He might be right. I am sure that with the help of his friends in Russia, along with GOP voter suppression, anything is possible. Although this virus is not going away, and it's starting to have an impact in the area that Mr. trump is proudest of when it comes to his time in office.
Here is an oped from Robert Reich regarding that very issue:
“The recovery has been very strong,” Donald Trump said on Monday. Then the commerce department reported the US economy contracted between April and June at the fastest pace in nearly three-quarters of a century, which is as long as economists have been keeping track. The drop wiped out five years of economic growth.
But pesky facts have never stopped Trump. Having lied for five months about the coronavirus, he’s now filling social media and the airwaves with untruths about the economy so he can dupe his way to election day.
The comeback “won’t take very long”, he reassured Americans on Thursday. But every indicator shows that after a small uptick in June, the US economy is tanking again. Restaurant reservations are down, traffic at retail stores is dwindling, more small businesses are closing, the small rebound in air travel is reversing.
He wants the public to believe the shutdown orders that began in March caused the economy to tank in the first place, so reversing them will bring the economy back.
People can’t go back to work because there is very little work for them to do
The sequence of cause-and-effect is clear. The virus has surged most in states that were among the first to reopen, such as Florida, South Carolina, Texas and much of the rest of the sun belt.
Because of this resurgence, many states are pausing plans to reopen and some are reimposing restrictions. But these restrictions are not the reason the economy is slowing. They are the necessary consequence of allowing the pandemic to get out of control.
Even the White House’s own coronavirus taskforce concludes that 21 states have outbreaks serious enough to justify more restrictions.
Notably, the economy is sliding again even though the government has pumped trillions of dollars into it. What happens when the money stops?
We’re about to find out. Senate Republicans can’t agree among themselves, let alone with House Democrats, about more funding, while Trump says “we really don’t care” about reaching a spending agreement.
That means starting this week more than 30 million Americans will no longer receive $600 in extra weekly employment benefits. As a result, tens of millions will not be able to make rent or mortgage payments. More will go hungry, including children. The economy is likely to slide even further.
The White House argues that the extra unemployment payments have discouraged workers from seeking jobs because some are receiving more money in benefits than they would earn by working.
“We don’t want to create disincentives to work,” says Trump adviser Larry Kudlow.
More rubbish. A study by Yale economists finds “no evidence” that people who have lost their jobs are choosing to stay unemployed because of the extra federal aid. In fact, “workers facing larger [unemployment] expansions generally appear to be quicker to return to work than others, not slower.”
People can’t go back to work because there is very little work for them to do. Fourteen million more people are unemployed than there are jobs.
Related: Paul Begala on Trump: 'Nothing unites the people of Earth like a threat from Mars'
In fact, the extra benefits have been keeping some 3 million employed because the money has gone into the pockets of people who spend it, thereby sustaining economic activity. Shrinking those benefits will put less money into consumer pockets, with the result that millions more jobs will be lost.
Lies about the economy are harder to spot than lies about the coronavirus because the virus’s grim death count is painfully apparent while the economy is complicated. But Trump’s economic lies are no less egregious, and they’re about to cause a great deal of unnecessary suffering.
Trump and Senate Republicans may not like it, but that’s the painful truth." [Article]
Mr. trump is learning the hard way that you can't lie your way out of a pandemic. Science and facts can be really stubborn when it comes to these types of things.
1 – 200 of 339 Newer› Newest»Orange Man Bad and "painful truth" all in the same article. Saints preserve us! I'll just have to vote harder next time.
"Although this virus is not going away, and it's starting to have an impact in the area that Mr. trump is proudest of when it comes to his time in office."
"Starting to have an impact"? The economy's wrecked.
It'll still be wrecked on Election Day, so all Trump has left are lies and excuses and pathetic attempts at blame-shifting.
"Science and facts can be really stubborn when it comes to these types of things."
Too bad it took hundreds of thousands of deaths to make this point.
Well, the futile attempt to make Americans so desperate that they will go to work when doing so may kill them (futile because there aren't jobs for fifteen million of them to go "back" to) will indeed make many of them desperate, and thus drive up the crime rate, as we are already seeing.
Perhaps Fergus thinks he can use the crime rate to scare people into voting for him, but I think the goddamn apocalypse is way scarier than the crime rate, being that there will be more than ten times the annual number of homicides dead from covid before the election.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Well, now Trump will want to remain president (and want to cheat to make it happen) even more than he already does.
New York prosecutor seeking Trump’s taxes cites ‘protracted criminal conduct’ at the Trump Organization
Are the proverbial chickens coming home to roost?
A vaccine for this— Moderna just announced—only took 4 months????are they insane? Been working on HIV Vaxx for 40 years!!! There still is not one for SARS! Don’t fall for this! Icelandic researchers have already found Covid has already mutated 243 times already!!!! Any vaccine in less than 5 years minimum does not pass the “smell test”. Remember this.
How many parents will sacrifice their kids for the trump reelection?
I think Trump is beginning to fancy himself sort of a benevolent Dr. Evil. A people's dictator. I saw the headline that he was going to fix unemployment and did a double take. I think he meant he is going to magically restore unemployment benefits by executive order. But the way he talks about it, it's more like executive fiat.
"I have a lot of powers!" said the little man with his pinkie in the corner of his mouth.
He wants the voting public to know that it's the pesky democrats who can't agree on a solution. Dammit! He wants your vote.
Phuck drumpf. 20 to life, no way. Death penalty is the proper solution, then we can try him.
White gun nut fires AK at police officers because he was upset he had to wear a mask. White men are truly mentally ill.
Dem governors refuse to lift lockdowns in order to tank the economy because they think it will win them the election.
Trumps fault!
"A study by Yale economists finds “no evidence” that people who have lost their jobs are choosing to stay unemployed because of the extra federal aid."
They should wander off campus to see what's actually happening and/or stop telling ridiculous political lies.
Actual real world businesses can't get people who make less than $25/hour back to work.
