I got an e-mail from someone in the majority population who wanted to know what I believe about certain things. He caught me a little off guard, and I had to think about it a little bit.
Anyway, after getting my thoughts together, I came up with a few things. So Mr. e-mailer, I hope you are reading my blog, because here are my answers:
I believe that there is something or someone more powerful out there than all of us; I just don't know what or who it is yet.
I don't believe that any organized religion can anymore get you into heaven (if there is such a place) than wishing on a star.
I believe that some of the people that claim to be religious leaders will occupy a very hot part of hell (if there is such a place)
I believe that two consenting adults should have the right to do what they want in the privacy of their own homes as long as they do not hurt anybody else.
I believe that a woman should have the right to do whatever she wants to do with her body.
I believe that if men could have babies there would be drive through abortion clinics.
I believe that at least 30% of the white folks in this country wish that black people would just go away.
I believe that some of the most racist people in America go to church every Sunday morning.
I believe that 30% of white folks in this country really get it, and really do wish we were all equal.
I believe that of that 30%, only 3% of them have real power.
I believe that if Katrina had hit Seattle and not New Orleans George Bush would have been on the ground the next day.
I believe that allot of white (and black people) in America place less of a value on a black life than they do on a white one.
I believe that the death penalty is wrong, and isn't a deterrent to crime.
I believe that the biggest "drug dealers" in America have names like Merck, Smith Kline, and Johnson & Johnson; and not Biggy, Ice, and Slick.
I believe that people don't care about the rising murder rates in America's cities, because it's young black men killing each other.
I believe that global warming is a man made phenomenon.
I believe that there are lots and lots of people getting rich because of the war in Iraq.
I believe that Americans are too preoccupied with sex, and not preoccupied enough with stopping violence.
I believe that there are still African Americans in America who wish they weren't black.
I believe that 90% of black conservatives don't believe the shit they say on a daily basis.
I believe that Malcolm and Martin wanted the same things for black people.
I believe that black people should put their race before their nationality.
I believe that suicide bombers are some brave ass mother f*****s; even though they believe some twisted shit. If you don't believe me, tell me how many people you know that would be willing to strap a bomb around their waste and blow themselves to smithereens because of some sick belief system?
I believe that the FOX NEWS CHANNEL is one of the most dangerous and racist corporations in America.
I believe that Dick Cheney always wears Victoria's Secret lingerie under his suits. (I really do)
I believe that with age comes wisdom.
I believe that the entire AfroSpear(Sphere) movement through cyber-activism will be a real force in this country one day.
I believe that I am closer to finding Lark Voorhies, and when I do find her, unfortunately, that will be the end of this blog.
Thanks for sharing and Lark please give the Field Negro at least a call.
I believe that global warming is a man made phenomenon.
I mourn for the earth. It is being abused.
Wow. I believe everything you believe.
Let's start a church!
Just kidding... but no, seriously, let's start a church!
"I believe that Malcolm and Martin wanted the same things for black people."
When I made this comparison once, I was told I was racist against whites. I still have no freaking clue what that really means.
This is an excellent list, I am going to re-post in on my network in hopes of stirring some discussion. (If you don't mind, that is.)
Peace and Love,
Field, I am still laughing over the similarities of our views in this blog. Maybe it is a "black Vulcan mind meld" or something.
And Dani, how can you be a racist for thinking Dr. King and Uncle Red wanted the same thing for black people? They were both black!! Gee.
Keep 'em coming Field.
Like minds thinking alike, I love it!
Hey, I am feeling that whole "black Vulcan mind meld" thing.
Can we put our minds together and run a Jedi mind game on the rest of America?
credo, can you reach out to Lark for me; girlfriend is not listening to the field :)
i believe that cheney wears assless chaps when he whips 'slave' donald rumsfeld during their weekly viewing of the cook, the thief, his wife and her lover.
"believe that cheney wears assless chaps when he whips 'slave' donald rumsfeld during their weekly viewing of the cook, the thief, his wife and her lover."
But I am LMAO :)
Nice post! You have influenced me and one of the reasons I started to blog.
Moveable Feast
There have been times when I let my blogging fall off (many times)...but you have definitely kept me motivated in those times...
I have said on many occasions that we could be brothers based on the many views we have in common.. But after reading this post I understand why...
..I believe that somehow you, myself, paul and cassandra and others were separated at birth as part of a grand government conspiracy to put great minds in different locations to be sure that they would never meet. Their plan (endlessly funded by the elitists) was to quell the intellectual revolution before it ever started - you know, like in the Terminator.
They didn't take the potential of the internet into consideration.
All jokes aside folks, if great minds took the time share views and discuss the issues, we would be
in a better postion not just as a race but as a species. This blogging that we all share can be our weapon, like hip-hop could have been..lets continue to use that weapon for good..to help change this world we live in!
Field if you build a church I will preach in it. You know I loved the part about the preachers burning hell and getting into heaven having nothing to do with with any particular religion.
Brotha Field keep preaching the truth.
Yo Field,
You are the truth man. This is why I voiced my opinion for the first time last night and earlier this evening on my blog. If enough of us get together like this.... well I can dream can't I?
Hey Field
check out my post for tonight on my brand new generic site, dirtyredsblog.blogspot.com
Interesting. I type a comment to this post and get kicked off the Web. No matter; just keep trying.
