"I'm never gonna dance again Cause guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool I should have known better than to cheat a friend And waste the chance that I'd been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you"
When George Michael wrote that song I bet he never had wingnuts in mind. Because I guarantee you that the wingnut will dance all night long and not notice that his partner has no rhythm. Why? Because they are fools for a good story, that's why. Especially when it involves taking down those evil progressives.
Remember when I blogged about that fraud Andrew Breitbart ,and his side-kick, the fake pimp, James O'Keefe? Well now it seems that those two scumbags have been totally discredited. The "Chester The Molester" looking Matt Drudge and the clowns over at Radio Rwanda must be just hoping that everyone will do like the rest of the main stream media and say nothing. But fortunately we have blogs in A-merry-ca (shout out to The Brad Blog) to always keep us informed.
" You folks do realize that James O'Keefe never actually wore his ridiculous pimp costume into those ACORN offices on those doctored and illegally recorded video tapes, right? But, rather, he was filmed outside of the offices wearing his get-up, while appearing as the conservatively dressed boyfriend of a hooker trying to escape an abusive pimp when the cameras were rolling inside the offices. That's just one of many deceptions O'Keefe carried out.
As one of two independent investigations of the incidents which clear ACORN of wrong-doing noted, this one by former MA Attorney General Scott Harshbarger [PDF]"
As one of two independent investigations of the incidents which clear ACORN of wrong-doing noted, this one by former MA Attorney General Scott Harshbarger [PDF]"
Is this the same Andrew Breitbart who promised, with the help of his friend Glen Beck, to being down the Obama administration? Hey Andrew, how is that working out for you? And
what exactly is Beck, Drudge, and company saying about this? *crickets*
Not to worry folks, the wingnuts still love Andrew, so the dance continues.
Since Crazy Andy Breitbart, who released the phony video tapes on his propaganda website, didn't bother to man up and point that out before, during, or after posting them, or while appearing on Fox "News" and elswhere to promote both them and himself, or even after the reports came out, you may not have realized that salient fact.
You may also not have known that while both independent reports, the other one by the Congressional Research Service [PDF], found no criminal wrong doing by ACORN, they did find that O'Keefe likely the broke the law in at least two states by secretly recording the videos which had voice-overs deceptively edited into them later, "in some cases substantially," according to Harshbarger's report, so that it was "difficult to determine the questions to which ACORN employees are responding."
You may also not have known that while both independent reports, the other one by the Congressional Research Service [PDF], found no criminal wrong doing by ACORN, they did find that O'Keefe likely the broke the law in at least two states by secretly recording the videos which had voice-overs deceptively edited into them later, "in some cases substantially," according to Harshbarger's report, so that it was "difficult to determine the questions to which ACORN employees are responding."
In other words, the videos were a scam perpetrated by both Breitbart and his employee O'Keefe, who now faces felony charges that Breitbart has been tweeting his adorable angry little heart out over the last few days trying desperately to downplay. Who can blame him? Nothing less than whatever little credibility he ever had is on the line after all. No doubt P.T. Barnum faced similar circumstances as he plied his trade to the suckers born every minute."
Yes, suckers and dance partners.
And now for the second installment of wingnuts obsession gone wrong:

Seems that the conservatives are not too pleased with a certain beige man putting his foot on the people's desk in the White House.
This is how Wonkette described it:
"Can you believe this guy? Our queen gave us this holy desk back when his people were still slaves or whatever, and now he’s putting his feet on it?
Oh, the wingnuts. How crazy they make themselves, every day, all because it’s no longer acceptable — even on Fox News or talk radio — to say the “N word.”
This is the rest of the forwarded email making the anger-bear trailer-park rounds today:Read more at Wonkette: http://wonkette.com/413753/black-man-puts-his-feet-on-desk#ixzz0gPjSSL8p"
This is the rest of the forwarded email making the anger-bear trailer-park rounds today:Read more at Wonkette: http://wonkette.com/413753/black-man-puts-his-feet-on-desk#ixzz0gPjSSL8p"
But then, the pic of George Bush doing the very same thing is priceless.
I know I know wingnut, George Bush is.....ahh...ahhm....older. Yeah, that's the ticket, he is older.
Thank you Carlos and Buster for those stories.
Another thing to make wingnuts cry.
By ANDREW TAYLOR,AP – Tue Feb 23, 4:03 pm ET
WASHINGTON – The economic stimulus law added between 1 million to 2.1 million workers to employment rolls by the end of last year, a new report released Tuesday by congressional economists said.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office study also said the $862 billion stimulus added between 1.5 to 3.5 percentage points to the growth of the economy in 2009. The controversial stimulus law combined tax breaks for individuals and businesses with lots of government spending.
The report reflects agreement among economists that the measure boosted the economy. But the wide range of estimates means it won't resolve the debate over how effective the stimulus has been.
The White House says the stimulus bill has created 2 million jobs and will add another 1.5 million this year as economic recovery continues to take hold.
CBO projects that the stimulus measure to have a greater impact this year, boosting gross domestic product by 1.4 to 4 percentage points and lowering the unemployment rate by 0.7 to 1.8 percentage points.
The report said the most efficient parts of the stimulus include infrastructure projects such as road- and bridge-building and more generous unemployment benefits. On the other hand, the popular first-time homebuyer tax credit isn't a very efficient use of stimulus dollars, the report said.
The economy has shed 8.4 million jobs since the start of the recession in December of 2007, though job losses have slowed in the past couple of months.
The stimulus measure has earned mixed grades from a public weary of a bad economy and increasingly concerned about out-of-control budget deficits. Democrats are seeking to renew several parts of the stimulus, however, including aid for state governments and extended unemployment insurance benefits for the long-term jobless.
The White House acknowledges the long-term debt burden of the stimulus measure will place a slight drag on the economy in future years.
Bet you won't see that little morsel on Fox News.
Field, the story is OLD, about the President with both his feet on the Desk, this came out LAST WEEK! and as soon as they showed it, RACHEL MADDOW showed two other President's, doing the same thing!
Oh, and that Okeefe thing, well, it is just a matter of time before ALL the other Culprit's be EXPOSED!
As if I was NOT going to make sure ACORN would NOT receive JUSTICE! as if Prayer doe's not WORK! as if, God was going to allow EVIL to win over GOOD! as a matter of fact, after ACORN won their case, the WHITE HOUSE had brown ACORN SHAPED COOKIE'S made, to serve at one of their Dinner Party's! note I said after (ACORN had WON their case in COURT! when the WINGNUT'S found out about the BROWN COOKIE'S, they had a FIT!