Based on the body cam footage released today, Officer Chauvin didn’t kill George Floyd, the drugs did. Floyd was high on fentanyl and meth and panicking about going to jail again; he overdosed. He said he couldn’t breathe before the officers restrained him and after that he asked to be on the ground. Putting your knee on someone’s back isn’t going to kill them, the knee was used to subdue him from fighting anymore with MPD. There is a strong case for accidental death and no racial aggravation at all.
Free Derek Chauvin said...
Total bullshit.
Remember drumpf whining about abysmal 2% GDP growth under Obama the Magnificent? drumpf is claiming the economy is strong with -33% GDP. The economy got a burp in June and is trending down again and it is all drumpf's fault because he alone fixed this clusterfuck of a train wreck. He sure as fuck did.
drumpf body count will surpass 2 more milestones tomorrow.
Coronavirus Cases:
Makes Chicago's stats seem small and unimportant.
Murders in Portland OR up 125% from July 2019 (28 up to 63), but those black lives don't matter because reasons.
"Based on the body cam footage released today, Officer Chauvin didn’t kill George Floyd, the drugs did."
The video basically absolves the cops but of course it won’t matter. Religion does not work that way.
George Floyd told cops his mom just died. She’d been dead for two years. He said he’s too claustrophobic to get in the police car. He was just sitting in a car. He said he couldn’t breathe and was going to die while he was still standing.
He screamed “ow” like he was in pain when they were barely touching him. A lot of this is probably because he was high on three different drugs. But the point is that cops hear bullshit from suspects all day every day. This can make it harder to tell when they’re being serious.
And so when he was on the ground saying he was going to die, it was no different from what he was saying while he was standing, or what he was saying in the car. The cops still may have been negligent but this is all relevant context that will make a murder charge hard to prove.
73% of White Clinton voters thought it was racist for Whites to want to reduce immigration to preserve their share of the US population, but only 18% thought it was racist for a Latino/Asian to want to increase immigration to increase their share.
Racial self-interest by whites is racism. Racial self-interest by non-whites is social justice.
"Actual real world businesses can't get people who make less than $25/hour back to work."
Well pay em $25/hr. Problem solved.
"Murders in Portland OR up 125% from July 2019 (28 up to 63), but those black lives don't matter because reasons."
How convenient that shootings are up all over the country just as dear leader needs them to convey his law and order message.
PilotAA said...
"How convenient that shootings are up all over the country just as dear leader needs them to convey his law and order message."
Wow, genius-level take there ace.
Trump is behind the BLM/Antifa riots seeking to defund the police. He is getting his Democrat city and state government minions to actually do so, and to direct police to stand down in the face of leftist violence and soaring crime rates. His complete control over inner city blacks is making them kill each other at rates 50% higher than last year.
It's all so obvious now....
New York: Black man beats and kicks 68-year old white woman in "random attack", calls her a cracker, and throws her in front of a subway train:
You will never see a story like this with the races reversed.
BREAKING: Hurricane Isaias just made landfall near Ocean Isle Beach, NC.
Fucking Trump strikes again!
"Fucking Trump strikes again!"
He'll find a way to fuck it up, just like he did Maria. He can't feel like he was out fuck-uped by Bush and Katrina.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Mike from moronville and Doug in puss and boots are too precocious to believe.
Jew York Shitty is already over the total 2019 shooting counts, and the hits just keep on coming.
Still feeling cocky, you Knee Grows? This is ALL your doing, you know. So much for "Black Lives Matter" when you spend them so freely.
Quasi-loco, the slump back of voter shame is only doing what he always has done.
1. Trump's failed Airlines
2. Trump's failed bottled water
3. Trump's failed board game
4. Trump's failed magazine
5. Trump's failed mortgage company
6. Trump's failed steam company
7. Trump's failed football league
8. Trump's failed vodka brand
9. Trump's failed casino's ( how do you lose owning a casino? )
10. Eric, Ivanka and Don jr.
He's turning this country into a ghetto...It's time for "white flight!"
Thanks for the Begala link, which quotes Axelrod, whom I thought could never teach me anything. “Voters rarely seek the replica of what they have,” he wrote. “They almost always seek the remedy, the candidate who has the personal qualities the public finds lacking in the departing executive.” Articulate, professorial Obama was a change from Dubya, and Trump certainly was the anti-Obama, all flash and show-biz to Obama's low-keyed demeanor. Now here comes Biden with empathy, the quality most lacking in our current Sociopath-in-Chief.
Democrats and their Chinese friends are doing a good job of destroying America.
President Trump took action earlier today to prevent Americans from being displaced by foreign workers and offshore labor using federal dollars.
The new executive order combats the misuse of H-1B visas, which too often have been exploited to replace qualified U.S. workers with lower-cost foreign ones. President Trump is directing all federal agencies to focus on hiring Americans for lucrative federal contracts, and it requires that only U.S. citizens be appointed to the government’s competitive service.
Isn't it funny that the democrats could hold large Nuremburg like gatherings for deceased Congressman John Lewis in violation of CDC guidelines, but they tell all other churches they cannot worship and must shutdown.....
Hydroxychloroquine was approved for medical use in the United States in 1955.[2] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[8] In 2017, it was the 128th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than five million prescriptions.[9][10]
"Now here comes Biden with empathy"
I think you mean Alzheimer's.
Uh oh.
"You will never see a story like this with the races reversed."
You must not watch much news.
Blogger mike from iowa said...
Free Derek Chauvin said...
Total bullshit.
8:37 PM
Not bullshit VERITAS!! If you can breath you can talk. So he had enough air in his lungs for 8 min 47 sec until he OD'd. No air no talking its really quite simple.
As long a Derek Chauvin goes to jail it's a win.
Chicago riot July 27th to August 3rd, 1919: 38 dead, 537 injured, 1500+ left homeless. Last year was the 100th anniversary and the media made little mention of how pale males showed their true savage nature.
August 6th marks the 75th anniversary of the most violent 46 seconds in the history of modern man. 80,000 civilians murdered and tens of thousands more horribly disfigured.
Your ancestors killed so you could pretend you are civilized.
