Now I am no Diddy fan. But why is his kid catching heat from certain folks because he got a merit based football scholarship and his daddy has a few million dollars in the bank? Doesn't this happen all the time? Why should the Combs family give back the money? The children of rich folks get scholarships all the time and you never hear a word about it. But I suppose, that in some circles, this is different.
Sorry, I have issues with UCLA for other reasons. Giving Diddy's son a free ride is fine with me if he deserves it.
"In an interview with CNN, education contributor Dr. Steve Perry defended Combs' merit-based scholarship, saying he earned it fair and square. At the Upstate New York prep school where Combs recently graduated, he maintained a 3.75 GPA while playing cornerback for the football team.
"He's done what he needs to do to be successful and in 'Ameritocracy' we have to accept that no matter who your father is, whether he be rich, poor or absent, that you can in fact be successful on your own merit," Perry said."
Yes Dr. Perry, even a rich Negro father.
You ever wonder how it is that when certain people commit heinous crimes there are all kinds of excuses made for them? "He was happy sometimes, but not really. He was kind of disgruntled.."
Take this dude in my sister's hometown of Seattle, for instance. This guy took out five total strangers and they are saying that he had "psychiatric problems". No s^%*! If you kill five people just because you can, I would say that there is something wrong with you: You are a psycho killer. Not just "disgruntled". You are no different than these little urban thugs who kill for drug money or because they were disrespected.
But we are used to this type of double standard here in America. Certain people snuff out their kids and they end up in a mental hospital. Certain people, on the other hand, not so much.
Finally, I want to talk about my man Artur Davis. Artur is the dude who thought that his black ass could win a statewide election in Alabama. Artur is still mad at you Negroes for not supporting him in his run for Gov. So now, Artur, like a good house Negro, is taking his jigging skills to the republican party. Yes, Artur has defected from you democrats.

"After GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s failed attempt to ingratiate himself with black voters last week the Republican Party is cheering the defection of one time Congressional Black Caucus member Artur Davis of Alabama. The former Democratic Congressman and candidate for governor has grown disenchanted with the party and become a Republican. This move brings a legitimate African-American political figure into the fold of the GOP, while simultaneously giving the Republican Party a chance appeal to appeal to a broader coalition of voters. Davis told Fox News that he made his decision in part because he is disappointed in President Obama and the direction that the country is headed under his leadership.
Davis, who is certainly no stranger to controversy, is one of just a handful of Democrats that opposed the president’s health care reform bill and the only member of the CBC to vote against it. Davis is defending his decision to leave the Democratic Party and argues that the party is intolerant of those who do not tow the partisan line." [Source]
Artur is free to join whatever gang he pleases, but Artur is wrong to support people who would trample over our precious right to vote.
"Former U.S. Rep. Artur Davis, who represented Alabama in Congress as a Democrat, stole the show at a Houston voter ID summit last weekend, according to a post at the right-leaning Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF). In a speech, Davis compared some of the worst abuses perpetrated on blacks during the Civil Rights Movement to the requirement that a voter offer photo ID before receiving a ballot
“This is not a billy club,” Davis reportedly said, holding up a photo ID. “This is not a fire hose…. This is not Jim Crow….”
The speech came at a summit for True the Vote, which CFIF fellow Quin Hillyer described as “a growing, bipartisan, multi-racial, national movement to ensure that elections are conducted with integrity and without polling-place antagonism.” Brentin Mock, writing at, called the voter fraud issue True the Vote addresses a “hoax” and said the group is affiliated with Tea Party groups." [Source]
Yes, Artur "stole the show". A good jig to will do that every time.
fluff daddy is a gd disgrace
and this is a gd shame
who lost that same scholarship to sean???
keep the honor
lose the cash!!!
lesson per fluff:
i will pay for your luxury cars
the peasants' state taxes will pay for your education
sean should donate that cash to a peer who needs it/a charity
sean should sell his toy cars!
and have fluff daddy PAY for his tuition
“The check cleared,” Davis reportedly said "so I feel great about carrying the klan's water on voting rights." "These poor negroes around here aren't putting a dollar in my pocket anymore" he added.
more proof that hobama is the new hitler
and worse than gwb
Typical Field - take what you can gets and screw da man.
No, his son might have earned what other poor negroes work for too but hes got money. He doesn't need free money and giving it to him means some poor negro dont gets it now. Do you gets it? It isn't unlimited and free my brutha. These things might seem to grow free on trees but even trees only bear so much fruit you pick it all aint none left.
What would happen if you didnt need ID for anything if you were black? What would happen if ID's were made racist as you making them to vote? What?
You ever wonder how it is that when certain people commit heinous crimes there are all kinds of excuses made for them? "He was happy sometimes, but not really. He was kind of disgruntled.."
Take this dude in my sister's hometown of Seattle, for instance. This guy took out five total strangers and they are saying that he had "psychiatric problems". No s^%*! If you kill five people just because you can, I would say that there is something wrong with you: You are a psycho killer. Not just "disgruntled". You are no different than these little urban thugs who kill for drug money or because they were disrespected.
