It's nice to see the NAACP monitoring the tea party folks for racism, (they will be busy I am sure) but I would like to see them focus some energy and attention on young bucks clapping each other's chromes in our inner cities. (207 and counting here in Killadelphia, and this weekend I am sure there will be more.) There is no reason for stuff like this to keep happening. The shit has reached epidemic proportions. Baltimore ; Philly; Chicago; Los Angeles...pick your poison; same story, different city.
Now that we have been told that the alleged acid thrower in Vancouver was black, I am sure it won't be long before she is caught.
"The suspect who attacked Bethany Storro is described as an African American woman with slicked-back hair that was pulled into a pony tail. She was wearing a green top and khaki pants.
Just like that? "Hey pretty girl", and it's on? Hmmmm, there might be more to this story. I need more. Still, regardless of the motive, that is some seriously sick shit. All you pretty ladies who post and lurk in the fields better start watching your backs, the haters are starting to take this "hateration" stuff to the extreme.
Finally, I know you Obamaholics have cooled on your boy, and it's back to business as usual here in A-merry-ca. But the republican wave is coming, and if you think things were tough under fancy Nancy, just wait; it's about to get ugly really fast for your boy.
But hey, don't worry, I will be here for you to help you through the bad times. Besides, I will have a lot of material for the next couple of years, so it should be fun.
Re the acid attack:
What a vicious ugly horrible thing to do. There are people out there that look normal but are far from it. Whoever did it should be locked so far in prison they have to pump air into her.
Short term the murder orgies won't slow down until people go after the illegal gun dealers. Long term people know the answers: intact families, jobs and love of self and if that fails longer prison sentences.
What up Field! I read about the woman who died in the chimney the other day I would not have heard about it if I had not seen on your blog. You sure keep us informed. I think folks are getting crazier as times get harder; just a guess.
And you are right about the killings, you don't give me any love on this idea Field but I really believe that folks like you and me and others have to just roll up our sleeves in our community and get with other folks that want to try to make as much of a difference as we can within this broken system.
I think that the cities have to organize and everyone come up with some concrete things or a concrete plan that we can do for those esp. who are not yet lost or caught in the grip of gang violence and hopelessness and this would have to include the black churches and social organizations.
I really don't believe that standing around keeping count is an option any more.
Even the gangs in Chicago acknowledged the other day that if folks could just get some decent paying jobs much of the violence would subside. Believe it or not Field they called a press conference to make the point that they are not the source of the problem, but the proliferation and easy access to drugs and lack of economic opportunity along with the failure of folks to hire ex felons who have done their time and paid their dues are the problem.
must agree with you on the young bucks clapping each other's chromes.
i've been an emergency room nurse for the past 16 years...right here in the deep sweltering heat filled south. so the problem isn't just restricted to the major metro areas. it's in every nook and cranny of this country.
it pains me to say that i can count the white victims of gun/knife/bludgeoning violence that i've treated in those 16 years - THREE (3)!!!!
i can't even begin to count the number of young black men that have come in with gunshot wounds - some lethal, some debilitating, and some just an addition to the holes that have already healed.
it's unending. every weekend...somebody's gonna get popped. it's a no brainer.
what happened? why is there such a disregard for human life among our people?
and how in the hell do we fix it?!
It's the lack of respect they show each other, added with the lack of respect they get when they can't get a job, can't provide, and things can quickly get to a "survival of the fittest" footing.
The people who are suffering now are those who didn't prepare for it. The kids that skipped class in school, had children at a young age, made snap judgments instead of wise decisions.
I don't know if we can fix it. I don't know if it ever has been fixed, to be honest. Everyone knows the difference between left and right, right and wrong. While there are a great many black youths who have made mistakes and have paid their penance for them, there are a lot more of them who CHOOSE to behave violently, who CHOOSE, with regard for their fellow man, to rob, rape, and kill.
I would like to think that every child is precious, that each one of those kids on the corner is salvageable. But we know that shit ain't true. Yet, we reflexively defend them when a white guy or gal clutches their purse or overreacts to the new black family in the neighborhood. We know, begrudgingly, that sometimes they MAY have a point. We're not always in our neighborhoods, you know. Sometimes we're in a area we don't feel too kosher about, and we are on guard, around our own people, not because of any real danger, BUT BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW IF WE ARE, OR NOT.
