If I was Flipper I would leave that talk of marriage being between a man and a woman alone. Just saying.
Anyway, I see that Flipper the bully has at least one high profile supporter:
"On his radio show Friday, Rush Limbaugh dismissed the notion that the alleged high-school pranks committed by presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney count as “bullying,” saying “You had long hair in 1965, you were gonna get razzed. It didn’t matter,” adding that “1965 is a great year, bullying was legal.”
Limbaugh made the case that the Washington Post story is a smear-job by the “drive-by media [...] in conjunction with the Democrat in the White House.”
The radio host then defended Romney’s alleged actions as being anything but what we now define as “bullying,” saying that it is “probably a stretch to say it had anything to do with the kid being presumed gay. You had long hair in 1965, you were gonna get razzed. It didn’t matter.”
“They weren’t gonna think you were in the Beatles,” Limbaugh said. “If you had long hair in 1965, you were gonna get made fun of. See, 1965′s a great year; bullying was legal.”
Aware of just how controversial that last sentence may be, Limbaugh added: “Watch that be a quote that shows up at Media Matters: ‘Limbaugh praising bullying while defending Romney.’” [Source]
Not only Media Matters Rush, I am quite sure that it will appear in a lot of other places as well.
Finally, do you remember the Kendric McDade story? Well the autopsy report was recently released.
"Nearly two months ago, NewsOne reported on the tragic case of Kendrec McDade (pictured), the California college student and football star who was killed by Pasadena cops while they were responding to a robbery. Now that McDade’s autopsy report has been released, it’s been revealed that he was shot seven times at close range and handcuffed afterward, according to the L.A. Times." [Source]
No surprise here. This is part of a growing trend. If you belong to a certain group, the po po will take special aim and make sure that they don't take your life. If, on the other hand, you belong to that other group; tell your family to find a nice funeral home.
Limbaugh reminds me of something roasted with an apple in it's mouth.
And smells like it too!
Shabazz said...
And smells like it too!
How would you know he smells like an Apple?
Libertee Universitee? The skool/kkkollege that had to have accreditation done by fiat from st reagan?
And Romney, being Mormon...is a cultist who worships Satan, per Jerry.
Must be some strong hate/racism to have those Fundies hold their dogma in check.
Anonymous said...
Libertee Universitee? The skool/kkkollege that had to have accreditation done by fiat from st reagan?
And Romney, being Mormon...is a cultist who worships Satan, per Jerry.
Must be some strong hate/racism to have those Fundies hold their dogma in check.
Ladies and Gentleman - I give you the brain of a liberal. Not mush, I mean much to it is there. Nothing you can decode unless your IQ is 60.
Field, this was a pretty weak one trying to tie Romney to Rush with a comment no one cares about regarding a proven lie that has already added to the discredit of democrats.
I thought you were going to mention Obama giving a speech from someones garage today and that person still saying they weren't sure they were going to vote for him or the polls where he is getting whalloped by the probable (not even final) R Candidate.
Oh how the mighty king has fallen. There is only so long you can front your way through anything blamign everyone else for your incompetencies. It catches up to you.
I was attending a public high school in New Jersey in 1965 & the only people who gave a rat's ass about hair length were parents & school administrators. always making up rules about how long it could extend over collar, ears, sideburns, etc. Among students, nobody cared. We had a few kids who thought it was still 1955. I can say this much: Mitt would not have been a bully in my high school. & I did not attend a tough school. & bullies who were just fat, out-of-shape jerks like Rush were taken care of in gym class with the tacit permission of the gym teacher.
"were taken care of in gym class with the tacit permission of the gym teacher"
So Bob, I guess bullying IS good, when you agree with the bully eh?
"How would you know he smells like an Apple?"
I think he meant he smells like a PIG.
God bless Mitt Romney. He is the light of America and will lead this country back to its greatness. Children will be educated and our health system will become healthy and serve ALL Americans without breaking the bank.
Blacks, Browns and Whites will live together in perfect peace. Racism will lose its power and die. The institutions of Marriage will be honored and respected, and will be between a man and woman. Same sex genders will have civil liberties but will not desecrate the institution of marriage in America.
The economy will get a lot better; and jobs will finally begin to rise significantly. The high unemployment rate of Blacks will be cut in half, as AAs enjoy employment. FN blog will be obsolete. God bless Romney.
Anonymous said...
"How would you know he smells like an Apple?"
I think he meant he smells like a PIG.
Oh he had his nose in his ass, interesting.
Florida is so unfair to Blacks.
