Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Shots fired.

 I have to be very careful with this post, because the next person I want to see in my Ring Doorbell camera is the Amazon delivery person with my tennis bag, and not a Secret Service agent.  

Anyway,  the felon is always comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln, and this past weekend he almost got his wish in ways that I am sure he did not want. For the record, I do not in any way condone political violence. I am a win at the ballot box, not by the bullet kind of guy. I do think it's ironic, though, that the man who has introduced a level of mean spiritedness never before seen in our politics is now the object of our pity.  Also ironic, is the fact that the shooter is not one of the people he likes to demonize, but a young man who looked just like all of his supporters in the crowd. He could have been one of their sons.   

My hero, Malcolm X, would have called Saturday's event in Butler, Pennsylvania, a chickens coming home to roost moment. I call it America's gun culture and politics of hatred and division coming together in a way that was inevitable.  It's sad that one of the felon's supporters had to lose his life. (As of me writing this post, he has still not reached out to personally offer his condolences to the man's family.)  

The felon was lucky this past Saturday. He has hinted that the experience has changed him. That's left to be seen. I suspect that he will be back to business as usual really soon. He will be back to sowing seeds of division, and demonizing all those who are not a part of the MAGA cult.  The cult is already fundraising off the tragic event, and  the felon was more concerned with getting a good picture of himself and making sure that his shoes (can't have the world seeing those lifts) were on in the aftermath of the tragedy. 

In closing, let us all hope that the rest of this political season will be a peaceful one. 

*Pic from AP images  




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dinthebeast said...

It's like they don't believe guns are real or some such horseshit. I know that to some they are mostly a power symbol, but in reality they are a machine designed to punch a hole at a distance. As Jack London described them "chemically propelled leaden pellets."
I have to say that I agree with Biden here; we should resolve our differences with ballots, not bullets. If the bullets come into it, then it's just who is better armed and trained, not who has the best plan for the country.
But we need an assault weapons ban. If the homicidal moron hadn't had a machine that fires NATO rounds as fast as you can pull its trigger, the dead spectator would still be alive and the two wounded spectators might not have gotten hurt.
Don't hold your breath waiting for the goddamn Republicans to do anything about it, or let the Democrats do anything about it, though, no matter how many of their own people get perforated.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Perhaps a scenario could be staged wherein Biden could be shotin the ear with a Nerf gun and declare himself god's chosen successor and guarantee victory in November.

Seriously all of the violence comes from magats and magats only. Check out drumpf's recent e-mails and then look at political ads from magat candidates and you will see nothing but guns and explosions aimed at Democrats.

mike from iowa said...

Can anyone name a single charateristic drumpf possesses that is compatible with the teachings of imaginary jesus?

Anonymous said...

Republicans are already exploiting Trump’s near-assassination to attack Democrats, suggesting they should stop calling him a fascist and a wannabe dictator. And that it’s time to “tone down the rhetoric.”

Sorry, no. Trump should stop BEING a fascist and a wannabe dictator, and the only folks that need their rhetoric “toned down” are Republicans. They are the ones spewing lies and bigotry.

Physician, heal thyself.

Anonymous said...

It is being reported that Schumer and Pelosi have visited Biden to tell him to drop out of the race for president for the good of the party and nation, as his odds of winning are lousy.

Anonymous said...

Looks like CEO of the company that merged with Trump’s garbage media company (TruthSocial) and took it public, did so by breaking SEC rules and lying to his own shareholders.

SEC sues ex-chief of corporation that helped former Trump's social media company go public

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

Anonymous said...

Biden has Covid, make sure you get vaxxed or boosted.

Anonymous said...

US appeals court blocks all of Biden student debt relief plan
By Nate Raymond
July 18, 20243:42 PM CD

mike from iowa said...

I wonder if concerned magats and tthe 8th Circuit will sue to block drumpf from having his brainwashed magat followers from paying his debts. I guarantee millions of Americans are sick of drumpf's debt skipping.

bethhawes said...

I don't doubt for a minute that Trump and Maga will continue on exactly as before--maybe it will be worse. The delegates wearing white patches over their ears as a sign of solidarity shows the extremes of these people. I'll be glad when I don't have to see or hear from the odious Don Jr.

Anonymous said...

“I don't doubt for a minute that Trump and Maga will continue on exactly as before--maybe it will be worse. The delegates wearing white patches over their ears as a sign of solidarity shows the extremes of these people.”

It’s a weird cult. They should all wear ”special bandages”
to show their true beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Obama is now pushing for Biden to drop out. It seems like things are reaching critical mass.

Anonymous said...

Hunter Biden has requested that both his gun and tax cases be thrown out.

Why? Because the Trump flunky judge who handled Trump’s classified documents case (insanely) decided it had to be dismissed because special prosecutors aren’t actually a thing.

By this same logic, the special prosecutors on Hunter’s cases must also be illegitimate, and so all of the charges and convictions against him must go away.

mike from iowa said...

Has anyone heard a credible report of drumpf contacting dead firefighter's family and offering them condolences or a white ear patch?

Recovering TrumpTard said...

Since the Conservatives have been milking the Trump assassination attempt for all its political worth--even donning ear bandages in imitation of Trump--it would in the public interest not only to examine the medical reports but also interview the medical staff that treated Trump.

Just to find out what actually caused Trump's ear ouchie.

It seems strange that a rifle bullet would cause so little blood loss from Trump's ear.

Just saying....

mike from iowa said...

Bob Dole, George Mitchell and attorney John Roberts wrote rules regarding Justice Department's appointing special counsels. John Roberts is now Chief Justice of the scotus and likely to find Cannon erred in shutting down drumpf's classified doc case.

mike from iowa said...

Screwy liar Lou Dobbs is no longer available to spew lies about the economy. He went home to join all good magats in Hell!

Anonymous said...

Did you need an ear patch Mike?

Anonymous said...

Hey Tard, that's actually a good question. Trump could show his wounded ear but he won't. Why should he? The press would have a new talking point. Besides that, we aren't asking about Joepedo's coof or mental decline, so it's a lousy win for your side.
I'm going with the most simple explanation. He was shot and it was a assassination attempt.

We will never really know the truth.

Anonymous said...

Florida, man. It’s hard to tell the real news there from, say, a parody in the Onion.

