I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those crazy summers for stupid human tricks. Already the heat is getting to you Negroes and you are rioting all over the damn place. (What are you Negroes doing at a water park? You know you can't swim.) And, here in Philly, white folks are stabbing each other over beer. For all you do this dagger is for you... Let me stop.
Anywhoo, speaking of stupid humans; it seems that the conservative governor in the great state of New Jersey decided to take a helicopter to watch his son pitch in a high school baseball game. Yes, you read that correctly. The same governor who is making more cuts than an Amish butcher in his state thinks it's cool to use a state helicopter to go and watch his kid pitch. It must be nice to be Governor Krispy Kreme. What's a measly $2,500 an hour in the big scheme of things? Well Gov., if that 12.5 million dollar copter had crashed it would have been a big deal. (No pun intended.)
This guy will make a perfect GOP candidate. Like the rest of his gang, do as I say not as I do seems to be the modus operandi.
Still, the people of Jersey shouldn't be surprised, this guy has always treated them as if their needs are secondary to his. Remember his little vacation while his state was covered in snow? Follow this link, it might jar your memory.
Finally, I like Anthony Weiner, I really do. I always love the passion he brings to the house floor and the way he seems to grasp all of the issues. I loved the beat down he gave Megyn (I am a fraud) Kelly when he appeared on the FAKE NEWS NETWORK, and his in your face style of debating. But if this twitter story turns out to be true, I really have to question his judgement.
I am still waiting for all of the facts to come out, but right now it's not looking good. Remember Anthony, when it comes to these types of things; the cover up is always worse than the original sin. Just ask Brett Favre.
Blinded by fields hate of fat people,fields forgets to tell you that the ride didn't cost taxpayers a dime.
"Remember his little vacation while his state was covered in snow?"
Remember all of Obama's little vacations while this country continues to suffer?
Nope never hear fields talk bout dat.
Just ask Brett Favre? What did the cover-up cost Brett Favre?
Too many Democrats asleep. Need a voter registration drive among thirty something women. The Republicans in the House and across the country have targeted women's health care in the name of curbing abortion.
New York city has spent their own dime to prevent another terrorist attack, I don't think they will take too kindly to the Republicans who voted against that bill.
If Weiner did this we just need to know the truth. I honestly don't care if he did--that's between him and his wife--but I care about the coverup. If he sent to to Ginger and it ended up with the college girl by mistake, that's not gonna be good.
I also hope it's NOT true because it came from the bastard Brietbart, who needs to be stopped. Nothing he's ever done before has been credible. Go after some GOP humpers!
The right wing blogs are comparing this to DSK!
"fields forgets to tell you that the ride didn't cost taxpayers a dime."
You are right, it cost them thousands. Who are you fooling? Every time you strike a key, I'm convinced that you seem to think you're corresponding with dimwits like yourself. "Slapnuts/SPC/Mom, Grandpa and Obama monkey" or whoever you are? Go away already.
Btw Field, sorry for the double post from the previous thread: The Muslim Ukrainian Beauty contestant wasn't stoned to death because of Shia Law or on behalf of Muslim beliefs. She was stoned and possibly raped by Bihal Gaziev a (white Euro) 16 year old boy who may have killed her because she turned down his advances.
They also claim that he's mentally disturbed. Notice that when whites commit heinous crimes there is always that courtesy given element of "mental illness" as an excuse.
I hope people realize that getting spammed and spoofed on Facebook and Twitter is like hacker elementary school these days. So yes, its possible that Anthony Weiner got hacked by a couple of jokers.
Also, consider the source. Its from Fat Boy Breithart, a man so lacking in the basic journalistic integrity, his 'breaking news' should be regards in the same vein as Bat Boy and Elvis sitings.
That being said, if Weiner did it, come clean and get back to work. The GOP would love to make this an issue rather than you know, be lawmakers and they need to deflect from their own gang of crazies and freaks who will eventually embarrass them in 2012. (Since we all know we're going to eventually find some GOP candidate doing something stupid, taking a bribe or just sounding like they read on a 4th grade level.)
Also, you're not a 'family values' guy, a secular Jewish New York liberal. You didn't run on your private life, so why worry about it. Ultimately, if you didn't break any laws, no one will care. You're in a hipster part of Brooklyn, your constituents don't care if you want to show your 'Weiner' to a college coed. You back gay marriage and oppose military spend, you're good.
La♥audiobooks said...
"fields forgets to tell you that the ride didn't cost taxpayers a dime."
You are right, it cost them thousands. Who are you fooling? Every time you strike a key, I'm convinced that you seem to think you're corresponding with dimwits like yourself. "Slapnuts/SPC/Mom, Grandpa and Obama monkey" or whoever you are? Go away already.
You're a sad racist/race baiting poptard.
Your lack of self worth really shows.
la coincidental,
Weiner is from Forest Hills, Queens. He's not a Brooklyn guy, though he does trudge around here once in a while.
He's angling to become mayor after Bloomberg departs. Criminals all around the city are rejoicing at the thought of Weiner in charge.
However, it's possible Ray Kelly, our police commissioner will run for mayor. If Weiner ran against Kelly, Kelly would win, probably in a landslide.
Weiner is a combative loudmouth with nothing to say. However, it's his way to jabber endlessly as though a chance to speak in public is a chance to filibuster.
In any case, his Tumescent Twitter looked like a hacker prank -- at first.
However, he's handling it like he actually sent it. There's guilt all over him.
He's bringing it on himself by refusing to give a straight answer to reporters. This embarrassment is going to ruin his career if continues to fume and evade.
But that's Weiner's style. Angry, fuming, sarcastic and combative. But having chatted with him face to face, I can tell you he's just a skinny guy who makes a lot of noise. He has no presence, and he lacks grace under pressure.
The press is going to eat him up over this thing until he spills all the facts -- which, so far, he has not.
la audio writes:
They also claim that he's mentally disturbed. Notice that when whites commit heinous crimes there is always that courtesy given element of "mental illness" as an excuse.
Two points. Colin Ferguson was judged insane, and he proved it by demanding a jury trial at which he acted as his own attorney. Now he's doing life.
Meanwhile, when criminals are declared too crazy to stand trial, they are, by definition, guilty of the crime and sentenced to the appropriate mental institution until they show some evidence of recovery, which is usually never.
Going to a prison for the criminally insane is worse than spending a couple of decades at a conventional prison. But, in your foolishness, you seem to think the crazies are getting a break. They're not.
'I never rode in no helicopter befo''
If Christie has any plans to run for president, he'd better write a check for $2,500 to cover the cost of his foolish trip.
Democrats blast Christie over private use of state helicopterBy
Nina Golgowski, CNN
June 1, 2011
(CNN) -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is under fire from opposition lawmakers over his use of a state police helicopter to travel with his wife to his son's high school baseball game.
The self-styled Republican budget hawk touched down near a New Jersey ball field Tuesday, landing him in hot water with legislators critical of his personal use of the vehicle, according to a spokesman for the governor.
"To use these vehicles to shuttle between both a personal and a political activity is an outright abuse of taxpayer dollars," said Assemblywoman Joan Quigley, a Democrat.
Christie has maintained that the helicopter "is a means of transportation that is occasionally used as the schedule demands," according to his press secretary Michael Drewniak.
