"Three Pennsylvania men who sexually assaulted more than a dozen animals over a five-year period will spend up to 41 years in prison, according to Local 10 news.
The three animal “lovers,” identified as Matthew Brubaker, 31; Marc Measnikoff, 34, and Terry Wallace, 41, were sentenced to 20 to 41 years for forcing themselves on a cow, a goat, nine horses and an unspecified number of dogs. A teenage boy was allegedly tasked with restraining the animals while the twisted trio committed their bizarre crimes.
The horses that were assaulted by the men were all females, according to local station WTAJ, which also reported the animals were places in the care of Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."
Now here is the kicker: Apparently the men were leaving a trump rally.
You will note that the animals were all females. These men did not want to get on Franklin Graham's bad side. :)
America, what have you become?
* (Photo Credit: Clearfield County District Attorney’s Office)
The horses that were assaulted by the men were all females, according to local station WTAJ, which also reported the animals were places in the care of Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."
Now here is the kicker: Apparently the men were leaving a trump rally.
You will note that the animals were all females. These men did not want to get on Franklin Graham's bad side. :)
America, what have you become?
* (Photo Credit: Clearfield County District Attorney’s Office)
I don’t ever want to hear wingnuts’ self-righteous condemnation of the “perversion” of transsexuals and lesbian moms and sex clubs in the liberal big city. Not when, out in Trumpland, Dwayne and Cletus and Roy Bob are getting it on with Bessie the milk cow.
Funny when you think of Drumpf or some other dumbfucker wingnut giving a stump speech prior to or immediately after servicing a stump broke mule from the same stump. Multi-tasking the perverted wingnut way. The neighs have it.
Wait, what has America BECOME? C'mon man, you know this shit has been going on for years. Incels weren't born yesterday. I bet most of your racist trolls regularly bugger animals.
Just wish one of those horses gave em a kick right where it hurts.
Fuck these sick bastards. Life behind bars. We must rid our societies of degeneracy.
Though interesting to watch, as they'll likely get more time than grown black men who throw 5-year-old white kids over railings and purposefully run down white kids in the streets for being white kids.
Three guys who like animals (and probably didn't hurt them at all) are supposed to be morally equal and opposite to the 100 black-on-white rapes that happen EVERY DAY in the USA.
Liberals knowingly condone and promote total evil.
More white tears from Josh. What a pussy.
Three guys who like animals (and probably didn't hurt them at all
Bwahahaha! Sounds like this asshole has fucked a few animals in his time. Conservatives condone fucking animals. Like Field said, kinda sick.
Yeah Field what's the problem? Just having some good clean fun. As long as negros do violent things you can't say anything about animal fuckers. A deranged guy threw a kid off a balcony so it's ok for Josh to take a horse dick up his ass. Don't judge her.
"I don't actually believe my opponent is a pig fucker, I just want to hear him deny it in public."
Turns out some of them actually are. Then the denying of it kinda loses its usefulness.
-Doug in Oakland
America is showing it's 'true colors'. This is truly sick, but it's been done before. Yeah, I served in the US Military, and some of the 'citizens' admitted to 'screwing' chickens, cows, sheep, and don't go there with the 'cowboys & their horses'. (SMH)
The perps that continue to bring up the 'tossing of a child from a mall balcony', and 'African Americans' that continue to offend, and even kill, may want to check out JoAnn Cunningham, and Andrew Freund; these 'citizens' murdered Lil 'AJ', 'their' 5year old, helpless, abused child. Fact check that!
Welcum to wingnut reality-https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2005/5/10/113109/-
Guy admits to bestiality, watermelon sex and other things he was interested in growing up. If you grow up on a farm in Georgia your first girlfriend is naturally a mule.
Chiefs suspend Tyreek Hill after purported recording from child abuse case emerges
Rapper GameOva Reedy Arrested in Child Desertion Case
Black Pennsylvania Caretaker Allegedly Raped Disabled Client: Police
Attempted Black Burglary Suspect Arrested in Connection With Newport Beach Double Homicide
Police: Deadly black hit-and-run suspect arrested after breaking into N. Portland business
Black Forest Park man accused of repeatedly raping child
Black Man arrested in rape, burglary of 88-year-old woman in Brooklyn
The Black California man accused of intentionally driving into pedestrians has shown no remorse, police say
Black Man arrested after 22-year-old woman found strangled in Lakewood Motel 6 room
Apparently the right-wing trolls who post here are very adept at deflection. When Field posts something that makes some white men look bad, dozens of trolls come here and shout, "That's nothing. look over there."
the right-wing trolls who post here are very adept at deflection.