In yet another sign of the DeSantis-led degradation of the state, Florida passed a “cocaine bear” bill. What is that, you ask? It’s a law that will give Florida’s residents greater rights to shoot bears, which the law’s legislative sponsor, Rep. Jason Shoaf, justified by citing the need for self-defense against “the ones that are on crack.”

When asked, Shoaf was unable to provide any evidence of bears’ recreational use of crack. Perhaps he saw the comedic-horror movie Cocaine Bear, and mistook it for a documentary?

Anonymous said...

Cool story

mike from iowa said...

Did you need an ear patch Mike?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. Back in late June and early July, 1969 I underwent a radical mastoidectomy, in U of iowa hospital, to repair a hole in my left eardrum and wore a massive bandage for several months. The surgery was apparently new and a doctor from Israel was showing docs at U of iowa how to do it. The doc's name was Gabriel Marshak and I was 16 at that time.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf's narrative about his close call with a skeeter bite changes with every new day and audience and of course he becomes a more pathetic lying POS with every new lie.

No wonder anymoose is enamored with foolish passion when a skeeter bite folds drumpf up into baby Don fetal position.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was a mosquito bite. Probably that part of his ear was mangled but he's already had plastic surgery so it would not matter.
Yes, he has and will use it for propaganda purposes. Why not?

Anonymous said...

I've never had a "ear patch" but I've heard about somebody that does.

You sound like you were a sickly child. I'm sorry you are so miserable.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf hisself said it was skeeter bite feeling and everyone knows drumpf always means what he says....eventually.

Anonymous said...

Happy International Blue Screen Day!

Anonymous said...

Josh Marshall at TPM (excellent blog site) is discussing what really happened at the assassination attempt. Was Trump hit by a bullet, or as first reports indicated, by shrapnel from his teleprompter? Several Secret Service agents in that same vicinity were also injured by shrapnel of some sort. It was Trump who exclaimed early on that it was a bullet that clipped his ear and that seems to be the version now set in stone. Notice we still have not heard any official medical reports of the extent of the injury.

dinthebeast said...

Fergus' 90 minute screech shows that he's imminently beatable. Now we shut up and get to work.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...


Recovering Trumptard said...

From the article below: "Jonathan Reiner, a professor of medicine and surgery at the George Washington University, added: 'It's an understatement to say that it's bizarre that a presidential candidate has sustained an injury from an attempted assassination and no medical report is issued to describe his evaluation and the extent of his injury.'"

Absence of Donald Trump Health Report After Shooting Raises Questions

Well, it wouldn't be bizarre not to issue a medical report if you were in fact injured by glass (or something that was not a bullet)--and thus contradict the lie that you were actually hit by a bullet and have been exploiting for political gain.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Hulk Hogan could have demonstrated the fake blood trick. It is as old as pro wrestling.

bethhawes said...

I don't want to drift over into the conspiracy world here, but like so much of what Trump does and says, it's remarkable how passive the MSM is when it comes right down to it. A bullet is ever so much more "manly" than getting hit with a piece of broken glass or plastic. Isn't it grand that Doctor Randy Jackson was on hand to give what little information on the injury that's been reported? The one decent thing I've seen in the mainstream media is the opinion piece in the New York Times by the editorial board--and they've run it multiple times in the last week--that simply states Trump is unfit to lead.

Anonymous said...

"Fergus' 90 minute screech shows that he's imminently beatable."

But probably by someone other than Joe Biden.

"Now we shut up and get to work."

As soon as Biden drops out.

Anonymous said...

Grocery stores in Alabama, Oklahoma, and Texas have vending machines that dispense ammo now.


dinthebeast said...


Sheila Jackson Lee Is Dead

July 20, 2024 at 12:08 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 38 Comments

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), who served in Congress for nearly three decades, has died at the age of 74, the New York Times reports.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Karma's a witch since only femme fatale skeeters bite and we know drumpf's feelings about females.

field negro said...

Amazing how there is still no outcry for the felon's medical reports. I am pretty sure he wasn't actually shot. As in with a bullet . That hard plastic from the teleprompter can feel like a bee sting. 😏

mike from iowa said...

Why the country is such a magat made mess and magats are completely clueless of their complicity....

Anonymous said...

Democrat party up dated slogan:

'We have met the enema, and it is us.'

When they laid down with progs.......

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

Anonymous said...

“Amazing how there is still no outcry for the felon's medical reports. I am pretty sure he wasn't actually shot. As in with a bullet . That hard plastic from the teleprompter can feel like a bee sting.”

I’m not sure how much this matters, though. He’s clearly not severely injured, however the injury happened. And while it’s certainly more amazing if the bullet actually grazed his head, rather than hitting something nearby, the ultimate takeaway is that somebody took a shot at him and missed. Whether it be by two inches or two feet, he cheated death.

Unless somehow the conspiracy theories are proven true — there was no assassination attempt on Trump, the whole thing was a staged stunt to make him look like a martyr, this is the new Reichstag fire by the American Nazis, et cetera, et cetera. I don’t expect this to happen, for many reasons, starting with the fact that two people are really dead from gunfire (a rally attendee and the alleged shooter), and others injured. Committing homicides is really going the extra mile, if you staged it. This is taking things into Alex Jones territory.

bethhawes said...

Included in a Newsletter from veteran reporter James Fallows:

"What we should expect from the press is more stories about Trump’s fitness, to match those about Biden. Including: Why have we still heard absolutely nothing from medical authorities about the cause, nature, or consequences of his recent injury? This stonewalling is not normal, or defensible. If anything remotely comparable had happened with Biden, press demands for every forensic detail would grow more intense by the moment. (Yes, Biden is a serving president, but that’s what Trump wants to be again.)"

dinthebeast said...

Today is 55 years since the moon landing. When I was a kid, we could still do big things every once in a while.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Israel has bombed a port in Yemen, in response to a Houthi drone that hit Tel Aviv.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

I have to believe it is more insidious than broken glass. The timing right before the convention so that Insane Clown can come out like Supertrump. The shooter was spotted by many spectators and pointed out to security. The shooter headed precisely to the one building left unsecured. Smacking your ear with a capsule of fake blood in hand is the oldest trick in pro wrestling. Why would the shooter agree to this knowing he would be killed? Unfortunately suicide by cop is not an unknown occurrence. Would Insane Clown (and his no doubt hand picked Secret Service who no doubt had to pledge an oath of loyalty) knowingly endanger the lives of the Suckers And Losers who attend his rallies? I think that question answers itself.

mike from iowa said...

