Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Misinformation Machine.


 The level of insanity going on this country right now is mind blowing. On one side you have a cult spreading disinformation, lies, and wallowing in hate and grievance. (You would think they would be celebrating. The did, after all, win the damn election. Or so we were all led to believe.) On the other side of the political spectrum, you have a feckless Attorney General who is afraid of his own shadow, and a political party hell bent on taking a knife to a gun fight. 

 Donald trump now controls every aspect of the American media.  And the disinformation and lies will be taken to new heights with his new found power. The billionaire's boys club is making sure of it. Mark (I want to be more masculine) Zuckerberg, has announced that there will be no more fact checking on Facebook. He  actually went down to Mara-a- Lardo to kiss trump's ring, and beg for forgiveness for all of his past sins. And them he appeared on Joe Rogan's show to heap praise on the right, decry wokeism, and embrace toxic masculinity.  The owners of the Washington Post, and LA Times, have also declared their fealty to trump. This is a stunning development in a country that is supposed to value freedom of the press and journalistic independence. Don't even get me started on the South African who inherited his family's  diamond mine, came to America, and griffted his way into becoming the richest man on earth.  He has gone full replacement theory, and many believe that we actually elected him to be our president.  (Worth repeating: All you Negroes driving Teslas need to sell now! You look really silly driving a car from a company which is owned by a man who wants to replace you. ) And here is the crazy part: When he was going broke he begged for--- and got a bailout---- from the government of...wait for it...Barack Obama, a "Socialist" black man.  

 The torrent of misinformation around the tragic wildfires in Los Angeles has only served to shine a light on the problem. The people in MAGA world don't care about citizens in what they perceive as enemy territory, and there is already talk of trump declaring a federal takeover of the state when he takes office. Don't laugh, the guy wants to invade Canada and take Greenland by force, and the cult is on board.  Remember what I wrote about democrats in the first paragraph?  Yes, that part.  Whatever you thought was just too crazy to be true, is now very possible. 

  In a few days the felon will take office.  Prices will not go down, and our lives will not improve. But, true to form, he will be giving us one distraction after another to take our minds away from the things that REALLY matter in our lives.  His cult members will eat it all up and try to tell us how great America is again, and us normal folks will just shake our heads. Not only at the lunacy of the MAGA sheep, but at the willingness of the American press to play along. 

*To my family and friends in Los Angeles, please stay safe. You are in our thoughts.*  


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Anonymous said...

Maybe he can end some of these wars...that's not a bad thing. Well maybe it is for your side but your side doesn't fight in wars. Your side sends off soldiers to die for no apparent reason.

Anonymous said...

How can Trump be a felon when NO crime was committed???

Anonymous said...

Thousands have lost their homes in LA greater area dur to pedocrat DEI batshit policies.
Green New Deal is a SCAM to steal your tax money and put it into the pockets of elitist's democrat grifters.

Anonymous said...

"Donald trump now controls every aspect of the American media"

Since when did Trump control CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, The View????

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Democrats are only interested in stealing your tax money. They promise a lot and deliver little to nothing.

mike from iowa said...

You really are that stoopid!

mike from iowa said...

Fake noize, like always.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf is not only an adjudicated rapist, twice impeached, lifetime crook, he is also a convicted felon, a first for a US potus and probably personally set residential fires in California so he and musk could buy hollywood cheap and turn it over to Putie pie.

Anonymous said...

That video from billionaire Mark Zuckerberg explaining the alleged reasons Meta was dumping fact-checking and moderation was really something.

I doubt Zuck believed one word he said. It was such a pathetic exercise in groveling to wingnut knuckle-dragger culture-war obsessions. He might as well have ended it with: “Please, Mr. Trump, don’t hurt me!”


Anonymous said...

Spreading conspiracy theories and hate toward LA residents being burned out of their homes is a new low for the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

Officially the most ridiculous news story of the day:

Steve Bannon Vows To Take Down 'Racist' And 'Truly Evil' Elon Musk

LOL! The MAGA Thugs versus Tech Broligarchs Civil War continues.

