Saturday, June 29, 2024

The old man and the felon.


   I watched what was promoted as a Presidential Debate by CNN Thursday night, and it was painful. The old man, in spite of all his accomplishments, and the obvious successes of his administration, could not convey that to the American people. First, because he is old, and second, he has a stuttering problem. His handlers and the paid DNC consultants should all be charged with political malpractice by the millions of people who support the old man. Whether you think it was because he was out campaigning the day before, or he had a cold, his voice was not ready for prime time. (We could barely hear the poor guy for crying out loud!) And they crammed him with too much information. You could see the information overload freezing his bran in real time. This is not how you win an election and save democracy.

  The felon, on the other hand, was in his wheelhouse. Telling lie after lie unchecked, and having his way with the CNN anchors, the old man, and most importantly, the truth. I was embarrassed for America. When your Presidential Debate is reduced to which one of the candidates have a better golf game, and whether one of the men on stage actually had sex with a porn star while his pregnant wife was at home expecting his child, you might just have a problem. The truth is, the felon should not have been out on that stage in the first place. He should be in jail, just like the sycophants who support him, and are members of his cult. (FYI, Steve Bannon will be reporting for lock up on Monday) But here we are. Oh to be a wealthy powerful white man in America. Just think, you can literally have a bunch of Supreme Court Justices in your pocket, and avoid having to own up to your misdeeds because a Judge you appointed is beholden to you.     

The dems are now in full-blown panic mode, as they should be. The old man's numbers are not good, and they don't seem to be getting any better.  There is talk now of an open convention. "He must be replaced" comes the screams from the talking heads and pundits on television. This, in spite of the fact that his administration is kicking ass by all objective measures. I can understand the fear, though. The thought of giving the felon four more years in the White House is frightening. It's not hyperbole to say that he most likely will end democracy as we know it. It's what he and his Christofascist friends have promised.  You have to take them at their word when they say that they will do something. It's already started. (Google Louisiana and the 10 Commandments, and Project 2025 when you get a chance.)

 The old man has some soul searching to do. Only he knows if he can see this thing through. He sure didn't look like he was up for the job of beating the felon in a debate Thursday night. If he truly believes that the felon is such a threat do democracy, and he has no chance of beating him, he should step aside, and give the dems a shot. That would be the patriotic thing to do. If, on the other hand, he believes that he is up for the job, well then go for it.  Personally, I would vote for a dead turtle before I even consider voting for the felon. The man who said he created more "black jobs" than any other president on Thursday without batting an eye. (Like WTF is a "black job"?)  It just goes to show you who we are dealing with.  If the felon thinks he will win the White House with black votes, he is in for a big surprise. Sadly,  he could very well win it all because of white folks, who don't see the threat because of their shared skin color and the lies. 



Anonymous said...

As usual, you nailed it with this commentary. Yes, it's all about "race." Racism trumps democracy (literally and figuratively). All you have to do is make it about race and "they're hooked." Also, let's not forget it took 2 terms of a previous "chief" before they realized he did not have their best interest at heart either( stock market crash; predatory loans). It's all about the rich taking care of the rich. Also, to get votes, they always use the "divide and conquer" tactic as a smokescreen. Notoriously using fear tactics that scare white women into voting against their own best interest. And they also manage to divide and conquer some black people and some hispanic males into voting against their own best interest. They do this by tricking them into believing that they are being "accepted" and then getting their votes. Lastly, when the Constitution was written they never dreamed that it would have to be shared with people that did not come from Europe. That's what's causing all the mass hysteria.

Anonymous said...

I didn’t watch the debate, but the clips of it were grim. If Biden wasn’t feeling well enough to perform, he should have postponed it. That would gave been a bad look, but better than stumbling your way through the debate and helping Trump’s narrative that you’re senile and should be put out to pasture.

As far as replacing Biden, this is now a real possibility, but one that fills me with dread because the process may be divisive, and who knows if the replacement will even have a better shot than Biden?

The main problem here is the Kamala or Someone Else problem. Because those are the alternatives.

What Kamala has going for her is that she’s already nationally known; there wouldn’t be much time to introduce the public to a less well-known figure picked at the convention. The downside of Kamala is that while the public know her … they don’t like her. Her polling is frankly bad. And Trump will be in his happy place running against a woman of color. It will be the most hateful general election campaign you’ve ever seen.

However, if you pick someone else, while there are some great choices out there — many people have been pointing at Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer — as I’ve said, they may be less nationally well-known, with little time to introduce themselves. And also, I fear that black voters will feel betrayed if Kamala gets shut out. As VP, there may be an expectation that it is her “turn” to run, and that she’s being treated unfairly. The Trump campaign has been crowing about how he is going to win black voters. I don’t buy this. I don’t think many will vote for him; the real danger is that some may not vote at all. A sense that Kamala got shafted will only increase this.

Just a dreadful situation for the Dems and the country. While I think Joe Biden has actually done a good job as president, he is unable to get out there and argue against the false narratives that he’s done a bad job. I still wish we’d nominated Liz Warren instead. She’d be shredding Trump right about now, and he’d be reduced to yelling “COMMIE!” and making pathetic Pocahontas jokes.

Anonymous said...

Knew the next posting would be today, Mr. Fields... Anon contributions so far are especially insightful. Faith & Fairness

field negro said...

Yes, three great insightful comments. These field hands are always on point. It's why I keep blogging. For feedback like this. TY!