"You must not watch much news."
You never see the races reversed.
Project Veritas' James O'Keefe Leads 2020 Voter Suppression Efforts For GOP
James O'Keefe is foolish and incompetent, but Republicans are making use of his network to help steal the 2020 election through efforts to delegitimize the vote.
The devil's desciple and maker of fake videos, James O'Keefe is still at it.
PilotX said...
"As long a Derek Chauvin goes to jail it's a win."
A "win"? For who?
Would you send an innocent man to jail just to demonstrate the power of your side?
Like I said, you don't watch much news. Almost all crimes against whites is committed by fellow whites. Thanks for playing.
"Would you send an innocent man to jail just to demonstrate the power of your side?"
Nope, I would send a guilty man to jail.
Anonymous said...
Isn't it funny that the democrats could hold large Nuremburg like gatherings for deceased Congressman John Lewis in violation of CDC guidelines, but they tell all other churches they cannot worship and must shutdown.....
10:21 AM
Tell us how the gathering for John Lewis was "Nuremberg like"?
"Tell us how the gathering for John Lewis was "Nuremberg like"?"
Save yourself the stupidity. If you must watch Tucker Carlson or some other Fox personality explain it. These trolls aren't too bright or interested in intelligent conversation.
Chauvin before meeting the police: alive.
Chauvin after meeting the police: dead.
To deny that the police are not responsible for his death is to deny that there is such a thing as responsibility. Which is precisely what our pet trolls do.
To some extent this comment is in vain, for our pet trolls do not state arguments that anyone believes, including them. That too is part of their denial of responsibility.
I note also the troll upthread who equates empathy with stupidity. Very revealing.
drumpf body count continues its meteoric rise in the face of Chicago killings....
Coronavirus Cases:
Not bullshit VERITAS!! If you can breath you can talk. So he had enough air in his lungs for 8 min 47 sec until he OD'd. No air no talking its really quite simple.
10:57 AM
Heis cause of death had nothing to do with drugs. STILL BULLSHIT!
When a true fucking moron meets Dick and Jane level questions, the result is immeasurable stoopidity and pathetic ignorance. All rolled up in an ugly color of orange skin.
The fact that COVID infections patterns are completely defying state policy patterns and acting entirely in line with geographic regional patterns should cause a lot of people to rethink their priors.
But they don't because that's emotionally difficult.
Morons: The south is full of idiots who get COVID b/c they are dumb
Data: COIVD is hitting minority communities in a way that is breathtaking and horrifying
Morons: I literally cannot hear you talking, I'm going to continue assuming this is about rednecks
Systemic racism isn't real.
Whitey Wetdreams cums in his shorts imagining what could have been a real slaughter of innocent blacks....
Stolen vehicle was a fucking motorcycle with less than five black occupants. How god damn racist does one have to be to mistake a carload of Blacks with a stolen motorcycle?
It's amazing they let this guy near crayons no less the nuclear football.😳
"To some extent this comment is in vain, for our pet trolls do not state arguments that anyone believes, including them."
They believe them. It is a hallmark of conservatism to disregard facts and data. Trickle-down? There is a strong correlation between evangelical Christianity and conservatism. They are trained at a young age to ignore common sense and reality and believe in amazing stories and wild ideas. By adulthood they are fully indoctrinated in magical thinking and ideas thus an easily fooled populace. Why did Asia and Europe do so much better with covid? For one they follow science and not magical wishful thinking "it'll go away by Easter".
"Systemic racism isn't real."
Jesus isn't real.
John Oliver breaks down why Americans are so ignorant in terms of history.
Must watch.
Not interested in what that faggot John Oliver has to say.
Paradoctor said....
To some extent this comment is in vain, for our pet trolls do not state arguments that anyone believes, including them. That too is part of their denial of responsibility.
I note also the troll upthread who equates empathy with stupidity. Very revealing.
12:19 PM
I think some trolls really believe what they post. maybe others are getting paid to post inflammatory crap just to created division and anger. I am so tired of their rants that I have begun to stop reading most of their posts as soon as I see what they are up to.
People who equate empathy with stupidity are pretty much lost from their human roots. They are lost like Mr. Trump, who never for one second thinks of anyone but himself.
PilotX said...
"They believe them. It is a hallmark of conservatism to disregard facts and data."
Progressivism is completely based on the denial of facts and data:
* Evolution applies to humans as well as everything else
* Biological sex is determined by your DNA and cannot be changed by surgical or chemical mutilation
* Men cannot get pregnant; women do not have penises. Transgenderism is a mental illness.
* Race is not just a social construct but is quantifiable by many biological metrics
* There are profound racial differences in average IQ
* There are profound racial differences in violent crime rates
* Lack of statistical evidence that blacks are arrested at higher rates than merited
* Lack of statistical evidence that black suspects are killed more often than white suspects
* Lack of statistical evidence that women are paid less then men for the same work
* Aborting a fetus that is viable outside the womb is actually infanticide
* Protesting for racial justice does not make you immune from spreading coronavirus
* Mobs that assault citizens, attack law enforcement, loot businesses, pull down monuments, and set buildings on fire are not "peaceful protestors"
maybe others are getting paid to post inflammatory crap just to created division and anger.
Not Russian bot farms? Do you libtards have a bad-guys-of-the-day calendar you all buy, or something?
Jews have Nick Cannon doing book reports on anti-semitism now:
He hasn't had to apologize yet for calling whites subhuman.
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
"Progressivism is completely based on the denial of facts and data"
Sure kid. Stay in school.
"Race is not just a social construct but is quantifiable by many biological metrics"
Really? Many biological metrics? Please elaborate. (This should be interesting)
The rest of your rant is just silly.
Big-endians vs. Little-endians.
"A "win"? For who?"
For the man he murdered. For all of the other victims of state sponsored murder by out of control police and everyone that ever cared about them. For the country that might, if we're very diligent and lucky, avoid sliding the rest of the way into an authoritarian police state. For all of the propaganda addicts who are too far gone into lies and insanity to do their due diligence on the issue. For everyone, really, except Derek Chauvin.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
A "win"? For who?"