Some article I was reading claimed drumpf cheated death which surprised no one since he cheats on wives, taxes, creditors ad infinitum.

Magats are purely offal, the real stinky kind that contain more guts than a drumpf rally full of patriotic magats.

Offal contains much more puha than awful.

mike from iowa said...

US aided and betted genocide of Palestinians continues unabetted in Gaza. Shame on America and shame on Israel!

Anonymous said...

So Trump has released some info on the shooting. Unfortunately, it comes via the very wingnutty former White House doctor, and Trump flunky, Ronny Jackson. So Democrats will probably not be terribly satisfied by this.

Anyway, according to Jackson, the injury to Trump’s head is indeed a bullet wound. The bullet “produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear. There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear.”

mike from iowa said...

Jack off son also claimed drumpf had a cat scan whie in the horse pistol. I did not see indication of massive bleeding.

Anonymous said...

Here is the full letter posted by Ronny Jackson (who is now a Republican congressman, FYI).

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

We should demand the release of Insane Clown's hospital records the same way Insane Clown demanded Obama's birth certificate.

Anonymous said...

“We should demand the release of Insane Clown's hospital records the same way Insane Clown demanded Obama's birth certificate.”

Haha, that would serve them right. If Democrats behaved like Republicans did with Obama’s birth certificate, it would go like this:

Democrats: Show us Trump’s medical report!

Republicans: Here it is.

Democrats: No, the real one.

Republicans: Here it is.

Democrats: No, the real one.

Republicans: Here it is.

Democrats: No, the real one.

[repeat an infinite number of times]

Anonymous said...

Trump told Bloomberg in an interview that “The Black population in this country is going to die” from Latino migrants stealing their (Black) jobs.

He went with die, folks. Not lose out economically. DIE.

Way to turn the drama up to eleven, Donny.

Trump said:

“There will never be a decimation like this, and they’re already feeling it. Their wages have gone way down. Their jobs are being taken by the migrants coming in illegally into the country. The Black population in this country is going to die because of what’s happened, what’s going to happen to their jobs — their jobs, their housing, everything. I want to stop that. … They’re taking everything.”

bethhawes said...

Briden drops out! Bombshell report! The damn media got what it wanted after weeks of steady drumbeats which urged him to do so. Well, maybe Harris will go for it--and get the campaign funds already collected. They'd better move fast, lots of critical deadlines coming up. I don't feel good about this. Hope I'm wrong. Biden was a good progressive president and a lot of big money wanted him out because of what he aimed to accomplish in his second term. Including taxing the rich and corporations.

Anonymous said...

Biden has dropped out, and endorsed Kamala Harris as his preferred nominee. Not sure if she should be or not, but Democrats need to figure it out in a hurry.

Finally, there is a ray of hope. Trump and his advisers will be shitting a brick today, as their entire election campaign was predicated on running on “Biden is old.” Now all of that goes straight in the trash, and he has to defend himself against “Trump is old.”

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

demorats going into a feeding frenzy over bidet not running. there will be serious infighting at the DNC in Chiraq.

bethhawes said...

As reported in Politico's livestream:

GOP lawmakers call for Biden to resign presidency after dropout bombshell
“If Joe Biden can’t run for re-election, he is unable and unfit to serve as President of the United States. He must immediately resign,” said a member of House Republican leadership.

dinthebeast said...

All I can say is that I really hope the fuckers who forced him out know what the fuck they are doing, because this is not a drill and we are playing for keeps.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“GOP lawmakers call for Biden to resign presidency after dropout bombshell”

What is the polite, presidential version of “Bite me”?

dinthebeast said...

So who is the old fart in the election now, Fergus? At least Kamala still has both of her ears...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Re J6.... Corporal Bone Spurs Democracy/VietNam analogy..... I had to destroy Democracy to save it from Demoncrats.

Apathetic Dem and Indy voters are major road blocks to get KH elected. That and magat's never ending attempts to kick legal Dem voters of election rolls.

mike from iowa said...

drumpfabsolutely does not want a bdebate with KH unless it happens on fake noize because ABC is too biased against drumpf the liar.

Anonymous said...

“drumpfabsolutely does not want a bdebate with KH unless it happens on fake noize because ABC is too biased against drumpf the liar.”

Trump doesn’t want a debate with Kamala Harris because she isn’t losing her communication skills like Joe Biden.

If the ground rules allow the moderators to stop Trump from opening up a firehose of lies (a big “if”), Kamala will mop the floor with him.

dinthebeast said...

Driftglass perfectly sums up my feelings about the race as it currently stands:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

It’s very obvious that Team Trump have no strategy for dealing with Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race. So, assuming that Democratic support is going to coalesce around Kamala Harris, they’re already resorting to unadulterated hate.

Racism: Kamala is a “DEI candidate” (Translation: Blacks are dumb, and the only way she could have reached high office is through “positive discrimination” policies that force everyone to pretend she is smart.)

Sexism: She slept her way to the top. (This is a reference to her appointment to two California state government boards by an ex-boyfriend, neither of which was particularly important to her career advancement.)

Also sexism: Today, the detestable Laura Loomer just basically called her a super-slut. In Loomer’s words, Kamala doesn’t have any kids because “she’s had so many abortions that she damaged her uterus.” And also, apparently, there’s some rule that Loomer just invented that you can’t be president unless you have kids.


Anonymous said...

It’s already obvious how things are gonna go if Kamala Harris ends up as the nominee.

In addition to “She’s the DEI candidate” and “she slept her way to the top” — Republicans’ traditional hateful insults aimed at her — today I saw them try out a new one.

Laura Loomer surmised that the reason Kamala has no kids is that “she’s had so many abortions that she damaged her uterus.” Also, apparently there is some rule Laura invented on the fly, that says people without kids can’t be president, because reasons.

Classy as ever, Republicans.

dinthebeast said...

Let's see, thirty six hours, a couple hundred million dollars, twenty eight thousand new volunteers, could be worse.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Recovering TrumpTard said...

Maybe it's time for a Nightmare on Trump Street.

With Biden out, Michelle Obama would be Donald Trump’s worst self-inflicted nightmare

Anonymous said...

"With Biden out, Michelle Obama would be Donald Trump’s worst self-inflicted nightmare"

She doesn't want the job. Like, really, really doesn't want it. She sort of hated living a life in politics and is ecstatic for her family to be out of it.

