Everyone of those pastors who met with Donald trump today should be met with an empty church this Sunday morning. Trump called the meeting "amazing"; I call it shameful. I am not quite sure who is the pimp and who is the whore in this one, so let's just call it a toss- up. A mutually beneficial trick session.
What on god's green earth (pun intended) would possess these folks to meet with trump? That was a rhetorical question. Of course we know what it is: Money. And this is why so many people (particularly young ones) are so cynical when it comes to the church. For them to even meet with this race- baiting demagogue who routinely blows his dog whistle to his crowd of bigoted devotees speaks volumes about them as preachers and as human beings.
I blame their congregations as well. I am not sure how they can sit and listen to a sermon about virtue and compassion from someone who breaks bread with folks likes Donald trump.
"We had a wonderful time in the meeting," said Darrell Scott, the senior pastor of New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, who helped to organize the meeting. "We made a lot of progress. It's not the last one."
I am sure you did Darrell. And you will be especially pleased after that check clears.
"Some committed. I don't know the number," Scott said. "The rest are praying about it. They said, 'We have to go pray about it.' They'll come back and endorse at a future time."
I am sure that if they "pray" hard enough the good lord will show them the light. Or, even better, the billionaire will show them the checks.
With all due respect to Big Daddy Kane, pimping is easy.
*Pic from reuters.com
Guess what? the cop who killed McDonald in Chicago is out on bail. Just goes to show you how the justice system works for Whites.....White Privilege.
"I blame their congregations as well. I am not sure how they can sit and listen to a sermon about virtue and compassion from someone who breaks bread with folks likes Donald trump."
Mr Field, you are quite biased against Trump. We all know the MSM can't be trusted to report fairly and honestly about conservatives like Trump. Why should anyone in their right mind believe the stuff you and the media proclaims about Trump or Ben Carson, for that matter?
People go to church to be uplifted by a good preacher. There are plenty of them around, esp in the black community. Believe it or not, if you are seeking God politics just doesn't enter your mind when the sermon is given.
But you don't believe in the church or God. So what are you bitching about? To you, religion and church is bs. So why are you surprised at the pastors who met with the Donald? Didn't they do what you would have expected?
Field, you know as well as I do that those checks cleared before the meeting; whores don't invoice for services rendered.
Field, you ever plan on a follow-up piece of the Mizzou folks, showing the actual facts of the situation? Just wondering.
Even before Trump's hate-a-palooza presidential campaign, and even before Trump's gross demands that Obama produce his birth certificate to prove he's a Real American, it always would've raised any sane person's eyebrows for these church folk to warmly embrace The Orange One.
After all, Donald Trump has never lived what you'd call a godly life. He prays at the church of Mammon, has boned his way through a stream of trophy bimbos and married three of them, and erected a slew of Houses of Sin -- er, I mean casinos -- in the course of his career.
If these preachers truly believed all that scripture they sling at the faithful on Sundays, helping to promote Trump and his ambitions would seem to be rather incongruous with their claimed beliefs.
The use of Iceberg Slim in your title piqued my interest because my father and my brother's uncle-in-law were talking about him Thanksgiving. They were talking about a famous pimp, so America's most famous pimp and lo and behold Iceberg Slim. It also made my laugh as it aptly describes some of these pastors who are willing align themselves with Donald Trump and I question their moral compass. Although, I think Slim being the ruthless guy that he was would beat them because they aren't going to receive anything of value for supporting Orangutan man. If you are going to be a strumpet (a word my grandmother used instead whore), be the best and get paid or else it's done for naught. (Shaken my head).
Hey Field, this ya boy Tay-Tay. You remember me? Ya, you remember me. It aint hard to remember what we did together last summer. Don't be ashamed, Brother. When two strong Black men get together to explore they bodies and they love for each other its a beautiful thing, you know? You shouldn't be ashamed.
One thing: I was at the clinic recently. Yeah. I got to get hold of you, Brother Field. I think this thing concern's both of us, you know. The news is ... positive. If you know what I mean. :(
Hit me up. I know you will.
