There are times when the field wishes he couldn't read. And honestly folks, we are living in such a time. Anyway, I sucked it up and took a quick look at my local paper today, and I almost wish I hadn't.
First of all, I want to talk about this shooting in Amish country which is no more than about a forty five minute drive from the field's home. Now folks, let's make no mistake about this; the SOB that executed those five little girls was one sick f%&^. And although the field does not believe in the death penalty, this guy makes it real hard for me to stay true to my convictions. What makes this even more tragic, is the fact that these poor girls belonged to sect of some of the most peaceful people on earth. I watch them three days a week at my favorite lunch spot in Philly- The Reading Terminal-with their baked goods and other culinary delights, and I gotta tell you, if I didn't know better, I would swear these folks have some black in em, cause they can cook some food. [They have this pie called "shoo fly" which is to die for]So I am seriously pissed about what happened to them, and how they were forced to be thrust into the national spotlight due to no fault of their own. Then some of the neighbors of this sicko that committed these heinous acts, tried to say that he was always a good God fearing man, and he had a wonderful family, and he loved his children, and blah blah blah. He is a sick f$*& that deserved to have gone to prison and met the inmate justice that Bubba and his friends would have meted out. But the coward took the easy way out, and thus gets no sympathy from the field negro.
And speaking of murdering little girls; so this animal in Kentucky does a copy cat move and takes out four little children in his own family. What is the world coming to? And while I feel sorry for the Amish kids and what they went through, why have I not heard the outcry about this killing that I did about them? No President Bush personally offering his condolences no Governor of Kentucky offering his. No lead story on all the national news and cable outlets. You could argue, I suppose, that these shootings did not take place in a school, and given the fact that this happened to the Amish, makes it more intriguing. But you know what the field thinks about the difference between a black life and a white life in this country, so we will leave it at that.
I see where Iraq is going to hell in a hand basket. So what else is new? The battle for Bushdad rages on, with no end in sight. And in the mean time, the violence is escalating in Afghanistan, and we can't get a handle on that either,because our focus is elsewhere. So now the Taliban is making a come back, frat boy's own intelligence estimates say terrorism is on the rise, and there are still people in this country who support our mess of a Middle East policy, and this ridiculous pointless war.
So not only do I want Rove to resign, I want Condi, Dick "dead eye" Cheyney,Donald Rumsfeld, and even frat boy to do a Richard Nixon, get on Air Force One, and ride off into the sunset. But I know that won't happen, so for now, I can only hope that the dems take the house or the senate back. At least they might be able to put a real check and balance on King Georges ass.
I see the North Koreans are at it again, yes folks this time they want to test fire a nuclear weapon, and the U.N. is all but powerless to stop them. What about the most powerful nation on earth stepping in and stopping them you say. What about it? Condi has a better chance of marrying Oprah's man than Kim Jong il listening to a word her perm needing ass says. And that stands for every other country in the free world. The only people Kim Jong Crazy will listen to are the Chinese, and since they are enjoying watching him shake his di*k at the West; don't hold your breath for them to step in any side soon. Heck, shots were even fired earlier today across the DMZ, as it seems one of the North Korean soldiers might have wondered over a little too far on his cigarette break, and one of our South Korean friends let him know about it. So you see folks, things are not only f*&%d up in the MIddle East, they are pretty much f%&*&d up all over the world as well.
On the home front, things aren't much better. Over 300 murders and counting in the "city of brotherly love". Right now we ain't looking too loving, because we are capping each other more than they do bottles in coke factory. And of course, our sorry ass, clueless police chief, continues to sit on his ass, and our mayor-who by the way has done a pretty good job-continues to let this clown stay in office. One future mayoral candidate-Michael Nutter- has called for the Mayor to declare a state of emergency in certain high crime areas, and I must say that I agree with him. We need some new drastic measures in place, because the status quo ain't working. And this is coming from someone who actually has found himself defending people who have been accused of committing some of these crimes from time to time. But if it means my job will be a little harder , so be it,we need to do something.
Mmmm what else? Oh Foleygate, you know what, I am Folyed out. I am not even going to comment on this crap anymore. Anyone with half a brain can see what was going on here, and should be able to see the cover up for what it was. Are there any slimier, more disingenuous people than the politriksters in Washington? I don't think so, and my only regret is that I have but one vote to give. Because if I were allowed multiple votes, I would be heading back to that voting booth line more than a kid at a roller coaster ride at Six Flags. Trust me, I want those bums in Washington out so bad,that it's almost become like an obsession with me. Yep, the field is going to be working extra hard this November.
Finally, I want to say happy trails to Buck O'Niel, who passed away at the ripe old age of 94, and who didn't get to go into the baseball hall of fame by just one vote. All because some ignorant ass,sorry excuse for a baseball writer didn't vote for him. But don't worry Buck, you are in our hall of fame, and like all the other great players who toiled in the negro leagues, but who didn't get to the show, you will always have a special place in the field's heart.
The field is out!
i certainly hope that field negro-
is concentrating on that upcoming mayoral election in his fine city of brotherly love-and to assist the anti-violence movement, and to quell future problems within the schools. field-negro must adhere to the contemporary issues within his own back yard and to lobby the future mayor- as to his issues and the platform that the candidate whomever that may be- solves the cities problems at hand..---
good luck field-negro!
Thanks Sophie for cheking in, and I do need youi to step up the posts. My Africa trip is slowing down :)
And "R", I will definately keep my eye on the upcoming mayors race here in Philly. And I am well aware of all the issues confronting us ;)
Philly sounds a lot like Oakland with the high number of murders. We were very close to being declared a state of emergency a few months back, but the guys in the suits didn't want the negative attention drawn to Oakland. That would hurt the gentrification projects. We have Ron Dellums, a native of Oakland, coming in as mayor in January. I'm very excited to have a brother of this caliber coming to Oakland. Things will change.
I wanted to commend you on your blog. Very real. None of that sugar coating bull-ish.
Keep surviving. Late.
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