After getting tired of watching you do it, someone decided to do it back. Fair's fair!
When Field posts something that makes some white men look bad, dozens of trolls come here and shout, "That's nothing. look over there."
Maybe, someday, you'll understand what "per-capita rate" means for the moral status of populations and the livability of the societies they create.
And maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt.
Anonymous said....
"Maybe, someday, you'll understand what "per-capita rate" means for the moral status of populations and the livability of the societies they create."
First, I think you post as anonymous because you are all the trolls here and you want us to think there are many of you.
Second, I understand the concept of per capita quite well. I'll give you and example: About about eighty percent of all crimes are committed by men, but men represent about forty-nine percent of the population. Accordingly, following your logic, all men are no good and therefore should be purged from society.
You assume that I am stupid because I'm old. Well, you may be old some day yourself, and you will still be a stupid as you are now unless you change your thinking.
White posters excuse animal rape! Well, at least we know what goes down at klan meetings.
So what cabinet posts were these dickwads offered? Surely Drumpf would not let their talents go to waste.
“So what cabinet posts were these dickwads offered? Surely Drumpf would not let their talents go to waste.”
I’m confident they would accept positions at the Department of Agriculture.
Which positions? Why, doggy style. And horsey style, piggy style, etc.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
About about eighty percent of all crimes are committed by men, but men represent about forty-nine percent of the population. Accordingly, following your logic, all men are no good and therefore should be purged from society.
That is not logical.
But one could infer from that statistic that men are a significantly greater crime risk than women. It's rational to worry more about men than woman as regards violent crime.
Blacks make up 13% of the population, but commit over 50% of all murders.
One could infer from that statistic that blacks are significantly more dangerous than any other demographic.
Logic does not tell us all blacks are no good and therefore should be purged from society. The vast majority of blacks are not criminals.
But it would be completely rational for other people, including the police, to be more wary around blacks.
And that the fact blacks are arrested and incarcerated more than any group is not due to a racist criminal justice system, but an expected correlation of higher black criminality.
Hauling out boxes of “Healthy Holly” books and documents, dozens of federal law enforcement agents Thursday struck homes, businesses and government buildings across Baltimore as an investigation into Mayor Catherine Pugh’s business dealings widened.
FBI agents and IRS officials executed search warrants at her City Hall office, Pugh’s two houses, and offices of the mayor’s allies, as the growing scandal consumed the city’s attention, generated national headlines and provoked fresh calls for the embattled Democratic mayor’s resignation.
Mayor Pugh has impugned the spotless reputation of black mayors across this great country. How could this happen?
How many people did Negroes shoot, rob, assault or kill this week Mr. Field Negro? You should all sign up to the Colin Flaherty daily podcast to find out. Remember.... Before Negroes became a criminal and social plague in America, They sold their own into World Wide slavery. Black priv kinda thing doncha u know.
How many of their own kids did white trailer trash kill? Hey let's excuse child killers because some negro somewhere did something. And remember whites killed their own in World Wars and put them in ovens for god's sake. And if that isn't enough now I have to watch my fucking farm animals around these assholes? Geez, it's a wonder they have time to post here with all the fuckboi fuckery they so.
And before he was murdered he was born with meth in his system. But that's ok, he wasn't harmed bh a negro.
Damn shame what these good white parens did to their own son. Mother fuckers!
Per Capita said.......
"And that the fact blacks are arrested and incarcerated more than any group is not due to a racist criminal justice system, but an expected correlation of higher black criminality."
Do you have any data from a reliable source that supports this claim?
Ouch, good white mother's baby OD's on her breast milk full of meth. But hey, a negro did something somewhere so it's ok.
is not due to a racist criminal justice system, but an expected correlation of higher black criminality.
Expected? So dumb ass just admitted the just us system is racist but like all klan assholes he's too dumb to know it. Must be the meth and animal fucking.