Her husband doesn't want it, either. And yes, there are far-fetched schemes that involve Barack Obama becoming president again, after being elected vice president and then having the president immediately step down. This would circumvent the Constitution's prohibition on a third term, because the Constitution only says you can't be elected to a third term, not that you can't serve one.

But neither of them will do it. These solutions are fantasies.

George Clooney, previously a Biden supporter, wrote an open letter saying Biden's cognitive abilities had declined too much and demanding he step down. In response to that, one wag joked that Clooney should just run for president because he'd probably win.

And you know what? President Clooney is a more likely prospect than either of the Obamas at this point. (Which is to say, still extremely unlikely.)

Realistically, it's going to be either Kamala or some other prominent, currently serving Democratic Party politician.

Anonymous said...

For those who can read stuff behind the NY Times paywall, Paul Krugman wrote a column on Trump's new twist on his usual nasty immigration rhetoric.

Trump’s Cynical Attempt to Pit Recent Immigrants Against Black Americans

Anonymous said...

And not eligible to run in three states.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday’s Guardian cartoon about the US presidential election.

bethhawes said...

I for one, am enjoying the spectacle of watching the Trumpsters run in circles trying to figure out a way to fight an experienced, young, articulate, personable woman who espouses many of the concerns women of this country hold. I said before, that if women would turn out to vote, they could defeat Republicans all the way down the ticket. Lots of Republicans don't like Trump.

Anonymous said...

All of that aside, where's Joe Biden?
He won't be able to cloister away for the rest of his presidency. I truly hope he's ok.
You'd think he would want to speak live(tm). After all, it is historical.

Flying Junior said...

If we get Trump 2.0 tighten your belts to get ready for the flat tax.

It's too bad you can't buy all of the gear you need from China and tighten up your budget at the same time. That stuff is going through the roof if he wins. I bought a Lenovo laptop the last time a T**** presidency threatened.

dinthebeast said...

So Menendez and Cheatle are both resigning.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“All of that aside, where's Joe Biden?
He won't be able to cloister away for the rest of his presidency. I truly hope he's ok.
You'd think he would want to speak live(tm). After all, it is historical.”

What did I say? Trump and his minions (i.e., YOU) are stuck in anti-Joe Biden mode. You are unprepared for him not being in the race. The main campaign strategy (since God knows there are no positive reasons to vote FOR Trump) was to attack his opponent by screaming “Biden is old,” and you don’t know what to do now when it turns out that this doesn’t matter anymore. There is no plan B.

Attacking a person who’s no longer running for office doesn’t sound like the smartest plan, but hey, you do you, dude.

Anonymous said...

It has been announced that Snoop Dogg is going to carry the Olympic torch through the streets of Paris. They should make the torch a giant joint for his leg of the run.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Subscription free version of this
Trump’s Cynical Attempt to Pit Recent Immigrants Against Black Americans

dinthebeast said...

Elmo shits a tiny, green brick:

Elon Musk Backs Away from Donation to Trump

July 23, 2024 at 7:51 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 290 Comments

“Elon Musk is not spending $45 million a month to elect former President Donald Trump, though he has created a new super political action committee to fund the Republican candidate,” Fortune reports.

Said Musk: “What’s been reported in the media is simply not true. I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump.”

He added: “I don’t prescribe to a cult of personality.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Subscription free link to this

Trump’s Cynical Attempt to Pit Recent Immigrants Against Black Americans

mike from iowa said...

Muchas gracias for sub-free link to more drumpf lies, B I.
You must have taken one for the team. Much appreciated.

Faith_and_Fairness said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Faith_and_Fairness said...

In response to Bloviating Ignoramus comment at 12:14am

It's great that you posted link to New York Times "Trump’s Cynical Attempt to Pit Recent Immigrants Against Black Americans" -- the opinion piece by Paul Krugman -- July 22, 2024.

A very complex issue, for which I'm sure a lot of us know family, friends, neighbors, etc., who plan to vote for the former president because it is perceived the migrants bussed to cities such as New York and Chicago are receiving financial assistance and resources at the expense of taxpayers, especially the U.S. black electorate.

This will be a challenge for VP Harris' campaign in addressing the resentment these voters feel about the influx of migrants.

Anonymous said...

“A very complex issue, for which I'm sure a lot of us know family, friends, neighbors, etc., who plan to vote for the former president because it is perceived the migrants bussed to cities such as New York and Chicago are receiving financial assistance and resources at the expense of taxpayers, especially the U.S. black electorate.”

That has happened, and there is some resentment when a struggling black neighborhood with few resources has, say, a local park taken away to provide emergency housing for migrants. But this is mostly a headache for local urban officials to manage, not a threat to the Democratic presidential candidate, which is increasingly looking likely to be Kamala Harris.

Why? Because this obnoxious Republican stunt of busing migrants around the country has overwhelmingly dumped them without warning in big cities in very blue states. There is a zero percent chance Trump is going to win the electoral votes of New York or Illinois, etc. Kamala’s got those in the bag.

What the Trump campaign is hoping to do is fuel hostility to migrants in swing states, and that will be based not on Republican-manufactured budgetary/resource crises in “sanctuary cities,” but on Republican lies about how the economy and job markets work. The question is whether black voters will buy the lie that “migrants are gonna steal your job.” Certainly a number of white voters have bought into this in the past.

mike from iowa said...

magats in the house of ill repukians just filed frivolous impeachment charges against Kamala Harris and drumpf's lawyer is suing to prevent KH from accessing Biden's 90 million dollar campaign chest.

Neither has a chance oif success, but, with the judiciary as screwed up as it is, probably shouldn't bet against a magat win or two.

Anonymous said...

The latest casualty report from the War on Woke:

Georgia denies state funding to teach AP Black studies classes

Anonymous said...

It looks like BLM are still not cool with Kamala Harris becoming the Dem nominee. They referred to her as a “cop” back when she ran for president in 2019/2020, due to her history as a prosecutor, and they still apparently oppose her. They are pushing for the Dems to hold a mini primary, which would allow for the choice of somebody else.

Their statement says their position does not actually indicate opposition to Ms. Harris herself. But I’m thinking that’s exactly their motivation.

Black Lives Matter demands DNC host virtual primary

Anonymous said...

Unsurprisingly, a ton of online hate is already being directed toward Kamala Harris, as a woman of color running for president.