Several presidents (Democrat and Republican) have put their feet on the oval desk and the Right said nothing. Now, Obama puts his feet on the oval desk and the Right goes apoplectic.
I wonder why?
The Right can't stand the fact that a black man is in the oval office.
And the Right wonders why 90% of us (blacks) vote Democrat.
The whole ACORN thing...I think I'll wait until the DVD comes out :)
If all folks have to worry about all day long is 'who is putting their feet on the desk' they need to get out from behind their screens and...GO TO WORK!
Besides...it's HIS desk now :)
(They are literally going to kill themselves...bad stress kills).
damn my dogs be barking
get my feet off the floor
boy I sure am tired
wow my footsies are sore
boy have I been busy
this Prez thing ain't no fun
running my ass ragged
the shit is just never done
first they wanted health care
bank failures got in the way
had to pony up money
else there would be hell to pay
next this sissy ass Congress
refuses to help me at all
left me out there dangling
why can't they just play ball
now I am disrespectful
furniture has been abused
aren't there bigger problems
guess I am just confused
maybe they're just nitpicking
scrambling to find my flaws
compared to my predecessor
I'm a kitty cat without any claws
Oh my. I fear the wingnuts have poisoned the water a bit. Please, I want all folks that have darker skin than me to take note: We're not all assholes like the wingnuts. Some of us have family members with darker skin then me, and we love them.
Christ, this kinda shit sucks.
This is why the wingnuts are fucked up. Today on the Limbaugh show, He compared the health care bill to reparations. The effect of saying this is twofold: The notion of reparations is considered to be a non-starter, and the mention of reparations in that manner gives like-minded conservatives the idea that health-care reform would only benefit poor minorities at the expense of the "hard working" whites, while ignoring the fact that fully 2/3 of the uninsured in this country are white.
As for the desk, wait until the wingnuts figure out that he shits in the white house, and has sex with a black woman in there too. They will really lose it then.
ISEEISEE, "As if I was NOT going to make sure ACORN would NOT receive JUSTICE! as if Prayer doe's not WORK! as if, God was going to allow EVIL to win over GOOD! as a matter of fact, after ACORN won their case, the WHITE HOUSE had brown ACORN SHAPED COOKIE'S made, to serve at one of their Dinner Party's! note I said after (ACORN had WON their case in COURT! when the WINGNUT'S found out about the BROWN COOKIE'S, they had a FIT!"
Preach it! I KNEW you had a hand in this cause there is no way things could have turned out this way. I am surprised Field does not recognize what prayer can do.
Pray for him, ISEEISEE-and for all of the other non-believers, and anti-Christ bigoted atheists.
Field, I can't wait for CF to shoot holes in your post tomorrow. It should be an interesting day.:)
Brother Field..way to spread the pride. Sidebar with Brother Hunter a fellow and fallen Vietnam vet. I listen to the other side and I hear Mr. Hannity and Mr. Limbaugh adorning his callers as "a good American" and every now and then they adorn their callers with "a true patriot". I wonder what is the criteria for me to get that noble tag? I will not wait for the previous mentioned two...I will piggyback off the sidebar. Thank-you Brother.
This is crazy! Will it never end?
Sometimes I think even though I live in a repressive,uptight, immoral,corrupt,son of a bitch,almost third world (power failures like yesterday all day without electricity),all but forgotten island, but MAN I'm glad,'cuz it's still just a teeny bit less in your face contentious than over yonder in the states!
Alright Field, you finally did it. You finally made a post that got me pissed off enough to yell at my monitor.
I mean, WHAT THE FUCK is *wrong* with these dudes? The Dubya pic is IDENTICAL to the Obama one. They're leaning back at the same fuckin angle for cryin out loud!
I wish I could reach through the screen and tazer the guy who wrote that retarded (hi, Sarah) e-mail.
"extreme insult"
"absolutely never done in any executive setting"
These people need to get a fucking grip.
StillaPanther,as always, thank you for your service my brother. And if Mr. Hunter was alive and posting on this board I would thank him as well.
cactusrose, where do you live?
"Pray for him, ISEEISEE-and for all of the other non-believers, and anti-Christ bigoted atheists."
I am already on ISEEISEE's prayer list, you don't have to remind her/him.
"This is why the wingnuts are fucked up. Today on the Limbaugh show, He compared the health care bill to reparations. The effect of saying this is twofold: The notion of reparations is considered to be a non-starter, and the mention of reparations in that manner gives like-minded conservatives the idea that health-care reform would only benefit poor minorities"
No Trapped....folks like CF will say that it's not about that at all. That it's about the "street pirates" shooting each other and driving up the cost of health care with all those trips to the emergency rooms.
"(They are literally going to kill themselves...bad stress kills)."
agape, I couldn't agree more. I mean look at what happened to the former VP? :) BTW, I hope he get's well soon....
Filled Negro:
Can I agree to get you to articulate in writing YOUR NEW STANDARD?
The stands is that if SOMETHING IS NOT "ILLEGAL" then it is not CONTEMPTIBLE and thus should not be promoted to the public for their scrutiny?
Think about it Filled Negro:
* Obama "Spook" E-mails sent by Republican operatives
* Intemperate Words said by evil, racist Republicans
You tell me Filled Negro - IF YOUR NEW RULES are implemented who's "CHASING" activities will be foiled?
Do you find it odd that many on the left are PISSED by the Obama Justice Department ruling on Yoo and Beybee - saying that what they did with the "Torture Memos" was not ILLEGAL as they still demand blood from them while you merely are arguing the very same thing with respect to ACORN.
Your "New All White Jury" membership is intact Filled Negro.
[quote]The economic stimulus law added between 1 million to 2.1 million workers to employment rolls by the end of last year, a new report released Tuesday by congressional economists said.[/quote]
Low & Country:
Let's step away from your "Obama Manhood Protection" duties for a secodn and let me ask you a more relevant question:
With your "Stimulus created JOBS" report in mind can we conclude the YOU ARE CONTENT AT THIS POINT with the UNEMPLOYMENT situation at hand in America?
9.7% unemployment for all Americans
16.3% and inching up for BLACK Americans
30%+ for Black males without a high school diploma?
At what point, Low & Country does YOUR INTERESTS in defending Obama's manhood take a back seat to YOUR interests in advancing the interests of your community?
