"Amid the waters roiled by Trayvon Martin's death, Charlie Janerette's name bobbed to the surface.
The two compelling images of Janerette that once coexisted in my head - the Penn State all-American with a master's degree, and the disheveled, mentally ill man with a policeman's bullet in the back of his head - weren't easily reconciled.
It was easier to forget both. And so, for me, a resumé filled with remarkable accomplishments disappeared on a bloodstained Center City sidewalk 271/2 years ago.Some of the questions now at play in Martin's death were raised when Janerette was killed in 1984: What is acceptable force? What role did race play? And how much did perceptions cloud reality?
In Janerette's case at least, they've never been fully answered, which only adds to the heartbreak of a life marked by famous acquaintances, significant firsts, and terrible irony.
Born in 1937, Charles Janerette Jr. grew up in the Richard Allen Homes in North Philadelphia and later in East Oak Lane. He was the only boy among Charlie Sr. and Lillian's five children. All would earn master's degrees, two of them earned Ph.Ds.
One of his closest boyhood friends was Bill Cosby, who has hinted that the supersized youngster was the inspiration for his Fat Albert character. During a 1973 appearance on the Dick Cavett Show, the comedian said he used to laugh hysterically whenever Janerette's mother called her physically precocious son "Junior."
The two went to Germantown High School, where they starred in football. Janerette, described as smart and sweet-tempered, also became the first black president of Germantown's senior class.
At 6-foot-3 and 250 pounds, the lineman earned all-city honors and a football scholarship to Penn State. He had planned to major in premed before the demands of big-time college football disabused him of that ambition.
Janerette was a second-team all-American guard as a Nittany Lions senior in 1959. Joe Paterno, an assistant to then-head coach Rip Engle, once recalled that the Philadelphian had arrived in State College as a "sensitive, shy" young man who "got tougher and tougher."
It was in his final collegiate game that Janerette made history. Until Penn State's 7-0 triumph in the inaugural Liberty Bowl, which took place at Municipal Stadium, Alabama had never played against an opponent with a black player.
C.J. Schexnayder, an Alabama writer working on a book about that bowl game, explained its significance: "By playing a team with a black starter in 1959, Alabama broke a racial barrier that would have been all but impossible even a year later due to the polarized political climate in the state over segregation."
Selected in the fifth round of the 1960 NFL draft by the Los Angeles Rams, Janerette's seven-year professional career also included stints with the NFL's Giants, with the Jets and Broncos in the AFL, and the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in the Canadian Football League.Paterno hired him as a graduate assistant after he became head coach and Janerette earned his master's in educational counseling at Penn State.
He married, had a daughter, and lived for a while in Syracuse, N.Y. It was there, relatives later contended, that he began exhibiting the first signs of a mental illness, a condition later diagnosed as manic-depression.
In 1972, Janerette pleaded guilty to driving-while-intoxicated charges after he struck and killed a pedestrian. He served no prison time, but for the rest of his life the date, Oct. 18, was an emotionally painful anniversary.
When he took the lithium doctors prescribed, Janerette apparently functioned well. He accepted a job as an English teacher at Daniel Boone School in North Philadelphia, where the principal said he was "absolutely no problem."
But he grew to dislike the medication, and the more he ignored it, the more erratic his behavior became.
On Oct. 25, 1984, Janerette failed to show up at the school on North 26th Street. Later that day, he reportedly had an angry confrontation with a neighborhood merchant and turned up near the seedy bus terminal at 13th and Arch Streets. At about 2:30 a.m. on Oct. 26, near 15th and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia Police Officer Kurt Von Colln stopped two men on mopeds. It was then that Janerette stumbled onto the scene.
Fourteen years earlier, as he sat behind a desk in a Cobbs Creek Park guardhouse, the policeman's father, Sgt. Frank Von Colln, had been killed by gunmen who branded themselves as black revolutionaries.
Now, as the slain officer's son talked to the youngsters in the middle of the night, Janerette entered Von Colln's empty, idling cruiser. All agreed that he sat in the vehicle, but the policeman said that he'd tried to drive it away.
