Oh my, it looks like dueling race cards being played between the folks on the left and folks on the right. Talk about irony; my neuron challenged, brown skinned friend, Michelle Malkin, has some issues with the folks over at MSNBC and their use of the race card against her fellow right wing travelers:
"The indelible whiteness of MSNBC
By Michelle Malkin •
MSNBC host Chris Matthews, MSNBC reporter Norah O’Donnell, and MSNBC guest Joan Walsh shamelessly played the race card against Sarah Palin and her book-buying audience last week.
In Michigan, O’Donnell smugly noted that Palin’s fans were “largely white — almost no minorities in this crowd.” Matthews parroted the line, assailing the “white crowd.” Walsh likened the gathering to a “paranoid tea party.” Matthews hammered away at the “monochromatic” scene.
Ahem. Check out the masthead of MSNBC TV, “The Place for Politics.” Wear sunglasses and SPF 30 lotion. You’ll need protection from the blinding white glare: [What follows are pics of some very white MSNBC hosts]
MSNBC’s p.c. pontifica

After the Don Imus debacle, NBC hired a “diversity leader.” By the left-wingers’ own tallying in 2007, guess which network boasted the whitest programming on cable TV during a randomly selected period? Hint: Starts with “M” and ends with “SNBC.”
Palin-bashing racial bean-counters in monochromatic houses shouldn’t throw stones."
And she even has a race chart. (19% of Hannity's guests were African American. That's a very misleading stat. Most of these people have been completely disowned by the black race.)
Wow! Take that MSNBC. The wingnuts are accusing you of being lily white and racially insensitive. But come on Michelle, do you think it's easy to find articulate Negroes to go on television? Besides, where are your Negroes hiding?
This is bad. What's a racism chasing field Negro to do? Is nothing sacred in A-merry-ca anymore? I guess that when you are in a "post- racial" A-merry-ca everybody can chase race.
Damn you Obama!
As I watch Countdown right now, guess who's on?
Eugene Robinson. Hmmmmm.
Michelle Malkin, So fine and so stupid at the same time.
What's really misleading? Your notion that they were disowned by the black race. In fact the desertion is from black liberals.
Warren Ballentine couldn't debate Juan without calling him a porch monkey.
What percentage of the black community is politically conservative?
"Warren Ballentine couldn't debate Juan without calling him a porch monkey."
You have a problem with accuracy?
"Warren Ballentine couldn't debate Juan without calling him a porch monkey".
Which he is.
Who is Warren Ballentine? I kid I kid. I know Warren, he is a fine man.
"As I watch Countdown right now, guess who's on?
Eugene Robinson. Hmmmmm."
Trapped in SC, doesn't it look like "Groundhog Day" with my man Eugene? I am just sayin
But yeah, there black gut beats Jesse Peterson every time. :)
Did I say gut and not guy? Yeah, I better clarify that one.
Yeah, field at least MSNBC will have Derrick Pitts, or Melissa Harris-Lacewell, black folks that are intelligent and thoughtful. And lets not forget about Tamron Hall.
Is Michelle upset that is not a regular contributor on MSNBC? I would not call MSNBC liberal as I fail to fathom why the channel either shows prison documentaries or caught on camera all weekend. This is probably one of the reasons that CNN edges MSNBC and Fox News as a more reliable news source and has James Earl Jones announcing giving the channel validity. Perception is reality. However, I have seen a number of African-American analysts on the station from Clarence Page to Toure to Ron Christie. Sure Chris Matthews drools and says silly things, but he is like that squirrel that finds a nut sometimes. Rachel Maddow is an openly gay anchor, but does Michelle really wants to be a guest on her show. Somehow Dr. Maddow would probably knock down her arguments without being rude.
Field, if 10,000 AA's showed up at a tea party or even just ten, you would accuse them of selling out or being stupid. I've just always disagreed with race association with party. With the possible exception of Cuban Immigrants who know of the mass jailing and killings instituted only because of their perceived political beliefs. I'm sure either party will welcome newcomers and I wonder if the racism charges matter anymore. Here's a match for you 2012: Bobby Jinal/anybody vs. anyone/anyone. Oh no. Dems lose.
Take care, szpork
"Here's a match for you 2012: Bobby Jinal/anybody vs. anyone/anyone. Oh no. Dems lose."
You mean Piyush "Bobby" Jindal? That's funny. He may not even be Governor of Louisiana for too much longer.
Back to the TV thing. CNN and MSNBC at least get black folks of different viewpoints to come on. Fox only gets the clowns and the coons and the almost-coons to come on the network. They had Marc-Lamont Hill on for a while, then they fired him via text message.
Michelle Malkin is a cute teabagger, but she is frequently wrong. (BTW the chart she is using is from april of 2007. Hannity and Colmes? Paula Zahn Now? If you are going to lie, at least use current events to lie with.)
Filled Negro:
You are indeed the man. Got you down to a predicable pattern. No need for an oscilloscope with you.
I just finished reading the latest edition of "The Nation" magazine. I stand corrected.
I had thought that the "Voice Of The Black Establishment" was Roland Martin and other media operatives who play the part. Now I see that I only need to read "The Nation" to understand you all. Their opinions are yours.
If I want to have the best analysis of where the "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers" and how the "Negro" fits into the leftwing politics in America - the best journal by far is the "International Socialist Review".
I did notice that "The Nation" did a postmortem of Air America. I also noticed that at the end - there was not much RACIAL DIVERSITY. After your boy "Chuck D" departed a guess about 50% of the melanin count walked out of the door.
WHY is it that you and others didn't protest for more Black voices on that platform?
STILL - I REJECT YOUR ENTIRE PREMISE about the lack of diversity on "The Tea Party". If Malkin had thought it through she would not have fallen for the trap.
Instead of Diversity - they need to GO INTO THE BLACK COMMUNITY and observer "US".
* Are Black people demanding property tax REDUCTIONS - YES
* Are Black people resisting higher sales taxes? - YUP
Here is what people don't understand. Taxes are SUPPLY SIDE.
The Black Quasi-Socialist focuses on DEMAND SIDE of the equation. (With the exemption of taxes on HIS OWN SELF - which, in this case, negatively impacts the school funding for his own kids) you all are PRO-HIGHER TAXES........as long as YOU don't have to pay them. America is asked to erect a "Social Justice Platform" by which the national coffers are filled and then the cold cash is distributed - according to each others NEEDS.
Here is what tripped me about about "The Nation's" concern about the recent Supreme Court ruling: They said that UNIONS and other activist groups don't have the MONEY that evil Corporations do. Thus the evil corporations could wage an unfair fight in the political battle.
QUESTION FILLED NEGRO: IF your goal is MONEY at the end of it all......why is it that you and other Quasi-Socialists DON'T DO AS THE EVIL CORPORATIONS DO and thus HAVE YOUR OWN DAMNED MONEY? You can do with it as you please.
Do you find it strange that you SPEND PERSONAL MONEY, sending it into a campaign with the hopes that it will bring you a windfall of CORPORATE MONEY back?
Why don't you start investing CLOSER TO HOME, learn how to CREATE YOUR OWN MONEY and then you could shrink the evil corporations down to size because you wouldn't be feeding them as a CONSUMER any longer.
I got a laugh when "The Nation" said that INDIVIDUAL private money used for progressive causes was GOOD MONEY. Corporate private money used to advance corporate interests was BAD MONEY.
Ah the battle between "Good and Evil" - progressive style.
Didn't we establish that Black Progressive-Fundamentalists ARE TAX AVERSE? You are not willing to stand with the "Tea Party Movement" because of their right-wing orientation. Its not that your own actions with respect to shifting tax burdens and propaganda are any different.
"The Nation" said that the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT was instrumental in getting Scott Brown into the "Kennedy Seat".
It all comes together for me when I read you all's strategy booklets.
The only problem is that I hear a DEMOCRAT TALKING when I read Afrospear affiliated Blogs. I don't hear much Black Community-centric discussions.
The great George S Schuyler was correct about you all. You are "Lampblack" that is a standard leftist in structure with a Black coat of paint.
YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF - operating as a shill.
I absolutely positively DESPISE MM especially for going after my girl Michelle Obama!!!!
That B*tch needs a beat down BAD, LOL!!!!
Field it seems that Malkin is comparing apples to oranges. What does the objective announcing that the tea party conventioneers were white have to do with the presence of people of color at MSNBC. However it is problematic for them that don't have more people of color.
Field the term Left has been coopted and constantly misused by the press and even folks on this board. This is a symbol of the power of those who rule to even change the definition of words.
The term leftist came from the French Revolution and was directed toward the Socialist revolutionaries. And ever since until the last decade it so it was used as a description of those who wanted to overthrow or change the government to a more egalitarian one or a socialist one, but the point is that they were for real change.
I noticed CG referred to you as a leftist, by definition that's not true. I think you are a good liberal with progressive leanings. If you were in a different social standing you may have become a leftist LOL. Comfortability softens our politics. But nevertheless you are a bad man!
I don't know if you read Bob Hebert another classic liberal columnist for the NY Times, folks should because he nails the problems and conditions in the country quite often. I think he sometimes surprises himself and is more radical than he means to be.
Anyway check out his column today.
Here are a few excerpts.
"What you’re not hearing from the politicians and the talking heads is that the joblessness and underemployment in America’s low-income households rival their heights in the Great Depression of the 1930s — and in some instances are worse. The same holds true for some categories of blue-collar workers. Anyone who thinks this devastating problem is going away soon, or that the economy can be put back on track without addressing it, is deluded...
There has been talk about income inequality over the past several years, but what is happening now is catastrophic...
The point here is that those in the lower-income groups are in a much, much deeper hole than the general commentary on the recession would lead people to believe. And none of the policy prescriptions being offered by the administration or the leaders of either party in Congress would in any way substantially alleviate the plight of those groups....
We talk about the recession as if all of its victims were suffering equally, and all will be helped by some bland, class-and-category-neutral solution...
That is so wrong. As the Center for Labor Market Studies explained in its report: “A true labor market depression faced those in the bottom two deciles of the income distribution; a deep labor market recession prevailed among those in the middle of the distribution, and close to a full employment environment prevailed at the top.”
Those who believe this grievous economic situation will right itself of its own accord or can be corrected without bold, targeted (and, yes, expensive) government action are still reading from the Ronald Reagan (someday it will trickle down) hymnal."
Having a self-hating Asian American like Malkin write about racism makes just about as much sense as having Charles Manson write about family values.
What self-respecting Asian American writes poorly researched books advocating the racist internment of Japanese Americans?
We Asian Americans disowned her a long time ago.
Anonymous 10:28:
"Having a self-hating Asian American like Malkin write about racism makes just about as much sense as having Charles Manson write about family values."
I can't say that I blame y'all for disowning Malkin. We did the same thing with Jesse Lee Peterson. Every time I have type or say his name I get the urge to spit. I'm not kidding either. Whew!
She is right about MSNBC. The same could be said for NBC--which has barely had any Black oriented programming since the Cosby Show. The Morning Joe Show is so White and conservative it could be on Fox. The only difference is that is has a minimal amount of intelletcual honesty. If I really want to ruin my day, I watch Morning Joe. That's not to say that Fox has any monopoly on diversity. Puh-leeze!
Field, you're very funny. And some of your followers are too, mostly in a good way.
Thanks for the laughs.
Right On Mellaneous! Well said! I think a very useful exercise is for folks to ask themselves "what would economic justice look like?" Ask your family, friends, co-workers.... When we start exploring this idea, freeing our minds of the limited constructs of the current economic frameworks (capitalism v socialism) then maybe we can find the third rail that benefits us all.
Michelle Malkin's argument is a simple case of deflection. She would rather attack the messenger than deal with the message.... why am I not surprised.
[quote]Having a self-hating Asian American like Malkin write about racism[/quote]
Michele Malkin - a married mother of a few children - those "family values"?
The reason why some of you have no credibility is because in its UNSOLICITED form - you use "Self-Hating" to describe people you disagree with IDEOLOGICALLY.
An "Asian" could shoot 3 Asians dead and this same person would NEVER "self-initiate" the word "Self-Hatred" to describe this "Asians'" action.
In fact, come execution day there will be a team of "Justice Project" lawyers seeking to attest to the VALUE of the life of this "Asian", despite his "self-hating" action
God must have loved American racism chasers because He made so many of them.
The Prophet
@ FN:
I know exactly what you mean...when did it become so "in vogue" to throw out the race card? And when did it become so easy for EVERYONE to throw it out against ANYONE???
This is a real problem that I think needs addressing. The "race card" is a term coined from the Civil Rights Movement that was invented by the then white power structure to strategize against blacks in the direction the movement would take.
Blacks (in the movement) picked up the phrase and used it for themselves, to strategize against the white power structure and how they would respond when vying for issues deemed important and necessary for blacks at that time. They would... "throw the race card out".
Since then the white power structure has been trying to figure out a way to keep their use and term "race card" for their distinct advantage. And it has worked (loss of affirmative action or the Philadelphia Plan as we knew it to be, loss of percentages of blacks enrolled in various institutions of higher learning, loss of percentages of blacks in management in various corporations, etc).
Now what we have here is a minority using it against whites for the good of whites (if that don't beat all).
This issue is serious because 1) it allows whites and others to feel that the "race card" is now just a joker in the deck 2)blacks do not have the power with the words it once carried 3) whites think using the term "the race card" will belong solely to them and make it white once again and 4)when blacks are able to throw the "race card" on the table it can now be trumped with a joker.
I once told a woman (white) that she cannot use the term racist to describe anyone black and their thoughts on whites. Racism precludes that you have power over a person of another color and where I was then (in the very deep south back in the 90's) blacks did not have that kind of power. Therefore, she COULD NOT use the "race card".
I suppose since Martha Stewart went to jail and back to her show telling everyone she can "get ghetto" if she wants to...nothing is sacred anymore.
However, on the flip side, maybe we will have a news show on MSNBC with black anchor...maybe she just created a job for someone. If that be the case then I say that was one of the best inside moves I've seen in a long time. We'll soon see, won't we...
At a tea party in Tennessee, Angela McGlowan, announced her intention to run for Congress. The crowd went wild.
Go Angela!
Angela McGlowan......she won't win. It's one thing for Republicans to say that they want black candidates, but they never seem to VOTE for them.
Ah, come on, Anon. Where's your VOTE of confidence?
CF - any person of color who openly support the wrongful imprisonment of her own people is beyond a house negro. She's on a slave catching, uncle Rukus level of self-loathing. Even the most wing nut jew isn't going to argue that the Nazis may have had a point, nor (hopefully) the most staunch neo-con Republic lawn jockey negro would dare suggest that slavery was a good thing.
Agape 2010--
You have your history wrong. The term "Race Card" was entered into the American lexicon during the OJ Simpson murder trial. It was used by the prosecution to describe what the defense was doing to one Detective Mark Furman. Look it up. Thanks anyway for trying to give some clarity.
YOu are right about one thing there is no such thing as a race card. I refuse to use it and it pisses me off when other black folks use it to. I like to say if the brother was wrong about what he thinks occurred just say that but don't be using the other folks words to discredit the possibility.
Either there is racism in this society or there isn't. Sometimes black folks are wronged and maybe they wrongly claim discrimination, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, which is the purpose of the term, to discredit the reality of racism and make the victims appear as if they are just crying wolf. In fact it acts as a way of making the victim the perpetrator. I have heard perpetrators cry, 'you are victimizing me by calling me/my corporation/my business racist.'
A card is something you play with, period. The history of racism and its present manifestation are surely no joke and nothing to be played with.
The folks that are lined up against us are playing for keeps. Think about it,not only does the system and individual whites on occassion act in a racist way, but they have the audacity to pretend that the Negroes are just making it up.
We're not really stepping on your toes, that's just the weight of your imagination on your foot.
The idea that race is not really an impediment to black progress is kind of like the argument of a black conservative fella around here, who resorts to calling names when he loses an argument lol.