Guys, guys, guys, no need to fight! You’re both “truly evil” racists, and I enthusiastically invite both of you to go f*ck yourselves with a chainsaw.

dinthebeast said...

In the wild, the price for any creature who writes mistakes into its description of the world is always the same; it becomes dinner for a creature who didn't.
Thus do we have a built-in avoidance to lies and liars at an evolutionary level.
Which makes it all the more staggering to watch this many people consume this many lies this often.
No wonder so many of them are ODing and drinking themselves to death. They are trying in vain to silence the voice deep in the back of their brains screaming NOOOOO! to all of the deadly lies they are consuming.
But the whole of the Republican party is built on lies, and without the lie foundation and the constant stream of incoming new lies, it would crumble into a pathetic little heap.
Lost an election? NUH-UHH! You cheated! Tax cuts don't make the economy better? WELFARE QUEENS! Trickle down! Waste, fraud and abuse! Wildfire driven by forge-bellows winds incinerates a huge chunk of Los Angeles? SMELT! DEI! Woke politicians!
This is the learned reaction from a party that has been wrong about every policy it has supported for so long that it no longer supports policy because that just gets in the way of the invention of new lies to cover its latest atrocities.
And despite the constant invective about how horrible the government is, the actual government works so well as to allow a majority of voters to pay so little attention to it that they believe in the face of all contradictory evidence that they can vote to just bugger the shit out of it and still be OK.
This is what the right wingers did after Nixon resigned. Roger Ailes decided that Nixon could have been saved if he'd had a right wing media to lie to the public about him and his crimes, so he got to work building one the moment Ronald the fuck Reagan took the fairness doctrine out behind the barn and shot it in its head. Rush Limbaugh began carpet bombing the radio with lies, and soon Fox News was born, and true to Roger's idea, Fergus survived in office after far more dire crimes than anything Nixon ever did.
He did get kicked out of office in 2020, though, because he did the only thing that penetrates the lie-shield: he botched the response to covid so badly that the lives of all of those people who consume the lies were disrupted.
So that is the only little bit of hope we are left with: That Fergus will fuck up again so badly that we sane people get called in again to fix the damage, like we always do lately.
Hopefully this time we won't need refrigerated trailers to stack the bodies in again, and we won't have a Manchin or a Sinema to thwart our attempts to fix the problems that have allowed this to deteriorate this far.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

"Since when did Trump control CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, The View????"
Since their corporate owners all capitulated to his blathering about putting them off the air and in jail.
Actually, CNN and MSNBC have been taken over by goddamn Republicans for years. You can't watch a whole show on either of them without some goddamn Republican spouting off bullshit on subjects they have been consistently wrong about for fucking ever. It's not like there aren't hundreds of liberals who have been right about the Right all along to fill those segments, but they have an unfortunate tendency to remember inconvenient facts at just the wrong time, so you never see them there.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

'DUUUUH Just how in the hell, in a "free market" is the government going to make a private company lower their prices?

Yup...keep em ignorant..that way we can tell them anything and they'll believe it.

dinthebeast said...

All in all, my decisions to never, ever have a Facebook or Twitter account are looking pretty good.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Weak sauce, try harder Doug.

Anonymous said...

Plus you are able to post on the blog for suckers and losers.

mike from iowa said...

This blog has its own misinformation
machine that runs 24/7 and goes by the moniker anymoosie.

Anonymous said...

I agree Mike. We all need to diligently increase the quality of our output. It can be done comrade.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Look in the mirror......

Anonymous said...

Pure delusion

Anonymous said...

Trurh hurts

Anonymous said...

When was Trump ever charged wirh rape????

Anonymous said...

Lots of phone calls being made to newscum, a lot of angry rich people.

Anonymous said...

100% accurate

Anonymous said...

No crime, no punishment

Anonymous said..., animals don't write.

Anonymous said...

LA fire turning into a real shit show. Another democrat failure.

Anonymous said...

Joe and the Ho still in charge and have done nothing to aid LA residents. No FEMA response, nothing.

