Me: Furious. Wife: Eh.
"Howdy folks, you were speeding a little bit there. License and registration, please?"
Me: More furious. Wife: Smiling.
"Sure officer, we just rented this car. We are on my way to see my family in Opelousas." Wifey takes over because I was still furious and Wifey wants her husband home for the holidays, and not in some Louisiana jail cell.
The sheriff, still smiling, and still very polite, started relaxing. I could literally see the change coming over him as he started bonding with my wife.
"Oh, are you from around these parts?" My wife's accent started changing. "Yep , born and raised; went to Lawtell High and LSU. Going home for some good Louisiana fried turkey." It was on now. "Oh a Tiger gal, huh? Well welcome home. Where yawl traveling from? He was looking at me now sensing that I was the outsider. "Philadelphia". My wife jumped in again. "He took me away from home, I am not sure if I have forgiven him yet." They both started laughing at the same time. "Well you enjoy the fried turkey and the rest of your folk's cooking." He hardly looked at my driver's license or the papers for the rental. I could have given him a card with Donald Duck on it and he wouldn't have noticed. Then he must have remembered to give us a reason for stopping us: "Oh, and you all be careful, we want you to get home to your folks in one piece." No ticket just a warning from the very nice sheriff. Forget the fact that I wasn't speeding any more than the rest of the cars in the flow of traffic that we were in.
Of course I know why he stopped us. We had out of state plates on the rental, and we were...well... you know.
Me: You know we were profiled , right? Wife: Yeah maybe, but he was so nice.
I thought of that experience as I read about a case of racial profiling of a college professor in Dallas, Texas.
The sister believes she was profiled for walking while black and she wrote about her experience in the Dallas newspaper.
Well, as it turns out, there were cameras rolling on the patrol car dash-cam and the police chief of the town (Corinth, Texas) is now chirping that her officers have been vindicated because they were so... polite.
Please watch the video in the link that I provided and you will see that the police officers were in fact very polite.
But here is the thing that I want my friends in the majority population to understand about this racial profiling thing: If you are stopping a black person just because they are black (I don't care how polite you are being) and you would have just passed a white person in a similar situation with a friendly waive, you are profiling them. It's really that simple. "Color aroused" racialist can be some of the most polite people on earth.
So yes, I agree with the professor, it's pretty messed up that you can't go on a jog in your neighborhood without two police officers approaching you in a marked police car to basically tell you to watch where you walk in the street.
“'When I saw the video, those officers were nothing but professional,” she said. “[The incident] just didn’t lend itself to racial profiling.
“If we didn’t have the video, these officers would have serious allegations against them," Walthall added. "It would be their word against hers. Every white officer that stops an African-American does not constitute racial profiling.”'
You are right about that chief, but every white police officer who stops a black person just because they happen to be black, is profiling. I don't care how damn polite they are.
"The officers ask Bland for her ID, which she did not have but she gave her name and date of birth after insisting that she take the officers’ picture “for safety’s sake.” The policemen obliged her request.
Walthall said the officers were correct to ask for identification because Bland had committed a Class C misdemeanor by impeding traffic."
Yes, like I was speeding that day in Livonia, Louisiana.
*Pic from laprogressive.com
Oh I know the feeling. Got into it just last night with the "security" here at the hotel that's been my home for the past month. i was downstairs on the computer working on a required quiz when a polite security lady asked me if I was a guest and I replied yes, she then asked to see my room key which I refused. It escalated a bit with her calling her supervisor and warning me I could be kicked out but after me giving her a reality check they left me alone. Had to talk to the manager and had the head of security call. My point is I've seen many people using the computers without ever being asked to see a room key so why was I singled out? I actually don't care and my point is if EVERYONE isn't getting the business neither should I. They don't get it. Getting profiled sucks.
The reason you were profiled is because you are a "blah". Everybody profiles "blahs". If you were Black, it would be a different story.
"Of course I know why he stopped us. We had out of state plates on the rental, and we were...well... you know."
Yes, we know, because you told us: SPEEDING!
I really hope JOSH reads this post and comes to 'understand' the black plight. It would mean a lot to FN folks here if he did.
You see, I know JOSH is a good dude and wants to do the right thing by Blacks. He's just a little blinded by his white privilege and negative white judgments against Blacks that sometimes he gets lost.
The wife is a smart cookie! :D
Because a 'good ole boy' is a good ole boy, no matter what the color of the skin! ;)and the wife knows that!
Now Field...you lucky you didn't get your azz hauled off to jail hahaha,or worse yet..shot!!!omg! Being all nasty to that sheriff...and not so much because you're black, uhuh no...because the nasty looks you were giving him hehehe...
Naw, jes kiddin...you were profiled,but what are you gonna do? It's America...
Field don't go to Louisiana anymore will ya? Tell 'em to come up to Philly! Things are bad! Things are bad!
The reason PX was profiled is he is a dick.
Of course I know why he stopped us. We had out of state plates on the rental, and we were...well... you know.
And then...he let you go without a ticket. Was that because you were black too?
I swear, negroes like you are a bit short on self-awareness.
"He's just a little blinded by his white privilege"
"white privilege"
Holy shit, mate. If you folks insist on making claims, that's fine. But do you ever plan on supporting them? I mean, ever?
Tell me how I'm privileged as a white person. C'mon, spill it. Is the Magical Money Fairy dropping off bags of Scrooge McDuck loot on my doorstep? Did I get 230 free SAT points because of my race? Are there diversity quotas in place to force random whites into positions they're not smart enough or experienced enough to hold? What did this white privilege do for me in my life?
The world isn't necessarily a dichotomy. Just because you want to compete in the Oppression Olympics to win the gold medal for Biggest Victim Ever, that doesn't mean that all other people are thus privileged.
I know the line; don't get me wrong. You say it, feminists say it, socialists say it, so many people say it: "You have white privilege. And it's hard to see your own privilege, but it exists!"
Contrast that with: "My god is real. You might not see it, and I might not be able to prove it, but it's real!"
Maybe this can be a Field Education Series of blog posts. Sound reasonable? Maybe he can elaborate on what and where this "white privilege" is, with the help of his audience. Maybe, with a little time to research, people can actually find empirical examples of white privilege in action (WHITE privilege I said; juxtaposing one living white person against a dead black person doesn't count as "white").
Black people feigning expert knowledge on white people = okay.
White people speaking about any black issues whatever = it's a black thing, you can never understand!
The only thing I can think of that would be "white privilege" is that a white child born is far more likely to have a mother and father than just a single mother, who's typically on welfare. Though, don't get used to that. White girls are catching up quick!
Shut up Josh.
I know EXACTLY what you're talking about Field since I relocated back to the dirty south a few years back.
Compared to the Blacks I lived around in Metro DC, I've noticed Blacks here even the educated ones, are "docile" on a level that I can't decide if it borders on regularly kissing white folks asses just because it's "normal" around here for Blacks or just doing what's needed to survive around racist Whites.
Either way, I don't think I'll be a Southerner much longer than I need to be.
After reading your comments for the last month or so, I can see why your God Ron Paul was supported by the likes of Don Black and David Duke.
