"From a messaging standpoint, we need to be able to communicate and relate to these communities about how they are being impacted by Obama's policies. It's the right thing to do, and it's an important part of the process. It's not a ploy, it's not a tactic, it's part of who we are. We have to show up."
Tara, you have to do more than just "show up". In case you missed it, the republicans pretty much gave black folks their (rather narrow) butts to kiss during the republican primaries. You are assuming that black folks have short memories. They do not. This is why black folks haven't voted with the republican party for years. They remember stuff.
Finally, I see that Donald won't let this birther thing rest. He started up again last week, and this time he has even right wing mouthpiece, George Will, begging him to STFU. "Bloviating ignoramus"? Oh my! The man with the ugly haircut and huge ego will not like that one. Mr. Will even told Flipper to dump the Donald for fear of alienating normal sane people who might vote come November. I doubt that he will take his advice, though. Donald has a fundraiser in the works for Flipper, and Flipper has to restock his war chest.
"I do not understand the cost benefit here," Will said on the "This Week" roundtable. "The costs are clear. The benefit - what voter is gonna vote for him (Romney) because he is seen with Donald Trump? The cost of appearing with this bloviating ignoramus is obvious it seems to me."
"Donald Trump is redundant evidence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low and you can still intrude into American politics," Will dded. "Again, I don't understand the benefit. What is Romney seeking?"
George, I know that you are a conservative, and you folks are not very bright, but how can you wonder what Mitt Romney "is seeking?" Here, let me help you: It's called M.O.N.E.Y.
SIHT field, how much money they be paying them Romney Negroe outreach, Negroes?
I can be a Romney Negroe spokesperson for the right price.
that flipper hobama was born in kenya!
why can't hobama nazis remember his phony birth certificate???
or his LIES in 2008?
who are the truly ignorant amnesiacs now???
You are assuming that black folks have short memories. They do not. This is why black folks haven't voted with the republican party for years. They remember stuff.
Blacks have neither memories nor understanding. Blacks base everything on myth.
The only constant myth is the myth that asserts how slavery is still a force controlling blacks and that America owes blacks some form of compensation for something that, in fact, ended 150 years ago, and no one alive today has any connection to it.
field shows, once again, that he's lost in the weeds:
George, I know that you are a conservative, and you folks are not very bright, but how can you wonder what Mitt Romney "is seeking?" Here, let me help you: It's called M.O.N.E.Y.
First, Trump NEVER puts his own money into anything. Second, the only reason people hand over money to Trump is to gamble in one of his casinos or to buy one of his condos.
Meanwhile, though Trump is a bloviator, his general political commentary is reasonable and focuses on America doing more of what it can do well, like drilling for oil on US territory and innovating, when the handcuffs are taken off the innovators.
Knowing as we do that field understands little about politics, finance, academic success and everything else that is essential for increasing prosperity in a nation that offers more than beaches and warm weather to tourists, we realize he can't make a rational choice for anything, which is why he supports a president whose policies have produced NO economic gains for the country.
As some of us know, there is another downgrade of US debt coming. Why is another downgrade likely? Because the US economy isn't improving. It's worsening, and when that happens, the credit-rating agencies have to point out the weakening with a lower rating on our debt.
Two downgrades in the rating of US debt is yet another mark of a failed presidency, but field too, wants to see more failure in the US.
"Finally, I see that Donald won't let this birther thing rest."
Actually, it's Obama who can't seem to keep his story straight. How funny that you blame Trump for Obama's pathological dishonesty.
Here's the self-penned bio Obama used for 16 years, from 1991 til 2007:
"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White."
Apparently Obama has a rotating birthplace. Why would any person claim multiple birthplaces??
Okay, all you republican folks would one of you please tell me what the Republicans are doing for black people? Tell me exactly, what they plan to do for black people if elected?
I want straight answers without the smart flippant answers.
List what they are doing for black people. And list what they plan to do for black people.
Okay, all you republican folks would one of you please tell me what the Republicans are doing for black people? Tell me exactly, what they plan to do for black people if elected?
I want straight answers without the smart flippant answers.
List what they are doing for black people. And list what they plan to do for black people.
Field, "Tara, you have to do more than just "show up". In case you missed it, the republicans pretty much gave black folks their (rather narrow) butts to kiss during the republican primaries. You are assuming that black folks have short memories. They do not. This is why black folks haven't voted with the republican party for years. They remember stuff. "
Field, when has Obama "show up" for us? NEVER. At least Romney is showing up, which is more than Obama has done.