We look at figurative measures, such as the election of a president, as a message, or a sign to the youth, to make the change that parents, and parents alone can only begin.
Here, in South Carolina, in the Charleston area, we had a 14 year-old who will be charged as an adult for the murder of a child in a school a few months ago. You almost want to feel sorry for the life that will almost surely be altered forever until you realize that he took the life of another child. He made a decision to get that gun and to pull the trigger. And when a 14-year-old has the reasoning and impulse to kill another person like that, in cold blood, what use is he to society?
Hate to sound harsh, but we have to mitigate damage, and save the children that can be saved. When a drug dealer or a person who's harmed others meets a untimely demise, tears will not be forthcoming. No estimations on the effects of racism should be attempted, for doing that only weakens our standing when the folks who do the right thing actually have an argument.
Fuck a thug.
Trapped, you said a handful. And I feel your frustrations.
Roschelle, I bet you have seen some stuff. I couldn't do what you do. I have a great amount of respect for doctors and nurses.
Sup Mell?
"And you are right about the killings, you don't give me any love on this idea Field but I really believe that folks like you and me and others have to just roll up our sleeves in our community and get with other folks that want to try to make as much of a difference as we can within this broken system."
I agree, but man it's getting harder and harder every day.
Shady, that term "murder orgies" is oh so apropos.
mellaneous, "And you are right about the killings, you don't give me any love on this idea Field but I really believe that folks like you and me and others have to just roll up our sleeves in our community and get with other folks that want to try to make as much of a difference as we can within this broken system."
I have never read in any of your comments where you have advocated prayer and bring God into our lives as part of a possible solution. Are you really a minister? If so, where does God fit in, or is HE dead?
TSC, "I would like to think that every child is precious, that each one of those kids on the corner is salvageable. But we know that shit ain't true. Yet, we reflexively defend them when a white guy or gal clutches their purse or overreacts to the new black family in the neighborhood. We know, begrudgingly, that sometimes they MAY have a point. We're not always in our neighborhoods, you know. Sometimes we're in a area we don't feel too kosher about, and we are on guard, around our own people, not because of any real danger, BUT BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW IF WE ARE, OR NOT."
You hit the nail on the head. How true this is! You are in the minority when it comes to speaking the truth. A lot of our folks are busy covering and making excuses. And some are just not saying anything. Maybe you are the tip of the iceberg in the black community across America. Maybe this is a turning point where we face reality and the hard truth.
Thanks for your comment...it was the truth.
Anon you make an interesting observation. Since you probably are familiar with religion then you know that those who truly believe, believe that God works through his/her people.
I don't talk about praying because I know that while prayer changes things prayer alone does not change the world. In fact what always has, has been the actions of those who dared to follow their hearts or their calling or their convictions about what God wanted them to do in the world.
I don't spend a lot of time on theological debates on this thread because I learned long time ago that at bottom they are a waste of time and I don't ever feel the need to defend myself.
I do find it strange that folks who do not believe that God is most interested in all of his creation and the well being of ALL of his creation are always trying to judge me.
Judge me all you want, but while you do I will be out living out what I believe God wants in the world a just society in which every human being is treated with dignity, afforded equality of opportunity, quality educatiohn, allowed to earn their bread and enough to care and feed their family, allowed the opportunity to eat and not starve, provided shelter(even animals are provided such)
I hope that answers your question.
portions of Trapped in SC's comment reminded me of a post i published a few weeks back. Hope it's okay to drop the link...if not, feel free to delete.
What Do You See When You See My Child
Trapped and anon:
Of course you are right because of course there are some folks in the hood who may just hit someone in the head for their purse or rob a store or sell dope, or shoot someone for the hell of it or to get what someone else has.
Its also true that equality of opportunity does not exist in this country no matter how much we want to beat up on our own. It is still true that we live in a society that values white life, white property over black life, black property. It values rich life over working class life and rich possessions over poor and working class possessions.
Now if we are going to judge then we too may be in trouble because the God that sees the "thug" in the hood also sees the "thug" that orders the dropping of bombs on human beings and ironically for basically the same reasons as the "thug".
In the eyes of God and morality there is little difference between the two, they are both wrong. Only one kind is given a pass.
However it is hypocritical to speak out against one form of violence against our fellow humans and cheer on or quietly support another form.
