At what point are you white folks going to learn that you just can't cry the black guy did it anymore? I mean come on! This is really getting old. I bet folks in law enforcement see red flags now when white folks say the black guy did it. This is not good. If I were a white guy (or gal) I would be pissed. What happens when the black guy really jacks me and takes my Subaru station wagon? Will the po po think that I am crying wolf?
"Joseph C. Vignola Jr., son of a former Philadelphia city councilman and controller, pleaded guilty Monday to beating an 18-year-old woman he met on a website and slashing her throat in a City Avenue hotel room...He had been charged with aggravated assault, unlawful restraint, and possession of an instrument of crime in the May 28, 2008, attack, in which he had left the woman for dead. ...In detailing the case against him, Assistant District Attorney Robert Foster said evidence, including DNA and confessions to police, linked him to the attack.
Vignola met the woman on Craigslist's "erotic services" section in May 2008, Foster said. The two got together at the North American Motor Inn on City Avenue about 9 p.m. that May 28.
The two had consensual sex, then began to argue. Vignola punched the woman in the throat and pinned her to the floor, sitting on her abdomen and placing his knees on her arms until she was unconscious. With a knife, he made a six-inch slash on the right side of her neck.
Vignola then took back the money he had given the woman and left her for dead in the hotel room.
Before confessing to police, Vignola blamed the attack on a "light-skinned black man" who burst into the room as he and the woman were having sex. "
"Joseph C. Vignola Jr., son of a former Philadelphia city councilman and controller, pleaded guilty Monday to beating an 18-year-old woman he met on a website and slashing her throat in a City Avenue hotel room...He had been charged with aggravated assault, unlawful restraint, and possession of an instrument of crime in the May 28, 2008, attack, in which he had left the woman for dead. ...In detailing the case against him, Assistant District Attorney Robert Foster said evidence, including DNA and confessions to police, linked him to the attack.
Vignola met the woman on Craigslist's "erotic services" section in May 2008, Foster said. The two got together at the North American Motor Inn on City Avenue about 9 p.m. that May 28.
The two had consensual sex, then began to argue. Vignola punched the woman in the throat and pinned her to the floor, sitting on her abdomen and placing his knees on her arms until she was unconscious. With a knife, he made a six-inch slash on the right side of her neck.
Vignola then took back the money he had given the woman and left her for dead in the hotel room.
Before confessing to police, Vignola blamed the attack on a "light-skinned black man" who burst into the room as he and the woman were having sex. "
Damn! Even light skinned brothers can't catch a break.
Joseph, good luck come sentencing day, the judge in your case is black. [Article]
Finally, I want to talk about that brother down in Florida on the school bus. (Thanks for the link Reena.) I have been getting a few e-mails about this case with folks wanting to know my opinion, so I will give it:
I have absolutely no problem with what that brotha did. I am sure he regrets threatening the little rug- rats on the bus, but honestly, I am guessing a lot of you would have done the same thing. I don't have kids and I can empathize with the guy, so I am sure that those of you who do have kids feel for this man as well.
His child has special needs and the little rug rats were teasing and harassing her on the bus. At some point dude said enough and just snapped. He realized what he did was wrong and he apologized. No harm no foul as far as I am concerned. Yeah but field, what if that was your child on the bus he threatened to kill? I would have first asked my child if he or she was one of the kids teasing that little girl. If she was not, I would have had a civil man to man discussion with James Willie Jones and I am sure it would have been all good. If he or she was one of the kids teasing that little girl, I would have apologized and still had that man to man discussion with Willie. Again, I am sure it would have been all good. Two brothers who care about their children just working things out.
Monroe, I am with you on this one. We need more men like James Willie Jones out there.
1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»James Jones is a hero! Every kid should have a father who stands up for them like that! That kid who was bullying her was on TV being interviewed with a smirk on his face. And his mom was MAD AS HELL! But she should have directed that anger at her son for treating that little girl that way!!
I had a proud sisterly moment today..... as much as I preach and talk and never shut the fuck up about issues of racism, I always think no one around me is really listening. So, today, I am at the laundromat and I told my sister the story of James Jones. So, her first question when she heard he was arrested was "Was he Black or white?" I looked at her strange, cuz she never pays attention to race, and asked her that he is Black and ask why wants to know... she tells me "Well, that is obviously the only reason they arrested him..." WOW..... She has really been paying attention!!! I felt like hugging her!!! LMAO!
No attempted murder charges? You'd think that running a blade across someone's throat would garner more than "possession of an instrument of crime". I wonder why he was so specific about what kind of black man he made up. Maybe that's what tipped off the cops -- white people aren't supposed to distinguish between light skinned and dark skinned blacks. They're all alike, aren't they?
"James Jones is a hero! Every kid should have a father who stands up for them like that!"
I agree. It might have not been the "proper" way to do it, but he stood up for his daughter, as a father should. That's Field Negro behavior.
"That kid who was bullying her was on TV being interviewed with a smirk on his face. And his mom was MAD AS HELL! But she should have directed that anger at her son for treating that little girl that way!! "
I noticed. Kid thinks he got away with something and that nobody can touch him, at least not with his momma around running defense. He messes around and catches the attention of law enforcement or someone ready and willing to put a bullet in him, there ain't gonna be anyone there to run D for him.
As long as people like slappy continue to drone monotonously that blacks are somehow innately prone to violence, then people like Vignola will think they can use the Black Man Defense.
I almost expect him to say that Vignola is half-black.
As long as people like slappy continue to drone monotonously that blacks are somehow innately prone to violence, then people like Vignola will think they can use the Black Man Defense.
I almost expect him to say that Vignola is half-black."
"She has really been paying attention!!! I felt like hugging her!!! LMAO!"
Good for her. Joanna, seems like your sister had some Air R's hiding in the closet. :)
"No attempted murder charges? You'd think that running a blade across someone's throat would garner more than "possession of an instrument of crime".
No comment.
Hmmm. Another one to add to the list, though I find it interesting that he didn't go for the usual dark-skinned, tall, huge black phantom - maybe because he figures that one has been overplayed - just as Storro decided to "mix it up" and pin it on a black woman instead of a man.
Light-skinned black man, huh? Just the idea of Obama is really bringing the nutcases out of the woodwork alright...
And as for the bullying case - people like to romanticise childhood far too much. Kids are just people and are capable of being just as ugly and discriminatory as adults.
I agree with Joanna; I have had to go to the bus stop with my daughter and have the conversation with the other kids. Thankfully, the bullying stopped, and hopefully it will too in this case.
I also think (like macklyons) that Vignola should have been charged with attempted murder. I mean, hell, he slashed her throat and left her there to die!
White folks are going to get enough of crying that WE did it! In regards to the chick that poured acid on herself, I don't live anywhere near the crime and I stopped wearing my hair in a ponytail....you never know when the po po will snatch you up!
Threatening the kid with the knife was over the top, but I'm still with James Willie Jones. I detest bullies and always have. I can't blame him. Stick me on the jury, and I'd convict him of the least serious possible offense. If I was the judge, I'd give him community service just like his lawyer wants.
As for the "black guy did it" crap, well, a couple things to say. One is that it's a predictable outgrowth of the vastly disproportionate amount of crimes committed by black men relative to everyone else.
Second reaction is that there have been enough of these phony stories that they are no longer believed at face value the way they once were.
Field, I can not in good conscience condemn that father, he had a damn right to stand up for his daughter, even though he may have done it the wrong way. Somebody has to protect little black girls too. I too would have acted the complete ass on that bus. Sometimes the system just don't have the same effect, or it gets swept under the rug talking about being over sensitive and how children outgrow bad behaviors. Bull. Did you read how they would torment that little girl? I'm just glad he didn't touch the little SOBs, now that I won't condone.
Where I live old people will tell you, train your children so that others won't have to train them for you! Where are those boys father to train their sons? Did you see the youtube vid where the mother of one of the boys blurted an obscenity and had the nerve to claim she wanted to cry for her son? Didn't she think the mother and father for that little girl wanted to cry for their child too? She should thank that man for teaching her little fatherless bastard a lesson. Well done.
Today the little lowlife starts out tormenting a helpless little girl, then tomorrow he'll be a grown ass frig, a rapist, an utter menace to society, a gun toting street pirate ready to be gunned down.
I always tell people, when fathers continuously show a presence in their child/ren school, boy or girl, their children are less prone to bullies and harassment from other children, especially in the elementary and Jr high levels.
And Field, that sicko Vignola's victim was an 18 year old senior at Kensington High School, what is the racial make up of that high school? Can you verify?
Something else to say about James Willie Jones. This was his daughter. It was family, and he is her father. There are plenty of very white places in this country where no one would bat an eyelash at a father protecting his family that way. I'm on his side.
That black president did it.
Wait, I'm in the wrong thread. Let me catch my breath, i've running from a few white guys. Okay, I too think James Earl Jones is a hero. Wait, I'm a little confused, that was James Earl playing the part of Jack Johnson. You know, the black boxer that had to leave the United States for pimping a white woman. But wait, was it because of his pimping ways or the white Cadilac AND white women.
Damn field, I'm a little mixed up tonight, bare with me.
I know one person who thinks Mr Jones is a hero, and that's his daughter. I can't say what I would have done, but I know I can act a damn fool when it comes to my family. That reminds me, remember that guy that hid in a phone booth, jumped out and shot a guy for molesting his son. I wonder what ever happened to that guy?
field, you posted:
Joseph C. Vignola Jr., son of a former Philadelphia city councilman and controller, pleaded guilty Monday to beating an 18-year-old woman he met on a website and slashing her throat in a City Avenue hotel room...
Since when do criminals immediately confess their crimes? Like all criminals, he tried lying to the cops. Obviously they doubted him from the git-go and then collected the evidence that led him to confess, evidence that probably included a statement from the woman he tried, but failed, to kill.
Thus, the only reason this case attracted more than the usual Police Blotter coverage was due to the opportunity for dopey journalists to highlight the "light-skinned black man" accusation.
