Why were Americans so distraught over the fire that consumed the Notre Dame Cathedral? I actually saw people in tears as they watched the fire destroy some of the historic structure.
Now I get it, the building has a lot of historical significance, it's Holy Week, and it is a great landmark in a beautiful city. But does that justify our collective grief and shock after watching the structure burn in real time?
I guess I am asking all these questions because just a few days earlier the man who burned at least three African American churches in Louisiana was caught, and there was the sound of crickets all over the country. In fact, I suspect that many Americans did not even know that this happened.
To me, the intentional burning of historical African American churches in the South is as troubling (if not more) than the accidental burning of a historical church in the city of Paris.
Mr.trump has made numerous statements (as well as tweets) about the Notre Dame Cathedral, and he has offered to help to rebuild it from his own personal funds. He even offered his condolences to the Pope for crying out loud. The idiot in chief also gave tips on how to put out the fire, and Parisians quickly derided his foolhardy ideas. But I digress. Vice President Pence has chimed in as well, and there has already been millions of dollars raised to rebuild the grand structure.
I am still waiting for the president to say something about those black churches in Louisiana and the poor congregants of those churches who have suffered the loss of something that is so important in their lives. These are our fellow Americans, and yet, other than a social media go fund me campaigns, there has been no collective will to raise money or help to rebuild these churches. (Although as of me writing this post, there has been a spike in contributions to help these parishioners rebuild their houses of worship.)
We could take it a step further, and point to the lack of funds being made available for the people of places like Puerto Rico and Flint, to understand just how over the top the response has been to the Notre Dame fire.
This is what Arthur Goldhammer writing in The Nation had to say:
"And yet, when I saw the live images of Notre Dame ablaze, what mattered was not anything I knew about the cathedral in my head but what I felt, along with millions of others around the world, surely including that Chinese couple, in my heart—namely, grief. It seemed so incongruous. Grief is what we feel when the ephemeral meets its appointed fate, but Notre Dame had always seemed the opposite of ephemeral. Notre Dame, even if it had not always been there, seemed to be rooted permanently in its place in the very center of Paris, on the Île de la Cité, where the Romans had first made camp in what they would come to call Lutetia.
Tourists made it a destination, but for me, a sometime Paris resident, Notre Dame was not a destination but a familiar presence—familiar enough that I could take it for granted, even if occasionally, when the spirit moved, I would drop in to experience, among the multitudes with their cameras and Michelin guides, the magnitude of the achievement, the windows, the carvings, the rood screen and altarpiece, and the side chapels with their painted masterpieces and their flickering votive candles offering a rough-and-ready popularity poll of the various saints and their relative healing powers. I liked to sit there, far from the few actual worshipers (since I am the opposite of a believer and was loath to interfere with whatever transactions they were conducting with their Maker), contemplating rather the many makers of the building itself: the masons, wood carvers, glass and metal workers, hoist operators, carpenters, and framers—a veritable epitome of the forces of production, as it were, of an era whose material challenges we can scarcely imagine in our age of facile mechanical reproduction."
Yeah, but didn't God say something about not worshiping graven images?
Maybe God is trying to tell us something: Read Matthew 25:40.
Pic from Leslie Westbrook for The Advocate and AP.
"Maybe God is trying to tell us something: Read Matthew 25:40."
I thought progressives were godless???
Agreed, if we cared as much about each other as we do inanimate objects this would be a better place.
Apparently the primary constituent of the roof sheeting was lead...melting in the flames. Not sure how volatile lead is in a fire like this, but I suspect that the whole area around the Notre Dame is now contaminated.
I'm not religious, but I do have an appreciation for that kind of architecture, and anything man-made that is still around after 800 years.
And not being religious doesn't stop me from understanding the place the church has in (especially poor) people's lives.
And as a musician, the music in the black churches is the real deal. The rock and roll I have dedicated my life to owes its existence to the black churches. Sister Rosetta Tharpe was playing rock and roll for most of a decade before Elvis and his crew stole it from the segregated black churches in Memphis.
Also I have noticed that the same folks denying the churches burned by the mentally deficient metalhead are a hate crime are the first to endorse the conspiracy theories about the Notre Dame fire.
