Folks, I can't say this enough: Thank you lord for social media.
"A man driving through Winfield, Kan., went live on Facebook during a traffic stop after cops told him he was being pulled over for allegedly failing to signal a turn within 100 feet. But what should have been a citation or warning led to Rudy Samuel [above] being detained because of “vegetation” on his windshield.
The incident occurred last Sunday and when the cop told Samuel that he noticed the flora on the windshield, Samuel couldn’t believe what he was hearing, because it was just tree debris. The unidentified cop told Samuel that he’s going to test the “vegetation” and Samuel informed him that he doesn’t even smoke.
And that’s when things took a left turn.
The officer returns from his car—without testing the “vegetation”—and tells Samuel to get out. Samuel says he wants the officer to run the test first.
Although Samuel is no longer holding the phone to capture the video, the cop can be heard saying that the car is going to be searched. Samuel states that he does not give them permission. You can also hear Samuel telling the officer he has a legal firearm in the middle console of his car, and then the video stops. Samuel said it was because the cop turned off the recording.
“Yea straight stereotyped me he grab[bed] my phone I told him he better get a warrant for it so he powered it off,” Samuel wrote on Facebook.
Yet another micro dick white boy frightened, threatened and intimidated by a well endowed black man. This isn't just Butt Trumpet's America, this is typical insecure White America. Always been this way.
I guess they must do things differently in Kansas. It must be normal there for the weed dealers there to drive around with their merchandise on the outside of the vehicle. Or, at least, that’s what the officer appears to believe.
He is one seriously stupid policeman. Even Barney Fife and Inspector Clouseau would find this guy to be laughably incompetent.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
Another negro who thinks he doesn't need to cooperate civily with a police officer.
Time and time again, blacks fail to follow the simple rules for dealing with authority that would prevent a minor traffic infraction from escalating into a felony resisting arrest. Or worse.
How fucking dumb are you people?
So fucking dumb that you make heroes out of idiots like this guy.
Rebuilding Black Wall Street:
Is there anywhere in this country that is safe for black people in tr**p's America? Sadly no.
A South Carolina NAACP chapter president who says he was racially profiled during a traffic stop was accused of lying after police released video footage of the encounter, according to reports.
Brown told the station that after reviewing the bodycam video of the stop, he determined there was nothing to Moultrie’s claims.
"When I saw the video, I was shocked that someone who is supposed to be a community leader, a pastor, and head of the NAACP would just come out and tell a blatant lie,” the police chief said. “It bothered me. It really bothered me, thinking about the racial unrest it could've cost in the community and it's just troubling to me that someone who held a position like that would come out and just tell a lie.”
Based on the body camera footage, the officer who stopped Moultrie neither asked if he had drugs in the car nor why he was driving in the area,” the Raleigh News & Observer reported.
Blacks are just naturally untrustworthy. What do you people want?
Well, contrast that to here, where we have giant billboards that say: "Marijuana delivered for your pleasure" and the cops don't have that excuse, at least, to fuck with you any more.
That's not to say they don't fuck with you whenever and pretty much however they want, but we do have that particular excuse dealt with, for the most part.
-Doug in Oakland
Y'all ain't living in obama's America anymore. Did y'all think whitey was gonna forget all the racial attacks? The black mob attacks?
Y'all didn't think Sunday was coming? Whitey is mad as hell and that never ends well for y'all.
“Well, contrast that to here, where we have giant billboards that say: ‘Marijuana delivered for your pleasure’ and the cops don't have that excuse, at least, to fuck with you any more.”
But have California weed dealers mastered the skill of growing their weed on the windshields of their cars, Doug?
You’ve got to admit, those Kansans are ahead of the curve on this one. I feel like Cheech, and possibly Chong, must be involved somehow.
Wakansans grow the best windshield weed.
"Another negro who thinks he doesn't need to cooperate civily with a police officer."
You don't. Where is that encoded in law? Now if you wanna kiss random dudes' asses that's on you Skippy.
White assholes like Dave Zirin are just naturally untrustworthy. What do you people want?
Dude, the Winfield PD is getting dragged on Facebook. This shit is hilarious. Like you said, thank god for social media. 😂
"But have California weed dealers mastered the skill of growing their weed on the windshields of their cars, Doug?"