Apparently Darrell Scott, the organizer of this exchange of goods for services, has been in Trump's pocket for years as his designated interference runner for all things black. Amarossa, a similar long term resident of trump's pocket, is also, I understand, among other things, a pastor. I thought it was just her reptilian attraction to television camera heat that had drawn her out like a snake to a sunny rock.
The FieldNegro said...
Everyone of those pastors who met with Donald trump today should be met with an empty church this Sunday morning.
What was it you said about the NAACP taking donald sterlings $$ in exchange for those lifetime achievement awards?
Give credit where it is due, Butt Trumpet is a consummate con artist. Not only can he can now represent himself as someone who black community leaders are anxious to reach out to, no small feat in a party that by its own admission has problems reaching out to minorities. But also in anticipating the response here and elsewhere, jumping the gun presuming that this meeting constitutes an endorsement, allows him to simultaneously represent himself as the victim of reverse race-baiting.
Trump's anti-immigration message resonates strongly among Blacks who have been ethnically cleansed from places like Compton and Harlem (from which they ethnically cleansed the Whites who built them... but I digress). Trump is going to get a substantial fraction of the Black vote, and those so-called Black leaders have to endorse Trump at least conditionally or they won't be able to get a thing out of it.
The whole immigrant surge thing is designed to deliver the USA to permanent Democratic party control and also eliminate Blacks as a constituency which must be catered to in return for votes. Hispanics vote D just as reliably and are far less trouble. Your day is done, Black man.
The path that these sellout pastors have taken is a well-trodden one.
Case in point:
The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) started out as a black civil rights organization.
Then it became a fist-in-the-air black radical militant group.
And finally, it ended up as a right-wing outfit that provides Rent-A-Negro services to giant and often unethical corporate enterprises -- like environmentally unfriendly Monsanto or Exxon, or payday loan sharks who exploit the poor. Those businesses may not have sterling reputations, but they can at least project a false image of being minority-friendly by having their execs stand next to a black person, who is happy to say nice things about them for a suitable fee.
I imagine the CORE people might even be pissed at those Trump-endorsing pastors for horning in on their lucrative blackwashing hustle.
james bold said, "The whole immigrant surge thing is designed to deliver the USA to permanent Democratic party control and also eliminate Blacks as a constituency which must be catered to in return for votes. Hispanics vote D just as reliably and are far less trouble. Your day is done, Black man."
11:42 PM
what you said has me very much concerned as a bm. do you really believe the bm is out? say it isn't so, bold, say it isn't so.
i mean, what will happen to me and my peeps?
Brother Field, as a bm I can honestly say that Trump owes no one and is an independent man who says what he believes. There is no bs with Trump, at least he is no more a bullshiter than an politician or MSM.
For this reason, I made my mind up a long time ago that I was voting for Mr Trump. Personally, he is far more honest than Obama could ever be. As a bm I can honestly say that Obama has let me down so much I don't think I'll ever recover.
I am now taking individual as well as group therapy because I have been so terribly hurt by the fact that Obama is Black but has hurt so many of us. It just doesn't make sense. And I am trying to make sense of it.
Can you make sense of it? Will you help me, your fellow bm?
"I am now taking individual as well as group therapy because I have been so terribly hurt by the fact that Obama is Black but has hurt so many of us. It just doesn't make sense. And I am trying to make sense of it."
Aw, Depressed Negro is back.
I'll bet everyone missed him terribly. He is as popular as Josh. Or chlamydia.
Obama. Is. Not. Black. Jesus, how gullible are you people? His father, Frank Marshall Davis, only visited on occasion; he was raised ENTIRELY by his white mother and grandmother (and Indonesian stepfather). In Seattle and Hawaii (and Indonesia) - three of the least-black places on Earth. He only discovered his "blackness" (such as it is) after he realized dumbass white college liberals swooned over "people of color".
Shit, I'm blacker than Obama. At least I don't wear a girlie bicycle helmet.