Here's a couple of scenarios that I dealt with.
My older son's cell phone was stolen from his gym locker at school. As soon he told me, I checked the computer records for calls made from the phone after it was taken. The dumb-ass thief made some calls.
Then I called the same people he called and got the mother of one of them on the phone. I told her what had happened and that her son had gotten a call from the thief. Ten seconds later she gave the name of the kid who had called her son.
You'll be shocked to learn the thief was black.
Meanwhile, the thief, once he realized he was getting kicked out of school for his crime, tried to bargain his way back by giving back the phone.
On another occasion my younger son lost his DS -- a popular handheld video game gadget.
After getting junior to recall everything he could about the timing of the disappearance of his DS, we realized he must have lost it coming home in the afternoon on the school bus.
After checking with the bus driver and learning no one had turned it in to him, I concluded someone saw the DS fall out of my son's pocket. It seemed to me the culprit then grabbed it and decided not to return it.
To shorten the story, it came to this. Two girls saw the DS fall from my son's pocket. One took it and eventually the other ratted her out after I told my son to spread the word that the police were going to investigate.
The most disturbing part of the story was this. The mother of the girl who knowingly kept my son's DS took her to the store to buy a recharging cable, to make the most of this theft.
Oh yeah. The thief girl was black.
Meanwhile, I'm still looking for that first report of a white murderer and murder victim here in NY City this year. Maybe there were one or two that I missed. Can't say for sure. But no matter how you look at it, here in NY City whites have pretty much gotten out of the murder business.
Since when do criminals immediately confess their crimes? Like all criminals, he tried lying to the cops.
Damn good point. And the reality is that the "black guy did it" lie doesn't work too well.
As every prisoner likes to say -- he didn't do it. He got screwed by a lawyer.
Meanwhile, it's virtually impossible to get away with an attack like the one Vignola committed when the victim lives.
Whe she spoke to the cops she must have been a compelling witness.
Bottom line, if a guilty party wants to get away with a crime, the best strategy is to say nothing -- ever.
By the way, I read that yesterday in Detroit Aretha Franklin's 52-year-old son was severly beaten. Apparently he was attacked in a gas station by two men and a woman.
Do you think the attackers were white or black?
Need slapz, you mean you actually send your children to a school where there are black students? Now that's shocking to learn.
And two of the "thieves" just happen to be black? Thieves come in all colors. What is the racial student body of that school? If its predominantly white, the ratio odds of the thieves being black seems peculiar, what type of district do you actually live in?
Damn malicious liar.
I will bet when this first happened it was all over the news , and of course that goes with out saying. I read today the stories about Black folk were only 1.9 percent of the stories and most of them negative. Dam that media perception of black folks ,The first 48 hours , Meet the Browns, have you ever wondered why some good old white folks always want to joke with you or give you that fake ass smile when you get on the elevator. They will not even give Mr.Jones his props for defending his child cause (hint)but they will talk about and analyze it . Nancy Grace ; cant wait to hear what she has to say. I admire the man for what he did and every parent should. Bud Nipping ,thats what Barney Fife always preached. It worked in the day and it would work now , I for one am tired of seeing grown ass people afraid of their own children, BUD NIPPING
La♥audiobooks said...
"Need slapz, you mean you actually send your children to a school where there are black students? Now that's shocking to learn.
And two of the "thieves" just happen to be black? Thieves come in all colors. What is the racial student body of that school? If its predominantly white, the ratio odds of the thieves being black seems peculiar, what type of district do you actually live in?
Damn malicious liar."
My kids' school system is approximately 25% black, and No Slappz's experience sounds familiar. They have been subjected to a number of thefts, inlcluding cell phones, and in all cases where the culprit was found out, the kid was black.
Some of these kids are poor, but most are middle class, and as well off as the most of the white kids. Anything not nailed down is gone instantly. Gym lockers are ransacked if you turn your back for 5 seconds. There seems to be no cultural prohibition against stealing. The operative ethos seems to be if your are too stupid to lock up yor shit, you don't deserve to keep it.
I've heard the rationalization that it's ok to steal from white people, since white people stole everything they have from blacks, but the black kids at our schools don't seem to discriminate - they steal from each other just as much.
I know there are plenty of punk ass white kids, but thievery is so pervasive among the black kids, they must be being taught that it's ok.
Help me out with this, am I wrong?
funny how laa despises bullies yet sides consistently with the bully alicia banks on this blog more often than not damn hypocrite!
The judge may not give the guy all that hard a sentence in the interest of showing the majority that he is not vindictive, nor is he racist. Also a possibility, he'll get of light through political hookups rather than the judge's skittishness. I hope I'm wrong though. I'm too cynical, perhaps.
As for Florida...
Hell no, Willie shouldn't apologize for a damn thing. He has a 13 year old kid with cerebral palsy. What kind of degenerate spawn bullies a child with cerebral palsy?
You know what, if my kid had been harassing disabled kids, then I have no problem with the parent threatening him. Where were the school officials or the bus drivers controlling this situation? They're the ones that should be arrested for child neglect.
If you're not going to raise your kid with any sort of moral compass, then don't be surprised when they face the consequences. The fact that this guy was arrested or charged shows how amoral we are as a community and nation.
as to the subject of the post...wow! and this really hits a nerve:
"Damn! Even light skinned brothers can't catch a break. "Field
its so true black is black to a racist they dont care if u have light skin or not! a ni**er is a ni**er to them
hopefully this will give the assholes who constantly talk about 'colorists' pause cuz even in the national discourse light skin does not do a damn thing to help the president!
The one thing that bothers me is the fact that this child's tormentors were not instructed at home to have empathy for the disabled.
This little girl has cerebral palsy and yet they terrified her to the extent that she did not want to ride the bus to school.
Just what are these kids' parents teaching their children?
sharon they aint teaching kids shit nowadays they r a bunch of savages in our day bullies would leave disabled kids alone even protect them from time to time but now bullies like buceta breaf banks bully any and everybody without regard for the fragility of the target it comes from a very selfish need to dominate and control to get attention and its fucking sad that father NEEDED to do that and take it a bit farther by whipping that naughty bullies behind cuz that smirking boy was obviously guilty and fucking sadistic!
What next? Slappy will tell us that the Negroes stole his date?
Field, you know how those Philly Italians are. They'll blame a bm automatically without thinking.
Btw, what color was the woman Vignola was with? If she was Black, make sure LAA reads this post again and again before she goes chasing a wm. Stuff like that never happens with a bm. The worst that could happen is he might demand the woman pay him for the sex instead of him paying her, but no knife would be involved. BM are gentle and responsible men.
"Just what are these kids' parents teaching their children?"
Come on, you know parents don't have time to teach their kids anything. This is the era of "kids must fend for themselves". Hell, parents train their dogs better than they do their kids.
Field, do you recall what the Killadelphia count was for all of 2009?
"This little girl has cerebral palsy and yet they terrified her to the extent that she did not want to ride the bus to school.
Just what are these kids' parents teaching their children?"
Bullies, by their very nature, are cowards.
They will pick on those they see as weak. If they mess with someone who can take them on 1 on 1, they'll get their buddies and gang up on them. Beating up on others inflates their little egos and gives them a sense of invincibility. They feel they can get away with anything.
yes thats why buceta breaf banks is such a phukking loser she bullies people on the blog who have divulged personal information and uses that to say horrid things about them like only a cowardly piece of shit bully would! then her chricks laa mmm and anons come to support her bullying ass if this was the schoolyard sheda bee columbined by now!
I'm still seething about Velma Hart! Let me get this off my chest.
Why is Velma Hart exhausted?
The reason she is exhausted is because she is listening & waiting for cable news to tell her what the President has done. Cable news isn't going to tell what accomplishments the President has made. And she is too lazy to go look it up for herself. How the hell can anyone defend something they know nothing about. She should get her lazy ass up and get her own information and she'll be informed. That way she won't have to defend anything. The truth stands no matter what lies the naysayers spew.
"I know there are plenty of punk ass white kids, but thievery is so pervasive among the black kids, they must be being taught that it's ok.
Help me out with this, am I wrong?"
If I have to answer that question for you....
La~, I thought the same thing: n_s actually sends his kids to school with little black children? Oh my! Times must be really hard. :)
BTW, I am guessing that the makeup of that high school you referred to is about 60% black 20% Latino and 20% (something like that. I am not too sure. I am just going from the demographics of the neighborhood it's in)
What next? Slappy will tell us that the Negroes stole his date?"
Gregory, I am guessing that it's more than just his date. Just a guess. ;)
"Something else to say about James Willie Jones. This was his daughter. It was family, and he is her father. There are plenty of very white places in this country where no one would bat an eyelash at a father protecting his family that way. I'm on his side."
Grinder, that is a good point. So why do you think this was such a big National story?
"Field, do you recall what the Killadelphia count was for all of 2009?"
Not sure, but I know it was over 300. Why?
The victim of Mr. Vignola's attack was black.
CareyCarey, you are too funny.
no_slappz's children go to a school where there are Black students, because he may not be as affluent as he implies and he is Black.
Field... Field... Field... You're a lawyer, you should know what the remedy is.
Take the silly dink (Vignola) ato the slammer, let the particulars of the case be known about the manor, put him a in a cell with some black guys who really DID "do it" at some point, and voila! Hot, fresh justice is served! Not 'legality', maybe, but justice, by me.
My support would lie with Mr. Jones.
I was bullied, my oldest son was bullied (until I told him the hell with the 'rules', protect yourself by any means necessary), and I know of other instances in our area, and what the official "response" is.
It's bad enough for some poor kid who isn't disabled when they are in that situation, just think of the double hell for a kid like that.
Authority doesn't want to help, authority wants order and the least involvement possible, so it's back to a parent, no matter what. No one else cares or will actually help.
OK the damn computer ate my comment.