Dude, I was born and raised in Humboldt county, I've seen folks grow pot in buckets hanging from tree branches, trying to fool the CAMP helicopters.
-Doug in Oakland
> Is there anywhere in this country that is safe for black people in tr**p's America?
It got a lot more dangerous in Obutthole's America especially after Fergadishu, but you thought he was the bee's knees anyway. Why should you care about being pulled over, compared to being shot by one of your own?
Because I've never been shot by "one of my own" dumbass. More kids have been shot in schools by crazy eyed white boys than soldiers killed in Afganistan and Iraq this year. Now go to your incel meeting fuckboi.
Hey you African fuckfaces, why aren't you up in arms over the raid on the home of a white couple who posted about picking and eating perfectly legal wild mushrooms but were subjected to the third degree and threatened with arrest by idiot cops who couldn't be bothered to look at the difference between morel and psilocybe?
Could it be because you DGAF about anything that happens to white people, or people who actually go out in nature instead of sticking to urbania? Because you DGAF about any injustice that happens to people NOT like yourselves?
That is why we are done giving any fucks about anything that happens to you, just or not. You have forfeited any claim to our sympathy. Go die in a fire.
Soooooooo, it's ok for police to harass and shoot negroes because somewhere there's intraracial crime? Goddamn you incel, trump loving fuckboys are hella stooooooooopid.
That is why we are done giving any fucks about anything that happens to you, just or not. You have forfeited any claim to our sympathy. Go die in a fire.
Uh, so does that mean we don't have to read any of your stupid gibberish? Funny how fuckboys who claim to not like us spend an inordinate amount of time here? Just goofy.
And for the record, we don't give a fuck about you fuckboi.
Hey asshole anon 2:58am. We don't give a fuck about if you care about us or not but you know who does care about us? White women, go to www.blacked.com to see how they "care" about us. No wonder you're still a virgin and need a sex robot, you just can't compete. Your sister left you for a Black dude didn't she? Bwahahahahahahaha!
Could it be because you DGAF about anything that happens to white people,
Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Even this meth addicted inbred figured something out. Maybe there is hope for the trailer dwelling, trump loving incels afterall. Now tell our guest what he's won!
Anonymous Hoaxes R' Us said...Another weak attempt to denigrate Blacks because only right wing outlets reported this. Weak sauce.
Anystoopidfuckingmoose, it isn't the victims-like Blacks- that are the problem. It is the stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys like you and the cops that are the real problem. After listening to your attempts to take down all Blacks, who gives a shit whathappens to you wasicus?
No black person, or any other person of color, should feel safe in a place like Kansas (it's still a hell of a lot better than Nebraska, though).
Trump supporters deserve violence happening to them.
The Age of Butt Trumpet is the Age of angry, resentful white boys with small brains and even smaller dicks.
It has come to installing hidden cameras so officers can’t turn them off. Winfield, Kansas is a shithole.
Dude turned his cell camera on because blacks look at every interaction with police as a potential payday.
Y'all is so oppressed.
"only right wing outlets reported this"
Because the rest of the media is Fake News designed to keep you ignorant and angry.
It works real well with mike.
In Africa you all can live like Kangz and Kweenz .....No problems from mean ole white folks and the PoPo. And, your 80 IQs will make you all the smartest Monkees on the block. Please consider Blaxit and stop fucking up America.
If we just had more funding for more programs then the Negro in America could flourish. Coming soon.....National Negro Depression Day June 17th (Father's Day) Bwaaahahahahahahahaha LMFAO
Meanwhile, it is now clear that the Obama administration not only illegally wiretapped the Trump campaign, but also planted spies within the campaign organization itself. Comey has gone silent, and John Brennan is now desperately threatening McConnell and Ryan as the legal noose tightens.
By the way, Obama can still be impeached.
How not to get your ass kicked by the police!
Anonymous The Real News said. total bullshit! That is all you stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys have.
Because the rest of the media is Fake News designed to keep you ignorant and angry.
It works real well with mike
Because it was taken out of context and didn't actually happen the way you shit fer brains get led to believe by Fake Noize. Dumbasses like you probably still believe there was no attempts by Russia to meddle in the election.
