The Field Negro education series continues:
"Racism is dead." "Too many black people are playing the race card." "Affirmative Action is unconstitutional and represents racism against white people." "All Lives Matter." "Political correctness is ruining America."
These and similar sentiments are common, perhaps prevalent, in these times. "Enough already -- slavery ended more than 150 years ago." "I'm not racist and am not responsible for what someone else did in the 19th century."
If that is indeed the case, please use the comment box to explain the following things to me:
Flint, MI is 60% black with 41% of its citizens living beneath the poverty line. Flint's children have been exposed to lead in the drinking water because of a decision to save money. The toxicity of the water was covered up for many months. Grosse Pointe Shores, MI is .6% black. 2.7% live below the poverty line. Please indicate what you think the response would have been if wealthy white children in Grosse Pointe Shores were exposed to lead in the water supply?
A group of heavily armed white men, labeled "activists" by the media, trespassed and occupied federal buildings in rural Oregon. The official response was to allow them to air their grievances, order supplies and allow the situation to defuse over time. Please comment on the likely police response if a group of heavily armed black men took over federal property.
Jim Cooley, a white man, carried a loaded assault weapon into the Atlanta airport. Cooley simply went about his business, supposedly keeping his daughter safe. John Crawford, a black man, picked up an air rifle from a shelf in an Ohio Walmart and was shot to death by police. Please explain what you think might have happened if John Crawford carried a loaded assault weapon into the Atlanta airport or if Jim Cooley shopped for an air gun at Walmart.
A prominent hedge fund manager in Manhattan is a leading advocate for "no excuses" charter schools, such as KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program), Success Academies and Democracy Prep. Well-documented reports reveal that children at KIPP have been punished by being labeled "Miscreants," students at Success Academies have wet their pants due to stress and the refusal to allow them to go to the bathroom, and children at Democracy Prep have been shunned, branded by wearing yellow shirts and literally forced into silence, with other children and adults forbidden to speak to them. This "reformer" is on the record saying that these means of discipline are necessary because these children, nearly all of color, "need it." His own daughters attend Nightingale-Bamford, a highly selective, expensive, majority white, girls school on Manhattan's Upper Eastside. Please indicate the way you believe he might respond if any of his daughters reported such experiences during their school days.
A quick web search yields hundreds of photos of smiling white men in public places, including stores and schools, openly carrying rifles or holstered handguns. Please comment on the likely response if a young black man, wearing saggin' pants with a large brimmed cap askew, entered a school or store with an assault weapon or loaded handgun.
Nearly every student of color in my school has been followed in a store or stopped and frisked by New York City police. I am not aware of any white student, during my 18 years as head of school, being subjected to similar treatment. Please describe the characteristics of these students that might account for the apparently different treatment.
A University of Chicago study examined the "call back" rates for job applicants with black sounding names as opposed to those with white sounding names. Their resumes were otherwise identical. Those with black sounding names received 50% fewer interview invitations than those with white sounding names. Please comment on the resume information that seems most likely to explain the lower number of interview opportunities for "black-sounding" candidates.
I will read your comments with great curiosity. [Source]
Don't read the comments here Mr. Nelson. You will only hear about what a N****r lover you are, and how deluded you are when it comes to knowing what is really going on in Barack Obama's America. And blah blah blah.
In other words, the reason we are still hearing about racism, is because of the abundance of people giving the negative comments you will no doubt read after your insightful essay.
*Pic from esl-educate-school-learn.blogspot.com
The left loves different prospectives long as the agree with the prospectives given.
As a matter of fact we do, because we know that we are right and you right wingers are a bunch of miserable shits.
"Flint, MI is 60% black with 41% of its citizens living beneath the poverty line. Flint's children have been exposed to lead in the drinking water because of a decision to save money. The toxicity of the water was covered up for many months. Grosse Pointe Shores, MI is .6% black. 2.7% live below the poverty line. Please indicate what you think the response would have been if wealthy white children in Grosse Pointe Shores were exposed to lead in the water supply?"
Flint is run by black people, with a black mayor and a black city council. They had fucked thing up so badly the white Governor had to appoint a black Emergency Manager, Darnell Earley, to run the city.