Yisheng seems to be all over the place. Last I heard she lived in DC. And now she's been living down South? Lord have mercy, that woman can lie.
Yīshēng said...
"Compared to the Blacks I lived around in Metro DC, I've noticed Blacks here even the educated ones, are "docile"
It's called being polite. The sense of entitlement so many blacks have for being rude, disrespectful and nasty to white people is the main reason whites don't want to be around blacks. That, and the violent crime, of course.
When I moved down south I expected this racist hell-hole where blacks and whites lived in constant hostility. Instead, I found that blacks and whites get along a lot better down south and seem genuinely comfortable around each other.
Being nice is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. Someday, maybe you'll be secure enough to be a nice person.
Some brilliant tidbits you find online about "white privilege," written by disgruntled minorities tired of whites getting everything!
- White people never have to worry about being killed by police. (Wrong. More whites killed. Math is racist.)
- No one will mock the death of a white person. (They get out much? I wonder how many dead white people they know.)
- White parents don't have to tell their children about systemic racism. (Black parents don't either; they believe it, like religion, and it's their ideology, and they choose to. Imagine that.)
- White people can speak well without it being a shock. (Yet white people aren't the ones who cling to AAVE and claim cultural appropriation every time a white kid says "yo." Make up your minds. Do you wanna speak in broken English AND regular Americanized English? You can. Just don't be butthurt that nobody informed the white committee of your acceptance of English -AAV.)
- White people aren't labeled thugs. (Yeah, they called Al Capone and other mobsters et al good yet misunderstood people.)
- No one questions how white people got the job; it's assumed they were qualified. (Three words: George Dubya Bush! Get out more, whiny black people, for fuck's sake!)
- White people don't have to worry about their natural hair preventing employment. (Black people do? Examples?)
- White people never get followed in stores. (Again, GET OUT MORE! The trailer park kids, skid row kids, mountain holler kids, etc, look beat-up and raggedy and have security on their ass, typecast as thieves! These people think ALL WHITES live in mansions on the hill!)
- Being white means no one says you're a terrorist. (Timothy McVeigh. Seriously, these people literally do not know any white people! They're just guessing at shit. lol)
- There are no negative white stereotypes. (If I had a dollar for every time a black person has said redneck or "under 6 feet, under 6 inches" here, I'd have enough money that you could call me privileged!)
- White people culturally appropriate with impunity. (Hey, assholes, someone who shares your skin color creating a thing does not make it YOURS! The collective wants it both ways.)
- White people aren't stopped the frisked. (Again, math is apparently racist, because whites were also victims of police civil rights abuses.)
- White people are never told to "get over slavery." (Because we have. We don't even teach it as happening anymore, FFS. The Irish? Spartacus? Too soon?)
- White people can remain unaware of their color. (Whoever sent in these examples lives in the smallest imaginable bubble! YOU'RE REMINDING WHITE PEOPLE THAT THEY'RE WHITE, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!)
More "privilege" examples coming...
Lilac, please try to talk some sense into JOSH. You seem to be the only one he will listen to.
I have tried. I have even lost a lot of sleep over JOSH because I was so happy he came back to FN. I was thrilled because he shot down PX and PC with the greatest of ease. But now I am not so thrilled.
The man has great talent but he also is unskillful when it comes to common sense thinking. What he calls logical is NOT logical at all. In fact, most of his judgments are loaded with emotions from his past. I just don't know what to do with him.
I know you bake. Can you bake him a sweet potato pie? That might do it.
Yes, like I was speeding that day in Livonia, Louisiana.
I'll bet you were speeding, and if that cop knew what a Godless communist anti-American lying piece of shit you were, he'd have beat the black out of your ass right there on the side of the road and thrown your foreign hide in jail where you belong.
Opportunity missed.
Better luck next time.
Being nice is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. Someday, maybe you'll be secure enough to be a nice person.
10:18 PM
Whoa! I think you burned Yisheng's ass with your comment. OUCH!
Anonymous said...
Yisheng seems to be all over the place. Last I heard she lived in DC. And now she's been living down South? Lord have mercy, that woman can lie.
It's a mentally dysfunctional coward's definition that makes blog posts they can't keep up with a lie.
Aricept Pookey Bear, try some Aricept.
G. Real, go easy and take the high road, man.
You shouldn't let Field get to you like that. Don't let the man make you crazy.
Poor Yisheng, she never got that medical degree. Instead she works as a lab assistant who cleans up labs. Hey, at least she has a job. A lot of Negroes these days don't even have one.
Here's one I found on someone trying to explain white privilege to someone who apparently doesn't believe in it. This oughta be good. Might take me 3 seconds instead of 2 to debunk the examples.
- White people can turn on the television or open a newspaper and see a member of their race represented. (Whites are 66% of the nation. 200 million people. Gee, ya think?)
- It's taught that white people are responsible for "civilization." (I think they mean American history here. (A) Founders were white, it is what it is, (B) white people try hard to force blacks into history via a month, special lesson plans, etc, and (C) most of western civilization is simply majority white. Sorry for being born wrong!)
- White people are never stopped by police for being white. (Try being white in a car in Suitland, MD, at 3a.m. "Y'all boys got 5 minutes to get the hell across the DC line. You're only here for drugs or women, we aren't having it," says a rather mean-looking black officer to a car full of white boys, pulled over in the parking lot of the drive-thru ABC.)
- I can arrange to be around a majority of white people. (Why don't you whiny fucks know math? Of course you can! Whites are 66% of the population. But I bet if you're white in a majority black location you can't. Shall we call that black privilege? Of course not, you moron.)
- White people can find housing they can afford in any area they want. (These are the same people writing this shit! They instantly assume all whites are wealthy! Projection. For fuck's sake, you think Betty Sue from the trailer court can go move into a high-class cul de sac with her job as a waitress and 2 kids? Idiots.)
- White neighbors are pleasant to other whites. (Yeah, because white people NEVER fight! The Hatfields and McCoys were actually Asians. White people never have beef with other white people. Again, someone who simply doesn't know a single fucking white person outside of their rich, upper-class, all-white bubble; they're just guessing.)
- Whites can find places to publish these "white privilege" pieces. (Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth, you ingrate! Social justice, and telling white people how inherently evil they are, is all the rage today! Obviously anyone, especially a white person, calling out "white privilege" can find a home for their content. Are you saying that blacks can't publish their own shit? Field's blog is owned by da man?)
This person then goes on to bellyache and complain about how natural-born citizens have it better than illegals, and how being born wealthy is better than being born poor, and how straight people have privilege, and how cis men have it better as being the norm, etc.
I'm supposed to recognize these examples as "privilege." But they're not. They're examples of people whining without first taking the time to think their complaints through. They're about people projecting their biases onto 200 people, treating "white" as a monolith. These examples are all demonstrable bullshit. What's next? Band-Aids are tan, therefore white privilege? The Super 8 only carries V05?
"The man has great talent but he also is unskillful when it comes to common sense thinking."
You know what "common sense" is? A piece of ice will melt faster in a pot of boiling water than under a stream of cold water. A metal boat won't float. Thunder and lightning are separate events. All "common sense."