I can no more say screw a thug than I can screw the guy who dropped the bombs or ordered the dropping of the bombs (though the person who ordered the dropping of bombs may in fact be more representative of evil in the world).
From my perspective they are all God's children and deserve our compassion. And thus since we don't give up on a system, or a people that attempts to justify invasions of whole countries --which in essence are crimes-- we should not give up on those who oftentimes commit crimes because they feel they have few options.
Criminality is more widespread than one thinks or wants to admit. When judging or condemning if we are going to judge and/or condemn we should be fair and broaden our nets.
Mell, thanks for your response. You answered my question. I believe we need people in the ministry encouraging the kind of prayer and meditative practices that establish and develop a God-conscious relationship with God. It can make a huge difference in how one thinks, acts and behaves in the world, and toward other human beings.
The seven deadly sins are part of the human make-up that create havoc in relationships, families, societies, nations and the world. Without a way to access something on a higher order, humans will continually refer to that conscience full of mischief and harm....they will destroy themselves-which seems to be the path we are on,
I believe ministers could, and should be encouraging supportive inner matters that help nurture the heart and soul. If they don't, then what's the point of being a minister, unless you see it as just a job rather than a calling?
@ Mellaneous
although war and the blood that is shed in the name of war is not something i'm a firm believer in, it hardly equates to the random acts of violence perpetuated by people of color against people of color every day, all day.
Perhaps society (white society) values the lives, limbs and properties of whites more so than black because we seem to be doing a relatively good job at devaluing it ourselves.
i agree with you in the belief that all people - thug, bum, thief, etc. are salvageable. i cannot and will not give up on my young brothers and sisters who are headed in the wrong direction.
Yet it's difficult for me to grasp the idea that God would judge a soldier defending/protecting/preserving his life as harshly as he would the 25-year-old man that shattered his 18-year-old cousin's skull, leaving him with little chance of survivor or if he does survive...0 (zero) quality of life last weekend.
I'm not a bible scholar...so this could be a bit of a stretch. But I can vaguely recall some stories in the bible, especially the old testament where God showed favor to certain warring factions over others to ensure the enemies defeat.
Criminality is widespread. Depending on your life experiences with the criminal element in society often dictate the vantage point it is seen from.
Anon I see your point and we don't have a basic disagreement except that I believe in contemplative prayer and action. To prove my point I spent the first 4 months of this year somewhat isolated from everything to spend time in solitude and contemplative prayer.
It was spiritually and emotionally cleansing.
However I don't spend a lot of time preaching to people about prayer because from my perspective there is too much praying and not enough action.
Jesus as most will recall spent his earthly ministry doing both. As you may recall when he confronted folks about their sinfulness he challenged them to go and live differently as he did the woman at the well, or the woman caught in adultery, or Zaccheus, or the rich young ruler.
In his parable about who indeed is neighborly Jesus makes the point that the self righteous and the overly contemplative chose to go to the other side of the street rather than cross over and see about their brother in need.
Roshelle said:
"although war and the blood that is shed in the name of war is not something i'm a firm believer in, it hardly equates to the random acts of violence perpetuated by people of color against people of color every day, all day."
Actually Roshelle violence done for the wrong reasons is still violence. In reality in the eyes of God, inhumanity to humankind is just that no matter who is doing it. It however is really convenient in this society to keep us distracted by pointing to one segment of the community as violent while they themselves engage in it on nearly a daily basis.
It is violent to deprive folks of an opportunity to make a living or to allow the mentally ill and the destitute to sleep on the streets. It is also violent to educate some children and not educate others. It is also a form of violence to have the means to take of those who are ill but refuse to set up a system to do so because at bottom it is not profitable.
It was the point MLK made when he came out against the war in Vietnam. I urge you to read the good Reverends speech given at Riverside Church in April 1967 entitled "Vietnam and Beyond". In this speech he makes this exact point. He says that it is hypocritical to complain about street violence which deprives families of its members, while the government orders it soldiers to do the same thing for basically the same reasons, greed,avarice, lust for power and money.
Here's a short viedeo that I know no_slappz will 'partially' agree with:
Roschelle said:
"Perhaps society (white society) values the lives, limbs and properties of whites more so than black because we seem to be doing a relatively good job at devaluing it ourselves."