Anonymous Clown Country said...
Dude turned his cell camera on because blacks look at every interaction with police as a potential payday.
Y'all is so oppressed.
The two Black gentlemen at Phillies Starsuck's cashed in a whole buck a piece because they weren't in it for the money, you racist shithead.
Please consider Blaxit and stop fucking up America.
How many Blacks in Drumpf's cabinet and government helping stoopid fucking wasicus destroy America?
I can find 1 Uncle Tom name of Carson.
"still believe there was no attempts by Russia to meddle in the election."
I believe Russia has attempted to meddle in every election in my lifetime.
I also believe Britain and Israel meddled orders of magnitude more in this last one.
But all of that pales in comparison to the incumbent administration using national intelligence agencies to spy on the opposition campaign in order to swing the election and then attempt to overturn the results when they lost.
This is by far the biggest scandal in the history of the United States. We will be lucky if this does not result in outright civil war.
Pompous ass Pompeo has a Plan B for Iran and will announce it at Heritage foundation headquarters rather than an official government bldg like the WH or State Department.
Means it isn't worth the paper it is scribbled in crayons on
Stoopid fucking wingnuts!
But all of that pales in comparison to the incumbent administration using national intelligence agencies to spy on the opposition campaign in order to swing the election and then attempt to overturn the results when they lost
Still bullshit. Obama did nothing to try to overturn the results. HRC could have and didn't. What is actually true is Russia did tip the election to Drumpf because of Drumpf owes Russia major billions and won't come clean about it and wingnuts-the only party that could force him to reveal his tax returns and other financial agreements, are in bed with Drumpf and want to save their party, not the country.
You wingnuts have prromised, even long before the election, proof that HRC and Dems were out to steal the election and there was all kinds of dirt on HRC that would force her out of the running. Where is all this information? It never existed. HRC is not a crook. She did not use State Department to pay for play, she did not sell an ounce of uranium to Russia, the Clinton foundation didn't trade uranium for contributions and so on. All right wing lies, just as this new charge is.
Hillary Clinton Takes Heat For Backing Andrew Cuomo For NY Governor Over Female Challenger
“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.”-Madeleine Albright
Hillary must be endorsing Cuomo because her husband made her do it....
Sure mike. Ads on FB tipped the election.
mike from iowa said...
HRC is not a crook
Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton's email defenses
Why the lies?
Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton's email defenses
Kinky is the definition of the idiocy that's destroying this country. The orange menace in the WH refuses to release his tax returns, has ties with Russians back to 1987, is using the PO to punish his enemies, is colluding with the Chinese and god knows who else and is leaving our foreign negotiations to his dim witted daughter and son in law who have never had real jobs and this rocket surgeon is still talking about Hillary's e-mail. For fucksake.
In Africa you all can live like Kangz and Kweenz .....No problems from mean ole white folks and the PoPo. And, your 80 IQs will make you all the smartest Monkees on the block. Please consider Blaxit and stop fucking up America.
I think trailer park geniuses like you, IQ over 50, have already fucked up America with your shitty country music and meth addictions. And if we leave white women won't be taken care of properly. Go to www.blacked.com to see.
Kinky Con said...
Sure mike. Ads on FB tipped the election.
$200,000 in Facebook ads, some of which were after the election, some of which were pro-Hillary/anti-Trump, and some of which were pro-BLM. Versus $2 billion in Hillary campaign ads and the overwhelming support of 95% of the media machine.
Most of the Russian "meddling" consisted of psy-op stuff designed to exacerbate divisions among Americans, something the mainstream media has done for decades on an infinitely larger scale.
You progressives are the Establishment. You gamed the system and perpetrated the worst abuses of government power in US history, and you still lost. Now you are committing open treason by trying to subvert the results of a democratic election. People should hang for this.
Sure mike. Ads on FB tipped the election.
Too stoopid to process more than a single thought per year? Russians had numerous, no one knows for sure, meetings with most every one in Drumpf's campaign and cabinet.
Stealing emails and releasing them at strategic times to hurt Clinton's numbers in the election.
Working through several members of congress(wingnuts all) to spread false and damning info.
Russian Oligarchs doing business with Drumpf before, during and after the election.