But the outpouring of vitriol has resulted in unexpected collateral damage: Harris’ stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff. She is an easy target for the far right to pick on because she’s a fashion student and, well, honestly, she’s kinda weird.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

‘If Joe Biden is unfit to run for re-election then he’s unfit to serve the remainder of his term.’ - Kat Cammack Representative Fla. 3rd.

Kat is so dumb she can't even spell kat.

dinthebeast said...

Well, I cancelled my subscription to the New York fucking Times yesterday, after their months-long crusade to dump Biden was punctuated by characterizing the past two days in Democratic politics as "chaos". Now I'll have to figure a way to weasel around the paywall to read Paul Krugman, and if not, oh well. Those pricks will not get a single solitary penny from me after what they just did.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

I've been tempted myself to cancel my NYFT subscription when half my comments are deemed not fit to print. I can post shared links to Krugman's articles I get 10 free per month. But seriously Doug do you really want Biden to be the nominee? This was totally self inflicted by Biden. Come On Man Make My Day and then he can't get a word out edgewise. That was not a bad night that was an epic failure. Biden made himself the clown candidate which is hard to do when your opponent is an Insane Clown.

Anonymous said...

I mean, you can point to the New York Times, but it wasn’t just them. Not even close. It was, like, 90% of everyone on the Democratic side of the equation who was in a position of power: media figures, donors, most members of Congress.

The only ones who didn’t were the people at the leftmost end of the party, and there’s a reason for that. Biden has been great for labor unions, and the next Dem (Kamala, it looks like) might not be as good on this issue. But it was really shortsighted to try to keep Biden on, because you wouldn’t be able to make it happen. Polling indicated Biden was toast in November, so going down that road gives you President Trump, a guy who really would be bad for labor — he shafted his own workers out of their pay!

It’s all very cruel to see someone forced into retirement due to age and increasing infirmity, especially after what was, I’d say, an overall quite successful term as president. But the voters were going to send him into retirement anyway, so it was better he resign and give all the rest of us a fighting chance to avoid the horror of a second Trump term.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, I don't think wingnuts sharing memes like this about Kamala Harris is going to help Trump win the female vote.

Republican leadership have instructed their legions of knuckle-draggers to control themselves and refrain from posting hateful stuff, but good luck with that. Wingnuts gonna wingnut.

Anonymous said...

The real problem is the left doesn't know how to meme.
"Joepedo" ? "Come on man."

Anonymous said...

What about the other asshats over there?

dinthebeast said...

No, Biden did the right thing, and he would have done so without the help of the New York fucking Times, and if you don't believe me, ask Nancy Pelosi.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PilotX said...

"He will be back to sowing seeds of division, and demonizing all those who are not a part of the MAGA cult."

it's almost like you have ESPN or something.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Ask Nancy Pelosi what? Biden believed that as a first term incumbent it was owed to him to run for re-election.

dinthebeast said...

Nancy Pelosi was instrumental in convincing him to step aside. She has the kind of influence that few others have with him, and she decided he needed to bow out.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Not out long:

Ron Filipkowski
Shortly after his release from prison, Steve Bannon will now be going to trial in NY for scamming Trump supporters out of millions in his ‘We Build the Wall’ scam. His 3 co-conspirators already pled guilty. A trial date was set today.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“No, Biden did the right thing, and he would have done so without the help of the New York fucking Times, and if you don't believe me, ask Nancy Pelosi.”

Maybe. But even if true, why is the NY Times telling Biden to drop out more objectionable than all the others (practically everybody) telling him to drop out? Just curious.

mike from iowa said...

I sent iowa's drumpf ass kissing sinaturd an email after he released body cam footage of the aftermath of SS sniping sniper.

Footage showed the bottom half of dead body, minus a shoe, and a long stream of blood running across the metal roof. Grassley thendemanded answers ferom the SS and FBI how they llowed this to happen.

I told Grassley he should be dwemanding drumpf's medical records to prove he was not shot with a bullet instead of relying on video likely obtained from Putin plant in the FBI.

Then, I closed with a not so friendly reminder to resign his ancient ass from the sinate.

There was a video on youtube from a group that recreates assassination attempts using what appeared to be ballistics gel in the shape of a human ead which they videoraped a .223 bullet striking and blowing up the ear and sending shock waves through the head. Which is completely different from what drumpf and everyone claims actually happened.

mike from iowa said...

Moar shots fired at pathological liar drumpf and magats...

Robust 2.8% annual growth in GDP which magats will dismiss as fake news because all magats know the economy is trashed because honest liar drumpf has decreed it so.

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...

One week after magat love fest, JD Vance is polling at minus 6 points, instead of usual plus 19.

Anonymous said...

“One week after magat love fest, JD Vance is polling at minus 6 points, instead of usual plus 19.”

Unclear if Vance has any fixed ideological beliefs. He seems to adopt whatever views are popular in the Republican Party at the moment. Which means that the current incarnation of Vance is just a Mini-Me of Trump.

Usually presidents select people different from themselves as running mates, who will be able to broaden the demographic appeal of their ticket. Vance won’t help with this. He will just attract the same redneck, racist, incel losers as Trump.

If the Harris campaign is smart, they will run video ads on repeat of Vance saying, in effect, that women are meant to be babymakers and shouldn’t be bothering with any of this “having a career” nonsense. His caveman-ish statements will go over like a lead balloon with female voters.

mike from iowa said...

Laying hen approved former Potus, Barack Obama has thrown his support behind our next Democratic potus, Kamala Harris.

dinthebeast said...

"Just curious."

OK, two things. One was the months long "negative slant" in their coverage over Biden's refusal to give them a sit down exclusive, and two:

Which applies to a whole raft of douchebags they pay princely sums to be wrong in their pages, over and over, year after year.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“OK, two things. One was the months long ‘negative slant’ in their coverage over Biden's refusal to give them a sit down exclusive, and two:

Which applies to a whole raft of douchebags they pay princely sums to be wrong in their pages, over and over, year after year.”

Regarding the sitdown interview with Biden, it looks like the Times were justified in their suspicions. Shamefully, the Biden team probably WAS refusing to allow him to do interviews, in order to hide the fact that his communication abilities were degrading. Which has turned out to be a big mistake. It would have been far better if this information had come out earlier and the Dems had held a proper primary this year to replace Biden, rather than scrambling around for a new candidate less than four months before the election.