Evidence, anon. Holy shit. You'd think I was asking to take your daughter to a Klan meeting or something.
You're making claim after claim after claim after claim. All I want is some evidence.
You call this me thinking I'm being logical but am actually not being logical.
You're free to keep being as wrong as you damn well please, but I still await some evidence. Any evidence. Just an evidence teaser. Just like, maybe, a keyword phrase to search on Google where I can find the evidence myself. Anything.
I'm assuming here that you don't know what a fallacy of bare assertion is. I'm also assuming that you don't know why committing logical fallacies makes you necessarily wrong.
In any event, I don't actually expect evidence. You'll just make a few more appeals to emotion and try to convince me that if only I could empathize with what people feel, then I might understand. Understand what, though? Oh, I'd understand that the universe works differently for sophists, whereby feeling something makes something true. Since I know the opposite to be true, I'm thus illogical and only think I'm being logical.
Now, excuse me, I have more examples of white privilege to Google. This is fun! It sure as hell beats working on gambling rhetoric.
-" White people can turn on the television or open a newspaper and see a member of their race represented. (Whites are 66% of the nation. 200 million people. Gee, ya think?)"
Because you are 65% of the nation, that should not matter. You should be gracious enough to step back a little for the minorities, esp the Blacks.
White men have tiny brains and tiny dicks. LOL!
"You're making claim after claim after claim after claim. All I want is some evidence."
The claim IS the evidence based on experience. You will just have to have a little trust in me and faith in the Buddha.
"You should be gracious enough to step back a little for the minorities, esp the Blacks."
Yeah, maybe. But why? And anyway, I have like five black-specific channels from Comcast that I didn't even order! lol I watch one. They bring on that show that Carlton from Fresh Prince hosts... that Catch 21. But the rest of their programming doesn't necessarily appeal to me.
And as far as I know, it's implied that every single channel and every single magazine that isn't black-specific is thus 100% all-white, all the time, therefore you have a range of black-specific magazines to which blacks can subscribe if they need to see black people on paper: Ebony, Sister, Vibe, Source, BlackMan, etc (apologies if I got any of the names wrong; I'm working off memory, I didn't Google.)
This nation goes out of its way to cater to blacks in entertainment. Nowhere else on planet Earth, in world history, will you be able to find a 13% stake in a population with so much specific representation.
"The claim IS the evidence based on experience."
Again, you're free to be wrong. And that's as wrong as it gets. It's called bare assertion. E.g. something being true because you assert that it's true. No. You're free to believe it works like that, and you're free to continue living your life like that. I'm sure white people haven't stopped you from doing it yet! Obviously. But it is a literal mistake in reasoning you're making, while insisting not only that I should be inclined to believe it, but that there's literally something wrong with me if I don't believe it.
Check your privilege!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Poor Yisheng, she never got that medical degree. Instead she works as a lab assistant who cleans up labs.
I'll keep that in mind at Tumor Board this Thursday.
But I am looking forward to journal club this Friday where this article is being presented: "Using natural language processing to improve efficiency of manual chart abstraction in research:the case of breast cancer recurrence."
I'll be sure to update with how it went before the weekend's end.
Will you be wearing your Tag Hauer watch and your Pringles of Scotland sweater with the brand new 2015 Manolo Blahnik winter line shoes as you step out of your shiny new Mercedes Benz to have it parked by a white valet at the best hotel in the state?
@10:34, I'd translate the article I listed for your reading pleasure (because I KNOW you're interested), but I don't know anyone that speaks stupid.
Will you be wearing your Tag Hauer watch and your Pringles of Scotland sweater with the brand new 2015 Manolo Blahnik winter line shoes as you step out of your shiny new Mercedes Benz to have it parked by a white valet at the best hotel in the state?
I'm a STRICT Movado woman with a preference for Dolce and Gabbana with Louboutins for special occasions. ;) But you did get the car right, though for graduation I'm seriously thinking of "getting my midlife crisis on" with the porsche panamera (since I'm no longer a "tennis Mom"). That pearl white with black rims/black leather interior sounds SWEET!!!!
So don't get it twisted again ol' BOY, Blessed and HIGHLY favored is my name! :)
Yīshēng said...
I'll keep that in mind at Tumor Board this Thursday
Tumor Board? Did you mean Taco Bell?
"But I am looking forward to journal club this Friday where this article is being presented: "Using natural language processing to improve efficiency of manual chart abstraction in research:the case of breast cancer recurrence."
You almost know what that means.
Whites are 66% of the nation.
Which explains why white males occupy 80% of elected positions despite being only 33% of the population. Josh is certainly one dumb motherfucker. And the sad part is he thinks he's smart. Be nice to him, he has no life obviously.
"Which explains why white males occupy 80% of elected positions despite being only 33% of the population"
No, that would be their superior intellect and work ethic.
I don't think Yisheng should be allowed to be flashing her titty on the comment board.
just sayin'
"I don't think Yisheng should be allowed to be flashing her titty on the comment board."
I was going to ask why she had a picture of a white baby nursing from Kobe Bryant.
But I guess you are right - that is supposed to be Yisheng's giant nipple. That poor baby. I'll bet her milk tastes of Courvoisier and shame.
"I can see why your God Ron Paul."
My bad, PBJ. I glossed over your comment unfairly. 99% of the time I read what you write, it's usually about your obsession with male genitalia. But I shouldn't typecast you as a closeted homosexual. As a skeptic who is socially liberal, I'm all for your lifestyle and your objective obsession with the penis. As for Ron Paul being my "God," I really don't know too much about the guy. He's the older one that does the doom-and-gloom commercials about America failing?
"Which explains why white males occupy 80% of elected positions despite being only 33% of the population. Josh is certainly one dumb motherfucker."
You bring up a reasonable point, which can be discussed and searched through in order to find valid reasons behind it; e.g. racism or the field? But with that other sentence, it's obvious that you're saying: Josh, you dumb fuck, this obviously proves white privilege!
Does it? How many black males in America actually want to get into politics vs. white males? If there are five-times the amount of white males, I'd argue that fifty-times the number of white males pursue politics. Fifty-times the number get into college courses about politics and start running locally. What would Field do to a black guy who decided he wanted to be a politician yet a Republican? To the house you go, negro!
What fields do black males mostly explore? Social-specific courses, AA-specific courses? It certainly isn't political fields or business fields.
This is precisely the same as females flooding into gender studies courses by the millions every single year, and then crying that there aren't enough women in STEM fields or working as CEOs! Why the fuck aren't you going to school to become a scientist or a CEO? Why aren't more black people trying to run for elected office? Why aren't more black males going to college to major in political science or political theory or, like Obama, law? Why aren't more black males pursuing their MBA in college? Bet your ass that the "Social" courses fill up six months before school starts starts, but that poly-sci class and business admin class is tumbleweeds.
Now, if you're able to show an impediment to blacks holding office (e.g. not being accepted for college, not being allowed to run, banned from debates, etc), then you might be able to make a point that it's white privilege and set up against blacks. But just like feminists who all want to major in gender studies, with a minor in molding plastic vaginas, and then demand that the world just force them into STEM fields and CEO positions, at some point you have to do for you.
