I am thinking about the NFL capitulating to the fascist whims of an immoral leader.
I am thinking about how easy it is for said leader to lie.
I am thinking that every day it is becoming more and more obvious why players need to take a knee against social injustice and police misconduct.
I am thinking that Kanye West has really lost his damn mind. (How would you like it if someone posted pics of your dead mama?) He and trump deserve each other.
I am thinking about how trump said that no one in his campaign had contacts with Russia and everyday there is a new revelation of yet another one of his people having contacts with the Russians.
I am thinking about trump's pardon of Jack Johnson to score cheap political points with black people.
I am thinking that the president of the United States publicly commented and showed sympathy for a right wing hack and agitator because someone threw water in her direction, but never sent a tweet sympathizing with the victims in the Waffle House shooting, or, for that matter, praising the hero who disarmed the gunman. (Of course we know why. The aforementioned hack is a young blonde woman, and the Waffle House victims (and the hero who saved them) were people of color.
“I am thinking about trump's pardon of Jack Johnson to score cheap political points with black people.”
Actually, from what I heard, Trump didn’t do it to score points with black people; he did it to please Sylvester Stallone.
It sounds crazy, but I swear to God I am not making this up. I’m completely serious. Stallone, a guy who played a boxer in a bunch of movies, is, unsurprisingly, a fan of boxing and has some awareness of the history of the sport. After hearing the story that Johnson had been prosecuted back in the day for a bogus crime to punish him for having sex with white women (and maybe also for winning boxing matches against white opponents), Sly thought that was unfair. And he asked Trump to make this purely symbolic, feel-good gesture. So Trump did it as a favor to him.
This is how things work now in bizarro America. Our idiotic orange president does stuff because celebrities think it would be cool.
Maybe we can convince Stallone to get Trump to do some more important things — like not trashing environmental regulations, and not starting a trade war with China, and not banning Muslims from entering the country.
I am thinking that Meek Mill had a super chance of meeting with Trump and giving him an earful and he blew it! :(
How about a compromise, the Washington team changes their name and everyone stands.
Pretty sure Jack Johnson got the same speech from his mom we all did, leave them white girls alone. You know he was getting the side eye a lot.
1) At least the Jets' owner said he would cover any fines his players incurred from protesting. You gotta remember, players standing for the national anthem wasn't a thing at NFL games before the military started paying them to do so as a recruiting tool in 2009.
2) Lying is what Fergus does. He's not particularly good at it, but he's hella prolific.
3) https://local.theonion.com/insecure-frustrated-bully-with-something-to-prove-cons-1819575405
4) I'm not religious, but what he's lost seems more like his soul than his mind to me, or perhaps just his human decency.
5) That link isn't working, so here's Wikipedia's list:
6) I agree with anon@8:46 about it being a favor to Stallone. That doesn't make it a bad thing to do, but let's not make it into what it isn't.
7) Fergus answers to one thing, other than his own interest, and that's his base, and his base loves that shit. If it slights brown people, or makes liberals cry, or glorifies white people (and let's face it, they don't get much whiter than Tomi) they will literally cheer on policies that will kill them.
-Doug in Oakland
So another black miscreant tries to play the race card and lie about being harassed by a cop, but gets slapped down by video proof:
When every body-cam proves that the race-baiter is lying, it's nigh-conclusive proof that they are ALL lying. They lie because they think they can get away with it and use it to get off, and if not for the cameras, they would.
They know they have the support of people like Field and "mike from iowa" whether they're lying or not. That is why actual America is done with blacks and cucks (and bottoms who feel sad they didn't get to feel Trayvon Martin's dick reaming their anal cavities and still dream about him).
“7) Fergus answers to one thing, other than his own interest, and that's his base, and his base loves that shit.”
There’s nothing Fox News (and now Trump, because he is the Fox News president) likes more than promoting preposterous fake persecution narratives:
“White people are the REAL victims of racism!”
“We Christians can’t practice our religion anymore! There is a war on Christmas!”
“Conservatives are being silenced!”
And so on. The martyrdom of Saint Tomi follows this pattern.
White men will NEVER be able to stand a BLACK man exercising his constitutional rights.
The mere existence of a BLACK man rocks them to the core. They are determined to keep black men "step-in and fetching, shucking and jiving, dancing a jig. and SILENCED."