And what do we remember, Field? Let me tell you: 1. Obama told us to STFU and march; 2. AAs have the highest rate of unemployment in history; 3. War... even YOU complained loudly about that; 4. discrimination against Blacks has never been higher, and going higher; 5. the economy sucks; 6. Instead of decreasing, the cost of healthcare is skyrocketing; 6. Wall Street continues to run wild--it continues to do whatever it wants to do; 7. CHANGE... the biggest lie ever told by a President.
That's the stuff I remember: A brother who has stuck it to us. Funny thing is I don't ever remember Romney doing anything like that to us. As far as I am concerned, he's a lot cleaner than Obama could ever be.
Mr Field, what you fail to realize is there are Blacks who have had it with Obama and no longer trust him. Hiring Tara Hall was a smart move by Romney. I am hopeful that she will be very effective in gaining the confidence and support of AAs for Romney.
"Bloviating Ignoramus" is far too neutral a term. Hell, "ruptured gangrenous anal pustule" is too neutral a term. "Mungey urine-soaked ally filth," "Flyblown crusted excrescence," mere English cannot hope to capture even a single facet of his cadavarish countenance.
Selling Willard "economic genius," eh? Does he really think that's gonna fly in 2012? The guy was a corporate raider. He went after "cash cows," profitable companies with lots of assets, stripped them bare -including their pension plans, held on to them just long enough not to have to disgorge his "unjust enrichment," and then let them go Chapter 11 where only about 50% were able to survive in their shrunken form. He's Gorden Freaking Gekko. He never made a damm thing, all he did was loot.
"From a messaging standpoint, we need to be able to communicate and relate to these communities about how they are being impacted by Obama's policies. It's the right thing to do, and it's an important part of the process. It's not a ploy, it's not a tactic, it's part of who we are. We have to show up."
Translation: His checks clear.
"George, I know that you are a conservative, and you folks are not very bright, but how can you wonder what Mitt Romney "is seeking?" Here, let me help you: It's called M.O.N.E.Y."
No Mr. Field, in this case it is not money. Mitt has money and can get more money without Trump. Also, you really should quit calling people stupid. It's unbecoming of you and doesn't make you look too bright either.
If Trump is involved with Romney that shows a lack of judgement on Romney's part and Obama's camp needs to jump on it. And to double the pleasure, The Newster is getting involved with Romney. If the Dems can't exploit this then they deserve to lose. Last point, Obama needs to get off his high horse and get to Wisconsin.
Anon@10:30 PM, look at the comments above from the wingnuts. Do you see why I say what I do about conservatives?
If blacks have had it with Obama why will he get 90% of their vote?
I swear there is no logical thought left in some segments of America.:(
"If blacks have had it with Obama why will he get 90% of their vote?
I swear there is no logical thought left in some segments of America.:("
That's my point, Mr. Field. Obama WON'T get 90% of the black vote.
However, if he does get your predicted 90% of black votes and should win, then AAs have short term selective memories-- and deserve another four years of being ignored, degraded and higher unemployment.
I agree that there ISN'T any 'logical' thought in some segments of America, esp the black community. It's all emotional because there is no 'logic' for Blacks to vote for Obama other than an emotional knee jerk reaction to his skin color.:(
But, we have often conflated our emotions with logic haven't we? Isn't that what your posts count on? Happy Memorial Day.
Has anybody seen Desert? What in the world is that woman doing? It's Memorial Day weekend, for Christ's sake! She should be blogging like mad.
I'm still waiting for an answer to my question from the rightwing. Oh well, I understand. It's hard to give me a list of things Republicans are doing for blacks because the list is blank.
field negro said...
Anon@10:30 PM, look at the comments above from the wingnuts. Do you see why I say what I do about conservatives?
If blacks have had it with Obama why will he get 90% of their vote?
I swear there is no logical thought left in some segments of America.:(
Yes, no logic. If Blacks new OJ was innocent why then did they protest, demand and support his getting off? It's called mindless skin alignment. Are you really trying to play that dumb after you call everyone else who uses logic and common sense stupid?
Are you intelligent? Are you informed? What kind of politician do you get with the vote black no matter what theme? What has that done in cities like Detroit, Atlanta and so on? How in the world can you continue supporting completely corrupt theiving bumbling idiots just because of their skin color and than have the nerve to call someone else stupid?