-Doug in Oakland
Dear Mr. Failed Negro, How many White folks were victims of violent crimes this week that were committed by the vaunted "Pyramid Builders"? As for the honky arsonist, he dindu nuffin. He just recently been turnin' his life around. Enrolled last month for space camp to be an Astronut. Offensive ain't it? Bullshit make your blood boil? Now you know how YT feels every week listening to this kind of shit from you all after some 80 IQ mutant targets YT.
In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God. And the wicked seeing the power of the word, created another word and replaced God's word with theirs. And thereby, they cloaked this word in deception and enforced it with the power of brute force and evil, that they would subsequently make God in their image, so that they may replace God, too.
“Agreed, if we cared as much about each other as we do inanimate objects this would be a better place.”
But that’s the explanation for why Notre Dame’s burning is big news and the burning of the three black churches is not: To most people, these are all only stories about inanimate objects, not people.
And as inanimate objects go, Notre Dame is a massive artistic and architectural treasure, a one-of-a-kind cultural landmark for both France and the world. Whereas the three Louisiana churches are eminently replaceable buildings, not architecturally unique or special, and therefore their loss not viewed as remotely as tragic a loss.
What is missing is context. The news media have, so far, not helped the public to understand the wider trend, which is a That there has been a resurgence of racist violence and social division in the recent past, and especially under Trump. Without someone pointing out this alarming pattern, many people will view the Louisiana church fires as an unfortunate but ultimately isolated and meaningless incident, rather than as another key piece of evidence of a growing threat to the welfare of black people and other ethnic minority groups.
"there has been a resurgence of racist violence and social division in the recent past"
It's called "Diversity".
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Anon@2:22 you make some good points.
Anon@ 2:31, did you say that "diversity" causes racial violence? I see that trump University taught you nothing.
Colin Flaherty. New Nation News. SBPDL.
Hmmm,world comes together and raises 1 billon so far so negroes have to stick their hands out and say gibs me dat.
Now you know how YT feels every week listening to this kind of shit from you all after some 80 IQ mutant targets YT.
Spoken like an inbred, stoopid fucking wingnut, wasicu wastey imitating an inbred, stoopid fucking wingnut, wasicu wastey speaking with his mouth full 0f BBC and a happy smile on his face.
Maybe he wanted to do some reconstruction. Carries two gas cans into cathedral and tells security his mini van parked outside was out of gas.Sounds like a certified stoopid fucking wingnut for sure.
Two catholic places in less than a week. Drumpf better get his base tuned up to go after POC churches to even the score.
Notre Dame, the kiddie diddler University has hired former SOH Paul Ryan to teach economics- a subject he has no clews about. You can't make this stuff up.
Well, Barr made Drumpf out to be a boy scout, like we knew he would. As soon as Barr's love fest for Drumpf ended, Drumpf tweeted no collusion, no obstruction just like we knew he would.
“Notre Dame, the kiddie diddler University has hired former SOH Paul Ryan to teach economics- a subject he has no clews about. You can't make this stuff up.”
They should call his class “How to Shamelessly Lie About Economics.”
While he was House speaker, all of this Ayn Rand devotee’s proposed federal budgets were exercises in smoke and mirrors. Huge tax cuts for the rich were supposed to produce zero meaningful drop in government revenue; somewhere in each budget appeared a fudge factor section, in which these revenues would miraculously appear through the magic of explosive economic growth, driven by “unleashing” the power of our noble, wealthy, “job creator” class.
It is stunning that anyone can still manage to peddle this trickle-down junk with a straight face after the predicted windfalls have utterly failed to materialize after decades of such bogus policies.
Disappointingly, national media took Ryan completely seriously and refused to point out what a fraud he was. This proves that either American political journalists really suck at math, or that they are deathly afraid of offending Republicans, or both.
"Anon@ 2:31, did you say that "diversity" causes racial violence?"
Obviously, in a homogeneous society with zero "diversity" there could be no racial violence.
In a theoretical perfectly "diverse" society, all violence would be racial.
As diversity increases, the opportunities for racial and ethnic strife increase exponentially.