Want more black males in political office? Run for office.
Are whites stopping ya? No? Then it's not white privilege.
Oh, but whites won't vote for blacks? Hey, Obama, how you been? Oh, Mr. Carson, you're currently leading the GOP race? Well, that's a big ole how do ya do!
Top college majors for AAs, according to BET:
- Community and Public Health
- Health Services
- Social degrees (sciences, works, etc)
- Community Organization
- School Counseling
On the list is also public policy, surprisingly, though only 15% of degree holders.
The data suggests that the bulk of black degree holders look to work in some social field, as public servants of some sort. But not politicians. Why? White privilege?
OK Josh, try this: White privilege is (among other things) a form of blindness (see also: Dunning/Kruger) that is similar to the one that keeps you from seeing what an insufferable prick you come off as in your comments.
-Doug in Oakland
Brother Field... unfortunately you usually have less than 30 seconds to make your impression when stopped by the police. Let us not forget that the police, being human, have a vast store of history when confronting you. If I was an officer, I know I would be in a high alert mode when making the stop. If he/she heard the local news in this city that I stay in- he/she would think that every Black stopped was an impending dangerous situation...... therefor my wife also tend to be the one with the responses. That because I too as a Black man have seen far too many negative outcomes with police.
As far as privilege, trying to convince the people to whom special protections afforded is futile. If negative messages can be passed down generational, surely positive messages also can be passed. And the majority will always look out for like-kind. I don't begrudge whites for perks they receive, surely my people are not motivated to compete as shown by all the shortcomings
we could tackle and eradicate. Waiting on to master to lead and provide has placed us in not a good posture in America. Until we get past "one-ism" our plight may continue.
PS... when the police stop whites late at night in blighted Black areas, I contend that is not profiling. That is them protecting you from what they know can be a traumatic situation for you. He is protecting you so you don't get your "head torn off". BUT>> I know you are not going to listen because most likely you got to feed that gorilla on your back. Whites increasing use of heroin. That another perks that whites get. NOW the police allow in some states/local the ability to carry narcan/naloxone with you. Now that its a "white thing" the public (the majority) don't want their love ones dead. Thank-you white people for having your value helping all the still using addicts. Again, enjoy your status as long as possible, because when you no longer have "it", you may step in front of a train.
dinthebeast: What's with the tautologies in descriptions here? Man, I get it. I've described perfectly what it is, and people just keep telling it back me, the same exact description, just reworded, like I'm getting it wrong.
White privilege: Something whites can't see, and something that cannot necessarily be shown to actually exist, but something that's nevertheless real. - Field's hands
Zeus: Something no one can see, and something that cannot necessarily be shown to actually exist, but something that's nevertheless real. - the Greeks
And, sure, I also realize that asking questions on this blog is racist agitation. I know you folks live by a standard of "listen and believe." I simply require a burden to be met with such claims, and to the extent I visit here, I'm going to ask people if they can provide such evidence.
9 times outta 10, folks just do what you do: Ad hominems and nonstarters to hopefully shut me up so you can go back to sophist back-patting in the safe-space echo chamber of collectivist cult worship.
Lastly, a BIG-ASS LOL @ the irony of using Dunning-Kruger. Surely you folks must realize that your feelings and perceptions and guesses and biases aren't necessarily reality. Right? I mean, you're fucking adults, I take it. Yet I'm the one who's biased and suffer from illusory superiority when in fact I'm just inept.
Boy, I knew you folks hated to be asked questions, but I didn't realize that hatred was that visceral and deep!
But, yeah, sure. I'm inept and don't know WTF I'm talking about. After all, white people turning on the TV and seeing white people is in no possible way a mathematical happenstance of white people making up 2/3 of the population. It is certainly white privilege! Just like the reason the diner down the road doesn't sell blueberry pie isn't because only a few people actually buy it. It's because of apple privilege and discriminating against the blueberries.
And there's no way that a lack of black politicians could have anything to do with most black degrees being in social fields and not geared toward politics or business. White privilege! I'm just too fucking stupid to understand. I'm willfully deaf and refuse to listen and believe.
Got crow? I'll eat it. All hail the mighty gods of the universe, whose feelings defy logic and reason and make things true if they feel they're true!
So you come back to prove my point?
-Doug in Oakland
And no, it's not something whites can't see; I see it just fine. It's something SOME whites don't Want to see.
-Doug in Oakland
Well, it's not there is some kind of precedence or something right? For there to be white privilege there have to be certain factors in place. 1 discriminatory practices such as a bias towards certain groups of people, 2 a power structure created by years of such discrimination to allow one group to have a disproportunate amount of influence, 3 mechamisms to continue 1 and 2. Maybe we can argue #3 but one has to have a total disregard of history to argue against 1 and 2. There have been numerous studies that prove there bias still exists in many quarters of American society and why wouldn't it? Implicit bias is a thing.
Of course one could argue that past events have no bearing on the present as if current events happen in a vacuum.
Check this out
Looks like Barack didn't kill this officer afterall.
No one is more profiled than whites.
No one is more paranoid about profiling than blacks.
Oh no. Looks like the great white southern hope for Democrats lost in Kentucky last night.
Kentucky Auditor Adam Edelen ousted in GOP surge
I didn't even know that there were dems in Ky.
Kinky, I hate to rain on your post-election parade,but here in Pa the Supreme Court has been turned over to the dems for the first in a long time. This is going to have huge implications. as they will be making decisions on things such as redistricting, voter supression, and fracking here in Pistolvania. (This being one of the major swing states to elect a prez and all)
Carry on.
field negro said...
I didn't even know that there were dems in Ky
Yes, Obama is creating millions of democrats in Kentucky by destroying the coal industry and forcing the now jobless workers on welfare/Obamacare.
You serve an evil lord, field.
ield negro said...
I didn't even know that there were dems in Ky.
Kinky, I hate to rain on your post-election parade,but here in Pa the Supreme Court has been turned over to the dems for the first in a long time
With all the Democrats under indictment in PA, Dems are gonna need all the help from liberal judges they can get.
Just saw some early polling for PA and Pat Toomey is looking good.....
Now don't you go and get all worried field. Dems/your great white southern hope could still run against Rand Paul.
I can't believe the GOP has won so many elections! This country is supposed to be Democratic, Progressive and Liberal. I feel like there is a 'death' of a way of life happening here.
People who think like Kinky, Bill and Josh are taking over. What's going to happen to us?
This is really scary.
Anonymous Mel Anoma said...
Yīshēng said...
I'll keep that in mind at Tumor Board this Thursday
Tumor Board? Did you mean Taco Bell?
See what I mean, speaking STUPID, LOL!!!
When you bite into that Cheesy Double Beef Burrito and instead get a mouthful of cancerous colorectal polyps, we'll see who is laughing then!
Do you ever dislodge your head from your ass for even a second?
At least Prof. Bland making a complaint about this may make an impression, make it easier for other people to go about normal activities without harassment.