I find it deplorable that a psychologist being interviewed about this case said that the father was wrong, that NOT ONLY should he have no boarded the bus, BUT that he should not have even reported the bullying to school authorities. Instead he should have taught his daughter how to "handle it" and "cope" in order to "empower" her. BULLSHIT!! Most ADULTS are not strong enough to deal with constant abuse, let alone children!! Why always put the responsibility on the child who is being victimized instead of the culprit?? This has been the prevailing attitude forever! I was bullied as a kid. When I complained, instead of punishing the bullies, they sent me to the social worker, to figure out how to "deal with it". Stop allowing kids to have to cope with hostile environments!!! And NOT expect them to either fight back violently OR turn their pain inward!
"One is that it's a predictable outgrowth of the vastly disproportionate amount of crimes committed by black men relative to everyone else."
I see Grand Kleagle Tinkerbell has once again polluted the board with his racism.
Grinder, any policemen will tell you that a person is far more likely to be attacked and physically harmed by someone of their own race, indeed SOMEONE THEY KNOW, as opposed to some phantim assailant of another race.
People like you very casually spew this garbage about black males "committing vastly more crime" than anyone else and its a lie.
The million black males you see in the prison system are there predominately for non-violent drugs crimes.
The same ones whites get treatment and probation for.
"The victim of Mr. Vignola's attack was black."
I figured, that's why I asked about the racial make up of that school.
Did it occur to any of you, that the reason the sick animal claimed it was a black male attacker was because his victim may have been a black female? If she was, his motive was to make it seem like it was a black on black jealous lover attack (which is common against black women btw). I find this even more calculating, especially towards the fact that people usually have less compassion for female victims in these type scenarios. Make it worse a black female.
So why should I be so focused on the "black man did it" aspect when this should really be about a the female victim - a black female! A black female victim who WAS raped, beaten, throat slashed and left for dead? Where is the outrage about that aspect? And a "ebol white man" did it, so where is the double outrage from the black community?
And I read somewhere that the judge might be a black female, I don't know what difference that should make either. Some black women are known to hate and pre-judge other black women. So maybe the judge should be a cat who's more impartial. But I do hope the Judge sticks him under the jail, and I hope his cellmate boyfriend does the same to him and worse.
Since it is always open season on black women, I'm sure the nasty comments to come will verify.
Your neuroses have neuroses.
Joanna 5:57, I agree 100% with everything you just said.
Victim blaming. They set the system up like this, and it always fails. The victims and the bullies grow up, and this is why we have such a sick and twisted adult environment/world today.
This is why fed up people end up taking matters in their own hands and end up in trouble.
When a GUILTY black male or female is arrested, does he or she:
a) say nothing?
b) deny everything?
c) claim a white guy did it?
d) claim a black perpetrator did it?
e) beg the cop not to shoot him
la audio wrote:
Did it occur to any of you, that the reason the sick animal claimed it was a black male attacker was because his victim may have been a black female?
He claimed a black male committed the crime because he's a dim-witted criminal too stupid to know his victim was alive and able to identify him.
No amount of lying matters in cases like this one. Moreover, as the article states -- eventually, he confessed.
What's the problem?
It's not as though he perpetrated an OJ on a jury of willing enablers.
la audio writes:
Victim blaming. They set the system up like this, and it always fails.
Victim blaming? The perp blamed a thug who was imaginary. Not the victim. She was real.
ditto to all!
that dad is my new hero!!!
these horrid kids are way out of control because they do NOT have dads like him!
we need more parents to parent the horrid children of toxic/absent parents/bullies who are torturing good kids and ruining ALL public ed!!!
we need an army of dads guarding on every school bus in america
see tons of bus fights all over youtube etc
these are the same kids that abused and scapegoated teachers have to police all day long...they are literally stealing the eds of peers...shame!!!!!!!
my kids have been bullied, on buses, playgrounds and in cyberspace. they've gotten in fights and been suspended.
i can tell you that schools --from elementary to high to middle -- generally don't give a SHIT nless it happens in the school. and even then, they never want to address systemic issues that can prevent and alleviate bullying.
the parents must get involved and they must go directly to the kids and the parents of the offenders. document it to the school but don't wait for--or expect--any help.
i just felt terrible that this girl was hiding because she was so scared. how awful for her.
"Victim blaming? The perp blamed a thug who was imaginary. Not the victim. She was real."
Slapz, I was referring to Joanna's comment regarding the little girl who was being bullied.
In general, victims of harassment and bullying are usually told to find ways to "cope" or ignore. Not all victims can do this. I have seen where some victims actually get penalized for not being able to "ignore" their tormentors, somehow they are perceived as instigators to their own misery.
Furthermore, victim blaming inflicted on most female victims of domestic abuse also.
la audiobooks, you wrote:
Need slapz, you mean you actually send your children to a school where there are black students?
Here in NY City, public grade schools (grades K-5) serve neighborhoods -- in most cases.
However, every nice neighborhood is adjacent to areas with plenty of welfare recipients in subsidized apartment buildings. Thus, kids of all races and all income levels go to school together.
At the grade-school level, schools are relatively integrated. But later, in junior high school and high school, some schools give competitive admissions tests. Then things diverge.
With respect to neighborhood schools, most kids live close enough to walk.
Then there are kids in special programs -- the "gifted programs". The smart kids.
The programs exist only in a small number of schools. Moreover, only a fraction of the students attending the schools where the programs are offered are enrolled in the programs.
The schools are often in a different district from the one in which the student lives.
Therefore, many of the kids in the top smarty-pants program live far enough away from their school that they cannot walk. The city provides buses.
However, only some of the kids on the buses are in the smarty-pants programs. Other bus riders simply live far enough away to qualify for a bus ride.
Thieves come in all colors. What is the racial student body of that school?
As for the racial demographics of the school in question -- the Gil Hodges School, P.S. 193 -- the student body is 53% black, 13% hispanic, 16% asian and 18% white.
However, my son's smarty-pants class was probably 35% asian, 35% white, 10% hispanic and 20% black.
One Drop and I agree with you...
One of the continuing residuals of our country's racist legacy is the degree of negrophobia still within white communities it is present not only in false crime situations but it surfaces in corporate boardrooms , schools, social gatherings and it is always a feature of the chatter class...
Posters like NS have an acute case of negrophobia....BTW I am sure I will get called a shartza now....lol,lol,lol
BTW negrophobia is a condition within some segments of the Black community as well...Black Apologists and even Black liberals like FN and others express negrophobia quite often..
Sad but true...
WOW.... I just read an article about James Jones. Apparently, his daughter became the victim of these bullies NOT BECAUSE she was disabled (as I am sure many people thought) BUT, because she STOOD UP FOR another girl who was being bullied on the school bus. The kids turned on her after she defended another child, and began victimizing her as well. So, I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.... she is a courageous little girl
good morning
la audiobooks, you wrote:
In general, victims of harassment and bullying are usually told to find ways to "cope" or ignore.
Not in NY City public schools. Most enforce a policy of ZERO TOLERANCE for bullying.
The zero-tolerance position works well at the grade-school level.
However, things change in middle school/junior high. The better students go to schools that accept kids based on admission test scores. Those kids behave better than others.
Then there are parts of the city where poverty and all the urban pathologies are in full bloom. The schools in those districts have discipline problems.
Meanwhile, in Manhattan's Chinatown, where many families have very low incomes and the parents often do not speak English, the neighborhood schools are superb. Why? The students themselves.
It's always the students. And the students are the products of the homes from which they come.
needs slaps:
you are such a brazen racist fool
u ignore this blatant actual example of a lying racist wm by posing wholly irrelevant hypothetical bs about imaginary black arrests...
u also pretend that horrid parents and dumb bad kids do not exist in all races and classes...
further proof of your your blindness and bigoted buffoonery x 2!!!
same KKK kike bs...dif day
I'm with La Audio. The father on the bus might have been over the top but I understand where he's coming from. Violence against black girls is far too common and he probably felt-rightly-that police and school officials wouldn't take it seriously, which they probably wouldn't. And a special needs kid at that! WTF is wrong with some of these kids.
alicia "boiling mad" banks,
You are amusing when your little cork pops.
Wow, a school that is 53% black and most of them are not smarty pants? That's not good. I'm black and I would take my child out of that school, something is clearly wrong. No wonder you resent black people so much - you can't seem to do any better as you think you're entitled to.
Your insecurities and failures as a white Jewish parent who's economically prohibited from shielding your children from that "negro" environment and provide the lily white experience you desire, must be fueling your hatred. If that's not it, then from the resentful way you talk, and from the type of academic environment you described, I'm inclined to suspect your own children are the ones who's academically challenged along with the others. Something isn't adding up.
Please tell us more about your life...
"It's always the students. And the students are the products of the homes from which they come."
and they are the products of a society where racial segregation, discrimination, deindustrialization and white flight have severely hurt inner city blacks.
You should really check out this link. The mapping of racial segregation in a variety of cities will blow your mind, even if you already knew about it. I't really drives the lie of "color blind America" home.
Hey Well, exactly on point.
Joanna, the father and his daughter are my heros.
AB, slappz is so transparent, I can't even take him/her on anymore.
is it lunchtime yet?
la audiobooks, you wrote:
Wow, a school that is 53% black and most of them are not smarty pants? That's not good. I'm black and I would take my child out of that school, something is clearly wrong.
What's wrong with the numbers? And where do you think you would send your kids?
The Gifted Program in NY City is entered by competitive exam -- open to EVERY student. About 7% of the students make the cut. Those in the 7% are divided into two groups. The top two percentage points of kids are in the most advanced grade-school group with the most accelerated program.
City-wide I am not sure of the racial demographics, but the large majority of kids in the gifted program are asian and white.
Here's another tidbit. The NY City public school student body is about 35% black, 35% hispanic, 14% asian, 14% white and 2% other.
No wonder you resent black people so much - you can't seem to do any better as you think you're entitled to.
Your statement makes absolutely no sense.
Your insecurities and failures as a white Jewish parent who's economically prohibited from shielding your children from that "negro" environment and provide the lily white experience you desire, must be fueling your hatred.