The black city of Flint thought they were paying too much for water from the black city of Detroit and made a deal with a new Huron water company in Gennesee county. The black-run City of Detroit water learned of this and raised Flint’s rates. But Flint couldn’t use the new Huron water source for two years. So the black Emergency Manager was confronted with two years of high rates – rates he did not want to pay, so he decided to use water from the Flint River. There are pictures on the Web of the black city council happily celebrating the decision while raising glasses of the poisonous Flint River water.
Flint River water on its own was not toxic. The problem is that Flint has lead feeder pipes from the water mains. Most of the time a city can tolerate lead pipes because an impervious lead oxide film forms on the inside of the pipes. This is why Rome could use lead pipes for centuries without bad effects. Their lead problem came from other areas – cooking vessels and wine. Rome had alkali water but the Flint River is acidic. It quickly dissolved the protective lead coating in the Flint water system feeder pipes. There have been some measurements from the Flint water system of over three thousand ppb. Bad water.
I fail to see how this an example of white racism. The only white person in this story is the Governor, and his only act was to appoint a black Emergency Manager to help a failing black city. For this his apologized profusely, even though usually it is not within a governor's job to micromanage the decisions of municipal utilities.
White-run cities seem to do a better job not poisoning their residents, however had this happened Grosse Pointe Shores the response would be similar, absent the Governor having to apologize.
All of the specific decisions that led to the people of Flint getting bad water were made by black people. Are you saying it is racist of whites to let blacks run things and make important decisions?
I had a 'negro' boss a few years ago for four years. I live five houses down from a 'negro' family in a $500,000, on average, neighborhood. I'm a Republican.
Funny how TLHNC wants us to agree with racists who hate our guts. Funny that. Hey Field, maybe next time you should use a post authored by David Duke or Jared Taylor that explains how we are not human or genetically inferior maybe that would make him/her happy. You have some interesting trolls.
"A group of heavily armed white men, labeled "activists" by the media, trespassed and occupied federal buildings in rural Oregon. The official response was to allow them to air their grievances, order supplies and allow the situation to defuse over time. Please comment on the likely police response if a group of heavily armed black men took over federal property."
They probably wouldn't have set a roadblock and then shot the leader to death after he got out of his vehicle.
Google image search "white american couple".
Let's face it. We live in a racist country with white racists who think they are not racists. I don't have optimism for America's racial problems. It's been going on for far too long to be rectified.
As long as Whites are running the country, expect racism to be the #1 problem in America. It doesn't matter whether there is a black President in the WH or not. That is just a front, a figure head.
They probably wouldn't have set a roadblock and then shot the leader to death after he reached for his gun, twice.
The right loves different perspectives long as the agree with the perspectives given.
These guys are really trying to make Finicum a martyr even after the FBI video clearly shows him reaching for his weapon not once but twice. These guys are a trip.
As long as blacks and liberal whites don't acknowledge the majority of violent crimes, as a percentage of the population, are committed by blacks there will be no discussion.
As long as whites don't acknowledge the majority of violent crimes are committed by whites there will be no discussion.
There, now it's accurate.
The leftt loves different perspectives long as the agree with the perspectives given.
As long as blacks and liberal whites don't acknowledge the majority of violent crimes, as a percentage of the population, are committed by blacks there will be no discussion.
There, now it's accurate.
The right loves different perspectives long as they agree with the perspectives given.
As long as whites don't acknowledge the majority of violent crimes are committed by whites there will be no discussion.
There, now it's accurate.
Can we stop with the moronic "Fixer" comments back and forth please?
The leftt loves different perspectives long as the agree with the perspectives given.
As long as blacks and liberal whites don't acknowledge the majority of violent crimes, as a percentage of the population, are committed by blacks there will be no discussion.
There, now it's accurate.
"These guys are really trying to make Finicum a martyr even after the FBI video clearly shows him reaching for his weapon not once but twice."
Actually, although it does appear he is reaching into his coat, he was unarmed.
Maybe the FBI will someday release some of the shots from the several ground-based cameras they recorded the scene with, and we could see better than from the helicopter video.
Whites commit a majority of crimes, but blacks commit more as a percentage of the population, Fixer. As to murders, blacks commit the same number as whites and are 13% of the population.