NO Roschelle society does not devalue black society because it devalues itself. You have it backwards the rulers the rich have constantly put out information and organized institutions and society in general so that blacks feel that they are not valued and thus as any child who feels devalued acts accordingly.
And they use "white folks" regular working class white folks to help enforce these attitudes and ideas and even encourage them to put up obstacles to black progress. And of course the system encourages it with its institutional racism.
A good example is the choice by the justice system to only enforce drug laws in the black community when study after study shows that the vast majority of drug users are white.
Its amazing that after all we have been through that we black folks still want to blame ourselves for the "origin" of our feelings of insecurity. We did not oppress ourselves. Folks in the ghetto who are acting crazy are acting out internalized oppression thier sense of a lack of well being their sense that something is wrong.
I sense and feel your frustration sister but there is a explanation for why folks do what they do and black misbehaviour stems from something not out of the clear blue. And the folks who run society didn't get their cues from black folks. People with black skin the world over don't have a history of devaluing themselves that was taught to those of who are part of the diaspora.
I really hope you get what I am saying because blaming the victim is wrong headed and it is factually inaccurate.
Its why its important to study political science and sociology. Because we think something to be true does not make it true and in fact it can make us downright dangerous, especially when we try to pass off what seems like a good idea or a good hypothesis as truth
Roschelle said:
"I'm not a bible scholar...so this could be a bit of a stretch. But I can vaguely recall some stories in the bible, especially the old testament where God showed favor to certain warring factions over others to ensure the enemies defeat."
you are Roschelle God showed favor to the underdogs or those he considered the righteous that were going to carry on his purpose in the world.
However that did not extend to the Roman Empire, the overlords and God still favors the underdogs the oppressed the occupied over against the occupiers, the invaded over against the invaders.
Contrary to popular belief a just God frowns on American Empire with all its injustice and fake pretensions.
Roschelle you may recall that the religous leaders tried to expose Jesus to the authorities as being opposed to them --which he was opposed to the way they treated their subjects. They asked Jesus if they should pay taxes. Jesus asked for a coin and asked whose picture was on the coin. They responded that Ceasar's picture was on the coin.
Jesus said then "give to Ceasar that which is Ceasar and give to God that which is God's.
The gospel writer drops the issue there because the religious leaders walked away disappointed because they knew like every good Jew knew, that "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof and the world and everything in it." And thus even Ceasar and the things of Ceasar belonged to God.
In other words they were commanded to obey God rather than man.So even a soldier who claims to honor God and says he is a Christian should be bound by the law of God that is justice, morality and rightness rather than some committment to the government to help them in their land stealing and oil grabbing schemes.
@ mellaneous - i do get what you're saying and appreciate your thought-provoking words.
@Mell.. objectively the oppression of blacks is not to the extent that is was thirty years ago, let alone forty or fifty years ago or beyond.
I think the murder rate among blacks started to rise in the sixties, exactly when formalized oppression started to wane. It was also when manufacturing and union jobs started to decline.
However it started how do you think we can fix it?
when people really want the violence to end, they will wake up to the fact that the war on drugs is a sham. a complete failure in every way, and actually making the situation worse. and it's on purpose. did everyone notice the slimy relationship between the Gov of AZ and her good buddies the for profit prison folks? don't kid yourselves about who is doing a great deal of the shooting. sisters and brothers need to man up and accept that the world is hard and unfair, but i will place the blame where most of it belongs: the state. the state could provide jobs, better educations, small business opportunities... but it doesn't. it spends an increasing amount of the tax dollars we pay not to "protect" us from violence, but create it. and to use that violence in the service of taking away our freedoms. i lived on the south side long enough to see up close just how interested the state really is in keeping things just the way they are. the drug war provides cover for shady activities of all kinds, and the people who bring drugs into the country are not unfamiliar with the hallowed halls of law enforcement, and not just from a prison uniform they wore.
i adore you, FN. i know you are living there and seeing up close what is happening. i got out for a reason, yo. but one thing i can't stand is that we don't talk enough about the source, the true and ultimate source, of the violence on our streets. as a former (republican, even) head of the DEA said (paraphrasing) "every single drug cartel we ever investigated led back to a CIA contact. usually at the head of the organization." stop blaming the soldiers and let's start talking about the generals. and let's not forget that weapons manufacturers and lots of other industries benefit from having domestic killing fields in operation.