To this day, I would like to know what happened to Carlos Watson! he had a show in the morning on MSNBC, it lasted about three month's and Carlos just disappeared! next thing you knew, Tamron Hall too over his spot! Black man out, Black woman in! this is nothing new! and this is not to say, Tamron Hall is not good at what she doe's!
MSNBC hired the producer of Glenn Beck's show, so what are they up to? I noticed today Chris Matthew would not stop bringing up SARAH Palin's name on his show, he pretend as if he was criticizing her speech she gave at the TEA PARTY, but, no, he was making sure her name is staying Relevant! FOX NEW'S is not the only NETWORK that use's SARAH PALIN!
Ron Christie is used on Chris Matthew show as well as Ed Shultz show, when they want a Black man to Beat Down the President! they pump him up! and he will give them what they want, and as you all know, Ron never Fail's to entertain!
Michelle Bernard is one of SARAH PALIN'S fan's, where did all these black people come from?
Field the Black Conservative Woman, you want to debate on your side bar, is running for Congress in her Southern State! this is KKK COUNTRY!oh and she gave a Speech at the TEA PARTY. the story is over at HUFFINTON POST.
Michelle Malkin apparently loves taking pictures and doesn't mind sharing them with the whole wide world of google either.
Angela is just being a conservative. What's wrong with that? She is NOT against her race, but she just sees America as post-racial.
Give the sister a break. She WILL get a seat in Congress because she is a Republican and this year is the year of Republicans. Count on it.
When you have Dems like Maria who has indicated that she is unconcerned about people like Palin, you can be sure a lot of Repubs will surprise and defeat mindless Dems this year. Just like they did in MA-and that was Kennedy's old seat, which should have been very difficult...it wasn't.
Yep, Dumbocrats will be saying, "who dat?" when Angela wins.
They must be using Diebold voting machines again!
Anon, "YOu are right about one thing there is no such thing as a race card. I refuse to use it and it pisses me off when other black folks use it to. I like to say if the brother was wrong about what he thinks occurred just say that but don't be using the other folks words to discredit the possibility."
Anon, there are a bunch of race card carriers on this blog. Prepare yourself to be assaulted and pray that CF will take your case. lol...
Btw, Whites have race cards too. They have been playing their race card since slavery and the Jim Crow days. How do you think they got away with lynching Blacks without penalty? because they had a white race card.
When Cochran did his black jingle, "if the glove didn't fit, you must aquit!" the black race card was born! Whites learned a valuable lesson from that national scene: Never ever have an all black jury in a CA court... lol
But I agree, race cards, Black or White are sickening....But people try to play them all the time. Just read some of the comments on this blog. There are race cards all over the place.
Rev Inc, will use it in a New York minute.
Anons 12:54 and 1:29 (please Jesus let these be the same people) are classic examples of everything that is wrong with the educational system in this country. They are also a testament to the effectiveness of the Republican strategy of "keep 'em dumb and voting Republican".
Anon 1:29 this is why its hard to get understanding. People hold onto things that are not useful and definitely not helpful when trying to relate to one another. There is no such thing as a race card I repeat there is no such thing as a race card.
Det. Fuhrman was an avowed racist which made everything that came out of his mouth when it related to blacks and Mexicans suspect and likely unreliable. OJ's lawyers did what every defense attorney has done when the opportunty arose and that is discredit the witness against their client.
Anyway, this phrase came up as a not so subtle attempt to discredit people of color's real claims to racism. NObody has any daggone card there is just the reality of racist. And before you go off in the wrong direction I am not accusing you of being a racist.
However, using that term is a concession to those who really don't want real racial understanding and reconciliation and an end - at least as best we can- of racism. People use it because the press -the liberals who are supposed to be on the side of the little people and the dumped on-- continue to use it. Most of them are like the other folks who say they are tired of hearing about racism, while on the other hand,failing to do anything about it when they are witness to it. And some won't change their own racist perceptions.
Its kind of like people's concession to UCN when referring to young black people who commit crimes as street pirates. I refuse to use the term because I don't accept the subtle dehumanization and denigration of young black youth that lies within it.
[quote]You have a problem with accuracy?[/quote]
I have a problem with Negroes like YOU taking on the spirit of your long time oppressors. The same words that a Black man heard from the "All White Jury" prior to being LYNCHED is heard on various AfroSpear blogs. As with the White folks - these words are only used against their IDEOLOGICAL ENEMIES.
I have a problem with your SELECTION of "Porch Monkey" assignments.
Clarence Thomas and Juan Williams are said to be "porch monkeys" for their White male conservative sponsors. Fair enough.
Despite the fact that Young Jeezy, Lil Wayne and TI spout ignorant lyrics that threaten to kill a Black man that steps to them and they converse about selling drugs and screwing our women......Negroes like you instead ATTACK THE WHITE MUSIC EXECUTIVES who have "green lighted" the project.
YOU NEVER say that the "Hip Hop Artists" are PORCH MONKEYS, spreading messages upon the Black community that make their White Sponsors happy.
Instead you see the POWER that the "Hip Hop - Voice Of The Street Pirates" have upon Black people. Thus in your guise as a Democrat who wants to HELP Black people you INVITE THEM ON STAGE to tap into their POWER with the people. You publicize the fact that these "Voices of Street Pirates" will be making an appearance. Hundreds of Black people show up to the rally as a result.
The Democratic Power Structure instructs the "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirates" to tell the Black voters to VOTE for the Democrats. They talk about the poor schools - but not their messages that negatively influence the.
They talk about the abusive police - but fail to note that the Sheriff is on stage WITH THEM. (see the photo below)
Thus the INCESTUOUS RELATIONSHIP is turned into a circle jerk.
Your SILENCE upon them has paid off. You got what you want because what you wanted is a Democrat elected into office.
(Unlike YOUR scenario - MINE IS TRUE)
[quote]CF - any person of color who openly support the wrongful imprisonment of her own people is beyond a house negro.[/quote]
LAC (and Ernesto and Mellaneous by extension)
Do you ever step back and consider the logic of your rationalizations?
You PURPORT to be advocates for "people of color" who are unjustly detained.
As I do a psychological profile on you it becomes clear that you all are "Permanent Revolutionaries" against the SYSTEM. You merely put up the cause of the "person of color" as a "useful specimen" on your way toward executing your plan.
If we were to substitute pigeons with injured wings that were broken by retired police AUTHORITY figures as they spent all day sitting on park benches, executing upon their lust to injure another living being - your meme would be the same as you advocate for them like you do the "person of color".
In your perversion you show that it is not the STATE OF 'ASSAULT' upon the "Person of Color" that you care for. Instead WHO ASSAULTED HIM is your concern.
Let's talk about your "Authorities as an Organized Crime" theory. These are all merely MEN. They were once merely civilians. They took the civil service exam, received training and became 'Government Officials'".
Since - in your view - the founding of the United States was done via GANGSTERS - who killed, robbed and raped to get their way - why do you condemn their acts of assault per the AUTHORITY of the regime that they execute but you are so disinclined to do the same with ORGANIZED "Klan forces" of today as they assail "people of color" in higher numbers?
You are not fooling anyone.
You don't care about "people of color being locked up", snatched away from their families and suffering mental anguish. If you did you would concern yourself with the VICTIMS of their crimes.
* The dead woman who got killed by a stray bullet from the imprisoned man was taken away from her family. Her permanent entombment in the grave is the ultimate prison sentence.
You never ask these organized criminals to RENDER JUSTICE upon those that they oppress.
It is ONLY the fact that they have no legal "authority" that causes you to look past their power to "imprison" a community with fear and suffer economic loss because the reputation of the community is diminished.
[quote]Det. Fuhrman was an avowed racist which made everything that came out of his mouth when it related to blacks and Mexicans suspect and likely unreliable. OJ's lawyers did what every defense attorney has done when the opportunty arose and that is discredit the witness against their client.
Mellaneous - in your piety - you don't concern yourself that THE "ACTUAL KILLER" of two people - one of whom were the mother of OJ's CHILDREN has never been found.
