These are crazy times, field hands. The felon is now fully in charge, and prices have not gone down, there is looming economic chaos with his trade wars, and the FBI and other agencies charged with keeping us safe and holding criminals accountable, are being gutted because they hurt his feelings. Meanwhile, a feckless and weak democratic party does nothing but give us phony outrage talking points to stay relevant or in front of news cameras. There are no calls for mobilization, no calls for mass protests, and no real plan to counter the oncoming fascism train that is going to doom us all. At least all of us who aren't in a cult, and who still believe in what America is supposed to stand for.
This past week there were two tragic plane crashes, one right after the other. I am not blaming the felon for that, things happen, and it could have just as well happened when Biden was president. The thing is, though, the felon blamed the first tragic accident, which cost sixty -seven people their lives, on DEI. Think about that for a minute. Before the bodies were taken out of the cold Potomac River, or the families even had time to grieve, he was playing politics, and trying to score political points. He is truly a sick and demented individual. But we all knew that. Even the misguided people who voted for him had to have known that as well.
Blaming the accident on DEI without any proof was such a trumpian thing to do. But you have to understand, this is how he stokes his base, by blaming everything that goes wrong on DEI. It's another scapegoating tactic that works well with the demographic he appeals to. These are the folks who blame their miserable positions in life on everyone else but themselves. Immigrants, blacks, transgendered people, and Gays. They are the ones making it hard for them to get ahead. Not the billionaires and Oligarchs who are only looking out for themselves, and taking advantage of every loophole to squeeze every penny out of the government and our pockets. These are the folks, by the way, who the felon is looking out for in his second term. Not the poor cult members who hold on to his every word and bow to all of his actions. It's DEI! Everything wrong with the government is because of DEI. Let's cancel all those holidays that celebrate diversity, and let's scrub our history books of the achievements of black folks. That will make us feel better about ourselves. Sadly for them, it won't add one cent to their pocket, or reduce the cost of groceries or gas.
The irony is, of course, that the felon has the most unqualified nominees to fill his cabinet positions in the history of the United States. Fox News hosts and television personalities who he views as telegenic will now hold some of the most powerful positions in government. His defense secretary is an alcoholic who has been credibly accused of sexual assault, and he has zero qualifications for the job. Compare his credentials to the black man who was previously in his position, and you will see why black folks laugh when we hear the DEI refrain. We know it's just code words for n****r you don't deserve that job. It should go to a white man. Don't even get me started on Tulsi Gabbard, the dog killer, who literally met with Assad and Putin and parroted their talking points at a time when they were committing all kinds of atrocities against their own people. Just today she said she is cool with putting children in Gitmo. Then there is RFK Jr., a vaccine skeptic who is in line to become, wait for secretary! You can't make this stuff up.
I called a friend from Philly to check on him after the recent plane crash in that city. He said he was fine, but he was really scared of what's to come. "Bro, something just feels off man" he said to me. "And I can't quite put my fingers on it. "
I feel the same way, but unlike him, I know exactly what it is that's off: We elected a mad man to hold the highest office in the land for a second time. We didn't learn our lesson from the first time when a million Americans died because of his incompetence.
Now, sadly, he has more power, and less opposition. Not to mention four more years. That is, of course, if we make it that long.
*Go Eagles*
*Correction* Tulsi Gabbard was not the dog killer. That was Kristi Noem*
1 – 200 of 423 Newer› Newest»Everything drumpf and his maladministration say or do is predicated on lies.
When Mango Mussolini isn't lying he's pushing distractions in hopes we won't notice the really evil crap the goblins like Miller and Musk are doing.
Possibly Trump’s most awful press conferences to date. Honestly, how many people voted for Trump so that he could use a tragic mass death event to trash minorities and the disabled?
On top of which, we had Trump offering his uninformed views on how the crashes unfolded, before any kind of investigation had taken place, was right up there in ignorance with his science-free musings on the internal use of antiseptics and hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID.
Two for two: epic hate AND stupidity.