What have you got on HRC? Show me how many times she has been indicted, tried and convicted over the last 30 plus years. You can't do it because it has never happened. All you stoopid fucking wingnuts do is whine and complain and point fingers. Drumpf, otoh, has lost hundreds of cases in court and has to settle lawsuits where he is proven to be a crook.
Like I said, you got nothing!
"Stealing emails and releasing them at strategic times to hurt Clinton's numbers in the election."
Wikileaks has said repeatedly that Russia was not their source for the DNC emails.
Not to mention, what the emails revealed was factually true and relevant to deciding who to vote for.
There is zero proof Rich gave emails to anyone.
Russia has admitted involvement with Wiki and emails. US intel has evidence Russians hacked the emails and handed some of them to Wiki.
Fake Noize had to retract all their sordid lies about Rich being murdered by HRC.
Kike from Iowa thinks a few Russian ads on FB was enough to buy a US presidential election...
... but millions of illegal aliens from south of the border casting votes had no effect.
Experts pointed to the Democratic National Committee email hack that happened earlier this year. Metadata from the stolen and leaked documents showed the hackers had edited documents. For example, hackers were kicked out of the DNC network June 11, yet among their documents is a file that was created on June 15, found Thomas Rid, a war studies professor at King’s College London.
A few weeks later, Guccifer 2.0, the hacker believed to have Russian ties, released documents supposedly stolen from the Clinton Foundation. But security analysts reviewed the documents and found that they actually came from the DNC hacks, not the foundation. And some of the information was likely fabricated, like a folder conspicuously titled "Pay to Play."
In massive document dumps like the Podesta email leak, the risk of encountering altered documents is heightened because it’s easy to slip them in among thousands of genuine documents, said Susan Hennessey, a Brookings Institution fellow and former lawyer for the National Security Agency.
Seth Rich said...
"Stealing emails and releasing them at strategic times to hurt Clinton's numbers in the election."
Where exactly did this quote come from? Let's see the source.
Ki_ke from Iowa thinks a bit of Russian money was enough to buy a US presidential election...
... but millions of illegal aliens from south of the border casting votes had no effect.
Anymoose is wrong on both counts and flat out fucking lying about illegal voters, as per usual.
Anymoose has zero credibility and a mini-micro dick.
"Wikileaks has said repeatedly that Russia was not their source for the DNC emails."
Right. And your older brother said repeatedly that he wouldn't come in your mouth.
How'd that one work out for you?
See, there's this thingie called the FBI, and their job is to investigate stuff that might be a violation of the law, and there were these guys who worked for Fergus' campaign who did all of this illegal shit and ran their mouths about it, so the FBI INVESTIGATED them with an informant, just like they would do with a particularly stupid wannabe mobster.
Now Fergus and Nunes have outed the identity of this informant to right wing media outlets, and both of them should go to jail for doing so, as it's incredibly damaging to the FBI's ability to do its fucking job like we pay it to.
But neither of them will because Republicans.
So now they must be voted out of office.
I mailed my ballot in last week.
-Doug in Oakland
"Russia has admitted involvement with Wiki and emails"
False. Russia has never admitted anything to do with the DNC emails.
"US intel has evidence Russians hacked the emails and handed some of them to Wiki"
US intel never had access to the server. Instead, the FBI was refused access and accepted having the DNC use their private contractor to analyze it and take their word for what they found. We also now know "US intel" was a co-conspirator in covering up Hillary's crimes and spying on the Trump campaign.
"Now Fergus and Nunes have outed the identity of this informant to right wing media outlets, and both of them should go to jail for doing so"
Doug thinks the crime is identifying the criminals. His "progressivism" is supporting the lawless actions of corrupt government institutions in subverting the will of the American people.
Worms like Doug should be ground into the pavement.
Doug thinks the crime is identifying the criminals.
Good god conservatives are fucking stupid. No wonder this asshole uses the name Seth Rich. Sure CI's are criminals so that means the FBI works with criminals to solve cases. Hint, watch something other than fox news and you might learn a thing or two.
A criminal is someone who commits a crime.
Using intelligence assets to try to frame an opposition candidate is a crime.
A very serious crime worthy of the rope.
mike from iowa said...
