Tonight I am in a racism chasing mode, although I really didn't want to be. But this UCSD thing has me, once again, contemplating issues of race and A-merry-ca's future.
Some of you have mentioned the incident it in the comments section on this blog, and tonight I got an e-mail from someone at UCSD who wanted me to post about it, (shout out to* Natasha)so post I will.
But I am going to approach this post from a different angle. I will not get up on a soap-box and rant about racism in A-merry-ca and it's effects on our national psyche. No, instead, I want to learn. I want to truly understand the mind set of people in the majority here in A-merry-ca.
Because honestly, it's not about a bunch of ignorant college students having a ghetto party to commemorate black history month, (hell these types of parties have been going on forever, and I suspect that there will be more of them in the future) and it's not about what type of literal harm they can bring to one black person in A-merry-ca. Rather, it's about something much deeper and pernicious, and it's something worth discussing as we try to make this country that we love so much live up to her promise.
So here is my question to white folks reading this: (Honest answer please)
When you see a black man in a Hickey Freeman suit, starched white shirt, wingtips, a very nice silk-tie, and a brief case walking down the street, are you thinking...well let me give you a quote from the flyer at UCSD:
"For guys: I expect all males to be rockin Jersey's, stuntin' up in ya White T (XXXL smallest size acceptable), anything FUBU, Ecko, Rockawear, High/low top Jordans or Dunks, Chains, Jorts, stunner shades, 59 50 hats, Tats, etc....We will be serving 40's, Kegs of Natty, dat Purple Drank- which consists of sugar, water, and the color purple , chicken, coolade, and of course Watermelon. So come one and come all, make ya self before we break ya self, keep strapped, get yo shine on, and join us for a day party to be remembered- or not..."
.....so is that what you are thinking when you see the black man in my hypothet? Is your imagery of black folks so messed up that this is the only way you can identify with something having to do with Black History Month? Then, of course, your image of black women doesn't seem to be any better:
"For girls: For those of you who are unfamiliar with ghetto chicks-Ghetto chicks usually have gold teeth, start fights and drama, and wear cheap clothes - they consider Baby Phat to be high class and expensive couture. They also have short, nappy hair, and usually wear cheap weave, usually in bad colors, such as purple or bright red.They look and act similar to Shenaynay, and speak very loudly, while rolling their neck, and waving their finger in your face. Ghetto chicks have a very limited vocabulary, and attempt to make up for it, by forming new words, such as "constipulated", or simply cursing persistently, or using other types of vulgarities, and making noises, such as "hmmg!", or smacking their lips, and making other angry noises,grunts, and faces.The objective is for all you lovely ladies to look, act, and essentially take on these "respectable" qualities throughout the day." [Story]
So why is this? I mean I don't see kids at HBCU's having red neck parties, calling them West Virginia hoe downs, and doing all types of stereotypical things that they associate with rednecks; all in the name of fun. But yet, this is a persistent theme with white kids at various college campuses.
Honestly, (and I have to get like my man uptown Steve now) I have been in more black upscale homes than white ones, and my dentist, doctor, broker, and accountant, are all black.
I really don't know any black males or females like the ones mentioned in the flyer (yes I am sure they exist, but I don't know any) and the black professionals I associate with are more cultured and urbane than the white ones. So again, where does this come from? Is it popular culture? (Are black folks their own worst enemies?) Is it home training? Or is it,as some have suggested, an overpowering need by some folks in the majority population to put down others?
If we don't get the answers, next black history month, you all will be up in arms about another bunch of kids making fun of your race. And yet another institution of -supposed- higher learning will have to do things like the following:
"UCSD CAMPUS NOTICE University of California, San Diego OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR OFFICE OF THE VICE CHANCELLOR - STUDENT AFFAIRS February 16, 2010 ALL ACADEMICS AND STAFF AT UCSD ALL STUDENTS AT UCSD SUBJECT: Condemnation of Off-Campus Party and Affirmation of Principles of Community We were distressed to learn that over the weekend an offensively themed student party, mocking the commemoration of Black History Month, took place off campus. We strongly condemn this event and the blatant disregard of our campus values. Although the party was not a UC SanDiego student-organization sponsored event, participants did include UCSan Diego students and that causes us great concern. As stated in our Principles of Community, we reject acts of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age,disability, sexual orientation, religion, and political beliefs, and, we will confront and appropriately respond to such acts. We reaffirm our Principles of Community and encourage the campus to join us in our affirmation. In addition, we invite students, staff and faculty to participate in at each-in from noon to 2 p.m. on February 24 in the Price Center East Ballroom to explore how such incidents continue to occur today and to discuss the importance of mutual respect and civility on our campus.
Marye Anne Fox Chancellor, Penny RueVice Chancellor - Student Affairs"
Blah blah blah blah. Sorry Marye Anne, in post racial A-merry-ca, anything goes.
*Thanks again Natasha, keep holding it down at UCSD. 200 among 20,000.00 in Ward Connerly country has got to be tough on even the strongest Field Negro.
1 – 200 of 301 Newer› Newest»*shakes head*
They did this too when I was going to Penn State. It's pretty much everywhere unfortunately...
When are Black folks going to have their own Tea Party against those state schools where their own children can't attend? It like they are paying to breed racist.
Those students don't look like they have an IQ of 100 much less a SAT of 2100.
The, for the lack of a better term, arguments and opinions I read in support of the "Compton Party" are as follows:
1. Ghetto folks do exist, so why are black people so upset?
2. If they educated themselves more, then they would be treated as equals?
3. We have something called "free speech," therefore the kids at UCSD are correct!
4. I have to deal with ghetto people everyday!
5. Blacks are more racist than whites, so what is the big deal? Enough of the double standard!
6. Why are those people so uptight?
It's satire. Get over it!
You cannot not reason with people who that type of mind set. FN, you should not even acknowledge what went down at UCSD, because these discussions have a predictable conclusion-- going off on a tangent where neither side agrees.
I really don't think it's a big deal. AT LEAST 70% of black babies are born OUT OF WEDLOCK, and you're worried (concerned?) about this. I see the murder rate in Philly is now at 32. I'm assuming most of the victims (as well as the killers) were/are black.
Black communities (so-called) all over this country are not on life support because some white kids acted silly at a "party".
It takes too much energy for some folks to think as black folks as anything other that the lowest common denominator.
We live in a time where the Leader of the free world is a black man, but the common knowledge of blacks that they possess about us leads them to have a "thug and thugette" party.
It's just a flawed or lazy thinking process that blinds them to believe that all blacks adhere to a stereotype that exposes their perceived inferiority while making all of those racists feel better about their racism because we all know it's just a joke.......... right?
Their conduct in these parties mirrors the conduct of their avatars in the tea party movement. When the kids think that black folks think that we are a bunch of pimps and hoes, "Shamikas" and "Tyrones" that don't have home training, it isn't that much of a stretch to think that their dads and moms think that the current occupant of the White House is a Witch Doctor or Chairman Mao.
As for anon 9:56,
5. Blacks are more racist than whites, so what is the big deal? Enough of the double standard!
6. Why are those people so uptight?
It's satire. Get over it!
Are you a concern troll? Because those questions can't be serious.
If black culture is so bad? If whites are so poisoned by the influence of blackness....
Why is 85% of all rap music bought by whites?
Why have middle-aged white women (and some men) created a cottage industry by going to the Caribbean on sex trips with the express purpose of sleeping with black men?
Who do white people invest so much time and money dressing like, sounding like, walking like, knowing, making friends with, and being around black folks?
I could really go on.....but you get the point.
I don't think any black people want or need the approval of whites in our day-to-day lives. It would be nice if once, when obvious racism is exposed, not for the average conservative white to retreat into talking point bullshit regurgitated from the 2:00 hour of the Rush Limbaugh show.
Why do self-aware white racists feel the need to comment on and participate in discussions on a blog entitled "The Field Negro"? You don't see me or any other of us on FreeRepublic, Townhall, foxnews or Stormfront.
It's like having a Nazi say that when they drew the Jews' noses so big in 1939 that is was just satire, that they were just joking.
Fuck those future teabaggers.
Continuation from 9:56 PM.
7. "I really don't think it's a big deal. AT LEAST 70% of black babies are born OUT OF WEDLOCK, and you're worried (concerned?) about this. I see the murder rate in Philly is now at 32. I'm assuming most of the victims (as well as the killers) were/are black.
Black communities (so-called) all over this country are not on life support because some white kids acted silly at a "party"."
@Trapped in SC said...
You are not reading, thoroughly. I am citing arguments (5 and 6) of folks that support the USCD "Compton Party."
I do not subscribe to them.
Improve your reading comprehension before attacking me.
How will those silly kids act when someone like field is their boss; talk to them in some pseudo ghetto speak or shake their booty.
What's pathetic is that they don't have manners or know how to dress; because those elite schools they attend, have to have events for them to learn what to wear to an interview and teach them the difference between a dinner and a salad fork.
I guess since black folks don't do housekeeping any more, those silly kids don't get any home training.
"..It's just a flawed or lazy thinking process that blinds them to believe that all blacks adhere to a stereotype that exposes their perceived inferiority while making all of those racists feel better about their racism because we all know it's just a joke.......... right?.."
*nodding head in agreement*
Black communities (so-called) all over this country are not on life support because some white kids acted silly at a "party"."
Well, actually, "some" black communitites are on "life support" because those silly acting kids grew up to be leaders whose job it is to implement policies which affect said communities.
You asked for a white opinion. I am a white person who works in "the ghetto". I see the stereotypes portrayed on a daily basis in clothing, looks, behaviors etc. Whereas you "don't know anyone who acts like those portrayed in the flyer", the majority of what I see on a daily basis are those portrayed in the flyer. I am sure it's an issue that lies at the intersection of race AND class. It's tasteless, and racist (such parties). I normally would not post, but you genuinely asked and I have genuinely answered.
For those of you who will go into attack mode, call me a racist, wonder what I do in "the ghetto" etc. I plan to not respond to you when you strike. It will be a waste of both our time.
Respectfully to FN,
A fan
"I really don't know any black males or females like the ones mentioned in the flyer (yes I am sure they exist, but I don't know any) and the black professionals I associate with are more cultured and urbane than the white ones. So again, where does this come from? Is it popular culture? (Are black folks their own worst enemies?) Is it home training?"
Field, it sounds to me that you want everyone to know that your experience with Blacks has only been with black professionals and you know NOTHING about Blacks who act ghetto.
As a black professional who associates with other black professionals, I STILL encounter Blacks acting ghetto in town, on public transportation, gangs, killings of teens, drive bys, etc in cities like Philly, LA, Oakland, Richmond, Chicago, and Brooklyn.
So how have you managed to NOT know anything about such stereotypes, who ARE REAL AND EXIST ALL OVER the inner city? I mean, surely you have heard Shaniya or someone with a similar name board public transportation smacking gum, talking loud, cursing, waving her finger, rapping, etc in her loud colors and crisco hair do?
Come to think of it, I vaguely recall you doing a post about your encounter about loudass filthy-mouth "girlfriend" and her embarrassing ghetto style for us folks. I also remember about some Italian guy shooting a loud-ass Negro in a movie. There are plenty of those folks at movies in the inner city.
I think you are just embarrassed that there are a preponderance of such Blacks in urban areas and you would rather not know about them. Get over it, brother. They exist and they play an integral part of the black race. Your daily death counter in your side bar proves it.
How does a criminal lawyer in Philadelphia like yourself NOT encounter ghetto Blacks? Are all of your clients "upscale" black professionals too?
Now Field,
What kind of white folks do you think follow your blog? Upper-middle class crackers, or folks who are regular enough readers of Tim's to've recognized an essay from his old site.
Honest answer? I'm hoping that the guy's a Pastor instead of a cop or life insurance agent.
Remember Candid Camera: 'caught in the act of being yourself?" That's those frat-kids.
Ecalis, .."I see the stereotypes portrayed on a daily basis in clothing, looks, behaviors etc. Whereas you "don't know anyone who acts like those portrayed in the flyer", the majority of what I see on a daily basis are those portrayed in the flyer..."
I agree, and I am Black. And you are right, it is tasteless. Very disgusting. It's as if they are not being real, but they are.
They are quite boisterous, loud, ignorant, violent and scary. It is easy to understand why Blacks are stereotyped like that.
The 'squeaky wheel' always gets the most attention.
The issue is not just racism, but class warfare. Just look at the borgeois vitriol in the language they use, for example: "they consider Baby Phat to be high class and expensive couture", "Ghetto chicks have a very limited vocabulary", "usually wear cheap weave, usually in bad colors, such as purple or bright red". I believe the racist aspect is mostly incidental, they would probably have a similar 'white trash' or 'redneck' party without a second thought. The issue for these people is class, they have been brought up to despise the poor and since they are teenagers who don't yet have the power, wealth and influence to demean and oppress the working class they have to be satisfied with mocking them. Just wait until these assholes become senators, the republican party is much scarier than a frat party.
full disclosure: I'm white and a socialist, take that how you will.