One of Janerette's sisters, Hope, told the New York Times that her parents had taught their children that if they ever needed help, the best thing to do was to find a police car and get inside.Whether or not they ever intended or envisioned that a 45-year-old might be in that position, it's impossible to assess Janerette's motives. When the 5-foot-7, 180-pound Von Colln attempted to remove him, an altercation ensued. It ended when Janerette was shot once in the back of the head. He died 12 hours later in Hahnemann University Hospital.
There were immediate questions about the shooting and conflicting versions of what had led to it.
The joyriders initially reported that Janerette had been shot during a scuffle, but later altered their stories. A neighbor said she'd seen the victim up against a wall being frisked by the policeman. An Inquirer truck driver reported seeing the officer and the ex-football player wrestling.
Janerette's family sued. A U.S. District Court jury ruled in 1987 that Von Colln was justified in using deadly force, but negligent. It awarded the family $188,000.
The ambiguous verdict made nothing any clearer. No one is ever likely to know exactly what happened that night. Maybe the violent death ended a life hurtling downhill. Or maybe it only assured that someone desperately in need of help would never get any.
All these years later, there's really only one thing certain about the incident: Charlie Janerette's terrible death forever obscured a wonderful life." [Story]
*Pic from Philly.com.
Slow day Field? Did nobody ask Romney whether or not slavery should be re-instituted?
Weird Harold said...
Slow day Field? Did nobody ask Romney whether or not slavery should be re-instituted?
Just for White Folk. Indentured servitude.
Field, why do you consistently hold up comments on the previous thread? There's important information that gets relegated to oblivion. And that is such a shame for those trying to contribute to FN after work in the privacy of their own homes. Why do you do that?
No one is ever likely to know exactly what happened that night.
Now you are starting to get it field.
Police have said they then found Chamberlain Sr. alone inside his apartment with a butcher’s knife.
The original post, left out the part about the butcher's knife.
Kendrec McDade, was doing wrong; no brainer.
Civil rights movements have often sought out figureheads with unblemished pasts. The Montgomery bus boycott would have started nine months earlier if Claudette Colvin, who refused to yield her seat to a white person, just as Rosa Parks was to do, had not turned out to be pregnant out of wedlock.
Being pregnant out of wedlock was a problem; being 15-years old and pregnant out of wedlock was even more of a problem.
Brown v Topeka, was labeled Brown because the Brown's were an intact Negroe male headed family; the et alia of Brown et alia v Topeka, were baby mamas.
Such elisions ...
... I am actually relieved to discover that Trayvon Martin, who was killed by gunshot a month ago in Florida, wasn’t a Jehovah’s Witness. ...
IMHO, if you state that the only reason your son was suspended from school was his tardiness, and it actually turns out to be otherwise; then you lied. His siht should have been vetted; no due diligence and no due care was taken here.
John McWhorter, you may be guilty of making omissions, too:
... It turns out that Martin had smoked pot, and was fond of profanity. ...
Indications are that Trayvon Martin not only smoked plant, he also sold plant. Along with a few other nefarious things, such as the possession of properties that did not belong to him.
Yes, Martin jauntily labeled himself with the N-word, but as endless threnodies over the past 20 years have stressed, absolutely nothing could be more typical of someone of his age and demographic....
What threnodies or lamentations about the dead, are these? Do you mean raps?
His age (birth, death) is a part of his demography:
Are you saying Trayvon Martin was a typical 17-year old male?
A typical 17-year old Negroe male?
A typical 17-year old Negroe male from Miami who did not live with his father?
Again, IMHO, we need to go back to the old landmarks of the civil rights movement, find figureheads with unblemished pasts. This Trayvon siht ain't not working out.
Rekia Boyd, should have had her Heaux ass at home.
Mental illness possibly exacerbated by football injuries obscuring an incredible life story of an entire family from the projects achieving individual successes.
It's all too common for mentally ill pts to ignore or refuse their meds. In this poor man's case it was a tragedy.
Field, has it crossed your mind that maybe Trayvon wasn't such a good kid? I mean, what are the chances Trayvon was high, and attacked Zimmerman?
And what has happened to the Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson march on Sanford? It petered out as fast as it started. Could it be that we lack endurance and persistence, or maybe Trayvon Martin isn't looking so good from the grave?
Why are you NOT posting about those possibilities? I sincerely hope this Sanford mess doesn't turn out to be another big black mark WORLD-WIDE on AAs. In fact, it could literally kill Obama's chance for a second term--not that he's going to win anyway.