Experts pointed
Can't say the FBI because the DNC blocked an investigation that could have resulted in charges.
Maybe folks at the DNC didn't want anyone to know how much russian porn they watch.....
Field,you are so right about cell phones and social media. Keep those phones charged and accounts up to date. Thankfully racist assholes like this are exposed and rightfully dragged in public.
Maybe Private Russian Hackers Meddled in Election, Putin Says - The
Hidden behind paywall at NYT.
We know who did the hacking-Russia- and we know what happened to the emails-given to Wiki- to help Putin elect Drumpf.
There is more correct info in the Steele Dossier.
There was Drumpf/Russia collusion everywhere in the 2016 election and that is the only reason Drumpf/Putin got elected.
There is not a single iota of evidence of voter fraud in the election by hordes of illegals voting for Dems. We know who the crooks are. Now it is up to stoopid fucking wingnuts to stop lying and denying and uphold the constitution they are sworn to protect. Impeach the mangled apricot months ago and stop following lies from Fake News.
dinthebeast said...
Now Fergus and Nunes have outed the identity of this informant to right wing media outlets, and both of them should go to jail for doing so, as it's incredibly damaging to the FBI's ability to do its fucking job like we pay it to.
Simply wrong. The leak came from the FBI/DOJ. To the NY Times/WAPO.
Question is why? What else is coming down the pike?
The obama administration politicized our intell agencies and the IRS and used them to try to bring down Trump.
Podesta had nothing to do with DNC servers, however, all the info inside was handed to appropriate agencies in Intel.
The obama administration politicized our intell agencies and the IRS and used them to try to bring down Trump.
More bullshit. The IRS story has been totally debunked as whining from the right. Tools ought to be ashamed of yerselves for posting all these lies.
“The White House is running this”-Peter Strzok
James Clapper-“I know for a fact there was no surveillance on the Trump campaign, and I would have known”.
James Clapper after obama's spy operation was exposed- “Not only did I know, it’s a good thing!”
No, Kinky, the goddamn Daily Caller had it first. The Post and the Times found out, but refused to identify the source until Fergus began attacking him on twitter.
-Doug in Oakland
The FBI has reported that as many as 22 Russian organizations have contributed to the NRA and that they funneled at least $30 million to the Trump campaign and possibly as much as $170 million to republican candidates.
Apparently the NRA has confirmed this report.
Mainstreram media would not out officials and have readily said so. Nunes, otoh, is an agent working hand in hand with Drumpf to protect Drumpf from himself. He has proven that over and over again.
From the Washington Examiner- he identify of an FBI informant has been leaked to at least two media outlets, even as the Justice Department refuses to disclose that information to Congress, but these newsrooms are refraining from publishing this individual's name out of concern for national security and the safety of this person and his or her sources.
Still, the level of description about the informant provided in these reports has prompted rampant speculation of who the source may be, all this amid Republican furor this week about a possible effort to spy on President Trump's 2016 campaign.
Two reports published Friday evening, one by the New York Times and the other by the Washington Post
Maybe if trump didn't have so many Russian connections he wouldn't be investigated? Even hitler youth steve bannon says he's going down for money laundering and he should know.
Fergus flunks again:
"The aides are also concerned about what kind of grasp Mr. Trump has on the details of the North Korea program, and what he must insist upon as the key components of denuclearization. Mr. Moon and his aides reported that Mr. Kim seemed highly conversant with all elements of the program when the two men met, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has made similar comments about Mr. Kim, based on his two meetings with him in Pyongyang, the North's capital.
But aides who have recently left the administration say Mr. Trump has resisted the kind of detailed briefings about enrichment capabilities, plutonium reprocessing, nuclear weapons production and missile programs that Mr. Obama and President George W. Bush regularly sat through."
So. Much. Winning.
-Doug in Oakland
So. Much. Fake. News.
Newest bought and paid for hired gun on the activist Scotus repaid his business buddies big time today, saying individual workers can't sue employers that steal their wages. They must face employer chosen arbitration and lose.
Stacked deck just as wingnuts hoped for when they illegally kept Obama from fulfilling his constitutional duty by appointing his choice for the seat.
NAACP= Negroes Are Antisocial Criminal Parasites James Crow for Pres. in 2020
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
MAGA- Microdicks and Ginormous Assholes.