The law.
Happy Bornday to the last great president!
PilotAA said...
"Really? Many biological metrics?"
* An analysis of your DNA can determine your precise racial ancestry
* Forensic experts can determine race by examining your bones
* A dentist can tell your race by examining your teeth
* Organ transplants across racial groups experience a much higher rejection rate
* Different races have evolved resistance to local diseases that are manifested in structural difference (e.g black anti-malarial adaptation that causes sickle cell anemia)
Anonymous Reality is Right Wing said...
* Mobs that assault citizens, attack law enforcement, loot businesses, pull down monuments, and set buildings on fire are not "peaceful protestors"
3:38 PM
Mobs did not "assault citizens, attack law enforcement, loot businesses" as you charged. The violence was mostly instigated and conducted by far right, white nationalists. Google it and you will discover the truth.
Here's a few sources in case you don't know how to use Google.
1. https://theintercept.com/2020/07/15/george-floyd-protests-police-far-right-antifa/
2. https://www.washingtonpost.com
3. https://medium.com/@kevinjshay44/right-wing-provocateurs-likely-inflaming-protest-violence-bcf1c48e1d40
4. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/21/880963592/vehicle-attacks-rise-as-extremists-target-protesters
Fergus: "When I took over we didn't even have a test."
Well, that much is true. There was no test in 2017 for a virus that emerged in 2019. That's what the "19" in "COVID 19" means, 2019.
Fergus: You know there are those that say, you can test too much. You do know that.
SWAN: Who says that?
Fergus: Oh, just read the manuals read the books.
SWAN: Manuals? What manuals?
Fergus: Read the books. Read the books.
Here we have Fergus, who has never read a goddamn book in his whole miserable life, attempting to convince a reporter who has in fact read a book, that there are manuals and books that say too much testing in a goddamn pandemic is bad.
Meanwhile right around a thousand more people die every day in the US from the pandemic Fergus is still trying to deny the existence of.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
There are are ONLY TWO GENDERS!!!
Chicago shootings: 33 shot, 9 fatally in weekend violence
" Here we have Fergus, who has never read a goddamn book in his whole miserable life, attempting to convince a reporter who has in fact read a book, that there are manuals and books that say too much testing in a goddamn pandemic is bad."
I wish there were a manual to tell Trump how to handle COVID-19. I wish there were a manual to tell him how to be president.
Instead, he is winging it, while surrounded by nothing but bootlickers who tell him his dumb ideas are all great.
Anonymous said...
There are are ONLY TWO GENDERS!!!
5:30 PM
Not so, and no matter how loud you shout, you are mistaken. Why don't you do some research and learn about how wrong you are.
Prosecutors Find No Protester Links to Antifa
U.S. federal prosecutors have produced no evidence linking dozens of people arrested in anti-racism protests in Portland, Oregon, to the antifa or anarchist movements, despite President Trump’s assertions they are fueling the unrest, Reuters reports.
Ooooookkkkkaaaaayyy. Doesn't sound like a plethora of biological differences between races. That last example is one of HUMANS developing antibodies to diseases more so than a racial difference wouldn't you say? Short and unconvincing list. Also no evidence attached to support any claim. (Take note how Gambler includes evidence to support her claims). Interesting though.
Question, do you think certain racial groups are superior to others or do you just think we are didferent?
"Prosecutors Find No Protester Links to Antifa"
Wait, you mean trump is wrong?????😳😳😳😳 How can that be????
Lots of infections, very few deaths. We don't need a vaccine. We're being lied to.
You don't want a vaccine for a bullshit virus engineered for a far more nefarious purpose.
Sound familiar???
"There are are ONLY TWO GENDERS!!!"
You're an idiot. Biologically speaking, there are XX, XY, XXX, XXY, XYY, X, and all of the variations that can occur in the phenotypical expression of those chromosomes.
The "non binary conforming" expressions occur in around 2% of live births, meaning there are around 130 million of them.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Fergus is claiming that Florida's voting system is "Safe and Secure, Tried and True."
Which, if you are a Republican trying to cheat to win an election, is somewhat true, but certainly not in the way he is implying.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
drumpf body cpunt....
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
Will surpass 5 million cases and and 161k deaths tomorrow.
The thing is, SUVs and motorcycles look exactly the same if the person driving them is black.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Fergus may not actually be as blisteringly dumb as the stupid, stupid shit he says, but he obviously believes that you are.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
There are are ONLY TWO GENDERS!!!"
Dinthebeast said.....
You're an idiot. Biologically speaking, there are XX, XY, XXX, XXY, XYY, X, and all of the variations that can occur in the phenotypical expression of those chromosomes.
The "non binary conforming" expressions occur in around 2% of live births, meaning there are around 130 million of them.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Thanks, Doug. Trying to educate this nitwit was becoming overwhelming.
8:34 PM
The X0 genotype, aka Turner syndrome, produces a sterile biological female (with multiple physical abnormalities). It is not a "separate gender".
"Mobs did not "assault citizens, attack law enforcement, loot businesses" as you charged. The violence was mostly instigated and conducted by far right, white nationalists"
Someone apparently actually believes this.
"Prosecutors Find No Protester Links to Antifa"
No one actually believes this.
"Question, do you think certain racial groups are superior to others or do you just think we are didferent?"
All people are human beings and no racial group is inherently superior.
There are profound differences between racial groups, and some groups are on average better at some aspects of human abilities.
Acknowledging these differences is essential for the viability of a multi-racial society.
The old western tv show Trackdown predicted the actions of a man named trump.🤔
"There are profound differences between racial groups, and some groups are on average better at some aspects of human abilities."
Such as?
"Lots of infections, very few deaths. We don't need a vaccine. We're being lied to."
Hmmmmm, listen to infectious disease specialists or an anonymous troll🤔
"Such as?"
The 100 meter dash.
What about the 100 meter dash?
"The current men's world record is 9.58 seconds, set by Jamaica's Usain Bolt in 2009, while the women's world record of 10.49 seconds set by American Florence Griffith-Joyner in 1988 remains unbroken."