For example, Hispanic gangs ethnically cleansing former black neighborhoods in LA, Turks scuffling with Kurds in Washington D.C., and Muslim No-Go zones throughout Europe.
In our own government, we now have the pleasure of Muslim congresswomen inciting violence against Jews and whites, CBC members inciting violence against white Trump supporters, and a "diverse" Congressional panel made up of Jews, blacks, and Muslims holding anti-white hearings.
Up until recently we were a bi-racial nation, where blacks and whites were finally reaching some degree of accommodation 200 years after our founding. That opportunity seems gone, as "diverse" America descends into an ever more fractious assemblage of divergent interests aligned by tribe.
We are importing all the world's conflicts into our borders. We have abandoned the idea of a common culture united by shared traditions, values, and language, and have replaced it with an ill-conceived dogma that everyone on earth is an American, and those whose ancestors built the country have no more title to it than the latest illegal setting his foot out of the Rio Grande.
If everyone is an American then no one is an American. Without a common vision of what the country is, you'll get a free-for-all over the scraps of what the country was. This is the end game of "diversity".
1 negro killed, 2 negroes wounded in Park Manor shooting
15 negroes shot, 3 fatally, in Chicago Monday
Surveillance images released of black suspect in 17 Loop, West Side burglaries
Video shows black suspect following woman into her Maryland home and robbing her after pretending to be ride-share driver:
"Disappointingly, national media took Ryan completely seriously and refused to point out what a fraud he was. This proves that either American political journalists really suck at math, or that they are deathly afraid of offending Republicans, or both."
Paul Ryan was a fraud, and journalists suck at every phase of their job, including math.
But the idea that the media is deathly afraid of offending Republicans is absurd. The vast majority of American journalists hate Republicans with a near religious fervor. Their job is specifically to offend Republicans.
Ryan got a pass because he was an Establishment shill, a vested member of the Uni-Party that runs America. The kind of Republican that was all-in on Obama-era crony capitalism, open borders for cheap labor, and endless wars for Israel because that's what his donors wanted, while railing against Obamacare to fool his voters while never actually doing anything to fix it.
Before Trump, Republicans were a controlled opposition, scamming the rubes for votes while never getting in the way of the Democrat's main projects of importing a new electorate and making their corporate sponsors richer.
Trump is a deeply flawed man, but at least he exposed quislings like Ryan for what they were.
TRUMP 2020!!
Anonymous said...
"there has been a resurgence of racist violence and social division in the recent past"
It's called "Diversity".
You ain't seen nothing yet."
2:31 AM
Seems we need to call out those perpetuating the violence. See below:
Interracial Crime Study Finds Whites More Likely to Assault Blacks ...
Jun 22, 2018 - Whites are more likely to assault and use weapons against African Americans and Hispanics than the reverse, according to a forthcoming study ...
Maybe it's you and others who think like you that are the problem, not diversity.
Matthew 25:40: Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my bretheren, ye have done it unto me. Jesus was a revolutionary, truly.
Coincidentally, I was awash in nostalgia for the 60s this week and listening to Phil Ochs songs. Getting an idea of how far we've fallen even from aspirations of those days.
"Empathy," as a word, was coined only in the early 20th century. Before that there was no need?
The press is in collusion with the racists and even more, with the wealthy. One rich church would get more coverage than a dozen poor ones. Media found it more interesting that the father of the arsonist managed to deliver his son to the authorities with skill and tact. Isn't that special?
Besides, many Americans must regard New Orleans as a third-world town. That's where we saw a bloated body floating on the water after Katrina. No one trying to pull it out. Just... floating. I'd put it up here (I've saved it, thinking surely our country could sink no further, and if I hadn't I'd think I had hallucinated) if this space took attachments.
Wasicu wastey looking to barbeque inside St Pat's Cathedral is stone waste of honkey. Nope no Muslim here. Marc Lamperello college phlosophy professoe or some such shit.
"Whites are more likely to assault and use weapons against African Americans and Hispanics than the reverse, according to a forthcoming study ..."
"forthcoming study"
Per FBI statistics, blacks are 50 times more likely to attack a white than vice versa.
"But the idea that the media is deathly afraid of offending Republicans is absurd. The vast majority of American journalists hate Republicans with a near religious fervor. Their job is specifically to offend Republicans."