What if Trump had a communications adviser trying to help him appear less dumb and evil, through an earpiece? It would look like this:
The Room Next Door - Donald Trump Plane Crash Fact Check
Yes, DEI is how they say the N-word now. And it's right in character for Fergus, who got his idiot hordes loyalty by telling them that their ignorance was noble and their bigotry was patriotic. Also, it's another three syllable booga-booga word that they use to push people's buttons without them knowing fuck all about what it might really mean.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
You know that new email system Fergus had installed so that he can email the entire US Government workforce? Apparently anyone can use it. Like the person who sent an email saying: "Resign. Aren't you tired of working for a complete cunt?"
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Curious to see what Dow does Monday. drumpfuck can fuck up a wet dream whithout even trying so he can ruin our economy with ease and still call it golden times.
can skum privatize the treasury under his solo control?
Doug you sound like an impotent man with an antique ukelele.
Sure. Ok. It's the ukelele.
Perhaps the most dangerous appointment proposed so-far is the maniac Kash Patel as the Director of the FBI. Chief law enforcement officer, think about it. My God. He wants to go after Amy Klobuchar. He is in lock-step with the idea of using the power of the United States to go after Trump's political enemies. I think Trump is a poor sport, considering he was never actually threatened with prison time.
Pretty sure it was Governor Noem who copped to killing her dog, Cricket in a ditch in a gravel quarry, not Ms. Gabbard the Russian asset. Pretty gruesome for such a pretty little thing. I'm sure that's what attracted Trump's attention. He saw in her a kindred spirit. Gabbard has her own grab bag full of negative characteristics, not the least of which is a heart-felt admiration for Vladimir Putin.
After going after the appropriations process and having their asses handed to them, now they're going after the distribution process. I don't know if they are aware of the fire they are playing with: if you want the actual torches and pitchforks, that's the way to call them out.
And yeah, I had a ukelele in 1966 when I was in first grade, but these days I play a cheap-ass Les Paul. Just put it away, in fact.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
But yeah, I agree about the plane crash being immediately blamed on DEI and incompetence. Absolutely obscene. Petty and dishonest. 100% effective on the brain-washed and wild-eyed Trump supporter. As an afterthought, there was zero regard for any one of the hundreds of victims and their families. Filthy and odious president.
What a trip. I was given a gorgeous ukelele that was shpaed like a little Mandolin in 1966. Although my childish precociousness on the piano allowed me to play Mozart and Haydn in just a few short years, I did not seem to have any affinity for stringed instruments. I smashed that uke to bits in frustration. I probably just needed a smaller uke and maybe a couple of lessons. But I never did master guitar. I should probably get a classical guitar to practice on in my old age. As soon as I get the time I will revive my slide guitar skills. I bought three sets of strings in case I break one of the treble strings on my Epiphone monkeying with open tunings. I was pretty good. I use an old glass vanilla extract bottle for my slide.
You sure?
I could never play slide worth a shit, but I did have a coricidin bottle to practice with...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Fuck Trump & GO BIRDS!! 🦅 🦅 🦅 🏈 🏈 🏈 🎉 🎉 🎉
Can't read and comprehend, eh? Typical dds magat.
drumpf bankrupted 6 companies but he only claims 4 and says the first three counted as one.
Bankrupting America and giving all the wealth to the wealthy is next.
No, it is not.
The left fears truth
You fear reality
Complete delusion on your part.
Truth hurts
We love Trump!!
There are only 2 genders.
Rubio's alleged what diaper donnie says or he will throw a fit like never seen before by anyone.
congressional magats have no conscience, no common sense, no spines and no balls to stop drumpfuck's lawless devastation of America.
Forward Ho!!
Reduce your soy milk IV drip.
Terms like CIS Gender are imaginary lunacy terms of the left.
Dems and dumbfucking magats.
drumpf lies again, some more, like usual an d too still yet....