You really do live in the black alternate universe. My kids have been getting superb educations. Both are in the special smarty-pants program.
If that's not it, then from the resentful way you talk, and from the type of academic environment you described, I'm inclined to suspect your own children are the ones who's academically challenged along with the others.
One son is in middle school and the other is in high school. Both attend schools requiring admissions tests. As a result, the percentages of black and hispanic students in their schools are low.
Meanwhile, adjacent to my older son's high school is another high school which does not require students to pass a competitive entrance exam. Hence, many students at that school are black and hispanic.
The police are called there daily, and after school the cops have to manage the action on the sidewalk. Lots of after-school thuggery.
Something isn't adding up.
Only in your mind.
needs slaps:
clearly you are the only one with the tiny cork here...curiously eager to show it off to all
and you are like a retarded flasher as you exhibit your vulgar ignorance and hatred on ALL matters racial...and distort said matters with your mindless racism....shame!!!
well writes:
and they are the products of a society where racial segregation, discrimination, deindustrialization and white flight have severely hurt inner city blacks.
A total crock.
Racial segregation? About 12%-13% of the US population is black.
Should blacks be given multiple homes around the country so they can spend at least one day a week living next to some whites?
Discrimination? Not when it comes to grade schools. The schools reflect the kids who attend.
Deindustrialization? So what? That affects everyone in the country. However, it means very little. There is a myth that manufacturing is somehow necessary for a country to have a strong and prospering economy. I have no idea where this goofy idea got its start, but the idea is nonsense.
White flight? This is the funniest of all.
In other words, choosing to live where crime is lower and where schools can operate with fewer disciplinary problems is an idea offensive to blacks.
Putting it another way, it's obvious you want whites to stick around so blacks can victimize them as well as other blacks. Nice attitude.
law enforcement pros say most flashers are usually NOT well endowed...
that is clearly the case with needs slaps and his perpetually open racist raincoat/tiny cork brain/etc herein...
"In other words, choosing to live where crime is lower and where schools can operate with fewer disciplinary problems is an idea offensive to blacks."
Not quite racist.
The US Government financed white flight by extended low interest mortgage loans to white veterans to move to newly created communities around the rims of America's urban centers.
Creating a middle class tax base and prosperous communities.
Today those homes are wortth in excess of $300,000. Generational wealth that was denied to blacks who paid taxes and served in war.
White Affirmative Action is the story of America.
needs slaps:
john wayne gacy
ted bundy
they lived in white neighborhoods...
so much for that white residential safety zone bs.
That dad is my hero too. if some little rugrat was tormenting my daughter i would seriously have to fight the urge not to slap the sh!t out of that little brat.
slappz' stories really dont add up. too contrived and detailed in some parts, and totally conflicting in others.
Though a black soccer star from St Lucia was shot to death on the Labor Day weekend of the West Indian Parade, the following victim was murdered on the parade route, though not during the parade.
Man shot to death in Crown Heights
(09/21/10) CROWN HEIGHTS - Police are investigating the shooting death of a 20-year-old man in Crown Heights this evening.
Police say the man was shot in the chest on the corner of Eastern Parkway and Utica Avenue and died at a local hospital.
Investigators have not released the name of the victim nor do they say if they have any suspects.
Guess that "stop snitchin" attitude has stymied the investigation.
but jew-ish banksters like needs slaps are now relocating hobama's jobless/starving fans out of most inner cities in droves...
financially forced black flight is the new trend
hobama's national gentrification has trumped and reversed white flight nationwide...tragedy!!!
needs slaps:
you rich jew-ish banksters are masters at not snitching
you could teach those poor street thugs some serious lessons about secrecy!!!
Unchecked greed and financial insanity on Wall Street crashed our economy. Much of that insanity was legal -- bankers lobbied hard for weak regulations, and got what they paid for. But much of that craziness was outright illegal, and in recent months, a number of shocking scams have come to light that could result in huge fines for banks or even put bankers behind bars. Though Wall Street has yet to see serious prosecutions for the current calamity, prosecutions are not at all uncommon after financial crises -- more than 1,000 bankers went to prison after the savings and loan debacle alone.
uptownsteve wrote:
The US Government financed white flight by extended low interest mortgage loans to white veterans to move to newly created communities around the rims of America's urban centers.
I see. It appears you are claiming the mortgage contracts forbade giving the same financing to black veterans.
Those post WWII mortgages were issued to virtually anyone with a $100 downpayment and a job. That's all it took.
Therefore, either you believe the government should have seized private land and given it to blacks, or you think lenders should have given credit to people with no means of repaying their debts.
We've tried both experiments. They failed.
Today those homes are wortth in excess of $300,000.
Over the first few years after WWII, those two-bedroom cape-cod style homes on tiny lots in the NYCity suburbs were sold for less than $10,000. Today they are more than $300,000.
But their prices inched up during the last 60 years. Not overnight. Thus, buyers were rewarded even if they bought in 2000 instead of 1946.
Generational wealth that was denied to blacks who paid taxes and served in war.
Total nonsense. Nothing stopped blacks from buying homes. Yes, realtors were steering blacks away from white neighborhoods and into black neighborhoods.
But those black neighborhoods have seen plenty of price appreciation in the last 30 years. Buyers in 1980 were paying prices from an earlier era.
Just wanted to say hi
needs slaps:
it is mandatory that you ignore all racial reality to justify your racist delusion.
we all get that.
you think redlining is painting swatsikas on sidewalks with red chalk...
oh! it IS lunch time!
Grinder, that is a good point. So why do you think this was such a big National story?
Not sure how big a story it really was, but I'll grant that it got attention outside of the area where it happened. My guess is that it got the attention it did because of a father protecting his disabled daughter. "Human interest."
I honestly don't think race mattered in the attention it got. Notice that just about everyone is on the man's side.
I see Grand Kleagle Tinkerbell has once again polluted the board with his racism.
Grinder, any policemen will tell you that a person is far more likely to be attacked and physically harmed by someone of their own race, indeed SOMEONE THEY KNOW, as opposed to some phantim assailant of another race.
People like you very casually spew this garbage about black males "committing vastly more crime" than anyone else and its a lie.
Blah blah blah blah blah. Nice to see that you hate gays, but that doesn't surprise me because homophobia is rampant among blacks to a far greater degree than among whites.
As for the matter at hand, I ask you one question: How often do these criminals attempt to shift the blame onto, say, "that violent Jew?" Think they might be laughed out of court?
Black men commit violent crimes at a far greater rate than white men do. That's why the "black guy did it" lie can get any sort of traction to begin with. Yeah, it's unfair, but there is nevertheless a reason it happens, beyond simple racism.
p.s.: Where was Al Sharpton in this case, pointing his finger at the racist black cops who were in on it?
You live in an alternate universe.
"Those post WWII mortgages were issued to virtually anyone with a $100 downpayment and a job. That's all it took.
Therefore, either you believe the government should have seized private land and given it to blacks, or you think lenders should have given credit to people with no means of repaying their debts."
No idiot.
I KNOW that suburban housing and specifically the Levittown developments that sprung after WWII from Connecticut through Maryland were totally segregated until the 8Os and were prohibited to blacks.
When my grandfather returned to NYC from WWII, where he was part of Patton's 761st army which liberated your people from the Gunschirken concetration, his housing purchase options were the South Bronx or Orange, NJ.
He bought a home in South Bronx, sold it in 1960 and bought another duplex in the West Bronx which is the home I grew up in.
He couldn't leave it his heirs because those homes which were built around the turn of the century were bulldozed in the 80s.
You just make up blatant lies to fit your racist narrative.
But why are black violent crime rates higher? Why were black neighborhoods in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, so much less violent? The historical reality is that this is a relatively recent occurrence.
Historically in this country white violence against blacks pales in comparison to black violence against whites. Blacks never rampaged in KKK style groups; blacks did not wipe American indians off the map; nor did blacks drag millions of people across the Atlantic in chains. Nor, to use a more modern example, did blacks red line neighborhoods to keep whites out and resort to attacks of terrorism--church bombings, child murder, and lynching--to enforce racial segregation.
"Black men commit violent crimes at a far greater rate than white men do. That's why the "black guy did it" lie can get any sort of traction to begin with. Yeah, it's unfair, but there is nevertheless a reason it happens, beyond simple racism."
That's a pile of racist $hit.
Jewish women have far more to fear from Jewish men than they do from black men.
And that goes for any other type of white.
The perpetrators of street violence worldwide are young, poor urban males.
The street thugs in Tel Aviv or Brighton Beach for that matter aren't black males.
As far your whines about black homophopia...blah, blah, blah.
I have nothing against gays. Indeed I have a close relative who is openly gay.
I just don't like YOU.
"Why were black neighborhoods in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, so much less violent? The historical reality is that this is a relatively recent occurrence."
The emergence of mass unemployment, drugs and easy to get weapons.
Apparently the self-pity President Obama exhibits whenever he's criticized runs in the family, as demonstrated by his welfare queen illegal alien Aunt Zeituni. From Howie Carr:
So here she is, the president's half-aunt, 58 years old, "retired," living in public housing where Americans must wait years for an opening, getting $700 a month from a system into which she never contributed.
"I have been treated like Public Enemy Number One," she told Channel 4's Jonathan Elias the other night. …
"I did not take advantage of the system," she said. "The system took advantage of me."
How's that War on Poverty working out for you? About as well as Ted Kennedy's Immigration Reform Act of 1965, I'd say. They're only here to collect the welfare checks Americans can't be bothered collecting.
Elias did a fine job interviewing her, asking all the right questions. He said there was "zero contrition," which is putting it mildly. And you thought her half-nephew had an astounding sense of entitlement.
Auntie Zeituni informs us that we have an "obligation" to grant her citizenship, not for her nonexistent contributions to our society, but simply because she showed up with her hand out.