Neither of those folks strike me as particularly right wing.
So what was your point?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
There is close to zero racial diversity in the field that lines up for the Olympic finals in the men's 100 meter dash.
Is this due to systemic racism?
MSNBC producer Ariana Pekary explained that the reason for her deciding to quit her job was that the mainstream media blocks “diversity of thought” in favor of promoting hysterical voices for ratings and that a TV veteran admitted to her “we are a cancer and there is no cure.”
Anonymous said...
"Mobs did not "assault citizens, attack law enforcement, loot businesses" as you charged. The violence was mostly instigated and conducted by far right, white nationalists"
Someone apparently actually believes this.
11:10 PM
Because it's true. The fact that you don't believe it is irrelevant.
Anonymous said...
"Prosecutors Find No Protester Links to Antifa"
No one actually believes this.
11:11 PM
Just everyone but you.
Is we getting a second stimulus check?
"Is this due to systemic racism?"
Nope. I mean Hitler tried to make it seem whites were physically superior but was proven wrong.
Germany won the most medals in the 1936 Olympics.
Jesse Owens' reception by the German public and the spectators in the Olympic stadium was warm. There were German cheers of “Yesseh Oh-vens” or just “Oh-vens” from the crowd. Owens was a true celebrity in Berlin, mobbed by autograph seekers to the point that he complained about all the attention. He later claimed that his reception in Berlin was greater than any other he had ever experienced, and he was quite popular even before the Olympics.
“Hitler didn't snub me—it was [FDR] who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram.” ~Jesse Owens, quoted in Triumph, a book about the 1936 Olympics by Jeremy Schaap.
PilotX said...
"Is this due to systemic racism?"
There is close to zero racial diversity in Nobel Prize winners in the hard sciences.
Is this due to systemic racism?"
I guess Slovenia Antifa is at work.
“Hitler didn't snub me—it was [FDR] who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram.” ~Jesse Owens, quoted in Triumph, a book about the 1936 Olympics by Jeremy Schaap."
Hitler stopped greeting all athletes in his private booth because he refused to shake the hands of Black athletes. The head of the Olympic Committee informed him he had to great all athletes or none. He chose none. And yes, many German fans gave all athletes support as did some German athletes. Hitler's ideas of German superiority was smashed to bits especially by two Alpha men.
"There is close to zero racial diversity in Nobel Prize winners in the hard sciences.
Is this due to systemic racism?"
Dunno. Haven't put much thought into the matter. Maybe maybe not.
Anybody want to go to the Yosemite National Park?😂 That man is a moron.
"Haven't put much thought into the matter"
That's quite obvious.
"That's quite obvious."
Why? Is that something people should be losing sleep over?
“Anybody want to go to the Yosemite National Park?😂 That man is a moron.”
Don’t you mean the Yo Semite National Park?
Maybe Trump thinks he is honoring his Jewish son-in-law, Jared, by renaming the park?
"Don’t you mean the Yo Semite National Park?"
😂😂 He's the least anti-Semite person ever.
Looks like boy wonder is at it again.
One of you stoopid fucking trolls educate me...is 23000 genders more than 2? Asking for a friend.
One species of fungi, Schizophyllum commune, really shines when it comes to gender diversity. The white, fan-shaped mushroom has more than 23,000 different sexual identities, a result of widespread differentiation in the genetic locations that govern its sexual behavior.Nov 6, 2017
But, then, you have seen me post this before and it doesn't sink into drumpf diseased minds.
Will surpass 5 million cases and and 161k deaths tomorrow.
9:01 PM
Both numbers are fraudulent. Many "positive" cases are fake to get the $38k from the Feds and to bolster numbers for democratic/Marxist propaganda purposes.
The death number is like 1% or 1600 actual virus deaths. 100k people will die each year in the US from the common flu and pneumonia.
Its all bullshit to scare the public into a vaccine...which you DO NOT WANT!!
Not so, and no matter how loud you shout, you are mistaken. Why don't you do some research and learn about how wrong you are.
6:55 PM
LOL classic liberal delusion. 2+2=4 and it always will. Only TWO GENDERS boys and girls.
10 blacks shot, 1 fatally, Tuesday in Chicago
The day’s lone fatal attack claimed the life of local black rapper FBG Duck and left two others wounded in the Gold Coast.
By Sun-Times Wire Aug 5, 2020, 3:34am CDT
Police seek 2 in connection with South Shore shooting that hurt black 3-year-old girl
The two were seen in the immediate area of the July 22 shooting, police said.
By Sun-Times Wire Aug 4, 2020, 10:12pm CDT
Cabrini Green shooting: Black Suspect charged in fatal shooting of black boy, 9, on Near North Side
By Ravi Baichwal
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 8:59PM
Black Felon charged with shooting Chicago police officers has decade-long history of drug and gun crimes
By Chuck Goudie and Barb Markoff, Christine Tressel and Ross Weidner
Friday, July 31, 2020 7:52PM
Chicago black crime: City sees 139% jump in negro murders, uptick in shootings in July 2020, police say
Sun-Times Media Wire
Saturday, August 1, 2020 12:00AM
Once agains, stoopid whining wingnuts end up with nothing in their quest to prove Mueller didn't run a fair and honest enquiry into Russia and drumpf.
Losers, losers!
The death number is like 1% or 1600 actual virus deaths. 100k people will die each year in the US from the common flu and pneumonia.
Utter and total bullshit with a heaping helping oc caca del toro on top and no cherry.
Trump hosts swearing-in of first Black Air Force chief
President Donald Trump has hosted the swearing-in of the first Black chief of staff of the Air Force
August 4, 2020, 4:24 PM
Utter and total bullshit with a heaping helping oc caca del toro on top and no cherry.
9:53 AM
All True!! Covid -19 is a control mechanism to scare the public into thinking its a legit health crisis. Why the rush FROM THE GET GO for vaccine?? You cannot make a vaccine in 4-5 months it takes years, the placebo phase lasts 5 years alone.