Just 0.2% of US border fentanyl seizures are at the Canadian border
Trump has lumped together the Canadian border and the Mexican border when talking about illegal fentanyl imports. The day after his inauguration in January, for example, he said, “The fentanyl coming through Canada is massive. The fentanyl coming through Mexico is massive.”
But there is a massive difference between the extent of the problem at the two borders.
Federal statistics show US border authorities seized 21,889 pounds of fentanyl in the 2024 fiscal year. Of that amount, 43 pounds were seized at the Canadian border — about 0.2% — compared with 21,148 pounds at the Mexican border, about 96.6%.
But, drumpf has shown over and over again that is the only thing he is good for.
So it currently looks like maybe Trump’s tariff threats were only a stunt?????
He has dropped his tariff threat to Mexico after they offered up some token increase in border enforcement. Which suggests perhaps Canada and China can also make some tiny, meaningless gesture towards mollifying Trump, and then Trump can strut around, yelling “I AM THE MIGHTY GOD EMPEROR AND I HAVE VANQUISHED THE ENEMY FOREIGNERS AND EVERYTHING WILL BE MORE BETTER NOW!”
And his followers will be very impressed, because they are all single-brain-celled pinheads, and so all of this trade war nonsense will go away.
If this has all been for show and Trump is not actually going to ruin the economy through his own pig-ignorance, for once I will be extremely relieved that he was lying.
Stay tuned for further developments …
Letter from interim US attorney for dc to elongated skum claiming the justice department will vigorously prosecute anyone interfering with doge workers and then lied his ass off when he claimed antifa and blm members violently attacked the capitol on j6 2021. fucking pathetic liars.
Fergus is probably looking for any way he can find to climb down from the 25% price increases he's about to very publicly unleash on the American public.
And I wonder how those pricks at the NYC FBI field office are feeling about supporting Fergus over Hillary now that his goons are coming for their jobs?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“And I wonder how those pricks at the NYC FBI field office are feeling about supporting Fergus over Hillary now that his goons are coming for their jobs?”
tariffs are delayed for one month, not dropped.
Both the N-word and the C-word.
Trump has now paused the tariffs on both Mexico and Canada. Hopefully, “paused” quickly turns into “dropped.”
NAFTA caused manufacturing operations in the US to become intertwined with Mexico and Canada. You can’t just rip that apart now without causing huge economic chaos. Not to mention that many of Trump’s followers won’t like very much what happens to gas prices if you start taxing Canadian oil, which we buy a ton of.
Since drumpfuck accepted a compromise from Mexico, it looks like drumpf backed down. Wek ass phony leader.
Tariffs on Canada paused for a month, too. Too mudh negative economic news likely forced drumpf to tuck is tail and run.
In line with the rest of the War on Woke and the DEI-bashing, Trump has ordered the EPA to stop considering environmental racism in its decision-making. In other words, it’s fine to put that toxic waste dump next to a black neighborhood. Hey, black people are used to having polluted lungs, amirite?
Lyon County iowa's newly elected county attorney and a gawd fearing magat no less.
Sucker and Loser
Cool story Doug
Pure delusion
Tarriffs had desired effect.Trump is smart.
Trump knows what to do. Target countries comply.
DEI means you are not qualified.
Diversity is a leftist term. It has completely failed in the business world. It does not work.
Notice how blue States and cities are failing. Highest crime, highest costs on eeverything. DEI and inclusion are complete failures.
Not factual.
Trump tariffs having the desired effect.
Trump tells truth that communists like you fear.
Thats all there is folks......
Canada makes deal with Trump by agreeing to do something they were already doing.,.,No%2C%20not%20all%20companies%20are%20abandoning%20diversity%2C%20equity%20and%20inclusion,because%20it's%20key%20to%20growth.
Yer wrong as usual.
Lyre. 10 worst states are all red as in magat shitholes.
What Are the Top 10 Most Dangerous States in 2023?
Considering all the above-mentioned factors, Wallethub determined the following rankings for the most dangerous states in 2023, starting with the most dangerous.