I didn't need more than a few seconds of the video. Here was an obvious jogger out for morning exercise on a deserted neighborhood street. The ONLY appropriate response would have been to drive slowly by her and say, "Please move to the sidewalk, ma'am." And even add, "for your own safety." Instead we have the patrol car stop? And BOTH police get out of the car to confront her?? I know Corinth isn't New York City, and there isn't a lot to do, but give us a break! Go get a donut.
Profiling? Probably. Petty law infraction, if that? The pettiest. Handled as though it was a major felony? Looks like it to me.
God, am I glad I left my own small town.
"And no, it's not something whites can't see; I see it just fine. It's something SOME whites don't Want to see."
I Can't quite understand the Habit some people have with Capitalizing random words when Speaking. But that's really a pointless digression.
But I do see the "I'm one of the good ones" routine.
Is white privilege real? I really, truly, honestly do not know. I do imagine that, say, in the Jim Crow south, back in the 1950s, if you were to juxtapose Joe, a white guy, against Jim, a black guy, Joe would have exponentially more advantages. And because he was white. Is the USA still the same sort of culture? Do white people have it easier for being white?
I require evidence of white privilege. And I also require people to actually be reasonable and to stop saying "white privilege" is demonstrable nonsense like:
- Most actors, authors, singers being white. (Most PEOPLE are white. Sorry we were born wrong!)
- Saying white people are never shot by police or never stopped and frisked like blacks, or followed around stores, etc. (Climb outside the bubble; meet some white people. We don't all live in upper-class cul de sacs. And research some stats. One might actually have a very, very valid point, and something inherently worth speaking about, were one to frame it like, "Okay, but it happens to blacks disproportionately per population." But folks instead use the myth version: It never happens to whitey!)
- Crying about tan Band-Aids, no "black" shampoo in a hotel room, not enough black characters on Game of Thrones. (Most customers are white. Most people are white. Again, sorry for being born wrong! Also, write your own damn novel. Stop demanding random white people insert you into shit to appease you.)
- Claiming white people never have to think about being "white." (Idiots. It's 2015 America. White people are basically told they're born wrong! WTF you talkin' 'bout? I'm aware of no case in the past 40 years where blacks have been banned from something for being black. But just this year, a college literally banned white people for being white, and the "diversity officer" in charge of banning whites was able to keep her job. I guess those white people just didn't see what a privilege it was to be banned because they were born wrong!)
- A white person is supposedly never representative of his/her race, whereas a black person always is. (They've never been to Field's, have they? And did they not read The Source blame the whole of white America for that lunatic who murdered blacks in the church? More examples of people crying "privilege" not actually knowing shit about white people or the nation at large.)
- White people are always assumed to be qualified for a job. (Again, they just don't know that much outside the bubble. Crooked shit like cronyism is assumed a lot about all people, especially white people in big positions.)
- And obviously dozens of other petty examples.
So, sure, you "see" it. You do. You're one of the good ones. Me, well, I must be intentionally blind to it. Or it's that you're hallucinating or just one of those the-universe-runs-on-feelings sophists.
I hold "white privilege" to be the same smear as the "patriarchy" levied by feminists.
If it's so real and so obvious, there should be numerous examples that can't be debunked as bullshit or corrected as an error in logical reasoning within 5 seconds of seeing the example. It shouldn't be petty whining that not enough white people cater specifically to black people. One would think "white privilege" would be demonstrable and objective, not the literal equivalent of Zeus.
But, yeah, I'm just blinded to it is all.
Kinky_Con said...
Oh no. Looks like the great white southern hope for Democrats lost in Kentucky last night.
It only took Obama and the dumbocrats 7 years to turn the majorities they were given into record losses.
What did the dumbocrats do so badly that the public would reject their ideas and vote for right-wingers so quickly.
Oh yeah, those 3 million foxnews viewers. wink wink
field negro said...
I didn't even know that there were dems in Ky.
Isn't the current gov Steve Beshear a dumbocrat. Elected in 2007 when the country was voting against rethugs.
Thanks to Obama, the public is now voting dumbocrats out of office in record numbers.
Obama has done more to help get rethugs elected than foxnews.
OK, Josh, one more time with feeling: If you had been born black, you would have had it harder in your life in the US. The fact that you don't accept that is an example of white privilege. You can belittle the differences with your bullshit arguments all day long if you want. That you would try is another example. You're saying things are better than they were. I'm saying they are still not as they should be.
I find it somewhat ironic that you are demanding evidence that meets your criteria (or you won't accept it) in an argument about white privilege.
Also, sorry Craig, I fed the troll, my bad.
-Doug in Oakland
"OK, Josh, one more time with feeling: If you had been born black, you would have had it harder in your life in the US. The fact that you don't accept that is an example of white privilege."
Hey, man, I hear ya. My brother works as a repo agent for Rent-a-Center, and makes about 25k/year. His old lady, who used to be a union electrician, quit work to become a stay-at-home mom for their two kids, a son (almost 2) and a daughter (newborn). They're white.
Therefore, their lives are going to be objectively easier than LeBron James' kids. I mean, LeBron's black kids are going to be born into a world where their parents have to struggle to make ends meet. They will live in an apartment in the bad part of town. They won't have insurance. Their parents won't be able to afford a good nutritious menu. Oh, wait, shit. My bad. That's my white family about which I'm speaking. LeBron's kids will be fucking rich! But they're black, and my brother's kids are white, therefore we know which ones will have it easier, according to the brilliant worshipers of Zeus.
You are literally making an argument that my arguing against white privilege is white privilege! And simultaneously calling my arguments bullshit. No real rebuttal. I just want anyone who reads this to read that. Because, apparently, it's an example of white privilege that a white person can argue against being told that his life is easier because of his skin color. I guess my white privilege bans black people from responding and giving their take on it.
"...demanding evidence that meets your criteria (or you won't accept it)."
Huh? Okay, here's "my" criteria: Empirical.
Plain and fucking simple. I'm not even joking or being the least bit hyperbolic. Something that's empirical; that's all I want. Not something that says, "But white people can find shampoo easier!" or "But more whites than blacks are on Game of Thrones!" or lies that say "But whites are never shot by cops!" And what do I get? All this other demonstrable special pleading, conflating, and begging the question!
Doug in Oakland, seriously, mate. Rather than railing on about how I'm full of shit, blind, have bias, refuse to accept something, etc, you could simply provide an example of white privilege that's empirical and not colloquial nonsense that doesn't apply to "race" but rather to wealth.
Though I guess it's an example of white privilege that you didn't.
I love this circle:
"White privilege is real!"
"Prove it by illustrating it."
"Boom! I just proved it. You argued against white privilege, therefore white privilege!"
Does this blog have anyone else who can have a go at me while actually making a little sense? I miss PurpleCow. In comparison, that guy's pretty good.
I've been on this blog for around 2 years, maybe 3. Apologies for not keeping better track. During that time, I have:
- Fought against the idea that blacks are genetically inferior
- Stuck up for black IQ
- Agreed with Field on dozens of occasions that X or Y was in fact racism
- Railed against regressive Republican/conservative policies and stances
- Advocated for more accountability in policing
- Demanding police be fired and/or tried for shooting blacks (case dependent)
- And on I could go
But nobody ever pays attention to that shit. If I see something and feel the evidence is sufficient for me to say it's racism or needs to change, I'm consistent. I have agreed with Field here many times.