"Field, has it crossed your mind that maybe Trayvon wasn't such a good kid? I mean, what are the chances Trayvon was high, and attacked Zimmerman?"
BTW, I am quite sure he might not have been such a good kid. But Mr. Killerman still shot him to death.
"it could literally kill Obama's chance for a second term--not that he's going to win anyway."
Are you willing to bet your favorite robe on it?
"Did nobody ask Romney whether or not slavery should be re-instituted?"
He should be glad they didn't.I am sure he would just give another embarrassing answer.
While we're itemizing outrage with Trayvon, Kendrec, Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr. and Charlie Janerette, is it any wonder the SCOTUS blessing on strip search for everybody was contested by a totally gratuitous strip search of a black man? Pulled over because his WIFE was speeding (allegedly) in a BMW? Heard this on Colbert last night by the lawyer who argued before the justices. Albert W. Florence was detained for days and strip searched TWICE for absolutely no cause. Check it out:
and the Colbert Report from last night.
Followed Driftglass' blogroll to find you Mr. Field. I like your work. My you have some "interesting" commentators, however.
great tribute
bill cosby is my hero!
we are all trayvon
Nobody's marching for them:
FCUK!!, I said that first; where is my $2-million per year.
chaka khan has always been a warrior
she is a chi gem/Original BPP/personal friend and comrade to fred hampton etc
they nabbed the zimmerman kkklones!
kudos to nola!!!!
we are all trayvon
even when we look like sleeping deer
It is about time Holder and Obama learned they are not better than the People, above the law and do not have the right to destroy this country.
"In response to a "judicial activism" comment by President Barack Obama, since clarified, about the health care law currently being reviewed for constitutionality by the U.S. Supreme Court, a federal appeals court judge overseeing a different health-care case has called for the Department of Justice immediately to provide a three-page single-spaced memo.
It should detail both the DOJ's position and the views of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder "in regard to the recent statements by the president, stating specifically and in detail in reference to those statements what the authority is of the federal courts in this regard in terms of judicial review," said Judge Jerry Smith of the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals during a Tuesday hearing, the Wall Street Journal Law Blog reports.
"That letter needs to be at least three pages single-spaced, no less, and it needs to be specific. It needs to make specific reference to the president’s statements and the again to the position of the attorney general and the Department of Justice," said Smith,
Hey how come no one is talking about Obamas disgusting budget getting voted down by all dems and repub's?
Or that the supreme court is likely to rule Obamacare unconstitutional as we all knew when he rammed it through with trickery above protests of the majority of us (the industrial racism complex lies didn't work)
Or that Canada has now told us even if we change our mind just to think Obama said no they need to have other customers and discount oil will no longer be provided to the U.S based on Obamas idiocy.
Or the over 1 million people taken off the "working roles" because they run out of unemployment, making the unemployment numbers look falsely better.
Or that China has stopped lending us money so now the fed is buying our debt (yes our fed) which means we are borrowing from the left pocket and switching to the right and printing causing dramatic inflation. Those supermarket prices are insane aren't they.
Or that Obama and BET are saying after the election, nothing will stop us Obama doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected anymore. Who in the hell wants four more years of this radical agenda?
Nobody's marching for them:
FCUK!!, I said that first; where is my $2-million per year.
Emeril said...
Hey how come no one is talking about Obamas disgusting budget getting voted down by all dems and repub's?
Because the MSM is liberal propaganda.
Obama's budget was voted down 414-0 in the House. The last budget the Senate voted on of his was voted down 97-0. Not one congressman, not even one member of his own party, cast a vote for his budget. That's how bad they were.
This is a historic repudiaton of a President by congress.
The Democrat-controlled Senate has not passed a budget in 3 years. The Republican House has sent budgets up as they are required to, but Harry Reid has not allowed a vote.
The democrat idea is to use their control of the press to blame a "do nothing congress" for the lack of a budget, when in fact it is the democrat Senate that is being obstructonist.
Meanwhile, like it or hate it, the Republicans have crafted a real budget that addresses the out of control debt, and all the President can do is demagogue about it.
Democrat rule has been an utter failure.
cc this to a black homohater/preacher etc
and to that blackish sonless soulless black agendaless hobama:
Policy found that 90 percent of the change in the violent crime rate between 1973 and 1995 was traceable to the rise of illegitimate births. A large sample looking at students in 315 classrooms in 11 cities concluded that "The single most important variable (in 'gang centrality') is the family's structure ...: the greater the number of parents in the household, the lower the reported gang centrality."