Why should I put down my fried chicken to notice what some white folks do? Man we are always trying to put a PG spin on this kind of stuff when in reality they are racist and the majority of white people are racist.
When will we as Blacks stop worrying about it or paying attention to it. If racism is stopping you from getting a job make your own business. If racism is causing you to feel embarrassed go up and beat the hell out of the guy. If racism is causing your daughter to be mistreated in school get your damn kid out of the school. If ultimately the country is racist then logically the solution would be to build up our own society and have a buffer against whitey's influence.
But NO we want to be fair which translates into most Blacks taking a loss and trying to forgive the bamboozled Christian way. Why should I care about some damn apology when they don't mean it. Are they apologizing because they did it or because they got caught and it embarrasses the school.
Look I didn't grow up this kumbaya way so if someone has a problem with me they will get dealt with. If there was a penalty behind doing it then it wouldn't happen as much since there is going to be some kind of cultural sensitivity class then the white boy will just laugh and say I'd better not get caught doing that again.
This country is the way it is. The only question for us Blacks is how long are we going to keep lying to ourselves about the nature of these folks.
Now I'm going all in.
This is entertainment as racism.
No matter what criticisms you lay at the feet of blacks in America, whether it's about the men who abandon their children, or the violence in the inner cities, or the way that some of the young wear the ignorance like a badge of honor, even the the "attitude" that we blacks have that drive white people crazy......We are winning, every day.
When you are reduced to entertaining yourselves by defiling Blacks, who are you trying to impress, for whom is the bell tolling?
So, I guess I can infer that all whites are those tea-baggin, socialist-hatin', truck-drivin', trailer-park-livin', hate-the-government-except-on-the-third-when-I-get-my-check-livin' "real murkins", right?
Fuck that, I will not apologize for the loud black chick at the movie theater who doesn't influence my daily life. Know why? Because there are a plurality of white people will not apologize for the actions of loud TV pundits, fake ass beauty queen rednecks who use their special needs children as campaign props, Or thousands of people who make up a movement that is so willfully ignorant as to listen to its leaders bemoan a stimulus bill on TV, but yet cheer when the same leader tells them how they will benefit from the bill that they were against the preceding day.
We are all ignorant about some things, and to varying degrees. But there is a big difference between being unknowingly and willfully ignorant.
Who is more ignorant? The Ghetto Black, or the fool who attempts the caricature the ghetto black, and gets it WRONG.
I don't pay a whole lot of attention to things that college kids do. Back in the middle of the last century I did a whole lot of ignorant shit in college. My brain was addled with drugs and alcohol most of the time and my mind hadn't developed into a reliable thinking machine. Am I alone?
As for a black man all dressed up fancy like you were sayin. . . interesting because I saw a very old friend of mine a couple weeks back at a local groovy place and he (a black man) was decked out like an uptown millionaire with the impecably tailored suit and all the trimmings. I was very happy for him that his accounting business is so successful and maybe felt a twinge of jealousy. But nothing like that babble you posted.
Again, am I alone? Probably not.
Fuck Field, there's a whole buncha dumbass motherfuckers in this world on all sides of the fence. You always act so surprised.
Black communities (so-called) all over this country are not on life support because some white kids acted silly at a "party".
I'm in agreement with this statement. If these sorts of parties were to cease tomorrow and never occur again, what sorts changes would occur in the African-American community as a result? These sorts of parties, while insulting, are meaningless in the larger spectrum of what ails black folks in this country.
We may never change hearts or get folks to engage in moral reform and I, for one, am not willing to spend the effort on that. I will expend efforts on what I can control, which is me. If we work on ourselves and forget about someone else's acceptance of us, what they think about us and etc. we'd be far better off.
It's cultural envy. Once a year these white students get to do what they long to do all year long: behave the way they believe blacks behave.
Without the process being formalized, and structured in this way--making fun of blacks during Black History Month--they would have to deal with white backlash.
This way, they can have their chocolate cake and ice cream, too.
Frankly, I don't see anything in the descriptions (except for the racial features), that are unique to blacks. These stereotypes could just as easily be for whites, as for blacks.
I've seen whites, and Latinos, with sagging pants, and behaving in manners that we would attribute to blacks.
The line between the cultures are fading. We're seeing cultural swapping all the time. It only depends on what's in vogue, and the age of the participants.
As Granny would say: There's not that much difference between the two ghettos, the "white ghetto," or the black one.
I lived in Compton, and attended many parties in my youth, and I can tell you without equivocation, I don't recognize those stereotypes. I've seen some of them on television, and in the movies, but, in real life, never.
They are a montage, I suspect, of many blacks, pieces borrowed from here and from there, and blended together to create a persona that is as fictional as those that are developed for situational comedies, and fodder for comedians.
I think payback can be a "bitch," and is in order. But I don't think black students on these campuses are as eager to put down whites, as whites are to put them down.
I think some whites find a measure of morbid satisfaction in putting blacks down: Not only does it make them feel superior, but it gives them that special "white bonding," and an opportunity to deliver a blow, albeit vicariously, against black uppityness, insistence on being treated fairly, and justly, affirmative action, and thinking that they're as good as anyone else.
When will we as Blacks stop worrying about it or paying attention to it. If racism is stopping you from getting a job make your own business. If racism is causing you to feel embarrassed go up and beat the hell out of the guy. If racism is causing your daughter to be mistreated in school get your damn kid out of the school. If ultimately the country is racist then logically the solution would be to build up our own society and have a buffer against whitey's influence.
While I admire your revolutionary ambition, in the depressing world of realpolitik this kind of action is counter-productive. The reason that the working class (which the majority of black people are a part of) has failed to achieve any power in America is in part because the powers that be (i.e Big Business) have consciously worked to divide the working class down racial lines so that our time an effort is wasted fighting among ourselves instead of presenting an organised labor movement.
To borrow an analogy from Immortal Technique, 'we're all trying to push each other out of a little boat that we're all in, while the rich float past in a luxury liner'. The answer to improving life for blacks is not self imposed segregation, but unity with the white working class. Of course such a thing is easier said than done and I admit that I have no idea how to do it, but I do know that working class brotherhood should be the ultimate goal.
"This country is the way it is. The only question for us Blacks is how long are we going to keep lying to ourselves about the nature of these folks."
How long? The answer is forever. Why do you think we keep talking about this crap? Because it hurts, and Blacks are addicted to hurt...esp. from Whites. We will talk about their sick nature, and lie to ourselves as we always have. That's because we are just as sick as they are. We are enmeshed with them; neither race can disentangle themselves from each other no matter how hard we try. That's the karma of slavery.
Hence, something as irrelevant as a bunch of immature stupid white students in SD having a "ghetto" party will garner the attention of Blacks as offensive and hurtful to Blacks. The truth of the matter is: NO ONE CARES.
Let me speak up as a resident white boy who isn't a troll... at least not intentionally. Of course I'm probably just writing to myself, buried under ignorant Anons and fools who caused any thinking people to stop scrolling down...
Really I can answer your question in one word.. actually three words;
Ask these college kids what black people they know and they will say, "Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Kanye, Lil' Kim, and Eminem. (yes, I know)....
O, no wait, they also know Allen Iverson.
Now I know that these arent representations of the whole, but they represent the whole of what white kids know.
White kids do not eat at the homes of black doctors and lawyers, they do not watch the state of the union adress, and can only name the CEO of... no wait they cant name any CEO's black or white untill two months before graduation.
They do eat cold pizza, they do sleep through class, and they do watch unreasonable amounts of TV.
Its not OK, but thats what it is.
Spare me the outrage. I will take any of this seriously when african americans stop calling each other nigger this, nigger that. Constantly putting that into every damn song and repeatedly shoving it in people's face. You promote this ghetto-thing like crazy to make money, then turn around and whine about it when people take to it. Get the fuck out.
Ignorant college white folks doing ignorant shit, why haven't we accepted this as the norm yet? It's no longer shocking, just typical.
Greg L: "If these sorts of parties were to cease tomorrow and never occur again, what sorts changes would occur in the African-American community as a result? These sorts of parties, while insulting, are meaningless in the larger spectrum of what ails black folks in this country."
On one level I agree, and I'll get to that shortly, but there's another level that should be taken into account.
How does it go: We're "one nation under God...."
The problem is encapsulated in the words, "African-American community." We're a fractured society. We'll continue to be fractured, regardless of how entrenched the problem, as long as the problem is swept under the rug. I'm for lifting up the rug, and showing all the crap that's hiding there.
This nation will never know its democratic greatness by expending its energies on widening the divide between the races.
I contend that our nation has hamstrung its greatness because of its preoccupation with race.
Too much of its creative energies have been dissipated because of it.
It takes energy to keep the races in enclaves, and struggling for equality.
For better or worse, our futures are intertwined, whether black, white, brown, red, or yellow.
The success of that future will depend on how well we get along now. Today. How much respect, tolerance, goodwill, justice and fairness is accorded the other.
That's why anything that doesn't bring us together as a people-- social practices, mores, behaviors, and attitudes--merely postpone our greatness, and diminish, as a result, the collective aspirations of the nation.
"We may never change hearts or get folks to engage in moral reform and I, for one, am not willing to spend the effort on that. I will expend efforts on what I can control, which is me. If we work on ourselves and forget about someone else's acceptance of us, what they think about us and etc. we'd be far better off."
I agree with this statement. You make some good points. But if I'm truly patriotic (love and care for the nation in which I reside), I will use that fervor to remind my fellow citizens when their behavior is inimical to us as a people, and to our future.
Racism is one of those behaviors.
It won't impede my personal progress to re-mind others of this, and to point out deficiencies as they arise.
And like you, I won't make it my personal agenda to change hearts or minds, but remain ready, and willing, to assist anyone willing to narrow the racial divide, provided they bring sincerity, and a proper willingness, to the table of reconciliation.
Racism, in all its multitudinous forms, sets us all back. Some may feel it more acutely than others, but none of us are truly exempt from its ravages.
Just as you have suggested, I owe it to myself, and to my nation (all people, regardless of color, creed, ethnicity, religious beliefs, or what have you), to become all I can become, despite the hurdles of racism, or the hoops of injustice, I'm given to jump over, or to jump through.
brohammas, "Ask these college kids what black people they know and they will say, "Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Kanye, Lil' Kim, and Eminem. (yes, I know)....
O, no wait, they also know Allen Iverson.
Now I know that these arent representations of the whole, but they represent the whole of what white kids know.
White kids do not eat at the homes of black doctors and lawyers, they do not watch the state of the union adress, and can only name the CEO of... no wait they cant name any CEO's black or white untill two months before graduation.
They do eat cold pizza, they do sleep through class, and they do watch unreasonable amounts of TV.
Its not OK, but thats what it is."
I always look forward to your comments, although you don't post that often. But when you do, you nail it. You seem to see what is hidden right in front of our faces.
That's for the insight and wisdom, Bro.
stop playing. you do "know" folks like this. if they change their names while commenting you will recognize them and ask if it is them. go to any one of your comment sections and you will find folks embodying the stereotypes. the chick with a microscpe comes to mind for me with bw racist stereotypes. she has the telling folks off, hypersexuality, persistent chronic profanity and vulgarity, etc. etc. yep. i said it.
wonder why the female in the pic wasn't black? maybe other folks notice what some blacks vehemently deny? the good bm are sitting silently while the damaged males declare to high heaven how much bm hate bw. folks are getting the message. yet, when bw say it, we are:
not hip to the fact the bm marry more bw when they bother to get married at all
man bashing
blah blah blah...
lol! and trust, i could not care less. rwanda, congo, dunbar village keep my focus and purpose on point with laser-like precision.
freedom of speech. if some dumb blacks can call each other racist slurs and call it "empowered" they must realize they are giving other folks the green light to be equally "empowered". as much as quite a few blacks like to pretend it is all based on a big fat lie, it is not. many stereotypes have truth woven throughout them. more black folks would do well to get real. fast. one can not hope to fix a problem they won't even acknowledge.
microscope chick, i STILL will not fight with you; keep that in mind if/when you respond. now come on, get predictable and prove my point. are you even capable of a making a point WITHOUT expletives and crude, crass, masculine references to the male genitalia? hmmm?
lol! yep. i said it.
side-note: my ruthless streak is well-defined. those females that aid and abet in the oppression of other women get no mercy from me. in fact, i derive pleasure from toying with you mercilessly. so bring it...if you dare. try not to be ghetto. you are in mixed company. lol!