"This has historically been the case in prior administrations as well, and we continue to be judicious in limiting its use," he said.
The trip cost is an estimated $2,500, police said, and has some opposition lawmakers calling on the governor to reimburse the state coffers.
State Police say Gov. Christie's helicopter rides are 'no additional cost to taxpayers'
State Police Superintendent Col. Rick Fuentes released a statement arguing the flights don't cost the taxpayer anything.
Fuentes said the time police pilots fly the governor count as training time.
"It is important to understand that State Police helicopters fly daily homeland security missions, and use flight time for training purposes, more so lately as we acclimate our pilots to the new aircraft," Fuentes.
"Therefore, there is no additional cost to taxpayers or the State Police budget, nor is there any interference with our daily mission by adding the state’s chief executive to any of these trips," Fuentes said. "Any flights transporting the Governor would be subordinated to priority needs for our aircraft including rescue and emergent law enforcement missions."
I guess helicopters fly on fumes.
What would you have the Gov.to do?Ride a motorcade going over 90 mph and run people off the road and than crash before he could get to his son's game?
I guess,FN, that would have been ok with you cause you hate fat people.
Its just bad optics.Kinda like Obama scolding the indulgences of CEOs than using taxpayers money on a trip to Broadway.
I agree....Weinergate won't do much harm to the sicko.Democrat voters expect their leaders to be just has perverse as they are.
I'm shocked at just how bad Weiner is handling Weinergate.I mean,wouldn't you know if you took a picture of yourself like that?
"fields forgets to tell you that the ride didn't cost taxpayers a dime."
You are right, it cost them thousands. Who are you fooling? Every time you strike a key, I'm convinced that you seem to think you're corresponding with dimwits like yourself. "Slapnuts/SPC/Mom, Grandpa and Obama monkey" or whoever you are? Go away already.
You're a sad racist/race baiting poptard.
Your lack of self worth really shows."
Stop name calling and prove her wrong. Is this the wingnut way? To call people names and run away from the facts?
"I guess helicopters fly on fumes."
Or, maybe Jersey toxic waste?
"Also, you're not a 'family values' guy, a secular Jewish New York liberal. You didn't run on your private life, so why worry about it. Ultimately, if you didn't break any laws, no one will care..."
"I guess,FN, that would have been ok with you cause you hate fat people."
Slapnuts, I wish you would stop saying that. I DO NOT hate fat people.
Just fat phony republican governors who think that they can do whatever they want on the people's dime.
I would have suggested Christie send over a videographer to cover the game and show it on the internet.
Meanwhile, going anywhere that a crowd gathers means his real reason for going is to press the flesh and campaign. It was a mistake to arrive by helicopter.
Weiner? It's starting to look as though he's cooked.
Even if he survives the scandal and retains his seat in Congress, he's got NO chance of becoming mayor of NY City, and for that I'm thankful.
Tumescent, it be meaning swollen.
Nice usage, almost, but not quite an alliteration.
Tumescent Twitter
Oopz, two and not three, an alliteration can be.
Meanwhile, regarding stuff that really matters:
Horror for US Economy as Data Falls off Cliff
Wednesday, 1 Jun 2011
By: Patrick Allen
The last month has been a horror show for the U.S. economy, with economic data falling off a cliff, according to Mike Riddell, a fund manager at M&G Investments in London.
"It seems that almost every bit of data about the health of the US economy has disappointed expectations recently," said Riddell, in a note sent to CNBC on Wednesday.
"US house prices have fallen by more than 5 percent year on year, pending home sales have collapsed and existing home sales disappointed, the trend of improving jobless claims has arrested, first quarter GDP wasn’t revised upwards by the 0.4 percent forecast, durables goods orders shrank, manufacturing surveys from Philadelphia Fed, Richmond Fed and Chicago Fed were all very disappointing."
"And that’s just in the last week and a bit," said Riddell.
Pointing to the dramatic turnaround in the Citigroup "Economic Surprise Index" for the United States, Riddell said the tumble in a matter of months to negative from positive is almost as bad as the situation before the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
"The correlation between the economic surprise index and Treasury yields is very close, so the lesson is that whatever your long term macro views are regarding hyper inflation vs. deflation or the risk of the US defaulting, the reality is that if you want to have a view about government bond prices, the best thing you can do is look at the economic data to see what’s actually going on," said Riddell.
"And right now, the economic data is suggesting that however measly you may think a 3 percent yield is on a 10-year Treasury, the yield should probably be a fair bit lower given what’s going on in the US economy," said Riddell.
"You’ve also got to wonder at what point the markets for risky assets start noticing, too."
"QE3 anybody?" asks Riddell.
It's coming.
Oooooo The Liberal media now saying Weiner is a Republican.
.Republican Weiner uncertain whether lewd photo was of him
Obama -- he defines economic incompetence.
Weiner must be having a great night at home tonight.
He's probably got a place with more than one bedroom.
Maybe this is when he should call Eliot Spitzer for advice on how to handle the spousal side of this public embarrassment.
Spitzer knows, but Spitzer's probably still sleeping in the spare bedroom. His wife looking at him like he's nuts.
Let's look at how Andrew Breitbart works.
ACORN registers anyone to vote but usually registers large numbeers of poor and minority.
Breitbart destroys ACORN with "fake" pimp story.
NAACP registers mostly minoority voters and a member is secretly videotaped.
Breitbart almost destroys Shirley Sharrod, the NAACP, and sabotages the Pigford Agriculture lawsuit.
Rep. Anthony Weiner investigates Justice Clarence Thomas and wife Virginia Thomas for tax problem, conflict of interest for political activity with the Tea Party and gifts from the Koch family and ruling on the Citizens United case.
Breitbart "finds" photos of Rep. Weiner.
So far Andrew been 0 for 3.
Are we going to take the work of a fraud FOR A THIRE TIME?
Are we going to take the work of a fraud FOR A THIRE TIME?
What language is this? Negronics?
Brietbart was right and simply showed the proof each and every time. Do you only support lawbreaking corrupt people? Acorn, Sherrod and now Wankin Weiner?
the kid's always ready to shoot the messenger.
Something's keeping Weiner from issuing an unqualified statement of denial about the bulging briefs.
Weiner's obfuscation and temporizing look like the efforts of an amateur who's trying, behind the scenes, to get the girl to keep her trap shut.
Is he offering her some money to keep quiet?
Where are the law enforcement investigators? They could clear up the mystery pronto.
Weiner's following the playbook of a person with something to hide.
Nosmo King said...
Are we going to take the work of a fraud FOR A THIRE TIME?
What language is this? Negronics?
Brietbart was right and simply showed the proof each and every time. Do you only support lawbreaking corrupt people? Acorn, Sherrod and now Wankin Weiner?
10:26 PM
Here's some more Negronomic bitch.
Health Care Lobby
+ Ginny Thomas
kid said...
"Are we going to take the work of a fraud FOR A THIRE TIME?"
Actually, Breitbart not only took down the voter fraud group ACORN, the racist Shirley Sherrod, and now Congressman Weiner, but he also definitively proved that the Tea Partiers spitting at John Lewis story was a hoax.
I'd say that was a pretty good record of bringing out the truth.
Grow up kid. Stop being a loser.