The concentration of single-parent families can affect even those with two parents. A study of 4,671 8th graders in 10 cities found that students who attended school with a large number of fatherless classmates were more likely to commit crimes, even if they came from intact families themselves.
In The Atlantic Monthly, Barbara Dafoe Whitehead wrote that the "relationship (between single-parent families and crime) is so strong that controlling for family configuration erases the relationship between race and crime and between low income and crime. This conclusion shows up time and again in the literature."
President Obama offered that if he had a son, he would "look like Trayvon." That's not what matters. The much more important fact is that if Obama had a son, the boy would have married parents.
In December 2010, the son of a local police officer sucker punched a homeless black man outside a bar. The white attacker strutted away from the downed man, obviously proud of his cowardly achievement. Police arrived at the scene and declined to arrest him, despite the fact the unprovoked attack was captured on video.
Over the course of the next several weeks, the community expressed outrage but few stepped up to do anything to demand justice for the homeless man, Sherman Ware. The black community was indifferent. The NAACP ignored the incident. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were nowhere to be found.
But one man was so determined to obtain justice for Sherman, he did what few others were willing to do. He stepped up and went door-to-door in black communities handing out fliers about the incident. He posted the fliers, put them on cars in parking lots, waited outside churches to give them to parishioners. He worked tirelessly exposing this injustice.
In January, his efforts finally paid off. In part, thanks to public pressure after the video was posted on Youtube, Justin Collison, a man with a violent history, was charged with sucker punching Sherman Ware.
In case you haven’t guessed, the man who worked so hard to bring justice for a homeless black man when the NAACP and other civil rights leaders looked the other way is named ................... George Zimmerman.
These noble efforts by Zimmerman to help a stranger get deserved justice were related by a family member who is now in hiding due to death threats. The family member sent this letter to the Sanford Chapter of the NAACP, which has continued to perpetuate the smear that George Zimmerman is a racist who killed Trayvon Martin for being black.
Don’t expect to hear this story in the mainstream media.
kudos to jason whitlock
a real bro on that real kkkiller/hunter zimmerman
and his blind demented racist defenders
cc this to oj
Let me pause here and offer a few of my resume highlights as a way to clarify and authenticate my perspective. I always thought O.J. was guilty of murder and stated that opinion in writing at the time. I don’t choose the positions I take or the people I support and defend based on race. Despite the nonsense you might read in the anonymous comments at the bottom of this or any column I write, I have a long, documented history of independent thought, especially when it comes to race. I supported the falsely accused white Duke lacrosse players before anyone else in the media. I traveled to Jena, La., and wrote columns that properly framed the media-exploited “Jena Six” story. I stood on an island calling BS on the overreaction to Don Imus’ inflammatory comments about the Rutgers women’s basketball team. My critics think I’m a contrarian for attention. The truth is I abhor group think, pack journalism and unfairness no matter the victim. I also believe the most effective way to fight unfairness is by maintaining consistency in logic and deed. I’m far from perfect. My sense of humor oftentimes reveals my own struggle to be fair.
There’s little humor in the Trayvon Martin tragedy. There’s a great deal of hypocrisy.
I don’t remember hearing any cries for patience and a full review of the facts when it came to deciding O.J.’s public fate. The mainstream media on TV, radio and print had one unified voice — guilty. And when a jury justifiably acquitted Simpson because of the gross incompetence of prosecutors Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden and the repugnant bigotry of detective Mark Fuhrman, the mainstream media on TV, radio and print uniformly vilified the predominantly black jury.
The liberal order requires three groups in order to function: the mainly white liberal elite, who demonstrate liberalism by preaching compassion and tolerance for the nonwhite Other; the nonwhite Other, upon whom the white liberals practice the liberal virtue of compassion; and the non-liberal whites, whose bigotry against the nonwhite Other serves as a foil against which the white liberals demonstrate their morality and their right to rule. The non-liberal whites must be continually demonized and crushed, as the evil force that forever threatens the existence of the liberal order and its goodness.
no matter how zimmerman's judge dad spins such bs noble lies...
a bag of skittles/can of tea will never become a gat
u racist liars can spin a great good kid into a lethal thug
but u can never spin candy and tea into lethal guns
alicia banks said...
u racist liars can spin a great good kid into a lethal thug
but u can never spin candy and tea into lethal guns
There was no candy and tea you dimwitted racist.