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...

magat sinator from wyoming, john bareasshole, said magats are perfectly willing to extort California for fire aid.

mike from iowa said...

Blowhard drumpf and his lunatic rants on his daily liar blog are directly responsible for 100 mph winds that wreak havoc with efforts to control fires.

Snd you can see, from the government paper above, anymoose is still full of caca del toro.

mike from iowa said...

Only suspected of attempting to start a fire. Muisk is an illegal alien with some security clearance and a good likelihood of having shared secrets with foreign nations.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf pretends to do happy dance now that Jack Smith resigned, but, in reality drumpf is pitching a shit fit because he didn't get to gloat that Smith got fired by a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, twice impeached, sociopathic liar.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I don't understand gibberish.

mike from iowa said...

Most dangerous state in America? 4 of the top 5 are magats including 1 and 2. Bwahahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

The earnest, optimistic Lisa Simpson of YouTube, Politicsgirl, takes a stab at fighting the LA wildfire conspiracy theories.

Unfortunately, the people who most need to see it never will, either because they’re too lazy to seek out factual information, or because they actively hate it.

Ew, the facts, they burn! Icky, icky facts!

mike from iowa said...

Ukraine war won't end 24 hours after election as drumpf promised. It won't end 24 hours after drumpf is illegally sworn in and it won't end in the near term. dumpf is a sociopathic liar the likes of which no one has ever seen.

mike from iowa said...

Justice finally? Maybe.

Anonymous said...

The Palisades Resevoir was completely empty and still under repair(years). Democrats do not prepare.

Anonymous said...

Everything democrat elites touch turns to shit.

Anonymous said...

DEI does not work and is based on lunacy.

Anonymous said...

Turn off funding and the war will end sooner than you think. And that's saying alot about you. I'm not sure you can actually think.

mike from iowa said...

Reservoir was full at the time of the fire but demand was so high the water was used up. Get yer facts straight, lyre.

mike from iowa said...

Real experts agree economy is robust and drumpfuck is more than likely to screw it up and blame anyone but hizzownself.

mike from iowa said...

drumpfuck is a sociopathic liar...

The fires are still raging in LA. The incompetent pols have no idea how to put them out. Thousands of magnificent houses are gone, and many more will soon be lost," he wrote on Truth Social.

"They just can't put out the fires," he added. "What's wrong with them?"

Earlier in the week, he criticised Governor Newsom for refusing to sign the "water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water" to put out the fires.

But the specific declaration he mentions doesn't appear to exist. We've also searched for this document and been unable to find it.

Anonymous said...

Also known as the “Let Russia win” option. Every time this is pointed out, crayon-eating, Trump worshipping morons become indignant. But that’s what it is.

And if you let Russia win in Ukraine, that encourages them to invade other countries in future. Otherwise known as MORE WAR.

Anonymous said...

You should let everyone know who you plagiarize.

bethhawes said...

Everything seems broken in so many ways! All I can do is find out the facts, and I'll continue to contact my congressional representatives in the faint hope they will show some spine. (Cruz is a lost cause but maybe Cornyn still has a bit of self-respect!)

Anonymous said...

There was one of the local reservoirs that was out of service due to repairs. The criticism of this is ridiculous, though. Are pieces of infrastructure never supposed to undergo maintenance or repair? These are mandatory activities for any government. It’s unfortunate that it was not available as such a catastrophic hit LA, but it’s not like the authorities have a crystal ball they can use to schedule repairs around natural disasters. This isn’t an avoidable risk.

dinthebeast said...

", animals don't write. "
So you are what, exactly, vegetable? Mineral?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

plagiarism? No. I did not claim to have written this.

mike from iowa said...

Article from BBC, but, I seriouisly doubt your attention span is long enough to read it and/or comprehend.

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...

Cheap Justice Roberts is behind scotus efforts to protect drumpf's criminal ass, according to new report from NYT reporters who have memos and notes. Longer video.

Anonymous said...

Pedocrat failure:

Anonymous said...

What crime did Trump commit??

Anonymous said...

You are thinking of bidet doug.