James crow is president right now😂
Let's see, Republicans give Shelly Adelson an $86 million tax cut, then he writes them a $30 million check for the mid terms.
-Doug in Oakland
We had Jim Crowe for a reason:
"Republicans give Shelly Adelson an $86 million tax cut, then he writes them a $30 million check for the mid terms."
Good. Maybe they are finally figuring out how to play the game that's being played.
MAGA= Mike Always Gives Anal
Talk about Black on Black crime......Check out Wakanda Medical School Graduate Dr. Windell Davis-Boutte Of Apelanta,Ga. Black lives don't matter to this Idiot. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha
"Long Live the Prince and Princess of Sussex....Harry and Meghan"
Looks like the United States still has a long way to go....even England is far more forward thinking than the United States....
Prince Harry knows that "Black Is Beautiful. " He fell in LOVE and married a beautiful "Black Sister..."
Imagine that.
And so many white guys are very jealous and pretending that it's the worse thing to happen since white bread. The racist white guys are falling all over themselves trying to find negative things to say about Prince Harry and his beautiful BLACK and PROUD wife.
So while ya'll are simmering, and steaming in your angry, jealous, racist stew...Harry and Meghan say "F.U."
Prince Harry broke rank from the "white man code."
You know...the one that says never admit to loving a "NEGRO"
He ain't buying into the old "white boys' game.
...and the world still turns
...and the sun continues to rise.
That Border Patrol agent from Montana is sexy, with his big, bushy mustache. Lucky is the lady who gets to ride it.
Maybe if blacks weren't synonymous with thuggish, violent behavior, cops would treat you people better. Maybe if blacks weren't such animals most of the time, whites would think more highly of you people. Dumbass darkies.
Too many Trump supporters on this planet. They must be eradicated.
16 year old negroe arrested, paddy rollers looking for the other three negroe criminals:
Isn't it just amazing that the more Mueller investigates Trump, the more dirt we find on the previous administration? And now this:
Turns out Sparklefarts wasn't just like every other black head of government in the country, he was WORSE. You can take the African out of Africa, but you can't take Africa out of the African... or even a Halfrican.
We're gonna see him, and Hillary, and all the rest go down. The lucky ones will die behind bars, the ones who are tried by military tribunals will get the rope.
Savage europeons!!! Hate everybody and thing except their dogs!!
Why aren't more black women being sexually harassed?
All hail the Octoroon Duchess of Drive by. Why didn't Prince Dipshit marry an Ape ? He picked a woman who appears totally white. Remember....Was no High yellas in Wacan'tya movie. Maybe they will Honeymoon in South Africa where there is no food and water ?
Anymoose ejaculated- Isn't it just amazing that the more Mueller investigates Trump, the more dirt we find on the previous administration? And now this:
The article is full of shit. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama did not use the IRS to target anybody. One office in Cincinnatti did what paltry minor league, hell they weren't even misdemeanors.
Obama is going nowhwere close to a jail cell unless it is to ask stoopid fucking wingnuts how they like him now.
"It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama did not use the IRS to target anybody."
Not a smidgen of corruption!
Is this legal? EPA barring certain news organizations from hearings?
Painter says both Drumpf and Pence need to be removed from office.
the mole hill of a non scandal that never was. Laidout so even stoopid fucking wingnuts can grasp the truth with their opposing thumbs.
Bwahahashahahahahahahahahahahaha! Wasicu wasteys suck!
PilotX, I really liked the part where guards grabbed the AP reporter by the shoulders and forcibly removed her from the building. Exactly what one would expect of this administration. Pick on women.
There is more evidence against Obama than there is against Trump:
If Congress is considering impeachment charges related to the 2016 election, they should center not on President Trump but on former President Obama “and his Nixonian use of various agencies to target candidate Trump,” contends Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
“If there is anyone who needs to be on the dock, it would be President Obama,” he said in an interview Monday with WND.
Fitton’s organization, with 30 lawsuits already in motion, has relentlessly pursued documents and communications related to the Obama administration’s investigation of alleged collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign through Freedom of Information Act requests.