"I really don't know any black males or females like the ones mentioned in the flyer "
You really need to get out more. They certainly aren't the majority of my aquaintences, butI know plenty, unfortunately.
Commit to living in a post-racial world where people are judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, a world without affirmative action, minority set asides OR Ivy League legacy admissions, or learn to live with rude ass shit like these stupid college punks and their moronic party.
Greg L,
That is easily said when coming from the majority, but when you're the minority and as Field has pointed out, these idiots are the future leaders, employers ect of black people, how can we not be concerned over their perception.
I am in agreement with the gentleman who said black people whould wake up! It's best for us if we create our own. I know...I know, seperate only creates hate, but we've been living side by side with these folks, never even so much as thinking retribution for all the shit they've put us through and still they give us hell every chance they get.
Only when black folks get tired of turning the other cheek, and if not for ourselves, for our children, raise up and create our own will we not have to deal with this nonsense.
"...and the black professionals I associate with are more cultured and urbane than the white ones".
Wow. Just Wow. For all the months I've read this blog, I never took you for Tartuffe and a bigot.
So, here's back at you with my perspective:
I'm not American, and I have had experience with genuine black professionals who are indeed, truly educated, witty and urbane.
This has not been my experience in the US. In fact, I had little long-term interaction with the conjectural "black professional class" in the US until just recently.
Apparently, Jet or Ebony or one of the other magazine catering to the black market wrote an article that our area is highly desirable for upwardly mobile blacks, in part, because there are no local private schools, the public schools are well funded and top-notch.
So, there have been so major demographic shifts recently. We just returned to our home after being overseas for a few years, and the change has been dramatic.
At first, we took no notice, but then the cultural gulf became painfully obvious.
It would appear that the recent arrival blacks (we like to call them the "NS" or nouveau suburban)are always trying to impress with their latest consumer acquisition, as if somehow, accumulating trinkets would validate their sense of worth and earn the respect of their neighbors. Having recently arrived to the petite bourgeoisie, they are pretentious and insufferable, and, quite frankly, coarse. Even their choice of consumer items is tasteless and pedestrian.
It would seem for these blacks, Monsieur Jourdain is their mentor and idol.
Oh, and let's not forget the whole deal about the demand for "respect".
When we first returned, I was surprised at how many families now homeschool and/or privately tutor. After dealing with the progeny of the putative local "black professional class", I now understand why, and we have joined their ranks - homeschooling until we can settle on which private HS our children will be enrolled in.
These rude, vulgar little savages are beyond redemption, and it is best to just avoid the whole tired situation rather than try and inculcate even modest manners and civility. After all, Mommy and (sometimes) Daddy, newly arrived to the suburbs, not by merit, but by box-checking and the joys of Affirmative Action, have taught them well that the normal rules of conduct do not apply to them.
As for the alleged "black professional class" -- when blacks in the US have to meet the same standards and rigors as whites, then I will respect them as educated peers. Until then, I will treat them as the token and affirmative action trophies that they are.
A Bientot,
Old tactics never seem to die with white folks. They're trying to kill black folks spirit and confidence. It is very juvenile if you think about it. This is the sort of thing kids in elementary school do when they are jealous with envy of another kid. Children pull these kinds of stunts by making fun of another kid when in reality they want to be that same kid they are making fun of.
They pull clownish stunts to try to get other kids to join in and help them make fun of the kid they are jealous of to make themselves feel big. So they become very clownish. But in reality they're a very insecure kid. Eventually, the other kids wake up and see that kid for what he is and
begin to distance themselves from him.
They spend their every waking day trying to figure out how to embarrass or make that child look small in the eyes of others and lose sleep over it. In the end, they lose because that child passes them and goes on to become very successful. While they wind up falling by the wayside and not amounting to very much because they wasted their time and energy on the wrong focus.
At first, I started to suggest giving a Redneck party all over America but you don't do evil for evil. Nor do you do stupid for stupid. Nope, you just let stupid stay stupid, go on about your daily business, and keep on rising to the top. Don't look to the left nor to the right, but keep your eyes looking straight ahead and stay focused on the prize.
BTW, I agree with Trapped in S C., I am not apologizing for none of my black sisters and brothers. Nope, not a one! Nor am I gonna let white folks dictate to me how I should treat my own people or feel towards them. I am proud to be a black woman and wouldn't have it any other way. Nor will I let them make me feel ashamed of any of my people regardless of what their status is in life. Y'all can let them have that much control over your mind, but I refuse to let them have that much over mine.
Racism, in all its multitudinous forms, sets us all back. Some may feel it more acutely than others, but none of us are truly exempt from its ravages.
Hey BD,
Actually, I don't disagree with your sentiment here. Racism is a great cancer on our nation and there are few countries in the world as steeped in its practice as our nation. It's uneconomic and morally reprehensbile.
I guess I'm just tired of reminding folks about it and no longer seek to engage in what seems to be a never ending tussle about what needs to be done about it. It just seems to me that an inordinate amount of time is taken up on these matters with precious little to show for it. But the far bigger thing for me is the question of power. I'm just not prepared to let someone's racist baggage hold sway over me. To be sure, if I encounter a racist cop when driving while black, that's one thing, but gratuitous stuff like these idiot kids are doing is another.
I believe the thing we need is power to overcome racism and many other maladies we face. I'm not speaking of power in a meglomaniacal sense of the word, but from the standpoint of projecting one's worldview of himself. I believe if one sees himself in the proper light and projects that view with power behind it, others have little choice other than to deal with you in the context in which you see yourself. In other words your reality becomes also theirs.
Currently, this is done in reverse for black folks. In effect, it forces us into an agenda that really keeps us away from doing the things we need to be doing because we're busy dealing with a reality that's being projected on us.
I guess what I'm saying is that the power resides in who's pushing an agenda and who's responding to one. Black folks are constantly responding to someone else's agenda or reality rather than projecting our own. I believe that if we were positioned differently in this regard, not only would we fare better, but racial reconciliation would be a natural outcome.
FN - your blog is brilliant in that it brings out all the shrieking, anonymous unwashed white "it's satire!"/"it's a joke"/it's-based-in-reality illiterate cowards from under their bridges.
Wonder how your comments would change if these freaks had to sign in using Google or Open ID, that could possibly identify them.
Anonymous coward said:
"where people are judged by the content of their character"
If I NEVER hear those three awful words "content of character" again, especially when lecturing The Blacks since that's the only time it ever comes up anymore, it will be too soon.
Its another racism game that's sort of like breaking in a spirited horse. You just ride them and ride them until they give in and you've broken their spirit. Stop letting them ride you with dehumanizing, denigrating, and humiliating tactics and don't let them break your spirit. Like the words in that song back in the day use to say:
"Now look-a look (look-a look)
A-look-a yonder
What's that I see
A great big stone wall
Stands there ahead of me
But I've got my pride
And I'll move on aside
And keep on pushin'"
@Greg L: "Black folks are constantly responding to someone else's agenda or reality rather than projecting our own. I believe that if we were positioned differently in this regard, not only would we fare better, but racial reconciliation would be a natural outcome."
I agree. Self-determination is superior to living a reactive existence. We have to set our own agenda, as you have suggested, and push ahead, regardless of resistance.
What's the point of living, if its always in reactive mode. We should set our sights high, and dare anyone to stop us.
That's how I've lived, and continue to live.
Cosign @ Brohammas
Deep breath. . .where does this come from, you ask. . .
It comes from fear of realizing that the position of power you hold is unearned and that everybody knows it--having a Black POTUS who is the opposite of the entire ridiculous stereotype is just one example of the proof staring them in the face.
It comes from segregation. Most "white" people don't have many Black friends, because it's hard to make friends when you're A) defensive about being considered racist and B) ignorant (willfully or not) about your own unearned privilege.
It comes from an unwillingness (primarily among "white" people) to engage in discussions about race because they don't know how and because they don't have to. White privilege means you are able to not really think about racism if you are insulated enough and don't want to.
It comes from confusion resulting from comedic reinforced stereotypes on the one hand (Black people don't swim, ski, go camping, etc.) and rightful assertions of individuality on the other hand.
I don't mean to imply that it's the responsibility of Black people to educate whites about how annoying we are. I'm just saying that these kids are, as Brohammas stated, ignorant of the diversity of the Black community and there are forces at work to keep them that way and keep people divided. Most white kids don't perceive themselves as anything but "normal" and everyone else as "other." This is appallingly racist and short-sighted, of course, and their lives are poorer for this, but they don't know the richness of what they're missing because of the reasons stated above.
This party is just another example of whites objectifying Blacks from a power position like (some) men objectify women, like adults objectify teens, like so many objectify others rather than really know them and meet them with empathy.
I don't feel like I've made my point very eloquently but I hope I've engendered some understanding.
In no way am I excusing this abhorrent behavior. And I know that all white people don't think this way. But it does take some effort to educate oneself, and that education isn't always easy to come by. It's worth it, though---
(hi, Granny--mad love to you--)
Love you too RaceTraitor, keep up the good works. BTW, you did a splendid job in making your point.
I'm gonna say night to all.
@Mazuel - You make me want to vomit.
Your self-righteous racist/class rant is distasteful and pathetic.
If you wiped the shoe polish off that a-hole but left the hat, cigar, brew, & smirk, I've met the guy. & the blonde, too. & by the end of the night she'll be on her knees ready to do the one part he probably didn't blacken, & I hope she says. "Oooh, how disappointing, I was expecting something a little more phat down here."
& then he'll puke on her head.
Fuck you. I hope all of your children marry African-Americans and then let's see of you feel the same way about your grandchildren.
"As for the alleged "black professional class" -- when blacks in the US have to meet the same standards and rigors as whites, then I will respect them as educated peers. Until then, I will treat them as the token and affirmative action trophies that they are."
A Bientot,
Tell me you're joking! Thanks for the laugh. You're right: we're not "peers."
I judge people not by their color, not by their degrees, and not by their pedigree, or lack thereof.
I'd rather live next door to a homeless shelter, than next to you.
And, by God, I mean it!
Give me plain wrap, and simple, but honest, and pure, any day.
Mazuel, you are a very sick person who needs to judge and pick people apart in order to feel better about your own pathetic self.
The fact that you are on FN blog doing exactly that proves my point.
Race Traitoress said... "This party is just another example of whites objectifying Blacks from a power position like (some) men objectify women, like adults objectify teens, like so many objectify others rather than really know them and meet them with empathy.
"I don't feel like I've made my point very eloquently but I hope I've engendered some understanding."
Thanks. You've done both. And I sure hope you're not an exception to the rule. :)
Every time I read a rdnks comments or see a story like this I invision the Lynching photos. Whites sitting around laughing and have a good old time while a man or woman is being burned to death on a fire or hung from a tree.
1) Are white people really the devil's children?
2) Why do white use christianity to support their bloodthirst behavior?
3) How can WP justify such barbaric behavior, as "free speech" or "just kids having fun".
4) Doesn't every race have a bad apple? It's unfortunate that even whites educated stoop to low levels. So what does that say about uneducated WP?
5) Is it just in their nature to be jealous of black people. It's like they have to convince themselves that they aren't jealous. So the only thing they can do is make fun of us and attempt to make blacks feel less than humane.
Seriously I don't care anymore. I've just come to the conclusion that some WP really just don't get it. I love WP. Some of my best friends are white and I would never imagine them being this ignorant. There appears to be two types of WP in Amerikkka. The ones who understand we're all human beings, then you have the one who hate everything about people of color for no dammmm reason. Hey you're entitled to your opinions and ideas, just don't bring it to me. I would enjoy becoming a Ghetto Monkey, Gorilla Stomping Nigga on your White Krakkker Face. Whowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowho!!!!!!
Oh yeah the Klan is planning a rally this Saturday in south Georgia. Any bruthas in the area should go down there real early in the morning and piss all over the streets. Just don't get caught. Or you can scoop up some of your dogs poo and toss it all over the street. They'll feel right at home when they march down the town square.
Student loan debt is the new economic slavery.
Hey there abroad french dude(mazuel)!
You must be the hardest working man on your block? I was with you until you mentioned AA. So you really believe the playing field is even? You really are clueless french dude. You mean to tell me my people don't work as hard or harder for what we have? You actually typed that statement without proof. It shows you're limited capacity. You may be very smart when it comes to things of the world, but you lack the ability to understand people. Regardless of color we are human beings. If your neighbors want to flaunt their new Benz or fashion, that's their God given right. If you think what they flaunt was given to them becuase of AA, you aren't clueless your stupid(3rd grade ed) when it comes to people. If your ancestors experience the same as mine, then you'd do the same. Speaking of which, isn't that the same thing the french do in comparison to the Brits. You guys flaunt your useless fashion as if their some profound idea in front of other Euros the same way. Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black. Your whole culture is about flaunting. You flaunt your language, fashion, art, wine, and your revolution. So who's the NS? You guys were the first NS. If it wasn't for the revolution french dude, you'd be begging for fried snails and charentais barefoot on the side of the road.