Anonymous said...

Pure delusion.

Anonymous said...

How does Gov. NEWSCUM afford a 9 million dollar mansion??

mike from iowa said...

Instigated a violent attempt to prevent 2020 election from being certified. Defamed same woman at least twice. Defrauded his own charity for personal gain. Had to shut down fake Uni because of fraud. Manipulated estimates of property worth depending on whether he was selling or trying to borrow money. Didn't pay workers
or contractors he owed money to. Then there is the simple matter of 34 felonies he was lefally tried and found guilty of. Plus he doesn't know where his ear lobe is located.

mike from iowa said...

Not to mention with holding top secret docs he was not entitled to have at drumpf dump south, or as you magats know it as Mara shithole. Plus trying to have election results changed in Georgia. 2 cases where judges protected drumpf's skanky ass from jail.

Anonymous said...

“How does Gov. NEWSCUM afford a 9 million dollar mansion??”

Newsom was a businessman before entering politics. And is married to a wealthy movie director. This is not hard to find out, if you consult actual news sources, but I know you hate those.

dinthebeast said...

So Pete Hegseth has promised to stop drinking if he is confirmed as defense secretary. So they want us to have a defense secretary who is rapey, corrupt, and coming down from an alcohol addiction? I'm sure that would make him level-headed and not at all erratic or judgmentally impaired...

Oh, and humans are fucking animals you miserable pine cone.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“So Pete Hegseth has promised to stop drinking if he is confirmed as defense secretary.”

It’s okay, though, because Pete doesn’t plan on the military being ready for combat anyway. The rest of the world can go to hell in a handbasket because all of our service members will be too busy fighting each other in the War on Woke!

dinthebeast said...

If the goddamn Republicans hate California and our policies so much, then they can give us back the $83 billion more in federal taxes we paid than what we got from DC each fucking year.
Just getting square for the past five years should more than pay for the wildfires.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

It's not that Doug, it's much more personal.

Anonymous said...

The effect of democrat policies:

mike from iowa said...

Pure fact which is kryptonite to magats.

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...

Biden allocated 27 billion more bucks for FEMA in December which makes drumpfuck and anymoose liars again.

mike from iowa said...

Had this case gone to trial in front of a real judge, drumpf would have been found guilty based on evidence provided.

mike from iowa said...

the effect of Democrat policies....

mike from iowa said...

Kardashian's blast LA mayor and then people report K's used more than 300k gallons of water in one month during drought. Must be hypocritical magats.

mike from iowa said...

once again the FBI fails in its duty to interview sexual assault victims, like it did in the Bratt Kavernmouth case for the scotus.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Doug truth hurts their fefes

mike from iowa said...

BTW it was drumpf's orderthat the FBI cut short their investigation of Kavernmouth. He is the one who weaponized the FBI.

mike from iowa said...

Indiana magat congresswoman says she will not caucus with magats so magat house majority is down to 216 to 215 with one unknown commodity who says she will stay a magat.

mike from iowa said...

How drumpfuck responded to disasters in his first illegal term...

Anonymous said...

Dems get you killed:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All bullshit

Anonymous said...

Gov. Newscum aint gunna be prez.....

mike from iowa said...

drumpf dick sucker!

Anonymous said...

mike from iowa said...

drumpf personally killed a million Americans with is non-sensical approach to covid pandemic. magat dumbfuck drumpfuck will get you killed.

Anonymous said...

Diversity is not a strength

mike from iowa said...

Hogzbreath's favorite reply to most questions asked by Dem senators was "anonymous smears." He is a liar on par with drumpfuck the dumbfuck and anymoosie.

mike from iowa said...

According to anymoose, diversity is not a strength so men should sleep with other men and women with other women? Can't have diverse marriages, now can we, magats?

Anonymous said...

This is not the place to voice your sexual fantasies Mike. Or is it? Nevermind, carry on weirdo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Inclusion is not a strength

Anonymous said...

Infantile and illogical

dinthebeast said...

