, three are Democrats, one is a Green party member, one is a Republican, and one is apolitical. Each has a somewhat different take on current events, religion, and philosophy of life. Only someone who has never really known any Blacks could say anything as stupid as you have.
And BTW, Biden didn't say what you attributed to him here.
Anonymous said...
Give it up, Granny. You're embarrassing yourself.
4:12 PM
Give what up, Honey? And don't worry about me; I don't embarrass easily. ROTF
Proud boys set the fire in an Attempt to get their civil war against cops.
"Total fabrication! My personal knowledge is proof to me that this is not true."
Are you calling Joe Biden a liar?:
"Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things."
Anonymous said...
4:29 PM.
Nope, taken out of context and misconstrued.
Arpaio lost his primary.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Nope, taken out of context and misconstrued."
Your entire life has been out of context and misconstrued.
Rod Peters said...
"Nope, taken out of context and misconstrued."
Your entire life has been out of context and misconstrued.
10:58 PM
You don't know anything about my entire life, so don't pretend that you do. Only a very childish person would post what you did.
anonymous said....
1:03 AM
One cannot assume that Blacks will vote for a candidate simply because he is black. The black people I know are way too smart to do that. LOL! They will be voting for Biden.
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