Do we really need journalists any more? They don’t provide any information. They just emote at us and lobby to get people they don’t like fired or deplatformed. As a class, they make all our lives worse.
Journalists were necessary due to technological limitations of the past.
For example, in 1920 a farmer in Iowa could not watch the President speak. So the journalist provided the role of documenting what the President said and publishing it in a newspaper for the farmer to read.
We needed them until we had the Internet. Now they're just a needless filter between us and the information.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
"Maybe it's you and others who think like you that are the problem, not diversity."
"Diversity" means less white people, therefore white people are the problem.
“We needed them until we had the Internet. Now they're just a necessary filter between us and the lies.”
Fixed that for you.
Media is 90% lies.
PBS has been running a short two-episode series on the history of Reconstruction and how it ultimately failed, resulting in the still highly screwed-up country we live in today. It’s worth checking out.
“Media is 90% lies.”
Truth looks like lies to you. That’s what happens when you’re delusional.
Drumpf is god, according to forthcoming tweet from Drumpf.
Trump WILL win re-election!!
"Truth looks like lies to you. That’s what happens when you’re delusional."
We should all just believe whatever we read in Big Media. The people who own major media outlets are supporting the noble profession of Journalism because they venerate the principle of the Freedom of the Press, and would never use their power to promote any agendas by selectively withholding any facts or publishing falsehoods. Journalists are a special class of trained professionals who are immune from the biases of ordinary people, and their word is sacrosanct.
Will journalists learn anything from the Russian collusion embarrassment? Will they maybe start reporting real stories instead of fake attacks on Trump?
Nope. They won’t miss a beat. The next time an opportunity comes to pour gas on the flames of a lie, they won’t even hesitate. Because that's who they are.
Anonymous said...
"Per FBI statistics, blacks are 50 times more likely to attack a white than vice versa.
12:29 PM
Bureau of Justice Statistics.
• During 2012-15, half (51%) of violent victimizations were intraracial, that is both victims and offenders were the same race or both were of Hispanic origin.
• In the majority of violent victimizations, white victims' offenders were white (57%) and black victims' offenders were black (63%).
• The rates of total violent crime, serious violent crime, and simple assault were higher for intraracial victimizations than for interracial victimizations.
• From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.
• During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.
Press Release
"Disappointingly, national media took Ryan completely seriously and refused to point out what a fraud he was. This proves that either American political journalists really suck at math, or that they are deathly afraid of offending Republicans, or both."
The beltway media is invested in its "both sides" business model, ostensibly to avoid seeming partisan, and therefore offers each story as a result of the behavior of officials from both major parties, no matter how absurdly one sided the issue may be.
This results in some concepts that should exist by their reckoning, but just don't in actual reality, like the "serious conservative policy wonk" that they wanted to exist so badly that they ignored all of the obvious smoke-and-mirrors bullshit and magic asterisks in Ryan's actual proposals just so he could play the role on TV for them.
Remember when you watch cable news that what you're seeing isn't there for your edification, it's there to hold your attention while they sell you reverse mortgages and dick pills.
-Doug in Oakland
“Remember when you watch cable news that what you're seeing isn't there for your edification, it's there to hold your attention while they sell you reverse mortgages and dick pills.”
Alright, that’s a bit harsh.
Mainstream media outlets are trying to inform us about the world we live in. It’s just that many of them are hamstrung by “bothsidesism” because they don’t want to scare off all conservative readers/viewers by too directly confronting and dismantling all the bullshit they believe.
This results in the “Democrats say X, but Republicans say Y” journalistic phrasing that avoids taking a firm position on what is provably true and what is not. As opposed to saying clearly and explicitly, “X is a fact, and Congressman Jones is lying when he denies X.”
And it’s why networks like CNN report on individual events, but avoid analyzing trends involving those events, because that would also require taking a firm position that Republicans wouldn’t like. So, if it had been around during the Great Depression, CNN would have reported: “a guy lost his job, and another guy lost his job, and another guy lost his job, and ...” — instead of saying, “We now have 25% unemployment and here are the dumbass policies that caused the economic collapse. Let’s never do those things again.”
