Today, as we remember those who served and sacrificed their lives, let's also remember those who evaded service and sacrificed

That tweet was from the very fine actor, John Leguizamo, yesterday.
I find it ironic how folks who consider themselves tough Americans choose to follow a coward who was too afraid to serve and defend his country.
Still, given the way things are going in trump world, we might not have to worry about a coward leading us much longer.
"The revelation that Jared Kushner's meetings with Russians are under scrutiny brings the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election to Trump's inner circle.
"The revelation that Jared Kushner's meetings with Russians are under scrutiny brings the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election to Trump's inner circle.
The 36-year-old Kushner, who is married to Ivanka Trump, has had a growing role in that circle over the past two years, from Trump family member to trusted campaign adviser to White House senior adviser.
Kushner is a focus in the Russia investigation over his meetings with at least two Russian officials, Moscow's ambassador to the U.S. and a banking executive, sources tell ABC News.
He is not a target of the FBI investigation and has not been accused of committing a crime, but sources said he is among a number of White House staffers and former Trump campaign officials who are likely to be interviewed by the FBI.
Here are the known meetings of Kushner with Russian officials since his father-in-law was elected.
Meeting the ambassador
Kushner's name is on the list of Trump team members who met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the transition between Trump's election victory and his inauguration. Kushner and Michael Flynn, who would go on to become Trump's first national security adviser, met with Kislyak together in Trump Tower in December.
The subject matter discussed during the meeting remains unclear.
"They generally discussed the [U.S.-Russia] relationship, and it made sense to establish a line of communication," White House spokeswoman Hope Hicks said in a statement in March after the meeting was first publicly disclosed. "Jared has had meetings with many other foreign countries and representatives — as many as two dozen other foreign countries' leaders and representatives."
Other Trump associates who met with Kislyak before the inauguration include then-Sen. Jeff Sessions, now U.S. attorney general, and former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page.
Trump himself met with Kislyak and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the Oval Office on May 10 -- a meeting that raised questions afterward when it was revealed that the president disclosed classified information about ISIS to the Russian officials. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, current National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell were also present in the meeting."
This drip drip drip is starting to feel like a downpour.
Is it any wonder then that....
"So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone. The presidency, Donald Trump is discovering, is not an easy or natural fit.
"He now lives within himself, which is a dangerous place for Donald Trump to be," says someone who speaks with the President. "I see him emotionally withdrawing. He's gained weight. He doesn't have anybody whom he trusts." [Source]
Our American nightmare continues.
*Pic from Grant Stern in
"He doesn't have anybody whom he trusts."
Maybe if he hadn't fucked over everyone he met for fifty years, he might have someone to trust. Maybe if he'd ever had a shred of human decency in his whole despicable life, he might have seen the value in deeper bonds than the blind loyalty he demands. But he didn't, so there he is.
Kushner seems to be in a heap of trouble. President four-year-old displayed the deficiencies in his logic by setting him up with so much responsibility: he figured that since Kushner had such a similar background as his, he must be very capable and competent, oblivious to the fact that such a background didn't result in president four-year-old having such qualities, even though the very lack of them led him to try delegating the responsibilities in the first place. A full-on Dunning-Kruger presidency, with a side of Madoff, and seasoned with vintage Nixon.
-Doug in Oakland
And why is a 36 year old dimwit with no international diplomatic experience anywhere near foreign officials? The guy wasn't smart enough to get into college so his daddy had to buy a building to get him in and his only experience was working under daddy. Trump is such a joke. I'll be glad when amateur hour is over.
Hey field!
DID you serve?
Are you "AFRAID"?
Just a stinking lawyer?
Tell us....WHO do you represent?
James Bold, your ALTER ego, JAMBO is missing you. Hurry up and post something. I can't wait to ALTER what you write, revealing your true intentions and your true meaning.
#Covfefe, bitches. Meme magic is real.
Cov = white
Fefe = power
Just a mere typo? We think not! Trump, once again, praises almighty Kek by raging a race war in his rhetoric. Don't believe it? Just ask the Southern Poverty Law Center who, since Trump's election, have:
- Classified a fucking cartoon as a hate symbol
- Made "14 words" an act of terror
- Interpreted an "OK" sign as Huwhyte Powa
- Ignored completely the Antifa thugs who literally try to kill elderly people
And we know black folks believe it! They believe the CIA purposefully tried to kill them by planting crack in their communities, and that white police are trying to exterminate them. So of course SPLC has an audience. LOL
Kek won't save you normies!
Join Pepe or be left behind...
Why don't you leave his face and hair alone?
Let's bust Tiger Wood's ass!
You wanna see some UGLY? Let's you do some Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, that Gorilla looking guy, (BTW....where did Lord Sharpton disappear to?)
Funny...the Reverend Al's disappearance, is coinciding with Bill Cosby's stinking trial.
He likes them white wimmen, too.
Tar Sands bored with his drapes sez.... me and the Rev Al and buddy Cosby is equals. We all love us some white wimmens.
Most of the plug-uglies have seen their shadows today and are barking in fear. Where's Baldy?
This will be the norm under Drumpfgropenfuhrer and his storm troopers.
Stuff it you racist white bastards!! Viva la BLM.
Black Lives Matter
To everyone but black people
Dead blacks are merely pawns for communist dindus if they're killed by white police. All other blacks killed by blacks, which is 97% of blacks killed? They don't matter, do they? Not once have their names been mentioned on this blog.
But Michael Brown. Fuggeddaboudit...
But the 45,000 poor people yearly come in all colors, so they're a-ok, right? Beings that it was white men that killed them, the killing of them must be defended at all costs, most laughably by the white poor people being killed themselves. At least the people of color are sharp enough to know who is killing them and not put their campaign sign on their lawn or their MAGA sticker on their car.
-Doug in Oakland
I think covfefe is the cove where he keeps fefe, his weasel...
-Doug in Oakland
My heart is broken.
45K people are killed every year?
That's what the bitch from Iowa says.
She says, they must be defended at all costs....
OK...where in the hell did your ancestors come from?
It damn sure wasn't East Africa....the Arabs got all them.
Stinking West Africans.
White traders got booze, European stuff, and then went to the W.African Coast to pick-up their cargo, going to make the circle.
I swear, you are right. Queenie!
It is terrible that 45K (what a joke) are people of color being killed.
I figure it's white men that are killing them. I think I saw that on the to the News of the Jessica Chambers trial being moved back,,,,again
excuse me...450K.
I was around when the big Integration experiment began.
Then..all I had to do, was deal with the stink and violence.
When did "grading on the curve) become real?
Huh...I know, because I needed crack a book the rest of my life.
Meanwhile, your president is emotionally unstable and might be suffering from some form of dementia.
What's a good American to do?
31 May 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Commandeered Queenie ejaculates- I was around when the big Integration experiment began.
Then..all I had to do, was deal with the stink and violence
They quit beating yer skanky ass when you started to bathe regularly-say monthly.
Most of the 45,000 are white. Look it up.
-Doug in Oakland
Looks like President covfefe is not as physically equipped to be PEEOTUS after all!!
More Hollyweirdos trying to make themselves feel good......
No. I don't have to "LOOK IT UP"
YOU are the one who claimed that stupid number.
YOU need to prove your Assertions, Queenie.
Dude won't last a year, Dems just need to get their shit together fir the midterms.
What I'd really like to see is a viable 3rd party.
Yīshēng said...
Dude won't last a year, Dems just need to get their shit together fir the midterms.
What I'd really like to see is a viable 3rd party.
9:52 AM
Everyone has been wrong about Trump,and will continue so.
3rd partys do not work here.
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