Shorter Jack Smith: I told you ignorant fucks most of this back in October when it still mattered.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Hogzbreath started his testimony today in sinate whining about how he and drumpf are victims of left wing smear campaigns. Typical magat whining even though accusations are true.

Anonymous said...

The SEC is now suing Elon Musk over the stealthy methods by which he acquired some of the shares of Twitter, failing to publicly disclose his purchases as required by law. They allege that if he hadn’t bought Twitter in this illegally sneaky way, it would have cost him even more than the $44 million he paid.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant $44 BILLION.

Anonymous said...

Topsy, actually meant $44.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dont worry, he is buying Tik Tok too.

Anonymous said...

Biden&Harris Administration will be known as Team Shit the Bed.

Anonymous said...

Well, here's one reaction to Zuckerberg's terrible Trumpy video:

CEO Announces Company "Now Fully Fascist"

mike from iowa said...

Only by delusional magat dick suckers.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...

Like I said drumpf dick suckers.

Anonymous said...

The marxist left fears truth.

mike from iowa said...

Lyre. MSNBC President Rashida Jones says she is stepping down after four years leading the liberal news network, her move coming on the eve of a second Trump administration and after changes in corporate ownership.

mike from iowa said...

Another campaign promise broken by convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, twice impeached, sociopathic liar.... Ukraine war settlement months away, not the day after the election or within 24 hours after liar and convicted felon is sworn in as the only potus with 34 felony convictions, twice impeached, an adjudicated rapist and sociopathic liar. Plus the suckpreme court magats saved his ass by making up immunity for him out of their asses to save him from charges of treason and inciting insurrection and trying to overthrow the government when he had his ass kicked in 2020 election.

Anonymous said...

Homeless camps in Kommiefornia:

Anonymous said...

All untrue. Complete delusion

mike from iowa said...

All true and complete reality. Truth and reality are kryptonite to delusional asshat magats.

mike from iowa said...

Blondi Bondi favored korporations that donated big bucks to magats her entire career and lies about it.

mike from iowa said...

Former drumpf white house lawyer, Ty Cobb, said drumpf would have easily been convicted if courts hadn't slow walked the trial dates.

FUCK drumpf and anymoose!

mike from iowa said...

DEI was a massive failure. 10-4 good buddy. Don, Eric and Ivana Jr were massive fuckups in drumpf mis-administration.

mike from iowa said...

Fake Noize sends a reporter to Nuuk, Greenland to find drumpf supporters and failed miserably.


mike from iowa said...

Perjury Taylor Greene, who is as bright as a burned out 2 watt lightbulb says we can instantly stop California fires by turning on government weather manipulating machine an d making it rain. What no shooting rain clouds with jewish space lasers?

Anonymous said...

If Trump was guilty of anything, why didn't they sentence him???

Anonymous said...

Less than 5 days left. What major fuckups will bidet and kumala produce??

Anonymous said...

We'll try that first.

Anonymous said...

Salon? LMAO!

Anonymous said...

MSNBC and Rashida Jones? In the same sentence? Comedy gold!

Anonymous said...

“What no shooting rain clouds with jewish space lasers?”

No, according to her, the Jewish space lasers are what starts the fires. And apparently, Biden is just being very mean by refusing to control the weather to put the fires out.

Ladies and gentlemen:

MTG, our foremost national science expert!

Anonymous said...

5 days left to pardon himself, his entire administration and all of his operatives. Maybe even the Democrat party.

Anonymous said...

No problem, butt buddy. Roger-Doger and until next I'm out (or is it in?).

Anonymous said...

I don't know about that but she does know about cloud seeding. Which you obviously don't. Look it up (or not).
The problem would be the high winds coming from the desert.

Anonymous said...

What the marxist dems want:

Anonymous said...

He will.

Anonymous said...

Biden isn’t going to pardon the entire Democratic Party. But I wouldn’t rule out him pardoning the people on Trump’s revenge list. That would just be common sense. Non-scumbag presidents don’t have a revenge list.

mike from iowa said...