INDEED you are the closest thing as an "Obama Sellout".
[quote]Today on the Limbaugh show, He compared the health care bill to reparations. The effect of saying this is twofold: The notion of reparations is considered to be a non-starter, and the mention of reparations in that manner gives like-minded conservatives the idea that health-care reform would only benefit poor minorities at the expense of the "hard working" whites, while ignoring the fact that fully 2/3 of the uninsured in this country are white.[/quote]
Low & Country:
Here is what I don't understand about your FAKE FRONT:
IF indeed what you say is true then we can conclude that WHITE FOLKS ARE VOTING AGAINST THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS when they stand against "Multiple Tax Payer Paid Health Care".
Why then don't YOU encourage other "Conscious Black Progressives" to AVOID having their TAX MONEY paid into the government go out of the hands of BLACK PEOPLE and over to benefit the 2/3rds WHITE FOLKS who will suck up this money for their own benefit?
Add to this that even your man Obama is talking about the unsustainable FINANCIAL SITUATION in America. Why then would you seek to grow MORE DEPENDENT upon the system who's numbers are eroding by the minute?
WHERE are the increased Black and Hispanic doctors coming out of the SCHOOLS that your favored political forces now control?
WHERE is the higher priority on the INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE now that PEOPLE YOU FAVOR now control the LOCAL INSTITUTIONS where you live? Why aren't they equipped to channel more of the community resources to SOCIAL JUSTICE investments than upon the Criminal Justice System or other "oppressive" entities?
Low & Country - ISN'T THE ANSWER to your problems, in truth, for you to increase the COMPETENCY of your own communities to deliver the priorities that YOU favor? When you seek to create a BIG NATIONAL POT with the WHITE FOLKS who don't like you - you also have to fight them about THEIR priorities - which are often different than your.
HOW EXACTLY have you benefited by the growth of the local power block that progressives and the Black establishment have built up? Does the fact that you must obtain your desired standard of living by focusing upon the INFLUX of social justice entitlements prove that you have not, in fact, developed your community in an organic manner? Instead you are lobbying for more nutrition from "The Beast"
Hunter's wife is suing Stack's wife.
It's stories like this that reflect what is ugly in our country..... And, Hathor, I guess that is what happens when this guy's family gives interviews and calls their father a true patriot... I don't think she will win a suit in Texas, but I wish her luck...
UnConn, your comments leave me shaking my head and wonder why it is that you are so against programs for the common good that all members of a society can benefit. Are you so cold hearted that you would seriously want to see anyone suffer and die from an illness simply because they cannot afford health care? I have come to the conclusion that you are one selfish human being that is not willing to acknowledge all of the benefits you receive from social programs and are in fact the one that would vote against your own interests.
Anyone who thinks the government should not spend funds on social programs need to STOP using libraries, sending their kids to school, driving on roads, calling the police or fire department, going to a park, receiving social security, medicare or medicaid, drinking water or flushing their toilets, putting their trash out for pick up, breathing their air... really, if you use any of the above BAD SOCIALIST things, then shut the hell up about health care for all.
I live on what is oftentimes sarcastically referred to as "the island of Macondo", Puerto Rico.
[quote]You folks do realize that James O'Keefe never actually wore his ridiculous pimp costume into those ACORN offices on those doctored and illegally recorded video tapes, right? But, rather, he was filmed outside of the offices wearing his get-up, while appearing as the conservatively dressed boyfriend of a hooker trying to escape an abusive pimp when the cameras were rolling inside the offices. That's just one of many deceptions O'Keefe carried out.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
You are an expert at your craft.
I am going to stop hating on you and instead sit back and take notes from the master.
Do you realize that your "Racism Chasing" / "Conservative Windmill" Fighting posts receive nearly triple the posts of the stories that don't involve such content?
Do you see that in the passage above you seek to PUT BRIEBART ON TRIAL???
How is it MATERIAL that the "Pimp Outfit" was not worn? WHO ACTUALLY THOUGHT THAT IT WAS?
The bottom line REMAINS - the ACORN operatives were TOLD about the scheme. An inordinate amount of these offices chose to be NON-JUDGMENTAL about the CHILD PROSTITUTION and/or PROSTITUTION businesses that they were told about.
Do you find it ironic that as I monitor various Black Progressive radio stations (WRFG Atlanta) as they commented about the CHRISTIAN EVANGELISTS FROM IDAHO who wanted to STEAL the Black Haitian kids and put them in CHILD SLAVERY that these were the SAME DAMNED PEOPLE who were DISMISSING the "Right Wing Assaults" upon ACORN for staging a fake scenario?
Is "Child Sex Trade" a problem for you Filled Negro? YES or NO?
Negro please!
[quote]UnConn, your comments leave me shaking my head and wonder why it is that you are so against programs for the common good that all members of a society can benefit.[/quote]
Jody - IF YOU said "programs with the INTENTION OF the common good" I would have no problem with your words.
In my view ACORN primarily benefits PROGRESSIVISM and the DEMOCRATS.
Let us go to where they have OFFICES and you show me the PROSPERITY that has been created.
Do you see your ideological perversion Jody?
YOU LIKE entities who INCUBATE UPON POVERTY and you (and Mellaneous) HATE entities which have a proven track record of CREATING WEALTH!!! (Corporations).
Look at the number of previously POOR communities that became middle class when the evil corporations were in town. YOU and others argue that it was ORGANIZED LABOR (upon which ACORN is an appendage) which was responsible for this WEALTH.
Well Jody - there is an ABUNDANCE of American Cities where the Unions are strong and there is a favorable PROGRESSIVE government establishment in place. On paper you have a set of conditions where your theories should flourish. When are you going to express the mental fortitude to turn around to the band of "Perpetual Strugglers" who stand with you and ask them to ACCOUNT FOR THE PRESENT CONDITIONS that remain despite your SUCCESS at taking over the communities that you now control?
It must be frustrating for you to see that for the PEOPLE OF INTEREST TO YOU to actually achieve your desired standard of living that you INTEND - it is the forces of your ideological enemies that play such an important part in this coming to fruition.
You should now see that all you have control over is your own body and your choice to sell your "work efforts" for a salary. YOU DON'T OWN THE "JOBS" that convent what you have into actual VALUE. (I know that I would be depressed if I had just come to this understanding).
"I have come to the conclusion that you are one selfish human being that is not willing to acknowledge all of the benefits you receive from social programs and are in fact the one that would vote against your own interests."