Without this sort of analysis, news is much less useful than it could be.
How many people did Negros shoot last night in America?
Some useful idiot really said...
"Mainstream media outlets are trying to inform us about the world we live in. It’s just that many of them are hamstrung by “bothsidesism” because they don’t want to scare off all conservative readers/viewers by too directly confronting and dismantling all the bullshit they believe."
Wow, hot take of the day: Axshually, the Liberal media is only guilty of not being one sided enough just so that aren't too mean to those stupid conservatives
There was one witness to the Notre Dame fire.
He wasn't sure who did it, but he has a hunch.
“There was one witness to the Notre Dame fire.
He wasn't sure who did it, but he has a hunch.”
Nice one.
“Wow, hot take of the day: Axshually, the Liberal media is only guilty of not being one sided enough just so that aren't too mean to those stupid conservatives”
Yep. They should be a lot meaner.
Jussie said...
Will journalists learn anything from the Russian collusion embarrassment? Will they maybe start reporting real stories instead of fake attacks on Trump?
Nope. They won’t miss a beat. The next time an opportunity comes to pour gas on the flames of a lie, they won’t even hesitate. Because that's who they are.
2:37 PM
Fake attacks on Trump? So I guess you don't believe that Mueller cited ten instances during which Trump tried to obstruct justice?
Wingnuts weaponized bi-partisanship, just like they do everything else. They cut off Obama's hand every time he reached across the aisle to them and then accused him of being partisan. The last time we saw that was McCTurtlefucker refusing to make a joint announcement on Putin's meddling in the election process.
McCTurtlefucker later tried to say Obama did nothing about the interference. bStoopid fuckingb wingnuts are stinky stain 9on Democracy and should be arrested, tried and forcibly evicted to any black ran country as underpaid day labor with no benefits.
Of course they all have sucked at the gubmint tit so long none of them know what physical labor is. They think manual labor is a Mexican.
"Fake attacks on Trump? So I guess you don't believe that Mueller cited ten instances during which Trump tried to obstruct justice?"
Using the real definition of "justice", it is right to be angry over a false charge.
Using the legal definition of justice, Mueller found no evidence constituting a chargeable offense.
Should be the end of the story, but the Democrats can no more accept the findings of an exhaustive two-year investigation than they can the results of an election.
Don't really need to burn churches to drop the attendance numbers. Kristians are screwing things up nicely for themselves.
See for yourself how much of the Mueller report was redacted by wild eyed wingnut goons. A few members of congress will get to see a different, albeit less redacted copy.
Straight from Fake Noize's butthole- Notre Dame fire likely caused by electrical short-circuit, investigators believe.
Must have been Muslim electricity, by gawd!
What are the odds South Carolina racist is wasicu wastey and likely a stoopid fucking wingnut?
Anonymous said..
"Using the legal definition of justice, Mueller found no evidence constituting a chargeable offense."
5:56 PM
There are lies, and then there are damn lies. Yours above fall into the latter category. Read the report. Ten instances when Trump attempted to obstruct justice aren't enough for you?
Anonymous said...
"Using the legal definition of justice, Mueller found no evidence constituting a chargeable offense."
Not so. Read the damn report. Mueller said there wasn't enough evidence to ensure a conviction. He didn't say there was no evidence. Read the damn report.
Senator Richard urr of North Carolina was the head of the Senate Russia Investigation and he , along with wingnut Devin Numbnuts was briefing the kremlin annex about FBI targets in the annex. Another fucking traitor wingnut.
Granny Stalin said...
"Mueller said there wasn't enough evidence to ensure a conviction. He didn't say there was no evidence. Read the damn report."
I say there wasn't enough evidence to ensure a conviction of Field Negro for the murder of Nicole Simpson. Now what? Does it fall on Field to prove his innocence? Read the damn Constitution.
"Using the legal definition of justice, Mueller found no evidence constituting a chargeable offense."
That's not what he said at all. He said that since his investigation was a part of DOJ, he decided to adhere to DOJ policy and not indict a sitting president. He explicitly left open the possibility of congressional action (impeachment), or prosecution after Fergus leaves office.
Leaving Fergus to desperately try to get reelected to a job he hates in order to run out the clock on the statute of limitations.
