Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Shots fired.

 I have to be very careful with this post, because the next person I want to see in my Ring Doorbell camera is the Amazon delivery person with my tennis bag, and not a Secret Service agent.  

Anyway,  the felon is always comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln, and this past weekend he almost got his wish in ways that I am sure he did not want. For the record, I do not in any way condone political violence. I am a win at the ballot box, not by the bullet kind of guy. I do think it's ironic, though, that the man who has introduced a level of mean spiritedness never before seen in our politics is now the object of our pity.  Also ironic, is the fact that the shooter is not one of the people he likes to demonize, but a young man who looked just like all of his supporters in the crowd. He could have been one of their sons.   

My hero, Malcolm X, would have called Saturday's event in Butler, Pennsylvania, a chickens coming home to roost moment. I call it America's gun culture and politics of hatred and division coming together in a way that was inevitable.  It's sad that one of the felon's supporters had to lose his life. (As of me writing this post, he has still not reached out to personally offer his condolences to the man's family.)  

The felon was lucky this past Saturday. He has hinted that the experience has changed him. That's left to be seen. I suspect that he will be back to business as usual really soon. He will be back to sowing seeds of division, and demonizing all those who are not a part of the MAGA cult.  The cult is already fundraising off the tragic event, and  the felon was more concerned with getting a good picture of himself and making sure that his shoes (can't have the world seeing those lifts) were on in the aftermath of the tragedy. 

In closing, let us all hope that the rest of this political season will be a peaceful one. 

*Pic from AP images  




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Bloviating Ignoramus said...

How 2024 Became a Crypto Election - Krugman

Flying Junior said...

It's funny the repubs are painting the NAJB Convention as a hostile environment for Trump. I mean, I guess when you come out swinging with the birther/racist two-fister thing, I could see how a black female interviewer might get a little bit wary of him.

What a colossal idiot. He could have just played nice and it might have turned into a huge PR victory for him. You'd think a guy with that much history in business and finance would know the simple principles of schmoozing!?! All you have to do is say good things in a friendly way.

I guess the fool just couldn't resist the sheer joy of being an arsehole. I honestly don't get it. Supposedly he's not dumb. He pretty much had the KKK vote shored up already. I think he's gone off the deep end. Biden OTOH has been sounding quite presidential this week. A true statesman. A study in contrast!

dinthebeast said...

BI: Thank you for the link. I like Krugman's initial take on cryptocurrencies: Dunning-Krugerrands.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Dunning Krugerrands. That's a good one.

mike from iowa said...

This is what really happened when drumpf was allegedly shot...

mike from iowa said...

drumpfuck wouldn't take stage at Black Journalist event if they would not promise notto fact check the lying fucker live. Poor babby.

Anonymous said...

“BI: Thank you for the link. I like Krugman's initial take on cryptocurrencies: Dunning-Krugerrands.”

Why wouldn’t the GOP go all-in on craptocurrencies? The moden Republican Party is already one big scam.

Its main media figures are all shills for useless nutritional supplements. Its leader is a conman who’s committed bank fraud, shafted his workers, and fleeced the suckers who invested in the get-rich-quick scheme known as Trump “University.”

Flogging Bitcoin is right on brand for them.

mike from iowa said...

Truth to power....about liar drumpf

mike from iowa said...

drumpf refused to take stage at Black Journalist event beause they would not cave in to his demands not to be fact checked live.

Anonymous said...

kamala harris the Border Czar is Indian:

Anonymous said...

Pure logic:

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher:

bethhawes said...

Bill Maher has been a doom-sayer for months--even before Biden stepped back. He's glib and clever but I think he's got a blind spot. I'll say this: if he ever speaks positively about the Democrats/Harris, take it to the bank, it will mean a landslide win!

dinthebeast said...

Bill Maher fucked Ann Coulter.

The Rude Pundit on why he thinks weird is landing with more folks than more factual and relevant insults:

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Bill Maher has been a doom-sayer for months--even before Biden stepped back. He's glib and clever but I think he's got a blind spot.”