People only focus on what I say when I'm disagreeing with their conclusion-first, circular postulates, like white privilege. For this, I want to see evidence. And people treat me as if I refuse to ever see anything, anywhere as racism or bad for blacks, etc.
It's not my fault some of you people have a burning need to confirm your own biases. If I'm insufferable, if I'm stupid, if I'm wrong, whatever. It is what it is. But I've always been a consistent skeptic since first coming here. And nobody has a problem with it, nobody even seems to notice, when I'm railing against police violence or telling white racists that a little girl acting up in the classroom isn't because she's black. And don't get me wrong, I'm not in any way after acknowledgement for it. The same way I'm not after it for disagreeing with the boogeyman of white privilege. For me, personally, I expect things in which I subscribe to meet a burden.
This is problematic for people when I'm just supposed to listen and believe. When I'm supposed to use people's feelings as evidence of a thing, I become a bad guy. I become an insufferable prick, a racist, an illogical privileged asshole, etc.
There exists a way to shut me up about the topic, if you're sick of reading what I write. Prove white privilege as a concept by illustrating empirical evidence that's actually "evidence" and not just colloquial nonsense like "all whites born will have it easier than all blacks." This isn't a model of reality. It's a meme.
Actually Bill it IS those millions of voting Fox News viewers.
Josh said...
I've been on this blog for around 2 years, maybe 3. Apologies for not keeping better track. During that time, I have:
- Fought against the idea that blacks are genetically inferior
- Stuck up for black IQ
- Agreed with Field on dozens of occasions that X or Y was in fact racism
- Railed against regressive Republican/conservative policies and stances
- Advocated for more accountability in policing
- Demanding police be fired and/or tried for shooting blacks (case dependent)
- And on I could go
No, that's quite enough to illustrate how ignorant, conformist, and craven you are in your desperate pleading for validation from black people.
It's not working Josh. The more you beg, the more they despise you.
Yeah, if you say so.
Never have I seen such a lengthy example of quote-mining.
But as the saying goes: You learn something new everyday.
Spot on Bill. I think after Obama leaves office Republicans ought to chip in and buy him a fruit basket...
Dems record loses in the House and Senate wouldn't be possible without Obama...
Riiiight. And yet he beat u, TWICE. This is the part where I look up and say:Scoreboard!;)
Rethugs record wins in the House and Senate wouldn't be possible without Whooteemoos.
Doc, don't forget that little gerrymandering thingy.
field negro said...
Doc, don't forget that little gerrymandering thingy.
Are you talking about her big floppy titty?
@4:54, ONLY men with serious penis deficiencies are afraid of large areoles.
LOL at iPad autocorrect!!!
You need autocorrect for your soul.
Internet white privilege examples exposed, round 3:
- White people are trained to mistrust other races. (Evidence? Did you visit 1954 Alabama for this observation and miss the biggest superstars and product spokespople on Earth being black?)
- Non-white children aren't given learning materials which suggest their race even exists. (Yeah, because nobody learned about CRM, George Washington Carver, Harriet Tubman, et al in school, did they?)
- White people can have their voices heard; non-whites cannot. (Yeah, Field is really white. There are no black pundits or channels or media outlets or voices in America. Only white.)
- Whites don't have to listen to blacks; blacks have to listen to whites. (Again, many blacks on this blog prove that untrue. They don't "listen" to whites; they simply spam and troll and toss out ad hominems. Get out more, people. Damn. Where do you live at?)
- White people can easily find white music at music stores. (1) iTunes, bitch. 2) The single-largest section at Tape World growing up was Hip-Hop, aisle 1. I wanted the new Soundgarden, I had to go to the back of the store. Dumb-ass know-nothing liars. Go shopping first!)
- White people who curse, look raggedy, etc, never have their morals questioned. (Watch Fox News as they morally police everyone. Bill O'Reilly would call you a guttersnipe.)
- Whites can speak without putting their race on trial. (Can they? Really? And you can't? Really? Evidence.)
- White people are never said to be a credit to their race. (That's not mighty white of ya a'tall!)
- White people aren't asked to speak for their race. (White people also don't present their "race" as a collective and assign people to either the field or the house, nor do they judge what "white" is. Sorry, sometimes white people assume black people are a collective. Our B, boss. Not like there's any reason we should think that.)
- White people speaking about race can find more back-up, apparently. (Not like any black person here would ever back up another black person for being black, right, Yisheng and PX?)
- Whites can work for affirmative action employers without having people wonder if they're an AA hire. (Well, shit, Einstein. Could it be because maybe white people aren't hired that way? At least not white males.)
- White people can find professional help and counseling, blacks can't. (According to BET.com, most black degree holders have education in counseling and public health works. Maybe go out and find them? Just a suggestion.)
- Black people have to fear discrimination. (No. Women also don't need to fear being raped in parking lots at night. Though some do. Not white people's fault, though; sorry.)
- White leaders with low credibility will never have it attributed to their race. (Depends, though, don't it? A white mayor of Detroit wouldn't never be thought as typically white or anything, would he? Whites are the only people who do that shit!)
- Whites can easily find academic courses which give attention to their race. (African American studies, black history, dozens more, including literally a Black Lives Matter course in college!)
Damn you, white people.
I have given up on JOSH. I really wanted him to make it with this racial thing, but alas! he just couldn't grasp what "White Privilege" is. Which means he has it but can't see it.
I pray other Whites are not as dense and in denial as brother JOSH. Still, brother JOSH is an 'ok' wm....not great, but he's coming along ok.
Keep striving to become a better person, son. That's what it is all about.
Seriously, Josh. you have let down a lot of people here with your so-called logical empirical thinking.
Do you have any feelings for your black brothers? I mean really. You are like the Supreme Court who declared that there is no need for anti-discriminatory laws anymore. Really?
Did they determine that on empirical evidence, or bullshit?
And what about PAC where a corporation is considered an individual and therefore can give unlimited amounts of money for political campaigns? Is that "logical"?
anon, don't waste your time with Josh. Besides the questions you have asked him has sent him running for the hills.
"Which means he has it but can't see it."
Religion. Begging the question. Illogical nonsense: "White privilege is real!" "Yeah? Evidence?" "See! You don't believe it, therefore you have it!"
"I pray other Whites are not as dense and in denial as brother JOSH."
Just illustrate an example of privilege. Seriously. I don't subscribe to your religion, which is literally a religion, and now I'm a heathen who needs saving.
"what about PAC where a corporation is considered an individual and therefore can give unlimited amounts of money for political campaigns? Is that "logical"?"
What does this one have to do with white privilege?
Maybe Jay-Z and Michael Jordan can form a PAC and rival evil whitey. Bring in P-Diddy if they need someone to say, "Take that, take that, take that," while whipping up on whitey.
I read a white privilege line that says white people never have to worry about being a credit/discredit to their race for what they personally do. Not sure if I spoke to how nonsensical that one is. But now that I'm on the topic: I don't think any lesser of black people because you're a dogmatic dullard who wants to force his religion on me. I don't think that reflects negatively on black people at all. I think it reflects negatively on you.