Field, there are enough Jedi mind games being played on America already. Thanks, but count me out of that bull, still I do love your site and your insights on the black side.
"Tyrone", thanks for your comments and I wanted to know if you are black? Only because I have never met a black man named Tyrone in my life, in spite of sister-girls phenomenal song about that particular "condition". Also; do you get teased about the name?
And to WHoEver kicked me off the Web - SMD!!! You should have been checking on that sorry-ass I was married to, instead of listening to him whine about his woman dont "respect him".
"I believe that if men could have babies there would be drive through abortion clinics.
Yup, abortion clinics would be as plentiful and stigmatized as Speedy Muffler if men needed abortions.
Please have a look at "Do Women Have Hysterical Ovaries"? Do Blacks Have 'Race'?
I like this post Field.
Do you seek out the soul (the mind) that inhabits Lark's body as well as the body (the machine)? Because, if it's merely machine (a beautiful machine indeed) and not merely the mind that you seek, then perhaps a Lark Voorhies look-a-like would suffice. :)
Thou prose is one of brilliance; there is no need to add to the layeth of the smackdown.
you have some interesting views and a few of them I believe myself.
Another issue...I read "Sterohyped"
about Angelina Jolie and her playing the role of Mariane Pearl. This was Mariane's story and she felt Jolie, could play the role..I really don't see the harm in that. Why didn't black actresses speak up when the movie was in production mode, why wait until it's finished? I understand wanting good roles for our black actresses and I'm not down playing that...however, I do feel that some people are being to hard on Pearl and Jolie.
I with on the Lark Voorhies thing, I saw on How to be a player the other night if that counts! :)
As the olde folke in my generation would say; on-time, baby bubba, right-on-time!
Especially, the wishing on a star part.
"I don't believe that any organized religion can anymore get you into heaven (if there is such a place) than wishing on a star."
"I believe that 90% of black conservatives don't believe the shit they say on a daily basis."
Can we carve that into some stone now--folks need to heed it.
PS I heard Lark was, like her name, flighty and disloyal. Stick to bring my girl Amy Holmes back to the light. I saw her here in DC Tusday night and she is REAL close to dumping her old-ass lame whiteboy hubby, so sez the grapevine. Of course she will do it in a moral, Christian black Republican manner...
And by the way, I do feel there's racism in the way we (America) differentiates between black wak ass men, and white weak ass men. Black WAM are monsters/animals. But the press, courts, etc. treats white WAM as "ill," on roids, disturbed. lord...
Actually I still do get people that come up to me and sing "Call Tyrone"
(that never gets old).You would think there was no one out there named Tyrone before the song came out.
Employers see me coming a mile away with that name on the top of my resume!!
Unfortunately were are the only race that has to worry about such things
I agree with what you say except for a couple of things (I don't know what it means to put race before nationality; and I don't think unhinged terrorists are brave. I think they are unwell a la Jim Jones and what happened in South America almost 30 years ago, but hey, that's just me).
CC: Weak assed men are weak assed men. I think when the guy kills himself it generates a different sensibility than when the guy kills everyone except himself. When the guy is dead it's like thanks for not hanging around. But when he's alive you have to look at his face and his victims until the media is through with it. Scott Peterson got way more attention than he ever deserved and I honestly believe in some sick way he enjoyed the attention. Same with this Cutts guy. Both seem to be cocky SOBs who had turned manipulation into an art form and believed they could outsmart the rest of the world.
West Coast:
Scott Peterson is probably getting way more attention in San Quentin than he would like to have at this point.
Hint for Scott: Don't Drop The Soap!
"We are the only race that has to worry about such things."
Aint that the truth. Been running from "weak ass men" all my life so they can keep some "secret" that apparently everybody knows BUT me.
And Field, you still ROCK!
Anthony I saw your first post,nice job, I am always glad to see new bloggers come on board.
Ross and Tyrone, thanks for the kind words. Trust me, there were people who influenced me as well (Dell Gines comes to mind) and I will always be grateful to them.
credo, could you call Lark again for me please? She must have caller ID or some sh** cause she aint returning mine ;)
Want to run for President? (And that is funny about Cheney - I'll bet it is true.)
I believe that there are still African Americans in America who wish they weren't black.
Sad to say it, but you're right, and so many of our problems stem from that.
I believe that 90% of black conservatives don't believe the shit they say on a daily basis.
You think? I don't know...I think the only way they can stomach it, is to dive in, head first.
I believe that Malcolm and Martin wanted the same things for black people.
Ever since my sophomore history teacher in high school made us read their writings together in a unit, I have believed this too.
They'll never elect a black man as president, and even if they do he'll be shot within his first term.
Preach on, Field. You are an inspiration.
I believe that there are still African Americans in America who wish they weren't black.
Unfortunately this is so true. There was an HBO documentary about Las Vegas showgirls, the one African-American dancer definitely had some self-hate issues. It was painful to watch.
This was too good... just way too good.
Sex....Who loves sex?
*oh yeah, Me!*
I agree!
you know what? i think i believe a lot of what you believe. nice blog.
Obama has my vote before Hillary any day of the week!!!
Remember, if Malcolm X were alive today, he'd be sickened by the way Muslims use their faith as a pretext for blowing themselves up to kill civilians.
We need the likes of Malcolm and Martin more than ever in this world!!
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