Quote:Little Jimmy Bold
"If you were all in Africa, nobody in the USA would be complaining ("hating" in your vernacular)."
I've got a better idea, Jimmy. Wy don't you fuck off back to the Russian steppes where YOU came from and let the cossacks rape your wife and daughter like back in the olden days. That would be a win-win for everybody.
['cept maybe the poor cossacks...)
"Shit, I'm blacker than Obama. At least I don't wear a girlie bicycle helmet."
And the "mom jeans." Don't forgot about the all-important mom jeans. It's really essential that everyone know Obama bought an unstylish pair of pants. How can Obama defeat ISIS if this one time he bought a bad pair of pants???? Traitor!!!! Communist!!!
Conservative political fixations are so moronic they make me want to cry. When wingnuts aren't obsessing over fictional scandals made up out of thin air, they're sniping away over trivial non-issues like "fashion crimes." The entire movement constantly employs rugged tough-guy language while regularly operating on the same dumbass level as a 12-year-old girl at the local mall.
"Wy don't you fuck off back to the Russian steppes where YOU came from and let the cossacks rape your wife and daughter like back in the olden days."
The Black obsession with Muh Dik, especially rape, is noted. See also the poster "Lance Cockstrong".
"Give a White man a pile of bricks, and he'll build a city; give a Black man a city, and he'll make a pile of bricks." Nowhere is the truth of this more visible than the cities of St. Louis and Detroit. My ancestors built cities now infested and destroyed by Africans, and after the lie of racial equality is overthrown in law and society they will be rebuilt by my descendants. Africans will have no part of it, and likely no part of 95% of what is now the USA.
Sorry Tay-Tay, I won't be calling back. You are going to have to work on your body and hygiene first. ;)
"Nowhere is the truth of this more visible than the cities of St. Louis and Detroit."
St. Louis and Detroit are the victims of global capitalism.
"My ancestors built cities now infested and destroyed by Africans..."
Translation. Your ancestors were the useful idiots of capitalism. Now that capitalism has abandoned you to your fate, they've tricked you into blaming back folks for your problems, instead of your/our real enemy.
T'was ever thus.
Always enjoy the insightful commentary of WC, Sheri, Lance & the more balanced Anon, Inc. Not to mention, PC keeps it real shedding light on the complex trials & tribulations impacting urban America.
Have mixed feelings about this blog - mostly because the Yahoo News link provided, IMO, misses the full picture.
However, in the end, another mission accomplished (albeit a duplicitous one) for the Donald, as per noted below:
‘Love’ and Disbelief Follow Donald Trump Meeting With Black Leaders - NYTimes.com
For SHAME, Field! Censorship won't keep the truth from leaking into your little bubble here, so you might as well give it up. I'll reproduce what TPC replied to, and add my reply as well.
"Wy don't you fuck off back to the Russian steppes where YOU came from and let the cossacks rape your wife and daughter like back in the olden days."
The Black obsession with Muh Dik, especially rape, is noted. See also the poster "Lance Cockstrong".
"Give a White man a pile of bricks, and he'll build a city; give a Black man a city, and he'll make a pile of bricks." Nowhere is the truth of this more visible than the cities of St. Louis and Detroit. My ancestors built Detroit, and after the lie of racial equality is overthrown in law and society Detroit will be rebuilt by my descendants. Africans will have no part of it, and likely no part of 95% of what is now the USA.
TPC replied:
"St. Louis and Detroit are the victims of global capitalism."
But not Pittsburgh, which lost its steel industry to the same global capitalism. The difference is that St. Louis and Detroit went Black, and Pittsburgh so far has not. Hiroshima in August 1945 was worse than Detroit in 2012, but the on-going Blacklear destruction of Detroit has no end and allows no recovery.
"Translation. Your ancestors were the useful idiots of capitalism."
My ancestors built big, beautiful cities long before capitalism had a name. What destroyed St. Louis and Detroit was the maglignant lie of racial equality and the "civil rights" it spawned. Everywhere White people flee from Blacks they rebuild what they lost... and every time Blacks follow them they destroy it. This is why the Obama administration is so desperate to force "housing fairness" everywhere, so that there will be no places left as examples of what White people sustain without Blacks to drag them down.