Faith_and_Fairness said...

post @2:18pm... "Anonymous said...
I didn’t watch the debate, but the clips of it were grim. If Biden wasn’t feeling well enough to perform, he should have postponed it. That would gave been a bad look, but better than stumbling your way through the debate and helping Trump’s narrative that you’re senile and should be put out to pasture."


Or, after extending greetings to CNN moderators and the viewing audience, why did Pres. Biden simply not convey he was under the weather because of a very bad cold symptoms?

This would have been understandable. And former Trump fixer, Mr. Michael Cohen, offered a stellar perspective about Pres. Biden's poor debate during his appearance on MSNBC's Ali Veshi's show today 06/29/24. Mr. Cohen reminded viewers the president was running the country and had just returned from the G7-Summit in Europe.

So many people the world over know firsthand what it's like to push forward enduring head and/or chest congestion. And how about Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett, also appearing on Velshi this morning, further opined too many folks in the democratic party are willing to throw their own under the bus over a bad performance night.

My other dismay concerns the CNN rule banning extemporaneous note cards. Really don't understand the campaign agreeing to this.

Anonymous said...

“My other dismay concerns the CNN rule banning extemporaneous note cards. Really don't understand the campaign agreeing to this.”

The main deficiency in the rules was that the moderators were not allowed to shut down Trump if he lied. Because it was totally predictable that he would.

Of course, Trump would never have agreed to debates held under these conditions. So maybe Biden should have held a press conference announcing that there would be no debates held this year because Trump demands the right to lie.

dinthebeast said...

Ditching Biden is electoral suicide, plain and simple. This election will not be decided by the informed voters who are now screaming for a different candidate, it will be decided by unengaged voters making their decisions on the thinnest of reasonings, on the margins, as the pundits say, and those folks aren't gonna vote for a candidate they have never heard of, no matter how good they are or what is in their resume.
So now, our job, getting those unengaged folks to mark the space next to Joseph Robinette Biden on their ballots, just got harder.
What then, are we gonna do? Throw up our hands and weep that the contest isn't a fucking cake walk? Or fight like hell as if our very lives depended on it (as well as the survival of American democracy)?
There are worse things than a bad debate. This is only over if we give up and don't even try.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“This election will not be decided by the informed voters who are now screaming for a different candidate, it will be decided by unengaged voters making their decisions on the thinnest of reasonings, on the margins, as the pundits say, and those folks aren't gonna vote for a candidate they have never heard of, no matter how good they are or what is in their resume.”

That’s the problem with replacing Biden, alright. You’ve only got a couple months to introduce a new candidate to people who stubbornly, I would say stupidly, pay virtually no attention to politics, but still think it’s a good idea to go ahead and vote anyway. I won’t say that’s impossible, but boy, is it a tall order.

Or you’ve got two months to make them start liking Kamala Harris, when they don’t like her now. Again, a tall order.

bethhawes said...

I say let's just watch and listen--Biden has to pull himself back into the running. He knows the stakes and will do the right thing. Meanwhile, the entire NYT editorial staff is running around with their hair on fire. You don't lose an election with one bad debate.

dinthebeast said...

The goddamn New York Times is still butthurt that Biden wouldn't give them a sit down exclusive and has been "slanting their coverage of him negatively" ever since. They do employ some first rate journalists, but as a company, they suck donkey balls.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Smells like desperation!

Anonymous said...

Well, Joe did mumble something about sidewalks. I think? We can all get behind sidewalks. Maybe, it all depends (heh) if he was mumbling about sidewalks. Is there a transcript for the debate?

Anonymous said...

Doug should know about donkey balls.

mike from iowa said...

Scotus is trying hard to fulfill McCturtlefuckface's desire to legisleate from the bench while protecting drumpf from criminality.

By protecting drumpf the court protects their conservative majority and lack of ethics for our lifetimes.

anotherbozo said...

You hit all the right notes, Field, and I wanted to shout "amen" after every one. Even saying that it's up to him whether to bow out, because only he can release his delegates. Can the electorate realize that, unlike Orange Man's assumption, the presidency is not a one-man show? That Biden presides over an ADMINISTRATION of, in this case, almost all quality, efficient people who have helped him achieve what he's given credit for by the fair-minded? Biden's judgment is far from perfect (hello Gazans, those of you who are left), but mostly he's known how to accomplish things in spite of Republicans who would rather see the country fail than let him take credit for any positive improvement in American live. On one level that's miraculous.

dinthebeast said...

As if to underscore how fucked in the head the overturning of Chevron is, Gorsuch demonstrates that he doesn't know the difference between oxides of nitrogen and nitrous oxide in an opinion ruling on their regulation.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

bethhawes said...

I made a contribution to Biden's campaign fund. It wasn't as much as I would like to give but I'm an old lady on a modest fixed income, but every little bit helps. I'll bet the consternation will die down and this election will continue--the truth teller and the liar. Rational voters know the stakes and know the difference between the two.

Faith_and_Fairness said...

@bethhawes... So grateful for your sharing the importance of contributing, which in turn, inspired me to action.

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...

Scotus slow walking drumpf's immunity decision is designed to help the convicted felon avoid more accountability for his despicable crimes.

This should never had been up for screwtinny by a majority of partial ideologues sworn to uphold the constitution. Any decision other than no immunity for drumpf will prove, beyond a doubt, magats don't take their vows to protect the constitution seriously.

mike from iowa said...

scotus really shit the bed this time....

magats claim drumpf had complete immunity from prosecution for acts while he was officially in office.