"I fail to see how this an example of white racism. The only white person in this story is the Governor, and his only act was to appoint a black Emergency Manager to help a failing black city. For this his apologized profusely, even though usually it is not within a governor's job to micromanage the decisions of municipal utilities"
Liberals, both black & white, don’t believe blacks can do much on their own. So it’s always someone else’s fault even if blacks are in control. You go up the ladder until you reach the first white in authority, preferable a white conservative male.
So the failure to evacuate citizens from the path of a powerful hurricane with 72 hour warning is not the fault of the black mayor, or the liberal white governor, but the white Republican President.
Same thing with Flint.
Whites commit a majority of crimes, but blacks commit more as a percentage of the population, Fixer. As to murders, blacks commit the same number as whites and are 13% of the population.
OK, everyone knows this. Who gives a fuck. What is your point?
As long as whites don't acknowledge the majority of violent crimes are committed by whites there will be no discussion.
There, now it's accurate.
''Can we stop with the moronic "Fixer" comments back and forth please?''
I was the original Fixer. I worked diligently, and often times without pay, to fix the posts of low information lefties so they wouldn't look so stooopid. Out of nowhere comes this undocumented fixer copying me and trying to take my job. I will stand up for myself and push back against Pedro...
Actually, although it does appear he is reaching into his coat, he was unarmed.
OK, so Finicum was a fucking idiot?
Who gives a fuck? I bet the murder victims families give a fuck. Most of us don't give a fuck about two drug dealers killing each other, but I bet their children and mothers do.
I was the original Fixer.
Nothing to fix here.
What's the definition of insanity? Blacks voting for the same corrupt Democrats over and over again expecting their lives to get better. And then they have the nerve to cry racism and blame whitey for their sad existence.
White advocates are cowards who kick the dog (i.e., dehumanize relatively powerless groups like Black Americans) because they are afraid to stand up to the boss (Jews).
I was the original Fixer.
Nothing to fix here.
What's the definition of insanity? Blacks voting for the same corrupt Democrats over and over again expecting their lives to get better. And then they have the nerve to cry racism and blame whitey for their sad existence.
Maybe except for the many the Blacks who are doing quite well and see no reason to vote for the opposition party. Most the Blacks voters are educated, employed and enjoy a nice standard of life and resent the implication that their lives are miserable and need to be fixed somehow by the Republicans. Of course we can't understand this perspective can we?
Black Nationalist said...
White advocates are cowards who kick the dog (i.e., dehumanize relatively powerless groups like Black Americans)
Democrats wouldn't win elections without black voters. So tell me why blacks are powerless.
I was the original Fixer. I worked diligently, and often times without pay, to fix the posts of low information lefties so they wouldn't look so stooopid. Out of nowhere comes this undocumented fixer copying me and trying to take my job. I will stand up for myself and push back against Pedro...
9:52 PM
You never worked without pay. Our Conservative accounting department at Anon, Inc has proof. You have been making twice the amount as the fixer in our Progressive Liberal Department and we have proof of that also.
Regardless, Anon Inc is very please with the outstanding work you have been doing on FN. Because of your great work, Anon Inc will be raising FN's rate again. With post-racial issues in play these days, it is only fair to start charging Field the same rate as Whites....
No more white guilt favoritism...that Negro is going to pay the going "rate" that Whites pay!
Isn't that racist to expect a black person to pay the same rates has a white person?
@Detroit Ed 8:34PM -
"So the black Emergency Manager was confronted with two years of high rates – rates he did not want to pay, so he decided to use water from the Flint River" Wrong. The emergency manager who made the decision to use the Flint River as the interim source was in fact one Edward Kurtz
"The only white person in this story is the Governor, and his only act was to appoint a black Emergency Manager to help a failing black city" Wrong again. "In a July 2015 email, Dennis Muchmore (then Snyder's chief of staff) wrote to a Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) official: "I'm frustrated by the water issue in Flint. I really don't think people are getting the benefit of the doubt. These folks are scared and worried about the health impacts and they are basically getting blown off by us (as a state we're just not sympathizing with their plight)."
Year before water change, state knew of risks in Flint
So yeah, Snyder is in fact guilty of dereliction of duty if not criminally negligent homicide. Racist? I'll leave that for you to decide.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Isn't that racist to expect a black person to pay the same rates has a white person?