In your lofty application of "it is better for 10 guilty men to go free than to have 1 innocent man imprisoned"......the community suffers the continued attack of these 10 GUILTY MEN who are on the street. YOU benefit because you retain your moral high ground. Never have you "locked up a man on a TECHNICALITY that should have purged due process" but you get to blame the OCEAN TEMPERATURE for the crime that the 10 guilty men that you let free.
Again the WORST possible situation for the Progressive-Fundamentalist is to be in a position where he is all alone with nothing but his own THEORIES to clothe him.
Life's reality will strip him naked and molest him in due time.
Conservatives still mad they can't get more than 5% of the black vote. Still making up excuses. Still talking about "black liberals" like they're this tiny minority in the Black Community. Still denying the Movement Conservative support for Jim Crow. Still denying why The Party of Lincoln became The Party of Jesse Helms. Hell, they're still defending Jesse against those "accusations" of racism. And of course, Field's loyal homoerotic stalker is still here, dutifully typing out long rants that all the regulars learned to ignore and scroll past in like August. How boring. Seen this flick before.
As for Angela McGlowan....she's running for Congress........in Mississippi? Hahaha. Good luck wit dat. Let's see how many of those Confederate flag waving Mississippi Voters/Birthers are willing to pull that lever for Mz. McGlowan once they're safe behind that curtain. I am soooo curious. (Can she even win the primary??)
Constructive Stalker, I will be bumping super violent Hip-Hop in my iPod in honor of your latest waste of time. Fuck you and your "concern" for African-Americans, asshole. I'd rather listen to wack MCs like Waka Flocka talentlessly rap about abject bullshit for a hour than listen to Jesse Lee Paterson talk about how racist and evil black folk are on Hannity for 3 minutes.
"Having a self-hating Asian American like Malkin write about racism makes just about as much sense as having Charles Manson write about family values."
Anon 10:23 pm, go on with yo bad self.
agape...you nailed it.Thank you! This might seem funny to some people, but it's serious business. The right wing in this country is now just as good at using the race card as anyone else, and they use it to rally their base. Us vs. them. Especially when the us is poor and uneducated.
[un]constructive one, I am glad you read "The Nation", maybe you can learn soemthing. I read "The American Conservative" and "The National Review" (Just for laughs) and it helps me to understand the mindset of folks like you a little better.
"Clarence Thomas and Juan Williams are said to be "porch monkeys" for their White male conservative sponsors. Fair enough.
Despite the fact that Young Jeezy, Lil Wayne and TI spout ignorant lyrics that threaten to kill a Black man that steps to them and they converse about selling drugs and screwing our women......Negroes like you instead ATTACK THE WHITE MUSIC EXECUTIVES who have "green lighted" the project."
[un]constructive one, what is with your fascination with rappers? My god man, get over that. It is sick. THET ARE ENTERTAINERS. They are not pundits or politicians on television debating social policy and ways to move our country forward.
You should be helping to try and clean up our condition among our children so that they will not be influenced by rappers like Lil Wayne, instead you bash the rappers who are doing what you applaud every day on this blog, making money. *scratching head*
La-Coincidental is right. [un]constructive one, didn't most of the Nazis in Germany have intact families and were doing a good job of providing for them? Did that make them good people?
"Anon, there are a bunch of race card carriers on this blog. Prepare yourself to be assaulted and pray that CF will take your case. lol..."
No Anon, pray that the [un]constructive one DOESN'T take your case. If he does, you will need one of those get out of jail free cards. :)
UnConn said: "n your lofty application of "it is better for 10 guilty men to go free than to have 1 innocent man imprisoned"......the community suffers the continued attack of these 10 GUILTY MEN who are on the street. YOU benefit because you retain your moral high ground. Never have you "locked up a man on a TECHNICALITY that should have purged due process" but you get to blame the OCEAN TEMPERATURE for the crime that the 10 guilty men that you let free."
UnConn.... your metaphors are awful and make no sense. That is what makes reading your comments so dizzyingly difficult. What the hell are you talking about?
IF you are suggesting that the long standing premise of Jurisprudence is wrong, then the problem is you are living in the wrong country.
The very simple notion is the bedrock of our criminal justice system... to attempt to insure the protection of the innocent (which by the way, in practice, woefully falls short) is fundamental to our constitution.
Maybe you would be a very happy Iranian or Chinese resident. There, they do not bother with the idea of innocent until proven guilty. They have no problem incarcerating people who they suspect, without due process. If you think due process is such a bad idea, then really, UnConn, there are lots of countries that would welcome you.
Democracy is messy. One of the things the founders of this democracy got right was their attempts to protect citizens from being rounded up and incarcerated without any protections. That you sneer at those protections speaks volumes about you.
Benjamin Franklin is right
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"
I'm glad other people watch these clowns to let me know what they're saying because I just can't bear it. I keep my life network-free. It helps me maintain the idea that there are sane people in the world.
"Benjamin Franklin is right
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"'
Jody, this is the paradoxical twist of being a conservative. They want their freedoms to spend their money. But when it comes to the rule of law; true freedom and justice should only be afforded to some people.
anon @12:54 AM said:
When you have Dems like Maria who has indicated that she is unconcerned about people like Palin, you can be sure a lot of Repubs will surprise and defeat mindless Dems this year. Just like they did in MA-and that was Kennedy's old seat, which should have been very difficult...it wasn't.
i did NOT say i was unconcerned about palin. and expressed numerous statements about her impact on both parties. i guess i'm your straw man.
and thanks for the promotion, but whatever i think and say is representative of me. i am not tim kaine, tho my guess is you have no idea who that is.
One of the most disheartening things about Obama's election has been the green light so many declared it to be to take their racism -- overt or in subtext or not even self acknowledged -- out of the closet. I'm hearing some frightening things and rationales I haven't heard publicly since my days in segregated-in-all-but-name Southern elementary schools. But because we now have a Black President, well it's suddenly okay to dredge up those old shibboleths.
For instance, I'd be interested in a Field Negro perspective on a post like this one:
[quote]Conservatives still mad they can't get more than 5% of the black vote. . Still making up excuses. Still talking about "black liberals" like they're this tiny minority in the Black Community. Still denying the Movement Conservative support for Jim Crow[/quote]
(Not Too) Swiff:
Why do you speak in terms of CONSERVATIVES rather than from WITHIN the Black community?
If you were intellectually honest you'd say:
* DESPITE having 100% Democratic Control in Chicago, Detroit and Milwaukee and Black people voicing GRIEVANCES - the Conservatives STILL have not found a way to have the "Democrat Who Is Black" DISLODGED from his PARTY and instead accepting the theory that the Republican Party's ethos has solutions to have him obtain his PERMANENT INTERESTS.
Sadly - YOU won't ever bring to the table the notion that BECAUSE the loyalties are skewed as such and EVEN WITH a 60 Vote MAJORITY - the party that carries the EGGS STILL have not come through for us as OUR LEADERS TOLD US THEY WOULD if we helped them into POWER........we must now take a SELF DEFENSIVE STANCE.
NO DUAL CITIZENSHIP inside our protected space. All who work more for the Democrats must wear a visitors badge. Their LOYALTIES can be found by them talking more about Sarah Palin than about the SCHOOLS, BUSINESSES AND POLICE PRECINCTS that FAVORABLE PEOPLE now run.
[quote]IF you are suggesting that the long standing premise of Jurisprudence is wrong, then the problem is you are living in the wrong country.
The very simple notion is the bedrock of our criminal justice system... to attempt to insure the protection of the innocent (which by the way, in practice, woefully falls short) is fundamental to our constitution.[/quote]
Jody - The INNOCENT PEOPLE that I am seeking to PROTECT are the ones who DON'T HAVE A PAST CRIMINAL RECORD and thus when they saw THE STREET PIRATE IN QUESTION assault another community member BUT it was "her word against his" and thus not enough in and of itself to convict this "innocent man" - you GO WITH THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT in favor of the eye witness. The Street Pirate shot at her to silence her and "put out her eye" BUT MISSED.