"Do you have any data from a reliable source that supports this claim?"
I'm old enough to remember a time when if someone were to do stuff like this, and it could be proven, they would probably end up getting committed to a state mental institution (like, back in the 1960s).
Let's hope these dingshits, maybe, caught a virus or two from those creatures that said creatures are immune to but can have devastating effects on humans if exposed to them. A little poetic justice added to the mix.
Per Capita, while you're worrying about negroes 90% of white women are being raped by white men, 90% of white people are being killed by white people so you may wanna look in the mirror. I mean if you have time between lifting up your dog's tail and going to town and all.
BTW, no mention of the mass genocide committed by white supremacist assholes like you? You know the whole Holocaust thing? Oh that's right, just like white crime like baby rape and shit you ignore it or pretend it never happened because all whites are perfect.
Per capita, as a wasicu wastey wingnut expects Blacks to have higher incarceration rates because they are targeted by racist honkey cops and opening their mouths to proclaim innocence or harassment is enough to get them killed by cop. If they live they are charged with resisting arrest, and any number of charges of........while Black.
They show 11 cops and 10 of them unholy fuckers be whitey weasels.
Putin and Drump's red sparrow gets 18 months in the cooler for infiltrating the NRA and other wingnut strongholds to get useful intel for Putie.
Maria Butina couldn't totally corrupt the corrupt NRA. But 30 million bucks was swallowed up by NRA and apparently funneled to Drumpfuck's campaign, illegally. Not to worry, HRC had emails.
Good news from Kansas, and apologies if this was reported before now-
Abortion is now the law of the land in Kansas irrespective of what happens to Roe v Wade. No that is not abortion at any point for just any reason.
Even Dame Peggy Nooner has turned on Drumpf. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/04/longtime-conservative-peggy-noonan-stomps-trump-calls-democrat-replace-2020/
When the far right loon ies call for Drumpf's pelt, he is in trouble.
Per capita said...
"Do you have any data from a reliable source that supports this claim?"
2:42 PM
I went to the website above and spent some amount of time reviewing the data. Here's something you should think about that is stated in the text and I quote:
"Figures used in this Report were submitted voluntarily by law enforcement agencies throughout the country. Individuals using these tabulations are cautioned against drawing conclusions by making direct comparisons between cities. Comparisons lead to simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that often create misleading perceptions adversely affecting communities and their residents. Valid assessments are possible only with careful study and analysis of the range of unique conditions affecting each local law enforcement jurisdiction. It is important to remember that crime is a social problem and, therefore, a concern of the entire community. In addition, the efforts of law enforcement are limited to factors within its control. The data user is, therefore, cautioned against comparing statistical data of individual agencies. Further information on this topic can be obtained in Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics: Their Proper Use."
After additional research I found the following article which reviews data regarding incarceration rates from the states. If you bother to read it, you will find that this topic is much more complex than you realize: The Color of Justice: Racial and Ethnic Disparity in State Prisons
Trump, doing his part to make the world a shittier, more violent place, officially takes U.S. out of international arms treaty, to idiotic cheers from the slack-jawed hillbillies at the NRA convention.
Trump Moves To Withdraw U.S. From U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
The extra-stupid part is that NRA members’ objections are based on fears that this treaty will somehow restrict Americans’ domestic gun rights. It does no such thing, but rednecks are too dumb to understand this, so ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I believe the NRA and stoopid fucking wingnuts sold this treaty as allowing the UN tom come into America's homes and take away weapons. Part of the typical wingnut/NRA lie campaigns during election years. Remember every 2 years Obama was coming for your guns.
Joke: Voting fraud doesn't exist in the USA.
Woke: Nine officials of JUST ONE Texas town indicted for voting fraud:
Bespoke: Mayor just arrested too.
this topic is much more complex than you realize
Wait, you mean the mouthbreathing nazi who doesn't believe the Holocaust happens and judges people byvthe color of their skin doesn't understand complex issues? Gasp!!!!!!!!!!! Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!
Joke: Voting fraud doesn't exist in the USA.
Woke: Nine officials of JUST ONE Texas town indicted for voting fraud:
Seems like the laws in place worked they way they should and those involved are going to jail. Maybe Kris Kobach abd trump abandoned their voter fraud investigative team to soon because they couldn't find any. Then again this is the same guy who paid a PI to go to Hawaii to find Obama's birth certificate.