"I'm still waiting for an answer to my question from the rightwing. Oh well, I understand. It's hard to give me a list of things Republicans are doing for blacks because the list is blank"
Granny, let me tell you what republicans are going to tell you: We don't do anything for blacks, just the individual. Our policies make it easier for you blacks to compete and live out the American dream.
How did I do wingnuts?
Now, of course, Granny knows that this is not true. Republicans look out for the very few people who have the power and influence to dictate what is in their platform. And it has nothing to do with what is best for the country or the people in it; whether they are black or white.
I think I'll take up making as political ads as a sideline activity.
Let me see now, I could gather together some women, some senior citizens, people of color, unemployed folks, and some gays together, two fake CEOs and a rich person, and two people to play the part of a republican and democrat politician, and a moderator for a question and answer session.
The first commercial ad would be:
I would have these groups ask the republican to give them a list all of the things they have done for them in the last four years?
reps = dems
hobama is a repub bankster
he adores raygun
but mitt is a repub who will be checked unlike that unchecked repub hobama...see???
nobama 2012
The last refuge of Obamaphiles is that no matter how many times the First Black President double-crosses us by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no matter how completely be betrays his voters us by ignoring black unemployment, by deporting one million Latinos, by protecting the banksters responsible for the foreclosure crisis and by invading, bombing, occupying and subverting even more countries than the Cheney-Bush regime, his white supremacist tea party opponents are far worse. But what if Democrat Barack and the Republican tea partyers are just playing different positions on the same team?
The corporate moguls who run the US empire and its political processes are not fools. So when the Republican party deliberately pushes forward certifiable clowns like Michelle Bachman, Richard Perry, Herman Cain and Rick Santorum as its presidential contenders, we can be certain that matters are not quite what they seem. These pandering lunatics are only inmates of the asylum, which is run by the corporate entities that fund the careers of Democratic and Republic politicians alike --- the energy and insurance industries, corporate media and real estate, military contractors, and of course, Wall Street.
When Republicans invade new countries, global public opinion can put millions worldwide in protest demonstrations in the street. When Democrats invade, there are no demonstrations. When Republicans propose social security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, and try to regulate unions out of existence, public outcries and near general-strike situations loom. When Democrats do the same, all is quiet. Republicans could not even pass their own bailout bills with a Republican in the White House. So between bigoted, bumbling tea party Republicans, and level-headed, competent corporate Democrats, which is the greater evil? And which is the more effective evil?
First of all, if the Republicans were not worried about President Obama getting 99% of the black vote, they wouldn't be out cheating and trying to scrub blacks off the voting roll and trying to suppress the black vote.
It wouldn't matter if Tara was blacker than a pure African, black people see through that game. She'll be sorry she took the job before it's all over with.
Especially, when Rush and the rest of the Republicans get through pinching and slapping her on her ass and putting her in her place.
more on hobama's scrubbing in chi...
In a perfect world, Obama's far too right-wing for me too AB, but, (sigh) we live in a far from perfect world, and most of our decisions, like that between the dumbocrats and the republiklan are limited choices of marginal difference. If there were a viable American socialist labor party, it would get my vote, but there isn't and probably won't be in my lifetime. So, from where I stand, an imperfect dumbocrat party that incompetently supports minority rights, women's rights, a bare minimum safety net for the poor, gay rights, universal access to healthcare, and labor rights, even if it buys into the military and prison industrial complexes is better than a states rights white supremacist patriarchy that wants to take us back to the 1890s.
The birther stuff though, that just makes you look stupid.
no one could be more sexist or bisexually lewd than hobama
tara will be no more harassed than females/reggie love in DC...bet.
ask vera baker
Field thinks emotionally, not logically. So does Granny, but she is uneducated. However, Field is supposed to be educated. I don't believe it. I want to see his diploma that has been notorized by the school.
fn is a lawyer
yet no word on the horrid legal ramifications of ndaa
only stupid fools believe the sloppily forged doc hobama presented as his bc is real
hobama has endless aliases
lived in seattle as an infant
to date has a CT ssn where he has never lived on record
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
First of all, if the Republicans were not worried about President Obama getting 99% of the black vote, they wouldn't be out cheating and trying to scrub blacks off the voting roll and trying to suppress the black vote.
It wouldn't matter if Tara was blacker than a pure African, black people see through that game. She'll be sorry she took the job before it's all over with.