Jody (I like you) - when does the PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE of the eco-system where YOUR THEORIES RULE begin to make you remove your retrenchments in that which you believe and realize that YOUR THEORIES are the ones that are complimentary to civic hostility?
Were these not SLAVE HOLDERS that penned this '10 Guilty Men' theory? Surely they would have let go of their PROPERTY upon reading the "brilliance" that now bonds you.
Hey Field I thinked you missed my attempts to give you credit for your Rasta roots. You got revolutionary leanings my brother which is part of why UCN goes after you so hard.
I was hoping we could discuss how this left-right discussion came about in US political discussion rather than conservative-liberal as it should be. In left right discussions usually real leftist are left out of the conversation.
Jody- thanks for the compliment earlier. And thanks for answering UCN on the law question. I was trying to do some teaching in the Fields about the problem with the use of the term "race card" Jody did you notice UCN didn't take on that argument but took that feable attempt to undermine the principles that the justice system are built upon. Well at least the ideal.
Lisa Paul,
Consider the source and her bed fellows.
[quote] Obama's election has been the green light so many declared it to be to take their racism -- overt or in subtext or not even self acknowledged -- out of the closet. I'm hearing some frightening things and rationales I haven't heard publicly since my days in segregated-in-all-but-name Southern elementary schools.[/quote]
Lisa Paul:
WHY are 'Segregated Schools' problematic for YOU?
Is any person of any race who meets residency requirements NOT able to go to the school of their choice?
Do you ever think about the totalitarian overlay system that would be required to implement the system by which BLACK PEOPLE have the "honor" of sitting next to a WHITE kid? (Let's cut the crap and acknowledge that THIS is what you are concerned about).
WHY don't you and other go and DISTILL THE ESSENCE OF THE WHITE SCHOOL that you covet. Bottling it up and doing scientific study on it.
BRING IT TO THE TOWN COUNCIL in the "Non-White Schools" and report your finding about how the "Black Segregated Schools" can be made EQUAL to the White Segregated schools.
Then you will note that beyond the FACILITIES it is the HUMAN RESOURCES that are contained WITHIN THE SCHOOL BUILDING and the surround community who place their WORDS of VALUATION into ACTION.
Again - Gompers Elementary School in Philly, once the site of a civil rights struggle for ACCESS now has all of the "access" to the BUILDING in the world. Its just that the WHITE FOLKS HAVE LEFT. Now certain parents who live in walking distance to the school have REPUDIATED their access to the school building, instead choosing to go to a charter school around the corner where the quality education of their own children is more assured because the parents in this environment are committed to doing so.
At what point do you stop CHASING and instead start MANAGING the land that you fought over in the last great battle?
Michelle Malkin apparently loves taking pictures
Wrong answer.
People left of center love to photoshop photos to insult people. Sad to see you're not above that kind of childish insults.
If malkin is self-hating, what would you call the millions of black kids that believe getting an education is a white thing? What is it about the democrat controlled school system that has turned off so many black children to education?
Un Conn said:"Jody - The INNOCENT PEOPLE that I am seeking to PROTECT are the ones who DON'T HAVE A PAST CRIMINAL RECORD and thus when they saw THE STREET PIRATE IN QUESTION assault another community member BUT it was "her word against his" and thus not enough in and of itself to convict this "innocent man" - you GO WITH THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT in favor of the eye witness. The Street Pirate shot at her to silence her and "put out her eye" BUT MISSED."
Seriously, this is the EXACT argument of fear-mongering fascists!! Your simplistic rhetoric is, frankly, bullshit. You really need to stop expounding on legal issues because you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Every day, in courtrooms across this country, people are convicted, based on eyewitness testimony of the crime that you cite as an example. And, you STILL don't get it....
Due process is vital to protecting rights. Did Pol Pot, Hitler, Mussolini,Jim Crow, Baby Doc Duvalier, Samoza, all of the oligarchies of Latin America in the last century teach you NOTHING??? They ALL used the premise of "protecting their citizens" as justification for the arrests, incarcerations, tortures, executions of their citizens. They ALL argued that they were fighting crime and that those that they oppressed and killed were criminals. Read the words of any dictator/fascist leader. They ALL say they did what they did to protect their citizens from those that would do them harm. Seriously UnConn... you have the mentality of a dictator. Thank the Universe you do not have the power!!!!
Geez - The neighborhood Porch Monkeys are indeed on a tear today.
Not only do we have the Porch Simian, AKA CF, bending over and spreading them for a racist POS like Malkin - but the HNIC playing the race card claiming that the criticism of the Republican Party is because it's Chairman (gasp!)...
Is black!
Just a question.
CF, if you are a black conservative, as you proclaim....
What are you trying to conserve?
Which period in American history are you longing for?
Constructive Feedback,
I'm not sure how you cherrypicked out of my comments the mistaken belief that I'm calling for school desegregation. I used the reference to date myself as having attended a segregated-in-all-but-name school in the South back in the day.
I clearly remember when the principal gathered his lily-white students and informed us, "Tomorrow Negroes will start attending this school". They did. All ten of them. They had a separate classroom, they had a separate teacher, they ate at a separate lunch table and I never remember them being allowed out on the playground during "our" recess.
Those were the days when George Wallace was running for President and people spoke their racist ideas openly -- often with liberal sprinklings of the N-word.
No, in that day not everyone did have access to the schools they wanted to attend. When one of my father's friends and a fellow Army officer -- who like him was working at the Pentagon and was a decorated combat veteran -- wanted to buy a house in our neighborhood and send his son to "our" school, petitions were signed and neighbors were mobilized to keep them out.
Again, that was back in the day. I assumed things had changed. Until the election of Barack Obama seemed to open the foodgates to rhetoric and subtext I hadn't heard since those days.
I'm just saying something ugly seems to be bubbling up. Something I thought we'd mostly put behind us. Thankfully, there are a lot of laws on the books that prevent much of what I saw in my youth from recurring overtly. But hate seems to always find a way.
i grew up in s. fl. i was in the first class of white kids bused to an all black school. i was in 6th grade. i can tell you we were not exactly welcomed with open arms.
people forget integration worked both ways.
referring to yourself as "lily white" is kinda weird.
btx3 said...
- but the HNIC playing the race card claiming that the criticism of the Republican Party is because it's Chairman (gasp!)...
Is black!
So what is the underlying reason that white Republicans have been whipping Steele's azz as if his name were Kunta Kinta?
It's weird because as an Italian American, lily white apply doesn't to you @2:44PM, LOL!!!
no, it's weird because maybe she's trying a little too hard, perhaps?
and go ahead and ignore the rest of my comment, as you always go for the lame shots.
"Even the most wing nut jew isn't going to argue that the Nazis may have had a point, nor (hopefully) the most staunch neo-con Republic lawn jockey negro would dare suggest that slavery was a good thing."
But the coonservative would never stand up to any white righty who suggests that blacks should be thankful for slavery.
Silent acceptance is even worse if you think about it.
We won't have to worry about Malkin interveiewing Malik Zulu Shabazz on TV anymore.
[quote]I was trying to do some teaching in the Fields about the problem with the use of the term "race card" Jody did you notice UCN didn't take on that argument but took that feable attempt to undermine the principles that the justice system are built upon. Well at least the ideal.[/quote]
Mellaneous - You are going to single handedly motivate me to republish my "What Is Making Black People Cry On The Evening News" video blog series.
I have learned over time that my WORDS of debate with those who are Fundamentalists don't dislodge them. It is only when I SHOW VIDEO of the PEOPLE THEY PURPORT TO BE "WORKING FOR THE BENEFIT OF" per their advocacy, noting that they are being VICTIMIZED and thus "crying on television". (See the "Birmingham Church bombing" seen around the country).
With the video in hand for all to see - those who are TRUE TO THEMSELVES will ask "What are the underpinnings by which such hatred is festered within this eco-system?"
Wasn't THIS the question asked of the Civil Rights SOUTH? In that case you all had a "Throw all assailants who break the law UNDER THE JAIL. Any law enforcement authority who FAILS to prosecute the criminal IS INJUST".