1. Louisiana
Louisiana is the most dangerous state in the U.S., ranking 47th for financial safety and 49th for emergency preparedness. Louisiana has one of the highest unemployment rates, sitting at 8.3% as of November 2020. Louisiana also has the third-highest bullying incident rate, one of the highest rates of fatalities per 100 million miles traveled, and the highest homicide rate in the U.S. with 14.4 murders per 100,000 people.
2. Mississippi
Mississippi is the second-most dangerous state in the U.S. and ranks last for both road safety and emergency preparedness and 49th for financial safety. Mississippi has the second-highest fatalities per 100 million miles traveled, and the southern state also has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. Before COVID-19, the unemployment rate sat around 5.5% and currently sits around 6.4%.
3. Texas
Texas is the third-most dangerous state in the country. With a total score of 34.78, Texas ranked 48th for emergency preparedness and 43rd for personal and residential safety. Texas has the highest share of uninsured people, with 18.4% of the population without health insurance.
4. Arkansas
Arkansas has a total score of 37.05, making it the fourth-least safe state in the country. Arkansas ranks 48th for personal and residential safety and 48th for financial safety, but it performs slightly better in the other categories. However, Arkansas has the third-highest number of assaults per capita, the fifth-highest bullying incidence rate, and the fifth-highest murder rate in the U.S. with 8.6 murders per 100,000 people.
5. Oklahoma
Oklahoma is the fifth-least safe state. Oklahoma ranked 45th for financial safety, 47th for workplace safety, and 44th for emergency preparedness. The Sooner State also has the third-highest share of uninsured people, with 14.3% of residents not having health insurance. Oklahoma's overall crime rate is 3,277.08 per 100,000 people.
6. Montana
Montana ranks 47th for personal and residential safety and 42nd for workplace safety. Surprisingly, however, Montana holds a high financial safety ranking of 15th place.
7. Alabama
Alabama comes in at seventh for the most dangerous U.S. state in 2023. It ranks 46th for emergency preparedness, has the fifth-highest number of assaults per capita, and has the seventh-highest homicide rate of 8.3 per 100,000 people. Alabama's overall crime rate is 3,185.26 per 100,000 people.
8. Florida
As the eighth-most dangerous state, Florida ranks 47th for road safety and 43rd for both emergency preparedness and workplace safety. Florida has one of the highest shares of uninsured people at 13.2% of its population, and its unemployment is around 6.4%.
9. Missouri
Missouri ranks 40th for emergency preparedness, with about 10% of residents missing health insurance. While Missouri ranks 39th for personal and residential safety, it has the second-highest homicide rate in the country of 9.8 murders per 100,000 people.
10. Tennessee
Mexico already had troops in Laredo and had engaged in gunfights with this thug's men. Had nothing to do with drumpfuck the drumpfuck.
bird flu comes home to roost. rfk nomination passed out of committee on a 14-13 straight party line vote. With him in charge it is highly likely all research on viruses will end and bird flu and other nasty diseases will run rampant. Hopefully they take out all m agats first, last and only, starting at the top and take the whole drumpf criminal enterprise.
You need to get your injections ASAP. You'll feelz safe if nothing more.
Strange that the bird flu only seems to affect chickens and ducks grown on commercial farms. I haven't seen any sick Blue Jay's or Crows or Cardinals, etc. This is all the more reason Mike should get his injections. Throw in a covid booster while you're at it Mike. See if they have an intelligence injection, Lord knows you need it.
Since magats collectively scored net zero on IQ a nd aptitude tests, let me enlighten the unenlightened...
Avian influenza, or bird flu, can affect many types of birds, including:
Waterfowl: Ducks, geese, swans, gulls, and terns
Shorebirds: Storks, plovers, and sandpipers
Domestic poultry: Chickens, turkeys, and other birds raised for food
Captive or pet birds: Birds that have access to the outdoors
and likely there are more birds susceptible to these nasty viruses.
Magats have proven intelligence is not their long suit. One more fact, in 2022, 80% of violent crimes in America were c ommitted by white scumacysts like yourslves.