Field, what are you talking about? Assuming you are trying to make this a racial incident as that is your thing. The guy was crazy and killed himself, the mother was crazy and tried to kill herself but didnt so she is in custody.
People are saying nice things about both of them, as you do in a civilized society even though they aren't condoning the insane acts. Now if the other guy lived he would have been in custody and charged as well, then and only then can it go to trial and or have an initial judge rule if they are insane or not. Do you see racism in everything? What would have satisfied you here? That she get released and be given a winning lotto ticket or allowed to finish killing herself to make the scenarios comparable?
Mr. Field, this post is another depression, esp about the black Professor at UCLA. However, as I have said before, "it is very depressing to be Black" in America.
I can't believe that UCLA, part of the University of CA system would blatantly flaunt racism against an esteemed Doctor! That is disgraceful.
But it goes to show that Blacks are hated and considered not worth much. Again, Mr. Field, the truth is that has to be depressing to the Professor. It is to me. And if you had any sense, you would be depressed and sad also.
BTW, since Obama has been President racism has escalated beyond the Jim Crow days. And you want to vote for Obama? GET REAL.
depressed Negro
Mr Field, why must you castigate Artur Davis for speaking his mind? Hell, the Dems did nothing for him, Obama did nothing for him, and certainly did nothing for the entire black race.
So why are you on his ass? Your lame excuse about voting rights is weak, Field and you know it. The Democrats are in bed with the Repubs on this voting denial of the poor AAs and you know it.
If they weren't the Dems would have been shouting from the roofs about how wrong it was. But they have been quiet about it just like they were in 2000 in FL.
Hi AB-
I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on this one. It's his money and like a lot of black people he doesn't believe in re investing it in the so-callede black community. But like I said... it's his money.
And yes, when white people go ballistic, they have mental problems. When black people go ballistic, they chimp out and are called animals.
And since I responded so early, I know I'm opening up myself to the trolls who occupy the lowest levels
of Hell.
Marcus Garvey
Artur stopped jigging and embraced the truth.
Let's hear it for Mr. Davis.
"Now I am no Diddy fan. But why is his kid catching heat from certain folks because he got a merit based football scholarship and his daddy has a few million dollars in the bank? Doesn't this happen all the time? Why should the Combs family give back the money? The children of rich folks get scholarships all the time and you never hear a word about it. But I suppose, that in some circles, this is different."
1) When the offspring of old money types receive scholarships and grants, it never gets any publicity among the so-called "rabble" (which happens to include practically all of us).
2) People see P. Diddy as being wealthy enough to pay for his kid's college education out of pocket. They see him as getting an undeserved free ride because he's caught too many breaks already.
3) Gallons upon gallons of "Haterade" being poured out in the nosebleed sections.
Church saying amen to Mack.
Depressed Negro you need to get some help ASAP or u are going to end up like that dude in Seattle.:)
And yes, when white people go ballistic, they have mental problems. When black people go ballistic, they chimp out and are called animals.
And since I responded so early, I know I'm opening up myself to the trolls who occupy the lowest levels
of Hell.
Because it IS crazy for whites to act Black and chimp-out, Bubbles.
People who think black Americans are too stupid and incompetent to handle getting a voter ID are just as racist as the KKK, although they show it differently.
@ Depressed Negro
Please take a gander at my site:
diaryofanegress and let it out...
@ Field and Mack Lyons
Rule number one of whiteness:
They can do WHATEVER they wish for they are most supreme.
new drug = bath salts = zombie apocalypse
may god bless us all
"angry negress" = superb black warrior who fatally and effortlessly harpoons moby dickkkless and his kkkrew daily
that kkkiller gz is taking legal notes from that lucky whore john e
What has Artur Davis ever done for the black community?
From what I've come to understand, and this story just proves it, he wants to be a career politician at all costs. Next he'll be telling people (as he is now a "Republican") they need to get off the government dole. That would be some irony.
Im glad to see that Im not the only one to see this one as some bull. But should we be surprised about the whole fll ride scholarship being given to Diddys pampered prince? After all, this country prizes celebrity and priviledge over hard work and honesly earned accolades. As Alicia said up there, its a damned shame! Thanks for this post.
"What has Artur Davis ever done for the black community?"
What was he supposed to have done?
What has any politician ever done for the white community?
There is no "white community".
more proof that hobama is a chi town pimp and a chi slumlord crony thug
there will be more more told!
mack deny-onz says:
1) When the offspring of old money types receive scholarships and grants, it never gets any publicity...
Really? Can you name one of those old-money type kids who received a scholarship?
There's a reason you don't read about them? Kids from old-money don't get academic scholarships.
Meanwhile, can you name any old-money people who've given HUGE gifts to their alma maters? There are lots of them, and none of them are black.
What made Diddy's kid choose UCLA?
There's no chance he picked the school because he was offered a scholarship.
He probably decided after he saw the girls on campus.