Preachers and black conservatives are proof positive that in 2015 white folks can still buy Negroes in America.
I agree!
I agree!
James Bold,
My hometown Prince Georges County, MD saw a dramatic increase in median household income and standard of living when the demographics changes from majority white to majority black. Professional, well earning and educated blacks replaced toothless inbred goobers like yourself.
So take your racist lies and pathetic hatred and stick 'em.
My thoughts are that the pastors/reverends did the right thing in meeting with Mr.Trump.
Congregations are made up of people that belong to BOTH parties,as well as that may have other political views. I really don't think that in any one congregation/church there are only/all 'Democrats', and in another congregation/church only/all 'Republicans'.
Should these leaders have refrained from exploring,exchanging thoughts and ideas and as they well did, giving advice to any political candidate?
My thoughts are that they did the correct and intelligent thing. They are after all 'men of God' and as such have a moral obligation to be informed so they can better guide their constituents.
and as the news has reported, they have NOT as of yet 'officially endorsed' him.
I think that what they took away from those meetings, is what will convince the lay people to endorse or not.
Let's face it, who else has done this within the Republican Party?
Ol Josh claimed on another page in his endless rant about the University of Missouri that "Dozens of white people have been beaten, robbed and raped by black people in the area. Media bury it; students either believe it's racist to speak about it or are scared to speak about it."
How about YOU produce one shred of evidence to support this claim or admit that you just pulled it out of your racist ass.
I'll wait and I will stay on you until you do.
"But not Pittsburgh, which lost its steel industry to the same global capitalism. The difference is that St. Louis and Detroit went Black, and Pittsburgh so far has not. "
So the 26% of Pittsburgh citizens who are Afro-American don't count??
Btw, would this be the same Pittsburgh that has elected Democratic mayors continuously since 1933??? And where Dems outnumber Repugs 5 to 1?
That Pittsburgh?
The Purple Cow said...
St. Louis and Detroit are the victims of global capitalism.
Yet the very white and left-leaning san francisco isn't having the same problems as other dumbocrat controlled cities.
Maybe St Louis and Detroit should ask some of thew white politicians from san francisco come run their city.
In Paris Obama said mass shootings don't happen in other countries.
How many people were killed in the Paris attacks a couple weeks ago?
These Jivin greasy pastors know they got most of us on lock. The Black church has generally follow these rich pharisees for a long time. At the end of the day, their buffoonish ways originate with members. Why follow a graduate of an unaccredited theology school when you can read the book yourself?
Let's stop following a mythical story...
"Yet the very white and left-leaning san francisco isn't having the same problems as other dumbocrat controlled cities."
Such as?
Search term: "Missouri blacks attack white people"
Tired of doing the work for you, Steve. I mean, if you were an honest person, I'd have no issue. But you're not. You're a cowardly little cunt. (Oh, I know, you'll break into my house now and rape my wife because you're fighting against negative stereotypes. lol)
Just Google and see the first dozen of so pages of incidents. They keep going on from there, of course, but to be fair some are duplicates and most people just get tired of reading about barbarism after a while.
"I'll wait and I will stay on you until you do."
You will stay on me regardless because you're a stupid man with no self-control or sense of self-awareness. We could be discussing mathematics, and my correct solution to an equation would be called incorrect by you, because "dat's wacist," and you'd "stay in my ass," as you like to put it, constantly trolling me across multiple sites screaming how I'm a racist.
@ Downlow Stephanie -
Really? You think James is lying about STL and Detroit?
And what's with the "toothless" thing? Is that all you've got, "muh dik" and "toothless inbred trailer trash"?
Blacks, LOL.
Your "dozens of white people have been beaten and robbed by blacks in the area" is a racist lie.
Even using you Google search it was basically ONE STORY from September 2014 where 6 blacks attacked a white couple. It was reported on all the major media links and the perps are in jail and will probably be executed.