No, if you were to get vaccinated against bird flu, you’d BE safe, not just feel safe.
Fortunately, bird flu is not spreading human-to-human yet, so the risks of bird flu to humans is pretty limited and vaccines are not being offered to the public.
But we should already be vaccinating birds, among whom the flu is rampant, and it’s really stupid that we are not.
It's the birds!
Well thank God it wasn't White Supremacist.
Eggs at a nearby Fiesta Foods store were $15 for an 18 pack. Thanks drumpfuck for not lowering grocery prices as promised.
drumpf is preparing an EO to abolish DOE and Tulsi Gabber gets a 9-8 pass from sinate to get voted on as lack of intelligence head. sinate has a 9/8 magat majority.
drumpfuck wants to save wasicu south africans and elongated skum wants to bring them here as refugees.
drumpfuck hit with massive awsuit seeking injunctive relief and preventing elongated skum from accessing millions of financial records from the Treasury deparment.
How fucking stoopid is drumpfuck the dumbfuck? Plenty. He doesn't know where his ear lobe is (video evidence),he doesn't know how tariffs work, (video evidence) and he doesn't understand stealth technology. He thinks you cannot actually see the nstealthy p,la nes even on the ground. How do pilots find them, stoopid? (video eidence).
The Trump administration claim they are already sending illegal migrants to Guantanamo. It seems like a safe bet they intend to assert the same legal fiction created by the Bush administration during the War on Terror: that prisoners held there have no human rights.
Get ready for horror stories about detainee mistreatment.
As long as bacon is OK we are good.
I'm already use to illegal's burning people alive and beating coeds to death so it won't be a surprise to me. What's amazing is someone is
trying to do something about it.
Fergus got his ass handed to him in his "negotiations" over tariffs, getting nothing that wasn't already agreed to by the Biden administration, and Canada sent people onto Fox the fuck News to tell that to the Pig People, who will just change the channel to Newsmax or OANN.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
You sure Doug, or are you just trying to make yourself feel better?
Jeffries: Choke off the stupid shit OMB is trying to pull in the government funding bill or we won't vote for it.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
I make it one coed killed and one person burnt to death, while sick fuck drumpf killed 67 in a single plane crash and another 6 in a second one.
Go Eagles and Cooper DeJean.
drumpf says F-35 is invsible to the naked eye.
drumpf has no clew where his ear lobe is...
drumpf's idiotic idea how tariffs work.
Did Wordpress give you some problems Doug? That's alright.
Well! You are an idiot! I wish I could help you but you can't fix stupid!
Unfortunately you've already tried the over medicating routine. It may be time for you to consider over medicating your over medicating routine.
“drumpf's idiotic idea how tariffs work.”
How tariffs actually work
OK, the absolute dumbfucks of the century (so far) award goes to Democrats in swing states who failed to vote for Kamala Harris because of their objection to the Biden administration's stance on Gaza, now that Fergus has brought Bibi for a visit and proposed that the US take over (as in own) Gaza and kick every Palestinian out.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Welp, there ya go...
TFG hiring or more accurately re-hiring blatant racist. At least he's putting it out there for all to see so when we start fighting back we don't need to hear any crying. Bullies don't like getting punched in the mouth.
lies and project 2025.
The funniest part about it is we see how racist this country really is. An accident can happen and zero Black people can be involved but STILL get blamed. I mean damn, that's a real commitment to racism. LOL! I guess the only thing we can take solace in is that they'll nominate the typical mediocre white guys and everything will go to hell and anyone with common sense will see it's their own damn fault but these losers will still try to blame us.
You don't like Trump huh?
Well, this is one small moment of justice in the travesty that is a second Trump administration.
After the Proud Boys vandalized a black church (because, er, they’re a bunch of racist losers), a judge with an impressive sense of humor awarded the church the trademark rights to the name “Proud Boys” in compensation.
The church should immediately start selling merch shitting all over the Proud Boys and enjoy their outrage as they are unable to do anything whatsoever about it.