Alleged Texas voter fraud was for a mayoral election in 2017, not a federal election.
Texas asshole Ken Paxton was under federal and state securities fraud indictments when he was elected AG. He is the biggest crook in Texas as of right now.
Alleged Texas voter fraud was for a mayoral election in 2017, not a federal election.
Yeah that guy Paxon seems to be on it, more voter fraud in one county in Tex-ass than in the entire rest of the country. Wanna bet this ends the same way as that one Tex-ass town that was arresting innocent people on trumped up drug charges?
Be careful if you post here and are a teacher. 😂
Visit "The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon" to get a rilly good look at the dregs of wingnut politics in Texas. Juanita Jean knows Paxton and has an eye on his criminality for years.
Paxton would fit right alongside Dimebag Douche Donnie Drumpf.
White posters excuse animal rape!
A hundred black animals raping humans every day is worse, by far. Our society would be vastly better off if we ignored bestiality and prosecuted the blackimals. Better yet, just sent them all away. They are obsolete farm equipment and provide no benefit to anyone else, literally.
Does anyone know if Tedophile Nugent fell into a hog manure pit and died? Haven't heard a slimy squeak out his filthy potty mouth in a year or more. Not that I want to hear it.
Our society would be vastly better off if we ignored bestiality
Sure it would Jethro. Now go find your Friday night date. I know you hillbillies love you some animal love. Bwahahahahahaha!
A hundred black animals raping humans every day is worse, by far.
And a hundred white racist asshole raping babies is even worse.
A hundred black animals raping humans
animals raping humans? Uh, no Jethro read the story it's people who look like you raping animals. Oh yeah I forgot, white supremacists and klan assholes can't read too well. Maybe if you ask nicely Field will draw your dumb ass pictures so you can keep up.
Deliverance is your family's biography. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
Ah, this makes me laugh everytime.Big tough nazis cry like bitches when held accountable for their actions. Pussies.
Very interesting.
>> How many of their own kids did white trailer trash kill?
Let's count this week's toll of white kids killed by their parents across the country, and compare it to the week's count of s**tskins killed by other s**tskins in just four cities: Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans and St. Louis. How much money are you willing to bet that dead white kids will outnumber dead s**tskins?
Ollie and Wayne are in a snit.
-Doug in Oakland
How much money are you willing to bet that dead white kids will outnumber dead s**tskins?
How much are you willing to bet you didn't finish high school and like to fuck animals? Still working to overturn bestiality laws? Now go play your banjo on the porch like a good little dumbassed klansman.
>> How much are you willing to bet you didn't finish high school and like to fuck animals?
I have my HS diploma. I also have my bachelor's from a Big Ten university.
And I don't have any interest in fucking animals. This is why I've never had a black woman in my bed. I don't date outside my species.
Nah, we don't go for that animal sex down where I live, must be yankees:
Maybe it came from "humans" having sex with simians?
Hey,some of my favorite nephews and nieces were monkeys:)
Now, since you, Queenie and PilotX, obviously have nothing to do in life, after milking the taxpayers with your AA, spend some time disputing these accusations:
Sure, you'll say the link is bogus, like you always do, but you can't bring up FACTS to dispute their assertions.
Your link is bogus. https://library.ucsd.edu/dc/object/bb00695483/_1.pdf
Plus it is snowing in the beautiful South of Minnesota (Northwest iowa).
Hey,some of my favorite nephews and nieces were monkeys:) They actually claimed you, Tarsands, prowd of his drapes? Get it notarized.
So it turns out that both the Senate and House Russia investigation Chairweasels obstructed justice by handing over secret info to kremlin annex.
On Mar. 9, 2017, FBI Director James Comey briefed the "Gang of Eight" lawmakers on the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. The Mueller report notes that White House Counsel Don McGahn's chief of staff, Anne Donaldson, indicated that President Trump was in a "panic" about the Russia investigation.
"POTUS in panic/chaos ... Need binders to put in front of POTUS. (1) All things related to Russia," Donaldson's notes from Mar. 12 read. Within a week, the Mueller report says, McGahn's office was in contact with Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, and appeared "to have received information about the status of the FBI investigation."