We are all Trayvons. Will it be profiling to worry when you see people like this? Why do Blacks want self defense laws repealed so non blacks have to run instead of defend themselves?
or this?
A robbery suspect carjacked two vehicles, shot two law enforcement officers on the Florida Turnpike late Thursday, and then committed suicide.
Among the wounded officers is Key Biscayne Police Officer Nelia Real, a 16-year veteran.
David Edwin Bradley's crime spree began at 2:20 p.m. Thursday, when carjacked a vehicle in Northwest Miami-Dade. Bradley, 23, then drove to Maxim Cuts barber shop in Pembroke Pines, where he demanded the shop's money and customer wallets.
As he left the shop with about $350, a security guard chased him down the street, where he fired his weapon and carjacked an Infiniti G35. Bradley attempted to flee on the Turnpike and crashed near Hollywood.
Officer Real was driving home after finishing a shift and stopped at the crash to help. Officer Real was shot in the face while she sat in the driver's seat of her marked unit. Broward Sheriff's Office deputy Osvaldo Petitfrere rushed Officer Real to the hospital, where she is in stable condition.
Bradley also shot Gabriel Martinez, an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agent who responded to the crash, in the arm. BSO deputy Enid Conley, 23, was also injured when she was involved in an accident on I-95 and Sheridan Street while responding to the scene.
Bob said...
I was attending a public high school in New Jersey in 1965 & the only people who gave a rat's ass about hair length were parents & school administrators. always making up rules about how long it could extend over collar, ears, sideburns, etc. Among students, nobody cared. We had a few kids who thought it was still 1955. I can say this much: Mitt would not have been a bully in my high school. & I did not attend a tough school. & bullies who were just fat, out-of-shape jerks like Rush were taken care of in gym class with the tacit permission of the gym teacher.
HS 1965? Do you fart dust?
sorry Field but the story about Kendrick McDade seems a bit more than trigger happy cops. the article says he ran and was cornered in an ally. If that is true you have to admit the police had every reason to believe he was a desperate and potentially dangerous man.
the fact that the other was a gang member and was charged with larceny leads me to believe that Mr McDade was not out with the church choir that night. it is also not clear if it was him or his partner who did steal the laptop.
there are plenty of cases of racism and police brutality but this one seems to be more about a stupid criminal act gone horribly wrong.
The Kenneth Chamberlain case is appalling. Given that the grand jury chose not to indict, I hope the family is able to at least sue the hell out of the police department.
"I thought you were going to mention Obama giving a speech from someones garage today and that person still saying they weren't sure they were going to vote for him or the polls where he is getting whalloped by the probable (not even final) R Candidate.
Oh how the mighty king has fallen."
Dont be so sure of yourself. I remember hearing the same thing when Sarah was tearing up the kkk circuit back in 2008.
Mr. McDade was in no choir, and for that he was shot seven times and then handcuffed even though unarmed. See the link I provided to the IU story. That is how law enforcement officers should act.
Some say Obama's same-sex marriage spiel...was a gift to Romney. After the announcement of Obama support of same-sex marriage..Romney went up in the polls....
New Poll Shows Romney up by Seven Points
May 11, 2012 12:22 pm
Scott Rasmussen has just released a new presidential tracking poll with some significant results. Mitt Romney has opened up a seven-point lead over Barack Obama. Romney hit the 50% mark for the first time in Rasmussen's polling.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney earning 50% of the vote and President Obama attracting 43% support. Four percent (4%) would vote for a third party candidate, while another three percent (3%) are undecided.
This is the first time Romney has reached the 50% level of support and is his largest lead ever over Obama. It comes a week Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage and another disappointing jobs report that raised new questions about the state of the economy.
BARBBF said...
Some say Obama's same-sex marriage spiel...was a gift to Romney. After the announcement of Obama support of same-sex marriage..Romney went up in the polls....
Look like despite the MSM sworn allegiance to villify, lie and crush anyone with real news about Obama - 4 years later it's all leaking out from various sources. Explaining why he has been not only ineffective but destructive.
The latest is ridiculous, I swear some Democrats have to be living on another planet the way they have thought many of his strategies through.
Now Newsweek has Obama on the cover as the first gay president. This is really going to test the Black vote.
I guess now we know why Oprah isn't publicly endorsing having any events for Obama this election cycle.
Michelle and she are enemies and Michelle doesn't like fat Black successful women, they arent' good role models. Michelle also seems to be a jealous petty little evil one, who knew.