Looks like a lot posters are feeling confessional, admitting that blacks are slaughtering blacks and whites are nowhere in the picture.
But, it didn't take long for the sidestepping and denial to begin. One poster after another claimed to have spotted some invisible trail leading back to the white camp.
The previous post by chicago dyke goes all out, not only blaming whites, but the (white) government as well.
As long as this level of ingrained ignorance and idiocy sways black minds, there's little reason to think that "We Shall Overcome" milestone will be reached.
Blacks shoot each other. Blacks do poorly in school. Blacks succumb to drugs and alcohol. Blacks permanently derail their lives through sky-high illegitimacy.
If all the problems of the black community were the result of proximity to whites, then Africa would be the Promised Land. The resource-rich nations would be home to hundreds of millions of prospering black citizens.
Instead, virtually every black nation in Africa is a sewer where black life is worthless.
The West Indian Day parade is coming to Brooklyn. September 6. A huge festival along Eastern Parkway, with floats, dancers, singers, musicians, and, of course, trouble.
Every year this huge event is staged. People fly in from the Caribbean to see it and be in it.
And every year someone at the parade is shot. Usually the shooting is fatal. But sometimes it's not. However, in addition to the usual violence that arises whenever large crowds of blacks, lots of alcohol and other substances are present, there are also accidents.
One or two people are run over by the floats. Someone falls off the back of one float and is crushed under the tires of the following float.
For those who want to know more about this annual Brooklyn event, go to www.wiadca.com.
shady grady says:
Short term the murder orgies won't slow down until people go after the illegal gun dealers.
Are you claiming that blacks shoot each other simply because they can get their hands on illegal guns?
Your claim also says you believe blacks are the primary customers for sales of illegal weapons.
Thus, it's clear you believe the murder rate would go down if it were possible to stop blacks from getting their hands on guns. I agree.
That's what the police try to do when they stop and frisk young black males. But, of course, stopping and frisking provokes a lot of anger among blacks. Racial profiling, and all that.
Of course, people like Roschelle, the ER nurse, know the facts, but even Roschelle struggles to face it.
mellaneous, you wrote:
Even the gangs in Chicago acknowledged the other day that if folks could just get some decent paying jobs much of the violence would subside.
This is called extortion. A group of thugs demand money in exchange for a promise they will commit less violence. Of course, in the real world, if the thugs get the extortion money, they then increase the amount of money needed to reduce violence. It's a nasty business.
Believe it or not Field they called a press conference to make the point that they are not the source of the problem, but the proliferation and easy access to drugs and lack of economic opportunity along with the failure of folks to hire ex felons who have done their time and paid their dues are the problem.
Yes. I saw the "news" about the gang press conference. If it were not so painfully stupid, it would be funny. The most troubling part is how YOU believe this idiocy.
On one hand -- above -- you say that easy access to drugs is the problem. But in other places you say locking up drug dealers -- reducing access to drugs -- is also wrong.
I'm not sure if you're one of the nitwits who thinks legalizing drugs is the answer, but I'll bet you like that idea.
Therefore, you're ready to accept even more devastation in the black community as substance abuse is allowed to go sky high.
It's like illegitimacy. It's legal for an unmarried female to have a baby at any age. Where has that gotten the black community? It's led to an illegitimacy rate of at least 70%. Higher among younger black females.
Has this state of affairs been good for blacks? NO.
Would legalizing drugs lead to less drug use? Or more drug use? The answer is obvious. Drug use would soar -- along with all the negative consequences.
But that's black logic.
Is no_slappz the New AB?
Hathor NS is nothing like AB. AB has some principles and is not a racist, nor is she paid to desiminate racist misinformation as the cowardly and unprinicipled NS.
Field here is my freinds 10 year old daughters thoughts about NS.
"I think that kids usually act how they see things if there parents are in and out of jail then they will be in and out of jail too."
"Everything he (NS) says is just plain wrong and disrespectful to black people. Why does Mr. Field continue to allow him to say such mean things about black people?"
She also said that some of the things he says are not true but not nearly true about all black people. In her class she says when people continue to spread rumors that are not true they are sent to the guidance counselor and they will ask whats going on at home that makes them do and say such
Almost forgot Field the kid also said and I quote:
"I think everyone should have the same access to succeed in life and no one should have to choose between food on the table or paying the bills."