Some of the Dems most hated by drumpf want the chance to square off in court with the convicted felon a nd his henchmagats. Schiff and Cheney will eat drumpf alive.

mike from iowa said...

drumpfuck the convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, twce impeached former potus a nd sociopathic liar is taking full credit for war criminal/Gaza ceasefire deal he had nothing to do with and was not in office while it went on.

dinthebeast said...

Cloud seeding requires that there are clouds to seed. Otherwise, you're just dropping silver iodide on the fucking fire.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

I bet they would.

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...

drumpfuck the dumbfuck wants to know why you can't drop a nuke on vast fires to put them out beause he is a total fucking moron.

mike from iowa said...

Clear as day, war criminal netanfuckface wouldn't let a ceasefire prevent him from carrying out genocide against Palestinians. He wants them all dead and have Israel take over the entire region.

mike from iowa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mike from iowa said...

drumpf energy pick admits climate change is real. fuck drumpf and anymoose!

Anonymous said...

You are a strange xerson.

Anonymous said...

Mother Jones?

mike from iowa said...

Yeah, Mother Jones!

These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation. See all Left-Center sources.

Overall, we rate Mother Jones as strongly Left-Center biased based on story selection that moderately favors the left and High for factual reporting due to thorough sourcing and a clean fact check record.

Anonymous said...

“drumpfuck the dumbfuck wants to know why you can't drop a nuke on vast fires to put them out beause he is a total fucking moron.”

Haven’t heard anything about Trump wanting to nuke the wildfires.

There are, however, sources that have said that as president, he asked his science advisors about the possibility of nuking hurricanes out of existence. And he even spoke publicly about asking his science advisors whether it would be possible to shine UV light or inject disinfectants “inside” people to cure COVID.

I have no idea how these experts manage to keep a straight face when confronted with this kind abysmal ignorance from the guy who’s supposed to be running the country.

And here we are in 2025, doing it all over again. Mike Judge didn’t know he was producing a documentary when he made “Idiocracy.”

Anonymous said...

Lol, Trump wanted so badly to pretend that people in Greenland are super-excited and enthusiastic about the prospect of their territory being bought by the US, and that throngs of Greenlanders were eager to turn out and meet Don Junior when he visited.

But, um, actually …

‘Homeless people given free lunch’ to attend Trump Jr event in Greenland

The MAGA crayon-munchers will never understand how bad these sorts of low-rent, half-assed stunts make the U.S. look to the rest of the world. How embarrassing.

mike from iowa said...

iowuh magat l.egislator drew up a bill to allow iowuh to annex 9 southern Minn esota counties while iowuh's m agat POS guv has ordered flags to fly at full mast for the innauguration of convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, twice impeached, sociopathic liar named drumpfuck the dumbfuck.

Anonymous said...

Bye-bye, TikTok. US users lose access to the app on Sunday. I imagine you can cheat this if you use a VPN or are otherwise tech-savvy, but a lot of people won’t bother.

YouTube and Instagram will certainly be celebrating.

dinthebeast said...

One TikTok user was quoted as saying "I'll use Red Note because I would sooner watch content that I can't understand that have an app by Mark Zuckerberg on my phone."
Perhaps this will spur Americans to learn Mandarin...
Nah, just joking, if they can't be bothered to learn to use a VPN, they sure ain't learnin' no foreign language.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Jon Stewart roasts Perjury Taylor Greene on cloud seeding...

mike from iowa said...

drumpfuck's favorable rating has dropped to 41% while 55% view him unfavorably. I polled myself and it was a unanimous 100% unfavorable rating for the rat bass turd.

mike from iowa said...

drumpf treasury suckretary nominee, Bessent, owes nearly a million bucks in self employment taxes he claims he doesn't owe.

mike from iowa said...

Quitter South Duhkota guv, Noem Nothing, swore 2 years ago when she ran for re-election, she would serve a full term as guv and had no plans to seek higher office.