"Going to a prison for the criminally insane is worse than spending a couple of decades at a conventional prison. But, in your foolishness, you seem to think the crazies are getting a break. They're not."
That wasn't my point Slappy. Stop ranting off ahead of yourself, and stay within orbit. In the foolish minds of racists like you, when black people commit unspeakable crimes, they do so because they are supposedly immoral, lawless and uncivilized. When white people do the same, they are quickly filed and packaged under individuals with some form of mental illness.
I hope I was able to break it down in layman for you.
@Nosmo King
This is the world Republican live in:
It was a combination of situation and utilitarian ethics: the ends justified the means, and one should do whatever had to be done to benefit oneself.
Notably a lack of attachment to others, impulsive decision-making, a lack of remorse, a tendency to rationalize what they do and to blame others, a charming and manipulative manner, and a lack of empathy. (... arrogant and narcissistic, and he never failed to grab the opportunity to exploit
This was a psycohologist describing Joe Hunt, the young man that order murders and founded the Billionaire Boys Club.
Republican justify what they are doing by as Dick Cheney said "changing reality". In Republican world Blacks are racist and Dr. King is a Republican. President Obama killed a "world leader" and George Bush caught bin Laden.
ACORN didn't "pimp" people, Shirley Sharrod wasn't racist to the old white couple, and minority farmers WERE screwed.
Paradox Philosophy is taking what happen to Black people and saying it happened to whites.
The whole Republican Party are a bunch of psychopaths.
Fuck you you lying white ass mother fucker.
Now I feel ten pounds lighter.
LAC, "I hope people realize that getting spammed and spoofed on Facebook and Twitter is like hacker elementary school these days. So yes, its possible that Anthony Weiner got hacked by a couple of jokers."
Really? is it that easy that someone in elementary school can hack Facebook and Twitter? Wow. Nothing is safe.
LAC, How does one do it?
Anon@11:26 - I know you're trying to be funny, but here's the deal - Twitter and Facebook both have apps and links that allow users to tie accounts together. So for example, I use my Facebook account to log into Salon.com. If someone were to say, hack salon.com, they could in theory get my data.
Also, if someone doesn't use high level encryption, data can be based as clear text. Any hacker worth his salt can read a clear text web feed, get the authentication info and spoof an account.
I could go on, but the tricks of the trade have advanced a lot since I worked in network security. There are probably a few dozen ways a "kit kiddy" can spoof a Twitter account. That's without hacking a cellphone.
BTW, Governor Dough boy using a state chopper like a Civic in a carpool lane is showing why he's not ready for prime time.
"It is important to understand that State Police helicopters fly daily homeland security missions, and use flight time for training purposes, more so lately as we acclimate our pilots to the new aircraft," Fuentes.
"Therefore, there is no additional cost to taxpayers or the State Police budget, nor is there any interference with our daily mission by adding the state’s chief executive to any of these trips," Fuentes said. "Any flights transporting the Governor would be subordinated to priority needs for our aircraft including rescue and emergent law enforcement missions."
Most people know this. One has to wonder WHY Field didn't know? Maybe he did but his hatred of Gov Krispy Kreme got the best of his morals. Oh wait...leftist liberals don't have morals. That's why our country is in an immoral fix, as proven by Weiner and his weiner.
It's the immoral leftists who is the cause of the world coming to an end, which I bet will happen before Oct 21. They are such a disgrace to the human race. I really wish more Blacks would join the GOP and Tea Party. Like Jessie Lee Peterson, they would be on the right side of the Lord; and would be a lot happier and healthier too.
But maybe God will spare us all if Sarah Palin runs for President. She has the morals that God loves.
But you immoral-flash-your-weenie-leftists have got to go.
la audio jabbers:
In the foolish minds of racists like you, when black people commit unspeakable crimes, they do so because they are supposedly immoral, lawless and uncivilized.
Here's some news. It's the defense that seeks to exploit the insanity claim.
Meanwhile, the courts accept it in about 1% of cases.
When white people do the same, they are quickly filed and packaged under individuals with some form of mental illness.
As if you have the slightest idea who chooses the insanity defense and how often it's used.
Once again, you show how easily you are befuddled by your own misunderstanding of the facts.
Moreover, in a criminal context, mental illness, by definition, means a person is without morals, without an understanding of the law and lacking in healthy socialization.
The black thug who murdered the father of a friend of mine with a hatchet seemed to lack all sense of normalcy.
la coincidental writes:
I could go on, but the tricks of the trade have advanced a lot since I worked in network security.
Yeah, you could go on, but jabbering about the ease of hacking has nothing to do with the fact that Weiner is not willing to make a clear denial of responsibility for the the Meat Tweet.
In an interview he obfuscated and equivocated, the signs of a man who won't give up the truth.
At first I figured he was the victim of a hoax. But no longer.
He's going to need Eric Holder to sign off on the results of an investigation that clears him before I'm going to believe his account was hacked and someone else created an image and sent it to Cordova in Seattle.
Field, "Slapnuts, I wish you would stop saying that. I DO NOT hate fat people."
LOL. Field you are funny. But it's too late to try to cover up now. I have already informed Overeaters Anonymous about your ass.
FYI, they have some really sharp wadeling lawyers that will put your ass to shame in court. Jurors will vote for the fat breathing wheezing lawyer everytime--out of sympathy.
kid said...
"Blacks are racist and Dr. King is a Republican"
Now you're getting it kid. Keep doing your homework.
Kid, it's always good to see you on FN. I only wish you were more consistent because you seem to be the only one who can out-think slappz and let him know how much superior Blacks are to him.
Imo, slappz is afraid of your high intellectual capability. I am glad you are on our side instead of slappz side.
kid said...
"Blacks are racist and Dr. King is a Republican"
Man said, "Now you're getting it kid. Keep doing your homework."
ROFL...There's a lot of funny shit on here tonight.
The more I think about it, it's an insult to call Gov Christie Krispy Kreme. Are you saying he eats loads of Krispy Kreme or looks like the Pillsbury dough boy? How insulting! The Gov looks good in his tailored suits. You Negroes are jealous that he looks better in a suit than you do, Mr. Field.
LACoincidental said...
BTW, Governor Dough boy using a state chopper like a Civic in a carpool lane is showing why he's not ready for prime time.
So when Chairman Soetoro took his bitter half on date to NYC that involved two jets to JFK, a helicopter to Manhatten, a police motorcade shutting down the West Highway to get to dinner at Blue Hill in the Village, then off to Broadway to see "Joe Turner's Come and Gone" at the Belasco, all for the taxpayer funded price of close to $200,000, that was "prime time"?
You are such a buffoon.
@Nosmo King
This is the world Republican live in:
Which "republican" do you have the name of this one person?
Fuck you you lying white ass mother fucker.
Now I feel ten pounds lighter.
Now that you have taken a dump, will it still ooze out of your ears if you try and think? Oohhh thats a shitty thought. Need some Qtips? No I aint talking about your nappy head either.
Just curious George, when did you drop out of High School? What year?
Manhatten C, "You are such a buffoon."
Thanks Manhatten. We need someone to stand up for Gov Christie...most of the Negroes on this blog certainly won't, even though they have no good reason other than the fact that he's a little overweight.
If you want to see some fat asses go to your nearest McDonald's drive-in and they will be there. Hell, you might even see KID and LAC there!