Maher has turned into a garden-variety, whiny “anti-woke” warrior. While I think there is a legitimate place for criticizing the excesses of left identity politics, Maher has gone beyond that, and now replicates hateful right-wing memes in his jokes. He’s not just criticizing anti-racist tactics; he’s tacitly endorsing racism. He’s not just criticizing feminist tactics; he’s tacitly endorsing sexism. And so on.

He’s always had this tendency, but I feel like it’s gotten progressively worse over time, and he’s now unwatchable.

Anonymous said...

“Bill Maher fucked Ann Coulter.”

Yuck. Yes, I kind of forgot about that. Maybe it was so horrible I tried to purge it from my memory.

dinthebeast said...

She knows what a black job is, apparently:

Simone Biles
I love my black job 🖤

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“She knows what a black job is, apparently:”

Maybe Trump will go off on Simone Biles next. That will really help his campaign. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Truth is a quality the Marxist left does not possess.

Anonymous said...

Does Ms. Biles not recognize the many gymnastics supporters and inspiring gymnasts outside of her culture who support Mr. Trump? Her comment' "I love my black job' is indicative of a House Negro .' Does she understand black athletes and entertainers are celebrated highly-paid slaves? Then again, those without a college degree don't get that part. Black athletes and entertainers are celebrated because that's where "we belong," while black intellectuals like Cornel West and Nikki Giovanni are rarely celebrated. Shame on you, Ms. Biles.

Anonymous said...

Does Ms. Biles not recognize the many gymnastics supporters and inspiring gymnasts outside of her culture who support Mr. Trump? Does she understand that black athletes are considered highly-paid slaves,? Then again, without a college degree, it might be difficult to understand. Black athletes and entertainers are celebrated because that's where "we belong," while black intellectuals like Cornel West and Nikki Giovanni are rarely celebrated. Shame on you, Ms. Biles.

Anonymous said...

“Does Ms. Biles not recognize the many gymnastics supporters and inspiring gymnasts outside of her culture who support Mr. Trump?”

I’m sure Simone Biles will do just fine in life without worrying too much about the hurt feelings of the crayon-eating cretins who worship Trump.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Bill Maher prefers black pussy. I don't think he fucked Annorexia.

Anonymous said...

“Bill Maher prefers black pussy. I don't think he fucked Annorexia.”

It could be that this was just a rumor. He was definitely friends with Coulter, which is bad enough, but apparently he denies having had a romantic relationship with her.

Then again, who wouldn’t deny it, whatever the circumstances. :-D

She is vile.

Anonymous said...


mike from iowa said...

Here, again, Israel is dragging US into another potential Middle East war by the nose...

Anonymous said...

Watch Kamala Harris Get Angry as NBC Host Calmly Corrects Her Lie

Anonymous said...

Why DEI does not work:

dinthebeast said...

Fergus pusses out:

Bonus Quote of the Day

August 3, 2024 at 12:59 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 54 Comments

“Donald Trump is cowardly backing out of the debate he agreed to. One just like the debate he did in June. Now, he seems only comfortable in a cocoon, asking his happy place Fox to host a Trump rally and call it a debate. Maybe he can only handle debating someone his own age.”

— Harris campaign adviser David Plouffe, on X.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

And now The Supremes add insult to injury. Bestowing Insane Clown with immunity and now for good measure holding it another month before allowing Judge Chutkan to proceed.

mike from iowa said...

Right on cue, drumpfuck the dumbfuck congrats Putin on making a great deal prisoner swap.

Then it sounded like drumpf gave himself credit for the swap by calling it a deal we made.

This will come as a yooge surprise to the anymoosies of the world, drump is a sociopathic liar

Anonymous said...

Israel bombed two schools and a hospital in Gaza, killing 30.

Anonymous said...

Well hot damn, Timmy actually got married. I lost some money. Momma told me gambling is bad😖

Anonymous said...

Byron Donalds went on TV to say that’s it’s perfectly fine and totally normal for Trump to be the official arbiter of what race everyone is. Relax, guys, it’s no biggie and Kamala is just Indian and please, black people, nobody vote for her.

Nice tap-dancing, Byron. You can have a cookie.

mike from iowa said...