[quote]Rather, it's about something much deeper and pernicious, and it's something worth discussing as we try to make this country that we love so much live up to her promise.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
I had highlighted a larger portion of your w ords. THESE WORDS ABOVE, however disturbed me the most about the way YOU think.
WHY DO YOU THINK that the United Snakes of America (Listen to WRFG.com at 6:30pm on Fridays to hear the "Fight The Power" Black leftists call it as such) will have REACHED THE APEX OF ITS POTENTIAL when it NO LONGER HAS WHITE KIDS who are EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS to you, MOCKING "Ghetto Culture"?
Filled Negro - are they "government agents" who have FAILED you and thus they SPEAK FOR THE COMMON GOVERNMENT that we all live under?
Seriously Filled Negro it is YOUR assumption of THEM and their SUPERIOR power to hurt your psyche and/or to erase away some of the words from the Constitution that YOU carry around in your mind as a trained barrister.
As an agent of an evil corporation I consult with an evil state university in the local area that produces engineers and has many military industrial complex research contracts. Filled Negro - about 4 months ago when I attended the annual kick off of a technology competition in which students vie for more than $30,000 in award prizes AND are identified as potential talent to be scooped up by the corporate powers that sponsor the competition.
Filled Negro - here is what shocked me the last time I was there. Of the approximately 120 people in the room - 80% of them were INDIAN NATIONALS!!!!!
Those White kids who are "mocking" Blacks - fear not Filled Negro - they are merely "laughing now", not knowing what is about to hit them. Cheer up Filled Negro - they are about to be "Someone else's 'Nigra' IF this country doesn't see where we are going in regards to global competitiveness.
I assure you that none of the people parting at UCSD would QUALIFY to be in the room full of engineers that showed tremendous talent.
As I looked at this BROWN SKINNED PEOPLE, Filled Negro, I saw that the "AMERICAN NEGRO HAS NO MONOPOLY ON MELANIN". There were some of them who were DARKER than me. Yet they had no cultural references that I understood. Hell Filled Negro - I even if, despite being college students they were screwing. Some will have arranged marriages later on in life. With so many more males than females - I have no idea what they do to "get their groove on".
Fear not Filled Negro - for you see - DESPITE having a "ghetto" community within a 1/2 mile walk from this sacred land that is preparing the minds of these young people - this land "ghetto land" is being cherry picked away as DEVELOPMENT for a greater purpose causes these who they "mock" to be displaced.
Instead of ME protesting to stop the wrecking balls - I am more inclined to take the "ghetto dwellers" on campus and SHOW THEM what their competition from afar is doing on an island of land that is mere walking distance.
You see Filled Negro - I don't think that YOU attribute any OPPORTUNITY COST to your RACISM CHASING EXERCISES. INDEED THERE ARE.
IF this was a "lynching party" - I would fly on Airtran and meet you in San Diego for the protest march.
In as much as you don't get much rise from the "ONE MAN lynching parties" that take place - one drip of blood at a time where one lone Street Pirate kills another Black man in Philly and elsewhere with little fanfare I will ALSO stay on you to make sure that you turn the body count shown in your "right side frame hall of shame" into the HUMAN BEING that the number represents.
You will always be a busy man with your Racism Chasing Expedition. I merely wonder IF you will ever reach an EFFECTIVE end that benefits our community where we are hurting the most? One major hint of this is to make note of WHO is asked to CHANGE as your success is achieve: THE PEOPLE YOU HAVE DIRECT CONTROL OVER or YOUR ENEMIES who DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU?
I am like you, FN. The majority of Blacks I know in the US are professionals - this goes for those I work with (including my three former Black bosses), those I go to church with, and those I went to school with (I attended a HBCU).
So, Whites can keep dreaming and dressing up as fantasy, make-believe Negroes, which do not exist. For some reason, Whites have a jealousy of Black culture, so they always try to put it down.
i am guessing much of this has to do with the white kids' upbringing. my kids, i can assure you, would immediately think that kind of party is racist and would not participate.
they have black friends and they've been to their homes, and vice versa. so, contrary to what brohammas said, this is not what all white kids know. and my kids did watch the state of the union and saw me go work for obama and canvass in VA.
and no, it's not what i think of when i picture black males and females, either.
but i do agree that this is what is often on MTV, VHI and BET. i don't think white people are jealous of black people. that argument i will never get. this party doesn't support that either. they want to act like hoodlums -- that's what they were doing at this party. the black face and the denigration of women are over the line.
anyone seen jersey shore? no, we are not all like that. no one in my family is and i don't know anyone who is.
"So how have you managed to NOT know anything about such stereotypes, who ARE REAL AND EXIST ALL OVER the inner city? I mean, surely you have heard Shaniya or someone with a similar name board public transportation smacking gum, talking loud, cursing, waving her finger, rapping, etc in her loud colors and crisco hair do?"
Yes, I have blogged about ignorant people (black and white) in the city before. (And will continue to)I see these people,and represent them in a professional manner, but I don't KNOW any. See the difference? And for those of you (black folks) who would suggest that the discriptions described in the flyer is just normal for blacks, may I suggest that you go to some of those "teach-ins" at UCSD with the rest of those students.
And this has nothing to do with economic status or where you live. Some of the classiest hardest working people here in Philly live in the poorest neighborhoods.
I kind of like what brohammas said about the BET and MTV culture. And someone else mentioned culture envy by the young, that might also be worth exploring.
Mazuel,you are an idiot. And you sound like a jealous and bitter one.
"It would appear that the recent arrival blacks (we like to call them the "NS" or nouveau suburban"
Constructive Feedback he is talking about you. :)
Hey Mazuel, most (really) wealthy black folks don't move to the suburbs to buy up McMansions and get stuck with a $300,000 mortgage. Most really wealthy black and white folks own their homes and land which have been in their families for generations.
Like my friend the black pecan farmer in Louisiana (Yes CF, he is really close to me. Not "imaginary":)) who could buy your sorry ass a million times over. Oh, and did I mention that he never went to high school? Yep. just worked his butt off all his life. Now his children, on the other hand, de some of dem affirmative action Negroes that you like to put down. Ivy League school the whole nine. Go figure.
Mazuel, just try to appreciate and respect people for who they are. Envy is not a good emotion to carry around. Just be happy that you are alive, which allows you to go to blogs on the Internet to learn something from time to time. ;)
Y'all demanded Black History Month, Y'all GOT Black History Month...
And How Come y'all aren't burning down cities protestin the Winter Olympics??? 2 Billion Niggers in the world and not one y'all can Ski????
See y'all at the Ghetto Olympic Games in Newnan, Georgia (Exit 47 off the 85) July 4th...
Frank "I have a Scheme" Drackman
I agree with Brohmmas and those that have pointed out that this is both race and class.
It is classic cognitive dissonence. In order to justify living in a world where you see injustice and harm being done to "The Other" by people who look like you, or sound like you or who may be someone you love perpetrating said actions.... You have to invest in beliefs about those being harmed (please note all of the negative comments above) about WHY this harm exist. And these beliefs HAVE TO INCLUDE the belief that the harms are ALL self inflicted and because those being harmed are "less than" in most aspects of their lives.... ex: they are poor because they are lazy, they are uneducated because they are stupid and don't care, etc.....
Think about it... if you love someone, you think well of them, you fight for them, you believe in them, you hurt when they hurt, you want the absolute best for them and you do everything in your power to help them achieve their full potential.
I want to live in a world where the notion of love for my fellow humans on the planet means I really do want the best for all and will work together for the best for all...
To that end, tonight in Philly is the meeting of the planning for the US Social Forum which will be in Detroit this summer.... a gathering of folks from all walks of life to create "Another World Is Possible." 15th and Cherry, Friends Center, 6:00pm....
I'm a little late in the game, but FreeMan at 1:11, co-sign 100%
Wow, all this for some silly kids. Like they need a constructive rationale for ingesting far too much alcohol.
And, golly jeepers, isn't the shock value part of being a callow youth?
To answer Field's original questions:
"When you see a black man in a Hickey Freeman suit, starched white shirt, wingtips, a very nice silk-tie, and a brief case walking down the street, are you thinking... well let me give you a quote from the flyer ...."
I am thinking that I still need to go shopping for new ties.
"So again, where does this come from? Is it popular culture? (Are black folks their own worst enemies?) Is it home training? Or is it,as some have suggested, an overpowering need by some folks in the majority population to put down others?"
Depends on what you mean by "come from". People upthread have posited a lot of sociological theories. I would say that Black Diaspora has the proximate cause right:
"It's cultural envy. Once a year these white students get to do what they long to do all year long: behave the way they believe blacks behave."
Hell, acting up without consequences is what college is all about. Day care for adults (in the legal, not psychological, sense). Combine that with the need to feel superior while also letting loose and you get classist, racist, sexist behavior.
It's also part of cultural transmission. White culture is constantly appropriating (read: stealing) from black culture. (Music, fashion, speech, etc.) This process is not always pretty. White people often have wildly inaccurate beliefs about what black culture is. That's due to lack of access to the subject - this is UC San Diego, after all. (I just spent a week in SD in December, and kept looking around for the black people. It sure isn't Philly out there. Didn't feel normal at all.)
It's important to note that these children don't believe they are racists and a fair percentage, in fact, may grow up to be conscious of their privilege. Those individuals will forget all about their behavior in college, which come to think of it, is also a feature of the higher education experience.
Truth is that many Caucasians have no exposure to African Americans outside of the mall or TV. There is not a single person of color in my neighborhood. My kid's gym teacher. That's it. (who for the record, is a Rock Star with the kids having everything to do with how he interacts with them and nothing to do with his skin color)
A couple of Comments:
1. FN, you are the only one apparently that does not think class has anything to do with this.
2. I kind of like what brohammas: It's not about what you "like" FN, it's about lived experiences of all the folks on this board, not just you.
3. I am glad other brothas and sistas see the same ghetto stuff I do, because if I just relied on FN's. post I wouldn't believe it was even out there.
4. and making noises, such as "hmmg! Granny, isn't that the sound you always type on here?
FN, you prompted a good quetion, but then gave no positive input to those whiteys who were brave enough to post. You asked for their "feelings" but then you discounted them. It seems you set this post up for failure by doing that.
Have a good day.
[quote]To that end, tonight in Philly is the meeting of the planning for the US Social Forum which will be in Detroit this summer.... a gathering of folks from all walks of life to create "Another World Is Possible." 15th and Cherry, Friends Center, [/quote]
If this "New World" that you are hoping to build is based upon:
1) Development of INNER POTENTIAL where your group focuses on DEFINING A PLOT OF LAND and MANAGING all that goes on INSIDE of this plot, building it up to your dreams .....I WOULD SUPPORT YOU.
2) Instead of staking out the ENTIRE FREAKING UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as your plot of land, boiling the ocean outward, while failing to consider the land that you all ALREADY have "won" - you choose to focus LOCALLY in the "inner space" of consciousness of every Progressive-Fundamentalist that you seek to benefit - I'D SUPPORT YOU
3) Instead of working through the channels of government compulsion you instead gather together a group of willing individuals who tell those on the outside that practice evil capitalism "Keep your stink'in money"....I WOULD SUPPORT YOU.
This "New World" starts WITHIN.
"cultural envy" is not what is going on. all that is described in that party invitation is NEGATIVE and nothing any blacks or white would aspire to.
[quote]The problem is encapsulated in the words, "African-American community." We're a fractured society. We'll continue to be fractured, regardless of how entrenched the problem, as long as the problem is swept under the rug. I'm for lifting up the rug, and showing all the crap that's hiding there.
This nation will never know its democratic greatness by expending its energies on widening the divide between the races.[/quote]
Black Diaspora:
1) WOULD YOU support making the racial gerrymandering from the Voting Rights Act ILLEGAL? Ironically as Blacks move out of the gerrymandered district into the suburbs the state REDRAWS THE DISTRICT, ensnaring them once again - to keep a "majority Black district" thus insuring that the representative does not need to have to be ACCEPTABLE AMONGST MANY PEOPLE in a diverse district.
2)IF YOU go into a Black community that is ENTRENCHED in its way of presently doing things, pointing out how certain institutions are below standard and recommending changes that have worked elsewhere - What obligations to their race do they have to LISTEN to you - making note that their continued grievances just might be more EFFECTIVELY addressed if they were to abandon the "grievance-based" approach that they favor and instead make use of a new strategy that taps their ORGANIC talents?