What a country!
uptownsteve, more than half of the black men in Philadelphia and Baltimore are in jail, on probation or on parole. In Madison, Wisconsin, blacks are 13 times more likely than whites to go to prison.
well, the lynchings of blacks, which were common 100 years ago and had a resurgence during the Civil Rights era, are why any attacks by whites against blacks are national news. They evoke all a stereotype, just as the false claims by white criminals evoke a stereotype.
I think the stereotype of black criminality is far more accurate and up to date than the stereotype of white lynch mobs. The majority of black people are just fine, but there is a significant criminal element, virtually all of which is black men under 30 who never bothered to apply themselves in school, and are unemployable for anything other than crime.
You still haven't answered the question: Why are high violent crime rates and massive unemployment such recent phenomena in American history?
Did young inner city black men decide to become lazy and violent en masse after the 1950s?
"uptownsteve, more than half of the black men in Philadelphia and Baltimore are in jail, on probation or on parole"
And regarding most of the black males that are in the system, they are there for non-violent drug offenses. Even though whites are 3 times as likely to have used or dealt drugs than blacks.
But let's cut to the chase.
Are you actually suggesting that as a black male I am genetically more likely to be violent than you, a white male???
Racists like you wave around crime stats just to justify your bigotry.
The prison systems in Americas urban centers are filled with young, poor, uneducated, unemployed males.
Go to a jail in Utah or Montana and you will see white versions of the black criminals you fear so much.
And when whites were the inner city poor in the early part of the 20th century, young white males were the primary street thugs.
i am always amazed at the arrogant revisionist history and bold editing of ongoing realities that needs slaps and all of his racist peers use to mask reality
MORE black people are arrested by white cops and jailed by white juries
that is the ONLY reason there are more blacks in jail...
it would take all black people alive globally at least 600 yrs to even begin to catch up to the carnage of whites that dooms blacks/mexicans/native americans/women poor people of color all over the world via physical/emotional/legal/financial violence...
while the gulf dies and hobama slays, needs slaps is celebrating bp stock!
Well said..."But why are black violent crime rates higher? Why were black neighborhoods in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, so much less violent?"
Liberalism, and the resultant family breakdown and lack of black accountability.
You still haven't answered the question: Why are high violent crime rates and massive unemployment such recent phenomena in American history?
I don't know. I suspect it might have something to do with the dramatic increase in out-of-wedlock births. Today, about three-quarters of babies born to black women are out of wedlock; in more than half of those cases, there is no father in sight.
No family structure is a disaster, regardless of color. But that's only a guess. What's yours?
uptownsteve, there's nothing to say to someone who denies facts.
uptownsteve said...
"Black men commit violent crimes at a far greater rate than white men do...."
That's a pile of racist $hit."
That you deny such an obvious truth that, for whatever reason, black men commit violent crimes at at astronomical rates compared to other groups, completely invalidates any conclusion you might offer on the subject.
Talk about an alternate reality....
great question!
like the centuries old documented mass laziness of whites/jew-ish men who stole all those african humans to tend their crops and build the usa??????
racist drug laws/racial profiling + racist sentencing = blacks in prison and white criminals free
More than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities. For Black males in their twenties, 1 in every 8 is in prison or jail on any given day. These trends have been intensified by the disproportionate impact of the "war on drugs," in which three-fourths of all persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color.
"That you deny such an obvious truth that, for whatever reason, black men commit violent crimes at at astronomical rates compared to other groups, completely invalidates any conclusion you might offer on the subject."
Okay then anon racist pussy.
If your hypothesis is correct, can you please explain why Caracas and Moscow have murder rates that dwarf that of most black cities?
Take all the time you need.
even as racist whiny jews like
needs slaps channel/herald hitler
the african-american holocaust rages on
prisons are the new plantations
racist drug laws etc = new slave ships
prisoners work for free and run most csa jobs/clothing/furniture etc...it is yet another reason so many "free" people are jobless
see prisoners work for corps in this film
"uptownsteve, there's nothing to say to someone who denies facts."
All racists like you do is wave stats as a bludgeon to beat blacks over the with.
Why don't you answer my questions?
and that lying fake traitor bastard hobama is funding prisons as he pretends to be making any dif in crack laws...shame!!!!
Uptowwn Steve: "If your hypothesis is correct, can you please explain why Caracas and Moscow have murder rates that dwarf that of most black cities?"
Gee uptown, what does that have to do with the experience here in America, where blacks and whites live in the same society?
BTW, there are plenty of blacks in Caracas. Perhaps Moscow's rate would be even higher if they had a significant black population. As you are well aware, that's the not the point you are trying to obscure.
One. The US has seen a surge in arrests and putting people in jail over the last four decades. Most of the reason is the war on drugs. Yet whites and blacks engage in drug offenses, possession and sales, at roughly comparable rates – according to a report on race and drug enforcement published by Human Rights Watch in May 2008. While African Americans comprise 13% of the US population and 14% of monthly drug users they are 37% of the people arrested for drug offenses – according to 2009 Congressional testimony by Marc Mauer of The Sentencing Project.
Two. The police stop blacks and Latinos at rates that are much higher than whites. In New York City, where people of color make up about half of the population, 80% of the NYPD stops were of blacks and Latinos. When whites were stopped, only 8% were frisked. When blacks and Latinos are stopped 85% were frisked according to information provided by the NYPD. The same is true most other places as well. In a California study, the ACLU found blacks are three times more likely to be stopped than whites.
“While African Americans comprise 13% of the US population and 14% of monthly drug users they are 37% of the people arrested for drug offenses.”
Three. Since 1970, drug arrests have skyrocketed rising from 320,000 to close to 1.6 million according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the U.S. Department of Justice.
African Americans are arrested for drug offenses at rates 2 to 11 times higher than the rate for whites – according to a May 2009 report on disparity in drug arrests by Human Rights Watch
steve, what are the stats?
i found this: not 50% but 1/3, and maybe higher in some cities...
Horrifying, But True Statistics
One out of every three young black men in America today is in prison, in jail, on probation, or on parole, a statistic so overwhelming it defies rational explanation. In his powerful new book, Race to Incarcerate, Marc Mauer, of the Sentencing Project reveals that in 1995, according to the federal government's own studies, African-Americans made up 13 percent of the population and 15 percent of all drug users, yet they comprised 33 percent of people arrested, 55 percent of those convicted, and 74 percent of those sentenced to prison for drug possession.
When total incarceration rates are estimated separately by age group, black males in their twenties and thirties are found to have high rates relative to other groups. Among the more than 2.1 million offenders incarcerated on June 30, 2004, an estimated 576,600 WERE BLACK MALES BETWEEN AGES 20 AND 39.
Among males age 25 to 29, 12.6% of blacks were in prison or jail, compared to 3.6% of Hispanics and about 1.7% of whites.
The recordings were made during a continuous 16-month period in 2008 and 2009, and are the basis of a series of articles [9] now running in the Village Voice newspaper. They show how the relentless pressures exerted by billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his top police brass result in a total perversion of the criminal justice system in places like Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant section, where the cop with a pocket digital recorder was assigned. The turncoat cop’s recordings show that the police operate under a quota system, driven by their superiors to hand out vast quantities of summonses for petty offenses and to stop and frisk huge numbers of people. It is this quota system at the core of official police policy, that has resulted in two million innocent people [10] being stopped and frisked on the streets of New York since 2004, close to 600,000 in 2009, alone. Eighty-five percent of the victims of this police state practice were Black or Latino – only 9 percent were white, although New York City is about 38 percent white. From roll call to end off shift, the New York police sweep the streets of non-white neighborhoods, stopping and searching more than fifteen hundred mostly Black and Brown pedestrians every day – the vast majority of whom are found to be carrying nothing illegal. Contrary to the police lieutenant's admonition to his officers, not everyone in places like Bedford-Stuyvesant has an outstanding warrant – but the police routinely act as if they do.
The New York City police force systematically withholds protective services from minority victims of crime, while simultaneously stopping and frisking hundreds of thousands of innocent Black and brown citizens on the streets for no legitimate reason. Hundreds of hours of secret recordings by a disgruntled New York City cop prove beyond question that the most aggressive forms of institutional racism are the guiding management principles of the NYPD. Just as the Black Panther Party and others charged two generations ago, the New York City police are revealed as an occupying army that views residents of color as an enemy population.The predatory nature of New York City policing is captured, digitally, in a police lieutenant’s exhortation to his officers at the beginning of their shift. "You're working in Bed-Stuy,” says the shift supervisor, “where everyone's probably got a warrant."
This has nothing to do with fighting crime. In fact, the secret recordings show that police systematically discourage residents from reporting actual crimes committed against them, in order to keep the crime statistics artificially low, and thus make the top brass and the mayor look good. Citizens that complain of being assaulted or robbed are often threatened with arrest, themselves, by belligerent detectives trying to fudge the figures. Felonies are routinely downgraded to misdemeanors - not because of clogged courts, but to give the appearance of a safer city. After police suppression of crime statistics was exposed in Bedford-Stuyvesant, preventing the cops from intimidating victims, felony assault statistics jumped 76 percent.
The recordings were made during a continuous 16-month period in 2008 and 2009, and are the basis of a series of articles [9] now running in the Village Voice newspaper. They show how the relentless pressures exerted by billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his top police brass result in a total perversion of the criminal justice system in places like Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant section, where the cop with a pocket digital recorder was assigned. The turncoat cop’s recordings show that the police operate under a quota system, driven by their superiors to hand out vast quantities of summonses for petty offenses and to stop and frisk huge numbers of people. It is this quota system at the core of official police policy, that has resulted in two million innocent people [10] being stopped and frisked on the streets of New York since 2004, close to 600,000 in 2009, alone. Eighty-five percent of the victims of this police state practice were Black or Latino – only 9 percent were white, although New York City is about 38 percent white. From roll call to end off shift, the New York police sweep the streets of non-white neighborhoods, stopping and searching more than fifteen hundred mostly Black and Brown pedestrians every day – the vast majority of whom are found to be carrying nothing illegal. Contrary to the police lieutenant's admonition to his officers, not everyone in places like Bedford-Stuyvesant has an outstanding warrant – but the police routinely act as if they do.