They've been doing it ever since they discovered the continents of Africa, and Asia and saw how technologically advanced nations of color were. After that they were determined to lie, distort and rewrite history. Look at any map and you will see that there really is no Europe....the white man just made it up.
This is what a culture does when it has no culture of its own but steals it from cultures of color and calls it their own. Hell even Hitler's swastika is stolen from an Asian design.
White folks were still eating raw meat while black nations were building pyramids, performing surgery with anesthesia, preserving dead bodies, building roads, irrigation and plumbing systems, carving furniture and tools from wood,discovering scientific breakthroughs that white folks were stealing patenting and calling it their own.
Marco Polo wrote about how advanced the Chinese were and how Italians were still throwing their shit out the window while Chinese were building plumbing systems. Native Americans taught the colonists everything they knew. Including how to win the Revolutionary War by using guerrilla warfare, hiding in trees and camaflouge.
The dumb colonists were trying to fight a war on a battlefield with men set up like checkers on a checkerboard with everyone advancing and shooting each other head on. How dumb was that!!!!
The Japanese knew what kind of vermin they were dealing with and kept the Europeans out of their country for many years. When Europeans came over to trade goods, the Japanese required them to cover their faces and drop their shit at the pier and LEAVE. But just like the pompous arrogant and ruthless nature, the Europeans attacked the Japanese and forced themselves on their country.
When you spend your entire existence stealing from cultures of color and calling it your own...of course you will go out of your way to try to silence and annihilate those from whom you STOLE.
So it would appear that the Irish have voted to overturn their eighth amendment which bans most abortions.
Apparently this will only legalize access to abortions for the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, so it's not anything like full legalization, but it's a step in the right direction.
-Doug in Oakland
When are those black ball players going to get up off of their knees and each send Kapernick a million dollar check? Now thats the way your supposed to help a brother out.
The problem is that Black men talk about Black Power but they are still ignorant to the ways in which they can use their power.
Look at Black neighborhoods....filthy, crime ridden, failing school systems. Black men just sitting around watching black children cut up and run amok.
Black ministers making money off of single black women instead of helping to solve the problem.
Black men not even knowing what their roles are as men. They don't even know how to raise their boys into productive providers for their families because they didn't have any men around to raise them. They never take wives because they never saw their mother with a husband.
Their idea of manhood is to screw everything with a split tail until they are 100 years old or until they die and the final nail is put into their coffins.
Its a system that is designed to keep black men and boys confused and walking around as if they have had brain damage.
White men have systematically gone out of their way to make sure that Black men are NEVER trained n the ways that they need do succeed.
As was told to many Black men: "WE ARE NOT GOING TO TEACH YOU WHAT WE KNOW."
It's no secret and this exists in every industry be it "blue collar" or "corporate America."
And even when Blacks succeed on their own....the Jealousy and resentment from white men is so great that they burn down their accomplishments such as what happened in the community known as "Black Wall Street."
...Even a Native American Indian community was systematically annihilated when a governing town of "white man" claiming to love them secretly poisonied the wives and children that they had with Indian women in order to take over their land and steal the oil from underneath the settlements that they were forced to live on after the Europeans ran them off of their own Indian settlements and forced them to go elsewhere....not knowing that where they sent them was a territory in the mid west that was rich with oil
And nothing has changed since then.
> White men will NEVER be able to stand a BLACK man exercising his constitutional rights.
The US Constitution is a WHITE creation. Blacks have no right to assert any Constitutional claims, as that is cultural appropriation.
> They've been doing it ever since they discovered the continents of Africa, and Asia and saw how technologically advanced nations of color were.
True. The Europeans were only building massive structures of dressed stone and had only mastered wooden ship-building and lodestone compasses, and the African technologies of circular one-story wattle-and-daub huts and blowing air into cow's anuses to make them give more milk were.... wait, whut?
You fucking MORONS think WAKANDA IS REAL?!
You can take the stupid African out of Africa, but you can't take the stupid out of the African wherever they are.
> even Hitler's swastika is stolen from an Asian design.
Borrowed from another Aryan strain.