No vaccine for AIDS, None for SARS, None for MERS, None for H1N1, not even a vaccine for Chicken Pox. But we need one for Covid??
Its the biggest HOAX and National Security Threat in US History!!!
All brought to you by EVIL elements within the Democratic Party (communists).
Anonymous said.....
The death number is like 1% or 1600 actual virus deaths. 100k people will die each year in the US from the common flu and pneumonia.
Its all bullshit to scare the public into a vaccine...which you DO NOT WANT!!
9:27 AM
I sure's the hell want the vaccine. I'm 83 and will likely die if I get Covid. You do what you want, and please don't try to tell others what they should or should not want.
"Chicago black crime: City sees 139% jump in negro murders, uptick in shootings in July 2020, police say"
Which is really weird. trump needed a distraction from his failure on covid and launched a campaign of law and order and SUDDENLY there is an uptick in numerous cities all over the country. I mean you can focus on Chicago but it's happening all over and all of a sudden. As a famous detective once said "there is no such thing as coincidence."
Anonymous said.....
LOL classic liberal delusion. 2+2=4 and it always will. Only TWO GENDERS boys and girls.
9:28 AM
I have listed four websites where you can begin your education about gender. Please read these articles and then you can come back here and argue with us grown-ups. Be brave; take a chance; try to learn something.
Aonymous said....
The death number is like 1% or 1600 actual virus deaths. 100k people will die each year in the US from the common flu and pneumonia.
Its all bullshit to scare the public into a vaccine...which you DO NOT WANT!!
9:27 AM
Where did you get your numbers from? New research shows that counted deaths from COVID-19 in mid-April were about 20 times greater than seasonal influenza counted deaths recorded during peak weeks of the past seven flu seasons.
If true, the assessment would provide a stinging rebuttal to policy makers and politicians who've maintained that the coronavirus is no more deadly than the seasonal flu. As of Wednesday, May 20, COVID-19 has killed more than 93,500 Americans.
PilotX said...
"Which is really weird. trump needed a distraction from his failure on covid and launched a campaign of law and order and SUDDENLY there is an uptick in numerous cities all over the country. I mean you can focus on Chicago but it's happening all over and all of a sudden. As a famous detective once said "there is no such thing as coincidence."
Maybe you could explain to us non-geniuses how Trump has engineered the current spike in murders that is happening in Democrat controlled jurisdictions all over the US?
AOC's new campaign ad:
Illinois high school teacher fired for Facebook post rejecting idea of “white privilege”
Apparently this is state religious dogma now and heretics will not be tolerated.
My take re sex and gender:
Sex is biological. It's about anatomy and sperm and ova. It's mostly female and male, with 2% exceptions. Gender is psychological. It's about the performance of sex; what what does and thinks about one's anatomy. It is more variable than sex.
Because sex is objectively distinguishable, it makes sense to base public policy on that distinction. Because gender is highly subjective, it makes sense to give gender political liberty.
In fact I say that gender liberty is a subset of the First Amendment's guarantee of religious liberty, seeing as how we Americans tend to worship the performance of sex.
"Maybe you could explain to us non-geniuses how Trump has engineered the current spike in murders that is happening in Democrat controlled jurisdictions all over the US?"
I dunno. Maybe infiltrating organizations? It's been done in the past such as in the 60's when the Black Panther Party was infiltrated and the agitators created situations in which the police had to respond. Do a search of Minister Fred Hampton's death. Past is often prologue. Long history of the government provoking actions in certain quarters. Doug may be able to add some additional insight.
"Apparently this is state religious dogma now and heretics will not be tolerated."
Play stupid games.........
Gambler2, PilotX and mike:
Do our pet trolls believe their BS or not? That's not a trivial question. Orwell spoke of 'double-think', which oscillates between belief and unbelief according to the momentary needs of the double-thinker. He also spoke of inner-party vs. outer-party. Outer party mostly believes; inner party mostly unbelieves.
Does a given BSer believe or not? I call this the "crook-or-fool dilemma". My resolution is that it doesn't matter. Everyone lies to a crook, so they become fools; fools lie to themselves, so they become crooks; so the two meet in the middle.
"She also recommended the work of economist Thomas Sowell, political commentator and activist Candace Owens, and author and radio host Larry Elder."
That's why this woman was fired, she's an idiot. But wait, there's more, there's always more.
"You think America is racist? Then you’ve been hoodwinked by the white liberal establishment and race baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton."
Wait, there's even more stupid.
"She finished by recommending that the black community should stop believing “Democrats, mainstream media and intellectuals in ivory towers.”
While I agree that maybe getting fired for social media posts in some cases may be over the line but most of us can be terminated by posting certain inflammatory things. If I post images of me doing crazy things in uniform guess what? Yup, gone! Bottom line, the key to surviving social media is if you think it's not a good idea to post certain things it probably isn't. She made dumb posts and paid the price, I bet she'll know better next time.
"She finished by recommending that the black community should stop believing “Democrats, mainstream media and intellectuals in ivory towers.”
So we should believe Republicans, alternate media and non-intellectuals? Uh, ok.
As for 'transgenderism is a mental illness'; well yes, but so is cisgenderism. So are bisexuality and homosexuality and heterosexuality and asexuality. Let's face it; sex makes people act wacky. Sex is also filthy, gross, disturbing and inappropriate; that's part of its appeal. The most sex-crazed folk are those who insist that it's those other people who are sex-crazed, and not them. The sanest gender identity is compassion for people's passions.
"The most sex-crazed folk are those who insist that it's those other people who are sex-crazed, and not them."
Closet freaks.
As for 'transgenderism is a mental illness'; well yes, but so is cisgenderism. So are ... heterosexuality...
This merely sounds insane, but it's evil. It's the pretext for declaring "cisgenders" and heterosexuals mentally ill and taking away their rights.
How is the normal biological sex orientation a "mental illness"?
"I dunno. Maybe infiltrating organizations?"