The New York City police force systematically withholds protective services from minority victims of crime, while simultaneously stopping and frisking hundreds of thousands of innocent Black and brown citizens on the streets for no legitimate reason. Hundreds of hours of secret recordings by a disgruntled New York City cop prove beyond question that the most aggressive forms of institutional racism are the guiding management principles of the NYPD. Just as the Black Panther Party and others charged two generations ago, the New York City police are revealed as an occupying army that views residents of color as an enemy population.The predatory nature of New York City policing is captured, digitally, in a police lieutenant’s exhortation to his officers at the beginning of their shift. "You're working in Bed-Stuy,” says the shift supervisor, “where everyone's probably got a warrant."
This has nothing to do with fighting crime. In fact, the secret recordings show that police systematically discourage residents from reporting actual crimes committed against them, in order to keep the crime statistics artificially low, and thus make the top brass and the mayor look good. Citizens that complain of being assaulted or robbed are often threatened with arrest, themselves, by belligerent detectives trying to fudge the figures. Felonies are routinely downgraded to misdemeanors - not because of clogged courts, but to give the appearance of a safer city. After police suppression of crime statistics was exposed in Bedford-Stuyvesant, preventing the cops from intimidating victims, felony assault statistics jumped 76 percent.
"Gee uptown, what does that have to do with the experience here in America, where blacks and whites live in the same society?"
That's not what was stated racist.
The claim was that black men commit far more violent crime than whites PERIOD and that is bull$hit.
When whites were the inner city poor in America they were the preponderance of the street criminals.
Today the inner city poor are black and brown so the criminals are young poor black and brown men.
Most Venezuelans are white or mestivo. Blacks are less than 10%.
And there are virtually no blacks in Moscow yet that city is one of the 5 most violent in the world.
"As you are well aware, that's the not the point you are trying to obscure."
And what point is that?
That blacks are inherently more violent than whites?
Is that what you're saying?
Don't even waste your time with grinder, I knew it was a matter of time before he would show his ass (no pun), and whip out his usual retaliative "out-of-wedlock" birth stats and the other drivel. That's his claim to fame here on this blog when he gets angry. He's no different than slappz and frank.
grinder does this all the time. First he comes out with his little friendly "napa" (someone giving you a little taste of something good to lure you in) read his first two comments, then when he gets good and comfy, he unearths his venom because he thinks your guard is down by then. He's going to start name calling soon, he thinks he's effective by doing that.
Same ol' racist arrogant candescending bullshit every time.
All racists like you do is wave stats as a bludgeon to beat blacks over the with.
Thanks for proving my point!
white gays need to be racists so they can stand on someone as they are abused/at the bottom
same for homohating blacks like diced icy icy/who feel less like mongrels when they bash gays...
grinder = needs snaps = needs slaps in drag
uptownsteve said...
"The claim was that black men commit far more violent crime than whites PERIOD and that is bull$hit."
No, that is true. The only direct comparison using statistics is where the two populations coexist. But by any objective measure, blacks commit far more violent crimes than anyone else, globally.
"That blacks are inherently more violent than whites?"
I don't know about the "inherently" part(my guess would be no), but practically -yes.
nothing is more violent than institiutional racism/poverty and
racist caging of masses/global fascist wars etc...
wall st is more violent than any ghetto in america
like hobama, you lie!!!
alicia banks said...
"same for homohating blacks like diced icy icy/who feel less like mongrels when they bash gays..."
But Obama is gay.
oliver stone on drugs and violence in america
Stone sees the movie -- the first sequel of his career -- as a bookend to 1987's 'Wall Street" and views it as more of a comedy of manners than an indictment of the finance industry. But Stone strong feelings about the financial crisis, he said, still shaped the films. "What bankers were doing is un-fucking believable! They pulled off the biggest heist of all time and top of that, they got billions in the bailout," he said.
The crisis prompted Stone to finally make a sequel after turning down previous scripts for" Wall Street 2." He last passed on the idea in 2006, explaining that it was "all hedge funders, James Bond Monte Carlo, doing coke, private submarines and crap like that." The global economic meltdown changed his mind: "You had these hedge fund guys taking [Gordon] Gekko's old game and finding new ways to make new money and then the banks took that game and made it their own."
hobama is bi
so diced icy icy only hates half of him
diito for bi rahm e
100% gay = homohating bishop eddie long
let the church say amen!!!!
we gays told u all so long ago
it is a HUGE news day for legally married clowns
The only person in this thread to claim that blacks are inherently more violent than whites is uptownsteve. Interesting.
Last week I have a lecture with a bunch of white law and order types
I started my discussion with this : A lesson on "stranger danger"
A Lone Black male enters elevator with white cop and his wife wife lights and power go off in elevator for 15 minutes white cop's wife is assualted..
Who was the perk?
After I shared with the group a white woman is safer with a lone Black stranger male than her husband.
All of them got real angry I then showed a power point presentation on latest FBI crime stats...
White males lead the indices in murder, assaults, sex crimes. domestic abuse, mayhem, rape, extortion, white collar crimes, fraud, etc...
The most leathl group in USA are white males..
alicia banks said...
100% gay = homohating bishop eddie long
let the church say amen!!!!
we gays told u all so long ago
Alicia, I got your back on Eddie Long, he's a hypocritical gay basher caught with his trouser down to his Stacy Adams. I guess the name "Bishop Eddie Long" has a who new meaning. I figured he had a few stunts on the side, but I never thought he was a "Booty Warrior"**. Oh, the irony!
No harm to me, I put no stock in 'Prosperity Pimps'. Like Malcolm said, you need God's Word, not no hustle.
I told my man last night, I'm not surprised that he got caught in a sex scandal or was pilfering his coffers. Eddie Long is has a "Samson Complex" and its no surprise that he got caught up, ala Ted Haggard. In our preacher as celebrity church culture, its easy to get lost in the fame, fortune and easy sex (gay, straight male and female are easy prey for a talented preacher) that comes with the pulpit prosperity gospel.
Should we question his calling - his talent as a knowledgeable man of the cloth and gifted orator? Probably not, God has spoken through adulterers, murderers, drunks and a donkey.
But we definitely need to question his integrity. If the allegations are true - hopefully he'll step down and move quietly off the scene and get right with God and come to terms with who he is.
The issue isn't that some powerful public figure got caught in a freaky gay sex scandal. Hell, in Washington news-speak, that's called "Monday". ;-)
The problem is that some many 'believers' put more faith in this closet con artist than in the Man from Galilee. Christians and other religious folks need to put their faith in God and not some huckster preacher man whose own dirt may stink to high Heaven.
** For all the Boondocks Fans out there.
White males lead the indices in murder, assaults, sex crimes. domestic abuse, mayhem, rape, extortion, white collar crimes, fraud, etc.
I'd love to be able to make an enforceable bet with you, 'cause I'd win hands down. True, whites commit more violent crimes. That's because there are six or seven times as many of them as there are blacks. But on a per-capita basis, blacks -- especially males between 16 and 30 years of age -- are much more likely to commit violent crimes than whites.
White collar crimes? Whites, hands down.
Thrasher is a retard.
Intellectual Coward..
To be clear here:
1. The criminal who blamed it on a black guy is a clown.
2. I am on James Willie Jones's side.
Now wouldn't it be interesting if the bus had been full of white kids, or if James Willie Jones had been white? Either way, the racism industry would've been up and running in a heartbeat.
Whenever the term per-capita is introduced in a discussion it is a deflection tatic and it has nothing to do with actual real time circumstances or ratios..
Fact is white males are the most lethal agggregate in America not only are they #1 in male population in America but they commit more crimes and more violent ones as well as political ones from treason to attempts to kill our pridents to actuall murders of our presidents..
With regard to the term 'stranger danger' or 'remote risk' crimes it is very rare for any person to be a victim of a crime most crime victims know the perk..
With regard to sex crimes White males rape more children and engaged in more incest and other deviant behavior than any other aggregate male grouping from internet porn to white sex male rings to sex for hire..
In summary white males are lethal and dangerous around thier own wives and even tragically thier own off spring ( childern for people who lack i/q in here) than any other male groupings in AMerica..
White males as a aggregate kill at work place enviorments, schools and even in the arm forces the white male is the most dangerous groupings in our nation...
White males are also very destructive in crimes they commit against seniors from rape to theft of securities and pensions...
In the area of religious crimes white males from catholic priests to mormon pimps they dominate the crimes involving Jesus and prayer..
bernice king and eddie long TORTURE all gays!!!
they are BOTH hypocritical terrorists of homos!
pro gay het hero julian bond boycotted his dear pro gay friend coretta king's funeral because it was at eddie long's pimp palace....shame!!!
are u a pastor too?
whenever I run into a bunch of crackers on the internet claiming Black men are evil criminal thugs...
I just tell my elevator story and I then I tell then guess who is coming to dinner...lol,lol,lol
thrasher and his alternate sockpuppet alicia banks have ruined this comment section with their inane bullshit grinder is rite percentage wise negro males do a lot of damage and we need to examine that in our community rather then get into pissing contests about how horrible white men r that isnt the point the piont is that theres too much violence around blacks committed by other blacks what white men do is irrelevant to that discussion but buceta breaf and her alter ego have tried to distort twist and manipulate the conversation as usual what fucking asswipes!
Hmm, maybe you didn't do too well in your math classes, so I'm going to simplify things for you. Let's imagine a neighborhood with 100 people. 12 of them are black. 72 of them are white. 12 are Hispanic. 4 are Asians.
Last year in that neighborhood, there were 20 violent crimes. 6 of them were committed by blacks. 9 by whites. 4 by Hispanics. 1 by Asians.
In that neighborhood:
- The overall crime rate was 1 crime per 5 people, or 20%.