"If you want to see some fat asses go to your nearest McDonald's drive-in and they will be there. Hell, you might even see KID and LAC there!"
kid probably weighs 110 ponds soaking wet. I've taken bigger dumps than kid. Smarter, too.
"kid probably weighs 110 ponds soaking wet. I've taken bigger dumps than kid. Smarter, too."
This is hilarious.
where is field? is he asleep again? that man sleeps too much.
where's always sleepy Granny?
Hey Field
Do you watch Rachel Maddow or The Daily Show? A blog basically resolved the whole Weiner/Twitter thing the same day the story broke.
The MSM should be ashamed of themselves for continuing with this story.
An open mic caught former President Clinton telling Paul Ryan too bad about his bill and he (Ryan) should give him (Clinton) a call. WTF? Politicians like Clinton and even POTUS make it difficult to remain a Democrat. I keep threatening but I mean it I'll stay home if POTUS compromises on Medicare to increase the debt ceiling. Fuck him! The Patriot Act, cutting Pell grants, cutting energy relief to low income people and no universal healthcare. Also, since the Rethugs are always dogwhistling how about a little dogwhistling to his most loyal constituency. Get rid of mandatory minimums and all those other laws implemented during the Clinton administration that essentially ensures stricter sentencing for petty drug offenses. The next time a cop shoots an unarmed civilian let the feds prosecute his ass so we the people are ensure justice and our safety. I'll get the Maddow clip and post it as well.
brooklyn writes:
The next time a cop shoots an unarmed civilian let the feds prosecute his ass so we the people are ensure justice and our safety.
Here's genius at work. In brooklyn's mind the biggest threat to public safety comes from The Police.
Not criminals, not the criminals who commit 16,000 murders a year. But the police, who are empowered to fight crime and to carry weapons.
By extending the logic of brooklyn it's clear brooklyn believes we would all be safer if the police were unarmed, or, better still from brooklyn's perspective, there were no police.
Why Nigeria is not Norway:
Nigeria's Boko Haram jihadists claim responsibility for bombings, claim army defectors helped
Boko Haram "accuses Nigeria's government of being corrupted by Western ideas."
The goal of jihad in all its forms is to impose Sharia, and Boko Haram's campaign is no exception.
"Nigeria attacks claimed by Islamist sect Boko Haram," from BBC News, June 1:
Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram has told the BBC it carried out the series of bombings after President Goodluck Jonathan's inauguration on Sunday.
The worst incident was at an army barracks in the northern city of Bauchi in which at least 14 people died.
The sect has been behind numerous recent assassinations in Borno state.
It is opposed to Western education and accuses Nigeria's government of being corrupted by Western ideas.
Clashes in Borno's state capital, Maiduguri, between the Boko Haram and the police in July 2009 left hundreds of people dead, mainly members of the sect.
For the past eight months, sect members have been fighting a guerrilla war in Borno, killing policemen and people they believe were helping the security services in the fight against them.
'Very loyal'
Sect spokesman Abu Zayd told the BBC's Hausa Service that serving members of the Nigerian army had been used to carry out the bombings in the Bauchi barracks on Sunday.
These traditional institutions are being used to track and hunt us, that is why we attack them”
Some soldiers wanted to join the sect and had been used as a way of testing their loyalty to Boko Haram, he said.
But Nigerian army spokesman Brig-Gen Raphael Isa rejected the allegation.
"It is not correct. Let him publish the names of those pledging loyalty to Boko Haram," he told the BBC News website.
"This is not a banana republic. We are one army united and very very loyal," he said....
Uptown Steve,
Regarding your being convinced GM paid back all the taxpayer loans because Obama told you so;
Obama just said the loss is about 14Billion, in reality the loss is 64Billion Just for GM and not counting Chrysler and increasing - see second link for simple numerical breakdown.
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration said Wednesday that the government will lose about $14 billion in taxpayer funds from the bailout of the U.S. auto industry
"Weiner is from Forest Hills, Queens. He's not a Brooklyn guy, though he does trudge around here once in a while."
But he is YOUR Congressional representative, right? That is if you really do live in Midwood Brooklyn as you claim.
As a matter of fact Weiner grew up in Brooklyn and went to Brooklyn Tech.
Not that it makes any difference where he's from but it just shows ONCE AGAIN that you have no relationship with the truth.
"Obama just said the loss is about 14Billion, in reality the loss is 64Billion Just for GM and not counting Chrysler and increasing - see second link for simple numerical breakdown."
Why do these goobers post links to far right wacko blogs and try to pass them off as facts?
re: sidebar
I like the Wall Street Journal when it was strictly a business rag.
uptownsteve said...
"Obama just said the loss is about 14Billion, in reality the loss is 64Billion Just for GM and not counting Chrysler and increasing - see second link for simple numerical breakdown."
Why do these goobers post links to far right wacko blogs and try to pass them off as facts?
So so sad, so predictable. I in a moment of forgetfulness thought you might be able to be a thinking man and not some child.
Since when is AP and Yahoo news a wacko blog? Did you miss that part and those stories, did you miss the part that Obama now reports GM didn't pay back the loans as I was telling you all along? Did you look at the "wacko blogs" links and read the plain simple numbers?
Or are you trying to say that because you practiced name calling out of the gate such as "goober, right wing, wacko blog" that your original thought is correct? As this is ALL that you said please clarify are you still saying that as Obama told you, GM did pay back the loans and the economy is doing real well?
Here you go, Stevie:
I guess you're going to tell us that CBS is a "far right wacko blog"?
To you, ANY source that shows Obama in a less-than-holy light is "far right".
Wheter it's the truth or not, you can't be bothered with it.
outerspacesteve writes:
But he is YOUR Congressional representative, right?
Wrong. My idiotic, lying Congressional representative is Yvette Clarke.
Weiner doesn't know if the meat tweet is a shot of his meat or someone else's. That makes him as much a liar as Clarket who was too stupid to know she never graduated from college. She siad she graduated. But the truth came out. Then she said she forgot that she hadn't, and the morons of my district elected her anyway.
However, that's no surprise. The majority of voters in my district are black and she's black. That was her only qualification for the job.
My district was gerrymandered to create a voting bloc to elect Shirley Chisholm, who was followed by Major Owens, who retired and was replaced by Clarke. No Weiner here.
That is if you really do live in Midwood Brooklyn as you claim.
WEST Midwood, which is part of Victorian Flatbush.
As a matter of fact Weiner grew up in Brooklyn and went to Brooklyn Tech.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and his father was the law partner of my neighbor.
Not that it makes any difference where he's from but it just shows ONCE AGAIN that you have no relationship with the truth.
Wrong. My accurate recounting and attention to facts always frustrates you because it forces you to see your own idiocy.
elitism rules all
this is nothing compared to hobama's interstate date nights/world vacation tours & limo fleets...no?
reps = dems
this just proves that yet again
Limousines, the very symbol of wealth and excess, are usually the domain of corporate executives and the rich. But the number of limos owned by Uncle Sam increased by 73 percent during the first two years of the Obama administration, according to an analysis of records by iWatch News.
elite thugs run the world as never before
and hobama is head thug/gangster poser
with all of the HORRID problems in chicago...
rahmbo has made his 1st priority a new casino to bilk poorER than ever people even more...wtf???
i bet hobama will be on the casino board asap in 2016 too
Through the holiday weekend and all through the day on Tuesday, Emanuel burned the phone lines to Springfield to deliver the city-owned Chicago casino that eluded his predecessor for more than two decades.