Since that day she was re-elected, she has spent the bulk, of her time criss crossing America sucking up campaign dollars and sucking up to whichever magat group would pay to listen to her, instead of governing.
In her first term she accompanied South Duhkota Nat Guard troops to Texas for border patrol but all she accomplished was a campaign photo with the guard at a whataburger joint.
She then had an on going affair with Corey Lewdandlusty who she knew was accused of marital infidelity and when he assaulted a large magat donor in Las Vegas, she fired him but I believe they have reconnected even though he is allegedly working for drumpfuck for the third or fourth time after being fired for getting all the skinch that drumpf had his eyes on, allegedly.

mike from iowa said...

Anonymous said...


Trump only backed off the idea of banning TikTok because he wanted to win the votes of a subset of young voters (TikTok is overwhelmingly used by young people). Now that he’s already been elected, he’ll return to not giving a crap about those young voters.

Why? Because he’s gonna lose those young Trump voters anyway. That demographic are the top of the list of the stupid chumps who got conned. When they see that Trump isn’t going to fulfill any of his promises (lies) about lowering prices and he’s just going to do a bunch of bigoted sh*t and cut more taxes for rich people, like always, they will realize they made a boo-boo in voting him in.

Anonymous said...

“Now that he’s already been elected, he’ll return to not giving a crap about those young voters.

Why? Because he’s gonna lose those young Trump voters anyway.”

And also, possibly, because there won’t be any free and fair elections for Republicans to worry about in the future because Trump and company will have successfully dismantled democracy.

I really hope I am wrong about that, but fear I might not be.

dinthebeast said...

So Biden has declared that the ERA is the law of the land. The goddamn Republicans will oppose it on a technicality, but why?
Could it be that Republicans don't want women to have equal rights?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

climate change

Flying Junior said...

Se'sly? They found the response inadequate?

Flying Junior said...

Hi Mike,

I'm responding to the anony-mouse incel who answered you.


This latest flap about ABC paying out $15 million was about the rape allegations. tR*** raped a girl in a department store dressing room. He wasn't charged, the woman sued him in civil court. Try and tell me tR*** was completely innocent.

Anonymous said...

So Biden has declared that the ERA is the law of the land. The goddamn Republicans will oppose it on a technicality, but why?
Could it be that Republicans don't want women to have equal rights?"

Gotta say, this is top-shelf trolling, since Biden has no actual power to interpret the Constitution and SCOTUS will laugh this off if anyone ever tries to invoke the ERA in court. Even the liberal justices aren't going to go for the argument that the conditions for ratification were met.

I guess Biden felt left out with all of Trump's wild trolling about invading Greenland and Canada and Panama.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe you are just an idiot. That was easy.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... Whataburger!

Anonymous said...

Someone needs a fainting couch!

Anonymous said...

Biden can't interpret anything and hasn't for a very long time. He has trouble reading from a teleprompter and cue cards. Come on man!

Anonymous said...

Adios Tik Tok!!!

Anonymous said...

The left fears the truth.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Biden is a moron, only 27 amendments.

Anonymous said...

Pure delusion.

Anonymous said...

Its because Musk wants to buy it.

Anonymous said...

She is hot!!

Anonymous said...

Hunter bidet doesnt pay his taxes.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit, more marxist pedocrat lies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who wants communism that the demorats want so badly.

Anonymous said...

Drink more soy milk.

Anonymous said...

And??? Who wants terrorists like hamas or hezzbollah

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All the dems who received those medals will get pardons.

Anonymous said...

What will the dummycrats fuck up next in their final days???

mike from iowa said...

drumpf dick suckers are out in full force tonight.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Will joe biden give himself a pardon????

Anonymous said...

“Will joe biden give himself a pardon????”

Why would he need to?

Trump has been telling everyone that Biden is so elderly that he is actually a drooling vegetable, and his brain so atrophied he can’t figure out how to tie his own shoes. You can’t prosecute someone who’s not mentally competent to stand trial.

Unless Trump was …*gasp* … lying?

Anonymous said...

That's what I thought.

Anonymous said...

Roger that doger!

Anonymous said...

I apologize for calling you an idiot Doug. Peace!

dinthebeast said...