On March 16, according to the Mueller report, "the White House Counsel's Office was briefed by Senator Burr on the existence of '4-5 targets.'" Donaldson identified those targets in her notes as former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, and "Greek guy," which may have been a reference to another adviser, George Papadopoulos.
Execute every stoopid fucking wingnut ever born. Maybe then they will get the message America First before Russia.
almost got to toss 100k legal Dem voters and now they must pat nearly a half mil in lawyer fees for the good guys. Stoopid, stoopid fucking cheating wingnuts.
I remember awhile back someone wondered why Drumpf doesn't hire more Americans to work for him. Could this be why? https://www.rawstory.com/2019/04/busted-trump-resorts-rejected-dozens-us-workers-hire-low-wage-foreign-workers/
It turns out the number 2 pick in the NFL draft, a wasicu wastey from Ohio State has a history of racist statements behind him and a considerable number of Black team mates ahead of him.
From Mother Jones- According to Mary McCord, a longtime federal prosecutor who was formerly deputy assistant attorney general for national security at the Justice Department, there’s no terrorism statute that applies to someone who uses a firearm or a vehicle to commit violence motivated by white supremacy. For crimes involving these weapons, however, it is possible to convict if the perpetrator was motivated by a connection to an international extremist group. “If I’m the San Bernardino shooter, or if I’m Omar Mateen at Pulse nightclub and I commit my crime with a firearm, I’ve done it on behalf of ISIS, so I can be charged with material support to a terrorist organization,” she says. “If I do the same as a white supremacist”—think Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers or James Field, who used a vehicle to kill in Charlottesville, Virginia—”there’s no terrorism crime I can be charged with…There ends up being a gap.”
Sounds like white supremacists are safe from terror charges as long as part of the government remains in white supremacist hands.
Here is the racist in chief congratulating white racist player and totally skipping the Black player chosen first overall.
n a Saturday morning tweet, President Trump offered congratulations to Nick Bosa, the Ohio State defensive end who this week became the second overall pick in the NFL draft, after facing criticism for past racist tweets and supporting social media posts with racist and homophobic hashtags. The first player picked in the draft, Oklahoma quarterback Kyle Murray, who is black, received no mention on Trump’s Twitter feed.
You own him. Enjoy, racists.
Bosa is a Trump supporter. Entirely appropriate.
Murray probably didn't want a thank you from Trump, and might have said something rude over it.
Having Trump congratulate you brings a lot of abuse from shitlibs, which is what Bosa is experiencing now. Great people.
Buh bye, Ollie.
-Doug in Oakland
Another fine, upstanding member of the alt-Reich has shot up another synagogue.
What are the chances this gentleman will turn out to be a huge Trump fan? Place your bets now, folks.
Cops in Oklahoma open fire on robbery suspect in pickup and wounded three small kids in the head and face. Police reports say they did not kn ow if the suspect was armed. From the suspect's name I am quite sure the victims will be kids of color. More details as they come available.
Happens in europe all the time! It's a euro thang!!!
Oops, whitey done it again. This time in inbred Tennessee...
Sheeeit, pussy only killed five.
Whitey Synagogue shooter ejaculates....https://www.rawstory.com/2019/04/synagogue-shooting-suspect-complained-conservatives-arent-violent-enough-politics-report/
Moar pain for the less well off. Thanks stoopid fucking wingnuts. The extra tax money from the poor is directly deposited in koch bros bank holdings off shore so they aren't inconvenienced with things like taxes, I'm guessing.
"What does this tell you, Michael?"
"It tells me that beasts of the field are preferable to black women."
"You're a smart young man."
"And you are a wise and considerate old man."
(long post, 1/2)
This is well known, but it has nothing to do with the fault in your logic that I pointed out to you regarding your original post, which advocates the concept that Blacks are inherently dangerous.
The point, Granny, is that white men as a class are of immense benefit to everyone, women included. They have some negatives but they do a passel of essential jobs that women won't and even can't. You owe them, starting with a duty of respect toward them. Yes, that includes your ex-husbands that you like to badmouth. You're the one who picked them, take responsibility for your own choices. Very likely your own bad behavior turned them against you.