Just ponder for a minute how "privileged" one must be to sit around and literally whine and complain that the Band-Aids they find at the store are tan. Massa's not whipping your back. Whitey isn't keeping you from voting. You're not lynched. I'm assuming here that the Klan isn't burning crosses on your lawn. But you can't find a Band-Aid that matches your specific skin tone, therefore society is unjustly tilted in favor of white people. How privileged a person do you have to be to literally cry over something that's objectively less important than spilled milk?
And no relative privation here. I'm not saying that one shouldn't focus on a smaller problem just because there exist bigger problems. I'm saying, flatly, it's not a problem AT ALL! White people are the majority of society. Sorry if it offends you that we're born, you racist scum.
Spilled milk can get into the grout and fuck up the tile, hurt the hardwood, grow bacteria and make people sick. Though it's nothing to cry over, as the saying suggests. But tan Band-Aids, more whites than blacks on TV, "white" shampoo in hotel rooms - oh, you damn white people! You just don't realize how fed up we are of your privilege.
It will never cross your mind that I can't see it because it doesn't exist. It will always be my job to accept your personal sensitive feelings as a factual argument.
And, sorry, but I refuse to treat you any differently because you're black. You want me to. You beg me to. You literally asked me to about four times already. But I will not treat you differently because you're black. I'd hold a white creationist to the exact same standards were they in here preaching about God and how Noah's flood carved the Grand Canyon. "Evidence," I'd shout. "Let me see actual evidence, not just your claim."
And you know what they'd say to me: "God is real, whether you believe it or not."
And still you can't see the fault in your logic, can you? Not because you're black do you miss it, but because you're you.
No one is more profiled than whites.
Dumbest statement of the year. But then again it came from Kinky so what do you expect?
JOSH, I give up. On behalf of everyone on FN let me say that everyone recognizes that you are absolutely right. As a matter of fact, you have been right about everything, including the non-existence of God. From this day forward I will follow your lead because you make good logical sense while everyone else makes no sense.
Kinky and Josh stick together. They think alike.
That's not fair to Kinky.
Anonymous said...
"That's not fair to Kinky"
Aww, anon. Don't ragequit.
Here's what you say to me, here's what you expect of me: "Josh, I'm black. I have experienced racism in my life. Therefore, when I feel like something is racist, I'm speaking from experience. You need to open yourself up and learn to trust my feelings. You don't need evidence; my feelings are the evidence. Treat me differently, as a black man, and make an exception for what I claim to feel. I believe my perceptions to be reality, and all I'm asking of you, good Josh, is to also accept my perceptions as reality. Is this so much to ask someone else? Why can you not just listen and believe?"
Here's what I expect: Demonstrable, empirical examples.
I don't know why so many people go into hysterical gymnastics over this! It's like I just insulted Muhammad to a group of devout Muslims.
But, sure, I get it. It's a me issue. It's my problem. It's not on the person making the claim to prove the claim; the person asking questions should STFU and just learn to accept on faith what he can't see.
Is the same anon up there seriously pretending to be in a conversation with other people? lol I've seen it all now.
Dear Mr Field, I am resigning my post as anon pretending to be some other anon. I see no point in commenting on FN anymore, esp since the brilliant and empirical Josh has found me out.
I tell you, there is no getting around Josh. He's too sharp and won't take an ounce of bullshit from any Black. Hence, Mr Field the 'jig' is up.
You might as well close down FN before Josh tears it down and put you to shame....
As the FN saying goes, "Keep your pride before Josh tears it down."
Brother anon, I empathize with you as a bm. Josh is anti-God, anti-religion, anti-church and anti-faith. I believe he is the 'Devil's Advocate" because he uses phrases like Al Pacino did in that movie.
I bet he likes demonic movies.
Yep. I'm a heathen. Didn't I already admit to such like 15 posts ago?
Though I can't understand why so many people take it as a personal affront against your specific faith.
If there were a Scientologist in here telling me I needed to check my thetan levels and cleanse my soul, I'd claim that thetan levels are whackadoodle cultist bullshit with no basis in reality.
I don't think you people understand what a skeptic is. I don't believe in ghosts or Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster or UFO abductions or El Chupacabra or the Jersey Devil either. Why take it so personally as if I'm only against the things you believe in?
In the event you are a Christian, anon, then there are literally five billion people on the planet who do not accept your faith.
I reckon all these people like demonic movies too.
More proof that Field is a professional liar, and Blacks are morons on average. Ms. Bland was not stopped and cited because she was Black. She was stopped and cited because she was a pedestrian in a vehicular roadway, walking with her back to traffic. She was both obstructing traffic and creating a danger to herself and others.
Had this nitwit been run over because she was jogging in the road at night in a black hoodie, what would Field title his piece? "Vehicular racism: driver who could not see Dean Bland guilty of optical lack of discrimination" is my entry for the pool.
How soon before the public insists that anyone dumb enough to create a racist narrative out of a public-safety situation is too dumb to draw a state paycheck? Not soon enough. Ms. Bland should be immediately re-tasked to a job within her competence, such as bagging groceries.
Also, the reason Field was pulled over was because he was speeding. Black drivers are notorious for driving much further beyond the speed limit than Whites, then pulling the race card when they are cited. Radars cannot detect skin color any more than the SAT's Scantron sheet.
And A Black Panther Forever wrote...
"If negative messages can be passed down generational, ..."
If you wonder why White people look down on you, look no further than your own tortured grammar. You can't even read your own writing back to yourselves and realize that it sounds retarded. The irony of citing the Dunning-Kruger effect is so delicious.
"And no, it's not something whites can't see; I see it just fine."
If you want to see something badly enough, reality is no barrier. But reality's a bitch when someone asks you to prove that it's actually there.
"For there to be white privilege there have to be certain factors in place. 1 discriminatory practices such as a bias towards certain groups of people, 2 a power structure created by years of such discrimination to allow one group to have a disproportunate amount of influence, 3 mechamisms to continue 1 and 2."
Let's see...
1. Affirmative action and "disparate impact" law biases education, employment and even criminal justice in favor of Blacks.
2. The EOE, "equal housing" and education establishments are a power structure devoted to maintaining this disproportionate influence.
3. The continued existence of the laws and court precedents, combined with the failure of reality to bend to the fantasies behind same, is a mechanism which continues 1 and 2.
"- Saying white people are never shot by police or never stopped and frisked like blacks, or followed around stores, etc. (Climb outside the bubble; meet some white people. We don't all live in upper-class cul de sacs.)"
They see no contradiction in claiming you're privileged, then accusing you of living in a trailer park. Mental midgets, all of them.
"OK, Josh, one more time with feeling: If you had been born black, you would have had it harder in your life in the US."
Being born stupid makes life harder. That's a given.
"The fact that you don't accept that is an example of white privilege."
Insisting that Whites are better-off is equivalent to claiming they're smarter.
"Anonymous said...
I have given up on JOSH. I really wanted him to make it with this racial thing, but alas! he just couldn't grasp what "White Privilege" is."