Nah, Jody.
CF is one negro who is on a marathon to prove to his beloved massa that he is different than the "usual" negro.
What he gets from this outside of some sick form of ego gratification is beyond me.
"Do you see your ideological perversion Jody?
YOU LIKE entities who INCUBATE UPON POVERTY and you (and Mellaneous) HATE entities which have a proven track record of CREATING WEALTH!!! (Corporations)."
You make absolutely no sense.
Your beloved free market corporations were allowed to run wild, virtually unregulated and unchecked for the first 6 years of the last decade and what happened CF????
Where was all the wealth creation and trickle down prosperity?
The bigger question is why did these barons of capitalism not hesitate to take bailout money from the evil government?
ditto fn!
the sequel
"when racist campus 'parties' go wrong"
(Hunter's wife is suing Stack's wife.)
I think the lawsuit is to determine if Stack had any assets or life insurance. Most likely, there won't be any. Many insurance policies won't pay in cases of suicide.
I've also read that the lawsuit is also to keep Hunter's autopsy information from being leaked to the public.
Anon 1:13 AM
Pray for him, ISEEISEE-and for all of the other non-believers, and anti-Christ bigoted atheists.
And this is why I don't go to church and ONE of the reasons I don't care to listen to people who have Christ on the brain like a tumor. Do me a favor, DON'T pray for me, pray for yourself.
I thought they did a good job exposing acorn. Acorn is disbanding nationally this year, right? Just saying.
why are soulless fools always trying to save someone else's soul??????
O'Keefe and the others accused in their current legal difficulties were ordered by the judge not to discuss the case. How is tweeting complying with that?
Afternoon, Field Negro. I am sad that you are ignoring me. I thought you were down with the cause. Now, I am crying. LOL
[quote]Your beloved free market corporations were allowed to run wild, virtually unregulated and unchecked for the first 6 years of the last decade and what happened CF??[/quote]
Shake Your Booty Steve:
Can I ask you a question?
In the Negro Progressive-Fundamentalist community is there a larger grievance from when:
1) Corporations ran wild between 2000 and 2006 when the Democrats "rescued us" when they took over congress (and are now in their 4th straight session of control)
2) When they RAN OUT OF THE KEY CITY LIMITS that you and other Quasi-Socialists are trying to get them BACK INTO?
Detroit was changed from timberland into a thriving city as the EVIL CORPORATIONS came in and productively employed raw materials and HUMAN resources. Yes the UNIONS shifted a larger slice of the pie into the pockets of the workers.
TO-DAMNED-DAY WhiteBowieSteve - despite the hatred that you have for the evil Corporation it seems ironic that despite having a favorable political line up in Detroit and elsewhere - the human resources are not nearly as productive as when they were allowed to PROGRESS as labor's archenemy was in town.
Or am I missing something?
[quote]And this is why I don't go to church and ONE of the reasons I don't care to listen to people who have Christ on the brain like a tumor. Do me a favor, DON'T pray for me, pray for yourself.[/quote]
How did ONE PERSON and his actions which most likely molest the tenant of a religion that is 2,000 years old get to have such POWER to impact your own consciousness on the subject of Christianity?
Have you ever shown enough interest in the "True Christianity" that you studied the REFERENCE MODEL, noted that this person with "Jesus On The Brian" but not in the heart is a PERVERSION of that reference model and thus told this person about himself - with the facts to back it up per your research?
Should we assume that because someone has broken the law and he calls himself an "American" that AMERICA itself is flawed?
Constructive Feedback said...
[quote]And this is why I don't go to church and ONE of the reasons I don't care to listen to people who have Christ on the brain like a tumor. Do me a favor, DON'T pray for me, pray for yourself.[/quote]
How did ONE PERSON and his actions which most likely molest the tenant of a religion that is 2,000 years old get to have such POWER to impact your own consciousness on the subject of Christianity?
The pimps and the pulput. Preachers knocking up half the congragation all the while asking to pass the collection plate so he can get his new Lincoln.
Catholic preachers petting little boys all the while telling me abortion is bad.
Street preachers - lets' just say they're unique to me
The 2 little old ladies who barged in my house and demanded that I put my dog away so they can preach the word to me.
Conservatives - No need to explain.
So no it it wasn't just one person who had an impact on my consciousness concerning Christianity.
Look, I know not all people of the cloth are bad...I just don't want to be bothered by them.
Have you ever shown enough interest in the "True Christianity" that you studied the REFERENCE MODEL, noted that this person with "Jesus On The Brian" but not in the heart is a PERVERSION of that reference model and thus told this person about himself - with the facts to back it up per your research?
Short answer - No. And I don't plan on starting either.
Should we assume that because someone has broken the law and he calls himself an "American" that AMERICA itself is flawed?
I'll bite, America is flawed. Period.
You cannot possibly be for real.
Stormfront needs you.
Rottinkid, you look like a street pirate, hey what ever happend to Kid?
ROTTENKID, put YOUR SHIRT on YOUNG MAN, I read what you had to say, but, do I have to see you as well, young Black men such as yourself, should be gathered together and put in a room together for the time being, for you young men are Embarrasing our PEOPLE!
YOU know what, I see Black men such as yourself everyday, you are the type, that will Not get up and give a woman a seat on the bus! our people are in TROUBLE! for we have a generation of Spoiled young Black men that could care less about OUR people! note I said (SUCH as YOURSELF) which mean's there are other's out there that LOOK, WALK and THINK the way you do, in other word's, you are a YOUNG, BEWILDERED, SIMPLE MINDED, BLACK MAN with MUSCLE'S! see, you are making me lose my Religion!
Oh, and as far as Church is concerned, you, should go running to Church, for you look like a good candidate, for a POLICE WHIPPING! you know, the WHITE POLICE'S go out scouting for BLACK men that fit your Image! and trust me, they can't wait to either accuse you of Selling Drug's or acting to Black!
Go to Church, Young Black Man, go find yourself! see, you need JESUS! cause you are calling yourself ROTTENKID! what's wrong with this picture, in other word's, you have Defined yourself as a, NO GOOD for NOTHING BLACK MAN, who told you that? for you are in much need of SELF DISCOVERY! and JESUS is just the Person to take way all of those LIE'S, the Devil has been telling you about yourself!
By the way, why did you respond to my comment?
Anonymous said...
Rottinkid, you look like a street pirate, hey what ever happend to Kid?