Blacks as a class, both sexes, are currently worse than useless in advanced socities. They once had a place as workers in tropical and sub-tropical areas where their inherent resistance to heat and certain diseases made them the only possible choice for getting certain jobs done. That time passed roughly a century ago. Today they are a pure deadweight loss, the black males overwhelmingly so.
Note, as a class. There are exceptions, but they are exceptions. Note that those exceptions don't want to live with their "bruthas" any more than "racists" do.
What sources to have to support these claims?
Every important thing supposedly invented by blacks turns out to have come from whites. You can extend that from "important" to "worthwhile". Even ragtime music. Beethoven invented it. Scott Joplin learned Beethoven from his mentor, Julius Weiss.
Blacks are so overwhelmingly criminal they demand that their criminals be kept OUT of prison and in "the community" where they can continue to victimize others like themselves. This is despite black men living longer IN prison than OUT:"
This is pure bull shit.
Okay, Granny, then explain why Kimesha Foxx was elected in Chicago essentially on a platform to empty the jail, to the point that known gang members with long rap sheets are no-billed on open and shut felon-in-possession cases? How about a carjacker who was out on parole for another carjacking, instead of in jail? Illinois has a felony murder statute which holds all conspirators responsible for a death during a felony (including of their accomplices), but Foxx just let two carjackers walk free despite their pal being shot dead by their intended victim? (It's to the point in Chicago that the Feds have to keep carjackers off the street because Foxx won't.)
Explain why Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake gave her black rioters "space to destroy"? Literally NOBODY else would elect a mayor who'd do that, but blacks did.
Explain why Rachel Rollins and John Creuzot were elected by huge margins when they have basically pledged not to prosecute black thieves? (This is going to create retail deserts in Boston and Dallas.)
(long comment, 2/2)
No, I do not wonder any such thing.
And then, for no reason at all*, Hitler was elected chancellor.
* that you would ever understand, despite being told time and time again.
What you say here is just another lie from the right-wing propaganda machine.
This is what Africans in Africa do to each other. It is not all that different from the "ghetto lobster" phenomenon right here in the USA. If you think blacks would not do to you just because you're an "ally", you really deserve whatever happens to you.
Why don't you try posting some "solid facts" without the right-wing spin
There is no spin above. Just facts you consider "inconvenient", so you deny them.
I can see that you are a lost cause. And I am the bigot????
I see you denying facts based on assertion of "spin". That's bigotry all right.
I was married for 35 years to a wonderful Black man who died in 2018, so I have black in-laws, wonderful black friends, and some nieces and nephews who are black.
Tell me, are you Jewish? Because this is something that Jews do (resulting in anti-white hate crimes like black/gay/Jewish Jussie Smollett's hoax).
Guy kills seven people in rural Tenn and...well.....
You guessed it.
>> https://www.foxnews.com/us/tennessee-authorities-person-of-interest-bodies-discovered
>> Sheeeit, pussy only killed five.
Good news: Jew York Giants draft pick shot in shooting that killed companion.
Bad news: Ballentine will make a full recovery, and mike from iowa will be masturbating every time he appears on the Talmudvision. The stink of spunk will go from Des Moines to Iowa City.
Whitey pussy got seven murders as of today. He is still a wasicu pussified poor excuse for a human, like nearly all stoopid fucking wingnuts.
(long post, 1/2)
Please tell me you're not dumb enough to think anyone here would waste time reading your dumbassed comments? Seriously Mein Furher.
How come billy bad assed white boys with assault rifles like to shoot up schools and places of worship where they know no one has a gun? If that isn't the most bitch assed pussified shit I've ever heard of I don't know what is. If you hate Jews and Muslims stay the fuck away from them, they don't like your dumb nazi asses either.
The stink of spunk will go from Des Moines to Iowa City. I guess and we will know which anyfuckingmoose will lick his nose and follow that scent trail until he gets some spunk from a BBC.
"If you hate Jews and Muslims stay the fuck away from them, they don't like your dumb nazi asses either."
Staying away from each other is against the law.
America formally abolished the right of Freedom of Association. You no longer have the right to live, work, or form associations with only those you want to.
In a multi-cultural society made up of cultures with widely divergent values, this forced contact leads to conflict.