-Doug in Oakland
They're going to be absurdly over-analyzing this report for years. It's basically the left's PizzaGate, but with less meat on the bone.
And since it's on the left, all this paranoiac buffoonery will be treated like serious respectable mainstream news.
My opinion of the US media could not be any lower -- they're not just in the gutter, the gutter has been razed and set on fire -- and even I am shocked that they've spent the day *congratulating themselves.* The levels of self-delusion and corruption are off-the-charts stunning
Anonymous said...
"I say there wasn't enough evidence to ensure a conviction of Field Negro for the murder of Nicole Simpson. Now what? Does it fall on Field to prove his innocence? Read the damn Constitution."
8:30 PM
As usual, you missed the point. No one is saying Trump has to prove prove his innocence. You are the one writing about that. We will discover later on when Trump is impeached whether or not he is not guilty.
Anonymous said...
"I say there wasn't enough evidence to ensure a conviction of Field Negro for the murder of Nicole Simpson. Now what? Does it fall on Field to prove his innocence? Read the damn Constitution."
8:30 PM
Furthermore you analogy is false. There is not one shred of evidence that Field killed anyone. However there are at least ten pieces of evidence that Trump committed or attempted to commit obstruction of justice. Sometimes I doubt your ability to think logically. Or else you didn't read the report.
"Mainstream media outlets are trying to inform us about the world we live in"
To a certain extent that is true, but if it were their actual guiding principle we would never see the likes of Newt the fuck Gingrich or Bill the fuck Kristol, who have both been wronger about everything than almost anyone else, on their shows ever again.
But as wrong as they are, they draw eyeballs to which reverse mortgages and dick pills can be advertised, so they remain a near constant presence in broadcast media despite having no real importance or value to contribute to any discussion of issues or politics at all.
I don't question the value of mainstream news outlets, but I also don't deny the fact that you have to interpret what they say to get any meaningful information out of them, a skill that has become all too necessary in the balkanized and internet heavy news reporting we live with today.
-Doug in Oakland
There is infinitely more physical evidence of Drumpf criminal acts in just over 400 pages of Mueller's report than wingnuts ever accumulated against HRC in 35 years of actual witch hunts.
Bawl about it, babies.
The collusion fantasy is dead. The obstruction of justice claim hinges on alleged hindering of an investigation into a crime that did not occur. An investigation that got massive cooperation from the supposed obstructor and his staff despite never being justified. An investigation staffed with hyper-partisan Hillary supporters and Trump haters, with nearly unlimited resources, that sent SWAT teams to arrest compliant indictees in the middle of the night for process crimes, that raided the office of the President's private attorney in violation of attorney-client privilege, that obtained tapes of conversations with his attorney, and which had thousands of hours of intercepted communications obtained through illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign by the Obama FBI and CIA.
There's not much you can be certain of in this world, but one thing you can now be Goddamned sure of is that Trump didn't collude with the Russians.
The obstruction of justice claim hinges on alleged hindering of an investigation into a crime that did not occur.
Okay, shit fer brains, you still believe the crime of hacking the election by Russia with Drumpftards help didn't happen.
You sound like the house Russia avoidance scheme-m we didn't find collusion because we weren't looking for any.
Drumpfuck lied before, during and after the investigation to investigators, but lying to investigators is only a federal crime when William Jefferson Clinton did it.
Even wingnuts agree Drumpf is a criminal. They ain't all brain dead.
Last week it was tainted hamburger. This week at least one death from contaminated deli meats. Thanks stoopid fucking wingnuts and their rush to deregulate meat inspections so the owners make more profit on dead bodies.
The Democrats and their media accused the President of treason for over two years, and now that has been proven false, pivot seamlessly into the next witch hunt.
"Okay, shit fer brains, you still believe the crime of hacking the election by Russia with Drumpftards help didn't happen."
Since that was the conclusion of the most exhaustive investigation in history, conducted by elements hostile to the President, yes I do, as does everyone else with a grasp on reality.
So it turns out that the first half of the sentence fragment in the four page summary was even more damning than my imaginings of it suggested.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said...