You can whine and call me names all you like but I am going to stay dead in your ass and expose you once and for all for the lying, cowardly little racist BITCH that you are.
Over 850k results = one story. Dafuq? How can a human being capable of understanding language be this woefully stupid? Seven years of biology and I got no fucking clue how that happens.
Steve, ladies and gentleman. The most delusional motherfucker to ever use the Internet.
But, he's black and all -- free pass at Field's.
Maybe actual documentation of police reports will up the count to 1.2? lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8u6w0sVa6s
It's funny, but at the same time it's really headache-inducing. No matter what anyone does to show how fucking delusional you are, you just keep coming back. As soon as you're through hiding under the bed, realizing that the community isn't going to throw you out as a phony, you're back to old tricks.
Steve's one-two life combo. 1) Call it racist. 2) "Prove" how it's racist by repeatedly calling it racist.
Well Josh, you can always shut me up by producing the "dozens" of examples right here on this board.
I'll wait.
Oh BTW Field Folks,
Josh's Youtube was a wild eyed rant from white supremacist Colin Flaherty.
Not that you're surprised.
Yeah, but because if Hitler tells you it's raining, and you're out there walking in it with an umbrella, you can be sure that the information is false because it's coming from Hitler. Pay no attention to the rain people, HITLER!
Actual police reports and press releases from the police department -- I guess white supremacist Colin Flaherty just invented them?
Yeah, yeah. Poop swastika and one white guy shouted "nigger," and the 400 years of oppression continues. Blacks in Missouri, on the other hand, dindu nuffin.
"But not Pittsburgh, which lost its steel industry to the same global capitalism. The difference is that St. Louis and Detroit went Black, and Pittsburgh so far has not."
No, Mr. Bold, St. Louis isn't economically destroyed. It isn't the best city in America in which to live, but it's far from the worst. You can't lump it in with Detroit, which is a smoking crater. The difference between functional cities like both St. Louis and Pittsburgh, versus the ruined Detroit, is that the latter is a single-industry town.
Detroit's economy was almost entirely based around the auto industry. Auto industry execs became complacent under U.S. economic dominance in the '50s and felt that they owned the world auto market, and they did almost nothing to respond when they began facing tougher global competition; they just kept making the same unreliable, bulky, gas-guzzling cars as always until European and Asian carmakers came along and ransacked their market share.
Furthermore, the U.S. was so committed to right-wing free-market principles that the federal government did virtually nothing to come to their aid when they got in trouble. Everyone sat and watched while it went down in flames.
As a consequence, when the U.S. auto industry radically shrank, so did Detroit's economy. Other American cities have also had various industries get hit, but in most places, the entire city isn't dependent on just the one industry. Pittsburgh wasn't dependent solely on the steel industry, so a decline in that industry didn't wreck the whole local economy. Pittsburgh wasn't saved by the magical presence of industrious white residents.
"In Paris Obama said mass shootings don't happen in other countries."
Seriously, Bill? Obama wasn't saying that mass shootings literally never happen anywhere but in the U.S.
But on a relative scale of how often they happen, there's no contest. It's not even close. Among wealthy industrialized nations, we are the Winner and Still Champion of the mass shootings game.
To find other countries with the kind of violence we experience, you have to look at war-torn hell-holes. You've got to look at Mexican drug cartels and Somali warlords.
And for what, all so we can maintain the kind of ultra-expansive gun rights that nobody practically needs? Freedumb!!
uptownsteve said...
Preachers and black conservatives are proof positive that in 2015 white folks can still buy Negroes in America.
Let's not forget the NAACP giving donald sterling lifetime achievement awards.
Not to butt into your discussion too much here, and certainly not to choose sides on it, but who the fuck actually knows what the issues are? Everybody with an opinion has tried implementing their social savior measures in one incarnation or another variation, and nothing. The only thing that hasn't been tried, at least it seems like to me, is a mass swath of citizens who actually live there educating themselves and innovating and creating their own businesses and bringing people in based on their own efforts; enjoying the fruits of their own labors.