As to there being some sort of organized extortion efforts by the Times to deliberately publish negative stories unless he capitulated and gave an interview … this looks to me like a baseless conspiracy theory (possibly one manufactured by some irritated member of Team Biden griping when they didn’t get the coverage they wanted). It doesn’t even make sense that the Times would piss off the White House to this degree over just landing an interview, as it would cut them off from receiving any other tips on stories from Biden White House staffers in the future. Any unfair stories about Biden will have been the result of the Times own internal biases, not an organized plot to bend Biden’s comms team to their will.

As for the wingnut editorial page columnists, I’m broadly in agreement with Driftglass. The “moderate” conservatives like Bret Stephens, Ross Douthat, etc, are annoying and pointless, because their views aren’t even representative of the Republican Party of today. They never had much of value to say, and Trumpism has now rendered them completely irrelevant. But the Times has always felt obligated to keep guys like that on staff, for “balance.” It’s the old-school model for running a newspaper. That’s just how it’s always been, though I’m guessing that if they all disappeared, few of the Times’ mostly liberal readers would miss them.

Still, it’s easy enough to just skip Bret Stephens idiotic column if I don’t want to make my blood pressure go up. Just saying.

dinthebeast said...

A.G. Sulzberger is the one who said their editorial coverage would have a negative slant if they didn't get their exclusive, so no, not dreamed up by the Biden coms shop.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“A.G. Sulzberger is the one who said their editorial coverage would have a negative slant if they didn't get their exclusive, so no, not dreamed up by the Biden coms shop.”

No, an anonymous source told Politico that A.G. Sulzberger said this. Which is very possibly the same thing as a liar with a grudge told Politico that A.G. Sulzberger said this.

Without knowing the identity of the source, this can’t be considered anything like a fact. It’s a rumor.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Here you go Doug:

JD Vance’s ‘Cat Ladies’ Riff Has Serious ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Vibes - Krugman

dinthebeast said...

Thank you. It's a little weird that of that whole paper, the only thing I ever used mt subscription for was to read one writer, and occasionally gift his stuff to folks I thought would like it. I know they have other quality writing there, but my day is already full where the news gathering is concerned, and maybe even a little over-full...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Another day, another instance of Elon being Elon. He is training his AI on the data of Twitter/X users, more or less without their permission.

Technically, you can opt out of this, but data sharing is activated by default, and you can’t turn it off through the app; you have to go onto your account via the Twitter/X webpage.

Elon Musk's X now trains Grok on your data by default - here's how to opt out

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris History of Not Being Black Exposes Her and the Democrat Party

Anonymous said...

Black Preacher Turns on Kamala and Exposes Her Attempt to Exploit the Black Community

Anonymous said...

Trump acknowledges 'Blacks for Trump' supporters

Anonymous said...

Breaking news!:

Blacks hate Kamala Harris and love Trump, according to Trump trolls.

Uh-huh. Back in reality …

dinthebeast said...

"Another day, another instance of Elon being Elon."

Yet another reason to be glad I've never had a Twitter or Facebook account.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

The Obamas have endorsed Kamala, so all of that made up drama can give it a rest.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

Shorter J.D. Vance

Even if a woman has aspirations to hold the office in the land, she still needs to have babies to be a real woman!!!

Anonymous said...

Actual Shorter J.D. Vance:

Even if a woman has aspirations to hold the highest office in the land, she can’t be president if she’s not a mommy, because non-parents aren’t Real Americans.

Plus, women shouldn’t have jobs anyway. They should just be full-time mommies.

mike from iowa said...

Premeditated murder by cop. He said he would shoot her in the effing face and by gawd he did.

magats intimidated FBI to change their story about drumpf's ear. Now they say a bullet or a fragment of one hit drumpf's ear. A fragment is still shrapnel and not a whole bullet. A supersonic bullet would have sent a shockwave that would've rattled drumpf's brain, if he had one.

Anonymous said...

Trump addressed a rally full of Turning Point troglodytes and said:

“Christians, get out and vote! Just this time – you won’t have to do it any more. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians. I’m not Christian. I love you. Get out – you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”

So um … yeah, that’s exactly what we’re all afraid of. That a second Trump term will cause things to be “fixed” so that none of us will “have to” vote ever again.

mike from iowa said...

Netanjackoff genoicided more Palestinian school kids, likely to endear his skanky ass to NRA magats in America.

Anonymous said...

Rockets fired from Lebanon killed 10 Israelis. Yet another opportunity for this war to expand into something even nastier.

mike from iowa said...

Rockets from Lebanon...payback/karma is a bitch!!

dinthebeast said...

So now that Fergus is publicly proclaiming that if he wins it will be the last election, what will change, exactly? What would he have to say to fundamentally alter the race?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“So now that Fergus is publicly proclaiming that if he wins it will be the last election, what will change, exactly? What would he have to say to fundamentally alter the race?”

Sadly, probably nothing will change. Trump will claim that he didn’t mean it that way, and that this is yet another witch hunt by the libs and the Deep State. And lots of foolish people will buy it, since everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth is half gibberish anyway.

Anonymous said...

As a Black Man, You Could NEVER Get Me To Vote For Kamala Harris… Don’t Care What Black Culture Says

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris Was The Border Czar And Liberal Media Say She NEVER Was!

Flying Junior said...

Actually Anonymous at 3:13 AM

That was longer.

Anonymous said...

Where are all the Blacks For Trump? He keeps bragging about how much he is broadening his demographic appeal. And yet …

A WDIV/Detroit News survey polled Michigan voters about who they favored for president. The survey found that among black voters:

82.1% support Harris
11.5% support Kennedy
0 % support Trump


Okay, this poll is probably going to turn out to be an outlier. The number can’t really be zero. It probably is pretty darn small, though.

mike from iowa said...

For the record, the Veep is not in charhe of immigration or border security. That is the sole province of the Dept of Homeland Security.

Next magat says anything different tell them, to their face, they are a fucking liar and tell them I said it was okay for you to say that.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf's cabal loves veterans so much they are suing Michigan to stop Veteran's Affairs registering vets to vote in the upcoming election.

Anonymous said...

“drumpf's cabal loves veterans so much they are suing Michigan to stop Veteran's Affairs registering vets to vote in the upcoming election.”

This isn’t really about veterans at all. It’s another assault on democracy by whining about imaginary voter fraud.