3) What do you do to the people who believe that certain elements of "Black Culture" that they hold onto are non-negotiable, yielding them for alternative systems of thought means "losing their Blackness".
In summary you are calling for "Integration Into An 'American Culture'" while not acknowledging that certain operatives ON BOTH SIDES garner their strength from this FACTIONALISM.
How things have changed.
30 years ago when I was at SUNY Brockport they would have Black Weekend the second week in February where the Black Student Union and other black campus associations would sponsor cultural events, parties and concerts.
A good portion of the white students would haul ass off campus that weekend.
"IF YOU go into a Black community that is ENTRENCHED in its way of presently doing things, pointing out how certain institutions are below standard and recommending changes that have worked elsewhere"
Such as what CF?
Lets see some examples of where your way (whatever it is) has worked.
I bet you don't produce jack.
[quote]It comes from fear of realizing that the position of power you hold is unearned and that everybody knows it--having a Black POTUS who is the opposite of the entire ridiculous stereotype is just one example of the proof staring them in the face.
It comes from segregation. Most "white" people don't have many Black friends, because it's hard to make friends when you're A) defensive about being considered racist and B) ignorant (willfully or not) about your own unearned privilege.
It comes from an unwillingness (primarily among "white" people) to engage in discussions about race because they don't know how and because they don't have to. White privilege means you are able to not really think about racism if you are insulated enough and don't want to.[/quote]
Racial Traderess - You appear to come from the Tim Wise school of thought.
What do Black people do if WHITE FOLKS say "You are RIGHT about us, you BLACK FOLKS. BUT WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO DO ABOUT IT, PUNKS???"
What happens after all of the LEGITIMATE "Civil Rights Violations" claims are exhausted? (Physical beatings, implicit discrimination, etc) and instead we are left having to MAKE "Rights" so that we can feel VIOLATED?
Now "Benign Neglect" in the lands that FAVORABLE PEOPLE have been elected locally to deliver upon the promises is put upon the NATIONAL government in the name of Social Justice Rights.
Race Traderess - at what point do we note that a SHIFT has occurred which is actually a SLIGHT OF HAND? Previously the MAYOR and other city and county machine operatives were the center of protests for failing to deliver. Now that these seats are firmly ensconced by favorable people the occupants have us FOCUSING UPWARD to the next rung of government, thus escaping personally accountability. Worse yet the SYSTEM OF IDEAS that the occupant and those who VOTED FOR HIM escape introspection regarding its ability to GARNER PRODUCTIVITY from the people within this domain.
Race Traderess - the worst possible scenario for the prevailing Black Progressive theory to come face to face with is a group of WHITE FOLKS who are NOT TRYING TO LYNCH THEM but instead seeking to CIRCLE THEIR OWN WAGONS and make note that THE NEGRO IS NOW FREE FROM ASSAULT BY THEM - LET THEM AS WHITE FOLKS live inside their own garden plot, with their own cultural standards retained - all the while the Negro is asked to live within his.
Race Traderess - my present project is to ATTACK the attacks upon Charter Schools because they lack DIVERSITY. This claim comes DESPITE the fact that these Charters in NYC and other places are substantially outperforming the public school in the very same community. Thus we are being sold that DIVERSITY is now more important than ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE as the haters seek to thwart the Organic Black Community initiative of educational reform.
"A good portion of the white students would haul ass off campus that weekend."
They wanted to avoid the riots.
Here's a white woman, saying she has NO idea why anyone would think that's even remotely appropriate. I basically think this is a group of obnoxious young adults who should be ashamed of themselves. Whether or not MTV promotes a certain image or stereotype, or whether they watch Jerry Springer every day, or whether they see a group of people in public acting a certain way is beside the point IMO...The party description, and the use of blackface is just flat out obnoxious and hurtful - I'm trying to wrap my mind around the fact that there are still people out there that think that blackface isn't hurtful.
Being loud, crude, and uncaring is bad behavior for anyone, no matter their color or socioeconomic class. Mocking, or alternatively, glorifying, behaviors like this hurts everyone, and causes division. Caring for fellow human beings, being considerate and compassionate, THAT'S where healing lies in our country...and it's what is sorely lacking in EVERY race and socioeconomic class. We're all a country of selfish, rude, snarky, hipster, thug, ghetto, trashy, edgy, uncaring caricatures of sitcom scripts and reality show citizencelebs, trying to be more extreme and outrageous than the last guy, and would rather get a good zinger/one liner in and make fun of someone than get to know a person who looks different than we do and maybe be nice to them. And it depresses the hell out of me. It would seem as if the majority has really lost the ability to (or desire to) think about how their actions impact others, and how they'd feel if they were in someone else's shoes.
I do wonder what would happen if some black folks at a U. did get together and have a white-trash party, or whatever it would be called. It would be like going out on any given night on the strip at the University of Alabama, I would imagine.
I too think this image most white folks get who don't associate with black folks at all or on a regular basis is from what is seen on rap videos, the general media, etc. It's a static image and it's a powerful image. What a sad statement on the media's lack of portrayal of normal everyday people.
Throwing a party mocking some ill-perceived image of what ALL black folks are like clearly indicates those people are dead from the neck up.
It s fun to huff and puff and get your panties all in a wad over a moronic party, but things like racist jury nullification actually hurt people:
Viva OJ!
I think we black folks are too sensitive. I haven't read all of the comments but I must say that we ought not make this kind of behavior by white folks be a demoralizing thing. Or we'll always be demoralized. Let's keep in mind that stereotypes are rooted in truth. And some white folks have deep seated anxiety con-cerning black folks--our lives, issues, culture, survival mechanisms, mental health, every damn thing about us. When they label our ways negative, it's not discerning for us to then agree and become emotionally crushed. Someone said it's culture jealousy. Maybe it's much more than that and it's constantly fed to them through the media and it's so subtle and hidden in white priviledge so they cannot see it or overcome it. We all must become a tad smarter in these situations, blacks and whites alike because both are being played against one another for a much greater gain that neither sees (unless they are super rich) It's so knee jerk for blacks to become angry at this stuff, and for whites to explain it away. A better idea is for whites to ask more intelligent questions about why are they being so manipulated and brainwashed about blacks. For whose gain is it that you white folks carry this race baggage? The baggage is so heavy and so deep that it will continue to be acted out in these types of ways. White people--WAKE UP!! Reclaim your intellect and common sense, and stop allowing yourselves to be MANIPULATED!!! Wooooowwww!
racism and white supremacy are both ancient and global...
but NEW music videos, bastardized hip hop and insanely colorist, elitist, and racist global media have WORSENED all hatred and caricatures of black images globally...
these white campus kids are obsessed with the minstrel stars of rap EXCLUSIVELY...
why is the talentless elfin amoral illiterate "stimpy" clone lil wayne the richest rap star in the world?????
& why have most white kids have never seen or heard of of the intellectual afrocentric political rappers x-clan????
because the new slave masters are media directors and the new plantations are global videos etc...
it is also tv that makes all whites think all blacks love oj and hobama too!!!...NOT!!!!!
Why is this news?
This party has served its purpose-- to gain attention.
Why can't we just ignore these antics?
If we ignore them, that will eat them up inside. Then, they would feel real stupid than no one cares.
We fall for the okey-doke every damn time.
When will we wise up?
THIS should be the top rapper/rap song in america!!!...but no racist white students will ever bother to mimic him
racism is a gaping wound in america
it is an even bigger and bloodier wound after the blackish toxic fatal antics of hobama...
and ALL wounds heal best in OPEN air
ignored wounds only fester and become more infected!
Though I am offended, when I think that these are a bunch of drunk idiots who will end up on someone's video porn sight I am not worried about them
thank you for your honesty
like ALL races, reality is never a monolith
it is not an issue of accuracy
it is an issue of exclusivity
lil wayne is real
so are
dead prez
rich black students at spelman/morehouse/princeton/
harvard NEVER host such "parties" with white ghettos/trailer park/appalachian themes/inbred rural KKK themes etc....
therein lies the issue of the rabid white racism that we accurately lament!
Yes white folks have contempt for us..Yes white folks enjoy their games played with Black folks as clowns etc..
None of this is a newsflash on some levels it offends and stings and just makes one get tired of this saga of white racism..
So where do we go from here..I offer a simple posture just keep on being the best at what you do 24/7..
Mazuel: "These rude, vulgar little savages are beyond redemption"
This is exactly the message that is intended by the ruling class and that so many of us have swallowed that it has guided national policy for the past 30 years; that social welfare spending is wasted on poor folk, because they are uncultured and ignorant and are beyond help. The real paradox is that there is the need of keeping them that way. So they don't see what's behind the curtain and squabble amongst themselves for crumbs off the table of the real gangstas running the show.
Maria, Maria, Maria.... smh
Wow, fascinating debate, and I'm way too late!
But here's my 2 cents:
I grew up in Oakland and my mother held the Kennedy's and MLK in the highest respect. The only HS teacher I can remember by name was Donald Grant, a great man who had a hugely positive influence on interracial relations in my very diverse high school.
I now live in Vermont, the whitest state in the USA, and I miss most of the cultural interaction I had living in the bay area. Co workers, neighbors, and lunch at Flint's. I wish I had a dollar for every time I've pointed out to some ignorant farmer how "I'd rather have a hard working AA as a neighbor than a white crack-head. Don't you get it?" To their credit, most DO get it once it's pointed out to them.
There are so many great posts above - Phil4Real, Brohammas, Black Diaspora and I'm not feeling eloquent enough this morning to add much more than this: I KNOW there are many many white folks who are tired of racism dividing our common culture. We are willing to speak out against it, and we do.
Here's another link for you: The Rise of the Ghetto Fabulous Party:
oakland cali is STILL my fav city on earth!
"I wish I had a dollar for every time I've pointed out to some ignorant farmer how "I'd rather have a hard working AA as a neighbor than a white crack-head. Don't you get it?""
Maybe it would be even more educational for them to realize that the last people black middle class folks want living next to them is some ignorant shit-kicker.
American Jews, like me, are famous for NOT taking themselves seriously, and have developed a long history of self-referential humor...Think Jackie Mason, Woody Allen, etc.
I know more Jewish jokes than Black jokes.
Can't you step back and LAUGH at yourself?
How many Jews does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to mix the drinks and one to call the super.
Did you hear about the Jewish guy who wanted his ashes scattered at Bloomingdales? He wanted to be sure his wife visited him every week.
etc. etc.
Don't whine about humor. It makes you look small.
Trapped in SC said...
Now I'm going all in.
Well put.
nothing is "smaller" than intercultural incompetence and brazen racist arrogance...
it should never hurt...
and what does hurt should never be jovially dismissed
humorless racist white college students who will LITERALLY control the future of an increasingly black and brown america are no mere "joke" to me...
Jackie Mason is well known in the NY area as an out and out racist.
Who just last year referred to President Obama as a "schvartze".
And don't tell me that "schvartze" just means "black".
It's a yiddish epithet toward black people.
We are not talking about Jews!
How cares if Jews are known for not taking themselves seriously?!
Let me guess. Just because Jews do not take themselves seriously, we (blacks) are supposed to follow suit?
That's arrogant, but not surprising.
Actually, schvartze DOES mean "black". If you WANT it to mean something else, that's your affair.
And if you're so insecure that you can't tolerate humor, that says more about you than it does about the "other".
Finally, why not turn the tables and mock white preppies? Have parties where folks wear YALE sweatshirts, smoke Pall Malls using those long cigarette holders, etc.
uptownsteve wrote "Maybe it would be even more educational for them to realize that the last people black middle class folks want living next to them is some ignorant shit-kicker."
I'll try that and see how it goes. It's probably not the right "baby steps" approach, but it has its merits.
Sorry if I offended you, but the coarse comparison is just how I work around to getting these guys to admit that skin shade really has nothing to do with anything.
no, I don't think of either of those descriptions --and that is the honest truth.
Since when is refusal to endorse racial humor a sign of insecurity?
Why can't refusal to endorse racial humor be construed as a refusal to endorse racial humor?
News flash: not everyone wants to play your game.
"Finally, why not turn the tables and mock white preppies? Have parties where folks wear YALE sweatshirts, smoke Pall Malls using those long cigarette holders, etc."
your analogy is deeply flawed
these racist white students did not mimic black elites???
black students mimicking poor trailer park/rural/kkk whites would be a far more accurate query
and why should black students mimic any morons?
i am elated that black students find superior academic deeds/party themes to host!
"Actually, schvartze DOES mean "black"."
Actually so does "nigger" but I don't recommend you saying it to a black man's face.
"Sorry if I offended you, but the coarse comparison is just how I work around to getting these guys to admit that skin shade really has nothing to do with anything."
I'm not offended and I'm sure you meant well.
But please understand that most black folks would have a problem being compared to white crackheads.