There has to be something to living such a comfortable first-world life, when you really stop to think about it. Imagine 100,000 years ago and we're all crossing the plains. It's a journey that's going to ultimately take us six generations, but we're moving incrementally through the new, often hostile terrain. A flood comes, a pack of wild beasts come, another tribe of invaders come, disease comes, famine comes, etc, WTF do we do? Pack our shit and go. In America, when a flood comes, what happens? People lay down and basically give the outside world an ultimatum: Either you save us or we'll die! And here come the guilt trips: "SOMEBODY ELSE DO SOMETHING!"
We have been too successful in America. Even the poorest people, save those who are literally homeless without anything, have it so far exponentially better than our ancestors that it's not even a fucking contest. Yet too many Americans, race be damned, and probably too many westerners in general, just stay put, refuse to move forward, and are never free of the wreckage unless someone else pulls them out.
Blame capitalism. Black the blacks. Black the Jews. Blame Steve "Ghetto D" Carlos. Blame JOSH. Blame Bush. Blame ISIS. Blame whomever you want. It doesn't change that we are, all of us, (or at least many of us) descendants of people who got going when the going got tough. But these days? "I saw a poop swastika and now I'm willing to die unless you meet my entire list of demands!" lol
Really, humans? Really?
uptownsteve said...
Even using you Google search it was basically ONE STORY
Josh said...
Over 850k results = one story.
Yet neither one posted the google search link.
The way they argue I'm starting to get the impression they are a couple.
Nothing worse than a dumbass who thinks he's slick.
The Google search was "Missouri Blacks attack whites".
See what you get.
Anon, don't mind bill, he suffers from ODS (Obama derangement syndrome) logic flies out the door when he speaks of his Oness.
Josh, I just saw a story where a white man slaughtered his family over the holidays (New Orleans) with a butcher knife.
Lot's more stories just like that all over the news.
Carry on.
Holy shit, Bill. Do you want I should come over there, hold your hand, type it for you, and change your little diaper afterward?
Look it up or don't.
"Josh, I just saw a story where a white man slaughtered his family over the holidays (New Orleans) with a butcher knife."
Not sure what that has to do with me, but okay. Fuck that dude. I hope they fry his murdering ass.
And Steve says everything you need to know about his blatantly racist mindset and superiority complex in one sentence. Two adjectives, neither of which should be capitalized, and look at which one earns the distinction of being the proper noun name for a race and which one doesn't.
Larry Wilmore masterfully rips into Republican pundits and politicians for inpiring right-wing terrorism:
It's a straight line from the propagandists on Fox and the GOP congressmen and presidential candidates (Carly Fiorina, especially) flogging the fake story about Planned Parenthood selling "baby parts," and this week's "baby parts" shooter at a Planned Parenthood.
Laughably, you've got Ted Cruz claiming the gunman's motives must be something totally different. Cruz says the gunman must have been a leftwing "transgender activist" -- which has been conclusively proven because this one time the dude had filled out a voter registration form wrong, checking F instead of M for gender.
Now, that is some unbelievably weaksauce excuse-making, even by truth-impaired wingnut standards.
Looks like Chicago needs new police chief.
The cousin of Hotsauce of And1 street ball fame?
field negro said...
Anon, don't mind bill,
Is it cute how anon does mind me. :)
The next thread going to have a few words about Kobe making his last appearance in Philly?
uptownsteve said...
Nothing worse than a dumbass who thinks he's slick.
Josh said...
Holy shit, Bill. Do you want I should come over there, hold your hand,
Birds of a feather flock together.
Faith said, "Have mixed feelings about this blog - mostly because the Yahoo News link provided, IMO, misses the full picture"
Dear Faith, what are you talking about? Are you saying FN is an untrustworthy blog? Get real. We have anons from Anon, Inc with the highest integrity. Their honesty and courage is beyond reproach.
In addition we have James Bold and Josh both of whom have impeccable credentials that have top secret ratings.