Emanuel also scored a victory on his No. 1 legislative priority: an education reform bill that paves the way for a longer school day and school year and makes it easier to get rid of tenured teachers and more difficult for their union to go on strike
that rabid elitism comes from the top down
and hobama's beloved bilderbergs/tri-lateral commission owners/rulers do indeed fashion it all
to trickle down globally....
from INSATIABLE ruthless banksters' thefts to that INHUMANE bankster hobama's deliberate torching of the poor....
and they STILL profusely bleed us all more daily...
WASHINGTON — Around one percent of households have 39 percent of the globe's wealth according to a study published Tuesday, pointing to increased inequalities in the wake of the global downturn.
The number of millionaire households across the globe increased 12 percent in 2010, according to The Boston Consulting Group report, increasing millionaires' share of wealth from 37 percent in 2009.
Despite being at the epicenter of the global financial meltdown, the United States had by far the most millionaires last year, with 5,220 millionaire households, and increase of 1.3 percent from the previous year.
mitt romney for fnotd!!!
he is a hero for daring to state what cowards and fans refuse to
A few years ago, Americans did something that was, actually, very much the sort of thing Americans like to do: We gave someone new a chance to lead, someone we hadn't known for very long, who didn't have much of a record but promised to lead us to a better place," Romney says, describing the man he hopes to meet head-to-head in November 2012.
"At the time, we didn't know what sort of a president he would make. ... Now, in the third year of his four-year term, we have more than promises and slogans to go by. Barack Obama has failed America."
hobama has worsened ALL!!!
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is calling Barack Obama “one of the most ineffective presidents” he’s ever seen, and says he can beat him next year.
Romney tells NBC in an interview that while Obama wasn’t responsible for the recession he inherited, “he made things worse. He’s failed.”
“he made things worse. He’s failed.”
Big time
kudos to shelby s also
reps = dems
hobama = failure
but many more rebel truths here!
Today this charisma is not as strong for Mr. Obama. The mere man and the actual president has not lived up to his billing as a historical breakthrough. Still, the Republican field is framed and—as the polls show—diminished by his mere presence in office, which makes America the most socially evolved nation in the world. Moreover, the mainstream media coddle Mr. Obama—the man—out of its identification with his exceptionalism.
Conversely, the media hold the president's exceptionalism against Republicans. Here is Barack Obama, evidence of a new and progressive America. Here are the Republicans, a cast of largely white males, looking peculiarly unevolved. Add to this the Republicans' quite laudable focus on deficit reduction and spending cuts, and they can be made to look like a gaggle of scolding accountants.
the blackish black agendaless hobama has even worsened racism...shame!!!
kkk pols
HELENA, Mont. — A former organizer for the Ku Klux Klan says he is running as a Republican for Montana’s representative in the U.S. House.
John Abarr says he believes he will fare better than people might expect because of a backlash against President Barack Obama.
The 42-year-old tried to run for the state Legislature in 2002 but lost in a GOP primary after Republicans actively worked against his candidacy.
Yes, the NJ gov is a hypocrite.
And Wayne finally admits that he likes weiner.
AB said:
"elite thugs run the world as never before
and hobama is head thug/gangster poser"
It was probably in the early 1980s when movies began appearing about how the world's ultra-rich would control everything, including using presidents as figureheads. It seemed ludicrous to me then, but now it has come woefully true.
ditto wf!
the iconic film "wall street" now looks like a disney film compared to the reality of hobama and his banksters...
i have not seen the sequel yet
but i hear it tried to capture the new madness of our new reality
global economic truth is becoming increasingly stranger and more brutal than fiction
may god bless us all as the worst is yet to come
hobama has made sure that the worst of hobamacare will be wrought post 2016/beyond his selection
Ah, yes, Stevie.....here's a quote from the Financial Times by the "far right wacko", Robert Reich:
"The US economy was supposed to be in bloom by late spring, but it is hardly growing at all. Expectations for second-quarter growth are not much better than the measly 1.8 per cent annualised rate of the first quarter. That is not nearly fast enough to reduce America’s ferociously high level of unemployment… Meanwhile, housing prices continue to fall. They are now 33 per cent below their 2006 peak. That is a bigger drop than recorded in the Great Depression. Homes are the largest single asset of the American middle class, so as housing prices drop many Americans feel poorer. All of this is contributing to a general gloominess. Not surprisingly, consumer confidence is also down."
Yes, things are looking rosy, indeed.
Meanwhile, housing prices continue to fall. They are now 33 per cent below their 2006 peak. That is a bigger drop than recorded in the Great Depression. Homes are the largest single asset of the American middle class, so as housing prices drop many Americans feel poorer. All of this is contributing to a general gloominess. Not surprisingly, consumer confidence is also down."
Yes, things are looking rosy, indeed.
Uptown Steve - that name is a bit condescending by the way. Are you saying you are uptown and better then those who are not in your type of "uptown"?
Anyways, Steve won't believe anything regarding housing, he lives in the most governementally subbed part of the country. The area is rife with government employees, contract holders etc. Until the cuts are made, then Steven will see the price of his home plummet worse then those dependant upon private sector economics have. It's coming Stevey, plan ahead. Save those dollars and have a plan B. How many days has it been since Obama and the democrats REFUSE to pass a budget close to 2 years? They spend a lot of time saying how bad the conservative plans are, but have absolutely no idea what to do and refuse to do anything but blame someone else for having a solution they in the senate do not. A complete formula for double digit recession and deep deep depression. It is Here! coming to a U.S taxpayer sponsered government dependant community near you soon.
Hey also why did not one Democrat vote for the Obama budget? 97 of them voted against it? Hmmmmm....
no_slappz--"Why Nigeria is not Norway:
Nigeria's Boko Haram jihadists claim responsibility for bombings, claim army defectors helped
Boko Haram "accuses Nigeria's government of being corrupted by Western ideas."
Why the comparison of Nigeria and Norway? They are different countries with very different cultures. They don' even look similar...Norway is White, and Nigeria is Black.
So why the comparison?
"Uptown Steve - that name is a bit condescending by the way. Are you saying you are uptown and better then those who are not in your type of "uptown"?"
That's EXACTLY what he is saying. Haven't you heard the saying, "You can always tell an 'uptown' Negro, but you can't tell him much."? Well, uts is a classic one.
Btw, most condescending "uptown" Negroes like uts were once "ghetto" Negroes. Go figure.
Referencing fat as bad is horrible FN. Of course, your equity lens does not go far beyond race. Which is sad, as a smart AA male you could and should do better.
You must not be aware of the term fat phobia and it's effects on children and adults. I prefer to leave that terminology (equating fat as bad etc.) out of my vocabulary. Just like "that's so gay" and numerous references to the underclass you make concerning people living in trailers.
As a young undergrad once, one of my favorite equity professors told me, "just cause black folk are all up into racial equity work, the severally fall short in areas of misogyny, classism, heterosexism etc. You are a good example of what he was talking about I guess FN, but I push myself a little harder and try to not offend the poor or the "fat". Man to man, I challenge you to consider the same my brother.
shad, if I refer to uts as a "fathead", do I lose my PC card?