Today, as I listen to Jody - a law enforcement agency that seeks to implement such a policy is "Locking up a long of '1 innocent men'"
MeandMyMicroscope and Maria,
I use the term "lily white" in the same ironic way that the owner of this blog uses Field Negro.
It was a term that used to be bandied about unironically. And it usually meant to parse white to mean of German, English, Irish or Scots extraction. You are spot on that the term in some quarters wouldn't include someone with an Italian last name.
And the subtext was probably much like Sarah Palin's shout out to "the Real America".
UnConn said:Wasn't THIS the question asked of the Civil Rights SOUTH? In that case you all had a "Throw all assailants who break the law UNDER THE JAIL. Any law enforcement authority who FAILS to prosecute the criminal IS INJUST".
Today, as I listen to Jody - a law enforcement agency that seeks to implement such a policy is "Locking up a long of '1 innocent men'"
First, this makes no sense what so ever... what the hell is 'locking up a long of 1 innocent men"???? That is a grammatically painful statement.
However, if what you are TRYING to say is that those of us who are outraged by gross violations of rights and demand accountability of perpetrators are being hypocritical... once again... FAIL.
Demanding accountability means demanding that perpetrators face justice. Right now that is our criminal justice system. That means even those who we find reprehensible in their actions, gets a lawyer, a judge or a jury of their peers, and DUE PROCESS! What is so damn hard for you to grasp here?
lisa, i think you are new to this blog. if you stick around, you will see how "me and my (aka fat ass fly)" will try to attack me in any way she can. and fail.
and it wouldn't include us because we were guineas, wops, and now quidos.
irony means the opposite of something. field negro is not an ironic term.
"I'm not sure how you cherrypicked out of my comments the mistaken belief that I'm calling for school desegregation."
Lisa Paul, welcome to debate [un]constructive style. It's frustrating, but.....hey, it's something we have all learned to live with.
Ms. Wikipedia AKA maria, if I want to know ANYTHING you have to say, all I have to do is google wikipedia and whatever topic Field has chosen, LOL!!!
I laugh, but I think your ignorance is really quite sad.
Nice post. Really Good one. I think you are sometimes probably a little too clever for your own good. It's gotta bug the crap out of Mrs. Fields, not to mention Field co-workers.
And I thought you were going to jump all over John Mayer's "white supremacist" cock.
[quote]What are you trying to conserve?[/quote]
Low & Country:
Thank you man. I could not have asked for a better friend than you to me except for the friend that I got in my friendship with Filled Negro:
WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO CONSERVE - he asked. You aren't that lady at the Super Bowl party I attended Sunday, are you?
Scroll down to the section entitled: The Competing Theory of Conservator-ship
Ernesto "Anons 12:54 and 1:29 (please Jesus let these be the same people) are classic examples of everything that is wrong with the educational system in this country. They are also a testament to the effectiveness of the Republican strategy of "keep 'em dumb and voting Republican"."
Don't know how you came to your assinine conclusion, it must have something to do with your education and failure to face reality.
As for voting Republican, you must be a Democrat. Yeah, that makes sense. They don't call you "dumb-ocrats" for nothing. You guys scream the "race card" louder than the siren of a fire truck in a rush to a fire.
CF said: "Do you ever step back and consider the logic of your rationalizations? As I do a psychological profile on you it becomes clear that you all are "Permanent Revolutionaries" against the SYSTEM."
Funny that you should mention LOGIC. As I do a profile of you I find someone that is so hopelessly lost in right wing "thought" that you can't see the obvious truth i.e., those "street pirates" you obsess over are actually a localized version of the global storm of violence in the name of materialism. These people espouse the very things you defend when the U.S. government, under the control of transnational capital, does them. If you are so opposed to their behavior you should be on OUR side when it comes to fighting the system that breeds the mindset that material wealth takes precedent over human life.
[quote]That means even those who we find reprehensible in their actions, gets a lawyer, a judge or a jury of their peers, and DUE PROCESS! What is so damn hard for you to grasp here?[/quote]
Jody - when it comes to "legal wonksmanship" you will beat me just as I will you when it comes to telecommunications, technology or economics.
The problem that I have is NOT your ability to grant DUE PROCESS upon those who are "Criminally Charged" BY THE SYSTEM.
Your main failing is your inability to get those who you stand beside at the defense table to RESPECT THE "DUE PROCESS RIGHTS" of those who he has assaulted in his street pirate attack.
The stunning part about it all, Jody, is that you don't permit logical reverse engineering to make note of a PROBLEM:
* A certain community is VIOLENT - the wounds and blood on the ground indicate this
* OK we know that SOMEONE murdered this "corpse" that is before our eyes
* The level of TECHNICALITIES that can be logically permitted MUST BE indexed to the level and severity of the CRIME IN THE GIVEN SPACE.
This is where we disagree Jody. You pretend that I have no respect for jurisprudence. I merely refuse to be a "Wonk" on a "Battlefield" were I am getting shot at......with mortar rounds.
You can't tell me that the Philly Inqu. story about the sorry state of the criminal justice system was a total fabrication. The sight of defense lawyers playing the system - seeking endless continuations until the WITNESS/VICTIM gives up, not wanting to pay for parking at the court house because unlike the Pirate - HE HAS A JOB and is responsible.
You are able to obfuscate about the AGGREGATE END PRODUCT of VIOLENCE and DESTROYED LIVES by pettifogging upon the technicalities on each individual cases.
Your type of "Due Process" means the community that agrees to accept your heightened technicalities should also suffer from the consequences therein PARTICULARLY if those who receive your cover DON'T GIVE A DAMN about acting in accordance with the law.
YOU are the best thing that ever happened to them.
Anon 4:49: I am a Democrat in the sense that I always vote AGAINST the candidate who would do the most damage to the world, which in this "awesome" two party system is almost always a Republican.
As for "screaming the race card", I have no idea what you mean. Do you mean protesting racial profiling? Pointing out examples of white priviledge? Give me an example. If you can't get any more specific than that then I am going to accuse you of screaming the dumbass card.
UnConn said:
YOU are the best thing that ever happened to them.
If by "them" you mean those facing charges in the criminal justice center... well, then, Thank You!
CF "You are not fooling anyone.
You don't care about "people of color being locked up", snatched away from their families and suffering mental anguish. If you did you would concern yourself with the VICTIMS of their crimes."
So true. It is obvious that people like Mellaneous, Trapped in SC, Ernesto aren't interested in cleaning up the streets in black communities to save lives. People live in fear, and lose their lives everyday due to black street thugs but you will never hear them condemn those murderers.
It is no secret that there is a "war zone" in many of the black communities. People develop PTSD from jungle-like living conditions of trying to stay alive from those black street killers.
a great new track dedicated to Ms. Malkin by Filipino-American MC Prometheus Brown at www.bluescholars.com
"If malkin is self-hating, what would you call the millions of black kids that believe getting an education is a white thing? What is it about the democrat controlled school system that has turned off so many black children to education?"
Academic disidentification in the black community is a MAJOR problem! Over 60% of black highschool kids don't finish highschool precisely because they figure education is a "white thing".
Now, that's about as dumb as you can get. Even dogs are interested in learning.
But most Blacks call NOT getting an education as an honor-it's a "black thing"- it's "keeping it real". As the comedian Chris Rock explains, "yeah, it's keeping it 'real' all right...REAL dumb."
But you won't hear any 'concern' from a lot folks on this blog about that. Nor will you hear any concern about the killings in the streets of the black community. But they love to yell about Michelle Malkin, Beck and Hannity.
It's pathetic.
Well, my hats off to any blogger who allows such wildly divergent and sometimes shrill opinions without resorting to the delete button.
And I don't mean that ironically.
How's Philly right now Field? About 22 inches hit my place. But on to stupider things...
Anonymous says:
"People left of center love to photoshop photos to insult people. Sad to see you're not above that kind of childish insults."
Self-righteous indignation is a common trait of all ideologues. When confronted with their idiocy, there's this annoying tendency to either deny what they did or project their own faults onto other people. Hence why terms like the "race card" and "reverse racism" exist.
For example:
Hey, remember this?
And this too?