3:55 PM
Only when I'm off duty from my corporate job that this 39 year old becomes a "Street Pirate" (What can I say I live in Richmond VA - 2 up, 2 down!). "Kid" (a.k.a "The Lady of Rage", Girly, Stinky) the Rottweiller died on 12/10/2004 after 10 years of scaring people.
Anonymous said...
ROTTENKID, put YOUR SHIRT on YOUNG MAN, I read what you had to say, but, do I have to see you as well, young Black men such as yourself, should be gathered together and put in a room together for the time being, for you young men are Embarrasing our PEOPLE!..
Here's the problem I have with you ISEE and I'm going to use that tired ass cliché' - "You don't know me". I really don't have to defend myself to you but I'll let you know a little about me..I am 39 years old, will be 40 this year. I look good because I work out drink plenty of water and live life to the fullest. I was in the Air Force for 6 years and the Army for 2. Went to Desert Shield/Storm for about a year and was stationed in ABU Dhabi, U.A.E. I have an Associates in Environmental Health, courtesy of the G.I. Bill. I currently work for one of the best firms in Richmond and possibly VA for the field I'm in. I have worked for some of the best financial firms that were gobbled up by BB&T and other large banks. I have a 401K that's doing fairly well thanks to the bailout. I take the bus on occasion to downtown Richmond to get my drink on. I have a driver's license. I have a car WITHOUT spinners on them or dropped to the ground with a loud ass muffler on it, but the system is bangin'! And as a matter of fact I was just hanging out with a black cop last night, whom I met for the first time after seeing him for weeks at a certain bar, he was admiring my skills on the poker table. So if I'm spoiled, hell yeah I'll be spoiled, for I worked my ass off for whatever I have. So if I'm spoiled, hell yeah I'll wear my wife beater with my $100 Nikes, why? Because I worked my ass off my whole life. So here's just a little advise from me - don't assume. Assuming can get your ass in trouble.
Hey Field good information. There was a good story on the media matters website on the Okeefe guy and his ACORN scan. Whether folks like Acorn or not they have done some good work empowering folks in poor communities. I can attest to it personally, having worked with them in two cities.
This farce is a good reminder that you have to pay close attention to all the facts especially whats left out, in this day and age.
Man if you want to see some wild stuff you should go to youtube and look at this stuff the ultra right wing folks are saying. There are videos comparing Hitler to Obama, there are pieces on Obama having a private civilian security force/army. The irony of that one is that I read somewhere where the gov't has been working on developing civilian spies for quite some time. It was not initiated by Obama however.
This is why its really important to get our facts right. Of course some folks don't let the facts get in the way when they are pontificating.
Uptown Steve I feel you!
You know I can always tell the folks on this blog who are over weight and out of shape because they're always commenting negatively on people that have taken care of themselves, LOL!!!
And for the record, ISEEISEE, I do read amd respect what you write the majority of the time.
Gotta love the continual wingnut obsession with being a humble servant now that the beige man is in office too.
He should be humble, "our furniture", servant of the people. very interesting language.
their heads are ready to explode.
"Detroit was changed from timberland into a thriving city as the EVIL CORPORATIONS came in and productively employed raw materials and HUMAN resources. Yes the UNIONS shifted a larger slice of the pie into the pockets of the workers."
Right while the companies were recording record profits.
All you are doing is APING the rightwing line that the evil unions and those awful Detroit negroes ran the auto companies into the ground.
You're a clown.
i KNOW more people would go to churches if there were far less people like you there!!!...
like all the fat sloppy invisible men like aportlypervoi always harping on "fat women..."!!!!
i really hate your poem today!!!
"first they wanted health care
bank failures got in the way
had to pony up money
else there would be hell to pay"
as if we are not paying hell NOW AFTER the bank bailouts???
as if the nuke plants bs is not a new corp bailout??? more hell????
memo to black america from obama:
"starve like colorless americans
to hell with you all...!
check some rebel prose and prophecy here:
Field said:
""I'm never gonna dance again Cause guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool I should have known better than to cheat a friend And waste the chance that I'd been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you"
When George Michael wrote that song I bet he never had wingnuts in mind."
I wouldn't doubt sweet George didn't have some nuts in mind when he wrote that song, but I doubt they had any wings attached to them.
And AB....don't be talking about me when I'm not here. Lard-ass.
why are you so obsessed with gay sex??????????
sounds like you want gm to spread your "wings" and make YOU "fly"?????
how do you post unless you are lurking in the wings herein you fat nasty slimy cowardly tortured closeted gay moron????
alicia banks said...
"you fat nasty slimy cowardly tortured closeted gay moron????"
I'm just glad I know that's not coming from the heart, 'else I would be just devastated. And, if ANYBODY around here is "obsessed" with gay sex, I'd say that would be you, no? I think it's unnatural & perverted, myself.
BTW, my opening Field's blog right after you had made a remark about me, was purely coincidental, I assure you.
And with that haveng been said, AB, I'm gone again. You have a lovely night now, ya hear?
yeah right you lobotomized lewd lard vat!!!
it is coming from my heart and soul as always...i despise you with a deep hot passion...as deep as that imaginary penetration you covet from any gay man desperate enough to do you!!!
only blind illiterate bigots like you equate sexuality with sex...
i am NEVER obsessed with gay sex like you!!!
better luck with coming out than with your horrid contributions to the convos herein you fat foolish bastard!!!!!
alicia banks said...
i KNOW more people would go to churches if there were far less people like you there!!!...
Amen AB!!!
icyicy is a cold blooded hypochristian buybull toting brazen bumbling buffoon!
she is my inspiration as i pray 24/7:
"please dear jesus, deliver us all from the "christians"
ISEEISEE, please pray for me. And please pray for Rottnkid as well. Although it does seem like he is doing pretty well for himself without Jesus. :)
"Should we assume that because someone has broken the law and he calls himself an "American" that AMERICA itself is flawed?"
Once again a poor analogy. If there is no America, what is there to be flawed? I don't think that Rottnkid believes in your religion.
"Is "Child Sex Trade" a problem for you Filled Negro? YES or NO?"
Now ask your friend Rush the same question and let's see what he says?
@ FN:
PUH LEASE blog on Rev. AL and Tavis...otherwise known as Re-Run and SmilingFaces ;)
Awaiting a really good blog on this. I want to read what GrannyTRuth weighs in and you know I gots (not a typo) to read what my baby (lol) CF has to say.