Because this is a voter registration drive organized by Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, they are implying that there must be something inherently shady about it. She must have some secret scheme to register foreigners or dead people or something.

By claiming in advance of the election that it was rigged, Team Trump are laying the groundwork to (once again) attempt to overturn the results when he loses.

mike from iowa said...

Aout time phony magat kristians learn the whole world does not have to appease their easily butt hurt widdle feelers.

Anonymous said...


Aout time phony magat kristians learn the whole world does not have to appease their easily butt hurt widdle feelers.”

More manufactured outrage. Christian fundies are mad about the Olympics opening ceremony allegedly featuring a “Drag Queen Last Supper,” but the performance was never meant to represent the Last Supper at all.

Although there were indeed drag queens, and their presence in the Olympics is what the fundies really objected to. The only way they would be happy with their inclusion is if there were a depiction of drag queens being lined up for a firing squad and executed.

dinthebeast said...

Chelsea Handler has thoughts for JD Vance:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like we gave COVID to all the other animals in the country. COVID seems able to infect an especially broad range of hosts.

Study finds COVID-19 virus widespread in U.S. wildlife

mike from iowa said...

Hasn't infected enough magat animals. If and when it does it will be Democats fault.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Tech Bro Elegy: How Did JD Vance Get Here? - Krugman

dinthebeast said...

Thank you. Yeah, Fergus REALLY wants Peter Thiel back; not only did he name one of his proteges as his VP, but he just endorsed another, Blake Masters in a race in Arizona where he had already endorsed a mega-MAGA dude he's running against, Abe Hamadeh.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Seen a lot of sympathetic media coverage over 12 dead Israeli kids in land that belongs by right, to Syria and occupied and settled by squatting Israelis. Not so much for the hundreds or thousands of Palestinian kids murdered by aforementioned Israelis.

mike from iowa said...

What happened to usual comment page? This new, overly large one sucks!

mike from iowa said...

Lt William Calley of My Lai massacre fame has left the building @ age 80.

Anonymous said...

Photos of Kamala’s Family Democrats Don’t Want Black Americans to See 🤣

Anonymous said...

As a Black Man, You Could NEVER Get Me To Vote For Kamala Harris… Don’t Care What Black Culture Says

Anonymous said...

'Real Time' Crowd Goes Quiet as Bill Maher Explains Why Kamala Can’t Win

mike from iowa said...

Bias: Hyper-Partisan Right

Reliability: Unreliable, Problematic

Hodge twins aka conservative twins liars just like drumpf and just about every right wing outfit anymoose can name.

dinthebeast said...

So as soon as the Democrats, who according to received wisdom can't message worth an old green turd, start to gain traction by calling Republicans and their policies weird, the New York fucking Times is right there with Tom Friedman of the tone police to tell us that it is a bad idea.
Funny, but I don't seem to remember him scolding any goddamn Republicans for any of the invective they have routinely spewed our way for fucking decades.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“So as soon as the Democrats, who according to received wisdom can't message worth an old green turd, start to gain traction by calling Republicans and their policies weird, the New York fucking Times is right there with Tom Friedman of the tone police to tell us that it is a bad idea.”

I’m not opposed to name-calling, per se. But we’re going with “weird” to describe Republicans?

This is a surreal moment. I feel like it’s 1933 and we’re objecting to Hitler by calling him “weird.” In point of fact, Hitler was plenty weird, but that didn’t exactly top the reasons he shouldn’t be in charge.

Anonymous said...

Israel bombed Beirut in response to the Hezbollah attack that killed 12 Israeli kids.

mike from iowa said...

Wonder what Israel would do if Hamas and Hezbollah had access to same long range missiles and bombers provided by American citizens?

My guess is Netanfuckface wouldn't sleep so comfortable knowing his ass was vulnerable.

dinthebeast said...

I watched Harris' stump speech at the Atlanta rally. She's getting pretty good at this, and notably better than she was when she ran in the primary.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

"Hitler was plenty weird, but that didn’t exactly top the reasons he shouldn’t be in charge."

Very true, but "threat to democracy" hasn't been breaking through to the general electorate so far, nor has "34 time convicted felon" or even "bragged about killing Roe", so we needed something most people who don't obsessively follow politics could relate to, and well, those fuckers are weird.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Very true, but ‘threat to democracy’ hasn't been breaking through to the general electorate so far, nor has ‘34 time convicted felon’ or even ‘bragged about killing Roe’, so we needed something most people who don't obsessively follow politics could relate to, and well, those fuckers are weird.”

Jesus, the movie Idiocracy really was a documentary, wasn’t it?

Americans are so effing clueless that when you warn them that democracy is on life support and basic civil liberties are endangered, the response is a collective shrug. So now the Democrats are left with “yo mama dress you funny, Republicans” and pointing out the unhipness of their Spotify playlists.

dinthebeast said...

I think it's more like since the mid-nineties politics has been such a shit show that regular people react to political messages with "What? You want to tell me about politics? Couldn't I just get my adenoids polished with a wire brush instead?" Which is still dumb, but understandable.

This, though, makes sense:

U.S. to Buy Flu Shots for Farmworkers

July 30, 2024 at 7:50 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 19 Comments

“The U.S. will pay for flu shots for farmworkers this year, a strategy to prevent bird flu from changing into something more dangerous,” the AP reports.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“This, though, makes sense:

U.S. to Buy Flu Shots for Farmworkers

July 30, 2024 at 7:50 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 19 Comments

‘The U.S. will pay for flu shots for farmworkers this year, a strategy to prevent bird flu from changing into something more dangerous,’ the AP reports.”

I’m pleased to hear the government is taking action. I only wish they were mandating vaccination, not just offering it.

Then again, maybe they can’t even mandate it. The Supreme Court has, shamefully, taken away so much regulatory power from the feds during the pandemic. So, so dumb. I don’t know how the hell we will be able to respond to the next pandemic.

dinthebeast said...