“OK, the absolute dumbfucks of the century (so far) award goes to Democrats in swing states who failed to vote for Kamala Harris because of their objection to the Biden administration's stance on Gaza …”
This stuff shouldn’t come as any kind of surprise, though. It was quite a long while back when Trump’s son-in-law was making public statements about how Gaza could be turned into valuable beachfront real estate, hinty-hint-hint.
This was the same son-in-law who was sent to the Middle East to find a way to bring about peace. Presumably the “way” that he found was to make all the Palestinians go live somewhere else.
I will never understand folks who would take a look at the only two viable candidates in an election, one of whom they find unsatisfactory with the other being dramatically, unbelievably worse, and saying, “You know what? There’s no perfect choice, so I’ll just sit this one out and let the monster win.” I will never be able to wrap my brain around that degree of emotionally driven, non-pragmatic behavior.
PilotX is a communist, so no.
Democrats are really pissed. Now that they are out ,they cannot piss away or steal tax payer money.
They voted correctly.
Trumps tariffs ARE working....
Trump getting what America needs.
How childish
More marxist dribble
Totall bullshit and delusional
Trumps tariffs getting very quick results
Classic TDS. They dont even know how to define what a woman is.
There are only 2 genders.
According to the DSM, gender disphoria is a mental illness.
drumpfucker's magat trolls out trolling en masse but add nothing to the comments.
drumpfuck says US should take over Gaza and Palestinians should leave. That is one way to get Kushner to have his beach front property. Un folrtunately for the nut job in the shithole WH, Palestinians and Arabs are having none of it.
Piece of friendly advice for magat trolls, start injecting suppositories instead of shoving them up your ass and directly into what tiny brains you have.
Criminal drumpfuck jr. illgally hunted and illegally killed a rare protected species of duck in Italy in December. Criminal apples never fall far from the tree.
skum unilaterally locked aids money after it was determined to be allowed to be released so many more people will get aids because secret dick tater deems it so.
newly annointed suckretary of interior designs noem nothing was 40 minutes late for her swearing in so lying jd vance left and noem nothing went crawling to uncle tom thomas, scumus injustice, who swore her in at his house.
Latest news from the War on Woke:
NFL to remove “End Racism” message that had previously been printed at the end zone at the Super Bowl.
Trump-supporting racist football fans can breathe a sigh of relief, as they will no longer be traumatized by said message and their hateful beliefs will finally be respected.
Avian flu has caused egg prices to rise to such levels that Grand Theft Egg is now a thing.
100,000 eggs were stolen from a trailer in Pennsylvania, police say
Hmmm. I thought Trump said he was going to make egg prices go down? This is one of the few prices the federal government could actually do something about, by mandating vaccination of poultry.
Indefinite, nationwide block on deranged wanna be Hitler's plans.
Magats cheated in 2016 to get drumpfuck elected and keep magats in control of the sinate.
Not only cheating ,but, illegal as well.
Lol, the Onion today:
FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States
I’m honestly not sure Trump isn’t an Al Qaeda sleeper agent. His actions would indicate that he is.
The Onion is purely a satire site.
New deadly pathogen found in, where else, inbred Alabama....
Up to 70 % mortality rate. No great loss of southern magats.
If drumpf is so interested in legally shipping criminal US citizens to el Salvador, I propose he be on the first flight. He is a convicted felon and he is certainly dangerous.
This is some pretty funny satire. Only the situation they are mocking is so horrible, readers might not be in the mood to laugh.
You need an injection!
So perhaps the only one who can save us from Musk's attempts to delete the government is Grace Hopper, the inventor of COBOL...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Mitch McConnell fell down the stairs, and has since been seen using a wheelchair. I’m really curious about the nature of his undisclosed health condition and whether he’s going to retire.
drumof needs o be deported with nhis illegal immigrunt wife and illegal immigrunt elongated skum
Looks like Fettermanchin was the only Dem to vote to confirm Bondi.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Dems wanted to subpoena elongated skum but,like usual, magats blocked it on a 19-18 party line vote. magats fear the truth which Dem investigators have proven time after time, they can find it and the crimes. Truth is kryptonite to out of touch with reality magats skum.