> White folks were still eating raw meat while black nations were building pyramids, performing surgery with anesthesia, preserving dead bodies, building roads, irrigation and plumbing systems
Neanderthals were cooking meat 700,000 years ago. No black tribe EVER built a pyramid, did surgery, preserved dead bodies, built roads, or made irrigation or plumbing systems. Those were all feats of people around the Mediterranian, who were all descended from Europeans and none from those who gave rise to the Bantu.
> Marco Polo wrote about how advanced the Chinese were and how Italians were still throwing their shit out the window while Chinese were building plumbing systems.
Marco Polo didn't know the history of his own people. Romans built sewer systems more than 1000 years before he went to China.
> When you spend your entire existence stealing from cultures of color and calling it your own...
When you are stupid enough to think that people can learn from your culture and make you forget all about it...
you are SUB-moronic. Did the Chinese forget about pasta or gunpowder when Europeans learned those arts and took them home? Of course not. Only moronic Africans think such ridiculous things.
> Its a system that is designed to keep black men and boys confused and walking around as if they have had brain damage.
What do you mean, "as if"? Genetics BIRTHS them with brain damage, compared to people who can actually achieve civilization. Civilization is not for you. Go back to Afreaka.
So far, every video-recorded claim of "racism" from cops turns out to be a goddamn lie.
It's past time to make false claims of racism a felony, and also a civil violation worth at least $100,000. That would shut you fucktards up right quick.
Black people: whiny, entitled bitches
This was brought up a couple days ago on this site. Stoopid fucking wasicu do try to keep up.
Carl Icahn whined his way into millions in tax credits from Drumpf for companies with small refineries- https://thinkprogress.org/epa-grants-financial-hardship-waiver-carl-icahn-99abf3315063/
Icahn is a whiny bitch alright.
Anyfuckingmoose turns out to be a whiny wasicu bitch on the rag and dealing with PMS at the same time. Her welfare check is late and she misses her Obamaphone and free Obama SUV.
Wasicu welfare queen is where it is at.
Asians invented and used gun powder for fireworks.
Europeans used it for guns and destruction.
Europeans found Asians invented pasta.
They stole it from the Asians and took it back to Europe and claimed it as their own.
Egypt...which is an "AFRICAN" country sitting in the continent of Africa built and constructed pyramids with such algebraic and geometric precision that it remains one of the "wonders of the world."
Egyptians and countless nations of color such as Peruvians were highly advanced and many more were performing surgery using anesthesia, including caesarean sections, embalming bodies, preserving food while caucasians were still eating raw meat and throwing their shit out of windows.
Europeans became so jealous of Egyptian technology and advancement that they didn't want to attribute such advancement to BLACK people so they went about trying to say that Egypt isn't in Africa.
Europeans tried to hid the fact that Africans were capable of such feats so they went about blowing the noses and lips off of the Sphinx sculptures so that world would never see that the Sphinx cultures in Egypt had BLACK AFRICAN features.
What Europeans bought to the Americas and the rest of the world was beastiality, syphillis, gonorrhea, german measles, mumps, the bubonic plague, herpes, raping of girls and women, stealing land, stealing agricultural technology, stealing scientific inventions, and technology from the unsuspecting, poor and forgiving natives.
...And whites have the audacity to call the Africans animals.
Well if you think Africans are animals then it takes one animal to know another one.
....Eurpoeans invented NOTHING but stole EVERYTHING.
You're right, Europeans are not smarter...they are just more conniving, systematic, and RUTHLESS.
Since they are really the true MINORITY in the world, being conniving, systematic and RUTHLESS is the only way that they feel they can survive.
But, they do love brown skin because they spend millions of dollars each year and risk skin cancer trying to bask in the sun and turn their skin as dark as possible.
As the saying goes: "There's a thin line between Love and Hate"
Anyfuckingmoose- https://www.npr.org/2015/05/14/406699264/historian-says-dont-sanitize-how-our-government-created-the-ghettos
Fuck you!
As the snow flies
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto (in the ghetto)
And his mama cries
'Cause if there's one thing that she don't need
It's another hungry mouth to feed
In the ghetto (in the ghetto)
Let's also don't forget "ghettos" were a social experiment of the left.Just another example of progressives using blacks has they guinea pigs.
https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/14/politics/waffle-house-hero-donald-trump-call/index.html . . . Stop lying about Trump.