Meanwhile, who knew blacks were so thin-skinned? Really. Black boxers take incredible beatings without sustaining serious cuts.
But as soon as critics mention the fact that the kid of an extraordinarily rich black father gets a scholarship that should go to someone who's financially needy, the crying starts.
More interesting, however, would be the SAT score of Diddy's kid.
A 3.75 GPA from an unnamed private school says very little. But SAT results reveal a lot.
The politics of college ball are such that if you aren't on a scholarship you don't play much and you never start. All of the first string is scholarship, most of the second is walk on. Young Mr. Combs success is indicative of his talent and discipline; just like every other athletic scholarship recipient he'll join in the Fall.
sean can sell HIS maybach...
sean can sell EITHER of HIS maybachs!!!
more proof that the global warlord hobama/the new hitler is worse than gwb
nobama 2012!!!
no wwiii!!!!
pookies rule the world
babies cry
why do turbo breeding pookies expect them not to cry???
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
The politics of college ball are such that if you aren't on a scholarship you don't play much and you never start. All of the first string is scholarship, most of the second is walk on. Young Mr. Combs success is indicative of his talent and discipline; just like every other athletic scholarship recipient he'll join in the Fall.
HUH? So being a baller is now the pinnacle of pride and achievement even for the disengenious White Liberals?
Too bad you aren't lauding academic achievements.
Steny Hoyer: “Bill Clinton Was Correct” When He Defended Romney’s Work At Bain From Obama’s Attacks…
First Bill, Then Steny - Obama is done. Democrats deserting the disaster of Obamanomics in droves. The rats are fleeing the sinking ship.
"Judge finds that George Zimmerman Lied About Assets"
Imagine that. The wingnutts hero turns out to have been the liar we suspected he was all along. Proven in a court of law.
Okay...Diddy's son pulled a 3.75 GPA and EARNED a scholarship. And because Diddy is rich, his kid should not get it? Isn't he teaching his son that if he works hard, he would receive things on his own merit and not have it handed to him? We should be applauding this young man and his father because of that.
President Bush was accepted to Yale because his father is a distinguished alum. Why doesn't anyone question that?
"HUH? So being a baller is now the pinnacle of pride and achievement even for the disengenious White Liberals?
Too bad you aren't lauding academic achievements."
Well, academic achievement wasn't the topic. In any case, I don't agree with your implied assertion that this situation is zero-sum. I approve of and laud young people achieving and excelling in almost whatever their chosen pursuit.
As far a young person, any young person, being disentitled to their own achievements because of who their parent(s) are, that sounds downright un-American to me. I recall reading somewhere that we all have the right to pursue our own happiness -no mention of parents or any other qualifiers.
oh happy day!!!
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"HUH? So being a baller is now the pinnacle of pride and achievement even for the disengenious White Liberals?
Too bad you aren't lauding academic achievements."
Well, academic achievement wasn't the topic. In any case, I don't agree with your implied assertion that this situation is zero-sum. I approve of and laud young people achieving and excelling in almost whatever their chosen pursuit.
As far a young person, any young person, being disentitled to their own achievements because of who their parent(s) are, that sounds downright un-American to me. I recall reading somewhere that we all have the right to pursue our own happiness -no mention of parents or any other qualifiers.
Academic achievement isn't the topic? Are you serious? Did he get a scholarship to a basketball court or to a college where he is expected to learn something other than playing basketball bases upon his "academic achievement"? Surely you aren't implying his grade point average was pumped up because of his ball playing skills that were seen as fantastic due to his dad and connections are you? I mean I am sure there are a lot of 5'6'' kids who are superstar ballers and it has nothing to do with daddy diddy.
On the parents, couldnt agree with you more. It isn't consistent with what is usually said by your type but let's see if you will stick to it and remember this next time you attack Romney or Bush etc.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"Judge finds that George Zimmerman Lied About Assets"
Imagine that. The wingnutts hero turns out to have been the liar we suspected he was all along. Proven in a court of law.
Imagine that, you are a disengenious liberal. Zimmerman isn't a hero to anyone, although to you he is a perfect target for your leechlike existence. What he is, is a representative of the fallacy and downfall of Black ridiculousness. Where self defense offsets law, facts and reality.
He is hispanic and black. He is the one who rallied against the sandford police in defense of a black man. Yet you lying disgusting liberals make him white and use the catch all gimme dat check racist.
He never used the money, he lost the original passport and they just found it. It's all bullshit and he will be out shortly.
In the meantime, you haven't said anything about the obvious evidence that concretely supports his version of self defense against a violent, burglar, thug who was high on weed and lean and witnessed beating him.
YOu are a lawyer, are you totally incompetent and can only handle cases with emotional and race based set asides that blur reality or are you ever required to look at facts and evidence?
You spend your whole life pretending that racism is the explanation for black social dysfunction and you live to excuse the most soul destroying anti social behaviours.
There isn't a hell hot enough for someone like you who sucks the marrow from the bones of the unfortunate. A racial ambulance chaser.
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