Got your ID yet Granny? You do know you only get to vote once and your race doesn't provide more than one vote, for live or dead people or chickens.
hobama once freely admitted he was born in kenya
just as he was once openly bisexual
that too has been scrubbed....mostly
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
The birther stuff though, that just makes you look stupid.
So says someone who despite numerous real life examples of the outcome of socialism thinks it would actually work.
Maybe you think you will get a political officer job and get to terrorize the "citizens"
Well the limited forays into socialism over in Eu and the UK are crashing and burning.
Do you really think under a true socialist goverment minorities would have any rights? Or the right to be used as cattle to ensure they fulfill "From each according to his capability to each according to his needs"?
What capabilities do illiterates have? Field work? Are you trying to bring back slavery? Someone has to feed the population and have their crops taken for redistributiokn. Well, they could always staff the stores with long, long, lines to tell people they just don't have any more..
witless coon is amazingly blind and illiterate
as are most hobama nazis
AB, "fn is a lawyer
yet no word on the horrid legal ramifications of ndaa
Well, once our investigating trump-anon digs up Field's diploma, I think that 'discovery' will explain everything.
How many honest lawyers are out there anyway? Not many!
Sometimes Field lies more than Granny, PilotX and Mack Lyons combined. That's a lot! It's very depressing to an honest Negro like me.
"Granny, let me tell you what republicans are going to tell you: We don't do anything for blacks, just the individual."
How can Republicans help the black race when there is no such thing as race?
Besides, we've already spent trillions to help blacks, and it hasn't worked.
"Hey negro, I own you. I am your master. I demand your absolute loyalty and obedience, and in return, I'll throw you some scraps. You will always do whatever I tell you to do, and you will never question me.
I am the Democrat Party."
Texas has lost their mind!
"The birther stuff though, that just makes you look stupid."
Claiming to be born in both Kenya and Hawaii makes you look stupid and dishonest.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"I'm still waiting for an answer to my question from the rightwing. Oh well, I understand. It's hard to give me a list of things Republicans are doing for blacks because the list is blank."
Oh no Granny, that list is quite long only it will never be good enough. We both know that. But the most important thing, the absolute one thing that will forever change everything is the Republicans do not follow the insidious liberal plan of keeping you convinced that an entire race doesn't know any better.
They will offer you true equality and the understanding that America expects excellence from its children. All of them.
Anonymous said...
"The birther stuff though, that just makes you look stupid."
Claiming to be born in both Kenya and Hawaii makes you look stupid and dishonest.
Claiming to be the lowest spending president in modern history or that unemployment is falling makes those who believe it stupid.
Hey Granny-
To answer your question: What will Mitt & the rest of the Republicans do for black people? Well, judging from some of these posters that Field allows to scurry under the doors, I'm going to take a wild guess and direct you to Google "FEMA camps", internment, martial law and the such.
The white devils who visit this site are going to have a... pardon the expression... field day.
Marcus Garvie
To all of you white devils that keep telling black people to move on from slavery. I would really, really like to. But. I keep running into stuff like this.
And by the way. To all of you white devils that try to make a point on the misery of your fellow white man. Is there a fund for the white people whose misery you like to exploit. Are you trying to help them or are they just considered collateral damage in your war of hate?
Marcus Garvey
Hi Field; you missed the perfect opportunity to end this post with this:
Anonymous said...
"To all of you white devils that keep telling black people to move on from slavery. I would really, really like to. But. I keep running into stuff like this.
And by the way. To all of you white devils that try to make a point on the misery of your fellow white man. Is there a fund for the white people whose misery you like to exploit. Are you trying to help them or are they just considered collateral damage in your war of hate?"
Marcus Garvey
"White Devil?" Oh we have a Nation of Islamer here.
"White peoples misery exploited?" You mind expanding on that somewhat incohesive babble. You seem to be full of hate, barbaric superstition all based upon some flaw in your thinking ability. Tell us more, maybe we can help.
You can't move on from slavery, because someone is selling books about a civil war general? Were you ever, are you a slave? Do you expect people who had nothing to do with it ever to empathize with someone who also had nothing to do with it? And do what? Impact their life? Give you things? Give you excuses because you read about slavery? A little bit like trying to claim injury from someone elses accident. Not very honorable.
Is selling books about a Civil war general "racist" in your view? Because someone of your intellect just knows that if you don't like it, it should be banned and made racist?
Let us know Nubian Nincompoop ( I didn't want to stoop as low as your White Devil comment)
Oh and let us know how you are making it better for the black race, aside from making demands on the "white devils"
Anonymous said...