But when I put up these pictures there will be the usual "OMG YUOR BEING TOO PC YUO LIBRUUL"
"If malkin is self-hating, what would you call the millions of black kids that believe getting an education is a white thing? What is it about the democrat controlled school system that has turned off so many black children to education?"
Wow, if only someone could have told the white kids I knew in HS the importance of education. Maybe then they wouldn't have blown it having sex in the bathrooms, smoking in-between classes, and disrupting classes. They certainly valued their education, but only as much as America values it. Why, look at how much America spends on education compared to the military. Everybody knows that being educated is only a tool for the elitist LIBRUULS to hurt REAL Americans. They just know that the LIBRUUL ELITE GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS exist to promote such horrible things as multiculturalism, TEH GHEY Agenda, and evolution.
Now what that has to do with Michelle getting wet at the idea of interning Middle Easterners and using the lovely Japanese Internment as a reason to do it...
MeandMyMicroscope said...
Ms. Wikipedia AKA maria, if I want to know ANYTHING you have to say, all I have to do is google wikipedia and whatever topic Field has chosen, LOL!!!
I laugh, but I think your ignorance is really quite sad.
i'd laugh, too, and i do laugh at you. you are a font of misinformation, and everything i post is fact...in contrast to you....i once cited something from wikipedia, which was correct, and from the CDC, which was correct, and showed you to be wrong. i am sure you remember.
for someone who was allegedly an HIV counselor, your ignorance isn't just sad, let's hope it didn't prove deadly for any of your clients.
@Field Negro, I will have an internet talk show starting February 18th. Folks can call and skype in. I want you to be a guest on one of the shows. You can call in and skype in. I need your email address. It is about to be on like popcorn.
Who in the hell are these "most blacks" you people speak of, who aren't interested in education? Would that me, graduating G'town this summer with a graduate degree, my 4th college degree? Would it be my family in general who have college graduates going back to the early 1900's? Or maybe it's my 99% black high school where the top 50 students rankings wise are ALL college graduates??
The idea some white folks that if you say something loud and long enough, Blacks folks will eventually believe it is old, tired, played and largely ineffective to anyone with common sense and an education.
Here is prey for your chasing, courtesy of John Mayer.
John Mayer's interview in Playboy
Wiki-nut-case, if wikipedia said all Italians smelled like garlic and pizza sauce, you'd belive that too right???
Like I said before, DUMB ASS!!!!
UnConn said: "Jody - when it comes to "legal wonksmanship" you will beat me just as I will you when it comes to telecommunications, technology or economics."
UnConn... everything I have posted today is something that anyone who had paid attention in their high school social studies class would understand. You seem completely unwilling to see your absolute cognative dissonence in accepting that our fundamental, constitutional rights, as in "we the people" are at odds with your fascist, dictator visions. Bottom line.....face it, you really don't like democracy.
Lisa Paul,
"Again, that was back in the day. I assumed things had changed. Until the election of Barack Obama seemed to open the foodgates to rhetoric and subtext I hadn't heard since those days.
I'm just saying something ugly seems to be bubbling up. Something I thought we'd mostly put behind us. Thankfully, there are a lot of laws on the books that prevent much of what I saw in my youth from recurring overtly. But hate seems to always find a way."
I agree, something ugly is cooking, but racism has always had a latent explosive edge to it. The element of surprise is its greatest weapon. Its pungent odor has been wafting across the country even before Obama was elected.
It smells and 'feels' like racism might be cooking up something that is going to make us all sicker than we already are. Pray it is not a repeat of the painful events of the 60's. America might not get off as easily today.
Attorneymom, "@Field Negro, I will have an internet talk show starting February 18th. Folks can call and skype in. I want you to be a guest on one of the shows."
Why not have Field and CF on at the same time? The ratings would be sky high!
Devona and Grata, I thought about blogging about my boy...but then I didn't want to get on [un]constructive's bad side. :)
Hey Attorneymom, congrats on your show. I don't know if you want me on, though..tell you what, put [un]constructive on, and I will call in and harass him. :)
MeandMyMicroscope said...
Wiki-nut-case, if wikipedia said all Italians smelled like garlic and pizza sauce, you'd belive that too right???
Like I said before, DUMB ASS!!!!
shut up, idiot, and go work on your 4th degree. even that hasn't made you intelligent enough to have a real conversation. seems like you might need five.
MeandMyMicroscope, "Who in the hell are these "most blacks" you people speak of, who aren't interested in education? Would that me, graduating G'town this summer with a graduate degree, my 4th college degree?"
No, you are not 'most' black folks...are you? I seem to recall, when you were going under the ID of "Fly"- you mentioning that you were the 'only one' who managed to get out of your neighborhood because you worked your ass off to get out by striving for an education, while everyone else was smoking pot and hangin out.
I also remember many on this blog were attacking you and trying to put you down for being proud of your educational accomplishments.
Now why would black folks want to do that, rather than be happy that another Black got educated? Imo, it goes back to that negative attitude toward an academic education that "many" Blacks-but not all-have about education.
Even Michelle Obama mentioned that Blacks told her she was trying to "act White" for wanting a good education.
How many Blacks do you run across in your profession? 'Where' do you think 'most' of them are?
...I rest my case.
"Hey Attorneymom, congrats on your show. I don't know if you want me on, though..tell you what, put [un]constructive on, and I will call in and harass him. :)"
Wow. this could be like the Finale of Sanford and Son! Please post the date when this will happen!
Zoda88, we are on lock down here in Philly. The most snow ever in one winter. I am going stir crazy.
Who in the hell are these "most blacks" you people speak of, who aren't interested in education?
It's the old coonservative buckdance for Massa.
The truth is this -
The percentage of blacks who have completed high school or college has increased from 66.2 percent in 1990 to 83 percent in 2008, according to Census data cited in the report from the Selig Center.
That and other things you will never hear a conservative say abut black folks -
And on the most rapid growing racial segment in the US among families making over $150,000 a year -
@ Annon: 1:24
Sorry sweetie - your'e wrong...the term "race card" may have entered into the lexicon during the trial of OJ or the aftermath thereof...but I have known the term since I was a child holding the ropes that held us blacks out of anything whites wanted to keep blacks out of.
It is a term that I was TAUGHT to use to MY advantage. I was TAUGHT how to use it by watching it being said by my parents and others in the movement.
The term is very old and it truly belongs to blacks. If blacks have any "cards" left in the deck we need to keep them.
And we're still cool :)
Actually anon, I NEVER said anything about being the only one on my street to make it out. Off the top of my head, there's a Dentist, a Scientist, a Police Detective with a Master's degere, an Architect, a Nurse, and an Engineer, ALL from my street.
You are right however, about how mercilessly I was attacked when I spoke of those things on this blog and to be honest, this has happened in my real life as well (although with not nearly as much vitriolic fever). But I "blame" a lot of this on the slave/crab in the bucket mentality white slave owners taught slaves which unfortunately many Blacks still maintain today.
Now to answer your question about why, you're right again, there aren't a lot of Black Scientists, but the reason isn't what you probably think it is. There are plenty enough Black folks smart enough to be Sceintists. The reason is that the racism is so pervasive and the lack of mentors so few that many decide to move onto paths already paved. For example, when I was the only Black student among 12 total to test out of first year freshman Chemistry, I was told before I'd ever taken an exam that I would never be a Scientist or Doctor. White/Asian kids generally don't have to hear this kinda bullshit. And what I deal with now as the ONLY Black Lab Director at my place of work, the youngest and all without a PhD well shit, I guess I don't have all day to respond to your post.
So don't get it twisted, when it comes to Science, Blacks are more than capable, I know because I've mentored a lot of them. But I can't convince them to pursue a "hostile" program of study with the potential to work in a hostile but well paying environment. And really, who can blame them?
Okay, soap box dismounted!
@ Me and MySCope:
Amen! Add to that my Asian friends tell me that they are literally "forced" to go into the medical/science/math areas of study, if they don't they are frowned upon by family and community. One of my friends stated that she is so tired of being stereotyped into those areas of study...
Life as we once knew it is definitely changing...