Why doesn't the media beat drumpf over the head for asking the government to make it easier for him to import laborers for his properties when he claims to want to deport all immigrants, even American citizens?

dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dinthebeast said...

No, Fergus, Kamala didn't "decide to turn Black" for political reasons, but you sure as shit decided to turn orange...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dinthebeast said...

Flippety flip (from NBC via the Maddow Blog):

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes’ office announced Monday that Jenna Ellis, a former Trump attorney and one of the 18 defendants in the Arizona “fake electors” case stemming from the 2020 election, is cooperating with the prosecution. Ellis signed the cooperation agreement Monday morning, according to the announcement, which said prosecutors are dropping the charges against her.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Fake Noize reports congressional magats have proof Biden aloowed ISIS backed smugglers into the US. Since it is likely a product of magats failed investigative techniques, thus is likely another attempt to drive down Dem poll numbers because you know magats can't find their asses with either or both hands.

mike from iowa said...

Scotus won't stop drumpf's sentencing in hush money case set for Sept 18.

dinthebeast said...

Lina Khan:

“But we also know that in the years since, costs have fallen, and supply chains have improved,” she said. “Many items though, are still too costly, and many large grocery chains are still raking in enormous profits. The FTC is determined to understand why. To make sure we can do so, I’ll be asking [the] commission to join me in launching an inquiry into grocery prices, to shed light on why it is that prices and profits remain so high, even as costs appear to have come down.”

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

I am convinced that the “RFK Junior dumped a dead bear in Central Park” story is directly connected to the “worms ate part of RFK Junior’s brain” story.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

The Economy Is Looking Pre-Recessionary - Krugman

dinthebeast said...

BI: Thanks for the link. Jerome Powell is the only other Republican Deadhead I've ever heard about; the first was a fellow delivery driver I worked with in the nineties, who was very good at his job and a blast to work with, as long as you avoided talking politics...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Lee Atwater who created the Willie Horton ad recorded an album with B.B. King.

Anonymous said...

According to Walz:

Allowing a woman to terminate a baby at any time during her pregnancy is "reproductive rights".
Allowing Illegal immigrants to murder American citizens is "compassionate".
The weather changes are "climate change".
Protesting an election outcome is an "insurrection".
DEI is hiring because of skin color and gender but don't call it a DEI hire.
Men walking down the street with their genitals hanging out is "pride".
Men dressed as Women and demanding to read and dance in front of Children is "love".
Doctors cutting the Genitals off of children is "affirming".
Socialism is "Neighborliness".

mike from iowa said...

Perjury Taylor Green caims she has video of Mexican cartel placing a bomb in Rio Grande Valley to murder border agents. The border agent says the "bomb" was a small bag of sand and no explosives were found in it. PTG still swears it was a bomb.

Magats also claimed there is a law that allows abortions up to 4 weeks after baby's birth. These are the dummbest fuckers in the world bar none.

dinthebeast said...

So far, so good:

"According to the live donation ticker on ActBlue’s homepage, the service processed more than $2.5 million in donations from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. ET after Harris’ campaign told supporters her pick."

-Doug in Sugar Pine

mike from iowa said...

Will the corruption never end? Another magats congressPOS lied on his campaign finance report.

dinthebeast said...

Don't let them forget:

Quote of the Day

August 6, 2024 at 8:35 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 55 Comments

“I can’t wait to debate the guy. That is, if he’s willing to get off his couch and show up.”

— Gov. Tim Walz, speaking at a rally, about Sen. J.D. Vance.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Lol, Elon is now so desperate, Twitter is SUING advertisers for having the audacity to refuse to run ads on Twitter alongside pervasive Nazi hate speech.

Hmmm. Hey, Elon, maybe you could, I dunno, just kick the Nazis off your social media platform? But no. Instead, his solution is: Do business with me or else.

Next, Elon will file a lawsuit against all womankind because none of his romantic relationships work out, having ruled out the traditional method of achieving relationship stability: not being a dick.

X files antitrust suit against advertising groups over ‘systematic illegal boycott’

PilotX said...

Happy Jamaican Independence Day!!!!!!!

PilotX said...

The weather changes are "climate change".