@NS you betray your ignorance every time you place your hands on a keyboard.
The biggest threat to black males is the police force that occupies most urban centers. Perhaps NYC would be less broke if they didn't lose so many lawsuits due to their irresponsible, racist police force.
And as much as I hate some of what POTUS has done it's people like AB and the Anons that will drive me back to the polls to vote for him in November. If you have FACTS to back up your dislike for POTUS let's hear them.
"I guess you're going to tell us that CBS is a "far right wacko blog"?"
No, but I'm trying to figure out how THIS link corroborates what was on the wacko link.
Do you really think people are stupid and will fall for your bull$quAT???
"Wrong. My idiotic, lying Congressional representative is Yvette Clarke."
Then you've been busted as a liar.
You DON'T live in Midwood.
"Anthony David Weiner (pronounced /ˈwiːnər/; born September 4, 1964) is the U.S. Representative for New York's 9th congressional district, serving since 1999. He is a member of the Democratic Party.
The district includes parts of southern Brooklyn and south and central Queens. In Queens, it includes the neighborhoods of Forest Hills, Maspeth, Fresh Meadows, Glendale, Howard Beach, Kew Gardens, Kew Gardens Hills, Middle Village, Ozone Park, Rego Park, Rockaway Beach, and Woodhaven. In Brooklyn, it includes the neighborhoods Gerritsen Beach, Marine Park, Midwood, Mill Basin, and Sheepshead Bay."
Busted AGAIN racist!
Anon Goober
"Uptown Steve - that name is a bit condescending by the way. Are you saying you are uptown and better then those who are not in your type of "uptown"?"
No Jethro.
I call myself "Uptown" because I'm from the Bronx.
Anyone who knows anything about NYC knows that Harlem and Bronx are "Uptown".
Central Park and the surroundings are "Midtown".
Below the park is "Downtown".
Not real complicated.
One more question for the goobers,
What is the Republican alternative to Obama's stewardship of the economy?
Let's hear some details.
Wow, slappz is really taking a beating from uts today. I did not know that he was both a liar and a racist. that's pretty evil for a human...he has the same qualities as Hitler, a world class Nazi. But slappz is Jewish, what does that make him?
white foreman writes:
It was probably in the early 1980s when movies began appearing about how the world's ultra-rich would control everything, including using presidents as figureheads.
No. That story line goes back much further. Pretty much to Ancient Greece.
BrookLyn said...
@NS you betray your ignorance every time you place your hands on a keyboard.
The biggest threat to black males is the police force that occupies most urban centers. Perhaps NYC would be less broke if they didn't lose so many lawsuits due to their irresponsible, racist police force.
Your ignorance is on display everytime you post.
The biggest threat to black males are other black males.
Anonymous said...
Wow, slappz is really taking a beating from uts today. I did not know that he was both a liar and a racist. that's pretty evil for a human...he has the same qualities as Hitler, a world class Nazi. But slappz is Jewish, what does that make him?
George Soros????
anon 1:18 writes:
Why the comparison of Nigeria and Norway? They are different countries with very different cultures. They don' even look similar...Norway is White, and Nigeria is Black.
To be absolutely clear -- it's the OIL.
Both have HUGE quantities for export, thus HUGE bucks for national development. But half the people in Nigeria are still waiting for indoor plumbing and electricity.
The countries speak for themselves.
"The biggest threat to black males are other black males"
I guess I better start looking at my brother, son and most of my friends as homicidal threats then.
Now surprise me with some stat waving.
Don't forget to point out that most violence and homicide is INTRARACIAL.
The New York Post reported:
The furious mom of the Seattle college coed at the center of Weinergate yesterday demanded that the cocky congressman come clean about the lewd photo.
“I’m really upset. I feel like he’s a person of power and influence, who can make a statement and make all this go away,” Carol Mizuguchi said, blasting Rep. Anthony Weiner for his continued snarky sidestepping.
“As her mother, I’m really upset,” Mizuguchi told The Post. “I’m pissed off at that.”
Mizuguchi’s 21-year-old daughter, Gennette Cordova, got the surprise package — a close-up of an underwear-clad crotch — over the weekend in a tweet from Weiner’s account.
After days of dodging, Weiner yesterday admitted he “can’t say with certitude” that the photo isn’t of him.
But he continued to deny he sent the picture.
The pol’s refusal to clarify things has made a bad situation more difficult for her daughter, Mizuguchi said.
“It’s a distraction [for Gennette],” she said. “It’s during her finals and she’s 21 years old.”
The aspiring journalist even dropped one of her classes in the wake of the scandal, according to a faculty adviser.
“She’s just trying to have a normal life,” Cordova’s mom said.
outtatownstevie writes:
You DON'T live in Midwood.
Hey, ree-tard. As I have stated many times, I live in WEST Midwood.
WEST Midwood is NOT Midwood. It's on the north side of Midwood, and WEST Midwood is in Flatbush.
Midwood is NOT in Flatbush -- you ree-tard.
You can google WEST Midwood. We've got a website. A photo of my neighbor's house is included.
As I stated, Yvette Clarke is my congressional representative.
map_challaenged_steve writes:
I call myself "Uptown" because I'm from the Bronx.
Anyone who knows anything about NYC knows that Harlem and Bronx are "Uptown".
Apparently you're NOT among those who know anything. UPTOWN includes everything above 96th St in Manhattan. JUST Manhattan. Not the Bronx.
The Bronx is the Bronx. You're from your neighborhood. But when you're neighborhood is in the Bronx, you're NOT an Uptown guy.
Central Park and the surroundings are "Midtown".
Wrong again.
That area is either the West Side or the East Side.
Below the park is "Downtown".
Wrong again.
From 59th St down to 14th St is Midtown. But the heart of Midtown is 34th St to 57th St.
Downtown is below 14th St.
Not real complicated -- for anyone other than you.
The first time I ever heard you mention anything about WEST Midwood was today.
You're full of $hit Slappy and I never get tired of proving it.
When I get a minute, I will go back through some old threads and PROVE that you claimed your neighborhood was MIDWOOD. No east or west involved.
Of course that humiliation still won't stop you.
You are totally shameless and devoid of character.
brooklyn writes:
The biggest threat to black males is the police force that occupies most urban centers.
If you mean that urban police forces are actually arresting black criminals, then yes, the police are a threat to black males -- the criminals. Your comment suggests that most black males are criminals.
Perhaps NYC would be less broke if they didn't lose so many lawsuits due to their irresponsible, racist police force.
Why don't you look into the liability payouts of NY City? the numbers are available.
Here's a little of what you'll find. Most of the money awarded for various mistakes made by city employees goes to cases of medical malpractice (via Medicaid) and accidents involving collisions with fire trucks. Then there are accidents involving polic cars.
The total annual bill is around $500 million.
There are some awards for "police brutality", but thay add up to a small part of the total.
This year, NY City will probably record another 500 murders. Like last year, about 95% of the victims and perpetrators will be black or hispanic.
But when it comes to committing murder, blacks are way out in front of the hispanics.
brooklyn writes:
If you have FACTS to back up your dislike for POTUS let's hear them.