“The very nature of the activity suggests President Obama would have been advised and approved of the counter-intelligence/spy operation against candidate Trump,” Fitton said.
The Judicial Watch chief was referring to the operation codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane,” reported May 16 by the New York Times, which had at least one “government informant” in the Trump campaign who met several times with campaign volunteers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.
Fitton said publicly available information indicates Obama approved of the activity.
Kermit Gosnell, Conrad Murray, and now... Windell Boutte!
"Boutte refused to answer consumer investigator Jim Strickland’s questions about seven lawsuits against her, and more than 20 YouTube videos featuring the dermatologist dancing and singing around exposed, unmoving patients. Some show Boutte making incisions while she sings and cavorts to the camera.
One of those lawsuits was filed by 26-year-old Ojay Liburd. He agreed to talk to Strickland about his mother’s visit to Boutte’s Gwinnett County office, because his mother no longer can. According to court records Liburd’s mother, Icilma Cornelius, saw Boutte for a tummy tuck and liposuction in 2016. It was weeks before her wedding and she was credits away from earning her Ph.D.
“She just wanted to be perfect for her wedding dress,” Liburd told Strickland. “She had everything going for her.” "
Named a child "Ojay", probably grossly overweight to need such surgery... probably looks like Yisheng.
Everyone knows, of course, that Obama weaponized the IRS to take out his conservative, tea party, opponents during the 2012 election season. This Scandal was admitted to by the IRS themselves. So why is it so hard for people to imagine he would weaponize the FBI as well?
We can ask this question about the 2016 election season as a whole... Everyone knows Hillary and DNC rigged primary against Bernie, nobody denies that. So why is it so hard to imagine that they wouldn't try to rig the general election? The goal was to be president not runner-up.
"Kermit Gosnell, Conrad Murray, and now... Windell Boutte!"
I support black achievement in all walks of life, but due to Affirmative Action admissions to medical schools, I could not in good conscience take my child to a black doctor.
It's a shame, because I know there are good and competent black physicians out there, but you can't take a chance that you might wind up entrusting life-or-death decisions to someone like Yisheng.
At least when you go to a white doctor, you know they probably had to prove that they had what it takes to earn their position.
Everyone knows, of course, that Obama weaponized the IRS to take out his conservative, tea party, opponents during the 2012 election season. This Scandal was admitted to by the IRS themselves. So why is it so hard for people to imagine he would weaponize the FBI as well?
BULLSHIT and a flat out lie! The scandal was stoopid fucking wasicus whining about perceived bias that was not there.
"whining about perceived bias that was not there."
Isn't that the whole purpose of this blog?
Michael Caputo on FBI informant: "Let me tell you something that I know for a fact, this informant, this person they tried to plant into the campaign … he’s not the only person who came into the campaign. And the FBI is not the only Obama agency who came into the campaign."
Trump's America is a cesspool of idiocy.
We went through this bullshit when wingnuts found out that some conversations with Drumpf's security advisor were being monitored. The Russians were the targets and any of Drumpf's campaign or cabinet staff that got taped were probably breaking the law. That was the big wiretapping brouhaha that didn't amount to a hill of beans regardless of Drumpf's attempts to change the narrative.
Same with the new informants the FBI had. They weren't spying on cabinet officials per se, they were monitoring russian attempt to aid and abet Drumpf's campaign. So if Drumpf did nothing wrong, which is highly unlikely, the simpering little wimp has no reason to be scared he will be indicted.
If Trump had done something wrong, it is highly unlikely we wouldn't have heard of it by now.
There is no way to spin it that makes it ok. The Obama administration used the FBI and CIA to spy on the opposition to swing an election. They failed, so now they will have to pay the price. I hope it's a heavy one.
White boys are pussies and retards.
Nay, nay a thousand times nay. It has been explained, even drawn with colors, that the CIA and/or FBI did not spy on or wiretap anyone in Drumpf's circle of crooks, Even stoopid fucking wingnuts should be able to grasp the fact the surveillance was on foreign agents inside the Drumpf crooked campaign.
If none of Drumpf's minions had gotten involved they wouldn't have shown up on surveillance, but the fact that they did show up shows they were in contact illegally with foreign agents trying to shape the outcome of the election. That is what all the evidence shows. That is what the FISA court okayed and you can bet your bottom dollar Muellerr takes care to do this stuff by the book so Drumpf goes down hard and permanently and Pence and everyone else with him.