Antifa works for Trump? Jenny Durkin? Ted Wheeler? Bill DiBlasio? Jacob Frey? BLM is run by Trump operatives?
Big city governments and blue state governors have uniformly supported this insurrection and refused to stop the rioters. They have ordered police forces to stand down and are all on board with defunding law enforcement. National democrat politicians refuse to even acknowledge Antifa exists. The entire party echoes and reinforces the anti-White rhetoric of BLM and other leftist organizations. Murder is spiking because the criminals in these cities have gotten the message that no one is going to stop them anymore.
That's some infiltration there.
""Maybe you could explain to us non-geniuses how Trump has engineered the current spike in murders that is happening in Democrat controlled jurisdictions all over the US?"
Trump hasn't intentionally "engineered" crimes spikes. But he has comprehensively failed to respond to COVID-19, which is why the US has such atrocious death rates from the disease. (US has something like 4% of the global population, but 22% of the COVID deaths.)
And while it's always hard to prove cause and effect of short-term spikes in crime, COVID is an excellent place to start. The virus has put large numbers of people out of work, so they are economically stressed while having jack shit to occupy their time -- ideal conditions for creating crime.
Furthermore, COVID has eaten up medical resources that would usually be used for other things. For example, we are probably going to see increases in deaths due to cancer and cardiovascular events, due to people who were unwilling or unable to access medical care like they would have before the epidemic. And this can also impact emergency room trauma care. Which means that some people who would previously have gotten shot and survived, due to the valiant efforts of ER surgeons, now get shot and die.
So, part of the increase in the murder rate might be the lack of medical resources converting what would've been attempted murders into murders.
All of which boils down to saying, Trump's incompetence in dealing with COVID has led to:
More deaths from COVID itself
More economic damage
And, possibly, more murders.
Bad governmental policy can have terrible unintended consequences.
"So, part of the increase in the murder rate might be the lack of medical resources converting what would've been attempted murders into murders."
Utter nonsense. Most hospitals in the US are almost completely empty. There are MORE resources available than normal for gun shot victims.
My God, you're an idiot.
As part of their 2020 election strategy, Leftist mobs tied to the Democrat party riot, loot and murder with assistance of Democrat mayors and Democrat governors. They do this on the false pretext that police kill black suspects more often, based on a black criminal who died of a drug-induced heart attack while resisting arrest by a Democrat police force in a 100% Democrat-controlled city. Subsequent attacks on police result in a nation-wide murder spree in Democrat jurisdictions.
Genius level progressive take: Actually, it's Trump.
Anonymous said....
Utter nonsense. Most hospitals in the US are almost completely empty. There are MORE resources available than normal for gun shot victims.
My God, you're an idiot.
2:11 PM
Where did you get this opinion? Do you expect us to believe your outrageous, unsupported claims with out any evidence and reliable sources? HA HA HA HA
"Maybe you could explain to us non-geniuses how Trump has engineered the current spike in murders that is happening in Democrat controlled jurisdictions all over the US?"
First, it is not happening "in Democrat controlled jurisdictions all over the US?" and second engineered is not the right word, as Fergus is far too lame to successfully deliberately cause much of anything to happen, but here's how the goddamn Republicans did it:
They destroyed the economy by failing to contain a deadly virus and now there are thirty million unemployed people, some of whom are desperate and stupid and resort to crime they have no business trying to pull.
On the lighter side, Missouri passed Medicaid expansion yesterday so almost half a million uninsured Missourians can get healthcare in the middle of a goddamn pandemic.
And Kobach lost, which reduces the probability of Kansas electing a Democratic senator, but speaks well of the sanity of the Kansas Republican primary electorate.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
So apparently asking Fergus what his priorities would be if he were elected to a second term is roughly equivalent to asking Sarah Palin what she reads.
They are both bone-simple basic questions that only produce awkward cringe-worthy non-answers from these leading lights of the Republican party.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“Utter nonsense. Most hospitals in the US are almost completely empty. There are MORE resources available than normal for gun shot victims.”
With cases surging in the wingnut wave of COVID, hospitals are filling up again. Many have reached max capacity. I am not surprised you are ignorant of this, since you live in a fact-free, Trump-flattering fantasy world where everything is great and his presidency has been a smashing success.
More people in the US are hospitalized with Covid-19 than at almost any other time
More fallout from the COVID-19 epidemic:
With 2020 on pace to be the worst year in a decade for Black suicides, Cook County officials sound alarm on yet another ‘horrifying’ pandemic
And, in case anyone here was feeling smug about these deaths of despair in the Black community, please be aware that opioid overdoses are also skyrocketing. Many of those people will be rural and White.
The Floyd arrest video confirms what we knew all along, i.e., the reality of the incident does not support the antiwhite narrative built upon it. The more important revelation is that the US has been hijacked by antiwhite communists who suppressed the tape and unleashed chaos.
At this point, only a fool would believe the US - and many other Western countries - can ever go back to a pretence of unity under the flag. There are multiple and severe fractures that encompass race, culture, class and sex. A new settlement must be found - for everyone's sake.
These divisions have always existed, but the absorption of the leftist narrative, and forced multiculturalism, have mutated them from something natural and functional into a perpetual cause of bitter conflict. The genie cannot be put back in the bottle and we *must* grasp this.
"More fallout from the COVID-19 epidemic:"
Why can't black people follow social distancing guidelines like everybody else?
Imagine being a juror in the Derek Chauvin trial over George Floyd. You know if you acquit, every journo in the country will be gunning for you. Job, family, physical safety, gone. But if you convict, you're a hero.
Why would you even pay attention during arguments?
"Murder is spiking because the criminals in these cities have gotten the message that no one is going to stop them anymore."
Really? And how pray tell do we know this?
I'm not a fucking clueless moron who ignores reality.
"I'm not a fucking clueless moron who ignores reality."
Yes you are.
Good job Mike!
"Why can't black people follow social distancing guidelines like everybody else?"
By everyone else do you mean the wite idiots that threaten violence and boycotts of establishments that require a mask? LOL
“Imagine being a juror in the Derek Chauvin trial over George Floyd. You know if you acquit, every journo in the country will be gunning for you.”