The leading evidence of Obama's failure is his total bungling of the economy.
moron steve writes:
When I get a minute, I will go back through some old threads and PROVE that you claimed your neighborhood was MIDWOOD. No east or west involved.
Inasmuch as you've failed to read words included in many comments you've criticized, it's no surprise you ignored the WEST of WEST Midwood.
Before I mentioned it, I'm sure you had never known the neighborhood existed.
IN any case, when appropriate, I've always stated I live in West Midwood.
But you, like most nitwits, add or subtract whatever suits you when you pop your cork.
Slappy struggles mightily
"The Bronx is the Bronx. You're from your neighborhood. But when you're neighborhood is in the Bronx, you're NOT an Uptown guy."
From the song New York, New York
"New York, New York, it's a wonderful town!
The Bronx is up and the Battery's down"
"That area is either the West Side or the East Side"
Okay Slappy this is for the cheap seats.
Where is the Lower East Side?
Below 14th St or above?
And for any non-New Yorkers just check out the link NYC Uptown which details NY's hotspots and restaurants in Harlem and the BRONX.
Slappy why do you make me treat you like this?
uptownsteve said..."Slappy why do you make me treat you like this?"
Because you are a dumbass, steve. Slappz pimp slaps your fat ass all over this comment section, and you are are too dumb to even know it.
no_slappz said...
map_challaenged_steve writes:
I call myself "Uptown" because I'm from the Bronx.
Anyone who knows anything about NYC knows that Harlem and Bronx are "Uptown".
Apparently you're NOT among those who know anything. UPTOWN includes everything above 96th St in Manhattan. JUST Manhattan. Not the Bronx.
The Bronx is the Bronx. You're from your neighborhood. But when you're neighborhood is in the Bronx, you're NOT an Uptown guy.
Central Park and the surroundings are "Midtown".
Wrong again.
That area is either the West Side or the East Side.
Below the park is "Downtown".
Wrong again.
From 59th St down to 14th St is Midtown. But the heart of Midtown is 34th St to 57th St.
Downtown is below 14th St.
Not real complicated -- for anyone other than you.
Steve, I am starting to think you make this shit up as you go along. I am from New York and No_Slapps is absolutely 100% right. Uptown is specifically and has always been manhattan. How can one guy be so wrong on so many things and be so damn arrogant about it? You must one annoying fuck to hang out with, one of those know it alls with the one thing he doesn't know being everyone else knows he is just loud and arrogant but doesn't know shit so they just yes him to death until they can get away from him.
uptownsteve said...
One more question for the goobers,
What is the Republican alternative to Obama's stewardship of the economy?
Let's hear some details.
Get the fuck out of here with this nonsense. If by this time you don't have a clue and want to go back to start, go ahead with this retarded question. The details are all over the airwaves, you have been one of the fucknuts attacking conservatives for having a plan to stop the U.S from going bankrupt. Now I ask YOU again, where is the democratic budget that for the first time in history and contrary to the constitution has not been produced by the democratic senate in it's second year now. Why did every single democrat except for a handful that pulled the Obama trick of voting not present, vote down the head democrat of the U.S Mr Barack Obama himself? What are the democrat solutions to ensuring financial solvency other then attacking anyone else's plan and continue spending us into oblivion. If you can't answer any of these questions don't waste anyones time anymore with your nonsense. Your just a spinplayer, I won't even say master because you are absolutely horrible at it.
uptownsteve said...
"I guess you're going to tell us that CBS is a "far right wacko blog"?"
No, but I'm trying to figure out how THIS link corroborates what was on the wacko link.
Do you really think people are stupid and will fall for your bull$quAT???
Not people, but clearly you. NOw is that the best you can do intellectually duck,dodge and evade living up to your very own words and statements? You really are a sad sack. Sack of what I will leave unwritten.
You can always tell when the anon-goobs are upset.
Multiple posts and drool all over the keyboards.
All the ship's crew just used to call him Browntown Steve.
i have about had it with this knuckleheaded moron uts. it's a waste of time trying to communicate with his dumb ass.
dear mr. field, please kick uts's ass off of fn blog. he is an embarrassment to proud black folks.
i am sure ab will agree.
Slappy stop talkin to and playin with yourself.
UTS you are da man!
Leaving dead goobers in your wake.
I love that word "goober".
Big standing ovation UTS! Your take down of the Anons and NS was impressive.
BTW I grew up in Brooklyn (Bushwick--PS 384 and IS 383). I've never heard of West Midwood. I'll ask all the folks from BK on my facebook page.
repubs = dems
why do YOU pretend that hobama's economy is actually working???????
u bring new meaning to the words
"public masturbation"
u r a solo skeezer trifling troll herein today
why do u ask such pointless questions about repubs???
hobama is the most ruthless repub prez in history
a "new repub" econ plan would be redundant
President Obama is even slicker than “Slick Willie” Clinton when it come to pulling the rug out from under poor people while pretending to be their champion. Obama sent his Justice Department lawyers before the U.S. Supreme Court, to file a friend-of-the-court brief in a dispute over Medicaid [7]. Medicaid recipients had sued the state of California for making such deep cuts in the program that health care providers were refusing to serve Medicaid patients. The plaintiffs claim the state was violating federal law, which calls for state Medicaid rates to be “sufficient to enlist enough providers” so that sick recipients can find doctors, hospitals and pharmacies willing to treat them. Many states pay so little for Medicaid that very few doctors will serve recipients.
The California Medicaid recipients said that federal law trumps state law, and that the state had no right to water down Medicaid to the point that health care providers wouldn’t touch the program. That would amount to depriving recipients of “equal access to care” under the federal Medicaid law. And, under the “supremacy clause” of the U.S. Constitution, federal law has the last word.
It's easy to see what Obama's up to. Rather than permit Medicaid recipients to sue, he'd allow the states to keep whacking away at the rates paid to doctors and hospitals, even if it means that people are denied needed care. Then Obama can claim that Medicaid costs are going down on his watch. Of course, this will do nothing to fix Medicaid. All that will happen is that sick people are made to go without medical care. Obama is exposed, once again, as a sneakier version of the Republicans. The GOP let's everyone know that it hates Medicaid and wants to do away with it. Obama claims he wants to protect people's healthcare rights, and will use the powers of the federal government to achieve those rights. Then he turns around and tries to deny Medicaid recipients access to federal law and the right to sue. Democrats in Congress are upset with their president, and plan to file their own brief, one that upholds the supremacy of federal law and citizens rights under the law.
brooklyn writes:
BTW I grew up in Brooklyn (Bushwick--PS 384 and IS 383). I've never heard of West Midwood. I'll ask all the folks from BK on my facebook page.
Why don't you just Google West Midwood, Brooklyn? Much faster. Much easier. And accurate.
In terms of subway stops, West Midwood is the area between the Newkirk Avenue and Avenue H stops on what are now the Q and B lines.
The fact that you haven't heard of West Midwood only means you don't know as much as you think you know about Brooklyn.
Meanwhile, part of Bushwick has been renamed East Williamsburg.
lostinspacestevie asks:
Where is the Lower East Side?
It's below the East Village.
Do you get it? In the local parlance, the East Side, the Upper East Side and the Lower East Side are defined by being east. But not by being contiguous.
the real hobama is no wimp and no dem
ask joe lieberman
hobama chooses to brawl for his bankster posses ONLY!!!
hobama/his bush kin/his owners/banksters/peer hoaxers beat us all down long ago
uts and his fellow masochistic just loves the burn of the bruises....shame!!!