PUH LEASE pick this one up...and why did Michael Baisden have Rev. Al on and not Smiley...?
"please dear jesus, deliver us all from the "christians"
I think it was Mahatma Ghandi who said "I like your Jesus. I don't like your Christians. They are so unlike your Jesus."
i love this quote too:
"In the South, it is true, more people revere the Bible than read it…For most Christians [in other parts of the world], Christian faith is about believing in Christ and worshipping God through him. It is not about belief in the Bible."
see icyicy on video:
AB, "amen!!!!
why are soulless fools always trying to save someone else's soul??????"
How dare you talk to ISEEISEE like that! You should be asking ISEE to pray for your atheistic ass.
You have no respect for the church and no respect for an annointed prophet. Your atheist ass will roast in hell.
Field, what will you do when you find out there is a GOD? And guess what? ISEEISEE and CF will be sitting at the table with Jesus because he never turned his back on Jesus like you, RottenKid, Maria and Jody.
CF and ISEE "stood up, and spoke" for Christ but you, AB, and Maria have the arrogance to speak out against the DIVINE. That's not good.
i love god
i just hate fools who slander her
assnons who equate atheism with anti-hypochristianity because they are evil illiterate morons!...
i love your new bio!
"Field, what will you do when you find out there is a GOD? And guess what? ISEEISEE and CF will be sitting at the table with Jesus because he never turned his back on Jesus like you, RottenKid, Maria and Jody.
Oh my,CF will be sitting with him? What does that very short verse in the bible say? Oh yeah, "Jesus Wept". :)
agape, funny you should mention that.
Attorneymom, didn't I tell you to holla at me? I am down with the cotton field movement. :)
Anonymous said...
Field, what will you do when you find out there is a GOD? And guess what? ISEEISEE and CF will be sitting at the table with Jesus because he never turned his back on Jesus like you, RottnKid, Maria and Jody.
I can guess if I slide $20 bucks to either one of them they'll turn back around.
[quote]I'll bite, America is flawed. Period.[/quote]
Did I ever tell you the story of when I was in grad school at Georgia State University and I saw a meeting put on by the "United Socialist Group" (or whatever their name was) entitled "Why Are There More Black Men In Prison Than In College"?
Long story short during the Q&A session it was ME against about 7 SOCIALISTS. I loved it.
The relevant point for you is that I would like to ask YOU the same question that triggered a "Deer In The Headlights" look from the lead Socialist when I got to talk with him afterward.
"While I understand your sentiments about the United States........could you give me the name of the country that most closely approximates the place that fits your profile of Socialistic Perfection?"
(Damn........none of the LEFTIST friends that I always hang around have ever asked me that question. Think, think.........)
RUSSIA right after the Czars were toppled (1912?). This was the best instance of a Socialist nation.
Since the UNITED STATES is a very flawed nation - PICK ANOTHER NATION that most closely matches your notions of FLAWLESSNESS?
Keep in mind that "Pandora" is NOT a valid answer.
I really wanted to stay out of this silly argument about who is a Christian and whether one should be one or not, but this last post forced my hand.
Rottnkid-- Learning about Jesus is like most anything else. At some point you have to try to find about him for yourself.
You have to take a shot so to speak, challenge God ask God if God is real or not. Because of course you are right too many Christians have perverted the words and the works of Jesus, but the point is that the words and the works of Jesus are right there for you to read as well.
Of course it helps to find a companion guide to help understand the context and the issues he was addressing so you can rightly apply them now.
If you are really interested in understanding Christianity I highly recommend a book by Marcus Borg think its called "Meeting Jesus again for the first Time."
Jesus was quite the radical and had real problems with the status quo of his day and would definitely have problems with the status quo of today that values money, military might and material possessions over the well being of fellow human beings.
From my vigorous reading and study academically, socially and devotionally Constructive Feedback in no way "stood up and spoke for Christ"
The poster who said this proved that he too has no idea what Jesus was all about either or they wouldn't have made such a foolish statement.
Ironically JOdy's life represents more Christlikeness than that,disengenuous selfish, self consumed, self absorbed,self deluded, opaque, prevaricating, cheerleader for free enterpise and the free market consequences be dammned.
Rottenkid, "I can guess if I slide $20 bucks to either one of them they'll turn back around."
Yep. you are rotten.
[quote]Only when I'm off duty from my corporate job that this 39 year old becomes a "Street Pirate" (What can I say I live in Richmond VA - 2 up, 2 down!). "Kid" (a.k.a "The Lady of Rage", Girly, Stinky) the Rottweiller died on 12/10/2004 after 10 years of scaring people.[/quote]
With all due respect man; DON'T MOLEST the word "Street Pirate" by making it CASUAL.
Mellaneous is already bothered by the label.
1) Do you not GIVE A WHAT about the Rules of the Community?
2) Are you a THREAT to your community members because you assault them as you have your way with them?
3) Will you stop at nothing to amass physical and financial property of others?
4) Do you care more about the nerve endings on your penis than you do the human who's flesh that you make use of for tactile stimulation?
IF you can't answer YES to these points then YOU ARE NOT A "STREET PIRATE".
A street pirate is SELFISH and must be HANDLED by the community that he lives in.
You can always tell who's the cheap disease prone slut on a blog, she only talks about sex and dicks, oh, and her phony microscope.
You have a point there is no such thing as Utopia. But understand that if someone says they want what is better than what stands in front of them it does not have to be utopian or perfect to be markedly better than the situation or circumstance or --for this conversation-- the system that they are presently in.
It would be like the slave saying I want to get away from slavery and not knowing exactly what the other side away from the plantation looks like but he knows freedom is better Just about anything would be better than slavery.
The point is to get away from that which is unjust to a more just situation.
[quote]Ironically JOdy's life represents more Christlikeness than that,disengenuous selfish, self consumed, self absorbed,self deluded, opaque, prevaricating, cheerleader for free enterpise and the free market consequences be dammned.[/quote]
1) A CHRISTIAN believes that JESUS CHRIST IS HIS/HER SAVIOR. Have you ever asked Jody if this is HER heart-felt belief?
2) MY GOD told me that he has MADE MAN in his OWN IMAGE. It is the LEFTISTS who make use of CHRISTIANITY to promote the notion of "THE LEAST OF THESE" who must be FED. Thus you all see GRACE by the length of your SOUP LINE!!!