10:12 PM
It depends on where you are standing. If you are Ben Carson, it's fair. If you are Al Sharpton or Mr Field, well, you know....
Lance Cockstrong said...
"The emergency manager who made the decision to use the Flint River as the interim source was in fact one Edward Kurtz"
Earley remained with the City of Saginaw served until he was appointed emergency manager (EM) for Flint in October 2013, succeeding Michael Brown.[9] Earley served in that post from September 2013 until January 2015. Under Earley's leadership, the city separated from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department and joined the Karegnondi Water Authority, switching the water supply to the Flint River on April 25, 2014. This decision resulted in lead poisoning to the city, in what became known as the Flint water crisis.
The dereliction of duty was in appointing the black Emergency Manager, Darnell Earley.
TLHNC, why is it that 8 of the top 10 wealthiest states have Democratic governors and majority Democrat legislatures? And of the 2 states with Republican governors the legislature is mostly Democratic?
Also, why are the poorest 10 states dominated by Republicans? 9 of the 10 poorest states have Republican governors while the one state with a Democrat is controlled legislatively by Republicans? What is the magic plan you seem to believe will lift the Blacks out of poverty and such by voting Republican? Please give us details. Seems to me we need more Democrats running state houses.
The dereliction of duty was in appointing the black Emergency Manager, Darnell Earley.
So the white governor was derelict? Tell us something we didn't know.
@ Detroit Ed 10:21 PM -
"Former emergency manager Darnell Earley says he's not to blame for the decision to use the Flint River as the city's source of drinking water. ... While Earley oversaw the switch, the decision to switch was signed by Flint's previous state-appointed emergency manager, Ed Kurtz."
"Walling said the decision to use the Flint River as an interim source was ultimately made by then-Flint emergency manager Edward Kurtz in about June 2013 when he expanded an existing engineering contract for the Flint Water Treatment Plant to cover needed upgrades."
Any questions?
Any questions?
Yes. Do you think facts will make any difference to these dunderheads? They still think Robert Finicum was murdered after watching the video of him reaching for something after he was to told to keep his hands up. Facts are lost on conservatives.
@Conservative=dumbass 10:45PM -
Exactly. See above
The FieldNegro said...
Please indicate what you think the response would have been if wealthy white children
What do you think the response would have been if poor white children.
Wow, Bill really laid into Field with the 'poor white children' analogy. It stung like hell because Field has yet to make fair and unbiased analogies.
My question is, why didn't Field think of what was so obvious to Bill? I bet most lawyers would have seen that coming and not left themselves wide open. Hmmmmm. Field must have gone to a Southern school in the deep South. Blacks in those schools are blind to such things.
The majority of toxic environments are located in communities of color. Latinos and blahs have higher rates of pollution than white areas even when accounting for income.
What's the definition of insanity? Blacks voting for the same corrupt Democrats over and over again expecting their lives to get better. And then they have the nerve to cry racism and blame whitey for their sad existence.
Stereotype much? Any The Blacks here have a sad existence? I guess we need a white asshole like Kinky to tell us how awesome our lives will be if we vote for his racist party. Maybe we should thank him for whitesplaining things for us.
Lance Cockstrong said...
@ Detroit Ed 10:21 PM -
"Any questions?"
Why do you believe Earley's lame excuse, when every credible source says he was the one oversaw the switch to using Flint River water?
Now the Michigan Legislative Black Caucus has asked Gov. Rick Snyder to fire Darnell Earley, from his current job running Detroit Public Schools:
How is this sad story one of white racism?
The Blacks said...
Stereotype much?
Nope. I just watch/read the liberal media and blogs like this one.
There's no such thing as a 'Liberal media,' little man.
There's just a 'not quite as rabidly far-Right as you media'.
Hope this helps.
Sellout supreme Crystal Wright, over on Fox, has decided to act like a Field Negro blog troll. She trotted out the Blacks Are Trapped On The Democrat Plantation narrative that is so popular around these parts, saying that "blacks are 'slavish' and are political dummies."
Now, I dunno, but perhaps one of the reasons black people don't like Republicans much is that Republicans are always claiming black people are too dumb to vote?