As a Chinese-American I just have to say that blacks in America would improve if you took the high crime and low education rates in your communities more seriously. You have only yourselves to blame for these situations.
See more at:
If you want to get a really keen sense of our cultural schizophrenia, check this out:
On the one hand blsck motorists are stopped for no reason and humiliated just for practice. On the other, a very hot artist named Kerry James Marshall, still alive and very busy, just sold a large painting at auction for 125 million big ones. If that weren't unbelievable enough, the Midas who bought it was none other than Sean Combs. So here we have a black artist commanding a gigantic selling price, and the buyer was a black entrepreneur of stupefying wealth.
Which America is the real one? I say the latter is a reflection of where we REALLY ARE. We've had a black president. There are many black multi-millionaires. There are black people in every walk of life, every profession, making solid contributions every day, displaying expertise and commanding respect. There are artists and collectors of color just as decadent and filthy rich as any white counterpart in any part of the world.
Then there is Trumpworld, the backwash from another era, full of white losers who resist change, want to turn the clock back, want an autocratic illiterate to set the agenda, protect us from progress. They are willing to hurt people that they think threaten them. They can't and won't prevail, they'll be plowed under. (Sorry, I get carried away)
So now there's a sinkhole on the North lawn of the white house.
I guess it sort of matches the asshole in the oval office.
-Doug in Oakland
There was a sinkhole at Drumpf Dump South last year. They'll catch up to drumpf's crooked ass sooner or later, Doug.
Anonymous said...
White boys are pussies and retards.
4:59 PM
> The scandal was stoopid fucking wasicus whining about perceived bias that was not there.
The IRS itself admitted that the bias was there when it settled and paid its victims.
> It has been explained, even drawn with colors, that the CIA and/or FBI did not spy on or wiretap anyone in Drumpf's circle of crooks
We have the leaks from tapped conversations. We have the whole thing about "unmasking" of the people involved. This is irrefutable proof.
> On the one hand blsck motorists are stopped for no reason
We have the body cam evidence that Jerrod Moultrie, a chapter president of the NAACP (National Association of Always Complaining People), lied his ass off both about the cause for his traffic stop and how he was treated.
Isn't it funny how irrefutable video evidence has a bias against black people? Those cameras must be racist.
> On the other, a very hot artist named Kerry James Marshall, still alive and very busy, just sold a large painting at auction for 125 million big ones.
White countries are the only ones where black people have such opportunities. Are blacks grateful? Fuck, no. That's why separation is going to happen, and they're going to hate it... but literally everyone else in the world has no fucks left to give about such stupid, violent ingrates.
Ever since Devin Nunes’s mysterious announcement of supposed surveillance of Trump transition team members two weeks ago, the story has operated on two levels. The first is why Nunes behaved the way he did—with mysterious cloak-and-dagger maneuvers—and who he got his information from. It now appears that despite rushing to brief President Trump on his news, the GOP chairman of the House
> It has been explained, even drawn with colors, that the CIA and/or FBI did not spy on or wiretap anyone in Drumpf's circle of crooks
We have the leaks from tapped conversations. We have the whole thing about "unmasking" of the people involved. This is irrefutable proof.
Intelligence Committee received his information from the White House in the first place.
The second, and more obscure, concerns the actual material that Nunes had. He was cagey about it, in part because it is apparently classified. He said that Trump transition team members were subject to “incidental collection,” which refers to U.S. persons being caught up in legal surveillance of foreign targets. There was no indication of illegality, but the names Americans who are incidentally collected are typically meant to be redacted, and Nunes said some names were possibly improperly revealed, or “unmasked,” by the Obama administration.
> On the one hand blsck motorists are stopped for no reason
We have the body cam evidence that Jerrod Moultrie, a chapter president of the NAACP (National Association of Always Complaining People), lied his ass off both about the cause for his traffic stop and how he was treated
More Bullshit. You pick one case out of potentially thousands and pretend that is the end all.
LOL. You wanna "stop the madness", field?
Jump out there frog...or quit croaking.
CALLL GIRL kolkata
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