Hmmmm, she may have a point. There is something wrong NS
what kind of parent folk shows their child the bs on this site. for real.
NS said:
"On one hand -- above -- you say that easy access to drugs is the problem. But in other places you say locking up drug dealers -- reducing access to drugs -- is also wrong."
For someone who has so much to say, one would think that NS would have honed his reading skills.
NS if you could read and comprehend, you would know that I did not say that locking up drug dealers was wrong. I said that prosecuting folks in only one community is wrong, especially when as much or more drug dealing and drug using occurs in the majority community.
In fact as I have mentioned before on this blog Michelle Alexander has written an excellent book on this subject, entitled "The New Jim Crow; Mass Incarceration in the age of Colorblindness"
Anyone who is really interested in learning more about how the black community was used as fodder in the drug war and how the middle class in both communities bought into the propaganda that the majority of drug users were black needs to read this book.
Actually anon I haven't exposed them to all the bad language that sometimes gets put out there.
But I think its good for them to get a sense of what people think in the real world and some of the foolishness they may have to face as adults. I also think it is a good thing for young people to learn how to express their ideas and to examine what folks say and to do their research rather than spout things that they may think is true.
I think the kid had some valid points why didn't you comment on them, rather than attempt to judge.
N_s, that is a flat out lie. I have been to the same parade you referenced and someone is NOT shot every year. Come on now; let's try to sprinkle some truth in our rants once in awhile.You can't just make shit up to make a point.
"Would legalizing drugs lead to less drug use? Or more drug use? The answer is obvious. Drug use would soar -- along with all the negative consequences.
But that's black logic."
Well I am betting on black when it comes to logic, because yours is completely flawed. The facts bare it out. Drugs are illegal and drug use is soaring (not only among black folks, but your precious white folks as well) so maybe it's time to try something else.
And CD is correct, drugs has played a role in the uptick in violence in urban America. Do you doubt that? Remember the crack epidemic of the eighties? We are still living with that legacy. Many of these kids out here now had parents who were hooked on that poison, this is the end result. Still, no one is making excuses. At the end of the day, as Mell said, it is going to take rolling up our sleeves and getting to work in these neighborhoods and calling out folks to take responsibility for their children and their own actions.
Chicago Dyke you hit the nail on the head which is why NS really took offense to your post.
Of course the influx of drugs is sponsored indirectly by the state, in fact it is a capitalist enterprise funded by folks with money. Its clearly not a poor folks operation.
And you are right we have to blame the government which NS calls the white government. In reality color is not really an issue for the ruling class since all they understand is making money and maintaining power. They "use" color to keep us divided, you know divide and rule.
In fact divide and rule is used all over by despots whose primary goal is maintaining power and riches.
NS really ought to quit talking about Africa which the Europeans had a hand and still have a hand in its present struggles. It shows that he either has no shame, doesn't no what he is talking about or as I suspect is a bought and paid for propagandist.
Field ditto!
Shady Grady
I know I seem all over the place with my solution, but since there are not a lot of absolutes I believe that our solution to our problems are both and propositions.
Ultimately we need a restructuring of society that would include the needs of all of society.
In the meantime I think we can watch as our community falls apart in front of our eyes, so I advocate doing whatever kind of community service we can do. But I will repeat what I said before I think that folks in urban area ought to get together and meet and figure out what can be done to save the young people who are clearly still salvagable, while still advocating for changes in the system that would make it easier for these children to compete and thus suceed.
I'm out yall thought I would drop some info in the Field. Got some football to watch and got to catch up with old friends and get my holiday eat on.Field others Hathor, Trapped have a great holiday weekend.
Field, "Well I am betting on black when it comes to logic, because yours is completely flawed. The facts bare it out. Drugs are illegal and drug use is soaring (not only among black folks, but your precious white folks as well) so maybe it's time to try something else."
n_slappz should visit CDCs (Chemical Dependency Centers) and you will readily see that the majority of users and drinkers are White. And no_slappz's logic isn't logic at all...it is PREJUDICE swirling around in the darkness of the unconscious that belongs to callous human being who must defend his onerous heart.
PREJUDICE, by its very nature cannot be logical. However, it DOES spend an inordinate amount of time building caseloads of untruths laced with hatred. It 'must' do this in order to survive.