Just a wild guess.
Black people aren't too dumb to vote. They vote Democrat because Democrats believe blacks are incapable of making their own way in the world and promise them ever more gibsmedats and set asides.
As long as you agree that your role in this country is to be a resentful, meancing parasite, voting Democrat is the smart thing to do.
No guessing needed.
Tonight Iowa will be the starting point on the road to making America great again. Donald J. Trump wins Iowa and the hearts and minds most Americans.
"As long as you agree that your role in this country is to be a resentful, meancing parasite, voting Democrat is the smart thing to do."
Riiiiight. According to conservatives, a disproportionately large percentage of black people are voluntarily opting to be broke and criminal when they have this cornucopia of other economic options to choose from. And you're saying this wouldn't make black people dumb? How does that work? What intelligent person wants to be a "menacing parasite"?
Clearly, the GOP does think black people are dumb.
Crystal Wright also claims blacks don't care about policy. The irony! Donald Trump is running an almost entirely substance-free campaign. He has virtually no actual policies to speak of. And yet his followers, who truly are stupid, are eagerly lapping this up.
Sooooo,if voting republican is the be all,how do u explain all poor blue color white working stiffs?
Just curious. Carry on.
I can't wait to hear your "insightful" reasoning.
It's concerning that lead in the Flint, MI water will lead to rampant crime, social decay, and welfare dependency...in the future, I mean.
Uh oh. Some Baltimore Dindu punched the wrong whitey and turned the Knockout game from random mysterious happenstance into something "despicable":
@Detroit Ed 9:56AM -
Have you been drinking out of the Flint River? Your head seems to be full of lead.
Yeah Earley oversaw the switch. But that is not what you said. This is what you said. "So the black Emergency Manager was confronted with two years of high rates – rates he did not want to pay, so he decided to use water from the Flint River". Regardless, Kurtz and Early are just empty suits, the real emergency manager is Rick Snyder.
"How is this sad story one of white racism?" Did I say it was white racism? What I said was to draw your own conclusions.
Are you processing?
It was Earley's decision, and he oversaw the entire process. He became EM in September of 2013, Flint switched water supplies in April of 2014.
I quote the foremost authority on everything in the world, Wikipedia:
Earley remained with the City of Saginaw served until he was appointed emergency manager (EM) for Flint in October 2013, succeeding Michael Brown.[9] Earley served in that post from September 2013 until January 2015. Under Earley's leadership, the city separated from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department and joined the Karegnondi Water Authority, switching the water supply to the Flint River on April 25, 2014. This decision resulted in lead poisoning to the city, in what became known as the Flint water crisis.
Case closed.
field negro said...
Sooooo,if voting republican is the be all,how do u explain all poor blue color white working stiffs?
How do you explain this January being the deadlist January in Chiraq since 2001?
Lord have mercy. Now the racists are attacking Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. They are trying to make him look and sound stupid. Brother Field, I hope you will do a post about the racists on the left side. It's outrageous and unmerciful. CT is a worthy Justice but they want to make him inept, as though he is in over his head.
"Lord have mercy. Now the racists are attacking Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. They are trying to make him look and sound stupid. Brother Field, I hope you will do a post about the racists on the left side. It's outrageous and unmerciful. CT is a worthy Justice but they want to make him inept, as though he is in over his head."
That's because he IS in over his head. Clarence Thomas served a grand total of 19 months as judge before joining the Supreme Court. None of his colleagues on the Court have anywhere near as low a level of qualifications as he does.
Wingnuts like to complain about affirmative action double standards for hiring blacks, but when it comes to finding black mouthpieces to support their often racist plans, they're absolutely willing to grab any old black chump off the street. Intelligence and accomplishments not necessary. (See also: Stacey Dash)
You and your ilk can't stand the fact that a black man can leave the plantation and be more successful than you will ever be.
anon7:46p, FYI: Minister of Truth @7:06p is a brother...just sayin. Do you still stand by your comment? Would you like to add a disclaimer?