The Democrats and their media accused the President of treason for over two years, and now that has been proven false, pivot seamlessly into the next witch hunt.
The only proven is Drumpfuck is a pathological lying mofo and hired gun Barr did and said what he was hired to do and say.. The Mueller report does not say Drumpf is an innocent boy scout. And only desperate, delirious, despicable, deplorables can read it that way.
Next you will say Sarah Wart Hog Sanders has never lied in her life.
For the record stoopid fucking wingnut traitors, jexactly how many times did Drumpf lie to investigators about not having a single business connection with Russia.
Don't bother embarrassing yer skanky white asses and claiming none.
Even moar collusion coming to light- Courtesy of Buzzfeed:
A senior Australian diplomat has said the government is “now ready to confirm” a series of events in 2016 between the country’s high commissioner to the UK and a Trump campaign adviser, which led to US authorities investigating Donald Trump’s links with Russia.
The release of the Australian diplomatic documents comes as a redacted copy of the final Mueller report is expected to be released on Thursday.
The London meeting between former high commissioner Alexander Downer and Trump adviser George Papadopoulos was first reported by the New York Times in December 2017, reportedly revealing how Downer had been told by Papadopoulos that Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Until now, the Australian government and Downer have refused to confirm or give any details about the meeting central to the beginning of the Trump-Russia investigation, repeatedly citing the need to preserve national security.
Long past time to wipe this human stain out of the kremlin annex and restore Democracy to America.
White man coming to save the Democrats from their POC candidate shitshow:
If you find yourself blaming President Trump for almost-sort-of-maybe intending to obstruct a witch hunt, you have a mental health crisis, not a political opinion.
Probably wouldn't work on a forest fire. Interesting, never the less.
Now it’s time for the REAL collusion investigation - the collusion between the Hillary campaign and Russians, and the collusion between the Obama administration and foreign intelligence spying on the Trump team. This is the real scandal.
Right wing wanna be patriots are illegally detaining immigrants in New Mexico's desert and handing them over to border agents.
No, they do not have a 2nd amendment right to play border patrol or avengers or anything else. They are breaking the law and increasing dangers for law enforcement that is supposed to be there. There will probably be stoopid fuckers shot on suspicion of being terrorists in camo.
Poor widdle anymoose believes every piece of gossip and refuted info fed to him by right wing nut jobs. Anymoose has a sad. :(
From Taegan Goddard:
A new CBO report finds that more than 1 million Americans have lost health coverage since 2016.
Vox: “The report — which came out within hours of the Mueller report on Thursday and so didn’t get much attention — follows other studies, all suggesting that America’s uninsured rate is rising under President Trump, whose administration has passed new rules that make it more difficult to enroll in coverage.”
-Doug in Oakland
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you find yourself blaming President Trump for almost-sort-of-maybe intending to obstruct a witch hunt, you have a mental health crisis, not a political opinion."
"If this was any person other than the president of the United States, I can say as a former prosecutor, this would be a knock down for obstruction. I’ve charged and convicted on obstruction of justice based on a fraction of this evidence.”
— Former prosecutor Elie Honig, interviewed on CNN.
-Doug in Oakland
wah wah wah
Anonymous said...
"Now it’s time for the REAL collusion investigation - the collusion between the Hillary campaign and Russians, and the collusion between the Obama administration and foreign intelligence spying on the Trump team. This is the real scandal."
5:18 PM
You're joking of course.
Hillary's campaign paid Russians for the 'dossier' dirt.
That is established fact.
Hillary obstructed justice by using Bleach Bit on a subpoenaed server and had her staff destroy their Blackberries with hammers.
The Obama administration used foreign intelligence operatives to spy on Trump:
"You're joking of course."
Of course they are. Whether they are aware of that fact is an entirely separate issue.
-Doug in Oakland
Bleachbit contains no chemicals and is a free for anyone download, not recommended for casual users. It is not a tool for criminal users as it isn't that effective- it basically rewrites over stuff in the drive.
Had HRC's team been serious about trying to hide evidence they would have used a magnet to erase the drive. Not a smoking gun again. Sorry.
Boeing gets 14.3 billion to modernize B-52s and B-1 bombers. Guess great planes, the former, not the latter, never go completely out of style.
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