Trayvons family had three different stories. His lawyer made up the skittles bullshit for dimwitted murderous racist people like you to cover all the nonsense and the fact that he was a minor left watching a minor (maybe) who should have been punished for just getting suspended from school while they were out.
Zimmerman was attacked, the evidence and Eyewitnesses show it. So unless you can prove that Trayvon was hunted down, just stop shouting nothing without facts. It makes you look stupider than you are.
Aside from the evidence that Trayvon doubled back to zimmermans vehicle that he was near, waiting for the police. Trayvons family obviously were the typical neglectful type that raise thugs. They had no clue where he was and didn't care. The kid just got suspended from school yet he is free to roam about.
Then they say he went to the store to buy skittles during he NBA all star halftime. Funny, the game didn't start until 45 minutes after he went to the store. Halftime - Uh-Huh
Then they say at first that he was sitting on the porch when he got shot. On the porch? Really?
Tracy Martin Said
"He walked out of the house to go to the store. He was going to the store,” she [he] said. “He doesn’t know anybody here. He just came down here, so he was bored, so he walked down to the store. He was on his way back home. I’m living down here. He was sitting on the porch and this man killed him.”
Then tracy martin says to another reporter
–”I had gone out for dinner,” says Tracy, “and when I got home, Trayvon wasn’t there. I tried calling his cell phone several times, and it went straight to voicemail. I wasn’t that worried, because he had been spending time with my 20-year-old nephew who was a responsible young man. There wasn’t a panic that he wasn’t at home. I figured that they had gone to the movies, because they had said they might. So I laid down, thinking they would show up later.”
If Tracy Martin thought that Trayvon had gone to the movies, then why was the first call he made to the police, to find out if his son had been arrested? Who was home at that complex that night ? Did Tracy Martin come home that night? Was he staying at his fiance's house or was it his second wife? If he was staying with this female, why weren't they home the entire night? Where were they that night?
And as far as his nephew and the lie about him going to get "skittles" if he was really young, would Trayvon have left him in the house alone? If Tracy Martin and his fiance and/or second wife and/or woman friend left to go out for dinner, leaving Trayvon and the kid alone, why would Trayvon leave the kid alone in the house?
And if his brother was there waiting on Martin to return, wouldn't he have been aware of the shooting and police activity up the street?
Who was home with Trayvon when he went to the store? If no one was, how would they know he was watching the NBA game? If he was there with his younger brother, why didn't the younger brother tell Tracy Martin that Trayvon never came home?
One lie after another, after another, after another.
They had no idea where he was and didn't care. They weren't home when all the police activity took place right in there complex a couple hundred yards away. They did nothing until the next morning figuring a 17 year old who just got sent up to be punished and get straightened out by dad was fine staying out all night. That's why he became a thug and was out casing houses and got caught. Then decided to beat the shit out of the guy who caught him and had the balls to call the police.
7-11 has security tapes. Any investigation will secure these tapes to timestamp Trayvon's activities. No tapes can be found of him, because he never made it outside the complex, he was casing houses. Not coming back from his skittle run during the NBA halftime break when the game hadn't even started yet and wouldnt start for 45 minutes. Hoodie in the rain, weaving in and out of houses, attacks a man for calling the police and busting his game. Ends with a bang and not a whimper.
moby dickkkless:
u r a rabid racist fool
u lie like hobama
and no lies live forever
especially those of kkklowns like u
ask those 4 roasted pig kkklones in nola asap...hurry!!!
kudos to 1 rebel pastor in DC
he wore a hoodie for trayvon inside that fake tepid blackish dl bitch hobama's white house
alicia banks said...
kudos to 1 rebel pastor in DC
he wore a hoodie for trayvon inside that fake tepid blackish dl bitch hobama's white house
Awwwww, how cute. You can't take the ghetto out of some people no matter how high they rise in life.