Yeah, they won't be able to mandate it, but they can make it available, and that will help. Sometimes the resources of the government are as important or even more so than the power.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Israel assassinated a senior Hamas leader who was hiding out in Iran.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Weird is weak. Just like deplorables was weak. Insane Clown will soon be merchandising it. Loudmouth punk would better. Loudmouth prick would be even better but I'll settle for loudmouth punk. JD Vance is a loudmouth punk. Donald Trump is a loudmouth punk. No one likes a loudmouth punk. Except another loudmouth punk.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Threat to democracy is weak. People seem to be sick of democracy. They think of it like a dating app. You find your perfect match you don't need it anymore. So is 34 felonies. The felonies are so arcane that only those who follow politics can even say what Insane Clown is guilty of. It is the felony that Insane Clown has not been convicted that should be front and center. Stand Back And Stand By. They stood back and stood by. Be There Will Be Wild. They were there and it was wild. Bitching about the stolen election even before the election (unless Insane Clown wins). Demanding the vote count be stopped and declaring victory. This is textbook incitement and is all a matter of public record. A chatbot could prosecute this case but not Merrick Garland prick that he is. But what should be highlighted is that Insane Clown has long since dropped even the pretense of innocence instead pleading for immunity. No president has ever needed immunity but Insane Clown. No president has ever threatened malicious prosecution of a previous president except Insane Clown. Father Of Presidential Immunity is the title that Kamala should bestow on Insane Clown.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Keep Sahm and Carry On - Krugman

mike from iowa said...

US carried out a strike in Iraq dor some reason. Not the first time Israel has struck Iran or Iraq, for that matter.

mike from iowa said...

Congresswoman POS from Indiana, a magat immigrunt from the Ukraine, Spartz, must have been so named for sparkle fartz.

Anonymous said...

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has responded to Israel’s killing of a senior Hamas leader in Tehran by saying, “We consider his revenge as our duty.”

Things are getting very tense over there. Call me cynical, but I do not consider it beyond Satanyahu to intentionally get Israel into a massive regional Middle East war, just to justify holding onto his own job.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Insane Clown is now addressing the National Association Of Black Journalists. It is not going well for him. What a surprise.

mike from iowa said...

dumbass dubya gets the lion's share of blame for destabilizing Iraq and the entire Middle East. Sure Saddam Hussein was a dictator, but he was our dictator, installed by the CIA. Ronnie Raygun fed Iran and Iraq weapons to keep either of them from becoming the dominant power over there.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Insane Clown said Kamala just now started identifying as black. As usual Insane Clown throwing shit at the wall and Democrats are running to clean it up. Insane Clown said Kamala failed the bar exam. Could Insane Clown pass a bar exam given 10000 tries? Ask Insane Clown that.

mike from iowa said...

Candace later edited the caption of her video. She wrote, "Since posting, many have tried to correct me saying it wasn’t about an interpretation of DaVinci’s The Last Supper, but a Greek god and the festival of Dionysus; who is a god of lust, insanity, religious ecstasy, ritual madnes etc.

Canned Ass Cameron Bure, butt hurt as all get out snowflake, drumpf lover and phony kristian just described drumpf as Dionysus.

dinthebeast said...

Lina Khan is on a tear and goddamn Republicans and billionaires hate her. May she rise to higher and confirmed levels in a Harris administration.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

BI: Thank you for the Krugman link.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

From Steve Benen at Maddow Blog:

In Ukraine: “Ukraine has received the first F-16 fighter jets that it has sought for months to fight back against an onslaught of Russian missile strikes, a U.S. official confirmed to The Associated Press.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

drumpf team cut short drumpf's humiliation at Black Journalist event. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

dinthebeast said...

How dare they ask him questions and remember stuff?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“How dare they ask him questions and remember stuff?”

Receiving a hostile reception at the NABJ event won’t faze Trump. He didn’t attend for the purpose of expanding his demographic appeal. His claims that people of color all love him now are mostly, as Joe Biden would say, malarkey.

Trump attended so he could say “F U, black people.” That’s what his racist followers want to see: Trump insulting and showing disrespect to the “uppity negroes” and putting them in their place. It was another stunt.

Anonymous said...

From Matt Negrin on Bluesky:

MEDIA: Trump is a changed man
TRUMP: Kamala is not black
MEDIA: He has adopted a new tone
TRUMP: Where’s her birth certificate
MEDIA: Somber even

mike from iowa said...

Just discovered Arizona magat and psychopath Kari Flake graduated fom U of iowa in 1991 with a degree in journalism and communications.

She did not get her batshit craziness from iowa in the 80s-90s.

Anonymous said...

Share This with a Democrat Who Says JD Vance Is Weird

Anonymous said...

Tucker Carlson Shocked by Ben Carson’s Warning

bethhawes said...

A troll has entered the building. Feel better troll?

Anonymous said...

Don Lemon is suing Elon Musk for firing him after just one unaired episode of his Twitter/X talk show (during which he asked Elon questions he didn’t like).

mike from iowa said...

Troll's choice of sources is as reliable as drumpf himself.

mike from iowa said...

down 38% from last year.

mike from iowa said...

According to sources, justice alito (to the right of the lunatic fringe) says he wants to retire, but onlly if drumpf is able to steal the election.

Sounds like he is extorting Americans and like sandruh day Oconnor, he is asdvertising his vote to enshrine drumpf in a contested election.

dinthebeast said...

Remember when Fergus said that he would get Evan Gershkovich released as soon as he won the election, and that Putin would do that for him and only him?
Seems like he was lying. Gershkovich, Whelan, and Kara-Murza all released by Russia in a prisoner swap.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

bethhawes said...

I love it! Another knock on his noggin and self-esteem!

Anonymous said...

This blog's comments never disappoint. TDS always on full display.
Do you people pay attention to anything other than trump?
For instance the world is on the brink of WW3, trump is not in office. This is all on the dims. Bob Kagan and victoria nuland are your creation. Own it.
PS. Thanks feelz, it's hard to find that picture you have at the top. It's being scrubbed from the internet.

dinthebeast said...

So JD Vance's fetish for having children apparently wasn't enough to get him to show up and vote for the child tax credit bill, which was killed in the senate by the goddamn Republicans.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Three Questions that will destroy any argument with the Left | Thomas Sowell

mike from iowa said...

US border crossings down 5th month in a row to lowest level since Dec 2020.

Anonymous said...

“US border crossings down 5th month in a row to lowest level since Dec 2020.”

Unfortunately, this resulted from Biden indulging wingnuts by signing an executive order that a) breaks the law, and b) undermines the very concept of asylum.

Will Kamala Harris benefit from his actions? Or will the Dems get no credit anyway?

Bloviating Ignoramus said...
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Bloviating Ignoramus said...
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Flying Junior said...
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