3) MY GOD looks upon those with a long SOUP LINE and asks them "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THESE EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS SO THAT THEY MAY NO LONGER NEED TO WAIT IN LINE 3 TIMES A DAY FOR YOUR SOUP?". He REBUKES those who look to him for praise when they have committed the ATROCITY of having INFERIORIZED one of his human creations having FAILED to help him along his Christian Walk toward the full realization of GOD'S VISION for him.
4) Mellaneous - YOU SAW that man standing in your soup line, a 5th of Jack Daniels in his back pocket 3 times a day when he held his bowl out. YOU gave him a SMILE and told him "IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT, forces of GREED have slapped you down but I HAVE YOUR BACK". HAD YOU INQUIRED about his condition you would have known that he:
* Lost his wife and kids due to his habit
* He lost his JOB due to his habit
* All who put their TRUST in him to come through for THEM had to protect themselves by PUTTING HIM OUT OF THEIR LIVES.
YOU never suggested that his DEPENDENCY was shielding him from the FULL EXPRESSION of his PURPOSE.
5) INSTEAD YOU "USED" YOUR RELIGION for your IDEOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL PURPOSES. In attempting to build up his RESENTMENT against some external forces that he could join in YOUR OWN PERMANENT PROTESTS - you allowed him to AVOID the spirit that was riding on his own back and weighing him down.
WAS THIS REALLY A 'CHRISTIAN LIKE' engagement that you had with this man who appears in YOUR soup line 3 times a day Mellaneous?
You are not only SERVING soup but you are SELF-SERVING with every scoop.
[quote]But understand that if someone says they want what is better than what stands in front of them it does not have to be utopian or perfect to be markedly better than the situation or circumstance or --for this conversation-- the system that they are presently in.[/quote]
My Friend Mellaneous:
He is what I just don't get about a certain line of thinking.
WHY are some people EXPANSIONIST in their thinking and need for CONTROL?
Isn't it more RATIONAL for those who seek to have their way to STAKE OUT A DEFINED PLOT OF LAND, run it on the INSIDE their way and KEEP all who try to MOLEST their way of life AT BAY?
Instead a certain ideology has a "BOIL THE OCEAN" milieu to it. They indeed have surveyed their PLOT OF LAND. It just happens to be ALL OF THE UNITED STATES. Until their PERPETUAL STRUGGLE is completed WE who are observing them should not demand any RESULTS from them. They have not "won" yet. In fact ME ASKING THEM FOR RESULTS is proof of my OPPOSITION to their entire scheme. IF I was "down with them" - I would not be asking questions of them - I would be asking questions of the EXTERNAL FORCES and thus help them gain more control over more space.
Mellaneous "GOOD INTENTIONS" cannot EVER be allowed to trump "EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT" by which these intentions are "operationalized". (I learned the word "Operationalized" from the evil corporation that I help to advance capitalism and greed on behalf of).
Often my problem is that while you want your "ideological enemies" to be put at abeyance by your GOOD INTENTIONS - it seems that many of the people who you see as VICTIMS that you are trying to help confound you because THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR "INTENTIONS" nor are they interested in living up to any particular set of standards that you hope for them to live by.
Mellaneous, "From my vigorous reading and study academically, socially and devotionally Constructive Feedback in no way "stood up and spoke for Christ"
The poster who said this proved that he too has no idea what Jesus was all about either or they wouldn't have made such a foolish statement."
LOL. I suppose you are "qualified" to judge the poster, CF, Rottenkid, ISEEISEE, and the rest? I noticed your cowardly ass didn't say a thing about Field...you ass-licking hypocrite. Here's a little something from the poster who knows nothing but is willing to admit that he knows very little...unlike an arrogant fool like yourself:
“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. 2 For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged."
In case you didn't know, Mr. Divine Mellaneous, the verses come from the Bible. Christ meant them for Christian fools like you, who are busy trying to impress and show their so-called 'academically perfected knowledge'.
Christ continues:
3 “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a LOG in your own?
4 How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the LOG IN YOUR OWN EYE?
5 HYPOCRITE! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye."
Get the picture, Mellaneous?
@Mellaneous, "Jesus was quite the radical and had real problems with the status quo of his day and would definitely have problems with the status quo of today that values money, military might and material possessions over the well being of fellow human beings."
Yeah. And Jesus would DEFINITELY have a problem with you.
With brotherly love,
The Poster(thanks for the name)
Mellaneous, "From my vigorous reading and study academically, socially and devotionally Constructive Feedback in no way "stood up and spoke for Christ"
The poster who said this proved that he too has no idea what Jesus was all about either or they wouldn't have made such a foolish statement."
LOL. I suppose you are "qualified" to judge the poster, CF, Rottenkid, ISEEISEE, and the rest? I noticed your cowardly ass didn't say a thing about Field...you ass-licking hypocrite. Here's a little something from the poster who knows nothing but is willing to admit that he knows very little...unlike an arrogant fool like yourself:
“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. 2 For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged."
In case you didn't know, Mr. Divine Mellaneous, the verses come from the Bible. Christ meant them for Christian fools like you, who are busy trying to impress and show their so-called 'academically perfected knowledge'.
Christ continues:
3 “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a LOG in your own?
4 How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the LOG IN YOUR OWN EYE?
5 HYPOCRITE! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye."
Get the picture, Mellaneous?
@Mellaneous, "Jesus was quite the radical and had real problems with the status quo of his day and would definitely have problems with the status quo of today that values money, military might and material possessions over the well being of fellow human beings."
Yeah. And Jesus would DEFINITELY have a problem with you.
With brotherly love,
The Poster(thanks for the name)
Constructive Feedback said...
Since the UNITED STATES is a very flawed nation - PICK ANOTHER NATION that most closely matches your notions of FLAWLESSNESS?
Pick one. Each nation has their rules, ideals and cultures. I'm sure that if I lived in any particular nation for a long period of time I can find a flaw, or should I say a few flaws, that I would not agree with. That being said, the world is not perfect and never will be, so I keep it moving.
Dear Field, please do a "Coming to Jesus" Post sometime soon. Your readers really need it. So do you!
ISEEISEE, please pray for Field AND Mellaneous.
mellaneous said...
Rottnkid-- Learning about Jesus is like most anything else. At some point you have to try to find about him for yourself.
It'll happen eventually I'm sure when I'm ready. But when I hear or read someone (whichever Annon is spewing his spit - too many to keep up.) trying to browbeat someone into following their BELIEF I get turned off. Don't preach to me when I'm walking my dog, when I'm on my stoop drinking a beer or I'm at a stop light waiting to make a left turn.