Afterward, Hendon wrote, Obama came to his desk and "told me in an eerie, dark voice that came from some secret place within the ugly side of him, 'You embarrassed me on the Senate floor and if you ever do it again, I will kick your ass!'"
Hendon said Obama then challenged him to go to the rear of the Senate chamber out of the eyesight of reporters for a fight, and Hendon did so. "A little pushing and shoving occurred, laced with profanity too vulgar to write, from both of us, until Sen. Donne Trotter and others separated us," Hendon wrote.
The incident, Hendon wrote, showed that Obama "will not hesitate to fight on behalf of the United States if it comes down to it, just as he tried to fight me because of his personal beliefs."
Read more: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/chicago-political-commentary/2011/02/state-senator-ricky-hendon-resigns-but-who-knew-obama-was-an-ass-kicking-stud.html#ixzz1O9iFXtwm
hobama is a repub
a chi town thug
and a cia chameleon
wake up!!!!
Furthermore, during a Senate vote Wednesday, Obama dragged Lieberman by the hand to a far corner of the Senate chamber and engaged in what appeared to reporters in the gallery as an intense, three-minute conversation.
While it was unclear what the two were discussing, the body language suggested that Obama was trying to convince Lieberman of something and his stance appeared slightly intimidating.
Using forceful, but not angry, hand gestures, Obama literally backed up Lieberman against the wall, leaned in very close at times, and appeared to be trying to dominate the conversation, as the two talked over each other in a few instances.
Still, Obama and Lieberman seemed to be trying to keep the back-and-forth congenial as they both patted each other on the back during and after the exchange.
Afterwards, Obama smiled and pointed up at reporters peering over the edge of the press gallery for a better glimpse of their interaction.
Obama loyalists were quick to express their frustration with Lieberman's decision and warned that if he continues to take a lead role in attacking Obama it could complicate his professional relationship with the Caucus.
i hate uts with a deep hot passion
but i would never censor him
he is exposed more by his insanities than his silences
i am all for axing that worthless illiterate uneducated faceless vulgar fool the vdlr asap!!!
Loving the "Slappz" that your delivering to NS, UTS. Keep it up. That's the only person on the daily threads that treats himself as a walking Wikipedia. Never knew someone who "knew" so much. I bet he beats his keyboard with his head trying yo 1 up you.
uptownsteve said...
You can always tell when the anon-goobs are upset.
Multiple posts and drool all over the keyboards.
3:21 PM
HA-HA you are as predictable as a ten year old. When you have lost any semblence of credibility and proven yourself to be a blithering idiot, next UTS tactic...oh look, they are all goobers and they are drooling and must be emotionally impacted.
Do you really think exposing someone like you for the intellectual fraud that he is, is actually difficult and or worth anything? It means nothing, it's like smacking a baby, your mentally helpless and so, so, predictable.
Just watch, now that you were proven wrong, could not discuss anything with facts and had to resort to your first tactic name calling and that failed, then your second tactic ignoring all the discussion and asking a stupid question designed to distract and get someone else to answer for you -that failed, then you resorted to your third tactic--look dey upset and that failed. Your next tactic will be the racial crutches and I predict that even telling you this, you still are so useless (oh that what the U is for in UTS) that you will still do it. Watch.
All you had to do was be honest and say if you still think GM paid back all the taxpayer loans and why. But of course you can't admit you have a IQ of 60-65 at best so you play all these games.
Later Useless. Try and grow up some time soon, before you hit 60.
Have a wonderful day. I am extremely happy knowing I got lucky in the genetic pool and was not born with your capabilities.
uts and his fellow blind masochistic hobama nazis just really love the burn of the endless bruises doled out by that repub bankster hobama....shame!!!
AB said....
i am all for axing that worthless illiterate uneducated faceless vulgar fool the vdlr asap!!!
Which anon is that AB? I haven't seen the one who I think is mold (bruceta bref in awhile)
it is the perpetually vulgar/off topic/bold font coveting/lickless yet oral sex starved/obsessed assnon at 4:27 above...
that is the vdlr/mr./misc assnons etc
it never has anything sane or relevant to contribute to ANY convo...just ghettoese crack laced rants
it lives ONLY to stalk and slander Dr. Queen and I because it mourns being uneducated etc...
it ignores ALL of fn's posts etc...
the bold fonts are an amusing accidental graphic of her being doubly dimwitted though!!
Anonymous said...
his butt crack looks like his face, dark a little hair and covered in shit ;) typed by anon about buceta breaf banks
@ Anon 5:43
The above post is VLDR = Mold = obsessed with excrement and genitalia.
that psycho nasty dreg bitch is worse each day...
today she went off way deeper than usual on a SOLO tangent....wtf??????
now the vdlr and her imaginary invisible stalker cloned friends are posting on their own manic matrix herein....
it is truly a gd shame!!!!!
alicia banks said...
it lives ONLY to stalk and slander Dr. Queen and I because it mourns being uneducated etc...
Honestly, she'd probably stop hatin' if she went back to school to finish her Physics degree.
Of course, that would have to be after some serious mental health services and as much as I wish I was kidding about this, I'm not.
Black folks tend to be adverse to treating mental illness.
Dr. Queen:
her academic envy is as ugly as her XXX turbo bred madness
Dr.Queen said...
alicia banks said...
it lives ONLY to stalk and slander Dr. Queen and I because it mourns being uneducated etc...
Honestly, she'd probably stop hatin' if she went back to school to finish her Physics degree.
Of course, that would have to be after some serious mental health services and as much as I wish I was kidding about this, I'm not.
Black folks tend to be adverse to treating mental illness.
5:57 PM
It's not a "she" it's a 20 something white guy ex student. HE exposed himself thoroughly and listed blogs, problems he had being accused of stalking on other blogs etc. Used to post as Socrates - same theme...
Brooklyn, "BTW I grew up in Brooklyn (Bushwick--PS 384 and IS 383). I've never heard of West Midwood. I'll ask all the folks from BK on my facebook page."
No wonder you idolize uts, you are as ignorant as he is. And you live in Brooklyn and haven't heard of West Midwood? you are one blind unaware sista....pathetic.
when it comes to NYC, uts doesn't know a damn thing about it. of course, there isn't much he does know. It takes an ignoramus to post comment after comment with 0% accuracy for all to see. And it takes a nitwit like Brooklyn to praise him for it. Well, now it's official:
there are at least two shameless dimwits on this blog.
Thank you Brooklyn!
I guess AB is coming all the way out of the closet as a coonservative Republican.
So sad.
"Black folks tend to be adverse to treating mental illness."
that is true. but most don't know mental illness when they see it.
what are you knee grow parasites going to do when whitey runs out of money for your welfare checks?
Oh Slappz if you're really from NYC you know that all these so-called new neighborhoods are just what realtors rename neighborhoods for the goobers that move to NYC from Indiana. A big chunk of Bed-stuy is now called Clinton Hills. It's all a game.
Why would I Google West Midwood when I can ask my fellow Brooklyn-ites?
At one point they were trying to remake part of Harlem as upper Manhattan. It doesn't really matter; just another example of Cons being delusional.
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