Let us also not forget that the welfare system is also a social experiment.
Welfare is now the "Black Baby Daddy." It has emasculated black men.
It keeps black women with a hand out falsely believing that they are getting something for nothing.
However, there is a price to pay for everything. It's no secret that black boys are being born retarded and brain damaged more and more.
It has long since been suspected that experimentation is done on black children in these welfare clinics.
When you sign up to receive govt aid, then they reserve the right to give you whatever the hell they want to give you. Do any of us really know what is in the "so called" vacccinations that minority children receive?
If the government isn't sharing with you that both weed, and cocaine in heavy usage in minority communities stays in the blood stream and attaches to sperm and causes irreparable damage to an unborn fetus with regard to mental development, then what makes one think that the government cares about your children. In their minds, you don't care about your children, so why should they?
The legacy of slavery lives on. Democrats have just found other ways to keep blacks on the plantation and depended.
Republicans broke the physical chains of slavery. Trump can break the mental chains of slavery and free blacks.
That is why Democrats hate and fear Trump.....
How welfare harms kids, black men and black families:
> Asians invented and used gun powder for fireworks.
> Europeans used it for guns and destruction.
News flash: Europeans are better at recognizing and developing un-realized potential than Chinese.
> Europeans found Asians invented pasta.
> They stole it from the Asians and took it back to Europe and claimed it as their own.
Uh, no. Marco Polo described the Chinese use of something he already had words for, and the hard wheat used to make pasta was not cultivated in China at the time.
> Egypt...which is an "AFRICAN" country sitting in the continent of Africa built and constructed pyramids with such algebraic and geometric precision that it remains one of the "wonders of the world."
The ancient Egyptians were Europeans, proven by DNA analysis of mummies including King Tut himself. The Ptolemy dynasty was Greek. There was basically one civilization around the Mediterranian until the Arab diaspora.
Black Africans in Egypt were slaves then, and sure aren't welcome now.
> Egyptians and countless nations of color such as Peruvians were highly advanced and many more were performing surgery using anesthesia, including caesarean sections, embalming bodies, preserving food while caucasians were still eating raw meat and throwing their shit out of windows.
Trying to claim credit for things done by "nations of color", despite exactly none of them being black. Blacks have to steal everything, because you can't make anything worthwhile. You even have to steal Wakanda from a couple of Jewish comic-book artists. You're pathetically stupid.
> Europeans became so jealous of Egyptian technology and advancement that they didn't want to attribute such advancement to BLACK people so they went about trying to say that Egypt isn't in Africa.
Anyone can see on a map that Egypt is in Africa. It is apparently really hard for idiots like Anonymous above to understand that just because a land is on the continent of Africa, that it wasn't full of Bantu like himself. He wants to claim credit for the accomplishments of people he shares nothing with, not language, not culture, not ancestry. Anon @ 8:38 AM is a thief. (In other words, typically black.)
> Stop lying about Trump.
They can't. Lies are all they have.
FN"I am thinking that Kanye West has really lost his damn mind. (How would you like it if someone posted pics of your dead mama?) He and trump deserve each other."
Why??? Because he doesn't go along with the libtard/dummycrat narrative that ALL African-Americans have to vote and support the Democratic party blindly??(slave)
Trump can break the mental chains of slavery and free blacks.
That'll be hard to do from his prison cell. He may be doing things for Black people but if won't be what you expect.
That is why Democrats hate and fear Trump.....
Nah, that's just what racist assholes who think Black folk can't think for themselves say. Stinky Con is a racist asshole in case you couldn't tell.
Republicans broke the physical chains of slavery. Trump can break the mental chains of slavery and free blacks.
What utter bullshit. Wingnuts have enslaved 99% of the population of American by working only for the koch bros and making everything maximum profit for the wealthy by slashing wages and benefits and destroying unions.
Nebraska officials saved 26 million, toothless, inbred, wasicu trailer trash, Drumpf voters from death by overdose. That sucks.
Welfare is now the "Black Baby Daddy." It has emasculated black men.
Which readily explains that the majority of welfare recipients are wasicu women. You ain't none too fucking smart!
Tell me the last honest thing Drumpf has said and I will tell you the first honest thing Drumpf has said.