Why aren't pastors like this preachin on how to make sure your kids don't become thugs? How to raise them? How to get and stay married? How to push education? Cause they aint no white enemy in that is there?
zimmerman is a psycho CRIMINAL KKKILLER
no racist kkklowns' lies will erase gz's criminal record
the way gz's gun erased trayvon from the earth
why is that psycho criminal kkkiller zimmerman STILL free/breathing...
anon "it could literally kill Obama's chance for a second term--not that he's going to win anyway."
Field's el-sucko reply: "Are you willing to bet your favorite robe on it?"
5:47 AM
How DARE you accuse a depressed brother of being a klansman! That is the ultimate insult to a bm who fights everyday for his right to live in America.
Field, you are a heartless Negro.
alicia banks said...
kudos to 1 rebel pastor in DC
he wore a hoodie for trayvon inside that fake tepid blackish dl bitch hobama's white house
So you cackling hyena, summer coming. The pride of Black america will no doubt be doing what they do best, egged on by the adults who refuse to be adults. So when the next kids get mowed down because everyone is weary to death of black savagery and being attacked, hurt and maimed, we will look to you to give you full credit. In fact, it already begins:
Now the poor innocent misunderstood youf's are attacking Elderly white man screaming "this is for Trayvon"
alicia banks said...
why is that psycho criminal kkkiller zimmerman STILL free/breathing...
Because he isn't a law breaking savage negro like you. I hope you get the race war you are looking for and I hope it starts in your house and involves you personally.
Karma is going to invade your ass more brutally then any dildo your girlfriend has ever used.
alicia banks said...
gz's judge dad pulled strings to get his psycho son a permit to conceal and carry a gun
but gz's dad can no nothing to conceal or carry his doomed maytag ass in jail where he belongs
if justice prevails...bet.
No you dumb negress. It's the law, read up you sound stupider by the moment. When you don't understand how to pull strings other than on a used tampon everything is a conspiracy.
moby dickkkless:
the race war began the day your equally dually impotent broke peasant hick cousins stole my cousins from africa
u have won that war for centuries ever since...u scared selfish dickless whining bitch
get over that asap
we will help u do so from now on...promise!
there is no viagra for karma
so u lose again limp loon
ask those 4 roasted pig cousin kkklones of yours in nola...asap!!!
dually impotent moby dickkkless/toothless trailer park tubob:
truth trumps vulgarity
ya nasty assnon/silly lard assed pasty bastid
This Trayvon thing is shaping up to huge blunder for Organized Blackness.
we are all trayvon
why is this pookie in jail and zimmerman is still free/breathing???????
her doomed baby is alive
unlike trayvon
alicia banks said...
we are all trayvon
That's the sad part
We are all Trayvon:
Treven Lewis
Thyeem Henrey
Tyrone Dale David Woodfork
harpooned kkklown moby dickkkless:
your racist legacy in sanford FL includes winning the race war long ago...
cc this to that haunted kkkiller zimmerman
The Florida town where Trayvon Martin met his death bears the name of its founder, a failed orange grower turned lobbyist who, in the 19th century, abetted a Belgian king’s bloody colonial adventure in the Congo that left millions of Africans dead.
Henry Sanford was also an ardent proponent of sending black Americans to Africa.
“The ground to draw the gathering electricity from the black cloud spreading over the southern states,” he termed it.
The Congo, Sanford said, would encourage “the enterprise and ambition of our colored people in more congenial fields than politics.”
Despite such sentiments, the city still proudly bears his name. Sanford, the city, honors Sanford, the man, by maintaining a library and museum in his memory, commemorating a racist who came to Florida as the sole heir of a hugely successful brass-tacks manufacturer in Connecticut.
aunt esther said...
"Henry Sanford was also an ardent proponent of sending black Americans to Africa."
My hero.
Are sure it wasn't named after Fred Sanford?
alicia banks said...
dually impotent moby dickkkless/toothless trailer park tubob:
truth trumps vulgarity
ya nasty assnon/silly lard assed pasty bastid
Thats precisely what I have been telling you, you vulgar infantile wicked witch. Look at your words and look at my truth you filthy hyena. God is going to stick his finger in your eye real soon for being such an evil witch.
blind buffoon assnon moby dickkkless:
u will never erase your nasty drooling XXX toy obsessed (we know u need them limpy) posts
scan up u original eunuch albino mf
as zimmerman erased trayvon's future
alicia banks said...
moby dickkkless:
the race war began the day your equally dually impotent broke peasant hick cousins stole my cousins from africa
u have won that war for centuries ever since...u scared selfish dickless whining bitch
get over that asap
we will help u do so from now on...promise!
there is no viagra for karma
so u lose again limp loon
Oh I see. So there is no going forward, you even though you had nothing to do with it will never forget that your ancestors were as savage and low IQ then as they are now and sold you into slavery.