Hey Granny-
To answer your question: What will Mitt & the rest of the Republicans do for black people? Well, judging from some of these posters that Field allows to scurry under the doors, I'm going to take a wild guess and direct you to Google "FEMA camps", internment, martial law and the such.
The white devils who visit this site are going to have a... pardon the expression... field day.
Marcus Garvie
Did you fall down and hit your head or is this a natural state? We already know those "White Devils" go around convincing Blacks to committ crimes so they can get locked up more than anyone and then be subjected to the diseases white devils created just to kill blacks (aids) and also go around convincing them to have unprotected sex randomly as much as often. Its all the white devils fault.
Why would anyone need martial law? It's not like Negroes riot and pillage, rape and destroy things at the drop of a hat.
Just saw Battleship - Specifically the scene when the Aliens have landed and are destroying everything and Obama comes on and says " I just want to reassure everyone we are bringing resources to bear"
What a horrible thought of anything serious happening while he is in charge. He would try and talk them to death or blame them for not being able to do anything. Unless he could bribe them like he promised to do with Russia and is doing with Al Queda and Pakistan.
The man with the ugly haircut and huge ego?
You do know that is a great descriptor of both of these clowns.
Nice article, thanks for the information.
The word is out. Obama's security people are watching the Internet. Getting their attention is easy. All you have to do is write one of the many words on the linked lists.
Based on the content of the lists, Obama is out to get field.
Trayvon Uncovered:
It wasn't Iced Tea it was watermelon Juice and Skittles.
What three ingredients go into DMX/Lean? Watermelon Juice, Robitusson and Skittles.
We know from Trayvon himself that last summer, between the school years, in or around June 2011, Trayvon was engaged in DXM/Lean and Marijuana use. We also know there are multiple behavioral side effects from DSM/Lean use. Those side effects and impacts on cognitive judgement increase with prolonged exposure. The more you use, the worse the psychological affects are.
Drug Dealer - Money Laundering Al Sharpton - Wycleff? No, say it aint so. No way Sharpton could be a criminal - Shhh...don't count tax evasion, perjury, incitement to violence/murder, slander he was set up by rayyycists.
whitey's conspiracy jabbers:
The guy was a corporate raider.
Ah, the first words off your keyboard make it painfully clear you haven't got the slightest understanding of Private Equity or Bain Capital.
I am certain you cannot provide the FACTUAL details of any Bain deal. Instead, the best you can do is to repeat the hash from journalists who couldn't pass a basic finance, economics or accounting test if their lives depended on it.
He went after "cash cows," profitable companies with lots of assets, stripped them bare -including their pension plans, held on to them just long enough not to have to disgorge his "unjust enrichment," and then let them go Chapter 11 where only about 50% were able to survive in their shrunken form.
Name ONE company that Bain acquired and treated in this manner. Or, since you'll probably say you can name a bunch, go ahead, try to name a bunch.
He's Gorden Freaking Gekko. He never made a damm thing, all he did was loot.
Private Equity depends on the availability of borrowed capital.
If Private Equity firms operated as you delusionally believe, no lender would lend money to them.
By the way, the lenders are institutional investors. Not your grandmother. Some of the initial lending comes from commercial banks, but most comes from the Junk Bond world, which is part of investment banking.
Junk bond investors DO NOT lend money to corporate looters.
On the other hand, back in the 1980s, many companies were worth more than their stock price, which drew corporate raiders who bought entire companies, then SOLD them, division by division, till they'd taken in more cash than they spent to buy them.
The success of corporate raiding was contingent on the continued operating success of the divisions AFTER they were sold.
Corporate raiding came to an end when stock prices rose enough to reflect the true value of the companies, thereby wiping out the discount and killing the raiding game.
field asks:
If blacks have had it with Obama why will he get 90% of their vote?
Have blacks anywhere, at any time in history, ever identified and supported a competent black leader?
In fact, support for a black leader by blacks is conclusive evidence of pending failure.
It is the nature of blacks to support, promote and follow the black leaders who aim to spread social pathologies throughout the black community.
"It is the nature of blacks to support, promote and follow the black leaders who aim to spread social pathologies throughout the black community."
And it's the nature of inbred redneck honky ass crackers to support, promote and follow the republikkkan party, the klan, hitler,bratbitch, faux news, gwb the chimp,teabaggers, etc.
librarian said...
field asks:
If blacks have had it with Obama why will he get 90% of their vote?