Weak-minded people snap and do terrible things. The frequency and severity of these events will only increase, and the government's response will be ever more totalitarian restriction of rights. All of our constitutional freedoms will have to go.
Anonymous said.......
"Tell me, are you Jewish? Because this is something that Jews do (resulting in anti-white hate crimes like black/gay/Jewish Jussie Smollett's hoax)."
LOL! No, Dear, I am not Jewish. I was raised as a Cristian, but now I do not subscribe to any organized religion. But I do support the right others to follow whatever religion they chose.
I try to follow most of Jesus' teachings because I think it's the right way to live. He said "Do not cast you pearls before swine." So I'm not going to cast any pearls before you today by answering any more of your posts. Have a nice day.
white supremacists are pussies said...
"How come billy bad assed white boys with assault rifles like to shoot up schools and places of worship where they know no one has a gun? If that isn't the most bitch assed pussified shit I've ever heard of I don't know what is. If you hate Jews and Muslims stay the fuck away from them, they don't like your dumb nazi asses either."
Great point. I agree with you one-hundred percent. No one is forcing white supremacists to associate with anyone else. There are lots of places in the country that are overwhelmingly Christian white. I don't see why they want to hang around in diverse communities and then bitch about it and commit mass murder.
Anonymous said...
"In a multi-cultural society made up of cultures with widely divergent values, this forced contact leads to conflict."
This is one of the biggest falsehoods that is perpetuated by white supremacists. All people have much more common goals and values than divergent ones.
There is always potential for conflict anytime two or more persons are in the same location. Being an adult requires good manners and a willingness to compromise in some areas. This is Sociology 101.
Just who is forcing you to "have contact" with those you disdain?
"No one is forcing white supremacists to associate with anyone else."
No one but the federal government.
And calling white people who prefer to live in the relatively high-trust and low-crime communities formed by white people "supremacists" is a rhetorical slur used to delegitimize their basic human right of free association.
White people have abandoned their cities by the tens of millions to build new communities out of farmland. Despite their being unbearable supremacist Nazis, they have been followed wherever they go by POC desperately in search of the kind of oppression only white people can provide.
There are increasingly few places in the country that are overwhelmingly Christian white. Those that still exist are deemed "problems" by the federal government that are targeted for forced 'refugee' resettlement.
rhetorical slur used to delegitimize their basic human right of free association.
Fuck you. Why are you here? Go back to your trailer park, oh that's right the "government" is forcing you to post here and associate with negroes. You are certainly one stupid mother fucker. Stay in your inbred shithole and I swear we'll leave you alone. Dumbass. I hope you're just a dinwitted teen and not an actual adult who believes the fucking ignorant shit you post. Now go fuck some animals.
"In a multi-cultural society made up of cultures with widely divergent values, this forced contact leads to conflict."
Wingnuts need a retroactive and mandatory class in Sesame Street so they can finally learn to live in harmony with complimentary colors of humans and learn to share and care.
>> This is one of the biggest falsehoods that is perpetuated by white supremacists.
You mis-spelled "black and Jewish activists".
>> All people have much more common goals and values than divergent ones.
Who is dead-set against gentrifying run-down neighborhoods so that they are saved as architectural treasures rather than being bulldozed? Blacks, that's who.
>> Just who is forcing you to "have contact" with those you disdain?
Let's see. 1. School integration rulings. 2. "Equal opportunity" bureaucrats. 3. "Diversity" mandates. 4. "Public accomodation" laws. 5. "Fair housing". 6. "Affirmative action", period.
Are you SERIOUSLY in denial that a baker in Colorado was damn near put out of business because he wouldn't design a "wedding" cake for a couple of faggots? He would sell them anything off the shelf, but wouldn't DESIGN one for them because his religion said their "union" was an abomination?
Well, yes, you are. You're not sane; facts mean nothing to you.
>> Wingnuts need a retroactive and mandatory class in Sesame Street
mike from iowa wants to diddle children just like Kevin Clash.
mike from iowa wants to diddle children just like Kevin Clash.
and anon @ 8:40 pm wants to legalize bestiality so he can get it on with Farmer Brown's livestock just like the sickos on this post.
Thank for your informative and educational post. It leads readers to every detail of the story. Thank you.
Ba Na Hills Tour from Da Nang| Phong Nha Pioneer Travel
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