That is because you insist that he see what you believe is true, but is not. Until Affirmative Action and "disparate impact" are gone, that so-called "privilege" isn't just non-existent, it's the opposite of the truth.
"Mental midgets, all of them."
To the people insisting that I need to accept their religion as factual, lest there's something wrong with, I agree completely.
Though what gets me so much about those dozens and dozens of "white privilege" examples I covered: None of the people complaining seem to actually know many people, and certainly don't seem to know any white people. The claims sound like they come from a collectivist bubble, told by blacks who live in 99% black communities and only see white people on TV. And, yes, the double-think in "you're privileged, trailer trash redneck!" is just so side-splitting hilarious that I cannot physically stand to read some people's responses. I have to quit mid-way through. They should come with a trigger warning.
As far as I could tell, most of those "privilege" examples come from black people. And most all are demonstrable nonsense like white people NEVER:
- Find housing they can't afford (but then, as you say, will insist someone's trailer trash)
- Get pulled over or frisked
- Get shot by police
- Get followed in stores
- Have to think about "being white"
- Have hardships growing up
- Have negative stereotypes used against them
- Feel unwanted
- Have to look for representation
It comes across as people who project their racism toward whites outward and simply guess that whites all have it easy and meet up every month to split the proceeds gathered by oppressing minorities. They make Melissa Harris-Perry seem smart.
With so much crime and violence committed by blacks its little wonder then they are stopped so often. I think blacks have a blind spot in this regard and do not realize the problems they cause. next time a black is stopped by police just think of the community service they perform in keeping society livable. Blacks do not make for a livable society.
Watch the video. It's amazing -- the cops are cheerful and friendly, and repeatedly tell her all they want to do is make sure she's safe and not impeding traffic, and that she should just walk on the proper side of the road (against traffic, not with it). They explain the virtues of this old rule (you can see traffic coming, and get out of the way) in a friendly way.
And what does she do? She lies and claims she was treated insultingly.
The university is facing pressure to fire this woman. I think a firing is justified. Political speech is protected, but factual lies are not.
She won't be fired, of course -- the Left is never punished for lying (or worse) for The Struggle.
But justified? Yes, a professor is charged with transmitting the truth to students; she is a liar. She is not qualified for the job.
I am white. You have to be deaf, dumb, blind and stupid not to recognize the existence of white privilege.
Does that mean white people all coast through life untroubled? No. Does it mean that as they live their lives, with whatever tribulations life throws at them, there's one thing they don't have to worry about: being non-white? Yes.
Look at it this way: you carry a load of bricks through life. Poverty brick, illness brick, lousy upbringing brick, unattractive brick, whatever, there's an endless list of crap we all carry. But whatever load we individually carry though life, there's a couple of extra bricks thrown on top if you're black. Does that mean every PoC is disadvantaged relative to every white person? No. Obviously there are some black people who mostly sail through life and some white people who never have a chance, but comparing group to group, it is simply absurd to assert that there's no advantage to being white. You might as well deny the existence of gravity or insist that 2 + 2 = Orange.
I do think the term "privilege" is overused and over-interpreted, and I'd make more of that were it not for the ass-hats who continue to pretend that the 13% of the population that controls about 1% of the wealth is somehow taking advantage. If PoC are advantaged they're doing a hell of a good job of hiding it. As is too often the case, it's the cretins who end up defining the parameters of the debate, while those of us who prefer accuracy and nuance to exaggeration and oversimplification end up writing disgruntled comments on blogs.
"it is simply absurd to assert that there's no advantage to being white. You might as well deny the existence of gravity or insist that 2 + 2 = Orange."
Okay, Michael. If it is this blatantly obvious, this axiomatic a thing, this widespread to the point it's a fucking universal law, as you're literally arguing, then why are 99.999% of "white privilege" examples demonstrable bullshit like the fact that more whites are on TV, Band-Aids are tan, Game of Thrones doesn't have enough blacks (whatever that means), and other first-world gripes?
Where are these examples? What are the advantages of being white?
If you prefer accuracy, be accurate. If you don't want we ass-hats defining parameters, set your own! List examples of this privilege that cannot be debunked because they are, in fact, factual. One cannot debunk something that is a fact. You can't debunk the sea. But you can debunk seamonsters.
Also, why are you necessarily creating a false dichotomy of either disadvantaged or privileged? One can be disadvantaged without the other being privileged. This is just objective reality. In a race, just because you twist your ankle doesn't mean the race's leader is on performance enhancing drugs or gets to run a shortcut.
You are presenting a well-written argument -- for a Sophist Weekly newsletter. You and the "bricks" is good-sounding shit! But what are those extra bricks blacks carry that whites do not?
To call something white privilege is to explicitly say that it is a thing that benefits whites. White privilege is a person's skin color giving them certain societal benefits not available to blacks. What are these benefits? Again, all I find are primarily sad-sack gripes from first-world brats who truly believe that it's racist that George RR Martin doesn't write what THEY want, or that more black-specific channels aren't created. Can you provide better examples of white privilege?
I mean, I reckon I'm deaf, dumb, blind and stupid, Michael, because you are literally making the exact same argument feminists make for patriarchy and the wage gap and women being second-class citizens. They say it's axiomatic. It's obvious. You'd have to be blind not to see that males have advantages in society females do not! But where are their empirical, objective examples? Oh, they don't need those. They just insist it's real, like FUCKING ZEUS, and call other people stupid for not believing it.
Evidence or, please, stop insisting people are stupid for not believing the literal equivalent of religion!
Just because you're a true believer doesn't make it true. Things that are true can necessarily be demonstrated as such. If said thing cannot be demonstrated as true, it should be dismissed with extreme prejudice as nonsense.
"Things that are true can necessarily be demonstrated as such."
I seem to recall a little something from Kurt Gödel proving that there are true statements which cannot be proven true, but that's mathematics and we all know that's weird racist shit because e.g. statistics say that Blacks are the dumbest and most violent race of Homo sapiens.
Yeah. Mathematics exist in their own independent category of universality. Strange stuff there. I never made it farther than physics. I didn't have the time nor inclination to decipher that "WTF?" I found in quantum physics. Not sure I could have if I wanted to.
Though numbers headaches aside, I'm surprised that not one person has managed to illustrate a single example of something in America that benefits someone simply because their skin is white. I'm starting to think that maybe they can't think of one. Like they go to write it down, but before posting realize that, "Hey, this one seems weird." So instead of giving examples, they just say, "It's obvious! Believe it or you're stupid!"
IMO, the biggest problem is that they conflate monetary privilege with skin privilege. Most things people cite as "white privilege" happen to revolve around wealth. To the extent these things benefit "whites," it's objective that they'd also benefit Jay-Z or Kanye or Lebron or P-Diddy's wealthy kids. So they're not examples of "white" privilege. They're just privilege. Sorry, whiny black people, but some folks are privileged and some folks aren't. It's not a systemic conspiracy. Some people will be born to parents who are more successful; some will be born as the 7th child of a single mother, whose six siblings will all have different fathers. Blame whitey, if it helps.
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