Have blacks anywhere, at any time in history, ever identified and supported a competent black leader?
In fact, support for a black leader by blacks is conclusive evidence of pending failure.
It is the nature of blacks to support, promote and follow the black leaders who aim to spread social pathologies throughout the black community.
10:14 AM
I really hope I am wrong, but I am afraid that you are right. There's been a long history of Blacks voting for Blacks right up to today.
Field calls this logic and reasoning. Of course, it's not. It's based on irrational emotions. There is no logic or reasoning behind it whatsoever.
But I am hopeful that Blacks will use their brains this time and look at what Obama has, and has not done for the poor and black community.
He has clearly signaled that he could care less about Blacks. However, that is not the most important issue here. The most important issue is whether Blacks can "grow up" and face the truth. Thus far, many have failed to believe Obama doesn't care about Blacks even in the face of his ignoring and insulting behavior toward us. He has NOT acted that way toward any other race. Yet, folks like Field and FN followers are the most ardent followers of Obama. I guess they 'feel' he will have a change of heart toward Blacks. He won't.
Everything Tavis and Cornel West has said about Obama has been true. Yet, many Blacks criticize them for speaking the truth.
I am hopeful that my brothers and sisters WON'T vote their skin color for a man who doesn't give a damn about them. Mitt Romney is our best man for President. He will respect and treat us infinitely better than Obama has shown.
Folks like Granny and Field are fools hoping for another 4 years of degradation, high unemployment, lousy medical treatment and hopeless poverty.
"I am hopeful that my brothers and sisters WON'T vote their skin color for a man who doesn't give a damn about them. Mitt Romney is our best man for President. He will respect and treat us infinitely better than Obama has shown."
Go fuck your mother you stupid coon.
Man fights to live after face is eaten by naked attacker in Miami
The guy had ‘pieces of flesh in his mouth and he growled,’ witness says
By Michael Sheridan / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Monday, May 28, 2012
MARSHA HALPER/Miami Herald Staff
A man is in critical condition at a Miami hospital after a naked man attacked him on a MacArthur Causeway off-ramp and ate 75% of his face, authorities say.
A man whose face was eaten by a naked attacker in Miami is fighting for his life as authorities try to piece together just what sparked the horrific incident.
The identity of the two men remains unclear, although some reports suggest they may have been homeless men living beneath the MacArthur Causeway, which connects downtown Miami to South Beach.
The gruesome attack went down in broad daylight Saturday afternoon, authorities said.
The two men are visible in surveillance video captured from a nearby building, but it is unclear if the entire horror show was recorded.
The pair of men appeared to be fighting, said Larry Vega, a Miami resident who first witnessed the nightmarish scene on an off-ramp by Biscayne Boulevard, which is near the offices of The Miami Herald newspaper.
The two men are visible in surveillance camera video.“When I looked forward, there's a guy on top of another person, eating him up like, just tearing, tearing his face apart,” he told Local 10 News. “It’s going to take some time to forget. I never thought I would see someone else eating someone. It was really, really horrific.”
He alerted a police officer “that a homeless man was killing another person by biting and ripping his face to death.”
Vega said the cop ordered the man to stop, but he did not listen. He then drew his gun, but “the guy just stood... with pieces of flesh in his mouth and he growled,” he told WSVN 13 News.
The officer, who was not identified by police, then shot the Hannibal Lector wanna-be several times.
“Based on the information provided, our Miami police officer is a hero and saved a life,” Javier Ortiz, spokesman for Miami police’s Fraternal Order of Police told the Miami Herald.
The victim, who lost about 75% of his face, was rushed to Jackson Memorial Hospital, according to WSVN 13 News. He remains in crticial condition.
The attacker was shot dead by a police officer, described as a ‘hero,’ after refusing to stop eating his victim’s face, authorities say.Authorities suspect the face-chomping madman may have been using a new, potent type of LSD.
“What’s happening is whenever we see that a person has taken all of his clothes off and has become violent, it’s indicative of this excited delirium that’s caused by [an] overdose of drugs,” Armando Aguilar of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police told WSVN 13 News. “What’s happening is inside their body their organs are burning up alive.”
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/man-fights-live-face-eaten-naked-attacker-miami-article-1.1085553#ixzz1wBPhNklR
shabazz the dum-azz says:
And it's the nature of inbred redneck honky ass crackers to support, promote and follow the republikkkan party, the klan, hitler,bratbitch, faux news, gwb the chimp,teabaggers, etc.