Weather and climate are two different things. Weather is what you get/climate is what you expect.
We calculate climate normals over a 30 year period. I know, ignore it and it will go away. LOL!

"DEI is hiring because of skin color and gender but don't call it a DEI hire."

White supremacist hiring is hiring because of skin color and gender but don't call it s white supremacist hire.

PilotX said...

dinthebeast said...

DEI hires? That would be Don JR., Eric and Ivanka...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“DEI hires? That would be Don JR., Eric and Ivanka...”

D(on)E(ric)I(vanka) hires?


mike from iowa said...

Minnesota, under Walz, top 5 state for business, #3 for happiness, plus...
Kyle Kluzinski
Tim Walz is – by far – the most based Democrat governor in the country.
With a 1 seat majority in Minnesota he did:
– universal free school meals
– legal weed
– carbon free electricity by 2040
– tax rebates for the working class up to $1,300 (making under $150k per
– 12 weeks paid family leave
– 12 weeks paid sick leave
– banned conversion therapy
– red flag laws for guns
– universal background checks for guns
– automatic voter registration
– free public college (under $80k)
– ban on PFAS (forever chemicals)
– $2.2 billion increase in k-12 school funding
– sectoral bargaining for nursing home workers

Anonymous said...

The UK is going into its 9th consecutive day of white racists rioting in cities across the country.

The trigger was a mass stabbing of little white girls by a black guy. There is no evidence thus far that he was acting out of racist or political motivation. He appears to be mentally ill. There were also false stories about him being a Muslim and an asylum seeker, but these were untrue.

Of course, this event was only the trigger for the rioting. The root cause is that the previous Tory government spent 14 years wrecking the economy, and then blaming the wreckage on immigration. So now you have a large number of people walking around angry all the time at anyone who might be “foreign-looking.”

mike from iowa said...

Comment section is screwed up again.

Anonymous said...

Iconic motorcycle dealership shuts down amid 'chaos' over woke DEI
©San Francisco Harley-Davidson/Facebook / Getty Images for Harley-Davidson
An iconic motorcycle dealership abruptly closed its doors for the last time after 110 years amid some 'chaotic' final days, with the corporation now facing backlash for its woke DEI initiatives. The San Francisco Harley-Davidson was founded in 1914 by Dudley Perkins and was passed along to three generations, becoming the longest-running family-owned Harley-Davidson dealership as it survived two world wars, the Great Depression and the COVID pandemic.

Anonymous said...

Kamala Hopes You Forgot This 3

dinthebeast said...

Elmo filed his ridiculous lawsuit in Reed O’Connor's district, so it'll probably end up before the goddamn supremes.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dinthebeast said...

Elmo filed his ridiculous lawsuit in Reed O'Connor's district, so it will probably end up before the goddamn supremes.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

dinthebeast said...

Anon@6:31PM: Yes! We need that as a campaign meme: "Woke dick syndrome" with some bullshit scripture like "If thy member stirs to behold a libtard, pluck it off!"

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

“Elmo filed his ridiculous lawsuit in Reed O'Connor's district, so it will probably end up before the goddamn supremes.”

It’s hard to believe that SCOTUS will buy the argument that advertisers can be forced to do business with him, when they don’t want to.

But then again, I didn’t think that SCOTUS would ever in a million years do something as insane as ruling that presidents have immunity to commit crimes, so what the hell do I know? There is just no predicting the behavior of such a bunch of irrational lunatics. We are truly through the looking glass.

dinthebeast said...

2 down, 17 to go (from Politico via the Maddow Blog):

An Arizona Republican who falsely claimed to be a legitimate presidential elector for former President Donald Trump — part of a sweeping effort by Trump and his allies to subvert the 2020 election — has pleaded guilty for her role in the scheme. Lorraine Pellegrino, one of 11 Arizona Republicans who falsely posed as Trump’s electors that year, accepted a guilty plea to a single charge for filing a “false instrument” — the fraudulent Electoral College certificate.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

PX said...


Why? It is widely know her mother is Indian. Oh yeah, there are millions of voters who would switch to trump because Kamala's mom is Indian.🙄 Yup, that'll turn the tide in this election.