"Trump only backed off the idea of banning TikTok because he wanted to win the votes of a subset of young voters..."
Fergus backed off of his stance favoring the banning of TikTok after one of his rich donors who owns a substantial stake in Byte Dance told him to. The whole "MAGA Tik Tok" thing came later, after TikTok users became frightened that it might actually be banned. Like pretty much everything else with Fergus, it's the corruption, stupid.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Flying Junior said...

I saw these kids on the evening news just crying into the camera about Tik Tok. Boo-hoo.

Sooner or later, that tR*** idiot is going to have to learn that he can't simply make proclamations like a King. SCOTUS has ruled. There is no need to postpone any decision until he takes office.

Anonymous said...

“Fergus backed off of his stance favoring the banning of TikTok after one of his rich donors who owns a substantial stake in Byte Dance told him to.”

I’m pretty skeptical that any single donor is going to be able to effect a reverse of the TikTok ban.

For one thing, there is now widespread concern about China in both parties. Somewhat among Democrats, and overwhelmingly, to the point of paranoia, among Republicans.

For another thing, the ban is now federal law. Highly doubtful that Trump can simply wave it away at a whim with an executive order. Congress would have to repeal the law.

TikTok getting banned was not the outcome legislators were aiming for. They were hoping to strongarm the Chinese owners into selling TikTok to an American investor (or at least a more acceptable one that is not Chinese). So far, that hasn’t happened.

dinthebeast said...

And now SCOTUS has refused to step in and save them from their shortsighted lawmaking. So they'll have to live with what they've done, which is wildly unpopular. It passed congress with large, bipartisan majorities, but they will be blaming it on the Democrats.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

States can't execute mentally retarded inmates, but they do anyway.

mike from iowa said...

drumpfuck banned tik tok. It is all on hiz skanky hide.

mike from iowa said...
Out of contol magat misinformation cartoon. Sums it up beautifully.

mike from iowa said...

This is interesting... Tik Tok CEO will be attending drumpfuck's coronation. Is that why drumpfuck didn't want Tik Tok banned?

Anonymous said...

Well, it is looking like the Israel-Hamas ceasefire may hold, for now. That is a tiny piece of good news.

Tiny because all of the peace talks could still break down. Tiny because Gaza is completely destroyed now and nobody has a
clue how it can be rebuilt. Tiny because Israel has learned nothing and is no closer to allowing the formation of a Palestinian state, so it’s only a matter of time before another Palestinian militant group attacks Israeli civilians and all of these horrors repeat.

But still, good news for the moment.

mike from iowa said...

Don't get yer hopes too high, Anon.

mike from iowa said...

Analysis / Bias
+972 Magazine reports, that according to Progressive German paper Die Tageszeitung’s (Taz) article, “the Israeli gov’t sent a seven-page letter to German Officials urging them to defund +972 Magazine, such as Grants from Heinrich Böll Foundation (affiliated with Germany’s Green Party), claiming that +972 Magazine goes against Israel’s interests because “the authors regularly accuse Israel of apartheid.”

In review, +972 Magazine articles tend to lean left and are critical of the right-leaning Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. +972 Magazine utilizes emotionally loaded words in their headlines such as “Netanyahu will do all he can to destroy Jewish-Arab alliances” and “’For many young American Jews, the Trump-Bibi axis is the enemy’”, and How Trump energizes deniers of Palestinian independence. Further, they typically utilize credible sources such Haaretz, Die Tageszeitung, New Yorker, New York Times, and In general, story selection is negative toward Israeli policy concerning the Palestinians.

Failed Fact Checks
None in the Last 5 years
Overall, we rate +972 Magazine Left-Center Biased based on the wording and editorial positions that lean left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record. (M. Huitsing 1/7/2019) Updated (01/08/2025)

Anonymous said...

In a few days the felon will take office. Prices will not go down, and our lives will not improve. But, true to form, he will be giving us one distraction after another to take our minds away from the things that REALLY matter in our lives. His cult members will eat it all up and try to tell us how great America is again, and us normal folks will just shake our heads. Not only at the lunacy of the MAGA sheep, but at the willingness of the American press to play along.


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