The comparison was only in the number of post.
no_slappz, "Blacks shoot each other. Blacks do poorly in school. Blacks succumb to drugs and alcohol. Blacks permanently derail their lives through sky-high illegitimacy.
If all the problems of the black community were the result of proximity to whites, then Africa would be the Promised Land. The resource-rich nations would be home to hundreds of millions of prospering black citizens."
Sometimes it is better to let things go unsaid about those carrying deep emotional scars from the past. Be merciful.
no_slappz, did you watch Louis CK? Why haven't you responded about it? I am amazed that no one had anything to say about it.
I guess sometimes the truth is too much for words for both Blacks and Whites-even for folks on this blog.
Anon. 1:50PM, I think you might be right about our friend n_s. I was simply trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. :(
"Would legalizing drugs lead to less drug use? Or more drug use? The answer is obvious. Drug use would soar -- along with all the negative consequences.
But that's black logic."
And since "Black logic" is inferior to other forms of logic, it must be disproved and ridiculed with fervor and fanfare. This is apparently what you believe. Otherwise, you wouldn't have ended your statement with such an indictment.
BTW, when people talk of "legalizing drugs", they usually talk of legalizing Marijuana, a substance that in all honesty should be treated the same way that tobacco and alcohol are treated. No one speaks of legalizing heroin, cocaine, meth or any other hard drug.
But the above facts are irrelevant when it comes to demeaning and devaluing Black society.
The kid mellaneous quoted had you dead to rights. And it's probably why you haven't bothered to refute any of those words. Cowards tend to do that.
anon 1:50 pm, you wrote:
n_slappz should visit CDCs (Chemical Dependency Centers) and you will readily see that the majority of users and drinkers are White.
A couple of points. First, There are 8 times as many whites as blacks. Hence, if substance-abuse problems are equally distributed, then there would be 8 times as many white substance-abusers as black substance-ausers. But there aren't.
However, i'ts hard to tell where the line is because lots of people have problems that are not reported to anyone or treated anywhere.
However, whites do go to rehab. Why? Insurance coverage. Family pressure. Saving a job. Alternative to jail.
The NY City Police Department and the NY City Fire Department have their own dry-out and rehab sites. The ones I know about are in New Jersey.
The Fire Department is almost all white (another subject). Lots of Irish drinkers in the crew. When the drinking gets too bad, they get 30 days in the NY dry-out tank. Lots of AA-type counseling.
When it comes to blacks with major drug and alcohol problems, well, they're on the street. Passed out. Or committing crimes. Plenty go to jail. However, if their record is not too bad, they might go to rehab instead of jail. But, as you like to point out, blacks go to jail for drug offenses.
When I walk past the Bowery Mission (well known for helping the homeless and substance abusers) the ONLY people milling around out in front of the building are blacks and hispanics.
There are outreach facilities all over the city. There's a halfway house (for post rehab drug abusers and homeless) a few blocks from my house. These places a filled with blacks and hispanics.
And no_slappz's logic isn't logic at all...it is PREJUDICE swirling around in the darkness of the unconscious that belongs to callous human being who must defend his onerous heart.
Wake up. Many whites go to decent rehab sites because they've got medical coverage. Sure, Darryl Strawberry, Whitney Houston and other black celeb/athletes go to upscale rehab. But most blacks go to other, less visible places. Unless you live near them.
Near me, as I said, is a half-way house, which also houses sex-offenders, and there is a clinic on the other side of my neighborhood that deals with substance abusers on an outpatient basis. Care to guess the race and ethnicity of most patients?
There are no drug-devastated white neighborhoods in NY City. It simply does not happen. No drug-gang shootings.
On the subject of shootings, a visiting soccer player was shot to death. About a week ago, a soccer player who might have been on a team from Trinidad was in Brooklyn for some games. Shortly after winning, the player was in a car and someone shot him in the head. At this point I do not know if cops have leads or know the motive.
That "Stop Snitchin" attitude doesn't help.
Here's another little anecdote from Brooklyn.
Part I
Some months ago I was buying the NY Post at my neighborhood convenience store and a black guy said, "Hey why are you buying that racist newspaper?"
I knew he was referring to a cartoon from last year that involved the police in Connecticut shooting a chimpanzee that attacked a woman and how the NY Post cartoonist merged the image with Obama's 2,000-page budget plan and something called the million monkey theory.