Perhaps you should have just said to the farmers that "skin shade really has nothing to do with anything".
perhaps a far less racist and more intellectually honest query might be:
Q: why do black students refuse to enjoy demeaning and coveting poor uneducated whites as much as white students enjoy vice versa?
A: they are morally superior/more sensitive to racist idiocy/more distracted by greater academic endeavors/less poisoned by racist tv...
Well, if you want to stamp your feet and scream racism every time you feel the frisson of mockery, that's your choice.
Bear in mind, of course, such behavior reinforces the worst stereotypes of the people whose opinions you wish would change.
This is some crazies!! But not surprising. Not one time a thought ever crossed our minds to have a party like that @ the HBCU I attended. Its not that serious to think about another race like that.Because we as black people arent raised to do stupid stuff like that. And we arent the only race that have children out of wedlock. 5 out of ten people I see aday that come in to get their GED is a young white girl not married and pregnant. They forgot about the white girls that made that pregancy pack.
"Well, if you want to stamp your feet and scream racism every time you feel the frisson of mockery, that's your choice."
Bucky you're carrying on like a whiny little jew.
"Bear in mind, of course, such behavior reinforces the worst stereotypes of the people whose opinions you wish would change."
I'm not the least bit concerned about changing opinion, just behavior.
I wonder if the black kids at UCSD were aware of this party?
having lived in S.D. three times, one of them while attending SDSU, I never saw this kind of behaviour. This was in the early Seventies and I don't think any of us would have considered doing something like that. Those who might think of it wouldn't dare. People were very politically aware and outspoken. We were fighting for equal rights, women's rights, ending the war, equal pay, etc. That being said, these kids are most likely the children of parents from my generation and they learned to be little assholes somewhere. I don't know. The more things change...
I'm not the least bit concerned about changing opinion, just behavior.
If you don't know the two are connected, you're just validating yet another unflattering stereotype.
Are you familiar with the rule of holes?
BTW, the capcha for this post was BLUNT.
I can only speak for myself. I do not wish to change the opinions of people who wish to mock me. They aren't worth the effort. Further, it is more effective to tune them out or to change the channel.
I wish more black people WOULD NOT stamp their feet and scream racism when you people decide to be "humorous". I wish they would just change the channel and drive on.
You people do not deserve the attention.
I wish they would just change the channel and drive on.
You people do not deserve the attention.
We have a winner!
"If you don't know the two are connected, you're just validating yet another unflattering stereotype."
Bucky if you don't know that the teapartiers for instance would be lynching negroes tomorrow in the town square if they could get away with it, then you're a walking refutation of the Bell Curve Theory.
Definitely not excusing this behavior because its vile but I agree with what Brohamma stated earlier...for many of these kids the only representations of Black folks come from BET, MTV and Vh1.
As a black woman living in Maine, I actually work with low income families many who have behaviors that some would ascribe to Black folks..course that's a class issue and not the point.
My point though is I am amazed at for many of the families I work with, I am the first Black person they have ever met and I am nothing like what they thought Black folks were. Hell, I am a boring middle aged woman for crying out loud!
Its funny because I have my days with the kids I deal with where there are many teachable moments and where I used to have anger I realize that we are by and large a segregated community.
I'm originally from Chicago but even there races didn't necessarily mingle, and yet in many parts of the country once you leave the big cities were most Black professionals live, how does middle America get to know us if we aren't here?
Again, I am not excusing this stuff but I also see that lack of connection makes it possible.
Schvartze is a modernday yiddish term for calling Black folks nigger..White jews often employ the term not when Black folks are in earshot..
It is a term common in white jewish omes especially with older white jews..
Often white jews like to deflect Black folks when we confront them with jewish racist many want us to indict just the usual WASPS..
Even Mandlea spoke of how Israel sold guns to SA during aparthied and after WWII many jews fled to SA and enjoyed the privledges of fellow whites like they did here during over Jim Crow Era..
Of course we always have the right to confront racism in any shape or form..Folks who lecture to Black people on how to confront racism and the evil of white racism more than often are embrassed white folks or Black apologists...
the teapartiers for instance would be lynching negroes tomorrow in the town square if they could get away with it
Hmmm. I didn't know the campaign to paint them as bloody-minded racists was such a success. Thanks for the update.
And given your reference to the Bell Curve, I assume you've read it, and can refute its central themes.
brohammas said...
Let me speak up as a resident white boy who isn't a troll... at least not intentionally. Of course I'm probably just writing to myself, buried under ignorant Anons and fools who caused any thinking people to stop scrolling down...
Really I can answer your question in one word.. actually three words;
I love music videos, to me they can make a song or rap "sound" better. But you're right bro. I tell people that all the time, especially my peoples. It's the music channel that show silly ass Flava Flav shows, The Jersey Shore shows, the I Live New York shows. Then the bullshit rap videos they throw in there. The only music channel I really watch now is VH1 Soul because of the '90's music.
I never pay attention to whites lecturing to me on how to navigate and confront and deal with racism..
It is a backward proposition...
Brohammas said:
Let me speak up as a resident white boy who isn't a troll... at least not intentionally. Of course I'm probably just writing to myself, buried under ignorant Anons and fools who caused any thinking people to stop scrolling down...
Really I can answer your question in one word.. actually three words;
Broham got it right non of these white kids probably have not had extensive contact with black people to know any better. The fact is what they know of black people they largely get from the media.
So sure these kids need to get their ass handed to them for the party. But the question is in a culture where people don't pursue knowledge and one on one interaction; but instead depend on pundits (Rush,Beck,Maddow,or Olbermann),reality shows, and sound bites as the extent of their "knowledge base" on people and things in Amerikkka.Should we really blame them or the media?
You see other races understand the power of media to affect perception (right or wrong)of them in Amerikkka.Thus they actively try to regulate and shape the media to create a positive outcome.But unfortunately not black people.
Take for example, that Italian series on MTV when it first came out the Italian American association went in on it because they believe it would create an unwanted negative perception of all Italian Americans.
Now take show like House of Payne and Meet the Browns,which in my opinion creates and reinforces false negative perception of black people. The NAACP did not say on shit about it. In fact they gave Tyler Perry a damn award.
Now an outsider not seeing any negative reaction from the NAACP (which is seen as representing the entire black race in America...for some reason) towards these series.Would they be wrong to interpret that as to mean that these series are truly representative of black people attitudes and values in America?
One more thing.Do you guys remember when the Cosby Show first came out and some black people,including some "black scholars" and NAACP members, were claiming it was not representative of "Black America".SMDH
Good points.
They also don't want to recognize that the father of white flight Robert Levitt, the creator of Levittowns, was a NY York Jew and an archsegregationist.
And let's not forget the odious David Horowitz, Bernard Goldberg, Neal Boortz, Ed Koch and many other contemporary Jews who have totally identified and profited from rightwing racism and anti-black rhetoric.
racism is as real and as frequent as your very own callous bigotry routinely evinced during this thread...
even as you persistenly dismiss real pain and avoid valid questions superior to your own racist musings...
news flash:
millions of blacks share your own abject apathy for what any person like you thinks of us...
Schvartze is a modernday yiddish term
Yiddish is a fork of German. Schvartze LITERALLY means black. I grew up in a Yiddish-speaking household, around immigrants from the old country.
If you look at voting patterns, you'll find that Jews went for Obama more than any other white cohort. As a general rule, it's not a good idea to hate on folks who are on your team.
i do not recall one black person who actually lives as the huxtables did denying the reality of their existence...only whites who see all blacks as poor or blacks who only see poor peers did that...
like all racist myths, the bell curve was debunked long ago
no lie lives forever
see more on that:
Anonymous said...
"...and the black professionals I associate with are more cultured and urbane than the white ones".
Wow. Just Wow. For all the months I've read this blog, I never took you for Tartuffe and a bigot.
A Bientot,
1:44 AM
Now allow me to give you my uneducated response to your rant.
How dare you assume that anybody of color who attends a higher institution for learning got in because of affirmative action?
Take your ass to an HBCU and preach that shit and I can guarantee you one of my Q brothers will whip that ass, awe hell I'll even guess that a Kappa will whip your ass. (Sorry, couldn't resist). Take your ass back overseas as we don't need you here.
let's not forget the odious David Horowitz, Bernard Goldberg, Neal Boortz, Ed Koch and many other contemporary Jews...
...and Rahm Emmanuel, Barney Frank, Henry Waxman, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, Michael Bloomberg, Charles Schumer, Diane Feinstein...
Jews! Jews everywhere! What shall we do about them?
Stop it okay?
You are so typical.
You come on here with your snarky snide remarks toward black folks and our supposed "sensitivity" yet you're ready to have a coronary when we push back and give you a little taste of what you dish out.
This will be my last post to you because I see exactly what you're about.
A proponent of the "Bell Curve", eh?
Wasn't one of the co-authors Jewish?
"Perhaps you should have just said to the farmers that "skin shade really has nothing to do with anything"."
I have, and I do. The "C'mon! Who would you rather live next door to?" question is an way to get young people (20-30) who are basically good (but ignorant) to open their eyes to the bullshit stereotypes that they were fed from childhood or have adopted through peer pressure, to recognize that there are all sorts of people out there who would be great (or not so great) as neighbors.
We have some armpit towns around here, famous for their crackheads, so it's an easy picture to paint.
Don't get me wrong, the majority of folks living out in the countryside of Vermont are good and decent people, but when you run into the overt crap at the auto repair shop, you have a choice of ignoring it or addressing it in some way. I choose to address it.
field: The college party thing is pretty disgusting. I would just about die if I saw my child in one of those pictures, and I have no idea how I would react to it if I was a black student at UCSD.
Like Alicia said, I would probably be so distracted by greater academic endeavors that I wouldn't want to waste any of my time responding to it.
I said nothing snarky. I didn't bring Bell Curve onto this thread. I didn't name specific folks as targets of hate.
I did suggest hating folks who voted with you to put Obama into office isn't a great idea.
But if you'd rather hate, that's fine. It's your life.
ANON@11:03 said: "They are quite boisterous, loud, ignorant, violent and scary. It is easy to understand why Blacks are stereotyped like that...The 'squeaky wheel' always gets the most attention."
ANON, I like that comment about the squeaky wheel getting the most attention. I also believe that the degree of "noisiness" that a particular squeak represents depends solely on WHO is doing the listening. If you changed the word "Blacks" to "Whites" in that sentence, I wonder if we would then have an idea as to how White Americans, in general, are sometimes stereotyped overseas. How are they perceived once they dare to venture outside the gates of American privilege..? Where does the "truth" behind those perceptions come from? Thank goodness mainstream America hasn't tried to pin that "ugly American" label (usually loud, ignorant, arrogant and demanding) on us Black folk. LOL...
ANON@1:44 said: "As for the alleged "black professional class" -- when blacks in the US have to meet the same standards and rigors as whites, then I will respect them as educated peers. Until then, I will treat them as the token and affirmative action trophies that they are."
Are you 100% sure that YOU, as a foreigner in the US, were not given any special privilege once you graced American shores? US privilege is not only racially based and you, too, are a minority. So my question to you is this: do all the successful people who are lumped into the category of "minority" automatically get to the top of their respective fields because of tokens handed out by the majority culture? Could it not be about hard work and persistence...or even aptitude and capability? You seem to have some harsh words reserved for those Black folks who advance POSSIBLY as a result of a little privilege given them. Do you not hold the same feelings of contempt or disgust for those numerous non-Black Americans who are gifted privileged lives from the moment of birth simply because they have fairer skin? Are they not tokens, in some sense of the word, as well...? Doesn't a social system based on the perpetuation of "privilege" affirm the status of one group over another? Just thinking aloud...
Frank Drackman said: "Y'all demanded Black History Month, Y'all GOT Black History Month... 2 Billion Niggers in the world and not one y'all can Ski????"
Come on, Frank. Be a GOOD sport and share! Don't y'all have 11 months left to showcase YOUR history? Being out of the spotlight for one month (yes, the shortest as you mentioned in another post) won't kill ya. LOL! Now, I don't know about Black folks not being able to ski..(wait! wasn't there some talk about Andre Horton and his sister Suki a few years back)...(oh, and how about figure skating pair Vanessa James from Canada and Yannic Bonheur, skating for France)...(and there's Lamine Gueye, right!!)...the list goes on. Really, I don't know...but WE SURE AS HECK CAN SPEED SKATE to gold!! Shani Davis is Black right??
Nice to be back, everybody. I had a death in my family at the beginning of the year and wasn't in the mood to be online. Nobody ran me off as some might suggest!! LOL...