"Since the UNITED STATES is a very flawed nation - PICK ANOTHER NATION that most closely matches your notions of FLAWLESSNESS?"
You first.
BTW, that is an old wingnut trick. No one said that the frame work of A-merry-ca is bad. (Her laws etc.)It's wingnuts like you who try to pervert her ideals that we have a problem with.
"..enemies" to be put at abeyance by your GOOD INTENTIONS - it seems that many of the people who you see as VICTIMS that you are trying to help confound you because THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR "INTENTIONS" nor are they interested in living up to any particular set of standards that you hope for them to live by"
I thought Jesus died so that people who didn't like him could be saved? Isn't that why god gave his only son? So why are you ripping Mel because he says that as one of his "followers" you should do the same?
With all due respect man; DON'T MOLEST the word "Street Pirate" by making it CASUAL.
Mellaneous is already bothered by the label.
1) Do you not GIVE A WHAT about the Rules of the Community?
Which community? Come to Richmond and depending on where we go, I can adapt.
2) Are you a THREAT to your community members because you assault them as you have your way with them?
Assault them with what? My good looks and my charm. OK - I'm guilty. OK, OK - No
3) Will you stop at nothing to amass physical and financial property of others?
Nah, I won't stop my alarm clock from getting me up and go to work to "get mines"
4) Do you care more about the nerve endings on your penis than you do the human who's flesh that you make use of for tactile stimulation?
I'll leave that to my girl to answer. She said she cares about my penises nerve endings. I'm cool with that.
IF you can't answer YES to these points then YOU ARE NOT A "STREET PIRATE".
A street pirate is SELFISH and must be HANDLED by the community that he lives in.
That's the best line you said. And I agree.
Anonymous said...
Rottenkid, "I can guess if I slide $20 bucks to either one of them they'll turn back around."
Yep. you are rotten.
8:45 PM
Yeah yeah, thanks for the compliment.
Rottenkid, there are other religions beside Christianity where you don't have to deal with Christian proselytizers.
Rottenkid, be careful of so-called Christian advisers like Mellaneous.
And Kid, stay out of those damn bars! you might get shot.
The poster
Anonymous said...
Rottenkid, be careful of so-called Christian advisers like Mellaneous.
And Kid, stay out of those damn bars! you might get shot.
The poster
Or I might get shot at the park, my workplace, Chuck E. Cheese, etc. The new gun laws that are in effect in Virginia don't make any place safe. You can pack a piece and carry it just about anywhere now, so I advise you to do the same.
Rottinkid looks like a thug, look at his silly pants, he's a street pirate wannabe. You can take the man out the ghetto but you can't.... Lord protect me and mine from thugs like him and their dishonorary discharge. He looks strung out on something too. And what muscles?
see icyicy on video:
Seriously? Wow, eye opening.
Anonymous said...
Rottinkid looks like a thug, look at his silly pants, he's a street pirate wannabe. You can take the man out the ghetto but you can't.... Lord protect me and mine from thugs like him and their dishonorary discharge. He looks strung out on something too. And what muscles?
lol. What ghetto? Last time I checked I grew up in the suburbs in CT before I joined the Air Force. Yeah Big Homey, protect him. And those silly pants are Levi's but thanks for noticing them, they do look good on me! And on last thing Moses, I'm going to play Warcraft Footmen Frenzy. My user name is Ron_Mexico, you can talk to me through the Azeroth (East) portal. Have a good night Moses.
P.S. Ron_Mexico is on the Philly Eagles as a back up QB. Loved the name - had to use it.
Rottenkid-"It'll happen eventually I'm sure when I'm ready. But when I hear or read someone (whichever Annon is spewing his spit - too many to keep up.) trying to browbeat someone into following their BELIEF I get turned off. Don't preach to me when I'm walking my dog, when I'm on my stoop drinking a beer or I'm at a stop light waiting to make a left turn."
Kid, part of being a good Christian is converting people like you, Field, Jody, AB, Mellaneous, Trapped in SC into righteous people.
You don't have to worry about Christian anons trying to convert you. But I would be wary of Mellaneous, if I were you.
I want to convert Field. If I can do that, who knows how far up the ladder I may go as a result?:)
the poster
see icyicy on video:
Seriously? Wow, eye opening."
What video? Links please.
"Kid, part of being a good Christian is converting people like you, Field, Jody, AB, Mellaneous, Trapped in SC into righteous people.'
LOL. After all the taunting and nasty things you have said to certain people on this blog, you have the nerve to pronounce yourself as a Christian?
Self-righteous Chri-stains like you also keep me out the church and far away.
Yes, I know it's you.
La Audio, ""Kid, part of being a good Christian is converting people like you, Field, Jody, AB, Mellaneous, Trapped in SC into righteous people.'
LOL. After all the taunting and nasty things you have said to certain people on this blog, you have the nerve to pronounce yourself as a Christian?
Self-righteous Chri-stains like you also keep me out the church and far away.
Yes, I know it's you."
i am not the reason you don't go to church. you don't go because you are the ANTI-CHRIST.
[quote]You first.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
You disappoint me greatly at time.
Still you are among my best friends forever.
Notice that it was Rottnkid who stated that America was FLAWED thus triggering my request for him to find a "non-flawed" nation. Since he stated that all others were flawed all be it in different ways - it proved that his original statement was a mere "filler". Rhetorical in nature.
One thing that we 3 can agree on, Filled Negro is that AMERICA, for all of its flaws attracted YOU, my wife and many, many other people from different lands to its "flawed shores".
Hell, a few years ago Amerri-ca reached the point where more African-immigrants had come into these lands that were STOLEN from the Native Americans by CHOICE and after Slavery than were brought after having been kidnapped during the slave trade.
I do wonder though, Filled Negro, IN YOUR MIND - IF the Immigrant wave of Black people who have come by CHOICE begin to dominate the "Slave Descended Negroes" who had a head start upon them in Amerri-ca - WOULD YOU start to believe that the ankle weights upon the "Slave Descended Negroes" who were bypassed is actually MENTAL (cultural) and thus start TARGETING these shackles RATHER THAN your present focus on all things Right Of Nancy Pelosi as the threat?
Your beloved free market corporations were allowed to run wild, virtually unregulated and unchecked for the first 6 years of the last decade and what happened CF????
Unregulated and unchecked?
Visit a business lawyer and ask him to clear up your misunderstanding.
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