Please provide that link Yahoo gave about FN.
The strange thing about JOSH is he wants Field to talk about the Mizzou students but JOSH remained practically 'silent' about that murdering cop in Chicago.
same goes for that sorry-ass James Bold.
"but JOSH remained practically 'silent' about that murdering cop in Chicago."
I'll hand it to y'all. I won't say it's a "black thing," but fuck if I ever found it anywhere else. For people to be so woefully wrong so fucking often, yet cannot force themselves to just shut the fuck up; it's amazing. Fuckwits can be proven wrong ten times in a row, never skip a beat, and talk shit for round 11 like the result is going to be different. Self-awareness: 0. Self-esteem: Infinity. I've never seen the like. Even the folks IRL aren't this retarded. This is like stupidity + hubris + anonymity = this.
If your remedial ass would have read the post where Field originally touched on the Chicago cops, you hopelessly pathetic dimwit, you would have seen something. Josh said: "the cops were way wrong on this one. Murder. No other way to put it. In the event one fears for one's safety because one has a knife, and deadly force is thus "required," that doesn't justify emptying the entire fucking clip on somebody. This shit isn't color arousal; some of these mf'ers think they're playing Grand Theft Auto or something."
Oh, I wonder if that now gives me justification to expect Field to be honest about black youths he's championing as civil rights heroes, when the facts show, without equivocation or doubt, that they're little liars who are just playing dress-up.
They're insulting the shit y'all are in here moaning about all the time! The black experience! Black people's feelings! Black pain! Black suffering! White privilege! Systemic oppression! Brutality! These child-brained young adults are literally inventing faux racism solely so they can pretend to be Black Panther cubs, staining what the Civil Rights Movement actually was and accomplished, and you mindless worker bees see a t-shirt with a black fist and hoot and holler and applaud them like they're really doing something. And then you wonder why white folks continue to use stereotypes. lol You can't make this shit up.
Be the change you want to see.
"I blame their congregations as well. I am not sure how they can sit and listen to a sermon about virtue and compassion from someone who breaks bread with folks likes Donald trump."
They're stupid enough to believe in obvious lies, like talking snakes. Of course they'll listen to some pastors spouting the same crap that kept their ancestors in servitude!
When expressing mixed feelings about the blog, perhaps it would have been far more effective only referencing today's edition of FN.
And even if I had or have mixed feelings about FN blog overall, quite a stretch concluding I deem the blog as untrustworthy. Believe past comments appreciating the FN forum and interactions with fellow posters, including a few Anons, further clarifies my position:
In any event, also was mostly saying the NY Times article about the Trump meeting with the black pastors offered better analysis than the Yahoo news item.
I'm sure I save at least an hour a day scrolling through Jing a ling's garbage.
@Uptown Steve 10:05 AM.....A great example of citing Prince Georges County, your hometown and amongst the many throughout the US, illustrating how mostly African-American and other mixed groups are indeed nurturing vibrant, healthy and prosperous communities.
Several months ago, I came across an online excerpt that included a chart showing the State of Maryland and parts of District of Columbia are home to six of the top ten diverse and prosperous counties in which the social and political leadership consist of African-Americans.
This turns the usual trope spewed forth by fringed elements on the far right on its racist, sexist and xenophobic rear-end.
Finally a shout out to fellow poster, Lila @11:13 AM, who rightly points out the segment of the church leadership whose congregants could be independents or even republicans. I agree, for the pastors who met with Trump, doing so was no more than a faith-based initiative to reiterate their concerns about a contentious rhetoric that all too often disparages people of color.
Irony is the Donald and his handlers ended up spinning what became a nonendorsement into "The Black People Love Me."
It is not the crime, but the injustice that follows, that draws the protests. And in most cases the protests are directly proportional to the degree of the injustice. Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, zero justice in spite of the murder captured crystal clear on video, intense protest. Laquan McDonald, first degree murder charges filed, but only after they had no choice but to release the video, a little better, less protest. Walter Scott, immediate murder charges against the officer, still less protest. The Louisiana shooting of a 6 year old (white) boy by 2 (black) officers highlighted a month ago in this space, the officers were immediately charged, and rightly so as Field said. The Freddie Gray incident being the notable exception, and no doubt the Baltimore mayor made a serious error in judgment in not enforcing the law and allowing the protests to get out of hand.