The Klan has been rendered harmless. Hitler's Germany was destroyed.
The GWB administration was hit by 9/11, a true invasion of the US. And the Tea Party espouses rational principles, which are clearly beyond your comprehension.
All the facts aside, when you can offer an example of a black nation that is prosperous because it produces educated people who contribute to economic growth rather than siphon off every dollar, then whites will develop a different attitude.
Throughout history, black leadership of black nations has led to failure and economic collapse. Every nation in Africa is an example of the inability of blacks to establish functioning nations.
But somehow, blacks convince themselves their inability to govern the countries in which they live can be blamed on whites who live on the other side of the planet.
Detroit is finished. The car companies are going to coninue their sidesteps out of town to other states and other countries.
Even Chrysler wants out. Of the Big Three, it was the only one that didn't enter markets outside the US. But it accepted the Daimler Benz buyout offer, which became a huge failure for Benz.
Then it accepted the deal from Fiat, which might fail. The only consistent money-maker for Chrysler has been Jeep.
But one model can't carry a company forever.
Wow, you are pretty hard on Blacks aren't you? Are you a big shot in your white world?
Have you discussed the problem of Blacks with God? Maybe you should tell HIM about HIS lousy handiwork. BTW, who created you?
Anonymous said...
Trayvon Uncovered:
It wasn't Iced Tea it was watermelon Juice and Skittles.
What three ingredients go into DMX/Lean? Watermelon Juice, Robitusson and Skittles.
So Obama was right, if he had a son it would be Trayvon who was high on Lean (forward)
Shabazz said...
"It is the nature of blacks to support, promote and follow the black leaders who aim to spread social pathologies throughout the black community."
And it's the nature of inbred redneck honky ass crackers to support, promote and follow the republikkkan party, the klan, hitler,bratbitch, faux news, gwb the chimp,teabaggers
Hey Shabazz - Malik my sack you ignorant groid
What's up with all the irrational comments? Far & away replies to Field are the craziest kids at the lunch table. What do you do to bring out the whack-ding in people? I have to go take some meds now...maybe some of your readers should join me.
comments here have always been irrational. it's where irrational motions come to play. GET IT? Now go take your meds.
Anonymous said...
What's up with all the irrational comments? Far & away replies to Field are the craziest kids at the lunch table. What do you do to bring out the whack-ding in people? I have to go take some meds now...maybe some of your readers should join me.
Join you you trying to push drugs here?
Anonymous said...
Shabazz said...
"It is the nature of blacks to support, promote and follow the black leaders who aim to spread social pathologies throughout the black community."
And it's the nature of inbred redneck honky ass crackers to support, promote and follow the republikkkan party, the klan, hitler,bratbitch, faux news, gwb the chimp,teabaggers
Hey Shabazz - Malik my sack you ignorant groid
Your mother you fucking beady eyed white pig, why don't you mow down your family or something
Shabazz said...
Anonymous said...
Shabazz said...
"It is the nature of blacks to support, promote and follow the black leaders who aim to spread social pathologies throughout the black community."
And it's the nature of inbred redneck honky ass crackers to support, promote and follow the republikkkan party, the klan, hitler,bratbitch, faux news, gwb the chimp,teabaggers
Hey Shabazz - Malik my sack you ignorant groid
Your mother you fucking beady eyed white pig, why don't you mow down your family or something
Don't talk about mothers refugee from the gorilla wars you might be one some day can you get pregnant gettin hit in the poop chute you coontastic baboon?
Who said I was White apeshit? Talking bout family - you find out who your daddy is yet? or at least narrow it down to the 6 dozen guys your moms says might be your daddy -it aint that homeless dude I hope
"Don't talk about mothers refugee from the gorilla wars you might be one some day can you get pregnant gettin hit in the poop chute you coontastic baboon?
Who said I was White apeshit? Talking bout family - you find out who your daddy is yet? or at least narrow it down to the 6 dozen guys your moms says might be your daddy -it aint that homeless dude I hope"
Really witty retort coming from a weak, savage, inbred, cave dweller.
Have your people learn basic life skills like grooming themselves and scratching for fleas before taking shots at others because of their skin color. The thing about you iGangsters is you talk very tough behind an anonymous handle, but in real life you wouldn't dare say the things you do to any black person, man, woman, or child. You'd be scared you will get your ass whooped. You know it just like everybody else does, so drop the act, aiight? All an ass like you can do is hold on to your racism and stereotypes, it's all you have left really, and these days, that don't amount to shit.