- The black crime rate was 1 crime per 2 blacks, or 50%
- The Hispanic crime rate was 1 crime per 3 Hispanics, or 33%.
- The Asian crime rate was 1 crime per 3 Asians, or 25%.
- The white crime rate was 1 crime per 8 whites, or 12.5%
Ah, you say, but that was just one year. True enough. As it should happen, last year was the first time in five years that an Asian had committed a crime. Their average crime rate is 5%.
Thrasher, "per capita" is the only legitimate way to look at crime rates. In Baltimore, half of all black men in their 20s are either on parole, in jail, or on probation. Field Negro doesn't call Philadelphia "Killadelphia" for nothing, and it's ain't whites killing whites there.
and so what that eddie long is homo hating alicia banks and disgusting coohole buceta breaf losers of her ilk deserve to be hated!
thank you for your typically "positive" posts!
ps: karma is real...beware!!!
& ask eddie long!!!!
and sad to say grinder is right negroes r unbelievably violent with one another it is because we r all stuck on tribalism we cant seem to agree and dont have the cohesion that other ethnic groups have with each other screw looking at other stats shit this blog shows how blacks cannot even unify the loudest mouthed fucks on this blog routinely insult and harass others for disagreeing with them then talk shit about how theyre oppressed this is the most fucked up victim mentality eyeve ever seen and the fact that some of us indulge it is even worse!
thank you for being a textbook display of violent envious uneducated mongrels!!!
the thoughts eye send to u r negative and u deserve them u have a lot of nerve lecturing on karma u stupid ugly disgusting unintelligent lying gottdam moron fuck u and all people like u
u deserve to live a foul life and u deserve to be abused eye anxiously await the day u die then the world will breathe a sigh of relief u foul fucking hag!
thrasher, you wrote:
Last week I have a lecture with a bunch of white law and order types...I started my discussion with this : A lesson on "stranger danger"
A Lone Black male enters elevator with white cop and his wife wife lights and power go off in elevator for 15 minutes white cop's wife is assualted..
Who was the perk(p)?
Even if there is a true story about a white cop assaulting his wife in an elevator, it is -- as they say -- statistically irrelevant.
We can ALWAYS find a single example of an event that strays from the trend.
After I shared with the group a white woman is safer with a lone Black stranger male than her husband.
The claim is dubious for many reasons, mostly because there are many settings in which a white woman is in close proximity to a black male for reasons other than chance or because a black perp is looking for a victim.
White males lead the indices in murder
False on two counts. Blacks lead in both absolute numbers of murders AND by rate. Blacks commit murder at about 7 Times the rate of whites.
assaults, sex crimes. domestic abuse,
Dubious claims. Inasmuch as a stunningly high percentage of black males simply abandon or completely ignore the mothers of their children, there is, among blacks, a different profile for domestic abuse.
Mayhem? What's that? Rioting? Yeah sometimes white sports fans damage some property after some key sporting events. And eco-nuts and other clowns going to cities to protest the World Bank or whatever, sometimes break some windows.
But there's never any killings and generally the worst injuries involve arrested protestors peeing in their pants.
More than dubious. It's well understood that black women are far less likely to report being raped than white women. Unless they're Tawana Brawley or Crystal Mangum.
extortion, white collar crimes, fraud, etc...
Yes, I'd say whites lead in white-collar crime.
However, I'd say it's nearly impossible to find a black preacher who is not robbing the collection plate. And, of course, Al Sharpton is on the hook for a couple of million bucks he owes the government.
If you want to match statistics, I get mine from the Department of Justice website.
It seems you get yours from your imagination.
thank you for being so glaringly intelligent and kind!!!
and your impressive expansive vocab is dazzling too!
I'd say it's nearly impossible to find a black preacher who is not robbing the collection plate.
No less true with the white ones. Preacher is pretty much a synonym for thief regardless of race.
sure bytch ya buceta breaf moron! anytime u want best believe eye will have an insult ready for ur buceta eatin useless waste of space ass and vocabulary? bytch please eyem not the one who claims to have a 250 iq so ur comment is irrelevant and inapplicable to me on the other hand anything u say is fair game cuz uve claimed to be the smartest person on the planet ya coohole!
u r an ignint bag of platypus bucetas covered in dog shit! muah muah muah muah muah muah muah
hey what happened to ur puffery laden coohole cousin mmm? earlier this year she said she just got into a phd program and now the bytch calls herself DR MMM now aint that funny! she musta got her phD faster then anybody in the history of school huh? gee both of u guys r extraordinary she gets her phD in less then one year and ure the smartest person on the planet whoa!
NOT! ya dumb coohole!
grinder why u so cynical not all preachers r theives some truly believe they r called to make the world a better place and eyeve met a few good people like that dont write them all off;)
Sorry but you are wrong and whenever one engages in math examples they should stick to prime numbers not ratios,..
Per-capita is a political term of art which is inserted often in racial debates it has nothing to do with reality and real time situations..
Notice how grinder employed the word 'IF" in his example and his fictional analysis..
In other words raw numbers not fictional per-capita examples matter especially when one is talking about who is going to be a victim of a crime..
In summary most Americans are never crime victims..Most victims know thier perps..When the crime involves domestic victims most rape, abuse, ect are caused by husbands, boyfriends, fathers , siblings..
Most victims of crimes in our nation are white victims ..Most criminals in our nation are white males..Most lethal aggregate of males is white males..White males lead the pack in FBI Crime Index...It is true size and numbers matter the more white males you have the more crime you have...It is that simple....A + B= C
One other comment the more police you have the more crime stats you have therefore crime reporting is not a reflection of more crime just more reporting..
In AMerica crime is a very rare outcome in majority of American Households...When it does happen the suspect will be a white male more than any other male in our nation..
do all of those white republicans/democrats/tea partiers etc know how mongrels like u are dissing their "tribalism"????
thank you for all of your stellar intellectual topical contributions herein!
Notice how grinder employed the word 'IF" in his example and his fictional analysis..
Thrasher, you're making this too damn easy. I never used the word "if." Maybe you need help with the English, too?
thank you for being the ideal christian soul trained by all those great pastors out there!
Fact is a white male is more lethal to his family( high incidents of incest and wife abuse) and the nation than any other aggregate of males..
White males lead the FBI indices in all crimes including homocide, assualt, rape, sexual deviancy..
White males lead the pack in major illegal arm sales to foreign nations, White males lead the nation in sedition and crimes invovling securities, and currency related crimes as well..
Domestic terrorism is another index that white males lead and tragically dominate..
In real times a stranger is safer with a Black male in every aspect of daily life from private and public sectors to military venues..
"Gee uptown, what does that have to do with the experience here in America, where blacks and whites live in the same society?
BTW, there are plenty of blacks in Caracas. Perhaps Moscow's rate would be even higher if they had a significant black population. As you are well aware, that's the not the point you are trying to obscure."
You didn't answer the question.
Why do Caracas and Moscow, two cities with near-nonexistent black/african populations, have a significantly higher crime rate than American cities with majority black populations?
Or better yet: Why do you believe that rampant criminality is an exclusive trait to blacks? Do you believe that they are genetically predisposed to being criminals? Or even better, do you believe that blacks are simply inferior to whites? This is what you, grinder and no_slappz seem to suggest every time you guys talk about black underachievement.
I don't expect you guys to answer the question. You guys are so content to fortify your bigotry with statistics that tell you EXACTLY what you want to hear that when called out on it, you wouldn't know what to do other than wave that cudgel around.
Grinder, This is a chat forum not an english literature class or venue..Please if you want to be my human spell checker send me your resume..My genius is never concerned about trival stuff like spelling and syntax in a chat forum.. Content rules not commas and the speeling to tomatoe...lol,lol,lol
this is a karmic BOOM!
stay tuned:
thrasher, you wrote:
Sorry but you are wrong and whenever one engages in math examples they should stick to prime numbers not ratios,..
Obviously you do not know the definition of a Prime Number. But that's consistent with your complete misunderstanding and abuse of basic statistics.
Meanwhile, since the core of your argument is your failed attempt to "prove" blacks are less violent than whites, you can try another tack.
Perhaps you can find a populous black nation where people are civil and disposed to respectful interpersonal behavior.
Rwanda perhaps? Haiti? Jamaica? South Africa, Nigeria, etc?
Every one is a violent mess. Moreover, the health hazards of AIDS and dirty water are killing millions every year.
You would think that non-violent, thoughtful caring people -- those blacks who live in your imagination -- would do something about these problems.
You are correct instead of IF you employed the words "Lets Imagine" and much more larger and expansive 'IF"... Must be a white privledge moment wanting to have it all.... lol,lol,lol
Please you are out of your element in here not run along a find a crime to commit..lol,lol,lol
Oh yeah..Check my spellin..tee hee
Take this one with you to after you try to recover from my crushing of you..In Salt Lake , Utah..White on White crime is off the charts...
Please don't get mad and call me swchartza ...lol,lol,lol
Gotta go but I will return...Please watch out for your peers..Factually the most dangerous and lethal person in the nation is a person who looks like YOU..lol,lol,lol
"But by any objective measure, blacks commit far more violent crimes than anyone else, globally."
You've got to be either a white supreamcist or the stupidest mofo on the web.
White folks have wiped out entire populations.
This is why I get very annoyed at the "Anonymous" posters.
I can understand if you are the racist anonymous clown.
Ranting about "black violence" gives you cheap sense of superiority.
But if you're the Tom you need serious couch time.
You're trashing yourself idiot.
alicia kuntbreathbanks u r welcome to the statements eyeve made towards u very very very welcome now u have received what eye put out there for u and u will experience difficulties from here on out because u accept that u deserve to be mistreated like any piece of shit acknowledges that their life is meaningless and they aren't worth anything much like u so continue to accept what eye throw ur way cuz after all u deserve to be abused u wretched rotton piece of decaying molded candy found underneath a car rug!
"Perhaps you can find a populous black nation where people are civil and disposed to respectful interpersonal behavior.