That started a conversation between the two of us. During the conversation my new black pal admitted he'd been in jail. Anyway, it was an interesting conversation that lasted about 20 minutes.
Part II
The neighborhood next to mine is Midwood, Brooklyn, a very Jewish neighborhood. Where Woody Allen is from. There is a liquor store in the middle of the Midwood commercial district and until recently the liquor store employed a black clerk.
About two weeks ago the employment of the black clerk ended. Why? A gunman came in the liquor store and shot him to death.
Violence in this neighborhood is extremely rare. Murder? Close to never. But anything's possible. Because the liquor store is in the middle of a highly Jewish neighborhood I expected to read that a mentally unbalanced Jewish resident was responsible. Since all stores have surveillance cameras, it was obvious the shooting was recorded and the police already knew a lot about the killer.
About a week after the shooting I saw a headline saying the shooter had been caught. The article had photos of him in handcuffs doing a perp walk.
I was truly surprised to see the gunman was the same black guy who had discussed the NY Post cartoon with me.
Fact: Whatever continent, country, state, city or town where black population is more than 20%, it is a dump.
Field, I went back and read your 12% post. This just struck me hard "on tricking out our rides so that we can ride around and be seen, instead of investing into our homes."
Look at many of the people who invested in their homes, where they are today. Of course, many of the subprime loans and foreclosed places were to POC. How does is always come around to losing out and being on the bottom?
If there were no demand for drugs; would it matter who sold them; the state or criminal drug sellers?
When I see and hear the number of druggies and the amount of money and criminals involved with the sale of drugs; I am totally amazed at the volume and quantities.
I live so far back in the holler that now we don't do anything but swill beer and wine most times. So I am wildly curious who all these druggies are and why they take all these drugs. After thrashing around in the newspapers etc, people take drugs to ease the "pain" or in a positive way to "feel better." All I can say is that we have a really hurting society...and then you get in the the color divided neighborhoods, and yes there is much more pain and a greater need to feel better to be able to carry on. How can we ease the pain?
Ha ha ha. Crazy white folks. When yall stop killing each other at baby showers, this kind of shit will be taken seriously. Haven't peeked in since about Feb but it's still the same old race baiting bullshit for the black bourgeoisie, making sure they have someone to look down on.
"Fact: Whatever continent, country, state, city or town where black population is more than 20%, it is a dump."
Accepting this fact would also have to entail accepting Whites and White skin as superior attributes in their own right and that anything that is of color is inferior to the White alternative. Isn't that why many Asians and Latinos desperately bleach their skin to attain that vaunted White status and all of the perks and implied superiority that go with it?
Or maybe you're just blowing smoke out of your ass? Because I've seen cities and towns that were 99% White and were complete dumps. Knowing you, you would probably attribute the "complete dump" aspect to be the fault of that <1% Black population that is surely lousing things up, correct?
Too many words have been wasted on you, Anonymous. Too many words.
"I believe we need people in the ministry encouraging the kind of prayer and meditative practices that establish and develop a God-conscious relationship with God".
And look how much that has helped.
I believe that we need people in the ministry who will act like the people in the ministry used to act before they started to build these monster mega churches with money that would be best spent in their communities. Why is a monster church needed to worship God?
We need people in the ministry to come out of these churches and work in their communities doing something constructive. They could all ban together to hold classes to teach high school drop outs how to read and speak standard English (include in this group those who finished high school without learning basic English and math skills), how to dress as if they had common sense, how to apply and hold the only type of job they might be qualified for (hamburger joints and fast food outlets) and maybe just teach them some basic humanity.
The point is the ministry needs to engage in some praticle solution. Slapping and clapping and jumping and stumping and begging for money from people who can't afford it benefits no one except the people in the ministry.
"Even the gangs in Chicago acknowledged the other day that if folks could just get some decent paying jobs much of the violence would subside".
Most of the gang members cannot speak basic English and have no marketable skills. Just what kind of jobs are they going to do?
Get real.
wow, no slaps has made his way over here too.
I hate blk on blk crime. It weakens our communities. Makes those of us with a little something not want to reinvest.
In a twist - which deserves an update - it seems that the black-woman-with-acid was in fact a fabrication, and the wounds were self-inflicted.
What disorder would result in behavior like this?
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