"Oprah only wants to cash in, using the White House as a backdrop for her show to perk up her ratings,” Michelle was quoted as telling her staff. “Oprah, with her yo-yo dieting and huge girth, is a terrible role model. Kids will look at Oprah, who’s rich and famous and huge, and figure it’s OK to be fat.”
Oprah went through the roof when she heard about Michelle’s remarks. “If Michelle thinks I need more fame and money,” said Oprah, “she’s nuts.”
I ASKED a White House insider to explain Michelle’s animus toward Oprah. “Michelle is furious that her husband makes late-night calls to Oprah, seeking ideas on how to improve his sinking popularity,” the source told me. “Michelle thinks he should turn to her, not Oprah, for that kind of advice. What’s more, Michelle suspects that at one point Oprah secretly encouraged Hillary to consider a run against Barack in the 2012 Democratic primaries.
“Barack just laughs at the idea and so does Oprah. But Michelle still believes Oprah has been getting too close to Hillary, whom Michelle calls ‘a snake.’"
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/jealous_michelle_vs_oprah_wDXXjFfq75tZRro1jy1AtK#ixzz1ulMNcL9y
There u go with Rasmussen again. They have no credibility.
BTW, O just raised 15 million in Hollywood. I don't think Oprah was there. ;)
Mr Field--Are Latinos invited to the Blogging While Brown event? Latinos are considered Brown but Blacks are considered Black. I am confused. Is the event in Philly for Blacks or for Hispanics?
BTW, Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Regarding the Kendree McDade killing, was Kendree part of the robbery or was that a mistake also?
"Mr Field--Are Latinos invited to the Blogging While Brown event? Latinos are considered Brown but Blacks are considered Black. I am confused. Is the event in Philly for Blacks or for Hispanics?"
It is for EVERYBODY: Black, white, yellow, brown.... whatever.
What is your point?
Dont be so sure of yourself. I remember hearing the same thing when Sarah was tearing up the kkk circuit back in 2008.
OH, Sarah and the "KKK tour" right, I didn't realize Sarah was a klanswoman as well, because you didn't like her. You see how racist charges flung about indiscriminatley have led to very little credibility nowadays? You say racist, we say, oh another democrat.
I think this was the same time Obama did his Black Panther, Nation of Islam tour wasn't it?
field negro said...
There u go with Rasmussen again. They have no credibility.
BTW, O just raised 15 million in Hollywood. I don't think Oprah was there. ;)
Actually despite your media matters role, Rasmussen has MORE credibility than NBC, NPR or any of those polls who knowingly oversample avid Democrats. Rasmussen samples ALL groups equally, check the poll stats next time instead of just listening to the Sharpton/NBC gang rhetoric.
As for raising 15 million in Hollywood, that he did. Do you know anyone who respects liberal hollywood eliters and looks to them for insightful thoughts?
Sean Penn used to be a decent actor; now can't get a role to save his life. Poor Clooney just tanked his stock, exactly what happened to Oprah when she became Obamas major endorsement, viewership immediately declined, now her network is failing and owes quite a bit. I like actors and watching them in movies. Asking their opinion on matters outside of fiction? HEH. I put Clooney, Penn, Cher, Charlie Sheen and these other liberal idiots in the 1% of the 1%. They believe like Obama, their own hype and forget to look at history to see how quickly they can become nothing.
Just think how low Obama has sunk, he has to rely on the station of his office and celebrity for anything, he cannot talk about plans, they are idiotic. He cannot talk about results - all his policies have failed (as liberal policies throughout history fail time and time again)
Watch Campaign ads you will see Obama talking about what everyone else has done wrong with a special spin on it vs others telling you what they will do in contrast to what Obama has specifically done.
So if I voted for Obama again I would get four more years of failures BUT would know exactly who's fault he thought they were, nah...time to move on and get an responsible adult into the white house. One who if he has ideas that the people don't like, he and his supporters won't be going on rabid rants accusing them of being personally against his gift wrapping, I mean can you imagine, people arent' against 16 trillion in debt and no credible thoughts other than more spending in sight, nope, it's because he's black they are complaining. . NEXT!!.
"As for raising 15 million in Hollywood, that he did. Do you know anyone who respects liberal hollywood eliters and looks to them for insightful thoughts?"
As long as their checks don't bounce who cares what they think?
"So if I voted for Obama again I would get four more years of failures BUT would know exactly who's fault he thought they were, nah...time to move on and get an responsible adult into the white house. One who if he has ideas that the people don't like, he and his supporters won't be going on rabid rants accusing them of being personally against his gift wrapping, I mean can you imagine, people arent' against 16 trillion in debt and no credible thoughts other than more spending in sight, nope, it's because he's black they are complaining. ."