Rwanda perhaps? Haiti? Jamaica? South Africa, Nigeria, etc?
Every one is a violent mess. Moreover, the health hazards of AIDS and dirty water are killing millions every year.
You would think that non-violent, thoughtful caring people -- those blacks who live in your imagination -- would do something about these problems."
So are you saying that blacks are incapable of creating a prosperous, peaceful nation or are you saving these nations can only be such if the calming influence of the ever-benevolent white man is present?
What's so ironic about all the countries that you named is that they were occupied at many points of their history by European powers. The Europeans were only interested in the land's natural wealth and proceeded to not only segregate and mistreat the native inhabitants, but also infect them with those rather annoying inferiority complexes. These guys were like locusts -- leaving nothing but dysfunctional husks for the natives to scrap over.
The even bigger irony is that I can point out a number of countries with majority white populations with the same lack of civility and respectful interpersonal behavior.
Just look at the fucking Balkans. Albania? Montenegro? Serbia? Take your pick. Quite a few Eastern European countries have that problem on a slightly lesser scale. And once you take the rose-tint glasses off, you can look at Russia in the same way.
Unfortunately for you, your claims about the numbers and stats are either wrong or meaningless.
As for Salt Lake City, I have no idea what's happening there at the moment. But, once again, if there is a small pocket of activity that deviates from the trend, it means very little.
Meanwhile, blacks commit more murders both in absolute numbers and per-capita. You lose both ways.
But let's be clear -- my statement is based on Department of Justice numbers, which identify perpetrators as black, non-white hispanics and whites.
I'm betting you're pumping your numbers by including non-white hispanics in the white category.
yeah uts the same guy who lives and lies in lala imaginary land where blacks never commit crimes and dont live in low income neighborhoods; like ure trustworthy eyel break it down to u in ghetto speak 'nucka please!'
tmi - wash your car!
"The only person in this thread to claim that blacks are inherently more violent than whites is uptownsteve. Interesting."
You're a sick liar grinder.
I asked YOU if that is what you believe and you've yet to answer.
You just wave your stats.
of course that bipolar kunthead is inflating the numbers and perhaps not even citing legit stats just shit theyre making up like u used to do ballzack but lately uve been telling more truth then u ever have so maybe ure not as bullshyt as a nigga thought at first UNLIKE buceta breaf banks and her lame alternate sockpuppets!
wash ur nasty herpes simplex infested tongue out ya coohole lickin lunatic!
i never give packs of turbo bred demon seeds any sweets/treats in my ride...try it!
alicia banks buceta breaf moron u deserve to be abused u wretched foul piece of a decaying insect corpse found in between ur nasty played out dread extensions!
"yeah uts the same guy who lives and lies in lala imaginary land where blacks never commit crimes and dont live in low income neighborhoods; like ure trustworthy eyel break it down to u in ghetto speak 'nucka please!'"
So are you saying that there is no such thing as a safe black neighborhood?
That educated, middle classed black folks are just as likely to be violent as poor ghetto blacks.
Or their middle class white peers for that matter?
macklyons, you asked:
So are you saying that blacks are incapable of creating a prosperous, peaceful nation...
Yes. That's what I'm saying.
There are about 750 million blacks in Africa and EVERY black African nation is a violent dump.
As for Serbia, Albania and Montenegro, they have tiny populations too small to move the meter of measurement.
If you want a balancing effect, match them against Sweden, Finland and Norway.
Those countries have populations of 5 million or so. Nothing in the big picture.
Nigeria is 140 million. A sewer.
they have lots of vd clinics and car washes in your hood...no?
fix all that with some appts and soap and water etc
life is too short to suffer so!!!
hobama is looking out for your physical issues
yeah well with ur gross locks that u cannot unravel and wash the nastiness must be a visceral experience to witness ya lint filled coohole ya prolly smell like dog shit and lintballs!
gee ude think that someone with ur supposed iq would know that locks r unhygenic seems like ure the one who needs a gottdam bath and a car wash u foul piece of shit
Don't bother. They dodge the important questions and wave their statistics around like it's gospel. Getting them to acknowledge the real reason why they do it is like pulling swords out of a stone.
as to stds nucka u know ur ass is a breeding ground for oral mucosa diseases ya ignint carpet licking piece of shit even ur lifestyle is unsanitary and u deserve to suffer for it ya idgit!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
as to stds nucka u know ur ass is a breeding ground for oral mucosa diseases ya ignint carpet licking piece of shit even ur lifestyle is unsanitary and u deserve to suffer for it ya idgit!
i am a leo feline with typical grooming OCD
my locks are super clean always
it is a racist myth that locks are unclean...
got shampoo?
got any hair to wash?
your explicit intimate knowledge of so many sexual diseases and physical/oral odors etc is....TMI!!!
you are like a germy ghetto gyno...
see lots of lovely clean locks here
got bald envy?
"Yes. That's what I'm saying."
Ah...honesty. Isn't it refreshing? It's good to let everyone see where you stand.
"As for Serbia, Albania and Montenegro, they have tiny populations too small to move the meter of measurement."
Damn. So much for the honesty.
So you mean to tell me the dysfunctional behavior of the Balkans does not matter because it is statistically insignificant, according to your standards? And then you run off mix them in with successful Western European countries in order to get some sort of "balancing effect"? Well, isn't this some shit.
You're so desperate to keep up the illusion that all "white" countries are successful and all "black" countries are dysfunctional that when presented with evidence to the contrary, you proceed to either whitewash it in the spin cycle of statistics or you proceed to find reasons to sully that country's reputation. All this work just to feed your pathology. Frankly, I'm finding all of this quite disturbing.
my long lovely locks are real...i know why that is unbeweavable to a baldy like u!
see them grow from a bald clean shave likeu sport to the long cascade of perfection they are today here
got ANY hair?
what is unclean are those lye scabs/puss/grease/glue/string/yarn...all up in your permed balding hyena fur!
Why won't Alicia ignore?
as to stds nucka u know ur ass is a breeding ground for oral mucosa diseases ya ignint carpet licking piece of shit even ur lifestyle is unsanitary and u deserve to suffer for it ya idgit!
and given ur obsession with baldness it is clear that the alopecia u so poorly cover with those faux locks has gotten to a critical stage ya coohole!
got Rogaine?
gee ude think a lesbian with a 250 iq would know that carpetmunching opens up oral mucosa to germs ya dumbass this ought to be common knowledge but since ure an ignint piece of lying shit u make fun of what u do not know and clearly do not have the capacity to understand ya dumbass!
spose that 250 *cough* iq aint amount to a hill of beans ya idgit!
anon alicia wont ignore cuz the chrick is incapable of doing so she posts inane links and bullshit and bullies people so she deserves to be abused and just cant seem to grasp that logic for any abuse she hurls to someone here shell get it back ten fold on this blog and in real life that nasty alicia banks lying foul wicked animal!
ya cretinous sow alicia banks ure nothing but a low class extremely ignint puffery prone piece of slag!
I have to wonder why no_spappz spends so much time here. Unless there is a paycheck involved, the answer cannot be healthy.
hell gregory the same could be said about that cast iron skillet under belly buceta breaf alicia banks! for someone that claims to have a job she posts here rather frequently likely she is nutso or is also being paid likely she is really some tween or teenager who hated one of their teachers and posted their pic on the blog cuz nobody could be that much of a douchebag!
Check this out, more to add to the You-Can't-Make-This-Shit-Up file.
Homophobic Megachurch Pastor Accused of Exploiting Teenage Boys
the only thing sadder than all the bald haters like u floating around is the self loathing that convinces u all:
"my hair is from the hair sto so errbody else is rockin the same"
why can the vldr not ignore me???
why do the blog selective keystone blog kkkops ignore everyone herein BUT me????
Bishop Eddie Long, Steve Harvey and Tyler Perry: Pimps Up & Hoes Down.
Caught on youtube...
HERE.. http://careycarey-carrymehome.blogspot.com/2010/09/bishop-eddie-long-steve-harvey-and.html
is u some kin to brit spears or naomic c?
is yo tiger some kin to jesse jj?
hobama is planning some evil cc of his cuz gwb
we hated gwb on 9/10/01 as much as we hate hobama now...
may god help us all
thank you for your infrequent "posting" here!
u sure do "cough" a lot...why?
varied pubic remnant hair ball from all your tiger's hairy stray side pcs perchance?
they can help u out at the vet's with that!
please show us your beautiful long hair and longER receipts from the horse hair store herein asap...
we are bored with your faceless hairless beauty envy rants!!!
sorry ya ten year old weenietot ur efforts to draw out some sort of image to suit ur perverted desires is all too obvious ya depraved pervert but lets be honest here, u have nothing left to say so u go for ad hominems such the intellect of a mental midget evidently ur supposed iq aint serving u well today fix that chrick!
CareyCarey said...
Bishop Eddie Long, Steve Harvey and Tyler Perry: Pimps Up & Hoes Down.
Caught on youtube...
HERE.. http://careycarey-carrymehome.blogspot.com/2010/09/bishop-eddie-long-steve-harvey-and.html
7:09 PM
Carey, that's just wrong!! LOL!!
muah muah muah ude think someone with a 250 iq *cough* could figure this shit out but instead the coohole continuously plays herself now listen ya alopecia havin herpes simplex tongue lickin coohole eatin lunatic! ure a fuckin idgit and a fool!
muah muah muah ude think someone with a 250 iq *cough* could figure this shit out but instead the coohole continuously plays herself now listen ya alopecia havin syphilis canker gum havin buceta lickin lunatic! ure a fuckin liar and resident manic loser get a life hon and get a job Tommy!
so the only thing that buceta breaf moron can do is talk about long hair and weaves just like her old pet fly *ahem alternate sockpuppet* mmm oops eye mean Dr. MMM (ya rite!) does that is what they all have in common they r petty ass ghetto chricks who have nothing else in their arsenals but insults about perceived hair weaves extension and chemicals these dumb cooholes don understand that every nigga with gold aint for the fall!
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