Republicans are giving the country away to millionaires and billionaires while keeping people like Stinky Con in trailer parks because they're too dumb to realize what's going on. This is the party that thought it was a good idea to nominate Sarah Palin. Keep spouting the dumb ass party line Stinky! Glad to have you back, we missed the simpleminded rhetoric they give you to parrott.
It keeps koch bros with a hand out falsely believing that they are getting something for nothing.
However, there is a price to pay for everything. It's no secret that koch bros are being born retarded and brain damaged more and more. Fixed it for you.
All toothless, inbred, wasicu trailer trash, Drumpf voters are blatant, oozing racists just like their leader- Anyfuckingmoose.
Anyfuckingmoose resting his laurels on supposed white ancestors he wouldn't recognize if they bukkakeed on his pasty wasicu head.
Now we all know what kind of pr0n people watch in rural Iowa.
"Let's also don't forget "ghettos" were a social experiment of the left"
Ghettos were what the Nazis did to the Jews, moron.
-Doug in Oakland
Egyptians ARE AFRICAN.
and the blacker you are the more beautiful you are.
God created the Black man first...and out of black comes all other colors.
It's a proven fact.
and yes..all men are created equally. We are all God's children and no one is better than another one cause God doesn't make mistakes.....people do.
I'm not racist. My mammy was black. God rest her soul....
That was beautiful@3:16
Dog made one serious fucking boo boo and dubbed it Drumpfuck the dumbfuck with Putin's help.
Ya' know what Judge, I'm convinced of two things after following you all these years:
1. Your nonstop invective against the current POTUS would be launched against ANY caucasian male who won the the Presidential race.
2. Your hatred of all things caucasian will consume you,
C'mon Judge, the Plantation's been shuttered for a long time, come join your brothers and sisters out here who've dumped that false dichotomy.
Omar McCleod is about to run in the Pre.
He got it.
Republicans broke the physical chains of slavery. Trump can break the mental chains of slavery and free blacks.
That is why Democrats hate and fear Trump.....
You honestly believe that? Just wow. Keep the faith Lil' Tiger!
My mammy was black.
That's beautiful KC. I'll just bet she loved you to little tiny pieces. You must have been a cute baby.
> Egyptians ARE AFRICAN.
> http://www.egyptindependent.com/dna-analysis-proves-egyptians-are-not-arabs/
68% NORTH African. A whole 3% E. African. Meaning, no relation at all to W. African Bantu... and DNA analysis of mummies shows that Egyptians were even less sub-Saharan in the past than they are now.
I'll give you clowns a hint: you're failures at civilization and will remain so until you fix your GENETICS. It takes generations of removing your lazy, your stupid and your violent from the gene pool to get people who can build the kind of society that you so want so desperately, you won't even think of leaving the one that whites so foolishly let you live in. Maybe if you took out 50% per generation you could shorten this process to a couple hundred years. You have no time to waste. Start sterilizing your criminals and morons and layabouts and maybe whte people will even let you stay.
> and the blacker you are the more beautiful you are.
Blacks are the only people stupid and deluded enough to believe this. Everyone else is amazed at how grotesque you are. Your standard of beauty is a woman who is so fat, her ass measures 7 feet around!
> God created the Black man first...
The Khoisan predate Bantu by tens of thousands of years. They're medium-brown.
> and out of black comes all other colors.
You're stupid enough to believe this too. All colors come out of WHITE. Black is the absence of ALL color.
You honestly believe that? Just wow. Keep the faith Lil' Tiger!
Of course he believes this, stupid people believe stupid things.
Chicago May 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 35
Shot & Wounded: 219
Total Shot: 254
Total Homicides: 40
Most Black genetics have European DNA which means after first leaving they came back for more Black. Can't get enough of the dark meat.
Two young progressive brothas running cities. Good read. There is hope for the south😂
Rural white America May 2018 to date:
OD's: 20,000
Babies sold for meth: 21,000
Showers taken:0
High School diplomas: 1
Cousins dating: 50,000
Teeth: 4
Damn,Obama could'nt pardon Jack Johnson,but an actor whose statue was in Philly,for how long,asks the Pres,and he does it! An actor,who cant fight his way out of a paper bag,gets his way.Shame,shame shame! Kanye,kiss somebody's ass!!