Anyway, I hope you all are doing well. I won't be in here much from now on but I do intend to stop by to say "hey" every now and again. The death of my grandmother (one of the GREATEST women I have ever had the privilege of knowing and loving) has left me with this urge to make more meaning out of my life. A week before she died, she challenged me to see it, do it...be it! I've got work to do!! Stay blessed.
PS...FN and Mrs. F, thanks for the nice note. It was well received and much appreciated!
Let's hope Mazuel won't be true to his word and see us soon.
I can't stop smiling at the notion that there are only black nouveau riche. Not only are there white, nouveau riche, some of them grace the television screen with their endless consumption; tasteless life styles; and their aimless, substance abusing progeny. The ones that aren't in the reality television business seem to be in politics.
The idea that suburban whites are home schooling their kids is just strange. This deosn't sound like suburbia. It sounds like Appalachia.
Oh well, it was good for a laugh. Mazuel should know that a lot of black people with real wealth actually choose to live in areas with other black people of means. Baldwin Hills, Ladera Heights, the Oakland Hills, etc. Not every black person with more than two nickels to rub together chooses to live around white people. Many make a conscious decision not to. Who would want to have a Mazuel for a neighbor?
[quote]i am elated that black students find superior academic deeds/party themes to host![/quote]
Alicia Banks:
Don't speak too fast. Back in the day when "First Fridays" was rolling in the ATL I recall resolving to never attend again. Despite purportedly having the "Best and Brightest" on the scene - the MUSIC that was being played was just as IGNORANT as you might hear in a ghetto club on the east side.
I recall being at the old "Club Kaya" with Frank Ski on the turn tables. As I was on the dance floor I hear him put a new record on and then scratch the song at the point where it said "Nig, Nig, scratch, Nig, Nig, scratch, nig, nig, scratch Nigga!"
I walked out immediately, vowing RAISE MY STANDARDS and take up live jazz instead. I realized that I was getting too old for this CRAP!!!
It is time to RAISE OUR STAKES.
To Field . . .
I am a 68 year old white man - Vietnam era veteran. . . College parties like this are of course ridiculous. My guess - looking for a good time, trying to be cool, generally simple lack of judgment (racist yes, but likely mostly unintentional.)I remain an optimist despite evidence to the contrary.
No, when I see a well dressed black man I don't imagine anything else. Over the years I have worked with black people - had black physicians, nurses, bartenders (the 3 most important service jobs to me) and all was quite well. . . Easy for me to say - but - screw these white racist types - do your best to ignore them and move on. The situation is much much better than it used to be and young people now have much more exposure to black (and brown) people than ever before.)
I campaigned and voted for Obama. I retired to a small town in Wisconsin (Summers) which is about 100% white. The town voted for Obama, 58 - 42%, and there are lots of old people who are socially conservative - who had voted for George W. Bush (twice.)
Keep the faith - change is coming - but never as fast as we want.
Does anyone know where middle-class blacks live in Northern VA?
I am moving to a new job and Prince William county and do not want the misfortune to have Mazuel, and his ilk, as a neighbor.
Welcome back Angie and my sincerest sympathy for your loss.
It is a good idea to be candid with your so called friends who cal you nigger in yiddish when you are not around...Friends I guess I expect more from so-called friends..
of course many of this friends only voted for Obama becuase he as a light skinned negro without a negro dialect...
of course these friends whenever fundraising is required will remind each other of jesse's hymie comments ect..always of course neglecting the ed koch's of the world..
Truth is when it gets dark in America they know we will not run from them but give them cover...I sometimes wonder if the reverse applys with them about Black folks??
Of late I have reservations..being a "schvartze" and all
I read Quincy Jones' biography a few years ago and he stated that he worked at Capitol Records for 4 years before he realized that "schvartze" didn't mean "producer".
another flawed analogy
i hate toxic music too
those blacks you recalled were degrading themselves musically....not poor whites/blugrass/skin head ska etc
these racist white kids were not dancing to willie nelson or even billy idol...they were dancing to rapping minstrels....see>
friends who cal you nigger in yiddish
I happen to be monolingual. I only speak English. I understand bits and pieces of other languages, but I would never pretend I could correctly interpret another tongue.
The Yiddish word for black is schvartze.
If the very use of that word is enough to trip your racism wire, then by definition anyone speaking that language is a racist.
Is that really an intelligent way to judge people?
Why, one might as well judge someone by their skin color.
yet another mahor component of your severely flawed analogy:
at 46 i am an elder...but when i was a college student, we loved run dmc and ll cool j and maze and the commodores...not lil wayne!!!
but every generation typically chooses music that reviles its elders
the CRUCIAL difference is that black students choosing ANY black music
will NEVER be akin to any white students DELIBERATELY mimicing poor ignorant amoral blacks and calling it a "party" to degrade the nominal homage of black history month no less!
black history is not just noteworthy or relevant in feb the shortest month of the yr
like racism on campus, black history is perpetual and global and should be noted and RESPECTED 365 days per yr
Nonsense and try again with a better dodge..The yiddish word has morphed into nigger like at one time GAY did not mean homosexual..
Deal with this issue and stop trying to deflect.. The word usage and the manner in which many white jews employ the word is the isue here..Please refrain from geting a offensive with me when I confront them is the issuse not your simple minded spin.. often telling a hard truth is never easy..
Please spare me the MLK lecture and address this racial shortcoming in your tribe if of course you have the courage and integrity..
"of course these friends whenever fundraising is required will remind each other of jesse's hymie comments ect..always of course neglecting the ed koch's of the world.."
Thank you.
Uptown, Not a surprise many of my Black jewish peers often tell me in the temple they are confronted with this insult yet no one wanted to confront it..It was awkward being a Black jew from the start for them in a white jewish venue..
I am not surprised by Buckey's defensive posturing..It is hard to confront racism in your tribe when the tribe has always beening spending MLK nonsense in your ears in the day and calling you a nigger at nite when you are out of the room..It is embrassing to many of my white jewish comrades who unlike Buckey have the courage to dialouge about it...So may like Buckey seek to delfect and have me go after those nasty white trailer trash WASPS types..
I have read a lot of literature from SA during aparthied and many white jews were active in the liberation struggle yet many were also enjoying the privledges of being white after fleeing germany WWII era..
I find it amazing how mandela does not fear the white jewish blacklash for being candid about the role of Israel during the SA aparthied era..
I remain troubled by how white jews here in the states enjoyed the jim crow era and yes I do respect their role in the civil rights movement but of course we were taking the blows and had the bodycount..
unlike blackness, jewishness can be discarded at will via an effotless surname change etc...
True Dat..
Which is a major concern of mine when the pending darkness comes to our nation...
A holocaust on our soil is not a paranoid theory or the topic of a chatter class excercise..
I wonder will white jews hide behind their whiteness?? Would I if the good german were at my doorstep?
BTW a great film on this issue " Sophia's Choice"
this racial shortcoming in your tribe
...Jews are so prejudiced they voted for and heavily funded Obama's campaign. They're so unworthy of trust that Obama has a Jew as his chief political advisor, and a Jew as his chief economic advisor.
It's a good bet there are as many Jews in the Tea Party as there are African-Americans.
Yet, my "tribe" is condemned because of the language inherited from generations past.
Spitting in the face of a teammate isn't a good long term strategy. Good luck to you.
When I was in high school 10 or so years ago students had a similar party. They called it a "yo" party and it had the same concept. Just because there may in fact be a segment of the Black population that fit the stereotype doesn't make the party ok. Before there was rap music, White people were mocking Black people (remember Black face anyone?)and it will continue if and when this particular image is no longer prevalent. Can you imagine if a party was held in honor of Latin history suggesting that people drive their pick up trucks and bring oranges and wear prom gowns with jean jackets? There will always be stereotypes and there will always be parts of the population that subscribe to those. That doesn't make it acceptable to hold a party on a college campus that disrespects and entire culture.
i also love an episode of mtv's brief lived "cosmic slop" called "space invdaders"...
where aliens come to earth and want to take all the blacks...the jews protest so they do not become the darkest ones left
"space INVADERS"
who said "all jews"???
i judge my "teammates" by their plays
not their race
i have many jewish friends who would never dismiss black pain or coddle these racist white college kids as you have!
@ FN:
Since you asked whites to weigh in and I am not white...I'll just say this for now...
just more white kids driving by...
They do it all the time. I said it once and I'll say it again...white men/boys love AND hate black men/boys.
They don't know if they want to be like them (he painted his whole body black??? for real???)
Or make fun od them....*yawn*
White folks have issues they need out work out in this mind set.
PS - Maria if you come back with another "waht choo talkin bout Willis" question to me...search the archives for my answer to you...and we're still cool :)
and t:
in that episode
reverse colorism was explored also
the aliens only took the darkest melanated blacks
many blacks donned dark makeup etc
the aliens allowed each black to take 1 pc of luggage
i did an entire radio show on this episode in atlanta...we joked about what we would take with us
i said i would take a bag of classic black books to recall our history on earth...
and reggie bush and oj would poke holes in their bags to stuff and sneak 2 white women on board!
so in other words we are not having bagels tomorrow for breakfast together??
Notice how Buckey got upset and cut and run again confirmation of my premise about this issue within the white jewish community..
@ FN:
SOME whites folks...
One of my favorite Black cult films
yes i did notice!
nothing can make a racist run like an intraracial truth!...
or a hypohchristian run like a biblical truth!...
buckydent said...
"friends who cal you nigger in yiddish
"I happen to be monolingual. I only speak English. ...
"The Yiddish word for black is schvartze.
"If the very use of that word is enough to trip your racism wire, then by definition anyone speaking that language is a racist.
"Is that really an intelligent way to judge people?
"Why, one might as well judge someone by their skin color."
Cut the paternalism crap. You really want to do something about the racial divide in this country, go to the white, hardcore, racist blogs, and sites, and have it out with them.
Coming here to tell us poor little blacks how to perceive white behavior in our midst is the height of hubris.
Don't presume to educate, tutor, advise, or scold us, on how we choose to respond to racial acts.
First, get your own house in order.
Interesting how Buckey did not have the courage to dialoge on this but instead wanted to spin an excuse about lanuagage generational nonsense..
ditto t:
it is always easier to dismiss any pain felt by "others" than to debate/dismantle/dissipate it...
Buckey got upset and cut and run
Actually, I got "cut" when I was seven days old. ;)
Don't presume to educate, tutor, advise, or scold us, on how we choose to respond to racial acts.
Unwillingness to hear and learn? Another stereotype you don't want to reinforce.
It's almost like some folks NEED and WANT to hate. It's very sad.
I think Obama is confronting this issue right now with hs senior advisers..he is willing to indict Black folks in a ghetto nuance second but he will never confront whites, asians, hispanics etc on their morable defects...
I really think he is in a whitejewish bubble ( axelrod, rahm, etc) and because of his passive Black roots he does not know how to push back in a Black manner...
This disconnect with people like Buckey and others like him are are issue
Angie-in-Japan said... "The death of my grandmother (one of the GREATEST women I have ever had the privilege of knowing and loving) has left me with this urge to make more meaning out of my life. A week before she died, she challenged me to see it, do it...be it! I've got work to do!! Stay blessed."
Your grandmother sounds like a wonderful person. And her advice is golden.
It's good to hear from you, Angie. And thanks for staying in touch. You're missed!
Fact not present in white jewish educational circles Black folks in the USA have HBCU's over 150 of them white jews or any other ethic group can compare yet Buckey again plays on the myth about Blacks unwilling to learn fiction..
Don't presume to educate, tutor, advise, or scold us...
buckydent said...
Don't presume to educate, tutor, advise, or scold us, on how we choose to respond to racial acts.
Unwillingness to hear and learn? Another stereotype you don't want to reinforce.
It's almost like some folks NEED and WANT to hate. It's very sad.
We have already learned what you have to teach. Paternalism is the worst form of racism.
Like I suggested, take your advice and instructions to the those white, racist blogs. I'm sure you'll be welcome there.
Again, get your own house in order, before telling me mine is in disarray.
Yet Buckey's defensive posturing is not in part just because he is jewish he is also a 'white male"and as such this instinct of expressing inflated white privledge and white entitlement is part of the white dna cultural theme here in America..
I find his behavior very prevelant with white males more acute woth white jewish males who have postured to WASPS they know how to handle negroes and coloreds cuae we were in the NAACP and taught black students AA studies in college
ditto t!
yet another reason i despise obama!
do you recall how obama was verbally celebrating an iranian holiday even as he
avoided all american mlk celebrations!!!???
bashing black colloquialism does not make you appear any less racist or any more culturally competent!
here is yet another usage which may escape you:
people who respect black comm/speech lay in the "cut" respectfully...nahmean?
the truth is it own defense
it is not anti-semitic/rich to admit that obama is ruled by ruthless elitist jews
it is factual
From my emperical data and life exprience this white privledge paternalistic demeanor also is in part our issue because we selected the white jewish professional class to handle our business from taxes, lawyers, social workers, real estate agents etc,..