Corrupt blondie bondi opened up her tenure as the most corrupt AG ever by weaponiozing the justice departmet to hrrass and attack people who preosecutyed flonious con drumpfuck.
Marxists fear truth
He voted correctly
She is 100% legal
Ivermectin 3mg and 50mg Zinc takes care of covid. Zelenko Protcol
100% SCOTUS will overturn the marxist activist judge.
Bird flu started under biden/harris administration
MAGA does not retreat to imaginary safe spaces like cucks and simps do.
They will move
That is your job to spew disinformation
Obama's dirty secret
I bet the "Proud Boys" are furiously refraining from all masturbation now that a judge has awarded their name and merchandising to the Black church that they failed to pay the awarded judgement to.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"Did Wordpress give you some problems Doug? That's alright."
This is a Blogspot blog, you miserable pine cone.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
wolf, wolf, wolf
wolf. wolf, wolf ad finitum
Mexico deployed first of 10k troops to US border on 2/5 so they had zero to do with capturing drug cartel boss in Laredo and drumpf deserves no credit.
All true!!
Exactly! Communists operate on falsehoods and misinformation.
Fetterman did the country a solid!
We hope so!!
Mitch had to go,he is a Rino with a chinese spy wife.
Truth and God will save America.
Covid vaccines are not real vaccines. They are largley ineffective. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin coupled with Zinc extremely effective. Even Quercetin and zinc an effective OTC option.
Trump is great!!
Then who does deserve credit?
The armed services are reaching recruiting goals again, after 15 years of missing them.
This started after the bad orange man won in November.
Go ahead and paste a column from salon, it's all you got. By the way, did politico ever pay their employees?
Not just that, Trump lives in their heads rent free. He actually owns Mike.
That's Mister Miserable Pine Cone to you... tapeworm.
George Soros fingerprints all over USAID
Modern marxist democrat party operates just like Pol Pot of Cambodia. They want Year Zero.
God loves what the left hates.
Who doesnt leave?? Marxist democrats:
How will ANTIFA and BLM get operational funding now that USAID is being dismantled??
“How will ANTIFA and BLM get operational funding now that USAID is being dismantled??”
Lord, what a dunce you are. You are a mindless, infinitely reprogrammable Trumpbot. This literally you.
Left-wing American organizations do not draw their funding from USAID. Killing off USAID will only mean more people in developing nations dying of malnutrition or disease, etc.
And it will mean people around the world having more negative views of the US, since foreign aid buys us a lot of goodwill globally. Trump apparently wants everyone else to hate Americans and is working extremely hard to make it happen.
Only took a couple weeks into the Trump administration for these clueless clowns to discover that they f*cked up.
Pro-Trump Arab American group changes its name after the president’s Gaza ‘Riviera’ comments
LOL at the idea of “pro-Trump Arabs.” How did they miss the fact that there is no pro-Arab Trump?
So everyone else is lying and only you know the truth.
You really shouldn't be calling people names or maybe that's all you got.
As a post script, if you have to buy someone's friendship, they were never your friend.
Just watched the unedited version of Kamala's 60 minutes interview. WOWZERS! We certainly dodged a bullet. She sounds better when she's drunk. BTW, where is that old gin hag?
“So everyone else is lying and only you know the truth.”
No, everyone else is not lying. Just everyone associated with Trump. And those liars are the people you have foolishly chosen to listen to.
Samantha Powers has been fired from USAID. She over saw the waste of Billions of tax dollars, fomenting color revolutions around the world and the death of Millions of people.
Not a bad track if you're one of satan's demons. She even looks the part.
Good grief, she's only 54 years old. She looks like she's no younger than 200. And I thought Vicky Nuland looked like a succubus, Ms Powers has her beat by a long shot.
Sounds like you got yourself an echo chamber. Good luck with that.
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