Anonymous said...

“ Why? It is widely know her mother is Indian. Oh yeah, there are millions of voters who would switch to trump because Kamala's mom is Indian.🙄 Yup, that'll turn the tide in this election.”

Trump’s (not-) brilliant plan is to say Kamala Harris only recently started acknowledging her black heritage — a lie — in the hopes that black voters will all suddenly hate her and not vote for her.

That’s it. Nothing else to it.

dinthebeast said...

Fuck Harley Davidson. They were heavy, slow, dangerous and underpowered fifty years ago and now they are bordering on a dangerous joke. Sonny the fuck Barger said that the only reason he didn't ride a Honda was the club had rules against it.
They experimented with electric motorcycles a few years ago and from the tests I read, came up with a decent product.
They have since divested of that project, probably in the name of not pissing off the geriatric customer base that believes everything post knucklehead is evil.
My brother was a biker, and I put a few hours on his Harleys and that's how I know they suck. I was a motocross racer and demanded a lot more from the machines I rode than he did.
Perhaps Harley can make a deal with the cartels and provide Harleys to the same markets where the most meth is being sold...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Trump swears that nobody died during the Jan 6th insurrection.

But, but, but … Ashli Babbit? The MAGA crowd won’t shut up about her death. They consider her a martyr to the cause. (The cause being the destruction of democracy, but whatever.)

I guess Senile Don forgot. It’s time for his handlers to stop covering for his dementia and tell the elderly codger to drop out of the race.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Tim Walz and the Weird Politics of Free School Lunches - Krugman

mike from iowa said...

drumpf now claims he was a longtime friend of Willie Brown and was in a helicopter crash with Brown. Brown says he has never been in a helicopter with drumpf.

Why am I not getting the normal comment section? This one makes me scroll through the entire comments to make a comment.

Anonymous said...

“Why am I not getting the normal comment section? This one makes me scroll through the entire comments to make a comment.”

Probably just because the comments section on this article is so long. When there are more than a certain number of comments, Blogger hides some of them and you have to hit “load more” to see them all. Not sure why. Maybe just to make the web page load faster.

I’m guessing that your having to scroll to the end to make a comment is for a related reason.

dinthebeast said...

No, Blogger changed up the format, not just here, but on every Blogspot blog. It kinda sucks, but I'm mostly used to it now.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys. This time around it has me posting as anon, not mfi

Anonymous said...

“No, Blogger changed up the format, not just here, but on every Blogspot blog. It kinda sucks, but I'm mostly used to it now.”

Ah yes, I see. I think this format change only appears when you view the desktop version of the page. The mobile version looks pretty much the same as ever, and I’m usually looking at it on my phone.

I hate this less than whatever function seems to filter the comments. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be blocking hate speech or spam or what, but it occasionally blocks my comments — seemingly at random, since these are usually not comments that contain profanity or anything that could be categorized as objectionable.

Anonymous said...

COVID has fallen to being only the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. Back in 2020, it was the 3rd leading cause, after heart disease and cancer, due in no small part to Trump’s pitiful lack of effort to protect Americans.

Somehow, the million Americans who died in a 1.5-year period have gotten memory-holed. Everyone now just wants to act like this never happened, and we are even entertaining putting the dude who contributed to their deaths back into the White House, as if he weren’t the most miserable failure ever.

Amazing, and not in a good way.

Bloviating Ignoramus said...

Yeah it took me awhile to figure out what the hell was going on with the comments. Did it change or is it just that it never exceeded 200 comments until now?

dinthebeast said...

This commenting software has always broken groups of comments that exceeded 200 into older/newer/newest, but now you have to scroll down to the bottom of the first 200 to get to the "load more" button, whereas the "older/newer/newest" button used to be at the very top when the 200 threshold was passed. And I seem to have to refresh the page to see a comment I have just posted.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Doug. Well said. mfi

dinthebeast said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dinthebeast said...


-Doug in Sugar Pine

Anonymous said...

TRUMP 2024!!

bethhawes said...

Black Americans are leaving the dummycrat party in droves and voting for Trump!!

And you know this how?

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