Even today Black athletes have many of them as agents etc..
Truth is we have continued this dependcy relationship and the white jewish professional class has prosper from it more than our masses
we always solely hear about the racict hasidic jewish slumlords in nyc etc...
this is racist media playing anti-semitism
as they ignore the jewish ties chosen by obam et al
they know how to handle negroes and coloreds
I employ several African Americans, and have ponied up for the private education of their kids out of my own pocket.
I suppose that proves my self-importance and paternalism, not to mention my inability to grasp the nuances of their language.
Some folks here should read this thread, and try to imagine what an open-hearted person would think.
Obama has handcuffed his ties to the Black community in part because of advice from his white advisers not all of the are jewish, he also has some Black advisers who have always been good coloreds with non-negro dialects who act as wardens and buffers against Black activists like me..These Black handlers let it be known to the other whites thay know how to handle and keep us field negroes in place..
My entire community has employed white jews and paid for thier offsprings educations as well..
BTW please spare me the phony defense aboutnot knwoing about the nuances of language you know that calling me a nigger in yiddish ws not an ommission but a deliberate yiddish nigger than to do..
Now unless you want me to slamm you in here all day please have the courage to stay focused and have the maturity to have this discussion..Like Richard Pryor told baba walters you have used the word nigger a lot it just rolls of your lips.. You have been outted Buckey now lets continue with your teachible moment
ditto t:
history will show that the blackish obama's regime has been "mighty white"...
far more openly elitist and racist and FATAL to black america racially/financially/spiritually/
morally than gwb ever was
obama is the mask of gwb's 3rd and 4th terms...that is why he and cheney must play frenemies so....dick c has been our real prez for 8 yrs and yr 16 looms!
Obama williness to be politically castrated when it comes to Black issues=American issues reveals the disconnect in part with bi-racial relationships which are like black religious leaders often these slugs are as passive and backward as white folks...many Black religous leaders will sale a negro down he river in a hot gospel hym second..
The majority of bi-racial realtionship do not produce field negro types willing to take it to the streets now mine you there are great ones Angie Davis etc but few in total
obama embraces his blackness only when he is bashing black dads and telling blacks they better not ask him for anything!...shame!!!
To be continued...
obama also dissed blacks in nola worse and FASTER than bush
yes of course this gives him validity and talking points with whites and the chatter class..
it really is tragic that we have a paleface in the white house after the Bush era..
Obama will of course be one term president and will always have our collective support in part becuase white folks have fucked up our nation for centuries so even a margainal Black man is better than majority of previous white presidents..
ditto t
but angie davis is not bi-racial
although she dates many wfs...
i love angie and can never see her selling her soul like obama has
i am certain she us unhappy about how obama is funding prisons etc
Let me leave you with my favorite public speaking lecture talking point..
The Big Ben Race Clock..
for 23 hours and 45 minutes america under white folks stewardship have fucked up our nation from slavery, segregation, jim crow, disparate treatment, profiling. digitl divide, gerrymandering , etc
For the next 15 minutes I have to fix this clusterfuck to prepare my tribe for a new day....
My clock is ticking..tic, toc, tic, toc
Alicia Banks:
There is no scientific basis for race.
Thus I don't understand how a group of "White kids" who mock and degrade SOME Black folks have committed the supreme offense yet a group of Black people who PURPORT to be the "dignified, educated - Talented Tenth" can listen to music that VERBALIZES all that the WHITE FOLKS dressed the part as and we are supposed to look past THIS as well.
If I had to chose between the two I'd choose to lean upon the group I am more inclined to CALL MY OWN!!!
We expect others to show "racial degradation". What should be done when "your own" does it?
I stand corrected about Angie Davis I got her mixed up..You are bad girl..You are bad;-)
You have been outted Buckey..."
Lots of "outtings" here today.
[quote]Keep the faith - change is coming - but never as fast as we want.[/quote]
He Wisconsin:
In this "change" that is coming that you speak of........could you articulate the element that your 100% White Town EXPECTS BLACK PEOPLE to "change"?
Or do you all see that such change will come once WHITE FOLKS change their way of thinking alone?
the next time a black man is attacked by a white cop like sean bell/oscar grant
i bet if he screams:
"race is a social construct!" before he is shot...he will STILL be publicly executed
sorry cf
your SEVERELY flawed analogy stands as i do not codone EITHER VASTLY DIFFERENT degradation!
i have lamented and will lament both always!
Nonsense with race is social construct tell that chatter babble to negroes after getting fucked by white racists..
It never fails when we get some leverage some clwons always seek to change the fuckig paradigms especially white liberal academic types and Black apologists...
I recall living in Hollywood and I bought my wife the biggest fucking fur coat on the west coast some sorry ass white folks start telling me about peta shit..
I said fuck them midnte pork eating fuckers just when I get to enjoy life you fuckers want to claim my freedom...
Fuck that..I eat meat, wear furs and live whatever the fuck I want to do.. I will also used a nuclear lighter to fire up my lettuce blunts as well..lol,lol,lol
I enjoyed outting you the most...Now run and report me to the ADL and the JDL of course homeland security as well...lol,lol,lol
belated junk science
and why is race suddenly irrelevant ONLY as whites become a racial minority???????
spare me the desperate genetic ruses
i bet tiger woods will look more "socially constructed" than ever when he is holding ct friday!
Don't leave too soon.
CF has shown up just in time to assuage your white sensibilities and show you that there are some negroes who are not at all angry or sensitive.
Who indeed identify with white folks like yourself and wish black folks would stop worrying so much about white racism and concentrate on battling street pirates in da hood.
Bucky meet CF!
ditto t!
my problem with cf is that NO black ill will erase any white one...and vice versa
i am a realist who attacks all ills everywhere irrespective of race/class/gender/sexuality etc!
that was ditto to u uts!
To your original post….as you asked for honest answers from white people.
I have never heard of these “blackface” parties up until two years ago when I began seeing articles like the one you wrote) on the internet. In my 35 years of living, no white person I know has ever mentioned or been a part of them.
Disclaimer: I am certainly no expert on racism and I am no sociological critic of pop culture, but it seems to me you have small groups of white college students who enjoy resurrecting stereotypes offered to us by films in the late 60’s and early 70’s (The Mack, SuperFly, etc.) and the tidal wave of urban gangster films in the late 80’s and early 90's.
It is clear that the white students who do this have not formed any meaningful relationships with people of color. Further, I wonder if people who consider this worthy of celebration are even capable of meaningful relationships.
Now...having faces and bodies painted for various venues (basketball games, parades , theatre, etc.) is something that whites in the U.S. have done for as long as I can remember. But, blackface parties go far beyond anything decent or respectable…or anything worth celebrating.
I think there is pathology in many segments of white society in the U.S. that causes people to celebrate mockery as though it were some sort of art form. The crassness, the cynicism, and the soulless stereotyping of others have reached a point where it is now consider worthy of celebration.
Personally, I think when you have large groups of people who whose lives have become void of purpose and direction, crap becomes king. I think this is what we are witnessing.
All The Best,
I agree with the writer I too do not know anyone in the chartcater they describe or any wear the garments.
I have sons in their 30's and 20's who do not fit the requirement.
The clothes mention are what the white boys and girls wear that keep the black clothes makers in business,Fubo, rocawear etc. They wear clothes such as Ed Hardy and more.
You couldn't catch my sons in this garment or drink 40's beer.
i wish obama was a one termer
but i lost all hope in 2004 when that moron/president select/king shrub/gwb 1.0 won...
and as obama is EQUALLY selected and gwb 2.0, i think his second term was also sealed long before he ever ran/posed!
i believe that we are doomed until 2016 or beyond...
but i hope not
Field, now I know why you came down on the Black Caucus the way you did! YOU JUST DON'T GET IT!
It is NO WAY in this world a BLACK person can avoid running into THOSE LOUD, GHETTO acting, DISGRACEFUL OTHER BLACK FOLK! NO WAY! THEY won't let you! so field,how did you get to AVOID Those other BLACK FOLK? you say you are a FIELD NEGRO, REALLY? are you sure, cause how can you be a real FIELD NEGRO, cause you ain't been in the TRENCH'S with, SHENAYNAY and DESHAWN NEM!
I wish I would, get on this BLOG and Pretend as if, I don't know us! this is us, whether we want WHITE FOLK to know it or NOT! as if we have to Apologize to WHITE AMERICA for anything! we DON'T owe these people NOTHING!
Some of you so called (Dignified BLACK FOLK are TOO much at time's, as if you have arrived at some place, NO! you may NOT drink COLT FORTY FIVE any more, but, when the WHITE MAN look's at you, they see BLACK FIRST, forget about STATUS! in their sight, a HARVARD DEGREE don't mean NOTHING!
I have lived around THOSE other BLACK FOLK all my life, and yes, they are LOUD! so should I pretend as if, I don't know they exist, or that I never knew them? NO! I see the SHENAYNAY'S all the time, and I don't have a problem with it! at least they don't walk around, with their head STUCK up in the air! like most so called (DIGNIFIED BLACK'S)they can see you coming and look straight ahead! now you tell me? who I should be more Ashamed of? Ms. SHEYNAYNAY or Ms. ANNE!
I watched the WHITE RACIST C PAC CONVENTION on C-SPAN earlier, WHITE FOLK preparing for a REVOLUTION! and with who? their was YOUNG WHITE people all over the place listening to WHITE RACIST SPEECH, and we wonder why, they try to DEGRADE our people, these young people have been taught and are being taught to show disrespect for the BLACK RACE! is this something new? no! YOUNG WHITE PEOPLE stood beside their Parent's as Black family's were HUNG and BURNED! the sad thing is, these young people thought this was RIGHT!
No, I do not live smack dab in the GHETTO, but, I have, at one point in my life, and one thing I know, when God Bless you to live a little better, you don't forget where you came from, you remain HUMBLE!
Califonia girl and Maria should exchange email and become friends. They have a lot in common.
"They do it all the time. I said it once and I'll say it again...white men/boys love AND hate black men/boys."
Why do bw always have to express racism through the treatment of bm? What about the universal envy and treatment of bw too?
Hey Field I am late to the party but I am really glad you posted this again. Me and AB were lobbying pretty hard lol!
But I wanted to hear what folks thought of this. I think you did a great job of getting the discussion going.
I was going to tease you about not knowing anyone who would have fit the description of the folks being made fun of but then I was reminded that while I come in contact with a lot of young folks who fit the description I don't really have a personal relationship with any. However I used to and I hope to dive into that craziness again.
Big ups go to Race Traitoress, George, and HJ and Brohama who pointed out the problem with MTV, BET, VH1.
I see one poster did his usual foolishness and found a way to obscure the issue and somehow make black folks the problem even in this.
The real reason that the kids party is problematic is that they will go on to graduate and maybe hold positions of power or decide who gets to work or not and if this is their attitude it will indeed cause some black folks problems.
So I disagree with those who say this is no big deal and it can just be ignored. It does indeed represent something. Namely that we are no where near a post racial society.
Here is one of the other problems with it why with so many positive black folks doing their thing and being visual as professionals and as regular working class folks- hell you see regular black folks driving the bus, working in the airport, in the hospital, as civil servants etc, why did these young people choose to see black folks in this light?
I think its because they choose to objectify black folks. Something from somewhere has told them its okay to thingify black folks. That means this is deep in someones consciousness.
The solution: We can't change folks mind but we can change society so that racial prejudice is no longer important. Because at present it serves the purpose of dividing and ruling over both black and white.
The capitalist need their isms, especially racism. So we have to try a new system I am kind of with George this aint working(well at least not for most of us)
Thrasher (and by extension AB):
Indeed there is a long history of White on Black RACISM. You get no argument from me.
What I would like for you to address is how the same Black people who (see Philly): RAN THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT out of power in order to get people in office who "Care about our people and have our best interests in mind".
YET when this next FAVORABLE ESTABLISHMENT that has control over all of the key institutions in the Black community deliver a similar set of results - instead of getting RUN OUT OF OFFICE - they convince the Black community to STAY UNIFIED and "Try Harder"?
Is there any RACIALISM involved with this?
Alicia Banks - as well as you articulate the case against Barack Obama - how do you explain that he stands today with a 91% to 93% APPROVAL RATING AMONG BLACK FOLKS? This DESPITE having high Black unemployment etc?
Ditto about Black on Black homicides, etc.
"Bucky meet CF!""
You mean, Buckey meet BuckDancer. (Ok that doesn't really sound funny).
But I mean really... why don't CF attack people like Mazuel? CF, do you even have one of those pre-rehearsed scripts somewhere to address people like Muzuel?
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