@Detroit Ed 6:05PM
Are you really James Bold? Earley oversaw the switch. He had no choice. The decision was already made. Earley did not decide to use water from the Flint River as you stated. And your larger point "The only white person in this story is the Governor", also bullshit, in addition to Kurtz there was the DEQ, headed by one Dan Wyant who in violation of federal law refused to treat the water and blew off Dr. Mona and the EPA when confronted with the elevated lead levels.
Case closed. You lose.
"Earley oversaw the switch. He had no choice. The decision was already made."
By him:
"Under Earley's leadership, the city separated from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department and joined the Karegnondi Water Authority, switching the water supply to the Flint River on April 25, 2014."
Dum dee dum dum. Case closed and filed.
They don't come any dumdeedumber than you Detroit Ed. If you don't know the difference between overseeing and deciding, and if you think the only white person in the story is Rick Scott then there is no point talking to you.
Field negro said...
Sooooo,if voting republican is the be all,how do u explain all poor blue color white working stiffs?
Those "blue collar working stiffs" love America and believe in personal responsibility. Some have been raised by single parents, battled addiction or seen addiction in their family, worked since their teens. They are proud people. They marry. Have children. Follow the law. They abhor handouts, law breakers, excuse makers and moochers, thus they eschew Democrats handouts and candidates.
That is my experience with "blue collar workers". No, I'm not a blue collar worker. I worked in a health clinic, a job I loved, for a number of years.
The darkest of humans and the lightest of humans hate each other. Call it what makes ya happy. It doesn't make for a happy ride, whatever you call it; it causes death and discontent. Just call it HATRED; that's all it is.
"Please indicate what you think the response would have been if wealthy white children in Grosse Pointe Shores were exposed to lead in the water supply?"
Trick question. The parents of Grosse Point Shores pay their property taxes and water bills, so that the people in the water departments get paid to maintain the water system and keep lead levels safely low (even when the service connections are made of lead). The people of Flint... don't.
"Jim Cooley, a white man, carried a loaded assault weapon into the Atlanta airport. Cooley simply went about his business, supposedly keeping his daughter safe."
And why not? Why are you giving funny looks to someone who is behaving within the law? There have been jihad attacks on air travelers at check-in counters, so Mr. Cooley's open carry is at least understandable if not exactly typical.
"John Crawford, a black man, picked up an air rifle from a shelf in an Ohio Walmart and was shot to death by police. Please explain what you think might have happened if John Crawford carried a loaded assault weapon into the Atlanta airport or if Jim Cooley shopped for an air gun at Walmart."
Truly an unfortunate incident, but the examples of Black people holding guns (even if not real, like Tamir Rice) do not exactly inspire confidence. When those guns ARE real, you get things like 344 homicides in Baltimore in 2015. You cannot blame the police for assuming that a Black man reported to be brandishing a weapon is not a deadly threat, because so many of you are. White people seldom do such things. This is not unearned White privilege, this is well-established White reputation. Your Black reputation for volatility and violence is well-earned, too.
"Nearly every student of color in my school has been followed in a store or stopped and frisked by New York City police. I am not aware of any white student, during my 18 years as head of school, being subjected to similar treatment. Please describe the characteristics of these students that might account for the apparently different treatment."
The characteristic is that they are of races and ages with well-deserved reputations for theft and other criminal behavior. White teenagers do not behave in a way to get such a reputation. They've earned what they get.
Martin Luther King was playing an elaborate joke on Americans, both Black and White. We've judged you by the content of your character, and you call it "racism".
"As long as Whites are running the country, expect racism to be the #1 problem in America."
If Whites stop running the country, your #1 problem may become lead poisoning from the water systems you have no clue how to maintain. Or food poisoning from the processing plants and inspections you have no clue how to run. Or just starvation, as the plant workers don't get paid and walk off the job because the Black truck drivers steal their cargoes and sell them for cash (like Omar Thornton) and the whole country aside from farms themselves becomes a "food desert".
Pray for "racism" to be your #1 problem. It is the best you can hope for.
" According to conservatives, a disproportionately large percentage of black people are voluntarily opting to be broke and criminal when they have this cornucopia of other economic options to choose from."
Being criminal is a choice. Being broke is a normal and foreseeable consequence of being criminal. Crime guarantees poverty by destroying wealth.
if only negros could act like white people there would be less problems. the problem is the jungle is strong in black people. they just have an urge to act like baboons.
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