Capitalism once produced a mighty surplus, much of which was squandered on parasitic and poisonous causes: racial equity, gender equity, global democracy, AGW, etc. The surplus disappeared in 2007 and isn't coming back. Yet the parasitism is stronger than ever. A reckoning is overdue
Was THAT ever a laugh! "How DARE anyone notice that there's a huge difference between the countries run by black Africans, and countries run by everyone else? Noticing is RAYCISS! Having a special phrase that everyone understands is DOUBLE RAYCISS!"
Heaven forbid people should notice details like functional public water and sanitation and electric grids that are mostly working 24/7.
Most Black genetics have European DNA which means after first leaving they came back for more Black. Can't get enough of the dark meat.
African-Americans average about 17-20% European DNA, but white Americans have almost no African DNA. In other words, it wasn't white women wanting dark meat, it was black women improving the prospects of their offspring.
This fucking moron needs an intervention with guys in white coats and stun guns.
So does Anyfuckingmoose.
When I was a young lad, I used to like girls.
I'd play with their bodies and fondled their curls,
'till my girlfriend ran off with a sailor named Bruce.
Well, you'd never been treated that way by a moose.
And it's moose, moose, I like a moose;
I've never had anything quite like a moose.
I've had many lovers, my morals are loose,
but I've never had anything quite like a moose.
Now, when I'm in need of a very good lay,
I'll go to the closet and get me some hay.
And I'll open my window and spread it around,
'cause a moose always comes when there's hay on the ground.
And it's moose, moose, I like a moose;
I've never had anything quite like a moose.
I've had many lovers, my morals are loose,
but I've never had anything quite like a moose.
Gorillas are all right on a Saturday night.
Lions and tigers, they put up a fight.
And it's just not the same when you slap their caboose
as that feeling you get when you're humpin' a moose.
And it's moose, moose, I like a moose;
I've never had anything quite like a moose.
I've had many lovers, my morals are loose,
but I've never had anything quite like a moose.
I went out to the desert, a moose for to find.
I only found camels, I near lost my mind.
Still a camel reminds me a moose just a bit,
but a moose always swallows and camels just split.
And it's moose, moose, I like a moose;
I've never had anything quite like a moose.
I've had many lovers, my morals are loose,
but I've never had anything quite like a moose.
And when I was younger, I read dirty books.
I played with myself while my little? shook.
But nothing else would make my eyes start to twinkle
like that feeling I get wacking off to Bullwinkle.
And it's moose, moose, I like a moose;
I've never had anything quite like a moose.
I've had many lovers, my morals are loose,
but I've never had anything quite like a moose.
So when I'm alone and advanced in me years,
I'll look back on my life and I'll shed me no tears,
as I sit in my chair with a glass of Matheus,
playing 'Hide the Salami' with my friend, the moose.
And it's moose, moose, I like a moose;
I've never had anything quite like a moose.
I've had many lovers, my morals are loose,
but I've never had anything quite like a moose.
When I go to Heaven, my soul soars away.
I'll show up at those gates with my bale of fresh hay,
and when they inquire as to my grin,
well I'll wind up in Hell humpin' mooses again.
And it's moose, a moose, I like a moose;
I've never had anything quite like a moose.
I've had many lovers, my morals are loose,
but I've never had anything quite like a moose.
And it's moose, moose, I like a moose;
I've never had anything quite like a moose.
I've had many lovers, my morals are loose,
but I've never had anything quiiiite
like a moose.
Anyfuckingmoose takes hay to bed to feed his nightmare before he backs her up to the stump.
Caribou Barbie's eldest brat is in jail for assaulting his Dad and threatening folks with a gun. The judge in Veteran's court wants to block all press from any proceedings involving Palin.
The judge was appointed to the bench by Caribou Barbie and apparently she and he can't see any conflicts or any reason for him to recuse himself.
This is the story of the Palin klan. They always get preferential treatment in court and their brats all should be lifers in Riker's Island, except for the free passes they receive. Every last one, with the exception of the adopted Downy boy is a habitual violator and more than three time loser.
Drunk and disorderly, drunken street brawls, dragging little kids around in Limos while mom's drinking and fighting, threatening exes with guns- you name it...no charges are ever filed.
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