Lord have mercy, JOSH is madder than hell. I am sorry I mentioned his name.
Never the less, you are still making racist comments about Blacks and it wouldn't surprise me if uptownsteve tore you a new one. Just who the hell do you think you are talking to black folks the way you do? Have you lost your mind>
There was a lot of greasin' of the palms going on. Sad.
"Never the less, you are still making racist comments about Blacks and it wouldn't surprise me if uptownsteve tore you a new one."
Anon, why can't you just be a fucking man and admit you were wrong? Seriously. Your dumb ass stalked me around this thread, assumed something that I objectively proved was not true, and still you stick blame on me for something else rather than just admitting that you were wrong. Dindu NUFFIN!
This has gotten too boring to even rant about. Evidence or STFU.
Child-brained adults stalk me around this board and accuse me multiple times daily of "racism," yet can't quote the actual racism. It's not funny anymore; it's just boring. Do you not realize by now that you cannot bully me into silence with your wolf-crying lies? I'm not a white college student.
As far as "Uptownsteve" tearing me a new one, he's busy figuring out if ethnic Indonesians count as black people. Give him a bit. He shall return. He's dizzy from all the double-think he was using yesterday to call me a racist.
Faith_and_Fairness said...
Irony is the Donald and his handlers ended up spinning what became a nonendorsement into "The Black People Love Me."
11:19 PM
Oh certainly,of course ever the politician, they don't miss a beat :)
But that's why one has to look beyond that, at what the aims and objectives of the leaders were, and I believe they were correct in meeting with him.
As well as everyone that he or any political candidate wants to meet with should go and dialogue with them, and see and be able to judge the person beyond their political rhetoric.
Field "Slavecatcher" Negro keepin' everybody on the Plantation.
Negroes followed Jim Jones; why wouldn't certain segments follow Hitler Trumpet? Thank God they weren't offered anything to drink. Some of the Blacks in America are just as mentally deranged as the Whites in America. They know not what they do or are doing.
I'm not a white college student.
We know, you aren't smart enough to get into a college. Tell us something we don't know Josh.
"My hometown Prince Georges County, MD saw a dramatic increase in median household income and standard of living when the demographics changes from majority white to majority black."
I notice you didn't say "crime rates", because Prince George's County has a violent crime rate well above the national average.
This is what happens when Fedgov goes on a massive affirmative-action hiring spree: you get a Potempkin village of well-paid people, yet a whole lot of them (and their children) have impulse-control problems. You will never see this with private business, because there just aren't enough smart Blacks to actually let a business grow with a heavily-Black workforce. Fedgov doesn't have to be productive.
"take your racist lies and pathetic hatred and stick 'em."
They're called "hate facts" because they're facts and you hate 'em.
"So the 26% of Pittsburgh citizens who are Afro-American don't count??"
It was only 8.1% Black in 2000. That's pretty much how Detroit's downhill slide started.
"And what's with the "toothless" thing? Is that all you've got, "muh dik" and "toothless inbred trailer trash"?"
"How can a human being capable of understanding language be this woefully stupid?"
The stupidity is entertaining, isn't it? And remember, the Blacks posting here are the smart, well-educated ones!
"The difference between functional cities like both St. Louis and Pittsburgh, versus the ruined Detroit, is that the latter is a single-industry town."
Get a handle, coward. And contrast Pittsburgh with Gary if you want to compare steel towns.
"Josh, I just saw a story where a white man slaughtered his family over the holidays (New Orleans) with a butcher knife."
Not even the Times-Picayune site has anything like that. Plenty of stuff that looks like TNB, though: 5 shootings in 2 years at a certain intersection looks like "streets gone bad", where "bad" is a euphemism for "Black".
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