Blah blah blah...
We will see, wingut. We will see.
field negro said...
"So if I voted for Obama again I would get four more years of failures BUT would know exactly who's fault he thought they were, nah...time to move on and get an responsible adult into the white house. One who if he has ideas that the people don't like, he and his supporters won't be going on rabid rants accusing them of being personally against his gift wrapping, I mean can you imagine, people arent' against 16 trillion in debt and no credible thoughts other than more spending in sight, nope, it's because he's black they are complaining. ."
Blah blah blah...
We will see, wingut. We will see.
Pretty much the essence of Liberalism..."blah..blah...blah"
That we shall infernal moonbat, that we shall.
field negro said...
"As for raising 15 million in Hollywood, that he did. Do you know anyone who respects liberal hollywood eliters and looks to them for insightful thoughts?"
As long as their checks don't bounce who cares what they think?
I guess you are right, Obama has no morals, he never did send back the check to Maher even though he railed against Republicans and attacks private citizens who support opponents. Then again that's liberals for you, no morals except when they are judging yours. I guess it's easier this way, easy to live down to no standards when you don't have any.
what do you expect? blacks murder more po po than any other race.
blacks make songs about killing cops.
blacks commit most violence in this country.
"blacks commit most violence in this country."
Yeah I know.
U.S. Department of Justice statistics, blacks commit 54% of murders, 48% of forcible rapes, 59% of robberies and 38% of aggravated assaults.
maybe 1965 was a good year. black crime was down. black women had their baby daddies at home.
Maybe. Because 1965 certainly wasn't a good year for white crime.
Hey Field thanks for this info.
To the persons who pointed out that the kid being trapped in the alley was justification for his murder, should read the entire story. Field provided the link. And if one reads the original report you would know that Mr. McDade did not indeed rob anyone.
And he was not armed. And he was shot at nearly point blank range. One officer was literally sitting in his car and the kid was actually walking over to the officer. The sitting officer was only ONE foot away when he fired.
He should have been able to see that the kid had no weapon. But instead he shoots him and his partner shoots him because he sees his partner shooting.
And then they handcuff him after he is lying dying.
He may not have been a choir boy but any real human being can see there is something very wrong about what happened. And the handcuffing was just plain inhumane and absolutely indefensible.
The only way one can try to make the victim responsible is a preconceived notion about who and what black people and that on the basis of not being in their particular choir are worthy of death.
I wonder how they would respond if their children were treated in this way?
It's not bullying; it's terrorism. That's what these faux "Americans" know: Terrorism against people who do not act and look like themselves. All any of us are, are our parent's children. Some poor, some rich, some nice looking, some not. Some healthy, some sick, some sane, most insane. No more, no less. Africans and Europeans living and breathing the same air, calling themselves "Americans", hating each other to the maximum.
Here in PR The Democratic party and their president have already called press conferences to officially distance themselves from the POTUS comments on gay marriage. He has stated that marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman and that is his position.
Surprisingly, the current governor who is Republican, has kept pretty much quiet on this matter.
This a veeery Holy and God fearing Bible thumping island, (yeah right!)
Last year and this year also is definitely not a good year for the Syrians, the Libyans, the Afghanistan women, men and children, the Iraqis, the thousands of dead civilians incinerated by US drones in Pakistan, Somali, Yemen..the use of which has been approved by the Nobel Prize Winning Obama. BUT..finally some in the US (other than Antiwar.com and BlackAgendaReports.com and Rep Jesse Jackson) are speaking out against the continued slaughter occurring in Africa and the Middle East. Thousand will march on May 20 against NATO and the US war machine.
The U.S./NATO war on Afghanistan is opposed by the people of the world. Tens of thousands of Afghans have been killed. Thousands of U.S. soldiers and marines have been killed or wounded. According to a New York Times poll, 69% of people in the United States think all U.S. troops should leave Afghanistan immediately.
Jobs and Education, Not War and Occupation!
The Pentagon will spend $120 billion of taxpayer money this year to continue the war and occupation of Afghanistan. That is approximately $357 million each day to occupy Afghanistan. Meanwhile, 30 million people in the United States are unemployed or underemployed. Hundreds of thousands of teachers and public service workers are being laid off because the government says there is “no money.” College students are being forced out of school because of skyrocketing tuition. We are marching to demand money for jobs and education, not war and occupation.
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