You are right however, about how mercilessly I was attacked when I spoke of those things on this blog and to be honest, this has happened in my real life as well (although with not nearly as much vitriolic fever
this is BS. you were never "attacked" for your "educational achievements." never happened.
it was AB who was bragging too much sometimes about her background...
you were challenged for getting shit wrong and refusing to debate on points--like roe v. wade, but as i see on today's thread, you think other people should debate, just not you.
MeandMyMicroscope, "So don't get it twisted, when it comes to Science, Blacks are more than capable, I know because I've mentored a lot of them. But I can't convince them to pursue a "hostile" program of study with the potential to work in a hostile but well paying environment. And really, who can blame them?"
I never said Blacks were not capable, you did. I said there is a problem with 'academic disidentification' in the black community.
Over 60% of our children never finish highschool because they don't value an education.
There is no question that Blacks are capable. However, there is a lack of desire and will for an education by a large segment of the black community.
Regarding hostility in your profession as a reason not to enter the sciences is a bullshit reason, imo. There is hostility in all professions and the engineering and science fields don't have a monopoly on 'hostility' and discrimination against Blacks.
Racism is universal in America.
agape2010 "Amen! Add to that my Asian friends tell me that they are literally "forced" to go into the medical/science/math areas of study, if they don't they are frowned upon by family and community. One of my friends stated that she is so tired of being stereotyped into those areas of study..."
Well, I guess that settles it. Let us not push our black children into getting an education. They might get sterotyped as having brains Asians. LOL.
Btw, the stereotyping of Asians and education is a 'positive'. The stereotyping of many Blacks as uneducated is not.
Imo, the black community as a whole needs to emphasize to our children the value of getting an education. They need to learn that learning is sweet, and that it is not "acting White"...that pervading attitude ruins lives.
Regarding hostility in your profession as a reason not to enter the sciences is a bullshit reason, imo. There is hostility in all professions and the engineering and science fields don't have a monopoly on 'hostility' and discrimination against Blacks.
You know your comments toward me have this air of immense bullshit about them, as if YOUR the jerk that accused me of lying about my credentials not long ago on this blog, and now you want to engage me in an intelligent debate, challegeing me about a profession that you obviously have no fcuking clue about.
Tell you what. Get a username/profile, then maybe we'll continue this discussion.
Add to that my Asian friends tell me that they are literally "forced" to go into the medical/science/math areas of study, if they don't they are frowned upon by family and community. One of my friends stated that she is so tired of being stereotyped into those areas of study...
I have Asian friends that tell me the exact same thing and among my daughter's classmates, there's what I'd call abuse in some Asian homes if the kids don't make all A's.
The thing is that generally speaking, Black folks don't see a problem with this kind of behavior because education should be seen as a "positive". But if a kid is forced to become a Doctor when she/he really wants to become a Teacher, that's a real problem for society at large because people who don't enjoy what they do, tend not to be very good at it.
MeandMYMicroscope, "You know your comments toward me have this air of immense bullshit about them, as if YOUR the jerk that accused me of lying about my credentials not long ago on this blog, and now you want to engage me in an intelligent debate, challegeing me about a profession that you obviously have no fcuking clue about."
I have NEVER accused you of lying about your credentials, that's not my style. I think it is great that you have them, and I congratulate you.
I do have knowledge and experience about various professions,-esp. science, engineering, computer technology and to some extent, chemistry.
It was not my intention to challenge you in any way or to cause you any uneasiness. I have no need to do that. I merely strive for dialogue and clarification.
I won't comment your posts again.
@ annon 11:50:
"Btw, the stereotyping of Asians and education is a 'positive'. The stereotyping of many Blacks as uneducated is not."
I hardly think that being stereotyped in any way for anyone is ever "positive". It sets limitations on people.
What is the "negative" about an Asian person wanting to be an artist, or a social worker...are these professions any less honorable? Are they less honorable for blacks?
That is not to say that we should not encourage our youth to advance in the areas of science and math.
However, any profession that makes one a viable, active contributing member of their community, and therefore society, should not be shunned.
agape2010, "I hardly think that being stereotyped in any way for anyone is ever "positive". It sets limitations on people.
What is the "negative" about an Asian person wanting to be an artist, or a social worker...are these professions any less honorable? Are they less honorable for blacks?"
There is nothing wrong for an Asian or anybody else to aspire and pursue to be an artist, musician, architect or any other profession. I have Asian friends who are artists, store owners, car dealers, writers, accountants, engineers, doctors, etc.
My point is that as a group, Asians and Jews are stereotyped as pretty well educated because their families know the importance of an education. But whatever Asian parents stress to their kids has little to do with what Blacks are doing. Don't you agree?
Bottomline: Blacks as a group need to stress the importance of an education. Right now, over 60% of our highschool kids are dropouts. That is an astounding and disturbing figure! I have mentioned this figure several times but you keep talking about Asians.
Prometheus Brown X Old Sade track = "Michelle Malkin"
Filipino American emcee Geologic dropping knowledge about Mrs. Malkin. A lyrical throwdown!
And yes, Malkin is a disgrace to Asian Americans everywhere. As Malkin is the author of the book "In Defense of Internment" (a book advocating the racist treatment of Japanese Americans during WWII and racial profiling), I don't see how anyone can say otherwise. Malkin herself is the daughter of Filipino American immigrants, another group of Americans who have suffered discrimination and racist treatment - many Filipino American WWII veterans still have not received compensation or recognition for their service during WWII - a issue Malkin also conveniently ignores despite her pronouncements of patriotism.
I don't see African American authors rushing to publish books advocating slavery or lynching was a good thing.
Hence, Malkin = self-hating disgrace to Asian Americans.
Oh, and before any accuses me of liberal bias - I'm a 4th generation American of Asian descent. Both of my parents were registered Republicans and I grew up in a Conservative household that proudly voted for Reagan (who BTW, signed a bill apologizing and recognizing the injustice done to Japanese Americans and order reparations to be paid).
Field, you bought the bait. Two of the most thoughtful, introspective, intelligent "guests" on Countdown are Eugene Robinson and Melissa Harris Lacewell. While Robinson is very good, and extremely learned and thoughtful, I watch Harris Lacewell in awe. Her kind of intellect is rare. When people ask which famous person would you like to have dinner with, she's my answer. Or how about the woman that used to guest host for Olbermann, really glib gal from NPR? Can't think of her name just because it's been a while since she's been on. She was positioned like Maddow, who while she is white, also happens to be one of two lesbian show hosts in America. It's not a sea of diversity, but Malkin's comments are nonsense.
So just because Michelle Malkin and the lunatic fringe say something, and even if they repeat it enough times, it's still bullshit.
Anonymous said...
It was not my intention to challenge you in any way or to cause you any uneasiness. I have no need to do that. I merely strive for dialogue and clarification.
I won't comment your posts again.
After reading your comment in another post, I'm assuming you're the prof? If so, my sincerest apologies. Maria frequently posts as anon in a vile attempt to be malicious which is why I responded the way I did. And in general, Anon's as a group tend to be trolls on this blog.
Hopefully, you'll consider getting a username so I don't go off again on an Anon who actually has something to contribute.
Off topic - but maybe less so here than in the other live threads:
Here's another card dealt from the bottom of the race deck.
"Black children are an endangered species.", for crysake.
Please note that anti-abortionists are, to get away from the "card" metaphor for a moment, whacking away with the race stick all over the country.
What say, Field & Friends? When that other faction of "American conservatism" known and loathed as the anti-choice crusade decides to go racial in the Atlanta & Houston of 2010, where does this fit in?
Me, I think it’s test marketing.
"What say, Field & Friends? When that other faction of "American conservatism" known and loathed as the anti-choice crusade decides to go racial in the Atlanta & Houston of 2010, where does this fit in?"
It fits in with the eventual overturning of Roe vs Wade. And that will be a glorious day because it will prevent murderous people from stopping little hearts for their own selfish convenience.
Abortionists have no conscience.
Thanks very much for the video, it was greatly enjoyed!
Would love to weigh, but I don't know where to start! A friend sent this over, it's pretty heavy...
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