I would definitely be limited to imagining this, because it sure as he’ll isn’t happening in real life. I’ve yet to see any reputable media outlets specifically naming and shaming individuals on a jury for reaching what they consider a bad verdict.
This is not a real thing.
Farm Burro is a fucked up organization, PilotX. From your link....But the state's rapid investment in wind and other forms of renewable energy has prompted concern by the Iowa Farm Bureau about the loss of farmland. The organization earlier this year supported statewide regulations on where wind and solar farms can be built.
They do not support regs on where, when or how large Cafos are placed. You can end up with thousands of stinking hogs within a quarter mile of your residence, thanks to FB helping take away local control of siting.
OK I was wrong, it's not a half million it's a quarter million.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Anonymous said...
"More fallout from the COVID-19 epidemic:"
Why can't black people follow social distancing guidelines like everybody else?
4:48 PM
A more important question is why can't white people, who are the majority, wear masks? Why are they pulling guns on store personal when asked to put on a mask when they enter a retail store?
Anonymous said...
As part of their 2020 election strategy, Leftist mobs tied to the Democrat party riot, loot and murder with assistance of Democrat mayors and Democrat governors. They do this on the false pretext that police kill black suspects more often, based on a black criminal who died of a drug-induced heart attack while resisting arrest by a Democrat police force in a 100% Democrat-controlled city. Subsequent attacks on police result in a nation-wide murder spree in Democrat jurisdictions.
Genius level progressive take: Actually, it's Trump.
2:26 PM
Nobody who reads this blog will believe a word of what you have written. You are wasting your time here. Try storm front instead.
"Imagine being a juror in the Derek Chauvin trial over George Floyd."
If only.
"A more important question is why can't white people, who are the majority, wear masks? Why are they pulling guns on store personal when asked to put on a mask when they enter a retail store?"
Oh, oh, I know this one!
Cuz Trump told them that COVID-19 isn't a real problem, just a "Democrat hoax" designed to bring down his presidency, and they were dumb enough to believe him.
Jury duty requires a commitment to hear and weigh the evidence.
PilotX should never be on a jury.
Nobody who reads this blog will believe a word of what you have written.
Are you calling everyone who reads this blog a mindless, unthinking slave to Lamestream Media propaganda?
You know, for someone whose job is enforcing US law, Fergus sure doesn't like following it. Now the damn fool is talking about delivering his convention speech from the white house.
See, Ferg, you may live there for the time being, but we still own it, and it's against the law for you to use it to campaign with.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
"PilotX should never be on a jury."
See, that's what I keep telling them but they won't listen! Can you call Cook County for me?
High unemployment, government checks, distrust of police and folks walking around like it's the wild west.
The HNIC is turning this country into a ghetto.
"The HNIC is turning this country into a ghetto"
MAGA baby!
"The HNIC is turning this country into a ghetto"
You wanted Wakanda.
Full Body Cam Video from Two of the Minneapolis Police Officers Undercuts Charges Filed By Minnesota AG Keith Ellison
Posted at 1:00 pm on August 4, 2020 by Shipwreckedcrew
Because sex is objectively distinguishable, it makes sense to base public policy on that distinction. Because gender is highly subjective, it makes sense to give gender political liberty.
In fact I say that gender liberty is a subset of the First Amendment's guarantee of religious liberty, seeing as how we Americans tend to worship the performance of sex.
12:54 PM
So basically you are trying to butter everyone up to the idea of pedophilia. Its what the left wants is to lower the age of consent and fuck kids.
Cy Vance got Fergus' financial records from Deutsche Bank and now is investigating him for bank and insurance fraud.
Cy Vance doesn't answer to Barr or operate under the OLC memo.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
The leak of the George Floyd Police Body Camera Video is DAMNING - not for the police but the prosecutors - It clearly shows not one of the police officers is GUILTY OF ANYTHING - The tape also completely destroy the leftist narrative, the #blm fiction, and scumbag Ellison's case for murder against the cops involved. It also makes the riots and "peaceful" protests completely illegitimate. DECLARE #BLM #BLACKLIVESMATTER A terrorist organization and an enemy of the state and the people!
So a Republican must have is liability protection for corporations that open without ensuring a safe workplace. Also while workers can't sue companies the companies can sue the workers for demanding a safe workplace. Is anyone cool with this????
Please don't take it personally if we don't take the word of an anonymous poster on a blog.
"It also makes the riots and "peaceful" protests completely illegitimate. DECLARE #BLM #BLACKLIVESMATTER A terrorist organization and an enemy of the state and the people!"
Sean Hannity! When did you start posting here?
Anonymous said...
Are you calling everyone who reads this blog a mindless, unthinking slave to Lamestream Media propaganda?
10:41 PM
Nope, those are your words and thoughts, not mine. You attempt to put words in my mouth is a monumental failure. LOL! Have a nice night.
"Lamestream Media"
We're still using dumbassed Palin quotes? Great, as if conservotrolls aren't stupid enough.
Anonymous said....
So basically you are trying to butter everyone up to the idea of pedophilia. Its what the left wants is to lower the age of consent and fuck kids.
12:01 AM
The question of gender assignment and identity is a totally different topic from pedophilia, and your bringing it up is a pathetic attempt to drag a red herring through the conversation. It doesn't play well here, so please go and post where the people are as illogical as you are. You might be appreciated there. Have a nice night.
12:01 AM
PilotX said...
"Lamestream Media"
We're still using dumbassed Palin quotes?
I was quoting the Field Negro, actually.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Why all of this bullshit over wearing a mask?
Would you allow a surgeon to operate on you without putting a mask on their face?
Would you play football without a helmet on your head?
Would you drive without a seatbelt on?
Either you wear a mask to stay out of a casket
Or you can go without a mask inside of your casket at your funeral.
Duuuhh.... It's a NO BRAINER... LITERALLY!
Masks are for pussies.
Anon @ 0103 could you please ease up on the all caps? Kinda makes you look kind of crazy.
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