Shitskin-Bazz Said
"Really witty retort coming from a weak, savage, inbred, cave dweller.
Have your people learn basic life skills like grooming themselves and scratching for fleas before taking shots at others because of their skin color."
No we still make our houses from animal shit umm and piss in our own hallways. Arent you the one who started with the skin color shit and now you crying like a little bitch calling out folks for actually how you live?
" The thing about you iGangsters is you talk very tough behind an anonymous handle, but in real life you wouldn't dare say the things you do to any black person, man, woman, or child. You'd be scared you will get your ass whooped."
Oh spare the savagery, get civilized you aint whoopin nobodys ass with a huge head like that for a target. why does every savage say the same thing. Aint nobody afraid of you, you makin a mistake they don't talk to you because it aint right to talk to strange animals or pet other peoples dogs
"so drop the act, aiight? "
Ok we are done you are a stereotype. It is allright not "aiight" only someone like you thinks its cool to not be able to speak the language and sound like a brain damaged ape.
"you can do is hold on to your racism and stereotypes..."
Blah, Blah, Blah how many years have you been repeating this bullshit, you say stereotype and then you live up to a half dozen. Gottdamn idiot. Take your race card and wipe your ass with it you get no passes from me.
the vdlr/fn choose to delete sane comments that they cannot debate/deny
just as they choose to allow the kkklowns to reign herein
this blog should be renamed
field kkkracker
Lately, there's been more poo flinging in here than on prune day at the San Diego Zoo's monkey cages, and with about as much thought and purpose.
spazz-attack says:
The thing about you iGangsters is you talk very tough behind an anonymous handle, but in real life you wouldn't dare say the things you do to any black person, man, woman, or child. You'd be scared you will get your ass whooped.
Your admission that blacks are extraordinarily violent is redundant. Whites can read the crime statistics and already know that blacks commit murder about 7 times more often than whites.
In NY City, blacks and hispanics account for about 95% of the violent crime. But no matter how many blacks kill or beat each other, there's no let up.
Lets get this straight: the a-non klanners in this comments section would never, could never, and will never (knowingly) repeat their claptrap to a black person's face, out of personal moral cowardice not physical fear. If it were for any other reason, they'd put it on the record to a traceable source, and THAT, as I said above, will NEVER happen.
The mindless thugs doing their everyday thing:
Teen stabbed during Harlem fight
May 28, 2012
A teen boy was viciously stabbed in a Harlem fight yesterday, police said.
An unknown assailant slashed the 14-year-old in the left side of his head, ear, and neck about 8:25 p.m. on West 125th Street, near Broadway, cops said.
The teen was rushed to St. Luke’s Hospital, where he was listed in stable condition.
He is not cooperating with detectives, police sources said.
No arrests have been made.
Lets get this straight: the a-non klanners in this comments section would never, could never, and will never (knowingly) repeat their claptrap to a black person's face, out of personal moral cowardice not physical fear.
Claptrap? You mean the very real and despairingly true statistics that make it painfully clear that blacks are many times more violent than whites?
Is that the claptrap?
Or the figures on black academic success (failure, more accurately)?
Or the fact that NO black nation on the planet has ever amounted to more than a nightmare for almost everyone trapped in it?
Your chief problem is your willful blindness.
If it were for any other reason, they'd put it on the record to a traceable source, and THAT, as I said above, will NEVER happen.
How many books, papers and studies authored by well known people have laid out, in excruciating detail, the social pathologies of the black world?
Have you ever read "The American Dilemma -- The Negro Problem" by Gunnar Myrdal?
Probably not. Moreover, it's not likely you've read any other serious inquiries and studies of blacks.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Lets get this straight: the a-non klanners in this comments section would never, could never, and will never (knowingly) repeat their claptrap to a black person's face, out of personal moral cowardice not physical fear. If it were for any other reason, they'd put it on the record to a traceable source, and THAT, as I said above, will NEVER happen.
Yet you cannot denounce that "claptrap" with reality so you attack. It is immoral to tell the truth, it is wrong, it is crazy, you never would say that to a Black person you would get killed...
What a foolish con man you are. God willing you will stay safe. But we all know there is no way someone as idiotic as you actually lives in anything but a gated dominantly white community. Only those who have never lived among Blacks have your ridiculous blinders on.
Actually there is only one "l" in alright ..genius-not
excellent. very romantic and energetic. a nice post. I'm waiting for the next article. Thank you very much
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