OK, so then we wont forget who you are and what you are capable of. For in your own words you want a race war. I hope the war begins and ends with the shit between your ears that you call brains.
What is it with you and constant comparisons to penis's and getting hard and similar? You have some pretty hard feelings for someone supposed to be a Lesbian. No doubt you have been mentally scarred from getting rejected by men in the past.
P.S you sound like the typical angry black loon. Names, Names, Names, anger, anger and nothing of any substance that you say.
alicia banks said...
blind buiffoon assnon mobdy dickkkless:
u will never erase your nasty drooling XXX toy obsessed (we know u need them limpy) posts
scan up u original albino mf
as zimmerman erased trayvon's future
Fuck with the bull you get the horns. He is just the start. Non Blacks are tired of Black America and violence. Hoods and thugs through and through, just look at your words calling for Zimmerman to be murdered - Why? Cause you are a Negress it runs in your genes.
alicia banks said...
moby dickkkless:
u better beware of me turning you into a frog asap
and that frog's penis will be bigger than yours now/smaller than your beer belly/DDD moobs etc
bet kkkermit!
Honey, you have got to have an IQ lower than 65. Now you are talking about frog's penis's? Are you this immature? Nope, you are probably at your absolute genetic peak mentally.
alicia banks said...
moby dickkkless:
u better beware of me turning you into a frog asap
and that frog's penis will be bigger than yours now/smaller than your beer belly/DDD moobs etc
bet kkkermit!
And we wonder why black youth are fucked up, mindless can't read/write/do math. Look at this one and she is an OLD teacher.
Bet your kids learn how to wear hoodies, play the victim and tickle frogs penis's.
savage dumb lard assed moby dickkkless:
read a mf history book asap u orginal albino mf
the dumb savages were your kkkousin slave masters
not us
ask that dumb failed farmer/kkkiller kkkousin sanford in FL
u r kkkklueless retroactively u blubbery ahistorical assnon boob
i never teach inbred klan kkkids
so u and your lil incested eggs/dumb trailer pk rats are safe moby dickkkless!!!
moby dickkkless not hooked on phonics:
look how u "read" the trayvon case
why i would never teach your equally retarded and illiterate lice infected shag rug rats!
garbage in
garbage out
ditto for trailer parkkk dna
alicia banks said...
savage dumb lard assed moby dickkkless:
read a mf history book asap u orginal albino mf
the dumb savages were your kkkousin slave masters
not us
ask that dumb failed farmer/kkkiller kkkousin sanford in FL
u r kkkklueless retroactively u blubbery ahistorical assnon boob
Sorry I don't speak ooga booga can you try this again in English?
Perhaps if you left out the massive use of invectives you might make sense. Then again we might see there isn't much to you at all but bullshit.
alicia banks said...
moby dickless:
is this your savage dumb sexist dickkless geekkk kkkousin too???
Are you insane? Is there a few wires disconnected in that feeble shriveled up thing you call a brain? Comedy shows linked has what to do with your being an ooga booga speaker and inept teacher, who teaches young kids how to become useless and hateful?
alicia banks said...
moby dickkkless dunce:
i am younger than hobama
i am an award winning educator of adults and children
never fret
i would never teach your dumb savage peasant demon potty mouthed seed
Ooga Booga. Yes, honey we know. Everyone gets a trophy, especially the dumb black witch with the big mouth in dreds.
You could never teach my children a thing. They surely could teach you a few things, starting with how to use the English language so you make sense and don't sound like well a dumb black witch in dreds.
alicia banks said...
moby dickkkless not hooked on phonics:
look how u "read" the trayvon case
why i would never teach your equally retarded and illiterate lice infected shag rug rats!
Shag rug? You are showing your age and your ghetto-ness granma. They haven't had shag rugs for years and years, unless you are the one who takes my garbage when I throw it out. You know, I did see Dreds last time someone was taking my castoffs, it must have been you.
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